Railway PRO - April

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the railway business magazine

Year IX ■ No. 2.4 (106) ■ 2014

Rethinking transport strategies in the Eurasian platform

Railway PRO

Russia will launch direct railway transport service to Crimea EC: 120 measures for simplifying the accession of funds

Freight & Logistics

Журнал железнодорожный бизнес

Russia invests EUR 227 Million by 2015 in developing container transport on the Trans-Siberian

Interview with Gennady Bessonov, Secretary General of the Coordinating Council of Transsiberian Transportation До 2015 года Россия будет инвестировать 227 миллионов евро в развитие контейнерных перевозок по Транссибирской магистрали Интервью с Геннадия Бессонова, генерального секретаря Координационного Cовета Транссибирских Перевозок


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editor’s note 1


his text comes with a plea addressed first of all to the Romanian Government, the European Commission and secondly to the governments of the other new EU Member States: let’s just stop tormenting so much and close down railways for good! Such a decision applied with small steps for the past 25 years can cause nothing but pain, while its abrupt implementation would end the torment! Why keeping a network which doesn’t have the parameters of the RotterdamGenoa Corridor? Why simply comparing performance inside the country when we could also look around Europe and compare? For Romania, an important American consultancy company, with a team of British experts, has reached the conclusion that 93% of the freight and passengers are carried on 54% of the network, so we might simply close the remainder 46%. But it’s a pity to have such an approach. Looking to the whole European network, we will see that only a small fraction of European volumes is carried in Romania, Bulgaria and Greece. So why still keeping these networks open

and invest in attracting new traffic and increasing the life standards of people living in the area? The closure decision will be very beneficial for the national and European budget. It will no longer be necessary to overcharge railway transport to have money to invest in roads. The money could be moved directly. It will no longer be a problem that the 50%-50% investment report in roads and railways is never observed, because nothing divides by zero. Why should we only charge the fuel consumed by trains, when we could have no passenger train to compensate? Every year in Romania alone around EUR 400 Million is spent on the social railway passenger service. Plus the money spent on pretending to maintain the infrastructure, plus the funds for the reconstruction of railways. How many kilometres of highways could be built and how much the fuel tax could then be reduced… The benefits of shutting down the railways would be incommensurable: millions of tonnes of scrap iron to sell, tens of thousands hectares to be turned into

account or into highways, plants and ports that could sell their railways and cease looking for money to upgrade them, cows no longer scared by trains passing through etc. Why troubling ourselves each and every time we make studies to prove that a line between two cities on a 3,000 km corridor is not sustainable, and then, redirect the money to roads? Let’s just close down the railways and we’re done! Why bother looking for new operators to bring additional trains when we could focus on trucks and minibuses? We don’t even have to explain that the railway network and business are dying because for the past 25 years we have been taking everything from them and now they simply cannot keep up. There are still many administrative and financial advantages, but let’s just stop here, not before renewing my plea to close down the railways!

Let’s close down the railways! Issue published with the support of Romanian Railway Industry Association & Club Feroviar – The Railway Business Club Журнал издаётся при поддержке Асоциации Железнодорожной Промышленности и Club Feroviar – ЖД Клуб Деловых Людей

Давайте закроем железную дорогу! Такой текст поступает с просьбой, направленной в первую очередь Правительству Румынии, Европейской Комиссии, но и правительствам других стран - новых членов ЕС: давайте больше не мучиться, а применить лошадиную терапию в отношении железнодорожной системы: раз навсегда закрыть железную дорогу! Такое решение, применяемое мелкими шагами на протяжении 25 лет вызывает лишь длительную боль, но если применить его сразу, то это нас освободит от долгих мучений! Какой смысл держать на плаву такую сеть, которая не осуществляет перевозки согласно параметрам Коридора Роттердам - Генуя. Зачем проводить сравнения только внутри страны, если мы можем сравнивать на европейском уровне. Для Румынии, крупная американская консалтинговая компания с помощью команды британских экспертов пришла к выводу о том, что на 54% сети осуществляются перевозки 93% грузов и пассажиров, поэтому остальные 46% должны быть закрыты. Но жаль иметь такой подход. Давайте посмотрим на всю европейскую сеть, и мы увидим, что Румыния, Болгария и Греция перевозят лишь небольшую часть европейских объемов. Так, зачем же нам содержать и инвестировать в эти сети для привлечения новых потоков и улучшения условий жизни местных

жителей. Решение о закрытии будет чрезвычайно полезным для национального и европейского бюджета. Больше не будет необходимости переплачивать за железнодорожные перевозки, и остаются средства для инвестирования в автомобильный транспорт. Деньги могут быть туда направлены непосредственно. Больше не будет стоять вопрос о несоблюдении соотношения инвестиций 50% - 50 % в автомобильные и железнодорожные перевозки, поскольку ничего не делится на ноль. Зачем нам платить сбор за топливо, потребляемое на железной дороге, когда мы можем не иметь больше никаких пассажирских поездов, чтобы не платить. Ежегодно только Румыния использует примерно 400 миллионов евро на социальные услуги железнодорожных пассажирских перевозок. К этим деньгам добавляются средства на имитацию обслуживания инфраструктуры и на реконструкцию железной дороги. Несколько километров автобана можно построить, пока можно снизить сбор за топливо, а потом... польза от закрытия железных дорог огромна: миллионы тонн металлолома, продаваемого по выгодной цене, десятки тысяч гектаров земли,

которые могут быть проданы или конвертированы в автомобильные дороги, заводы и порты, которые могут продавать свою железнодорожную инфраструктуру и могут прекратить искать деньги на модернизацию, к тому же коровы больше не будут напуганы изза приближающихся поездов и пр. Зачем нам мучиться и проводить исследования, чтобы доказывать, что железнодорожная линия коридора продолжительностью 3000 км является невыгодной для осуществления поездок между двумя маленькими городами, чтобы перераспределить деньги на автомобильные дороги? Закрыли бы железные дороги и всё, избавились бы от этих проблем. Зачем нам мучиться и искать новых перевозчиков, которые приведут дополнительные поезда, когда мы можем перенаправить усилия на грузовики и микроавтобусы. Также не нужно будет больше объяснять, что железнодорожная сеть и бизнес умирают, поскольку в течение 25 лет мы выжимали всё, что можно было выжимать от старых активов, и они уже больше не могут справляться. Административных и финансовых преимуществ по-прежнему много, но я остановлюсь на этом, возобновляя просьбу: закройте железную дорогу!

April 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

2 cOntent Leaders



20 26

First tranche of EUR 12 Billion is available for TEN - T projects Первый транш в размере 12 миллиардов евро доступен для проектов TEN - T

On 26 March, the European Commission adopted the decision to endorse the first tranche of EUR 12 Billion for the development of TEN – T projects. This budget will increase key projects, part of the nine corridors of the TEN – T core network, and will support the development of the transport strategy objectives such as interoperability, promotion of intermodality and stimulation of innovation. 26 марта Европейская комиссия приняла решение об освобождении первого транша в размере 12 миллиардов евро для реализации проектов, относящихся к TEN- Т.


40 Silk Wind, getting China closer to Europe

46 Russia will launch direct photo: club feroviar

railway transport service to Crimea

Railway PRO

Publisher: Editura de Transport & Logistică S.R.L. 30, Virgiliu Street, Sector 1 Bucharest, postal code: 010881 Tel.:+4 021 224 43 85; +4 021 224 43 87 Mobile: +40 721 723 724 Fax: +4 021 224 43 86 E-mail: editors@railwaypro.com Web-site: www.railwaypro.com


1 Let’s close down the railways!

16 EC: 120 measures for


22 Technical Pillar of the

21 TTE Council supports SHIFT2RAIL

24 Turkey consolidates its

position on the transport and logistics map Editors: Elena Ilie elena.ilie@railwaypro.com Pamela Luică pamela.luica@railwaypro.com Department of translations: Alina Vuţulicu Gentil Trad Graphic design: Petru Mureşan Layout and DTP: Petru Mureşan petru.muresan@railwaypro.com Photo: Radu Drăgan Advertising Enquiries: advertise@railwaypro.com www. railwaypro.com/advertise

www.railwaypro.com | April 2014

Government approach cooperation opportunities on rail markets

Editor’s note the railway business magazine

ISSN - 1841 - 4672

47 EU and Japan’s

34 CAREC 2020 Strategy, a

more integrated approach to improving transport and logistics

36 Rethinking transport strategies in the Eurasian platform

37 Iran-Turkmenistan-

Kazakhstan railway will be operational in 2014

38 Transport Market Study for new rail freight corridor connecting EU and non-EU countries

simplifying the accession of funds Fourth Railway Package, essential for the competitiveness of the European railway market

31 EU Council agreed on the proposal defining ERA’s new attributions

56 Development of electronic freight transport



Russia invests EUR 227 Million by 2015 in developing container transport on the Trans-Siberian

Interview with Gennady Bessonov, Secretary General of the Coordinating Council of Transsiberian Transportation До 2015 года Россия будет инвестировать 227 миллионов евро в развитие контейнерных перевозок по Транссибирской магистрали Интервью с Геннадия Бессонова, генерального секретаря Координационного Cовета Транссибирских Перевозок Progress with the development of cross-border connections in the Eurasian platform have headed the bill in the past years, especially since an intensification of railway routes is desirable in this region mostly for giving up maritime routes which are longer and more expensive for operators and final customers... Прогресс в области развития международных путей сообщения на евразийской платформе является “главой списка” за последние годы, особенно с учетом того, что необходимо усиливать движение по железнодорожным маршрутам в этом регионе, в частности необходимо отказываться от морских перевозок, которые ...


23 Constanta Seaport:

between central and local authorities

32 Greece sells 67% stake in the Port of Piraeus

42 Development of Trans-

Siberian and Baikal Amur will significantly increase traffic

48 Last mile terminals, 18 South-East Europe Region potential to increase transport needs to improve intermodal transport

19 CIS countries, Georgia


ASSET management

and Baltic States sign railway transport cooperation

50 Clear procedures for the

20 First tranche of EUR 12


Billion is available for TEN - T projects

maintenance of freight wagons

54 Freight statistics

cOntent 3

Редакционная статья


24 Турция укрепляет



34 Стратегия CAREC 2020:

16 ЕК: 120 мер по

интегрированный подход к оптимизации транспорта и логистики

32 Греция продаёт 67% услугу по прямым акций Пирейского порта железнодорожным перевозкам в сторону Крыма 42 Развитие Транссибирской 47 ЕС и правительство магистрали и Байкал Японии обсудили Амурской магистрали возможности сотрудничества приведёт к существенному в железнодорожной сфере увеличению движения

22 Техническая опора IV

36 Пересмотр



Может ли железная дорога обеспечить защиту окружающей среды? ЛЕКС упрощению доступа к финансированию Железнодорожного пакета наряду с SHIFT2RAIL крайне необходима для обеспечения конкурентоспособности европейского железнодорожного рынка

свою позицию на карте транспорта и логистики

транспортных стратегий на евразийской платформе

37 Линия Иран -

46 Россия запустит

48 Терминалы «Последняя 18 Юго-Восточная Европа миля»: потенциал нуждается в улучшении интермодальных перевозок

увеличения объемов перевозок

Туркменистан - Казахстан исследования и 19 Страны СНГ, Грузия и будет введена в эксплуатацию страны Прибалтики разработки 31 Совет ЕС согласовал в 2014 году будут сотрудничать в предложение, определяющее сфере железнодорожного 50 Пересмотр новые полномочия ЕЖА транспорта транспортных 38 До конца 2014 года стратегий на евразийской необходимо провести 56 Развитие электронных 20 Первый транш в размере платформе исследование рынка для грузовых перевозок 12 миллиардов евро нового железнодорожного доступен для проектов СТАТИСТИКА ПОЛИТИКА И СТРАТЕГИЯ коридора для грузовых TEN - T перевозок 21 Совет Министров 40 Проект «Шелковый транспорта Европейского 23 Порт Констанца: между 54 Железнодорожного статистика ветер» сближает Китай и союза поддерживает центральными и местными Европу SHIFT2RAIL властями

April 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

news 5 IMF: CFR Marfă’s sale expected in May 2015

international: This topic was discussed during the Kazakh Transport and Communications Minister Zhenis Kasymbek’s meeting with Georgian and Iranian Ambassadors, Zurab Pataradze and Gorban Seyfi, Kazakh Transport and Communications Ministry said. During the meeting it was stressed that Kazakhstan will be able to diversify cargo supplies, using the capabilities of the new Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway, which is designed to connect railway networks of Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey in the future. The minister also said the relations with Georgia are important for Kazakhstan and stressed that the Transport and Communications Ministry will do everything to facilitate the further development of these ties. During the meeting with Iran’s Ambassador Gorban Seyfi the parties agreed to expand bilateral ties. “This will be particularly facilitated by the launch of the Uzen (Kazakhstan) - Kyzylkaya - Bereket - Etrek (Turkmenistan) - Gorgan (Iran) railway line, the construction of which has been completed in Kazakhstan,” according to the ministry’s message.

romania: According to the report published by the International Monetary Fund on 1 April 2014, the sale of the majority stake in CFR Marfă is expected in May 2015. “Progress has been made with the application of structural reforms, even though privatisation of the national operator CFR Marfă failed. However, CFR Marfă’s management adopted a restructuring plan to improve the financial situation and to restart the privatisation process which is expected in May 2015”, states the IMF report. The authorities also committed to implement a restructuring plan and “CFR Marfă’s management has developed a list of restructuring measures, includ-

Sofia Central Railway Station renovation worth EUR 31.7M Bulgaria: Bulgaria’s Ministry of Investment Planning has approved the project for the repair of Sofia Central Railway Station worth BGN 62M (EUR 31.7 M). Some EUR 20M of the total funding will be allocated under the Operational Program Transport, the Ministry announced. The contractor under public procurement order for the design and construction is DZZD “Alliance GBS - Sofia Central Railway Station” and the construction supervision will be carried out by DZZD “Alliance TRT”. The project is worth BGN 62M VAT excluded, according to the latest information published on the webiste of the National Railway Infrastructure Company (NRIC). The repair of the Central Railway Station in Sofia is part of a project for the rehabilitation of railway stations including those in the cities of Burgas and Pazardzhik, financed by the European Regional Development Fund. The repair of the Central Railway Station in Sofia has been launched with an official ceremony on April 3rd.

Government to adopt final decision on the establishment of the Integrated Transport And Logistics Company Russia: The increase in the volume of cargo transported in containers, the crea-

ing cuts in personnel costs, to restore the company to an operating profit in 2014 and prevent the accumulation of arrears. The authorities have committed to support CFR Marfă’s management in restructuring the company and approved a 2014 budget for Marfa that incorporates such measures”, the report shows.

photo: Club Feroviar

Kazakhstan discusses transport cooperation with Georgia, Iran

tion of the necessary infrastructure and the development of world-class 3-4PL transport and logistics services in intermodal transport is very topical both for Russian Railways and for the other participants on the transport market. “The organisation of the transport and logistics business in the field of freight transportation is becoming increasingly important. It is already insufficient just to provide rolling stock and just to transport freight - we also need to ensure an uninterrupted supply chain from the producer to the consumer,” said head of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin, during a conference. The Integrated Transport And Logistics Company should play the primary role in this work. “Today, all the preliminary agreements with government agencies to establish the Integrated Transport And Logistics Company have been completed and the documents to establish the company sent to the Government of the Russian Federation for a final decision,” said Vladimir Yakunin. According to experts, the Integrated Transport And Logistics Company’s operations will create the conditions for increasing

the volume of transit container traffic carried by national railway companies in the direction of China - Europe to one million Twenty-Foot Equivalent Units (TEUs) by 2020. As Russian Railways’ Vice President Salman Babaev noted, at the moment moves to the Company’s new business model as an international transport and logistics holding are being implemented. One of the directions to achieve the holding’s strategic development is to increase the share of container traffic and its integration into comprehensive transportation and logistics solutions.

Uzbekistan: World Bank will consider allocating a loan worth USD 200 Million to Uzbekistan for construction of AngrenPap railway line. Works were initiated in the summer of 2013. The loan, which will be used to purchase the necessary equipment and machinery, can be approved by the WB board in January 2015. In March, the WB together

Румыния: Согласно отчету, опубликованному Международным Валютным Фондом, продажа контрольного пакета акций компании «ЧФР Марфа» состоится в мае 2015 года. В мире: Казахстан, Грузия и Иран oбсудили возможности сотрудничества в транспортной сфере, а казахстанское государство сможет разнообразить свое предложение по перевозимым грузам. Болгария: Министерство Планирования Инвестиций Болгарии утвердило проект модернизации Софийского Центрального Вокзала. Россия: Все предварительные соглашения с правительственными

агентствами на предмет создания Совместной Компании по Транспорту и Логистике были направлены Правительству России для принятия окончательного решения. Узбекистан: Всемирный Банк (ВМ) может выделить 200 миллионов долларов США на строительство линии Ангрен-Пап в Узбекистане. Работы по строительству начались летом 2013 года. Словения: ЕС выделит совместно с другими учреждениями сумму в размере 1,7 млн. евро на разработку ряда исследований ввиду проектирования работ по модернизации отсека двойной железнодорожной линии в Словении

WB may allocate funds to construct Angren-Pap railway

April 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

6 news

Studies for Slovenian rail track upgrade get a boost from EU grant Slovenia: The European Union will cofinance with €1.7 million from the TEN-T Programme a series of dedicated studies aimed at completing the execution design for upgrading a section of double track rail in Slovenia which, when built, will contribute to the realisation of the “Railway axis Lyon-Trieste-Divača/Koper-DivačaLjubljana-Budapest-Ukrainian border” (TEN-T Priority Project 6). The studies concern the upgrade of the existing 25 km long double-track electrified line between Zidani Most and Celje. They will be used as input to further decisionmaking and are a precondition to start the line upgrade according to the applicable Slovenian law. The project therefore plays a significant role in reducing the number of trucks crossing the Alps. This is particularly relevant for the environmentally sensitive

Alpine region where road traffic is at the origin of important effects on the environment. The studies will be monitored by the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) and are set to be completed by August 2015. ADIF to collaborate with Moscow University International: Spain’s rail infrastructure manager ADIF is to partner with the Moscow State University of Railway Engineering have concluded five-year collaboration agreement. The areas of common interest covered by this agreement will be the technology, studies, planning, construction, management, operation and maintenance of the railway infrastructure. An important accent will be made on changing the gauge, as RZD would like to reduce the delays caused by the need to change rolling stock for cross-border connections. Other areas considered are human resources, training staff, passenger and freight transport safety on conventional and high-speed lines.

Mongolia builds line to China International: Mongolia announced it will build a narrow-gauge line to China to carry ores between the Port of Gashuun Sukhait (Mongolia) and the Port of Gants Mod (China). The line will be built and operated by a company established by the mining company Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi and by Chinese companies. Mongolia will own 17% of the shares. The initial phase of the project development requires investments of USD 500,000 (EUR 364,000).

UAE: agreement with Deutsche Bahn to operate the railway network International: Etihad Rail said it

В мире: ADIF и Московский Государственный Университет Железнодорожных Путей Сообщения подписали соглашение о сотрудничестве на пять лет. В мире: Монголия объявила о строительстве линии с узкой колеей в сторону Китая ввиду осуществления перевозок руды между портами Гашуун Сукхайт (Монголия) и Гантс Мод (Китай). В мире: Etihad Rail объявила о том, что заключила соглашение с подразделением Deutsche Bahn по содержанию и техническому обслуживанию железнодорожной сети в www.railwaypro.com | April 2014

PKP PLK wants to extend a line to Belarus poland: Poland’s railway infrastructure operator PKP PLK is working on a feasibility study for building an extension of Poland’s broad-gauge railway line LHS to Belarus, a project potentially worth EUR 1 Billion. PKP PLK also wants to invest up to PLN 500 Million as of 2016 in modernizing three railway border crossings with Belarus and Ukraine.

photo: www.plk-sa.pl

with the Uzbek side started preparing the project documentation for the loan to be completed in August this year. The Angren-Pap railway line should run through the Kamchik pass and link Andijan, Namangan and Fergana with the remaining part of Uzbekistan. The project envisages the construction of two tunnels. The construction of the 129 km of railway requires investments of USD 1.9 Billion which will be financed at the expense of the Uzbek Reconstruction and Development Fund’s loan worth USD 280 Million, the state budget, the Uzbek railway company’s own funds and loans of international finance institutes worth USD 1 Billion.

The new company, Etihad Rail DB, will ensure the operation of the first phase of the national network project and will transport sulphur on a distance of 246 km. The project of the railway network of EAU is estimated at USD 11 Billion (EUR 8 Billion). Luka Rijeka develops terminal Croatia: Transport operator Luka Rijeka said it planned a recapitalization with a target amount of around EUR 39.2 Million to increase funds for the extension of Skrljevo terminal. A construction permit for the terminal expansion project is expected to be obtained in the third quarter of the year. Luka Rijeka’s consolidated net profit fell 6.6% in 2013 while its operating revenues fell 3.5% mainly due to a drop in bulk cargo traffic.

Pasazieru vilciens receives three bids to lease new trains

signed an agreement with a Deutsche Bahn unit on the establishment of a partnership agreement dealing with the operation and maintenance of the railway network in the United Arab Emirates.

International: Three bids have been submitted for the Pasazieru vilciens company’s tender for leasing new electric trains for a period of fifteen years. The bids have been

Объединенных Арабских Эмиратах. Хорватия: Перевозчик Лука Рийека объявил о рекапитализации на сумму 39,2 млн. евро в целях повышения доходов ввиду расширения терминала Скрльево. В мире: Pasazieru vilciens получила три предложения на тендере по лизингу новых поездов сроком на 15 лет. Грузия: Кабинет министров Грузии намеревается отложить на 18 месяцев строительство железнодорожной линии, которую предстоит перевести из центра города Тбилиси. В мире: Df T и Tf L (Transport for London) объявили о расширении Crossrail в сторону Ридинга и

Твайфорда. В мире: Россия готова инвестировать более 3-х миллиардов евро в развитие транспортной инфраструктуры на Черном море и Дунае. Польша: PKP PLK в настоящее время работает над техникоэкономическом обоснованием расширения линии с широкой колеей LHS в сторону Белоруссии. Чехия: Skanska заключила договор с администратором железнодорожной инфраструктуры Чехии на модернизацию железнодорожного узла в Пильзени.

news 7

Construction of Tbilisi line, postponed Georgia: Georgia’s cabinet of ministers plan to postpone the construction of the bypass railway in Tbilisi for 18 months, until a final decision is made. The project, which was launched in 2010, envisages moving the railway line from the centre of Tbilisi to the city’s northern part. It is planned that the new railway line will run at a distance of 10 kilometres from the current one. Over 70 hectares of land will be released in the city centre for urban development projects, according to the project.

Crossrail, extended to the west International: The Department for Transport and Transport for London have announced that Crossrail will be extended to Reading and Twyford. Extending the east to west rail line means that more passengers will enjoy a direct connection to central London and beyond, without the need to change at Paddington. When the line fully opens in 2019, Crossrail will serve a total of 40 stations along the entire route, with 2 trains an hour running from Reading. Two additional Great Western services from Reading to London will continue to operate as they do today.

Russia grants EUR 3 Billion to Bulgaria for infrastructure International: Russia is ready to invest over EUR 3 Billion for transport infrastructure development at the black Sea and over the Danube, as indicated at the meeting of the Bulgarian-Russian Chamber of Commerce with Prime Minister Oresharski and Ministers of Transport and Economy Daniel Papazoff and Dragomir Stoynev. One of the projects that will be part of the funds is a comprehensive modernization of the port of Varna, the construction of the road and railway between Varna and Ruse, and the completion of the Hemus highway.

