Love is for everyone - LIFE

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FIRST MEETING IN SPAIN - Presentation of each partner country and school - Logo of the project - Working on the draft of the first number of the project's magazine - "My LIFE experience"




KIND WORDS AND KIND THOUGHTS FOR THOSE FORGOTTEN activities of the project's club - charity events for old people and needy children

LITERARY CIRCLE We debated how to increase tolerance among teenagers, what role does a society have in the behavior of teenagers and do parents have more influence on the behavior of their children?

SECOND MEETING IN CROATIA - Demonstrative lessons teaching - Presentations of great personalities from Science, Literature, History and Art - Presentations with cultural traditions specific to each country - Selection questionnaire interpretation

"Giving is receiving!“ (each partner school will organize a fundraising to get things for the needy people)

Celebrating Europe day What is the difference between countries? What is the date of accession to the EU, which is the capital, how many inhabitants does each country have, how to cohabitate together?

THIRD MEETING IN MACEDONIA -"Europe's Day-This is friendly day! "-an activity carried out by each partner at home -"Big brother-Big sister" pair activity -Presenting the photo album of the first project year -Dissemination of the activities undertaken by each partner school between the second and third work meetings -Presenting the final form of the first number of the magazine on paper "My LIFE experience", in English and the partners' official -Demonstrative lessons teaching (one at English language and two at sciences)

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained.

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