1 minute read
What do you get if you have late-night study sessions, hands-on experience in medical simulation labs, and a group of people who act more as a team than individuals?

A group of hard-working students with one goal: becoming a nurse.

“We’re a tight-knit group of friends who go above and beyond to help each other,” said Tricia Sacco, a nursing student at Lake-Sumter Community College’s Clermont campus.
Healthy Living Magazine recently visited nursing students at Lake Tech, as well as Lake-Sumter State College’s Leesburg and Clermont campuses. Although their workload is demanding, each student nurse is gaining valuable knowledge and experience that will help them thrive in their careers.
Most importantly, they possess one trait that is instrumental in their future work—big hearts. That’s extremely important because for patients undergoing cancer treatment, recovering from a major operation, or visiting a physician’s of ice, a caring nurse can make all the difference.