Skanska to upgrade Pilsen junction Czech Rep.: Skanska has signed a contract with the state organization Railway Infrastructure Administration for modernisation of Pilsen railway junction. The contract is worth CZK 1.7 Billion (EUR 62 Million). The project includes rebuilding of part of the Pilsen Railway Station. Among other things

Tender for Burgas junction signalling and communications systems bulgaria: Bulgaria’s National Railway Infrastructure Company has opened a BGN 24.3 Million (EUR 12.4 Million) tender for the design and construction of signalling and telecommunications systems at a railway junction near the coastal city of Burgas. The value of the contract excludes value added tax. Bids can be submitted until May 19.

new platforms and a new underpass will be constructed to improve access for passengers. Construction will start in April 2014 and is due to be completed in March 2016. Metalloinvest buys 10 locomotives Russia: Mikhailovsky GOK, part of Metalloinvest, has taken delivery of a new locomotive and set of open cars. The NP-1 series locomotive has already come into operation as part of plans to meet production targets. It is the first of the three planned purchases of electric quarry locomotives this year as part of Metalloinvest’s programme to develop mining transport complex. The programme to develop mining transport complex, which is being implemented at both of the Company’s mining and processing plants, said Lebedinsky GOK and Mikhailovsky GOK, entails the use of more productive equipment, and therefore, an increase in loads transported by locomotives. The planned acquisitions of 10 open pit mine electric locomotives and 100 open cars for Mikhailovsky and Lebedinsky form part of Metalloinvest’s 2014 investment programme.

Moscow-Kazan railway, included in the territorial planning scheme Russia: The high-speed railway line Moscow - Vladimir - Nizhny Novgorod - Kazan, which has been designed to handle train speeds of up to 400 kph, has been included in the Russian Federation’s territorial planning scheme by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. In accordance with the document, changes have been made to the Russian Federation’s

Болгария: НРИК объявила тендер на проектирование и внедрение систем сигнализации и телекоммуникаций для узла около Бургаса. Россия: Михайловский ГОК, часть Металлоинвест, получила новый локомотив и один комплект полувагонов. Россия: Высокоскоростная линия Москва - Владимир - Нижний Новгород - Казань была включена в схему территориального планирования России. Украина: Министерство

photo: Club Feroviar

submitted by the Polish company Pesa, Germany’s Stadler and South Korea’s Hyundai, although the Polish manufacturer has not provided the required financial security. The bids offer to supply the new trains within eighteen up to 28 months. The bids will be analyzed during a period of three months, after which the best bid will be selected. The average monthly lease per unit ranges from EUR 35,078 to EUR 50,817.

territorial planning scheme in the field of federal transportation (rail, air, sea and inland waterways) and federal roads as approved by the Federal Government in March 2013, including the high-speed 770km railway between Moscow - Kazan. The scheme involves the construction and reconstruction of railway stations and separate points with track development, including three stations : Kursk Station in Moscow, Moscow Station in Nizhny Novgorod and Kazan Terminal -2 in Kazan; 9 other stations on the Noginsk, Orekhovo-Zyevo, Petushka, Vladimir, Kovrov, Dzerzhinsk, Aeroport, Cheboksary and Pomary high-speed lines; 3 passing stations and 17 dispatcher points. Ukraine to review locomotive acquisition contracts Ukraine: Ukrainian Ministry of Infrastructure would like to review the agreements on the rolling stock renewal approval by the previous Government, Minister of Infrastructure Maxim Burchak said. In particular, the Ministry will review the locomotive acquisition program. The ministry will need to review all the contracts - how they were signed, at what price and whether the project is successful. Ukraine expected to renew 509 electric locomotives until 2016 buying locomotives manufactured by Luganskteplovoz, Ural Locomotives and Transmashholding.

Zeleznice Srbije signs contract for works on Corridor X Serbia: A consortium of two local builders, Gosa FOM and Mostogradnja, has been picked to replace Austria’s Alpine and

инфраструктуры Украины намеревается пересмотреть соглашения об обновлении подвижного состава, утвержденные прежним правительством. Сербия: Железнице Србије выбрала консорциум, который будет проводить работы по контракту, касающемуся моста Нови Железници Мост по линии Гилье-Парацин, которая является частью Коридора X. Греция: Компания Metka S.A. будет осуществлять проект по инфраструктуре туннели на новой линии Киато-Рододафни. April 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

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serbia: Serbian Railways and RZD International signed the contract for the financing and modernization of six sections of line part of Corridor X. The total length of the section is 112 km of line for which the Russian side allocated a financing of USD 89.9 Million. Infrastructure modernisation works and the installation of new telecommunications and signalling systems are scheduled for the six sections (Ruma-Golubinci-17,9 km, Sopot Kosmajski – Kovačevac- 18,4 km, Mala Krsna - Velika Plana – 29,5 km, Vinarc-Đorđev -15 km, Vranje Spa-Ristovac -17,7 km and Bujanovac Bukarevac -13,8 km). The reconstruction and modernisation of these sections on Corridor X is one of the 5 railway infrastructure modernisation projects in Serbia to be financed by the credit awarded by the Russian company

complete the works on the Novi Zeleznicki Most bridge on the Gilje-Paracin railway, part of Corridor X. The local consortium will carry out the remaining works on the bridge at a cost of less than EUR 2.5 Million. In 2010, the contract was attributed to Alpine (Austria), that went bankrupt last year, and Slovenia’s Meteorit. Zeleznice Srbije received the approval of EIB to replace Alpine in this contract in order to speed up works. The contract Alpine won was worth EUR 8.9 Million. The price of the deal was increased by 1.4 million euro due to additional works. New contract for Kiato-Rododafni line Greece: Metka S.A. Company has been selected by Erga OSE S.A. as the provisional contractor for the construction of remaining infrastructure, signalling, telecommunications and electrical engineering works for the tunnel facilities for the new railway line Kiato-Rododafni. The Kiato-Rododafni railway line is part of the larger construction project for the new double railway line from Athens (SKA) to Patras. The total budget of the project amounts to EUR 273 Million and the project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under Priority Axis 2 of the Operational Programme “Accessibility Improvement”. The project is scheduled for implementation over a period of 24 months. To implement the project, METKA will collaborate with Thales and with the Greek company Xanthakis S.A.

Pakistan wants to build new railway International: Pakistan Railways (PR) is planning to build a new railway to link Karachi with Gwadar seaport to facilitate traders and generate revenue. The new railway would meet the needs of transportation of goods to www.railwaypro.com | April 2014

worth USD 800 Million. “In the mid of 2014 repair of 2 sections on Corridor 10 will be initiated (...), while works on all sections considered will be launched by 2015. At the same time, we are negotiating a contract for the acquisition of new diesel multiple-units worth USD 100 Million and modernisation projects of Novi Sad-Stara Pazova line and of Belgrade-Bar line”, declared Dragoljub Simonović, the CEO of Zeleznice Srbije.

photo: commons.wikimedia.org

Zeleznice Srbije and RZD sign financing contract for Corridor X

Gwadar, an official source in the ministry of railways said. Moreover, the company is in contact with China for preparing studies for construction of Khuzdar, Baseemah, Jacobabad and Dera Ghazi Khan main line, the source added. Studies could be completed by December 2015 and could be financed by the Chinese side. New intermodal terminal in Varna Bulgaria: The construction of the new intermodal terminal in Bulgaria’s Black Sea city of Varna may start in 2015, according to Transport Minister Danail Papazov. Papazov noted that a working group was preparing the terms of reference of the facility. He said that the results of the work of the experts were to be available by the end of March. Papazov, as cited by the Bulgarian Telegraph Agency (BTA), argued that the intermodal terminal would have special quays for processing containers and grain. The designing of the facility would absorb around BGN 15 M.The activities for the construction of the intermodal terminal in Varna started in the summer of 2013. Bulgaria’s Transport Ministry proposed that the terminal include Port Varna Iztok (Varna East) and railway station Varna and that the two be united in a complex.

В мире: Пакистанские железные дороги (PR) намереваются построить линию для соединения Карачи с портом Гвадар. Болгария: Согласно заявлениям болгарского министра транспорта, Данаила Папазова, работы по строительству интермодального терминала в Варне могут начаться в 2015 году. Россия: Президент ОАО РЖД предложил построить транспортный коридор от Восточного Тихоокеанского

Vladimir Yakunin proposes linking Pacific to Atlantic with infrastructure Corridor Russia: Russian Railways president Vladimir Yakunin has proposed building a multi-trillion ruble transport corridor extending from the country’s Pacific east coast to Europe’s Atlantic coast, a news report said. Yakunin presented the project during a meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Called the Trans-Eurasian Development Corridor, it would include pipelines for oil, gas and water, and conduit for electricity and communications, in addition to rail freight. If completed, Yakunin says that the project could create “10 to 15 new industries,” entirely new cities, and a staggering number of new jobs. The corridor would be on the scale of massive infrastructure projects of the Soviet Union, including the development of the space program and electrification of Russia. The project would also would promote the “development of Russia as the civilized core, integrated with geographic zones from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic,” Yakunin said. Yakunin co-authored the proposal with Gennady Osipov, director of social political research at the Russian Academy of Sciences and Viktor Sadovnichy, rector of Moscow State University. The railway monopoly chief said the project would significantly boost Russia’s GDP.

Georgia and Romania sign MoU for ferry services International: Trans Caucasus Terminals (Georgia) and the Port of Galaţi (Romania) signed a Memorandum of Understanding in March according to which the containers sent from the western China through Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Georgia will be distributed across all Europe by means of the ports of Romania. The specified line will work as in the direction from east to west. The carried freight will cross destinations to the central part of Europe. The cities of Galati (Romania) and Poti (Georgia) will communicate with each other with the regular container sea line and freight turnover on the specified section will be carried out by containers of the Georgian Railways.

берега России и до Восточного Атлантического берега Европы. Сербия: Железнице Србије и РЖД Интернациональ подписали договор о финансировании и модернизации шести отсеков линии Коридора X. В мире: Trans Caucasus Terminals и Порт Галац подписали меморандум понимания, согласно которому контейнерные перевозки с западного Китая будут поступать в Европу через румынские порты.

10 news South Caucasus Railway will soon launch Infrastructure Directorate

Croatia: The Government adopted a decision to extend state guarantees for a EUR 40 Million loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to finance the modernization of state-owned railway infrastructure operator HZ Infrastruktura. The proceeds of the 15-year loan will ensure the procurement of equipment for the maintenance of railways, supply and installation of information systems for managing energy efficiency and for financing one part of a workforce restructuring program. The guarantees are now pending approval by parliament.

photo: find-croatia.com

Armenia: The biggest division of the railway, Infrastructure Directorate, will be launched within the next days with its staff totaling about 1,600 people, the head of the company said. Repair works will be carried out in Giumry and Sevan sections of the railway this year. Head of the infrastructure service of the company Valery Gorshenin said a total of 355.4 kilometers of railroad were repaired in 2009-2013. The 2014 works will be fo-

Kazakhstan to increase transit cargo transport volume to China International: Kazakhstan plans to increase its export and transit container transport through the port of Lianyungang in China to the volume of a 250,000 twenty-foot equivalent units by 2015 and subsequently to double this figure by 2020, railway company Kazakhstan Temir Zholy said. During his working visit to China, the head of Kazakhstan Temir Zholy, Askar Mamin discussed the process of implementation of the Kazakh-Chinese joint project ‘Construction of a logistic terminal at the port of Lianyungang’. “The two parties signed a memorandum and association documents to form a joint venture between Lianyungang Port and KTZ Express company”, states KTZ in a press release. The parties also plan to open the port terminal, the implementation of a commercial complex to attract and reorient flows from exports in south-east Asia to the port.

Russian-Kazakh operator Astyk Trans improves online services International: Joint KazakhstaniRussian Company Astyk Trans JSC launches integrated portal for informational processes IT support in 2014-2015. The portal will enable carrying out automatic application submissions, www.railwaypro.com | April 2014

drawing required documentation, control over the application execution on each stage, and, what is more important, the portal will provide transparency on tariffs: calculation of a tariff will be processed by a tariff calculator. “This is a brand new service on the market of grain shipping in Kazakhstan. Transparent tariffs, wagon tracking capability and reduced amount of paper work, all this is required to be done for clients. The joint company is able to solve this issues technologically by the beginning of the new season”, says the chairman of the board of directors of Astyk Trans JSC Oleg Rogachev. The company was established in September 2013 and in the 4th quarter of 2013 Astyk Trans JSC shipped 1.3 million tonnes of grains and from the beginning of 2014 the volume of grains shipped by Astyk Trans JSC exceeded 1 million tonnes. The joint company plans to increase the car fleet up to 10 000 grains wagons which will enable shipping up to 12 million tonnes of grain per year.

cused on consolidation of infrastructures to increase reliability and reduce number of failures on the railway. The 2014 investments in infrastructure improvements are expected to total 5.6 billion drams. The scientific and technical council of the South Caucasyus Railway held a meeting, on March 25, on infrastructure improvements, the company’s press office reported. The company managed to complete improvement measures planned for 2013, including repair and enforcement works, general director of the company Victor Rebets said.

Kazakhstan’s Olzha Joint Stock Company to support the development and growth of the company, the EBRD reported. The company will direct the new EBRD financing to purchase about 100 freight wagons and a locomotive, to meet market demand. Olzha provides operating leases for freight wagons to corporate clients in Kazakhstan and beyond, mainly for the transportation of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and oil products. The company has been active in the market for the last 19 years. The railways in Kazakhstan play a key role in the national transport sector, accounting for around 60% of all freight movement. FYR Macedonia begins the modernisation of Kumanovo-Beljakovce section FYR Macedonia: The Goverment has launched the upgrade of the Kumanovo-

EBRD to provide financing to Kazakh private leasing provider Olzha International: The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has agreed to increase the financing to Kazakhstan-based JSC Olzha, in a move to develop the growth of the company. The bank will allocate USD 9 Million - in addition to a loan of worth USD 24.8 Million approved last year - to

Армения: Скоро будет запущена крупнейшая в Армении дивизия железнодорожного транспорта - Управление инфраструктурой. Численность персонала составит 1600 сотрудников. Хорватия: Хорватское правительство приняло решение о предоставлении государственных гарантий для кредита в размере 40 миллионов евро от ЕБРР. Кредит предназначен для финансирования модернизации железнодорожной инфраструктуры. В мире: Казахстан намеревается

photo: mia.mk

Croatia to grant state guarantees for HZ Infrastruktura loan

увеличить объем экспорта и транзита контейнеров через порт Лянюнган (Китай) до 250 единиц к 2015-му году, а до 2020 года объем постепенно будет удваиваться. Об этом заявила железнодорожная компания Казахстана, КТЖ. В мире: Государственные власти выделили 600 миллионов долларов США на расширение железнодорожной инфраструктуры. Компания намеревается увеличить ее пропускную способность от 33 миллионов тонн до 70 миллионов тонн в год, а число пассажиров - от 27 миллионов до 40 миллионов к марту 2018 года.

news 11

OTLK and DHL, partnership for transport on China-Europa-China axis International: RZD, KTZ and Belarus Railways, represented by OTLK and DHL Global Forwarding, have signed a memorandum of understanding agreeing to become strategic partners in order to jointly develop railway routes between China - Europe – China. OTLK will provide one-stop-shop services. As part of joint operations, the company will be responsible for providing stationto-station railway links, including the provision of rolling stock, transit customs clearance for freight and other related services on the route. For its part, DHL, is responsible for providing comprehensive services and the formation of the cargo base in both China and in Europe. After receiving approval from the governments of the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and Belarus to establish OTLK, all rights and obligations under the agreement will pass to OTLK.

Communication on interpretative guidelines concerning Regulation No 1370/2007 International: The European Commission published a Communication on interpretative guidelines concerning

В мире: ЕБРР принял новую стратегию в отношении Словении. Данный документ выделяет корпоративный, энергетический и финансовый сектор в числе первых трех приоритетов банка на период 2014-2017 гг. В мире: Совместная казахстанскороссийская компания «Астык Транс» запустила интегрированный информационный портал для ИТподдержки на период 2014-2015 гг. Македония: Правительство инициировало работы по модернизации магистрали Куманово - Беляковце части VIII коридора - в рамках проекта, стоимость которого составляет около 50 миллионов евро. Румыния: Орган Управления

Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007 on public passenger transport services by rail and by road. The Guidelines were adopted on March 21. The rules determine how public authorities across Europe may contract for the provision of public transport services by rail, metro, tram or bus, how to award these contracts and how to compensate for public service obligations. By providing guidelines on key provisions of the rules, the Commission is now enhancing legal certainty for all actors in public transport. The guidelines adopted provide clarity on, amongst other things the definition of public service obligations, the duration of public service contracts, the conditions of competitive and direct awards of public service contracts, the rules on compensating public service obligations, transparency rules and transitional arrangements. As recital 15 of Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007 underlines, ‘contracts of long duration can lead to market foreclosure for a longer period than is necessary, thus diminishing the benefits of competitive pressure. In order to minimise distortions of competition, while protecting the quality of services, public service contracts should be of limited duration’.

Iran allocates USD 600 Million to expand rail network international: The Government has allocated USD 600 Million to expand the national rail network, IRNA quoted Iranian Railways Company Managing Director Mohsen Seyedpour Aqaei. The company plans to increase cargo transport capacity from 33 million tonnes to 70 million tonnes annually over the course of four years. Passenger transport capacity is projected to increase from 27 million to 40 million by March 2018. The rail company requires 11,000 cargo wagons and 750 passenger carriages for the next four years.

is prepared to support privatisation as well as the financial and operational restructuring of companies with sound businesses which are suffering in the current crisis.

photo: sloveniatimes.com

Beljakovce railway section, part of panEuropean transport Corridor VIII, under a project worth some EUR 50 Million. The upgrade of the 30.8 km railway track in eastern Macedonia is the first phase of a three-stage project, which includes the construction of three railway stations, overpasses, underpasses and a bridge. The contract for the upgrade of the Kumanovo-Beljakovce railway section has been awarded to the German company Wiebe. The construction of the Beljakovce-Kriva Palanka section will cost EUR 144 Million while the works on the third section that leads to the Bulgarian border are estimated at EUR 360 Million.

EBRD adopts new strategy for Slovenia International: EBRD has adopted a new strategy for Slovenia identifying the corporate sector, the financial sector and energy efficiency as the three priority areas for the Bank’s work in Slovenia in the period 2014-2017. While the Bank has never stopped investing in Slovenia even after the closing of its local office in 2008, “the current economic circumstances necessitate an increased engagement in this advanced European economy”, says EBRD. Privatisation, restructuring and good governance are key areas of focus both in the corporate and the financial sectors. In the corporate sector the EBRD

Операционной Программой Транспортного Сектора (AM POS T) будет осуществлять мониторинг проектов, связанных с транспортной инфраструктурой

В мире: ЕБРР предоставит еще один займ частной компании по железнодорожному лизингу АО «Олжа» (Казахстан). Таким образом, размер займа составляет 9 миллионов долларов США (6,5 миллионов евро), дополнительно к займу, предоставленному этой же компании в прошлом году, в размере 24,8 млн. долларов США (18 млн. евро). В мире: РЖД, КТЖ и Белорусская Железная Дорога, представленные компаниями OTLK и DHL Global Forwarding, подписали меморандум понимания, согласно которому стороны

MA SOP-T will monitor the infrastructure projects financed through European funds romania: According to a document published on the web site of the Management Authority for the Sectoral Operational Programme Transport (MA SOP-T), transport infrastructure projects financed through structural funds will be monitored every month from the perspective of the actual execution progress and payments in the attempt of speeding up the absorption of Euстановятся стратегическими партнерами по развитию железнодорожных путей сообщения по оси Китай-Европа-Китай. В мире: Европейская комиссия опубликовала Сообщение об Ориентирах в интерпретации Регламента 1370/2007 об услугах общественного железнодорожных и автомобильных перевозок грузов и пассажиров. В мире: Государства-члены Совета по Сотрудничеству стран Персидского Залива (GCC) - Бахрейн, Кувейт, Оман, Катар, Саудовская Аравия и Объединенные Арабские Эмираты - передали свою компетенцию в железнодорожной сфере Межправительственной Организации по Международным Железнодорожным Перевозкам (OTIF), в результате подписания Меморандума Понимания. April 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

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hungary: In 1896 Budapest was the first capital to inaugurate a metro line in continental Europe. Today, more than 100 years later, Budapest is still one of the pioneers of innovation in underground transport. At the end of March, Alstom put in operation the metro trainsets on Budapest’s new Line 4, which is the first automated metro line in Central and Eastern Europe. During the official inauguration of Line 4, 15 new driverless Metropolis trains, manufactured by the French company, were put in operation. The project for the inauguration of a fully automated metro line has been carried out, for the first time, by Budapest Municipality in collaboration with the Government. Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Budapest Mayor IstvánTarlós participated in the inauguration, next to representatives of Alstom Transport, Alstom Transport Hungary and Budapest Public Transport Company (BKV). The metro trains run on the new 7.4km line that links two of the most important railway hubs of the city, Kelenföld Intermodal Station in Buda and Keleti Rail Station (East Station) in Pesta. The trains are part of the 37 Metropolis trains ordered by BKV and Budapest Municipality for lines 2 and 4 within the most important rolling stock modernization programme for the Hungarian capital metro system. ropean money. According to the document published by MA SOP – T, the monitoring reports will be elaborated by the beneficiaries of European funds, among which the National Railway Company (CFR SA) and the National Company of Highways and Roads (CNADNR). “For 2014-2015, it is necessary to adopt a series of measures to monitor the projects with SOP Transport financing to avoid as much as possible the losses generated by the risk of losing the funds, but also to ensure the implementation of transport infrastructure projects with impact on Romania’s development on medium and long term”, states MA SOP-T in the document published.

GCC and OTIF sign Memorandum of Understanding International: The GCC Member States, namely Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United www.railwaypro.com | April 2014

The acquisition of the new Metropolis trains is part of a complex modernisation programme of the rolling stock fleet and, at the same time, of developing the public transport system in Budapest. Finding an efficient and comfortable metro transport solution for the 1 million passengers a day, of the 1.8 million inhabitants of the Hungarian capital, has been a major challenge for the entire city. The decision was to replace the rolling stock fleet in traffic on Line 2 and to build a new automated line, Line 4, also equipped with driverless rolling stock. “We are very proud to deliver this automated metro to the city of Budapest, the first one in Central-Eastern Europe. Citizens of Budapest have been using metros

for more than a century and it was an interesting challenge for us to create a stateof-the-art metro that suits their needs,” said Andreas Knitter, Alstom SVP Europe. The five-car 15 Metropolis trains are 80 m long and can carry 810 passengers, 164 on seats. The new metro trains have been designed in France and the traction system has been manufactured in Hungary. The vehicles can run at speeds of 70 km/h. The manufacturing of the body cases and their assembly have been made in Katowice, Poland, where Alstom Transport has a production centre. The cost of the entire project amounted to around HUF 452 Billion (approx. EUR 1.5 Billion) of which EUR 70 Million have been paid so far.

Arab Emirates have transferred their competence in the railway sector to this regional organisation, by signing a Memorandum of Understanding. The GCC’s Steering Committee approved the prospect of accession to the Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF). The signing of this MoU, following negotiations held in the second half of 2013, is an important step towards the accession of the GCC and its six Member States to COTIF. This MoU allows for the organisation of a joint seminar between GCC, OTIF and CIT, by the end of 2014, in order to determine the areas of cooperation between these organisations. The construction of a railway network connecting the six GCC Member States by 2017 is a sign of the growing importance of the Arabian Peninsula for international rail transport. Once complete, the 2000

km railway network will help strengthen trade between the countries of the Arabian Peninsula. It will also offer an alternative to air and maritime transport, whether for passengers or goods.

photo: Alstom

Budapest inaugurated first automated metro line in Central and South-East Europe

Венгрия: В Будапеште запущена первая в Центральной и Юго-Восточной Европе автоматическая линия метро Если в 1896 году Будапешт был первой столицей, которая запустила первую линию метро на территории континентальной Европы, почему бы ей теперь, спустя более века, не быть тоже в авангарде инноваций в области подземного транспорта? В конце марта компания «Альстом» запустила поезда метро по новой 4-й Магистрали Будапешта, тем самым была инаугурирована первая автоматическая линия метро в Центральной и Восточной Европе.

14 news

Sofia launches new tender for the construction of metro line section

Krakow to allocate EUR 160 Million to the procurement of new trams

Bulgaria: Metropolitan AD, the stateowned operator of Sofia underground, has opened a tender for the design and construction of a 7.2-km section of Sofia Metro. The section will cross the central parts of the city, connecting Botevgradsko shosse boulevard with Ovcha Kupel 1 neighbourhood in south-western Sofia. The construction of the section is phase one of a project for a third line of Sofia Metro which is planned to have a length of 16.5 km and 19 sections, 10 of which would be underground.The project is cofinanced under the EU-funded operational programme Transport and Transport Infrastructure. The project is expected to be completed within 45 months of signing. Bids can be submitted by May 29.

