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circulation with oxygen and exercise. You’ll go home feeling fitter and calmer.

The Beauty of the Music

Singing in the bath is pleasing with the flattering acoustics of a small, tiled room. But nothing compares to the glorious music a choir produces, especially when performing under the baton of a fine conductor. Whether your pitch is bass or soprano, or somewhere in between, you’ll relish the sensation of your tones blending with others, and the magical effects they produce. If you have an accompanying piano or orchestra, the overall sound is richer still.
The Camaraderie
Joining a choir opens doors to new social opportunities. Friendships tend to spring up quickly within the different sections of a choir, and the whole group is inevitably drawn together by their shared experience, passion, and commitment. The more often you attend, the more you’ll feel the warmth and buzz of the gathering.

The Conductor’s Charisma
A choir normally has someone in charge to organize concerts and programs and guide you along accordingly, and this role calls for a strong personality. Chances are your conductor will be a dynamic, entertaining character, who adds fun and sparkle to rehearsals and sets all laughing with witty asides and jokes. It’s reassuring too, to have someone at the helm, keeping order, leading the way, and ensuring everyone is happy.
A Positive Way to Fill An Evening
Joining a choir involves making a commitment, and this, in turn, provides structure and purpose to your life. Rehearsals are usually held in the evenings, providing an upbeat alternative to sitting in front of the TV. Everyone from fellow singers to the conductor, and ultimately, the audience appreciates your presence at these weekly or monthly events on concert night. You’ll be serving your community as well as yourself.

If you’re nervous about joining up, look online for photos or videos of local choirs, to reassure yourself the singers are ordinary people like you. Check out the details of the nearest or most appealing one, including requirements and instructions for applying. If you think you might fit in, give yourself a little practice audition. Then head to choir practice before you have time to back out. It’ll probably be over in five minutes, and you’ll be singing your heart out with joy forever after.