Railway PRO - June

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the railway business magazine

Year IX No. 2.6(108) 2014 ■

Railway PRO Mass Transportation

Competition must be in favour of customers European Commission clarifies regulations on rail passenger transport Novi Sad wants to reintroduce tram lines

Журнал железнодорожный бизнес

MPK Krakow : “We have a pro-customer policy: the Passenger equals the Customer”

Interview with Rafal Swierczynski, Vice President of the Management Board MPK Krakow

MPK Краков: «Наша политика ориентирована на клиента: Пассажир является Клиентом» Интервью с Рафаль Свьерчински, вице-президент Совета директоров транспортного оператора, MPK Краков

editor’s note 1


n this period, countries in Central and Eastern Europe celebrate or are close to celebrating 25 years since the initiation of the process of removing communist political regimes and replacing them with regimes based on pluralism and resettlement of the centralised and statism economy on the competitionbased and mostly private structure. Railways have been caught in this political-economic vortex and can hardly redefine their identity and positive role in the society. The increasing pressure of the new automotive vehicle owners and small and medium road transport companies have unbalanced the report of the two modes of transport, but also the public discourse on a modernised vision based on the power and capacity of railways to one based on the apparent simplicity and flexibility of road vehicles. The railway giants, permanently shaken by media and political blows to resettle their business models and focus on profitable activities, are today still alive only due to inertia and can hardly reshape their path and send that modern message the society awaits: the abrupt

entrance in the market economy logic has prevented central and east European railway managers, next to guardian political forums, to find the best way to resettle the activity and make it efficient. As the system relies on a massive structure of assets and a numerous staff, the social impact is huge. Also, the financial resources of the countries have been and are still limited leading to the extrawear of existing assets and to ignoring modernisation activities. Meanwhile, this diversion of the public attention from the real needs of maintenance and investments of the three large railway branches (infrastructure, passenger transport and freight transport) has led to an amassment of enormous amounts of money necessary for the recovery of activity. There are no single and simple models to restart engines, on the contrary, everything that happened in other parts of the world has relied on other political and economic situations. We are experiencing a great pain today when we see simplistic sentences or communication errors that plunge the most efficient land transport into oblivion without mentioning the true

wrongdoer: the owner-the public authority which, willingly or not, has considered that it should work that way too. Restarting the engines depends today on a serious effort from railway management and employees who have to come up with a modern message (we have to remember that today’s users are not just workers on industrial platforms, but young people looking for speed, sensational and permanent socialisation). The recent example of the Czech Republic, where a private investor and a segment of reconstructed infrastructure have managed to bring services at aeronautic industry level and to attract the segment of dynamic people in the region to its trains, shows that these models geographically reduced will be the nuclei of a positive loop which could avoid the implosion of the railway system. It is a team work in which the operator cannot do without the infrastructure manager, and the latter cannot manage without the public opinion and the support of inside specialists.

Attracting passengers to railways Issue published with the support of Club Feroviar – The Railway Business Club Журнал издаётся при поддержке Club Feroviar – ЖД Клуб Деловых Людей

Привлечение пассажиров к железнодорожным поездкам В этот период, государства Центральной и Восточной Европы отмечают или собираются к празднованию 25летия с начала процесса свержения коммунистических политических режимов на государственные устройства, основанные на плюрализме и перехода от централизованной и государственнической экономики к структуре, основанной на конкуренции и в большей степени на частной собственности. Железная дорога оказалась в политическо-экономическом круговороте, и она едва успевает определить свою идентичность и позитивную роль в обществе. Возрастающее давление со стороны новых владельцев транспортных средств и малого и среднего бизнеса в области автомобильного транспорта привело к нарушению равновесия в соотношении между двумя видами транспорта, но и в общественном дискурсе от модернизирующегося видения, основанного на мощности и способности железной дороги к концепции, основанной на кажущейся эластичности и гибкости автомобильных транспортных средств. Великие железнодорожные гиганты, подвергнутые постоянным медийным и политическим нападкам, призывающим к пересмотру моделей бизнеса, для того, чтобы сосредоточиться на действиях, которые делают их прибыльными, на сегодняшний день живут все еще

по инерции, и им с трудом удается перерисовать свой путь и передавать то современное сообщение, которое от них ожидает общество: крутое вникание в логику рыночной экономики не позволило администрациям железных дорог Центральной и Восточной Европы, наряду с политическими силами опеки, найти лучший способ пересмотра и повышения эффективности бизнеса. Так как речь идет о системе, основанной на массивной структуре активов, с большим штатом, социальный шок огромен. Также, финансовые ресурсы государств-владельцев были и остались ограниченными, что привело к чрезмерному износу существующих активов и к игнорированию мероприятий по модернизации. Между тем, такая отдаленность общественного внимания от реальных потребностей обслуживания и инвестиций в три ветви железнодорожной системы (инфраструктура, пассажирские перевозки и грузовые перевозки) привела к накоплению огромных сумм, которые необходимы для восстановительные работы системы. Уникальных и простых моделей не существует для того, чтобы перезапустить двигатели, напротив, все, что произошло в других частях мира, имело место в других политических и экономических обстоятельствах. Мы живем в великой боли сегодня, когда мы видим упрощенные суждения или

ошибки связи, выбрасывающие наиболее эффективный наземный транспорт в крах, без указания истинного виновника: владельца - т.е. органов государственной власти, которые, вольно или невольно, посчитали, что все пойдет и так. Перезапуск двигателей сегодня зависит от мастерских усилий менеджмента и работников железнодорожного транспорта, которые должны вновь преподнести обществу сообщение о современном (не следует забывать, что сегодняшние пользователи не только рабочие на промышленных объектах, но и молодые люди в поисках скорости, сенсаций, постоянной социализации). Недавний опыт Чехии, где частному инвестору удалось с помощью восстановленной инфраструктуры (не всей сети, а лишь одной магистрали) предложить услуги уровня авиационной промышленности и привлечь сегмент динамичных людей в регионе к использованию его поездов, показывает, что эти узкие по географическому масштабу модели будут составлять ядра восходящей спирали, тем самым будет избегаться имплозия железнодорожной системы. Это командная игра, где оператор не может добиться успеха без управляющего инфраструктурой, а последний, в свою очередь, не может добиться успеха без общественного мнения и без поддержки своих специалистов. June 2014 | www.railwaypro.com




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Large cities can benefit from optimised urban transport Крупные города могут пользоваться оптимизированным городским транспортом


MPK Krakow :“We have a pro-customer policy: the Passenger equals the Customer”

Interview with Rafal Swierczynski, Vice President of the Management Board MPK Krakow MPK Краков: «Наша политика ориентирована на клиента: Пассажир является Клиентом»

Public transport needs to be put forward to tackle the urban mobility challenges currently faced by urban mobility. Constructing highways and encouraging car use should not be the priority. With over 760,000 citizens, Krakow, Общественный транспорт должен стоять на первом месте в рамках мероприятий, организованных в целях поиска ответной реакции на актуальные вызовы, с которыми сталкивается городская мобильность.

the railway business magazine

Railway PRO

ISSN - 1841 - 4672

Editor’s note



16 Public procurement reform provides more flexible and more efficient procedures

Attracting passengers to railways POLICIES & STRATEGIES

Publisher: Editura de Transport & Logistică S.R.L. 30, Virgiliu Street, Sector 1 Bucharest, postal code: 010881 Tel.:+4 021 224 43 85; +4 021 224 43 87 Mobile: +40 721 723 724 Fax: +4 021 224 43 86 E-mail: editors@railwaypro.com Web-site: www.railwaypro.com Editors: Elena Ilie elena.ilie@railwaypro.com Pamela Luică pamela.luica@railwaypro.com Contributors: Valentin Gapanovich, Efim Rozenberg Igor Shubinsky Production and photo editor: Petru Mureşan Department of translations: Alina Vuţulicu Paula Bădescu Veronica Lupan Graphic design: Petru Mureşan Layout and DTP: Petru Mureşan petru.muresan@railwaypro.com Photo: Radu Drăgan Advertising Enquiries: advertise@railwaypro.com www. railwaypro.com/advertise

www.railwaypro.com | June 2014

20 Cities have to rethink

18 European Commission clarifies regulations on rail passenger transport

transport systems to become sustainable


21 Measures adopted at EU

22 Green light for Doha Metro construction

level on urban mobility must involve Member States

34 Novi Sad wants to reintroduce tram lines

24 Mecca Metro project, closer to implementation 25 Jeddah initiates metro

line construction project

49 Two major turkish

the second largest city of Poland, has a dense network of trams and buses and supplies efficient transport services. The tram network is made of 25 lines with a length of 90 km, including the underground rapid tram tunnel. For the development of the public transport system, the authorities have considered the development of a metro network, but they have abandoned the project because of financial ... Увеличение доли общественного транспорта в Кракове побудило городских властей всё больше и больше направлять свою транспортную политику и финансовые ресурсы на проекты общественного транспорта. Господин Рафаль Свьерчински, вице-президент...


31 Konya: bank card payment increases public transport use Advertorial

43 Moscow to host seventh Exporail show R&D

40 URRAN System for the Olympic Sochi Innovative Traffic Management Systems based on Novel Risk Management Methodology

economic centres, connected by high-speed railways

32 Riyadh ultramodern metro system defines the city structure

52 Competition must be in favour of customers

38 Moscow Metro seeks further development



39 Astana introduces plans

on light rail transport system

44 New locomotive platform for shunting and track use

48 Large cities can benefit from optimised urban transport

47 Integrated ticketing,


solution for increasing travels by train

50 Railway Statistics

cOntent 3 Редакционная статья



продуктов и технологий


52 Конкуренция должна идти на пользу клиенту - либерализация отечественных услуг железнодорожных пассажирских перевозок должна быть эффективной

22 Релёный свет для строительства Метро в Дохе

31 Конья: система оплаты с помощью банковских карт способствует увеличению спроса на общественный транспорт

Привлечение пассажиров к железнодорожным поездкам ПОЛИТИКА И СТРАТЕГИЯ

20 Городам необходимо

РАЗВИТИЕ РЫНКА пересмотреть свою транспортную систему для того, чтобы стать устойчивыми 48 Крупные города могут пользоваться оптимизированным 21 Меры, принятые на городским транспортом уровне ЕС по городской мобильности должны вовлекать государства-члены закон

24 Метро в Мекке - всё ближе к запуску 25 В Джидде стартует

проект строительства линии метро

40 Городская система для Олимпийских игр в Сочи Инновационные системы 32 Эр-Риад: ультрасовременная системы управления движением, метро определяет структуру основанные на Новой Методологии «Novel Risk города Management» 38 Московский метрополитен развивается непрерывно

34 Новый Сад 16 Реформа в сфере намеревается обратно ввести государственных закупок 39 В Астане может быть трамвайные линии обеспечивает более гибкие и запущена система легкого эффективные процедуры метро 49 Два важных 18 Европейская экономических центров комиссия поясняет Турции, соединенных правила железнодорожных скоростных железных дорог пассажирских перевозок


47 Интегрированное оформление проездных документов: способ увеличения количества поездок на поезде


44 Новая платформа для маневровых и тяговых локомотивов СТАТИСТИКА


железнодорожная статистика

June 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

news 5

Turkey: Steel manufacturer Kardemir Karabuk Demir Celik in Turkey has secured a EUR 93.26 Million from Kf W IPEX Bank. The loan is for 13 years. The company will use the loan to finance external costs concerning the project of the rail wheel manufacturing unit.

CP Carga privatisation is uncertain International: The privatisation of the railway freight transport company CP Carga is still on the list of the Portuguese Government, but is under question. The new document “Road for Growth” presented by the Government said the privatisation will take place only if favourable market conditions ad requirements are met. The document has been approved by the Council of Ministers. Even in the Document on Budget Strategy, the privatisation problem is related to market conditions, but questions remain only regarding the deadline of the sale.

Rail Cargo Group launches connection to Turkey

photo: www.bahnbilder.de

International: Cargo Group and Turkish company Büyük Anadolu Lojistik Organizasyonlar have announced the extension of the cooperation initiated in September 2013 by implementing a highfrequency intermodal connection between Ruhr Basin and Turkey. The service will allow Rail Cargo Group to consolidate its presence in the Turkish market. The first intermodal block train has recently been launched between Ruhr Basin and the Bosporus, on a distance of 2,000 km. Trains leave one every two days per direction and the travel time is maximum five days.

Agreement on Silk Wind project assumed to be signed this summer International: The governments of Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Turkey and Georgia are expected to sign an agreement on the Silk Wind project in summer, Kazakh Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications, Azat Bekturov said. He made the remarks on the sidelines of the 9th TransEurasia-2014 International Conference on Transport and Transit Potential.

“Terra Nova” – first locomotive manufactured by Electroputere VFU and Reloc Craiova after the takeover by Grampet Group romania: On 20 May, Electroputere VFU – Reloc Craiova officially launched the first 1260 HP diesel hydraulic locomotive built after 24 years of inactivity in this segment in Romania. The locomotive, called “Terra Nova”, has been designed and manufactured in Craiova in partnership with the American industrial group Caterpillar. The presentation of the 1260 HP locomotive took place in Craiova, in the presence of Caterpillar Group Vice-President, Allen Helton. The giant American industrial group has been very involved in the development of the project, from design to completion. “It is an important project including for the company I represent, it is a welcomed project for Caterpillar and Reloc. The engine of the locomotive is very reliable, efficient and environmentally friendly”, said Helton. Three such locomotives will be built every month by Craiova-based plant. 100 people will be employed in the near future so that the plant could meet orders, the company’s representative say. The 1260 HP diesel hydraulic locomotive, capable to reach speeds of 100 km/h, has been designed for export and the company said that eight such vehicles would go to Western Europe.

“The locomotive is called “Terra Nova” and is part of the three projects that Caterpillar developes in Craiova. In fact, a production line has been created in Electroputere VFU Craiova - Reloc Craiova for these locomotives that are designed to run on narrow to medium gauge, up to CIS-gauge railways. It is an adaptable locomotive that can operate anywhere in the world. It is a locomotive that meets the conditions of the III B stage for polluting emissions although this is not yet mandatory in the EU”, declared Graţian Călin, General Manager of Reloc SA and Vice President Grampet. “Terra Nova” locomotive has been designed and built in Craiova, under the coordination of the research department created by Grampet in Craiova; the Group took over the locomotive production units of the former Electroputere and Reloc plants. The locomotive is equipped with two diesel engines, two transmission systems and two gear boxes. The production costs of the locomotive have not been disclosed, but the sale cost will be rather low.

photo: Grampet Group

Kardemir secures loan for railway activities

The Kazakh minister pointed out that the agreement on the Silk Wind project was expected to be signed during this conference. It was not possible to sign the document due to the unreadiness of the Turkish side, which didn’t have time to conduct internal procedures for signing a decree by the Turkish government, Bekturov said. Bekturov went on to add that the signing may take place during one of the upcoming events in the sphere of transport to be held in Turkey this summer. The Silk Wind project, aimed at launching the China-Kazakhstan-Caspian-CaucasusTurkey-Europe container train, was initiated under the TRACECA program.

RZD and Chinese Railways agree on strategic cooperation to develop infrastructure

Румыния: Компания Электропутере VFU - Reloc Крайова официально представила в мае первый дизельный тепловоз 1260 л.с., построенный 24 года спустя после перерыва в этом секторе в Румынии. В мире: Rail Cargo Group и турецкая компания Büyük Anadolu Lojistik Organizasyonlar объявили о расширении сотрудничества, заложенного в сентябре 2013 года. Турция: Турецкий производитель стали Kardemir Karabuk Demir Celik получил кредит в размере 93,26 млн. евро в Банке Kf W IPEX Bank. В мире: CP Carga продолжает

оставаться в списке португальского правительства, но под знаком вопроса. Чехия: Чешское министерство транспорта подтвердило, что будет проводить тендеры на обслуживание четырех или пяти путей сообщения для пассажиров, получивших бюджетные субсидии. В мире: Ожидается, что правительства Казахстана, Азербайджана, Турции и Грузии летом этого года подпишут соглашение по проекту «Шелковый ветер» В мире: ОАО РЖД и Китайские Железные дороги подписали договор стратегического сотрудничества в области развития железнодорожных сообщений и инфраструктуры в пограничном участке.

International: Russian Railways and Chinese Railways have signed an agreement on strategic cooperation. The document was signed by Vladimir Yakunin, President of Russian Railways, and Sheng Guangzu, CEO of Chinese Railways, in Shanghai on 20 May. According to the agreement, the parties intend to develop rail border crossings between Russia and China and railway infrastructure on the approaches to these border crossings in order to increase the through and carrying capacity of the rail-

June 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

6 news

SecurStation develops guidelines for railway station security International: On 20 May 2014, UIC organised the “SecurStation” workshop for railway station security. SecurStation is an EU 7th Framework Programme funded project aimed to develop a quantitative risk assessment methodology. Several guidelines will be elaborated through simulations for efficient design, as well as several design guidelines for railway station security. The latter will comprise best practice design methodologies and considerations for secure station design. In 2011-21014, the SecurStation team has analysed past terrorists incidents and has assessed end-user requirements and conducted simulations of the most probable attacks in stations to understand their impact. The Design Guidelines for Railway Station Security provide guidance for anyone involved in the design or operation of stations, including infrastructure managers, transport operators, planners and architects. The document has three chapters on general station design principles, risk identification and mitigation and design guidelines for station security. The SecurStation project is coordinated by the defence company Isdefe (Spain) and ten European organisations that form the SecurStation consortium.

Authorities to liberalise other passenger transport railways

begin services already this year according to the ministry.

photo: wikimedia.org

Czech Rep.: The Czech Ministry of Transport has confirmed that it will be opening tenders to operate four or five subsidized rail passenger routes this year. The routes have previously been operated by the main state-owned passenger rail company, Czech Railways, but contracts are about to expire. The full list of routes has not been finalized, but Plžen-Most and Liberec-Pardubice are said to be among the starting line-up. Newly selected operators on some routes could

Kapsch wins new contract

and units within the company. The project, which is scheduled to be completed by August 2015, will be implemented by a tie-up consisting of local IT company Adven Bulgaria and Czech IT company Ness Technologies. The project is financed under the EUfunded operational programme Transport 2007-2013.

photo: www.novinite.com

ways and increase the volume of international passenger and freight rail transport between Russia and China and transit traffic through their territories. The two sides will also improve the process of organising transport and optimising border crossings. In addition, the parties intend to optimise the conditions and technology of container shipments, including by organising regular container trains according to timetables and to promote the development of competitive tariff conditions for China - Russia - Europe rail transit routes.

Czech Rep.: Kapsch CarrierCom has secured a contract for two projects in the Czech Republic on the installation of the GSM-R technology on two sections of 200 km and 110 km respectively. Projects concerns the Kolín – Havlíčkův Brod – Křižanov – Brno section and the region around Prague (Prague - Beroun – Králův Dvůr, Prague – Benešov and Prague - Lysá nad Labem). The first project will take around 26 months to complete, while the second, 21 months. “The Czech Republic is an important transit country for intra-European rail travel. We are therefore all the more pleased that SŽDC has again entrusted us with contributing to a modern European railway infrastructure with the latest technologies”, stated Kari Kapsch, CEO of Kapsch CarrierCom.

Siemens to install ETCS Level 2 on Hungarian railway network

Vossloh Cogifer introduces new forging unit of Vossloh Cogifer Kihn

Bulgaria: Bulgaria’s National Railway Infrastructure Company (NRIC) will invest BGN 10.4 Million (EUR 5.3 Million) in an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. The system will help the company to integrate the activities of all departments

Hungary: Siemens has received three orders from Hungary to supply signaling and control technology. The company will equip two sections of the line between the Budapest suburb of Ferencváros and the small eastern town of Gyoma with ETCS Level 2. The third section to be fitted with the same system runs west from Ferencváros to Székesfehérvár. The order, which is worth around EUR 60 Million, was awarded by Hungary’s state infrastructure development company (Nemezeti Infrastruktúra Fejlesztő Zrt.), and commissioning of all three sections is scheduled to take place at the end of 2015.

International: On 21 May, 2014, Vossloh Cogifer unveiled the new tongue forging unit in the industrial unit of Luxembourg, Vossloh Cogifer Kihn. “This forging unit is important as our government supports industrial development”, declared Patrick Nickels, High Ranking Senior Government Official. The company has invested EUR 15 Million in this project which “includes the production of the largest forged tongues. Investments also included the acquisition of modern equipment for increasing production to 20,000 forged tongues per year. The products also address high-speed rail and the expertise

В мире: 20 мая 2014 года МСЖД организовал практический семинар под названием „SecurStation”, по вопросам безопасности на железнодорожных станциях. Болгария: Болгарская Национальная компания железнодорожной инфраструктуры будет инвестировать 10,4 млн. лева (5,3 млн. евро) в систему планирования ресурсов на предприятии. В мире: 21 мая 2014 года компания Vossloh Cogifer открыла новое подразделение для производства болтов для

стрелочных переводов в промышленном парке Люксембурга, Vossloh Cogifer Kihn. Венгрия: Немецкий концерн предприятий Сименс установит систему сигнализации и контроля поездов ETCS Уровня 2 (Trainguard 200) по нескольким отсекам сети венгерской железной дороги. Чехия: Компании Kapsch CarrierCom присудили контракт по двум проектам в Чехии, предметом которых является установка технологии GSM-R на двух линиях длительностью 200 км, и, соответственно, 110 км.

Болгария: Интермодальный портовый терминал Варны будет построен в течении трех лет с момента выдачи разрешения на строительство. Об этом заявили в Министерстве транспорта Болгарии В мире: Сектор услуг - одна из наиболее конкурентоспособных промышленных вертикалей. Приложения ПО Charisma для сектора услуг (Charisma Solutions for Services) обеспечивает полную прозрачность деятельности и прибыльности компании, а также производительности сотрудников.