Poland: “In 5 years, we have invested EUR 80 Million in our rolling stock fleet and we want to invest EUR 160 Million in acquisitions and in the modernisation of the fleet over the next 5 years. The project has two phases. The first phase will be completed in 2015 and includes the procurement of 36 trams. The second phase will be carried out from 2016 to 2019 when another 36 trams will be purchased”, declared Rafał Świerczyński, Vice-President and CFO – MPK Kraków, during the conference “Financing and modernising light rail in Central and Eastern Europe 2014-2020”, organised by UITP and the Association for Metropolitan Mobility. Apart from renewing the fleet, the company also wants to upgrade 10 trams. MPK’s objective by 2020 is to replace 55% of its rolling stock with new vehicles.

Novi Sad wants tram network Serbia: “For Novi Sad, the introduction of tram lines is important to ensure urban mobility. The first phase of the project requires investments of EUR 80 Million, including the acquisition of 25 trams for which EUR 65 Million are necessary and the construction of tram infrastructure which requires EUR 15 Million. These values don’t include the reconstruction of the road infrastructure and the relocation of the underground or overground space”, declared Aleksandar Jevdjenic, Head of Traffic Department - Urban Planning, Development and Research Centre, Novi Sad Municipality, during the seminar “Financing and modernising light rail in Central and Eastern Europe 2014-2020”, organised by UITP and the Association for Metropolitan Mobility. For 2030, the authorities plan the construction of 5 tram lines with a total length of 92.4 km, with 47 stations and 5 terminals. The lines will provide connections with the other transport modes. Also, a depot will be constructed. By 2030, the network will be operated by 50 vehicles with a minimum capacity of 160 seats. www.railwaypro.com | April 2014

includes the implementation of air quality improvement activities by purchasing new trams. The EU financing (100%) helps implement the procurement of 20 low-floor trams worth EUR 33.9 Million, an amount covered by the Operational Programme Environment”, declared Tsvetan Tsolov, Transport Project Manager – Sofia Municipality, during the conference “Financing and modernising light rail in Central and Eastern Europe 2014-2020”, organised by UITP and the Association for Metropolitan Mobility. The authorities launch the tram line rehabilitation project along Bulgaria Boulevard whose objective is the renewal of the line, the increase of the speed and the reduction of maintenance costs. The contract for project development was signed in July 2013 and it is worth EUR 4.3 Million. For the programming period 2014-2020, local authorities have identified public transport development projects, but “there are financing problems, since the situation of financing is not clear and the plan has to be elaborated and submitted to approval and financing”, pointed out Tsolov. Projects include the modernisation of several tram lines with a total length of over 19 km, as well as the implementation of the project “Modernisation of Sofia’s Trams” which includes the acquisition of 28 second-hand tramways from Basel carried out from May 2014 to December 2018. The total budget is of CHF 3 Million (EUR 2,45 Million), with CHF 2.55 Million (EUR 2 Million) Swiss contribution, CHF 390 Thousand (EUR 319 Thousand) from Stolichen Electro Transport EAD, the local transport company, and CHF 60 Thousand (EUR 49 Thousand) from the municipality.

Public transport projects face financing problems Bulgaria: “Public transport companies are facing financial problems for infrastructure projects and rolling stock acquisition which delays projects. An efficient option for the implementation of projects is to contract credits from the international financial institutions. Within the operational programme 2007-2013, the modernisation of Sofia urban transport

Румыния: Консорциум Электросила ВФУ Пашкань - Астра Пассажирские Вагоны будет предоставлять услуги по капитальному ремонту включая реконструкцию и модернизацию трамвайных вагонов GT4 в городе Тимишоаре. Болгария: Метрополитен АД (София) объявил тендер на проектирование и строительство линии длиной в 7,2 км. Венгрия: Компания «Альстом» запустила поезда метро по новой 4-й

photo: www.metropolitan.bg

romania: The consortium of Electroputere VFU Paşcani, as leader, and Astra Vagoane Călători, associate, has been selected winner of the open tender for major overhaul services with reconstruction and modernisation of the GT4 tram coaches in the city of Timişoara. On 3 April, the Municipality of Timişoara announced that the Electroputere VFU Paşcani – Astra Vagoane Călători consortium was selected winner after evaluating the bid it submitted with a price of RON 65,000,000, VAT excluded (EUR 14.5 Million).

The duration of the contract will be four years and the framework agreement will include the conclusion of four subsequent contracts. The project will be financed from the local budget. A maximum number of 30 GT4 trams will be upgraded

photo: Club Feroviar

Electroputere VFU Paşcani - Astra Vagoane Călători consortium to upgrade the GT4 trams in Timişoara

Магистрали Будапешта, тем самым была инаугурирована первая автоматическая линия метро в Центральной и Восточной Европе. Сербия: Для Нового Сада ввод в эксплуатацию трамвайных линий важен с точки зрения обеспечения городской мобильности. Стоимость первого этапа проекта составляет 80 миллионов евро. Польша: Компания по общественному транспорту города Гданьска - ZKM Gdańsk - намеревается приобрести 5 трамваев.

news 15 Budapest launches important transport development projects Hungary: “By 2020, the entire fleet of trams and trolleybuses could be replaced by low-floor vehicles to increase the quality of services and to ensure accessibility. The project includes the acquisition of 25 trams of 32-36 m and 12 units with a length of 52-56 m, as well as 24 trolleybuses. Together with the infrastructure development project, which also includes the construction of platforms and of 3 tram depots, the project is worth EUR 140 Million”, declared Gergely Horn, Head of Strategy, Investments and Projects – BKK Budapest, during the conference “Financing and modernising light rail in Central and Eastern Europe 2014-2020”, organised by UITP and the Association for Metropolitan Mobility. The company is currently developing several infrastructure projects: the modernisation of line 1 and 3, for which funds worth EUR 132 Million are necessary, of which the EU co-financing is 93.92%. The project includes grass lines, the modernisation of platforms, the installations of elevators and passenger information systems. Another project of the company is the reconstruction of the Széll Kálmán area, the largest intermodal junction in Buda. There is a metro line, 5 tram lines, 15 bus lines and suburban lines and the project includes the total reconstruction of the infrastructure, including the

First automated metro line in Central and Eastern Europe, inaugurated in Budapest Hungary: As of 28 March, Alstom put in operation the metro trains on the new Line 4 of Budapest which becomes the first automated metro line in Central and Eastern Europe. During the official inauguration of Line 4, 15 new driverless Metropolis trains, manufactured by the French company, were put in operation.The project for the inauguration of a fully automated metro line has been carried out, for the first time, by Budapest Municipality in collaboration with the Government. The acquisition of

construction of pedestrian areas with access to the elevators. Currently, BKK is preparing several projects which include the reconstruction and the extension of metro line 1, the procurement of rolling stock, the extension to Zugló area and the Польша: В течение 5 лет город Краков инвестировал 80 миллионов евро в трамвайный парк, а в ближайшие 5 лет будет выделяться 160 миллионов евро на приобретение новых транспортных средств и модернизацию парка. Болгария: Компании по общественному транспорту сталкиваются с проблемами финансирования проектов

the new Metropolis trains is part of a complex modernisation programme of the rolling stock fleet and, at the same time, of developing the public transport system in Budapest.The five-car 15 Metropolis trains are 80 m long and can carry 810 passengers, 164 on seats. The new metro trains have been designed in France and the traction system has been manufactured in Hungary. The vehicles can run at speeds of 70 km/h. The manufacturing of the body cases and their assembly have been made in Katowice, Poland, where Alstom Transport has a production centre. The cost of the entire project amounted to around EUR 1.5 Billion.

development of a link to tram lines, the development of the park & ride system, and the development of other road connection projects. The project elaboration is worth EUR 2.6 Million and the project is estimated at EUR 170 Million. инфраструктуры и приобретения подвижного состава, а это откладывает реализацию проектов. Венгрия: До 2020 года весь трамвайный и троллейбусный парк города Будапешта может быть заменен на транспортные средства с низкой платформой, ввиду повышения качества услуг и обеспечения доступности.

April 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

16 lex

EC: 120 measures for simplifying the accession of funds


M U LT I A N N U A L F I N A N C I A L F R A M E W O R K 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 2 0 A N D E U B U D G E T 2 0 1 4 ● THE FIGURES

[ by Pamela Luică ]

In March 2014, the European Commission adopted a package of over 120 measures for simplifying the rules of using European funds for the business sector, science, NGOs, cities and regions.

Heading 1a: Competitiveness for growth and jobs


ext to adopting the multi-annual financial framework 2014-2020 and the sectoral financing programmes, a series of objectives was reached on facilitating the access to EU funds for future beneficiaries. However, the EU institutions and member states should continue the simplification by adopting the necessary implementation and technical measures. “As of 2014, EU funds will be easier to access without compromising the monitoring of using EU funds. The simplification needs a continuous action applied by EU institutions and Member States. Around 80% of the EU budget is implemented by Member States and, therefore, efforts can prove successful in the EU, if simplification measures are adopted at national, regional and local level. We are inviting Member States to follow this example by further reducing the administrative problems of beneficiaries”, declared European Commissioner for Budget Janusz Lewandowski. The simplification efforts have been sometimes prevented by the divergent positions of the member states which triggered the introduction of several derogations and by too many detailed rules (such as financing through structural funds). Regarding the simplification examples, there should be “a simplified procedure to get reimbursement in research: single reMFF 2014-2020 Overview imbursement rate for all participants to a

Competitiveness for growth and jobs 0.8 %

Nuclear Safety and Decommissioning

14.7 % Large infrastructure projects (1) 1.4 %

Decentralised agencies

0.1 %

Pilot projects and preparatory actions

0.8 %

Actions financed under the prerogatives of the Commission and specific competences conferred to the Commission

1.0 %

Other actions and programmes

12.0 % Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

0.7 %

Customs, Fiscalis and Anti-Fraud

0.7 %

Social change and Innovation (PSCI)

9.4 %

Education, Training, Youth and Sport (Erasmus+)

1.7 %

Competitiveness of enterprises and SMEs (COSME)

56.6 %

Horizon 2020

project (“one project-one funding rate”) funds and this is unacceptable in a crisis and a flat rate for indirect costs; shorter period. Excessive bureaucracy is responsiEU budget 2014 (Commitment appropriations) ( ) deadline for payments to beneficiaries (90 ble for most of the EU budget and it also million days) in cohesion policy; E-cohesion: elec- slows down access toEURfunds. Smaller %grants Large infrastructure projects 2 417.1 14.7 tronic systems for beneficiaries to submit require simple procedures. Funds should be Nuclear Safety and Decommissioning 130.4 0.8 data, to use existing databases and to store allocated much faster, especially emergency Horizon 9 330.9 56.6 documents in2020 cohesion policy”, accord- cases. (…) The quality and efficiency of of enterprises SMEsAlso, (COSME) 1.7 ing to theCompetitiveness official web page ofandEC. “a projects should be more275.3 important criteria Education, Training, Youth and Sport (Erasmus+) 1 555.8 9.4 it is shorter duration to preserve documents: than the location (member state) where beneficiaries would need (PSCI) to keep docu- managed”, said Lewandowski. Social change and Innovation 122.8 0.7 ments related to EUandfunded Customs, Fiscalis Anti-Fraud projects for 118.3 0.7 9 maximum three Europe years”, is another example Connecting Facility (CEF) 1 976.2 12.0 of simplification mentioned by EC. Other actions and programmes 161.3 1.0 “Too much bureaucracy disheartens Actions financed under the prerogatives of thepoCommissionЕК: and 120 мер по 138.8 0.8 specific competences to the Commission tential beneficiaries in conferred the application for 2

M U LT I A N N U A L F I N A N C I A L F R A M E W O R K 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 2 0 A N D E U B U D G E T 2 0 1 4 ● THE FIGURES

Pilot projects and preparatory actions

MFF 2014-2020 Overview Decentralised agencies TOTAL Smart and inclusive growth 47 %

Economic, social and territorial cohesion 33.9 %

Compensations 0.0 %

Administration 6.4 %

Global Europe 6.1 % Security and citizenship 1.6 % Sustainable growth: natural resources 38.9 %

Source: European Commission

2014– 2020

the Multiannual financial framework

16 484.0

0.1 1.4


В марте 2014 года Европейская комиссия приняла пакет более 120 мер по упрощению правил использования европейских средств в деловом секторе, а также в сфере науки, неправительственных организаций, городов, регионов. Вместе с принятием многолетних финансовых рамок на период 2014-2020 гг. и программ финансирования по секторам был достигнут ряд целей в плане обеспечения доступа к фондам ЕС для будущих пользователей. Несмотря на это, учреждениям ЕС и государствам-членам союза следует продолжить упрощение за счет принятия необходимых мер по имплементации программ и технических мер.

(1) Galileo, ITER and Copernicus. (2) Due to rounding of the figures, some financial data in the table may appear not to reconcile.

Competitiveness for growth and jobs 13.1 %

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упрощению доступа к 18.6 238.5 финансированию


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18 Market development

South-East Europe Region needs to improve intermodal transport [ by Pamela Luică ]

Increasing accessibility in the South-East Europe region includes improved freight mobility, updating standards in the transport sector, developing sustainable mobility management models, integrating logistics chains and attracting innovative investments. In this context, the ADB Multiplatform project (Adriatic-Danube-Black Sea) combines these factors in territorial development for regional integration within the EU market, since intermodal transport in this area is still limited.


he objectives of the project is developing and promoting eco-friendly multimodal transport solutions in the ports included in the SEE Region Programme (the Black Sea, the Aegean Sea and the Adriatic Sea) to the countries and the regions Oldal: 3 / 4 stretching along the transnational networks. These objectives will be reached by developing and setting a multimodal transport platform that integrates different regions and decision factors of the specific business sector. The project is being implemented since 2012 and it will be completed+</ this year+--9<.381 with necessary funds ->3@3>3/= 19381 >9 =-2/.?6/. amounting to EUR 5.64 Million, of which +->3@3>C :6+8 A/ -</+>/. >91/>2/< A3>2 the EU co-financing EUR 4.8 Million :+<>8/<= 38@96@/. 38 is )" .?<381 </-/8> (85%), amount granted within the South7//>381= 8 >2+> 6312> A/ -97:6/>/. + East Europe Transnational Cooperation /8/<+6 Programme. =?<@/C ,C =?77+<3D381 3809<7+>398 0<97 :+=> +8. 98 19381 :<94/->= ADB Multiplatform seeks to develop the A3>2 </1+<. >9 >2/ 0</312> hubs, ><+8=:9<> 38 >2/ network of multimodal connected </1398 A3>238 A23-2 +</A 3./8>303/. through transport services and innovative :<94/->= :+=> to +8. 9819381 635/ & IT solutions, develop accessibility and $ $ ) & $ ! trade in SEE, to deliver a multimodal % & trans% & +8. 9>2/< >2<9?129?> >2/ =/6/->/. port as real alternative to road transport, -9<<3.9<= </6/@+8> >9 which could be re-directed to the ports :<94/->

• Black Sea to landlocked countries (BG to GRE /SB/RO/CRO/SLO/AT); • Northern Adriatic to landlocked countries (IT to SLO/CRO/AT/SK/HU/SB/ RO); • Inter Adriatic (IT to AL/MON/BG); • Danube River from Slovakia to Black Sea (AT/SK/HU/CRO/SB/BG/RO) of the Black Sea, the Adriatic Sea and the connection of port with landlocked counAegean Sea, by jointly applying multimo- tries in the SEE Region and, therefore, four dal transport actions. Within these objec- pilot situations have been implemented: tives, the railway network becomes the Black Sea to landlocked countries (Greece backbone of the transport system, being to Bulgaria/Romania and Corridor X); considered the right solution for the eco- Northern Adriatic to landlocked countries nomic agents in the SEE region by devel- (Austria/Slovakia/Hungary/Serbia), inoping railway corridor >2/ a main integrated 2+<7983D+>398 90 -?=>97cluding the complementary links to E and connecting the Black Sea to the landlocked W markets; Inter Adriatic (Corridor VIII) :<9-/.?</= countries, with sections to Adriatic ports; and connection of regional and local ICT the 66 integration of railway and 90 naval trans</=?6> +8. 9?>:?>= >2/=/ >2<//systems; Danube River from Slovakia to port+->3@3>3/= by enhancing the activity of the main the Black Sea. </:</=/8> >2/ ,+=3= 09< >2/ railway-naval hubs and the promotion of :2+=/ this</+63D+>398 intermodality,90 as well09<>2 as shifting traffic 3 / 7:6/7/8>+>398 90 :369> & >996= A2/</ >2/ to railways and navigable routes are part of ЎгО-Đ’ĐžŃ Ń‚ĐžŃ‡наŃ? Đ•вŃ€Опа A366 ,/ transport ./@/69:/. the 09669A381 objectives>996= of railway and><+-5381 its +8. ><+-381 =C=>/7 0</312> sys><+38= Đ˝ŃƒМдаоŃ‚Ń Ń? в ŃƒĐťŃƒŃ‡Ńˆонии consolidation in the freight09< transport 2+<7983D+>398 90 ?=>97 +8+1/7/8> инторПОдаНŃŒĐ˝Ń‹Ń… tem. %C=>/7= 38-6?.381 >996= 09< +?>97+>/. поŃ€овОСОк Regarding innovative logistics routes, the -+<19 challenge .9-?7/8>= 7+8+1/7/8> greatest for ADB Multiplatform 2+<7983D+>398 90 $ % +::63-+>398 consists in the method of +8. optimising the >9 Đ&#x;ОвŃ‹Ńˆонио Đ´ĐžŃ Ń‚ŃƒĐżĐ˝ĐžŃ Ń‚и в ЎгО-

/A=6/>>/< ?8/


Source: www.adbmultiplatform.eu

www.railwaypro.com | April 2014

Photo: www.portofconstantza.com

)3>238 >2/ 03<=> C/+< 90 >2/ :<94/-> >2/ 03<=> >2<// 79.?6/= 90 >2/ A9<5 :+-5+1/ 2+@/ ,//8 6+?8-2/. +8. ./@/69:/. 38 9<./< >9 :<9@3./ >2/ </6/@+8> 9?>:?>= +8. </=?6>= </;?3</. 09< >2/ </+63D+>398 90 >2/ 37:6/7/8>+>398 :2+=/ 90 :+-5+1/

Đ’ĐžŃ Ń‚ĐžŃ‡нОК Đ•вŃ€Опо вНочёт Са Ń ĐžĐąĐžĐš ноОйŃ…ĐžĐ´Đ¸ĐźĐžŃ Ń‚ŃŒ ŃƒĐťŃƒŃ‡ŃˆониŃ? ПОйиНŃŒĐ˝ĐžŃ Ń‚и ĐłŃ€ŃƒСОв, Đ°ĐşŃ‚ŃƒаНиСации Ń Ń‚андартОв, Đ´ĐľĐšŃ Ń‚вŃƒŃŽŃ‰иŃ… в Ń‚Ń€Đ°Đ˝Ń ĐżĐžŃ€Ń‚нОП Ń ĐľĐşŃ‚ĐžŃ€Đľ, Ń€аСвиŃ‚иŃ? ПОдоНоК ŃƒŃ Ń‚ОКчивОгО ŃƒĐżŃ€авНониŃ? ПОйиНŃŒĐ˝ĐžŃ Ń‚ŃŒŃŽ, инŃ‚ограции ĐťĐžĐłĐ¸Ń Ń‚иŃ‡ĐľŃ ĐşĐžĐš цопОчки и привНочониŃ? иннОвациОннŃ‹Ń… Đ¸Đ˝Đ˛ĐľŃ Ń‚ициК. Đ’ Ń?Ń‚ОК Ń Đ˛Ń?Си, прОокŃ‚ ADB Multiplatform (Đ?Đ´Ń€иаŃ‚ика-Đ”ŃƒнаКЧŃ‘Ń€нОо ПОро) Ń ĐžŃ‡ĐľŃ‚Đ°ĐľŃ‚ Ń?Ń‚и фактОры в торритОриаНŃŒнОП Ń€аСвиŃ‚ии, напŃ€авНоннОП на ĐžĐąĐľŃ ĐżĐľŃ‡онио Ń€огиОнаНŃŒнОК инŃ‚ограции на рынОк Đ•ĐĄ в ŃƒŃ ĐťĐžĐ˛Đ¸Ń?Ń…, кОгда инторПОдаНŃŒĐ˝Ń‹Đľ поŃ€овОСки в даннОП Ń€огиОно Đ˛Ń Ń‘ ощо ОгŃ€аничонŃ‹.

Market development 19

CIS countries, Georgia and Baltic States sign railway transport cooperation [ by Elena Ilie ]

At the end of February, CIS countries, Georgia and Baltic States signed in Tallinn a collaboration protocol on railway transport. By signing this protocol, EestiRaudtee, the national railway company of Estonia, hopes to increase the freight flow via Estonia. According to the new interstate agreement, an increased freight volume could be carried by railway up to Koidula, cross-border point located in the south-east of Estonia instead of Narva hub, in the north-east of the state at the Baltic Sea. Both the number of trains crossing Koidula and the train traffic schedule will be established based on the protocol.


he freight volume of Estonia’s railway transport operator fell in January 2014 by 19.2% compared to January 2013, mainly because of the 24% reduction of oil volumes for transport. ToomasUiboupin, EestiRaudtee Development Manager, said the fall was mainly caused by the fact that the comparison base was the previous year, when the Estonian company recorded a positive record of the volumes of shipped freight. The cooperation protocol signed should be favourable to Estonia because it enables an improved redistribution of transport tasks between the frontier points Narva and Koidula, so that certain products that have been shipped through Narvaso could now reach destination via Koidula as well. VyacheslavTkatckenko, Vice President of the Council for Railway Transport of CIS believes that Estonia benefits from a position

Source: mapioso.com

favourable to the transit of goods and therefore only transport capacity needs boosting. The greatest challenge for the Baltic States and Russia is to attract freight flows from China, declared AndrisMaldups, Director of the Transit Policy Department of Latvia’s Ministry of Transport. He said that the problem was not the competitiveness determined by the transit routes developed through Poland and Germany, but the transport of freight to the northern European countries. According to the Secretary General of the International Rail Transport Committee (CIT), Caesare Brand, the development of a common legal framework and of a legal transport mechanism are key elements for developing land transport connections between Europe and Asia. According to the estimates of the European Commission, of the three Baltic States, Estonia’s economy could experience a 4% growth

in 2014 and Latvia’s GDP is also expected to increase by 4.1% in 2014. EC continues to estimate that Latvia will once again have the highest economic growth of all EU countries in 2014. At the same time, EC expects Lithuania to have a 3.8% GDP increase in 2014. Moreover, according to the European Commission, the Estonian exports will be the engine of economic growth starting with the middle of the year. This segment is supported by Russia’s improved economic situation and by the countries in the north. Due to the increase of exports, the possibility of private investments will increase compensating for the reduction of public investments.

