Railway PRO - May

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the railway business magazine

Moscow-Kazan HSR: the largest rail project developed through PPP

Year IX No. 2.5(107) 2014 ■

Financing, coordination and cooperation, key points in implementing the Danube Strategy

Railway PRO Infrastructure Development

Serbia launches modernisation works on the pan-European Corridor X

Журнал железнодорожный бизнес

Hungarian Government pays special attention to railway transport development Interview with Madame Ilona Dávid, President and CEO of Hungarian Railways (MÁV) Правительство Венгрии уделяет особое внимание развитию железнодорожного транспорта Интервью с госпожа Президент - Генеральный директор Венгерских Железных Дорог (MÁV) Илона Давид

editor’s note 1


leven public transport organisations signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 8 April to ensure the interoperability of the tariff systems of urban, metropolitan, county and inter-county public transport operators in Romania. The Memorandum was signed in Alba Iulia (Romania) during the fourth edition of the Forum for Sustainable Mobility and Metropolitan Development on 8 and 9 April. The Forum was organised by Club Metropolitan – the Association for Metropolitan Mobility (AMM), with the support of the International Association of Public Transport (UITP), AIDA, Alba Iulia Municipality, STP Alba Iulia and Oradea Metropolitan Area Association. The signatories of the MoU represent metropolitan transport authorities, public transport operators, together with UITP and AMM. Modern technologies enable the integration into a single e-ticketing system of several transport modes and of several economic operators, thus bringing the passenger in front of a fluent transport system with reduced difficulty in shifting the transport network from the residence locality to one in a transit area or dedicated to temporary use. Considering the need to make public transport systems as accessible to passengers as possible in order to ensure the increase of

sustainable mobility and life quality, but also the need to increase transparency and tax collection levels in public transport to provide the sustainability of local and central public financial systems, it is necessary to enable the interoperability of e-ticketing systems in urban and metropolitan areas. We can also consider that the implementation of such an interoperable tariff system will help achieve the European objective of creating a national and European travel planner. By signing the present memorandum, competent authorities and public transport operators seek to invest in e-ticketing systems, based on their own programmes and financing, but also as part of non-reimbursable financing programmes, including European financing. Sustainable urban development and public transport development objectives will be thus achieved. The transport authorities and operators that signed the memorandum seek to develop a system and instruments to provide easy transfer for the users of the electronic ticketing system (e-ticketing) from one network to another. At the same time, the signatories aim to preserve the identity of each urban and metropolitan area and of each economic operator by promoting a cross-selling ticketing system. The aim of the memorandum is

that the e-ticketing systems of the users of the transport networks involved would be acknowledged by the sale, validation and control systems of all operators included in the memorandum. In order to achieve the objectives of the MoU, the signatories will seek to implement a series of measures among which: the implementation of a commercial interface that would enable the easy transfer of the user from one network to another bearing in mind the different contexts in which each operator works; establishing a joint working group to work on the harmonisation of interfaces, communications standards and e-ticketing design; preparing a calendar of implementing the interoperability of e-ticketing systems; integrating the interoperable e-ticketing system in the national and European travel planning systems; developing solutions to increase the attractiveness and use of this payment method for disabled people and increasing their mobility. The actions resulted from the memorandum on the interoperability of tariff systems will be monitored by AMM and included in annual reports.

Memorandum of Understanding to provide the interoperability of tariff systems Issue published with the support of Club Feroviar – The Railway Business Club Журнал издаётся при поддержке Club Feroviar – ЖД Клуб Деловых Людей

Меморандум понимания для обеспечения технической совместимости тарифных систем 8 апреля одиннадцать организаций сферы общественного транспорта подписали Меморандум понимания в целях обеспечения взаимной совместимости систем тарификации операторов городского, метрополитенного, уездного и межуездного общественного транспорта. Меморандум был подписан в городе Алба Юлия (Румыния) по случаю проведения четвертого выпуска Форума Устойчивой мобильности и городского развития 8 и 9 апреля. Организатором Форума выступила Ассоциация городской мобильности (АГМ), при поддержке Международного союза общественного транспорта (МСОТ), AIDA, Мэрии города Алба Юлия и Ассоциация городского участка Орадя. Лица, подписавшие Меморандум понимания, это управленцы городского транспорта, операторы общественного транспорта, наряду с МСОТ и АГМ. Современные технологии позволяют произвести интеграцию нескольких хозяйственных субъектов в единую систему электронных билетов, тем самым обеспечивая плавный транспорт для пассажиров, с низкой степенью возникновения сложностей при пересадке с транспортной сети родного города на другую сеть, расположенную в транзитной зоне или в зоне для временного использования. Учитывая необходимость обеспечения максимальной доступности систем общественного транспорта для пассажиров, в целях повышения устойчивости

