damast identity clip 2015
theatre mood boards 2015
systems posters 2013
people collagen 2015
naked photography 2015
faces charcoal sketches 2013
worlds installation 2013
An installation created in cooperation with a fine art student. Two projections of two dif ferent worlds. Dance and travel. In order to have a look into the others world you need to work together. Each one opens the whole of his side of the wall. Through that he grants a view on his world.
worlds installation 2013
frutiger typography 2014
wood sculpture 2013
A miniature sculpture created out of wood prickers. The sculpture shows how contrasting terms can be embodied in one object. expressive / locked chaotic / structured open / close dangerous / safe
wood sculpture 2013
terence gif animation 2014
richard portrait 2015
wortgewand typography book
mr.sans serif painted poster 2014
fight 3d mapping video 2014
photography double exposure 2015
atme fold book 2014
refugees project 2015
This project is about
a long process of
young refugees of
immigration without
different origins living
even getting an
temporarily in Frankfurt
assurance afterwards.
am Main Germany. Their
It is all just a provisional
countries have serious
state: their housing,
political problems what
their classes, their
forces the youngsters to
everyday life.
leave everything behind
No routine, no
and make their
guaranties, no end of
dangerous way out to
route. Exactly this state
Europe with the hope of
and situation is what
a better future.
called my attention.
This hard way does not
Through my mother who
stop arriving in Europe
is involved in this
but it just starts. In order
problematic because of
to get permission to stay
her work in a school of
they need to go through
languages and
immigration I got the
Making this steps I really
chance to get in contact
build up a relation to
with the youngsters.
the young refugees and
This circumstance gave
their problems.
me the permission to
The whole project
get to know and work
turned for me from
with them and their
a school project into a
problematic state of life.
social one. So also my
I made three different
route concerning this
huge steps during this
topic does not end but
just starts here.
Star ting by just taking anonymous photos, continuing with an own initiated workshop with amazing personal results and ending with face to face portraits.
refugees project 2015
tint ceramics
wat is terence dan illustrated book
open i close iron wire 2015
i am a fly illustrations 2014
damast identity 2015
they all look the same photography 2015
pinhole photography
my world photography 2013
samen reizen campaign 2015
A campaign in order to make traveling more social again. The daily scenario: People defending their private space in the public one. By doing this the social aspect of public transpor t breaks down. This campaign offers a solution. A simple door hanger we know from hotel rooms permits to create your own space but also to invite people to enter it. Interaction instead of defense.
samen reizen campaign 2015
tree acrylic painting
social realism photography 2015
social realism reaction i video 2015
life of a plastic bag video i gif clips 2014
A campaign about the environmental issue of plastic bags. We see and get them
with illustrations,
everywhere and for
continuing with a
every little thing:
photographic clip,
plastic bags. The huge
finally the projec t ended
producted ammount
in an cooperation with
of them is forming an
an other student.
evironmental problem
We developed the idea
nowadays. During the
of a plastic changer.
campaign I tried to
As a reclycling mashine
expose the daily life of
for plastic into jute bags.
a plastic bag through various mediums of film. Starting with an simple GIF animation made
life of a plastic bag video i gif clips
A campaign about light / color / space and atmosphere. Those four terms are not separable. Each one infludes the other one. In order to explore this fact I rebuilt the four seasons: spring, summer, fall and winter in dif ferent mediums. How does light, color, space and atmosphere change during the time and how can I visualize it? This is the result of the study.
seasons photography 2015
i see, i see, what you don’t see performance 2014
An one hour per formance in the entrance hall during the open day of the ArtEZ in Enschede. During the first year of my studies I often got to hear how serious I am. Tutors and classmates gave me a stample as the serious Alicia. Out of this prejudice I developed that
performance. An hour long I was sitting in the entrance hall of the building doing sketches of things I was observing and hanging them all up around me. During this time I did not speak a word, show any emotion or react on any external factor. I was 100% serious by creating my own world of sketches.
i see, i see, what you don’t see performance 2014