Страны СНГ, Грузия и страны Прибалтики будут сотрудничать в сфере железнодорожного транспорта К концу февраля месяца государства СНГ, Грузия и страны Прибалтики подписали в Таллине протокол сотрудничества в сфере железнодорожных перевозок. Эстонская национальная железнодорожная компания - Eesti Raudte - рассчитывает на увеличение потока товаров, проезжающих через Эстонию, в результате подписания этого протокола. В соответствии с новым соглашением о межгосударственном сотрудничестве, больший объем товаров может быть перевезен по железной дороге через пограничный пункт Койдула, расположенный в Юго Восточной Эстонии, вместо узла Нарвы, расположенного в северо - восточной части государства, у Балтийского моря. На основании подписанного протокола будет определяться как количество поездов, которые будут проезжать транзитом через Койдулу, так и расписание поездов. April 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

20 Market development

First tranche of EUR 12 Billion is available for TEN - T projects [ by Elena Ilie ]

On 26 March, the European Commission adopted the decision to endorse the first tranche of EUR 12 Billion for the development of TEN – T projects. This budget will increase key projects, part of the nine corridors of the TEN – T core network, and will support the development of the transport strategy objectives such as interoperability, promotion of intermodality and stimulation of innovation. The investment is necessary to reduce the discrepancy in the infrastructure of the East and West of the European Union. Thus, the Commission adopted the first work programmes: a multiannual work programme covering large and long-term projects, comprising a total budget of EUR 11 Billion and an annual work programme for 2014 which approaches smaller and less complex projects with a budget of EUR 1 Billion. The call for project proposals will be published before September 1, 2014


unds are thus the first to be allocated through the Connecting Europe Facility governing the EU funding for infrastructure projects in terms of transport, telecommunications and energy in 2014-2020. The two above mentioned work programmes, amounting to EUR 12 Billion, have established that the main priorities include eliminating missing connections in the cross-border points between EU states and eliminating major bottlenecks, especially the bottlenecks on the new corridors of the TEN - T core network. The funding priorities equally include the projects such as interoperability promotion to overcome technological barriers at national borders, especially in the railway sector; multimodality consolidation, in order to facilitate unitary chains of passenger and freight transport (including freight transport services) as well as the full

Source: www.europarl.be

www.railwaypro.com | April 2014 Transport

integration of urban hubs in the TEN - T network and especially in the corridors of the core network and the stimulation of innovative approaches in accordance with future technological trends (also covering the indispensable “communication” between infrastructure and vehicles). A strong emphasis is also put on the EU transport legislation and policy in areas such as the strategy for railway or sea transport, “the clean energy for transport”, the urban mobility and safety and telematics applications for all modes of transport. Through the new European Union policy on infrastructure, the EU funding for transport has tripled, reaching EUR 26 Billion for 2014-2020. At the same time, the transport funding is redirected to a new strictly defined core network. A major innovation of the new TEN-T directions consists in introducing in the core network the nine corridors for implementation. Their role is to

contribute in the development of the core network. Each corridor must include three modes of transport, three member states and two cross-border sections. These corridors are not virtually new, they shape and complete the core network within the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). The new core network will connect 94 main European ports to railway and road links, 38 major airports with railway links to major cities, 15 000 km of railway lines modernised for high-speed traffic, 35 cross-border projects aiming to reduce bottlenecks.

Первый транш в размере 12 миллиардов евро доступен для проектов TEN - T 26 марта Европейская комиссия приняла решение об освобождении первого транша в размере 12 миллиардов евро для реализации проектов, относящихся к TEN - Т. Этот бюджет будет способствовать реализации ключевых проектов, относящихся к девяти транспортных коридоров базовой сети TEN - Т, а также будет способствовать достижению целей в области транспортной стратегии, таких как взаимная техническая совместимость, продвижение многомодальности и стимулирование инноваций. Инвестиции необходимы для уменьшения отставания в развитии инфраструктуры между Восточной и Западной части Европейского союза. Комиссия приняла первые программ работы: Многолетнюю программу работы, покрывающую более крупные и длительные проекты, включающую общий бюджет в размере 11 миллиардов евро, а также годовую программу работы на 2014 год, которая занимается проектами меньшего размера и уровня сложности, с бюджетом в один миллиард евро. Заявки на проектные предложения будут опубликованы до 1 сентября 2014 года.

Policies & Strategies


TTE Council supports SHIFT2RAIL [ by Elena Ilie ]

The Transport Ministers Council of the European Union (TTE), reunited at the middle of March, adopted its position on a draft regulation of the EU Council aimed to established a public-private partnership called Shift2Rail Joint Initiative that would manage a work program on research and innovation to support the development of better railway services across Europe. The Shift2Rail objective is to double railway transport capacity, to reduce lifecycle costs by 50% and to increase the reliability and punctuality of railway transport services by 50%. The Shift2Rail mandate will end on 31 December 2024.

foreign competition, as well as to create jobs and increase exports. The budget proposed for SHIFT2RAIL in the financing period 2014-2020 is EUR 920 Million, EUR 450 Million of which will be allocated by the European Union and EUR 470 Million will come from the railway industry partners involved in the development of the research and technological innovation initiative. For research and innovation, of the EUR 450 Million allocated by the EU, EUR 180 Million will be allocated to the associated members and the rest of EUR 180 Million will be attributed to other partners. This objective seeks to attract the SMEs and the research institutes into the project. “SHIFT²RAIL is one of the top transport priorities of the Hellenic Presidency, it will move rail transport forward, and help the market grow. The European Rail Industry should remain the leader of the global market and SHIFT²RAIL is the instrument to achieve this”, declared Michalis Papadopoulos, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks for the Hel-

Photo: Kuehne + Nagel


hift2Rail, a technological project launched by the Association of the European Rail Industry (UNIFE), will play a major role in coordinating and informing interested parties about the research and innovation of railway services across Europe. The technological project will manage all railway-related research and innovation actions co-financed by the EU. Shift2Rail will actively promote the implication of all relevant interested parties, including, for instance, railway equipment manufacturers, passenger association, freight transport beneficiaries, as well as the relevant scientific community. The Shift2Rail performance will be measured with the help of quantity indicators, including a 100% increase of the railway system capacity, a 50% reduction of lifecycle costs and a 50% increase of reliability and punctuality. The innovative technologies and solutions to be developed, proven and validated by Shift2Rail are expected to stimulate the competitiveness of the EU railway sector compared to other transport modes and

lenic Republic. “Rail is facing significant competition from other transport modes and, from other regions of the world; in order to combat this SHIFT²RAIL combines a significant amount of EU and sector R&D resources with a long-term vision that will produce tangible results that contribute to the EU’s ambitious transport goals”, pointed out Olivier Onidi, Director for the European Mobility Network at the European Commission. Henri Poupart-Lafarge, President of Alstom Transport and Chairman of UNIFE, highlighted why the sector needs such dedicated funds to invest in rail R&D to increase the attractiveness of the rail mode and the competitiveness of the European rail industry, which accounts for 50% of the world market for rail supplies and services.

Совет Министров транспорта Европейского союза поддерживает SHIFT2RAIL Совет Министров транспорта Европейского союза (TTE), заседание которого состоялось в середине марта, утвердил свои позиции по проекту регламента Совета ЕС, направленного на создание частно-государственного партнерства под названием «Общая инициатива Shift2Rail», которое будет управлять рабочей программой исследований и инноваций в поддержке развития более качественных железнодорожных услуг в Европе. Цель Shift2Rail удвоить пропускную способность системы железнодорожного транспорта, снизить затраты на его жизненный цикл на 50 % и увеличить надежность и пунктуальность железнодорожных услуг на 50 %. Мандат Shift2Rail завершится 31 декабря 2024 года. April 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

22 lex

Technical Pillar of the Fourth Railway Package, essential for the competitiveness of the European railway market [ by Elena Ilie ]

The three basic pillars of the Fourth Railway Package clearly shape the establishment of consistent approval procedures for railway interoperability and safety (which actually form the Technical Pillar), the liberalisation of the domestic market of passenger transport and the establishment of better structures and authorities for infrastructure managers. The main objective of the Fourth Railway Package is to improve the quality and efficiency of railway transport services by removing the remaining obstacles, thus encouraging the performance of the railway sector and, therefore, competitiveness and economic growth. These obstacles can be grouped into four categories: technical, administrative, institutional and legislative barriers.


Public Transport (UITP) and the International Union of Railways (UIC) have confirmed their support for the Technical Pillar of the Fourth Railway Package. Thus, the vote of transport ministers within the Council for Transport and Energy gathered in mid-March 2014 on the third and last part of the Pillar Technical – consolidation of the role of ERA – confirms the support for the European railway industry and market. The European organizations mentioned above, along with a number of other national associations in the rail industry underline that the Technical Pillar represents one of the priorities of the European railway sector. The Technical Pillar contributes to increasing the competitiveness of railway transport as a sustainable mode of transport but also to the completion of its role as the main industry in and for Europe. The Technical Pillar of the Fourth Railway Package is a fundamental landmark in the way of establishing a Single European Railway Area and should be implemented unanimously by all the interested parties. The quick implementation of the Technical Pillar means a “green light” for the European railway sector and for the creation of the Single Euro-

Photo: stockarch.com

he relatively poor performance of railway transport in the last decade reflects a low level of efficiency and quality of railway services compared with other modes of transport. According to the latest studies available, this situation can be attributed to the presence of several obstacles preventing the access on the market for the new operators and the extension of service providers, thus blocking the domestic railway services. The lack of standardization, the existence of a highly specialised rolling stock, the investment costs resulted, as well as the input and output costs on the railway transport market, are significant problems for the single transport market. The authorization procedures are long and troublesome and the fees for safety certificates are high. Last year in December, important “voices” of the European railway sector including the European Rail Industry Association (UNIFE), the European Rail Freight Association (ERFA), International Union for Road-Rail Combined Transport (UIRR), the Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER), the International Union of Private Wagon Owners (UIP), the International Association of

www.railwaypro.com | April 2014

pean Railway Area. The Technical Pillar is of great importance for the entire railway sector because it will reform the way in which the authorisation procedures of railway vehicles are performed in Europe. It will lead to faster, more efficient and less costly authorisation procedures, offering to European railway operators and citizens new rolling stock in a faster and more predictable manner. In the idea of creating an internal market for railway equipments, the Technical Pillar represents a headstone of the Single European Railway Area. It will help create a strong basic market that the European railway industry needs to maintain its global leader position.

Техническая опора IV Железнодорожного пакета наряду с SHIFT2RAIL крайне необходима для обеспечения конкурентоспособности европейского железнодорожного рынка Три основные опоры IV Железнодорожного пакета четко определяет последовательные процедуры согласования эксплуатационной совместимости и безопасности железных дорог (эти две составляющие образуют Техническую опору), либерализацию внутреннего рынка пассажирских перевозок и создание лучших структур и органов для администраторов инфраструктуры. Основная задача IV Железнодорожного пакета заключается в повышении качества и эффективности услуг железнодорожного транспорта за счёт преодоления оставшихся ограничений и поощрения развития железнодорожного сектора, следовательно повышения конкурентоспособности и обеспечения экономического роста. Данные ограничения можно сгруппировать по четырем категориям: технические, административные, институциональные и законодательные ограничения.

Market development 23

Constanta Seaport: between central and local authorities

[ by Pamela Luică ]

Constanta Seaport is one of the main distribution centres serving Central and Eastern Europe with a series of advantages due to the port’s multi-functionality, modern facilities, direct access to the countries in the region through the pan-European Corridor VII-Danube (being, at the same time, located on the routes of the pan-European Corridors IV and IX), distribution centre of containers to Black Sea ports, providing connections to all transport modes, Ro-Ro and Ferry Boat terminals which provide fast connection to the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea ports. The port also has a Free Trade Area statute enabling to establish the general legal framework necessary to facilitate foreign trade and freight transit to and from CEE.


ith a total traffic of over 55 million tonnes of freight (2013), constantly growing in the past three years, the development projects of the authorities mainly focused on increasing the port’s capacity, facilitating access and providing modern and sustainable infrastructure so as to reduce travel time and decongest railway and road traffic. The Transport Master Plan is aimed to create the premises for promoting the development of the port in 2014-2020 by planning the best transport infrastructure investments. In February 2014, the National Company Maritime Ports Administration of Constanta signed a services contract worth EUR 904.5 Thousand, VAT excluded, on the elaboration of a new Master Plan that will be ready in 12 months. The draft Master Plan has been submitted to receive financing through SOP-T 2007-2013 from structural EU and state budget funds and the financing demand was approved in October 2013. The Master Plan includes the elaboration of a strategic planning of the port on medium and long term (until 2040), to ensure a continuity of the port’s development, while efficiently exploiting the existing resources and infrastructure oriented to the real market needs. From the point of view of railway infrastructure, the port benefits from railways with a total length of 300 km and the authorities consider the development of this network. The project consists in the development of a systematised railway complex to best serve operators. The first phase will include works to the railways providing access to operators based on the traffic forecast until 2020.

The cost is estimated at EUR 17.6 Million. The finalization of the entire project will increase railway capacity for freight transport from and to the river-maritime sector, will improve transit through the port on the TEN-T network and will dissipate the traffic congestion generated by the development of the activity. 14% of shares will be listed on the Stock Exchange This year, central and local authorities expressed different opinions about the privatisation of the port, including removing it from the authority of the Ministry of Transport and transferring it to the local authority. “The citizens have to be the sole beneficiaries of the projects resulted from the port’s incomes”, declared Radu Mazăre, Mayor of Constanta. The project according to which the port will be managed by local authorities is supported by all the representatives of local administrations with port to the Black Sea. The new Minister of Transport, Dan Şova (appointed in March 2014), wants to give a 13% stake in the port to the Municipality, with the current stake increasing from 20% to 33%. At present, the main shareholder of the port is the Romanian State, through the Ministry of Transport with a 60% stake, followed by Constanta Municipality and the Property Fund, each with a 20% stake. “The Ministry of Transport plans to give a new 13% stake to Constanta Municipality and to list 14% of shares on the Stock Exchange. This way, we will have a perfect balance between the central authority and the

Constantza Port - Partnership Agreements

Constanta Port - Partnership Agreements

Source: ConstantzaPort

local authority, as the Ministry of Transport will have a 33% stake, Constanta Municipality a 33% stake, thus ensuring the equal representation of central and local interests in Constanta Seaport, while 34% of shares will be private”, the minister explained. According to the Minister, the advantage of listing 14% of the port’s shares on the Stock Exchange is the transformation of the administration of Constanta Seaport into public company which means all operations and acquisitions have to be transparent because stock exchange listing is not possible otherwise. Also, the measure will increase investments in Constanta Seaport and it will obviously increase the economic activity of the private operators in the port, as well as freight traffic. In March, Prime Minister Victor Ponta declared that at least third of the shares could be listed on the stock exchange to attract the interest of private investors. “Who buys 5% of the port’s shares? Why should a foreign investor buy 5%...? We either sell third of the shares so that we could have interest from private investors, or we don’t sell at all. I believe this is how all companies would work. I believe in the implication of private capital in state-owned companies”, said the Prime Minister. He concluded that as much private capital as possible should be attracted to develop the infrastructure.

Порт Констанца: между центральными и местными властями В этом году центральные и местные власти высказали различные взгляды по вопросу о приватизации порта, в том числе о его выводе из подчинения Министерства Транспорта и переходе в подчинение местных властей. Новый Министр транспорта Дан Шова (который был назначен в марте 2014 года) хочет передать Мэрии пакет в размере 13% от акций порта, тем самым пакет Мэрии будет увеличен от 20% (сколько имеется в настоящее время) до 33%. Основным акционером порта в настоящее время является румынское государство, через Министерство транспорта. Оно имеет 60%акций, затем следует Мэрия Констанцы и Фонд «Собственность» - у каждого по 20% акций. April 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

To encourage the increase of traffic goods, Constantza port has

24 Policies & Strategies

Turkey consolidates its position on the transport and logistics map [ by Pamela Luică ]

Turkey, one of the most dynamic economies among developing countries, is the bridge on the east-west axis and a reference for trade between Europe and Asia. The authorities plan to implement projects and programmes which encourage development, one of the most important objectives being to place Turkey among the first 10 global economies by 2023. The advantage of the geographical position (on Europe-Asia, Russia-Africa axis) allows Turkey to be a transport hub of goods estimated at over USD 2 Trillion. In this context, it is essential for Turkey to develop its transport infrastructure and logistics.

Overall, the industry is expected to experience strong growth in the near future…


Thousand KM

TEU million

Growth Projections of Turkey Figure 9: Growth Projections of Turkey rade in Turkey has significantly 16 35 CAGR, 2012-2023 increased. The region is more and 14 30 more active and present in the global 12 25 12% trade system. In 2012, the country’s share in 10 20 international trade was 1.2% and forecast for 25% 8 15 6 2025 show an increase which exceeds 1.5%. 3% 10 4 The national economy, which increased by 5 2 10% 5% annually over the last decade, provides 0 0 … … … many opportunities for the transport and 2012 2015 2019 2023 Motorways High Speed Railways logistics sector. In this sector, private and Conventional Railways Container Port Capacity public investments have improved and the Source: The Logistics Industry in Turkey - Deloitte study • Turkey has ambitious targets for 2023 for the logistics industry. In order to attract more investors to the construction of new airports stands proof, logistics industry, Turkey is diversifying its modes of transportation for carrying freight and passengers. as well as the construction of new railways to become a key point on the world’s map Agency attached to the Prime Minister of • According to the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communication, in 2011, 80% of freight and (high-speed) and the development of ports. of logistics. Republic (ISPAT). Also, “projects for the construc90% of passengers were transported via roads while the only Turkish 5% of freight and 2% of passengers moved within Turkey.are Turkey is determined modes also of transportation order to reach a The Government’s objectives on infrastruc- tionvia As the TCDD operatesinmaritime ports of railway logistics centres initiated. Theseto diversify more balanced state. Thus, it plans to decrease the percentage of freight carried via roads to 72% by 2023 and ture improvement for 2023 include: the centres arethe aimed reduce transport costs (Haydaparşa, Derince and Izmir) and has increase share to of railway transport to 10%. increase of rail transport share to 10% and by •supplying (construction of locoservices forforeign different transport Moreover, Turkey’s 2023 trade target of USD 1.1three trillion,subsidiaries in which USD 500 billion will be exports, will bringIt forth the need forthat development the total transportation and logistics industry of andpassenger diversify thecoaches modes of – to 15% for passenger transport and freight modes. motive – Tülomsaş, is estimated by 2023in the transportation. transport respectively, the construction of volume of freight carried in these centres Tüvasaş and of freight wagons - Tüdemsaş), another 9,000 km of high-speed railways, will amount to USD 500 Billion and, ac- Turkey begins to promote railway freight the construction of three ports and the in- cording transport and tries to identify new methods to TCDD’s Investment Support anddevelopment plan, the Promotion Agency of Turkey crease of maritime freight transport to 10% company wants to invest TRY 514.9 Mil- of increasing its market share (for example, and of container transport by 15%. lion (USD 230 Million) in these centres”, in 2012, over 25 million tonnes of freight Next to road and maritime transport infra- shows the document “The Logistics Indus- were transferred to railways and figures are structure, Turkey implements projects on try in Turkey”, launched at the end of 2013 increasing). The railway sector has many Figure 4: Growth ofcorridors Import by & the Export of Goods of railway freight Investment Support and Promotion opportunities for investors because Turwhich the development key launches projects for the extension of Forecast of Turkey, 20112018 Growth of Import & Export of Goods Forecast of Turkey, 2011- 2018 other the high-speed network, the rehabilitation 20% normal of existing lines, the modernisation of inard and frastructure and used technology and for 15% the improvement of transport and logistics operations. critical 10% Diverse economy helps ore, as logistics develop e, this 5% dustry. A strong and diverse economy will help 0% extend the logistics industry whose value 2011a 2012a 2013f 2014f 2015f 2016f 2017f 2018f 2003is “estimated at USD 80-100 Billion and -5% growing to USD 108-140 Billion until Exports Imports 2017”. The development of industry will be Source: The Logistics Industry in Turkey - Deloitte study Source: Standard & Co.

reign trade volume will lead to in the transportation and

Source: IMF

www.railwaypro.com | Aprilof2014 Note: Valuation exports are based on free on board (FOB), valuation of imports are based on cost, insurance, freight (CIF).


finalized, the partnerships between the public and private sector will not cease. • The method enables TCDD to reduce operating costs and increases efficiency since private companies supply Policies & Strategies 25 labor and equipment. Table 10: PPPs in the Sector Acquirer

Deal Value


Limak, Kolin and Cengiz Construction

TCDD Ankara High-Speed Train Station

N/A – Operating license for 19 years, 7 months

Eoro Rapid TR

TCDD Antalya-Alanya Railway Project

USD 5.5 billion

Kolin İnşaat-Savronik-GCF

TCDD Ankara-Sincan Railway Northern Line Project

TL 69.7 million

YSE Yapi-Tepe İnşaat

TCDD Bursa-Bilecik High Speed Railway Project

TL 1.3 million

CNR China

TCDD Ankara-Konya High-Speed Railway Project

USD 263.5 million

The China Civil Engineering Construction Cooperation

TCDD Ankara-Konya High-Speed Railway Project(2023)

USD 35 million

Source: Emerging Markets Insight, Deloitte Analysis

influenced by the liberalisation of railway projects efficient, will increase financing Asian railway axis and those from the Investment Support transport. As of May 2013,and the new railway levels, the expertise provided by the com- Aegean Sea of Turkey are included in the Promotion Agency of Turkey transport law associated with liberalisa- panies with experience in the industry. future RO-LA transport”, the document tion will break state monopoly in railway “One of the many opportunities com- states. The Aegean Logistics Villages will transport, replacing it with a competitive ing from privatisation and partnerships be put into the RO-LA network in Turkey and free business environment, allowing is connecting the railways to the existing to diminish the traffic of load. The RO-LA TCDD to develop its activity as infrastruc- production centres and plants, companies, route will be from Istanbul to Bandırma ture manager. The law will improve and ex- logistics centres and ports. Even after ex- and Mudanya, where it will connect to the pand the network with investments made ceeding the concession time and the PPP Aegean Railway line. by the public sector and private investors. is completed, public-private partnerships The Ministry of Transport will grant ex- will not stop. The method permits TCDD Aegean Logistics Villages will be put into ploitation rights to the private companies to reduce operation costs and to optimise the RO-LA network in Turkey to diminish that want to build the network and to sup- efficiency”, states report. routes will further the traffic of load. The RO-LAto route will be Newthe RO-LA connect Turkey ply freight and passenger transport serfrom Istanbul to Bandırma and Mudanya, Europe vices. Under the law, “when companies Based on strong trade relationships with where it will connect to the Aegean RailFigure 52: RO-LA Routes for Turkey want to build railway infrastructure, the Europe, RO-RO transport has become es- way line. • RO-LA is the way of transporting highway property requested for infrastructure will sential for transport in Turkey. It allows vehicles (lorry, truck) on railroads. It is most developed such be expropriated by the ministry and the companies towidespread avoid ingetting the countries permits as Austria, Sweden, Italy and Germany. cost will be collected by the company, imposed by Balkan (andtransport associ- in 22% ofcountries the combined Europe (460,000 tonnes) is handled via while the easement right will be granted to ated costs) to pass through these countries; RO-LA. the company for approx. 49 years”. moreover, it •reduces companies’ The TCDD the started this project in costs order to improve infrastructural bases for RO-LA As a result of the liberalisation process, in- and increasestransportation. efficiency. “Trieste Port is Bulgarian, Romanian, Slovenian and logistics Hungarian operators railroads and vestments will be accelerated, an integrated preferred by the Turkish private sector companies such as UND have logistics network will be created, as well as due to its easybeen access to asthe mainforEuropean selected partners the project. • Logistics centers that trade are on the Trans-Asian industrial areas and airports, all these sig- locations. In 2012, continent amountRailways and ones that are on the Aegean nificantly stimulating Turkey’s economy. ed to USD 190side Billion. Turkey operates RO-LA on Logistics Centers of Turkey are included for the RO-LA transportation the future. The Government encourages private com- RO-RO line which is anin alternative to the Logistics Villages will be put into the Time Elapsed panies to collaborate with TCDD to acce- Syrian border• Aegean and carries thou-the Routes Distance (km) RO-LA network around in Turkey 100 to diminish (hours) traffic of Middle load. The RO-LA route will be from lerate the development of railway transport sand vehicles to the East. Istanbul to Bandırma and Mudanya, where Turkey-Bulgaria-Romania2,119 87 Hungary-Austria and to achieve a performing infrastructure. it will connect the to Aegean Railway line. Turkey-Bulgaria-Serbia and Therefore, it becomes important for the Apart from the RO-RO route, the new Montenegro-Croatia1,962 72 authorities that public investments would RO-LA routes will efficiently complete Slovenia-Austria and 1,840 70 be correlated to private investments to de- Turkey’s connections to Europe. TCDD Turkey-Bulgaria-Serbia Montenegro-Hungary-Austria velop railways, ports connectivity, logistics has initiated this project to improve incentres, production centres and plants. frastructure centres for RO-LA and has The implementation of the public-private selected railway companies from several Backed by Turkey’s strong relationships model in developing the railway sector trade countries as partners in thiswith project: BulТурция укрепляет willEurope, create assets, such as transportation work force, will garia, Romania, Slovenia Hungary. RO-RO has become an and essential свою позицию на карте make planning and the implementation of Turkey “The logistics centres located on the Transtransportation medium in транспорта и логистики



Investment Support and Promotion Agency of Turkey

RO-RO Routes Statistics

RO-RO Routes Figure 51: RO-RO Routes

Table 11: RO-RO Route Statistics Year


Sevastopol Haydarpaşa Ambarlı

790 81 7 1,578 2,456

237,438 25,063 2,130 96,252 360,883


Trieste Toulen Marseille Other Total

815 118 0 2,707 2,910

221,214 37,505 0 139,358 398,077





Çesme Mersin

RO-RO Ports Magosa

Source: The Logistics Industry in Turkey - Deloitte study times, • Multimodal logistics is designed to cut transit decongest heavily used modes of transport and reduce logistics cost. • RO-RO transportation mode allows transportation companies to avoid dealing with certificates (and

# of Vehicles

Trieste Toulen Marseille Other Total

Kavkaz Novorossıysk Tuapse


# of Ships Arriving From





Source: Maritime Trade Statistics Report 2013

• The Trieste port is favored among Turkish logistics operators due to its ease of access to major locations in Europe and over USD 190 billion trade volume conducted with the continent in 2012. • The number of vehicles transported via RO-RO increased CAGR 7% from 2003 to 2012.

