Railway PRO - July

Page 1

the railway business magazine

Year IX ■ No. 3.7 (109) ■ 2014

Bulgaria prepares transport infrastructure to meet increasing transport demands Russia: Chelyabinsk and Murmansk regions will have the largest transport hubs

Railway PRO

Alyat Port, the new transport hub of the Eurasian Platform

Freight & Logistics

Журнал железнодорожный бизнес

It is really crucial to augment the share of container transportation in rail freight traffic Interview with László Mosóczi, Hungrail President Чрезвычайно важно увеличить долю контейнерных грузовых перевозок Интервью с президента компании Hungrail (Hungarian Rail Association), Ласло Мосочи


Vectron – The locomotive that’s forging new paths. Creating Corridors.

Europe is changing. Every day, increasing amounts of goods are flowing across more and more borders. Prepare yourself for the future – with a locomotive that’s a perfect match for your transport needs. From series-produced country packages and sustainable convertibility to needs-

based services with Railcover, Vectron combines years of locomotive expertise with market-leading performance. Ensure a future-proof and successful economic development of your freight and passenger traffic. Creating Corridors.

editor’s note 1


ot much time has passed since the European Commission published the 2014 edition of the Biennial Report that monitors the progress of the railway market. It is a very useful instrument to policies, but also to businessmen in this economic sector, in the activity of regulating and repositioning railway transport in a positive context for society. There are many aspects that need improvement as resulted from the pages of this document, but also aspects that appreciate the efforts of almost two decades of European politicians of reforming the railway sector. The liberalisation or maintenance of a regulated market is still reason of dispute between European conservators and those open to innovation. Vice President of the European Commission Siim Kallas joined this fight four years ago and leaves behind several important legal documents on the continuation of reform (such as the re-evaluation of the First Railway Package or the Interpretation Guide of Regulation 1370/2007), but also a determination around the future Fourth Railway Package

where the component regarding the governance of railway undertakings and the liberalisation of the freight transport sector has faced the most bitter oppositions. It is interesting to keep in mind from the Report that the liberalisation of the freight transport sector had a positive impact in the market and permitted the adjustment of offers and prices, so that customers could be attracted to this transport mode. Next to other European countries where freight volumes have increased since the beginning of the economic crisis, there is also Romania, a country generally characterised by a reduced quality infrastructure, because of the lack of investments and maintenance, as well as of a regulating framework which favours the modal shift to road against rail. The Report points out, at page 17, that “although the economic crisis has lasted longer in Romania than in Northern Europe, starting with 2007, railway freight transport has increased due to very performing non-affiliated freight transport operators”, which includes this East-European country on the list alongside Denmark, Austria and Great Britain.

To the opposite pole, we see how the excess of regulation and reform in the passenger transport sector makes the same country rank last regarding the performance of the sector Tributary to discretionary decisions regarding the level of investments, the volume and frequency of trains, categories of citizens benefiting from different travel rights etc., the Romanian passenger market has known a continuous blow back, while countries such as Great Britain, where the market is fully liberalised, or Germany, where the number of tendered public services obligations is increasing, experience a healthy ascending trend. In the near future, the European Commission and Member States will have to analyse the result of this Report and to identify measures to implement the European objectives of freight and passenger shift to railways and naval transport to ensure an environment protection balance.

Positive impact of railway transport liberalisation

Issue published with the support of Club Feroviar – The Railway Business Club Журнал издаётся при поддержке Club Feroviar – ЖД Клуб Деловых Людей

Положительное влияние либерализации железнодорожного транспорта Не так давно Европейская комиссия опубликовала издание за 2014 год Двухгодичного доклада о мониторинге развития рынка железнодорожных перевозок. Это особо полезный инструмент не только для политиков, но и для бизнесменов, занятых в этом экономическим секторе, в деятельности по нормированию и расположению железнодорожного транспорта в положительном для общества контексте. Есть много аспектов, которые необходимо улучшить, как это отражено на страницах этого документа, но также имеются аспекты, которые венчают усилия европейских политиков, приложенных в течение около двух десятилетий реформы железнодорожной отрасли. Либерализация или сохранение нормированного рынка все еще является предметом спора между европейскими консерваторами и сторонниками инноваций. Вице-президент Европейской комиссии, Сиим Каллас, вступил в эту битву четыре года назад и оставил после себя несколько важных юридических документов для продолжения реформирования (такие, как переоценка 1-ого Железнодорожного Пакета или Руководство по интерпретации Регламента № 1370/2007), но и некоторую ожесточенность вокруг будущего

IV-ого Железнодорожного Пакета, где составляющие, касающиеся управления железнодорожными предприятиями и либерализации сектора грузовых железнодорожных перевозок столкнулись с жесточайшей оппозицией. Интересно отметить факт, содержащийся в Докладе, о том, что либерализация сектора грузовых перевозок оказала статистически положительное влияние на рынок, позволяя урегулировать предложения и цены, с целью привлечения клиентов привлечены этим способом. Наряду с другими европейскими государствами, которые зарегистрировали увеличение объемов грузовых перевозок с момента наступления экономического кризиса и до сих пор, находится и Румыния. Это страна, которая в целом характеризуется тенденцией к снижению качества инфраструктуры, на фоне отсутствия инвестиций и технического обслуживания, а также из-за нормативно-правовой базы, способствующей модальному переходу в сторону автомобильных перевозок в ущерб железной дороге. В отчете, на 17-й странице, отмечается, что «Несмотря на то, что экономический кризис длился дольше в Румынии, чем в Северной Европе, начиная с 2007 года железнодорожные перевозки увеличились за счет очень

результативных независимых грузовых операторов», и это включает эту юговосточную страну в список, в котором также числятся Дания, Австрия и Великобритания. С противоположной стороны, видим как излишнее регламентирование и реформирование в области пассажирских перевозок отбрасывает эту же страну в конец рейтинга по части эффективности сектора. Будучи зависимыми от дискреционных решений касательно уровня инвестиций, объема и частоты поездов, различных категорий граждан бенефициаров особых прав путешествовать и т.д., румынский пассажирский рынок сталкивается с постоянным застоем, в то время, как в таких странах, как Великобритания, которая полностью либерализовала рынок, или Германия, где происходит повышение количества контрактов на государственные услуги, присуждаемых на тендерной основе, происходит постоянный здоровый растущий тренд. В ближайшее время Европейская комиссия и государства-члены должны будут рассмотреть итоги Доклада и определить меры по реализации европейских целей перемещения товаров и пассажиров по железной дороге и судоходству для обеспечения баланса в области охраны окружающей среды. July 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

2 cOntent Leaders



37 26

Croatia develops EUR 1 Billion logistics terminal Хорватия развивает логистический терминал путем освоения примерно одного миллиарда евро

Last year, Croatia became the 28th member state of the European Union. After Slovenia, it is the second EU member state from the former Yugoslav Block. The Adriatic Sea state focuses on the absorption of EU non-reimbursable funds for redefining and modernising the transport sector. It accounts for 8% of Croatia’s gross domestic product. В прошлом году Хорватия стала 28-м государством-членом Европейского союза. После Словении она является вторым государством-членом ЕС из бывшего югославского блока.


44 Bulgaria prepares

transport infrastructure to meet increasing transport demands

50 Shift2Rail, ready to start photo: club feroviar

its research and innovation operations

Editor’s note the railway business magazine

Railway PRO

ISSN - 1841 - 4672

Publisher: Editura de Transport & Logistică S.R.L. 30, Virgiliu Street, Sector 1 Bucharest, postal code: 010881 Tel.:+4 021 224 43 85; +4 021 224 43 87 Mobile: +40 721 723 724 Fax: +4 021 224 43 86 E-mail: editors@railwaypro.com Web-site: www.railwaypro.com


Positive impact of railway transport liberalisation POLICIES & STRATEGIES

16 Russia, Belarus and

Kazakhstan become one of the largest integrated economic unions

20 Danube Strategy: more Editors: Elena Ilie elena.ilie@railwaypro.com Pamela Luică pamela.luica@railwaypro.com Department of translations: Alina Vuţulicu Gentil Trad Contributors: Olaf Matthäi Graphic design: Petru Mureşan Layout and DTP: Petru Mureşan petru.muresan@railwaypro.com Photo: Radu Drăgan Advertising Enquiries: advertise@railwaypro.com www. railwaypro.com/advertise

focus on cooperation and collaboration

22 “Horizon 2020”:

accelerating the implementation of the most promising innovations

24 China takes first step towards freight transport liberalisation

34 ZSSK CARGO to play an

active role in railway transport between Europe and Asia

was poorly analysed when the General Transport Master Plan was drafted MARKET DEVELOPMENT

31 Analysis: freight traffic potential of Constanţa and Turkmenbashi ports

32 Romanian authorities

continue the project on the decentralization of ports

37 Croatia develops

EUR 1 Billion logistics terminal

It is really crucial to augment the share of container transportation in rail freight traffic

Interview with László Mosóczi, Hungrail President Чрезвычайно важно увеличить долю контейнерных грузовых перевозок Интервью с президента компании Hungrail (Hungarian Rail Association), Ласло Мосочи Hungary pays significant importance to the development of international freight corridors, especially to the development of the Mediterranean Corridor which provides access not just to the European Western market, but also to Ukraine thus increasing its transit potential on the Eurasian platform. Венгрия уделяет особое внимание развитию международных коридоров грузовых перевозок, особенно развитию Средиземноморского коридора, и это обеспечивает ей доступ не только к Западноевропейскому рынку, но и к украинскому, тем самым увеличивая ее транзитный потенциал на Евразийской платформе.


47 RAILSERVICES – Your partner of choice

48 Intermodal container stations – security gates

Products & Technologies

38 Russia: Chelyabinsk and

46 ArcelorMittal Galaţi: The Murmansk regions will have the remote control Shunting Robot largest transport hubs increases operation performance 39 Kerci Strait Bridge, 51 Railway services, an potentially the most increasing accessible market expensive bridge for Russia 40 Turkey announces the construction of 18 logistics centres by 2023

41 Alyat Port, the new 42 Transit potential of Central transport hub of the Asian countries is multiplied

www.railwaypro.com | July 2014

52 Romania’s railway system


Eurasian Platform

56 Operation of points and crossings at extreme temperatures above the Arctic Circle Statistics

54 Freight statistics

cOntent 3

Редакционная статья



Положительное влияние либерализации железнодорожного транспорта

42 Расширяется транзитный 32 Румынские власти


свою транспортную инфраструктуру для удовлетворения растущего спроса

37 Хорватия развивает

50 Shift2Rail готовится к

38 Россия: Челябинская

16 Россия, Белоруссия и Казахстан становятся одним из крупнейших интегрированных экономических союзов

20 Дунайская стратегия:

акцент ставится на сотрудничестве и совместной работе

потенциал государств Центральной Азии

44 Болгария готовит

запуску исследовательских и инновационных операций

РАЗВИТИЕ РЫНКА продолжают идею децентрализации портов

логистический терминал путем освоения примерно одного миллиарда евро

и Мурманская Область будут иметь крупнейшие транспортные узлы

39 Для России, мост через Керченский пролив может железнодорожного оказаться самым дорогим транспорта в Румынии ускорение внедрения мостом наиболее многообещающих не была достаточно проанализирована в момент инноваций составления проекта Общего Мастер-Плана по транспорту 40 Турция объявила 24 Китай делает первый о строительстве 18 шаг в сторону либерализации логистических центров до товарных перевозок РАЗВИТИЕ РЫНКА 2023 года 34 ZSSK CAR GO будет 31 Румыния и Туркменистан играть активную роль рассматривают потенциал 41 Порт Алят - новый в осуществлении портов Констанца и транспортный узел на железнодорожных Туркменбаши для грузовых Евразийской платформе перевозок между Европой перевозок и Азией 22 „Горизонт 2020“:

52 Система

продуктов и технологий

46 АрселорМиттал Галац

Маневровый робот с дистанционным управлением приводит к повышению объема и эффективности производства

51 Услуги в

железнодорожной сфере - растущий и все более доступный рынок

56 Эксплуатация стрелочных переводов в условиях экстремальной температуры выше Полярного круга инженер

47 Стоимость эксплуатации - вызов для поставщиков железнодорожных подсистем

48 Контроль контейнеров ворота безопасности СТАТИСТИКА

54 Железнодорожного статистика

July 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

news 5

Poland: Polish Railways aims to invest PLN 50 Billion (EUR 12 Billion) over the next six years on modernising rail lines and platforms, the press informs quoting PKP Chairman Remigiusz Paszkiewicz. About PLN 40 Billion (EUR 9.6 Billion) will come from EU funds, a chief priority being to improve the infrastructure for freight trains. At present, freight trains in Poland rarely exceed 30 km per hour. Paszkiewicz said that owing to the new investments, freight trains will be able to travel as fast as 120 km per hour in some places. “Over the last 10 years we have managed to modernise over 5000 km of tracks, of which more than half was done in 20122013,” he said. One of the biggest projects at hand is the modernisation of the freight line between Lower Silesia and Szczecin on the Baltic coast. Other costly investments will take place in Warsaw, where the Dworzec Zachodnia (Western Station) is being rebuilt and the tracks upgraded. Three other stations in the capital, Dworzec Centralny, Dworzec Wchodni and Dworzec Gdanski (Central, Eastern and Gdansk) will also be upgraded.

International: KTZ Express, subsidiary of KTZ, opens its new office in Hong Kong to build import and export trade between Central Asia, China, Asia and Europe. The office will be responsible for building a platform to develop multimodal freight transportation through Kazakhstan initially targeting Europe and China. On the ground, USD 3 Billion will be invested in rail infrastructure in Kazakhstan this year providing a stateof-the-art national freight network, improving connectivity with country’s regional centres and neighbouring countries. With transit times of 15 days from China to Europe the rail service will provide time definite services direct to

industrial and commercial centres, saving more than two-thirds in time when compared to ocean transit times. To further expand its reach into Asian markets KTZ Express has invested in a USD100 Million intermodal freight and logistics centre at the port of Lianyungang on China’s eastern seaboard. Due to its position, the terminal provides direct access to Central Asia for shippers from Japan, Korea and South East Asia, moving cargo by sea to Lianyungang and then by rail to Kazakhstan. “This is a very exciting development as shippers from Asia currently have to use ocean freight to Europe and then truck or rail to Central Asia. Now they can access these markets directly by rail from China saving time and cost,” said Sanzhar Yelubayev, President of KTZ Express.

growing, more can still be done in terms of efficiency and service quality in several Member States. The Report also highlights that open competition and increased public tendering deliver better services for passengers and better value for taxpayers. Europe’s railways absorb EUR 36 Billion of public subsidies a year (almost as much as they earn from fares). The Commission adopted its in-depth report on the railway sector – the Rail Market Monitoring Survey (RMMS). The report confirms that passenger railways have experienced tremendous growth rates since the mid-nineties in countries like the UK (+70%), Sweden (+42%), France (+37%) and Belgium (+26%) and highlights the importance of high-speed services that represent a quarter of all traffic in the EU. International passenger traffic is growing and the main European

railway groups are not purely traditional State-owned public monopolies anymore but more and more international railway groups with more than a quarter of their turnover generated outside their home country. Railway freight is also growing and is now generating almost half of its traffic from cross-border services. New entrants in the sector are employing some 120,000 persons and already have a 21% market share of passenger rail and a 28% of rail freight. The report finds that prices are lower where there is open competition between railway companies and passengers get a better service. For example, on high-speed lines fares are lower where there is competition. Prices on the Rome-Milan route, where two rail operators compete, are 25% up to 40% cheaper than Madrid-Barcelona which is not yet open to competition.

В мире: КТЖ Экспресс, дочерняя компания КТЖ, открыла подразделение в Гонконге для укрепления импортно-экспортных операций между Центральной Азией, Китаем и Европой. В мире: Китай заинтересован инвестировать средства в железнодорожную сеть Греции в целях ускорения грузовых перевозок в сторону Европы. Об этом заявил премьер-министр Китая, Ли Кэцян. Россия: Тверской Вагоностроительный Завод, дочерняя компания Трансмашхолдинга,представил в Сочи последнее поколение электрических

автодвигателей. Польша: Польские железные дороги будут инвестировать в модернизацию инфраструктуры 50 миллиардов злотых (12 миллиардов евро) в течение ближайших 6 лет. Россия: Президент ОАО РЖД, Владимир Якунин, заявил о том, что компания РЖД заинтересована не только в приобретении оператора Трайносе, но и в железнодорожной инфраструктуре Греции. В мире: Железнодорожная компания Македонии и китайский производитель CSR подписали договор на закупку 6 поездов.

RZD reaffirms interest in entering the Greek market Russia: Russian Railways chief Vladimir Yakunin explained that the Russian state company is not only interested in Greek service operator Trainose, but also in the country’s rail infrastructure. Yakunin said the creation of a new rail gateway for cargo to Europe could constitute a productive investment. “Such a project would be of great interest to us”, he added. Greece is planning to put Trainose up for sale, but not its rail network. The Russian company has also placed a joint bid with Greece’s GEK Terna for the Thessaloniki Port Authority.

Railways: paving the way for more growth, more efficiency and service quality in Europe International: The European Commission’s bi-annual report on the European Rail Market, published on 19 June 2014, shows while it is undeniable that rail is

photo: ktze.kz

KTZ Express supplies direct railway services to Europe

photo: www.plk-sa.pl

EUR 12 Billion invested in railway infrastructure

July 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

6 news

Japan to open railway market to EU companies International: Three companies of the Japan Railway group (JR) have promised to open their equipment procurement markets for firms in the European Union in a rare move during Japan-EU negotiations on an economic partnership agreement, according to sources. During talks, East Japan Railway Co., Central Japan Railway Co. and West Japan Railway Co. promised to liberalize their railway-related markets for train cars, brakes and other railway equipment manufactured by companies in the EU. “Private companies rarely make such promises during intergovernmental negotiations. In the Japan-EU talks, the railway field is a major point of dispute alongside tariffs on agricultural products”, the Japan News writes. The new development will likely lead to significant progress in negotiations on railway equipment on which the EU places importance, and sources say the talks as a whole will make headway. The two sides aim to conclude the talks by the end of 2015. The JR companies plan to disclose points on which they place importance in tenders, annual business schedules and other information in English on their websites and by other means to encourage foreign companies to participate in their tenders.

PKP sells 17% stake in PKP Cargo Poland: Poland’s railway operator PKP sold 7.6 million shares or a 17.03% stake in rail freight carrier PKP Cargo in the process

В мире: Полугодовой отчет Европейской комиссии об европейском железнодорожном рынке был опубликован 19 июня. Польша: Компания PKP продала 7,6 миллионов акций (17,03%), принадлежащих грузовому оператору PKP Cargo, а цена одной акции составляла 76,5 злотых (18,37 евро). В мире: Три компании, принадлежащих к группе Железных дорог Японии ( JR) обещали открыть рынок закупок оборудования для www.railwaypro.com | July 2014

of accelerated book-building at PLN 76.5 per share (EUR 18.37). The value of the shares is EUR 139.6 Million. Before the deal PKP held 22.4 million PKP Cargo shares, which translated to 50.04% of voting rights at the GM. At the end of the first quarter of 2014, the PKP Cargo Group had 58% market share in rail transport of goods in terms of transport performance and 47% in terms of volume. In the annual perspective, the transport performance increased by 4%, to the level of 6.6 billion tonne-kilometre in the first quarter of 2014 and the transported volume increased by 2%, to 25.3 million tonnes. With slightly lower revenues (by 1%, or PLN 1 Million or around EUR 250 Million), the PKP Cargo Group lowered operational costs by 6% (that is PLN 65 Million or EUR 15.6 Million) annualized.It allowed EBITDA to grow by 50%, to PLN 159.3 Million (EUR 38.2 Million) and net profit to PLN 57.5 Million (EUR 13.8 Million).

Chinese Prime Minister announces intention to invest in Greek railways International: China is interested in investing in Greece’s railway network in order to accelerate the transport of goods to Europe, declared Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang during the official visit to the Port of Piraeus, where Cosco operator holds two container terminals. “The importance of the Port of Piraeus for China’s trade is significant, especially since Cosco is active in the port. Cosco is interested in acquiring a 67% stake in the Piraeus Port Authority and thus to become China’s gateway to Europe.The use of the port would reduce by between 7 and 11 days the time it takes to transport Chinese exports to the EU and cut operational costs for Chinese firms. The Chinese premier added that Beijing is prepared to invest in modernizing and maintaining Greece’s railway connections to Europe in order to further increase the efficiency of transporting goods.

photo: pulshr.pl

photo: networkrail.co.uk

Frequencies on the Italian route are double which shows a positive correlation between frequency and open competition which currently mainly exists on high speed lines and long distance inter-city services.

Upgrading railway system with EU Regional Funds in the region of Trenčín

ments can help citizens travel more easily and more safely. The investment approved today will not only ensure safer traffic and modern travel services on this last section of the railway line, it will further support Slovakia’s shift to more environmentally friend ly forms of transport. This project will also increase the competitiveness of Slovakia by attracting more investors and businesses.” The rehabilitation of the Beluša – Púchov section is part of the project to modernise the entire core TEN-T corridor Bratislava – Žilina –Čadca – Polish border/Zwardon. This is a “major project”, of which the total investment (VAT includ ed) is above EUR 50 Million and thus subject to a specific decision by the European Commission, whereas other types of projects are approved at national or regional levels. The co-financing decision for this project falls under the programming period 2007-2013. Slovakia was allocated approximately EUR 11.7 Billion in total cohesion policy funding for 2007-2013 and EUR 14 Billion for 2014-2020 (current prices).

Slovakia: The European Commission has approved an investment of EUR 84.3 million from the Cohesion Fund to upgrade a key railway line in the Slovak region of Trenčín. The railway line Bratislava – Žilina is part of a priority European transport route: the core TEN-T railway network. The 8.9 km long section of the railway line between Beluša and Púchov will be modernised in order to make it fast er and safer. 600,000 inhabitants of the region and other international travellers using this European corridor will profit from these improvements. The implementation of the project is expected to create 128 jobs during the initial phase. EU Commissioner for Regional Policy Johannes Hahn, who approved the project, said:“This is a good example of how our regional invest-

Russia: Transmashholding has created the first-ever locomotive working on natural gas,

компаний ЕС. Словакия: Европейская комиссия одобрила инвестицию в размере 84,3 миллиона евро из Фонда сплочения на модернизацию железнодорожной линии в Словакии, в Тренчинском краю. Россия: Компания «Трансмашхолдинг» выпустила первый локомотив, работающий на природном газе. Чехия: Чешская транспортная коммпания CSAD Jihotrans приобрела 100% акций капитала GW Train Regio

Россия: В настоящее время, ОАО «РЖД» составляет разработку технического задания на высокоскоростные поезда, передвигающиеся по линиям сети. До конца этого года ожидается, что техническое задание будет готово. Республика Молдова: Министр транспорта и дорожной инфраструктуры объявил, что Республика Молдова намеревается построить железнодорожную линию над Прутом.

Transmashholding manufactures first ever-LNG locomotive

news 7

“No foreign companies managed to develop such locomotive working on natural gas. There are no harmful emissions in the atmosphere from this locomotive”, he said. Now top-management of the Russian Railways JSC and Transmashholding discusses a question of the fuel price for the new locomotive with the gas companies. “We suppose that gas price shall make a half from the cost of diesel fuel”, V. Gapanovich noted. CSAD Jihotrans buys GW Train Regio Czech Republic: Czech transport company CSAD Jihotrans has bought 100% in the capital of GW Train Regio, Mlada Fronta Dnes reported. The company has been sold by Czech company Inzen yrske a dopravni stavby (IDS). Jihotrans specializes in transport services by buses and trucks and GW Train Regio (former Viamont Regio) deals with railway transport. In 2012, GW Train Regio had a turnover of EUR 25 Million.

RZD develops technical requirements for high-speed trains Russia: Russian Railways is currently engaged in the development of technical requirements for high-speed trains to run on Russian high-speed lines. The requirements will be completed by the end of 2014, declared Valentin Gapanovich, Senior Vice-President for Innovation Development and Chief Engineer at Russian Railways, during the Rail Business Forum “1520 Strategic Partnership”. The work is being carried out on the basis of international experience, as well as the Company’s own experience in operating the high-speed Sapsan trains in Russia. Leading specialised research institutes are also working on the development, including JSC VNIIZhT, OAO NIIAS, OAO VNIKTI, consulting companies and rolling stock manufacturers. High-speed lines in Russia will be built parallel to the existing lines and will carry intensive passenger and cargo traffic. The production of parts of the permanent way and rolling stock etc. will be localised in Russia – Russian industry is already preparing for the introduction of high technology. Valentin Gapanovich said the Lastochka electric train, which is produced by Ural Locomotives in the town of Upper Pyshma, was an example of localising pro-

China exports bullet trains to Macedonia

duction in a joint project with the German company Siemens. In late May 2014, the factory produced the first Russian Lastochka train with a localisation level of 65%. In the future, the level of localisation will rise to 85%. The project involves more than 160 Russian enterprises. Republic of Moldova plans to build European-gauge railway as of 2015 Rep. of Moldova: Minister of Transport and Road Infrastructure, Vasile Botnari, announced that the Republic of Moldova plans to build a railway line over Prut River, project for which national authorities plan to access EU financing. The declaration was made during a meeting between Moldovan Transport Minister and the European Commissioner for Transport, Siim Kallas. “We are interested to access European funds to build a European-gauge railway, between Ungheni and Chişinău”, the minister said. In turn, the European official said that EU was ready to financially support well-motivated projects. “Europe is very careful about the money it spends. We have funds, but the EU wants to be sure that this money is spent where necessary”, said Kallas.

Georgian Railways plans to sell stakes Georgia: Georgian Railways plans to sell a minority package of shares through an initial public offering of two years, declared First Deputy Minister George Kvirikashvili. The listing on the London Stock Exchange could happen as early as next year, deputy minister of economy Ketevan Bochorishvili said. A flotation of a minority stake could be followed by a larger sell-down by the government in the long term. Previous

photo: wikipedia.org

photo: CTransmashholding

the senior vice-president for innovative development of RZD JSC Valentin Gapanovich said at the IX international business forum “Strategic partnership 1520”.

Грузия: Грузинские железные дороги намереваются в течение двух лет продать миноритарный пакет акций, запуская для этого первоначальное публичное предложение. Чехия: Частный железнодорожный оператор Leo Express продолжает ведение переговоров с инвестором, заинтересованным приобрести до одной трети акций компаний.

international: China’s biggest train maker CSR signed a contract with the national railway company of Macedonia to sell six bullet trains to the European country. The trains will be made in accordance with national standards of Macedonia and international standards, with a designed maximum speed of 140 km per hour and a life of 30 years, according to Xie Hongbing, an engineer of CSR Zhuzhou Electric Locomotive Co., Ltd.

plans to list a 24% stake on London Stock Exchange in 2012 were cancelled due to challenging capital market conditions. Leo Express continues negotiations to sell shares Czech Republic: Private rail operator Leo Express continues negotiations with an investor interested in taking over third of the company, shows “Hospodarske Noviny” quoting the company’s owner Leos Novotny. The investor, which has not been appointed, would pay EUR 14.6 Million for a for a 16% stake in the company. However, should the investor want to acquire further shares, they would be more expensive. Leo Express negotiates with other potential investors for the sale of the package of shares.