New investments in railway systems

www.railwaypro.com | June 2014

news 7

photo: Vossloh Cogifer

centre, included in our development strategy, will also be inaugurated”, declared Didier Mainard, Chief Operation Officer, Vossloh Cogifer. “The new unit will come up with innovative solutions and will increase productivity. As part of the project, all safety points have been fitted with automated equipment to increase safety and double production capacity”, declared Eric Iung, Managing Director of Vossloh Cogifer-Khin. Works to this project were initiated at the beginning of 2013 and were completed in 14 months. Production will begin in September. “We already have contracts signed with companies such as DB, Infrabel, SNCF, etc. Also, the forging unit opened in Luxembourg will deliver products to countries in Asia and South Africa. We believe the market will develop and we will invest to meet the customers’ needs. The EUR 15 Million investment was allocated by the company and by the whole group and the production volume is double (compared to before modernising and expanding the unit). The machines will work 24/7 and they will only stop 2 weeks per year to perform maintenance”, declared Eric Iung.

Varna: intermodal terminal to be completed in three years Bulgaria: The intermodal terminal in the port of Varna will be completed in three years after the issue of the construction permits, declared Bulgaria’s Ministry of Transport. The cost of the project is BGN 90 Million (EUR 46 Million). The terminal will provide logistics services for railway, maritime and road transport. The tender for the construction of the terminal was launched at the end of April. Construction works could begin in 2015.

Solutions dedicated to the services sector International: The services sector is dominated by the increased demands of the customers, doubled by a change in the acquisition behavior because of the economical context, which means that projects are more and more complex. Managing these projects requires robust information systems, with fast information and unique database processing capabilities, to ensure an easy tracking of industry specific performance indicators. Charisma addresses all these challenges with advanced technical solutions, specially

Польша: Компания PKP в настоящее время не планирует продать свою долю в уставном капитале PKP Cargo, и не будет требовать дивидендов, размер которого превышает уровень, рекомендованный руководством компании. В мире: China Shandong International и ее подразделение Shandong Hi-Speed Group заинтересованы принимать участие в реализации ряда проектов строительства автобанов и модернизации железных дорог

в Республике Сербской. Россия: Объединенная вагонная компания (ОВК) приступила к работам по проекту строительства производственного подразделения для вагонов-цистерн в Тихвинском индустриальном парке (Россия). Румыния: Начиная с 15 мая 2014 года компания «ЧФР Марфа» (CFR Marfă) стала полноправным партнером по проекту комбинированных перевозок «Викинг».

designed to meet the needs of each organization, regardless of its size, which operates in the services area. The advanced technical solutions provided by Charisma are developed in order to assist services providers.

located in the industrial site in Tikhvin. The total investment in construction of the new plant exceeds 3 billion rubles. Production start-up is planned in 2015. At the new facility United Wagon Company will make tank cars equipped with innovative bogies with increased axle load 25 tf for transportation of chemical products, LPG and petroleum cargoes. The enterprise’s production capacity is up to 3 000 tank cars per year.The car designs for the new plant are developed by Centre for Transportation Technologies, a design bureau managed by UWC. In addition to classic models, the new plant will manufacture a range of tank cars with improved technical and economic parameters. Product line of tank cars to be manufacture will differ from standard models by greater loading capacity (up to 74 tons), tank volume, increased maintainability and lifetime. Now design, installation and construction works are taken place in the area of future production facility, as well as selection of process equipment supplier. It’s surface is 80 th. sq. m, estimated staff number is up to 1 000 employees.

PKP denies plans to quickly sell PKP Cargo Poland: PKP has no immediate plans to sell its stake in listed rail freight firm PKP Cargo and will not demand a dividend above management recommendation, PKP CEO Jakub Karnowski told reporters. “Rumours that we want to sell our PKP Cargo stake quickly are not true,” Karnowski said. “It will be possible when we have liquidity needs but for now this is not the case”, added Jakub Karnowski. Rumours said PKP could quickly sell 20% in PKP Cargo of its current 51.7% stake.

China interested in Republika Srpska infrastructure projects International: China Shandong International and its unit Shandong HiSpeed Group are interested in participating in motorway construction and railway upgrade projects in Republika Srpska, the government of the latter announced. The announcement was made during a visit in China of Republika Srpska Minister of Transport Nedeljko Cubrilovic. China Shandong International and Shandong Hi-Speed Group are interested to participate in these infrastructure projects with own funds or with financing from Chinese banks. Projects include the development of the section of Banja Luka-Prijedor-Novi Grad motorway.

United Wagon Company sets up tank car production Russia: United Wagon Company (UWC) has started implementing the project on tank car production. The facility will be

EU to grant funds for Bulgaria-Albania corridor international: The European Union is ready to invest around EUR 1 Billion of the pre-accession 2014-2020 funds for Corridor 10, Burgas-Durres. European Union ministers are in favour

CFR Marfă, partner in Viking combined transport project Romania: As of 15 May 2014, CFR Marfă announced is has become full-right partner in Viking combined transport project, which links the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea regions. The accession took place in the formal statutory reunion of Viking held in Sofia on 14-15 May 2014, after all present members in the project signed the Accession Protocol. The Baltic Sea to the Black Sea area already has members in the project represented by railway companies, maritime companies,shipping houses and ports administrations from Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Republic of Moldova, Bulgaria and Turkey. So far, Romania has been the missing link in this logistics chain.

of the expansion of this international institution, as stated during the Ministerial Conference being held in Thessaloniki, Greece. In this statement EU ministers said that they have supported and will engage the Western Balkan countries to integrate into the EU. June 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

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romania: The General Transport Master Plan (MPGT) will have to provide a clear development strategy of the Romanian transport sector for the next 20 years. The document is of strategic importance for the operation and development of transport infrastructures in Romania. Based on these facts, Club Feroviar has sent several proposals and observations to the Ministry of Transport on the document elaborated by AECOM consultant and submitted to debate. “Struggling with defining problems, the consultant has used a reference scenario with data updates up to 2011. This limitation, despite the availability of traffic and transport business evolution data for 2012 and 2013, can create confusion and the incorrect evaluation of investment projects. For example, in the railway field, 2013 and 2013 witnessed a reduction of freight transport volumes and a slow-down of the reduction rhythm of passenger transport volumes based on the lack of infrastructure maintenance works and large reconstruction sites which led to a reduction of speeds and punctuality, temporarily leading to a reduction of railway system attractiveness. We also remark the fact that the statistical analysis of transport evolution in the past years does not consider the crisis in 20082009 which distorts perspectives”, underlines Club Feroviar in the proposals submitted to the transport ministry. “In evaluating the impact of investments

Design of Sofia-Vidin railway to cost EUR 4 Million Bulgaria: The estimated cost of SofiaVidin railway design project is BGN 8 Million (EUR 4.09 Million), declared the deputy director of the National Railway Infrastructure Company of Bulgaria, Hristo Alexiev. After the completion of the technical project, the company will award the construction contract to avoid problems concerning construction costs and delays, added Hristo Alexiev. The duration of the design contract is one year.

New transport projects for the European Games-2015 Azerbaijan: Azerbaijan will implement

some transport projects by the opening of the first European Games in Baku in 2015, Azerbaijani Transport Minister Ziya Mammadov said in an interview with ‘The Business Year - Azerbaijan 2014’ magazine. The minister added that the entire work on the streets and avenues adjacent to the venues of the Games are scheduled for completion by May 1, 2015. www.railwaypro.com | June 2014

in different transport infrastructures, the consultant has applied different methods for evaluating their feasibility. While investments in road infrastructure are analysed from the point of view of the number of vehicles that use it, investments in railway infrastructure are evaluated from the point of view of services efficiency (the number of carried passengers or tonnes). In this context, we recall that based on the railway system restructuring process in Romania, it is no longer an integrated undertaking as railway infrastructure is a platform for attracting local and international investors. We demand the re-evaluation of the impact of investments in the railway infrastructure from the perspective of the number of trains attracted by the infrastructure manager, and not just from the perspective of services efficiency”, Club Feroviar points out. Regarding the list of the projects admitted for trial (530 projects), Club Feroviar expressed its concern on the method of using and applying performance indicators. The organisation has exemplified two of the projects submitted to tests at the railway infrastructure section of the document. Among others, it is considered that the project “Construction of București NordAeroport Henri Coandă railway” is not part of the TEN-T network, although both the railway network and the airport are included in the TEN-T core network. Also, it is considered that “it doesn’t help increase collected revenues and the efficiency of current railway operations by reviewing the train schedule, although the special airport service will also trigger an increase of revenues and a completion of general transport

services”. Another important project for the railway network in Romania “Construction of Vâlcele-Râmnicu Vâlcea section” should benefit from an apprehended analysis of the consultant before considering that the project “has no contribution to increasing efficiency in using assets especially for the infrastructure elements for which there is need to achieve efficiency, although such a line will help provide an alternative route between Bucharest and Arad by 15% shorter than through Sighișoara-Brașov”. Moreover, “it is considered that is does not contribute to increasing the availability of the services level on the primary investment network, although the new line will provide direct connection between urban and production centres such as Bucharest, Pitești, Râmnicu Vâlcea, Sibiu”. In conclusion, Club Feroviar proposes the submission to public debate of the final variant of the General Transport Master Plan so that specialists could support Romanian authorities in identifying and properly evaluating the infrastructure development projects of national and European interest.

“Additionally, an action plan on road transport infrastructure has been approved in order to ensure the smooth safe operation of public transport. The action plan includes road transport projects, the railway network and the implementation of intelligent systems in this sector”, said Mammadov. The projects implemented by the authorities are focused on developing a modern national transport system to provide mobility needs.

Company (FPK), a subsidiary of RZD and Czech Railways have signed a cooperation agreement on international passenger rail transport. The agreement was signed during an international seminar held by the Federal Passenger Company, under the aegis of the Organisation for Cooperation of Railways (OSJD) Commission on Passenger Transport. The two companies want to develop rail links between Russia and the Czech Republic and to cooperate in organising transport and improve its quality. The agreement also provides for cooperation on tariff policy and optimising the use of rolling stock, in particular by avoiding unnecessary downtime and empty runs.

Russia and Czech Republic, agreement on rail passenger transport development International: Federal Passenger Болгария: Предварительная стоимость проектирования линии СофияВидин составляет 8 миллионов лева (4,09 млн. евро). Азербайджан: В преддверии проведения Олимпийских Игр в Баку, в 2015 году Азербайджан будет внедрять ряд проектов в сфере транспорта. В мире: Федеральная Пассажирская Компания (ФПК), дочерняя компания ОАО РЖД и Железные Дороги Чехии подписали

photo: Club Feroviar

Club Feroviar requires the thorough analysis of projects admitted for trial within MPGT

соглашение о сотрудничестве в сфере международных пассажирских перевозок. Румыния: Общий Мастер-план по транспорту будет призван обеспечить четкую стратегию развития транспортного сектора в Румынии на ближайшие 20 лет. В мире: Европейский союз готов вложить около миллиарда евро из фондов по подготовке ко вступлению на 2014-2020 гг. для 10-го Транспортного коридора БургасДуррес.

10 news High-speed railway to connect members of Eurasian Union

RZD and Bulgarian Railways sign memorandum of cooperation

International: Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev said a high-speed railway connecting Minsk, Moscow, Astana and Almaty and the Eurasia maritime canal between the Caspian and the Black Sea should be built within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union. He reminded that the Caspian-Black Sea project had been developed in the times of the Soviet Union, but the project had never been realized. Eurasian Economic Union needs modernization of roads and railways between Europe and China.

international: At the Council for Rail Transport of CIS countries, Russian Railways and Bulgarian State Railways signed a memorandum of cooperation. The document was signed by Vladimir Yakunin, President of Russian Railways, and Kristian Krastev, CEO of the Bulgarian State Railways’ holding. The Memorandum provides for the implementation of joint projects to improve the com-

Iran, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan want single rail transport tariff

photo: uz24.uz

International: Delegations from Iran, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan signed a trilateral agreement that will promote railway cooperation between the three nations and will also draw up new guidelines on the rail freight tariffs. The agreement also stipulates that the three countries lay the ground for an increase in the volume of the freight that are transited into their land from Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia. According to the deal, Iran and Turkmenistan each agreed to offer a maximum 30% discount on the cargo of cotton transited by train. Moreover, the three countries will coordinate railway transit policies and the implementation of the agreement could come to an agreement on a single rail transportation tariff, the capacity of rail transit between the three countries will double.

Customs Union countries to cooperate with Czech business environment International: Representatives of Belarus, Russia, and Kazakhstan will discuss the terms of work of Czech business in the Customs Union, BelTA learnt from Ambassador of Belarus to the Czech Republic Vasily Markovich. The diplomatic missions of Belarus, Russia, and Kazakhstan in the Czech Republic held a seminar on foreign economic relations with the countries of the Customs Union in the context of the World Trade Organization and the formation of the Eurasian Economic Union. The Ambassador emphasized that many things depend on the results of the session of the www.railwaypro.com | June 2014

Supreme Eurasian Economic Council and the meeting between the heads of Belarus, Russia, and Kazakhstan. “The efficiency of our cooperation with Czech investors and partners also depends on these results,” Vasily Markovich explained. Russia prepares tests on railway to North Korea International: Russia appears to be preparing for a test operation of its newly renovated railway linked to North Korea, but the economic feasibility of South Korea’s joining the logistics project remains to be seen. Late last year, Russia reopened the 54-kilometre track linking the Russian eastern border town of Khasan to the North’s port of Rajin following a five-year renovation. “Russia is preparing to export its coal through the Rajin-Khasan railway,” Lee Yang-goo, council general in Vladivostok, declared.

petitiveness of rail transport and to increase passenger and freight traffic using the Russian and Bulgarian transport systems. “The signing of this memorandum forms the basis for the development of closer relations between Russian Railways and Bulgarian State Railways and aims to increase freight transport between Bulgaria and Russia,” said Kristian Krastev. Particular attention will be paid to the use of the rail-ferry service between the ports of Varna and the Caucasus.

Council for Rail Transport of CIS States and president of state-run monopoly Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin. Permanent members include the Russian Federation, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine. Associate members are Georgia, Latvia, Bulgaria and Finland. Council sessions are also attended by heads of railways systems in Lithuania, Estonia and Iran. Japan to participate in the electrification of Uzbekistan railway

International: “Iran has filed an application to join the Council for Rail Transport of the Commonwealth of Independent States as an associate member”, Deputy Minister for Transport, Roads and Urban Development and President of Iranian Railways Mohsen Pour Seid Aghaie, told a council session in Kazakhstan’s capital, Astana. The bid awaits consideration, said the head of the

International: Uzbekistan President Islam Karimov recently met Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance of Japan Taro Aso, to discuss the implementation of common projects. Japan is one of Uzbekistan’s key economic partners. The bilateral trade turnover in 2013 exceeded USD 215.2 Million. The total volume of funds extended by Japan to Uzbekistan has amounted to USD 2.32 Billion. Projects currently run include those regarding the electrification of the Karshi-Termez railway line. In February 2012, JICA signed an agreement with the Uzbek Government granting JPY 18 Billion (EUR 127 Million). The main objective is to meet railway freight traffic needs and to make transport services efficient by electrifying 350 km of line in the south of the country to Afghanistan.

В мире: В рамках Совета по железнодорожному транспорту государств участников СНГ, Российские Железные Дороги (РЖД) и Болгарские Железные Дороги подписали меморандум сотрудничества для улучшения конкурентоспособности железнодорожного транспорта и увеличения объемов грузовых и пассажирских перевозок между двумя странами. В мире: Президент Казахстана Нурсултан Назарбаев заявил о том, что Минск, Москва, Астана и Алматы целесообразно соединить между собой с помощью высокоскоростной железнодорожной линии.

В мире: Директора железнодорожных компаний Ирана, Узбекистана и Туркменистана подписали соглашение о продвижении железнодорожных перевозок и тарифной системы для грузовых перевозок. В мире: Россия готовится к запуску испытательного пробега на модернизированной линии, соединяющей с Северной Кореей, но проект экономического обоснования вовлечения Южной Кореи еще не установлен. В мире: Представители России, Беларуси и Казахстана обсудили возможность вовлечения чешского делового сектора в проекты в рамках Таможенного Союза.

Iran bids to join CIS multi-nation rail network assembly

news 11 Turkey launches concept of first express train to be produced

Budapest-Belgrade railway to be upgraded International: MÁV and the Serbian

photo: www.bbj.hu

Railways are planning to overhaul a 374 km rail line between the countries’ capital cities. The aim is to significantly reduce the travel time from the current seveneight hours, according to Hungary’s State Secretary for Foreign Affairs and External Economic Relations Péter Szijjártó. The upcoming overhaul is designed to cut this to only 3.5 hours, according to the state secretary, who said that the governments want to enable the two operators to compete with vehicle transport and commercial flights on this route, as well as increase the line’s rail freight capacity. “We are aware that more and more Chinese goods are arriving in Europe. Hungary lies on the transit route and we need to use our location. We also know that China transports its goods to Europe by sea, especially to Greek ports, such as Piraeus. From there, goods could be transported to Western Europe through Hungary with the use of the rail line”, said Szijjártó. MÁV and its Serbian counterpart are planning to connect the two cities by building a double-track, electrified line. Currently, the rail line consists of a single track, and its bad state often results in significant delays.

EIB loans to consolidate increase and innovation in Europe International: Addressing the the annual meeting of the European Investment Bank’s Board of Governors of the 28 EU member states, President of the European Investment Bank, Werner Hoyer, highlighted the importance of continued increased lending for SMEs, innovation, infrastructure and climate action. He confirmed that he expected lending by the EIB over the next two years to be similar to the EUR 72 Billion provided for long-term investment in 2013. “The European Investment Bank is committed to supporting long-term investment that strengthens Europe’s economic recovery and global competitiveness. I am pleased that we have not only successfully delivered increased targeted support for SME lending and investment that helps address youth unemployment, but also continue to help unlock private investment essential for crucial infrastructure”, said European Investment Bank President Werner Hoyer.

turkey: The Transport Ministry has launched for the first time the concept of the express train to be manufactured and operated on the Turkish railway network. The project is implemented by TCDD. The train design concept has been selected and industrial design has been completed. The national high-speed trains have been designed and developed for both national and international technology. The supply of 106

Greece reintroduces international railway transport services Greece: Hellenic railway operator Trainose has resumed passenger transport services on international routes. Trains on the first two routes to Skopje – Belgrade and Sofia were launched in May and will operate daily. International transport services will provide transport services for the passengers in the Balkan and Central Europe area and will consolidate the company’s position. The company will grant a 20% discount to ticket prices by the end of 2014.

Russian Railways ‘could buy Thessaloniki Port’

such trains was introduced in the investment programme. The trains could be operated on both the existing high-speed lines and the ones to be built. The first 20 vehicles, for which technical specifications have been completed, would be manufactured outside the country. 52% of the budget for the 70 trainsets would be national budget. Turkish States Railways (TCDD) aims to produce the remaining 16 units within the ‘National HighSpeed Train Project’. The national production share could increase to 85% by 2023.

Thessaloniki Port that his company would work closely with Greek counterparts on that matter. Greece owns 74% of the shares of Thessaloniki and Piraeus ports. Athens was however forced to embark on a privatization procedure for key facilities across the country as part of the bailout deal it struck with the IMF, the EU and the ECB. RZD has previously hinted at its interest in the debt-ridden Bulgarian State Railways (BDZ)’s freight unit and presently is reported to be eyeing Greek train operator Trainose. Russia to build Rasht-Astara railway

International: Russia’s state-owned railway company has shown interest in acquiring the shares of the Port of Thessaloniki, Greece’s second-largest city. “From a strategic point of view, Thessaloniki’s port is of bigger interest for us,” Vladimir Yakunin, Director of Russian Railways said. Yakunin’s words came after Russia’s ITAR-TASS reported that the state company and its partners are abandoning plans for the privatization of Piraeus, another key port in Greece. The Russian Railways’ Director noted regarding

International: Managing Director of Iran Railways Organization Mohsen Pour Seyed Aqaie said that Russia will build Rasht-Astara railway track based on an agreement with Tehran and Baku. The agreement was reached in the trilateral meeting of the Iranian official and Managing Director of Russia’s Railways Vladimir Yakunin and the Azeri counterpart on the sidelines of the 60th Meeting of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Rail Council in Kazakhstan. Also on the basis of the agreement, Azerbaijan’s Railways Company will construct the railway from Iran-Azerbaijan border to the first railway

Турция: Министерство транспорта впервые запустило вариант экспресспоезда, который предстоит производить на местном уровне и сдать в эксплуатацию на турецкой железной дороге. Проект имплементируется компанией TCDD. В мире: Компания «Российские железные дороги» (РЖД) проявила интерес к приобретению акций Порта Салоники. Это второй по величине город в Греции. В мире: Иран намеревается присоединиться к Совету по железнодорожному транспорту государств участников СНГ. Члены Совета встречаются ежегодно в различных местах ввиду осуществления координации деятельности железнодорожных систем государств бывшего Советского Союза. В мире: Президент Узбекистана, Ислам Каримов, встретился с Министром финансов Японии Таро Асо. На встрече обсуждался вопрос реализации

совместных проектов, таких как проект электрификации линии Карши-Термез. В мире: MAV и Железные Дороги Сербии намереваются реабилитировать 374 км линии по отсеку, осуществляющему железнодорожное сообщение между столицами этих двух государств. В мире: Президент Европейского инвестиционного банка Вернер Хойер на ежегодной встрече губернаторов банков 28 государств ЕС подчеркнул важность продолжения увеличения размеров кредитов для малых и средних предприятий, инноваций, инфраструктуры и решения проблем вредного воздействия на окружающую среду. Греция: Железнодорожный оператор Греции Trainose вновь ввел услугу по перевозке пассажиров по международным маршрутам. Поезда по первым двум маршрутам в сторону Скопье - Белград и Софии были запущены в мае месяце и будут работать в ежедневном режиме. June 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

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International: After the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council meeting in Astana, President of Russia Vladimir Putin, President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev and President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko signed the Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union. The Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union will come into force on the Customs Union territory on January 1, 2015. Work on the document began back in November 2011 at the first summit meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council, where the presidents of the Russian Federation, Belarus and Kazakhstan

station inside its soil. The project envisages the connection of Azerbaijani and Iranian railway systems through Qazvin-RashtAstara (Iran)-Astara (Azerbaijan). This railway project is of great importance for the development of “North-South” international transport corridor whose commodity market is estimated to rise to 25-26 million tonnes by 2015. The length of Rasht-Astara -Qazvin railway is 205 km, and the length of the railway track between Qazvin and Rasht is 164 km. Some 82 bridges with a total length of nine km and 53 tunnels with a total length of 22 km will be built along the Qazvin-Rasht-Astara railway track. RZD unveils cost of Moscow-Kazan railway Russia: Alexander Misharin, First

Vice-President of Russian Railways, said that Russian and international auditors confirmed the stated cost of constructing the Moscow - Kazan line at RUB 1.06 Trillion (USD 30.9 Billion), of which the state will invest about RUB 380 Billion (USD 11 Billion). The construction project for a high-speed railway line between Moscow – Vladimir – Nizhny Novgorod – Kazan was presented to participants at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum on May 2014. During the project presentation, regional leaders put forward an initiative to establish an Association of Mayors and Governors of Regions Linked by the Moscow –Kazan – Yekaterinburg High-Speed Line and Moscow – Rostovon-Don – Adler High-Speed Line. The aim of the Association will be to collaborate on promoting the advancement and implementation of high-speed line projects in the Russian Federation. During the presentation, it was announced that the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, the head of the Chuvash Republic and the governors of Nizhny Novgorod and Vladimir regions had made a written appeal to President Vladimir Putin asking him to support the project to build a highspeed rail line between Moscow – Kazan. www.railwaypro.com | June 2014

Russian Republic of Crimea and back, construction and overhaul of Simferopol airport, reconstruction of the maritime railway and motor ferry line at the Russian Crimean seaport of Kerch. “Allocations will be made from budget assignments envisaged for the Finance Ministry to fund additional measures to support economy, small and medium businesses, labour market, mono-profile municipal entities and social support of people. The decree permits to improve transport provision in the Crimean Federal District that is particularly important in a season of vacations with a higher passenger traffic,” the decree runs.

adopted a declaration on Eurasian economic integration, which became a sort of ‘roadmap’ for the development of their integration. Taking part in drafting the final agreement on the Russian side were over 30 federal executive bodies. The document is based on norms of the contractual legal framework of the Customs Union and Common Economic Space, which were optimised, improved and brought into compliance with the rules of the World Trade Organisation. The three states undertake to guarantee the free movement of goods, services, capital and work force and to implement a coordinated policy in such key branches of the economy as energy, industry, agriculture and transport.

Mianeh-Tabriz railway to connect Iran to Europe

“Improving transport accessibility will strengthen ties between Russia’s largest cities. The construction of this line is supported by more than 80% of the population living in our regions,” said the regional leaders in their letter.

photo: en.ria.ru

Agreement on Eurasian Economic Union signed

Russian authorities to allocate over USD 19 Million for Crimea’s transport Russia: Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree allocating subsidies from federal budget to fund the transport industry in the Crimean Federal District in 2014, the Russian government website stated. The government will allocate more than seven billion roubles (USD 19 Million) for these purposes. Subsidies and inter-budgetary transfers will be allotted particularly for passenger traffic to the

В мире: Директор железнодорожной компании Ирана Мохсен Поур Сейед Акайе заявил о том, что Россия построит линию Рашт-Астара, на основании соглашения, подписанного с Тегераном и Баку. Россия: Премьер-министр России Дмитрий Медведев подписал указ, согласно которому из российского федерального бюджета будут выделены субсидии для финансирования транспортной отрасли Крымского федерального округа.. Иран: Будущая линия Мианех-Табриз на северо-западе Ирана сделает возможным сообщение с Европой. В ближайшем будущем будет объявлен инвестор, который будет обеспечивать необходимое финансирование строительства железнодорожной линии длиной 200 км. Чешская республика: Чешское министерство транспорта подтвердило, что будет проводить тендеры на обслуживание

Iran: The Mianeh-Tabriz railway in northwestern Iran will connect the country to Europe. Iranian Transport and Urban Development Minister Abbas Akhoundi said an investor for the 200-kilometer railway will be revealed in the near future, Iran’s IRNA news agency reported. The route will include 9 stations, 7 tunnels, and 21 bridges. The railway is projected to carry 3 million tons of cargo and 4.5 million passengers per year. Passenger and cargo trains will move at 160km per hour and 100km per hour speeds.

Czech Republic to liberalise other passenger transport railways Czech Rep.: The Ministry of Transport has confirmed that it will be opening tenders to operate four or five subsidized rail passenger routes this year. The routes have previously been operated by the main state-owned passenger rail company, Czech Railways, but contracts are about to expire. The full list of routes has not been finalized, but Plžen-Most and Liberec-Pardubice are said to be among the starting line-up. Newly selected operators on some routes could begin services already this year. четырех или пяти путей сообщения для пассажиров, получивших бюджетные субсидии Россия: Вице-президент ОАО РЖД Александр Мишарин заявил о том, что международные и российские аудиторы подтвердили стоимость строительства высокоскоростной линии Москва - Казань, составляющую свыше 1 триллиона рублей (30,9 миллиардов долларов США), из которой государство выделит 380 миллиардов рублей (11 миллиардов долларов США). В мире: После встречи Совета Евразийского экономического сотрудничества в Астане, президенты России (Владимир Путин) и Казахстана (Нурсултан Назарбаев) подписали Соглашение об Евразийском экономическом союзе, который вступит в силу начиная с 1 января 2015 года.

14 news

Poland: The European Commission has approved investments of EUR 419.3 Million from the EU Cohesion Fund to support three major rail and tram transport projects to significantly improve transport services between the cities Warsaw and Radom, as well as in Poznań and in the Silesia region. The projects are aimed at modernising the public transport systems in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way, boosting passenger numbers and providing commuters and visitors with improved travel conditions, more comfort and shorter journey times. One of the projects, in Poznan opened for business last week. The EU contribution will help Poland meet well over half the costs. The investments are all financed under the Polish operational programme “Infrastructure and Environment” under the same priority “Environment-friendly transport”. The project “Modernisation of railway line no. 8 section Warsaw Okęcie – Radom” involves the upgrade of 49 km of the railway line between Warsaw Okęcie – Radom in

China participates in the construction of new Moscow metro line Russia: JSC Mosinzhproekt, China Railway Construction Corporation and China International Fund have signed an agreement for the south-west metro line project. The agreement was concluded during the visit to Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong of Moscow’s Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. The new south-west metro line is key part in the “New Moscow” urban development project which proposes to double the city surface. The project was approved in 2012 and will attract investments of over USD 200 Billion (EUR 146 Billion) by 2035. The new line will have 14.9 km and six stations and will connect Ulitsa Novatorov and Stolbovo.

municipalities of the Upper Silesia Metropolitan Area. Due to the project, the number of passengers served by the more environment friendly public transport system will rise to about 3.6 million annually. Also the journey times between the towns concerned will be reduced to 5-10%. The project was implemented in 2013 and the European Union, through the Cohesion Fund , financed EUR 131.3 million out of a total investment of EUR 201.8 million.

Among the signed documents is the agreement between the Ministry of Transport and Alstom Company on purchase of 50 freight locomotives for Azerbaijan Railways In addition, Baku Metro has signed the memorandum of understanding on reconstruction of “28 May” metro station and construction of “Khatai – Azi Aslanov” green line with Bouygues Travaux Publics. Also, a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in research and training was signed with Thalys, as well as a memorandum of understanding on cooperation with Alstom aimed at development of up-to-date metro cars for Baku.

The finance agreement was signed today in Ankara in a public ceremony by Mr İbrahim Çanakcı, Undersecretary of the Treasury, on behalf of the Republic of Turkey, and the EIB Vice-President responsible for Turkey, Mr Pim van Ballekom, on an official visit to Turkey. The Marmaray tunnel itself was inaugurated on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey in October last year. Significant works are ongoing to upgrade the surface lines feeding into the already completed tunnel sections. These surface sections on either side of the Bosphorus consist of a 63 km rail line and 37 stations in total. The project was first financed by the EIB in 2004. With the additional EUR 200 Million, the EIB’s total support for Marmaray now amounts to EUR 1.25 Billion.

Further EUR 200 Million from the EIB for the Marmaray Project

photo: www.azerb.com

Azerbaijan: 11 agreements have been signed today at the Azerbaijani-French Business Forum in Baku.

Польша: Европейская комиссия одобрила инвестиции в объеме 419,3 млн. евро из Фондов сплочения, для поддержки трех важных проектов по транспорту на трамвае и по железной дороге. Россия: ООО Мосинжпроект, China Railway Construction Corporation и China International Fund подписали соглашение на проект юго-западной магистрали метрополитена (Москва).

photo: www.marmaray.com

Turkey: The European Investment Bank (EIB) is providing a further EUR 200 million loan to the Republic of Turkey for the Marmaray project, the first rail connection between the European and Asian networks across the Bosphorus Strait.

French companies to develop Baku metro system

www.railwaypro.com | June 2014

Mazowieckie Region. Thanks to the improved railway line the overall speeds of the line will increase to 160 km/h for passenger traffic and to 120 km/h for freight traffic and once implemented by the end of 2015 the number of passengers taking the train will increase in Southern Poland. The European Union, through the CF, will finance EUR 239.4 Million out of the total investment of EUR 428.7 Million. The project “Construction of Franowo tram depot in Poznań” in the Region of Greater Poland consists of construction of a tram depot in Poznań with a 100-tram parking shed together with inspection shed, workshop sheds, technical equipment, storage facilities and stabling for utility vehicles, with track and power-supply infrastructure enabling vehicles to move around within the depot . The project was opened this week.. The European Union, through the Cohesion Fund, will finance EUR 48.6 Million out of a total investment of EUR 75.4 Million. The project “The modernization of tram and trolleybus transport infrastructure in the Silesian Agglomeration with accompanying infrastructure” aims at improving the public transport system in seven

photo: www.ztm.waw.pl

Poland receives more than EUR 400 Mil. for supporting green public transport around cities

Азербайджан: В рамках Азербайджанско-Французского форума, который состоялся в Баку, эти две стороны подписали 11 соглашений. Турция: Европейский инвестиционный банк предоставил Турции займ в размере 200 миллионов евро на проект Мармарай. Соглашение было подписано 8 мая 2014 года.

news 15 Karlsruhe receives first Vossloh tram-train

The modernisation project includes both the exterior of the vehicles, as well as their basic technical components. The first upgraded tram will be put into service in January 2015.

International: The government has International: Karlsruhe Transport revealed that it has agreed with the City Authority (VBK) has taken delivery of the Council to build a new metro line out into first of 25 City Link low-floor tram-trains the Sydhavn district by 2023 at a cost of from Vossloh, which are being supplied DKKPORR 8.6 Billion (EUR Billion). under a EUR 75 PORR Mil. contract builds for1.15 all of us. PORR builds it all for us. has asigned greatin track record The City Council will take a 40% stake in October 2011. in major projects both at home and abroad which run as smoothly today as ever. the project. The plan is that the project will The LRVs are being assembled by PORRbyisthe steaming aheadBy asogthe specialist railVehicles construction be financed city developer VosslohinRail at its Albuixech ensures your project is always right track. Havn,and owned by Copenhagen Municipality plantonnear Valencia, Spain, while Vossloh and the Ministry of Transport. Kiepe is supplying electrical equipment The new line will have five stations: traction vehicle control systems, heating, Fisketorvet, Frederiksholmsløbet, Slusen, ventilation, air-conditioning, train control Mozarts Plads and Ny Ellebjerg, the first systems, passenger information systems, four of which in the underground. and CCTV. The new metro line is expected to lead to The 80km/h, 37.2m-long vehicles are 3,000 fewer cars on the roads in the city 2.65m wide and accommodate up to 224 and 43,000 more commuters travelling on passengers, 104 of them seated. the metro on a daily basis. Bombardier to upgrade trams В мире: Правительство достигло in Belgium International: Bombardier



photo: wikimedia.org

bahnbau_a5:Layout 1

Transportation has won an order from De Lijn operator for the modernisation of 20 trams used on the coast line. The deal is worth around EUR 6 Million. Trams have been used or over 30 years and the project will expand their life expectancy by another 10 years. The vehicles were manufactured in Bruges at Seite 1 the beginning of the 1980s.

взаимопонимания с Городским советом Копенгагена по строительству новой линии метро в сторону квартала Сидхавн. В мире: Компания Bombardier Transportation получила заказ от оператора De Lijn на модернизацию 20 трамваев, используемых на побережье. В мире: Карлсруэ транспорта администрации (ВБК) приняла поставку первой из 25 City Link низкопольных трамвайных поездов из Vossloh.

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photo: wikimedia.org

Copenhagen unveils plans for new metro line

16 Lex

Public procurement reform provides more flexible and more efficient procedures [ by Elena Ilie ]

The economic, social and political evolutions, as well as budget constraints, impose the review of regulations to make them simpler and more efficient in relation to both contracting authorities and undertakings. On the other hand, their reforming is necessary to enable public procurement at the best value for money while observing the principles of transparency and competition.


ublic procurement regulated by respective contract. A statutory declaration European directives is 3.4% of the on meeting these conditions will be suffiUnion’s GDP, which is EUR 425 cient to participate in the procedure. Thus, Billion for 2011 data. the number of necessary documents for By adopting a legislative package of 3 selecting undertakings will be significantly directives, the European Parliament has reduced. proposed to initiate a reform in public proMoreover, the European SMEs, which curement. The new norms simplify public have a significant potential of generating procurement procedures and make them jobs, innovation and economic growth, have more flexible to the benefit of public buyers to have easier access to public procurement and undertakings, especially SMEs. procedures. Therefore, contracting authoriThe new texts adopted inform us that ties will be encouraged to award a larger PUBLIC PROCUREMENT REFORM contracting authorities will have more pos- number of contracts to more, smaller unsibilities of negotiating the contractual prodertakings, than just one contract to a large FACTSHEET No. 2 : SIMPLIFYING THE RULES FOR BIDDERS visions with undertakings, being thus able undertaking, and the turnover required to obtain services that would better cor- for participating in a public procurement respond to their needs and the minimum procedure will be limited to maximum the Reduction of of administrative burden durations procedures will reduce. To double of the estimated contract value. further reduce bureaucracy, the communiIt is important to say that the new EuroBidders prove their suitability, financial andnorms abilities withaffect self-declarations cation ofmay public procurement will be madestatus pean don’t the nationalinstead organ-of providing full documentary evidence as previously required. The European Procurement electronically. isation of public services;Single member states Document, a standard self-declaration will facilitate Regional and local authorities willform set the select this. by themselves the organisation of deadlines of the procedure (for example, public services. Thus, a public authority can Only the winning bidder will have to together provide full documentary This the can be doneinterest either by the deadline for submitting bids) either carryevidence. out by itself public the winning bidder or the authority can get the information directlyof,from national with the undertakings thatcontracting participate in responsibilities it is in charge relying on the tender. if the winning bidder indicates the relevant its databases own resources, or to resort exterior databases in his European Single to Procurement Only the undertaking that wins the entities. Document. contract will have to present the whole Public procurement and concession documentation to prove that it meets the norms are not applicable except for when conditions necessary for completing the services are outsourced when a public auOverview of burden reduction measures:

Overview of burden reduction measures Old rules

At the start of a procurement procedure

All bidders: full documentary evidence Overall burden: high

New rules All bidders: European Single Procurement document (standard self-declaration form) Overall burden: low

At the end


of a procurement procedure

Winning bidder: full documentary evidence or link to national databases Overall burden: low

Source: ec.europa.eu

www.railwaypro.com | June 2014

Enhanced access to public procurement for SMEs

thority decides to resort to this form of organisation. Reducing administrative formalities Bidders can prove their financial situation, their skills and the fact that they meet necessary criteria through statutory statements. These statements replace the set of supporting documents which should have been submitted. The single European procurement document, a standard statutory statement, will enable this. Contracting authorities must accept the offers of all bidders whose financial situation meets the contract execution criteria. In the past, small bidders were often excluded because the contracting authorities imposed high annual turnovers, even for small value contracts. Normally, in the future, the requested annual turnover should be maximum two times the contract value. Large contracts can often be divided into lots that allow small companies to participate. Therefore, the contracting authorities are encouraged to divide larger contracts into lots. They will not be forced to divide the contracts, but if they don’t do it, they will have to explain why. The new directives rely on an approach which stipulates a “set of instruments” which provides contracting authorities with more flexibility, more options and new methods of organising procedures. Thus, they can benefit from improved freedom in selecting the type of procedures that suits them best. Contracting authorities will also have more freedom in organising award procedures in a flexible and efficient way. The management norms of public procurement procedures have been carefully reviewed to make them more practical. Thus, the deadlines for submitting participation applications and bids have been reduced which means that contracting au-

contracts into lots. However, they may still not split contracts into lots, but then they will have to explain why. Overview of SME access enhancing measures:

Overview of SME access enhancing measures Old rules

Financial situation of bidders

New rules

No strict limits for turnover requirements

Required turn over

Annual turnover of bidders must not be higher than twice the contract value.


SME Actual turn over

Actual turn over

Required turn over

Contract value

Contract value

Deviation from this rule requires explanations Awarding contracts in small portions (lots)

Free choice for contracting authorities whether to split contracts into lots or not

Splitting into lots becomes the rule










Deviation from this rule requires an explanation



order which includes the admission of bidders first and then evaluating bids and making the contract award decision. But, where applicable, they can choose to reverse this order and to analyse offers first and then if there are reasons of elimination and if selection criteria have been met. Contracting authorities can eliminate a bidder from the procedure if it proves it had persistent problems in carrying out a public contract in the past. For railway operators and infrastructure managers, the adoption of this law package is an important measure because most of them are public authorities. Directive 25/2014 on public procurements by entities activating in the sector of water, energy, transport and postal services, called the Utilities Directive, will be applied in the railway sector by all state companies. The Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER) welcomes the review of directives in the public procurement reform considering that the new norms will simplify and clarify texts to reduce legal costs and useless administrative costs. CER Executive Director Libor Lochman said: “We are happy that the railway sector´s main issues of concern have been taken into account by the EU Institutions. However, we regret that the Directive does not completely ensure a level playing field between private and public undertakings, a necessary pillar for the execution of public rail transport services. Nevertheless, we are sure that this important piece of legislation will contribute to the further development of a competitive railway market in the EU.”

Source: ec.europa.eu

thorities will have the maximum flexibility to organise faster and simpler procurement procedures. A new single European on-line procurement document will permit the autocertification, the obligation of submitting documentation in the qualification phase being eliminated. Naturally, contracting authorities will only have to check the documentation of the selected bidder at the end of the tender procedure before making the decision of awarding the contract. For this purpose, they will have rapid access to the updated and reliable documentation avail-

able in the electronic data base of the domestic market. Experience showed that jointcross-border procurement procedures can lead to better results while turning into account the ad2 vantages of the single market. For the first time, the new directives include clear and explicit norms on joint cross-border procurement, providing contracting authorities and central procurement bodies with the necessary legal security. In case of open procedures, contracting authorities are free to decide on the order of phases. Thus, they can choose the regular

Value of public procurement which is openly advertised, as % of GDP

Source: Eurostat

Реформа в сфере государственных закупок обеспечивает более гибкие и эффективные процедуры Экономическое, социальное и политическое развитие, а также бюджетные ограничения обусловливают необходимость пересмотра правил в сторону упрощения и увеличения эффективности как для учрежденийзаказчиков, так и для предприятийисполнителей. С другой стороны, их реформирование необходимо для того, чтобы способствовать проведению государственных закупок по оптимальному соотношению цены и качества, с соблюдением принципов прозрачности и свободной конкуренции. Учреждения заказчики также будут пользоваться более высокой степенью свободы в проведении процедур по присуждению контрактов гибким и эффективным способом. Нормы в области управления процедурами осуществления государственных закупок были тщательно пересмотрены с точки зрения практичности. June 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

18 Lex

European Commission clarifies regulations on rail passenger transport [ by Elena Ilie ]

Guidelines concerning Regulation 1370/2007 on public passenger transport services by rail and by road, adopted in March, provide clarity on important topics for the operation of the domestic market such as the definition of public service obligations, the duration of public service contracts, the conditions of competitive and direct awards of public service contracts, but also the rules on compensating public service obligations.


n the Communication on interpretative guidelines concerning Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007, the Commission presents its own interpretation of specific provisions of the Regulation based on good practices to help member states to fully benefit from the advantages provided by the domestic market. Most often, but not always, public service obligations can refer to the requirements imposed to the public service operator regarding, for instance, the frequency of services, their quality, the provision of services especially in intermediary smaller stations which might not be commercially attractive, as well as the provision of trains early in the morning and late at night. For example (illustrative), the Commission considers that the services classified as public services have to be dedicated to citizens or in the interest of society as a whole. Competent authorities define the nature and the scope of public service obligations while observing the principles generated by the treaty. In order to meet the objectives of the regulation, namely providing safe, profitable and high-quality passenger transport services, competent authorities have to

make their best to supply these services in a sustainable manner, both economically and financially. When concluding public service obligations, both parties in the contract expect that their rights would be observed and have to meet their contractual obligations. These rights and obligations include the financial rights and obligations. The geographical scope of public service obligations should enable competent authorities to optimize the economic aspects of the public transport services exploited under their responsibility, including, where appropriate, local, regional and subnational network effects. Network effects permit the profitable supply of public transport services, due to the mutual financing between profitable and non-profitable services. In turn, this should permit authorities to meet the objectives set by the transport policy, while ensuring, where applicable, the conditions for real and loyal competition in the network, for example, by opening the market for certain high-speed services. As recital 15 of Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007 underlines, “contracts of long duration can lead to market foreclosure for a longer period than is necessary, thus di-

minishing the benefits of competitive pressure. In order to minimise distortions of competition, while protecting the quality of services, public service contracts should be of limited duration”. Additionally, in the case of very long contract durations it becomes difficult to correctly attribute risks between the operator and the authority due to increasing uncertainties. On the other hand, recital 15 explains that “it is necessary to make provision for extending public service contracts by a maximum of half their initial duration where the public service operator must invest in assets for which the depreciation period is exceptional and, because of their special characteristics and constraints, in the case of the outermost regions”, the European Commission states in the recently published Communication. The Commission also says that “any decision about extending the duration of a public service contract by 50 % should be subject to the following considerations: the public service contract must oblige the operator to invest in assets such as rolling stock, maintenance facilities or infrastructure for which the depreciation period is exceptionally long”.

Photo: www.rynek-kolejowy.pl

Европейская комиссия поясняет правила железнодорожных пассажирских перевозок

www.railwaypro.com | June 2014

Направления толкования Регламента 1370/2007 об общественных услугах железнодорожного и автомобильного транспорта пассажиров, одобренные Европейской комиссией в марте месяце, обеспечивают прозрачность важных элементов функционирования внутреннего рынка и дают определение обязательств, связанных с общественными услугами, приводят условия непосредственного и конкурентоспособного присуждения контрактов на услуги общественного характера, но и правила компенсации обязательств по услугам общественного характера.




TERRANOVA – DHL 1260 HP After a thorough marketing study, in early 2013, ELECTROPUTERE VFU – RELOC S.A. Company in Craiova started an ambitious p ro j e c t , n a m e l y t h e d e s i g n a n d development of a heavy shunting and freight transport locomotive. The technical version that our company specialists have chosen to develop is designed to run on standard, narrow or wide gauge railways and it can be used practically in most countries around the globe. The locomotive is entirely designed and manufactured in ELECTROPUTERE VFU – RELOC S.A. Craiova Company.

TECHNICAL DATA Wheel arrangement Track gauge Length over couplers Weight Maximum height Maximum width Maximum axle load Wheel diameter Bogie wheelbase Maximum speed Nominal power Maximum tractive effort Tank volume

TERRA NOVA LOCOMOTIVE Bo -Bo 1435 mm 14800 mm 70 t 4448 mm 3070 mm 17,5 t 1100 mm 2500 mm 100 km/h 1260 (2x630) CP 230 kN 3500 l

20 Policies & Strategies

The context that underpins this SIP, and calls for scale and accelerated action has been discussed. At present, European Member States, cities and communities throughout Europe, are taking different approaches to how they respond to the challenges of urban transformation. By itself this is not unexpected, however given the extensive commonalities that exist at a systemic level between cities, and the constant need for progress, there is scope for a more coordinated and complementary approach. This will: access the economies of scale that can deliver more affordable solutions; focus innovations from across Europe on the integration of the three areas; and help Europe to remain globally competitive.

Cities have to rethink transport systems to become sustainable The EIP is a stakeholder-driven initiative with the EC in a mediating / facilitating role, so that the principle of subsidiarity remains intact.

Given the scope and complexity of cities, the approach taken in preparing this Strategic by Pamela Luică ] Implementation Plan has been to consider three ‘vertical’ domains, and eight [‘horizontal’ enabling themes (see illustration). For the former, potential exists to improve outcomes through applying smart approaches that integrate across city systems, exploit existing assets, whilst also upgrading with new For the latter, coordinated actions at a European Institutionisand Member State (SIP) onassets. the “Smart Cities and Communities” initiative focused level can deliver the enabling environment within which cities, industry, and other stakeholders can industry which integrates technologies from the energy, transport achieve success, at scale, faster.

The Strategic Implementation Plan on the significant acceleration of the and IT sectors with the sole purpose of reducing emissions, improving life quality and increasing the competitiveness of the industry with significant contributionpriority to meeting EU’s 20/20/20 These eleven inter-dependent areas are considered to be the objectives. most important concerning Smart Cities and Communities, and the intersection with the areas of energy, transport and ICT.


Priority areas he Strategic Implementation Plan will bring added value to Europe by aligning the existing initiatives of the cities and projects and building sustainable economies. The plan focuses on three pillars related to “sustainable urban mobility”, “sustainable districts and built environment” and “integration of infrastructures and energy, transport and IT processes”. In order to meet the objectives of reducing emissions in conformity with the EU 20/20/20 objectives, the existing IT, energy and transport systems have to transform significantly. EU has to transfer to a sustainable production, efficient use of energy, deEuropean Innovation on Smartand Cities velopment of aPartnership sustainable mobility IT and Communities - Strategic Implementation Plan system. Improved mobility for citizens and deFigure 3: Priority areas velopment of the business environment and other transport modes, timetables structure and mobility planning”. The sec1 Introduction and goals increase the attractiveness and competi- and ticketing system, transport points are ond priority is shifting to efficient and inEach priority area is discussed individually, against three main considerations: the context and tiveness of cities, while reducing conges- not always we well-connected, so drivers “it should tegrated modes such public challenges are addressing; the and desired state we seek; of andtransport, what actions canashelp tion, air quality improvement, the acces- beresult reconsidered the way in which the pri- transport. Thirdly, impact can be reduced in game-changing outcomes. Definition: sibility and sustainability of cities require vate and the public sectors have to cooper- through a clean and improved transport significant changes in the transport and ate and how the citizens and the business technology and a favourable political apSmart cities should regarded as systems people interacting withinand using flows proach of operation systemsbeand in the behaviour of ofsector have to be involved a much more determined by an improved mobilcitizens and theservices businessand environment direct waysustainable within mobility systems and 7 of ity energy, materials, financingofto catalyse economic development, Page 22 management. transport. Publicquality transport and environsupplied services”, is stated in the Strategic resilience, and high of life; these flows and interactions become smart through makingUrban transport strategies and the new mentally friendly modes of transport have Implementation Plan. actions will help achieve the strategic use of information and communication infrastructure and services in a process public-private of to become far more attractive. Currently, In this context, “the first priority should sustainability objective in cities and regions. transparent urban planning and management is responsive to the social and economic the automotive vehicles are intensely used that be reducing and avoiding demands for Part of member states, regions and cities needs society. inofthe cities, but efficient modes of trans- transport modes which eliminate large have already established their initiatives report are necessary to attract the citizens volumes of emissions while facilitating garding electric transport and mobility. In ordertotopublic achievetransport, a decarbonisation of Europe's in line with theand EU'freight 20/20/20 energy and while it requires an economy the increase of people mobilclimate improved goals today's ICT, energy (use), transport systems and infrastructures have to integration into a single multi- ity and ensuring that efficient transport isdrastically change.modal This is system. highlighted in the illustration below.created The EUaround needs an to shift to sustainable production Public transport services integrated smart infraГородам необходимо and use of energy, to sustainable mobility, and sustainable ICT infrastructures and services. Primary energy consumption scenarios for 2020 пересмотреть свою

транспортную систему для того, чтобы стать устойчивыми

Source: European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities, Strategic Implementation Plan

Figure 1: Primary energy consumption scenarios for 20204

Стратегический план внедрения (SIP) инициативы «Умных городов и сообществ» касается значительного ускорения развития отрасли, интегрирующей технологии энергетического сектора, транспорта и ИТ. Все эти направления нацелены на уменьшение вредных выбросов, на повышение качества жизни и конкурентоспособности промышленности, и будут вносить вклад в достижение целей ЕС 20/20/20.

www.railwaypro.com | June 2014

Cities and urban communities play the crucial role in this process. Three quarters of our citizens live

Policies & Strategies


Measures adopted at EU level on urban mobility must involve Member States [ by Elena Ilie ]

The European cities where 70% of the EU population lives and which generate over 80% of the EU GDP are connected through one of the best transport systems. But mobility inside the cities is becoming increasingly difficult and less effective. The urban mobility still relies heavily on private cars using conventional fuels. The most recent Eurobarometer survey has analysed the attitude towards urban mobility. A strong majority of citizens considers congestion, the cost, and the negative environmental impacts of urban mobility and transport patterns to be important problems. Most respondents were rather pessimistic about the prospects for improving the traffic situation in their cities.


he European Commission published a communication aimed at strengthening the support granted to the European cities in their attempt to solve the urban mobility problems. A radical change is necessary as regards the approach method of urban mobility to make sure that Europe’s urban areas develop on a more sustainable path and that the objectives for a European competitive and efficient transport system in terms of resource are met. EU-wide action on urban mobility needs to involve Member States: Commission initiatives cannot reach out to each of the thousands of towns and cities across Europe, nor can they successfully identify and overcome the specific barriers to better and more sustainable urban mobility that might exist in different parts of the Union. To be effectively and broadly deployed, concepts and tools developed at European level should be adapted to the particular circumstances of each Member State and then actively promoted at national and regional levels. The Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan concept considers the functional urban area and proposes that action on urban mobility is embedded into a wider urban and territorial strategy. Therefore, these Plans should be

developed in cooperation across different policy areas and sectors (transport, land-use and spatial planning or environment). Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans can help cities make efficient use of existing transport infrastructure and services and deploy urban mobility measures in a cost-effective way. Therefore, Member States should consider measures such as conducting a careful assessment of the present and future performance of urban mobility in their territory, also in view of key EU policy goals. The Commission, in turn, intends to set up, in 2014, a European Platform on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans to coordinate EU cooperation on developing the concept and tools further. Smarter urban access regulations Making urban centres as accessible as possible requires making choices about the use of urban space. Loading and unloading spaces, bus lanes, cars, parking, pedestrian facilities, cycle lanes and parking all compete for urban road space and cities have to manage these competing demands according to local priorities and circumstances. Urban vehicle access regulations can help optimise urban access, improve air qual-

Photo: www.en.strasbourg.eu

Environmentally friendly modes of transport are becoming more important in many European cities

ity and contribute to the goal of phasing out conventionally fuelled cars in cities by 2050. There is currently a wide diversity of schemes being implemented across Europe and a better understanding of these different types of access regulations, their costs and impacts is needed. These different rules and requirements, and the lack of information about how to comply with the various schemes, risk fragmenting the internal market and creating new barriers to the movement of people and goods. A fully harmonised European approach is not considered appropriate because it is crucial that the design and implementation of such schemes can be tailored to the specific situation in each urban area.

Меры, принятые на уровне ЕС по городской мобильности должны вовлекать государствачлены Города Европы, где живет 70% населения ЕС, и которые производят свыше 80% ВВП Евросоюза связаны между собой с помощью одной из лучших транспортных систем. Однако, передвижение в пределах городов осуществляется всё труднее и менее эффективно. Городская мобильность все еще сильно зависит от персональных легковых машин, работающих на условных видах топлива. Самый недавний опрос Евробарометра анализировал отношение к городской мобильности. Подавляющее большинство граждан считает важной проблему пробок на дорогах, стоимости и отрицательного воздействия городской мобильности на окружающую среду и шаблонов, по которым составлены графики движения. Большинство респондентов выразило пессимизм в отношении перспектив улучшения ситуации движения в городах, где они живут. June 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

22 Metropolitan

Green light for Doha Metro construction [ by Pamela Luică ]

When completed, Doha Metro System (Qatar) will be one of the most advanced public transport systems in the world. The project is part of the large scale rail transport development programme in Qatar which focuses on the construction of the metro system, of a long-distance railway transport and LRT system, the length of the entire network totalling 705 km. Necessary investments are estimated at USD 130 Billion.


he metro system will connect the main destinations in Qatar, vital commercial and residential areas and will consist in the development of a total network of around 216 km. The project will be carried out in three phases: the first one includes the formation of the initial scheme, the second one includes the network extension, while the third phase includes the formation of the structure for providing future corridors. Investments are estimated at USD 36 Billion for the construction of four lines: the Red Line includes the north section (55.7 km and 18 stations) and the south section (42.8 km and 12 stations); the Green Line with 65.3 km and 31 stations; the Gold Line with 30.6 km and 20 stations and the Blue Line with 17.5 km and 4 stations. There will be around 100 stations on the entire network and 2 main stations: Msheireb and Education City. The first station is located in the city centre as a hub of the metro system providing links to the

Red, Green and Gold lines. The second station will have dual operation and will link the Green Line with the future high-speed network. The metro network will be developed in two phases. The first phase will be completed by 2019 and includes the construction of 84 km of railway, 37 stations, among which Musheireb. The Education City Station will be built in the future to provide connection between the metro and the long-distance railway network. The second phase will be completed in 2026 and includes the extension of the network to 152 km, of which 47 km in the underground, 76 km suspended, 29 km at grade and 56 stations. According to estimates, when the metro system will operate at full capacity, around 17,000 personal cars will be eliminated from traffic, which will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 107 tonnes. In March 2014, a consortium of companies from Qatar, Greece and Turkey won the construction contract of Doha Metro

Doha Metro 2022 and 2026

which is worth EUR 506 Million. The FCC-led consortium including Archirodon (Greece), Yüksel (Turkey) and Petroserv (Qatar) will build the Red Line of the metro system with deadline in 31 months. The consortium competed with companies from Korea, Germany, Italy and India. The contract also includes the construction of 3 elevated stations, of a 6.96 km line section and one tunnel. Regarding the same metro network project, in April the consortium of STFA Group (Turkey), Yapı Merkez (Turkey), Larsen & Toubro (India), Aktor (Greece) and al-Jaber Engineering (Qatar) was selected constructor and designer of the Gold Line. The contract is worth USD 4.4 Billion of which Turkish companies have the largest share of the contract, 40%. The project should be completed in 2018 and six TBMs will be operated simultaneously in order to meet the deadline. 4 Lines Red -103 units (3 cars-70m) Blue -12 units (3 cars–70m) Green - 33 units (3 cars-70m) Golden - 24 units (3 cars-70m)

Релёный свет для строительства Метро в Дохе После того, как система метро в Дохе (Катар) будет построена, она будет одной из наиболее продвинутых систем общественного транспорта в мире. Проект относится к программе широкомасштабного развития транспорта на рельсах в Катаре. Данная программа включает в себя строительство системы метро, системы железнодорожного транспорта на дальние расстояния и системы легкого метро. Общая продолжительность сети составит 705 километров. Необходимые инвестиции насчитывают 130 миллиардов долларов. www.railwaypro.com | June 2014


Rail passenger transport Rail freight transport Shunting services Contact: 2 Oltului St. 500283 - Brasov Romania Tel: +40 268 310 697 Fax: +40 268 310 859


24 Metropolitan

Mecca Metro project, closer to implementation [ by Pamela Luică ]

Over the past years, the number of Mecca residents has increased to 1.54 million and it is expected to further rise to over 2.2 million. The number of pilgrims often exceeds that of residents and it is also expected to rise. The city currently has a limited public transport system to provide mobility services to citizens, pilgrims and visitors. The system relies on bus lines and one metro line (Mashaaer South Line) which serves a limited area of the city. Consequently, a modern public transport system is necessary to meet mobility demands.


nder these circumstances, mobi- lion (USD 6.8 Billion) being approved. The lity becomes vital, as authorities re- first phase of the ambitious project for the alized when approving the Makkah construction of the transport system will be Public Transport Programme (MPTP), a completed in 2019. According to the head plan for developing an integrated transport of the executive board of Mecca Integrated system covering all public transport modes. Transport Authority, Osama Al-Bar, two The project includes a metro network of 114 such lines will be built in the first phase of km and 88 stations and a transport network the metro project (the first line will be the to cover the whole city: express, local and red line, while the second line will be the Shuttle Bus system providing connections MAKKAH green line). The lines will have around 46 PUBLIC TRANSPORT PROGRAM (MPTP) to the other public transport stations. km, and 40% ofPrequalification the lengthforofMetro the Phase network 1 Trackwork, Rail underground. Systems (includingThe Depot), The programme includes the construction will be built in the first MEP Overall Systems of the metro network as part of the project metroFit-Out, line will beand 11km long withIntegration seven stawith a total cost of SAR 62 Billion (USD tions, while the second will be 33km long 16 Billion), the implementation of the first with 15 stations. Figure25.5 1 – MPTP phase of the project worth SAR Bil- Metro InNetwork March,Schematic Makkah & Mashaaer Devel-

opment Commission invited interested companies to bid for the shortlisting of the construction contract of phase 1 of the metro project. The design and construction contract includes the construction of the infrastructure, the stations, energy supply, telecommunications and CBTC, control centre, tariff system etc. Also, the contract could be extended to include phase 2 and 3 of the metro development project for which 123 km of line and 66 stations are estimated to be constructed over the next 10 years. In April, consortia including Saudi and international companies were shortlisted in the first phase of the deal with construction works due to begin at the beginning of 2014. At the end of April, the Development Committee has invited interested parties to participate in the shortlisting for the development of phase 2 and 3 of the metro project. The winners of the contract will be announced in the second quarter of 2015 and the duration of the contract will be 45 months for the B and C lines (part of the 4-line network). The whole MPTP programme will be financed with public funds.

Метро в Мекке - всё ближе к запуску

Source: Makkah Public Transport Program, 23 march 2014

MPTP Metro Phase 1 consists of: • Section 1: Metro Line B and the northwestern part of Metro Line C. Section 1 comprises 24.8km and 12 stations. Section 1 is mostly underground. • Section 2: The southeastern part of Metro Line C. Section 2 comprises 20.3 km and 10 stations, together with the Depot (civil shell and core). Section 2 is above ground www.railwaypro.com | June 2014

Для обеспечения мобильности жителей и гостей (а также паломников) в Мекке, в настоящее время существует ограниченная система общественного транспорта, основанная на автобусных линиях и на одной единственной магистрали метро (Mashaaer South Line), которая обслуживает ограниченный участок города. Следовательно, необходимо построить современную систему общественного транспорта, которая бы отвечала потребностям в мобильности. В этой связи, мобильность становится жизненно важной, и это осознают также власти города, которые одобрили Программу общественного транспорта Мекки (МРТР). Это план развития интегрированной транспортной системы, охватывающей все виды общественного транспорта.



Jeddah initiates metro line construction project [ by Elena Ilie ]

Construction works to the metro transport project in the Saudi city of Jeddah will soon be initiated after the approval of the budget for the construction of the metro line. By initiating this project, the authorities plan to ease traffic in the city. Jeddah metro project has been approved following the elaborated analyses of the authorities regarding metro transport systems in developed countries.

Photo: http://defence.pk


ttending this year’s Middle East Rail conference, Ibrahim Kutubkhana, Executive Director of Jeddah Metro Company, said that the project has been a true challenge. However, the project was approved through ministerial decree in March 2014, thus receiving funds from the state budget to carry out construction works. According to the ministerial decree, the funds allocated to the implementation of this project amount to EUR 8.82 Billion. Apart from Jeddah metro line, metro and tram lines will also be built in cities such as Medina and Dammam. Jeddah Metro Company is a joint venture created by the Municipality and Jeddah Urban Regeneration Company. This joint venture seeks to implement a major transport project which includes the development of the metro and tram transport systems, and rail commuter transport services. The entire rail transport network created will have 249 km and will include the metro and the tram. Kutubkhana announced that this project will be developed in three phases. The metro transport network will measure 108km disposed along three lines. The Orange Line will be 67-km long and will have 22 stations, the Blue line will have 27 km and 17 stations, while the Green Line

will have 17 km and 7 stations. For now, the only metro line in Saudi Arabia is the 17-km long line in Mecca commissioned in 2010. A metro transport line will also be built in Riyadh about which you can read more in the pages of the current issue of Railway Pro. The tram transport network will have 48 km and 48 stations and the rail commuter line will have 93 km and 13 stations. Last month, Saudi authorities announced that consultancy services for Jeddah Metro will be provided by AECOM consultant, the

deal being recently sealed for EUR 20.5 Billion. The consultancy project will be ready in 18 months and the actual construction of the network will be started in 2015. The authorities announced that the project would be completed by 2022. Osama Abdouh, representative of Jeddah Metro Company said his company wanted to build an integrated public transport system aimed to reduce traffic bottlenecks and car dependency.

В Джидде стартует проект строительства линии метро

Photo: http://defence.pk

Glimpse of Jeddah Metro possible design

Проект транспорта на метро в саудовском городе Джидда скоро будет материализован, а бюджет строительства линии метро будет одобрен. С помощью внедрения этого проекта, власти намереваются достичь уменьшения пробок на дорогах. Проект метро в Джидде был утвержден в результате тщательного анализа властями систем транспорта на метро, работающих в развитых странах. Метро в Джидде будет иметь 20 магистралей общей длины 615 километров. Предварительная стоимость проекта составляет 7 миллиардов долларов США. June 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

26 leaders

With over 760,000 citizens, Krakow, the second largest city of Poland, has a dense network of trams and buses and supplies efficient transport services. The tram network is made of 25 lines with a length of 90 km, including the underground rapid tram tunnel. For the development of the public transport system, the authorities have considered the development of a metro network, but they have abandoned the project because of financial problems and have instead adopted a development plan for the rapid tram network. With all these hypotheses, local authorities have launched a referendum which has also included the problem of the metro construction and the outcome will have a significant impact in the decision-making process. The city’s mobility system relies on public transport as 73% of the city’s families declared that they use public transport services (trams and buses) and the market share of municipal transport is 50%, while around 25% of the citizens use personal cars. At present, transport services ensure a traffic of 15 million train-km and 50-55% use the tram of the total number of public transport passengers. www.railwaypro.com | June 2014



MPK Krakow : “We have a pro-customer policy: the Passenger equals the Customer” Interview with Rafal Swierczynski, Vice President of the Management Board MPK Krakow

[ by Pamela Luică ]


ncouraging results have made the authorities focus their attention to the continuous development of the public transport system and, in 2013, the Municipality announced the programme for the development of a sustainable transport system which also involves the adjacent areas of the city for which an agreement on the organisation of public transport was signed. Projects on the development of rail public transport system include both the modernisation and acquisition of new trams, but also the extension of the network. EUR 80 Million were invested for a period of 5 years in rolling stock, and up to EUR 160 Million could be invested in the acquisition and modernisation of rolling stock in the

next 5 years. The project would be carried out in two phases: the first phase would be completed in 2015 and would include the acquisition of 36 trams, and the second phase, 2016-2019, would include the acquisition of another 36 vehicles. Aside from the renewal of the fleet, MPK wants to modernise 10 trams and the company’s objective is to renew 55% of the rolling stock fleet by 2020. The principal funding source is depreciation, the amount of which is included in the fees for transport services rendered. We have long-term public transport contracts signed with the City of Krakow. Other significant investment funding sources are EU funds. The company’s own contribution to the projects is estimated at

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I believe that in terms of investment priorities, travel comfort is just as important as efficiency of the transport system.