Турция - одно из государств с наиболее динамично развивающейся экономикой, которое представляет собой связующим мостом по оси восток-запад и стало точкой отсчёта для товарообмена между Европой и Азией. Преимущество географического расположения (на оси Европа-Азия, Россия-Африка) позволяет Турции играть роль узла грузоперевозок, стоимость которых достигает 2-х триллионов долларов. В таком контексте, развитие транспортной инфраструктуры и логистики становится крайне важным. April 2014 | www.railwaypro.com


26 leaders

Progress with the development of cross-border connections in the Eurasian platform have headed the bill in the past years, especially since an intensification of railway routes is desirable in this region mostly for giving up maritime routes which are longer and more expensive for operators and final customers. Development of the Trans-Siberian and Baikal-Amur routes, cooperation between different countries for consolidating transit documents, the possibility to harmonise railway legislation, the high level of investments necessary for infrastructure and rolling stock, the facilitation of customs fees, the improvement of container transport, as well as the opportunities for railway business development between Europe and Asia are topics of major interest for the railway sectors of both parties, Europe and Asia. Mr Gennady Bessonov, Secretary General of the Coordinating Council of Transsiberian Transportation (CCTT,) talks about these very current and interesting topics in his interview for Railway Pro. www.railwaypro.com | April 2014



Russia invests EUR 227 Million by 2015 in developing container transport on the Trans-Siberian

Interview with Gennady Bessonov, Secretary General of the Coordinating Council of Transsiberian Transportation (CCTT) [ by Elena Ilie ]

Railway PRO: At the beginning of the year, Russian authorities announced investments of around EUR 6.5 Billion by 2017 in the modernization of the Baikal-Amur (BAM) and Trans-Siberian railways. More exactly, five sections of the Trans-Siberian will be rehabilitated. What benefits do these investments bring to both local and international traffic? G. Bessonov: Developing the East

operating domain of Russian Railways, primarily the Trans-Siberian Mainline (TSM) and the Baikal-Amur Mainline (BAM), is the infrastructure priority, due to expanding market for intercontinental freight transport and logistics services and the trend for big West European, US and Japanese companies to move their manufacturing and industry to China, Indonesia and other Asian countries. RZD OAO is actively preparing for an increase in freight volumes, especially in the Far East. In the view of growing freight traffic we rely largely on the Trans-Siberian Mainline as part of the East-West transit corridor. Last year Russian government approved RZD’s programme of modernization of the Trans-Siberian Mainline (TSM) and Baikal-Amur Mainline (BAM) by 2020 worth 562 billion roubles, 302 and 260 billion to have been invested by RZD and state sources respectively. Today RZD estimate the total cost of the TSM and BAM modernization programme at 1.2 trillion roubles. The updated project regards the freight flows from Kuzbass and the forecast more than double growth by 2020 to 71.8 million tonnes.

BAM neighbouring regions host more than 25% of Russia’s lead, copper and vanadium deposits and more than half of zinc reserves. BAM and Transsib modernization will provide the capacities, necessary for further development of extracting industry in the regions. Elimination of bottlenecks, increase in capacities and reduction of traffic load on infrastructure will ameliorate business activity in Eastern Siberia and the Far East, improve their transit capabilities and contribute to realizing transit traffic opportunities of Russia in general. Through traffic from Asia to Europe will partly shift from the sea route to the rail one, the delivery time of the latter being about three times less. Railway PRO: Can you tell us a few words about the cooperation protocol that the Coordinating Council on TransSiberian Transportation (CCTT) and Russian Railways (RZD) signed in order to improve traffic on the Trans-Siberian route by 2020? G. Bessonov: RZD is one of the major founders of the CCTT, which is constantly working within its objectives towards increasing the competitiveness of TransSiberian transportation and searching for coordinated approaches to its development, aiming for the Trans-Siberian route achieving a leading position in the global freight transport market. The CCTT take are involved in developing a set of long-term measures to TSR freight transport commercially attractive and cost efficient, as well as to maximize the efficiency of interaction between all par-

Russia could set up the shortest transit corridor Asia-Europe-Asia and successfully compete with the sea route via the Suez Canal by means of a direct rail communication with the Republic of Korea

Gennady Bessonov ties in the logistics chain. These activities provide for a comprehensive approach to developing Trans-Siberian container services, involving railways, sea legs and ports, featuring freight forwarders and freight forwarders’ associations of Europe, Russia, the Republic of Korea, Japan and Austria. They also include steps towards establishing a competitive rate for foreign trade and transit shipments, improving TSR foreign trade and transit shipment logistics, and refining the principles of cooperation between CCTT member railways, freight forwarders and operators on the TSR freight-attracting activities. The CCTT also internationally coordinate the activities of parties involved in Trans-Siberian transportation (to ensure on-time delivery and safety of cargo) and provide information support for transport services. Our events and activities are focused on the key aspects of freight transport development, such as introducing new logistic solutions and management schemes, wide use of advanced technologies and attracting investments into innovative business projects. The decisions taken by CCTT members are used by RZD as a basis for their long-term development April 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

28 leaders prehensive approach to increasing competitiveness of TSR container services and attracting more goods. Apart from conditioning the TSR to adopt electronic carriage and technological documents to facilitate exchange of information between all the parties involved in freight traffic, we, the CCTT, are also promoting the use of software and hardware complexes and legal electronic document management Railway PRO: What are the measures implemented to develop railway connections with Central Asia and the Caucasus, Central and Eastern Europe, as well as with Scandinavia and the Baltic States?

concepts and concrete steps to solve the problems of the ever-changing market for transport services. For instance, RZD’s Programme for the Development of Container Transport on the Trans-Siberian Route for the Period Until 2015, adopted in June 2009, was based on the decisions of the previous Plenary Meetings of the CCTT. The investments into the budget for implementing this programme until 2015 total about 11 billion roubles. Transsib in 7 Days is an innovative transport project developed and launched as part of the programme, which will make a 7-day delivery time and 1500 km per day block speed possible for freight trains running from Far East ports of Russia to the western borders. We presume that increasing transit traffic is possible only through adopting block container train technologies, providing for a fixed train schedule and block speed of over 1200 km per day. The time of delivery from northeast provinces of China, the Republic of Korea and Japan to Europe must not exceed 17-20 days, provided that the difference between the prices for rail and sea do not exceed 1000 USD. Railway PRO: What can you tell us about the measures adopted to improve and increase container traffic in order to attract a higher volume of the goods of foreign operators on the Trans-Siberian route? G. Bessonov: Improving container transport and attracting more cargo on the TSR have become more relevant than ever before, and all the problems related need a comprehensive approach to tackle.

First, to improve the competitiveness of Trans-Siberian transport services against www.railwaypro.com | April 2014

both alternative modes of transport and routes and attract more cargo RZD uses tariff setting. For instance, since 2012 the rates for container train services from Europe to China via Ukrainian border crossing stations, Brest and Zabaikalsk have been reduced by 33% and those from Russia to Uzbekistan via Russian Far East ports. Moreover, since 2014 RZD has reduced cargo handling rate by 11% for container train services on the route Kanisay – Krasnoye from China and backwards via Brest. Second, a favourable customs framework is essential for competitive growth, and this is an area of RZD’s cooperation with the Federal Customs Service of Russia. To adopt advance electronic presentation of cargo information to customs RZD and the Federal Customs Service are developing a special communication system. Advance presentation of information on cargo, which is subject to customs control, rules out delays caused by incorrect or incomplete information provided by the cargo owner and reduces overall transit time. Nevertheless, the speed, at which goods are transported across Russia, is not the only aspect of TSR’s efficiency as an international transport corridor. It should ultimately give the economy more than just carrying capacities. There is a need to ensure not only highest possible speed of cargo flows and least possible transport expenses, but also to offer transport services of a new quality standard, which meet international requirements. To maintain a competitive quality standard it is just as important to ensure a safety and security. Satellite technologies have become an important component of traffic management and security systems. It is worth mentioning RZD is now replacing separate components of such systems with innovative end-to-end technologies. Advanced IT is a key tool for a com-

G. Bessonov: As I mentioned before, great investments in modernisation and development of the TSM and BAM serve not only the interests of domestic transportation, but also contribute to unleashing Russia’s transit traffic potential. An increase in transit volumes on the Transsib, being the backbone of the EastWest ITC, will boost the development of regular rail communication between various regions of Europe and Asia. Even now there is a number of successful transit services, launched with the participation of the CCTT, which connect the regions you have mentioned. The Baltic Transit, for instance, is one of the most outstanding services, which celebrated its 10th anniversary last year. The service carries goods from big Baltic ports (including Riga, Ventspils, Tallinn, Muuga, Paldiski and Klaipeda) to Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Iran and China. Eurasia-1 and Eurasia-2 container services link the ports of Riga with Central and Southeast Asia. Annual growth of their cargo volumes clearly indicates their success. Developing infrastructure and growing carrying capacities will result in an increase in the number of services like these, connecting opposite ends of Eurasia, including the regions you have asked about. Besides, simplification of customs procedures contributes to the development of cost-efficient freight services, too, for instance, the use of single transport document for all containers making up a block train. Railway PRO: What can you tell us about the use of the CIM/SMGS consignment note? How useful is it and what benefits does it bring to cross-border interoperability? G. Bessonov: The CIM/SMGS consignment note frees the parties involved in transport operations from rewriting carriage documents when crossing the border between states of two different legal frameworks, CIM and SMGS,


which saves the consignor 40 euros per each document. Being recognized as an international customs and banking document, it significantly simplifies customs formalities and reduces delays at the border stations by 10-12 hours. The CIM/ SMGS consignment note ensures a high level of legal certainty clearly sets the route and distributes transport expenses between the consignor and consignee. Moreover, it is a guarantee of compensation of losses in case of damage to or loss of the cargo as well as prevents inevitable system errors of document conversion. Since adopted in 2006, the coverage of the CIM/SMGS consignment note has increased manifold and is still growing. This is, to my mind, the key indicator that the CIM/SMGS consignment note is an effective tool for legal interoperability. Railway PRO: In your opinion, what are the efficient measures for the integration of the Trans-Siberian in the European and global transport systems? G. Bessonov: The integration of Russian railway system, including its backbone, the Trans-Siberian mainline, into the global transport network is one of the major strategic objectives of RZD, the achievement of which greatly influences the company’s position in the global transport market. The TSM is integrated in transport networks through infrastructure projects, which expand the coverage of Trans-Siberian freight services and potentially attract more cargo flows. Besides, deep integration of the TSM, which is the basis of the rail network of Russia, into the European and Euro-Asian transport systems contributes to attracting transit cargoes, which is another strategic objective aimed at increasing competitiveness of Russian Railways. For instance, Russia could set up the shortest transit corridor Asia-EuropeAsia and successfully compete with the sea route via the Suez Canal by means of a direct rail communication with the Republic of Korea through modernizing the Trans-Korean mainline and connecting it to the Transsib. In the course of this project RZD is developing a new route for container traffic: port of Rajin (North Korea) – Tumangan (North Korea) – Khasan (Russia) – Russian rail network – Europe. The project includes the reconstruction of the rail line between Tumangan and Rajin in North Korea, construction of a container terminal in the port of Rajin and establishing regular freight services involving the new infrastructure. The opening ceremony of the Khasan – Rajin rail line took place on 22nd September 2013 in the port of Rajin after its reconstruction. The project has opened new opportunities for multilateral inter-

national cooperation, which is important for the Rason special economic zone of North Korea, Russian Far East and the whole countries. In the course of integrating Russian railway network into the European transport system the project of a 1520 mm rail line from Kosice (Slovakia) to Bratislava and Vienna is actively implemented by a four-party joint venture of Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine and Russia. Lots of managers of the European transport sector, our colleagues from Ukraine, international transport professionals support this integration initiative. Besides, the project has gained outspoken support by the EU. In 2010 Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, an international consulting company, first presented their report on the prefeasibility study of the project, which had found that the project would be able to attract from 16 to 24 million tonnes of goods onto the route by 2050. Extension of the wide gauge rail line from Kosice to Bratislava and Vienna will also save time of wheelset change. And in the long run 33 countries of Western and Central Europe, Central Asia and Far East, as well as Russia, will economically benefit from it. A feasibility study of the project started in August 2013. Working towards global integration of Russian Railways it is no less important to ensure competitive tariffs, to use information technologies and to establish legal interoperability of international freight traffic, and these matters are tackled through creating a common economic space of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus. Our railways are actively involved in this process. The traffic between our countries is barrier-free; we use common technologies and make our tariffs closer. All these activities significantly contrib-


ute to the competitiveness of rail freight services in the global market and improves their cost-efficiency, which is actually the ultimate objective of integrating Russian rail network and the TSM in particular. Railway PRO: What is the current situation and how do you estimate the new business perspectives that refer to Europe-Asia railway traffic? G. Bessonov: Europe – Asia TransSiberian container traffic totalled some 640 000 TEU in 2012, and it is expected to grow to 1 million TEU by 2020. Outstripping growth rates of container traffic are a global trend, with respect to which RZD developed the Conception for Integrated Development of Container Business. The Conception outlines a series of measures essential for the development of container traffic, which facilitate the possible role of railways as an integrator of containerization in Russia. One of the most important measures under the Conception is harmonization of transport law within the Euro-Asian transport network, simplifying border crossing procedures and eliminating the problems associated with division points. It also provides for balanced tariff policy measures aimed at harmonized competitive end-to-end rates. Besides, it promotes the principles of partnership to replace competition and contribute to the coordination of activities to develop the infrastructure of transport corridors and border crossing points. The Conception outlines the need to attract large-scale long-term investments

April 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

30 leaders through setting up international investment companies. This will make it possible to focus the financial resources on the key areas and prevent the infringement of interests of single countries. Another important point of logistics business development is creating logistics operator companies which offer a whole range of licensed transport, warehousing, customs broker and coordinating services. An effective IT environment, ensuring continuous tracking of cargo and monitoring its safety is another key aspect of competitive and promising business projects. Finally, the Conception stipulates the construction of “railway ports” in industrial and transport centres of our countries, as well as in China and Western Europe. It meets the needs of rapidly developing regions of China, where significant industrial capacities of manifold high-tech producers, carmakers and producers of consumer goods are located. These goods are sensitive to transport conditions, and delivery time is of primary importance for them. It is this source of cargo that will primarily raise the volumes Trans-Siberian traffic between Asia and Europe in the near future. Even now we have a number of regular container services operated on the TSR, which connect the Asia-Pacific region with Europe and offer significant time saving as compared with the sea route. For example, the Chongqing (China) – Duisburg (Germany) block train service, a joint project of RZDL, Kaztransservis, Schenker China and CQCT saves about 50% of time as compared with the sea route and travels 11 180 km in 17 days. Another container train service Chengdu (China) – Duisburg (Poland) – Grossbeeren (Germany) by CRIMT, RZDL, Kaztransservis and Schenker China shows almost the same characteristics: its travel tame equals 16 days. Growing high-tech production volumes will only raise the demand for high-quality transport services, therefore Trans-Siberian transport will offer great opportunities for business development. As one of the priorities of its strategy, RZD establishes mutually beneficial partnership with adjacent railways, which comprise sections of international transport corridors, with the purpose of creating end-to-end transport products. And it is the Coordinating Council on Trans-Siberian Transportation that plays an important role in fulfilling this objective. Railway PRO: What can you tell us, in a few words, about the Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2012 between the Coordinating Council on Trans-Siwww.railwaypro.com | April 2014

berian Transportation and UIC? What news do you have and how does the memorandum evolve? G. Bessonov: The Memorandum of Cooperation, signed by the CCTT and UIC in 2012, covers all the fundamental areas of joint work of our organizations as well as future areas of cooperation. It was worked out with due regard to the key world trends, which to some extent affect the areas of CCTT and UIC’s competence. These are globalization of economic processes and growth of EuroAsian and transcontinental cargo flows. The Memorandum presents an exhaustive list of our lines of our cooperation: increasing competitiveness of international transportation, transport policy, security, use of IT and statistics, innovations, cooperation in the field of science and education. In the course of joint work with the UIC Freight Platform the CCTT Secretariat participates in the meetings of the UIC Global Team of Experts on ITC,

established under the auspices of the UIC Freight Department. The CCTT’s competence includes transport modeling (that is modeling the dependence between the delivery time and cost-efficiency; working out a competitive endto-end rate) and logistics. Regarding the UIC Security Platform, the CCTT Secretariat heads the subgroup on the security of international transport corridors of the Security – BIRC Working Group. Presently our organizations cooperate through Expert Group on International Transport Corridors and Security BIRC working group and makes energetic efforts to develop an end-to-end technology for en route cargo safety. The group’s activities also include developing a joint CCTT-UIC guide book on safety of cargo carried in covered wagons and containers by rail between Europe and Asia. The major areas of CCTT-UIC cooperation, outlined by the Memorandum, are continuously updated in the course of our joint work.

До 2015 года Россия будет инвестировать 227 миллионов евро в развитие контейнерных перевозок по Транссибирской магистрали Прогресс в области развития международных путей сообщения на евразийской платформе является “главой списка” за последние годы, особенно с учетом того, что необходимо усиливать движение по железнодорожным маршрутам в этом регионе, в частности необходимо отказываться от морских перевозок, которые являются более длительными и дорогостоящими для перевозчиков и для конечных потребителей. Развитие Транссибирской магистрали и Байкал-Амурской магистрали, сотрудничество между различными государствами ввиду консолидации документов для транзита, возможность унификации законодательства в железнодорожной отрасли, высокая степень инвестиций, которые необходимо сделать в инфраструктуру и подвижной состав, снижение таможенных тарифов и обеспечение льгот, улучшение контейнерных перевозок и возможности развития железнодорожного бизнеса по направлению Европа - Азия это темы, представляющие широкий интерес для железнодорожного сектора по обеим сторонам: в Европе и в Азии. Об этих исключительно актуальных и интересных вопросах вы сможете прочитать на следующих страницах, в интервью генерального секретаря Координационного Cовета Транссибирских Перевозок (КСТП), Геннадия Бессонова, журналу Railway PRO.

lex 31

EU Council agreed on the proposal defining ERA’s new attributions [ by Elena Ilie ]

During the reunion of the Council of Transport Ministers of the European Union, in March, the Council agreed on a general approach about the proposal for defining the new attributions of the European Railway Agency (ERA) that would reflect its future role in the certification of railway safety and authorisation of railway vehicles. The draft regulation is the third and final part of the fourth railway package’s technical pillar, whose completion is expected to increase economies of scale for railway undertakings across the EU and reduce administrative costs.

and administrative barriers, especially by establishing a joint approach of safety, costefficiency and administrative norms and by accelerating administrative procedures and avoid hidden discrimination. Without damaging its role in elaborating the European legislation on interoperability and rail safety, it is obvious that, at the time being, ERA does not have major surveillance and control competencies as regards national rail authorities, infrastructure managers and market players. Its responsibilities in terms of monitoring are practically limited to monitoring safety and interoperability performances, believes the European Commission. The Commission’s proposals that refer to enhancing the role of the European Railway Agency seek to eliminate the existing technical and administrative barriers aimed to increase the competitiveness of the railway sector compared to other transport modes and to continue developing the single European railway area. Operational objectives include by 2025, the removal of all unnecessary national rules, a 20% reduction in the time to market for new railway undertakings above the baseline situation in 2025 and a 20% reduc-

Photo: stockarch.com


t should also help to avoid any covert discrimination in the issuing of safety certificates and vehicle authorisations. One of the key priorities of the European transport policy is to develop a single European railway area. For this purpose, four major objectives have to be achieved, namely promoting the development of an efficient railway infrastructure, creating an attractive and really open market, eliminating administrative and technical barriers, developing easy and plain procedures and ensuring fair competition conditions with other transport modes. To regulate these problems, ERA will become the only authority in charge with railway safety certification and authorisation and this regulation should be developed at the same time with the implementation of the Fourth Railway Package. Over the past decade, the railway market in the EU has known significant changes gradually introduced by three “railway legislative packages” aimed at opening national markets and at enhancing interoperability across the EU and railway competitiveness. The Directive on the interoperability of the rail system within the European Union is part of the Fourth Railway Package and aims to eliminate the final technical

tion in the cost and duration of the authorisation of rolling stock above the baseline situation in 2025. Following the analyses carried out, the European Commission has elaborated a series of options aimed to enhance ERA’s role. Therefore, we can talk about greater coordination role for the Agency in ensuring a consistent approach to certification of railway undertakings and vehicle authorisation or the transformation of ERA into a one-stop-shop, where the final decision on certification and authorisation remains with the NSAs but ERA performs entry and exit checks of applications and of the decisions. Another option that needs further debate refers to the sharing of competencies between NSAs and ERA, where the final decision on certification and authorisation is taken by the Agency. ERA taking over activities of NSAs in relation to certification of railway undertakings and vehicle authorisation is another option that could become effective if the legislative package will be adopted in the current form.

Совет ЕС согласовал предложение, определяющее новые полномочия ЕЖА По случаю мартовского заседания Совета Министров Транспорта ЕС было принято решение об общем подходе к предложению об определении новых полномочий Европейского Железнодорожного Агентства (ЕЖА). Новые полномочия будут отражать будущую роль Агентства в сертификации безопасности на железных дорогах и авторизации железнодорожных транспортных средств. Проект регламента составляет третью - последнюю - часть Технической Опоры Четвертого Железнодорожного Пакета, завершение внедрения которого прогнозирует масштабный экономический рост на уровне компаний по железнодорожным перевозкам по всей территории ЕС, а также снижение > административных затрат. April 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

32 Market development

Greece sells 67% stake in the Port of Piraeus [ by Pamela Luică ]


08 09

Piraeus, the largest port in Greece and one of the largest to the Mediterranean Sea, plays a vital role in the development of the international trade activity, as well as of the national economy. 10 km away from the centre of Athens, it is the main gateway for the imports and exports of Greece. Likewise, its location near the international trading routes makes it an international hub ensuring cargo transhipment through the necessary infrastructure. For Greece, Piraeus is the main cruise port (50%) and the main container port (90%).

Competitive advantages of the Port of Piraeus

An advantageous geographic position on the crossroads of Asia-Africa-Europe.