Baltic States reach agreement on Rail Baltica joint venture shareholders contract International: The representatives of Baltic States Task Force reached and agreement on Rail Baltica joint venture shareholders agreement. The parties agreed that the provisions on Vilnius’ connection to Rail Baltica will be included in the contract. It was also agreed that the parties will seek jointly the necessary EU funding for connection between Vilnius and Kaunas. These provisions were adopted at the tripartite negotiations held in Tallinn, Estonia. In the nearest future, the joint venture shareholders agreement on the project Rail Baltica will be presented to the governments of the Baltic States. Established by Estonia, Latvia and Lithua-

Болгария: ЕИБ рассматривает предоставление Болгарии кредита в размере 500 миллионов евро на софинансирование проектов, финансируемых из средств ЕС на период 2014-2020 гг. В мире: Переговоры рабочей группы, в состав которой входят прибалтийские государства, пришли к выводу о создании совместной компании для управления проектом Rail Baltica. July 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

8 news

Romania: Romanian national infrastructure manager CFR SA organises two open tenders on the reconstruction of four rail sections of the Border – Curtici – Simeria railway, part of the pan-European Corridor IV for the trains to run at maximum speeds of 160 km/h. Thus, on 13 June, CFR SA published the contract notice for reconstruction works to Section 2: Km 614 – Gurasada, subsection 2c: Cap Y Ilteu – Gurasada (lot 1) and section 3: Gurasada-Simeria (lot 2). The total estimated cost, VAT excluded, for these two lots is RON 4.401.990.443 (EUR 1 Billion). The second tender will be organised for reconstruction works on Section 2: Km 614

nia, the joint venture for the project Rail Baltica will take all the necessary steps to ensure the EU funding. Highly qualified professionals with an extensive experience in developing and implementing similar projects will be working at the joint venture. The European gauge railway will connect Helsinki, Tallinn, Riga, Kaunas, Vilnius and Warsaw with an extension to Berlin. 85 percent of the project value is expected to be financed by the European Union funds. EU push for better travel planning solutions International: The European Commission is renewing efforts to develop Europe-wide all-in-one journey planners, making it easier to plan and book journeys that involve several means of transport with a single online tool, even across borders. Coinciding with the 10th European ITS Congress in Helsinki — one of Europe’s largest events in Intelligent Transport Systems and Services (or “ITS”) — the Commission has published its analysis of the current situation of multimodal travel planners and its plans for the way forward. In particular, the Commission is tackling issues such as restricted access to the necessary data and

– Gurasada, subsection 2a: Km 614 – Cap Y Bârzava (lot 1) and subsection 2b: Cap Y Bârzava-Cap Y Ilteu (lot 2). The total estimated cost for these works, VAT excluded, is RON 3.801.716.943 (EUR 864 Million). The deadline for submitting bids or requests for participation is 29 of July and the attribution criterion is the lowest bid.

photo: Club Feroviar

CFR SA resumes organisation of EUR 2 Billion tenders

insufficient cooperation between everyone involved. Vice-President Siim Kallas, Commissioner for mobility and transport, said: “All too often ‘Brussels’ is used as a synonym for ‘heavy regulator’. In ITS and especially as regards journey planners we need to take a different path. We need to break down barriers. Small and innovative companies need access to travel data, so that they can develop real door-to-door solutions. And we need more and better cooperation between transport operators, industries, developers and Member States.” Spain: the Cabinet approved the liberalization of rail passenger transport and entry of private capital in AENA International: The Minister for Public

Works, Ana Pastor, presented at a press conference the new transport structural reforms adopted today by the Council of Ministers. So, Pastor has addressed the liberalization of rail passenger transport and entry of private capital in AENA. The Spanish government has given private companies the opportunity to compete with state-owned rail operator Renfe for passengers on long-distance rail services between some of the country’s major cities. Minister for Public Works, Ana Pastor, has said that a tender will be launched in the coming weeks, giving private operators chance to run passenger services on the high-speed and conventional network linking Madrid with the Castile-La Mancha, В мире: ЕК возобновила свои усилия в целях развития планирования поездок на уровне Европы, а это будет способствовать планированию и бронированию поездок. Румыния: Компания АО«ЧФР» (CFR SA) организует два открытых тендера на реабилитацию

www.railwaypro.com | July 2014

Valencia and Murcia regions for a sevenyear period. Once the seven-year license has expired, the route will be opened up to free competition. The Spanish government believe the move will “improve the quality of public transport service and the mobility of citizens”. Pastor said: “We will organise the entry of private operators thus ensuring a wider range and better offer of services, whilst guaranteeing the continuity of the services offered by Renfe and the appropriate levels of quality control and safety by the public authorities.” The new private operator will be able to organise its own timetable and pricing structure. It will also be able to make use of Renfe’s new rolling stock leasing arm, Renfe Sociedad de Alquiler. British operator National Express has already shown its interest in the Spanish market, with subsidiary Alsa recently being awarded a license to run services on Spain’s high-speed network. Transmashholding presents next generation EMU Russia: Tverskoy Wagon Plant, a subsidiary of Transmashholding , Russia, presented its next generation EMU at Sochi. The first of the Iwolga EMUs, series EG2Tv, will be designed for operation on high-density urban routes, and TMH plans to offer it to RZD for the new Moscow Circle Railway service. Tverskoy will produce the first two prototypes by the end of this year and hopes to certify them for operation in late 2015.

EIB to credit Bulgaria by EUR 500 Million Bulgaria: EIB considers granting EUR 500 Million to Bulgaria to co-finance the projects financed from EU funds in the programming period 2014-2020. The aim of the project is to support priority investments of Bulgaria mainly in the sectors of transport infrastructure, waste and water management and environmental protection. The promoters of the investment schemes will be the national railways infrastructure company, the roads infrastructure agency, the national company for strategic infrastructure projects and other public sector entities.The total cost of the project is estimated at EUR 4.8 Billion.

четырёх отсеков железной дороги, расположенных по Четвертому Панъевропейскому коридору. В мире: Испанский министр общественных работ, Ана Пастор, представила новые структурные реформы в области транспорта, принятые Советом министров.


Rail passenger transport Rail freight transport Shunting services Contact: 2 Oltului St. 500283 - Brasov Romania Tel: +40 268 310 697 Fax: +40 268 310 859


10 news Kazakhstan launches construction of Khorgos dry cargo terminal

Croatia: The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) said it is considering the provision of a sovereign guaranteed loan of up to 120 million euro to Croatian state-owned rail infrastructure operator HZ Infrastruktura. The funds would be provided for the renewal and rehabilitation of railway tracks along two sections of trans-European Corridor X - Savski Marof to Zagreb, which includes 22 kilometers (km) double rail track, and Greda-Sisak-Sunja-Novska, which includes approximately 74 km single rail track, the EBRD said in a statement. The project is expected to support regional development and connectivity as this European corridor connects the Western Balkan countries and its upgrading will facilitate significantly improved transport links within the country.

Kazakhstan: President Nursultan Nazarbayev said that it is a very important project for Kazakhstan. It will redirect cargo traffic from China and Southeast Asia to Europe and Russia via transcontinental railway routes. The Khorgos FEZ consists of the Khorgos International Center of Boundary Cooperation which includes trade and exhibition facilities, a dry cargo terminal, warehouses, and an industrial section. The main objectives of the Khorgos-East Gate FEZ are to create an efficient transport and logistics and industrial center for trade and export activities and implementation of the transit potential of Kazakhstan; promote the development of economic and cultural exchanges with neighboring countries; integrate Kazakh products in the global system of produc-

Central Asian countries discuss transport cooperation

Russia and Austria join for railway infrastructure projects

International: The 19th meeting of the Project Working Group on Transport and Border Crossing of the UN Special Program for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA) was held in Almaty and he participants stressed the priority projects in road, rail and inland waterway transport. The construction project of the “Western Europe-Western China” international transit corridor, the “Baku-Tbilisi-Kars” railway line project, the “Uzen GorganGyzylgaya-Bereket-Etrek” railway line project and the “Zhezkazgan Beyneu” new railway route construction project were also among them. Meanwhile, special attention was paid to the need of SPECA member-states’ support for a decision on participation in the intergovernmental agreement on dry ports. The procedure of Kazakhstan’s joining the agreement is planned to be implemented in 2014.

International: RZDStroy, a subsidiary of Russian Railways, and Rhomberg Sersa Rail GmbH, a Swiss-Austrian joint holding, have signed an agreement to begin joint activity. The agreement outlines the key areas of cooperation between the two companies in the railway sector, including the joint implementation of projects to construct railway infrastructure in Russia, Austria and other countries. The parties also intend to pay special attention to the implementation of projects to modernise and reconstruct tunnel complexes using Low Vibration Тrаск (LVT) ballastless technology.

Negotiations for rail ring continue in Budapest Hungary: Negotiations for V0 cargo rail ring built around Budapest continue. Hungarian company MÁV and experts from a Chinese construction company are already preparing investments worth worth EUR 1.3 Billion, said Péter Szijjártó, State Secretary for foreign affairs and trade. Negotiations between the development banks of the two countries reached a dead-end when no agreement was reached on guarantees, but have recently made progress in this direction, he added. In February 2013, when the idea of this project was launched, the rail ring was estimated at EUR 1.21 Billion, with EUR 1 Billion of investments coming from a Chinese loan. www.railwaypro.com | July 2014

tion and marketing; create innovative and competitive domestic products in accordance with international standards; and create a favorable investment climate to attract domestic and foreign investments.

and Okmiany – Boleslawiec line sections. The aim of the first tests is the verification of assumptions regarding the technical solutions of the system. The results of the interaction between track-side and onboard ERTMS will be used to implement the second level on the main railway lines in Poland.

photo: rynekinfrastruktury.pl

EBRD mulls lending up to EUR 120 mln euro to HZ Infrastruktura

PKP tests the ERTMS system

Turkmen part of North-South international railway completed

Poland: PKP Polish Railway Lines conduct tests of a modern system to support the work of the driver ERTMS level two. Tests are carried out on the section of the railway line E 30 between Legnica and Bielawa Dolna. Tests are conducted on the Okmiany – Boleslawiec

Turkmenistan: The Vice-President for Transportation Affairs Saltyk Saltykow announced that his country has completed construction of its share of the North-South international railway corridor linking Iran to Kazakhstan via Turkmenistan. “The 700-kilometer

Казахстан: Казахстанское государство запустило строительство сухогрузного терминала ХоргосEast Gate-Зона свободной торговли, расположенного на границе с Китаем. Хорватия: ЕБРР может выделить для менеджера железнодорожной инфраструктуры Хорватии, HZ Infrastruktura, кредит в размере 120 миллионов евро на реабилитацию двух участков TEN-T. В мире: Китайское правительство готовит новые проекты по восстановлению Великого шелкового пути. Длина его составляет 6000 километров, и он потребует инвестиций в размере 150 миллиардов долларов.

Маршрут проходит через Кыргызстан, Узбекистан, Туркменистан, Иран и Турцию. В мире: Государства Центральной Азии обсудили вопрос строительства транзитного коридора Западная Европа - Китай, линий Баку-Тбилиси-Карс, Уззен Горган-Гызылгая-Берекет-Этрек и новой строящейся линии Жезказган Бейнеу. Венгрия: В настоящее время продолжаются переговоры по поводу круговой железнодорожный грузовой линии V0, которая будет строиться вокруг Будапешта. Венгерская компания MÁV и эксперты китайской строительной компании уже готовятся к инвестиции на сумму около 1,3 млрд. евро

Barents Sea

news 11 Narvik

C 47

ia thn





C 47


C-E 75



C 95

CE 51

C 59/1



C 30/1





C 54









E 30



C-E 66



E 77






E 30 C-

C 30/1

CC- E 40 E 50

C 63



CE 65





C-E 95




C 70/2



Senaki Samtredia



70 C-E


Kars Erzurum








C-E 70


Razi Van Kapiköy







C-E 60

Bukhara Chardzhev















C-E 97




E 70


SY R IA N Arab Republic

C-E C-E 70


C-E 696 Andizhan







CE 59



of AG C ) C - E 7 0 ( I r a n s e c tio n n o t p a r t



Chengeldy Urganch





E 97 Fevzipasa Narli Toprakkale Adana Yenice Islahiye C-E 97 Mersin Meydan Iskenderun Ekbez


Hrazdan YEREVAN Artashat





695 Termis





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Belarus wants high-speed railway A corridor for building a high-speed railway has been reserved in Belarus, according to the declaration of Belarusian Transport and Communications Minister Anatoly Sivak. Crimea and Russia could be connected by high-speed railway russia: The project of a high-speed railway line (HSR) of the southern direction from Moscow to Adler can be extended to Crimea, said the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Maxim Sokolov. “According to the updated transport strategy approved by the government in June, there are three main directions of development of high-speed railways: east direction - to Yekaterinburg, southern - to Adler and, probably, we will prolong it in the direction of Crimea”, the minister declared. Sokolov reported that the Ministry of Transport prepared the offers within the budgetary process for the next three years. Several


“A high-speed railway that will connect Moscow and Berlin via Minsk may be built in the future. The proposal to connect Minsk, Moscow, and Astana has been recently voiced, but it will be possible only if Chinese specialists intend to build a transcontinental railway projects of HSR were offered by Russian Railways. The line between Moscow and Kazan (with extension to Yekaterinburg) will be constructed by 2026, from Moscow to Adler by 2028. First part of the HSR Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod - Kazan will be opened in 2018.

photo: RZD

Azerbaijan: The National Railway Company (ADY) is inviting bids for another tender procedure within the framework of WB-financed Rail Trade & Transport Facilitation Project. ADY reported that the tender subject is services on the provision of technical supervision and technical support in the procurement of electric locomotives. In particular, the services relate to the conversion of Baku – Beyuk-Kesik corridor power supply from planned to 3.3 KV direct current to 25 KV 50 Hertz alternating current; modification and upgrading of the signalling and telecommunications system; purchase of 50 freight and 12 passenger locomotives. Expressions of interest must be delivered by 11 August 2014. Россия: Проект высокоскоростной линии МоскваАдлер может рассматривать расширение линии в сторону Крыма. Об этом заявил министр транспорта, Максим Соколов. В мире: РЖДстрой и Rhomberg Sersa Rail GmbH (совместный холдинг, в состав которого входят Австрия и Швейцария) подписали соглашение о реализации совместных мероприятий в железнодорожном секторе.


Arys Dashhowuz


C-E 692



C -E 5 0


Konya C-E 74 Ulukisla


E 50 C-




C- Gardabani E 60 Beyuk-Kyasik Sadkhlo Barkhudarli C - E 6 9 2 Ayrum Ghazakh Dilijan Ijevan Gyumri

C-E 692

C -E 6 9 2






C-E 74 74 C-E

C-E 85





C-E 60






E 59

CE 60





E 95







Alayunt Kütahya

C-E 74





C-E 692


E 77







C-E 55



C 90

E 90

E 63

C-E 65



C-E 35



C 95/2

C 59/2

E 30

C-E 51

CE 32




C-E 40



C-E 23

C-E C-E 15 70


C-E C-E 55 61 C 45/3

C-E 45

C-E 45



C 51

E 07


E 05


C-E 07

C-E 05

C 07


/1 C 45



45 C-E

C-E 10

C-E 03

Ba ltic

C 45/1 03




E 59



12 Veseloe Gantiadi

C-E 60

C-E 74

Aral Sea








Novokazalinsk Beyneu

E 70 C-



C -E 5 0












C-E 85




50 C-E

Aksaraiskaya II

Sea of Azov



C 85







C-E 07

Uspenskaya 59 3 Rostov-ná-Donu

59 C-E

C-E 05











C 40


50 C-E

Likhaya Guk ovo

Krasnaya Mogila





C-E 50





C-E 07

Iletsk I

C-E 30



C-E 74







0 E 72







C-E 54

C 8 5 /2





C-E 391

Topoli Kupyansk

Black Sea




C -E 2 4

Krasnoyarsk Irkutsk Vladivostok


10 2


E C- 85

C-E 855

05 C-E




C 8 5 /1



C-E 30



E 70 C85


E 45



C -E 2








10 2





Solovei Valuiki


C-E 30



E C-

C-E 05 C-E 90

C-E 99 C-E 102


1 85



C-E 85



ADY launches tenders for the acquisition of 62 locomotives



C-E 24 C-E 30





C-E 85

E C56

C-E 1 69


C-E 35




C-E 30



C-E 20







C-E 24

C 28

40 C-E

C-E 67





C-E 24





E 24


C-E 59

C-E 61

35 C-E






10 2

C 95/2


E 20

Ekaterinburg Krasnoyarsk Irkutsk Vladivostok







C-E 20 C-

C 2 0 /2




C 20


E 40




C-E 551

C-E 45


C-E 61

C-E 551

C-E 15


C-E 053

E 10 C-


Sokólka Bialystok

E 65 C-

E 61 C-

C-E 55

E 55






C 20/2

Nizhniy Novgorod





C 95/

C 20


C-E 59

C-E 55 C-E 61






C-E 55

C-E 23

C-E 35

C-E 25


C-E 55 C-E 61





E 45



C -E 9 0

Valencia de Alcántara













CE 59

C-E 43 C-E 43


70 C-E




C-E 55 C-E 61

E 35


15 C-E

C-E Fuentes de Oñoro


/2 C 45

C-E 35


27 C-E 25


Perm Krasnoyarsk Irkutsk Vladivostok



C 14




E C-


C-E 05

Vilar Formoso

C-E 05

C-E 07

Medina del Campo



C-E 55 C-E 61

2 C 45/

C 03/1




International: The construction of the bridge across the Amur River between the cities of Blagoveshchensk (Amur region, Russia) and Heykhe (the Province of Heilongjiang, China) will start in 2015. Exact dates of construction will be defined in July. The main investor is already defined. “At a meeting with the governor we agreed that the Russian and Chinese companies will finish the bridge design in a short time and in 2015 begin its construction. The bridge will be loaded not only by import shipments, but also by export. The project will stimulate the development of economy in the Amur region”, declared Oleg Kozhemyako, governor of the Amur region. Pampilhosa

C 12

Zoblin E 75 BERLIN CC-E 20 Poznan Rzepin Hannover C-E 20 C-E 20 Osnabrück Amsterdam Frankfurt WARSZAWA C -E 2 0 C-E 15 am Oder Terespol C -E 3 5 C 1 0 /1 Brest Nowasol Hoek van Holland Harwich C-E Lowice Münster Utrecht 20 16 E 20 C -E 1 6 Lukow C-E Rotterdam Arnhem C CC-E 20 59 16 C-E Roosendaal Emmerich C-E Halle 20 Berezhest C 16 Duisburg C 3 0 Horka Zeebrugge C -E 22 Leipzig Wegliniec Dortmund C 03/1 E 51 CC-E Oostende C-E C-E 95 LONDON 32 Görlitz Brugge Antwerpen Sarny Kovel Jzov 10 Dover C-E Wroclaw 03 C-E Erfurt Düsseldorf CDresden C -E 3 0 BRUXELLES C-E 10 32 Dunkerque E Zgorzelec 20 C 28 C-E 10 Köln C-E 51 Lublin C- 30 Folkestone 10 C-E Korosten C 28 C-E 20 Bad E 59 C -E 3 2 C-E 23 Decin 20 C-E Calais C-E Schandau C 28 C 51 BELGIUM Aachen Kozle COpole Plauen Liège Lille CE 30 Quévy E 23 C-E KIEV Frankfurt Koblenz Miedzylesie 30 am Katowice Charleroi Gouvy Chalupki Cheb C-E Schirnding C-E 46 Main Hanau C-E 30 Fastov C - E 4 0 Kolín Tarnov C-E 61 Lichkov 50 Aulnoye Feignies C-E PRAHA Trois-vierges C40 C-E 65 Gemünden Bohumín CMainz C-E 40 E 61 Ústí n. O. Mostiska LUX. Kraków E 50 Przemysl Petrovice C -E 4 0 Würzburg C-E Beredichev LUXEMBOURG Arlon Ceska C-E 40 E 30 Le Havre Lvov Medyka 23 Kazatin Plzen 65 15 E Trebová C-E 45 CMannheim Nürnberg Prerov C-E Saarbrücken C Z E C H Rep. C-E Thionville Heidelberg C-E C-E C-E 40 Propad Tatry 40 Metz 42 40 Karlsruhe Brno 451 Onville Zilina C-E 40 C-E 40 C-E E 30 C-E Rémilly Horní Cierna PARIS 25 Reding Kosice Breclav E 30 42 Dvoriste Stuttgart nad C-E C-E Ingoldstadt Kuty Bernhardsthal Strasbourg CS LOVA K IA Tisou Lérouville E Toul Passau Summerau Ke hl Appenweier 95 Nancy C63 Leopoldov C-E 43 Zahony Cop C-E 50 C 40 E 15 Wels C 54 Ulm C - E C-EBRATISLAVA München Linz Rennes Vadul Siret CGalanta Augsburg Le Mans WIEN C-E 52 U K R A I Miskolc E 70 C-E E 50 55 Nové Zámky Chalindrey 50 Freilassing 61 Nyiregyháza C- C-E C-E 52 Szob Orléans Vendome Rosenheim Mulhouse C-E 50 E 65 Semmering Vicsani Satu Mare Salzburg 05 MOLDOVA 40 Debrecen C CE 43 Selzthal C Bruck a.d.Mur E 502 C-E 07 Kufstein Besançon Ujszasz BUDAPEST Basel 66 Zürich Buchs Ungeny St Michael Dijon Bischofshofen C-E C 5 4 /1 C-E Dej C-E 52 C-E C-E 95 Innsbruck C-E 45 E 52 25 Olten C 54/1 Schwarzach St V. CHISINAU Pascani Nagyatád E CC50 Szolnok E 95 Nantes CC-E 95 SWITZERLAND C-E 50 Brenner C-E Wörgl Nagykanizsa 69 Oradea Cegléd Iasi Graz Razdelnaya AUST R IA BERN San H U N G A R Y Bendery Kuchurgan Spielfeld Strass Brennero Vallorbe E 50 Gottardo Dombóvár C 9 5 /1 Villach CCimislia Le Creusot Klagenfurt Maribor Lausanne Murakeresztúr Tarvisio Pragersko Lökösháza Odessa 8 Curtici Basarabeasca C-E 54 Cakovec Mâcon Jesenice Brig Zidani Arad Kelebia Gyékényes Ilyichevsk LJUBLJANA CTeius Genève Koprívnica Subotica CAmbérieu E Magyarboly Chiasso Udine CTaraclia E 70 Simplon E 25 R O M A N I A Culoz 55 SLOVENIA 9 71 2 BeliTimisoara Domodossola Lyon Bolgrad C-E 55 C-E Deva Sibiu Manastir ZAGREB C-E C-E 70 Trieste Galati Padova Reni Rho Brasov C-E 70 Modane OAT IA 700 Osijek Stara Bogojevo C-E C RSunja Mestre/ Koper Verona Vinkovci 70 Str. Moravita C-E 70 Rijeka 71 Milano C-E 70 560 Ostarije C-E Venezia Vrsac C-E CDobrljin Vrpolje Tovarnik Sid 95 Pitesti Fréjus E 35 Buzáu Torino C-E Bihac C -E 7 0 C-E Bosanski Bordeaux 72 Ploesti BEOGRAD Ripac BOSNIA Samac C 90 Gospic Genova BUCURESTI /2 C-E 56 Videle Craiova C-E 562 1 HERZEGOVINA Bologna SERBIA Giurgiu Zadar Lapovo Avignon Constanta Ruse La Spezia C-E Knín Menton C-E 753 CTarascon 45 Vidin Toulouse E 66 Ventimiglia Pisa SARAJEVO C-E C 90 C 95 Sibenik Firenze 0 /2 C-E 15 E 90 C -E 6 8 0 Kraljevo C - E 7 5 1 Split C 90/4 CAncona Kaspican C-E 680 2 90 Mezdra Nis Hendaye Livorno Varna Mostar C-E Ploce Dimitrovgrad Irún Sindel 680 Narbonne Capljina 90 G. Oriahovitza Marseille C-E 07 ANDORRA C-E Karnobat Zim nitsa 05 SOFIJA C-E Cerbère Burgas B U L G A R I A720 D.Jankovic Presevo Burgos C -E 7 0 3 C-E Port-Bou Volkovo Tabanovce ITA LY Dimitrovgrad Plovdiv SKOPJE Bar Aranda Svilengrad Kapikule de Duero ROMA C-E 90 F.Y.R.of Kulata C-E 70 Barcelona MACEDONIA 4 Foggia C 70/2 Haydarpasa Promachon Gevgelia /2 90/1 CNapoli C-E Idomeni C 70 Istanbul E 45 Bari Alexandroúpolis Salerno Strymonas


Atlantic Ocean


C 20/3 Cherniakhovsk






C 14



Russian Fed. Kybartai


Stral sund





Sa ssnitz Hafen









Gedser /3 C 45

10 C-E Rostock

C 12



C 20/3


C 12



Malmö C-E 59 Ystad Trelleborg

C-E 530




E 45



C 14


C 12



C-E 59 55 C-E 61 C-E

Nykøbing Rødby Puttgarten


C 2 0 /1





C 12




E 95



E 10


C 20/1


Se a

61 55 C-E




C-E 53



C 75/1


C 95/2




C-E 75


The Wider Black Sea Area (WBSA), a median area of the Eurasian platform, expands from Central Asia to Central Europe and from Northern to Southern Europe and Asia Minor. The macro-area includes 28 dynamic railway markets, a mixture of mature, developing and ascending markets, that bring about a spectrum of opportunities across the railway sector.



C-E 03

St Petersburg


61 C-E 55 C-E

C 55




C-E 10


E 10 C-

E 45

C 45



C 61 Hallsberg




C-E 10


C 10/2



C 10

C 61 Kornsjø









9th edition 7-8 October 2014 Bucharest, Romania Riihimäki

Construction of bridge linking Russia to China will be launched in 2015 I R E LAN D



C 47

lf Gu

C 48

North Sea

U N I T E D K I N G D O M Leeds Irish




Larne Belfast

White Sea


Atlantic Ocean


Join the summit for railway business champions

Norwegian Sea

C 47

Turkmen part of the project is complete and the last operations for its launch are underway now,” Saltykow said, while visiting the construction work at the Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran railway. Also, Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow after being informed of the progress in the Turkmen part of the international corridor by Saltykow, underlined that his country actively participates in infrastructural plans to develop the international transportation systems.

July 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

12 news Consortium of 3 Romanian companies wins bid to rehabilitate Danube bridges romania: CFR SA, the national railway infrastructure manager, declared winner the bid worth EUR 28 Million submitted by the consortium Arcada Company SA – Metabet C.F. SA – Compania Construcţii Feroviare SA for the rehabilitation of the railway bridges across the Danube, located on Bucharest - Constanta railway. Over the next period, CFR SA will sign the contract with the winning consortium, the deadline of works being 23 months after signing the contract.