Rafal Swierczynski

minimum of 50%. Obviously, bigger share of the co-financing means broader investment schemes. Presently, the company is looking forward to an approval of an increase in the level of the co-financing to 75%, which would allow it to buy 10 trams more without increasing our debt level. Moreover, another financing source are loans and EBRD and EIB know the company’s investment plans and the banks have positively evaluated the implemented projects. Mr. Rafal Swierczynski, Vice President of the Management Board MPK Krakow, explains in the following interview the importance of elaborating a long-term plan on the development of the transport system, the financing mechanisms the company chooses in implementing investment programmes, as well as future projects that represent the foundation of creating a transport system that would answer to mobility needs. Railway PRO: Krakow, one of the largest cities of Poland, has a well-organised public transport system with a tram network of 25 lines. What is the market share of this transport mode, compared to the other public transport means? What about the share of public transport, compared to individual motorised transport? June 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

28 leaders Rafal Swierczynski: First and foremost, thank you very much for the positive assessment of the Krakow tram transport system. Krakow’s municipal transport is appraised very high, as shown by the 9th place in the Forbes magazine’s rank of 2008, which reviewed metropolitan areas across the globe. The Municipal Transport Company (MPK) is one of the leaders in the sector in terms of the quality of services.

We receive information about the share of municipal transport services in the total of passenger traffic from annual market surveys performed by independent bodies. As this research shows, 73% of households declare using municipal tram and bus transport services. The share of the municipal transport in all means of transport amounts to a total of 50%. Slightly more than 25% of Krakow inhabitants travel by a company or a private car, and nearly 21% travel in Krakow by foot. 2.6% of city inhabitants use bikes as a means of transportation. The fact that the municipal transport accounts for 50% of all transport means is reflected in actual transport work being done. The services are provided by means of 25 tram and 148 bus lines. Actual trambased transport services cover over 15 million train kilometres whereas the annual bus mileage is nearly 35 million bus kilometres. We transport over 372 million passengers, including local inhabitants and tourists. In other words, we transport one million passengers every day. We estimate that the passenger stream on the trams accounts for 50-55% of all passengers.

organisation of public transportation. The document points certain directions for the development of transport and defines forecasts of transport needs as well as their funding sources. It is also worth mentioning that the coverage of net expenditure with the revenues from ticket sales and fees for the use of bus and tram stops and neighbouring communes’ contributions remains high despite an extensive municipal transport investment agenda. In 2008-2012 this ratio was 62-71%. Obviously, the transport development plan should not be looked into without considering long-term investment plans. We know fields of development both regarding the delivery of new tram lines and new road-based services. Due to the legal and organisational environment, including the fact that the Company has a status of an internal entity, as set forth by the EU Regulation 1370/2007, the strategy of the Company on municipal transport services has been entirely dependent on Municipality of Krakow’s public transport policy. Railway PRO: What is the estimated value of necessary investments for implementing this strategy? Have you identified financing sources? Rafal Swierczynski: Transport policy objectives determine MPK’s activities concerning planned investments. The total value of the bus and tram fleet purchase projects by 2020 will amount to about PLN 200 million (EUR 48 Million) The projects aside, our own capital expenditures amount to EUR 10-12 million. In a nutshell, the main objectives by 2020 are the replacement of buses so that the average age of a bus should not exceed 6-7 years. When it comes to the tram fleet, we seek to keep the minimum ratio of new trams at the level of 55% while at the same time keeping all other trams fully modernized.

the fees for transport services rendered. We have long-term public transport contracts signed with the City of Krakow. We cover 100% of the tram-based transport services market and about 90% of the bus transport market. Other significant investment funding sources are EU funds. Our own contribution to the projects is estimated at the minimum of 50%. Obviously, bigger share of the co-financing means broader investment schemes. Presently, we are looking forward to an approval of an increase in the level of the co-financing to 75%, which would allow us to buy 10 trams more without increasing our debt level. The third funding source is bank loans. Debtwise, our financial standing is assessed by EBRD and EIB, institutions familiar with our investment plans and appraising their implementation positively. For MPK, bank loans are a kind of ‘bridge’, the period of loan repayment being 7-10 years. This apparent paradox can be easily justified with the relationship between the loan repayment period and the depreciation period. Tax depreciation for tram rolling stock is 5-7%, and in the case of the International Accounting Standards – 3.3%. Thus, the gap between the loan period and the depreciation period is, subject to depreciation rates adopted, between 10 and 20 years. In other words, bank loans do not cover own contribution for the whole operating period of the fleet, hence their bridging character.

What I think of as a very important factor in finance management is the use of thorities elaborated a public transport dederivatives, both options and futures. Unvelopment strategy on medium term? fortunately, in 2008, several dozen companies made many millions of losses on EUR, Rafal Swierczynski: In 2013, the City USD and CHF foreign exchange contracts of Krakow announced a sustainable plan as their spec positions were left open. for mass transport development for the These events resulted in a stagnation of the Municipality of Krakow and adjacent comderivatives market, including the public munities, with whom the Municipality of The principal funding source is deprecia- corporate sector. When used only as riskKrakow entered into an agreement on the tion, the amount of which is included in mitigation instruments, derivatives related -����������8���������������������!#�5�+)�������������������������� to fuels, electric power, foreign exchange rates, inflation and interest rates, may play a Over a five-year period we spent 80 M EUR for investment in trains significant role in reducing possible losses ������&�����0���"�2 and thus retaining company’s own funds. My calculations show that the use of de��� rivatives for the past couple of years would have allowed MPK to save about EUR 5-7 ��� million. In that case, the company could -. deploy more investments and reduce oper��� ating risks. Railway PRO: Have the municipal au-

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www.railwaypro.com | June 2014







Railway PRO: The authorities have considered the construction of a metro system for developing urban rail transport, but the plan has been abandoned because of financial constraints. A plan on developing an underground rapid tram network was adopted instead. What is the stage of this project?


Rafal Swierczynski: It is true that the problem with the Krakow underground project is the high costs of development and ensuring maintenance. The 25th of May this year saw a referendum among inhabitants of Krakow, which included a question about the underground. The results of the referendum will have a significant impact on subsequent works on this project.

Independent of the underground development plans, a plan for the development of the so-called pre-underground was also drawn up several years ago. This plan envisages development of additional Krakow rapid tram lines along with tunnels and flyovers, all of them enabling fast and collision-free tram-based transportation, especially in the city centre. Railway PRO: What does construction of the underground rapid tram network imply and what are the investments necessary? Rafal Swierczynski: Above all, it is worth

mentioning that the entity responsible for development of the Krakow rapid tram network is the Municipal Infrastructure and Transportation Board. It is an entity making decisions on flagship investments related to Krakow transportation. Certainly, the rapid tram project will see progress depending on the funds available for investments and the level of co-financing for the projects from EU funds. A good example of investments as part

of the rapid tram network development is the new track to be delivered between Lipska and Wielicka street. This project has a significant impact on the layout of the transport system. The delivery of the flyover above the tram track will reduce the time that passengers of several big Krakow residential estates take to arrive in the city centre. I believe that this will encourage drivers to leave their cars at home and use trams instead. This will reduce car traffic. It is another step in cutting down on the emissions and improving the purity of Krakow air. Implementation of such investments will result in an increasingly more efficient and comfortable public transport. I believe that in terms of investment priorities, travel comfort is just as important as efficiency of the transport system. Benefits from implementing this kind of projects translate into the amount of passengers and thus the revenues. Research projects investigating the transport market show that for most passengers, travel efficiency, that is difficulty and time of travel, should be inextricably bound with the comfort of travel. To satisfy our passengers’ needs, we conduct numerous renovation projects regarding travelling comfort. Railway PRO: The programme on improving rail transport has focused on the acquisition of new trams. Over the next 5 years, MPK will focus on projects for the renewal of the fleet. What is the stage of


this future project? How many trams will be bought and what would be the cost of the contract? Can you provide details on the call for tender and financing sources for this programme? Rafal Swierczynski: Presently, we are implementing a purchase project concerning 36 trams, each over 42 metres long, and 40 stationary ticket vending machines. Based on our information, the Centre of EU Transport Projects (CUPT) might be expected this quarter to issue an approval of co-funding the project with EU funds. The company to deliver the trams has also been selected: namely, the Bydgoszcz-based company Pesa. We envisage that the deliveries of the tram will end at the latest in September 2015. As we purchase the new trams, 108 old 105N cars will be retired. The value of the contract is almost EUR 70 million.

Moreover, we have launched works on another purchase project for 36 trams, 32 metres long each, as well as redevelopment and renovation of the facilities at the tram service station in Nowa Huta. Simultaneously, at the same location, we want to deliver a charging station for 30-50 electric buses and to purchase those vehicles. The estimate net value of the tram project will be over EUR 85 million. Railway PRO: Is MPK’s objective by 2020 to modernise the entire fleet of vehiJune 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

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Additionally, we implement environmentally-friendly solutions, perceived quite positively by Krakow inhabitants due to city’s high level of air pollution. We are the first company in Poland to have launched a regular bus line based on electricity-powered buses.

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is worth mentioning that we deliver highquality services while keeping financial factors stable.

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cles or are programmes on developing the existing fleet also included?

senger compartments was thoroughly renovated. C3 and E1 cars purchased in Vienna were renovated in a smaller extent. The outcomes of the renovation are new interior fittings on the trams, a new illumination line, an on-tram ticket vending machine, electronic boards for passenger announcements and a voice system announcing upcoming stops.

Rafal Swierczynski: For many years, MPK has sought to keep the fleet as fresh as possible by buying new vehicles but also by renovating the trams it already has. The amount of MPK’s annual own capital expenditure is about EUR 10-12 million. A significant part of this concerns trams. For example, the renovation projects conducted in 2013 concerned 17 N8, GT8S, EU8N, C3 and E1 tram cars. For 2014, we envisage a similar scale of investments.

Railway PRO: What is MPK’s strategy to increase public transport share against individual transport?

Rafal Swierczynski: I am very glad you have posed this question. MPK’s efforts significantly increase the demand for collective transportation services in Krakow. The company has a pro-customer policy. In our view, the ‘Passenger’ equals the ‘Customer’. Viewing individual transport as its competition, MPK needs to commit to this area of the ‘fight’ for the customer. To strengthen our competitive edge, we will seek to raise travel comfort and safety. As independent quality research run among our customers shows, most passengers appraise our services as 7-8.6 points on the 0-10 points scale. Although it is a high score, we are not As for the renovation of EU8N cars, these satisfied with that result. Therefore, we are units were fitted with new middle floors further pursuing our efforts to improve pasand air conditioning and their pas- sengers’ comfort, as I mentioned before. It ?� "�&1" systems �5�+)�;�������������������������'�������������

As part of the renovation projects, N8 and GT8S vehicles took on a new and original external look, especially in the front wall areas, they were fitted with air conditioning systems in passenger compartments and driver’s cabins, new sliding plug doors, a ramp wheelchair platform within the low-floor section, an innovative interior illumination solution based on LED sources, and a chopper-based start-up and breaking system marked by a lower power consumption, starting-up and breaking fluidity and a wide speed adjustment range.

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Presently, we are applying for the funds under the Gazela fund for CNG powered hybrid buses run by the National Fund for Environmental Protection. It is worth mentioning that we have the largest fleet of Euro 6-powered buses out of all Polish companies, and these are vehicles that meet Europe’s most demanding environmental preservation standards. These efforts are aimed not only at curbing environmentally-harmful substances in an effective way. It is also important for us to inform our customers that they support environment and development of proper transport systems by using our services. I would also like to say ‘thank you’ to the journalists. I believe that you make for an important factor shaping transport policies. On many occasions, I have experienced positive effects of press articles. Promotion of the benefits for the environment, and hence for our customers, made implementation of our projects easier. Thank you very much for the meeting. It helps us promote public transport and MPK.

MPK Краков «Наша политика ориентирована на клиента: Пассажир является Клиентом» Увеличение доли общественного транспорта в Кракове побудило городских властей всё больше и больше направлять свою транспортную политику и финансовые ресурсы на проекты общественного транспорта. Господин Рафаль Свьерчински, вице-президент Совета директоров транспортного оператора, MPK Краков, проявил любезность и дал интервью для нашего издания. В своем интервью, господин Свьерчински объясняет нам важность составления долгосрочного плана развития транспортной системы, механизмов финансирования, выбранных компанией для внедрения инвестиционных программ, а также рассказывает о предстоящих проектах, лежащих в основе образования такой транспортной системы, которая бы отвечала потребностям в плане мобильности.

Products & technologies 31

Konya: bank card payment increases public transport use [ by Pamela Luică ]

Konya, a city with a population of 1.1 million citizens, is in full economic ascent and the transportation system is a key element in the development of the city. To increase the market share of public transport, the authorities have implemented the contactless bank card payment system for both citizens and tourists.


egarding railway transport in the city, the most important projects are the high-speed lines providing connection with Ankara (in operation since 2011), Konya- Eskişehir railway, but also the project on the construction of the railway connecting Konya to the cities of Karaman and Mersin. Konya public transport focuses on providing bus services, while railway transport is represented by a tram network and a light metro line which is 21-km long. According to the authorities’ plans, the tram network will be extended to form a rail public transport system that would meet the challenges imposed by mobility demands. To increase the share of public transport, the authorities have launched projects on the modernisation of the tram fleet (a deal on the delivery of 60 trams was signed in 2013 with Skoda), but also projects to upgrade the ticketing system. This year, the municipality will invest EUR

165 Million in the public transport system which is a third of the budget. As part of the services facilitation programme, the credit card and mobile payment system was introduced (implemented in all public transport vehicles) for both citizens and tourists. This measure has determined the increase in the number of passengers and the system is used by over 10% of passengers. Interbank Card Centre – BKM (Turkey) was involved in the project launched at the middle of 2013 with third role party facilitating the contact between banks and the municipality providing simplification and reduction of costs. This is the first implementation of BKM (Interbank Card Centre of Turkey), transforming public transportation across Turkey through bank card acceptance. Due to the projects for the simplification of transport system payments, Konya was one of the finalists of the Mastercard Awards for the Transport Ticketing Sys-

tem – 2014. BKM defined a transportation system, open to all EMV contactless cards, on behalf of member banks, communicating with all validators, acquiring banks and the Municipality as a single contact point; hence all participants, especially the passengers do benefit from the quick, easy and cheap payments. All passengers (citizens and international cardholders) are enabled to use any contactless bank card with equal pricing to city cards. Currently, 9 banks comprising 94% of contactless issuing (volume) have integrated to the system. Reconciliation between banks and the Municipality is centrally done by BKM that means simplified and low cost operational management. This is a business model that keeps financial relations between the municipality and the banks. At the end of 2013, around 10% of all transportation payment has already moved to bank-cards with 50,000 transactions per month. Number of transactions has an average increase of 60% per month, according to estimates.

Конья: система оплаты с помощью банковских карт способствует увеличению спроса на общественный транспорт

Photo: www.skoda.cz

Конья - город, население которого составляет 1,1 млн. человек. Экономика города развивается стремительно, а транспортная система представляет собой ключевую точку развития города. Для того, чтобы способствовать повышению доли общественного транспорта, власти внедрили систему оплаты проезда с помощью банковских карт contactless - как для собственных граждан, так и для туристов. June 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

32 Metropolitan

Riyadh ultramodern metro system defines the city structure [ by Pamela Luică ]

Riyadh, the capital and the largest city in Saudi Arabia, has a population of almost 6 million people and, according to estimates, the population is expected to rise to over 8 million by 2030. Urbanisation, as well as the continuous development of economy impose new challenges to providing mobility services to meet the demand. The city faces traffic congestion and the public transport system focuses on road transport services, but the authorities have become aware of the importance of providing a public transport system to tackle all these issues.


n this context, the authorities have launched the project on the construction of Riyadh metro network with a total length of 175 km with stations equipped with air-conditioning. After the finalization of the entire project of re-thinking the public transport system (2020), there will be tens of transport hubs, metro lines intersecting in the city centre, surface transport lines exclusively dedicated to public transport permitting the citizens to benefit from modern, efficient and performing transport services and from a decongested transport infrastructure. The development of a new transport system consisting in the construction of 6 metro lines integrated with the network of rapid buses will revolutionise the entire design of the city and will determine both citizens and tourists to choose public transport services to the detriment of individual motorised transport. The metro system will increase the dynamism of the city’s economy and will improve the life quality of citizens by re-thinking transport demands oriented towards the public transport alternative. The development of the metro is one of the largest international infrastructure projects including the construction of 6 lines with a total length of 176.4 km (87 stations) to cross the busiest areas of the city. The project has a total budget of USD 16.3 Billion and will be completed in 2020. The project is financed by the Saudi Government through the Public Investment Fund and the programme has been launched by Arriyadh (ADA) development authority. “Riyadh is one of the cities with the most dynamic development and citizens deserve a top-class public transport system that will help increase the share of public transport and life quality. It will significantly reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality”, declared ADA President Ibrahim Bin Muhammad Al Sultan. www.railwaypro.com | June 2014

Bidders from 50 countries The programme will be implemented in three phases: the construction of lines 1 and 2 (phase I), the construction of line 3 (phase

II) and the construction of lines 4, 5 and 6 (phase III). 38 consortia including 391 companies from 50 countries have applied for this project. The contract for the design and construction of lines 1 and 2 is worth USD 9.45


Billion and was granted to the consortium of Bechtel with Almabani General Contractors, Consolidated Contractors Co and Siemens. Siemens’ share in the contract is worth EUR 1.5 Billion and includes the rolling stock supply (74 Inspiro trains), as well as signalling and electrification equipment. The new lines will have stations supplied with renewable energy and trains will be fully automated. The rich design of stations reflects the architecture and the city’s move towards an ultramodern society. Arriyadh New Mobility consortium (ANM) won the contract on the design and construction of line 3 worth USD 5.21 Billion. The electric and mechanic equipment will be delivered by Ansaldo STS and Bombardier and infrastructure works will be provided by Civil Work Group of Salini-Impregilo, Larsen & Toubro and Nesma. Bombardier’s share in the contract amounts to USD 383 Million for the supply of 47 driverless Innovia Metro 300 trains equipped with Bombardier Mitrac propulsion technology. Ansaldo STS, leader of the consortium, has a share of USD 680 Million and will have to supply the third-rail supply automated systems, CBTC, and control centre. Moreover,

the consortium will build Qasr Al Hokm stations and western stations. Works will amount to USD 5.9 Billion. The contract could be extended to provide the maintenance of the line. Parsons, Egis and Systra, members of the Riyadh Metro Transit Consultants JV, won the USD 556 Million contract on project management and supervision of construction works to lines 1, 2 and 3. In April 2014, two months earlier than estimated, construction works to the development of phase I of the fourth Riyadh Metro network were initiated. Works began by building the 4 G1 station on line 4, located at Khaled King International Airport in Riyadh. Phase I includes the integration of three metro stations to the airport, station 4 G1 serving terminal 5. Line 4 will connect the financial district of the city to the airport and will be built by FAST consortium led by FCC which will also develop metro lines 5 and 6 for EUR 6 Billion. Apart from FCC, the consortium includes: Samsung, Alstom, Strukton (Netherlands), Freyssinet (Saudi Arabia), Typsa (Spain), Atkins (Great Britain) and Setec (France). The contract includes the design and con-

• Line One, The Blue Line: Axis of Olaya – Batha - Alhair Street. 38 km. • Line Two,The Green Line: King Abdullah Road. 25.3 km. • Line Three, The Red Line: Madinah Road. 40.4 km. • Line Four. The Orange Line: King Khaled International Airport Road. 29.2 km. • Line Five. The Yellow Line: King Abdulaziz Road. 12.9 km. • Line Six. The Pink Line: Abdulrahman bin Ouf – Sheikh Hasan bin Husen Road. 29.5 km. Total: 175,3 km Source: INVESTMENT CLIMATE IN ARRIYADH CITY 2013, www.arriyadh.com

struction of lines, as well as the delivery of rolling stock for the three lines. The construction includes 65 km of line: 24 km of viaducts, 28 km of underground line and 13 km of surface line. Alstom’s share amounts to USD 1.2 Billion and includes the supply of 69 Metropolis trains, Urbalis signalling system, HESOP energy recovery system, and Appitrack technology for track installation. For project management and works to the project, at the middle of 2013 ADA announced that the JV including Louis Berger and Hill International won the USD 265 Million contract of which Loius Berger will control 55% and Hill International 45%.

Эр-Риад: ультрасовременная системы метро определяет структуру города Эр-Риад - столица и крупнейший город Саудовской Аравии, с населением почти 6 миллионов жителей. По предварительным оценкам, к 2030 году ожидается рост населения до более 8 миллионов человек. В условиях, когда город сталкивается с проблемой пробок на дорогах, а система общественного транспорта основывается на предоставлении услуг автотранспорта, власти осознали важность образования системы общественного транспорта, которая бы отвечала всем потребностям.


IVU. rail. plan

IVU. rail. plan

Network planning

Timetable planning


IVU. rail. plan

IVU. rail. crew

IVU. rail. crew

IVU. rail. crew

Duty scheduling

Roster layout

Personnel dispatch

Payroll accounting

IVU. rail. plan




Vehicle working scheduling

Track occupancy

Vehicle dispatch

Vehicle monitor

34 Policies & Strategies

Novi Sad wants to reintroduce tram lines

Interview with Mr Aleksandar Jevdjenic, Head of Traffic Department, URBANIZAM - Urban Centre, Urban Planning and Research Centre, Novi Sad [ by Pamela Luică ]

Novi Sad, the second largest city of Serbia, has a population of around 400,000 citizens and a geographical position that favours economic growth. The city has links to important transport routes being connected to the region through important road, rail and river routes. Due to its location on the pan-European Corridor X, the city is connected to 8 countries from Salzburg to Thessaloniki, and has transport connection with WestEuropean countries and Black Sea countries through Corridor VII (Danube). At present, the public transport of the city relies on bus lines, but the authorities plan to reintroduce tram lines to ensure urban mobility, economic growth and reducing the environmental impact. To develop a tram network, the authorities will implement the project in four phases and plan to built a network that would meet transport demands by 2030. The first phase of the project requires investments of around EUR 80 Million, including the acquisition of 25 trams which requires an investment of EUR 65 Million. The construction of the tram infrastructure requires an additional EUR 15 Million. These figures don’t include the reconstruction of the road infrastructure or the relocation of the underground or above-ground space. by 50 vehicles with a minimum capacity of 160 seats. We asked Mr Aleksandar Jevdjenic, Head of Traffic Department, URBANIZAM - Urban Centre, Urban Planning and Research Centre, Novi Sad, to answer our questions about the implementation of the authorities’ strategy of building an urban rail transport network and encouraging the use of public transport. Railway PRO: Since 2011, Novi Sad has been trying to reintroduce tram lines. What have been the obstacles that have delayed the beginning of works for the development of the network?


he city’s strategy includes the introduction of the tram lines which will help increase the attractiveness of public transport, trams will be prioritized and will have independent routes, the lines will be introduced in the pedestrian areas too and they will be connected to the other public transport terminals. To encourage the use of the tramway, local authorities want to introduce a fee on parking in the central area whose cost will be higher than tram tickets. For 2030, the authorities plan to build 5 tram lines with a total length of 92.4 km serving 47 stations and 5 terminals. The lines will provide connections to the other transport modes. A depot will also be built. By 2030, the network will be operated www.railwaypro.com | June 2014

Aleksandar Jevdjenic: Novi Sad introduced the tram public transport in 1911, unfortunately, in 1958, it was completely replaced by the bus transport. It was only in 1991 and 1997 that the introduction of tram transport became the topic, because at that time the feasibility studies on introducing electric modes of transportation in Novi Sad were carried out. These studies prove the feasibility of introducing trams, but they also recognize that the bus system that existed at that time could work in the coming period, until 2007, when problems will be expected due to the lack of capacity at the most intense corridors. However, something that wasn’t envisaged at the time happened – the number of passengers in the public transport system began to decline gradually, therefore the lack of capacity didn’t happen. Given the circumstances, in 2011 it was decided to

re-do the feasibility study and the general project of introduction of trams. It was carried out and the conclusion was that, due to an increase in the number of passengers in the public transport system it is necessary to introduce trams, because, along with the implementation of the entire system of measures in other segments of transportation in the city, trams will make the system more attractive. There was another conclusion as well - the city has no money to implement the idea. Until the present day the situation remained unchanged. Railway PRO: According to your presentation for the Mobility Forum in Oradea (March 2014), the city needs new approaches to ensure the mobility of citizens. What are the main criteria upon which the reintroduction of the tram system will rely? Aleksandar Jevdjenic: In 2009, the Traffic study of Novi Sad was carried out. An integral part of the study was NOSTRAM (Novi Sad Traffic Transport Model), which was used for the Feasibility study of introducing trams from 2011, which has already been mentioned. The model was developed in VISUM. Then it was stated that the city needs new approaches to ensure the mobility of citizens and main criteria upon which the reintroduction of the tram system will rely. The basic criteria has to be the criteria of the system sustainability, together with the decrease of pollution, noise cost


Policies & Strategies

and air pollution cost (negative external cost), and basic principle on managing city transport system is: For pedestrian, bike and public transport whatever it takes, but for passenger car transport -whatever is left. Railway PRO: How do local authori-

ties support the implementation of this project and, in general, encourage public transport against motorised individual transport? Aleksandar Jevdjenic: Encouraging public transport over private in Novi Sad is currently manifested only through the purpose of traffic lanes at intersections where buses of public transportation can exclusively move in a direction which is not intended for passenger cars. There are also traffic lanes intended exclusively for public transport, but it’s not enough. In the parking policy there is no progress because the price of parking is cheaper than the price of tickets for public transport; there is no priority at intersections, buses are moving along with passenger cars; tariff policy is bad; car park is in poor condition, etc. When it comes to the local authorities, it seems that everything could get started from a standstill when the funds, which the city currently lacks, could be provided. The city has done what it could do, and that is the Feasibility study and the general project and it prepared planning documentation that envisages the introduction of trams. Railway PRO: What does the tram network construction project include? Aleksandar Jevdjenic: There is a general project which involves defining the route of tram network, standpoint location, clearly defined four phases of implementation, 25 cross sections along the first phase, schedule with the planned flow of passengers along the route, the position of the depot, the required number of trams and tram capacity for each phase separately, etc. Now it is necessary to do preliminary and detailed design of the route of the first phase.

D e v e l op m e n t p h as e F i r st tr a m s y s te m d e v e lo p m e n t ph a s e S e c o n d tr am sy st e m d e v e lo p m e n t ph a s e T h ir d tr am s y s te m d e v e lo p m e n t ph a s e N o s tr am d e v e lo pm e n t p h as e by 2 0 30

L e n gt h o f 2 tr a ck t ra m l in e i n fra s tr u ct u re km

L e n g th of tr am lin e s km

Numb e r of tr a m li n e s

N u m b er o f t ra m st op s

N u m be r of tr a m t e r m in a ls

Numbe r of P+ R p ar k in g lo ts


2 5 ,5 0 0






5 1 ,3 1 5






8 6 ,1 5 7






9 2 ,4 3 7





table. Required number of trams together with reserve trams is 25, while this number will increase by 2030. Phase to 50 trams with minimal capacity of 160 seats. For this planning period, 1 depot will be required and it will be located in the existing garage of the Public city transport enterprise of Novi Sad. On the first line, the tram will commute every 3 minutes on peak hour. Aside from this, P+R parking lots will be required. Two in the first tram system development phase and 4 in the 2030. Phase. Each of these parking lots should be approximately 1ha or to provide 500 parking spaces. These P+R parking lots would have to be located in the zones where tram terminals will be located. The deadline is 2030, but it is only a plan. Realistically, the year of implementation of each phase will depend mostly on the amount and the dynamics of the arrival of funds.

of underground or above ground installations. This price does not include the P+R system. The exact price should be known after the development of the preliminary design and the main design. According to my knowledge, negotiations for contracting, financing or donations are not currently taking place, but there is will that those negotiations begin. Railway PRO: After developing the entire project, what will be the share of public rail transport, compared to the other transport means?

Aleksandar Jevdjenic: A set of social and economic changes led to the increase in the total number of trips by over 30% in the period 1976 - 2009, which follows the increase in the city population. Over the same period, a change in the modal split also occurred, marked by significant increase in the number of trips made by Railway PRO: What is the (estimated PC (19% to 26%), accompanied by the cost) of the project and what can you tell corresponding decrease in PT use. PT us about financing sources? What are the use declined from 28% to 22% in the financing sources considered? Have you same period. Pedestrian trips remained already initiated talks for contracting a unchanged, accounting for 48% of the loan (loans) granted by the international total transport demand. Even though the number of PC has infinancial institutions? creased significantly in the last 30 years, Aleksandar Jevdjenic: Estimated in- compared to European cities of similar vestment of the first tram system devel- size and population, the motorisation opment phase is EUR 80 million. This level remains relatively low. In 2029, prices includes procurement of 25 trams there will be 133000 PC, which is equiv(about EUR 65 million) and construc- alent to 450 PC/1000 inhabitants. In tion of tram lines infrastructure (about other words, the number of PC will inEUR 15 million) but without streets crease by 64% compared to the current Feasybility Study on Introducing Tram in thelevels, City of which Novi Sad corresponds to 2.5% annureconstruction or possible relocation

Railway PRO: The project will be implemented in two phases. Could you explain what would these phases actually mean, when would project development tenders be launched and what is the deadline? The project will be implemented in two phases. Can you explain what these phases actually mean, when the development project should be tendered, and what the deadline is ? Aleksandar Jevdjenic: Implementation of the project is actually conceived through 4 phases which are shown in the Financing and modernizing light rail in Central and Eastern Europe June 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

36 Policies & Strategies

al growth. In addition, the city inhabitant mobility is also expected to increase, with 3 trips per day estimated for the end of the forecast period, irrespective of the mode and thus including walking. Based on realization of the forecast employment ration, there will be 118,000 to 120,000 work related trips in 2029. In cities of Northern and Southern Europe levels of car ownership dramatically increased in the past period, primarily as a result of the growth in income levels. Similar growing trend of PC usage as a direct consequence of increased level of motorisation is expected in Serbia. Serbian cities historically display large public transport (PT) modal shares relative to PC use. Hence, maintaining the high levels of PT use and promotion of other environmentally friendly modes of transport (EFMT) is an important part for a strategic decision of policy makers. Long-term transportation plans in Serbia still focus on meeting the growing demand of passenger car (PC) users. The approach exists despite the trend of managing city transport systems in accordance with general principles of sustainable development. The number of passengers in PT has declined for 19% in period from 2000 to 2010, based on public transport passenger counting (Urbanism Public Enterprise, 2011). Furthermore, when this trend is compared with data from 1995, a further reduction of 21% can be noted. Hence, if this trend continuous, there will be 40% less PT users in 2030. Ascending trend in the number of passengers after 2010 represent the estimates based on the assumption that tram transport network would be developed in Novi Sad (there will be 40% more PT in the City of Novi Sadthan 1995). On the other users in 2030 hand, the declining trend, corresponds Current status of modal split

Feasybility Study on Introducing Tram in the City of Novi Sad

to the number of passengers forecast crease of accessibility and attractiveness and modernizing lightleastrail in Central and Eastern Europe based onFinancing the historical data and of public transport (PTx2): squares linear regression analysis • Trams to have absolute priority and independent routes • Tram lines to enter into pedestrian Railway PRO: Will the operation of tram transport affect bus public trans- zones (or pedestrian zone edges) • Connect tram lines with other subport? systems of city public transport (termiAleksandar Jevdjenic: Tram intro- nals) • Connect tram lines with bicycle duction will enable termination of about 50 buses which will have positive im- routes • Introduce park and drive system pact on the annual income statement of • Parking prices in the central zone to about EUR 8 million. Naturally, there will be changes in the be higher than tram tickets network of bus lines that will be suborSustaining and improving business, dinated to trams. economic and general social developRailway PRO: Considering the im- ment is an additional benefit. plementation of this project, can we tell that Novi Sad is focusing on forming a rail public transport system and longterm strategies will consider the ample implementation of the network? Новый Сад намеревается Aleksandar Jevdjenic: Tram system

is designed to provide the following :

public transport 22%

• 5 possible tram and railway connections Walk 48 % • For the post-plan period it is envispassenger car aged that 7 sub-urban lines will be or26 % ganized, because Novi Sad already has railway connections with almost all suburbs Bycicle 3.6% • In order to build the lines it is necessary to construct missing rails (at the crossroads), stops, platforms with appropriate height, and certain rails must Target modal split for 2030 year (desired) be electrified путничким passenger car аутомобилом 30 % 30%

пешице и

Walk and бициклом bycicle 40 %

јавниpublic превоз transport 30% 30%


Railway PRO: What is the strategy of promoting this environmentally friendly mode of transport so as to increase the public transport share and influence the choice of citizens towards a sustainable mobility? Aleksandar Jevdjenic: Main fields of activity are oriented towards the in-

www.railwaypro.com | June 2014

n Central and Eastern Europe

обратно ввести трамвайные линии

Новый Сад - второй по величине город в Сербии, население которого составляет около 400 тысяч жителей, с географическим расположением, способствующим экономическому росту. В общественном транспорте города в настоящее время основную роль играют автобусные линии, но власти не исключают обратного введения трамвайных линий для обеспечения городской мобильности, экономического роста и снижения вредного воздействия на окружающую среду. Для получения более подробной информации о применении стратегии властей в плане строительства новой городской сети транспорта на рельсах и поощрения использования общественного транспорта, Господин Александър Йевдженич, Начальник Департамента Движения Городского Центра УРБАНИЗЪМ - Муниципалитет Новый Сад, дал нам интервью.

Barents Sea


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C 47


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C 48 Östersund




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99 Samsun




C -E 6 9 2


C-E 69







Konya C-E 74



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Razi Van Kapiköy





60 C-E 60


11 Turkmenbashi



C-E 60

Bukhara Alat










C-E 97



C-E 70




of AG C ) C - E 7 0 ( I r a n s e c tio n n o t p a r t


SY R IA N Arab Republic

C-E 69












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C-E 74




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C-E 74








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C-E 60








C-E 85




85 C-E






















Black Sea

C-E 74






Aral Sea


C-E 692

C 54



C-E 66




C -E 5 0 Novokazalinsk Beyneu






C 95

C-E C-E 40 50


C 30/1




C-E 75


Aksaraiskaya II


C-E 70





C-E 680 2 Varna Sindel




Sea of Azov

Karnobat Burgas





65 C-E /1












C 30

C 59/2

C-E 65

C 63

/1 C 59













Uspenskaya 59 3 Rostov-ná-Donu



C 70 Alexandroúpolis







C-E 30


C 70/2



Ilyichevsk Taraclia

Bolgrad Reni





30 Iletsk I

Likhaya Guk ovo

Krasnaya Mogila




C 85










C -E 2 4





C-E 74




10 2

C-E 50


C-E 562

0 72


Razdelnaya Kuchurgan C 9 5 /1 Odessa


C-E C-E 55 61

C-E 45

/3 C 45

51 C-E



C-E 99 2 C-E 10

E 51








C-E 391



C-E 55


C-E 54

C -E 7 0 Plovdiv





B U L G A R I EA720

Strymonas Thessaloniki

C 8 5 /1



Krasnoyarsk Irkutsk Vladivostok




Zim nitsa


Gevgelia Idomeni


C -E 6 8 0

C-E Buzáu

Ruse C-E

C-E Kvashino




E 95


G. Oriahovitza





C-E 855


C 8 5 /2






C 95/2



70 C-E 85


45 Bari


Bendery Cimislia Basarabeasca



Presevo Tabanovce

C-E 35



C-E Salerno




C-E 56






C-E 95


Vidin C9 5

Topoli Kupyansk







Foggia Napoli





C 5 4 /1











C-E 24 C-E 30

Solovei Valuiki


C-E 30



Vadul Siret


Nis Dimitrovgrad

C-E Kazatin


C-E 54



C-E 20 Zauralie



D.Jankovic Volkovo SKOPJE



C-E 24




KIEV Fastov



C-E 85

3 75



10 2

C-E 30

Korosten C 28

C 28


Przemysl Medyka





C-E 56

C-E 85






C-E 95

C 28

C-E 1 69








C-E 30








C-E 30 C-E 50

Cierna nad Tisou

Mostar Capljina

Ekaterinburg Krasnoyarsk Irkutsk Vladivostok



Propad Tatry


C-E 24












C-E 20

C-E 20 Ekaterinburg

C 20/2

Nizhniy Novgorod

C 2 0 /2

10 2





C-E 61

C-E 67



C 95



C-E 551

C-E 55

E 45




C-E 30

Zilina C-E 40

Zadar Knín C-E 753 SARAJEVO Sibenik C - E 7 5 1 Split

















H U N G A R Y Spielfeld Strass Dombóvár Villach Klagenfurt Maribor Murakeresztúr Tarvisio Pragersko Lökösháza Curtici Cakovec Jesenice Zidani Arad Kelebia CGyékényes Koprívnica Subotica -E Magyarboly CLJUBLJANA Udine -E 70 55 SLOVENIA 71 2 BeliTimisoara C-E 55 C-E Manastir ZAGREB C-E 70 Trieste Padova O A T I A Osijek Stara Bogojevo C-E C RSunja Koper Mestre/ Vinkovci Str. Moravita C-E 70 Rijeka 71 Ostarije Venezia Vrsac Dobrljin Vrpolje Tovarnik Sid Bihac C -E 7 0 Bosanski BEOGRAD Ripac BOSNIA Samac Gospic C-E



C 20

Kosice Breclav Kuty Bernhardsthal S LOVAKIA Summerau Zahony Cop E 63 Leopoldov C-E 50 Wels C 54 C - E C- BRATISLAVA Linz Galanta WIEN C- 52 Miskolc 50 55 C-E E 50 Nové Zámky 61 Nyiregyháza C-E C-E C-E 52 Szob 50 65 E CSemmering Satu Mare Salzburg Debrecen Selzthal C-EBruck a.d.Mur E 502 Ujszasz BUDAPEST 66 St Michael Bischofshofen C-E Dej C-E 52 C-E 52 C 54/1 Schwarzach St V. Nagyatád C-E Szolnok Nagykanizsa 69 Oradea Cegléd Graz



C -E 2 0

C-E 20


C-E 65 Petrovice


C-E 551





Lublin Kozle C-E 30


C-E 61

C-E 55


Freilassing enheim C -E 4 3 Kufstein k C-E 45 50 Wörgl C-E er


C-E 59



Ingoldstadt Passau

C-E 20

Wroclaw C-E C-E 30 59

C -E 3 0

C Z E C H Rep. Horní Dvoriste





C-E 55 C-E 61




Sokólka Bialystok

C-E 59

C-E 55 C-E 61



Nürnberg C-E



Miedzylesie Chalupki C - E 4 0 Kolín C-E 61 Lichkov C-E Bohumín 61 Ústí n. O. C -E 4 0 Ceska 65 Trebová C-E Prerov

Cheb C-E PRAHA 40



C-E 20

Zgorzelec Decin

Bad Schandau





C 20




C 3 0 Horka






C-E 55 C-E 61




Frankfurt am Oder

Leipzig C-E 32





C 14






Halle 51 C-E 32 C-E 51 C-E


/3 C 20 Cherniakhovsk





C-E 59



C-E 20







C 12

C 14


Stral sund

C-E 55 C-E 61

10 C-E Rostock

C 12



C 20/3



C 12


Russian Fed. Kybartai

Sa ssnitz Hafen




C 12


Malmö C-E 59 Ystad Trelleborg

C-E 530

Gedser 5/3 C4

Perm Krasnoyarsk Irkutsk Vladivostok

C 14



55 C-E 61 C-E





C 12


BENHAVN 4 5 /1



61 55 CE C-E


C-E 53


C 2 0 /1

C 95/2








The Wider Black Sea Area (WBSA), a median area of the Eurasian platform, expands from Central Asia to Central Europe and from Northern to Southern Europe and Asia Minor. The macro-area includes 28 dynamic railway markets, a mixture of mature, developing and ascending markets, that bring about a spectrum of opportunities across the railway sector.



C 20/1


61 C-E 55 C-E



C 75/1


C-E 75


45 C5

1 45/










38 Metropolitan

Moscow Metro seeks further development

[ by Elena Ilie ]

The metro transport system in the Russian capital is one of the busiest transport systems, but also one in continuous expansion and development. Approximately 9 million passengers transit Moscow’s underground transport every day on a network of 325.4 km. The metro network has 194 stations and 12 conventional lines.


oscow Metro and the consortium The rapid construction of the new metro of Metrovagonmash and Trans- line, through the agreement signed with the leasholding, two subsidiaries of Chinese, will also intensify the development Transmashholding (TMH), signed a deal of the New Moscow region which includes for the delivery of 832 cars. The contract the new suburbs that the municipality will amounts to RUB 144 Billion (USD 4.1 Bil- develop in the south-west of Moscow and lion) and will be carried out between 2014 that the metro line will serve. Ambitious and 2017. plans announced by Russia since 2012 for At the end of May, SC Mosinzhproekt, the development of public transport include China Railway Construction Corporation doubling the territorial surface of the Rusand China International Fund signed an sian capital. This extension and development agreement on the south-west metro line project has already attracted investments of project. The agreement was concluded with USD 4 Billion and the total amount to be inthe occasion of the visit to Beijing, Shanghai vested in such projects is estimated at USD and Hong Kong of Moscow’s Mayor Ser- 200 Billion by 2035, Moscow authorities angei Sobyanin. The new line will have 14.9 nounce. “These development plans, although km and six stations, connecting Ulitsa No- very ambitious, could not be possible withvatorov to Stolbovo. out building the metro line”, declared Sergei RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEMS OF MOSCOW Rapid Transit Systems of Moscow ALTUF'EVO MEDVEDKOVO VA














































































































































































Source: www.mosmetro.ru

www.railwaypro.com | June 2014



Московский метрополитен развивается непрерывно






Zuyev, Dean of the Public Strategy School of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. Zuyev also activates as head of a group of experts for elaborating Moscow’s economic and social development plan for 2025. Apart from serving the new development region, the extension of the metro network is the key to increasing the life standard of Moscow’s citizens. In contract with other worldwide important metropolises, the transport network in Moscow is still insufficient to meet the customers’ needs and the extension of the metro is “one of the most efficient methods of solving this problem”, added Zuyev. Another measure of satisfying the demands of Moscow’s citizens in terms of comfort and quality services, the passengers travelling by metro will enjoy wireless internet connection starting with 2014, announced Vice Mayor Maksim Liksutov. Internet access will be possible in all units and on all lines. The authorities in Moscow said that after 2020, the metro network could be extended outside the city, to rural areas; however, the authorities oscillate between the underground and developing a rapid light rail line, with greater chances of implementing the latter which is less expensive than boring new tunnels for the construction of metro lines.