Adequate infrastructure facilities and natural deep draughts for the service of the largest container and car carriers. until led to the increase of container transit. he development programme - without including future investments,


2016 and stimulation of logistics According to the the Operation under the free zone status type I. National Bank, the in- Piraeus should absorb 6.8% of the Mediteractivities made by the government ternational traffic in Piraeus could increase ranean transhipment traffic, which is not far the could determine launch ofofthe thecontainer port from 2 million TEU to 2.5 million from achievements in 2012. Including Operation and car terminals onina 2012 24-hour basis, 365 days perthe annum. in the first 5 container hubs, declared the TEU in 2015. “Transhipment is the main the increase of the capacity planned for the Gradually differentiated offering discounts for of containersof the third one Development Minister Kostis Hatzidakis. tariff factor that influenced theincreased dynamicstranshipment of the Pierquantities II and the construction Along with the intention announced by the Port of Piraeus in the past years and repre- by 2015, Piraeus will operate 7.6% of the and cars. government, Piraeus is currently elaborat- sents ¾ of the container traffic in the port. Mediterranean transhipment traffic mar Competitive tariff for the storage of infrastructure cargoes. ing the development programme, since The new investment will de- ket”, indicates the report. the operator Cosco Pacific (China), which termine the capacity increase by 60%, al2013 was the fourth profitable year, due A large number of feeder services with most of the main ports of the Mediterranean. has two piers, will build a third one (with a lowing an increase to 2.5 million TEU by to the developments made in 2009, a turnocapacity of 1.1 million TEU) and willintegrated pro- 2015, from 2 system million on TEU 2012”, indiof EUR 115 Million, and as a result, the Application of an information theinoperations of thever port. vide transport services to three big compa- cates the bank report (Container Ports: An authorities decided to establish a develop Operating under security conditions on international standards and regulations (ISPS). nies (such as Hewlett-Packard and Huawei Engine of based Growth). ment programme amounting to EUR 960 Technologies Co). The investments allocatThe report states that, based on the esMillion. Qualified and experienced staff ed up to now by the Chinese company have timates, “with the existing infrastructure Although it has a potential of traffic inOdessa


www.railwaypro.com | April 2014

Market development 33

Port Privatisation Options Port Privatisations Options



Port Landowner

Port Operator




TEUs per metre of quay






TEUs per m2 of area





TEUs per berth (,000)





TEUs per crane (,000)













Private-III (3%)





Source: The Port of Piraeus in the European port market, YIORGOS ANOMERITIS Chairman and CEO of Piraeus Port Authority SA


China and Russia are still interested

Piraeus years of

er ΙΙ and

To stimulate the demand of the sea and railway transport, the Greek Government plans to privatize 12 ports, the most important ones being Piraeus and Thessaloniki. The entire national program for the sale of Greek assets is estimated at EUR 11 Billion, and for the sale of the stake in the two ports, the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (HRADF) estimates that the value reaches EUR 450 Million, says the local media. In the case of the Port of Piraeus, the authorities will sell a 67% stake in the port. Therefore, the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund has announced in March the initiation of the privatization process of the port. “Considering the comments made during the discussions of the Economic Affairs Committee, HRADF has approved the terms of the international tender process for the sale of a 67% stake in the port. The


Piraeus port container operations


d (mainly


encies in

ard costs








Traffic 2012 (million TEUs)




Capacity 2012 (million TEUs)




Capacity 2015 (million TEUs)





Length (m)




r during

Area (,000 sq.m)




Quay cranes




Dockers' team (members)




o offered

0 million

0 million. TEUs

Source: Container Ports: An Engine of Growth, * Piraeus Container Terminal SAGREECE (COSCO) NATIONAL BANK OF


5. with the

Source: Port authorities

tender process will be launched soon and will be completed within a year”, shows the press release of the institution. Currently, the port is owned at 74.14 %, the remaining 25.86 % stake being sold in 2003 (through listing on the Athens Stock Exchange). The authorities have completed elaborating the terms of the call for tender, which have been presented to Parliament and, after the approval, the tender will be launched. The purchase of the stake package would be of interest for Cosco operator which would plan to invest EUR 1 Billion in the Port of Piraeus. “Cosco Pacific Ltd has already expressed interest in acquiring the Piraeus stake. Piraeus Container Terminal, the company’s Greek unit, has operated Pier II at Piraeus Port under a concession agreement and is building a third pier”, declared at the beginning of the year Miltiades Varvitsiotis, the Greek Shipping Minister. Likewise, during a meeting with the Chinese Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Greek Development and Competitiveness Deputy Minister, Notis Mitarakis, required the Chinese investors to participate in the tender of the Port of Piraeus. Along with the Chinese company, interest

Potential Container traffic for Greek ports mil. TEUs


TransshipTotal Transit Capacity ment Traffic 2012








0,2 0,5

0,4 1,6

0,00 0,01

0,6 2,1

1,0 2,6



















2015 Piraeus







0,2 0,5

0,4 2,1

0,02 0,90

0,6 3,5

1,0 4,7



















Source: Port authorities, NBG estimates

Large Medium

por of as





* Ports are considered Large for container traffic over 750,000 TEUs in 2011 and Medium-sized for annual container traffic between 250,000 and 750,000 TEUs.




An In

Erasmus University Rotterdam

crease, the main reason for the limited use of the port as an important container traffic point is the reduced competitiveness of the land (rail and road) transport network both in Greece and in the neighbouring countries.

Mediterranean average* Piraeus Thessal.

Source: International, Port authorities, in theContainerization tender was announced in March by NBG estimates

the president of the Russian railway company, Vladimir Yakunin. “It is an interesting Mediterranean container project because we can estimate the railway by said country (2011) transporttraffic traffic”, Yakunin, answering Container port capacity to a question from the media referring to Turkey utilization 12% toMalta theEgypt company’s intention participate in 6% Israel 16% South Asia the privatization of the Port of Piraeus. 5% 76% Middletender East The initial for the port privatization 76% Morocco South Asia 72% could beEast launched at the end of April and 4% Africa the offer, said Yakunin. Italy will send 70% RZD We 18% that Greece FarRZD East also considers important 69% recall 4% Central America 67% investments in the privatisation ofPortugal Rosco, Mediterranean* 67% TrainOSE and the port of Thessaloniki, 2%but World the company hasFrance 67% “for the moment not sent South America as Greece works with 66%the 2% a final decision Spain Otherthe Lebanon North 60%comEU, which believes that railway 20%Europe 2% North America 54% first”, pany Trainose should9% be privatized Source: Containerization explained Yakunin. International, NBG estimates

Gre Med BO gain Me

acco  up





Med Bas thei (i.e

carg tota


… w cap early stage, and we expect them to be completed Gre 0%

20% 40% 60% 80%

* Mediterranean data on our sample on Container region traffic inbased Greek ports 2017. theInternational land and /rail links of thetraf po Source:Moreover, Port Technology Drewry cen 3,2 NBG estimates 2008, network is an important prerequisite for thecenp the 2,4 potential. esti reg 1,6 ave the

Therefore, considering the business plans of the t agre 0,8

term capacity utilization of 70-75 per cent in both p 0,0

expected to attract 75 per cent of the GreekPira tr 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012


Port Regulator


million TEUs

Port Models

Container terminal productivity 2012


gate million TEUs) and Thessaloniki the other 25 per Piraeus Thes s aloniki Other port TEUs). Source: Eurostat, Containerization International


(like It is important to note that Container traffic in transit flows Греция продаёт 67% Mediterranean ports transshipment flows) offer far(2011) more revenue port and BANK OF GREECE акций Пирейского порта acco Valencia NATIONAL (Spain) the Greek economy (about 4.5 times more per TE Port Said (Egypt) 76 Пирей,the крупнейший порт Греции Algeciras (Spain) create corresponding land иfreight transpo Ambarli (Turkey) один из крупнейших средиземноморских The below).играет Marsaxlokk (Malta)существенную роль в портов, Gioia Tauro (Italy) our развитии международной торговой

Tangier (Morocco) деятельности и национальной than Barcelona (Spain) Combining the three types of container экономики. Genova (Italy) sha В ближайший период власти выставят Piraeus (Gr) and transshipment transit), Greek ports could at на продажу 67% акций Пирейского La Spezia (Italy) порта. Таким образом, развития Haifa (Israel) million TEUs in 2015,Фонд up from 3 million TEUs in 2 Whe DamiettaГреческой (Egypt) активов республики в марте At this (France) point, is important to note that these Marseilles объявил о началеit процесса приватизации com Alexandria (Egypt) порта. underestimate Greek ports’ market share, in view

Izmir (Turkey) geo Livorno (Italy) high quality services and Cosco’s vertical integ (Sp Taranto (Italy) April 2014 | Transhipment www.railwaypro.com Cagliari (Italy) owning one of the world’s largest container shippi to t Malaga (Spain)


34 Policies & Strategies

CAREC 2020 Strategy, a more integrated approach to improving transport and logistics [ by Pamela Luică ]

The Transport and Trade Facilitation Strategy (TTFS) for 2014-2020 aims at a more integrated approach for improving the transport and logistics infrastructure and for promoting the commercial activity in the CAREC region.


n order to increase trade in Central Asia, CAREC (Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation) will have to extend the corridors to the main gateways to the other markets and to implement an optimized approach for efficient management of corridors. For the development of long-distance multimodal transport services connecting the railway and road links with logistics centres, will require the allocation of investments. The strategy will ensure continued development of the infrastructure corridor while the emphasis will be on improving the quality of logistics services and the increase of connectivity. “For the infrastructure, the emphasis is on the railway for the /CR 5RGEKƁE %QTTKFQT 'ZVGPUKQPU

long-distance freight transport and, in case of services, the strategy aims the need for connectivity between the 6 CAREC corridors and the main ports providing access to global markets”, shows the strategy. In order to provide quality services, it is vital to extend and complete the six multimodal corridors, whereas it is estimated that they will have to ensure a major market share in transport and trade in the region. After funding the projects and launching the operations, CAREC corridors will provide services that will contribute to the increase of national and regional competitiveness, productivity and mobility. Of the 108 projects, 32 are in progress and 76 are new, and on the rail segment “the

Specific Corridor Extensions

Refined Transport and Trade Facilitation Strategy 2020

new railway investments include construction and infrastructure rehabilitation works, track doubling, optimization of signalling and electrification systems. The logistics investments will focus on connections between rail and road transport in the railway hubs and between rail and sea transport in the ports”, explains the TTFS. According to the stock-take reports, “the share of the freight transit volume (tonnes) transported between Europe and Asia on CAREC corridors did not reach the 2% objective, but the volume of intraregional trade (between CAREC states) increased by 49%, exceeding the 25% growth target”, shows the report. As regards the railway infrastructure, 3,407 km of line were built, doubled or electrified within the TTFS programme. In the increase of the commercial activity, railway transport plays an important role, offering options more efficient than road, especially on long distances. “Although currently the dominant mode of transportation (by volume) in the freight transport in CAREC region is road, railway transport is the dominant mode of transport (80%) for export and transit needs. Also, the container trains have proven to be much more competitive compared to sea transport and, by costs, compared to air transport”. There is an increasing number of trains partially providing scheduled transport services, which are organized by the private sector, based on the national railway transport to provide coordinated programmes. “Most states in the region face deficiencies regarding the technology and the railway infrastructure quality, as well as delays in maintenance, including bottlenecks. This requires new railway links, as well as improvements of the rolling stock and cargo trains and mixed ones, the creation of more

Source: CAREC Secretariat. Source: CAREC Secretariat


www.railwaypro.com | April 2014


Policies & Strategies 58

Map A4.1

Source: CAREC Secretariat Source: CAREC Secretariat.

efficient operations and a better management of the cross-border links. The main railway corridors CAREC require further development in order to provide the conditions for a unified transport between the national railway systems”, mentions CAREC strategy. Increase of freight volume, encouraged by investments in railway projects CAREC 2020 has established the general strategic objectives focusing on the extension of the commercial activity and competitiveness optimization. The improvement of the connectivity to markets requires the facilitation of the freight and passenger transport between CAREC state borders and the markets outside the region. This will allow the increase of the intraregional trade based on the proximity of markets and the increase of the interregional trade with the states in Africa, East Asia, Europe and Middle East. Under the circumstances, establishing competitive corridors in CAREC region, facilitating the Figure 2

efficient freight mobility in the region and outside the region and developing a sustainable and safe transport system remain the main objectives of the strategy. To stimulate the commercial activity and the freight volumes, the development of CAREC network (6 corridors) remains a priority. Some of the initially configured corridors remain incomplete, without connecting ports or intermodal hubs, which limits the efficiency of freight flow increase. The main corridor extensions include the development of the connectivity with the ports in the region and outside it, the introduction of alternative routes to reduce distances along the corridors, the development of missing links, of the railway network serving the CAREC corridors, enabling them to obtain the advantages of long distance railway transport and the establishment of intermodal hubs to support effective delivery and freight collection. In order to promote the international Implementation Action Plan trade competitiveness, the revised strategy supports the development of regional railway system serving CAREC network. “Investments will be provided for the increase

Comparative Summary of Ongoing and New Investment Projects per Subsector

Competitiveness for growth and jobs

Ongoing Infrastructure Investments

Railway 24%

Road 65%

Source: CAREC Secretariat. Source: CAREC Secretariat

Airport 3%

New Infrastructure Investments Port 6% Trade 2%

Airport 4% Railway 28%

Road 62%

of railway capacity, including for the execution of new constructions, the line renewal and doubling, the optimization of signalling and electrification systems”. The improvement of the railway transport will require not only sufficient capacity to enable the obstacle-free movement of trains, but also the coordination of cross-border transport to allow the programming of services from origin to destination. “Given the massive investments involved, the development of CAREC Summarynetwork of Investment ($ billion) after railway willProjects also continue Ongoing New Total 2020.” By Cost The fulfilment of the strategy goals will Estimates require the completion of Road 11.4 13.2 the 24.6projects inRailway progress and 4.1 the implementation of 6.1 10.2 new projects the technical assistance Airport and Civil and 0.5 0.9 1.4 ones. AviationThe strategy includes 108 investment Port andprojects Shipping with 1.0 a total 0.1 cost 1.1of USD 38.8 Billion and 0.0. 48 technical assistance Logistics 0.0 0.2 projects having an0.4estimated cost of USD Trade Facilitation 0.9 1.3 74.6 Million. Out of the 108 projects, 76 Total are new and have a17.4 value of21.4USD38.8 21.4 Bil lion dollars and the 32 projects in progress amounting to USD 17.4 Billion.

Appendix 4

Designated Rail Corridor Map

Designated Rail Corridor Map

Port 1% Logistics 1% Trade 4%

Summary of Investment Projects ($ billion) Summary of Investment Projects ($ billion) By Number of Projects Road Railway Airport and Civil Aviation Port and Shipping Logistics Trade Facilitation Total

Ongoin g 3 2 10



35 15 5

38 17 15

15 0 2 32

2 6 13 76

17 6 15 108

Figure 2 Comparative Summary of Ongoing and New Investm

Source: Asian Development Bank. CAREC transport and trad

Стратегия CAREC 2020: интегрированный подход 21 к оптимизации транспорта и логистики Стратегия Перевозок и Улучшения Торговли (TTFS) на период 2014-2020 гг. касается более интегрированного подхода к улучшению транспортной и логистической инфраструктуры и к продвижению торговой деятельности в рамках Центральноазиатском Региональном Экономическом Сотрудничестве (CAREC). Для усиления торгового обмена в Центральной Азии, CAREC (Региональная Программа Экономического Сотрудничества в Центральной Азии) будет расширять свои коридоры в сторону основных точек открытия других рынкови будет внедрять оптимизированный подход к эффективному управлению транспортными коридорами. April 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

36 Policies & Strategies

Rethinking transport strategies in the Eurasian platform [ by Elena Ilie ]

Most governments, both in Europe and in the Central-Asian Platform, are now trying to encourage the development of the railway freight transport, mainly due to its low polluting impact and lower transport costs. However, one can only admit that the main disadvantage of this transport mode is the lack of flexibility, but also the presence of physical and non-physical aspects have hindered the railway freight traffic in international transports.


well as Northern and Southern Korea. The costs for the development of all infrastructure projects on the TAR network are estimated by ESCAP specialists to reach yearly USD 224 Billion for the next 10 years. The Trans-Asian Network could link Europe through a so-called south corridor via a railway tunnel underneath the Bosporus Strait in Turkey, which is currently under construction, and via the existing railways across several Asian countries to China’s east coast. However, by creating routes that are dedicated to the railway freight transport on the Eurasian platform, the players in the field intend to remove barriers, at least at the administrative level, by emphasising the advantages of long-distance railway routes compared to maritime routes. New political strategies aim at a Eurasian platform more and more connected by railway freight transport. Therefore, either we are talking about the Trans-Siberian Network, the Trans-Asian Network, the North-South Corridor (Russia-Iran and

Photo: calink.kz

pecialists in the field estimate that any new freight traffic across Asia will be diverted away from maritime shipping and the level of diverted traffic will highly depend on the net benefits to freight customers offered by the railways over sea carriers. The Trans-Asian Railway (TAR) is one of the most representative initiatives for the revival of the Silk Road, set up for boosting operational efficiency, economic relevance and commercial use of the railway transport infrastructure in Asia. The created network is aimed at setting a link between Singapore and Istanbul, offering the possibility to continue railway connections to Europe and Africa. To illustrate the development potential of the Network as the backbone of container transport, ESCAP promoted, with the support of OSJD, a number of test transports in container block trains along different routes on the northern corridor of the network; this corridor links Europe and the Pacific via Germany, Poland, Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China, as

www.railwaypro.com | April 2014

then to India), the new (Iron) Silk Road or the recently launched freight routes from Germany to Russia and China, these are only few of the attempts to revive and, at the same time, strengthen the position of long-distance railway freight transport for the purpose of underlying its advantages compared to maritime transport in terms of a much more reduced travel time. Once completed, the North-South Corridor will be another example to support long-distance railway routes as it will significantly reduce the freight transport time currently spent on the sea from 45-60 days to 25-30 days.

Пересмотр транспортных стратегий на евразийской платформе Создание маршрутов для железнодорожных грузовых перевозок по Евразийской платформе нацелено на устранение барьеров, по крайней мере на административном уровне, чтобы выделить преимущества железнодорожных маршрутов перед морскими путями к морю, когда речь идет о больших расстояниях. Новая политическая стратегия намеревается создать такую Евразийскую платформу, которая всё более тесно работает за счёт усиления железнодорожных грузовых перевозок. Таким образом, когда речь идёт о Транссибирской сети, Трансазиатской железнодорожной сети, Коридоре Север - Юг (Россия-Иран, в сторону Индии), о Новом (железнодорожном) Шелковом пути или о недавно запущенных грузовых маршрутах из Германии в сторону России и Китая - это лишь несколько примеров попыток активизации и укрепления позиции грузовых перевозок на большие расстояния, в целях выделения их преимуществ перед морским транспортом, поскольку время пребывания в пути в первом случае гораздо короче. >

Policies & Strategies


Iran-Turkmenistan-Kazakhstan railway will be operational in 2014 [ by Elena Ilie ]

In less than five months, we could see the railway corridor connecting Iran, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan fully operational. The declaration has been made by SeyedMasoud Nasr Azadani, Deputy Director of the Construction and Development of Transport Infrastructure Company in Iran (CDITC).

Turkmenistan built over 180 km of railways and has only 90 km more to build. The North-South Corridor will facilitate freight transport from Central Asia to the Persian Gulf and its launch would reduce the route of freight transport between the two regions by over 600 km. The corridor will be the most important international connection between China and Europe. According to studies, 3-5 million tonnes of freight will be carried in the first phase and 10-20 million tonnes of freight will be carried on this railway route after the finalization of the entire project. Countries such as Armenia, Azerbaijan and even Afghanistan have manifested their interest in developing the railway network of this corridor. Turkey is also ready to access the Iran – Turkmenistan – Kazakhstan railway transport corridor, declared Turkey’s President Abdullah Gül at the middle

of last year. According to Iranian Railways (RAI), the operation of the Corridor will significantly reduce freight transport time from 45-60 days at present to 25-30 days. “For the deployment of the railway line, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Iran have initiated the construction of the Uzen-Gorgan line along the Caspian Sea to replace the longer actual route to Iran”, declared Vadim Morozov, Vice President of Russian Railways.“For the first time in history, the construction of this route will make possible the establishment of a rail connection of around 4,500 km from St. Petersburg to the port of Bandar Abbas (Iran) in the Persian Gulf and a shorter connection between North-East and Central Europe to the countries in Middle East and South Asia”, added Morozov. The line will be used for the organisation of international container railway traffic.

Линия Иран Туркменистан - Казахстан будет введена в эксплуатацию в 2014 году

Source: www.railways.kz


uring a reunion with the Turkmen party in February, it was established that in the next five months the railway connecting the three countries could become operational. Iran has built most of this corridor on its territory and we now have only 400 metres to build”, added Azadani. The declarations have been confirmed by Mohammad JavadZarif, Iran’s Minister of Foreign Affairs. KhanmamedAtaev, Chief Engineer for Turkmenistan’s Ministry of Transport, said the Government in Ashgabat will meet its obligations in the project so that its part of the corridor could be completed in 3 months. Ataev also said that in six months, Iran and Turkmenistan will build a bridge over Atrek River. Thus, Turkmenistan could complete works in October. The Iran – Turkmenistan – Kazakhstan railway is part of the North-South international transport corridor. In 2013,

Менее, чем через пять месяцев мы сможем увидеть полностью работающий железнодорожный коридор, соединяющий Иран, Туркменистан и Казахстан. Заявление было сделано Сейедом Масуд Наср Азадани, заместителем директора Общества по строительству и развитию транспортной инфраструктуры в Иране (CDITC). «На встрече с туркменской стороной, в феврале месяце, было установлено, что в течение ближайших пяти месяцев может быть введена в эксплуатацию железнодорожная линия, соединяющая три страны. Иран построил большую часть этого коридора на своей территории, и в настоящее время нам осталось достроить всего 400 метров», сказал Азадани. April 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

38 Policies & Strategies

Transport Market Study for new rail freight corridor connecting EU and non-EU countries

[ by Pamela Luică ]

In 2013, the European Commission published a report on the implementation of the Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR). According to the document, EU promotes the concrete transnational projects, supports the coordination of different policies and national and EU funds with a strong impact for 20142020.


ccording to the report, the EU un- member states are currently negotiating. derlines the political importance of We want EC to maintain leadership in the the region by strategically support- implementation of the EU strategy for the ing the ministries and the concrete progress Danube region in 2014-2020 as well and with the implementation and also encour- to continue to support and coordinate the ages the development of the cooperation activity of member states in this area. We platform. also hope that the importance that national During the Danube Forum reunion (18 and regional parliaments will pay to the EU March), the main achievements were ana- Strategy for the Danube Region would inlysed three years after the launch of the crease over the next programming period”, Strategy and of the Action Plan on this declared Adriana Țicău, the initiator and region, but also the future projects for its president of the Danube Forum in the EP. development. “For implementing the EU For the implementation of the strategy, Strategy for the Danube Region, it is es- the future EC report (to be published in sential that the strategic projects for the de- June) on the review of the macro-regional velopment of the Danube Region included strategy governance is of maximum imporin the Action Plan of the strategy would be tance. included in the Cooperation Agreements “Based on the debate on the relevance of and in the Sectoral Operational Programme regional macro-strategies, the report will for 2014-2020 that the Commission reflect a new approach of the EU’s strucCore Network = Core and Tasks

tural and cohesion policies, essential for the elaboration of Partnerships Agreements (PA) and Operational Programmes (OP) for the programming period 2014-2020”, declared Carmen Podgorean, Romanian National Coordinator for EUSDR. For the railway freight transport, EC’s latest report said that by the end of 2014, a transport market study has to be elaborated for the new freight corridor connecting EU to non-EU countries to identify a clear perspective of the role of this corridor (improved journey time and average speeds, punctuality, interoperability, simplified procedures, traffic forecast). Thus, a joint proposal on the extension of corridors or of the new corridor should be added to the list of freight corridors by several member states and the Commission. The deadline of this work is set for December 2014.