Ukrzaliznytsia to launch new high-speed train

China will construct railway to Turkey through Baku

Ukraine: The National Railway Company, Ukrzaliznytsia, is analysing the possibility of introducing a highspeed train on Kiev-Odessa route. The connection would be provided with rolling stock manufactured by Kriukov Car Plant. The launch date of the new service has not been revealed. In 2013, Ukrainian High-Speed Railway Company announced the plan to launch Intercity+ trains produced by Korea’s Hyundai Rotem on the Kiev-Odessa route in the traffic schedule for 2014/2015.

International: The government of China prepares the new project on restoration of a historical Silk Road. The length of the line will be 6000 km and will cost 150 billion dollars. The route will pass through Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran and will reach Turkey. It is reported that construction of the railroad will start from the Xinjiang-Uigur province of China. This road will connect the territory of the Caucasus with KarsAkhalkalaki-Tbilisi-Baku railroad that. The road will be ready by 2030. Speed of passenger trains on this line will reach 200 km/h, and cargo – 160 km/h.

photo: primaria-cernavoda.ro

South Caucasus Railway intends to invest USD 572 Million

in the direction of Europe and this section will be part of it,” said Sivak. InfraKos seeks consultancy for railway reconstruction Kosovo: InfraKos (Kosovo Railways) has invited interested parties to submit expressions of interest for a EUR 1.84 Million consultancy deal for the rehabilitation of a railway section connecting Kosovo’s Serbian and Macedonian borders. EBRD is considering a loan to Kosovo to implement the railway upgrade project. The consultancy assignment will be financed by the EBRD’s European Western Balkans Joint Fund. Expressions of interest should be sent by July 18. Works will begin in the fourth quarter of the year and will last 18 months.

Польша: Компания PKP PLK проводит испытания новой системы ERTMS второго уровня на линии E30, между Легницей и Белявой. Система будет установлена на основных линиях Польши, чтобы обеспечить повышение уровня безопасности эксплуатации поезда. В мире: Соглашение о вступлении Армении в Евразийский экономический союз может быть подписано в октябре. Об этом объявил Ерлан Идрисов, министр иностранных дел Казахстана (государство-член Евразийского союза).

В мире: Строительство моста через реку Амур, между городами Благовещенск (Амурская область, Россия) и Хейкэ www.railwaypro.com | July 2014

Armenia: South Caucasus Railway

intends to invest USD 572 Million in Armenia’s economy under its 30-year investment program launched in 2008, Karen Antonyan, chief of the company’s management division, announced. “In its investment policy, the company pays attention also to Armenian economy’s related sectors that serve the railway,” Antonyan said. South Caucasus Railway, a subsidiary of Russian Railways, runs Armenian Railway, which was handed over to the South Caucasus Railway for a 30-year concession management. Armenia to join the Eurasian Economic Union International: The agreement on Armenia’s accession to the Eurasian Economic Union may be signed in October, Kazakh Foreign Minister Erlan Idrisov announced. “The signing of an agreement is likely to take place in Minsk this October during a regular meeting of the Union member states,” Idrisov said. President Vladimir Putin has also recently said it hoped Armenia would become a member in the near future. Meanwhile, the talks with Kyrgyzstan are underway. (провинция Хэйлунцзян, Китай) будет запущено в 2015 году. Туркменистан: Вице-президент Туркменистана по транспортному сообщению Салтык Салтыков объявил о завершении работ по туркменскому отсеку Коридора Север - Юг. Это международный железнодорожный маршрут, соединяющий Иран и Казахстан через Туркменистан Азербайджан: Железнодорожная компания Азербайджана запускает тендеры на закупку 62 локомотивов. Запросы на выражение заинтересованности (намерение участвовать) могут быть направлены до 11 августа 2014 года

Iran wants to get Russia more involved in rail projects International: Iran and Russia have signed an agreement for the enhancement of customs cooperation, as Russia was the 13th most important trading partner of Iran in the previous Iranian calendar year. Annual non-oil trade between Iran and Russia amounted to USD 1 Billion in the period March 2013-March 2014. Russia exported USD 758.3 Million worth of non-oil goods to Iran and imported USD 316.5 Million worth of goods from the country. In February, the Iranian ambassador to Russia, Mehdi Sanaei, said that Tehran and Moscow have vast potential to boost their economic relations. “Economic cooperation is conventionally divided into two parts - trade and industrial production. In both areas we have joint projects,” the ambassador stated. “Another area is the railways. We need hundreds of kilometres of railway tracks, and we are currently buying them from other countries, when we could buy them from Russia. We also want to electrify our railroads, and Russia has vast experience in this field.”

Румыния: АО «ЧФР» (CFR SA), национальный управляющий инфраструктурой в Румынии, объявил о победе финансового предложения в размере 28 миллионов евро, представленного партнерством Arcada Company SA – Metabet C.F. АО Компания по строительству железных дорог (SA – Compania Construcţii Feroviare SA) - для реабилитации железнодорожных мостов через Дунай, расположенных на линии Бухарест Констанца. В мире: В будущем может быть построена высокоскоростная линия, соединяющая Москву и Берлин, через Минск.




TERRANOVA – DHL 1260 HP After a thorough marketing study, in early 2013, ELECTROPUTERE VFU – RELOC S.A. Company in Craiova started an ambitious p ro j e c t , n a m e l y t h e d e s i g n a n d development of a heavy shunting and freight transport locomotive. The technical version that our company specialists have chosen to develop is designed to run on standard, narrow or wide gauge railways and it can be used practically in most countries around the globe. The locomotive is entirely designed and manufactured in ELECTROPUTERE VFU – RELOC S.A. Craiova Company.

TECHNICAL DATA Wheel arrangement Track gauge Length over couplers Weight Maximum height Maximum width Maximum axle load Wheel diameter Bogie wheelbase Maximum speed Nominal power Maximum tractive effort Tank volume

TERRA NOVA LOCOMOTIVE Bo -Bo 1435 mm 14800 mm 70 t 4448 mm 3070 mm 17,5 t 1100 mm 2500 mm 100 km/h 1260 (2x630) CP 230 kN 3500 l

14 news More than two thirds of EU citizens are satisfied with urban public transport International: Europeans are broadly satisfied with urban public transport according to a new study from the European Commission revealed today at the European Mobility Conference, co-organised by UITP (International Association of Public Transport). The Eurobarometer, which surveyed 28,036 Europeans on their happiness with various aspects of public transport, reveals that in 23 of the 28 Member States, at least 60% of people show ‘high’ or ‘good’ satisfaction. Luxembourg topped the list (88%), followed by Latvia (83%) and Finland (82%). Meanwhile, Malta showed the low-

Minsk takes about USD 13 Million loan from Russia’s VEB to buy metro cars

reimbursable foreign funds within the Sectoral Operational Transport Programme. Works include the section where the execution of the structure is in progress, Drumul Taberei – Universitate, Râul Doamnei – Eroilor (PS Operă), including Valea Ialomiţei Station, Depot and Connection tunnel. “Drumul Taberei – Universitate, Râul Doamnei – Eroilor (PS Operă), including Valea Ialomiţei Station, Depot and Connection tunnel” project which includes the present procurement contract is aimed at putting in operation a new metro line with a length of 7 km and includes 10 stations and a depot.

Belarus: Belarusbank has taken a USD 12.5 Million loan from Russian state development bank Vnesheconombank (VEB) to finance the purchase of 15 railcars from Russian metro car producer Metrowagonmash, Belarusbank said in a statement June 12. “We have carried out the project without the Russian Agency for Export Credit and Investment Insurance, which helped reduce the price of borrowed funds significantly. This fact demonstrates a high degree of trust by the Russian financial community to Belarusbank,” the bank said.

UITP: Public transport in EU 2000-2012

Metrorex launches tender for Metro Line 5

International: UITP is launching its first annual publication on public transport statistics in the EU Member States. Nearly 57 billion local public transport journeys were made in the European Union in 2012. The pace of growth in public transport journeys since 2000 reflects fluctuations of the economic situation, the growth in urban population and some signs of emerging changes in urban mobility patterns. Moreover, the public transport sector plays a considerable role in managing and delivering sustainable urban mobility in the EU: there are approximately 182 million journeys being made on an average working day in the bloc. The new UITP statistics publication provides detailed figures by country revealling different levels

photo: Club Feroviar

Romania: For the operation of Metro Line 5, Metrorex has launched the attribution procedure of the public procurement contract on “Metro Line 5: Line 1. Drumul Taberei – Universitate. Section 1 Râul Doamnei - Eroilor (PS Opera) and Line 2. Universitate – Pantelimon. Section 1 - Valea Ialomiţei Station, Depot and Connection Tunnel. Running track works, third rail and contact wire. Finishing and installations”. The contract is valued at RON 856 Million (EUR 194 Million), including RON 77,854,300 (EUR 17.7 Million) for varied costs.The contract attribution criterion is “the lowest price” and the estimated duration of works is 16 months. Financing sources are provided by the state budget, foreign EIB loan and non-

www.railwaypro.com | July 2014

est overall satisfaction at 31%. 69% of Europeans were satisfied with the frequency of their public transport; 58% were satisfied with passenger information whilst the rest of the criteria (punctuality/reliability, cleanliness, security, ticketing and routes taken) were met with 58-70% satisfaction. The one criterion falling beneath the 50% mark was ticket pricing, with which just 39% of Europeans are satisfied. The survey also shows that Europeans have good access to urban public transportation: 77% are less than 10 minutes away from the nearest station or stop. Due to differences in the offer, people in large towns are more likely to use public transportation on a regular basis (51%) than those in small and mid-sized towns (27%) or in villages (20%).

В мире: В большей степени европейские граждане довольны общественным транспортом - об этом свидетельствует исследование, проведённое Европейской Комиссией. Румыния: Компания «Метрорекс» запустила процедуру присуждения контракта на государственную закупку ввиду сдачи в эксплуатацию для пассажиров новой магистрали метро, длина которой будет составлять 7 километров. Магистраль будет иметь 10 станций и депо.

of demand and different trajectories. It also shows the breakdown of journeys by public transport mode in urban and suburban areas, with buses carrying 56% of the total number of passengers, followed by metros, tramways and suburban railways with 16%, 14% and 14% respectively.This is the first comprehensive effort to gather and analyse local public transport ridership data by country in the whole of the EU. Attiko Metro receives new trains Greece: After completing the tests and certifications, Attiko Metro has received the seventeen new trains, which are expected to be soon put intoservice . In September 2009, the international tender was completed and the relevant contract was signed for the supply of seventeen new Metro trains destined to serve the Metro network extensions Elleniko, Anthoupoli and Aghia Marina, as well as the future Metro extension to Piraeus. Hanwa-Rotem consortium won the tender.Attiko Metro is currently developing the Metro Line 3 extension to Piraeus, consisting in 7.6 km of tunnel and 6 stations, as well as the tramway extension from Peace and Friendship Stadium (SEF) to the centre of Piraeus, consisting in 5.4km of single track and 12 stops.The Contract for the supply of the new trains includes the manufacture, supply, testing and commissioning of 6-car trains, the supply of the capital spare parts of the trains, the special tools, the testing and diagnostic equipment, the three-year guarantee period for the good performance of the trains, as well as the supply of the capital spare parts and consumables required for this guarantee period.

New trams for Silesia Region in Poland Poland: Poland’s regional tram operator Silesian Tramways (Tramwaje Śląskie S.A.) has launched a tender to purchase 12 new low-floor trams. The trams will have a length of between 26 metres and 29 metres, and a width of between 235 cm and 240 cm, according to the technical specifications published by Silesian Tramways. All bids are to be submitted by June 17, 2014. Under the tender terms, the selected company will be required to supply the rolling stock by the end of May 2015. The amount of the

Белоруссия: «Беларусбанк» взял у «Внешэкономбанка» кредит в размере 12,5 миллионов долларов США. В мире: Общественный транспорт в Европейском союзе зарегистрировал примерно 57 миллиардов пассажиров в 2012 году. В мире: Европейская комиссия объявила о 19 мероприятиях, которые получат финансирование в рамках кампании по устойчивой городской мобильности под названием „Do the Right Mix”.

news 15 planned investment was not disclosed by by the European Commission. The project Metrorex receives EUR 409.5 the Polish firm. The procurement is to be refers to Eroilor 2 – Valea Ialomiței/Râul Million to continue Line 5 projects co-financed by funds obtained from the Doamnei section, part of the Priority Axis European Union. The purchase is designed Romania: EC approved an investment of no.2, Key intervention area 2.2 “Modernito expand the company’s rolling stock EUR 409.5 Million from the European Re- sation and development of the national fleet which currently consists of some 230 gional Development Fund (ERDF) for the railway infrastructure and passenger servtram cars operating on 27 lines.Based in extension of Line 5 of Bucharest Metro, ices and metro transport development”. Chorzów, Poland, Silesian Tramways is The project has a total budget of EUR Agerpres informs. jointlyPORR ownedbuilds by 12 Polish for allmunicipalities of us. PORR builds it all for us. PORRthe has a great track 730.6 Million, EUR 409.5 Million of which The project includes construction of record located the country’s is non-refundable financing granted by 6.7 kmwhich of newrun metro line with 10today stations in in major projectssouth-western both at home and abroad as smoothly as ever. SilesiaPORR region.isThe total system has 200 km, and a in new between Drumul Taberei the European Commission, an EIB loan of steaming ahead as the specialist raildepot construction the longest route being 21 with 22.4 km. and the existing Eroilor metro station, ac- EUR 123.5 Million and the remainder EUR and ensures your project always right on track. The system was introduced in 1894isand cording to information sent to Agerpres 197.5 Million from the State Budget. called Silesia Interurban. Commission awards funding to 19 European actions to get people to “do the right mix”

which is inspired by the Tour de France. The objective is to commute by bike as much as possible and avoid congestion. The prize for the winner is a trip to Paris. The Greater Region of Luxembourg asked public transport users to pose with symbols representing the different modes of transport they mix to get around, users then share the photos on Facebook and the one with the most votes wins public transport

International: The European Commission has announced 19 actions which will receive funding under the Sustainable Urban Mobility campaign ‘Do the Right Mix’. The selected actions will each receive up to € 7 000 to support activities promoting greener and more sustainable ways of getting around town, such as design competitions and educational activities. Activities this year have encouraged the public to rethink their behaviour when it comes to transport choices by incorporating mobile apps and social media. For example, the Arnhem-Nijmegen region of the11:26 Seite bahnbau_a5:Layout 1 14.07.2010 Netherlands has developed a mobile app

Греция: В результате проведения освидетельствования и получения сертификатов, компания Attiko Metro получила 17 новых поездов, которые будут скоро сданы в эксплуатацию. Румыния: Европейская комиссия утвердила инвестицию в размере 409,5 1 миллионов евро из Европейского

tickets and a board game. In Gdynia (Poland), a ‘Parking (r)evolution’ competition will invite young designers and architects to re-design parking spaces c spaces within a set budget. The three-year “Do the Right Mix” campaign, now in its final year, has seen over 605 sustainable urban mobility actions at local, regional and national level registered on the www.dotherightmix.eu website. фонда регионального развития (ЕФРР) на расширение 5-й Магистрали Бухарестского метрополитена. Россия: Программа развития транспортной инфраструктуры города Москвы на 2012 - 2016 гг. была продлена до 2020 года.

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16 Policies & Strategies

Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan become one of the largest integrated economic unions [ by Pamela Luică ]

The presidents of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan have signed the Agreement on the establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union which will become effective as of 1 January 2015. The process was initiated in 2011 during the first summit of the Council where the officials adopted the joint declaration for economic integration.


t the end of May, the presidents of Russia (Vladimir Putin), Belarus (Alexander Lukashenko) and Kazakhstan (NursultanNazarbayev) signed the Agreement on the establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union. The three countries will form an attractive and strong economic centre, while setting up an important regional market. By signing the Treaty, the three countries have officially approved the establishment of one of the largest integrated economic unions in the world. With a population of 170 million (ranked 7th in the world), the union is one of the largest consumption markets. At the same time, it account for a quarter of all mineral resources worth USD 40 Trillion. “The Eurasian Economic Union will operate based on universal, transparent and clear principles including the principles of the World Trade Organisation. This document will take our countries to a new level of integration which stipulates a well-coordinated SECTION 2. economic cooperation”, Russian President MEMBER OF THE CUSTOMS Vladimir PutinSTATES declared. Eurasian Economic Integration: Facts and Figures


“Together, we began to put this noble idea into practice. In the last five years alone, Kazakhstan’s trade with the other Customs Union member states grew by 88%, reaching nearly USD 24 Billion. Export to our Eurasian integration partner states increased by 63% to USD 6 Billion. These are not abstract figures. They represent hundreds of companies and enterprises, and new lines of cooperation between partners in Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus”, Kazakhstan President NursultanNazarbayev declared. “The establishment of the Customs Union, of the Common Economic Space and finally of the Eurasian Union has been a long and complicated process, but by common efforts, the Eurasian integration is marked by the signing of the Treaty. Belarus will shape its objectives within the system and our priorities are well-known. Within the Union, we will approach the problems related to economic cooperation and trade to make all processes efficient”, declared Alexander Lu2014 kashenko, the President of Belarus. In order to develop a synchronized legal framework, the leaders of the three counEurasian Economic Commission




Over 20 mln. sq. km


15 % of the world land surface


170 mln.

15% 170





Source: eng.rzd.ru

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tries have decided to codify the regulations and laws of the Customs Union and of the Common Economic Space for the Treaty signed for the Eurasian Economic Union. This measure will optimise the applicability of the agreements between the member states in several sectors such as finances, industry, trade and investments, transport and energy. The document establishing the UTLC was signed The mutual benefits of this integration are proven: economic connections between the three countries are extended and the structure of the commercial activity is improved helping the union consolidate its position in the global market. Over the past three years, trade in the Customs Union has increased by 50% (USD 23 Billion). In 2013, trade amounted to USD 66.2 Billion. Regarding the trade of the Russian Federation, Belarus and Kazakhstan (together) are ranking third, after the EU and China. “By comparison, our trade with the EU is worth USD 440 Billion, while that with China, USD 87 Billion. Regarding the economic volumes, Belarus and Kazakhstan are smaller than the two economic giants, yet their trade with Russia ranks third. This means that we have reached this level due to the integration”, believes Putin. The geographical position of the union makes the establishment of the transport and logistics routes possible, not just at regional level, but also globally and can attract a large part of the trade from Europe to Asia. These aspects are the foundation of competitiveness and dynamic development within the union. In this context, the development of an integrated transport system becomes essential for the three countries. For example, the share of railway traffic from China through the Common Economic Space will

Policies & Strategies 17 • Kyrg WT/TPR/G/288


Chart 4.2 Customs Union import volumes by trade partner

- 42 It is too soon to judge to what extent multip integration within the Key partners of Eurasian the KyrgyzEconomic C Chart 7.1 Key partners of the Kyrgyz Republic ove Republic over 2006 and materialise, and whether the2012 numerous cha Export can, respectively, be overcome and minimis 5,0 1,800 useful to see what can be learned from the Kazakhstan

Customs Union import volumes by trade partner

US$ billion 400 350




Belarus Japan Switzerland Canada USA Germany Turkey China Uzbekistan Tajikistan Russia





In1,200 2010-11 intra-regional trade between Be and Russia increased by over two-thirds, 3,0 an 1,000 150 2,5 100 months of 2012 it continued to expand at th 800 2,0 50 cent year-on-year. Was this impressive grow 600 0 economic integration or merely in1,5 lin WT/TPR/G/288 •deeper Kyrgyz Republic 400 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1,0 the post-crisis recovery of trade? - 42 200 Q Customs Union Q EU-27 Q China Q CIS (excl. CU) Q Others In the wake of the 2008-09 crisis, overa5 Source: TRANSITION REPORT 2012- INTEGRATION ACROSS BORDERS, EBRD Source: Kazstat, Rosstat, Belstat and Customs Union Commission. 0 2006 Chart 7.1 Key partners of the Kyrgyz Republic over andcontracted 2012 Eurasian bloc by 35 per cent (se Note: CU is the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia, EU-27 are 2006 2012 the 27 current members of the European Union. it similarly fell by over o increase ten-fold after the establishment of sia, USD 5.3 Billion for Kazakhstan and imports from within Import Export the united transport and logistics company, 1,800 USD 1 Billion for Belarus). in 5,000 2010 imports started to recover, increas export and import goods over 2006 declared DanialAkhmetov, Minister of En- According to BelTA, representatives of Be- Chart 7.2 KeyBelarus Kazakhstan overall. This recovery was strongest for goo 4,500 Belarus 1,600 Japan ergy and Infrastructure of the Eurasian Eco- larus Government have declared that so far 200





Kyrgyz Rep.


















Slovak Rep.

Switzerland Switzerland nomic Commission. three phases for the set-up of the operator’s 1,400 4,000 Canada 1,400 Canada Positive results include the supply of efficient capital have USA been decided upon. The first USA 3,500 Germany Germany and integrated services at the level of the 1,200 step consisting of the establishment of the 1,200 Turkey Turkey entire logistics chain, but also the increase companyChina and the share of each member has 3,000 Uzbekistan China of revenues from track access charges that 1,000 already been determined. Thus, RZD will Tajikistan Uzbekistan 2,500 1,000 Russia could amount to more than USD 1.5 Billion. 800 have a non-monetary contribution in the Tajikistan Russia Moreover, 43,000 jobs will be created. form of TransContainer’s shares (50%+2 2,000 Kazakhstan 800 600 The joint company, United Transport and shares) and Russian Railways Logistics 1,500 Logistics Company (UTLC), will be es- (100% - one shares), while Belarus Railtablished this year and will be the greatest 400 ways and KTZ will contribute with USD 1 1,000 600 project for the integration of the transport 200 Million each. 500 system within the Common Economic For the next two years, UTLC’s shares will 400 0 0 Space. Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan have be formed of the relevant shares of the rail2006 2012 2006 2012 already become partners in the establish- way companies (from Belarus and Kaza- Source: 200 World Trade Organization ment of the operator, the document regu- khstan), all permits will be obtained. Also, 7.2 Key export and import over 2006 and 2012 lating the set-up being approved behind theChart works to the business plan aregoods underway, transport services on the route EU-Bela0 closed doors of the Council of the Eura- the source quoted by BelTA explained. “In rus-Russia-Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-the 2006 2012 Exportestablishsian Economic Union (in Astana), ItarTass the final stage of the company’s Persian Gulf. The project has been initiated 1,400 quoted RZD President Vladimir Yakunin as ment, the three parties will equate shares by the Prime Minister of Belarus Mikhail Electric filament bulbs 4 saying. Through this agreement, the three on a parity basis, each with a 33.3% stake. Myasnikovich and includes Russia, CHAPTER KazaRegional trade integration and Eurasian economic union 1,200 Gold railway companies become partners and Plans have been made so that 7 years will khstan and Turkmenistan. the contribution of each party will be deter- be required since the establishment of the Oil and oil products mined in conformity with the market value 1,000 company to reach this parity”, sources de- Two new future members of the Union Ferrous, non-ferrous, base of the properties brought to the company clared. metals and articles thereof and it is estimated at an equal share of 33% 800 The project has been elaborated so as to In May, President ofNonorganic Kyrgyzstan Almazchemicals each. RZD’s business plan estimates that permit, in an early stage, the transit of con- bek Atambayev and President of Armenia, Coton fiber UTLC’s freight volume will exceed 4 mil- 600 tainers between China and EU by 2021, SerzhSargsyan participated to the reunion Clothing and its accessories lion TEUs by 2020, while the contribution volumes reaching 1.1 million containers. of the Eurasian Union Council, the two to the common GDP is estimated at USD Other strategic projects of UTLC were parties taking important steps towards acElectricity 11.3 Chart Billion4.5 (around USD 5 Billion for Rus- 400 discussed in May, especially the launch of cession. “Armenia and Kyrgyzstan are tak-

Vegetables and fruits

Destinations of CustomsDestinations Union exports, by product lineexports, by product line of Customs Union 200



Customs Union 16.4% (1%) 9.0% (7%) Rest of the world 34.1% (5%)

15.8% (79%)



Customs Union 28.7% (3%)

0.3% (0%)

24.5% (8%)

Other CIS 0% (0%)


34.2% (16%) Rest of the world 15.6% (7%)

15.1% (60%)

Milk and dairy products

4.2% (3%)

1.5% (11%)


Other CIS 0.7% (0%)

Customs Union 22.6% (1%) 20.4% (62%) Rest of the world 25.3% (3%)

24.1% (31%) 6.8% (3%)

0.6% (0%) Other CIS 0.2% (0%)



Source: International Trade Centre and authors’ calculations. Note: Based on classification lines with recorded trade flows of at least US$ 1 million. Numbers in italics represent shares in volume terms.

July 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

18 Policies & Strategies Trends in change in cargo transportations volume, 2010-12 2010



Cargo turnover (Mln t-km)




Freight carried (thou- tons)




Loading (thousand tons)




Unloading (thousand tons)




Source: World Trade Organization

ing concrete steps to accede to the Treaty. Deepened Eurasian integration is in the interest of our nations and peoples. One of the main goals is to unite the opportunities of each of these nations for joint modernisation and increasing the competitiveness of our states. We need to take into account the experience of other integrated unions, first and foremost the EU. None of the participating nations should find itself subject to deindustrialisation, so that the national economy does not have a drop in the traditional industrial sectors or agriculture”, declared the Kazakh President. In the accession process, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan are supported by the member countries of the Union as negotiations for the adoption of measures begin. “We have discussed about other partners who wish to join us, especially Kyrgyzstan. I believe there are great chances, although there are many things that should be done for the elaboration of required papers. We are ready to support Kyrgyzstan to complete all necessary steps to join the Union”, declared Vladimir Putin. “Kyrgyzstan plans to become full-fledged Period

member of the Customs Union by the end of the year. We will make out best to meet obligations and the document which stipulates the finalisation of preparing activities will be completed by the end of the year”, declared Prime Minister Djoomart Otorbaev during an interview for Itar-Tass. The economic conditions of the country require the elimination of frontier barriers to establish the free-trade concept. The advantages include the significant improvement of the country’s investment environment. “Kyrgyzstan can open its economy for interested companies not just in the domestic market, but also in the markets of the Customs Unions countries”, added the Prime Minister. At the beginning of the year, Kyrgyzstan and Russia concluded an agreement on the development of a joint programme for the accession of the country to the Customs Union, Minister of Economy of Kyrgyzstan Temir Sariyev announced. “The presidents of the two countries have agreed on the establishment of a working group headed by deputy prime ministers for the development of a programme

Armenia: Export, mln. USA dollars / 2014 Absolute in compariin comparison value son with same with previous period of last period (%) year (%)

















From the beginning of the year





Armenia: Import, mln. USA dollars / 2014 absolute value in compariin comparison son with same with previous period of last period (%) year (%)

















From the beginning of the year




Source: National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia

www.railwaypro.com | July 2014

that would support the accession of Kyrgyzstan to the Customs Union”, declared Sariyev. Kyrgyzstan authorities decided to access the Customs Union in the summer of 2011 and have submitted an official accession demand in 6 months. In the case of Armenia, the process is in an advanced stage. In September, following the discussions with Armenian President, the President of Russia announced that Armenia would join the Customs Union and would adopt concrete measures to participate to the establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union. The works jointly implemented with the institutions of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia, as well as with the Eurasian Economic Commission have allowed Armenia to elaborate an agreement through which it would access the Treaty for the Eurasian Economic Union. “Our interest in signing the Treaty is conditioned by a series of factors such as the membership plan for accession to the Eurasian Union as of January 2015. This deadline has already been established by both the private and the public sector. After accession, we have to adopt 200 regulations and to implement a series of systematic changes for which a minimum period of 6 months is required”, declared President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan during the session of the Eurasian Economic Council in May. Armenia’s accession to the Common Economic Space will create a favourable economic environment, will provide easy access to more markets and will set freeof-charge trade relationships. Moreover, the accession to the Customs Union will not restrict trade to third countries.

