ASCPA STUDENT SUMMIT The Summit is a day and a half recruiting program. The first day of the Summit will include roundtable discussions with CPAs, business leaders, and students. The second day will include a full day of student interviews with public accounting firms, businesses, and government agencies. Students who meet specific criteria will be invited to participate by their respective accounting department. ASCPA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION & CHAPTER SCHOLARSHIPS The Educational Foundation and local chapters award these scholarships each spring for the following academic year. To read more about our scholarship opportunities click HERE. INTERVIEW SKILLS WORKSHOPS CPAs, ASCPA staff, and other accounting professionals will come to your campus for a two-hour workshop to sharpen interview and resume skills. Dressing for success and professional etiquette are also emphasized. 10 minute mock interviews provide a chance to work out the bugs in your interviewing style. CAMPUS VISITS The ASCPA and members of our organization are available to talk to your accounting club, Beta Alpha Psi, or NABA chapter about opportunities in the field of accounting. We bring goodies and PIZZA!