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Top three morning routines for increased energy

Starting the morning off right is key to being productive and energetic. Your morning routine has a big influence on how well you perform, both mentally and physically, throughout the day. Despite this, however, many of us get stuck in bad morning routines that have an adverse effect on our jobs, relationships, and general quality of life. The following three morning routines will give you the boost you need to do better and feel better for the rest of the day.
It may not sound like much fun, but a cold shower could be just what you need to get your energy levels up in the morning. Hot, steamy showers feel good and are relaxing, but the last thing you want at the beginning of your day is to relax! Instead, you need something to give you a shot of adrenaline, which is just what a cold shower does.
3 Take a Cold Shower
you feeling tired and drained. Instead, focus on foods high in protein, such as eggs and yogurt, which give you the energy your body craves first thing in the morning.
Morning Workouts
If you’re new to cold showers, then start slowly by simply taking your warm shower as you usually do and turning down the temperature at the end. Each day try to make the shower just a little bit colder than the day before, and you will eventually train your body to absorb (and take advantage of) that shock of cold water.

Eat a Healthy Breakfast
It is worth repeating—breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you start the day empty, then you won’t have the energy you need to perform at your best. However,when it comes to eating breakfast, be sure you eat right. Breakfasts that are heavy on the carbs and sugar (think doughnuts and certain cereals) won’t do much for you, and may just leave
Working out at any time during the day is a good habit, but in most cases a morning workout proves to be most effective for many reasons. First, you are more likely to stick to a morning workout than you are to an evening one. Evening workouts often get canceled for a variety of reasons, such as a long day at the office, exhaustion, or unexpected dinner plans. There are far fewer reasons to skip a morning workout. Second, working out releases endorphins that make you feel better and reduce stress levels—exactly what is needed at the beginning of the day!
The first couple hours after you wake up are the most important hours of your day. Your morning routine either gives you the boost you need to tackle the day or leaves you feeling tired and exhausted. By incorporating the above recommendations into your morning routine, you’ll have the energy you need to excel at work, at home, and everywhere else.