Россия, Белоруссия и Казахстан становятся одним из крупнейших интегрированных экономических союзов В конце мая месяца, президенты России (Владимир Путин), Белоруссии (Александр Лукашенко) и Казахстана (Нурсултан Назарбаев) подписали соглашение об образовании Евразийского экономического союза. Эти три государства образуют привлекательный и сильный экономический центр, который одновременно является важным региональным рынком. Путем подписания Договора, эти три государства законно формализовали образование крупнейшего в мире интегрированного союза. С помощью такой интеграции, взаимовыгодные достижения налицо: экономические связи между тремя государствами расширяются, структура торговой деятельности улучшается, а это способствует укреплению позиции союза на глобальном рынке.

20 Policies & Strategies

Danube Strategy: more focus on cooperation and collaboration [ by Pamela Luică ]

For two days (26 and 27 June 2014) Vienna hosted the Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR), an event which gathered ministers, representatives of citizens and businessmen from the 14 countries of the Danube Region who discussed the future priorities of the strategy based on the recent adoption of the partnership agreements for structural funds part of the investments plans and programmes aimed at developing the region.


e grow together, together we grow” was the motto of the reunion where member countries focused on competitiveness and social inclusion while considering the EC report according to which a stronger leadership of macro-regions is required. “It is time we opened the road towards implementing projects aimed at developing the region. For improved connectivity, we have to consider the level of connectivity of the region to use the development potential of the region, to optimise development and to maintain it. Relevant points refer to strategic initiatives so that governments would reach the strategy’s objectives within the technical strategic framework through which ministers have to deal with using the funds for the objectives of the Danube Strategy. For sectors such as transport, environment, tourism, the authorities have to involve in further developing and im-

plementing necessary policies and, in this regard, we want to propose more frequent meetings to decide on necessary projects. We need people to make decisions and if member countries identify priorities, they have to attend these meetings. EC will support the Danube Strategy, but the decision makers have to guide the implementation of the strategy for generating projects. By the end of the year, we have to have the priority projects well-set to receive funds and to be implemented”, declared the European Commissioner for Regional Policy, Johannes Hahn. This year’s edition of the forum has focused on the necessity of a stronger collaboration between the Danube countries, a cooperation aimed at the efficient implementation of projects. “The strategy already has 3 years and concrete results have been obtained regarding cooperation,

he Danube Region ...

Danube region

but it is not enough. Cooperation between countries and authorities is vital to implementing the project leading to regional development. There are 500 projects submitted on different sectors. For the waterborne transport, it is necessary to adopt measures to improve the infrastructure and the current situation of naval transport along the Danube. The Danube’s potential has to be fully used as transport on the river can be less expensive and more efficient, at the same time. Regarding cooperation, it requires sustained commitment and special attention to implement the macro-regional concept. EC will continue to remain active in facilitating financing. In 2014-2020, both the strategy and the pillars and their projects will be intensely promoted and implemented”, declared Walter Deffaa, Director General of DG Regional Policy of the European Commission. The “Danube Cosmos” was introduced during this year’s edition of the forum, a series of activities including initiatives and projects on a broad range of topics of all the strategy’s priorities. Future priorities and actions During the forum, the ministers of foreign affairs of the countries in the Danube Region and EC representatives welcomed the progress with the implementation of the strategy and expressed their will to continue the political guidelines of the Strategy. The ministers agreed that it was vital over the next period to set new progress regarding cooperation in the problems of policies with special importance ensuring an efficient cooperation level with other policies, programmes and instruments. In this context, the ministers encouraged the EU, national coordinators and the coordinators of the Priority Axes groups to present concrete proposals. Also, the ministers reiterated the necessity of much more coordinated actions to meet the objectives

Source: Franc Žepič, Bridging the Gap in Logistics between the Danube Region Countries ¾ 14 States: Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Moldova, Ukraine www.railwaypro.com | July 2014 ¾ Population: 115 mio (EU27: 502 mio) Area: 1,092.591 km2 (EU27: 4,324,782)

Policies & Strategies

EUSDR Governance model




National Contact Points (NCPs)

Steering Group for each PA

Operational level

High level group (HLG)

Priority Area Coordinators (PACs)

Project leaders / promoters

Source: Franc Žepič, Bridging the Gap in Logistics between the Danube Region Countries

of the Strategy and of Europe 2020 and to prepare the implementation of priorities for the 2014-2020 financing. The groups of the priority axes were required to develop a joint approach for the strategic projects for financing in the next 7 years. The ministers have also expressed their support for setting projects for accessing structural and investment funds. For this purpose, the efficient cross-border interconnection of national vital measures regarding a macro-regional vision is the responsibility of the groups of priority axes. They have been required to develop a joint approach for selecting the strategic projects of EUSDR by the end of 2014. The ministers agreed that the ministers in charge with the strategy can set ministerial reunions and the rotation principle of the Strategy Presidency has to consider the EU presidencies in the Council, presidencies within other macro-regional institutions or based on volunteering. Over the next period, the “National Contact Points” (NCP) should be called National Coordinators to better reflect their role of national coordinator. NC should

Possible financing sources TEN-T Fund, Cohesion Fund, Structural Funds (ERDF, Obj. 1-2-3 programmes incl. Transnational programmes)

IPA ENPI Sectorial EU and national funding

(environment, transport, education, etc.)

International Financing institutions Private banks, Donors


require regular informal meetings and to be an interface between the political level and that of Priority Axes. Preparing the future annual forum (in Ulm, Germany), the ministers and EC will make their best to have a maximum impact and results with the Strategy and will encourage the groups of the priority axes to develop future strategic concepts to have progress by the middle of 2015, including the adaptation of regional policies and the programmes of the EU 2020 objectives. Also, by the middle of 2015, the criteria of evaluation and performance for priority axes should be presented in cooperation with EC, National Coordinators and Coordinators of Priority Axes. Therefore, an evaluation process will be launched. The coordinators for structural and investment funds can be included within national delegations. As a general rule, meetings must be chaired by the host country of the following Annual Forum. The ministers were notified about EC’s proposal to set a Danube Strategy point in

PA1b and Targets (Only) Three exemplary targets for EUSDR Pillar 1 (Connecting the Danube Region) which are of relevance for EUSDR Priority Area 1b as amended: • Improved travel times for competitive railway passenger connections between major cities; • Implementation of the 4 Rail Freight Corridors crossing the Danube Region as planned within 3 or 5 years and possible inclusion of a new corridor with added value of linking together the EU and non-EU member states’ railway systems; • Development of efficient multimodal terminals at Danube river ports and dry ports to connect inland waterways with rail and road transport by 2020. PA1b and Actions Action (1) - “To bring to completion the TEN-T (rail and road) Priority Projects crossing the Danube Region, overcoming the difficulties and the bottlenecks including environmental, economic and political, particularly in the cross-border sections”. Action (2) - “To implement the Rail Freight Corridors forming part of the European rail network for competitive freight”. Action (3) - “To enhance cooperation between air traffic stakeholders in order to prepare a plan to implement shorter plane routes”. Action (4) - “To ensure sustainable metropolitan transport systems and mobility”. Action (5) - “To improve the regional/ local cross-border infrastructure and the access to rural areas”. Action (6) - “To develop further nodal planning for multimodality”. Action (7) - “To develop further Intelligent Traffic Systems by using environmental friendly technologies, especially in urban regions”.


order to accelerate cooperation and consolidate the synergies between the Strategy and the programmes. The ministers agreed that the main attributions and the financing of the Strategy point should be defined in advanced. For preparing the future annual forum (in Ulm, Germany), the ministers and EC will make their best to have a maximum impact and results with the Strategy and will encourage the groups of the priority axes to develop future strategic concepts to have progress by the middle of 2015, including the adaptation of regional policies and the programmes of the EU 2020 objectives. Also, by the middle of 2015, the criteria of evaluation and performance for priority axes should be presented in cooperation with EC, National Coordinators and Coordinators of Priority Axes. Therefore, an evaluation process will be launched. Regarding the transport activities and programmes – Priority Axis 1b-PA1b, coordinated by Slovenia and Serbia, 19 events have been organised since the implementation of the Strategy (2011) involving all the 14 countries. For the railway transport sector, PA1b supports this sector as important mode of transport due to its sustainable characteristics. The group supports railway transport by coordinating the activities of different players and their projects, by granting importance to infrastructure improvement (especially to missing links and removing bottlenecks), mostly cross-border infrastructure; the group also supports railway transport pleading for interoperability and removing administrative obstacles which could increase the competitiveness of railway freight transport and the efficiency of operations involving other transport modes too, both in EU and non-EU countries. The necessity of a more active participation of the parties interested in the development of the railway sector, including by projects to be financed within the EU programmes for 2014-2020 remain the most important points in the PA1b agenda.

Дунайская стратегия: акцент ставится на сотрудничестве и совместной работе На протяжении двух дней (26-27 июня 2014 года) в Вене состоялся Ежегодный Форум Стратегии ЕС для Дунайского региона (EUSDR). В данном мероприятии приняли участие министры, представители гражданского общества и деловой среды из 14 стран Дунайского региона, которые обсудили будущие приоритеты стратегии, особенно в контексте недавно принятых соглашений о партнерстве по структурным фондам в рамках инвестиционных планов и программ, направленных на развитие региона. July 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

22 Policies & Strategies

“Horizon 2020”: accelerating the implementation of the most promising innovations [ by Elena Ilie ]

Within “Horizon 2020” programme, the partnerships with the transport industry will be intensified to overcome fragmentation and thus to accelerate the market penetration of innovative solutions. Along SHIFT2RAIL Technology Initiative, launched by Horizon 2020 programme, a series of three funding applications have been launched, intended to enhance and solidify the competitiveness of European industries in the field of transport and equally to obtain an efficient transport system in terms of resource use, a secure, unified, more environmentally friendly one and to the citizen’s benefit. Therefore, the Work Programme for 2014 - 2015 was launched and it includes three funding applications for the projects: Mobility for Growth, Green Vehicles and Small Business and Fast Track Innovation for Transport.


gramme in the field of transport will also focus on the acceleration of the implementation of the most promising innovations. The budget for the transport sector for 2014-2015 within “Horizon 2020” amounts to about EUR 1.5 Billion. Through the investments in research and innovation in the field of transport

amounting to EUR 6.3 Billion, the entire transport sector in the European Union will significantly benefit from the “Horizon 2020” programme. This represents an increase by 50% compared to the previous funding period. The objective is to transform the European transport system into an efficient and competitive one.

Photo: www.marathon-project.eu/

he results of this investment in “Smart, green and integrated transport” will contribute, among others, to reaching the primary objective of reducing by 60% the carbon dioxide emissions in the transport sector by 2050, as set out in the 2011 White Paper on transport. The activities of the “Horizon 2020” pro-

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1.5 km-long “super train” At the beginning of this year, the operation of a 1.5 km-long freight train was successfully tested. The project is part of FP7, funded by the “Horizon 2020”, the total amount reaching EUR 4,448,869 Million of which EUR 2,699,992 Million is the EU contribution. The project will be completed in September 2014 and the participating countries are Italy (coordinator), France, Belgium, Germany, Spain and Sweden. Operation of longer and heavier freight trains on the European will save network operators from additional fees, will reduce congestion and polluting emissions. So far, the European signalling and braking systems limited the rolling of longer freight trains. In the light of the new technologies analyzed, Marathon project will allow the operation of such trains safely and in accordance with the imposed rules. Earlier this year, the team in charge of this project tested at a speed of 100 km/h the first 1.5 km-long train from Lyon to Nîmes, France, carrying a 4,000 tonnes. Thus, the tests referred to the composition of two standard trains of 750 m or three trains of 500m each. According to the statements of specialists, it took less than 15 minutes to couple the trains and the savings totalled 30% in the transportation costs. The construction of new expensive infrastructures is not necessary in this way. Instead, different types of trains simply converge at a given hub, to be assembled into a Marathon-type train. This train would then run to its destination (or destinations), to be disassembled and unloaded when and where required. By creating an additional capacity on the existing railway infrastructure, more road traffic can be shifted onto rail, thus easing road congestion and reducing noise, pollution and accidents. For this type of transport new braking systems and new communication technologies have been developed, so that the signal should not be interrupted between trains in tunnels, forest or mountain areas or regardless of weather conditions. The team of specialists believes that the new technologies will be made available to operators in 2016.

rld o w e h T l. i a r n o relies

Photo: france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr

Bartolomiej Banaszak

„Горизонт 2020“: ускорение внедрения наиболее многообещающих инноваций ”Супер – поезд” длиной в 1,5 км: в начале этого года была успешно протестирована работа товарного поезда длиной в 1,5 км. Проект относится к FP7, финансируемый через „Горизонт 2020“, общая стоимость которого составляет 4.448.869 миллионов евро, из которых 2.699.992 евро представляют собой вклад ЕС. Окончание внедрения проекта ожидается в сентябре 2014 года, а государства-участники - это Италия (координатор проекта), Франция, Бельгия, Германия, Испания и Швеция. Эксплуатация в европейской сети грузовых поездов, которые длиннее и тяжелее, освободит операторов от уплаты дополнительных сборов, снизит заторы и усилит снижение выбросов загрязняющих веществ.

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24 Policies & Strategies

ospective greenhouse gas reduction policies, coal remains the secondn rises at an average rate of 1.3 percent per year, from 147 quadrillion Btu on Btu in 2040 (Figure 70). The near-term increase reflects significant non-OECD countries. In the longer term, growth of coal consumption se of cleaner energy sources, natural gas becomes more economically wth of industrial use of coal slows largely as a result of China’s industrial t), the United States (14 percent), and India (9 percent), with those three nsumption in 2010. Their share of world coal use increases to 75 percent

China takes first step towards freight transport liberalisation [ by Pamela Luică ]

at an average rate of 1.8 percent per year through 2040, more than ecline in OECD coal use. AsChina a result, thethe share of world coal consumption For the first time, allows market to set prices for railway transport on a railway line, a decision from 70 percent in 2010 percent of in a2040. China process alone contributed which could markto the81beginning liberalisation which will increase competitiveness, vary offers and stimulate private 2001 to 2009, which led investors. to a significant increase in coal’s share of world ercent in 2009. China’s share of global coal consumption increases from ecline to 55 percent in 2040. The sustained rapid expansion of coal use nd-largest coal-consuming country after 2030.

han one-fourth of the world’s total primary energy supply and more than are of coal in total world energy consumption remains relatively flat in the for 60 percent of total coal consumption in 2010, and industrial facilities rimarily to the residential and commercial sectors. The combined share r the projection period.


hina’s National Development and

ergy company, Shenhua Group.

countries, the environmental burning have Reform Commission impacts (NDRC)of mining The linesand pertaining to coal this company announced that charges for transare mainly used for the transport of coal and increasingly competitive energy sources—natural gas in particular— port on Zhunchi railway could be decided the group produces, but also to provide er energy except liquids, grow faster than coal.toInits the by sources, operators, customers and investors, transport services sites.electric At present, the institution stated. With this in decision, owns 9 main railway comparation declines from 40 percent 2010 tothe 36company percent in 2040, whereas will be the first railway in China nies which operate a network with a total nuclearZhunchi power resources increases from 56 percent to 63 percent. Coal’s for which market players will be able to length of 1,765 km and a rolling stock fleet prices and, the same it rep- of Also,72). it has a line under es fromimpose 43 percent inat2010 to time, 37 percent in 35,843 2040trains. (Figure


resents the first step in the liberalisation of construction (New Batu Railway-134 km), railway freight transport. while Zhunchi railway (179 km) will be put The railway connecting Inner Mongolia in operation this summer. A freight volume and Shanxi Province in the north of China of 340 million tonnes was carried in 2012 was Figure built by the mining andconsumption en- with 20.5 million tonnes more than during 71.national World coal by leading World coal consumption by leading consuming countries, consuming countries, 2010-2040 (quadrillion Btu) 2010-2040 (quadrillion Btu)


World total


India United States


100 China









Source: International Energy Outlook 2013, U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), July 2013


enerate electricity or electricity and heat mainly for sale to the electric grid. Unless www.railwaypro.com | July 2014 electric power sector only, and electricity generation refers to electricity generated lectricity and heat needs of local industrial facilities is counted as industrial sector

the previous year. Zhunchi railway will provide railway connection between the most important coal region (Inner Mongolia) and Shanxi Province in the north where the company’s railway infrastructure has direct connection to Huanghua Port (east coast) and to Wanjia terminal in Tianjin. According to local media, the company has invested CNY 13.4 Billion (USD 2.17 Billion) in the project and expects to carry 200 million tonnes of coal annually on this railway. The Development and Reform Commission said that his project is the first attempt of opening the railway freight market in China following the similar process in the aviation industry, where air transport operators were permitted to charge tickets for internal routes. NDRC Member Shi Lixin declared that the process was extremely important for the railway sector, and for investors. “The process will stimulate the investors’ confidence in the railway system and will help stabilize the sector. It will also have a positive impact on investments and the financial reforms of the railway sector”, he said. Until recently, the railway transport charges in China have been established by the government. As of 2013, the reform process in this sector has been launched by eliminating the Ministry of Railways and setting up China Railway Corporation, thus separating the political class from the business sector. To meet competition demands and the changes brought by reform to the railway system, at the beginning of the year, NDRC decided to amend the price setting mechanism in the railway freight transport (decided by the Government), allowing companies to decide the level of prices in


production and tightening environmen

Electricity Industrial Other All sectors the share of coal in total U.S. electricity Policies & Strategies time, the gap grows even wider because of China’s rapid economic growth and the relatively low cost of 25 coal that is the country’s vast coal reserves and improving rail transportation infrastructure. theOECD Reference case, coal consump Figure In74. coal consumption Figure 73. World coal production, 2010-2040 grows by an average of 1.9 percent per year, from 69 quadrillion Btu in 2010 to 121 quadrillion Btu in 2040. The pa 1980, 2010, 2020, 2040 (quadril (billion short tons) World coal production, 2010-2040 (billion short tons) build 2,500 railwaysand byperiod. 2015, when slows gradually and coal consumption eventually begins to decline near the end of km theof projection At the peak the 12China consumes 123 quadrillion Btu of coal, or 57 percent of the world total. 50 total length of the network in the province would be of 6 thousand km. The freight total volume carried by railways the province With Demand for coal in theWorld electric power and industrial sectors drives all the growth in China’s coalinconsumption. amounted to 477 million tonnes in 2012, GDP growth rate averaging 5.7 percent per year fromOther 2010 through 2040, its electricity demand grows by 3.7 per of 40which the transport of coal attracted 374 Non-OECD The gross output of China’s iron and steel industry more than doublesmillion from tonnes. 2010 to 2030 beginning Also, localbefore authorities want to de Asia 9 to improve the connections of the province other industrial gross output more than quadruples over the 2010-2040 projection period. Coal-fired power capaci Australia with the rest of the country to improve almost 530 gigawatts from 2010 to 2040, with net capacity additions averaging nearly 18 gigawatts per year, as com coal India 30 transport and to create three transport gigawatts per year from 2005 to 2010. Coal consumption for electricity generation increases byHouma. an average of 2.3 per hubs: Taiyuan, Datong and United Another example of railway infrastructure from 35 quadrillion Btu in 2010 to 69 quadrillion Btu inStates 2040. In the industrial sector, coal is used to produce steel a 1980 6 is the line connecting Xinjiang 2010 heat for industrial processes, and cement and coke for exports. It is alsoconstruction used for methanol and ammonia production Uygur Ka20 to Kazakhstan. The 308-km long 2020 by government policy. Total coal consumption in the country’s industrial sector increases 31 quadrillion Btu ramay – Tacheng railwayfrom will require funds quadrillion Btu in about 2030 before falling to 49 quadrillion Btu in 2040. of CNY 5 Billion (USD 840 Million) 2040 and will be completed in 2016. The railway will the industrial sector the electric power sector 3China’s coal consumption is generally shifting fromChina be in 2017 and will have a ca- along 10put intoservice pacity of 10 million tonnes per less year. energy-intens On the electrification and the government’s effort to encourage structural change in the economy toward long-term, theelectric capacity power will increase to and 15 more t Overall, nearly two-thirds of the growth in China’s coal consumption comes from the sector million tonnes. From Baikouquan to Karafrom the industrial sector. As a result, the electric power sector share ofmay total consumption growsbetween from 50 perc 0 tocoal the port of Bakti (border 57 percent in 2040, while the industrial share declines from 45 percent to 41 percent. 0 China and OECD Kazakhstan), the railway will be OECD OE part of the route linking the Europe borders with Americas As 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 Central government policies are expected to mitigate the growth of China’s coal consumption in the longwill term throu interior regions. In fact, the railway Source: 29 International Energy Outlook 2013, U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), July 2013 improvements and a gradual shift from(2,000 coal inpounds) the energy mix. Strong policy and mandates, cross specified. oil and supports coal exploitation regions in as well Throughout this chapter, tons refer to away short tons unless otherwise 30 conformity with market demands andpercent the One factor is the slow increase oftoconsumpXinjiang. incentives for cutting costs, aretotal expected to continue improve the efficiency of coal use. up Energy Indonesia accounted forfuel 71 of coal production in the other non-OECD Asia region in 2010, from intensity, 52 percente limit established the government. tiontowhich shouldthe allow the domestic coal As part of a plan for improving the transprojection Indonesia dominate region’s coal production. emissionbyperiod, control mandatescontinues and policy goals in the central government’s five-year plans have led the power, supply chain to increase compared with port of resources, by 2020 China plans to cement steel industries to innovate coal consumption of outputincrease [132]. Those efforts are expected Coal transport stimulates railway and cut increasing consumption. per For unit 2010-2040, the annual capacity of coal rail-to contin 68 higher efficiencies U.S. Energy Information Administration International Energy 2013 as Ch infrastructure development China’sIncoal consumption will on | way transport bybecomes one third.Outlook The National of coal conversion. particular, coal useincrease for electricity generation more efficient average by 90 million tonnes which is much Development and Reform Commission to modernize its fleet of coal-fired power plants. The modernization involves retirements of less efficient coal-fi According to the International Energy less than the increase of 200 million tonnes announced that 2.26 billion tonnes of coal by elaborated the closing gigawatts of small coaltoplants between 2005 and as the Outlookevidenced 2013, report by of the80 per year recorded from 2000 2010. Apart were carried in 2010, 2012 inasthewell Chinese net-adoption U.S. Energy Information Administration from theand slow growth of consumption, by 55% generation more than in in 2005. 2020, build coal technologies, such as supercritical ultra-supercritical pulverizedwork, coal-fired newBycapacity (EIA), China has a worldwide shareenergy of 47% policy there also is a series of infrastructure projects coalpower volumes shipped by rail are government’s current is expected to expand nuclear capacity and, in expected the longtorun, nat regarding coal consumption and an increase and political initiatives which determine increase significantly. (supported by increasing the development domestic shale gas resources) as well as hydropo to 57% capacity is expected for 2025. Also, China theimports increaseand of domestic productionofand renewable capacity [133]. As a result, the coal share of China’s total accounts for 44% of global coal production transport. Regarding the transport sector, energy consumption for electricity generation (in 2010). share isinexpected increase is implementing 79The percent 2010 toto62 percentChina in 2040 (Figure 77). projects for the to 52% by 2030. Moreover, China’s coal im- construction of new railways to facilitate India, thefrom world’s third-largest 2010, the United States as the second-largest coal consu ports will double 200 million tonnes coal the consumer transport of in coal from surpasses production sites in 2011next to 400two million tonnesThe in 2040. De- of(north west regions) to demand cen- quadrillion Btu in 2010 to 22.4 quadrillion Btu i decades. growth India’sand coal consumption, from 12.6 spite the significant increase of imports, the tres in east and south”, shows the report of electricvolumes powerissector, which majoritybyofthe consumed supplied theaccounted institution. for 65 percent of its coal consumption in 2010. India’s rapidly growing p by domestic manufacturers. According to Lastenergy year, the local media announced thatan average GDP growth rate of 6.1 percent per Figure 77. Coal share of China’s consumption, EIA, “various factors limit China’s imports. the Chinese province of Shanxi has plans to2040 lead to electricity demand growth of 3.8 2010, 2020, andenergy 2040 consumption, (percent) 2010, 2020, and 2040 (percent) Coal share of China’s year in the IEO2013 Reference case, which is high 100 other IEO2013 region. India’s population surpa after 2020, with an expanding middle class that greater use of electricity-consuming appliances 80 68 percent of India’s total electricity generation 2010 as the country strives to provide enough elect 2020 growing demand, coal-fired generation grows b 2040 60 per year, even as generation Китай делает первыйtotals шаг from both renewable energy (including hydropower) grow в сторону либерализации than товарных in any other перевозок IEO2013 region. From 2010 to 40 net coal-fired electricity generation grows by a Китай впервые позволяет terawatthours, more than рынку doubling from the определять цены на железнодорожные Consequently, its coal consumption for electric перевозки по одной из железнодорожных 20 линий, а такое решение может nearly doubles, from 8.2 quadrillion Btu in обозначать процесса quadrillion Btuначало in 2040. либерализации, способствующего




Other sectors

Source: International Energy Outlook 2013, U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), July 2013 32


How повышению effectivelyконкурентоспособности, the Indian government can exped диверсификации предложений, но и procedures to help domestic mining and t стимулированию частных инвесторов.

According to statistics from the World Steel Association, China is the world’s largest producer of both steel and pig iron, accounting f July 2014 | www.railwaypro.com world crude steel production and 59 percent of world pig iron production in 2011.