мобильности и качества жизни, а также необходимость обеспечения большей прозрачности и степени сбора налогов в сфере общественного транспорта, для достижения устойчивости местных и центральных государственных финансовых систем, необходимо обеспечить совместимость между системами электронной билетов в пределах городов. Также можно считать, что внедрение такой интероперабельной системы тарификации приведет к достижению европейской цели в плане построения национального и европейского планировщика пути. Подписывая этот меморандум, компетентные органы и операторы общественного транспорта стремятся инвестировать в системы электронных билетов за счет собственных программ финансирования, но и за счет грантов, в том числе европейского финансирования. Это позволит достичь целей устойчивого развития городов и общественного транспорта.Власти и транспортные операторы, подписавшие меморандум, стремятся к развитию системы и инструментов для обеспечения легкости пересадок для пользователей системы электронной тарификации (электронных билетов) с одной транспортной сети на другую. Одновременно, стороны, подписавшие меморандум, стремятся сохранить идентичность каждого городского района и каждого хозяйственного субъекта, путем поощрения системы перекрестных продаж проездных билетов. В этой связи

предполагается, что системы электронной тарификации пользователей транспортных систем сторон, подписавших меморандум, будут признаваться в рамках систем продаж, подтверждения и контроля всех участвующих в этом операторов. Для достижения целей Меморандума понимания, стороны, подписавшие его, будут стремиться внедрить ряд мероприятий, в том числе: внедрение интерфейса для продаж, позволяющего осуществить легкий переход с одной сети в другую, с учетом разнообразия обстоятельств, свойственных каждому из операторов; создание общей рабочей группы, которая бы обеспечила совместимость интерфейсов, стандартов сообщения и дизайна системы электронных билетов; подготовка графика внедрения интероперабельности для собственных систем электронных билетов; интегрирование интероперабельной системы электронных билетов в национальные и европейские системы планирования поездок; разработка решений, направленных на повышение привлекательности и полезности данного способа проведения платежей для инвалидов и на повышение степени их мобильности. Мероприятия, вытекающие из содержания Меморандума, касательно обеспечения совместимости систем тарификации, будут отслеживаться Ассоциацией городской мобильности, которая будет подготавливать ежегодные доклады. May 2014 | www.railwaypro.com



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Moscow-Kazan HSR: the largest rail project developed through PPP Высокоскоростная линия Москва-Казань: крупнейший железнодорожный проект, осуществленный в формуле частно-государственного партнерства The construction of high-speed railways in Russia is stimulated not only by the mobility need, but also by the positive economic effects. As Moscow-Kazan high-speed railway is part of these projects, its (cumulative) economic effects include the increase of GDP (in 2019-2030) to USD 202 Billion... Весь проект высокоскоростной линии предполагает строительство магистрали, связующей Москву с Екатеринбургом, а на первом этапе запланировано строительство линии Москва-Казань (свыше 700 километров), которая будет пересекать несколько регионов России: Москва, Московскую область, Владимир и Нижний Новгород, Татарстан и Удмуртия.


50 Reduced cross-border interoperability – the European rail network vulnerability 53 Shift2Rail, confirmation of a strong advantage of the European railway industry the railway business magazine

Railway PRO

ISSN - 1841 - 4672

Publisher: Editura de Transport & Logistică S.R.L. 30, Virgiliu Street, Sector 1 Bucharest, postal code: 010881 Tel.:+4 021 224 43 85; +4 021 224 43 87 Mobile: +40 721 723 724 Fax: +4 021 224 43 86 E-mail: editors@railwaypro.com Web-site: www.railwaypro.com Editors: Elena Ilie elena.ilie@railwaypro.com Pamela Luică pamela.luica@railwaypro.com Production and photo editor: Petru Mureşan Department of translations: Gentil Trad Alina Vuţulicu Paula Badescu Contributors: State Railway Inspectorate of Lithuania Graphic design: Petru Mureşan Layout and DTP: Petru Mureşan petru.muresan@railwaypro.com Photo: Radu Drăgan Marketing: office@railwaypro.com Advertising Enquiries: advertise@railwaypro.com www. railwaypro.com/advertise

Cover photo: www.vebidoo.de

www.railwaypro.com | May 2014

Editor’s note

54 Intelligent urban projects backed by “Horizon 2020”

1 Memorandum of MARKET development Understanding to ensure the interoperability of tariff systems 24 Serbia launches modernisation works on the pan-European Corridor X POLICIES & STRATEGIES 16 Diesel fuel excise seriously affects fair transport competition

30 FYR Macedonia and Bulgaria speed up rail connection plan

22 Armenia-Iran project to be launched in 2015

31 Poland upgrades important rail sections

36 General Transport Master 34 Moscow-Kazan HSR: the Plan – how efficient will it largest rail project developed be for Romania’s sustainable through PPP transport strategy? 38 Financing, coordination and cooperation, key points in implementing the Danube Strategy 43 Freight corridors,

significant re-balancing of cross-border transport

46 Appropriate condition of railway infrastructure, important factor of railway transportation shares


42 DaHar project, development of Danube’s inland ports Products & Technologies


Hungarian Government pays special attention to railway transport development

Interview with Madame Ilona Dávid,President and CEO of Hungarian Railways (MÁV)

Правительство Венгрии уделяет особое внимание развитию железнодорожного транспорта Интервью с госпожа Президент Генеральный директор Венгерских Железных Дорог (MÁV) Илона Давид Hungary bets on railway infrastructure development for both urban passenger transport and for ensuring direct railway connections between Hungary and the ports of the Mediterranean Sea and those in Eastern Europe. The country believes that the current railway infrastructure investments will attract the interest of transport operators and players from the markets in Central Asia and the Far East. The objective of the Government in Budapest is to develop Hungary’s railways by investing in infrastructure and signalling and in upgrading the rolling stock. Венгрия сосредоточена на развитии железнодорожной инфраструктуры как с точки зрения городского транспорта пассажиров, так и с точки зрения обеспечения непосредственной железнодорожной связи страны со Средиземноморскими и Восточноевропейскими портами...


