Railway PRO - August

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the railway business magazine

Prague bets on rail urban transport

Year IX No. 3.8(110) 2014 ■

Integrated ticketing for sustainable mobility

Railway PRO

Poland invests EUR 12 Billion into important railway sections

Infrastructure Development

Журнал железнодорожный бизнес

Budapest: development of public transport relies on rail transport Interview with Dávid Vitézy, CEO of Budapesti Közlekedési Központ (BKK) Будапешт: транспорт на рельсах лежит в основе развития системы общественного транспорта Интервью с господином Давидом Витези, который является Исполнительным директором BKK

editor’s note 1


have recently read a statistics elaborated by representatives of the European railway organisation according to which no kilometre of high-speed railway network has been lately built in the Central and East-European area. Although the European Commission requires the extension of the high-speed network, reality shows that such projects are only implemented in the western half of the Single Area. At the same time, industrial development and public transport sector policies are mostly focusing on meeting the global challenge related to increasing the population’s urbanisation level. On this topic, the Commission is holding a public debate on the document regarding “the urban dimension of EU policies – key features of an EU urban agenda”. We are thus on the verge of becoming mentors of a “bundling”

phenomenon of a significant part of the world’s population based on the potential development of the territories included between these “megalopolises”. The approach of the railway investment policies in the large Member States of the EU is just a signal of building a vision of isolation of the population claiming the lack of financial profitability of the railway transport system. In Romania, the country I know best, public strategies build a discourse on the public decommissioning of over 4000 km of railways even with the risk of leading to a density of approx. 26 km/1000 km² of the railway network in this country. At the moment, the European average is of over 50km/1000 km² and increasing, precisely for ensuring the access of population to the safest and most environmentally friendly transport mode. The situation persists in larger or

smaller proportions in the entire eastern bloc of the EU, the pressure from financial consultants being to ensure connection only between major urban centres. Given that Central and Eastern Europe is characterised by a more balanced dispersion of population and a higher proportion of inhabitants in the rural environment or in small and medium towns, the question is whether the current railway network should no longer be really maintained or developed. Don’t the citizens in Eastern Europe have the same right as the other European citizens to access civilised modes of transport?

70% of the world’s population will live in cities by 2050 Issue published with the support of Club Feroviar – The Railway Business Club Журнал издаётся при поддержке Club Feroviar – ЖД Клуб Деловых Людей

До 2050 года, 70% населения планеты будет жить в городской среде Читал недавно статистику, разработанную представителями европейских железнодорожных организаций, в которой говорилось о том, что за последнее время в Центральном и Восточноевропейском пространстве не было построено ни одного километра высокоскоростного железнодорожного участка. Несмотря на то, что Европейская комиссия требует расширения высокоскоростной сети, действительность показывает нам, что такие проекты реализуются лишь в западной половине Единого Пространства. В то же время, политика развития промышленности и сектора общественного транспорта, в общем, сосредоточена отвечать на глобальный вызов, связанный с повышением степени урбанизации населения. На эту тему имеется в процессе общественной дискуссии на уровне Комиссии документ о «городском измерении политик ЕС – основные характеристики городской повестки дня ЕС».

Таким образом, мы находимся на пути к становлению наставниками созидания и сплочения значительной части населения планеты на фоне возможного развития территорий, расположенных между этими мегаполисами. Подход к инвестиционным политикам в железнодорожной области Великих Держав – членов ЕС, является лишь сигналом для создания дезинвестиционного видения и изолирования населения, мотивируя это отсутствием финансовой прибыльности системы железнодорожного транспорта. В Румынии, - в стране, которую я лучше всего знаю, - государственные стратегии строят дискурс касательно вывода из общественной эксплуатации свыше 4 000 км железнодорожных сетей, даже с риском достигнуть плотности порядка 26 км/1000 км² железнодорожной сети в этой стране. В настоящий момент в Европе среднее значение данного показателя составляет свыше 50

км/1000 км² и постоянно растет, как раз с целью обеспечения доступа населения к наиболее дружелюбному к окружающей среде и безопасному средству передвижения. Ситуация повторяется в большей или меньшей степени во всем восточном блоке ЕС, при этом давление со стороны финансовых консультантов оказывается в сторону обеспечения связи только между крупными городскими центрами. В условиях, когда Центральная и Восточная Европа характеризуются более равномерным распределением населения и значительная часть населения проживает в сельской местности и небольших и средних городах, ставится вопрос о том, что разве существующая сеть железных дорог не заслуживает обслуживания и развития. Жители Восточной Европы не имеют ли одинаковых прав на доступ к цивилизованным видам транспорта, как и остальные европейские граждане? August 2014 | www.railwaypro.com



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Poland invests EUR 12 Billion into important railway sections Польша инвестирует 12 миллиардов евро в важные железнодорожные отсеки One of the largest projects is the modernisation of the railway linking Lower Silesia to Szczecin, on the Baltic coast. Other projects will be developed in Warsaw, where Zachodnia railway station would be reconstructed, the infrastructure modernised, as well as three more rail stations... Один из наиболее крупных проектов - модернизация линии между Нижней Силезией и Щецином, на побережье Балтийского моря. Другие проекты будут осуществляться в Варшаве, где предстоит перестроить станцию Заходня и модернизировать инфраструктуру, а три железнодорожные станции будут модернизированы...


48 Belarus could build high-speed railway 49 Kazakhstan develops transport infrastructure in 2014-2020

the railway business magazine

Railway PRO

ISSN - 1841 - 4672

Publisher: Editura de Transport & Logistică S.R.L. 30, Virgiliu Street, Sector 1 Bucharest, postal code: 010881 Tel.:+4 021 224 43 85; +4 021 224 43 87 Mobile: +40 721 723 724 Fax: +4 021 224 43 86 E-mail: editors@railwaypro.com Web-site: www.railwaypro.com Editors: Elena Ilie elena.ilie@railwaypro.com Pamela Luică pamela.luica@railwaypro.com Production and photo editor: Petru Mureşan Department of translations: Gentil Trad Alina Vuţulicu Paula Badescu Graphic design: Petru Mureşan Layout and DTP: Petru Mureşan petru.muresan@railwaypro.com Photo: Radu Drăgan Marketing: office@railwaypro.com Advertising Enquiries: advertise@railwaypro.com www. railwaypro.com/advertise

www.railwaypro.com | August 2014

Editor’s note

1 70% of the world’s population will live in cities by 2050 POLICIES & STRATEGIES

20 Prague bets on rail urban transport 34 Does the Danube Region require a new railway corridor? 37 EC report: EU-financed railway infrastructure projects amounted to EUR 22 Billion in 2007-2013 38 Romania wants to

50 Uzbekistan continues the development of railway infrastructure projects MARKET development

18 Railhuc project – Railway Hub Cities and the TEN-T Network – The intervention design results 22 Poland invests EUR 12 Billion into important railway sections 52 CAREC countries aim at considerably improving transport standards by 2017 Products & Technologies

42 Six non-EU countries

reallocate European funds for railway infrastructure to other transport segments

can access the “Horizon 2020” financing

40 Romania has to create

46 Opening of the new forging unit for Vossloh Cogifer Kihn

the right premises for railway transport development



44 Beljakovce – Kriva Palanka – Bulgarian border section 24 Integrated ticketing for will increase trade in the region sustainable mobility


Budapest: development of public transport relies on rail transport Interview with Dávid Vitézy, CEO of Budapesti Közlekedési Központ (BKK) Будапешт: транспорт на рельсах лежит в основе развития системы общественного транспорта Интервью с господином Давидом Витези, который является Исполнительным директором BKK.

Finalist of several editions of the “Mobility Week” Award (2005, 2006, 2013) and winner of the award in 2008, Budapest is trying to build a public transport infrastructure whose backbone would be urban railway transport. The main goal of developing transport is the optimisation of economic competitiveness, providing better living conditions in the capital and promoting sustainable features. With a share of over 50% of public transport, the citizens require higher and higher standards regarding the density and quality of the network. С учетом доли общественного транспорта на уровне более 50%, жители города Будапешта требуют всё более высоких стандартов плотности и качества сети. В этой связи, BKK (Транспортный центр города Будапешта) осуществляет ряд проектов развития. Большинство из них касается транспорта на рельсах и его подключения к сети пригородного...


53 GTC EurAsia, available for implementation on Eurasian corridors Asset management

56 MAINLINE – methods and instruments to facilitate infrastructure maintenance METROPOLITAN

16 EIB launches first investment programme for intelligent cities Statistics

54 Railway Statistics

cOntent 3 Редакционная статья


До 2050 года, 70% населения планеты будет жить в городской среде


развивает свой городской транспорт на рельсах

34 Нуждается ли Дунайский регион в новом железнодорожном коридоре? 37 Отчёт ЕК: В период 2007-2013 гг., проекты железнодорожной инфраструктуры, которые финансировались ЕС, составили 22 млрд. евро 38 Румыния намеревается перераспределить финансовые средства, предназначенные для железнодорожной инфраструктуры, к другим сегментам транспорта


40 Румыния нуждается 18 Проект Railhuc- Города, 53 GTC Евразия в создании условий для железнодорожные центры широкий спектр льгот для развития железнодорожного и сеть TEN- T: основные трансграничных перевозок транспорта достижения


20 Прага интенсивно


22 Польша инвестирует 12


44 Отсек Беляковце - Крива миллиардов евро в важные Паланка: граница с Болгарией железнодорожные отсеки повысит объем торговли в регионе 52 Государства ЦАРЭС рассматривают значительное улучшение стандартов транспорта до 2017 года 48 Белоруссия могла бы построить высокоскоростную железнодорожную линию продукты и технологии

24 Интегрированный тикетинг для устойчивой мобильности

49 Казахстан развивает транспортную инфраструктуру в период 2014 – 2020 гг.


42 6 государств не-членов

ЕС могут иметь доступ к финансированию по программе «Горизонт 2020»

46 Было открыто 50 Узбекистан продолжает новое производственное

развитие проектов железнодорожной инфраструктуры

подразделение Vossloh Cogifer Kihn

управление активами

56 MAINLINE – методы и инструменты для облегчения технического обслуживания инфраструктуры

16 ЕИБ запускает первую инвестиционную схему для умных городов СТАТИСТИКА

54 Железнодорожного статистика

August 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

news 5 PKP Cargo enters Lithuanian railroads

Czech Rep.: The Czech Republic is set to implement a new project on the development of the first high-speed railway. According to a plan of the Ministry of Transport, works to the 80km railway between Brno and Přerov will begin in 2019. The project includes the development of a railway that would allow trains to run at a maximum speed of 200 km/h. For now, the two cities are connected through a railway which permits a maximum speed of 80 km/h. At present, the maximum speed reached on some railway sections of the Czech network is of 160 km/h.

International: Poland’s largest railway freight operator PKP Cargo has obtained regulatory approval for operations in Lithuania, the company said in a press release on Thursday. This will be the eight EU country that the company will be present in. Thanks to the security certificate issued in Lithuania, PKP Cargo will now be able to send its rolling stock to the Šeštokai logistics hub. PKP Cargo also has security certificates in Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Ger-

EBRD to grant loan to Macedonia for Corridor VIII FYR Macedonia: The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) said it is considering providing a EUR 145 Million sovereign loan to finance the construction of the Beljakovce -Kriva Palanka railway section, part of pan-European Corridor VIII. The section, in the eastern part of Macedonia, has a length of approximately 34 kilometres, the EBRD said in a statement. Total project costs are estimated at EUR 151.2 Million. The loan recipient would be railway operator Makedonski Zeleznici-Infrastruktura. The project aims promoting the development and connectivity as the Corridor is a main link between east and west. Alstom and TMH obtain certification for their electric locomotive 2ES5 Russia: Alstom and TMH 2ES5 locomotive just obtained the certification, confirming its compliance with Russian mandatory safety norms. By 2020, 200 units will be delivered to the customer, Russian Railways (RZD). The first ones should enter commercial service during autumn and will start operating in Syberia along winter time. Developed by TRTrans, the engineering centre jointly operated by Alstom and Transmashholding (TMH), the 2ES5 electric locomotive is Russia’s first mainline freight AC1 locomotive with

asynchronous motors. Production of the key components, including traction equipment, is localized in Russia and the locomotives themselves are manufactured at TMH’s Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant. The advanced design of the locomotives enables a significant increase in time between overhauls, ensuring a dramatic reduction in maintenance costs. The 2ES5 locomotives will be operated in the Eastern regions of Russia, on the Baikal-Amur Mainline, which is now being upgraded as part of a government programme. CFR SA signs contract on the rehabilitation of the railway bridges across the Danube

Ulusoy, have launched a new flexible, economical and green rail/road service from Turkey to the UK. Providing a 10% cost saving over conventional road services, the new service is just as fast and provides additional security, with reduced CO2 emissions. Covering conventional cargo, refrigerated goods and hanging-garments, the new service operates fixed day departures between Istanbul and Cologne, where an ACS’ dedicated shuttle fleet move the inter-modal trailers and containers to and from the UK. Mandatory preliminary notification about goods imported into the Customs Union

International: Allport Cargo Services, in cooperation with long-standing partner

International: In accordance with a decision taken by the board of the Eurasian Economic Commission on 17.09.2013, it will be mandatory to provide preliminary information about goods being imported by rail into the common customs territory of the Customs Union from 1 October 2014. In conjunction with the Russian Federal Customs Service, Russian Railways has established a working group to improve customs operations and procedures and coordinate cooperation with those involved in foreign trade with regard to the introduction of new information technologies, including electronic document processing.

Чехия: Министерство транспорта Чехии намеревается внедрить проект строительства первой высокоскорстной линии. Македония: ЕБРР заявил о том, что рассматривается предоставление кредита в объеме 145 миллионов евро на строительство отсека Беляковце - Крива Паланка, который является частью Коридора VIII. Россия: Альстом ТМХ получили сертификацию на электровоз 2ES5, и тем самым подтверждается его совместимость с обязательными нормами безопасности, действующими в России. Румыния: АО «ЧФР» (CFR SA) подписало договор на реабилитацию

железнодорожных мостов через Дунай. В мире: Компания PKP Cargo получила согласование по поводу передвижения по Литовской железнодорожной сети. Литва - это 8-я страна, в которой PKP Cargo осуществляет свою деятельность. В мире: Allport Cargo Services и Ulusoy запустили новую железнодорожноавтомобильную услугу путей сообщения между Великобританией и Турцией. В мире: Согласно решению, принятому руководством Евразийской экономической комиссии, будет обязательно предоставлять предварительную информацию о грузах, перевозимых по железной дороге на территории Таможенного союза.

Romania: CFR SA signed the contract

with Arcada Company SA – Metabet C.F. SA – Compania Construcţii Feroviare SA consortium on the rehabilitation of the railway bridges across the Danube (Borcea - 968 m and Cernavodă - 1.596 m) located on Bucharest – Constanta railway. The cost of the contract (VAT excluded) is RON 122,630,482.54 (EUR 28 Million) and the execution period of works is 23 months. New Turkey-Great Britain rail link

photo: www.alstom.com

many, Hungary the Netherlands and Slovakia. Foreign freight stood for 53 percent of the group’s operations in Q1 2014.

photo: www.pkp-cargo.pl

Czech Republic plans first high-speed railway

August 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

6 news Today, all those involved in foreign trade who are interested in the speedy passage of their goods through railway crossing points can provide preliminary information via the website of the Federal Customs Service. As a result of this system, by the time the goods arrive at the checkpoint, the customs authorities have already received all the necessary information for making decisions, in particular about conducting inspections. From 1 October 2014, it will be compulsory for shippers to provide preliminary information on imported consignments via the official website of the carrier, namely Russian Railways. The portal will be launched and ready to receive data in test mode in September 2014. Electronic cooperation between the customs authorities and the carrier is based on the exchange of documents in electronic form between the Main Computing Centre at Russian Railways and the computer system at Russia’s Federal Customs Service, which also takes into account all information security requirements. Construction begins on the largest Brenner Base Tunnel construction lot

photo: www.bbt-se.com

Austria: 20 years after the opening of the Innsbruck railway bypass and exactly 10 years after signing the italo-austrian State Treaty on the construction of the Brenner Base Tunnel (BBT), works on the Brenner Base Tunnel construction lot Tulfes - Pfons have begun. This was the official start of the works on BBTs largest construction lot with a contract volume of about EUR 380 Million so far. The joint venture Strabag / Salini-Impregilo is responsible for the construction works. It is in charge of the

Австрия: Начались работы по строительству отсека Тульфес - Пфонс, в рамках проекта Brenner Base Tunnel. В мире: Компания Transport for London (Tf L) выбрала четырех участников торгов для составления краткого списка для поставки подвижного состава для надземной железнодорожной сети города Лондона. Болгария: ЕИБ предоставит Болгарской компании по железнодорожной инфраструктуре (NRIC) техническое сопровождение ввиду составления www.railwaypro.com | August 2014

EIB to assist NRIC in tariff formation Bulgaria: EIB is to provide technical aid to Bulgaria’s National Company Railway Infrastructure (NRIC). The EIB is to cooperate with Bulgaria’s NRIC on the formation of a tariff policy for the access and use of the railway infrastructure under the Operational Program “Transport” 2007-2013. The decision adopted by the Bulgarian government on July 23 aims to pave the way for concrete actions for the preparation of a proposal for a new tariff policy and a methodology for calculating infrastructure fees collected by the NRIC from the railway car-

construction of 38 further tunnel kilometres of the Brenner Base Tunnel. Construction time of this construction lot will be about 55 months. The two connecting tunnels between railway bypass tunnel and the actual Base Tunnel are being built parallel to the rescue tunnel, starting from Ahrental. The tunnel tubes have an overall length of 9 kilometres and are being excavated by blasting. Future railway traffic between the Brenner Base Tunnel and the new railway line in the lower Inn valley will cross these tunnels. London: bidders selected for electric trains International: Transport for London (Tf L) has shortlisted four bidders to supply new rolling stock to operate on the London Overground network. The shortlisted bidders are Siemens Mobility Rolling Stock, Hitachi Rail Europe, Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles and Bombardier Transportation. The winning bidder will supply 39 new four-car, electric, metro-style trains to operate high-frequency, high-capacity suburban services in and around London. A total of 31 trains will be operated on routes recently transferred from the West Anglia franchise to Tf L, which run between Liverpool Street and Enfield Town, Cheshunt through Seven Sisters and Chingford, as well as the Romford to Upminster route. The remaining eight trains will be used in the Gospel Oak to Barking service, replacing the current two-carriage diesel trains. тарифной стратегии для доступа и использования железнодорожной инфраструктуры. В мире: ЕК согласилась покрыть половину стоимости техникоэкономического обоснования строительства высокоскоростной линии, связующей Германию и Чехию. В мире: Правительство Китая представило несколько руководящих указаний по созданию фонда железнодорожного развития ввиду привлечения частных инвестиций в

riers in line with EU Directives and national law. The signing and the implementation of the Agreement is to guarantee equal and fair access to the railway infrastructure for all transport operators, quality services and appropriate management of the demand for access to infrastructure, streamlined management and control of resources and optimized maintenance and exploitation of the existing railway infrastructure, greater transparency of the management of the NRIC and the introduction of good business practices, greater competition on the transport market and consistency with the state goals in the sphere of transport.

EC funds Dresden – Prague high-speed study International: The European Commission has agreed to cover half of the cost of a EUR 1.25 Million feasibility study into the construction of a high-speed line linking Germany and the Czech Republic. A new line could halve journey times and would create additional capacity for freight between northwest and southeast Europe. Discussions have been underway for some time between the two countries and the German state of Saxony on improving infrastructure on this European corridor. The feasibility study will look at the viability of a new line between Heidenau near Dresden and Ústi nad Labem in the Czech Republic, which is likely to require extensive tunnelling due to the challenging terrain. A study is already underway on the Ústi nad Labem – Litomĕřice section. The state of Saxony has asked Germany’s Federal Transport Ministry to include the project in its 2015 railway plan.

China to launch railway development fund International: The Chinese government unveiled a guideline on management of a fledgling railway development fund to attract private investment into the railway sector. The China Railway Development Fund of the China Railway Corporation, will last 15 to 20 years, according to the guideline jointly compiled by the National Develжелезнодорожный сектор. В мире: DB Schenker будет инвестировать 230 миллионов евро на модернизацию всего парка подвижного состава с «тихой» колодкой тормоза. В мире: Компания РЖД инаугурировала новый железнодорожный терминал для переправки грузов в северокорейском порту Раджин. В мире: Таджикистан готов подписать соглашение с Туркменистаном по поводу линии Таджикистан-АфганистанТуркменистан.

news 7 opment and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Transport. In July last year, the State Council proposed the fund to diversify the sources of railway investment and financing.

В мире: В первые пять месяцев этого года, через Азербайджан проехало транзитом 23,4 млн. тонн грузов в сторону маршрутов коридора ТРАСЕКА. Польша: Компания PKP PLK подписала два контракта на модернизацию линии Pruszcza Gdańskiego - северной части Порта Гданьска. Украина: После внедрения реформ, уровень инвестиций в железнодорожный сектор вырастет втрое, от 7,5 миллиардов гривен (466 миллионов евро) до 26,5 миллиардов гривен (1,64 млн. евро). В мире: Операторы,

DB freight trains to have ‘silent’ brake blocks International: DB Schenker is to invest EUR 230 Million retrofitting its entire fleet with new ‘silent’ brake blocks. By the end of the year, 200 upgraded trains will be in service across Germany. DB aims to complete the overhaul of the entire fleet – around 60,000 cars – by 2020. The new LL-block reduces trackside noise by 10 decibels – a reduction that will supposedly halve the perceived noise of the train. On July 16, the first converted freight train was launched at the Gremberger marshalling yard to operate on the Cologne-Rotterdam route.

agreement with Turkmenistan,” the minister declared. The Islamic Development Bank has expressed interest in financing the Tajik section of the USD 1-Billion project. Negotiations with Turkmenistan will be launched in September.

International: A new rail transshipment terminal was inaugurated in the North Korean port of Rajin, which launched freight carriage through the border crossing Hassan, Russia and Tumen, North Korea, the Russian Railways said in a press release. Opening of the new terminal has completed a pilot project on the reconstruction of part of the Trans-Korean Railway. Terminal is a modern high-technology multifunctional facility, which is able to handle five million tonnes of freight a year. At the initial stage the rail transport will haul to the port of Rajin primarily coal and other bulk cargoes. The terminal will provide handling and storage of cargoes and the magnetic coal cleaning system and sorting according to the specific request of the consumers on the quality of the commodity.

Tajikistan, Turkmenistan to sign deal on cross-border railway via Afghanistan International: Tajikistan is close to signing an agreement with Turkmenistan on a Tajikistan-Afghanistan-Turkmenistan railway, Tajik Transport Minister Hayrullo Asozodas said. “Tajikistan has tackled all the problems. The final version of railway route will be determined after Tajikistan reaches an

institutions are interested in investing funds in large infrastructure projects, such as electrification and expansion of narrow sections, but that the only condition was the creation of a joint-stock company. Commenting on the key tasks of the reforms, he said that in five months a new

International: 23.4 million tonnes of cargo passed through Azerbaijan on the Transport Corridor Europe Caucasus Asia (TRACECA) in the 5 months to May. Where road transport on the Corridor was around 50% of the total volume, rail accounted for 34%. Railway volumes are set to increase with new railways being built in the region in the next 12 months. 124.9 million people passed through the corridor in this period, a 7.9% increase on the same period in 2013. Cargo across Azerbaijan increased by 6.9% in the same period, increasing revenues for the country through customs.

Ukrzaliznytsia applies European reform Ukraine: “After reforms, investment into the sector will triple from the existing UAH 7.5 Billion (EUR 466 Million) a year to UAH 26.5 Million (EUR 1.64 Million) a year. All these will give a chance to finally start the large-scale re-equipment of the sector, upgrade rolling stock with modern equipment”, the head of Ukrzaliznytsia Ostapiuk said. Ostapiuk said that international financial

PKP PLK upgrades Gdansk Port railway Poland: PKP PLK has signed two contracts for the modernisation of the Pruszcza Gdańskiego railway – in the north of Gdansk Port. The modernisation of the railway will increase the freight transport capacity. The cost of the contracts is PLN 320 Million (EUR 77 Million) and includes the installation of 42 switches, the construction of 30 km of new railway, the modernisation of 8 level crossings and the implementation of a new traffic control system. For the installation works

photo: www.uz.gov.ua

23.4 Million tonnes of cargo pass through TRACECA routes photo: www.networkrail.co.uk

RZD inaugurates Rajin rail transshipment terminal

заинтересованные выступать в качестве конкурента RENFE, обратились в Министерство Развития Испании с просьбой улучшить условия, предусмотренные в техническом задании тендера. В мире: Протокол VI-й Совместной румыно-венгерской комиссии экономического сотрудничества повторяет готовность двух сторон расширить сотрудничество в сфере международных железнодорожных пассажирских перевозок между Румынией и Венгрией.

legal entity is to be created – public jointstock company Ukrainska Zaliznytsia - and the central commission on conducting a stocktaking of Ukrzaliznytsia, state-run enterprises and organizations railway transport of general use and the relevant commissions on the reformations have been created, while by late August 2014 a stocktaking of the enterprises’ property will be conducted to form the charter capital of the joint-stock company. The next step is an independent appraisal, for which a company will be selected at a tender. Later, after the appraisal, the commission on the formation of public joint-stock company Ukrainska Zaliznytsia will draw up a summary property appraisal act, the size of the charter capital will be defined, and the draft regulations of the of the traffic control system, the contract is worth PLN 66 Million (EUR 15.9 Million). Companies will have to develop the project in two years. “Currently, there are 30 pairs of trains running on this line, but after modernisation, their number will increase to 180 pairs of trains”, declared Marcin Kurowski, project manager PKP PLK. The upgrade of the railway is part of the investment plans of Gdansk Port which involves the development of freight handling points, container terminals and the construction of a logistics centre. August 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

8 news RZD provides solutions to Greece for railway projects greece: Vladimir Yakunin, President of Russian Railways, took part in a session of the XVIII Annual Roundtable with the Government of Greece where he identified a number of key conditions with which compliance is necessary for the further development of the transport system in Greece. “It is necessary to provide long-term guarantees regarding the transparency and stability of the basic eco-

company will be composed. “Today, we’ve declared a movement in the European direction. Railway transportation market development in the EU is regulated by several directives that require provisions for the functioning of railways that are independent from state authorities,” Ostapiuk said. Spain: privatisation of high-speed services causes problems International: Private operators interested to compete with the Spanish state-owned company RENFE in railway high-speed transport services have asked the Spanish Ministry of Development to improve the conditions included in the tender book until its publication in September. According to sources in the sector, the winner of the first tender cannot currently bet on the fact that the railway on which it will compete RENFE will be profitable. The press says the tender has attracted the interest of tourism group Globalia (in partnership with Acciona Rail), Vectalia, Alsa, Ferrovial, ACS, SNFC and Deutsche Bahn. Another potential competitor, Veloi Rail, declared it would not participate in the tender after the government announced it would liberalise this sector on phases and corridors.

Dávid declared. The final version of the prototypes designed by MÁV engineers was unveiled last March. The project development cost HUF 1.4 Billion (EUR 4.5 Million), including a HUF 462 Million (EUR 1.5 Million) EU grant.

nomic parameters: tariffs, taxes, concession conditions and leasing rates,” said Vladimir Yakunin. “In addition, we also have to create the conditions to attract investment in freight terminals and stations on the basis of investment and concession agreements.” At present, Russian Railways is taking part in the tender procedures for the privatisation of Greek transport assets: Thessaloniki port, the TRAINOSE railway company and a company for the repair and maintenance of ROSCO’s rolling stock.

Russia and Iran negotiate electrification of lines

Romania and Hungary develop cooperation in railway passenger transport International: The protocol of the 6th edition of the Romanian-Hungarian mixed Commission of Economic Cooperation reiterates the commitment of the two parties for the extension of cooperation in international railway passenger transport between Romania and Hungary. The Romanian and Hungarian sides plan to analyse, in partnership, the railway mobility studies (2014-2020) in the frontier area to set investment priorities in railways. Experts from the two countries proposed setting in full agreement the Romanian-Hungarian border crossing points for BudapestBucharest-Constanţa railway line and jointly promoting the financing using European funds of the pre-feasibility studies for the same railway within the European transport network, TEN-T.

MAV to build InterCity carriages Hungary: State-owned Hungarian railway company MÁV is to launch the production of an InterCity carriage developed by the company. “We have obtained all necessary licences to produce carriages that meet European standards”, MÁV chairman-CEO Ilona

Bulgaria: Transport Minister Danail Papazov announced German railway company Deutsche Bahn could step in the management of troubled Bulgarian State Railways (BDZ). Representatives of DB International discussed the option with Prime Minister Plamen Oresharski, with the two sides agreeing the company should propose measures to develop BDZ as a railway carrier. BDZ’s management is to pass into the hands of the German operator after solutions are drafted, he added. DB has a week to offer a price for its services, but the minister says a deal on Bulgaria’s railway company could also be signed by the next cabinet. Papazov revealed DB was expected to produce a model to restructure BDZ and also to tackle its debt. www.railwaypro.com | August 2014

photo: wikimedia.org

Deutsche Bahn interested in taking over BDZ

Греция: Президент ОАО «РЖД» Владимир Якунин выявил ряд жизненно важных условий для непрерывного развития транспортной системы в Греции. Болгария: Deutsche Bahn может заняться управлением БДЖ - об этом заявил министр Транспорта Болгарии, Данаил Папазов. Венгрия: Компания MAV намеревается запустить производство состава InterCity, получив необходимые

International: RZD and Iranian authorities are negotiating the electrification of 600 km of railways in Iran. The price of the contract, which has not been concretely established, could amount to USD 1.4 Billion (EUR 1.02 Billion). RZD delegates and of its subsidiary RZD International will go to Iran in the near future to decide on the technical part of the contract. According to the Iranian press, a memorandum of understanding for this contract was already signed.

A planned China-Turkey high-speed railway would cost USD150 Billion International: Further negotiations on issues including geopolitics, technological standards and funding are needed for a high-speed railway China is planning between the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region and Eastern Europe, according to experts who were interviewed by China Daily. The 6,000-km link will start in Xinjiang and pass through Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran and Turkey to Bulgaria, said Zhao Xiaogang, former chairman of China South Locomotive and Rolling Stock Co (CSR). Zhao is also an adviser to the China Institute for Innovation and Development Strategy. Passenger train speeds will reach 200 kph and freight trains 160 kph, Zhao told the daily.Investment in the line will be about USD150 Billion, Zhao said, adding that it could be largely finished in 2020 and fully completed by 2030.Zhao also said China is considering a 3,000-km line from Yunnan province that would pass through Laos, Thailand and Malaysia to Singapore. Total investment would be about USD 75 Billion and the project would boost the GDP of China and related countries by USD 375 Billion. The project could be largely finished in 2020 and fully completed in 2025, he said. лицензии. В мире: ОАО «РЖД» ведет переговоры и властями Ирана по поводу электрификации 600 километров железной дороги в Иране. В мире: Необходимо вести дополнительные переговоры по поводу проекта высокоскоростной железнодорожной сети, обеспечивающей сообщение между Китаем и Европой.

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10 news Kazakhstan to develop the north of Aktau Port

Turkish Railways opening to private sector

Kazakstan: During a meeting chaired by Kazakh Prime Minister Karim Masimov and transport representatives, the parties discussed the extension of Aktau Port in the north and the development of the port as transit hub. “DP World in close cooperation with KTZ and Aktau port aim to integrate infrastructure in world trade through effective transport and logistics chains”, declared Jamal Majid Bin Taniavil, CEO of DP World, a company which signed a cooperation agreement with KTZ on project management to Aktau Port and Khorgos-Eastern Gate. As a result of the meeting, there was a need to continue the implementation of infrastructure projects by 2020, increasing the dry cargo fleet to twenty units and ensure that by 2020 dry cargo through the port of Aktau to 6 million tonnes. In April, President of the Transport Committee of Kazakhstan Ministry of Transport, Asset Asavbaev, announced that in the second half of the year construction works to the freight terminals of Aktau Port will be initiated leading to an increase in the port’s capacity. The ministry is working on a project to attract foreign investments by setting up a JV.

turkey: Rail transportation system is about to undergo a comprehensive reform that will let the private companies to take part in the enlarging network to carry freight and passengers. According to a recently completed study by the country’s Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications, private companies will be allowed to build railroads and operate trains, increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of the overall system. Private companies willing to build infrastruc-

ture will bear the appropriation cost of the immovables in return for a 49-year operating license. Private companies will also be able to lease existing routes to carry freight and passengers. The Turkish government is looking to increase the use of railways and establish high-speed rail lines between the country’s major population centers. Significant investments in the country’s railway network will be realized over the next 10 years which will increase the length of the network to 26,000 kilometers, nearly double that of today’s 12,000 km. High-speed lines are expected to constitute 10,000 kilometers of the total.

for selling off the two rail firms will have to be stopped in its tracks.

Iran to link Central Asia and Persian Gulf

Russia vows USD 500 Mln for Kyrgyzstan’s integration into EEU

Iran: The foreign minister of Iran has said his country can play an important role in the transit of goods between Persian Gulf states and Central Asia through the NorthSouth Corridor. “Given its location in the heart of trade corridors, Iran can play a special role in providing services to transit of commodities from the Persian Gulf littoral states to Central Asia,” Iranian media quoted Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif as saying during the foreign ministerial meeting of Iran, Oman, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan in Oman. The foreign ministers attended the inauguration ceremony of the NorthSouth Corridor aimed at facilitating transportation of goods from Central Asia to Persian Gulf countries via Iran. The North-South Corridor will link Uzen in Kazakhstan to Gyzylgaya-Bereket-Etrek in Turkmenistan and end at Gorgan in the Iranian province of Golestan. Then it will be connected to Iran’s national rail network, making its way to the Persian Gulf ports.

Greece: The issue of state subsidies to Greek railway operator Trainose is a long way from being resolved, according to Vladimir Yakunin, the president of Russian Railways, which has expressed an interest in acquiring the firm. “Unfortunately Greece has not yet managed to resolve with its creditors the issue of the debts that burden Trainose. Its accumulated debt amounts to EUR 800 Million”, Yakunin said. Russian Railways is the only suitor left for the privatization not only of Trainose but also of carriage maintenance company Rosco. The European Union accuses Greece of extending state subsidies to parent railway company OSE. Unless a solution is found to this matter, the process

International: Russia will allocate USD 500 Million to speed up Kyrgyzstan’s integration into the Eurasian Economic Union, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said. “It will be Russia’s contribution into supporting the Kyrgyz economy so that it joined the Eurasian economic integration processes with maximum comfort,” Lavrov said following the results of the meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Kyrgyz counterpart Almazbek Atambayev. Lavrov also stressed that the two countries had confirmed their plans in the sphere of military and technical cooperation within the framework of the Collective Security Treaty Organization. The EEU would create a single economic market of 170 million people, potentially a new powerful center of economic development. Following the agreement between Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz president said that his country was planning to join the Eurasian Economic Union by the end of the year. Moscow and Bishkek have agreed to create a fund aimed at helping Kyrgyzstan integrate into the Customs Union, according to Atambayev.

International: Representatives from five cities in the North of England are calling for a GBP 15Bn (EUR 19Bn) 15-year plan to be adopted to improve

Турция: Власти Анкары осуществят реформу железнодорожной системы. С помощью этого процесса частные компании будут участвовать в проектах развития сети, а также грузовых и пассажирских перевозок. Согласно исследованию, проведенному Министерством транспорта, частные компании будут допущены к строительству железнодорожных линий и к управлению поездами. Казахстан: В рамках встречи, проведенной премьер-министром Казахстана Каримом Масимовым с представителями транспортного сектора, обсуждался вопрос расширения порта Актау на север, а также развитие порта в качестве

транзитного узла. Греция: Вопрос субсидий, предоставленных государством оператору Трайносе, далеко не решен. Об этом заявил президент ОАО «РЖД» Владимир Якунин. Он проявил интерес к приобретению указанной компании. В мире: Европейская комиссия утвердила Соглашение о партнерстве с Румынией на период 2014 - 2020 гг. Документ показывает способ дальнейшего использования структурных и инвестиционных фондов ЕС в будущий плановый период. Таким образом, Румыния получит европейские средства на сумму около 43 млрд. евро, из которых более 22

млрд. евро выделены на политику сплочения. Чехия: Государство намеревается внедрить проект строительства первой высокоскоростной линии. По плану Министерства транспорта, работы над линией длиной в 80 километров между Брно и Пжеров начнутся в 2019 году. Польша: Компания PKP PLK подписала два контракта на модернизацию линии Pruszcza Gdańskiego - северной части Порта Гданьска. Перевооружение данной линии будет способствовать увеличению пропускной способности для осуществления грузовых перевозок. Стоимость контрактов составляет 320 миллионов злотых (77 миллионов евро).

photo: trainose.gr

Trainose faces problems in the sale process

www.railwaypro.com | August 2014

Five cities outline EUR 19bn One North transport plan

news 11 transport. The One North report says a 125mph trans-Pennine rail link, a faster link to Newcastle and better access to Manchester Airport are needed. It has been developed by an alliance of five cities - Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle and Sheffield. George Osborne has pledged support to the “Crossrail of the North” plan. The chancellor previously said the cities in the north of England were individually strong but were “collectively not strong enough”. He said better road and rail links would allow cities across northern England to “take on the world”, as London had done. The chancellor said: “Of course GBP 15 Billion is a lot of money - it’s about the size of the Crossrail project in London. We have got GBP100 Billion capital budget to the end of the decade. “I think this kind of proposal is affordable.” The Railways of Moldova will receive EUR 300 Million Moldova: The State Railways (CMF)

photo: Club Feroviar

will get EUR 300 Million, says the Acting Director of the state enterprise Sergey Tomşa. He said that part of the money will be disbursed under the loan of the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Bank for reconstruction and development (EBRD), suspended for 5-6 years, and another part will be in grants. The money will help to develop infrastructure by 2024. Chişinău-Ungheni line will be modernized, and new mainline locomotives will be purchased,” said Tomşa. Minister of transport and road infrastructure Vasile Botnari says that 90% of tracks is old, and the first 100 million euros will be spent on its upgrade. “The first part of the money is intended for locomotives and infrastructure. We want to increase the speed of transport, especially in the northern part of the Republic of Moldova. By September we will develop new prototype of the locomotive, it will be launched by the end of 2014,” he adds.

Latvijas Dzelzcels needs EUR 450 Million for electrification project Latvia: Latvijas Dzelzcels (LDz) is planning electrification of the majority of railroads in Latvia, LDz president Ugis Magonis said. Currently, LDz group manages 1,859 kilometers of railroads, 248 kilometers of which are electrified. The transition to electric traction on the

Украина: После внедрения реформ, уровень инвестиций в железнодорожный сектор вырастет втрое, от 7,5 миллиардов гривен (466 миллионов евро) до 26,5 миллиардов гривен (1,64 млн. евро). «Это будет способствовать запуску важных проектов модернизации инфраструктуры, подвижного состава и оборудования», заявил директор компании Укрзализныця, Остапюк Борис Ярославович. Иран: Министр иностранных дел Ирана Мохаммад Джавад Зариф заявил, что его страна может играть важную роль в транзите грузов между Персидским заливом и Центральной Азией, с использованием железнодорожного коридора Север-Юг. В мире: Представители пяти городов на севере Англии - Лидс, Ливерпуль, Манчестер, Ньюкасл и Шеффилд - призывают принять план по улучшению транспорта на ближайшие 15 лет. Стоимость целевых проектов

main railroads will reduce rail transport’s negative impact on the environment - the amount of hazardous emissions, noise and vibrations will be reduced. This transition will also allow LDz to cut costs, thus increasing the railway’s competitive capacity with other types of transportation. The electrification project will be the largest railroad investment project for the coming years. Estimates indicate that the project could cost about EUR 450 million. LDz will prepare a draft project in order to apply for European Union funds. Hungarian state will buy the stakes of Bombardier MÁV Kft Hungary: Due diligence of stateowned companies could be concluded by the end of the summer and important developments regarding a new longterm gas purchase agreement can be expected after 20 August, said National Development Minister Miklós Seszták. The minister said that by the end of the summer he would like to have due diligence closed at every state-owned company and have their final structure ready by then. Asked whether further acquisitions by the state should be expected this year, Seszták said that “it seems that the soonest we will be able to

New rail bridge to be constructed at Azerbaijan-Iran border international: The governments of Azerbaijan and Iran reached an agreement on the construction of a new railway, a highway and the second pedestrian bridge on a coordinated area of the Astara (Iran) - Astara (Azerbaijan) border checkpoint, Azerbaijani Minister of Economy and Industry Shahin Mustafayev said. Both countries agreed to accelerate the work as part of the construction of the Rasht-

городов составляет 15 миллиардов фунтов стерлингов (19 миллиардов евро). Республика Молдова: Железнодорожная компания (CFM), может получить 300 миллионов евро. Об этом заявил временно исполняющий обязанности директора компании, Сергей Томша. «Финансирование будет направлено на развитие инфраструктуры, а линию Кишинев-Унгены предстоит модернизировать, и будут приобретены новые локомотивы», - уточнил Томша. Латвия: Компания Latvijas Dzelzcels (LDz) намеревается электрифицировать Литовскую железную дорогу. Об этом заявил президент компании, Угис Маргонис. В настоящее время электрифицировано 248 километров из 1859 километров. Проект электрификации будет являться крупнейшей инвестицией в железнодорожную систему за последние годы. Ожидаемая стоимость составляет 450 миллионов евро.

come to terms with the foreign owner of Bombardier MÁV Ltd. There may be additional acquisitions by the end of the year, though, that could require an amendment to the budget,” he said. Bombardier MÁV Kft is a joint-venture including Bombardier Transportation and MAV which activates in the passenger rolling stock manufacturing, modernisation and maintenance sector. The Hungarian Government has announced it was possible to buy rolling stock from the JV set up by Bombardier and MAV. SRO to construct the first phase of doubling freight mainline international: The President of Saudi Railways Organization (SRO) Mohamed Khalid Al-Suwaiket has signed a contract for 391,492,563 Saudi Riyals (EUR 78,2 mln) with a local Company to construct the first phase of doubling freight mainline from Dammam to Riyadh passing by Abqaiq, Al Hasa, Harad and Al Kharj. The contract period is 24 months with a total length of 214 km. The contract is meant to enhance SRO’s operational capacity to meet increasing private sector demand for transportation by train. Al Suwaiket pointed out that the SRO is Astara railway. The Qazvin-Rasht-Astara (Iran)-Astara (Azerbaijan) railway is being constructed as part of the North-South international corridor. “The Iranian side completed about 80% of the construction of the Qazvin-Rasht line,” Azerbaijani minister said. “Currently, the remaining part is being constructed.” The project is expected to be completed in early 2015. Azerbaijan, Russia and Iran are involved in the Qazvin-RashtAstara railway construction. Some $ 400 million investments are planned to be made in the construction. August 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

12 news

Kazakhstan: GEFCO has signed an

agreement, which is valid indefinitely, with the Kazakh railway operator (Kazakh TemirZholy), allowing it to develop its railway service while benefiting from better operations management and competitive prices. Since June 2014, GEFCO Kazakhstan has offered a new railway service aimed at manufacturers, car importers, and

keen to increase its share of the market for transporting goods emphasizing the advantages of movement by train with regard to safety and security as well as significant benefits to the national economy which includes reducing accidents on the roads, road maintenance costs and protecting the environment from truck pollution. Vilnius and Kaunas logistics centers to become operational by the end of 2014

photo: intermodalcenter.lt

Lithuania: Intermodal Terminal Projects in Vilnius and Kaunas are being implemented successfully, Lithuania’s Minister of Transport and Communications, Rimantas Sinkevičius, says. It is expected that intermodal terminals at the Vilnius and Kaunas Public Logistic Centres will start to operate by the end of 2014. Vilnius intermodal terminal is located next to the Vaidotai railway cargo transit station, which is the largest in Lithuania. Once the project is completed, the cargo will be moved

Венгрия: Правительство в Будапеште начало кампанию, направленную на национализацию нескольких компаний из нескольких секторов экономики, в том числе совместную компанию Bombardier MAV. Об этом заявил министр национального развития Миклош Сештак. Россия: «Трансмашхолдинг» и эксперты ОАО «РЖД» внедрили ряд проектов строительства наиболее сильных в мире электровозов для грузовых перевозок - локомотив 4ES5K Ермак (с четырьмя секциями) и локомотив 2ES5 с асинхронной системой тяги. Казахстан: Компания GEFCO подписала соглашение с казахстанским перевозчиком КТЖ о развитии транспортных www.railwaypro.com | August 2014

companies in the FMCG sector. GEFCO operates daily, weekly and monthly transportation services according to the customer’s needs, from Europe, Russia and China. “This new railway transport service is a major step forward for GEFCO Kazakhstan. It will contribute to the development of rail traffic in this strategic region while allowing us to conquer new markets in a variety of business sectors”, said Emil Ashuraliev, Managing Director of GEFCO Kazakhstan.

quickly and conveniently from the port of Klaipeda to Vilnius, Belarus and destinations further to the East. Kaunas intermodal terminal will be operating in strategically convenient location – Palemonas yard area, where the rail infrastructure is well-developed, convenient access to the country’s main roads is established, the two Pan-European transport corridors and their branches (transport corridor I and transport corridor IX) and the Kaunas International Airport are nearby. In addition, the seaports of Klaipeda and Kaliningrad, opening the routes to the Western and Eastern European markets and CIS countries, are also relatively close. Ashgabat and Kabul ponder on transport corridor through Azerbaijan

interested in joining the ‘Baku-Tbilisi-Kars’ railway project. Energoprojekt signs contract for Prokop rail station Serbia: State-owned railway operator Zeleznice Srbije said it signed a EUR 26 Million deal with a consortium led by local Energoprojekt Holding to complete the construction of the Prokop railway station in Belgrade. The consortium, comprising Energoprojekt Niskogradnja, Energoprojekt Visokogradnja, Energoprojekt Oprema, ZGOP and AZD should complete the works in 420 days, Zeleznice Srbije said in a statement. The project will be financed with proceeds from a loan from the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development.

photo: wire.seenews.com

GEFCO Kazakhstan signs an agreement with KTZ

Minsk-Vilnius rail line electrification to start in 2014

International: Turkmen Foreign Ministry hosted a meeting with the Afghan delegation headed by Director-General of Economic Cooperation department of the Afghanistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs Wahidullah Waissi, according to the Turkmen government`s report. The parties exchanged views on the implementation of specific economic and infrastructure projects, including the possibility of creation of Afghanistan-Turkmenistan - Azerbaijan -Georgia transit-transport corridor, the report said.The priority areas of cooperation between Turkmenistan and Afghanistan in the trade and economic sphere were also the tops of discussion during the meeting. Earlier it was reported that Turkmenistan is

Belarus: Belarusian Railways will start electrifying the Belarusian section of the Minsk-Vilnius line by the end of the year, Head of Belarusian Railways Vladimir Morozov said. “We will synchronize this process with the Lithuanian side and will resolve technical and organizational issues together,” he said. Belarus and Lithuania are planning to reduce the time of travelling by train between the two capitals to two hours by the end of 2015. The joint project envisages the electrification of the Molodechno – Gudogai – the state border – Kena – Naujoji Vilnia. At the end of 2013 Belarusian Railways and a Chinese company signed a contractor agreement to electrify the Belarusian railway section. At present the trip between Minsk and Vilnius lasts for 2.5 hours.

услуг. Это также будет способствовать повышению качества управления операциями и предоставления конкурентоспособных цен. Сербия: Консорциум под руководством «Энергопроекта» подписал с железнодорожной компанией «Железнице Сърбие» договор на завершение строительства вокзала «Прокоп» в Белграде. Стоимость контракта составляет 26 миллионов евро. В мире: «Правительства Азербайджана и Ирана 7 августа подписали соглашение о строительстве нового железнодорожного моста на границе между двумя государствами», заявил министр экономики и промышленности Азербайджана Шахин Мустафаев в ходе бизнес-форума «Азербайджан - Иран»,

организованного в Баку. В мире: Железные дороги Саудовской Аравии (SRO) подписали с местной компанией договор на 391 миллион риали (78 миллионов евро) на строительство двойной линии, посвященной грузовым перевозкам из Даммама в Риад. Румыния: Компания «ЧФР Марфэ» (CFR Marfă) в первом полугодии текущего года зарегистрировала оборот в объеме 437,23 млн. лей (98 миллионов евро), на 8,4% больше по сравнению с тем же периодом предыдущего года, а также рост объемов перевезенных грузов на 13% (от 12,6 млн. тонн, перевезенных в первой половине 2013 года, до 13,63 млн. тонн за тот же период 2014 года).

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14 news Moscow Metro launches new tenders Russia: “We have approved a programme on updating the Moscow Metro’s rolling stock. In recent years, 27% of metro cars have been renewed. Every year, about 300 new cars are purchased; we are also gradually changing the procurement system. A lifecycle contract has been concluded for the first time this year, which provides not only for the supply of cars, but also the manufacturer’s responsibility for their lifetime and maintenance,” announced the Mayor of the Russian Capital Sergey Sobyanin. Maintenance operations will be supplied for a period of 30 years. The renewal of metro cars is one of the main goals of the programme on developing the Moscow Metro. “Next year, we are planning to renew all the rolling stock in this depot. Passengers will definitely feel it; this is one of the busiest lines,” said Maxim Liksutov, Deputy Mayor

DB to operate Berlin S-Bahn ring until 2023

the major step in the course of localization of production of the modern trams in the Russian Federation. Today the companies in partnership successfully execute the contract, signed in December, 2012 on delivery of 120 three-section trams of new generation. Jointly developed tram is built in Poland and delivered to Moscow according to the requirements”, the release stated. Technical requirements to the new tram from the customer are: the increased capacity, the low level of noise, the smooth course, 100% low floor, etc.

International: Berlin-Brandenburg

Transport Authority (VBB) has published a pre-information notice in the Official Journal of the European Union for the direct award of an interim contract to operate the ring line of the Berlin S-Bahn to DB Regio subsidiary S-Bahn Berlin. The contract starts in December 2017 and covers the operation of around 9.4 million train-km. The contract includes an option for an extension.

TVZ low-floor tram on test in Moscow

Photo: en.wikipedia.org

VBB originally intended to award a 15-year contract for the operation of these lines starting in 2017, which would include the introduction of new rolling stock. However, because of the complexity of procuring and commissioning a large new fleet of specially-designed trains for a technically-unique network, the Berlin Senate decided that it would not be feasible for bidders to introduce the new EMUs by 2017 and decided instead to award an interim contract to the incumbent operator. This will allow time for a gradual transition to the new fleet. Uralvagonzavod (UVZ) and Pesa sign tram construction agreement International: Uralvagonzavod (UVZ) and Pesa will sign an agreement for the establishment of a JV. “It becomes www.railwaypro.com | August 2014

and Head of the Department of Transport and Road Infrastructure Development. “Currently, we are purchasing cars according to schedule. All of the planned programmes are being implemented. In 2014, we are going to purchase 352 new cars,” Dmitry Pegov, Head of the Moscow Metro, reported to the Mayor. The Mayor also proposed announcing in September a tender for supplying next generation cars, which will be more comfortable, long-lasting and less noisy. “We have a special technical task for major potential participants, including international companies, which have to localise production, and national producers. They assured us that all the high standards for safety and reliability are realistic. We have already received a number of applications and test projects which will allow passengers and the metro’s employees to assess the future appearance of the rolling stock,” said Andrei Andreyev, Director General of Transmashholding.

Russia: Certification testing has begun in Moscow on a new low-floor tram developed by TMH subsidiary, Tver Carriage Works (TVZ) for Russian cities. The type 71-911 tram has been developed specifically for Russian operating conditions and TMH says the vehicle features a patented suspension system to ensure high ride quality even on poor track. The tram also has an onboard energy storage system, which enables it to operate for up to 1km without drawing power from the overhead electrification system and allows the vehicle to pass through sections where the power is switched off. Россия: Мэр города Москвы заявил, что в сентябре может быть объявлен новый тендер на приобретение вагонов метро, которые будут гораздо более удобными и тихими. В мире: Транспортное управление города Берлина, VBB, присудило оператору DB Regio промежуточный контракт на обслуживание кольца S-Bahn в Берлине. В мире: Уралвагонзавод (УВЗ) и Песа подписывают договор на создание совместного предприятия. Австрия: Компания Wiener Linien объявила о завершении испытаний, проведенных с трамваем EcoTram.

TMH says the modular tram can be supplied in a variety of configurations to meet the needs of different operators. Testing of the prototype vehicle in Moscow is expected to take around two months to complete. Wiener Linien completes EcoTram testing Austria: Wiener Linien has finishing testing Siemens’ ultra low-floor EcoTram in Vienna, as part of the product’s research project. During the first phase of the project, the company used the tram in a climatic wind tunnel and in regular line service to collect data. The recorded data was then used to develop efficiency improvement measures, which were incorporated in a prototype vehicle, known as the EcoTram. The EcoTram was deployed in passenger service, following the completion of testing in the climatic wind tunnel.

Izmir intends to procure Light Rail Transit carriages Turkey: The Izmir Metropolitan Municipality has requested a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and intends using its proceeds for a project to procure Light Rail Transit carriages to be operated by the municipal public transport company, Izmir Metro, on the existing LRT network. The proposed project, which has a total estimated cost of EUR 156 Million, will require the procurement of the following contracts to be implemented by Izmir Metro: contract for the supply of 85 Light Rail vehicles; Technical Assistance for development of KPIs and out-sourcing and non-fare revenues, Technical Assistance for Policy Dialogue; and Technical Assistance for Project Procurement and Implementation. Tendering for the above contracts is expected to begin in Q3 2014.

SECUR-ED, project aimed to increase public transport security International: During the event organised by Bucharest Public Transport Россия: Испытания для сертификации трамваев производства Тверского вагоностроительного завода (Tver Carriage Works), дочерней компании Трансмашхолдинга, находятся на этапе проведения. В мире: Комиссар ЕС по региональной политике Йоханнес Хан призывает граждан ЕС высказывать свое мнение по поводу Городской повестки дня ЕС. Турция: Муниципалитет города Измира обратился к ЕБРР для получения кредита на приобретение подвижного состава, который бы обслуживал линии легкого метро.

news 15

photo: Club Feroviar

tion. It stresses that an EU Urban Agenda EU citizens to share their views on Operator (RATB), with its partners in the should reflect the EU’s overall objectives an EU Urban Agenda European project SECUR-ED (Secured and must also complement national poliUrban Transportation - European cies in the Member States. The communiInternational: Johannes Hahn, EU Demonstration), the participants Regional Policy Commissioner is asking cation states that over two-thirds of all EU presented the results gathered following an EU citizens to share their views on an EU policies directly or indirectly affect towns international collaboration, together with Urban Agenda - what form it should take and cities – such as in the fields of transother transport operators and specialized and how it should be put into action. The port, energy, and environment. An Urban companies. Commissioner is calling for a wide engage- Agenda would aim for a more integrated The project financed the builds approach to policy development, to enPORRisbuilds forbyallEC ofthrough us. PORR it allbyfor us. PORRand hascity a great track ment stakeholders dwellers in record sure consistency and avoid contradictions. FP7, the total budget being of EUR 40 and abroad in major projects both at home which run as smoothly as ever. a public consultation alongsidetoday a formal The public consultation is open until 26 Million, of which EUR 25 Million allocated Communication just published by the EuPORR is steaming ahead as the specialist in rail construction by EU. ropean Commission. It follows a growing September 2014 to consultation. and ensures projectofisefficient always right on track. number of calls for more involvement of The project includesyour the delivery cities in the design of EU policies and a solutions for the optimisation of urban greater coherence in the way Europe’s intransport security for transport authorities stitutions tackle urban challenges. by using modern communications and data The Commission’s Communication “The processing technologies and constitutional Urban Dimension of EU Policies” describes improvement. At European level, the the situation of cities across the EU and project is implemented and supported urban policies in the Member States as by a consortium of 40 partners from 13 well as the global dimension of urbanisacountries (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, conduct the studies in this respect. Tramways to be constructed Spain, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Israel) in Ganja The first tram line in Ganja was laid in 1923. which represents transport authorities It was eliminated in the 1980s. and operators, research institutes, universities and companies specialized in Azerbaijan: The project construction В мире: На европейском уровне, security systems, transport associations, of tramways in Ganja is still on the agenda. проект SECUR-ED (Secured Urban consultancy firms, as well as two large Oxu.Az reports referring to Marja that, Transportation - European Demonstration) rolling stock manufacturers. according to the head of the Executive внедряет и поддерживает консорциум из 40 The SECUR-ED project is demonstrative Power of Ganja Elmar Valiyev, a contract партнеров, из 13 стран. and is aimed at providing instruments to with “NewTL” is expected to be signed in Азербайджан: Проект строительства help optimise urban transport security. The mid 2015. The project will start in 2015. системы транспорта на трамвае все еще project has been implemented since April The work on specification of new lines, находится на повестке дня властей города 2010 and will be finalized in September for the construction of tramways is Гянджа, второго по величине в Азербайджане. bahnbau_a5:Layout 1 14.07.2010 11:26 Seiteroutes 1 2014. underway. The French company Systra will

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16 Metropolitan

EIB launches first investment programme for intelligent cities [ by Pamela Luică ]

Over 70% of Europe’s citizens live in urban environments, increasing agglomerations that create both opportunities and challenges. For example, while smaller towns generate around 85% of the GDP, they consume 75% of the produced energy, being responsible for 80% of carbon dioxide emissions, the European Investment Bank explains. Large cities and smaller towns are the core of the sustainable, intelligent and inclusive strategy, “Europe 2020”. By 2020, EU wants to reduce CO2 emissions by 20% and to generate 20% of the renewable energy consumption, while optimising energy efficiency by 20%.


n this context, the European Investment Bank (EIB) and Belfius Bank have developed the programme “Smart Cities & Sustainable Development” aimed at providing assistance and financial support to larger and smaller cities for their sustainable and intelligent mobility, urban development, but also for energy efficiency projects. Within this programme, the authorities in Belgium will be the first in Europe (the programme already began in June) to benefit from preferential instalments to loans accessed for the implementation of the “Smart Cities” projects. “With this programme dedicated to ‘Smart Cities’ projects, we are aiming to foster a strategic and integrated approach among public authorities and local decision-makers, fully in keeping with the ‘Europe 2020’ objectives of the European

Union. This is a first for Belgium and Europe”, declared EIB Vice-President Pim van Ballekom. Thus cities, irrespective of their size, have no other option but to become “smart” to stay attractive and therefore they have to adopt intelligent solutions to reduce the environmental impact and to rethink resource access examples while satisfying the citizens’ requirements. With this goal and in order to support the cities in Belgium, Belfius and EIB launched in June, the “Smart Cities & Sustainable Development Programme”, a programme dedicated to the implementation of sustainable and intelligent projects such as transport and mobility, urban development and energy efficiency. The two parties grant EUR 400 Million to the programme (of which EIB will cover

50% and Belfius Bank 50%) to Belgian authorities, as loans under preferential conditions concerning EIB funds. The objective is to minimize loan costs for municipalities to support an innovating and sustainable approach. “With this programme we are trying to bring a real added value to local communities by encouraging and supporting projects. The ‘Smart Cities & Sustainable Development’ Programme focuses on both large and smaller cities and it will obviously also be of indirect benefit to many businesses, which, as suppliers to the public authorities, will provide the technical solutions required to implement the projects”, declared Dirk Gyselinck, Member of Belfius Bank’s Management Committee.

Photo: eib.org

ЕИБ запускает первую инвестиционную схему для умных городов

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Европейский инвестиционный банк (ЕИБ) и Банк Белфиус разработали программу «Умные города и устойчивое развитие», целью которой является оказание поддержки и финансовой помощи крупным и небольшим городам, включая малые города, ввиду обеспечения устойчивой и умной мобильности, городского развития, но и для осуществления проектов, направленных на энергоэффективность. В рамках указанной программы, власти Бельгии будут первыми в Европе (программа началась с июня месяца), которые будут пользоваться преференциальными условиями платежей в рассрочку на осуществление проектов «Умных городов».


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Market development & STRATEGIES 18 POLICIES

Railhuc project – Railway Hub Cities and the TEN-T Network – The intervention design results [ by Pamela Luică ]

The main aims of the Railhuc project are the optimization of railway transport in Central Europe through integration of different transport modes along the TEN-T network and the improvement of the interchange function on the railway in the main cities and their sub-urban areas, in order to support the functional integration and the multimodal cooperation between railway transport nodes. The project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE programme and co-financed by ERDF.


to the modest quality of the railway station and to the lack of modern and faster connections towards the principal nodes of the railway net. The area of central Europe is characterised by economic dynamics at a level of infrastructure very different from that of Eastern Europe. In the Central German Metropolitan Region infrastructure, connections and intermodal nodes are already complete and the overall aim is to significantly increase the rail passenger volumes in the CGMR area by an optimised integration of the four CGMR hubs within the transport system at all levels of transportation. The CGMR strategy proposed to increase the level of service and the number of passengers is divided into four main phases: a new organization of Public Transport Partnerships, the improving services Projecting and Management, an integrated tariff and some infrastructure development. This project partner intervention design is interesting because it’s going in the same direction of the “MI Muovo – Region of Emilia Romagna” project which has already developed successful solutions to integrate long-distance rail services into the regional PTP tariff system or the centralise the planning approach.

Photo: Railhuc

his article describes the main results of the updating and expansion of the rail hub functions proposed and identified by project partners, for each of the hubs that are located on at least one TEN-T corridor. The results of the first phase of the study have identified the varying limitations of the transport systems analysed: the infrastructure capacity of the rail and road lines, bottlenecks, delay effects, service quality, and passenger demand for type of transport pertaining to specific nodes, considering also the dynamics that characterize possible modal split. The second phase of the analysis describes and evaluates the future interventions necessary for each RAILHUC hub to highlight desirable changes in feeding rail and non-rail services. For example, in South Moravian Region, the priorities for the Brno hub is the improvement in connections between neighbouring countries, especially Austria and Slovakia. The strategic investment proposal, on an international level, it is the Highspeed rail Brno – Prague – Vienna. In Slovenia, and particularly in the Ljubljana hub, the situation is very similar to that in Slovakia. In fact, as the analysis unfolded, the principal problems are tied

www.railwaypro.com | August 2014

The proposal moreover could be applied in other fields of central Europe, for example in the Region of Veneto, where the new timetable has taken effect since December 2013. Analysing the interventions designs of the different hubs, it is clear how different approaches are planned to improve the performance of the analysed hubs. The Czech and Slovakian hubs are planning new connections, also high speed ones, to National and International nodes. As regards Western Europe, in Germany, the focus is more on developing more harmonized services and improving the existing transport network performance through operational interventions as the infrastructure is already in place. In the southern area of the Central Europe region the situation is somehow a mix of the previous two: there is, in fact, a disharmonic infrastructure level so, in certain areas, infrastructure developments are clearly needed while in other areas the infrastructure works have already been completed and now the focus is on taking advantage of this new setting.

Проект Railhuc- Города, железнодорожные центры и сеть TEN- T: основные достижения Проект Railhuc включает в себя 8 Европейских государств: Италию, Германию, Венгрию, Польшу, Словению, Словакию и Чехию. Основные задачи касаются оптимизации железнодорожного транспорта в Центральной Европе за счет интегрирования различных видов транспорта сети TEN-T и улучшения железнодорожного взаимного сообщения в крупных городах и их пригородных участках. Проект осуществляется через программу Центральная Европа и финансируется в том числе Европейским фондом регионального развития.


Prague bets on rail urban transport Interview with Mr. Jaroslav Duris, CEO of Prague Public Transit Co

[ by Pamela Luică ]

Like all the cities that want to align policies while considering the main sustainability elements and relying their transport strategies on the development of an efficient and environmentally friendly transport, Prague is developing current and future projects that enlist it among these cities. Ever since the beginning of the city’s urban rail transport system, the extension of the network has been considered for increasing urbanisation in the adjacent areas of the city so that there would not be major barriers in the construction of the railways. The transport system is well organised, around 200 vehicles providing transport to 1 million passengers.


he transport system development strategy focuses on rail transport: extension of metro lines, construction of another line, modernisation and extension of the tram network. For 20142020, the authorities have already set transport priorities and the projects to receive European financing include the construction of the “D” metro line, the new tram lines, as well as the modernisation of the electric traction system. In February 2013, EC approved an investment of EUR 330 Million for the extension of metro line A, 6 km of line and 4 stations being constructed. Over 127,000 citizens in the north-west of the city will benefit from the line extension. Regarding the construction of line D, local administration has not adopted a decision about selecting an implementation variant;

www.railwaypro.com | August 2014

the main selection criteria are related to investment costs, the project’s sustainability in conformity with the city’s development master plan, the possibility of extending the line to the north. At present, the implementation costs for the first phase of line D are estimated at over EUR 1 Million being financed by the EU and the local budget. The local political class supports public transport development, the stress falling mainly on the development of the rail transport network. By financing the projects, the authorities want to significantly increase the share of public transport. In the interview below, Mr. Jaroslav Duris, CEO of Prague Public Transit Co., details development projects, the necessity of public rail transport for the development of the city and providing an efficient and sustainable transport system. Railway PRO: In Prague, the rail public transport system is the backbone of the city. What is the city’s public transport development strategy to meet mobility demands? Jaroslav Duris: The development strategy has been namely focused on strengthening the importance of the high capacity and environmentally friendly rail transportation. The extension of the metro A line with 4 stations and 6 km is about to be completed. The construction of the new metro D line, which will have - at the first stage - 8 stations

and 8 km is under preparation. At the same time new tram lines are under preparation whereas the preparation of Barrandov Slivenec and Divoká Šárka – Dědinská lines has been the most advanced. Railway PRO: Are there public transport projects proposed for EU financing for 2014-2020? Jaroslav Duris: Yes, for the period 2014 - 2020 the following projects are to be cofinanced from EU funds: metro D line, new tram lines, modernization of the technical base of the electric traction and new barrier-free accesses to metro stations. Railway PRO: Is the current rail public transport network designed to meet the increasing urbanisation level in the adjacent areas of the city so that it could be extended without encountering difficulties in building the necessary infrastructure? Jaroslav Duris: Historically an extensive network of the rail transportation (rail, metro, trams) has been built in Prague and the concept of the latest transportation system, metro, was specifically based on the openness of the system, enabling its further development. Currently, the network of the rail transportation has been further developed and its extension to the newly urbanized areas of the city, primarily in the segment of the tram transport (TT Barran-


dov - Slivenec, TT Divoká Šárka - Dědinská and other planned tram lines) has been under preparation. Only if case of the metro D line a new missing important link is to be completed in already generally urbanized areas, which have not been serviced by the rail transportation yet. Railway PRO: In 2007, DPP oriented its infrastructure objectives to the introduction of new infrastructure technologies for track construction, more accent on predictive maintenance, quicker adaptation of infrastructure for new rolling stock. What are the results of this policy and what new policies DPP plans to adopt over the next period to increase transport attractiveness? Jaroslav Duris: Changes in an approach to the infrastructure maintenance in the first place resulted in the reduction in the number of incidents, during which respective track sections used to be out of operation for dozens of minutes. As for track design there has been an obvious retreat from the large panel technology and using both the stationary track and the classic design of track with sleepers in the ballast. We expect this change would bring longer life and lower operating costs for the maintenance, which should be reflected in the future in extending the time between reconstructions of individual track sections and thus reducing the number of pending closures. The common goal of all changes in the approach to the infrastructure, we perform, is to increase the reliability and accuracy of the public transport, increase travel speeds, which contributes to its attractiveness. Railway PRO: Regarding underground transport, one of the priorities focus on the extension of line A (to the west). What were the criteria for deciding on the extension of this line and not the others? What is the cost of the project and when will it be put in operation? Jaroslav Duris: The decisive criteria for

making the decision on an extension of metro A line included: relieving the traffic from Vítězné náměstí (Dejvická metro station with an extremely strong bus line traffic), the qualitative improvement of transport services in the adjacent densely urbanized areas, improving the transport service of the Motol area hospital. The original default considerations included the prospective servicing the Ruzyně Airport and the connection to the high capacity transport terminal at Dlouhá Mile (including P+R), where the bus and car traffic is to be captured. The new section of the metro will be put in operation in April 2015 with the construction costs of approximately CZK 22.5 billion (EUR 812.5 Million). Railway PRO: Another important project

for Prague is the construction of line D. For this project, in October 2013, the Local Council approved the construction plans of the first phase of the line. There are two solutions for the route of the line. Has the final decision been made? What are the most important criteria in selecting one of the alternatives? Jaroslav Duris: At the level of the City administration no decision has been taken yet on, which implementation variant is to be selected. The main criteria for the selection of a variant include: investment costs, compliance with the master plan of the city, the possibility of replacing the Nuselský bridge traffic in case of its repair/outage by a high capacity rail route, the possibility of continued construction of the metro D line to the north.


are estimated at CZK 31,981 million (EUR 1.15 Million). Financial resources will include: co-financing from EU funds and the budget of the Capital City of Prague. Railway PRO: What are the estimates for the acquisition of new trains for the extension of Line A and for the new line (D) and what funds will be allocated? Jaroslav Duris: The wagons for extending the metro A line have been already purchased, whereas the costs for the acquisition of metro wagons for the first stage of metro D line (Pankrác - Depo Písnice) are estimated at CZK 1,425 million (EUR 52 Thousand). Financial resources must be allocated so as to cover this amount. Railway PRO: How do you see the role of the political class in developing and promoting public transport? How are local authorities in Prague involved in increasing the share of public transport? Jaroslav Duris: The political representation of Prague generally supports the development of the public transportation and all the basic conceptual and strategic documents of the city support its development. The emphasis is primarily laid on the development of the urban rail network. The authorities primarily contribute to increasing the share of the public transportation by financing this development.

Railway PRO: What will be the costs for project implementation and what are the financing sources, apart from the money from budget resources? Jaroslav Duris: Currently, the costs of the implementation of the first stage of the metro D line from Pankrác to Depo Písnice

Прага интенсивно развивает свой городской транспорт на рельсах Стратегия развития транспортной системы в Праге сосредоточивается вокруг транспорта на рельсах: речь идет о расширении линий метро, о строительстве новой линии, о модернизации трамвайной сети и об их расширении. На период 2014-2020 гг. власти уже определили приоритеты в отношении транспорта. Проекты, которые получат европейское финансирование - это строительство линии метро „Д”, новых трамвайных линий, а также модернизация системы электрической тяги. – Интервью Г-на Ярослава Дуриса, который занимает должность Исполнительного директора Пражской транспортной компании. August 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

Market development & STRATEGIES 22 POLICIES

Poland invests EUR 12 Billion into important railway sections [ by Elena Ilie ]

One of the largest projects is the modernisation of the railway linking Lower Silesia to Szczecin, on the Baltic coast. Other projects will be developed in Warsaw, where Zachodnia railway station would be reconstructed, the infrastructure modernised, as well as three more rail stations: the Central station, the East station and Gdansk station.


olish Railways aims to invest PLN 50 Billion (EUR 12 Billion) over the next six years on modernising rail lines and platforms, PKP PLK Chairman Remigiusz Paszkiewicz said. About PLN 40 Billion (EUR 9.6 Billion) will come from EU funds, a chief priority being to improve the infrastructure for freight trains. At present, freight trains in Poland rarely exceed 30 km per hour. Paszkiewicz said that owing to the new investments, freight trains will be able to travel as fast as 120 km per hour in some places. “Over the last 10 years we have managed to modernise over 5,000 km of tracks, of which more than half was done in 2012-2013,” he said. Poland will also upgrade an important railway with funds from the European Union, ensured through the TEN-T Pro-

Source: intercity.pl

www.railwaypro.com | August 2014

gramme. The railway included in the modernisation and reconstruction programme is part of the Gdañsk–Warszawa–Brno/ Bratislava-Wien axis. The project began in July 2012 and is due in December 2014 and concerns the preparation of modernisation works on a 24 km stretch of railway line from Warszawa Włochy to Grodzisk Mazowiecki in Poland. The modernisation of this railway section will contribute to increasing the capacity of the railway line in a densely populated area of Poland. The total cost of the project is EUR 2.7 Million and the financing provided through TEN-T amounts to EUR 1.4 Million. This railway axis, Gdañsk–Warszawa– Brno/Bratislava-Wien, mainly involves modernisation and upgrading of the rail route - part of the former pan-European transport

corridor which connects Gdańsk via Katowice and Žilina to Bratislava and through a western branch via Brno to Vienna. The corridor was identified as a multimodal north-south axis to create a complex multimodal transport system for goods and passengers with the port of Gdańsk, rail and roads. The railway axis crosses four member states: Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria and Slovakia. Its western branch passes through Brno, the second largest city of the Czech Republic, while its eastern branch passes through Žilina, a city of growing importance in Slovakia, to the country’s capital Bratislava. The modernisation of the rail lines and the construction of container terminals for example at Gdańsk and Sławków/Katowice should generate better conditions for the development of effective intermodal transport. The modernisation and rehabilitation works will allow increased speeds on the rail network: 160 km/h for passenger trains, up to 250 km/h for some sections in Poland and 120 km/h for freight trains in general. They will also reinforce the attractiveness of rail, enabling a modal shift from road to rail. Moreover, Polish operator Przewozy Regionalne plans to launch two new connections with Ukraine this year. Trains will operate on Krakow-Mostyska and WarsawKovel routes. However, the final decision pertains to Ukrainian company Ukrzaliznytsia and could be made in May. The first trains could already operate at the middle of December. Moreover, Poland is consolidating its cross-border transport connections with neighbouring countries, as Lithuanian Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius announced following discussions with his Polish counterpart Donald Tusk. He said that Poland had committed to reconstruct Warsaw to Lithuanian border railway.

Photo: PKP PLK

PKP tests the ERTMS In March 2014, PKP PLK selected a consortium led by Thales to provide the implementation of the ERTMS system, including ETCS Level 2 and GSM-R, on two sections of Warsaw-Łódź railway. The contract amounts to around EUR 100 Million. The two railway sections Warsaw Zachodnia – Koluszki and Koluszki - Łódź Widzew amount to around 125 km. The contract includes the design and construction of a local command centre in Skierniewice. Interoperability is a clear objective of the Polish infrastructure manager PKP PLK which granted PLN 470 Million (EUR 114 Million) to the installation of the ETCS Level 2 on Gdynia-Warsaw railway of 340 km, part of the current pan-European Corridor VI. Financing was granted in January 2013. Implementation works will take two years. Polish authorities want to obtain more significant financing from EU funds. At present, the railway transport projects of local authorities in Poland are 59% covered from EU funds, while those of railway companies, 70%. As of June, PKP PLK conduct tests of a modern system to support the work of the driver ERTMS level two. Tests are carried out on the section of the railway line E 30 between Legnica and Bielawa Dolna. The system, which allows you to raise the level of safety of operating the train.“Test locomotive equipped with special equipment on board, after the positive verification and acceptance by the Commissioner of PKP Intercity SA, has been substituted for section control. Tests are conducted on the Okmiany – Boleslawiec and Okmiany – Boleslawiec line sections”, said Ryszard Biernat, contract manager PKP PLK. The aim of the first tests is the verification of assumptions regarding the technical solutions of the system. The results of the interaction between track-side and on-board ERTMS will be used to implement the second level on the main railway lines in Poland. The project is implemented under the programme “Modernization of railway line E 30, stage II. Pilot implementation of ERTMS / ETCS and ERTMS / GSM-R section Legnica - Węgliniec - Bielawa Dolna. The project is co-financed by EU within the Cohesion Fund.

Польша инвестирует 12 миллиардов евро в важные железнодорожные отсеки Один из наиболее крупных проектов - модернизация линии между Нижней Силезией и Щецином, на побережье Балтийского моря. Другие проекты будут осуществляться в Варшаве, где предстоит перестроить станцию Заходня и модернизировать инфраструктуру, а три железнодорожные станции будут модернизированы: Центральная, Восточная и Гданьская. Польские железные дороги будут инвестировать в модернизацию инфраструктуры 50 миллиардов злотых (12 миллиардов евро) в течение ближайших 6 лет. Об этом заявил президент PKP PLK, Ремиджуш Пашкевич.

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In the heat of the day - construction supervision at Novska–Okučani line, Croatia © Dzoni Ujdur

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24 Mobility

Integrated ticketing for sustainable mobility [ by Elena Ilie ]

The mobility of public passenger transport and the quality improvement of this service are key factors for creating a sustainable urban development from the social, economic and environmental point of view. A public transport appreciated and used by citizens without thinking about individual transport alternatives can be obtained through different means depending on the local context, financial resources and national and local policies.


f a few years ago we referred to a public transport system as efficient if we had tram, metro and bus networks and connections between them – now we want an efficient public transport that would provide integrated ticketing solutions. We want this because we want to spend as little time possible in traffic. Tickets and payment systems have to be available at large scale, such as sale points spread around the city, ticket vending machines in different places (“park&ride”, main stations or inside the vehicles), on the internet (season tickets for smart card owners) or by mobile phones. Integrated ticketing and payment policies are extremely useful between different public transport operators (local public transport and national railways) to ensure the validity of tickets for all public transport modes and for the whole region. Modern passengers are responsive to simple and

attractive payment methods. Thus, innovative intelligent card systems could be used for the contactless payment of integrated tickets. Also, they can serve as important public transport marketing element. Intelligent payments can also supply valuable data regarding the users’ behaviour and mobility patterns. Apart from using a smartphone to pay for a journey, which proved extremely useful in the past years when this technology was introduced and constantly developed, now we can talk about using a smartphone to know exactly how many minutes there are until a train reaches the station or what seats are available in that train. The free application has been developed by Stockholmståg, the private operator providing commuter train transport in Stockholm. The application has been developed based on the Train Tracer solution,

a live train diagnosis and driver assistance technology developed by Alstom. Train Tracer uses the GSM network to broadcast live data about the state of each commuter train on the Storstockholms Lokaltrafik network (SL), the company which manages the public transport system in the Stockholm region. Thus, as of March 2014, Pendelkollen application makes available for passengers live data on their mobile phones about the availability of free seats minutes before the trains reaches the station. Also, passengers who access the application have exact data about the localisation of train on the SL network and know exactly ho many minutes there are until the train reaches the station. Moreover, the application provide passengers with information about noise levels, traffic conditions, potential traffic congestions or different incidents.

Photo: www.pendelkollen.se

Интегрированный тикетинг для устойчивой мобильности

www.railwaypro.com | August 2014

Улучшение общественного пассажирского транспорта и повышение качества обслуживания в данной сфере является ключевым фактором для достижения устойчивого развития города с социальной, экономической и экологической точки зрения. Общественный транспорт, которым граждане могли дорожить и пользоваться, не думая об альтернативах индивидуального транспорта, может быть достигнут различными способами в зависимости от местных условий, финансовых ресурсов, а также от национальных и местных политик.

26 leaders

Finalist of several editions of the “Mobility Week” Award (2005, 2006, 2013) and winner of the award in 2008, Budapest is trying to build a public transport infrastructure whose backbone would be urban railway transport. The main goal of developing transport is the optimisation of economic competitiveness, providing better living conditions in the capital and promoting sustainable features. With a share of over 50% of public transport, the citizens require higher and higher standards regarding the density and quality of the network. Thus, there is a series of infrastructure projects which have a real contribution to the development of public transport and the increase of the market share: a new line (M4) was put in operation this year, modernisation works of two tram lines are underway (1 and 3); the interconnections of lines in Buda include two tenders consisting in the construction of a new tram line (between lines 19 and 17), new connections (lines 4, 6 and 17) and the full modernisation of line 17. By completing these works, a direct link will be provided on the north-centre-south axis in Buda. Budapesti Közlekedési Központ (BKK) is working on other important infrastructure projects, the foundation of the transport infrastructure being light rail, suburban, metro and tram transport. www.railwaypro.com | August 2014



Budapest: development of public transport relies on rail transport

Interview with Dávid Vitézy, CEO of Budapesti Közlekedési Központ (BKK) [ by Pamela Luică ]


lso, the pre-feasibility study regarding the extension of the metro line M1 is already completed and the feasibility study will be completed in August 2014. As part of this project, BKK wants to replace the rolling stock fleet on M1, but also those currently in traffic on M3. Budapest has two alternatives to the renewal of rolling stock: one concerns the modernisation of the existing rolling stock, while the other the replacement of the vehicles operating on the line, but a decision in this regard was not adopted, the authorities being in the preparation phase for the feasibility study regarding the M3 infrastructure. For this purpose, all renewal or replacement aspects will be invested. BKK wants to connect M2 with the suburban H8 railway, this project being in the preparation phase. Thus, it requires the acquisition of new vehicles to operate the metro line and the suburban line. Moreover, a link could be created between Szentendre and Csepel HÉV, suburban lines (H5 and H7) in the city centre and the acquisition of the rolling stock operating on metro and suburban lines will be required. Another project of the company is the rehabilitation of the Széll Kálmán area, the largest intermodal junction of the project which consists of the total reconstruction of the infrastructure, including the construction of the pedestrian areas with access to the elevators. Currently, BKK prepares several projects regarding the reconstruction and extension of metro line 1, the acquisition of rolling stock, the extension to the Zugló area and the development of connections with tram lines, the construction of the park & ride system as well as the development of other projects for road infrastructure connection. Next to these projects, BKK is committed to the modernisation and renewal

of the rolling stock fleet and has already signed a contract for the acquisition of 47 new trams to be delivered in 2015. In fact, in the railway segment, the development of fixed assets is financed through the Cohesion Fund. As a result, 46% of the tram fleet in Budapest will be low floor by 2020 to increase the quality of services and to ensure accessibility. The cost of the tram acquisition contracts is EUR 106.3 Million (for the 47 trams) and EUR 150 Million for an additional order of 77 trams. The elaborated strategy focuses priorities (in the fixed assets area) on suburban areas by gradually integrating the underground transport network with the suburban railway network operated by the municipality. Regarding the projects and their financing for 2014-2020, BKK is in the preparation phase and has already elaborated the strategy and the feasibility studies for all the projects which should be implemented in the next 7 years. The company is ready to implement projects which represent one of the greatest achievements of BKK. At present, there is a series of negotiations with competent authorities and it will be clear that each project has the financial support of the municipality, of the government and of the EU. Mr. Dávid Vitézy, CEO of BKK, agreed to provide more information about the development of projects currently in progress, the development plans of all public transport projects and the increase of public transport share. Railway PRO: What are the general elements which help a city such as Budapest have an efficient and quality public transport system? What is the strategy of Budapest for developing the urban

We are still in the preparation phase, but we already have the strategy and feasibility studies for all of our preparation projects, which could be built in the next 7 years

Dávid Vitézy transport system? What is the role of rail transport and how could it be prevalent against the other public transport modes (bus, trolleybus)? Dávid Vitézy: Budapest has a vision at its long term urban development strategy: „Budapest is a liveable and attractive capital city with unique character and is an esteemed member of the European urban network and intends to be innovative economic and cultural centre of the country and of the city region.” The main goal of transport development: the transport system has to improve the economy competitiveness, ensure the welfare, liveability of the Budapest region, promote of its and the sustainability conditions. The operational goals required for achieving these strategic objectives in that respect (liveable urban environment, secure, predictable and dynamic transport, co-operative regional relations) appear in four areas of intervention: infrastructure (more relations), vehicles (attractive vehicles), services (better services), governance system (effective set of institutions). We consider the relatively high share of public transport (well over 50%) to > August 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

28 leaders own a car, even in Budapest. Just a few examples: metro line 4 that is operating since spring 2014 provides a new link as a large capacity system element. The refurbishment of two major tram lines, 1 and 3, is on-going and will be finished in this year and after decades we are building a new tram section to line 1. We are preparing other largescale infrastructure projects as well on the PT network. BKK signed a contract for 47 new tram vehicles which will arrive in 2015 to Budapest. Practically all our fixed-rail developments are funded by the EU Cohesion Fund. As part of the new competitive bus operations tendering, around 300 new or high quality used buses have arrived to Budapest in the last years, replacing the oldest ones in the system. In 2013 we started to operate new customer centres and 300 state-of-the-art new ticket vending machines all over the city, to help passengers to buy their tickets and passes with the possibility to using their credit cards. We are working on the introduction of the open-loop automated fare collection system in Budapest which will be another large step forward. The strategy which we have laid down sets a fixed-rail focused strategy prioritising the suburban areas through the gradual integration of the underground network with the suburban railway network operated by the municipal operator. And one more important thing: cycling, cycling and cycling. We have undoubtedly a cycling boom in Budapest. We have started the public bike-sharing system, MOL Bubi in July. As we speak we just opened the system for the first 1000 test users. Registration closed in not more than one hour. I expect cycling to be even more popular after we introduce MOL Bubi.

Photo: BKK

> be a positive legacy of the past. Citizens of Budapest are very high-demanding when it comes to public transport hence we have a very dense, high quality network. As visitors often conclude: it is very convenient and easy to get from any point to another in Budapest by public transport. Even though by international standards Budapest is supposed to have a relatively dense underground network, for historical reasons we have 3+1 lines one of which is a historical one that is actually an underground tram. The latest piece in this network is line M4 which is a fully automated line inaugurated in March 2014. On the other hand the tram network in Budapest is considered to be one of the largest in the world. Trams are integral part of Budapest, they have been with us since 1887. Maintaing and upgrading the tram infrastructure is indeed costly although since the “rebirth of tram” in the late 1990’s in France it is getting wide spread as a tool to revitalise urban spaces and rid them from a lot of cars. Trams are no longer the noisy shaky iron boxes as they are often regarded but smoothly running, fully low-floored, airconditioned, modern, well-designed, last but not least environmentally friendly vehicles. In Central Europe I think we share a common recent past and in certain cases it is still present. Owning and driving a (good) car is a symbol of freedom and was especially the case after the years of regime change in our countries. There was a late car boom in CEE in the 1990’s which resulated in less attention on PT. This is dramatically changing especially that some infrastructure elements and rolling stock need relatively urgent replacement or upgrade. Also, let’s not forget: the sharing economy is round the corner, young people no longer wish to

www.railwaypro.com | August 2014

Railway PRO: Budapest has been one of the European Mobility Week finalists several times and won the competition in 2008. How have projects been implemented to maintain the continuity of implementing long-term investment programmes? What has been the role of rail public transport and how have these projects been implemented to be successful? Dávid Vitézy: The basic infrastructure of urban transport is the rail, suburban rail, metro and bus network as well as the road network, serving various regional and long-distance connections, and connecting the urban zones. The further network elements of ground transport and the secondary roads form fine layers of the infrastructure. According to the basic principle of the plan, those systems need to be managed and developed with an integrated approach. An integrated approach is a complex requirement of network development; only development made in such a spirit can be implemented. The fragmentation of the tram network many decades ago and the gradual reduction of its area of service took place based on the assumption of the expansion of the metro network at an impossible speed and a much smaller than the actual increase in road traffic. By now it has become clear that the renewed tram service would be significantly cheaper, more effective and passenger friendly solution in transport than the metro. The connection of isolated components of various urban rail networks would allow for high-quality services, which are competitive with motorised individual transport both in volume capacity and in travel time in the long run. Apart from the establishment of specific connections and connecting elements and standardisation of the parameters of technical operation, a sufficient number of attractive P+R car parks and B+R storage facilities should also be established at the stations of the suburban sections. The development of the public transport track network as a single system requires the reconstruction of some of the previously terminated network connections and the introduction of a few new connections as well. Thus the continuous track network can eliminate the current island operations: splitting and converging line groups may be built that cover large impact areas, yet provide attractive services and sufficient capacity to passengers on shared sections. Main directions of the development so far are the integration of urban and suburban track-bound networks, building of the missing interconnections of the downtown track-bound network, expansion of the track-bound network in densely built zones and establishment of transversal track-bound connections.


Railway PRO: What does the application of an appropriate governance on developing urban mobility mean? What measures should local authorities implement to help public transport grow? Dávid Vitézy: It is absolutely necessary for the renewal and continuous development of Budapest transport to have a well prepared system of institutions that represents the target system and operates in line with the respective objectives, supporting the changes. The elaboration of an adequate institutional system and its stable maintenance will facilitate the implementation of the set targets and the longer-term sustainability of the established system. The regulatory environment of transport must be consistent with the complex objectives, assisting their implementation both in Budapest and in the agglomeration. Based on the transformation of the transport institutions of Budapest, which began in 2010, all transport development actions will take place in a consistent, well-co-ordinated form, separated from the owners, control and service operator levels, within the framework of BKK Centre for Budapest Transport. Apart from the further development and improvement of that model, there will be two main tasks relating to the system of institutions in the subsequent period. On one hand, the agglomeration transport, which currently operates as a separate part of Budapest transport, and the public transport services conducted on networks within the town, although not yet integrated into urban transport, need to be integrated. A consistent timetable, consistent tariffs and information system is a key capacity of each modern metropolis and is also a prerequisite of high-quality and competitive transport system in Budapest too. On the other hand, however, it may be achieved only with an adequate set of institutions. An effective set of institutions requires stable, sustainable and predictable financ-

ing framework. The financing of public transport must be made predictable and be based on normative support to provide a framework of effective management. That financing model will facilitate effective operation, eliminate the wasteful practices and put in place conditions of effective development. Apart from the transport organiser institutional tasks, strategic planning based project development and project management practices must be enhanced, as they are prerequisites of effective fund absorption and implementation of plans. Railway PRO: How was the transport

system influenced after the application of the new governance model in the city? Why has BKK chosen London’s model? Dávid Vitézy: The establishment of BKK was preceded by years of preparatory work. During the course of this process, a team of experts examined the possibilities and opportunities to renew the clearly outdated and fragmented transport system on the institutional level, to erase one of the greatest obstacles impeding transport development and to encourage cooperation between stakeholders, taking into consideration the political, strategic, transport-related, and last, but not least, legal aspects. Based on the assessment of international bestpractices and the practical experiences of major transport organizations around European cities (e.g. Transport for London, AB Stockholms Lokaltrafik, Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe) the concept of a new institutional system for Budapest has been created in the first half of 2010. After examining a number of different models, Transport for London has been selected for the most appropriate model of BKK especially that the local governance model of Budapest is similar to that of London, they are both task-sharing two-tier systems. Transport is one of the main areas of the urban policy, as the quality of trans-


portation has a significant impact on the city’s competitiveness, liveability and operability. In order to remove the mentioned anomalies, management of transport issues required to be on an integrated “system-level”. Clear definition of responsibilities and tasks were needed, as accountability and transparency were indispensable. New planning approaches and know-hows were also needed to be incorporated, which made it necessary to set up new networks and information channels. Railway PRO: Budapest is currently implementing a series of infrastructure development projects: tram lines 1 and 3, Széll Kálmán transport hub, interconnections of tram lines in Buda, etc. Could you provide more technical details, information about costs and financing resources, their impact on urban traffic and on the public transport system, the impact on the citizens’ choice of public transport against motorised individual transport? What is the stage of these projects? Dávid Vitézy: Tram lines 1 and 3 projects are currently in execution phase. On different areas they contain total renovation, partial renovation and tram line extension also. The interconnections of tram lines in Buda include two tenders, as two branches of the “Budai fonódó” project. These tenders contain new tram line construction (between tram line no. 19 and 17), new rail connections (line 4-6 and 17), and also total renovation of the line no. 17. By finishing the project, new direct tram connections will be made between north, center and south Buda. Several public transport routes are concerned on much larger area than the construction itself. The tenders also contain several development works on the power network, and plenty of public utility construction as well. On specific sections (e.g. on Frankel Leó út) a total road and pavement renovation will be executed. On our future construction >

Infrastructural projects Development of tram lines 1 and 3 Total project cost: EUR 132 million EUR, EU co-financing 93,92% • Comprehensive reconstruction on tram lines 1 and 3 • Faster, accessible vehicles • Grass-covered tracks on three sections, silent track structure • Dynamic passenger information • New platform covers • Extension of tram line 1 across the river Danube Reconstruction of Széll Kálmán square hub Széll Kálmán square: transport hub in the Centre of Buda (200.000 passenger/day) • Start of construction period: in the spring of 2014 • Establishment of easy-to-access connections • Reconstruction of bus termini and tram stops, more green areas • Prioritization of passengers’ needs • Possibility to ride bikes • Creating unified design • Extension of the cogwheel railway line to the hub

Interconnecting Tram lines in Buda Total cost: 48 million EUR, EU co-financing, 83,4% Direct connection between North- and SouthBuda and new line arrangement for the whole area of Buda: Frankel Leó new connection Bem rakpart new connection Széll Kálmán square new connection In medium term the whole tram and trolleybus network should supply partial low-floor service until 2020 • 25 pcs of 32-36 meters long low-floor trams • 12 pcs of 52-56 meters long low-floor trams (+236% optional 12 long, 75 regular vehicles) • 10 pcs of articulated, low-floor trolleys • 14 pcs of non-articulated, low-floor trolleys (+279% optional 7 non-articulated, 60 articulated vehicles) • Additional infrastructure development (3 tram depots and platforms) Total project cost:140 mill EUR

Source: BKK Centre for Budapest Transport

August 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

30 leaders > site currently water and waste water network renovations are in progress by different investors. The total estimated costs are 10,5 billion HUF (EUR 34,2 Million). The planning is finished and public procurement for choosing the most favourable contractor is now in progress. The projects may start this summer, and will be finished late 2015. By finishing the Széll Kálmán tér development project, a brand new, greener, cleaner and more friendly environment will be made with much greater liveable space than currently. Together with the “’Budai fonódó” project, the new concept of tram network on the square will enable new tram line connections. The project also contains building demolishment and construction, public utility works, road construction and architecture. According to our sooner study, every day 200.000 persons pass through the square now. We will improve all of their conditions. It is a great challenge from our side during the construction to ensure their passage; therefore we made several well-detailed organisation plans. The estimated cost is 5,2 billion HUF (EUR 17 Million). Currently the planning is finished and public procurement is in progress. The projects may start this summer, and will be finished late 2015. The renovated tram lines, the more reliable power supply result faster journeys, the new tram line connections mean less total travelling time. They all have favourable impact on the local public transport system. All of these benefits were calculated and well considered before making the decisions on starting and financing the projects. All the projects above are financed by the state, the local government, and mostly by the European Union. For further information, tram networks plans, 3D visualizations, and 3D model you are kindly welcome to visit our website on www.bkk.hu. Railway PRO: By 2020, the entire fleet of trams could be replaced by low-floor vehicles in order to increase the quality of services and ensure accessibility. What is the objective of this project and what will be the value of the vehicle procurement contracts? Dávid Vitézy: Budapest has cca 200 trams at the age over 40 years. In order to replace these old vehicles, we prepared a project. Originally we had a few integrated tram project: one project contained both the infrastructure renewal/ extension and the rolling stock. It would not have been very efficient so I am glad we managed to convince the European Commission to have separate infrastructure projects and one large rolling stock procurement. Apparently the first rolling stock only procurement funded by the www.railwaypro.com | August 2014

EU. Learning from existing examples we constructed a contract which allows us to buy more trams once we have more funds available. This strategy saves us two years as the average time required for completely closing a tram procurement process. As a result, cca. 46% of the trams of Budapest will be low-floor by 2020, in order to increase the quality of services and ensure accessibility. The value of the vehicle procurement contracts are: 106.360.000 EURO for 47 trams (delivery contract signed with CAF), and further 150.000.000 EURO is needed to buy the other 77 trams (as an option). Railway PRO: What is the preparation stage of the extension of Metro Line 1, the acquisition of new metro trains and the development of links to other modes of transport? Dávid Vitézy: The pre-feasibility study of the extension of metro line M1 is done, the feasibility study will be ready in August 2014. As a part of this project we would like to replace the 40 years old vehicles of this line. The vehicles of the metro line M3 are almost 40 years old, so they need to be replaced. Budapest has two main alternatives of renewing the rolling stock fleet: one is the major overhaul of currently operating rolling stock, upgrade of transmission and signalling to ensure a 15-year extension of operational lifetime, the other is the replacement of all vehicles operating on the line. We haven’t made the decision between the two major alternatives yet – we are in the preparation phase, in which we make a feasibility study about the complex renewing of the M3 infrastructure. As a part of this study we will investigate every aspects of the renewing or replacing question. We would like to connect the metro line M2 to the H8 suburban railway, the project is in preparation phase now. To make this we will need new vehicles, which can be operated in the metro line and on the suburban line, as well. We are planning to connect Szentendre and Csepel HÉV suburban railways (H5 and H7) under the inner city. For this project we will need interoperable vehicles, which can run on railway lines and suburban railway lines, as well. Railway PRO: How do you envisage the accession level of European financing in these projects for 2014-2020? Dávid Vitézy: We are still in the preparation phase, but we already have the strategy and feasibility studies for all of our preparation projects, which could be built in the next 7 years. BKK’s organisation and experts are prepared and ready to execute the projects. Building up this capability is one of our major achieve-

ments. We continuously consult about the possible sources and time of constructions with the competent people. According to these consultations will be clear the degree of the municipality, the governmental and EU funds for each projects. Railway PRO: Do local authorities have a budget on the allocation of funds for these projects, allocation which relies on Budapest’s transport system development strategy? Dávid Vitézy: The previous transport development plans contained a large scale, long-term developments which required a large amount of development funds – many, many billions of euros. These funding requirements undermined the feasibility of the previous plans. Opposed to this approach, the Balázs Mór Plan sets general guidelines, goals and measures. After the approval of these basic principles a programming process can be done which determines the programs and projects according to the available funds. EU budget negotiations for the next 7 years are under process and these funds will be available more than just Budapest, but we hope the results will enable the developments in Budapest.

Будапешт: транспорт на рельсах лежит в основе развития системы общественного транспорта С учетом доли общественного транспорта на уровне более 50%, жители города Будапешта требуют всё более высоких стандартов плотности и качества сети. В этой связи, BKK (Транспортный центр города Будапешта) осуществляет ряд проектов развития. Большинство из них касается транспорта на рельсах и его подключения к сети пригородного железнодорожного транспорта. Кроме проектов, находящихся на стадии внедрения, BKK разрабатывает стратегию и технико-экономическое обоснование всех проектов, которые намеревается внедрить в период с 2014 года по 2020 год. Интервью с господином Давидом Витези, который является Исполнительным директором BKK.




TERRANOVA – DHL 1260 HP After a thorough marketing study, in early 2013, ELECTROPUTERE VFU – RELOC S.A. Company in Craiova started an ambitious p ro j e c t , n a m e l y t h e d e s i g n a n d development of a heavy shunting and freight transport locomotive. The technical version that our company specialists have chosen to develop is designed to run on standard, narrow or wide gauge railways and it can be used practically in most countries around the globe. The locomotive is entirely designed and manufactured in ELECTROPUTERE VFU – RELOC S.A. Craiova Company.

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Does the Danube Region require a new railway corridor? [ by Pamela Luică ]

[ Part II ]

This part of the interview with Mr. Franc Žepič, Priority Area Coordinator 1B of the EUSDR Ministry of Infrastructure and Spatial Planning, Slovenia (the first part was published in the May 2014 issue of the magazine), details topics such as the vision of a joint transport system at the Danube Region level, the importance of creating a corridor that would ensure an efficient freight transport between the EU and non-EU countries and the consolidation of cooperation between the responsible authorities in the Danube Region countries.


he Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) took place on 26 and 27 June where the stress fell on boosting collaboration between countries and the countries’ institutions. Next to the environment and tourism segments, the transport system requires implication from the authorities to elaborate and implement the policies necessary for developing regional projects. Increasing connectivity could determine the establishment of a new corridor providing transport connections between EU and non-EU countries, München-SalzburgLjubljana-Zagreb-Belgrade-Sofia-Istanbul. Another freight corridor was proposed by Romania in 2013 on the PA1b agenda. In November 2013, Slovenia’s Prime Minister and the Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs launched the initiative of establishing a corridor linking Constanţa Port (Romania) to Koper Port (Slovenia). This corridor would represent an important pillar in providing transport connections between the ports in the Black Sea and Adriatic Sea regions. It would also contribute to developing intermodal terminals and optimising logistics performance in the countries in the region. Railway PRO: A Joint Transport Vision is necessary to achieve an efficient connectivity. In your opinion, what is the role of railway transport in this context? Franc Žepič: Firstly a great work was done by preparing and endorsing the Communication on EU Strategy for the Danube region and Action plan. These two documents represent a good base for start of the implementation. In my opinion and in the opinion of my colleague Mr. Poledica, as well as SG members the Danube macro-region needs common foundation for transport. This could be achieved with several common projects. A Common transport vision for the Danube region - Transdanuvios, a Danube Region www.railwaypro.com | August 2014

Infrastructure Assessment Needs until 2020 (DRINA), a Danube Region Intermodal Strategy (DRIS) and an Air transport in the Danube region (DAirNet) are examples of project initiatives that are of utmost importance for coherent development of transport infrastructure and transport services. Even more, out of these projects new more sectoral projects should arise. Unfortunately a lot of time is spent in search for right partners and financial means for above mentioned projects. Although PACs and SG are constantly being reassured that money for good projects is easily available the truth is that it is not so easy. To obtain the funds for all kind of projects remain difficult. In these projects all modes in transport should be taken into account in order to show their synergies. Only by using full modal integration approach seamless transport network could be implemented that is environment friendly, energy efficient, safe and secure and user friendly. Railways, together with waterborne transport, have a major role to play in achieving these goals. We could not imagine present and future transport without modern and efficient railways, in particular on distances above 400 – 500 kilometres. The only way to assure accessibility to all parts of the macro-region, not to exclude local and rural areas as well and ensure adequate connectivity between capitals and major transport hubs is to fully exploit all available means of transport. Railway PRO: Speaking of connectivity, why is a new railway corridor linking EU to non-EU countries necessary (Munich– Ljubljana–Zagreb–Belgrade–Sofia–to Turkey -Istanbul)? What does this “new” corridor mean for the regional transport system (considering the mobility of freight and the coordination of the decision makers involved in the financing of this corridor)? Franc Žepič: The fact is that EU is taking good care to enable smooth transport across

the EU by getting agreements with Member States on core and comprehensive network and by putting in place commitments for investments into TEN-T (Trans-European Transport Network). Recently adopted Regulation 1315/2013 on TEN-T and Regulation 1316/2013 on CEF are directed towards completion of the core network by 2030 and comprehensive by 2050. This way the EU makes an important step towards real network and nor only patches of high quality infrastructure. With the budget of EUR 23,2 bln (26, 6 including interests) EU adequately stimulates completion of TEN-T network. As it is well know the Danube region is composed of nine EU Member States (Austria, Germany (Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria), Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria) and five non-EU Member States. The later could be further divided into potential candidate and candidate countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia) and neighbouring countries (Moldova and Ukraine). The main objective of the project “Western Balkan Corridor (WBC)” is to contribute to the competitiveness of the Danube region by developing a new multimodal freight corridor along the axis München-SalzburgLjubljana-Zagreb-Belgrade-Sofia-Istanbul. The project will also take branches into consideration that feed the main line. The WBC is a multimodal Corridor linking EU and non-EU Countries in the Danube Region is the shortest route from Central Europe (Germany-Bavaria) via Alps through Balkans to the Western Asia, Middle East and beyond. While in Munich it connects to Scandinavian-Mediterranean and Rhine-Danube Corridor and in Sofia to Orient / East Med Corridor. In addition it is crossed by Baltic-Adriatic Corridor in Villach/Ljubljana, Mediterranean Corridor in Ljubljana/Zagreb and Rhine-Danube in Belgrade. This way it complements the multimodal core network of EU and non-EU


countries. It is believed that decision makers involved in the financing of this corridor will understand that the corridor goes beyond the national borders and that it by no means represents competition to the Orient / EastMed corridor but covers the “great grey area” of the Danube region and in addition gives an opportunity to several countries, such as Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro to be better linked with the rest of Europe. The WBC has extreme value for Balkan region which is still in poor condition with significant infrastructure and non-infrastructure bottlenecks. The cross-border rail freight varies considerably in the individual countries within the region and is not at the desired level. Neither is the potential for multimodal transport fully tapped. There is another rail freight corridor initiative started by Romania in 2013 on PA1b agenda. An important trade exchange with EU and important transit routes via the Danube region with other continents the Danube region could face an increase of goods entering Europe from at least two Danube macro-region multi-port gateway regions – North Adriatic and West Black Sea. Since at present the largest share of container traffic towards the Danube region flows through the Atlantic and North Sea ports efforts need to be made to improve transshipment and handling capabilities of Adriatic and Black sea ports. At the meeting between Slovenian prime minister and Romanian foreign minister on 5th November 2013 initiative to establish a corridor linking port of Constanta (Romania) and port of Koper (Slovenia) was discussed. This new rail freight corridor would represent an important transport link

between two multi-port gateway regions at Black Sea and at Adriatic Sea. It would also contribute to development of intermodal terminals and improving logistics performance of the countries in the Region. Similar to WBC Corridor several branches to link better the region should be determined. As the idea of the new corridor is spreading around it has already got a nick name “TRAIANUS Railway Corridor”. Railway PRO: What is your view on linking beyond the Danube region? Franc Žepič: In order to keep up with the demand and not to slow down economic development the improvement of today´s transport service is of key importance for all World economies. Looking on a larger scale the big emerging markets in Asia, in particular in China and India are connecting by land with Europe mainly via the Russian TransSiberian railway. The fact that both China and Turkey are fast-growing economic centres suggests for an alternative route to better connect EU and Asia big markets. The international transport corridor TRACECA (Europe-Caucasus-Asia) called also “The Silk road of the 21st century” directly feeds into the Western Balkan Corridor and offers an additional important reason to this corridor. As four out of 13 members of TRACECA programme are the countries of the Danube region (Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova and Ukraine) activities of the TRACECA transport corridor are also part of activities to improve transport in the Danube region. In order to share results a way how PA1b and General Secretariat of TRACECA could cooperate is to be explored in the near future. In this context I would like to mention also Examples of EUSDR projects

Examples of EUSDR projects


the Organisation of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) i.e. “The Wider Black Sea Area” which covers also almost all countries of the Danube Region, except Germany. Activities within this Euroasian platform are also important for transport, in particular railway developments in the Danube region. The present Action Plan in the field of Transport sets the main guidelines for enhancing mutually beneficial co-operation between the BSEC Member States for the period 2013-2015 directed at the integration of the national transport networks into the regional ones and furthermore into the Trans European Network and Euro-Asian Transport Linkages. As 50% growth of cargo handled in EU ports is predicted by 2030, ports of the Danube region, railway and logistics operators need to adapt to handle the increased traffic and at the same time give opportunity for economic growth and creation of new jobs. There are still significant performance gaps between the Danube region countries, as well as other Europe’s countries. Narrowing the performance gap should produce more efficiency in order to be able to cope with predicted traffic increases. Railway PRO: Although the strategy still doesn’t have a set financing for 2014-2020, so far, 400 projects have been directed through the Priority Axis Coordinators worth EUR 49 Billion. What is the cost of the projects identified by PA1B and what is the cost of those in the railway sector? Franc Žepič: Although for each project on our list there are estimated costs it would be difficult to give an exact figure. It is expected that a planned study “Danube Region In- >

Projects: Almost 150 Projects Received! Rail 51%, road 27%, air 6%, intermodal 8%, horizontal 8 % Letter of Recommendation: 34 awarded (seven rail projects)

Source: Franc Žepič, Bridging the Gap in Logistics between the Danube Region Countries

August 2014 | www.railwaypro.com


> frastructure Needs Assessment (2020)” supported by EIB and BDCP will answer this question, since among others it should give exact figures also on financial needs for upgrading, construction of missing links and removal of bottlenecks on crucial sections in the rail network of the Danube region. At the moment I can only say that most of the costs of the projects identified by PA1b are coming from railway sector. Railway PRO: Do you organize meetings with interested stakeholder? What was the last one? Franc Žepič: On annual basis the stakeholders conference “The Danube Region Transport Days” is organised. Third one is planned in the second half of this year in Slovenia. At the first and second conference most of the speakers addressed the railway sector in the Danube region. Last event organized in Slovenia was the first conference “Transport and Research in the Danube region” on 2nd and 3rd April. The idea is to stimulate discussion beyond the narrow borders of different instruments and policies. Effective and efficient transport needs synergies of different policies. The conference is going to bring together researchers and interested stakeholders in order to join forces for more efficient transport in the Danube region. This special event for the researchers and other actors in the field of transport in the Danube Region is designed as an opportunity to hear different views on research and to contribute to the implementation of the Danube Strategy and to prepare for an active approach towards Horizon 2020. A conference “Transport and Logistics in the SEE and the Danube Region” was organised on 10th April in Belgrade. Like most of transport related issues, also a lot of work is needed to bridge the gap in logistics performance between the Danube Region Countries. Because nowadays global supply chains are so varied and complex the efficiency depends both on one hand on government services, investments and policies and on the other on private service providers. Building infrastructure, developing a regulatory base for transport services, designing and implementing efficient customs clearance procedures are areas where national governments play an important role. The gap between the Danube region countries is enormous and reflects heterogeneity of the macro-region (EU Member States, Candidate countries and Neighbouring countries). The EU Member States are part of the Single European market that gives many advantages to performing trade within the EU28. The EU efforts to ease and harmonize activities in the transport sector are marked by e.g. White paper 2011: “Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area - Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system”, the communication by the European commission on development of a Single Railway Area (2010) with which European www.railwaypro.com | August 2014

rail policy aims to facilitate the sustainable development of the European economy by providing high-quality, reliable, safe and efficient services. Related to logistics the European Commission adopted “Freight Transport Logistics Action Plan” (2007). In it series of measures to promote the freight transport logistics, make rail freight more competitive, create a framework which will allow European ports to attract investment for their modernization, put maritime freight transport on an equal footing with other transport modes and review progress made in developing Motorways of the Sea are proposed. The aim of above mentioned EU initiatives is to use common approach based on desired patterns leading to greater efficiency and optimal capacity use, as well as increased safety and security for all modes of transport. On the other hand non-EU Member States within the macro-region has no common guidelines, recommendations or policies. In order to reduce disparities between the various regions within the Danube macro-region and wider in the Europe, in order to reach economic, social and territorial cohesion more balanced, more sustainable territorial development should be promoted. Challenges in the field of logistics in the Danube region are many, among others: • In order to narrow the gap between performances of individual countries in the region a common strategy for development of transport infrastructure, better use of intermodal transport and improved logistics services is needed. • Regardless of consequences caused by the financial crises, global recession, slow improvements in trade in many Danube region countries logistics reform should be started by respective governments as soon as possible. The transport infrastructure gap and transport services gap, including logistics gap between mainly Western and Eastern part of the Danube macro-region should be Danube macro-region countries: LPI ranking and scores 2012 (of 155 countries)















Bosnia & Herzegovina














Czech Republic




Source: World Bank , Connecting to compete 2012: Trade logistics in the global Economy

bridged. • A long term commitments from policymakers and private stakeholders is essential to obtain a reliable supply chain, predictable just on time or door-to-door service delivery to customers and efficient logistics performance. The efforts to improve logistics should continue if the Danube region wants a competitive environment within the Europe and the World. • Infrastructure stands out as the chief driver of progress, yet too many countries in the region stalled the infrastructure works or delayed or postponed them. The quality and availability of railways, in particular rail services dissatisfy too many clients, while quality and availability of motorways and high performing ports (sea and river ports) varies a lot across the macro-region. New intermodal terminals need to be developed. Since at present road transport plays a key role in the supply chain for majority of goods missing links need to be constructed and bottlenecks removed. • A comprehensive approach is needed to reform border management, with attention to all the relevant sectors and agencies. Custom clearance procedures should be simplified. • A response to the demand for “green logistics” should be taken fully into account when performing logistics services. • In addition an advanced business model that could present new opportunities to the logistics sector should be searched for and developed. In search for the new business model it might be worth to study the resource efficient circular economy concept promoted also by the European commission (2012). If the logistic sector wants to have a vital role to play in future Danube region economy tailor-made solutions for variety of customers that want specific services should be made available and suppliers of logistics services in the Danube region should strive to be customer focused, innovative and globally competitive.

Нуждается ли Дунайский регион в новом железнодорожном коридоре? В данной части интервью (первая часть была опубликована в нашем выпуске за май 2014 года), которое дал Г-н Франк Жепич, Координатор приоритетного отсека 1bEUSDR (Стратегии ЕС для Дунайского региона) в Министерстве инфраструктуры Словении, более широко затронуты такие темы, как видение общей транспортной системы на уровне Дунайского региона, важность образования коридора, который бы обеспечивал эффективные грузовые перевозки между государствами ЕС и не-членами ЕС, а также укрепление сотрудничества между ответственными учреждениями государств Дунайского региона.



EC report: EU-financed railway infrastructure projects amounted to EUR 22 Billion in 2007-2013 [ by Pamela Luică ]

EC published the bi-annual Report on the European market according to which, although 34,5 billion In in June, the whole rail network (including high-speed). As far asrailway the conventional the sector has know an irrefutable growth period, there is still necessary implement projects for the work is concerned, the shares of maintenance (29%), enhancement (36%) and to renewal efficiency and quality of services in several member states. Also, the Commission 5%) appear to be roughly equal in 2012 (slightly less so in 2011, where renewals reachedadopted a detailed report on the railway sector – the Rail Market Monitoring Survey – RMMS – which reviews every component of %). the railway sector. BOX 6 – MAINTENANCE, ENHANCEMENT AND RENEWAL

ere are varying definitions of 'maintenance', 'enhancement' and 'renewal'. However, broadly speaking, hancement' covers general theinvestment extension and of infrastructure instance n the in infrastructure seg- modernisation regards the conventional network, through the sharesfor Czech Republic and Hungary (each received total amount of the grants of maintenance (29%), improvement (36%) 'renewal' around EUR 2 Billion) and as a result, the w technologiesment, (e.g.the ERTMS, replacing level the crossings with underpasses or overpasses), state allocated to railway and renewal (35%) are almost equal in 2012, railway projects selected for financing perers the replacement of assets puttinginfrastructure the infrastructure back in the condition of when it was new (e.g. managers variesoraccording to the different little less equal in 2011 to when renewals tainedthe to the above mentioned countries, lacing sleepers, ballast rails, renewing a bridge) and anda'maintenance' refers actions that ensure fromthe which it could be estimated reached 39%. tamping, pruning trees and shrubs except at for Hungary. In the same period, ctioning sources and extend life time of existing assets (e.g. grinding, and the gaps existing in the given series, The value of railway infrastructure projects “member states such as Denmark, Sweden track side).


but, in general, it ranges between EUR 18- financed from EU funds TEN-T Great Britain financing Most(either of the funding of rail and projects between 2007did andnot 2012receive took place through the structu and cohesion fundswas (17 billion The major recipients have been Italy, Poland, Spain 21 Billion (in 2012). Only 7 member states funds or structural or cohesion funds) for EUR). their projects”. Czech Republic and Hungary (alland in the range of 2 billion EUR or more). nally, railway-related financed TEN-T or structural (AT, CZ, EE, FI, projects GR, LV and PL) haveby notEUoffunds, EUR 22either Billionunder (in 2007-2013), approx. Repertition of EU structural funds for concluded multiannual contracts with22 their EUR 3 Billion/year is around 2% of hesion funds, have amounted to some billion EUR through which the period 2007-2013, hence selected rail projects (2007-2012) infrastructure managers, contracts cover- the EU’s annual budget. The total financing me 3 billion EUR/year, representing some 2% of the EU annual budget. ing the equivalent of 73% of the entire EU granted by EU for railway infrastructure in railway infrastructure and have an average the TEN-T programme (for 2007-2013) was duration of 5 years. regards performance of EUR 4.4 Billion (including2007-2013 ERTMS), cor-framework e total EU funding for As railway infrastructure under the TEN-T “thebytrain as perresponding to 65% of the total TEN-T ogrammeindicators, allocated thespeed end isofused 2013 reached some 4.4 billion EUR for funds rail (including formance stimulator in many countries from allocated by the end of 2013. Of all member RTMS), corresponding to 65% of all TEN-T funds allocated by the end of 2013. Central and South-Eastern Europe, while states, 8 attracted 87% of the total TEN-T 8 Member ates (IT,many FR, congested DE, AT,networks ES, SE, BECountries, and DK) financing attracted(IT, 87% funding for rail (Low FR, of DE,all AT,TEN-T ES, SE, BE and Germany and Belgium) use punctuality or DK), while the remaining 19 countries abring the period 2007-2013, whilst the remaining 19 Member States absorbed 587 million delays as performance indicators”, the report sorbed EUR 587 Million, consequently each UR (hence each of them absorbed less than 110ofmillion EUR). less than EUR 110 Milstates. them absorbed In 2012, investments in the network had a lion, the report explains. Source: European Commission, DG REGIO value–ofAllocated around EURTEN-T 29 Billion in the conIn 2007-2012, the largest of project Graph 24a funding for rail per Member Stateshare by the end of 2013 ventional network (7% more than in 2011) financing was granted through the structural Source: European Commission, DG REGIO and around EUR 34.5 Billion in the entire and cohesion funds (EUR 17 Billion), the a result, for the period 2007-2012, rail projects selected for EU funding were concentra network (including high-speed railways). As main beneficiaries being As Italy, Poland, Spain, in Italy, Spain, Poland and the Czech Republic. Отчёт ЕК: Member States like Denmark, Sweden an Allocated TEN-T funding for rail per Member State by the end of 2013largely aside of project funding. UK remained

В период 2007-2013 гг.,

проекты Graph 24c – Earmarked EU funding forжелезнодорожной selected rail and ERTMS projects, 2007-20 (million EUR) инфраструктуры, которые финансировались ЕС, составили 22 млрд. евро

Source: Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA)

В июне месяце Комиссия одобрила подробный отчёт о состоянии железнодорожного сектора — Обзор и мониторинг железнодорожного рынка (Rail Market Monitoring Survey - RMMS), в котором анализируется каждая составляющая железнодорожного сектора. Стоимость проектов железнодорожной Source: Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA), European Commission, DG REGIO инфраструктуры, финансируемых из 3.4. Developments as regards фондовprices ЕС (либо из фондов TEN-T, структурных фондов и фондов единства), Nominal prices for railway services have increased by 4% in 2012 compared to 2011, b составила 22 млрд. (в период 2007on the harmonised consumer price index (HCPI)евро – which includes urban transport. M 2013 гг.), то есть примерно 3 млрд евроthe increase rea increases took place in Central and South-Eastern Europe (in Slovakia, что составляет 35%). In Sweden, prices haveв год, decreased by 1%. около 2% годового бюджета ЕС. August 2014 | www.railwaypro.com


Romania wants to reallocate European funds for railway infrastructure to other transport segments [ by Pamela Luică ]

Three memorandums on accelerating the absorption of European transport funds were elaborated in March and then approved by the Romanian Government. All transport modes are analysed in these documents, but road transport is detailed, while railway, waterborne and air transport are analysed in a single document. Although the authorities believe it is necessary to develop a sustainable transport system, these memorandums prove the high interest paid to road transport against railway and waterborne transport.


ithin the Operational Programme Large Infrastructure (POIM) 2014-2020, the financial grant for Romania, including the performance reserve, amounts to EUR 9.4 Billion, of which EUR 2.84 Billion come from ERDF and EUR 6.93 Billion through the Cohesion Funds. “By approaching transport infrastructure projects, POIM contributes to meeting the intelligent, sustainable and inclusion-favourable growth objectives while promoting territorial cohesion”, POIM shows. However, with the three documents, the Romanian authorities pay special attention to the road sector against railway and waterborne transport regarding both the way in which topics are dealt with and the solutions provided for using European funds. “The budget allocated to SOP-T in the period 2007-2013 was of EUR 4.288 Billion of which around EUR 1.351 Billion were absorbed. By 31 December 2015, around EUR 2.937 Billion has to be absorbed through SOP Transport. In order to absorb this amount, it is necessary to elaborate a national strategy on the absorption of all transport modes so that an absorption percentage from structural funds that could exceed 90% of the budget allocated to Romania at the end of the programming period would be ensured”, the document states. For the absorption of funds by each mode of transport, the authorities have mentioned a series of solutions; if for the road sector in order to avoid money not being spent, it is necessary to identify an alternative absorption solution (reserve projects) for the railway and waterborne sector and the authorities propose the relocation of funds. Thus, for the railway sector, for the rehabilitation of the railway infrastructure

on the TEN-T corridor Curtici –Braşov SA will absorb EUR 959.47 Million by 31 – Constanţa – Cohesion Fund financing, December, but considering all the risks in SOPT – FC 2013, the funds allocated the public procurement phase and the imamount to EUR 1.158 Billion, an amount plementation of EUR 288.37 Million in that has to be attracted by 31 December the most pessimistic scenario, CFR SA will 2015 by CFR SA. By 31 December 2012, not be able to fully cover the absorption EUR 278.8 Million were attracted (reim- necessary of EUR 880 Million, the remainbursed by EC) which is an absorption level ing difference amounting to EUR 208.98 of 24% of the total allocated budget. “Con- Million sequently, in 2014 and 2015 respectively, Consequently, the authorities propose a in order to avoid losing the non-reimburs- solution to solve the problem: “the soluable EU funds, by 31 December 2015 Ro- tion proposed for avoiding the non-abmania will have to attract EUR 880 Million sorption risk consists in changing the KIA through the financing programme SOPT – 1.2 eligibility area by amending the SOP FC 2007-2013”, the document states. Transport document and the introduction CFR will be able to cover EUR 447.85 of METROREX as eligible beneficiary”; Million from the projects/work contracts because “METROREX projects present currently in progress (signed contracts); it very low risks as work contracts are already will also cover EUR 452,67 Million from in progress with state budget funds, while the projects in the public procurement rolling stock procurement contracts have phase (contracts to be signed), while new rapid implementation rate”, the document projects (in preparation) to be submit- states. ted to MA SOP-T 2007-2013 by CFR SA Thus, “the EUR 208.9 Million amount amount to EUR 58.9 Million. which cannot be covered by CFR SA will Risks are presented for each of the three be covered through the projects proposed “directions”, general risks, but also poten- by Metrorex which will be also to attract 1. risks. Managementul de proiect Эinte contractare/plată tial/real In the risk-free ciclului scenario, CFR EUR -267 Million by 31 December 2015,

25 Source: Mai, Timisoara www.fonduri-ue.ro Mobilitate în România. Conexiuni cu Europa.

www.railwaypro.com | August 2014



1. Managementul ciclului de proiect -Эinte contractare/plată modes for the development of projects and absorption of funds, through this memorandum, the authorities supply extremely varied solutions which discriminate railway transport.

Румыния намеревается перераспределить финансовые средства, предназначенные для железнодорожной инфраструктуры, к другим сегментам транспорта

Source: www.fonduri-ue.ro

25 Mai, Timisoara

the non-absorption risk thus reducing by almost 100%”, is one of the conclusions of the document. Although in the national documents and strategies, the authorities are also mentioning-only on paper-the importance of railway transport for economic development and the integration in the European space and market, this document proves once again that railway transport is not on their “priority list”. In exchange, although the road transport has absorbed 35.60% of European funds (a percentage which is not much more than railway transport – 24%), the authorities’ solution for the total absorption of funds is

not their redistribution, but the launch of new projects on the construction of highways. Moreover, considering the risks that will lead to the extension of the deadline for the execution of highways until 31 December 2015 and automatically to the nonabsorption of SOP-T 2007-2013 funds, the authorities want to identify a solution for extending the finalisation period beyond 2015. If the only solution for railway and naval transport for the resolution of problems is the relocation of funds to other segments, methods of encouraging the absorption of funds are presented for road transport. Although delays are recorded for all transport Mobilitate în România. Conexiuni cu Europa.

Три меморандума об ускоренном поглощении европейских фондов в области транспорта были разработаны в марте и затем утверждены Правительством Румынии. В этих документах анализируются все виды транспорта, но автомобильный транспорт рассматривается детально, в то время, как железнодорожный, водный и воздушный транспорт анализируются в одном документе. Хотя власти считают, что необходимо разработать устойчивую транспортную систему, эти меморандумы свидетельствуют о высоком интересе к автомобильному транспорту в ущерб железнодорожному и водному транспорту.

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Romania has to create the right premises for railway transport development [ by Elena Ilie ]

The Romanian railway specialists have continued last month the analysis of the Memorandum on “Measures to improve the efficiency of the Romanian railway sector necessary to approve the General Transport Master Plan of Romania”, adopted at the beginning of June by the Romanian Government. As established before, the analysed document relies exclusively on the information and proposals supplied by AECOM within the consultancy contract on the elaboration of the General Transport Master Plan of Romania (MPGT). The document recommends, among others, concentration on a more limited railway network, more precisely the reduction of the national network by 4,000 km. Railway specialists have underlined that the solution of reducing the national railway network by around 4,000 km would not be economically sustainable or efficient.


he fourth and last reunion on this topic has been oriented towards defining the principles on which the Report to be submitted to the public authorities in Romania and in the European Union on the role of railways in the modern society and the responsibility of public authorities relies. Analysing other aspects of the Government Memorandum completing those related to the network dimension and the possibility to reduce it, the participants have talked about the role and objective of establishing the “Railway Reform Authority”, the role of the rolling stock leasing company as the tendering of public service obligations. Participants in the debate have mentioned that the Railway Reform Authority should have the role of a railway Regulatory Body and to follow the implementation of efficient practices for the evolution of the railway system, to supervise the good operation of railway transport and to have clear attributions about the allocation of capaci-

ties on the national railway infrastructure network. The role of the rolling stock leasing company is very important in the acquisition, maintenance and leasing of rolling stock by operators. That is why, as approved by the Romanian Government, this company should be a freestanding structure instead of being subordinated to the Railway Reform Authority. The Memorandum approved by the Government considers the annulment or the transfer of transport volumes from the mandatory public services contracts from the secondary networks to Romania’s main network. It is thus intended to focus the activity on the network providing connectivity between the country’s large urban centres and to ignore the mobility need of the people living in rural areas or small towns served exclusively by the secondary network. This measure ignore the need to participate to the social, economic and cul-

Passenger rail modal share 1995-2011 (% of pkm of all modes)

Source: European Commission

Source: Eurostat – Annex 3 of Staff Working Document SWD(2014) 186 – Data for 2012 is not yet available www.railwaypro.com | August 2014

Since 1995, rail travel has grown most compared to other modes in the United Kingdom

tural life of some taxpayers who live in areas characterised through a much lower level of revenues than in the case of the citizens living on the route of the main network. To organise the tenders of the public services obligations, the participants have recalled that it takes a long procedure in tight connection with the decision of the abovementioned bodies. The correct implementation of Regulation 1370/2007 does not impose the organisation of tenders on the entire network. These, and other arguments too, are the foundation of a debate about the role and content of these contracts and the attribution method. According to those present in the debate, the entire railway transport system has not been sufficiently analysed when drafting the Memorandum, moreover it is even wrongly considered that the Romanian railway transport is in decline, AECOM pointing out that this phenomenon was irreversible. The European Union policy recommends “preserving a dense railway network in all member states. By 2050, most mediumdistance passenger transport should be done by railways”. Starting from these aspects, railway specialists recommend re-analysing the situation of the freight and passenger railway transport using current data. Participants in the debate on the Governmental Memorandum have underlined the importance of increasing railway investments and have expressed their availability towards an open dialogue with competent authorities and decision and political factors to bring to their attention a series of advantages of railway transport. These advantages, as railway specialists believe, could be used in elaborating a real development strategy of railway transport for 2020, 2030 and 2050. Consequently, they have proposed several significant directions to be included in the General Transport Mas-

experienced robust growth (6-8% growth). After years of decreasing rail traffic, Lithuania and Italy have been able to revert to growth. The decline of railways in several Member States of South-East Europe resulted from budget restrictions on public service compensations (-38% in Croatia and Greece).



Recent evolution of domestic rail passenger-km 2010-2012 (% variation)

be done in terms of efficiency and service quality in several Member States”. Since 1995, rail travel has grown most compared to other modes in the United Kingdom (+70%), Sweden (+42%), France (+37%) and Belgium (+26%). On the other hand, it has decreased by more than 60% in Greece, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Estonia and Lithuania (-90%), shows the report of the European Commission. Domestic rail passenger services, which represented 94% of all passenger traffic in 2011, has grown most in Denmark (+15%), Lithuania (+12%), Luxembourg and UK Source: European Commission Source: Eurostat, Member States’ RMMS questionnaires (+9%) since 2010. Member States like Auster Plan: Moreover, no large company will invest tria, Italy and Czech Republic, where there The domestic rail passenger market is in evolving in several Member There are is now competition on domestic long-dis• aEuropean vision for a competitive and sustainthese areas if it does not States. have the infranow one or more new entrant unaffiliated railway undertakings competing the long tance lines, have also experienced robust able transport system is necessary structure needed for mobility,onespecially distance Naples-Rome-Milan/Venice/Turin and Prague-Ostrava lines. In the growth (6-8% growth). After years of de• it is Vienna-Salzburg, necessary to increase investments railways. Rome-Milan route, the transport share of rail has grown from 36% to in 2008 to 66% 2012. In creasing rail traffic, Lithuania and Italy have and to support sustainable mobility, while • it is necessary optimise theinperformthese lines, undertakings experienced an increase of traffic reaching theincumbent objectiverailway of reducing pollutinghaveance of multimodal logistics chains(+10% for been able to revert to growth. The decline the Italian incumbent). emissions by 60% until 2050 FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382a “Europeans’ satisfaction with rail services”of railways in several Member States of • railway transport itself is an important Railway transport performance are im- South-East Europe resulted from budget reInternational rail services, 6% of rail passenger traffic in 201215 , have strictions on public service compensations branch of national economywhich represented plicitly related to the infrastructure condicontinued their railway growth network (+25% inisthe period growing and some 2% in 2011 and • an efficient needed to 2004-2011) tion. Theby specialists actors involved in (-38% in Croatia and Greece). The assessRespondents are most to live and between toRomanian 30 minutes from rail grown station in the some 13% 2012. Between 2010 2012,10 international rail trafficasector has most increase theinvolume of likely carried freight and the railway support thein ment of this report confirms the analysis Czech Republic (60%),notably Poland to (57%) and France (56%). Respondents least likely to Finland (+42%) thanks the introduction of high-speed servicesare between Helsinki the number of passengers compliance with European railway transmade by the Commission when submitting live this distance from a has trainbeen station in Greece (36%), Central and Latvia (43%).and Even in and Growth impressive in policies several and Eastern European • aSt-Petersburg. better integration of multimodal transport which encourage, even the 4th railway package proposals: the level Member States alsofew in respondents Germany (+23%), France (+20%) most andlatest Italy (+13%), where 30 the of satisfaction with railway services leaves countries where very use trains regularly, of them live legislative within port networks isand needed oblige through the adopted new Thello has openedthe night services between Paris and Venice. High-speed • itentrant is necessary increase allocation packages, massive investments in theservices deve- great room for improvement, many highminutes of a trainto station. across thededicated Channel have continuedrailway to growin(+5%lopment of international railnetworks. traffic in the UK). of funds to complete of railway speed infrastructures are under-used (and The majority of respondents in all Member States live thirty minutes or less from a rail frastructure maintenance their usage could be increased thanks to • it must takenis into the countries To support those mentioned above, it is open access) and it is necessary to ensure station, butbethere also account variationthat between in the proportion of respondents measure reducing30theminutes length of very important to are say most that the European the efficiency of the important amounts of who liveofbetween to the an railhour away. Respondents likely to live way network meantoisolating Romanian report on railway public funds devoted to rail (some EUR 36 between 30 will minutes an hour away from Commission’s a rail station bi-annual in Lithuania (23%), Latvia regions and a category of people for whom transport, which shows that “while it is un- Billion for infrastructure grants and public (22%) and Ireland (20%). Respondents are most likely to live more than one hour away rail transport is the main transport mode. deniable that rail is growing, more can still service obligations) to ensure the sector’s from a rail station in Latvia (14%), Slovenia (13%) and Greece (12%). long-term viability in a context of conHow long does or would it take you to get to strained public budgets. the nearest railway station or stop from your home? 14 15

Italian data, as provided in January 2014 by Italian authorities – includes international traffic. This estimation was made by using a mix of Eurostat and RMMS statistics (completing gaps in Eurostat series)


Source: European Commission - Flash Eurobarometer 382a Base: all respondents except MT and CY (n= 26034)

Румыния нуждается в создании условий для развития железнодорожного транспорта Специалисты железнодорожной отрасли Румынии, наряду с профильными ведомствами, в прошлом месяце продолжали работать над анализом Меморандума «О мероприятиях по повышению эффективности румынского железнодорожного сектора Румынии, необходимых для утверждения Общего Мастер-Плана по транспорту Румынии», который был принят Правительством Румынии в начале июня месяца. По мнению присутствующих на дебатах, вся система железнодорожного транспорта не была достаточно проанализирована при разработке Меморандума. Более того, даже неверным образом считается, что данная система идет на спад в Румынии, и это указывается как необратимое явление. На основе этих причин, специалисты железнодорожной отрасли рекомендуют пересмотреть ситуацию железнодорожных грузовых и пассажирских перевозок с использованием фактических данных. August 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

Market development & technologies 42 products

Six non-EU countries can access the “Horizon 2020” financing [ by Pamela Luică ]

Five countries from Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia) and the Republic of Moldova have secured access to the “Horizon 2020” European programme. On 1 July 2014, all 6 countries signed association agreements with the authorities in Brussels, in the presence of Robert-Jan Smits, General Director, DG Research and Innovation, EC. They have the cooperation experience in EU research and innovation (through FP7) and plan to become more involved in the Horizon 2020. Researchers, businessmen and partners from this countries are well integrated into the research projects and networks of the EU and regional cooperation opportunities will increase if all countries associate. In order to obtain a larger share in the Horizon 2020 Programme, countries will have to rely on their experience (by participating in FP7) and to consolidate the national research and innovation capacities.

The agreements signed are beneficial actively as of 1 January 2014, will allow the plementing projects and they will not have for each of the countries involved, 6 countries to benefit from the financing problems in accessing the funds. It is very but also for the European Union. opportunities provided within Horizon important for Montenegro, but also for the Increasing cooperation in research and in- 2020. development of the EU strategy ‘Europe Box 2: Long-term global trends “Horizon in research andfortechnological novation will create new growth opportu2020 isspending very important the 2020’ whichperformance defines the scientific developnities, competitiveness and jobs. The asso- Serbian scientists, as well as for the busi- ment as priority for economic growth”, the ciation within Horizon 2020 will facilitate ness environment and other organisations minister said. Emerging economies are growing at acan rapid and will soon transform the global landscape for research an the mobility of scientists, will consolidate which enterpace this programme. I hope the national research systems and will sup- Serbia will become an important partner First billion Euros allocated 2FCȩȏESPCȩMLȩRFCȩJCȓȩGLȩRFGQȩ@MVȩQFMUQȩRFCȩNMRCLRG?JȩRPCLBQȩGLȩ0ȩ ȩ"ȩQNCLBGLE ȩ3LBCPȩAMLQCPT?RGTCȩ?QQSKNRGML port these countries in their in their inte- of this programme and will have advantag- to projects 1 ), the emerging economies China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia and Turkey) co and R &inDthe spending gration process European( Research es created by projects (Brazil, and funds”, declared the Geoghegan-Quinn, same volume of RSrdjan & D as the Serbian G7 countries by 2020, already be Area”, investing declared Máire Verbić, Ministerby of 2050 Educa- and,Horizon 2020they is thecould new programme for investin European for Research, innovation of the EU which the Commissioner EU. This expansion of RIn& D tion. spending by the emerging countries research should and inevitably lead to their producing m novation and Science. To access Horizon 2020, the Mon- received a budget of EUR 80 Billion by GLȩRFCȩAMKGLEȩBCA?BCQ ȩ QȩQCCLȩGLȩRFCȩȏESPCȩMLȩRFCȩPGEFRȩGLȩRFGQȩ@MV ȩUFCPC?QȩRFCȩ% ȩASPPCLRJWȩ?AAMSLRȩDMPȩ ȩϤ Although the participation of SMEs is tenegrin Cabinet approved in June the in- 2020. The first demands for projects instill limited, number of undertakings ternational thecountries, implicationby cluded theG7 programme were published patenttheapplications compared with only 8agreement % for theonE7 2050,inthe share could have diminishe involved in activities is increasing considin the “Horizon 2020” programme. Minisin December 2013. UGRFȩRFCȩ# ȩAMSLRPGCQȩ?RȩLC?PJWȩRFCȩQ?KCȩJCTCJȩ ȩϤ

ering the programme’s focus on the entire ter of Science Sanja Vlahović declared that On 9 July, the research partners beinnovation chain. “scientists and researchers will be able to tween EU, the private sector and memAssociation agreements, applying access the bershares states presented the first demands Long-term trends in R &retroD spending —‘Horizon 2020’ financing for imWorld of PCT patents (2) — of projectseconomies, and partners within the Horizon emerging G7 countries, emerging G7 countries, EU-27 Long-term trendseconomies, in R & D spending - emerging EU-27 economies, G7 countries, EU‑27 2020 programme. With a total amount of EUR 1.13 Billion of public funds, plus a similar amount from private partners, the first financing round will be dedicated to projects aimed at improving people’s life and stimulating the international competitiveness of the European industry. “Our commitment is that the EU budget should focus first of all on economic recovery and partnerships go in this direction; the first demands for proposals amount to EUR 1.1 Billion, plus a similar amount from private partnerships within a package worth EUR 22 Billion aimed to improve people’ lives and to stimulate the international competitiveness of the European industry. They will continue to produce results that no country, no undertaking and notDirectorate-General even the EuropeanforUnion itselfand could Source: Research Innovation. by themselves”, Data: obtain OECD patent database. declared EC President José Manuel Barroso. Source: European Commission Source: Directorate-General for Research and Innovation. of GDP growth, the OECD, World Bank.

www.railwaypro.com 2014 Data: HSBC| August estimates

, , # 6 ČŠ ČŠ # 3 ČŠ 1 2 ČŠ . # 0 $ - 0 + , ! # ČŠ , " ČŠ ' , 4 # 1 2 + # , 2

products & technologies 43

Figure A3.4: Innovation performance of EU Member States

Innovation performance of EU Member States

Five Innovation Programmes address:


Source: European Commission Source: Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, Innovation Union Scoreboard 2010. NB: Average performance is measured using a composite indicator building on data for 24 indicators going from a lowest possible performance of 0 to a K?VGKSKČŠNMQQG@JCČŠNCPDMPK?LACČŠMDČŠ ČŠ TCP?ECČŠNCPDMPK?LACČŠGLČŠ ČŠPCČ?CARQČŠNCPDMPK?LACČŠGLČŠ ČŠBSCČŠRMČŠ?ČŠJ?EČŠGLČŠB?R?ČŠ?T?GJ?@GJGRW ČŠ2FCČŠNCPDMPK?LACČŠMDČŠ Innovation leaders is 20 % or more above that of the EU-27; of Innovation followers, it is less than 20 % above but more than 10 % below that of the EU-27; of Moderate innovators, it is less than 10 % below but more than 50 % below that of the EU-27; and, for Modest innovators, it is below 50 % that of the EU-27.

The launch of the first demands occurs almost a year after the European Commission presented the “Package regarding innovation a set( of to 0.2 % of investments�, the total GDP in Europe ). Inproposals contrast, these revenues more than seven double and triple in which aims were at creating public-priJapanpartnerships and the United States. this gap has vate and Moreover, four public-private widened considerably during thebe pastcarried decade. out in partnerships. They will several key areas such as medicines, transGlobally, the EU is failing to close the innovation port, electronics, bioeconomy, and have a performance gap with its main international comtotal cost of over EUR 22 Billion. petitors: Japan and the United States. Although the The inseven public-private partnerships trends most EU Member States are promising that were represent a total despite thelaunched economic crisis, progress is notinvestfast ment ofWhile EURthe19.5 Billion in research and enough. EU still maintains a clear lead innovation stretching over the and nextRussia, seven over the emerging economies of India Brazil isEU’s makingcontribution steady progress, and catchyears. to China thisisbudget, ing up rapidly. Within the EU,will Sweden is the most worth EUR 7.3 Billion allow unblockimpressive performerof followed Denmark, Finland ing investments EUR by 12.2 Billion from 19


and Germany. The United Kingdom, Belgium, Austria,

the private sector and member states. Together with other four public-private partnerships with member states, they form the “Package innovation investmentsâ€?. population, which on points to good linkages between theInscience and businesses. All Europe’s most the the base railway transport segment, innovative countries also excel in theInitiative commercialisaShift2Rail Technological has a tion of their measured budget oftechnological EUR 920knowledge, Millionasfor the next by their performance terms 450 of license and patent 7 years of whichinEUR Million will be revenues from abroad. allocated to the EU and EUR 470 Million will come from the railway industry part&VSPQF BMTP OFFET UP SBJTF TDJFOUJҨD RVBMJUZ ČŽ ners involved in developing the initiative. This new public-private partnership sets 5FGJCČŠ ȊϤȊMDČŠ31ČŠQAGCLRGČ?AČŠNS@JGA?RGMLQČŠ?PCČŠ?KMLEČŠRFCČŠ new measures for significantly improving top 10 % most cited publications worldwide, only 11 % theEUefficiency andintoquality of railway servof publications fall this category. Meanwhile, HOWin theTO APPLY China hadEurope 7 % of itsby publications top ranking in ices in accelerating the develop2007, with just under 5 % in 2000 ( ). mentcompared of solutions. The initiative will bring together the re20


Ireland, Luxembourg, France, Cyprus, Slovenia most active research universities in the world 45 % HORIZON current prices 2013)). But and Estonia, in that2020 order,Joint form Budget the next group (in to ?PCȊGLȊ#SPMNCȊ?LBȊ ȊϤȊGLȊRFCȊ3LGRCBȊ1R?RCQȊ SHIFT²RAIL: the Undertaking Build 21


All the innovation leaders have higher than aver-

located in the United States.

“ New technologies can do much to help modernise Europe’s railways, while also reducing age public-private co-publications per million of operational and infrastructure costs and creating new business opportunities for the European rail supply industry. â€? 20. Source: Science-Metrix, Scopus (Elsevier). 19. Source: Eurostat. 21. According to the latest edition of the Shanghai Ranking. Proposal for a Council Regulation establishing the SHIFT²RAIL Joint Undertaking, 16 December 2013

:/0-;Ăľ9(03 PZ [OL Ă„YZ[ ,\YVWLHU PUP[PH[P]L [V KLSP]LY MVJ\ZLK 9LZLHYJO 0UUV]H[PVU 9 0 HUK THYRL[ KYP]LU ZVS\[PVUZ I` HJJLSLYH[PUN [OL PU[LNYH[PVU VM UL^ HUK HK]HUJLK [LJOUVSVNPLZ PU[V PUUV]H[P]L YHPS WYVK\J[ ZVS\[PVUZ TLL[PUN RL` VIQLJ[P]LZ VM [OL ,< :[YH[LN` HUK [OL ,< ;YHUZWVY[ WVSPJ` SHIFT²RAIL is an unprecedented joint effort of all the stakeholders of the European rail sector to invest together in research and innovation in order to :


Participant Portal 1. CAPACITY http://bit.ly/H2020PP ,UOHUJPUN [OL JHWHJP[` VM [OL






Learn more about Horizon 2020 Source: Overview of Shift Rail AND ON ALL SEGMENTS OF THE RAIL MARKET http://ec.europa.eu/horizon2020 2

National contact Points (NCPs):

sources and the expertise of main actors for increasing the reliability and punctuality of railway services by over 50% by doubling capacity and reducing congestion and carbon dioxide in order to reduce infrastructure and rolling stock costs by 50%. Three precursor topics were already launched under Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2014 for a value of EUR 52 Million, covering intelligent infrastructure and mobility management, smart rail services and new generation of rail vehicles. The management of these projects will be transferred to Shift2Rail. A call for Associated Members to the Joint Undertaking will be launched within the next three months to identify the core partners who will work hand in hand with the Commission to make sure Europe can get more passengers and freight onto its railways, and the first calls for activities will follow in 2015. “Rail needs to innovate. With Shift2Rail, the Commission is more than tripling its financing for rail research and innovation, Why launch such a larg which, combined with private funding, will represent a unique opportunity to ;OL JVTWHUPLZ Z\WWVY[PUN :/0-;Ăľ9 ^HZ UV[ HU VW[PVU .SVIHS SLHKLYZO develop strategic technologies and soluPUK\Z[Y` QVPUZ MVYJLZ [V KL]LSVW PUUV] tionsâ€?, declared Vice-President Siim KaZ\JJLZZ VM [OL YHPS ZLJ[VY PU ,< M\U llas, EU commissioner for mobility and OLSW TLL[ [OL HTIP[PV\Z [HYNL[Z VM , transport. VM ,< PUK\Z[YPHS YLZLHYJO JVVWLYH[PV



(Z HSYLHK` TLU[PVULK PU [OL ,\YVWL Đ&#x;Ń?Ń‚ŃŒ ĐłĐžŃ ŃƒĐ´Đ°Ń€Ń Ń‚в на Đ—ападнŃ‹Ń… Đ‘аНканаŃ… HKKYLZZ! (Đ?НйаниŃ?, Đ‘ĐžŃ Đ˝Đ¸Ń? и ГорцогОвина, ĐœакодОниŃ?, ЧоŃ€нОгОŃ€иŃ? и ХорйиŃ?) и Đ ĐľŃ ĐżŃƒйНика ĐœОНдОва ĐžĐąĐľŃ ĐżĐľŃ‡иНи IP1 – COST-E Ń ĐľĐąĐľ Đ´ĐžŃ Ń‚ŃƒĐż Đş овŃ€ĐžĐżĐľĐšŃ ĐşĐžĐš прОгŃ€аППо *VTWYLOLUZP] ГОриСОнŃ‚ 2020Âť. Đ’Ń Đľ 6 Ń Ń‚Ń€Đ°Đ˝ VYKLY [V IVVZ[ ĐżĐžĐ´ĐżĐ¸Ń Đ°ĐťĐ¸ (1 иŃŽĐťŃ? 2014 гОда) Ń ĐžĐłĐťĐ°ŃˆониŃ? Ой Đ°Ń Ń ĐžŃ†иации Ń Đ˛ĐťĐ°Ń Ń‚Ń?Пи в Đ‘Ń€ŃŽŃ Ń ĐľĐťĐľ, наŃ€Ń?Đ´Ńƒ Ń ĐłĐľĐ˝ĐľŃ€Đ°ĐťŃŒĐ˝Ń‹Đź диŃ€октОрОП пО Đ˜Ń Ń ĐťĐľĐ´ĐžĐ˛Đ°Đ˝Đ¸Ń?Đź и иннОвациŃ?Đź в Đ•Đš IP2 – ADVANC РОйортОП-ĐŻĐ˝ ХПиŃ‚Ń ĐžĐź. ĐŁ ниŃ… иПооŃ‚Ń Ń? )\PSKPUN VU L_P ОпŃ‹Ń‚ Ń ĐžŃ‚Ń€ŃƒдниŃ‡ĐľŃ Ń‚ва Ń Đ•ĐĄ в Ń Ń„ĐľŃ€Đľ PUJS\KPUN \YIHU Đ¸Ń Ń ĐťĐľĐ´ĐžĐ˛Đ°Đ˝Đ¸Đš и иннОвациК (чороС FP7), ,9;4: [LJOUV и Они наПоŃ€оваŃŽŃ‚Ń Ń? приниПаŃ‚ŃŒ йОНоо активнОо ŃƒŃ‡Đ°Ń Ń‚ио в прОгŃ€аППо ГОриСОнŃ‚ 2020Âť.


6MMLYZ H JVTW August 2014 | www.railwaypro.com HUK LMĂ„JPLUJ` V


Beljakovce – Kriva Palanka – Bulgarian border section will increase trade in the region

[ by Elena Ilie ]

The construction of the Kumanovo-Beljakovce railway section was initiated this year as part of a section connecting the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to Bulgaria. The two countries are not presently connected by railways. Transport analysts expect increases of railway transport demand in the near future, for passengers, but especially for freight. Thus, the new section between the two countries has strategic importance, especially since it would be part of the pan-European Corridor VIII. Moreover, after completion, a railway linking the two capitals, Sofia and Skopje, would increase trade in the region.


Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister of FYR Macedonia, said that three rail stations would be built according to the modernisation project of the first section, as well as several underground and overground passageways and protecting fences. New signalling systems will be installed and the existing bridges will also be upgraded. Moreover, a new bridge will be built across Pcinja River, located on this first section. Deputy Prime Minister Zoran Stavreski also stressed that initially the entire Kumanovo – Beljakovce - Kriva Palanka section will provide a railway connection with Bulgaria and in the future it will facilitate the access to Varna Port for both interested companies and passengers, while ensuring a series of transport cost cuts, as well as a significant stimulus for trade with Bulgaria. Works to the two sections could be finalized by 2022. Mile Janakievski, Transport Minister of FYR Macedonia, has underlined that the entire section will be built in conformity with European standards. Also, according

Photo: wikimedia.org

n March, the railway administration of FYR Macedonia launched the modernisation of the Kumanovo – Beljakovce railway, 30.8 km, located in the east of the pan-European Corridor VIII. This project amounts costs of EUR 50 Million, funds being provided by EBRD. Works are expected to end in 2016. The entire section, up to the border with Bulgaria, is 88-m long and works divide into three sections, Kumanovo – Beljakovce being the first section, followed by Beljakovce - Kriva Palanka and Kriva Palanka - Deve Bair sections, at the Bulgarian border. The costs of works for the second section, Beljakovce - Kriva Palanka, were estimated at EUR 145 Million, also backed by an EBRD loan. The third and most expensive section will receive EBRD and EIB funds and possibly also ISPA funds. According to Deputy Prime Minister Zoran Stavreski, the financial plan for the entire project including the three sections amounts to EUR 600 Million.

www.railwaypro.com | August 2014

to an analysis presented by Minister Janakievski, the section to Bulgaria will also help increase the number of passengers, but most importantly, it will help boost the volume of carried freight from the present 67,000 tonnes to 1.7 million tonnes between FYR Macedonia and Bulgaria in the future. In the European and trans-continental framework, Corridor VIII will play an important role for the consolidation of transport connections between South Europe, North Africa, the Basin of the Caspian Sea, Central Asia, Russia and Ukraine. Its strategic perspective consists in creating connections between important maritime ports such as Varna, Burgas, Poti, Batumi, Novorossijsk, Ilichevsk and Odessa to the Black Sea on the one hand, and between the ports of Durres and Vlore to the Adriatic Sea, the latter being a connection which facilitates the development opportunities of the markets in Central Asia, Russia and Ukraine.

Отсек Беляковце - Крива Паланка: граница с Болгарией повысит объем торговли в регионе В этом году быдо запущено строительство железнодорожного участка КумановоБеляковце. Это часть отсека, обеспечивающего связь между бывшей Югославской республикой Македония и Болгарией. Эти две страны в настоящее время не связаны между собой железнодорожным транспортом. Аналитики транспортной отрасли прогнозируют повышение спроса на железнодорожные перевозки в ближайшем будущем, как на пассажирские, так и на грузовые перевозки, и таким образом новый железнодорожный участок между двумя странами имеет стратегическое значение, особенно потому, что от будет являться частью Общеевропейского Коридора VIII. Кроме того, после его завершения, железная дорога между двумя столицами, София и Скопье, приведет к увеличению торговых связей в регионе.

Market development & technologies 46 products

Opening of the new forging unit for Vossloh Cogifer Kihn [ by Pamela Luică ]

Vossloh Cogifer inaugurated, on May 21st 2014, its new forging unit for manufacturing forged tongues on the Vossloh Cogifer Kihn industrial site in Luxembourg. Vossloh Cogifer Management attended the opening and welcomed their major customers and partners.


n both, conventional and very highspeed rail applications, the forged tongue is a key component of track points and crossings. The profile of the switch rail is different from that of the connecting rail, which has a running profile. Forging is performed at the heel of the switch rail, enabling the intermediate railway to be welded to the adjacent rail. Founded in 1893, the Luxembourg subsidiary of Vossloh Cogifer, Vossloh Cogifer Kihn, has been manufacturing forged tongues for the group, as well as for many national rail networks (DB, RFI, SNCF, etc.) for decades. This is a demanding market, in terms of quality and safety, and Vossloh Cogifer Kihn supplies forged switches - of any standard required - to customers all over the world. With this expertise, in 2007, Vossloh Cogifer contributed to the record-breaking high speed railway journey in which a train on the Paris-Strasbourg (France) line crossed points at a speed of 560 km/hr. “The new unit will come up with innovative solutions and will increase productivity. As part of the project, all safety points have been fitted with automated equipment to increase safety and double production capacity. We already have contracts signed with companies such as DB, Infrabel, SNCF, etc. Also, the forging unit opened in Luxembourg will deliver products to countries in Asia and South Africa. We believe the mar-

ket will develop and we will invest to meet the customers’ needs. The EUR 15 Million investment was allocated by the company and by the whole group and the production volume is double (compared to before modernising and expanding the unit). The machines will work 24/7 and they will only stop 2 weeks per year to perform maintenance”, declared Eric Iung, Managing Director of Vossloh Cogifer-Khin. With industrial investments of EUR 15 Million, Vossloh Cogifer has strengthened its forging expertise with its own centre of excellence in the heart of Europe. In order to meet the growing demand on the market, Vossloh Cogifer today is able to manufacture over 20,000 forged tongues a year. With this increased production capacity, Vossloh Cogifer can provide greater flexibility and respond faster to its customers’ needs. On March 20th 2013, Etienne Schneider, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of the Economy, attended the ceremony in which the first stone of this project was laid. This investment commitment witnesses Luxembourg’s interest in industrial activities with high value added. Fourteen months after the foundation stone ceremony the new 4000 m2 production hall now houses a range of high-tech machinery, delivering on an extremely innovative forging process, including a new 50,000 kN forging press, and a milling ma-

chine with self-adjusting clamps, controlled by a set of automatic conveyors for switches that can be up to 42 m long. As stated by Christophe Louppe, the project manager for this new unit, “The new forging unit brings together all the expertise and industrial excellence of Vossloh Cogifer, in terms of quality, safety and environmental protection.” The site will also sustain employment in a region that has a long tradition of steel and metal-working. “At the heart of the group’s strategy, this Forging Centre of Expertise is one of a number created on the basis of long experience and know-how in specific sites, such as the Reichshoffen Technology Centre (France) and the Outreau Foundry Centre of Expertise (France). All these are aimed at expanding Vossloh Cogifer’s switch technology worldwide” added Didier Mainard, Chief Operating Officer of Vossloh Cogifer.

Photo: Vossloh Cogifer

Было открыто новое производственное подразделение Vossloh Cogifer Kihn

www.railwaypro.com | August 2014

Компания Vossloh Cogifer открыла новое подразделение для производства матриц для болтов стрелочных переводов в промышленном парке Люксембурга, Vossloh Cogifer Kihn. Компания вложила в этот проект 15 миллионов евро. Это касается производства наиболее крупных матриц для болтов стрелочных переводов. Работы по данному проекту стартовали в начале 2013 года, а за 14 месяцев они были завершены. Фактически, производство запустится с сентября месяца.



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Belarus could build high-speed railway [ by Elena Ilie ]

Next to Russia and Kazakhstan, Belarus is member state of the Eurasian Economic Union, the establishment agreement being signed in May 2014 and, at the same time, is founding member of the new joint transport operator, formed together with the same two countries previously mentioned.


he integration of Eurasian efforts is already paying results: despite the slowdown in global growth, trade between the three countries has increased and has reached USD 64.1 Billion. Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan have committed to elaborate a policy for a single transport system, announced Danial Akhmetov, Minister of Infrastructure from within the Eurasian Economic Commission. A single transport policy will extend on the transport services market between the three countries and will involve the development of joint strategies for all transport types and the establishment of international logistics centres, added Danial Akhmetov. Consequently, the necessity of investments in the modernisation or construction of new infrastructure has been often underlined by the authorities in Belarus. At the beginning of August, Yevgeny Rogachev, Deputy Minister within the Ministry of Transport and Communications from Belarus, announced that the ministry was carrying our consultations on building a high-speed railway. “Consultations are also involving partners from Russia”, Deputy Minister Rogachev

adding that a working group has been established including railway infrastructure specialists to analyse the possibilities of building a high-speed railway. According to the Ministry of Transport and Communications, Anatoly Sivak, the analysed route crosses surfaces of greenfield which, at least in the near future, will not be used for different purposes. “In the future, a high-speed railway could be built to connect Moscow and Berlin via Minsk. On the other hand, the proposal to connect the capitals Minsk, Moscow and Astana has been recently mentioned, but its construction will only be possible in the case in which Chinese specialists decide to build a transcontinental railway to Europe and the three capitals to be part of the respective railway”, added minister Sivak. He gave the example of the massive highspeed railway development in China, where trains are always full of passengers. “I cannot say yet if we should build a railway from Brest to Minsk where trains could run at speeds of 300 km/h. This would not be possible for the simple fact that there would not be enough passengers to use this service on a daily basis. Such a project

would require 10 to 20 high-speed trains. In China, for example, high-speed trains connect metropolitan areas and don’t stop in cities with a population under two million people”, added minister Sivak. Until concrete decisions on the possibility of building a high-speed railway in Belarus will be announced, the state continues the strategy on cross-border transport development. Thus, Belarus Railways announced that until the end of the year the company would initiate works to the electrification of the Belarusian section of Minsk-Vilnius railway. The announcement was made by Vladimir Morozov, Head of Belarus Railways. “We will synchronize this project with the Lithuanian side and we will jointly resolve our technical and organisational problems”, said Morozov. By 2015, Belarus and Lithuania plan to reduce the travel time between the two capitals to two hours. The joint project includes the electrification of the Molodechno – Gudogai – state border – Kena – Naujoji Vilnia railway. At present, a train journey between Minsk and Vilnius lasts two and a half hours.