26 leaders

Hungary pays significant importance to the development of international freight corridors, especially to the development of the Mediterranean Corridor which provides access not just to the European Western market, but also to Ukraine thus increasing its transit potential on the Eurasian platform. The International Freight Corridor 7 (Orient) is also on Hungary’s agenda which has plans to increase freight transport. The Záhony Region, western point for the connection with OSJD Corridors, is another strategic point regarding the development of the railway capacity for attracting the freight flow to Hungary. The country believes that the current railway infrastructure investments will increase the interest of transport operators and that of the players activating on the markets of Central Asia and the Far East.The development of the East-West railway transport connections, the intensification of freight transport flows from Asia to Europe and the capacity of the Hungarian network of facing demands, the projects concerning the development of the Hungarian railway industry development, the legal changes that the Fourth Railway Package brings to this market or Hungary’s strategy on the development of container transport are among the topics approached and detailed in the interview with Mr. László Mosóczi, Hungrail President (Hungarian Rail Association). www.railwaypro.com | July 2014



It is really crucial to augment the share of container transportation in rail freight traffic

Interview with László Mosóczi, Hungrail President (Hungarian Rail Association) [ by Elena Ilie ]

Railway PRO: Could you, please, ex-

plain us, in a couple of paragraphs, the importance of Rail Freight Corridors? Also, could you give us a few details about the development of Rail Freight Corridor no 6 [Spain to Budapest (Záhony)]? László Mosóczi: It is a very important fact to be mentioned, that according to the amendment of the TEN-T Regulation (now 1315/2013), the Rail Freight Corridors have to get integrated into the so called “Core Network Corridors” defined by that Regulation, which include not only railways, but inland waterways and road infrastructure as well. The Rail Freight Corridors established by Regulation 913/2010 are going to form the backbone of these Core Network Corridors, therefore their adequate alignment has to be executed according to the requirements of Regulation 1315/2013 until 2020. The Core Network Corridors, which will be headed by the European Coordinators, are the new implementation tool of the TEN-T Guidelines. The major part of the RFCs belong to the TEN-T core network (there is also a “Comprehensive” network too), therefore their infrastructure has to comply with additional requirements to be achieved by 31 December 2030. The core network will consist of those parts of the comprehensive network which are of highest strategic importance for achieving the objectives of the Trans-European transport network policy, and will reflect evolving traffic demand and the need for multimodal transport. It will, in particular, contribute to cope with increasing mobility and ensuring a high safety standard as well as contributing to the development of a low-carbon transport system. The Mediterranean Rail Freight Corridor (formerly called RFC 6) will link ports in the south-western Mediterranean region to the Ukrainian border with Hungary, following the coastlines of Spain, France, and crossing the Alps towards the east.

It is important to mention that the Mediterranean RFC brings together several other corridor concepts, established by Regulation: • Rail Freight Corridor 6 “Almería-Valencia/Madrid-Zaragoza/Barcelona-Marseille- Lyon-Turin-Milan-Verona - Padua/ Venice - Trieste/Koper-Ljubljana-Budapest- Zahony (Hungarian-Ukrainian border)” according to the EU Regulation 913/2010, operating from November 2013 (RFC 6); • Rail Network Europe Corridor 08 “Lyon/Dijon – Torino – Ljubljana/Koper – Budapest” (RNE 08); • Rail Network Europe Corridor 06 “Mannheim/Gremberg – Lyon – Nîmes – Perpignan • Barcelona – Valencia/Paris – Madrid – Lisboa” (RNE 06); • ERTMS Corridor D “Valencia – Lyon – Ljubljana – Budapest”; • TEN-T Priority Project 3 “High-speed railway axis of southwest Europe” (PP3); • TEN-T Priority Project 6 “Railway axis Lyon-Trieste-Divača/Koper-DivačaLjubljana- Budapest-Ukrainian border” (PP6). Given its nature, the Mediterranean corridor is expected to become a major European Corridor, linking South-Western and Eastern EU countries. In particular, it represents a key access gateway to Ukraine and therefore has a high potential in diverting part of the Western Europe-Asia traffic flows, which presently are ensured by the road mode. Therefore the traffic development along this corridor has to be interpreted also in terms of significant potential increase of the rail market share and consequent reduction of environmental externalities in terms of reduction of gas emissions and reduction of congestion of the roads and highways. There are still main missing links on the Mediterranean Corridor, which will be

Rail freight corridor 7 will profit not only from GDP growth, but also from improving the technical condition of the infrastructure and also eliminating the unreasonable border waiting time.

László Mosóczi eliminated, namely: the new cross border rail links between France and Italy (“LyonTurin”) and between Italy and Slovenia (“Trieste-Divača”); the multimodal connections with the ports in Spain that have to be developed and, in general, along the corridor the lack of interoperable multimodal centres able to attract private operators and generate additional demand; some railway sections in Italy that need to be upgraded in order to remove key bottlenecks and the Spanish railway connection between Murcia and Almería. Moreover, concerning rail interoperability, some barriers have to be overcome: the coexistence of two gauges; different electrifications (25kV AC in high-speed networks and in HU, 1.5 kV DC in Southern France – conventional lines) and different standards with regards to train length and axle loads. On the other hand, some success stories can be highlighted such as the MadridBarcelona high-speed line that reduced the journey time between the two cities attracting millions of passengers from air and road transport because of the standards of comfort and a seamless city to city connection. Also a success story is the connection of the Spanish and French high speed networks (Barcelona- Perpignan – under construction) that at the July 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

28 leaders same time creates a high capacity link for rail freight. This corridor will provide multimodal links between the western Mediterranean ports with the centre of the EU. The development of this corridor would also balance intercontinental port traffic, which today is mainly concentrated in the North Sea harbours. It will foster the development of those ports as major multimodal logistic platforms and will improve the multimodal connections in sensitive areas such as the Pyrenees and the Alps and connect some of the major urban areas of the EU with high-speed trains. We are also familiar with some further corridor concepts of the eastern states, such as the OSJD Corridors for example. These corridors partly finish at Csop at the Ukrainian side of the Hungarian – Ukrainian border. I think it would be very important to link the Mediterranean Rail Freight Corridor with these eastern corridors for the sake of interoperability and more seamless flow of goods thus creating a better and more sustainable increase of volumes of east – west rail freight traffic in quantitative and qualitative terms. Railway PRO: Speaking of freight corridors, how would you describe the importance of Rail Freight Corridor no 7 (Orient Corridor) for all the countries it transits? László Mosóczi: Rail Freight Corridor 7 is defined by the Regulation 913/2010 to run through the Praha - Vienna/Bratislava - Budapest – Bucharest - Constanta and – Vidin – Sofia – Thessaloniki - Athens axis. Eight infrastructure managers and one capacity allocation body of the corridor were involved in the realization of the corridor. As mentioned beforehand, according to the changes resulting from Regulation 1316/2013, the RFC 7 are now called Orient / East-Med Corridor (hereinafter OEM), and have to be integrated to the Orient / East-Med Core Network Corridor until 2020. Resulting from the regulation, the OEM has to be extended up to Germany therefore the corridor rail network will cover eight countries (Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece). Its total distance between Wilhelmshaven and Piraeus is on average 4231 km, depending on the routing in Germany and the Czech Republic. Besides the main lines along the principal route outlined in the Regulation, the Corridor includes alternative routes frequently used for rerouting trains in case of disturbance on the main lines, and connecting lines, sections linking terminals and freight areas to the main lines. The length of RFC7 main and alternative lines (without taking into consideration the connecting lines) is almost 5900 km. The length of the corridor route sections are very different among the in-

volved countries, Austria has the shortest one with about 350 km (approx. 6% of the whole corridor) and Romania has the longest part, about 2200 km corridor line (approx. 37 % of the total length). A very important role of the RFCs is the aim to foster the harmonisation of operational rules across borders. Here a number of low-hanging fruits can be reaped relatively quickly, not requiring expensive investments into infrastructure. In the field of harmonisation of operational rules the RFCs should be able to deliver a concrete benefit to their customers already in a near future. Finally, the RFCs should also play a strong role in the implementation of the so-called TEN-T infrastructure requirements on the Core Freight network of the EU, stemming from Regulation (EU)1315/2013 (TEN-T Guidelines), including i.e. the requirement to enable the operation of 740 m long trains and an axle-load of 22,5 tonnes. This is an important measure to improve the competitiveness of European rail freight and can become an important success factor for the RFCs. The implementation of these standards requires cross-border coordination. Therefore the RFCs should carry out

Source: Transport Market Study of RFC7 Corridor

www.railwaypro.com | July 2014

studies and develop plans for the implementation of these standards - The RhineAlpine RFC 1 has already carried out a study regarding the introduction of 740 m long trains on that corridor. In the context of these studies the RFCs should also investigate whether there is a business case to go beyond the minimum requirements and implement higher standards on selected sections of the RFCs. The table bellow summarizes the planned major investments on the corridor and their expected impact. According to the Transport Market Study prognosis of Orient/East-Med Corridor, several conclusions can be driven for the future benefit of the Rail Freight Corridor, for example the following: Rail freight corridor 7 will profit not only from GDP growth, but also from improving the technical condition of the infrastructure and also eliminating the unreasonable border waiting time. The improvement of technical conditions and the reduction of waiting time at the borders will result in an increase in transport performances due to the increase of quality of the provided services, speed and flexibility of transport. There are also remarkable benefits


stemming from the establishment of the rail freight corridor in terms of socio-economic factors, such as reduction of waiting times at the borders (micro effect), reduction of transport times in freight transport (impact of investments) and the reduction of external costs (macro effect). The estimated changes of the structure of transport flows can also become an important socio-economic advantage deriving from operating the corridor. The OEM Corridor’s eastern end is the Bulgarian – Turkish border which will be considered as a very important fact, as the Turkish economy is developing dynamically therefore the role of rail freight traffic from and to Turkey is getting more significant. More and more Railway Undertakings are doing business towards Turkey therefore it is very important to keep the operation of the OEM Corridor on a highly efficient level in order to obtain more and more customers, i.e. more operators would prefer the usage of that corridor path instead of choosing other ways. One further important measure of the OEM Corridor is that it crosses only EU Member States (unlike its competitor routes with the same directions running through non-EU countries) therefore the qualitative sustainability of this corridor must be well taken care of on the long term to keep it as the most attractive solution for operators. Railway PRO: Could you elaborate the strategic role of Záhony project for the rail freight transport and also give us an update with the latest developments of the project as well as the importance of the hub in terms of the available capacity for freight routes? László Mosóczi: The loading capacity of Záhony is more than 20 million tonnes/year as measures proved it in the 1980s when the real traffic was the already mentioned quality. Today, unfortunately the used capacity is only around 5 million tonnes/year. The Hungarian Government was carrying out serious development projects in that catchment area in order to increase the level and quality of the provided logistical services and in order to increase the volumes of rail freight traffic through the Záhony – Csop border stations. In terms of rehabilitations and upgrades at the Záhony area, several parts of the worn out and degraded infrastructure (of the normal and wide gauged tracks) have been taken care of. The industrial site of Fényeslitke has also been constructed with its necessary connections with railways and road. The Cluster of Záhony has also been established by the local and regional entrepreneurs in order to achieve their common goals as regards of growing fright-volume tendencies. In strategical terms, Záhony has an important role, as the Eastern end of the

Mediterranean Corridor and also it is the Western connecting point of the OSJD Corridors. It would be very crucial to put a high emphasis on such investment possibilities and logistical services in the Záhony-area, that the Eastern partners would be definitely interested to operate via Záhony. The possibilities regarding container transport should be better exploited in order to increase the volumes and also with the aim of rebooting the RoLa transport. In addition, the industrial activities would be triggered again. Záhony will definitely provide added value services in case it aims to attract transport volumes thus it is not enough if it acts only as a simple transfer station. Therefore, it is vital to cooperate with our neighbouring partners in order to make the best out of the exploitable possibilities. Railway PRO: We would like to know more about HUNGRAIL’s efforts in the increase of the Hungarian – Ukrainian – Russian – Kazakh – Chinese traffic. Would you share with us, in a few words, the association’s activity in this respect? László Mosóczi: It is well-known from several sources, that an increasing tendency is forecasted in the upcoming years concerning the freight transport between China and Western Europe. This is also underpinned by the growing industrialization of the Western Chinese areas, from where transport on railways to Europe would definitely mean competition against maritime transport. It is an important fact to mention that currently at the Chinese-Kazakh border the transfer station on the terminal of Khorgas is under construction, which is going to generate serious rail freight volumes with its estimated volume of a yearly amount of 50 million tonnes of transferred goods. It is logical therefore that Hungary aims to acquire a reasonable freight traffic share of these measures and it aims to provide


for these freight volumes the shortest possible transit way. MÁV proved to be very active and inaugurated steps towards its Chinese, Kazakh, Russian and Ukrainian partners in order to establish a new rail freight corridor at the Chinese and Kazakh borders between Khorgas and Záhony. MÁV is an integrated company operating also as an infrastructure manager. Evidently it has to develop such infrastructural and service qualities with its partners to be able to provide the best possible alternative routes and solutions to railway undertakings therefore contributing to the improvement of competition, not to forget the beforehand mentioned investing possibilities to the Záhony-area. HUNGRAIL aims to help rail freight companies to enter into Eastern markets along with its foreign partner-organizations, meaning that Hungarian, Ukrainian, Russian, Kazakh and Chinese rail operators in case of cooperating with each other could generate good quality rail freight services on the long term. HUNGRAIL also prepared a study concerning the different types of goods which could be transported by rail between Central Europe towards Russia, Kazakhstan and China indicating those possibilities where freight transport can be feased economically. Interesting figures can be observed in that study, including information also about goods to be transported between Europe and China. Railway PRO: How would you describe HUNGRAIL’s role in order to contribute to the sustainable development of the rail transport industry in Hungary? László Mosóczi: HUNGRAIL and his member companies participate in the forums where it is possible to support the legislative processes in professional respects. The European Railway Regulation went through many changes in recent years, which changes have been modified

July 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

30 leaders the national railway act beeing in force in lot of points and its apply not always meet the requirements of the market. We work on it together with the Ministry of National Development and we hope, that a railway act will be enacted in one year in Hungary, which will serve the interest of the market players. HUNGRAIL would like to do for the competitiveness of the central and eastern European railfreight. This year autumn will be organized by HUNGRAIL a palatial event for the first time, called CEE FUTURAIL. We hope, that the companies’ CEOs, who work on the essential route of this area, will participate in the event. We would like to give the opportunity to talk about the real problems whereupon solutions can be found already on the event. Railway PRO: What is your opinion about the liberalisation of domestic railway passenger transport, now perfectly in operation with the vote on the 4th Railway Package? László Mosóczi: Although the First Reading of the European Parliament resulted a much better overall requirementpackage on that dossier (Regulation 1370/2007) than it was firstly drafted by the European Commission, I still think that for Hungary the opening of the market for domestic railway passenger services would be too early. Even though I think that the compulsory tendering for public service contracts is a very good initiative for the sake of improving competition on the market regarding the passenger services, but we have to impose a strong consideration for the healthy balance between the different railway undertakings of different countries (I mean here that the bigger and stronger RUs shall not “cherrypick” the best lines for themselves thus creating an economic disproportion.) Regarding the “open access” of the rolling stock, for Hungary neither the current legislative environment, nor the lasting contracts would not allow such measures to be carried out still for a while, notably I mean here, that we have to take into consideration the existing long-term public service contracts with MÁV and GYSEV. Altogether my opinion regarding that legislative proposal of the 4th Railway Package is that it is going too fast and demands too radical changes with its proposals, not adequately taking into account the realistic situation and overall needs of the railway sector. On the other hand, in terms of socioeconomic provisions, I think quite positive measures were accepted to the text, such as the authorities have to grant rules for the transfer of staff in the event of change of operator, and that authorities have to ensure decent employment and working conditions too while taking into account the existing collective agreements, national and regional rules. www.railwaypro.com | July 2014

Last but not least, if I consider the measures of the accepted text in the regard of the smaller operators, for them it is going to be definitely more beneficial to compete for public service contracts, because size limits have been defined by setting a minimum number of contracts to be awarded in each Member State according to traffic volume. Railway PRO: Could you describe, in a few paragraphs, the strategies in Hungary for the development of container transportation? László Mosóczi: It is really crucial to augment the share of container transportation in rail freight traffic. The only competitive way of integrated rail, waterway, and road transport is the container transportation. Goods transported in containers (in case they comply with the climatic circumstances too) are usually safe (against mechanical damages and against theft), they have the potential to be able to get transported easily and rapidly therefore a “door to door” transfer is feasible. A current and actual freight transportation key issue is the “single wagon traffic”. It is a common alternative of the container transportation as goods are placed into the containers after production at the factory and after transportation on road the goods are being loaded to rail at the closest intermodal terminal. This solution is cheaper than if only single wagon transport would be carried out on rail. Unfortunately, RoLa transport has lost from its past role in the Central-Eastern European territories after the EU joining. In case only the container and the goods without the truck and the driver would be shifted to rail then definitely a contribution to the increase of rail freight transport modal share could be realized. The role of the ports of the River Danube is also increasing, therefore more space shall be provided for container transportation on the long term. Railway PRO: What can you tell us about the construction of Budapest bypass route “V0”? What are the advantages of this project regarding the connection of the Hungarian railway network with the neighbouring countries?

László Mosóczi: As far as the Hungarian railway network is concerned, all the main transit lines are running through and crossing each other in Budapest. The River Danube, which crosses Hungary from a North - Southern direction, can only be crossed by railway in Budapest and in the south Hungarian city of Baja. Regarding the major rail transit axes (crossing at Budapest) going through Hungary are the following: Austria –Romania, Austria – Serbia, Slovenia/Croatia – Eastern-Slovakia, in addition Záhony-Dunaújváros and the Záhony-Austria directions. In case the “V0” railway line would be realized then the transit rail freight traffic would not need to cross via Budapest therefore not only the capacity of Budapest would increase but the transit times could be reduced so as the speed of rail freight trains could increase for the overall benefit of the transit flows and the customers. Thus, the capacity of the railway infrastructure in Budapest would be mostly provided for the long-distance and suburban passenger traffic and flows, freight traffic will not “confiscate” capacity from the passenger traffic. Additionally, several planned infrastructure development projects could be “ignored”, such as the “multiple-tracking project of the Southern Connecting Bridge of Budapest”, and thus the currently exceeded role of the Budapest Ferencváros Marshalling Yard could be reduced too. This could definitely have a positive effect for the capital, as the precious free capacity could be exploited for some better purposes. The already discussed freight priority corridors of the Mediterranean (RFC6) and the Orient/East-Med (RFC7) would pass by also on the V0 curve as well, therefore facilitating the crossing of the provisional international rail freight flows, by making them even more seamless and fast. Hungary aims to augment the transit rail freight traffic remarkably on the long term, therefore contributing to the overall EU strategy of the European Commission by attracting even more volumes from road to rail. V0 could be a means of contributing for that concept by providing rail transit traffic with better circumstances in terms of qualitative and quantitative measures.

Чрезвычайно важно увеличить долю контейнерных грузовых перевозок Венгрия уделяет особое внимание развитию международных коридоров грузовых перевозок, особенно развитию Средиземноморского коридора, и это обеспечивает ей доступ не только к Западноевропейскому рынку, но и к украинскому, тем самым увеличивая ее транзитный потенциал на Евразийской платформе. Развитие отношений в сфере железнодорожных перевозок по направлению Восток - Запад, увеличение грузопотоков, перевозимых из Азии в сторону Европы и способность венгерской сети удовлетворить спрос, проекты развития венгерской железнодорожной профильной индустрии или стратегия Венгрии в плане развития контейнерных перевозок числятся среди тем, которые были затронуты и детализированы в интервью президента компании Hungrail (Hungarian Rail Association), господина Ласло Мосочи, журналу Railway PRO.

Market development 31

Analysis: freight traffic potential of Constanţa and Turkmenbashi ports [ by Elena Ilie ]

A delegation of the Turkmen Government visited Romania in April to participate in the meeting of the working group for transport cooperation. Prior to the visit of the Turkmen delegation, the two countries have agreed to set a joint working group to analyse the best methods of carrying out trade and of developing a transport corridor between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, using the advantages provided by Constanţa and Turkmenbashi ports. It is about creating a new transport corridor in the Eurasian platform. The State Service for Maritime and Naval Transport in Turkmenistan is analysing the possibility of freight transport to Constanţa Port including the transport of liquefied natural gas.

the port construction project. The contract is worth USD 2 Billion. The project includes the construction of a complex of buildings, terminals and ship production points, as well as repair facilities. The Romanian authorities and those in Ashgabat have agreed to study and to use the collaboration opportunities within the European Union’s Strategy for the Danube region in order to establish Turkmenistan’s connection to Europe via Romania. Thus, the cooperation between the port of Constanţa and Turkmenbashi is very important for creating an interregional transport corridor between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. In the first seven months of the year, the freight volumes carried in Turkmenistan has increased, one of the most important growth rates being that of railway transport. Thus, the country has carried a volume of freight by 102% higher than during the similar period of the previous year. “At present, high standards regarding the quality and reliability of freight and passenger transport are ensured and we plan to promote international cooperation and the effi-

Photo: Club Feroviar

Port Constanţa

cient use of transcontinental routes through Central Asia”, declared Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Over the last years, regional transport projects on the modernisation of the transport infrastructure of Turkmenbashi Port have been implemented. Port Turkmenbashi

Photo: www.gulfshipnews.com


he parties discussed the implementation of special measures to develop transport connections and corridors from Central Asia to Europe”, shows a report of the Turkmen Government. This transport requires the use of special containers and the crossing of the Caspian Sea to Baku (Azerbaijan) and then by railway to the ports of Batumi or Poti (Georgia, in the Black Sea region). From here, the transport could continue by sea to Romania. At the end of the summit, Turkmenistan and Romania signed a memorandum of understanding on transport cooperation. Projects of national and international importance are implemented by Turkmenistan according to the set programme, declared the country’s president Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. “The total cost of the facilities built as part of the contracts amounts to USD 42 Billion”, the government stated in a press release. The construction of a port in Turkmenbashi is one of the most important projects due to its strategic position which could make Turkmenistan the main transport hub in the Caspian Sea area, the president said. Gap Insaat, part of Calyk Holding, has won

Румыния и Туркменистан рассматривают потенциал портов Констанца и Туркменбаши для грузовых перевозок Туркменская правительственная делегация находилась с визитом в Румынии в апреле месяце для участия в заседании рабочей группы по сотрудничеству в области транспорта. До визита туркменской делегации было объявлено, что две страны договорились о создании совместной рабочей группы для анализа лучших способов осуществления товарообмена и создания транспортного коридора по маршруту Черное море - Каспийское море, с использованием преимуществ портов Констанца и Туркменбаши. В частности, речь идет о создании нового транспортного коридора на Евразийской платформе. > July 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

32 Market development

Romanian authorities continue the project on the decentralization of ports [ by Pamela Luică ]

Romanian authorities are planning to change the shareholding structure of several ports which would be transferred to local authorities so that they could spend budgets much more efficiently and access European financing easier. Several smaller Danube ports are considered next to Constanta Port, except for Galaţi and Brăila ports.


onstanta Port is owned by the Romanian State through the Ministry of Transport with 60% of the shares, jointly with Constanta Municipality and Fondul Proprietarea (Property Fund), each with 20% of shares. Although this process has attracted many conflicting discussions, the document for the transfer of part of the shares in Constanta Port to the Local Council has already been signed, according to the latest declarations of the former Romanian Minister of Transport Dan Şova. “The transfer of 13% of what the Ministry of Transport currently owns, which is 60%, is an operation made in conformity with the European Union regulations. The European Commission is notified about this operation and the technical aspects of

the operation will not be carried out unless in conformity with the agreement we will have with the European Commission”, declared Şova. The European Commission will decide about the intention of the Romanian authorities of transferring 13% of the shares of Constanţa Port to the local administration, Şova announced. He also added that procedures for getting the permits from the Ministry of Finances and the Ministry of Justice would then begin. “Maintaining the centralism of the Ministry of Transport in Constanţa Port has nothing to do with European realities. Moreover, in 2008, when 20% of the shares were transferred for free, nobody required the approval of the European Union. On 5 May, we notified EC proving that the strate-

gic infrastructure will remain in the state‘s property and under the administration of the ministry and we asked them to determine whether it creates a disloyal advantage to Constanţa Local Council through this transfer”, the former minister said. According to him, if EC approves it, Romanian authorities will begin getting the permits from the Ministry of Finances and the Ministry of Justice, then they will trade a 14% stake of the shares owned in Constanţa Port Administration (APC). “We are talking about a company that only manages the port, as its shareholding pertains to the Romanian State. The free transfer of the 13% stake and the trading of the 14% stake of the shares owned in APC are part of the ministry’s strategy on Romania’s EU membership.

Port facilities for all types of cargo Port facilities for all types of cargo

Source: www.adbmultiplatform.eu

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Market development 33 Calafat


We want the central and the local authorities to have equal representations in the shareholding of Constanţa Port, following the European example”, pointed out the former minister. According to the declarations of the president of the Commission for Transport and Infrastructure of the Chamber of Deputies, Mihai Lupu, the state has to maintain its authority, because if the port is controlled by a private operator, competition problems could arise. “Most of the factors involved, including the port operator, has expressed support for the state to control this activity, because if the port is controlled by a private operator, the competition element will arise, as well as the most important element which is the representation of all economic segments in the port activity”, he said.

Smaller ports, controlled by local administrations In November 2013, Prime Minister Victor Ponta announced that the decentralization law also includes smaller ports with not much activity or traffic. If they are transferred to local authorities, they could access European funds to implement modernisation projects which could contribute to development. “We are not talking by Constanţa Port, which is not a Danube port, we are not talking about Galaţi and Brăila either, which are already private, as far as I know. We are talking about smaller ports, such as Calafat, Bechet, Turnu Severin, which, unfortunately, don’t have much traffic or economic activity or financial resources. The activity of such ports is managed by local authorities all over Europe”, Ponta said.

Drobeta Turnu Severin

In May 2014, the Prime Minister supported once again the transfer of Danube ports to local administration and announced that Tulcea Port project was already in progress and would be adopted. “I fully support this idea. It is not the case for Galaţi because most facilities are already private. We are talking about Tulcea Port which has no development capacity in the future and I believe that it could access European funds if managed by Tulcea Local Council. We are also talking about the other Danube ports, except for Galaţi and Brăila, which can further develop if managed and backed by local authorities and by accessing funds through European projects, Danube Strategy, Regional Operational Programme”, said Ponta. The process is advanced for Drobeta Turnu Severin Port as local councillors have approved the proposal for the takeover of state-owned buildings located at Drobeta Turnu Severin Port and in the concession of the National Company Administration of Danube River Ports in Giurgiu. The interim president of Mehedinţi Local Council, Aladin Georgescu, said that the decision was a first step towards transferring the administration of Drobeta Turnu Severin Port from the Ministry of Transport to the local administration. “We have approved the takeover of Drobeta Turnu Severin Port. We know that there are several complex procedures to follow, financing sources have to be established, we have to get the permits of the Ministry of Finances, Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Justice. We will see how things will go on, if this Government decision project is promoted”, Georgescu said. He explained that taking over the port in the council administration would be beneficial for the community especially since there was the intention of developing projects with European financing for the development of the Danube port infrastructure to boost tourism in the cross-border area.