49 Public procurement: rules for a better price-quality balance 52 Railway safety depends on the interaction between infrastructure, operation, equipment manufacturers and safety authorities METROPOLITAN

56 Information system to help prevent railway accidents

18 CEE cities choose modern rail urban transport

60 EU financing for ERTMS is not enough


58 Railway Statistics

cOntent 3 Редакционная статья


Железнодорожный этатизм или свободный европейский рынок ПОЛИТИКА И СТРАТЕГИЯ



30 Бывшая Югославская Республика Македония инфраструктуры является и Болгария находятся одним из основных факторов, ближе к реализации способствующих увеличению железнодорожного доли железнодорожных сообщения перевозок 46 Состояние

16 Акциз на дизельное топливо серьезно влияет на справедливую конкуренцию в 50 Сниженная трансграничная транспортном секторе интероперабельность: 22 Проект Армения - Иран уязвимость европейской может быть запущен в 2015 железнодорожной сети году 53 Shift2Rail: 36 Общий Мастер-План по подтверждение сильного козыря европейской Транспорту - насколько он железнодорожной отрасли эффективен для стратегии устойчивого транспорта Румынии ? 54 Умные городские проекты, поддерживаемые 38 Финансирование, Программой «Горизонт 2020» координация и сотрудничество - ключевые элементы внедрения РАЗВИТИЕ РЫНКА Дунайской стратегии 24 Сербия приступает к

43 Грузовые коридоры работам по модернизации - значительное восстановление равновесия Х Панъевропейского трансграничных перевозок транспортного коридора

60 Финансирование системы ERTMS со стороны ЕС не является достаточным закон

49 Государственные закупки: правила для достижения более 31 Польша модернизирует существенного равновесия между ценой и качеством важные отсеки железной дороги 34 Высокоскоростная

линия МоскваКазань: крупнейший железнодорожный проект, осуществленный в формуле частно-государственного партнерства

52 Железнодорожная безопасность зависит от взаимодействия инфраструктуры, операций, производителей оборудования и государственных органов регулирования безопасности перевозок

42 Проект DaHar - развитие Метрополитен внутренних Дунайских портов 18 Города ЦВЕ становятся современными, выбирая продукты и развитие городского технологии транспорта на рельсах 56 Информационная система для предотвращения СТАТИСТИКА несчастных случаев на 62 Железнодорожного железных дорогах статистика

May 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

news 5 Authorities to sell 10% stake in KTZ

International: Bulgaria is committed to building its part of the railway between its capital Sofia and Macedonia’s Skopje, Deputy Transport Minister Petar Kirov said. On a meeting with his Macedonian counterpart Elena Kuzmanovska and a EC enlargement representative, Kirov also said that construction of the Bulgarian railway segment will begin in parallel with that of Macedonia, which is to be completed between 2022 and 2023. A modernization will also be carried out on the current infrastructure in the region of the new railway between the countries. The project will be conducted with EU funding, which could also be used by Macedonia.

Kazakhstan: On 29 April, 2014, the Kazakh Government approved the list of “Samruk-Kazyna” companies (the national fund which manages the shares of national companies) which will enter the privatisation programme for 2014-2016. “Over the past months, the Government and Samruk-Kazyna have analysed 599 companies which enter in the structure of the Fund and have established the list of companies to be sold. Today (29 April) the list was approved. Many of these companies will be fully or partially privatised in 2014”, declared Nurlan Rakhmetov, financial director of Samruk-Kazyna. Shares in 106 companies will be sold to the private sector, the government decided. According to the list, 10% minus 1 shares in railway company KTZ will be sold. “After 2013, shares in a total of 8 companies part of KTZ will be fully or partially put to sale”, stated

Iran, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan want single rail transport tariff

photo: en.trend.az

International: Delegations from Iran, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan signed a trilateral agreement that will promote railway cooperation between the three nations and will also draw up new guidelines on the rail freight tariffs. The agreement also stipulates that the three countries lay the ground for an increase in the volume of the freight that are transited into their land from Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia. According to the deal, Iran and Turkmenistan each agreed to offer a maximum 30% discount on the cargo of cotton transited by train. Moreover, the three countries will coordinate railway transit policies and the implementation of the agreement could come to an agreement on a single rail transportation tariff, the capacity of rail transit between the three countries will double.

New government plans selling state-controlled companies Serbia: Serbia’s new government headed by prime minster Aleksandar Vucic will focus on pushing through overdue economic reforms, boosting the private sector and implementing budget consolidation measures. Budget consolidation will reflect in reducing costs and increasing revenue, in order to have more money for jobs, for raising living standards, for education, health and infrastructure. The measures include the privatisation of all important state-controlled companies,

including of the freight transport branch of railway company Zeleznice Srbije. PKP Cargo extends contract with ArcelorMittal Poland: PKP Cargo has signed addenda extending by another three years the transport services contract signed with ArcelorMittal Group. The value of the additional contract, to become effective by the end of 2017, is estimated at around PLN 1.01 Billion (EUR 240 Million). So far, PKP Cargo’s net revenues from the contracts with ArcelorMittal amounted to PLN 221 Million (EUR 52.6 Million).

CFR SA cancels EUR 2 Billion tenders for unreasoning amendment of requirements Romania: On 14 April, CFR SA cancelled two tenders on Corridor IV works, the reason being “serious divergence from legislative provisions affect the attribution procedure or the conclusion of the contract is impossible”. The first tender refers to the rehabilitation of the railway line Km 614 – Gurasada, Казахстан: В соответствии с программой приватизации, одобренной правительством, в 2016 году, 10% минус 1 акция компании КТЖ будет выставлено на продажу. Польша: Компания PKP Cargo подписала дополнительные соглашения, которые продлевают еще на три года договор оказания транспортных услуг, заключенный с группой ArcelorMittal. В мире: Заместитель Министра транспорта заявил, что его страна намеревается вплотную заняться строительством железнодорожного участка между Софией и Скопье (Македония). В мире: Директора железнодорожных

Samruk-Kazyna. “The privatisation of shares will be transparent and we plan to publish information in the course of the privatisation process”, said Rakhmetov.

photo: www.parovoz.com

Bulgaria commits to build line to FYR Macedonia

subsection 2a: Km 614 – Cap Y Barzava lot 1; rehabilitation of railway line Km 614 – Gurasada, subsection 2b: Cap Y Barzava - Cap Y Ilteu. The second tender cancelled was also on section Km 614 – Gurasada and included subsection 2c: Cap Y Ilteu - Gurasada - lot 1; Rehabilitation or railway line GurasadaSimeria, section 3 Gurasada- Simeria - lot 2. “The decision of cancelling the two tenders, worth around EUR 2 Billion, has been motivated by the fact that CFR SA has unreasonably changed the requirements in the tender book during the deployment of the tender. Thus, in the “Infrastructure and superstructure” and “Bridges, culverts, passageways” chapters, the requirement “similar experience in the railway area” has been mentioned. There have been competitors and companies with experience in fields of activity completely different from railways. Consequently, the National Council for Solving Complaints has decided to cancel these tenders”, declared Romanian Minister of Transport Dan Şova during a press conference on 29 April. “We don’t think it is discriminating to say that railway projects cannot be carried out by companies that have “similar experiкомпаний Ирана, Узбекистана и Туркменистана подписали соглашение о продвижении железнодорожных перевозок между тремя государствами. В мире: Совет директоров Первой Грузовой Компании одобрил решение об открытии дочерней компании в Казахстане. Сербия: Новое правительство Сербии под руководством премьерминистра Александра Вучика будет сосредоточиваться на реализации долгожданных экономических реформ. Румыния: 14 апреля компания АО «ЧФР» (CFR SA) объявила два тендера на проведение работ над Коридором IV.

May 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

6 news

photo: Club Feroviar

ence”. We have demanded a dialogue between the contracting authority – CFR SA and the National Authority for the Regulation and Monitoring of Public Acquisitions (ANRMAP)”, added Minister Dan Şova. “We will no longer organise limited tenders, this time we will choose the open tender”, said Şova.

Federal Passenger Company and Belarusian Railways sign agreement on traffic improvement International: The Federal Passenger Company, a subsidiary of Russian Railways, and Belarusian Railways have signed a cooperation agreement on the international transportation of passengers and freight. The agreement provides for cooperation in the development of transport routes for passengers, luggage and freight on international services between Russia and Belarus, including the optimisation of rolling stock in order to avoid unnecessary standing time and empty runs. The parties will also cooperate on tariff policy and ticket sales (including on the Internet) and jointly develop proposals for improving the legal framework governing transportation on international passenger services between Russia and Belarus.

GySEV awards railway electrification contract Hungary: Following a public tender, GySEV awarded the contract for the electrification of the 87km line Mosonszolnok – Porpác in western Hungary. The project, worth HUF 11.4 Billion (EUR 37 Million) will allow the operation of electric trains on the route Hegyeshalom – Szombathely and will be completed in August 2015. Works will be carried out in two phases: the first phase includes the electrification of Csorna – Porpác section, and the second the reconstruction of Csorna – Mosonszolnok section, including the reconstruction В мире: Президент Казахстана Нурсултан Назарбаев заявил о том, что Минск, Москва, Астана и Алматы целесообразно соединить между собой с помощью высокоскоростной железнодорожной линии. В мире: Федеральная Пассажирская Компания и Железные Дороги Белоруссии подписали соглашение о сотрудничестве в сфере международных грузовых и пассажирских перевозок. Казахстан: Начиная с июля месяца будут запущены работы по строительству трех грузовых терминалов в порту Актау. www.railwaypro.com | May 2014

High-speed railway to connect members of Eurasian Union

Eurasian Economic Union needs modernization of roads and railways between Europe and China.