Система транспорта на метро в российской столице - это одна из наиболее загруженных транспортных систем такого рода, но она постоянно расширяется и развивается. Примерно 9 миллионов пассажиров ежедневно пользуется московским подземным транспортом, сеть которого насчитывает 325,4 км. Сеть метрополитена имеет 194 станции и 12 условных магистралей. Московский метрополитен подписал договор на поставку 832 вагонов с консорциумом, в который входят компании «Метровагонмаш» и «Транслисхолдинг». Это два филиала «Трансмашхолдинга» (ТМХ). Стоимость контракта составляет 144 миллиарда рублей (4,1 млрд. долларов США), а работы будут проводиться в период с 2014 по 2017-й год.



Astana introduces plans on light rail transport system [ by Elena Ilie ]

The Kazakh Government and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) signed in April an agreement to finance a project which stipulates the development of a network of electric trains in Astana. “This project will enhance urban mobility and will improve life quality supporting a balanced growth in the rapidly-expanding capital”, according to the Ministry of Economy and Budget Planning. According to this new agreement, the construction of the light rail system will be initiated and large-capacity buses will be introduced. After long delays of this project, it seems that Astana would finally benefit from a light rail transport network. If completed, it would be the first major project of the urban transport sector in the Kazakh capital.


he capital of Kazakhstan, Astana, is an urban agglomeration which has experienced a rapid development and expansion over the past years, with a population estimated at over 1.2 million inhabitants by 2020 from the current 750 thousand. The Government in Astana has planned to build a rapid light rail network, but plans have been quite difficult to implement as they lacked viable financing. But it is seems that the agreement recently signed with the Asian Development Bank will help Astana and its citizens to enjoy a rapid light rail transport network. The new rapid transport system could be built partly suspended, partly at grade. As any other large urban agglomeration, Astana also needs the implementation of a light rail transport system, especially since this rapid development in the past years is questionable in terms of sustainable mobility. The capital of Kazakhstan is currently facing many problems generated by traffic congestions, environment pollution and a public transport system that struggles to provide the population with a level of comfort and efficiency for daily transportation. Thus, after several postponements of the light rail project caused by financial problems, the possibility of financing the construction of this public transport sys-

tem is welcomed. The railway could be commissioned in 2017, when EXPO – 2017 will be held, an important event for Astana, “its success mostly depending on ensuring an efficient and quality public transport”, as local authorities announce. The transport and transit problems in Astana are still far from being resolved, but the mayor of the capital, Imangali Tasmagambetov, announced that “as of 2014, the main focus will be the development of the public transport system”. The possibility of financing a light rail transport system is, of course, hopeful if we keep in mind the fact that at the end of last week, the authorities, including the president of the country, announced that such a project is too expensive. At the time, Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev believed that the project on the construction of a light rail system in Astana, proposed following studies carried out by French companies, was very expensive. Thus, instead of a light rail transport network, Astana suggested a rapid bus transport network. “The French companies have proposed a very expensive project of over KZT 300 Billion (USD 19 Million). It is unacceptable to us. In response, local authorities (Akimat) have suggested to consider the

Photo: ortcom.kz

Smart Astana project

possibility of developing a rapid bus line”, said Kazakh President in December last year. The “Smart Astana” project has already been launched. The first phase includes two directions, “Safe City” and “Intelligent Transport System”, the finalization of the entire “Smart Astana” project being estimated for 2017. “Smart Astana” relies on the development model of smart European cities. Thus, special attention will be granted to public transport. Modern trams will provide an integrated urban mobility solution. This is very important because currently Kazakhstan has no modern transport system.

В Астане может быть запущена система легкого метро В апреле месяце Правительство Казахстана и Азиатский банк развития (АБР) подписали соглашение о финансировании проекта, предусматривающего создание сети электропоезов в Астане. Есть мнение, что „Данный проект будет способствовать улучшению городской мобильности и качества жизни, тем самым поддерживая сбалансированное развитие стремительно развивающейся столицы”. По этому новому подписанному соглашению будет запущено строительство системы легкого метро и будут вводиться автобусы повышенной вместимости. После периода длительных задержек по этому проекту похоже, Астана будет пользоваться сети легкого метро. Если этот проект осуществится, то он будет первым крупным проектом сектора городского транспорта в столице Казахстана. June 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

40 R&D

URRAN System for the Olympic Sochi

Innovative Traffic Management Systems based on Novel Risk Management Methodology [ by Valentin Gapanovich, Senior Vice President, JSC RZD, Candidate of Engineering Efim Rozenberg, First Deputy Director General, JSC NIIAS, Doctor of Engineering, Professor Igor Shubinsky, JSC NIIAS, Doctor of Engineering, Professor ]

According to world’s leading experts, the XXII Winter Olympic Games and the XI Paralympic Games in Sochi were admittedly the best winter games in history. That involves not only the unprecedented team score of the Russian athletes, but also the outstanding sports and transportation infrastructure created within the shortest possible period of time. A significant contribution was brought by the Russian Railways (JSC RZD), one of the general partners of the Games. Over the preparation period, JSC RZD built one of the most advanced transportation infrastructure systems with a great number of innovative elements including the traffic management and train protection solutions. Given the special conditions of train operations during the Olympic Games, the requirement of scheduling involving groups of trains meeting at double-track sections of the Adler – Krasnaya Poliana line, as well as in order to implement an intense Olympic traffic with guaranteed safety, a traffic management system was developed. The Sochi 2014 train schedule fully satisfied the requirements of passenger traffic and ensured reliable passenger and commuter traffic throughout the Olympic Games.


n order to complete such challenging tasks, the experts involved in the Olympic project made appropriate modifications to the design of the rolling stock to be operated on the Tuapse – Adler – Alpika Service Ski Resort line. Siemens that supplied Desiro Rus rolling stock for the line provided the automatic train operation solution, while the train control system ensuring safety of operation was supplied by Russian companies. Those include the BLOK system that integrates the Onboard Train Control and Separation System (KLUB) and the Automatic Brake Control System

Image courtesy of JSC RZD Image Bank

www.railwaypro.com | June 2014

(SAUT). Such measures were taken as a response to a fundamental requirement of the Russian Railways. The development of intelligent safety systems is based on multilevel multifunctional train separation solutions, associated automatic train running and diagnostics systems that directly interact with trackside and station-based automation and remote control systems, as well as information management systems. In Russia, single-level systems were never used. Historically, all systems followed the multi-level protection principle (Level 1 – onboard overspeed protection using elec-

tronic map data, Level 2 – overspeed protection based on multi-aspect automatic signalling, Level 3 – centralized traffic control with remote emergency stop). A significant role in improving traffic safety is given to man-machine interaction that is ensured by information display and control devices. The purpose of the man-machine interface is to display information as efficiently as possible for human perception and present it in such a way as to attract the attention to the most important features. This functionality was fully implemented in the display unit of the train equipped with advanced train protection and automatic train operation devices. The BLOK system has open interfaces with automatic operation and diagnostics subsystems that are deployed only on new trainsets. For the first time, the system design implements the principle of integration of functional elements with concentration of intelligent computer components within a single chassis. As a result, the final design is quite compact and serviceable. During the design stage a great deal of attention was given to perfecting the intelligent aspects of system operation algorithms ensuring safe train running. The system features a number of artificial intelligence elements and the development team is working on expanding its functionality by introducing more complex mathematical algorithms that significantly expand the number of automatically controlled parameters. The innovative component of the system

R&D 41

Source: European Commission Image courtesy of JSC RZD Image Bank

is the ACS and discrete block devices communication unit with an integrated mission data memory. The interaction between the onboard equipment and the automatic block system devices enables multi-aspect cab signalling thus allowing reducing the overlap down to the length of the braking distance. In cases of loss of connection between the onboard and the trackside devices the system provides for a special algorithm of transition from shortened to standard overlap. The use of radio communication channel standard to onboard safety systems provides for an adaptive length of level crossing warning distance depending on the speed and type of approaching trains. The algorithm of warning distance calculation takes into consideration possible train accelerations between communication sessions. If communication is lost for a period longer than a defined limit, the warning is transmitted to the level crossing using the standard procedure. In order to ensure train operation over a single or a series of faulty track circuits, an algorithm has been developed to enable logical reconfiguration of open line track circuits. Based on the developed procedures of ACS clear signal generation ensuring technical and organizational support of traffic safety, train movement over the affected line section is carried out at reduced speed, but without stops. State-of-the-art hardware components and microprocessor-based interfaces with external systems, as well as inbuilt lightning and switching surge protection elements will ensure future migration from legacy relay and hybrid relay/processor automatic block systems. No further development of train separation systems is possible without digital data radio. Moreover, the used standard of digital radio (GSM-R, TETRA, DMR, etc.) does not substantially affect the safety system configuration and traffic management proc-

ess. What matters is the radio communication network organization and coverage. In 2010, JSC RZD initiated the process of harmonization of the Russian infrastructure management regulatory framework with the European standards EN 50126 and IEC 62278 based on the RAMS methodology widely used by the EU and US railway companies. RAMS is a methodology designed to ensure Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety of railway transportation. It uses the ALARP principle to ensure safety and dependability at all lifecycle stages of a railway facility. Its purpose is to achieve a level of residual risk as low as reasonably possible, particularly in terms of economic considerations. However, it does not fully solve the problem of dependability, safety and resources management, as well as does not cover the longevity factor as required by Russian standards. Furthermore, RAMS practically does not address the human factor and the problems related to infrastructure maintenance and modernization costs management throughout the lifecycle stages. Thus, the RAMS methodology was to be transformed in the system for management of resources, risks and dependability of railway facilities at lifecycle stages, or URRAN. It should be noted that in such complex systems as the railway transportation the manifestations of most undesired events are not confined to a single type of risk. The same events may entail any combination of individual, social, environmental, technical and economic risks. Thus, a train accident may affect personnel (individual risk), population (social risk), rolling stock and infrastructure (technical risk), company or third party property (economic risk), as well as cause environmental contamination and forest fires (environmental risk). The development of the risk management system starts with the identification of all

possible hazards, normally by means of expert methods. After that, the risks list is generated specifying their acceptable levels based on current regulatory requirements or statistical information on the frequency of hazardous events and damage caused over the preceding period. At this point expert methods can also be used. The fulfillment of two conditions, the probability of undesirable event and susceptibility of a facility to its effect, is sufficient to recognize the presence of risk. The risk represents the combination of probability of an undesirable event and its possible consequences. Uncontrollable risks may entail unplanned operational costs, harm to people, environment, property and other negative consequences. URRAN ensures railway transportation risk management. It aims to attain such a state of railway transportation system when the risks of harm to people and environment, economic losses, damage to infrastructure and rolling stock are reduced to an acceptable level. Reduced, not eliminated, as complete elimination of risk is impossible. The risk management process involves the identification of hazards, frequency and consequences of hazardous events, estimation of risk, its treatment and monitoring. The identification of the frequency of an event occurring within a railway transportation system is performed by means of: • evaluation of the frequency of a particular event in the past based on statistical data (information collected over a certain period of operation regarding an infrastructure facility or rolling stock and saved in automated control systems of individual railway services or the Automated Traffic Safety Management System (AS RB) and forecasting potential future frequency of the event; • evaluation of the frequency of a particular event based on data regarding technical failures (information saved in the Integrated Automated System of Technical Failures Tracking, Investigation and Analysis (KAS ANT) that occurred over a certain period of time within an operational activity unit for each railway service; • forecasting of frequency of events by means of analysis of eventual failure chart of an infrastructure facility or rolling stock (fault tree analysis, FTA) and analysis of possible effects chart of a particular failure (event tree analysis, ETA); • evaluation based on operational reliability and functional safety indicators for railway infrastructure and rolling stock of passenger and freight traffic at speeds up to 160 km/h and for high-speed traffic; • evaluation based on expert opinions. Expert evaluation should take into consideration all available information on infrastructure facilities and rolling stock: statistical, experimental, design, etc. The impact analysis involves the evaluation of the effects of an undesirable event on people, property and environment. Us-

42 R&D

Image courtesy of JSC RZD Image Bank

ing the statistical data on hazardous events affecting infrastructure facilities and rolling stock received from the KAS ANT and AS RB systems, URRAN evaluates the respective risks. The risk is evaluated as the combination of two components, frequency and effects, and compared to the acceptable level for its type. The results are delivered in the form of risk matrices. Then an executive decision is required in order to treat the risk depending on its significance and define the funding method and organization of risk treatment measures. When comparing risks related to various undesirable events, generating rational protection measures, calculating harm prevented as a result of taken measures and evaluating the economic efficiency of risk mitigation measures, all components of harm should be evaluated using the same value units (losses). The most widely used risk treatment methods are prevention, transfer, reduction and acceptance. The first three methods are the most relevant in terms of minimization of risk. The primary and most widely used method of risk treatment for infrastructure facilities is the reduction. Dangerous failures and other undesirable events supervision facilities help reduce their frequency and magnitude of possible effects, thus minimizing the controlled risk. For example, a train braking system failure may entail numerous deaths, as well as significant harm to the environment and property. It is practically impossible to reduce the effects of such dangerous failure. Yet efficient technical monitoring equipment enables significantly lower hazard frequency and, consecutively, minimized risk. Infrastructure-related risks are defined by components introduced at various stages of facilities’ lifecycle. For example, the risk of traffic safety incident due to an automation and remote control (ARC) system failure depends on three primary components of technology failure rate: allowable, designed and actual. The allowable failure rate is www.railwaypro.com | June 2014

defined in accordance with traffic requirements in terms of train traffic safety, the designed failure rate characterizes a system being created at such stages of lifecycle as design, development and manufacturing, while the actual failure rate corresponds to the respective failure indicators of ARC operation. The risk management process is directly related to the infrastructure maintenance cost management. Service life extension of complex engineering systems depends on the results of instrumental diagnostics of current facility condition. The final service life extension decision is taken based on the analysis of the dependence of the engineering system dependability index from the operation time or performed work expressed in physical values. Therefore, the risk management system under development as part of the URRAN project will enable not only acceptable risk levels and operational costs optimization, but also rational distribution of investment into infrastructure facilities. Efficient risk management requires a specialized regulatory and procedural framework that takes into consideration both risk assessment and financial facilities enabling risk reduction measures in accordance with investment priorities. Given the limited managerial and financial resources, the priority should be given to reducing the highest and most significant risks. As part of the URRAN project JSC NIIAS has thoroughly analyzed the requirements of international (ISO 31000:2009, IEC/ ISO 31010:2009, EN 50126, etc.) and national (GOST R 51897 2011, GOST R 51901.1 2002, etc.) standards of risk management and identified their applicability to the Russian railway industry. As a result, a number of corporate standards have been developed to support the establishment of the JSC RZD risk management system. Those standards stipulate a body of requirements and methods enabling a fully functional and efficient risk management

system. They are harmonized with international and European safety and risk management standards and coordinated with existing standards of the railway industry. URRAN is designed to manage resources, risks and dependability of railway facilities. Its functionality includes: • automation of initial processing of statistical data of railway infrastructure and rolling stock equipment failures; • identification of quantitative values of operational dependability and safety indicators of infrastructure facilities; • quantitative evaluation of infrastructure and rolling stock services activity subject to failures and organization of maintenance and operation of infrastructure facilities. The system also provides for supervision, comparison and motivation of the activities of individual units of a service based on the indicators of operational dependability and safety, compliance verification of actual operational dependability and safety with stipulated norms, preparation of input data for drawing-up of recommendations for risk reduction. Based on the risk assessment performed using URRAN, vulnerable facilities are identified, draft work plans for infrastructure and rolling stock maintenance generated. The use of risk management techniques as part of the comprehensive URRAN methodology allows controlling and progressively minimizing risks according to their significance. The risk management system is a powerful tool that helps improve operational performance of railway transportation. The experience of the URRAN system deployment demonstrates the applicability of the developed criteria in order to ensure reliable operation of infrastructure, extension of expected life of facilities before overhaul and calculation of the infrastructurerelated component of the railway fare.

Городская система для Олимпийских игр в Сочи Инновационные системы управления движением, основанные на Новой Методологии «Novel Risk Management» Международные эксперты считают, что Олимпийские и Паралимпийские игры в Сочи были лучшими в истории, и это включает в себя не только результаты российских спортсменов, но и расположение и транспортная инфраструктура, которые были подготовлены за короткий период времени. Значительный вклад внесла компания «Российские железные дороги», которая являлась одним из партнеров Игр. В ходе подготовки, компания РЖД построила современную транспортную инфраструктуру, оснащенную множеством инновационных решений, в том числе управлением движением и охраной поезда.



Moscow to host seventh Exporail show Russia’s seventh Exporail exhibition of railway technology takes place at the prestigious Expocentr in Moscow from 28 to 30 October, bringing together leading international and domestic suppliers of equipment and services covering both rolling stock and infrastructure sectors of the market .


ith an established reputation as a showcase for the latest and best in railway products and systems, Exporail attracts an audience that includes senior managers, engineers and decisionmakers from RZD Russian Railways, the Moscow Metro and domestic manufacturing firms. Among organisations supporting the exhibition is RZD, which will have its own stand at the show. Exporail is also endorsed by the Union of Railway Equipment Manufacturers (OPZhT), Russia’s Federal Ministry of Transport and the International Transport Academy. Plans are now being finalised for events taking place alongside Exporail 2014.

These will include a conference and seminar programme covering aspects of transport policy and railway strategy, and “Discussion Club” open forums, which have proved highly successful at previous Exporail shows.

Exporail is organised by Restec Brooks Exhibitions, a joint venture of Mack Brooks Exhibitions in the UK and the St Petersburg-based Restec Exhibition Company. More information can be found on the show website http://exporailrussia.com

В Москве состоится 7-я выставка «Exporail» Седьмой выпуск выставки «Exporail» Россия - мероприятие, в рамках которого будут представлены последние технологические новинки железнодорожной отрасли - состоится в московском «Экспоцентре» в период с 28 по 30 октября. На выставке будут присутствовать национальные и зарубежные поставщики услуг и товаров как по сегменту подвижного состава, так и по инфраструктуре. Среди организаций, поддерживающих проведение выставки, находится и компания РЖД, у которой будет свой стенд на выставке. «Exporail» также поддерживают НП «Объединенные Производители Железнодорожной Техники» (ОПЖТ), Министерство транспорта России и Международная академия транспорта.

Image courtesy of Tomás Kuchta/Railvolution

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44 Engineer

New locomotive platform for shunting and track use ALSTOM Lokomotiven Service GmbH has further developed its successful hybrid design. With its new H3 platform, the manufacturer is developing particularly economical and flexible locomotives which cover the market for classic 3 and 4-axle locomotives up to 1000 kW and have multi-traction capability across all types.


lstom‘s new locomotive platform for shunting and track use gives operators completely new operational designs with the highest environmental standards at the lowest overall costs. This new platform for shunting locomotives was first launched at Logistikmesse 2011 (transport logistic trade fair) and Alstom‘s engineers have since added a further fourth version – a pure accumulator locomotive which can offer a real alternative for very light shunting work, particularly when extremely high environmental standards are required. All locomotives have a minimum negotiable track curve radius of 60 m and a top speed of 100 km/h and are predominantly designed for shunting and light track work. Depending on their usage profile, customers can choose from different modules for power generation and energy storage on the same locomotive platform: either the pure accumulator locomotive, a hybrid version with a generator and battery, a locomotive with two generators and start-stop technology or a design with a 1000 kW generator. The

platform generally uses identical vehicle frames with three individual wheel sets which are driven by three-phase motors and can be steered precisely into curves. All types of locomotives have the same braking equipment, power electronics and control technology platform. 1. DEVELOPMENT AIMS The development aims of the locomotive platform are: • Maximum performance • Highest environmental standards • Platform-wide multi-traction capability resulting in operational advantages • Consistent tractive forces on starting • Standardized operation • 100 km/h top speed • 60 m minimum negotiable track curve • Optimum ergonomic conditions in the driver‘s cab and when shunting. • Greatest possible standardization across all four types of locomotive.

Alstom H3 locomotive general perspective

www.railwaypro.com | June 2014

2. DESIGN CRITERIAFOR THE PLATFORM Standard locomotives in the performance classes up to 1000 kW are built in completely different ways, both in terms of the number of vehicle axles and the lengths of the vehicles, as well as in the top speeds they can reach. For example, 3-axle 700 kW locomotives with a maximum speed of 80 km/h cannot be used in multiple traction mode with 1000 kW locomotives with a maximum speed of 100 km/h. The 3-axle locomotive platform (Figure 1) has an unusually long frame that is more than 12 m in length over buffers and meets the EN 15227 crash standard. As a result, the locomotive complies with the dimensions and visibility conditions required of a completely up to date DB BR 214 class. As such, it is without a doubt the most compact 1000 kW locomotive which meets the Euro IIIB emission standards. With its low-noise, ergonomically optimized shunting and a free view of the buffers from the driver‘s cab, this shunting locomotive‘s innovative technology offers great convenience. Compared with the only existing hybrid BR 1001 shunting locomotive derived from the Alstom BR203 and approved by the Federal Railway Office (EBA, Eisenbahnbundesamt), the technology has been designed on a platform that is 2 m shorter and which has significantly better visibility. It has also been designed for a minimum negotiable track curve of 60 m, unlike the BR 203. Furthermore, all locomotives can reach a top speed of 100 km/h without a range-change gearbox and have identical equipment as far as possible, with the exception of the different modules for power generation/energy storage, such as air brakes with brake discs, Alstom power electronics and single-axle traction engines, control technology anddriver‘s cabs. The locomotive frame needs to be long enough to provide enough installation space for all versions of the locomotive. Interestingly, the engineers have


agreed on similar installation space and dimensions for all drive systems, so that standardization does not include any oversizing in this case.

hybrid locomotives. All locomotives are equipped for remote data transmission on the basis of Alstom‘s standard Train Tracer system with available internet platform.