Румынские власти продолжают идею децентрализации портов Власти Румынии намереваются изменить состав акционеров нескольких портов. Их акции будут переданы местным властям, которые могут расходовать бюджет более эффективным способом и могут легче иметь доступ к европейскому финансированию. Наряду с портом Констанцы это касается нескольких менее крупных Дунайских портов, кроме портов Галац и Брэила. Речь идет о нескольких небольших портах - Калафат, Бекет, Турну Северин и Турну Мэгуреле, которые, к сожалению, на данный момент не имеют ни особого трафика или экономической деятельности, ни финансовых ресурсов. July 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

34 Policies & Strategies

ZSSK CARGO to play an active role in railway transport between Europe and Asia [ by Pamela Luică ]

Although the financial crisis in 2009 has made Slovakian operator ZSSK CARGO freeze investment projects, at present the operator tries to consolidate its position in the freight transport market by implementing projects aimed at attracting a larger volume of freight, increasing performance and developing the company. ZSSK CARGO’s vision is to become a dynamic operator with a stable share in the transport market, both nationally and internationally. The company’s development includes a long-term financial stability, maintaining its traffic share, as well as competitiveness and performance.


n order to meet the set objectives, ZSSK CARGO has initiated the process for internal restructuring and establishment of two subsidiaries: Cargo Wagon-for management of car fleet and ZSSK CARGO Intermodal - responsible with the supply of intermodal transport services. Towards the end of 2013, the company announced the sale of a 66% stake in each subsidiary. In the case of ZSSK CARGO Intermodal, the company currently works to complete the tender in September 2014 and the sum for this transaction would be EUR 20 Million. At the beginning of June, the company officially completed the tender for selling the majority package in Cargo Wagon. AAE Cargo AG, an AAE Group company, purchased the 66% stake in Cargo Wagon for EUR 7 Million (according to AAE notification), thus becoming majority stakeholder of the Slovakian freight car operator, while www.railwaypro.com | July 2014

the remaining 34% of shares are owned by ZSSK Cargo, the railway freight transport operator. As part of the transaction, ZSSK Cargo sells 12,344 cars and re-rents 8,218 cars for the next 8 years. The sale documents will be completed this summer, as well as the financing documents. The sale will be finalized in autumn and Cargo Wagon will operate under the set terms. Almost a year after the application of the measure regarding ZSSK Cargo’s restructuring (by setting up three subsidiaries), the company estimates a positive effect of the implementation and the involvement of the authorities in the railway freight transport segment is one that would determine the development of the segment and the diversification of offers. Also, reducing track infrastructure charges (from EUR 3.5/train-km to EUR 1.75/train-km) is extremely favourable to railway operators. In the first month of this year, positive effects are visible for the company regarding both the carried volumes and traffic performance, where the annual surplus is 5% for all railway freight operators using the Slovakian network. Also, other positive effects noticed by the company’s representatives are the increasing competitiveness with road transport regarding prices and consolidation of transit on the east-west and northsouth axes. Regarding the implementation of the development strategy for the next period and considering debts, there are no great development chances since creditors have not permitted it. But, by using the revenues resulting from the sale and re-rental of the car fleet (EUR 180 Million) and from the sale of both subsidiaries (around EUR 27 Million), the company estimates a significant reduction of debts, which would be acceptable for creditors and could help implement the projects included in the development strategy by 2020. Regarding international traffic, Europe

is a significant trade partner for Asia and “we estimate freight flows especially in sea transport”. Although the logistics of sea transport is more flexible than that of railway transport, the latter begins to consolidate its market position due to special projects to which ZSSK Cargo will pay special attention. The most important projects are those on China-Europe axis and the direct participation of ZSSK CARGO Intermodal will trigger benefits and opportunities. In this interview, Mr. Vladimir Luptak, CEO and Chairman of ZSSK Cargo Board of Directors, help us better understand Slovakia’s policies of encouraging railway freight transport, the importance of the national operator in the transport system and the new challenges the segment is facing. Railway PRO: The latest measure for the development and consolidation of railway freight transport in Slovakia was adopted by the Government in July 2013 and includes the change of ZSSK Cargo’s structure by establishing three subsidiaries. What are the results of the new organisation process almost a year after adopting the measure? Vladimir Luptak: ZSSK CARGO started the process of internal restructuring and established two subsidiaries - Cargo Wagon for management of freight wagons/for wagon fleet management and ZSSK CARGO Intermodal for intermodal transport services. In the beginning of June 2014, ZSSK CARGO has officially finalized international tender for an investor to Cargo Wagon who will gain 66% shares in subsidiary and the sale and leaseback contract with ZSSK CARGO for its wagon fleet. ZSSK CARGO is selling 12 344 wagons and leasing back 8 218 wagons for the following 8 years with additional option for another 8 years. There is a fix lease rate for day and wagon which is 10,35 EUR with








Policies & Strategies

Development of freight transport in 2011 and 2012 inflation clause. It was officially announced that the winning investor in Cargo Wagon is Swiss company AAE (Ahaus-Alstätter Eisenbahn Cargo AG). During summer we are finalizing transaction documentation as well as financing documentation. In autumn we expect closing and full operation of Cargo Wagon. Presently we are finalizing second international tender for selling of 66% shares in ZSSK CARGO Intermodal which should be finalised in September 2014. Third subsidiary for maintenance and repairs of rolling stock - we had intensive negotiation and analyses with passenger operator ZSSK to establish joint venture for these services. Finally we came to conclusion to proceed separately and ZSSK CARGO will start process of establishing the subsidiary most probably in the end of 10 this year. Railway PRO: How will the application of the measure influence the national freight transport system in the next years and what will be its implication in attracting new freight flows to railways? Vladimir Luptak: We expect that realization of the measures for rail freight transport in Slovakia will positively effect whole rail freight sector. Decreasing of rail infrastructure charges from infrastructure manager ZSR from approx. 3,5 EUR/train km (on average) to 1,75 EUR train km is significant and favourable for rail freight users. First few months of this year we got clear evidence of positive effects of such measures notably transported In the year 2012,inour companyvolume trans(tonnes) and transport performance (net ported almost 35.3 million tonnes tkm, train km, gross tkm) where surplus of goods. represents a rail decrease year to yearThis is approx. 5% of all freight by 2.2 million tonnes on a year-on-year operators on the Slovak rail infrastructure. Another significant effect is the fact that rail basis (-5.9%). is Yetmuch frommore the competitive beginning to of road the transyear, port in pricing which we have seen already we experienced a negative tendency in several tenders this year. The last but in the transported volumes not least is strengthening of theduring Slovak the rail first two months, which decreased transit especially in direction east – west as well as north1– south. by almost million tonnes as compared with the same period of the Railway PRO: What can you tell us about preceding year. The decrease resulted ZSSK Cargo’s development strategy for infrom frosty weather, frozen creasing the company’s dynamicsDanube on both the domestic and the European market? Practically, what are the directions you focus on to increase the share of public transport and competitiveness?

Development of freight transport in 2011 and 2012

thou. of tons 16,000

Actual 2012 Actual 2011









Source: ZSSK CARGO, Annual report 2012

Vladimir Luptak: Due to indebtedness we do not have a chance to develop the company since creditors (banks and ministry of finance) did not allow it. By using revenues from the transaction sale and lease back of wagon fleet (approx. 180 mil. EUR) and from the sell of shares in both subsidiaries (approximately 27 mil. EUR) we expect substantial decreasing of the company debt which could be acceptable for our creditors and we can start company development and implementation of the strategy of further company development till 2020. It is connected with our active and attractive commercial policy both in Slovakia and abroad. Since economic and financial crisis came into effect (2009) ZSSK CARGO has nearly frozen its investments into assets -river rollingand stock, transshipment technologies, the implemented changes energy systems, buildings, ICT and other in the Ukrainian railways business maintenance and repairs technologies. The policy. We suffered main direction of ZSSK another CARGO issignifito be cant loss in the autumn due to our the very active in Slovakia and with using subsidiaries Intermodal BTS for productionCargo decrease in the and metallurgic realization of transport V4 counindustry (the EU crisis within consequences). tries. Main growing opportunities we idenThe third factor of the transported voltified in road transports as well as transits umes drop is related to the activities which we would like to gain with special of the and private transport companies pricing transport conditions. We decided in company to keep and by step (the loss was observed instep chemistry to develop single wagon consignments and and intermodal transport branches). group of wagons. On the other hand, we appreciate Of course company has still reservesthe in increase transports of metals and operationalincosts connected with energy and material consumption, redundancies in operational processes and in costs of maintenance and repairs. We have still old ecological reserves and redundant assets


(buildings and locomotives) which are burdening our financial results. Railway PRO: How do the authorities encourage the development of railway freight transport? What are the methods adopted by the authorities? Vladimir Luptak: The Slovak State through its Ministry of Transport is encouraging rail freight transport with incentives and measures stipulated in documents like The Principles of State Transport Policy, Strategy of transport development till 2020 and by the relevant legislation (railway acts and decrees). There are key principles for harmonizing conditions between single modes of transport, support of segment ecological (category transport in the automotive modes, internalisation of external costs in of non-specified commodities). transport including implementing a toll An important of the system since 2010success on selected roadZSSK netCARGO is represented by the provision work. There is also support by EU – key program is OPT (Operational Program of coal and manganese ore transports Transport 2013) and the newtoone from the 2007 Polish– port Swinoujscie our for period 2014 – 2020 which is called Opcustomer in Slovakia reaching more erational Program Transport II with state than 0.6 million tonnes transported co-financing (3 main axis – of modernization capacity. Moreover, we realized of corridors and other infrastructure,transvehicles for outside public transport and public interports the territory of Slovakia modal terminals). amounting to almost 0.1 million tonnes through the services of our passed contractual Railway PRO: 3 years already since transport partners. adopting the measures for reducing freight transport fees (from 10 euros/train-km to 3.5 euros/train-km). What was the impact of this measure on the activity of railway freight transport?

The comparison of the performance of freight transportations according to segments: The comparison of the performance of freight transportations according to segments

In thousand of tons



























































July 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

STRUCTURE OF FREIGHT WAGONS FLEET 36 Policies & Strategies Development of number of wagons Development of number of wagons 2012





Covered wagons






Open wagons






Flat wagons






Other freight wagons











Source: ZSSK CARGO, Annual report 2012

Besides above-mentioned wagons in personal possession, ZSSK CARGO rented 1,354 wagons through the financial leasing asVladimir at 31. December leasing wasfield used also inlease the previous Luptak: It 2012. is quiteFinancial difficult to in the of wagon and will beyears. able active role in this. The main projects are in compare 10 euro/train-km vs 3,5 euro/ to place spare wagons on European market. container traffic China – Europe, automotrain-km due to different structure of infra- In intermodal business we expect that new tive traffic (automotive components) from structure charging system – shunting, mar- partner in subsidiary will be able to bring Europe to RF and bulk materials imported Number wagons according the international specifications andcountries their to age structure shalling and of additional services are extra to additional volumes and revenues and to be from CIS Europe. Participapaid, they are not regulated by independ- active not just within the Slovak republic. tion of strong international partner in Years Up to 5 6-10 11 -15 16-20 ZSSK 21 -25 26-30 Over 30 Totalus ent regulation office (NSA). CARGO Intermodal will allow the open newhigh-sided regulationwagon framework on Railway 343 PRO: Considering Slovakia’s ge-154 directly participate such ESince - ordinary 105 138 1,713 1,958and benefit 1,309 ffom 5,720 rail infrastructure in Slovakia came into ographical position, how do you approach opportunities. F - special open wagon - offers 34 1,054 1,088 effect (1.1.2011) we have to say that new the construction of railway trade level of infrastructure costs is comparable between Europe and Asia, seeing as more Railway PRO: What are the projects G - ordinary covered wagon 142 79 69 290to with neighbouring countries. Thanks to and more railway operators are involved be initiated regarding the cooperation with H - special wagon - launching 395 services 335 which 59 the railway 1 operators 33 in Central 474 and 1,297 such level covered rail freight operators are able to in projects for Eastshift cargo/goods from road to rail and as successfully compete maritime transport K - ordinary flat wagon 15 - ern Europe? 18 213 246 was mentioned in previous questions the (e.g. the Viking project, Cargo 10)? What L - special wagonis much more competi- are the challenges 200 35 Luptak:- Currently3 in V4 coun245 Slovak railflat transit faced7 by an operator in - Vladimir tive than before. Alsowagon we have to say that rail attracting a higher freight transport - tries (SK,- HUN,242 PL, CZ) 949 are active1,723 more R - ordinary flat bogie 300 transit 232 freight operators are able to achieve profit- volume between the two continents? How than 100 rail freight operators. It is approxiS - special 1 - role 340 - than 10 434years ago 862 ability andflat to bogie investwagon into new assets and to do you see ZSSK Cargo’s in the CEE 87 mately 10- times more but introduce better qualitatively services. region and in- ensuring- freight transit to 56 we have goods T - wagon with opening roof 175less volume 39 of transported 95 365 countries in Central Asia? by rail. There is very intensive competition U - special wagon 78 45 Railway PRO: In the context of the priespecially on direction north91– south. 214 CruZ - tank wagon 710 1,259on vatisation process for the two subsidiaries, Vladimir Luptak: Europe for- Asia is - cial is minimizing costs and549 extra times what is the method considered by ZSSK significant544 trade partner and1,045 we see tre-356 cross2,162 border points and minimizing empty 822 3,140 5,240 13,309 Cargo for developing the companies’ activ- mendous freight flows especially by the runs of freight wagons i.e. looking for back ity, especially of ZSSK Cargo after inves- maritime transport. Logistics of maritime loading. We have a few projects of cooptors take over the stakes? transport is much more flexible than trans- eration to Polish ports, to Hungary, Balport by rail. It was showed during the crisis kan project, projects of block trains of bulk Vladimir Luptak: ZSSK CARGO will 2008 – 2009 when maritime transport was materials from Ukraine to Slovakia and to take an active part on management of both able to decrease transport prices and to Czech republic. For the last few years we subsidiaries in line with shareholder agree- maintain goods. Of course rail is starting started with our clients single wagon load ments. In Cargo Wagon we expect that to have its position with special projects and group of wagons project including coAAE will use its international know how and ZSSK CARGO would like to play an operation with foreign railway operators.

st and Central Europe.

The Voice of European Railways

EUR per train-km for typical run of a 960 gross tonne freight train

ZSSK CARGO будет играть активную роль в осуществлении железнодорожных перевозок между Европой и Азией

ed /

om l


Source: Matteo Mussini, CER, Wider Black Sea Area - East to West land bridge, Bucharest-2011

Source: CER members – 2010 values, EUR per train-km for typical run of train

www.railwaypro.com | July 2014 a 960 gross tonne freight

Несмотря на то, что финансовый кризис 2009 года заставил перевозчика ZSSK CARGO (Словакия) заморозить инвестиционные проекты, в настоящее время он пытается укреплять свое положение на рынке товарных перевозок путем внедрения проектов, нацеленных на привлечение большего потока грузовых перевозок, на повышение показателей и на развитие компании. - Интервью с господином Владимиром Луптак, генеральным исполнительным директором ZSSK CARGO, который дал интервью нашему изданию. >


Market development 37

Croatia develops EUR 1 Billion logistics terminal

[ by Elena Ilie ]

Last year, Croatia became the 28th member state of the European Union. After Slovenia, it is the second EU member state from the former Yugoslav Block. The Adriatic Sea state focuses on the absorption of EU non-reimbursable funds for redefining and modernising the transport sector. It accounts for 8% of Croatia’s gross domestic product.


roatia is crossed by four pan-European transport corridors of which three railway corridors X, Vb and Vc, the fourth being the pan-European Corridor VII – Danube and the authorities have developed complex investment programmes to develop the country’s sections on these three railway transport corridors. The Government in Zagreb invests significantly in its section of the pan-European Corridor X. However, public money was focused more on the road transport sector, so that now the Croatian railway sector is confronted with significant challenges as it needs major investments to achieve full integration in the Trans-European transport network. Croatia’s railway company has experienced serious organisation changes so that it is currently divided into five independent companies: HŽ Holding, HŽ Passenger Transport, HŽ Cargo, HŽ Infrastructure and HŽ Traction. In 2010, the three railway companies in Croatia (HZ), Slovenia (SJ) and Serbia (SZ) decided to set up Cargo 10 company which seeks to boost transport on the pan-Europe-

an transport corridor X but also to increase freight transport in the three countries. Apart from the development of the national railway infrastructure and of cross-border corridors, freight transport and its intensification also have a significant role. Due to its geographical position, Croatia has a significant importance for setting efficient transport connections between Western Europe and the Balkans area, as well as for the connections between Central Europe and the basin of the Adriatic and the Mediterranean seas. Croatia has direct railway connections with Hungary, Serbia, Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The construction of logistics terminals will be a constant source of increasing the contribution to the national economy and will also provide Croatia with transit potential for the transport of freight between east and west, once works to the pan-European Corridor X are completed. Croatia plans to build the logistics terminal Miklavja, located in Matulji Povince, almost 17 km west of Rijeka, along Rijeka – Ljubljana railway (Slovenia). The transport route

Port of Rijeka

crossing Rijeka, next to the integration of Rijeka Port, the most important Croatia port, is the main land-maritime transport connection in Croatia. Miklavja logistics centre, which will also include the intermodal terminal, permits the development of many logistics activities, as well as production activities, which will improve the market potential by approaching to the terminals of Rijeka Port and of Rijeka transport route. Thus, the development of the logistics centre includes the use of a surface of 160 ha with the possibility of further expansion. The cost of the project amounts to EUR 984 Million. Due to its position and connections to the European transport routes, the logistics centre will ensure an extended circle of investors, especially from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Serbia or Bosnia and Herzegovina, the development of different projects, such as logistics and distribution centres, production and transport facilities. Potential investors could choose the investment through public-private partnership or concession contracts. Miklavja terminal will have six railway lines stretched on 17 ha and different extended platforms for the construction of facilities of production and logistics.

Source: www.novilist.hr

Хорватия развивает логистический терминал путем освоения примерно одного миллиарда евро В прошлом году Хорватия стала 28-м государством-членом Европейского союза. После Словении она является вторым государством-членом ЕС из бывшего югославского блока. Государство, расположенное на побережье Адриатического моря, рассчитывает на освоение безвозвратных средств ЕС для перевооружения и модернизации транспортного сектора. Объем составляет 8% от внешнего валового продукта Хорватии. July 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

38 Market development

Russia: Chelyabinsk and Murmansk regions will have the largest transport hubs

[ by Pamela Luică ]

Russia’s Ministry of Transport has developed the transport strategy for 2030 to improve transport infrastructure, services and to increase the transit potential. To create a unique transport system, the strategy relies on the balanced development of an efficient infrastructure. Thus, next to supplying accessibility, quality services and integration in the global market, in the transport segment, the authorities encourage the development of logistics centres and services to increase transit, to attract the largest volumes of freight possible and to meet transport demands.


he economic impact of developing the strategy includes increasing exports 4.5 times (by 2030) from USD 13.2 Billion to USD 58.8 Billion, while transit through Russia will increase from 28.7 million tonnes to 84.5 million tonnes. Regarding transport, the whole system will be significantly optimised and the freight traffic average will double, the cargo transport time will increase to 1620 hours/day, while the cargo delivery time, using multimodal transport, will be reduced by 25% compared to 2006, shows a study conducted by RC PERRET Company (“Turning Orders into Reality-A summary of the Russian 2030 transport strategy”). In order to meet all challenges, in April the authorities launched two important transport hub projects: one in Chelyabinsk Region and one in Murmansk Region. For the first one, the Russian Ministry of Transport has signed the deal on financing and construction of “South-Ural” transport and logistics centre. The agreement has been signed with the state-owned Transport & Logistics Company. The project, which is very important for the

development of the logistics sector, will be the largest in Russia. Chelyabinsk Region is located in the middle of Eurasia, at the junction of the transport routes linking Russia and the CIS, making possible the adoption of the Development Strategy of the region by 2020. “We need a large transport hub in the South Urals region to deliver and receive freight from China. The selected scheme is correct and the location is agreeable from all points of view, because it is here that the transport and logistics sector will thrive”, declared for Pravda IlyaKozlov, CEO of the transport and logistics company, National Customs Broker. The “South-Ural” transport and logistics centre has strategic importance for Chelyabinsk Region, and for Russia. It will serve traffic between China and Russia and the implementation of the project will reduce travel time from China to Zabaikalsk. For the second project, the Governor of Murmansk Region (Russia) is supported by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in the development of the Transport Hub and has demanded its implementation. The hub development project could be im-

Source: Transport trends and challenges in the Russian Federation, The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation

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plemented by 2018 and includes the development of a railway to the left of Kola Bay (57 km of the Barents Sea), but also the construction of two railway stations and of a railway bridge. Private investors will get involved in the project and will build a coal terminal (Commercial Seaport Lavna), as well as an oil products terminal. A preliminary agreement was signed in 2012, the main idea being to synchronize the construction of the coal terminal by private investors with RZD’s railways required for the construction of the hub. Lavna Port plans to invest RUB 17.6 Billion (USD 509.5 Million) in the construction of a terminal of 18 million tonnes. The government will grant RUB 62 Billion (USD 18 Million) to the construction of a line, a drainage basin and other necessary facilities. The terminal and the railway will be built simultaneously and will be commissioned in 2018.

Россия: Челябинская и Мурманская Область будут иметь крупнейшие транспортные узлы Для удовлетворения всех вызовов, связанных с новыми тенденциями увеличения объема перевозок, с привлечением грузопотоков и использованием транзитного потенциала, в апреле месяце власти объявили о запуске двух крупных проектов транспортных узлов: один в Челябинской Области, а другой в Мурманской Области. Для первого, Министерство транспорта России подписало соглашение о финансировании и строительстве «Южноуральского транспортно-логистического комплекса». Для второго проекта, губернатор Мурманской Области (Россия) получил поддержку премьер-министра Дмитрия Медведева в развитии транспортного узла, запросив о его реализации.

Market development 39

Kerci Strait Bridge, potentially the most expensive bridge for Russia [ by Pamela Luică ]

Former autonomous republic of Ukraine, Crimea, has decided earlier this year to adhere to Russia, a process representing the complete integration of the economic and legal system to that of Russia. For the transport sector, this means both adapting legislation and consolidating cooperation and the development of connections to facilitate traffic between the two parties.

officials have refuted this option on financial grounds. In real terms, the construction of the bridge is worth RUB 150 Billion (USD 4.3 Billion), but the increasing cost is due to the construction of 25 km of roads and 83 km of railways to connect the bridge to the existing transport network. According to price estimates, all these aspects make Kerci the most expensive bridge in Russia. In March, officials of transport authorities said the cost of the project could reach RUB 50 Billion (USD 1.3 Billion) and its cost could increase up to RUB 238 Billion (USD 8.1 Billion), according to the local media. A bridge toll will be introduced for which Avtodor estimates revenues from RUB 142 Billion to RUB 228 Billion (USD 4-6.5 Billion) for the next 20 years. Russian Railways has initially declared that it could build the railway infrastructure for this bridge, but investors from China and South Korea are also interested to participate in this project. China could be the first foreign investor in Crimea’s economy, as Chinese companies have announced that they could participate in the construction project, Kommersant

newspaper informs. Thus, China Railway Construction Corporation (CRCC) and China International Fund Ltd. (CIF) plan to allocate USD 3 Million. However, cooperation with China doesn’t mean that Russian companies would not participate in the projects. Several domestic companies have already expressed interest in building the bridge. The steps prior to project implementation include either a tender or direct conclusion of the contract with a group of companies. The plans of the project, financial and construction models will be completed as fast as possible, and engineering studies, as well as technical and economic evaluations will be developed until November.

Source: www.kyivpost.com


s of March, the central authorities of Russia have approached the problem of transport organisation in Crimea. President Vladimir Putin has launched the idea of building the bridge across Kerci Strait to provide connection between the Black Sea and the Azov Sea, but also to provide connections to the future industrial area in Kerci. “The main industrial cluster to be built in Kerci Peninsula is a project to be developed in conformity with the construction plan of the bridge”, declared Rustam Temirgaliyev, Deputy Prime Minister of Crimea, in an interview for RIA Novosti. The estimated cost of the bridge construction has been increased three times in the past months. The national construction company, Avtodor, responsible for the supervision of design works, has selected the option of bridge with mixed, road and railway, infrastructure. 11.7 km will be built at a cost of RUB 283 Billion (USD 8.1 Billion). According to the central press, the company would have rejected other proposals. The possibility of building a tunnel instead of the bridge has also been considered, but Avtodor

Для России, мост через Керченский пролив может оказаться самым дорогим мостом

Source: www.bbc.com

С марта месяца центральные власти России занялись вопросом организации транспорта в Крыму. В этой связи, президент России Владимир Путин выдвинул идею строительства моста через Керченский пролив для обеспечения связи между Черным морем и Азовским морем. Национальная строительная компания « Автодор», отвечающая за контроль проектных работ, выбрала вариант моста со смешанной автомобильной и железнодорожной инфраструктурой. Длина моста составляет 11,7 км. July 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

40 Market development

Turkey announces the construction of 18 logistics centres by 2023 [ by Elena Ilie ]

Through complex investments and railway transport development projects, Turkey seeks not only to boost the national economy (which has recorded remarkable growth over the past four decades ranking 16th in the world and 6th in Europe), but also to get closer to the European Union, a union that the neighbour country wishes to access. Over the next three years, Turkish Railways (TCDD) plans to invest over TRY 20 Billion (EUR 8.4 Billion) in transport projects. Investments will be aimed at speeding up the liberalization of state railways.


first stage, being almost ready to be put into operation. Yesilbayır-Istanbul, Gokkoy-Balikesir, Bozuyuk-Bilecek, Kayacik-Konya, YeniceMersin, Sivas, Turkoglu-Kahramanmaras, Kars, Palandoken-Erzurum, Mardin are currently the logistics centers in the stage of construction. Turkey has also announced the construction of 4000 km of conventional railway, all by 2023. These conventional lines will be used primarily for freight transport. So far, conventional lines total 8870 km in Turkey and the target provides a conventional line length of 8961 km by the end of 2014. Moreover, at the end of 2018, Turkey expects to have 10,556 km of conventional line, and by 2023 all conventional lines will amount to 12,770 kilometres. The railway network in Turkey will have in 2023 eight routes exclusively intended for the railway freight traffic. One of the eight routes is the well known Baku - Tbilisi - Kars estimated for commissioning at the end of 2014, according to the latest data. The remaining seven routes are perhaps less known but extremely important for the domestic railway freight transport but also for the international one, where the crossborder connection exists. The Adapazari - Karasu - Eregli - Bartin line is currently under construction, the completion date being in 2018 and Turkey

Photo: TCDD

esides the numerous investments in building high-speed lines or those related to purchasing new rolling stock, announced both by TCDD and by the Turkish Ministry of Transport, the state seeks equally to develop the railway freight transport. Turkey’s geographical position facilitates its development of railway connections from Asia to Europe and Baku - Tbilisi - Kars corridor once inaugurated, Turkey will play a significant role in the railway freight transport market. According to the TCDD website, 18 logistics centres will be built by 2023 when Turkey celebrates the 100th anniversary from the declaration of the state as a republic. The Government of Ankara is aware that a disorganised industry which is not connected to the railway is a major obstacle to the development of railway transport. Local industry will benefit from the connection of logistics centres to the railway transport network and the transfer of as many freight volumes to the railway will be a serious advantage for this segment currently focused more on the transport of coal and containers. Of the 18 logistics centres, Halkali, Samsun-Gelemen and Usak are completed and commissioned. Four other logistics centres, KosekoyIzmit, Hasanbey-Eskisehir, Kaklik-Denizli, Bogazkopru-Kayseri have completed the

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will have access to the Black Sea by Karasu port. The project for the Aliaga - Candarli line is already completed, being in the evaluation process. Kars - Nahcivan (Azerbaijan’s exclave on the territory of Armenia – editor’s note) is still in the project stage though the importance of building this route is stressed and Turkey included it on the list of projects that will be ready in 2023. Nusaybin-Silopi-Habur is another route for freight traffic, with connection to Iraq. For this project the organisation of a tender was announced this year. Mursitpinar-Sanliurfa route is in the analysis stage, its initiation could also be announced in 2014. No procedure has been initiated for Gemlik-Bursa route, although the industrialists in Bursa stressed the importance of this route. Palu-Genc-Mus is currently under construction with the possibility to be put into use in 2018.