International: Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev said a high-speed railway connecting Minsk, Moscow, Astana and Almaty and the Eurasia maritime canal between the Caspian and the Black Sea should be built within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union. He reminded that the Caspian-Black Sea project had been developed in the times of the Soviet Union, but the project had never been realized.

of platforms and new lighting. A traffic control system will also be installed. Approval for Corridor VIII section FYR Macedonia: A EU delegation has approved the project on the development of Kriva Palanka – Bulgarian border railway section, part of Corridor VIII. EU has granted EUR 3.5 Million, through ROP for this project. The public bid invitation will be launched over the next period and the procedure for selecting a consultant will be completed in the first half of 2015. The consultant will have 20 months to prepare the project.

Murmansk Region builds transport hub Russia: Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has supported the Governor of the Murmansk Region Marina Kovtun concerning the project on the development of Murmansk Transportation Hub and ordered to implement the project as scheduled and in full. The project on comprehensive development of Murmansk Transportation Hub is to be implemented by 2018. The project implies the construction of a railway line to the left shore of the Kola Bay (including two railway stations and a bridge across the bay) where private investors will build a coal terminal (Commercial Seaport Lavna). Besides, an oil terminal is to be built under the project.

domestic services in Slovakia, which will link the capital Bratislava with the eastern city of Košice. Services on this line will be launched on 14 December with 4 trains per day. The trains, capable to reach speeds of 160 km/h will have internet access. RegioJet will sell tickets for these services through Slovakian Railways (ZSSK) ticket desks. Moldova reports railway freight transport increase Moldova: The volume of Moldova’s combined railway, road, river and air freight traffic through March rose 13.6% on the year to some 2.24 million tonnes, the country’s statistics bureau said. Calculated in freight tonne-kilometres (FTK), traffic increased 0.7% to some 852.8 million FTK in the first quarter of the year. At the same time, road transport declined 0.8% to 1.06 million tonnes.

Three terminals to be built in Aktau Port

International: Czech open-access passenger operator RegioJet has unveiled plans to launch its first long-distance

Kazakhstan: The construction of three dry cargo terminals will begin in Kazakhstan’s Aktau Port by July 1, 2014, the chairman of Transport Control Committee of the Kazakh Ministry of Transport and Communications of Asset Asavbaev said. “The construction of three dry cargo terminals will begin in July for the expansion of throughput capacity of Aktau sea port,” he said. The ministry is working to attract foreign investment in the construction of terminals by establishing of a joint venture. Also, the ministry concluded a memorandum of understanding with the Australian IPD company in last November. The basic

Македония: Делегация ЕС одобрила проект строительства железной дороги Крива Паланка - граница с Болгарией. Это часть Коридора VIII. Россия: Премьер-министр Дмитрий Медведев поддерживает губернатора Мурманской области в запуске проекта развития Транспортного узла. Было заявлено о необходимости реализации данного проекта. В мире: Проект линии ТуркменистанАфганистан-Таджикистан (ТАТ) обсуждался в рамках межправительственной комиссии экономического сотрудничества.

В мире: Развитие транспортных сообщений между Ираном, Азербайджаном и Грузией, а также в сторону Грузии через Азербайджан, представляют особую важность для региона. Россия: Президент России Владимир Путин обратился к правительству с задачей поиска средств и источников финансирования строительства моста через Керченский пролив. В мире: Чешский оператор RegioJet объявил о запуске услуг железнодорожных пассажирских перевозок на дальние расстояния в Словакии, между Братиславой и Кошице.

RegioJet to launch long-distance transport services in Slovakia

news 7 conditions have been determined for the creation of the joint venture, and a founders agreement was signed in February. “We plan to create a joint venture in the form of LLP with the following shares: IPD - 60%, Kazakhstan Temir Express30%, Aktau International Commercial Sea Port - 10%,” he said. The IPD company’s investment will make up KTZ 13.5 Billion (USD 74 Million), some USD 150 Million of which is the cost of construction of three dry cargo terminals.

photo: www.portaktau.kz

Республика Молдова: В первом квартале этого года в Республике Молдова общий объем грузовых перевозок по всем видам транспорта увеличился на 13,6%. В мире: China Railway Corp. увеличит объем инвестиций на 2,3 млрд. евро, достигая 83,7 млрд. евро по проектам увеличения количества железных дорог, которые собирается построить в этом году. Венгрия: GySEV в результате тендера присудила контракт на электрификацию 87-километровой линии Мозоншолнок Порпак, на западе Венгрии. Польша: Польский оператор Przewozy Regionalne намеревается в этом году запустить два новых пути сообщения

