A J AB S A M RAI ha s c e me nt e d hi mse l f a s one of t he mos t a wa r de d c r e a t i ve s i n t he wor l d, with over 300 pr of e ssi ona l c omme nda t i o n s an d a wa r ds t o hi s n ame.
SERVICES OF THE BRITISH RED CROSS The British Red Cross is a charitable organisation that provides a range of support services for people in need, based on a belief in the power of kindness. These services include providing wheelchairs, commodes and toilet aids for hire, connecting lonely people within local communities, helping asylum seekers, and finding missing relatives.
Financial Support People with money troubles can turn to the British Red Cross for advice and access a range of services to help get on top of things and back on track. Available advice includes what benefits a person may potentially be eligible for, if there are any relevant charitable grants, and tips on reducing utility bills.
Volunteer Home Health Care Support Trained volunteers from the British Red Cross are able to provide eligible people with up to 12 weeks of home health care support following a return from hospital. This includes both emotional and practical support based on a needs assessment.
Refugees and Asylum Seekers Refugees and asylum seekers can access practical and emotional support, including help with paperwork, food parcels and blankets.
You can read about another charitable organisation in the UK – the Refugee Council – by visiting the blog of Ajab Samrai.
AJAB SAMRAI has cemented himself as one of the most awarded creatives in the world, with over 300 professional commendations and awards to his name.