Турция объявила о строительстве 18 логистических центров до 2023 года Помимо многочисленных инвестиций в строительство высокоскоростных железнодорожных линий или в приобретение нового подвижного состава, о которых объявила компания TCDD и Министерство транспорта Турции, государство стремится в равной степени развивать железнодорожные перевозки. Географическое положение Турции способствует развитию её железнодорожных путей сообщения из Азии в сторону Европы, и как только откроется коридор Баку - Тбилиси - Карс, Турция будет играть значительную роль на рынке железнодорожных грузовых перевозок. Согласно информации, опубликованной на портале TCDD, к 2023 году будет построено 18 логистических центров. В том же году Турция будет отмечать 100-летие провозглашения республики.

Market development 41

Alyat Port, the new transport hub of the Eurasian Platform [ by Elena Ilie ]

Despite all the negative results of the global financial crisis that began in 2009, world trade is slowly recovering mostly due to the increase of exports. Moreover, during the crisis, the emerging economies in Asia have continued to be the drive of economic recovery worldwide and Eurasian trade now accounts from more than half of the world’s trade. In this context, as a connection platform along the main commercial routes, the Caspian Region is located at the junction of Eurasian trade. Considering the strategic importance the region has for global economy, a series of initiatives were launched with the purpose of “reviving the Silk Road”. The main objective of the project is to revive the Silk Road by building efficient railway networks and transport corridors with the promise of ensuring regional connectivity and integration. It is very important to develop maritime ports along trade routes in order to join the integrated transport system which forecast a single economic route between Asia and Europe over the next 10 years.


lthough the old Silk Road was mainly characterised by land transport, at present the development of a “Maritime Silk Road” is considered vital. The road would cross the Caspian Sea to implement the transport projects included in the Caspian Transit Corridor. These projects were detailed in Railway Pro in the issue of October 2013. In fact, these corridors are aimed at developing an efficient and competitive road-railway-maritime transport system between Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkmenistan. Considering the increase of the economic and social dynamics of the economies in the Caspian Sea area, a strong transport infrastructure between these countries could accelerate Eurasian trade. Nowadays, 10 important Caspian Sea ports, including Aktau, Astrahan and Baku provide significant opportunities not just for national economies, but also for the sustainable development of the region. Due to its geostrategic position in the South Caucasus and to an impressive economic growth, Azerbaijan is in the centre of the New Silk Road. However, Azerbaijan is a

Source: hwww.traceca-org.org

rather isolated country with no land frontier with the countries in Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan). Thus, its geographical position requires the development of an efficient maritime transport through the Caspian Sea so that the state would be considered a vital connection in the supply chain of the Silk Road. In order to meet the needs resulted from trade and cargo transport growth, Azerbaijan has already planned the construction of the new Baku International Sea Trade Port in Alyat, 70km away from Baku at the junction of TRACECA and the North-South corridors. According to Azerbaijan’s vision for a new regional hub, the Port of Alyat would significantly increase the freight flow and the freight volume transited along the east-west and north-south corridors. Moreover, it is important to underline that the Port of Alyat would not operate as a simple transit corridor, it would be a cross-border point which will include logistics centres and a free economic zone. It is estimated that the Alyat Port will be the largest and most modern

port to the Caspian Sea by 2015 with the capacity of serving 20 million tonnes of freight per year. Consequently, the construction of the new international maritime port in Alyat is really a must for implementing the New Silk Road initiative proposed by TRACECA. Moreover, the Port of Alyat would also intensify the capacity of the Iron Silk Road (Baku – Tbilisi – Kars Corridor) which would enable direct access to the European railway network. Moreover, the Port of Alyat should not be considered as just a segment of the integrated Eurasian transport infrastructure. In conformity with the modernisation of Boyuk Kesik and Baku-Yalama railways and the diversification of the railway network, the Port of Alyat would create its own economy by creating its own hinterland and implementing a free economic zone and by setting an efficient international logistics centre. Required investments are estimated to EUR 210 Million.

Порт Алят - новый транспортный узел на Евразийской платформе Благодаря своему геостратегическому положению в Южнокавказском регионе и впечатляющему экономическому росту, Азербайджан находится в самом центре Нового Шелкового пути. Тем не менее, Азербайджан является несколько изолированным государством, не имеющим сухопутную границу с государствами Центральной Азии (Казахстан, Республика Киргизстан, Таджикистан, Туркменистан и Узбекистан). Таким образом, в целях удовлетворения потребностей, связанных с ростом торговли и грузовыми перевозками, Азербайджан уже запланировал строительство нового Бакинского морского торгового порта (new Baku International Sea Trade Port) в Аляте, расположенном в 70 км от Баку, на пересечении коридоров ТРАСЕКА и Север - Юг. July 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

42 Policies & Strategies

Transit potential of Central Asian countries is multiplied [ by Elena Ilie ]

Regional transport in Central Asian countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan) is largely based on rail.


he potential short-term benefits resulting from the increased private sector involvement in railway transport include a significant efficiency in case the private managers decide to mobilise private investments, especially for the purchase of rolling stock and equipments or facilities for their maintenance. Much of the railway industry in Central Asian countries is, however, a natural monopoly with significant economies of scale and high entry costs on the transport market, particularly for infrastructure. Under these circumstances competition between railway operators is unlikely, although the competition could be stimulated if a regulatory framework is put in place to ensure fair access to infrastructure. This makes it difficult to increase private sector involvement. For the freight transport, the Central Asian countries have railway networks mostly built during the Soviet Union and for its benefit. Currently, these countries could benefit from cross-border cooperation or the establishment of common tariff policies for freight transit. Through the new projects implemented, such as Tajikistan - Afghanistan - Turkmenistan (TAT) and Northern - Southern Corridor (Kazakhstan - Turkmenistan - Iran) we must consider the advantages of the networks in these states for freight transit on

the Europe - Asia direction and back. These states benefit from a series of important routes for the inter-regional transit. A good example is the railway between Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan with links to the Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan which provides important connections between much of Central Asia and seaports on the Persian Gulf, the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea and a transit potential between East Asia (via the Druzhba border post) and Central and Southern Europe. The railways connecting the main industrial centres in northern Kazakhstan with the northern border with Russia provide the main connections between northern Kazakhstan, European Russia and Europe and transit services between East Asia (via Druzhba) and Northern and Central Europe along the northern Trans-Asian railway (TAR). Then, another example mentioned in an UNESCAP analysis is the Kazak railway via Kzyl-Orda and Aralsk which has traditionally provided the main connection between Uzbekistan and the Kyrgyz Republic and between European Russia and Northern Europe and now provides the link to the Caspian Sea port of Akta. Uzbekistan may also be in the attention of the strategies establishing optimal variants for the freight transit on the Eurasian platform.

Thus, the railway in Uzbekistan via Navoi and Nukus and then through Makat in Kazakhstan provides a link between southern Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan to western Siberia and eastern Iran and Afghanistan. It also provides an alternative east-west link to the Kzyl-Orda-Aralsk route via Aktau. Recently, the Turkmen Vice-President for Transportation Affairs Saltyk Saltykow announced the completion of the works on the Turkmen share of the North-South corridor. “The 700-kilometer Turkmen part of the project is complete and the last operations for its launch are underway now”, Saltykow said. Moreover, the Turkmen President, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, underlined the fact that his country is actively involved in the development of infrastructure projects for the purpose of developing international transport systems. Reducing freight transit times is another factor underlying the development of these railway routes. The Central Asian railway network has the potential to attract traffic from China to the Middle East and Central Europe currently carried out exclusively on maritime routes intended for container transport and suffering from long and arduous journeys.

Photo: wikimedia.org

Расширяется транзитный потенциал государств Центральной Азии

www.railwaypro.com | July 2014

Транспорт в Центральной Азии на региональном уровне (Казахстан, Республика Кыргызстан, Таджикистан, Туркменистан и Узбекистан) в значительной мере опирается на железную дорогу. Потенциальная краткосрочная выгода, полученная в результате усиленного вовлечения частного сектора в железнодорожный транспорт, предусматривает значительное повышение эффективности деятельности в данной отрасли, если частные менеджеры будут решать в пользу выделения частных инвестиций, особенно для приобретения подвижного состава и оборудования или приборов для их технического обслуживания.


July 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

44 Policies & Strategies

Bulgaria prepares transport infrastructure to meet increasing transport demands [ by Pamela Luică ]

Transport and communications generate over 11% of Bulgaria’s gross added value, the development of the transport sector being a key factor in the consolidation of international trade, transport growth triggering economy growth. Although there is still no stable trend of change in the freight and passenger railway transport, long-term prospects envisage an increase of freight transport following the improvement of economic and social conditions.


omestic cargo transport demand is relatively stable with a freight volume of 82 million tonnes/year representing 74% of the total transport demand ensured by roads and railways, shows the transport development strategy by 2020. The railway market becomes more and more competitive due to the foreign operators which are already operating in Bulgaria leading to the improvement of the quality of services, cost cuts and creating the premises for shifting traffic from roads to railways. Also, the introduction of EU measures on road traffic (limiting travel time and freight volumes) will increase the attractiveness of railway transport. According to the estimates of the Transport Ministry, freight traffic performance (t-km) will increase by 0.05% per year and traffic is expected to increase by 2015 due to the complete liberalisation of the railway market in conformity with EU regulations.

The evaluation of container transport levels indicates a lower level than in neighbouring countries, the main locations for freight handling being in ports, especially in Varna. This segment is expected to increase in regions with efficient and quality infrastructure, for example in Sofia, where the new railway terminal will have a positive impact on intermodal transport development. Container traffic should increase after 2016 as a result of placing in service container terminals, especially in the ports of Burgas and Varna. Intermodal transport development is a priority that provides new opportunities for creating a full logistics scheme. “The important routes of Bulgaria are VidinSofia-Kulata/ Plovdiv-Svilengrad (Corridor 4); Kalotina – Sofia (Corridor 10); Gyueshevo-Sofia-Burgas/ Varna (Corridor 8); Ruse-Dimitrovgrad/ Sofia/ Varna (Corridors 7 and 8). The ports of Varna,

TEN-T intermodal nodes

Source: Anita Angelova, Development of the Intermodal Transport in Bulgaria, april 2014

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Burgas, Lom, Vidin and Oryahovo require modernisation works. At present, there are development opportunities for the RORO intermodal services (Danube ports Ruse-Iztok, Vidin and Silistra) and Black Sea ports (Varna and Burgas) and RO-LA services. The placing in service of the second bridge across the Danube and of the Bosporus Tunnel will significantly increase the volumes of combined transport. Transit freight traffic will be attracted from Asian countries such as Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Transcaucasia and Russia through the ports of Varna and Burgas, as stated in the Partnership Agreement for 2014-2020. New terminals to cope with cargo flows In order to meet the requirements, Bulgaria has launched terminal construction projects. A tender will be initiated in 2015 for the terminal in Ruse. Investments are estimated at EUR 26 Million and the implementation will take two years. “The construction of Ruse intermodal terminal will create conditions in Severen tsentralen region for the optimum combination and integration of different transport modes and opportunities will be created for the transport of large freight volumes on the Black Sea-Central Europe axis. The port and railway station in Ruse are connected to the Port of Varna through Ruse-Varna railway which can be developed as freight transport corridor”, the document states. Regarding Plovdiv intermodal terminal, total costs are estimated at over EUR 8 Million. The terminal will be put in service at the end of 2015. In May, the authorities signed the contract on the construction and supervision of the project which “connects different modes of transport which will help increase the efficiency of freight transit through Bulgaria. Road and railway infrastructure projects have to be correlated to determine Bulgaria’s development. The

Policies & Strategies

Source: Anita Angelova, Development of the Intermodal Transport in Bulgaria, april 2014

geographical position of the new terminal has strategic importance due to the two European corridors which cross the region”, declared Deputy Minister of Transport Petar Kirov upon signing the contract. The contract is worth BGN 8.57 Million (EUR 4.36 Million), VAT excluded, and works are executed by Trace Group Hold AD. The terminal is built in Todor Kableshkov railway station area and will have a surface of over 68,000 square meters. Another intermodal terminal to be built in 2015 is that in Varna located in the industrial area in the south of the city. It will provide sea, railway and road transport services, the project being approved for implementation within the investment programme “Sustainable development of regions” with an initial investment budget of EUR 15 Million. A working group has been established for this project to prepare the reference terms and the technical specifications for implementation. The terminal will be equipped with platforms for handling containers and bulk.

According to project estimates, works will be completed in three years after the release of the construction permit. The cost of the project is BGN 90 Million (EUR 46 Million). As the authorities estimate the increase of container transport in Burgas, this year investments will be allocated in the modernisation of infrastructure and facilities in the terminals of Burgas Port, “Burgas East – 2” and “Burgas West”. Funds are part of the “BMF Port Burgas” investment programme. A series of development projects are carried out at the port according to the 2015 strategy and due to the increase of demand. The extension of the port consists in the construction of four specialised terminals; N1-dedicated to the freight of liquid and bulk chemical products, N2-in the east, dedicated to general cargoes and bulk, N3-for ferry-boat lines and Ro-Ro freight, N4-for container transport. In order to facilitate transport, increase the volumes of freight and attract volumes to railways, Bulgaria initiates several projects

Bulgarian ports

Source: Anita Angelova, Development of the Intermodal Transport in Bulgaria, april 2014

for the modernisation of railways: Plovdiv – Burgas (first phase), Sofia-Plovdiv (Septemvri – Plovdiv section), electrification and reconstruction of Plovdiv- Svilengrad railway (Dimitrovgrad – Svilengrad section). For 2014-2020, the authorities have already set a series of projects: the implementation of phase II of Plovdiv – Burgas railway modernisation, reconstruction and elaboration of parameters for Ruse-Varna railway, the modernisation of Karnobat – Sindel, Vidin – Medkovets and Sofia – Dragoman railways. A new approach will be considered for 2014-2020 in order to get European funds and a new scheme for the financing of freight transport services within TEN-T and the Connecting Europe Facility will be presented. According to estimates, by 2020 railway traffic will concentrate on the routes of Dragoman-Burgas, Karnobat-Sindel, Dragoman-Svilengrad, Ruse-Varna, VidinKulata, Sofia-Varna and Ruse-Stara Zagora railways, as railway transport is expected to become the carriers’ mode of choice, especially on Sofia-Varna and Sofia-Burgas routes as road infrastructure is extremely busy and fuel costs are increasing. Railway infrastructure optimisation over the next years will stimulate the increase of railway freight volumes, as well as the number of passengers, on both internal and international routes. Photo: port-burgas.bg

Railway projects


Болгария готовит свою транспортную инфраструктуру для удовлетворения растущего спроса Для Болгарии развитие интермодального транспорта является приоритетом, принося с собой новые возможности для формирования целостной логистической схемы. Для укрепления позиции в системе грузовых перевозок в регионе, а также для удовлетворения растущего спроса на перевозки, Болгария объявила в этом году о реализации нескольких проектов по модернизации и строительству терминалов: в городах Бургас, Пловдив, Русе, Бургас и Варна будут работать новые грузовые терминалы, которые будут обеспечивать потоки трафика на национальном и международном уровнях. July 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

46 products & technologies

ArcelorMittal Galaţi: The remote control Shunting Robot increases operation performance [ by Pamela Luică ]

With an annual production capacity of 119 million tonnes and 232,000 employees in 60 countries, ArcelorMittal is one of the biggest steel and mining companies in the world. The company’s revenues in 2013 amounted to USD 79.4 Billion with a steel production of 91.2 million tonnes, which was 6% of the world production. Mining operations account for an essential part of ArcelorMittal’s development strategy. In 2013, the company manufactured 70.1 million tonnes of iron ores and 8.8 million tonnes of coal. For 2015, the company’s strategy focuses on increasing the volumes of iron ores to 84 million tonnes.


n Romania, ArcelorMittal Galaţi is the largest steel plant in the national market with a production volume of around 1.7 million tonnes of steel estimated in 2014. 2013 was a difficult year for the steel industry, as manufacturers dealt with overcapacity. However, if the market has an ascending tendency, this year could be similar to the previous one and ArcelorMittal Galaţi’s situation could improve in H2 2014. The company’s goal is to use the equipment to its full capacity to maintain the competitive structure of costs. Over the past 11 years, ArcelorMittal Galaţi has invested around EUR 800 Million in the technological modernisation of units and production capacities and in replacing the equipment with exceeded life expectancy. The effect of these investments consisted in the reduction of specific consumption per production chain, as well as the increase and improvement of productivity. To that end, the latest project of ArcelorMittal Galaţi is the launch of the remote control Shunting Robot for heavy-duty shunting operations with a speed of 5 km/h and a maximum weight of 1500 tonnes. The machine will only operate in the area

of the industrial plant (under the furnace, at ArcelorMittal Galaţi plant) and for specific purposes to carry out the positioning operations of the Torpedo cars for loading with liquid cast iron. The vehicle’s power supply source is exterior, the power supply being made through cable-driven cars which enable the range limit movement with radio remote control. The Shunting Robot has been developed through the modernisation and transformation of the 1250 HP diesel hydraulic locomotive (by replacing main components and equipment), increasing its reliability, efficiency and performance in operation. The transformation of the locomotive has consisted in replacing the diesel-hydraulic traction with electric traction, the appropriate fitting and modification of auxiliary services. Also, the truck has been kept, as well as the coupling system. A new reductor has been designed and assembled and the chassis has been ballasted to ensure the required mass to obtain the corresponding adherence. The new components have direct effects on safety, security and quality, but also environment protection, energy costs, maintenance, consumables and even fuel extraction.

The project has been developed by România Euroest, in partnership with Integral Consulting R&D (electro-pneumatic and command equipment), Reşiţa Reductoare (reducer supplier), Master (supplier of exterior mobile electric installation), DDS Group (frequency converter supplier), Valiadis (electric motor supplier). ArcelorMittal Galaţi owns a sinter plant, one blast furnace in constant operation (one idle), one steel melting shop, three mould slab casters, one galvanizing plant, one hot strip mill, and one cold rolling mill. Access to and from the plant, as well as transport of raw materials, unfinished materials and end products would not be possible without an efficient internal logistics infrastructure which includes 200 km of railways, a rolling stock fleet of almost 1600 wagons and 83 locomotives, including 10 remote controlled locomotives.

АрселорМиттал Галац Маневровый робот с дистанционным управлением приводит к повышению объема и эффективности производства Одним из основных инвестиционных проектов по повышению качества и производительности, реализованный ArcelorMittal Галац (Румыния) является запуск Маневрового робота с дистанционным управлением, предназначенного для тяжелой деятельности по проведению маневров, со скоростью 5 км / ч и максимальной вместимостью 1500 тонн. Он действует строго в рамках установленного промышленного объекта (под печью, на комбинате ArcelorMittal Галац) и применяется в четко установленных целях, связанных с выполнением операций по позиционированию вагонов торпедо для погрузки жидкого чугуна. >

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have intensified the pressure of competition. Energyprices that both state and privateoperators have to economize. T termapproach, especially when it comes to suppliermanag Engineer becoming increasinglyrelevant. This poses a47 huge challen Bremse. If trains are goingto keep operating on a daily basis for 40 becapable of functioning reliably for a similarperiod of time presupposes regular servicing, well timed overhaul activiti course every operator’s requirementsare unique – a mass have very differentneeds from a high-speed train operation Knorr-Bremse RailServices makes our global competence cultures and specific systems. Toachieve this, Knorr-Brem specific, across-the board service products that enable Kn Goods and passenger volumes are on the increase, and yet fleet operators arepartner focusing more and onproduct’slife service right through to themore end of the packages have years, been tailored their vehicles’ operating costs. There has been further privatization of the service rail market in that recent and tointhe specific ne the field of logisticsthis can mean offering many countries state-owned companies are no longer the only rail operators – which have intensified the“kitting” or “boxin inventories,offering just-in-time deliveries or operatingpropressure of competition. Energyprices have also been steadily rising.That means that both state andat private also mean maintenancesupport local level or the trainin When it comes to modernizations or mid-term operators have to economize. They are taking a very professional, long-term approach, especially when it upgrades K performance, economy of operationand to providesolution comes to supplier management. This means that life cycle costs are becoming increasingly relevant. This requirements– for example a new braking systemthat redu poses a huge challenge for sub-system suppliers as Knorr-Bremse. lightweight equipment thatenables a greater volume of frei brake blocks for noise reduction with ICER IB116* blocks. systemsor modern sanding systems – makingthe operatio f trains are going to keep operating on When it comes to modernizations or more able when a rapid response is called for. very It broad. W efficient. The range ofproducts is really the the newparts or systems the necessary approva a daily basis for 40 or more years, their mid-term upgrades Knorr-Bremse offers that means systems traininghave Knorr-Bremse it is talked aboutindividually braking, HVAC or door systems sub-systems have to be capable of systems to improve train performance, Whether is providing has been adapted partner and coordinates everything else at Knorr-Bremse,d functioning reliably for a similar period of economy of operation and to provide so- to the needs of the operator concerned. It that has been specifically setup fo time. But you can’t take that for granted – it lutions already today following future le- engineeringdepartment also means that Knorr-Bremse RailServthe real world. If we are trying toadapt one of our products presupposes regular servicing, well timed gislation requirements– for example a new solutions ices onlyseldomwork. sells original parts offering OEM overhaul activities, mid-term moderniza- braking system that reduces the braking For performance – and guarantees availKnorr-Bremse service isn’t just atheir phrase. It means, for tions etc.. And of course every operator’s distance of a freight train, or lightweight arealways ability foravailable decades.when Andof course all operaa rapid response iscalled for. It individually adaptedto theall needs of the requirements are unique – a mass-transit equipment that enables a greater volume of providing tors havehas thebeen security of knowing that RailServices only sells original partsoffering system in one country is going to have very freight to be carried or even TSI certified Knorr-Bremse service centers rely on the procedures and Andof course all operators have th different needs from a high-speed train op- LL brake blocks for noise reduction with availability processes for of decades. a tried and-tested production rely onthe procedures and processes of a triedand-tested

RAILSERVICES – Your partner of choice


eration inother countries. Knorr-Bremse RailServices makes our global competence available at local level – in terms of both cultures and specific systems. To achieve this, Knorr-Bremse is developing core competences into specific, across-the board service products that enable Knorr-Bremse to operate as reliable, individual service partner right through to the end of the product’s life cycle. KnorrBremse RailServices offers service packages that have been tailored to the specific needs of individual customers and markets. In the field of logistics this can mean offering “kitting” or “boxing,” maintaining reliable spare parts inventories, offering justin-time deliveries or operating pro-active obsolescence management, but might also mean maintenance support at local level or the training of local maintenance technicians.

ICER IB116* blocks. Knorr-Bremse also retrofits driver advisory systems or modern sanding systems – making the operation of rail vehicles more pleasant, safer or more efficient. The range of products is really very broad. We even make sure, in the case of upgrades, that the new parts or systems have the necessary approval certificates. Whether it is talked about braking, HVAC or door systems – Knorr-Bremse is the reliable contact partner and coordinates everything else at Knorr-Bremse,drawing on the expertise of an engineering department that has been specifically setup for this purpose. That is incredibly important in the real world. If we are trying to adapt one of our products to a customer’s own product, standard solutions seldom work. For Knorr-Bremse service isn’t just a phrase. It means, for example, that experts from Knorr-Bremse are always avail-



Стоимость эксплуатации - вызов для поставщиков железнодорожных подсистем Объемы грузоперевозок и количество перевозимых пассажиров растут, но, тем не менее, операторы парков подвижного состава всё больше сосредоточиваются на расходах по использованию принадлежащих им транспортных средств. За последние годы железнодорожный рынок сталкивается со стремительной либерализацией транспортных услуг, и во многих европейских странах государственные железнодорожные компании уже не действуют в качестве единственных операторов, а это усиливает напряженность, связанную с условиями конкуренции. Цены на электроэнергию также растут, а это означает, что как государственным, так и частным операторам приходится по мере возможности снизить потребление электроэнергии. July 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

48 Engineer

Intermodal container stations – security gates [ by Olaf Matthäi Chief Expert TK/IT, DB International GmbH, olaf.matthaei@db-international.de ]

Together with operators of (road-rail) container stations, Deutsche Bahn wants to introduce stringent security and surveillance measures for arriving and departing containers, swap containers and road semi-trailers. To achieve this, experts from different disciplines at DB International have developed a security gate. The following is a description of which tasks and functions can be realistically implemented and which special features must be taken into account for railway operations.


ontainer stations act as an interface between transport routes linking rail, road and water. This is where containers, swap containers and road semitrailers, which are used to store physical assets of considerable value as well as hazardous materials, are transloaded. Operators must secure the loading units against theft and misuse, and implement surveillance and security measures for loading units that are not classified as hazardous materials. These requirements conflict with the fact that container stations are often only supervised by a small number of staff concentrated in central buildings. Consistent and comprehensive surveillance of the container station using these limited resources is, therefore, not possible. Challenges to be solved Container stations present the following security challenges, many of which can be solved using the automated mechanisms of a security gate: - unauthorised entry of loading units, - carrier departs from the container station with the wrong loading unit, - damage to loading units, - theft of and from loading units, - too many manual processes when loading units arrive and depart and no visual access to the crane track and storage areas. The term “security gate” is thus very broad and refers more to a system than to an actual gate. Special features of railway traffic Railway traffic in container stations has a number of special features. Today’s trains are mostly electric and are powered by a voltage of 15,000 V from an overhead contact line. Electric railway operations require that special protection be provided for equipment located in the contact line wire www.railwaypro.com | July 2014

zone. The wire zone ends 4 metres from the track centre line. Clearance gauges are prescribed for railway traffic that must be kept clear of any equipment. This imposes restrictions regarding the installation of technical equipment in the vicinity of the track. In addition, road-rail crossings are subject to special regulations. Closing trackside access to a container station by means of a gate is only possible to a limited degree and has a negative impact on measures to prevent theft. Tasks and functions of the security gate Before the security gate was implemented, the following tasks and functions were

defined in a specification document: Identification of vehicles entering the container station, Identification of vehicles exiting the container station, Visual documentation of the associated loading units for the vehicles, Visual documentation of the loading units of the rail vehicles, Automatic control of the barrier system for vehicles, Possibility of viewing the crane track and trackworks and Perimeter security and video surveillance of the premises, especially during shutdown periods. The processes for dispatching and handling the loading units should be made leaner; certain manual process steps should even be eliminated. One example of this involves automating the time-consuming and error-prone process of visually inspecting loading units by documenting their arrival


and departure with a video system. Manual opening of the barrier to allow the unit to enter or exit will, in future, be handled automatically by means of vehicle registration plate recognition. Security gate interfaces An analysis of the challenges to be solved and the tasks to be fulfilled reveals that at least the following technical equipment and systems of a container station must interface with the security gate: Operations control system of the container station (e.g. BLU, MODALITY), Data network (structured cabling, switches, WLAN), Barrier system, Voice communication between the barrier and logistics scheduling building and Power supply system. The hardware interfaces are largely known and standardised. This is not, however, the case with the software interfaces. It is essential, therefore, that the provider of the operations control system is involved in the project from the very beginning. Security gate technology Externally visible elements include first and foremost video cameras and masts. These essentially incorporate the following functional groups: Vehicle registration plate recognition, Barrier control, Video documentation of the loading units, Documentation (archive), Interface server to the operations control system, Crane track surveillance, Networking (LAN, TCP/IP) and Power supply/earthing. However, the security gate also includes the necessary software to operate the various interfaces and configure the process sequences. Special attention must be paid to vehicle registration plate recognition during the planning stage, particularly in the case of winding access roads leading up the barrier and when the space available for installing equipment is confined. The mounting height, viewing angle, camera type and adequate lighting are critical if registration plate recognition is to be successful. Barrier control is implemented by means of a programmable logic controller (PLC) that can be customised for different types of gate. Arriving and departing loading units are documented by means of CCTV video cameras. To be able to detect the side of a loading unit, there must be a certain distance between the camera and loading unit. This applies, in particular, to loading units that are transported by rail. The number of video images recorded as the loading unit passes through can be configured. The positions of the cameras, masts and foundations must, therefore, be defined early on in the planning stage. The video images are stored on the video server. This documentation protects the operator of the container station against unjustified claims in the event of damage to

the loading units. It is currently not possible to document all sides of the loading unit. The interface server to the operations control system comprises a firewall function for separating the operations control system and security gate. Suitable formats and attributes have been defined for exchanging data between the operations control system and security gate. Dome cameras on 12-metre video masts are used for crane track surveillance. The operations control system was adapted to enable the dome cameras to be controlled manually. The extent to which this feature can be used may be restricted considerably by legal requirements. Perimeter security should be implemented in the form of fixed fences, linear infrared surveillance or thermal imaging cameras. Container stations are not usually manned during shutdown periods which means that alarms triggered by an intrusion can be saved but direct and immediate response is not possible. The possible technical measures that can be implemented here presuppose that the necessary financial resources are available, which can usually only be secured for larger projects. All functional groups of the security gate communicate via Ethernet and TCP/IP. Fibre-optic technology is used for this purpose, especially in container stations that cover a large area. This also achieves a certain degree of protection against overvoltage conditions in the network. During planning and implementation, attention should be paid to the correct choice of fibre-optic cable (EN 50173), connector system and media converters. Each individual location of a functional group must be powered separately. For this purpose, protected circuits of the logistic scheduling building and transformer stations of the crane track are used to limit the lengths and diameters of the power supply cables. Blue-print solution at the Nuremberg container station Numerous tests and a great deal of coordination were required to draft the initial designs of a security gate and finally implement the blue-print solution at the Nuremberg container station of Deutsche Bahn AG. In certain cases, systems that worked perfectly in the laboratory did not perform as required on site. Various constraints must be observed when security gates are planned and implemented. For example, integrating a security gate requires extensive intervention in the existing operations control system. Without the cooperation of the supplier of the operations control system, only part of the security gate functionality can, therefore, be implemented. Off-the shelf systems for registration plate recognition, video surveillance and perimeter security are readily available. None of


these systems can, however, be integrated by “plug and play” into existing container stations. Using existing network systems sometimes gave rise to space and earthing problems. Furthermore, the uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for the video server required an installation depth of 100 centimetres which is not available in every 19” cabinet. To maintain the prescribed distance between the loading unit and video camera, camera masts had to be installed and cables routed on third-party land. This, however, required the corresponding approvals to be attained and extensive coordination work, causing delays in the planning and implementation process. Moreover, privacy protection laws clearly specify how video systems are to be designed, requiring suitable agreements to be reached with employees, works councils and residents. Summary The security gate is a system for increasing security upon entry into the container station using vehicle registration plate recognition, improving damage prevention through video documentation, increasing security in the crane track area by means of dome cameras and for increasing protection against theft through perimeter security. In this context, one of the most important challenges that must be addressed when the system is configured is that the interfaces between the security gate and operations control system function correctly. Unfortunately, security-related aspects are still not given the necessary attention even when an entirely new container station is being designed (preliminary planning stage). The necessary investment funding is not available and implementing these aspects at a later stage is only possible to a limited degree in terms of space and technology.