Iran seeks to connect railway to Georgian via Azerbaijan International: Development of ties

between Iran, Azerbaijan and Georgia, as well as Iranian railway’s connection with Georgia via Azerbaijan is in the interests of the whole region, said Iranian President Hassan Rouhani at a meeting with newlyappointed Georgian ambassador. Rouhani said Iran is determined to connect its railway to the Georgian through Azerbaijan, adding that access to the Black Sea through the Georgian port of Batumi is especially important for Iran. Iran is interested in developing relations with its neighbors, especially with Georgia, the president added. Authorities stimulate the development of TurkmenistanAfghanistan-Tajikistan line

photo: www.azernews.az

International: The Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Tajikistan (TAT) railway project is of strategic importance for the whole region. The remarks were made during the meeting of the Turkmen-Tajik intergovernmental commission on economic cooperation. The meeting participants paid special attention to cooperation on transport and communications, particularly the implementation of the important infrastructure project for constructing the TAT railway which creates a new transport corridor. Tajik Energy and Water Resources Minister Usmonali Usmonzoda visited Ashgabat

to participate in the commission’s work. The parties agreed to hold the sixth meetings of the commission in Tajik capital Dushanbe in the first half of 2015. The 400-kilometre TAT railway project, the implementation of which began in early June, 2013, is of great importance for the strategic, political, and economic interests of all parties to the project. China, Iran, and Kyrgyzstan are expected to join the project in the future. Kerch Strait Bridge completed by 2018 Russia: Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered the Government to determine the amount and the sources of financing for the construction of a transport passage across the Kerch Strait having foreseen the completion of the project in 2018. According to the list of orders on transport development of the government the order is to be implemented by July 1, 2014. By June 1, 2014, Russian Transport Ministry jointly with the interested federal executive authorities are to submit proposals on the mechanisms to be applied for the long-term development of port facilities in the Crimean Federal District considering the existing plans on the development of port facilities in the Azov-Black Sea Basin.

с Украиной. Болгария: Для порта Варны любая выделенная инвестиция оправдывает себя. В в настоящее время разрабатывается проект модернизации оснащения порта. Россия: Министерство транспорта России подписало соглашение о финансировании и строительстве транспортно-логистического комплекса «Южноуральский». В мире: Развитие проекта железнодорожного сообщения между Ираном и Азербайджаном не отменяет интерес к проекту строительства путей сообщения между Ираном и Арменией.

compared to last year. Increasing the number of railway projects is one of the measures announced by the Chinese Government to stimulate economy. Przewozy Regionalne may introduce two new connections with Ukraine Poland: Polish operator Przewozy Regionalne plans to launch two new connections with Ukraine this year. The trains will operate on the routes Krakow - Mostyska and Warsaw – Kovel. The final decision will pertain to Ukrainian company Ukrzaliznytsia and could be made in May. The first trains could operate after mid-December.

Investments in the Port of Varna increased activity Bulgaria: Since the beginning of 2014, the Port of Varna has posted a 2% increase in the freight volume reaching 2.5 million tonnes, compared to the same period of the previous year, declared Minister of Transport Daniel Papazov. “The results prove that investments are justified. We are currently elaborating a project for the modernisation of the port’s equipment”, said the minister.

China Railway Corp. invests in new railway projects

South-Ural, the largest transport and logistics complex

International: China Railway Corp. will increase investments by CNY 20 Billion (EUR 2.3 Billion) to CNY 720 Billion (EUR 83.7 Billion) to increase the number of railway lines to be built this year. The company plans to begin construction works for 48 lines compared to 44 lines in 2013. China Railway Corp. also plans to increase the total length of the constructed railways to over 7,000 km this year, by 25% more

Russia: An agreement on financing the construction of transport and logistics complex “South-Ural” was signed by the Russian Transport Ministry. The agreement was concluded between the State Transport Leasing Company and Resource Company. The project is relevant to the whole country, and the development of logistics has become one of the key points of economic growth of the South Urals. The “South-Ural” logistics complex will be

EUR 1.4 Billion railway infrastructure tenders

frastructure developments. Most tenders will require funds from the National Transport Infrastructure Fund, but projects have to be eligible to receive European financing. Also, in 2015-2016, funds worth CZK 25 Billion (EUR 910 Million) will be allocated.

Czech Rep.: Transport Minister Antonín Prachař has pledged to put in motion construction tenders for about CZK 54 Billion (EUR 1.9 Billion) this year. EUR 38 Billion (EUR 1.38 Billion) will be allocated to rail in-

May 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

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the largest one in Russia. The Chelyabinsk region is located in the heart of Eurasia, at the intersection of transport routes of Russia and the CIS. The need to take advantage of the favorable geographical position was mentioned in the recently adopted amendments to the Chelyabinsk Region Development Strategy before 2020. The Transport Logistics Complex “SouthUral” is of strategic importance for the Chelyabinsk region and Russia on the whole. The complex will serve the turnover of transport corridor between China and the Russian Federation. The implementation of the project will significantly cut the time that the goods spend in transit and reduce the burden on the railway crossing from China to Zabaikalsk. “We need a large transport hub in South Urals, including for receiving and redistributing goods from China, especially against the background of developing trade with the country”, CEO of National Customs Broker, Ilya Kozlov, declared. Iran-Azerbaijan does not eliminate interest in Iran-Armenia International: “The Iran-Azerbaijan railway project does not eliminate the interest in the Iran-Armenia project”, Russian Railways First Vice-President Alexander Misharin said. As per Misharin, the Iran-Armenia railway project is within the framework of the development concept for the North-South Transport Corridor. Even after when the Iran-Azerbaijan railway construction is completed, alternative routes will be required in the North-South direction, he added. The Russian Railways official recalled that there is no business plan for the Iran-Armenia project, and that work is expected here from the initiating party of this project. “And based on this, we will decide on participation. But we are ready with a potential,” Alexander Misharin stated.

