-Workshop -"Let's play together"-activity in collaboration with the students from a local school for special needed children
Street Campaign - leaflets
FOURTH MEETING IN ITALY - PPT with traditional costumes specific to each country - Disseminating activities undertaken between the last two meeting-PPT; - Presenting life events traditions, -Presenting the Documentary Film-"Flying birds" - Dissemination of the activities that were performed by each school between the last two meetings."
Literary circle
FIFTH MEETING - CYPRUS - PPT with religious traditions - Video promoting tolerance and nondiscrimination - Dissemination of the activities that were performed by each school between the last two meetings.
Street Campaign - Flyers
Presenting the Documentary Film-"Flying birds" in schools
SIXTH MEETING IN ROMANIA - Presenting recipes and cooking together at school traditional food from every partner country "Let's cook traditional food" -Literary circle-The power of gentleness(to inspire girls students) - The final form of the second number of the magazine - Dissemination in the local media: television - Presenting the photo album of the second project year in electronic format and on paper - Exhibition E+ of final common products
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained.