Benemérita Escuela Normal “Manuel Ávila Camacho” Licenciatura en Educación Primaria Aldo Sebastián Valle Castañeda Inglés A1 3er Semestre
Our first practice “Learning to teach” This 28 and 29 of October it’s going to be our first official practice. We are going to work just with one subject but this will be exiting. The practice will be in the city of Zacatecas, and I will be working with 34 students of 6 grade and I think this will be a huge challenge because those students, those kinds of kids are really hard to be with, just trying to work with them it’s really hard. When they told me that I will be teaching on six grade all the entire semester, I have to be honest… I was really scared because a thought those kids in that age are so rebel, I said to myself “those kids are teenagers, have to be prepared”. But ¡surprise! It’s a good, nice group… of course with their difficult but nothing serious, nothing to worry about, easy busy. I’m really excited for this first practice and I hope for good results. The only thing bad before this it does prepare the planning all the stuffs for the class because it’s a lot of work before the practice. Since I’m here, trying to become a good teacher it’s been hard but always with good moments around excellent persons. I think a got so lucky to find those persons in my life and support each other anytime. We have a long, long way to finish this road, but every step is going to be exiting, hard but great.