Photo: www.railpictures.net © Yevgeny Gromov

Белоруссия могла бы построить высокоскоростную железнодорожную линию

www.railwaypro.com | August 2014

Наряду с Россией и Казахстаном, Белоруссия является членом Евразийского экономического союза, соглашение о создании которого было подписано в этом году, а также является одним из основателей нового оператора общественного транспорта, в состав которого входят те же два ранее упомянутых государства. Интеграция Евразийских усилий уже принесла результаты: несмотря на глобальный экономический спад, торговый обмен между этими тремя государствами зарегистрировал рост и достиг отметки 64,1 млрд. долларов США.



Kazakhstan develops transport infrastructure in 2014-2020 [ by Elena Ilie ]

Kazakhstan, a founding member of the Eurasian Economic Union, now ranks 88th in World Bank’s Logistics Performance Indicator. However, it is estimated that the comprehensive measures planned for improving transport quality and the removal of technical and administrative barriers will provide Kazakhstan with the opportunity of ranking 40th in the same Logistics Performance Indicator established by the World Bank.

transport infrastructure. The changes scheduled in the railway transport sector focus most probably on completing the logistics hub statute on the Eurasian Platform. Thus, Zhezkazgan — Beineu and Arkalyk — Shubarkol railways are currently in construction and due in 2014. Moreover, the railway line connecting Zhetygen to Kazybek, a railway which goes round Alma Ata, will be built between 2015 and 2017 through a public-private partnership. Overall, it is estimated that by 2020, 81% of total railways would be evaluated as “in good condition”, while the remaining 19% would be rated as “satisfactory”. Moreover, keeping in mind the fact that at present the rolling stock fleet is considered as being reduced, according to the investment programme, 650 locomotives will be upgraded, over 20,000 freight cars and 1,138 passenger transport cars. Kazakhstan, located at the junction of several international transport corridors, meets all conditions of becoming an important logistics hub connecting Asia to Europe. Due to their assets and competences, Kazakhstan Railways (KTZ) will become the

main multimodal logistics operator, according to this development plan. KTZ will also operate the Port of Aktau, as well as SEZ Khorgos – East Gates, which will be put in operation by the end of 2014, as well as the network of national airports and terminals. According to Minister Zhumagaliyev, the integration of all transport assets into a single structure will ensure the necessary level of coordination and management for multimodal integrated services. This August, at a meeting led by Kazakh Prime Minister Karim Masimov and representatives of the transport sector, the extension of the Port of Aktau in the north was put into discussion as well as the development of the port as transit hub. “In order to improve competitiveness and increase the transit capacity, Kazakhstan Railways are currently implementing a business strategy aimed to promote their own transport services and to improve their efficiency and quality. At present, 14 freight trains operate between Asia and Europe”, said Askar Mamin, the President stressing the importance of developing the transport and logistics system.

Казахстан развивает транспортную инфраструктуру в период 2014 – 2020 гг.

Photo: www.railways.kz


he Government in Astana has approved an infrastructure development plan for 2014-2020. In fact, this is the first broad scale plan adopted by the Kazakh State aimed to develop the transport infrastructure and to integrate it into the global transport system. The plan is partially developed with the help of World Bank being previously approved by all agencies and local and state associations in Kazakhstan. “The project will increase transit twofold and will integrate Kazakhstan into the international transport system. It will develop the regional and national transport infrastructure, declared Askar Zhumagaliyev, the Kazakh Minister of Transport and Communications. Overall, the amount granted to this investment programme will be of about EUR 24 Billion. The investment programme plans to develop all transport modes by 2020. Special attention will be paid to railway transport by building 8.202 km of railways and modernising all the 302 railway stations of the national railway network. Also, the programme includes a series of other measures aimed to increase the development of the

В настоящее время Казахстан, член-основатель Евразийского экономического союза, занимает 88-е место по Индексу эффективности логистики Всемирного банка. Несмотря на это, ожидается, что запланированные комплексные меры, направленные на улучшение качества транспорта, а также устранение технических и административных барьеров обеспечат Казахстану возможность занять 40-е место по тому же показателю эффективности логистики, установленному Всемирным банком. August 2014 | www.railwaypro.com


Uzbekistan continues the development of railway infrastructure projects [ by Elena Ilie ]

The accentuated development of Uzbekistan’s economy and foreign trade require the rapid improvement of the transport system and the intensification of transit potential, as well as the diversification of international transport corridors. Future forecasts regarding Uzbekistan’s integration into the international transport corridors were discussed this year during a conference dedicated to the perspectives of Central Asian countries’ access to the world market through new corridors.


uring the council, the participants mentioned the importance of building the Uzbekistan – Turkmenistan – Iran – Oman – Qatar transport corridor initiated by Uzbekistan’s President, Islam Karimov. This corridor will influence increasing connections between Central-Asian countries and the Persian Gulf. “By 2015, Uzbekistan will invest USD 4 Billion in improving the railway transport system”, declared Achilbay Ramatov, President of Uzbekistan railway company. During an official visit to Iran, Ramatov announced that his country is building a 230km long railway corridor connecting Uzbekistan to Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran. Abdol Ali Saheb Mohammadi, Chairman of Iranian Railways, declared that “both parties want to speed up the construction of Chabahar- Khaf-Mazar-i-Sharif railway”. According to the investment plan 20112015, over the next four years, Uzbekistan will electrify 1,000 km of railways.

In the past 20 years, after proclaiming independence from the former USSR, Uzbekistan has made significant efforts to improve passenger transport. The inauguration of the first high-speed railway in Central Asia, Tashkent – Samarkand, has helped modernise and economically develop the Uzbek country in the region. Moreover, the plans of the Uzbek railway transport company include the extension of this railway, in the very near future, to the cities of Bukhara and Khiva. At the beginning of June, the Uzbek Government announced it planned to contract an USD 660 Million loan from the World Bank in 2014-2016. Relevant authorities and groups of experts from the World Bank negotiate the bank’s participation parameters within several investment projects. The Government wants to allocate USD 200 Million in 2015 to the construction of the railway line which crosses Ferghana Valley via Kamchik (in the east of the

country). “Chinese Bank Eximbank and the National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity of Uzbekistan have signed an agreement worth USD 350 Million (EUR 252 Million) necessary to the railway crossing Kamchik Strait in the east of the country, part of the more complex Angren - Pap project”, declared a representative of Uzbekistan Railways. This loan will be used for the design and construction of a 19km long railway tunnel. Uzbekistan has initiated the construction of Angren – Pap railway in July 2013. The railway will be 129-km long and will cross Kamchik Strait providing connection between three oblasts in the east of the country - Andijan, Namangan and Ferghana – and the rest of Uzbekistan. The costs of the Angren – Pap project amount to USD 1.77 Billion (EUR 1.27 Billion). The project is financed from Uzbekistan’s own funds and with loans from international financial institutions. The project is expected to be completed at the end of 2017.

Source: www.carecprogram.org

Узбекистан продолжает развитие проектов железнодорожной инфраструктуры

www.railwaypro.com | August 2014

Стремительное развитие экономики и внешней торговли Узбекистана требует быстрого улучшения транспортной системы, а также повышения транзитного потенциала и диверсификации международных транспортных коридоров. В этом году на конференции, посвященной перспективам выхода стран Центральной Азии на мировой рынок с помощью новых коридоров, обсуждались прогнозы будущей интеграции Узбекистана в международные транспортные коридоры.

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The Wider Black Sea Area (WBSA), a median area of the Eurasian platform, expands from Central Asia to Central Europe and from Northern to Southern Europe and Asia Minor. The macro-area includes 28 dynamic railway markets, a mixture of mature, developing and ascending markets, that bring about a spectrum of opportunities across the railway sector.

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Market development & STRATEGIES 52 POLICIES

CAREC countries aim at considerably improving transport standards by 2017 [ by Elena Ilie ]

Among the established objectives, the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Programme aims at accelerating the economic development and the increased efficiency in the transport of goods and passengers along the six transport corridors included in this programme. At the launch of this programme, there were six transport and trade projects, with a value of USD 247 Million and in 2013 a number of 146 projects amounting to USD 22.4 Billion were in progress.


Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. The railway transport part comprises 12,000 km of track and a logistics centre. Corridor 2 Mediterranean - East Asian has known a development in trade in the recent years with China’s strategy of “opening” to the West. This corridor connects the Caucasus Region and the Mediterranean Sea to East Asia. The route crosses Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and China. Its railway transport part covers 9,700 km of track. Corridor 3 Russian Federation – Middle East – South Asia comprises 4,800 km of track and lies from the western and eastern region of Siberia through Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan to the Middle East and South Asia. Corridor 4 Russian Federation – East Asia links the two regions crossing Mongolia towards China and for the State of Mongolia it is one of the main trade routes. The corridor includes 1,100 km of track. Corridor 5 East Asia – Middle East – South Asia links East Asia to the Arabian Sea via Central Asia. The route crosses China, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Afghani-

Photo: logistika.uz

he partner states of this programme are Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The six CAREC corridors make the connection between the most important economic hubs in the Central Asian region while establishing a platform linking some of the landlocked states (with fewer opportunities to develop the range of the transport sector) and other global transport markets or located on the Eurasian Platform. The Action Plan of CAREC Transport and Trade Facilitation Strategy suggests an active investment programme for the modernisation of all the six transport corridors in accordance with the international standards by 2017. As goods and passengers move faster and more efficiently on these transport corridors, significant improvements are necessary in the trade between the CAREC countries and the one of other regions. Corridor 1 Europe – Asia is the most active one in the six corridors and links the two continents, from China to Europe and vice versa, through the Russian Federation,

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stan, with 2,000 kilometres of railway infrastructure. Corridor 6 Europe – Middle East – South Asia makes the connection between Europe and the Russian Federation towards Middle East and South Asia. This corridor includes three routes linking the European states and the Russian Federation to the Port of Karachi in the Arabian Sea and the Port of Bandar Abbas in the Persian Gulf. The routes total 7,200 kilometres of track. CAREC 2020, the strategic framework for CAREC programme highlights the next stage of the priority investments in the transport infrastructure of the six corridors. CAREC 2020 strategy forecasts additional investments for the next decade for the completion of the transport network and the launch of the transformation process of these routes into logistics corridors and finally into economic corridors. Each of the six corridors facilitates the access of CAREC countries to at least two major economic markets of the Eurasian Platform.

Государства ЦАРЭС рассматривают значительное улучшение стандартов транспорта до 2017 года Программа Центрально-Азиатского регионального экономического сотрудничества (ЦАРЭС) направлена, через поставленные задачи, на ускорение экономического развития и повышение эффективности в области грузовых и пассажирских перевозок по шести транспортным коридорам, включенным в Программу ЦАРЭС. Шесть коридоров ЦАРЭС обеспечивают связь между важнейшими экономическими центрами Центрально-Азиатского региона, одновременно предоставляя платформу для связи между некоторыми государствами, не имеющими выхода к морю (с меньшими возможностями для развития диапазона в транспортной сфере) и другими транспортными рынками, расположенными по всему миру или на Евразийской платформе.

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GTC EurAsia, available for implementation on Eurasian corridors [ by Elena Ilie ]

Using the CIM/SMGS consignment note, land transport between China and Europe can be performed in 16 to 18 days, twice as fast as by sea. Using the CIM/SMGS consignment note will also provide additional advantages to customs procedures being acknowledged as customs transit document which is very important particularly for the transport of dangerous goods.


he increasing interest in using the CIM/SMGS consignment note for land transport between China and Europe, as well as the near implementation of CIM/SMGS in Black Sea transport are the first successful examples that would deFREIGHT TRAFFIC termine the future progress of this project. Compared to last year, the current increase committed themselves officially to begin work on CIM/ simplifyof 20-30% in the share of using ing the lawgenerates in the rail sector. The GS CIT isof actively involved SMGS a percentage a 70-80%, in this work, with the aim of producing good legislation from an almost complete coverage, in the applithe point of view of the carriers. cation of the electronic document on the Terms and Conditions of Carriage EurAsia twoGeneral continents for transport services (a sit(GTC EurAsia) at corporate level uation confirmed by Deutsche Bahn, UzThe CIT drafted the GTC EurAsia at corporate level and has bekfinalised Railways and Railways which now them. The Russian next step will be to present the frequently electronic transport GTC EurAsia to apply various this committees and organisations for discussion. The application of the GTC EurAsia as General document). Terms and Conditions of Carriage will take place on the Railway freight transport in Europe basis of Private International Law (PIL), including its conflict through the Baltic Sea ports and their inteof laws rules. gration in the Trans-Siberian railway route Compared with the situation we have today, the GTC EurAsia provide additional offer a wide an range of benefits: opportunity for using the CIM/SMGS consignment note for → Single, end-to-end contracts of carriage combined railway-maritime transport serv→ End-to-end liability, even in the case of liability for ices.delays However, a sustained effort is nece→ Uniform andmembers contract structure between the RUs ssary fromrules the of the Internaand their customers (incl. forwarding companies and

tional Rail Transport Committee (CIT) involved in setting favourable conditions for Kazakhstan, China and other Asian countries to encourage them to frequently use the Baltic Sea ports, CIT informs. What would a common legislation mean for Eurasian railway transport? It would mean development and the introduction → Joint liability between carriers and allocation of of an appropriate andthe efficient internationcompensation based on traffic al legal transport system, itrevenue would facilitate → the final analysis, a closed legal system for dealthe In international trade of goods and serving with complaints and the use of standardised CIM/ ices,SMGS it would facilitate the developaccident also reports. ment of new infrastructures on the routes China Kazakhstan – Mongolia, China With such –a solution, cross-border rail freight shipments could be sent between and SMGSor states the basis – Europe, Iran –CIM Pakistan theonNorthof a singleCorridor contract of carriage. the next step, South and itInwould offera comparia fair son is to be made between the national procedural laws and development level for railway freight transcustoms regulations and the GTC EurAsia and their validity port between the examined. two continents, Asia and in the corridor countries Europe. In anticipation of the new unified The GTC EurAsia prepared by the CIT will increase the appeal legal frameworkof at level, the and competitiveness rail government transport compared with other Economic Commission forrailway Europe (UNtransport modes and will provide the undertakings and their customers a new legal instrument of practiECE) supportswiththe railway and railway cal benefit that would allow them to process rail shipments organisations involved in bringing about between Europe and Asia under improved and unified legal harmonized solutions on a contractual baconditions. sis. In 2013, the ministers of transport in-

multimodal transport contracts with shipping comThe GTC EurAsia prepared by the CIT will provide the railway undertakings and their cusErik.Evtimov(at)cit-rail.org pany members of the CIT (cf. CIT-Info 2/2014, p. 8) tomers with a new legal instrument of practical benefit Original: DE that would allow them to process rail shipments between Europe and Asia under improved and unified legal conditions

volved together with the European Union signed the proposed Political Declaration prepared by UNECE Group of Experts. The Declaration is designed to express the relevant political will of the transport ministers responsible regarding the harmonisation of Eurasian rail transport law. Under the approved Political Declaration, the above-mentioned transport ministers invite interested railway freight companies, other stakeholders and international railway organizations to pursue work on the development of optional model rules for Euro-Asian rail transport contracts (GTC EurAsia), show the data of the International Transport Committee. Based on these aspects, CIT announced that it completed the General Terms and Conditions for the Eurasian Transport (GTC EurAsia), a document which is, as of July, available for sue by interested parties in the Eurasian Platform corridors. With such a solution, cross-border railway freight transport could be carried out between countries applying the CIM provisions and countries applying the SMGS, based on a transport contract.

GTC Евразия - широкий спектр льгот для трансграничных перевозок

Source: CIT, 2014 The GTC EurAsia prepared by the CIT will provide the railway undertakings and their customers with a new legal instrument of practical benefit that would allow them to process rail shipments between Europe and Asia under improved and unified legal conditions

С применением железнодорожной накладной ЦИМ/СМГС, наземные перевозки между Азией и европейским континентом могут быть осуществлены в течение от 16 до 18 дней, в два раза быстрее, чем при помощи водного транспорта. Применение железнодорожной накладной ЦИМ/ СМГС одновременно предоставляет дополнительные льготы для таможенных процедур, так как она признана в качестве документа таможенного транзита, стратегического для опасных грузов. August 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

Infrastructure manager TrainsͲkilometres on the network Passenger trains x 1 000 000 Infrastructure manager Trains-kilometres on the network Passenger trains x 1 000 000

54 statistics

Country Company Year 2013 Year 2014 M BE SNCB/NMB 19688 20033 BG NRIC 5140 5230 CZ SZDC 32100 31300 DE DB AG 192411 195530 ES FGC 2153 2148 HR HZ Infra 4107 4024 HU GySEV/RÖE 1430 1390 EU HU MAV 18790 19500 LT LG 1320 1290 LV LDZ 1510 1480 PL PKP 34500 32690 PT REFER 7235 7603 RO CFR 17517 15606 SE TRAFIKVER 27222 28537 SI SZ 2509 2298 SBB CFF FFS 22820 23183 EFTA CH BA ZFBH 214 263 EUROPE BY BC 10100 10400 RS ZS 2780 2900 CD SNCC 23 33 IL IsR 2560 2843 WORLD Infrastructure manager SD SRC 120 TrainsͲkilometres for freight on the network TW TRA 10419 10843 Region

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

% 1.74 1.75 Ͳ2.49 1.62 Ͳ0.23 Ͳ2.02 Ͳ2.79 3.77 Ͳ2.27 Ͳ1.98 Ͳ5.24 5.08 Ͳ10.9 4.83 Ͳ8.39 1.59 23.04 2.97 4.31 43.74 11.04 4.06

Month X 1 000 000 Infrastructure manager Trains-kilometres for freight on the network Month X 1 000 000 Country BE BG CZ DE ES HR HU EU HU LT LV PL PT RO SE SI EFTA CH BA EUROPE BY RS CD IL WORLD SD TW Region

Source: UIC

www.railwaypro.com | August 2014

Company Year 2013 Year 2014 SNCB/NMB 2724 2819 NRIC 1580 1700 SZDC 8700 8100 DB AG 60788 63861 FGC 37 39 HZ Infra 1213 1187 GySEV CARGO 290 MAV 3550 5070 LG 2270 2110 LDZ 3320 3600 PKP 15350 16370 REFER 1232 1440 CFR 5207 5123 TRAFIKVER 9414 9545 SZ 2085 2512 SBB CFF FFS 4443 4637 ZFBH 308 340 BC 6300 6300 ZS 1300 1450 SNCC 195 185 IsR 418 425 SRC 495 TRA 860 808

M 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

% 3.48 7.59 Ͳ6.89 5.05 4.05 Ͳ2.14 42.81 Ͳ7.04 8.43 6.64 16.91 Ͳ1.61 1.38 20.47 4.36 10.23 0 11.53 Ͳ4.92 1.67 Ͳ6.08

  




Overview of selected rail PPP projects in Europe  PPP experience in the European rail   sector is relatively limited compared        for instance to road projects. Never theless, a number of projects have   been completed successfully and  it is possible to identify a few basic        patterns. PPPs are primarily applied for premium parts of the infrastruc       ture, in particular high-speed lines,   airport links and seaport links, station construction and renovation, and        signalling. Also, the majority of rail PPPs are of the DBFM type (Design Build-Finance-Maintain). This nor                   mally means an availability payment model: the State remunerates the         Special Purpose Vehicle for making capacity available, with possible fur            ther  modulation of payments based      on additional quality criteria. The infrastructure manager collects the                  revenue from track access charges as   with any other part of its network. In               sum, the traffic risk is borne by the        State directly, and by the infrastruc ture manager.        A minority of projects are of the  BOT type (Build-Operate-Transfer). In that case the traffic risk is borne by        the private partner who receives the  revenue from track access charges plus  (possibly) additional         remuneration for meeting addition al quality goals, including availability             of capacity. France currently leads the  way in terms of PPP projects, having   initiated several high-speed projects        and one signaling project in recent years.  


         

There are some examples that can be consid-

  ered as best practice: the investments under PPP

schemes in India. Railway organizations could ben-

 efit from  these case studies,in particular regarding  

possible areas for PPP schemes implementation. The areas in which railways have already imple mented PPP schemes for their investments are varied:
















Source: „Ad Hoc Workshop PPP Schemes and Railways”, UNECE

           August    2014 | www.railwaypro.com             

56 Asset management

MAINLINE – methods and instruments to facilitate infrastructure maintenance [ by Elena Ilie ]

MAINLINE European railway project, coordinated by the International Union of Railways (UIC) with the support of ARTTIC and financed through FP 7, is now in its final stage. The project’s goal is to develop methods and instruments that would help improve the railway system while analysing the entire lifecycle of the infrastructure segment – tunnels, bridges, rails, points and crossings, embankments and support walls. The outcome of this project will allow infrastructure managers to plan the maintenance activity more efficiently.


ailway transport demand is expected to increase in Europe. The largest share of this growth will be focused on the existing railways with outdated infrastructure. This demand will increase both the wear rate of old infrastructures and the need to close shorter railway sections for maintenance or renewal. However, the intervention over the outdated infrastructure will also have to consider the necessity of having an economic and environmental impact as reduced as possible. This means that new intervention methods will have to be developed.

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Maintenance, renewal and railway infrastructure improvement in order to reduce the economic and environmental impact, in short MAINLINE, is a project developed to improve the efficiency of costs, an essential condition for having a more competitive railway transport. Balancing

economic or environmental costs resulting from the railway infrastructure maintenance or renewal, is most of the times more difficult than assuming the costs required for building new infrastructure. Thus, it is extremely useful to have an instrument to assess the infrastructure lifecycle and to support the infrastructure managers in order to balance these costs. 19 partners from 11 European countries are involved in this project among them companies from the railway industry, infrastructure managers, infrastructure constructors and representatives of universities. MAINLINE will facilitate the use of improved methods of evaluating the infrastructure condition and the extension of its life expectancy without increasing risks. Also, the project will improve the existing knowledge about the available mechanisms for breakdown and damages

www.railwaypro.com | August 2014

in order to reduce the negative effect they have on infrastructure capacity. The methods analysed within MAINELINE include the identification and implementation of new methods of replacing or renewing the infrastructure, such as the identification and evaluation of new technologies for checking and monitoring the infrastructure condition. Moreover, methods of determining the economic and environmental impact for the entire lifecycle of the railway infrastructure will be developed.

MAINLINE – методы и инструменты для облегчения технического обслуживания инфраструктуры Европейский железнодорожный проект MAINLINE, координируемый Международным союзом железных дорог (МСЖД), при поддержке ARTTIC и финансировании FP7, в настоящее время находится на заключительном этапе. Целью данного проекта является разработка методов и инструментов, способствующих улучшению железнодорожной системы с помощью анализа всего жизненного цикла сегмента инфраструктуры - тоннели, мосты, рельсы, стрелочные переводы, закладочный материал и подпорные стены. Результаты этого проекта позволят управляющим инфраструктурой более эффективно планировать техническое обслуживание.


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