Core networks = Core tasks

До конца 2014 года необходимо провести исследование рынка для нового железнодорожного коридора для грузовых перевозок


Source: Danube Region Transport 2013 -A. Beikos J. Schneider PRESENTATION

www.railwaypro.com | April 2014

European Investment Bank

По сегменту железнодорожных грузовых перевозок, в рамках Дунайской стратегии, самый недавний отчёт ЕК уточняет, что до конца 2014 года необходимо провести исследование рынка для нового железнодорожного коридора для грузовых перевозок, соединяющего государства ЕС и государства, не входящие в состав ЕС. Целью исследования является выявление чёткой перспективы роли этого коридора (с точки зрения оптимизации времени пребывания в пути и средней скорости движения, пунктуальности, взаимной совместимости, упрощения процедур, планирования движения). 12


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40 Policies & Strategies

Silk Wind, getting China closer to Europe [ by Pamela Luică ]

The first high-speed train, a part of the Silk Wind project, which will ensure the container transport on the ChinaEurope axis, will be launched this year. Within this project, the four states involved prepare the documentation for the signature of the intergovernmental agreement. After the completion of the infrastructure projects on this route, the Silk Wind train will cover the distance between West China and Istanbul in WIND only 12 days. MEMBER-COUNTRIES OF PROPOSED SILK PROJECT


he creation of the first high-speed train for container transport on the route China-Kazakhstan-Caspian region-Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey-Europe (with a total length of 4,192 km), will be launched this year, but the countries participating in this project have not signed it yet. “The first block train will be formed on the route as part of the Silk Wind project next summer if the project partners sign the agreement in Astana by next spring. Much depends on Kazakhstan’s railways and on the Chinese direction. Basically, today Kazakhstan is working to attract cargo from China”, said National Secretary of TRACECA Intergovernmental Commission in Kazakhstan, Marat Saduov. Initially, the Azerbaijani Government has agreed to sign the agreement on the Silk Wind, but now it has reconsidered the option, which would require a change. To start the project, the working group meeting (at the end of February) gathered experts from Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Turkey who have negotiated the elaboration of the intergovernmental agreement for which a number of suggestions and comments have been applied, explained Akif Mustafayev, Secretary General of TRACECA in Azerbaijan. “The Kazakh side has proposed a tough schedule legalization the agreement, SILKofWIND BLOCK of TRAIN ROUTE assuming its initialling in April in Tbilisi and its signing in May in Astana. Of course,


a lot will depend here on the completion of the internal procedures in the countries involved. In our opinion, if the agree24.04.2012 ment is signed in 2014 and its realization is launched, it will be a stunning success of the project,” Mustafayev said. Likewise, according to the system proposed by Kazakhstan, the containers from China will be delivered by rail to Aktau and from there by ferry to Baku and then by rail to the Georgian ports and by ferry to the ports in Turkey and Ukraine. In this final case, Silk Wind is combined with the Lithuanian-Ukrainian transport corridor Viking. The countries participating in this project

PRC – Republic of Kazakhstan – Caspian Sea – Black Sea






LEGEND Silk Wind

Existing rail road

North-South Corridor TRACECA Corridor

SILK WIND BLOCK TRAIN ROUTE Source: Ivan Petrov, Chairman, CLECAT Rail Institute 24.04.2012

www.railwaypro.com | April 2014

National Secretariat of IGC TRACECA in Kazakhstan


SILK WIND Proposed members

have highlighted their intention of implementing the project by adopting concrete measures aimed at establishing an adequate 3 Национальный секретариат МПК ТРАСЕКА в РК infrastructure which could provide uninterrupted, safe and high speed transport. The service will accelerate the delivery of goods on China-Europe axis, a project which will determine the launch of new infrastructure projects such as Zhezkazgan-Beyneu line (Kazakhstan), Alyat Port (Azerbaijan), Baku-Tbilisi-Kars line (Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey) and Marmaray line (Turkey). The states involved carry out infrastructure projects For Kazakhstan, the project represents a stimulus for the development of the business environment, the transport and logistics system. Currently, Kazakhstan carries out infrastructure projects such as Altynkol station for trains to pass the Chinese border. “To ensure the transport of freight through Altynkol, a volume estimated at 25 million tonnes a year, according to the development plan of the station, six additional lines have to be built, as well as a car yard”, declared the director of KTZ branch in Almaty, Syezbek Alishev. Within the project, two terminals will be rebuilt and a third terminal will be commissioned for the transhipment of containers, the processing capacity being increased to 1,216 cars a day (over 14 million tonnes a year). Another project for Silk Wind (on the Kazakh territory) is the launch of Zhetygen-

41 Korgas line (293 km), which has an important role in reducing the distance from the Chinese border to the regions in southern Kazakhstan, Central Asia and the port of Aktau. Also, the transit capacity has been significantly increased due to the construction of the line Uzen-Turkmenistan border (146 km), EralievKuryk line section (14 km) and Arkalyk – Shubarkol (200 km) and Zhezkazgan-Beyneu lines (1000 km). “By launching the Zhezkazgan Beyneu and Arkalyk – Shubarkol lines, we can offer customers and trading partners the shortest direction for the freight transit from Europe to Asia (and vice versa)”, declared the Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev, on the occasion of the presentation of projects (at the end of 2013). Azerbaijan also implements transport infrastructure development projects, the most important one being the International Port and logistics centre in Alat, located about 70 km from Baku. The Port is located at the crossroads of two major transport corridors: East-West and North-South, an area where there are the Azerbaijan rail and road networks and it is considered as a vital point of freight transit for the trade between Europe and Asia. The new port is built in three phases on an area of 400 hectares, of which 100 will be for the international logistics centre. For TRAN S P O Rthe T G E N E R760 AL implementation of the first stage, the value amounts to USD 2.1.15 Million, an investment which will stimulate the growth of the freight volume to 10 million tonnes and 40,000 TEU and the inTitle EU-27 – phase World: vestments forComparison the execution of the second will increase the PASSENGER AND subtitle FREIGHT TRANSPORT capacity to 17 million tonnes and 150,000 TEU. The completion of the entire project (including the third phase) will determine the increase of freight volumes to over 21 million tonnes and 1 million TEU. The port will always bePASSENGER a referenceTRANSPORT point for Azerbaijan within the Silk Wind project, but it will also contribute EU27 USA JAPAN CHINA RUSSIA in the optimization of the container transport on the TRACECA Corridor, in the development services 2011the increase 2011 billion pkm 2011of logistics 2010 2010 (1) for of the attractiveness of TRACECA route regarding the4 reduction 2 3 car 4 822.1 5 866.7 ( ) 766.7 ( ) 1 676.0 ( ) ofPassenger the travel time and costs. Also, this will determine the execution transport hub in the Caspian Bus of + trolley bus + coach 512.2 470.4 region, 87.0 the facilitation 145.5 of intermodality and the development of container transport in the Railway region. 407.1 36.7 394 961.2 139.8 Caspian Also, to attract the flow of goods, the Azerbaijani Government 5 49.6 Tram + metro 92.9 17.3 () is implementing the development programme of railway transWaterborne 36.6 0.6 credits 4.4 allocated 7.5 0.7the port using state financial resources and by World Bank. Air (domestic / intra-EU-27) 908.9 453.7 166.8 Meanwhile, along with 575.1 Georgia and 75.7 Turkey, Azerbaijan executes the project Baku-Tbilisi- Kars, a line to be commissioned next year. FREIGHT TRANSPORT

Comparison EU-27 – World: Freight Transport EU27











1 734.1

1 929.2

333.2 ( )





2309.8 ( )



2 128.0

Inland waterways





Oil pipeline



202.2 (8) 2 422.0

1 407.7


billion tkm

Sea (domestic / intra-EU-27)





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EU�27 Performance by Mode for Freight Transport – 1995–2011 billion tonne-kilometres ROAD 1 800

1 600


1 400

1 200

1 000





Source: European Commission - EU Transport in figures



















0 1997

контейнерную перевозку по оси Китай-Европа. В рамках проекта, четыре участвующих государства разрабатывают документацию для подписания межправительственного соглашения. После завершения проектов инфраструктуры по данному маршруту, поезд «Шелковый ветер» будет покрывать расстояние между западом Китая и Стамбулом всего за 12 дней.



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Notes: (1) Japan: data for passenger car, bus+trolley bus+coach and waterborne are from 2009. (2) USA: including light trucks / vans. 3 ( ) Japan: including light motor vehicles and taxis. (4) China: including buses and coaches. (5) Japan: included in railway pkm. (6) USA: Class I rail. В этом году 2009. будет запущен первый высокоскоростной поезд (7) Japan: oil and gas pipelines. (8) China: по проекту «Шелковый ветер», который будет обеспечивать

35 Sources: Eurostat, Japan Statistics Bureau, US Bureau of Transportation Statisitics, Goskom STAT (Russia), National Bureau of Statistics of China, International Transport Forum, estimates (in italics)

S ou rc e : Ta ble s 2.2.4c t o 2.2.7, e s t im a t e s

April 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

42 Market development

Development of Trans-Siberian and Baikal Amur will significantly increase traffic [ by Pamela Luică ]

Next to other railway infrastructure development programmes in Russia, the development of Baikal-Amur and Trans-Siberian railways is essential for increasing the carried freight volumes and, therefore, for the national economy. The final months have witnessed intense debates between the authorities responsible with setting the criteria and steps to be adopted in developing the project.


t the end of 2013, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed the resolution which sets the main parameters on the implementation of the project on the modernisation of Trans-Siberian and BaikalAmur railways, document prepared by the Ministry of Transport. The implementation of the project on the modernisation and rehabilitation of the two railways of major significance for the Russian railway system means evaluating freight traffic on these lines, emphasizing the long-term share of freight transport, updating the development plan of the railways and their infrastructure (based on traffic estimates), identifying necessary finances sources, as well as elaborating a business plan and a financial model to apply the modernisation plan and to operate the railways. To accelerate the launch of the project, the Russian Government approved a series of documents and initiatives presented by the ministry. With a length of over 10.5 thousand electrified km, the Trans-Siberian is capable to carry over 100 million tonnes of freight per year, covering 45% of domestic railway traffic and connecting the Asia-Pacific to Europe-Central Asia regions. Compared to maritime transport, the railway reduces freight transport time by two thirds (container transport from China to

Source: eng.rzd.ru

www.railwaypro.com | April 2014

Finland lasts less than 10 days compared to 28 days in the case of maritime transport). Transhipment needs are also minimized which also cuts costs, but also the risk of goods damage caused by handling. To increase transit capacity in Europe and Asia Pacific, the Russian Government and RZD have agreed on implementing investment projects in the east of Trans-Siberian (to ensure the increase of freight transport and transit between Russia and China), to upgrade and develop the stations at the border with Mongolia, China and North Korea (projects already completed) and to upgrade container terminals. By 2015, RZD plans to allocate RUB 50 Billion (USD 1.5 Billion) for the modernization of the railway. The Baikal-Amur railway (BAM) has been designed to complement the Trans-Siberian and to deliver Russia with a second railway connection from Siberia to Asia-Pacific (over 3 thousand km long, the line is parallel to approx. 770 km north of the TransSiberian). According to the estimates of Russian Railways, by 2020, freight transit on the BAM line will increase to 220 t-km, 3.4 times more than the volume registered in 2008. To meet traffic demands, there has to be financing granted to improving and developing infrastructure and to upgrading signalling systems, stations etc.

Estimated investments In 2013, RZD initiated the development of the largest investment projects: Trans-Siberian and Baikal-Amur. During a reunion organised by RZD in January, the railway experts analysed the result of the independent audit on the development of the TransSiberian and Baikal-Amur railways. It was for the first time in Russia that the technical and financial audit was elaborated by a company that had nothing to do with the implementation of a project of such major significance. According to the decision of the Prime Minister, the project was granted a financial support of RUB 260 Billion (USD 7.5 Billion), including RUB 150 Billion (USD 4.4 Billion) allocated through the National Welfare Fund. At the moment, RZD estimates the costs of the project at RUB 560 Billion (USD 16 Billion) and the company wants to invest RUB 300 Billion (USD 8.7 Billion) from own funds. According to analyses, when completed, the project will increase transport demand by 55 million tonnes, compared to present levels, with cargo mainly including raw materials supplied by the coal and ore deposits in the Far East. The outcome of the audit (based on the current stage of the project), there is a series of comments and notes to the documents prepared by RZD on paying further attention to the different phases of the project. Also, according to the audit and, therefore, experts, the project has not sufficiently analysed the estimates of traffic flows in the Kuzbass region which means ensuring freight volumes from the deposits of the Far East and TransBaikal. However, “RZD representatives believe that in order to meet railway transport demands in Kuzbass, it is necessary to implement the next stage of the project of the two railways and to find the necessary financing�, the company stated. Regarding the analysis of technological solutions, the fundamental problem has been to choose between the construction of the second line, crossings with double lines or additional lines for increasing capacity. Due to the high costs of building the second line, RZD has recommended the elaboration of

Market development 43

responsible with coordinating the development of the Baikal-Amur and Trans-Siberian railways. The program for the railway infrastructure development in eastern Russia has already been elaborated and includes, in the first phase, investments worth RUB 562 Billion (over USD 16 Billion), of which the state could grant RUB 260 Billion (USD 7.5 Billion) and RZD would grant the rest. The financing method has already been completed and the technical and cost audit has been completed. Also, the schedule of design, research, construction and installations works has been established.

Trans-Siberian Railway, historical line = in red Baikal Amur Mainline = in green Actually used line between Moscow and Omsk = in blue Southern branch line in Siberia between Omsk and Tayshet = black

Source: en.wikipedia.org

documents only for this variant. The Federal Council discussed the implementation of the project in March. They considered the technical aspects and decided on elaborating a cost report during the development and approval phase on design specifications and cost parameters. The design phase for the regions crossed by the two railways is currently in progress and the schedule of design, construction and installations has been prepared together with local design institutes. Moreover, the necessity of approving the progress of the first

phase of reconstruction and modernisation works has been stressed. USD 16 Billion could be allocated by 2018, said RZD President Vladimir Yakunin during the Russian Transport Forum (December 2013). “RUB 320 Billion (USD 8.5 Billion) of the amount will be granted by the company, from own sources�, he said. The remainder will be granted by the Russian Government. This year, RZD’s Board approved the establishment of a Railway Development Directorate for the eastern part of Russia, as subsidiary of the company

РаСвиŃ‚ио ТŃ€Đ°Đ˝Ń Ń Đ¸ĐąĐ¸Ń€Ń ĐşĐžĐš ĐźĐ°ĐłĐ¸Ń Ń‚Ń€аНи и Đ‘аКкаН Đ?ĐźŃƒŃ€Ń ĐşĐžĐš ĐźĐ°ĐłĐ¸Ń Ń‚Ń€аНи приводŃ‘Ń‚ Đş Ń ŃƒŃ‰ĐľŃ Ń‚воннОПŃƒ ŃƒвоНичониŃŽ двиМониŃ? Đ?Đ°Ń€Ń?Đ´Ńƒ Ń Đ´Ń€ŃƒгиПи прОгŃ€аППаПи Ń€аСвиŃ‚иŃ? инŃ„Ń€Đ°Ń Ń‚Ń€ŃƒĐşŃ‚ŃƒŃ€Ń‹ в Đ ĐžŃ Ń Đ¸Đ¸, внодŃ€онио прОокŃ‚Đ° Ń€аСвиŃ‚иŃ? Đ‘аКкаН Đ?ĐźŃƒŃ€Ń ĐşĐžĐš ĐźĐ°ĐłĐ¸Ń Ń‚Ń€аНи и ТŃ€Đ°Đ˝Ń Ń Đ¸ĐąĐ¸Ń€Ń ĐşĐžĐš ĐźĐ°ĐłĐ¸Ń Ń‚Ń€аНи Ń?вНŃ?ĐľŃ‚Ń Ń? Ń ŃƒŃ‰ĐľŃ Ń‚воннŃ‹Đź Đ´ĐťŃ? ŃƒвоНичониŃ? ĐłŃ€ŃƒСОвŃ‹Ń… поŃ€овОСОк и Đ´ĐťŃ? Ń€аСвиŃ‚иŃ? нациОнаНŃŒнОК Ń?кОнОПики. Đ&#x;Đž даннОПŃƒ Ń ĐľĐłĐźĐľĐ˝Ń‚Ńƒ, Са ĐżĐžŃ ĐťĐľĐ´Đ˝Đ¸Đľ ĐźĐľŃ Ń?цы ĐżŃ€ĐžĐ˛ĐžĐ´Đ¸ĐťĐ¸Ń ŃŒ инŃ‚ĐľĐ˝Ń Đ¸Đ˛Đ˝Ń‹Đľ поŃ€огОвОры ПоМдŃƒ Đ˛ĐťĐ°Ń Ń‚Ń?Пи, ОтвоŃ‚Ń Ń‚воннŃ‹Пи Са ОпŃ€одоНонио и ŃƒŃ‚воŃ€Мдонио криториов и Ń?Ń‚апОв Ń€оаНиСации прОокŃ‚Đ°.

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44 Interoperability

GTC EurAsia– facilitating transport in the Eurasian platform

[ by Elena Ilie ]

The increasing interest in using the CIM/SMGS consignment note for land transport between China and Europe, as well as the near implementation of CIM/SMGS in Black Sea transport are the first successful examples that would determine the future progress of this project. Compared to last year, the current increase of 20-30% in the share of using CIM/SMGS generates a percentage of a 70-80%, an almost complete coverage, in the application of the electronic document on the two continents for transport services (a situation confirmed by Deutsche Bahn, Uzbek Railways and Russian Railways which frequently apply this electronic transport document).


– Kazakhstan – Mongolia, China – Europe, Iran – Pakistan or the North-South Corridor and it would offer a fair development level for railway freight transport between the two continents, Asia and Europe. In anticipation of the new unified legal framework at government level, the Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) supports the railway and railway organisations involved in bringing about harmonized solutions on a contractual basis. In 2013, the ministers of transport involved together with the European Union signed the proposed Political Declaration prepared by UNECE Group of Experts. The Declaration is designed to express the relevant political will of the transport ministers responsible regarding the harmonisation of Eurasian rail transport law. Under the approved Political Declaration, the above-mentioned transport ministers invite interested railway freight companies, other stakeholders and international railway organizations to pursue work on the development of optional model rules for Euro-Asian rail transport contracts (GTC EurAsia), show the data of the International Transport Committee. Based on these aspects, CIT announced last year that it completed the General Terms and Conditions for the Eurasian Transport (GTC EurAsia), a document to

Photo: calink.kz

sing the CIM/SMGS consignment note, land transport between China and Europe can be performed in 16 to 18 days, twice as fast as by sea. Using the CIM/SMGS consignment note will also provide additional advantages to customs procedures being acknowledged as customs transit document which is very important particularly for the transport of dangerous goods. Railway freight transport in Europe through the Baltic Sea ports and their integration in the Trans-Siberian railway route provide an additional opportunity for using the CIM/SMGS consignment note for combined railway-maritime transport services. However, a sustained effort is necessary from the members of the International Rail Transport Committee (CIT) involved in setting favourable conditions for Kazakhstan, China and other Asian countries to encourage them to frequently use the Baltic Sea ports, CIT informs. What would a common legislation mean for Eurasian railway transport? It would mean development and the introduction of an appropriate and efficient international legal transport system, it would facilitate the international trade of goods and services, it would also facilitate the development of new infrastructures on the routes China

www.railwaypro.com | April 2014

be presented and tested by specialized committees and organisations. The implementation of the General Terms and Conditions for Eurasian Transport will be made based on the International Private Law, including the difference of regulations and rules resulting from its implementation in different countries. With such a solution, cross-border railway freight transport could be carried out between countries applying the CIM provisions and countries applying the SMGS, based on a transport contract. At the same time, it is equally necessary to examine in detail the national procedural law on the validity of such general terms and conditions for transport in the countries included on a transport corridor linking Europe to Asia. These measures should be compliant with the principles of optionality, with the principles of providing uniform contracts or with the conformity principles, with the relevant dispositions of COTIF/CIM Convention and SMGS Agreement on ensuring a single (common) transport document and, if possible, a single liability regime.

Общие положения по Евразии (GTC EurAsia) обеспечение транспорта на Евразийской платформе Повышенный интерес к использованию товарно-транспортной накладной ЦИМ/ СМГС в наземном транспорте между Китаем и Европой, а также запуск в ближайшее время ЦИМ / СМГС в случае перевозок по Черному морю - это первые примеры успеха, которые вызывают будущий прогресс этого проекта. По сравнению с прошлым годом, нынешнее повышение квоты использования ЦИМ / СМГС на 20-30% генерирует общий процент в размере 70-80%, а это почти полный охват в использовании электронного документа на обоих континентах для транспортных услуг (это подтверждается компаниями Deutsche Bahn, Узбекскими железными дорогами и Российскими железными дорогами, часто применяющими данный электронный документ в ходе осуществления перевозок). >

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46 Policies & Strategies

Russia will launch direct railway transport service to Crimea [ by Pamela Luică ]

• A railway bridge will be built in Kerci Strait • An independent railway company will be created for Crimea • A direct railway and ferry transport service will be launched, a project involving RZD and other interested organisations


ension between Ukraine and Russia has led to the implementation of opposed policies in both countries. Although in November 2013 (the Summit in Vilnius), Ukraine decided to give up negotiations to access the EU, in March 2014 UE and Ukraine’s interim government signed the Political Association Agreement. The event took place in the context of a troubled international situation caused by Russia’s decision to take over Crimea from Ukraine. The agreement signed will help Ukraine and the EU to consolidate the level of political and economic cooperation, especially on the free trade segment. “EU and Member States have committed to sign the Association Agreement and the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement, which will be key instruments, next to political provisions. In this context, the European Council and EP will have to adopt the proposal for Autonomous Trade Measures on Ukraine’s exports to EU”, states the European Council in a press release. Russia’s annexation of the Crimean Peninsula caused losses of “hundreds billion dollars” to Ukraine, declared Ukrainian Prime Minister ArseniIatseniuk after arriving in Brussels where he signed the agreement with the EU. Also, “Russia nationalised hundreds of structures pertaining to the Ukrainian state”. On the other hand, for Crimea, the annexation to Russia represents the complete integration into Russia’s economic and le-

Source: ukraine-travels.com

www.railwaypro.com | April 2014

gal system, so that “the Crimean citizens would have the same opportunities, rights and guarantees as the Russian citizens. We must help Crimea with supplies of spare parts and raw materials and with marketing so that its plants and factories continue operating. (…) It is essential to stabilise the economy and infrastructure”, declared Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Also, “communications are very important to maintain the territorial integration of the country, such as the case of Crimea. Safe communication with Russia and the development of a sustainable economy should be secured by modern transport and efficient infrastructure”, explained Medvedev. During a meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Government (19 March 2014), the parties approached the problem of transport organisation in Crimea. In this context, Putin demanded the construction of a bridge for which the ministry will initiate the design and analysis works in Kerci Strait this year (the strait connects the Black Sea to the Azov Sea). “Several proposals and options will be elaborated by the end of the year and we will choose the best of options”, declared Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov. Also, “this area requires the construction of both railway and road connections. Russia will build a railway and road bridge from Crimea to the south-east Russia”, said Putin. The estimated cost of the project is RUB 50 Billion (around EUR 1 Billion) and could be completed in three years.

RZD has not yet received the instructions from the Russian Government regarding the railway infrastructure from Crimea, declared the company’s president Vladimir Yakunin. He said that an independent railway structure will be created for Crimea, whose legal form has not yet been established. When this structure will be created, RZD’s participation will also be discussed, said Yakunin. According to the instructions of the Russian Government, a direct railway and ferry transport service will be launched to the Crimean Peninsula by May, a project involving RZD and other interested organisations. “We want to double the capacity of railway ferries in Kerci Strait ensuring the independence of freight delivery to the Crimean Peninsula. We will build the bridge through this strait and now we have to review the best options: whether we will build a railway-road bridge, or two bridges, a railway bridge and a road bridge. Meanwhile, we will elaborate a project for the development of Kerci Port to transform Kerci into a Russian Black Sea Port”, explained Medvedev on 31 March.

Россия запустит услугу по прямым железнодорожным перевозкам в сторону Крыма Пути сообщения представляют огромную важность для сохранения территориальной целостности страны, а пример Крыма тоже к этому относится. Надежные пути сообщения с Россией и развитие устойчивой экономики должны сопровождаться услугами современного транспорта и эффективной инфраструктурой. Об этом заявил премьер-министр России, Дмитрий Медведев. В этой связи, целесообразно построить железнодорожный мост в Керченском Проливе и создать независимую железнодорожную компанию для Крыма. В этом году Россия запустит услугу по прямым железнодорожным перевозкам и переправам. В проекте примут участие ОАО РЖД, а также другие заинтересованные организации.