CFR Marfă signs new transport contract Romania: CFR Marfă announced the signing of a new partnership. CFR Marfă won the tender organised by Govora Thermal Power Station for the attribution of the contract on rail transportation of brown coal, on 2 transport relations. The transport contract will be concluded for one year and the quantity of coal carried www.railwaypro.com | May 2014

will be of 2.4 million tonnes. However, the company has not disclosed the contract cost. Testing begins on Istanbul – Eskişehir section Turkey: Locomotive testing has begun on the Istanbul – Eskişehir section of the high speed line which is under construction between Istanbul and Ankara. No opening date has been announced for full operation. The line between Ankara and Eskisehir has been running since 2009 but is being extended to Istanbul. Test runs have begun at 40km/h and will increase by 10km/h increments as the engineers look at over 200 parameters for comfort, track quality and safety. Tests will be complete when speeds of 250km/h have been run on the line. Early next year, the line will run through the Marmaray Tunnel into the European side of Istanbul, eventually opening the Turkish high speed rail network to the European network. It is planned that 16 trains a day will run between the two cities, taking 3hr 30 mins and significantly shortening travel times. Turkish State Railways have also announced tenders for 10 more high speed train sets to include spare parts and a maintenance contract.

at the end of 2016. When it opens in 2017, the railway is expected to carry over 10 million tonnes of freight annually and, in the long run, annual throughput will top 15 million tonnes. From Baikouquan in Karamay to Bakti Port on the China-Kazakhstan border, the railway will be part of a route linking the border with the interior regions. The line runs through Xinjiang’s oil and coal areas. “Upon completion, it will cut transportation costs by at least 30%,” said Wan Genwei, deputy general manager of Tacheng Iron and Coal Energy Co. Ltd. The new line will help expand the company’s market. New Bulgaria-Turkey cross-border line project International: The authorities in Burgas (Bulgaria) and Kırklareli (Turkey) will sign an agreement on conducting a feasibility study for a railway line connecting the two municipalities. The feasibility study will identify the economic benefits of the project, the estimated freight volume, the option of opening the line to passenger transport and environmental risks.

Freight One to launch subsidiary in Kazakhstan International: The Board of Directors of Freight One has approved the decision to launch a subsidiary in Kazakhstan. Regional diversification of the company’s activity is part of a long-term strategy. The project will improve the quality of services to clients in Russia and Central Asia. “Equal and active participation in the development of the promising railway market of Kazakhstan will significantly strengthen Freight One’s position in the region, improving the quality and quantity of services to our clients”, said Oleg Bukin, CEO of Freight One.

China: Xinjiang builds new line to Kazakhstan International: Construction of a new railway in China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, which will eventually link the area with Kazakhstan, was initiated. The 308 km railway from Karamay to Tacheng will cost over CNY 5 Billion (USD 840 Million) and will be completed

Чехия: Министр транспорта Чехии заявил о том, что в этом году будут объявлены тендеры на общую сумму 54 млрд. крон (1,9 млрд. евро). Румыния: Компания «ЧФР Марфа» (CFR Marfă) выиграла тендер, проведенный Теплоэлектростанцией Говора на присуждение контракта на перевозку угля по железной дороге. Турция: Турецкая железнодорожная компания начала проведение испытаний отсека Стамбул - Экишехир. В мире: Было запущено строительство новой линии в Синьцзян-

photo: .www.raillynews.com

Croatia: The Croatian Government gave the go-ahead to state-owned rail freight carrier HZ Cargo to borrow HRK 250 Million (EUR 32.8 Million) in aid of its restructuring process. The borrowed funds will be used to finance HZ Cargo’s redundancy program and to settle outstanding payments to suppliers. The government approved guidelines for HZ Cargo’s restructuring plan in the 2014-2018 period that will serve as a baseline for the

company to draw up its own blueprint that will then have to be approved by the European Commission. The adopted guidelines call for 804 lay-offs in the first phase of the restructuring process and a further 950 in the second phase, for financial consolidation of the company, and resolving the status of its affiliates. photo: www.hkv.hr

Government clears new loan for HZ Cargo

Уйгурском автономном районе (Китай), которая обеспечит железнодорожное сообщение с Казахстаном. Хорватия: Правительство Хорватии одобрило для HZ Cargo получение нового кредита в размере 250 млн. куна (32,8 млн. евро) на поддержку процесса реструктуризации. В мире: Власти города Бургаса (Болгария) и Киркларели (Турция) подпишут соглашение о проведении технико-экономического обоснования проекта железнодорожного сообщения.

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10 news RZD and Bulgarian Railways sign memorandum of cooperation

Hungary: As of April, MÁV introduced free WiFi internet access in five of its railway stations, in order to provide higher quality services for the passengers and those waiting for the trains. Earlier, the Railway Company had already introduced internet access in more than 700 carriages, a service that became highly popular with the passengers. From now on, passengers will be able to use the net free of charge in the Déli (Budapest South), Keleti (Budapest East), Nyugati (Budapest West) Railway Stations, as well as in Debrecen and Keszthely.