Контроль контейнеров ворота безопасности Наряду с операторами по контролю контейнеров, с автоперевозчиками и железнодорожными перевозчиками, компания Deutsche Bahn рассматривает внедрение мер по безопасности и интенсивным контролем контейнеров, контейнеров для перевозки нефтепродуктов и полуоткрытых вагонов. Для достижения этой цели, эксперты различных отраслей в рамках Deutsche Bahn разработали «ворота безопасности». Данная статья описывает обязательства и мероприятия, которые необходимо реализовать, а также характеристики, которые нужно принимать во внимание ввиду проведения железнодорожных операций. July 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

50 Policies & Strategies

Shift2Rail, ready to start its research and innovation operations [ by Elena Ilie ]

The Council of the European Union officially approved, on June 16th, the SHIFT2RAIL Technological Initiative. The respective final and official approval of Shift2Rail will mark the end of the political procedure and will allow the establishment of the Technological Initiative during this summer, while the activity will begin as of January 2015.


he budget proposed for SHIFT2RAIL in the financing period 2014 – 2020 is EUR 920 Million, EUR 450 Million of which will be allocated by the European Union and EUR 470 Million will come from the railway industry partners involved in the development of the research and technological innovation initiative. For research and innovation, out of the EUR 450 Million allocated by the EU, EUR 180 Million will be available for SHIFT2RAIL founding members, EUR 180 Million will be allocated to associated members, and the rest of EUR 180 Million will be attributed to other partners. This objective aims at attracting SMEs and Research Institutes into the project. Shift2Rail, a technological project launched by the European Rail Industry Association (UNIFE), will play an important role in coordinating and informing stakeholders about the railway research and innovation throughout Europe. The technological project will manage all railway research and innovation actions cofinanced by the EU. Shift2Rail will actively promote the involvement of all relevant stakeholders, including, for example, manufacturers of railway equipment, passenger associations and beneficiaries of freight

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transport, as well as the relevant scientific community. “The adoption of SHIFT2RAIL Technological Initiative marked the culminating point of preparation conducted over several years by an impressive number of companies in the railway industry and other stakeholders. The final decision on Shift2Rail is an essential success for the future of the specialised industry, as well as the entire railway sector in Europe. The railway industry is prepared to actively participate in research and development projects to be launched by a public-private Shift2Rail partnership”, mentioned Philippe Citroën, Director General of UNIFE. “The decisions and investments established at European level have a significant impact on the industry in Europe. SHIFT2RAIL Technological Initiative, which is about to start its operations, will have a major impact in the transport sector, with the significant investments and the efforts made by the European Union for the development of ERTMS signalling system”, said Lutz Bertling, the new president of UNIFE. “SHIFT2RAIL is among the priorities of the Greek Presidency of the EU in the transport sector. It will develop the railway transport and will support the development of the railway market. The European railway industry must remain a leader at the level of the global market and SHIFT2RAIL is the tool necessary for reaching this goal”, declared Michalis Papadopoulos, Greek Deputy Minister for Transport. The Studies conducted in past years have shown that, in Europe, the Research and Innovation in the railway sector is performed in quite fragmented manner and in order to create a Single European Railway area, coordination is needed not only at the level of the infrastructure management or at the level of freight and passenger transport operations, but also in the railway industry sector, providing equipment and rolling stock. SHIFT2RAIL Technological Initiative refers to the entire European railway sector, especially to the large-scale innovation and competitiveness and to the consolidation of the European industry in order to be able to compete internationally, espe-

cially given the strong competition coming from the transport market in Asia. The European Rail Industry Association (UNIFE) launched SHIFT2RAIL Joint Technological Initiative within Horizon 2020 programme, the first of this kind in the railway industry, in the sense of increasing the research and innovation for a greater competitiveness of the European railway sector. SHIFT2RAIL will develop and implement a new method of approaching the challenges for the innovation in the railway industry. Therefore, the initiative has established two major objectives, firstly to increase the capacity so as to allow railway infrastructure to absorb a greater share of traffic and, secondly, the attraction of the business sector to the railway and the improvement of the efficiency of the railway transport as a whole. The initiative thus launched will help intensify the overall railway system, will meet the user’s transport service needs and at the same time, it contributes to the promotion of the competitiveness of the European industry by implementing the technological innovation.

Shift2Rail готовится к запуску исследовательских и инновационных операций Совет Европейского Союза 16-го июня официально одобрил Технологическую инициативу SHIFT2RAIL. Окончательное и формальное принятие Shift2Rail обозначит завершение процедуры на политическом уровне и будет способствовать стабилизации Технологической инициативы на протяжении этого лета, а с января 2015 года инициатива будет сдана в эксплуатацию. Предлагаемый бюджет для SHIFT2RAIL на период финансирования 2014-2020 гг. составляет 920 миллионов евро, из которых 450 миллионов будут выделены Европейским союзом, а 470 миллионов евро будет поступать от партнёров железнодорожной отрасли, принимающих участие в проведении исследовательской инициативы и в технологических инновациях.

products & technologies


Railway services, an increasing accessible market [ by Elena Ilie ]

Railway services represent the entire range of activities necessary to maintaining the railway assets in good operation conditions or to extending the life cycle of these assets. There are different types of services ranging from maintenance to the modernisation of rolling stock, infrastructure of signalling equipment up to supplying spares, repairs or support granted to operation activities, or even operation services depending on the contract type. Not long ago, maintenance services were carried out by state-owned companies with fully integrated activities, but over the last years these types of services have become easier to access by private companies as well. for Europe. The maintenance of infrastructure and rolling stock represent 37% of the market of accessible services and is one of the services with high growth share, around 3.1% annually until 2017. From the institutional point of view, the maintenance services market will benefit from the adoption of the Fourth Railway Package which insists on the liberalisation of the railway passenger transport markets. This will increase competition on the maintenance services market, while traditional transport operators or new entrants will look for the most efficient maintenance solutions, especially on the Western Europe market. The countries of the Scandinavian Peninsula are a good example of opened transport markets and maintenance outsourcing. At the beginning of the month, Alstom Transport presented the railway services it provides in Sweden, both maintenance and rolling stock delivery, focusing on the services provided for Stockholm. “In the European market, after Oslo (Norway), Stockholm is the most developed city regarding the quality of urban and regional transport services”, said Henrik Anderberg, Managing Director of Alstom

Photo: Alstom Transport


rench giant Alstom is among the private companies which has been dealing with maintenance services, among others, by over 25 years with a portfolio of around 120 maintenance and modernisation projects, either to infrastructure or rolling stock (manufactured by Alstom or by other companies). Maintenance projects, apart from those including delivery of urban rolling stock or for high-speed railway traffic, are carried out in different parts of the world from North America or Latin America, Middle East, Asia-Pacific region, South Africa, the Community of Independent States and Europe of course. The Alstom Transport market amounts to over EUR 100 Billion worldwide. “The company has 90 production units in 60 countries, important partnerships and over 200 customers. In Eastern Europe, Poland and Romania represent two major poles for the the development of the transport activity; in the former, Alstom has a production unit, while in Romania the company provides maintenance services for Bucharest Metro and develops projects on the modernisation of railway infrastructure section on Corridor IV”, declared Andreas Knitter, Senior Vice President Alstom Transport

Transport Nordics. The French company sold 586 trains in the Nordic Countries, 247 of which Coradia Nordic trains, 42 Coradia Duplex and 7 Arlanda Express trains only in Sweden. In these countries, Alstom provides maintenance services in eight depots, as well as maintenance services for 137 commuters trains in Stockholm. Also, the trains manufactured by Alstom are operated by Norrtåg, Västtrafik, Östgötatrafiken and Skånetrafiken. 2011 marked the beginning of the maintenance services provided by Alstom to the 137 commuters trains in Bro, Södertälje and Älvsjö depots. The Bro depot was built especially for the maintenance of the X60 - Coradia Nordic trains. They enable the daily transport of 300,000 passengers which commute to and from Stockholm. In 2011-2014, the customers’ satisfaction level increased by 15% from 61% to 76% in just three years. Also, for 2013-2014, the punctuality of trains increased from 44% to 63%.

Услуги в железнодорожной сфере - растущий и все более доступный рынок Государства Скандинавского пролива являются хорошим примером в области либерализованного транспортного рынка, а также в плане выбора в пользу вывода технического обслуживания на аутсорсинг. В начале этого месяца, компания «Альстом Транспорт» представила набор железнодорожных услуг, предоставляемых в Швеции, касающихся технического обслуживания или поставки подвижного состава. Особое значение придавалось Стокгольмскому направлению. Французская компания только в Швеции продала 586 составов в Северных странах, в том числе 247 поездов Корадия Нордик, 42 Корадия Дуплекс и 7 составов Арланда Экспресс. July 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

52 Policies & Strategies

Romania’s railway system was poorly analysed when the General Transport Master Plan was drafted [ by Elena Ilie ]

Romanian railway specialists and representatives of the railway industry analysed the Memorandum “Measures to improve the efficiency of the Romanian railway sector necessary to approve the General Transport Master Plan of Romania”. The memorandum was adopted at the beginning of June by the Romanian Government. The analysed document relies exclusively on the information and proposals supplied by AECOM in the consultancy contract on the elaboration of the General Transport Master Plan of Romania (MPGT). The document recommends, among others, the concentration on a more limited railway network, specifically by reducing the national network by 4,000 km. However, the railway specialists stressed that the intention of reducing the national railway network by 4,000 km is not financially viable or efficient.


he General Transport Master Plan is compiled to offer a clear transport development strategy in Romania over the next 20 years. To be turned into account, is should provide applicable solutions to the problems and requirements of the transport sector in Romania. The Master Plan will identify the projects and policies that would best meet Romania’s transport needs over the next 5-15 years for all transport modes, supplying a solid analytical database to attract such policies and projects”, the consultants states in the recitals of the project. Briefly, shows the recitals elaborated by the consultant, the Master Plan will identify the projects and policies that will best satisfy the needs of the transport sector in Romania over the next 5-15 years, for all transport modes, providing a solid, analytical base in selecting those policies and projects. Struggling to define problems, the conAECOM

sultant used a reference scenario with data ganised by Club Feroviar and the Romanian updated in 2011. This limitation, although Railway Industry Association (AIF) underdata on traffic and transport business en- lined that the railway transport system has vironment evolution AECOM are now available Preliminary for Report notonbeen sufficiently analysed when draftthe Master Plan Short, Medium and Long Term 2012-2013, can create confusion and the ing the General Transport Master Plan, inappropriate evaluation of investment moreover it is even wrongly considered projects. that the Romanian railway transport is in Moreover, the Report on the existing rail- decline, AECOM pointing out that this way transport conditions, elaborated by phenomenon is irreversible. AECOM consultant, includes data from The specialists contradict the arguments 2011 only from CFR Călători and CFR of AECOM consultant highlighting the Marfă, but not from CFR SA, as it would energy efficiency of railway transport, the have been appropriate in the elaboration of safety, the importance for the economies of a draft Master Plan with direct implication the regions crossed by railways and a more on the activity of all the three companies. efficient use of space both at national and A series of representatives of the Roma- urban level, compared to road transport. nian railway sector, transport operators, Although, based on wrongly interpreted infrastructure managers, specialized univer- data, a continuous decline of railway transsity teachers, representatives of the railway port is envisaged, recent statistics mark the industry and other interested parties par- moderation of decline and even growth on ticipated debated on the above-mentioned some segments, of both the primary and Memorandum. the secondary network. The specialists reunited for the debates orBoth teachers and businessmen agreed

Preliminary Report on the Master Plan Short, Medium and Long Term

Differences in Demand Across the Network in Absolute Terms 2011 to 2020

Figure 5.14:135 Differences in Demand Across the Network in Absolute Terms 2011 to 2020

Differences in Demand Across the Network in Percentage Terms 2011 to 2020

Source: Masterplan Model Outputs

Source: AECOM,Preliminary Report on the Master Plan Short, Long and Medium Term; 19-08-2013 Figure 5.15: Differences in Demand Across the Network in Percentage Terms 2011 to 2020 Figure 5.14: Differences in Demand Across the Network in Absolute Terms 2011 to 2020

Source: Masterplan Model www.railwaypro.com | JulyOutputs 2014

Source: Masterplan Model Outputs


Policies & Strategies


that the future of the 4,000 km of rail network should be evaluated at least from the perspective of the impact over territorial development and safety. “The consultant had meetings with the operators, with the representatives of the infrastructure manager, with the Railway Infrastructure Department of the Ministry of Transport, but proved it didn’t know anything about the market by proposing to reduce the railway network”, was one of the participants’ conclusions.

The Memorandum approved by the Government considers annulling or shifting the transport volumes from the mandatory public services obligations from secondary networks to Romania’s main network. It seeks to concentrate the activity on the network which provides connectivity between the large urban centres of the country and to ignore the mobility need of the people living in rural areas or in smaller towns which only have access to the secondary network. Thus, the document ignores the need to participate in the social, economic and cultural life of the taxpayers located in areas characterised by an average level of revenues much lower than in the case of the people living on the route of the main network. The whole Romanian railway sector will have to find a common denominator to support the intensification and optimisation of the railway transport system and “solutions have to be presented to the decision makers who are not aware of the advantages of railways”. The solutions proposed and considered by railway specialists include: • the calculation of the contribution to the state budget and local budgets of the railway operators from ticket sale compared to the level of the same contributions (or the lack of contribution) from the illegal sale of tickets by some road transport operators. It is already estimated that at least 35-40% of the price of railway transport tickets is represented by taxes and interests which balances the amount of compensations received from the Romanian State. The road transport operators who sell tickets illegally don’t collect the same amount which allows them to use dumping prices; • the calculation of the costs of dismantling parts of the railway section and building roads instead, of purchasing and operating bus-type transport systems compared

Photo: Club Feroviar

Although the deadline announced by the Government for public debates on the final observations related to the MPGT project is a very short one, 5-20 August, all those present in the debate pointed out that they want to get involved and to be consulted in the elaboration of a viable strategy on railway transport in Romania. to maintaining railway transport on the respective sections; • developing an Action Plan to re-assess the conclusions drafted by AECOM in the MPGT draft. This Action Plan will include solutions proposed by specialists in the area to improve the efficiency and to develop (not bring to ruin) railway transport. The Action Plan will include solid arguments according to which the national railway network has to be kept to current dimensions, even further developed after European models and principles to sustain its usefulness, safety, its advantage compared to road transport and its capacity to increase mobility; • the intensification of public communication from the railway sector to motivate for the political sphere the need for railway investments. A strong argument in this regard will be all European strategies (the most important of which are the White Paper on Transport, the four legislative Railway Packages or Shift2Rail Technological Ini-

tiative), strategies which support the idea of developing railway transport, increasing investments in maintenance and building new railways, as well as the positive impact of railway transport for economic development at suburban and regional level; • CFR SA will have to elaborate a longterm strategy on railway infrastructure development. “The railway sector is a system and any strategy elaborated will have to consider this system. The strategy cannot be made on just a line or two and definitely not by reducing the network”, railway specialists believe. In conclusion, it is very important to mention the Biennial Report of the European Commission on railway transport, a report which shows that “although this sector experience an indisputable growth period, many things could still be done regarding the efficiency and quality of services in several member states”. Romania is definitely no exception and should consider this “urge” which supports the development, not the limitation of the railway network.

Система железнодорожного транспорта в Румынии не была достаточно проанализирована в момент составления проекта Общего Мастер-Плана по транспорту Специалисты железнодорожной отрасли Румынии, наряду с профильными ведомствами проанализировали Меморандум «О мероприятиях по повышению эффективности румынского железнодорожного сектора Румынии, необходимых для утверждения Общего Мастер-Плана по транспорту Румынии». Меморандум был принят в начале июня правительством Румынии. Анализируемый документ базируется исключительно на информации и предложениях, предоставленных AECOM в рамках договора на оказание консалтинговых услуг ввиду составления Общего Мастер-Плана по транспорту Румынии (MPGT). Документ рекомендует, помимо всего прочего, сосредоточиться на более узкой железнодорожной сети, а именно на сокращении национальной сети на 4000 километров. Специалисты железнодорожной отрасли настаивают на том, что намерение сократить национальную сеть примерно на 4000 километров не будет ни жизнеспособным, ни выгодным с экономической точки зрения. July 2014 | www.railwaypro.com



This Statistics Brief describes longer-term developments in the different transport modes, as measured by data collected by the International Transport Forum at the OECD: Rail freight tonne-km grew 3% in the OECD countries in 2011, reaching pre-crisis levels. In the United States, rail freight volumes increased by 3% nearly reaching the 2008 level. The Russian Federation and China recorded a 6% and 7% growth in 2011 respectively. The United States, Russia and China account for nearly 80% of total estimated global rail freight (Figure 5). Preliminary 2012 data for rail freight, based on our quarterly statistics, indicate stagnation in Europe and freight volume growth turning negative in the United States.

Figure 5. Rail freight Billion tonne-kilometres and annual % change Rail freight Billion tonne-kilometres and annual % change





4000 3500

+10% +3% -12%



+7% +10% +3% -14%


2500 +8% -12%



1500 1000 500 0


+7% -18% +7%






United States

Source: International Transport Forum. 2010 and 2011 data for India are not available. Data for Italy estimated Maritime freight, measuredfor in 2011. tonnes loaded, grew by 4% to 8.7 billion tonnes in 2011 according to UNCTAD preliminary data. This is 6% above the pre-crisis peak in 2008. In tonne-miles, sea cargo grew by 5%, reaching 42.8 billion tonne-miles. The movement of seaborne freight reflects the two-speed growth in the world economy, with developing countries faring better than developed economies. Nine Figure 6. areRoad freight (Billion tonne-kilometres) out of the ten busiest container ports all located in East and Southeast Asia.

Figure 1. World seaborne trade 2008-2011 World seaborne trade 2008-2011 2008 2011 Million tonnes and billion2009 tonne-miles and2010 annual % change 6000

45 000 5000 40 000

Tonnes loaded (millions) -7%

Tonne-miles (billions) +18%

+5% +1%


35 000 4000 30 000


+17% +11% +13%

25 000 3000 20 000 15 000 2000 10 000

-5%+3% +1% -10%



+10% +10% +5%

5 000 1000 0





Source: UNCTAD Review of Maritime Transport 2012.



www.railwaypro.com | July 2014




Source: International Transport Forum. Data for Canada, Greece, Italy, United Kingdom and United



Figure 2. The 10 leading world ports in terms of container traffic 20 foot equivalent units annual % change The 10 leading world ports (TEU) in terms and of container traffic 2008 35




30 -6%











10 5 0

Source: Based on World Shipping Council and Containerisation International. TEU: Container traffic measured in Data on freight transport by inland waterways shows a rapid recovery in tonne-kilometres in the OECD and the EU in 2010 after the unitdown as all full, empty transhipped decline in 2009.twenty-foot The growth inequivalent volume slowed in containers the OECD in handled, 2011 (+1%)including and turned negative in and the European Unioncontainers. (-4%). The economic crisis had an impact also in China where tonne-kilometres grew only by 4% in 2009. In 2010 and 2011, inland waterway freight volumes grew again rapidly, by 24% and 16% respectively.

Figure 7. Inland waterways freight BillionInland tonne-kilometres waterways freight





3000 +16%





1500 1000 -9%

+9% +1%

-6% +7% +2%

500 -12% +14% -4%





United States

SOURCE: Statistics Brief , Trends in the Transport Sector, December 2013, International Transport Forum

Source: International Transport Forum. Data for Switzerland estimated for 2011.

Figure 8. World total air passenger traffic – international and domestic July 2014 | www.railwaypro.com Billion passenger-kilometres

56 products & technologies

Operation of points and crossings at extreme temperatures above the Arctic Circle [ by Elena Ilie ]


conditions are found in that area, with temperatures down to -35°C (50% of the time without ever defrost), and snow almost 65% of the time (representing a total of more than two tonnes per month). The second reference line with points and crossings equipped with Easyswitch-R can be found in the South of Sweden, in the suburbs of Stockholm. It registers a very dense flow of passengers with almost 2000 trains a month. Weather conditions are also very harsh there, with approximately 15% of the time without defrost, and rain 50% of the time. At the end of the trial period in 2013, the Swedish Transportation Agency, Transport Styrelsen, has given an unlimited accreditation to Trafikverket, in order to operate points and crossings which already use Vossloh Cogifer’s Integrated Mechanisms. Since evaluation, approval and accreditation have been successfully obtained, Vossloh Cogifer is now able to provide hundreds of Integrated Mechanism orders, placed by Trafikverket. These purchase orders are related to a frame contract forecasting 7,000 Easyswitch-Rs which will be installed on roughly 1,200 points and crossings of the Swedish National Railways.

Photo: Club Feroviar

asyswitch-R is part of a new generation of Points and Crossings promoted by Vossloh Cogifer. Such types of hydro-electric mechanisms allow movement, locking and controlling of all parts of the switch blades and swing noses in the size of a hollow sleeper. All the parts which compose the Integrated Mechanism, are protected by a highly resistant metallic hollow sleeper. With Easyswitch-R, Vossloh Cogifer conceived a solution which makes it possible to feed the needs of any configuration of points and crossings. Each hollow sleeper has its own power plant and hydraulic circuit which brings a flexible answer to points and crossings with specific geometries. After a trial period between 2011 and 2013 in areas well-known by Trafikverket for their tough operating conditions, Vossloh Cogifer’s Integrated Mechanisms have been ratified by the Swedish National Railways. The first points and crossings to be equipped with Easyswitch-R are located on a traffic line which is used by different types of trains. 83% of these are cargo trains, intended mainly to convoying ironore around the Arctic Circle, from Kiruna to Narvik, in Norway. Extreme weather

www.railwaypro.com | July 2014

Photo: Club Feroviar

In 2010, Vossloh Cogifer won the tender call for the supply of Swedish National Railways (Trafikverket) with more than 7000 Integrated Actuation Mechanisms for Points and Crossings. In June 2013, these mechanisms, mostly the solutions developed by Vossloh Cogifer, Easyswap and Easyswitch-R, were officially accredited by the Swedish authority. Currently, the application of the systems is under way on the Swedish network. In June 2014 Vossloh Cogifer organised a workshop with the purpose of presenting the installation of these points and crossings in the extreme north of Sweden. The workshop was organised in Kiruna, a city 145 km above the Arctic Circle.

Эксплуатация стрелочных переводов в условиях экстремальной температуры выше Полярного круга В 2010 году компания Vossloh Cogifer выиграла тендер, организованный Шведским Администратором инфраструктуры (Trafikverket). Тендер предусматривал доставку более 7000 интегрированных механизмов для работы стрелочных переводов. В июне 2013 года, эти механизмы, особенно решения, разработанные компаниями Vossloh Cogifer, Easyswap и EasySwitch-R, были официально сертифицированы Шведским профильным органом надзора. В настоящее время, установка этих систем находится на этапе внедрения в сети в Швеции. В июне месяце, компания Vossloh Cogifer провела практический семинар в целях представления установки этих стрелочных переводов на крайнем севере Швеции.


Address : Str. Gării nr. 18, cod 705200, Paşcani, jud. Iaşi - România Phone : +40-232-71.83.00 Fax : +40-232-76.51.40 E-mail : office@electroputerevfu.ro

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