Policies & Strategies


EU and Japan’s Government approach cooperation opportunities on rail markets [ by Elena Ilie ]

The end of March has been marked, among others, by the first reunion of the Industrial Dialogue on Railways between the European Union and Japan (EU-Japan Industrial Dialogue on Railways). During this first reunion organized by the European Commission and the Japanese Government, the parties broadly discussed topics of interest for the railway sector closely related to the continuous negotiations on the Free Trade Agreement between UE and Japan. Negotiations are getting close to the fifth round which actually marks the end of the first year of talks between Europe and Japan. Next month, the Commission will draft a balance of the implementation of Japan’s commitments to eliminate non-tariff barriers and then decide whether negotiations could continue or not.


ack to the topic we are interested in, systems. During the workshop on market the parties present during the first access, UNIFE asked the Japanese GovernIndustrial Dialogue on Railways ment to stick to its commitment of ensuring debated on the technical regulations, safety a transparent, predictable and non-discrimistandards, railway markets, as well as the nating application of the Operational Safety problems related to market access for both Clause. UNIFE has also made concrete recEuropean and Asian parties. ommendations for improving public proThe Community of European Railway and curement; for instance, providing informaInfrastructure Companies (CER) and the tion on future tenders and contract assigned Association of European Railway Industry published on the web sites of Japanese (UNIFE) have participated in the discus- operators. sions and have expressed their support for In turn, CER underlined the fact that Euindustrial dialogue as an additional discus- ropean railway operators and infrastructure sion tool between the private and public managers are receptive about an EU-Japan sectors for providing efficient and equal free trade agreement on condition it would conditions for railway market access be- generate opportunities for market players tween the EU and Japan. for both Europe and Japan. CER believes Moreover, both CER and UNIFE support that it is necessary to boost the mutual acthe implication of DG MOVE and of the knowledgment level between EU and Japan European Railway Agency (ERA) in future in order to help access a market with setting debates. in that specific market. Although the first reunion of the Indus“The Industrial Dialogue should give imtrial Dialogue approached up-to-date topics petus to the ongoing negotiations in the rail European for railway markets, a series of other topics sector as it provides a platformDirectorate-General to monitor Commission for Trade remained open to debates, such as the Japa- commitments. In this respect, UNIFE has Union, Trade Japan nese regulation and public European procurement highwith expectations for the fifth round of neTotal goods: EU Trade flows and balance, dataannual 2003 - 2012 EU Trade flows and annual balance, data 2003 – 2012

Source: trade.ec.europa.eu

Total goods: EU Trade flows by SITC section, annual data 2012

Source Eurostat Comext Statistical regime 4

Source Eurostat Comext Statistical regime 4

gotiations set to take place next week, and expects a comprehensive set of measures to be agreed upon to achieve a level playing field between the European and Japanese rail markets”, pointed out UNIFE Director General Philippe Citroën. “European railway companies are open to a discussion with Japanese enterprises. CER members provide a lot of services of interest to Japanese operators, such as feasibility studies and staff training. I am therefore convinced that the FTA will bring business opportunities for our sector. European railway undertakings are definitively in a position to make use of them”, said CER Executive Director Libor Lochman.

ЕС и правительство Японии обсудили возможности сотрудничества в железнодорожной сфере Конец марта обозначил, помимо всего прочего, первое заседание Промышленного Диалога в Железнодорожной Сфере между Европейским Союзом и Японией (EU-Japan Industrial Dialogue on Railways). На этой встрече, организованной Европейской комиссией и японским правительством, обсуждались темы, представляющие широкий интерес для железнодорожного сектора, в тесной связи с постоянными переговорами по Соглашению о свободной торговле между ЕС и Японией. Переговоры подходят к пятому раунду, а это знаменует собой окончание первого года обсуждений между европейцами и японцами. В следующем месяце Европейская комиссия подведет итоги выполнения обязательств со стороны Японии по ликвидации нетарифных барьеров, и в таком случае предстоит решить, продолжить ли переговоры. April 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

48 Market development

Last mile terminals, potential to increase transport volumes [ by Elena Ilie ]

Infrastructure quality and capacity represent now more than ever the triggering factor of the potential growth in volumes and scope of the railway freight transport. While the freight corridors in the European Union represent the main attraction, independent infrastructures, as well as infrastructure start points (sidings) and end points (last mile) tend to be forgotten.


There are, of course, technical, commercial and economic reasons for some rail related services to be considered essential. For instance, without traction current, an operator cannot technically run an electric train, cannot provide services to customers and therefore cannot generate revenue. Consequently railway undertakings can operate in the market only if they have both access to and use of essential rail related services. Another example, experts from the European Rail Infrastructure Managers (EIM) say is first and last miles, more precisely the availability of and nondiscriminatory access to last mile infrastructure is vital for the competitiveness of rail freight. In particular, single wagonload traffic (which accounts for 40%-50% of EU rail freight) can hardly be realised without direct access to sidings. “As a result, possible issues can include restricted use, unfair prices (excessive prices for the connection of parking spaces built by the new entrants to signalling) or lack

Photo: www.railfreightportal.com

ailway operators have often expressed their discontent about the lack of an approach among the decision-making European railway forums and institutions on solving the problems which challenge sidings and last mile terminals. Both infrastructure start points and end points contribute a great deal to trigger modal shift, through independent infrastructures, they ensure connectivity between the mainline corridors and at the end, via last miles, they determine very much the competitiveness of rail traction services vs. road. Consequently, sidings, independent infrastructures and last miles are important business vectors for ports, forwarders, rail freight operators, infrastructure managers, wagon keepers and customers. They also provide for additional safety, reliability and independence regarding transport planning and are a clear asset for the environment as they help reducing the number of lorries in traffic.

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of information on availability. Moreover, adequate quality of the service should be ensured, as the starting point (first mile) and the end point (last mile) tend to be neglected if not used by incumbent railway anymore”, EIM representatives say. On the other hand, experts from the International Union of Railways believe, the availability of private sidings has a direct impact on freight traffic volumes transported by rail. In the past the number of private sidings has decreased in nearly all European rail networks. This process depends mainly on the financial framework for private sidings with regard to internal provisions of infrastructure managers, on the one hand, and the availability of national and international funding programs, on the other hand.

Терминалы «Последняя миля»: потенциал увеличения объемов перевозок В настоящее время больше, чем когдалибо, качество и пропускная способность инфраструктуры представляют собой определяющий фактор потенциала для увеличения объёмов и расширения сферы применения железнодорожных грузовых перевозок. В то время, как существенные коридоры Европейского союза привлекают к себе основное внимание, такие независимые инфраструктуры, как второстепенные линии и конечные точки («Последняя миля») похоже, не представляют такой же интерес. Железнодорожные грузовые перевозчики в очередной раз выразили недовольство в связи с тем, что на уровне европейских учреждений и организаций с полномочиями в плане принятия решений в железнодорожной сфере нет подхода к решению проблем, с которыми сталкиваются второстепенные линии и терминалы «Последняя миля».



April 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

50 Asset management

Clear procedures for the maintenance of freight wagons [ by Elena Ilie ]

The licensing scheme used for the certification of the entities in charge with the maintenance of freight wagons pertains to the European Railway Agency in compliance with the regulations of the European Cooperation for Accreditation (EA). It is accepted by the European Commission and implements the provisions of (EU) Regulation no. 445/2011.


“All such entities can provide the maintenance of freight or passenger wagons, but for extra safety, the entities which provide the maintenance of freight wagons need to be certified, it is mandatory. Moreover, by implementing a safety management system, railway transport operators will control all risks associated to their activities, including the operation of maintenance and the activity of contractors”, said Gilles Peterhans, Secretary General of the International Union of Wagon Keepers (UIP). He added that, although a Memorandum of Understanding was signed in 2010-2011 by the ministers of transport of the EU member states, nothing has been made so far for simplifying the transposition of Regulation 445/2011 into the national legislation. Moreover, starting with 2015, certification based on these MoUs will no longer be valid and the application of the provisions of Regulation 445/2011 will be mandatory. The certification of the entity confirms the transport operator’s competence in delivering maintenance operations. With their safety management system, railway freight transport operators or infrastructure managers have to ensure the control of all risks related to its activity, including the use of such wagons. To this end, a railway undertaking should rely on contractual arrangements involving enti-

Photo: www.kn-portal.com

aking into account the wide variety of design and maintenance methods, this system of maintenance should be a process-oriented system. The assessment by a certification body of an application for an ECM certificate is an assessment of the applicant’s ability to manage maintenance activities and to deliver the operational functions of maintenance either by itself or through contracts with other bodies, such as maintenance workshops, charged with delivering these functions or parts of these functions. An ECM certificate shall be valid for a period up to 5 years. Following contractual arrangements, a railway operator may request information for operational purposes on the maintenance of a freight wagon. The entity in charge of the maintenance of the freight wagon shall respond to such requests either directly or through other contracting parties. Under the Regulation, the organization (entity in charge of maintenance) has to dispose of procedures to establish, identify, supply, register and keep available the right equipment which permit it to deliver maintenance services in conformity with the orders and other applicable specifications. Therefore, the safe maintenance and ergonomics has to be safely ensured, including user interfaces and information systems or diagnosis equipment.

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ties in charge of maintenance for all wagons it operates. This could be a contract between the railway undertaking and the entity in charge of maintenance or a chain of contracts involving other parties, such as the keeper, the Regulation shows. For an improved transparency, each certified entity, which provides maintenance for freight wagons, has to elaborate and update the maintenance file (which includes the actual operations) and then make sure that the maintenance file is implemented (it will include data on the management of the rolling stock fleet and data on deliveries) and also, for an improved activity management, each entity has to coordinate all these activities and to supervise its subcontractors.

Четкие процедуры технического обслуживания грузовых вагонов Европейская комиссия приняла схему сертификации для утверждения организаций, ответственных за техническое обслуживание грузовых вагонов, принадлежащих Европейскому железнодорожному агентству, в соответствии с правилами органа Европейского сотрудничества в сфере аккредитации (EA). Данная схема приводит в исполнение Положения ЕС № 445 / 2011. С учетом большого разнообразия методов проектирования и технического обслуживания, данная система должна быть ориентирована на процессы. Оценка заявки на получение сертификации ООТО (организации, ответственной за техническое обслуживание) у органа сертификации предполагает оценку способности заявителя управлять работами по техническому обслуживанию и выполнять функции оперативного обслуживания либо самостоятельно, либо путем заключения договоров с другими организациями, такими как мастерские по техническому обслуживанию, которым делегируют задачу выполнения этих работ полностью или частично.

market development


April 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

52 Environment

Freight transport can be efficiently organised in cities [ by Elena Ilie ]

Port and industrial cities are strongly affected by the freight and logistics sector. Also areas with intense construction works are seriously congested with heavy cargo traffic. Therefore, managing freight traffic should be part of an overall transport Master Plan and ought to be included in the overall policy of each city.


o achieve this, it is necessary to produce best practice guidelines to better monitor and manage urban freight flows (for example, consolidation centres, size of vehicles in old centres, regulatory limitations, delivery windows, unused potential of transport by river). Also, it is necessary to define a strategy for moving towards ‘zero-emission urban logistics’, bringing together aspects of land planning, rail and river access, business practices and information, charging and vehicle technology standards. The optimization of national rail freight transport has significant chances of efficiency. EU policies on interoperability and noise reduction are mandatory and stimulate Member States to achieve these objectives. A significant amount of investments will be necessary to expand the capacity of the railway network. Rail freight may grow by an additional 360 billion tonne-kilometres by 2050, that is, an 87% increase relative to 2005. Rather than building new lines, many objectives can be achieved by modernising the existing network and increasing speed (especially in the east of the EU) by introducing the ERTMS, creating city

Source: www.multiguide.com

www.railwaypro.com | April 2014

by-pass routes, creating side tracking lines and terminals for 800 to 1,000 long trains and increasing the maximum loads on main corridors. EU policies cannot impose to every European city the way in which it should organise urban logistics. However, there are several cities which can boast with innovating ideas of rethinking urban logistics. Within CIVITAS II, the cities analysed the effects of urban freight transport and implemented measures aimed at reducing the negative effects of freight transport inside the cities. Within this project, six cities implemented measures concerning the logistics and the sustainable distribution of goods. Thus, the city of Burgos (Spain) implemented a new goods distribution, La Rochelle (France), the city logistics strategic extension, customers’ services associated to goods distribution and the development of partnership with logistics operators. Malmo (Sweden) granted freight driver support, while Norwich (United Kingdom) has customised traffic & travel information service for freight operators and urban transhipment centre. Preston (United Kingdom) applied city logistics

partnerships and strategic planning and freight routing, signing, etc., while Venice (Italy) implemented clean urban logistics. But maybe the most relevant measure is the CarGoTram project from Dresden where the German company Volkswagen carries all equipment from and to the plan with the CarGoTram, the freight tram. Although not part of CIVITAS II, other two projects, just as interesting, are also worth mentioning. A pilot project in the Netherlands on night delivery with certified silent equipment has considerably reduced time and costs: one hour for 35 km and EUR 35,000 per truck/year with a very high acceptability level from the company. In Paris, a regional RER line is used for goods transport by a chain of supermarkets. We would also have to mention the freight bicycles used for cargoes of up to 158 kg in seven cities of France and other two European countries, among which Romania too.

Грузовые перевозки можно организовывать эффективно также в пределах городов Портовые и промышленные города сильно зависят от логистики и грузовых перевозок, а участки с интенсивно работающими строительными площадками серьезно перегружены потоком тяжелых грузовых перевозок. Таким образом, управление грузовыми перевозками должно являться частью общего плана по осуществлению транспорта и должно быть включено в общую политику каждого города. Для этой цели требуется разработка руководящих принципов, основанных на передовом опыте в целях более эффективного мониторинга и управления городскими потоками грузов (речь идет о центрах консолидации, об авторизованном габарите транспортных средств, допущенных в центры старых городов, о нормативных ограничениях, о неиспользованном потенциале речного транспорта).


Join the summit for railway business champions



C 47


White Sea

Bo thn ia


Gu lf





C 48 Östersund




C 47

9th edition 7-8 October 2014 Bucharest, Romania Kouvola

C-E 10


C 10


C-E 10



C 10

St Petersburg


C 61

C 61












30 C-E

C 95/2

560 C-E



Senaki Samtredia




C -E 6 9 2




Konya C-E 74






C-E 70


Razi Van Kapiköy



C-E 60



Chardzhev C-E

C-E 60

Bukhara Alat













C-E 97






of AG C ) C - E 7 0 ( I r a n s e c tio n n o t p a r t


SY R IA N Arab Republic

C-E 69 C-E 70

Fevzipasa 97 Narli Toprakkale Adana Yenice Islahiye C-E 97 Mersin Meydan Iskenderun Ekbez










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C-E 696 Andizhan


11 Turkmenbashi













Chengeldy Urganch





TBILISI C-E Gardabani 60 Beyuk-Kyasik Sadkhlo Barkhudarli C - E 6 9 2 Ayrum Dogukapi Ghazakh Dilijan Ijevan Gyumri Kars 2 C-E 69 ARMENIA

C-E 69



C-E 60


Hrazdan YEREVAN Artashat

BI Arys


C-E 74











C-E 74


ANKARA Eskisehir




C -E 5 0





C-E 95




1 95

2 C 70/


C-E 60









85 C-E



C-E 85



















C 54



C-E 66






C 95

C-E C-E 40 50

C-E 50








C-E 74

Aral Sea



C-E 692

65 C-E /1



C 30/1







C 30

C 59/2

C-E 65

C 63

/1 C 59



C-E 75

C -E 5 0 Novokazalinsk Beyneu


Black Sea





C-E C-E 55 61

C-E 45

/3 C 45

51 C-E




Aksaraiskaya II




Mointy Atyraú

Sea of Azov


C-E 70













50 C-E



Uspenskaya 59 3 Rostov-ná-Donu



C-E 30





0/2 C7 Alexandroúpolis



Ilyichevsk Taraclia

Karnobat Burgas



Iletsk I

Likhaya Guk ovo

Krasnaya Mogila


C-E 680 2 Varna Sindel


C 85




C 70/2

Razdelnaya Kuchurgan C 9 5 /1 Odessa










C-E 99 2 C-E 10



C-E 55






C-E Patras

C -E 2 4

Krasnoyarsk Irkutsk Vladivostok


10 2

C-E 50







C-E 74





Strymonas Thessaloniki

C 8 5 /1

C 8 5 /2

Zim nitsa


Gevgelia Idomeni


680 C-E

0 72





C-E 24 C-E 30




B U L G A R I EA720 C -E 7 0 Plovdiv




E 24



Se 45

C-E 54







C-E 35

C -E 6 8 0


Presevo Tabanovce


Ruse C-E



Bolgrad Reni

560 C-E 95 Buzáu C-E Ploesti BUCURESTI C-E 562

G. Oriahovitza

C-E 855

45 Salerno



Nis Dimitrovgrad



Foggia Napoli




C-E 56










70 C-E 85


D.Jankovic Volkovo SKOPJE


Bendery Cimislia Basarabeasca






C-E 391


Vidin C9 5

Topoli Kupyansk


C-E 95








C 5 4 /1









Mostar Capljina


Vadul Siret




Solovei Valuiki


C-E 30




3 75


C-E Kazatin





C-E 20



C-E 54

C-E 85




C-E 24



KIEV Fastov



C-E 1 69







10 2

C-E 30

Korosten C 28

C 28


C-E 85

C-E 56






C-E 61

C-E 67





Zadar Knín C-E 753 SARAJEVO Sibenik C - E 7 5 1 Split



C-E 95

C 28


Przemysl Medyka

Propad Tatry

C-E 551

C-E 55





C-E 30 C-E 50

H U N G A R Y Spielfeld Strass Dombóvár Villach Klagenfurt Maribor Murakeresztúr Tarvisio Pragersko Lökösháza Curtici Cakovec Jesenice Zidani Arad Kelebia CGyékényes Koprívnica Subotica -E Magyarboly CLJUBLJANA Udine -E 70 55 SLOVENIA 71 2 BeliTimisoara C-E 55 C-E Manastir ZAGREB 70 E CPadova Trieste OAT IA Osijek Stara Bogojevo C-E C RSunja Mestre/ Koper Vinkovci Str. Moravita C-E 70 Rijeka 71 Ostarije Venezia Vrsac Dobrljin Vrpolje Tovarnik Sid Bihac C -E 7 0 Bosanski BEOGRAD Ripac BOSNIA Samac Gospic


Ekaterinburg Krasnoyarsk Irkutsk Vladivostok



C-E 30


C-E 30





C-E 551




C 95/2


C-E 20









C-E 24







Zilina C-E 40 Cierna Kosice Breclav nad Ingoldstadt Kuty Bernhardsthal S LOVAKIA Tisou Passau Summerau Zahony Cop E 63 Leopoldov C-E 50 Wels C 54 C - E C- BRATISLAVA München Linz Galanta WIEN C- 52 Miskolc 50 55 CE 50 Nové Zámky E 61 Freilassing Nyiregyháza C-E C-E C-E 52 Szob 65 enheim C-E 50 Semmering Satu Mare Salzburg -E Debrecen C -E 4 3 Selzthal C Bruck a.d.Mur E 502 Kufstein Ujszasz BUDAPEST 66 St Michael Bischofshofen 52 C-E Dej C-E C-E k C-E 45 52 C 54/1 Schwarzach St V. Nagyatád C-E 50 Wörgl Szolnok 9 C-E Nagykanizsa 6 Oradea Cegléd r Graz Horní Dvoriste




C-E 65 Petrovice


C-E 61

C-E 55


C-E 59


C Z E C H Rep.


C-E 20 Ekaterinburg

C 20/2

Nizhniy Novgorod

C 2 0 /2

10 2








C -E 2 0

C-E 20





Lublin Kozle C-E 30


C 95


Wroclaw C-E C-E 30 59

C -E 3 0


C-E 55 C-E 61






C-E 59

C-E 55 C-E 61







C 20

Sokólka Bialystok


C-E 20

Miedzylesie Chalupki C - E 4 0 Kolín C-E 61 Lichkov C-E Bohumín 61 Ústí n. O. C -E 4 0 Ceska 65 Trebová C-E Prerov

Cheb C-E PRAHA 40


Nürnberg C-E


C-E 20

Zgorzelec Decin

Bad Schandau








C 3 0 Horka





C-E 55 C-E 61




Frankfurt am Oder

Leipzig C-E 32



C-E 55 C-E 61

Halle 51 C-E 32 C-E 51 C-E




C 20






C 14



/3 C 20 Cherniakhovsk









C-E 20


Sa ssnitz Hafen



C 12

C 14




C 12



C 20/3


C 12



Stral sund


10 C-E Rostock


C 12

Russian Fed. Kybartai

C-E 59

C-E 530

Gedser 5/3

4 45 C

Perm Krasnoyarsk Irkutsk Vladivostok

C 14


Malmö C-E 59 Ystad Trelleborg




C 12



55 C-E 61 C-E








61 55 CE C-E


C-E 53


C 2 0 /1

C 95/2





ENHAVN 4 5 /1



The Wider Black Sea Area (WBSA), a median area of the Eurasian platform, expands from Central Asia to Central Europe and from Northern to Southern Europe and Asia Minor. The macro-area includes 28 dynamic railway markets, a mixture of mature, developing and ascending markets, that bring about a spectrum of opportunities across the railway sector.



C 20/1


61 C-E 55 C-E



C 75/1


C-E 75


45 C5












StatisticS Europe modal split of freight transport on land (%) -2012

EU Member State performance for selected indicator(s) *

*Top performers are marked in green, least well performing countries in red.

EU Member State performance for selected indicator(s) *

*Top performers are marked in green, least well performing countries in red.

Modal split of freight transport by country Austria

www.railwaypro.com | April 2014


StatisticS Croatia

Czech Republic








SOURCE: ec.europa.eu

April 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

56 lex

Development of electronic freight transport

[ by Elena Ilie ]

The simplification of freight and transport information exchange could substantially reduce the cost of multimodal transport. This concerns in particular the possibility for economic operators to provide information only once – in electronic form – (“single window”) and to have the goods and vehicles controlled only once and at the same place (the much-debated “one stop administrative shop”). Such development will require connecting and completing the networks for the exchange of information between administrations and for facilitating the access to this information by businesses.


his measure of a paper-free, electronic flow of information associating the physical flow of goods with a paperless trail built by ICT includes the ability to track and trace freight along its journey across transport modes and, in line with the EU competition rules, to automate the exchange of content-related data for regulatory or commercial purposes. This will be made more practical and affordable by emerging technologies such as radio frequency identification (RFID) and the use of global satellite navigation systems such as Galileo. Freight should be identifiable and locatable regardless of the mode it is transported on in the European Union. A necessary condition for this is that standard interfaces within the various transport modes are put in place and their interoperability across modes is assured. The European Commission has announced that it would create the appropriate legislative framework for the deployment of tracking and tracing tech-

nologies and other technological components contributing to the e-Freight concept, while ensuring the appropriate technical security for the protection of personal data and the compliance with data protection legislation. At present, the different modes of transport use different transport papers, a situation that generates administrative costs for multimodal transport and puts it in an uncomfortable position compared to unimodal transport. Consequently, to promote multimodal transport, it is essential to create a single transport document for the transport of freight regardless on the transport mode. In the general context of electronic freight transport 114, the single transport paper will be digital. Since transport papers mostly reflect the legal framework which applies to the freight transport contract, these two actions should be treated together. To adopt a single transport document, the related liability regime should be created. The current weaknesses and gaps in li-

ability regimes are both within sectors and across sectors. The absence of a European liability regime for relations between railway undertakings and infrastructure managers represents a barrier to the entry on the rail market by operators of other member states. Liability regulations have generally been elaborated along modal lines generating significant additional costs between two or more transport modes.

Развитие электронных грузовых перевозок

SOURCE: www.eea.europa.eu

www.railwaypro.com | April 2014

Упрощение обмена информацией в транспортной и товарной сфере может существенно снизить затраты на многомодальный транспорт. Речь идет особенно о возможности хозяйственных субъектов поставлять информацию лишь один раз – в электронном формате – („единая платформа”) тем самым грузы и соответствующие транспортные средства будут проверяться только один раз и в одном месте („единая административная платформа”). Такое развитие потребует подключения и завершения внедрения сетей ввиду обеспечения обмена информацией между административными учреждениями и облегчения доступа предприятий к этой информации.


Address : Str. Gării nr. 18, cod 705200, Paşcani, jud. Iaşi - România Phone : +40-232-71.83.00 Fax : +40-232-76.51.40 E-mail : office@electroputerevfu.ro

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