The traction power electronics used in this kind of vehicle are designed to the highest requirements of heavy shunting with constantly low speeds, high performance and torques. In terms of drive technology, the maximum output of 1000 kW is not critical for the design of the power electronics if it is possible to provide consistently high torques at low speeds. Alstom ONIX IGBT Pico moduleshave been used for this, large numbersof which are already in service. In addition,a traction motor is used which is suitable for shunting. This motor has large dimensions due to the high torques. A DC intermediate circuit voltage level of approx. 600 V is used for the accumulator and hybrid versions. This is increased to 750 V in the 1000 kW and dual-engine versions. All wheel sets are equipped with individually controlled anti-skid and anti-slip protection.


4. RUNNING GEAR The running gear is a special technological feature ofthe locomotives: there are three symmetrically arrangedwheel sets at the centerof the vehicle with an unusually long axle distance of 3.2 m. This is made possible by a special hydraulic coupling of thewheel sets, patent applied for, which causes the frontwheel sets to turn precisely into curves and the middle axle to move in a transverse direction. The basic principle of individual building blocks (Figure 3) applies here once again, with identical wheel sets, axle gears and traction motors, brake discs and brake calipers. A particular feature is the large forced-air cooled traction motors, which are installed longitudinally on each axle in the direction of travel. They have been designed for consistently high torques at a comparatively low voltage level and, therefore, high electrical currents. Since the wheel sets are precisely adjusted to the curves, it is possible to do without wheel flange lubrication to reduce wear on tight curves. This reduces maintenance and operating costs and also ensures that the rail head, which is inevitable with conventional vehicles, is kept to a minimum, particularly in shunting areas without wheel flange lubrication.

By using two standardized NiCd battery packs, the accumulator locomotive can store up to 200 kWh of power and is, therefore, suitable for light use in areas where environmental issues are particularly critical. At 700 kW, peak power is in the upper power range of conventional 3-axle vehicles, so that high acceleration up to 100 km/h is also possible. However, the energy that is actually usable in one charging cycle is comparable to a fuel usage of approx. 40 litres per operating hour for a conventional shunting locomotive. The locomotive must then be plugged in for several hours. If operations permit additional charging within a single day, this can significantly increase flexibility of use. This locomotive can make a regular contribution to using the overcapacity available at night in the electricity supply system by exploiting the partially negative electricity prices. In doing so, it avoids any use of diesel and maintenance costs for the diesel generators. This will be particularly interesting in future for fields where the negative energy purchase price actually becomes available to the operator and, therefore, the energy supply costs relate solely to the delta from energy income and battery wear. „Lighthouse projects“which directly supply solar or wind energy can, of course, also be implemented at a reasonable cost. 6.2. HYBRID DESIGN By combining an environmentally friendly Euro IV diesel generator with a power rating of 350 kW and a standard battery pack, the hybrid version is mainly suitable for light to heavy shunting work with a high


proportion of partial loads and idle mode. The diesel generator is operated at a constant rpm. It charges the battery and can, if required, drive the electric motors together with the batteryfor peak loads or on their own as a direct drive for larger partial loads. The locomotive is driven by the battery for partial loads and in idle mode. This technology enables diesel savings of 30 to 50 per cent compared with conventional shunting locomotives that have the same performance. A key focus has been to develop intelligent control algorithms which conserve the battery with economically optimized generator control. Hybrid perspective

6.3. DUAL-ENGINE LOCOMOTIVE The dual-engine locomotive is driven by two generators. As far as possible these are identical in construction to those of the hybrid locomotive and enable flexible use with continuous output of up to 700 kW. Only one generator is used when the locomotive is operated with a partial load. This technology enables a fuel saving of up to 25 per cent in comparison with conventional single enginediesel-hydraulic machines used for shunting and mixed track operation. The higher is the proportion of shunting, the higher the saving. Hybrid locomotives are however more economical for pure shunting work. 6.4. SINGLE-ENGINE LOCOMOTIVE WITH 1000 KW Accumulator perspective

5. PROCESS AND CONTROL TECHNOLOGY The reliable, user-programmable control system is based on proven technology. The specific functions of the drive control and of the generator/battery management are mapped in a separate control system, as they are in the prototypes of the BR 203 June 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

46 Engineer Dual engine diagram

This version is probably the world‘s first 1000 kW locomotive with three wheel sets and naturally demonstrates this edgeover the less powerful versions in its upper speed range of up to 100 km/h. Thanks to this power, the locomotive is a versatile machine, fully comparable to a 4-axle 1100 kW diesel hydraulic locomotive. It can be used on its own for light track work, in double tractionfor heavy track work and also for shunting. 7. TRACTIVE FORCE DIAGRAMS The tractive force curves shown in the following diagram(Figure xxxx) apply to the accumulator, hybrid and dual-engine locomotives. The top curve shows the maximum traction for 700 kW – and therefore the peak performanceof all three locomotives. 8. MAINTENANCE SERVICE Naturally, Alstom offers client-specific adaptable maintenance services for this range of locomotives in combination with financing through recognized partner companies, as was the case previously with the V100 classes. Alstom also offers a centralized spare parts depot for this range of locomotives, together with high vehicle availability and reduced overall costs. Each customer can choose from fully undertak-

ing their own maintenance, materials supply agreements with or without fixed prices for heavy maintenance, and, of course, a full service agreement with or without in-house services for daily maintenance. These services are provided through the well-known company Mobile Service Organization and also via Alstom personnel, who can be based in the operator‘s repair shops depending on the size of the project. Alstom also sees future potential in offering, together with operators and financing partners, to completely take over the area of rail logistics for some companies in the industry, which is often considered to be „noncore“, including provision of the vehicle fleet. 9. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION The new locomotive platform is based on Alstom‘s long-term development of hybrid technology. Naturally the utmost importance is placed on using as much environmentally friendly equipment as possible, based on electrical power. The large fuel savings made by the individual locomotive types compared with current conventional vehicle types are a key aspect here. This is supplemented by the use of dieselengines which meet current EU emissionstandards and, of course, the accumulator locomotive which has no diesel engines.

Hybrid diagram

www.railwaypro.com | June 2014

10. EFFICIENCY Many perspectives need to be considered with regard to the NEW locomotive platform. Some examples are given here: • Size of fleet: smaller total number of vehicles • Operational arrangements: less special applications planning than with a mixed fleet of conventional vehicles • Fuel saving: between 10 and 50 % • Depending on type of locomotive and usage: no need for wheel flange lubrication • Maintenance: lower maintenance costs plus opportunity for the operator to outsource • Financing: high residual values due to modularity and convertibility • Outsourcing: contracting models for rail operating efficiency for companies in the industry. On the basis of applications planning, these factors can be implemented jointly with the operator in a particular business model. Experts are particularly interested in the total costing approaches for hybrid and accumulator locomotives.

Новая платформа для маневровых и тяговых локомотивов Компания Alstom Lokomotiven Service GmbH продолжил успешное развитие гибридного дизайна. С помощью своей новой платформы H3, производитель железнодорожного оборудования разрабатывает в особенности гибкие и экономичные локомотивы, покрывающие потребности рынка классических локомотивов с 3-мя и 4-мя осями, вплоть до 1000 кВт. Новая платформа для маневровых и тяговых локомотивов предоставляет операторам полностью новые модели операционного дизайна по самым высоким стандартам воздействия на окружающую среду и самым низким затратам.



Integrated ticketing, solution for increasing travels by train [ by Elena Ilie ]

To increase the use of public transport, cities should aim at making the ticketing system attractive and easy to understand for everyone. The pricing system should be coherent and simple with a reasonable number of tickets that takes users’ needs into account. entering the urban area. The accessibility of public transport in general is enhanced with the introduction of a ticket valid for all types of services and vehicles. Nevertheless, a major disadvantage is that ticketing integration on long-distance passenger transport services is a complex issue, as a study elaborated in 2012 by the European Parliament, the Department of Internal Affairs, shows. Its feasibility encounters a number of legislative, technical and competition-related obstacles resulting from the differences between the many transport environments that have to be combined. Integrated ticketing is not an objective per se: it is rather a means of making multi-modal transport more attractive for users and of promoting more efficient use of existing infrastructure and services. Only limited statistics are available on long-distance intermodal travel and there is no common definition across Europe of long-distance trips. This makes it difficult to provide a precise overview of the main characteristics and size of the long-distance market. Nevertheless, it can be said with absolute certainty that long-distance integrated ticketing remains a limited phenomenon, restricted to certain niche markets. However, stakeholders suggest that, even

though it may be difficult to estimate, the potential for such a market does exist and may grow in the longer term. The study shows that as far as the longdistance market segment is concerned, progress has been slow and no significant advances have been made. Rail-rail integration remains weak, as evidenced by the limited number of instances found by this study. Policy measures in this area have essentially focused on improvements in technical interoperability among domestic networks, while less attention has been paid to the integration of booking and ticketing schemes for trips involving more than one operator. According to a Eurobarometer survey published in December 2013, 58% of Europeans are satisfied with rail services in their country. However, comparatively few Europeans travel by train. In some countries, the number of users who consider it overly complicated to buy tickets is worryingly high. The overall level of satisfaction with the ease of buying tickets has not improved since 2011 (78% satisfaction) with however big improvements in Austria and Greece (14 and 10 percentage points increase respectively). However, there have been worrying increases in dissatisfaction in Italy, Denmark and Slovenia (all more than 10 percentage points).

Интегрированное оформление проездных документов: способ увеличения количества поездок на поезде

Photo: ec.europa.eu


he basis for fares should be transparent and easy to understand. Tickets and payment facilities should be widely available, as well as the sales points distributed throughout the city, ticket vending machines at various places (“park & ride” stations, main bus stops or in vehicles), on the internet (subscription for smart card holders) and via mobile phones. Integrated ticketing and tariff policies between different public transport operators (local public transport and the national railway) should be offered to make tickets valid for all public transport modes and for a whole region. Easy and attractive payment methods should be offered. Innovative smart card systems can be implemented, which can be used for contactless payment of integrated fares. They may also serve as an important element of marketing public transport. Smart payments also can provide valuable data on behaviour and mobility patterns of users. Many potential benefits from public transport ticketing measures were explored during CIVITAS II, a project which benefits from the support of the European Union. The ease and convenience of purchase afforded by innovative ticketing systems in a city should attract more public transport passengers, resulting in less private cars

Для увеличения степени использования общественного транспорта, города должны поставить себе цель сделать систему выдачи проездных билетов привлекательной и легко доступной для понимания широких масс. Система установления цен должна быть последовательной и простой, с достаточным количеством билетов, учитывающих потребности пользователей. June 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

48 Market development

Large cities can benefit from optimised urban transport [ by Elena Ilie ]

Public transport needs to be put forward to tackle the urban mobility challenges currently faced by urban mobility. Constructing highways and encouraging car use should not be the priority.

transport costs explained not only through longer journeys, but also through more expensive and less effective available transport solutions. Ambitious and visionary strategies are essential to change radically current mobility patterns. The public transport sector has the competence and ambition to improve the urban environment both for citizens and business, as it already does in number of urban centres. To take up these challenges, the International Association of Public Transport (UITP) proposes its members and not only to double the market share of public transport by 2025. Public transport operators can stimulate the development of their commercial activity by providing a quality service to their customer, but also through innovation and entrepreneurial spirit. The impact of the financial and economic turmoil revealed a different type of crisis, a systemic crisis, calling for an in-depth change. Currently, as three years ago (when the financial crisis began to spread worldwide), the time is right to trigger a societal change and abandon the car-

Graz, one of the most efficient public transport systems in EU www.railwaypro.com | June 2014

Photo: public-transport.net


ynamic, accessible, liveable and attractive urban regions will never be exempted of congestion. Transport strategies should try to deal with congestion management based on cost effectiveness in order to reduce the negative impact that traffic congestion has on passengers and urban citizens. In the perspective of the same policies, it is expected that all transport activities will continue to grow in parallel with the economic activity. Passenger traffic is expected to increase slightly compared to freight transport (34% by 2030 and 51% by 2050). In the absence of significant strategy changes, the different transport modes would continue to be represented in the same proportion. Road transport would maintain its dominant role for both passengers and freight inside the EU, and cars would continue to represent more than two thirds of the total passenger transport in 2050. The current situation of accessibility in the EU suggests that there is a strong difference between central and suburban areas regarding connectivity and transport costs. Suburban areas have higher average

dependent lifestyle. If organised and well aware of their priorities, public transport operators can play an important role in providing quality services and helping reduce car dependency. Public transport provides green local jobs. In many cities the public transport network is one of the major employers, and such jobs cannot be de-localised. In Europe, public transport operators alone create 1,200,000 direct jobs and every direct job in public transport is linked to four jobs in other sectors of the economy. Public transport represents between 1 and 1.2% of European Union GDP. Every Euro of value created from public transport is linked to a further value creation of 4 EUR in the total economy, according to UITP data. A massive shift to public transport and sustainable mobility helps economies to reduce their dependency on fossil fuel and improve their balance of payments.

Крупные города могут пользоваться оптимизированным городским транспортом Общественный транспорт должен стоять на первом месте в рамках мероприятий, организованных в целях поиска ответной реакции на актуальные вызовы, с которыми сталкивается городская мобильность. Строительство автобанов и поощрение использования личных автомобилей больше не должны являться приоритетами. Динамичные, доступные, населяемые и привлекательные городские участки никогда не будут освобождены от пробок на дорогах. Стратегии в области транспорта должны попытаться заняться управлением пробками на дорогах, исходя из соображений эффективности затрат, в целях снижения ответственности, лежащей на пассажирах и жителях городов в случае образования чрезмерных пробок.

Policies & Strategies


Two major turkish economic centres, connected by high-speed railways [ by Elena Ilie ]

Turkish Railways (TCDD) has initiated tests on Istanbul – Eskişehir section, part of Istanbul – Ankara highspeed railway, currently in construction. Thus, Turkey will have a high-speed railway between Istanbul, former capital, and Ankara, current capital, both very important centres of economic development. However, the inauguration date of Istanbul – Ankara high-speed railway has not been revealed, although, according to most officials, the railway will be commissioned by the middle of the summer. The high-speed railway between Ankara and Eskişehir has been operational since 2009 and works are currently underway to extend the railway to Istanbul. At the beginning of 2015, this line will transit Marmaray Tunnel and will reach the European side of Istanbul, even providing the opportunity of opening the high-speed railway network in Turkey to the railway network in Europe.


urkish Railways (TCDD) will invest almost half the budget allocated for 2014 in projects for high-speed railways. Thus, the amount to be invested this year in transport projects amounts to TRY 5.5 Billion (EUR 1.80 Billion). The Turkish Government will grant TCDD around TRY 3.5 Billion (EUR 1.14 Billion) while the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications will receive around TRY 2 Billion (EUR 655 Million) for investments in the railway sector. Turkish Minister of Transport Lutfi Elvan announced in April that the country would develop its own high-speed network completed in 2018. At present, there are high-speed railway lines between Ankara – Konya and Ankara – Sivas and Ankara – Eskişehir (mentioned above). Moreover, studies and analyses are carried out on the high-speed railway projects of Ankara - Izmir (594 km), Bursa - Osmaneli (106 km), Istanbul - Edirne (230 km), Ankara – Samsun, Eskişehir – Antalya, Konya

– Antalya, Diyarbakır – Trabzon and Ankara (Yerköy) - Kayseri (150 km). According to the declarations of the former Minister of Transport, Binali Yıldırım, 2.500 km of high-speed railways would be built over the next five years. The 2.500 km of railways will connect 14 cities in Turkey. The railway transport liberalisation law was adopted last year in May permitting the private railway sector to involve in railway transport operations, such as investments in the infrastructure owned by the Turkish State. The liberalisation law equally allows public and private entities and companies to build and manage their own railway infrastructure, as well as to manage trains on the national railway network. “Railway transport projects are very important for the Eurasian space. Turkey has struggled to support railway transport and, starting with 2003, it began to allocate more funds to develop this transport segment. Also, considering the ongoing projects,

Turkey prepares to provide an appropriate railway transport between Europe and Central Asia”, added Suleyman Karaman, Director General and Chairman of the Board of Turkish Railways (TCDD). The importance of railway transport is well-known throughout the region. Over the past ten years, Turkey has struggled to modernise railways and to provide connections to Bulgaria and from there, to the whole Europe. Also, Turkey has committed to consolidate railway connections to Central Asia by developing railway projects with neighbour countries such as Iran, Georgia and Azerbaijan. Moreover, Turkey will invest EUR 50 Billion over the next years to develop the railways, while the projects already initiated amount to around USD 40 Billion. The railway infrastructure, the rolling stock and the technology require investments because railway transport also means the economic development of the country. USD 30 Billion will be invested in the next ten years in 10,000 km of high-speed railways, while 4,000 km of new conventional railways are expected to be built.

Два важных экономических центров Турции, соединенных скоростных железных дорог

Source: TCDD

Турецкие железные дороги (TCDD) инициировала тесты на Стамбул - раздел Эскишехир, часть Стамбула - Анкара высокоскоростной железной дороги, в настоящее время в строительстве. Таким образом, Турция будет иметь высокоскоростной железной дороги между Стамбуле, бывшей столицы, и Анкарой, оборотного капитала, как очень важных центров экономического развития. June 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

50 statistics

EU Transport Scoreboard

EU Modal split of passenger transport on land 2011

Modal split of passenger transport on land by country


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statistics 51 Czech Republic







Source: ec.europa.eu

June 2014 | www.railwaypro.com


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52 Policies & Strategies

Competition must be in favour of customers [ by Elena Ilie ]

Over the past decade, the growth of passenger traffic by rail has been insufficient to increase its modal share in comparison to road and air transport. The 6% modal share of passenger transport for rail in the European Union has remained fairly stable. Rail passenger transport services have not kept pace with other modes of transport in terms of availability, price and quality. Considering this, it is necessary to analyse all the practices in the approach adopted by the Union during the last three railway reforms.

In order to ensure high quality serv- entrants and the incumbent operator, for ices to passengers, achieving at the such contracts while allowing competent same time the objectives of the pub- authorities some flexibility to optimise the lic passenger transport policy, free access volume according to economic and operarights should be respected and coordinated, tional considerations. inter alia, by mandatory procedures for the To ensure a fair competition and to award of public service contracts”, shows prevent inappropriate use of compensathe legislative text adopted by the Euro- tory payments, the principle of reciprocity pean Parliament related to the liberalisation should be applied. The companies obtainof the domestic railway passenger transport ing public service contracts by direct award market. should not participate in procedures for the “To ensure sound financing to meet the award of public service contracts. objectives of public transport plans, comNational authorities that today give rail petent authorities need to design public service contracts to a single operator would service obligations to attain public trans- have to put them out to public tender or port objectives in a cost-effective manner justify not doing so. According to the Partaking account of the compensation for liament’s vote, these amendments included the net financial effect of those obligations in the legislative text should enter into force and they need to ensure long-term finan- after 2022. Anyway, transitional measures cial sustainability of public transport pro- are necessary for the contracts awarded divided under public service contracts. This rectly by December 2019. includes both the over-compensation and The award of service contracts by comthe under-compensation due either to the petitive procedure, although limited by substance of public service obligations or to various forms of direct award of these conthe competent authority’s failure to comply tracts, represents the basic element of this with its financial commitments”, states the regulation. These include in particular the text adopted by the European Parliament at freedom of the competent authority to dethe beginning of this year. cide whether to provide transport services A maximum annual volume of a public through its own transportation operator service contract for passenger transport by (domestic operator) or whether to organrail needs to be set in a way that facilitates ise a tender for this purpose. The possibilcompetition between small bidders, new ity to directly assign contracts is subject to Purely commercial rail passenger services in Europe

Source: Rail Liberalisation Index 2011

www.railwaypro.com | June 2014

a reciprocity clause, under which domestic operators are not allowed to participate in competitive procedures for the award of contracts organised outside the territory of the local competent authority. In the view of the rapporteur of this legal text, Mathieu Grosch, “the competent authority plays a central role. In line with the subsidiarity principle, it should be responsible for establishing an urban transport plan and for an appraisal of the services required within public passenger transport. The same applies to defining public service obligations. Competent authorities are best placed to assess what public service obligations are needed, locally, for what routes there should be open access, or where open access should be restricted by means of a public service contract. The very issue of how the concept of open access and public service contracts relate to each other is highly sensitive. Where the open-access principle is interpreted too liberally, there is always a risk of cherry picking by private providers, at the public sector’s expense”.

Конкуренция должна идти на пользу клиенту - либерализация отечественных услуг железнодорожных пассажирских перевозок должна быть эффективной Национальные власти ЕС, которые в настоящее время присуждают контракты на оказание услуг лишь одному оператору, будут обязаны проводить открытые тендеры или обосновывать, почему не проводили таких тендеров. По итогам голосования в Европейском Парламенте, эти поправка, которые введены в текст закона, должны вступить в силу после 2022 года. Во всяком случае, необходимо принять меры для переходного периода по контрактам, присужденным непосредственно тем или иным организациям, до декабря 2019 года.

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