International: At the Council for Rail Transport of CIS countries, Russian Railways and the holding Bulgarian State Railways signed a memorandum of cooperation. The document was signed by Vladimir Yakunin, President of Russian Railways, and Kristian Krastev, CEO of the Bulgarian State Railways’ holding, on 6 May. “This is a clear-cut and formalised intention of Russia’s railways and our colleagues to enhance cooperation in the field of rail transport,” said Vladimir Yakunin. Memorandum provides for the implementation of joint projects to improve the competitiveness of rail transport and to increase passenger and freight traffic

EBRD helps modernise Baltic freight handling Lithuania: A EUR32.5 Million loan

from the EBRD to Klaipedos Smelte, the company operating the container terminal at Klaipeda port in Lithuania, helped modernise its freight handling capacities and upgrade the whole Baltics region as a transit hub. Klaipeda is the most northerly deep-water and ice-free port on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea. “The city’s strategic location close to the eastern hinterland and its good rail and road connections position it ideally as a transit hub for goods imported and exported from the Baltic states to western Europe, the Americas and south-east Asia,” said Rimantas Juška, Director General of Klaipedos Smelte. Container shipping and proper support facilities are highly important for competitive ports, as they allow the freight to be moved easily and quickly on to roads and railways.

using the Russian and Bulgarian transport systems. “The signing of this memorandum forms the basis for the development of closer relations between Russian Railways and Bulgarian State Railways and aims to increase freight transport between Bulgaria and Russia,” said Kristian Krastev. Particular attention will be paid to the use of the rail-ferry service between the ports of Varna and the Caucasus

photo: novinite.com

MÁV provides free internet access in five railway stations

(Kravari), including the modernisation of the lines in the station. Moreover, 10 level crossings have to be rehabilitated, 6 bridges constructed (the existing bridges will be demolished) and ERTMS 1 will be installed. The development of the project will allow trains to run at speeds of 100 km/h. The project is financed through EU’s instrument for preaccession assistance (IPA), the “Regional Development” component. The deadline for submitting offers is 15 July 2014.

interoperability between the Netherlands and the rest of the continent, adding to the Hanzelijn line, Betuweroute freight line, HSL-Zuid and Amsterdam-Utrecht line which are already equipped with ERTMS systems. Currently, only 20% of trains in the Netherlands use the ERTMS. The Dutch Government is to invest EUR 2.5 Billion between now and 2028 installing and maintaining the new traffic management system. Construction of Kars-Nakhchivan railway depends on BTK

NS to install ERTMS on main railway network

FYR Macedonia: TED Europa web site published the tender notification for a railway project in FYR Macedonia. The contract includes the reconstruction of the non-electrified 17km long Bitola–Kremenica line part of Corridor X. Works include the replacement of lines, the construction of a rail station (Zabeni) and the reconstruction of a stop

International: European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) will be installed on Netherlands’ busiest routes by 2028, the government announced. ERMTS Level 2 will be rolled out across the Randstad region and on routes connecting the cities of Arnhem, Almelo and Vlissingen from 2016. The european standard system will improve Эти пять вокзалов - это Дели (Будапешт Юг) , Келети (Будапешт Восток) , Ньюгати (Будапешт Запад), а также вокзалы городов Дебрецен и Кестхей . Литва: Klaipedos Smelte - компания, управляющая контейнерным терминалом в порту Клайпеда, Литва - получила от ЕБРР кредит в объеме 32,5 млн. евро. Македония: Европейский сайт тендеров TED Европа опубликовал тендерное объявление для проекта реконструкции неэлектрифицированного отсека линии Битола - Кременика, длиной в 17 километров, часть Коридора X.

Голландия: Правительство объявило о том, что к 2028 году самые оживленные линии в Нидерландах будут оснащены системой ERTMS. Система ERTMS 2-го уровня будет установлена в регионе Рандстад и на маршрутах, соединяющих города Арнем, Алмело и Влиссинген, начиная с 2016 года. В мире: Работы по строительству линии Нахчыван (Азербайджан) - Карс (Турция) начнутся после завершения строительства коридора Баку -Тбилиси-Карс (БТК). Об этом объявили Азербайджанские железные дороги.

В мире: Российские Железные Дороги (РЖД) и Болгарские Железные Дороги подписали меморандум сотрудничества. Документ предусматривает внедрение совместных проектов, направленных на повышение конкурентоспособности железнодорожного транспорта и увеличение объема грузовых и пассажирских перевозок, с использованием транспортных систем России и Болгарии. Венгрия: MAV ввела бесплатный доступ в Интернет на пяти вокзалах железнодорожной сети, в целях обеспечения лучшего качества обслуживания пассажиров. www.railwaypro.com | May 2014

photo: english.republika.mk

FYR Macedonia launches tender for Bitola-Kremenica section

International: Works on Nakhchivan (Azerbaijan)-Kars (Turkey) railway will be initiated after the completion of BakuTbilisi-Kars (BTK) Corridor, Azerbaijan Railways announced. Completion of the construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway will be possible by mid-2015. “The issue of the creation of the NakhchivanKars railway is relevant and a more active process in the framework of this project will proceed after the commissioning of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway,” head of the company’s press-service, Nadir Azmammadov said. It is planned to reconstruct the section from the border with Iran to Nakhchivan’s Sadarak district, and to lay 10 more kilometres of lines with the Nakhchivan- Kars railway project. AZN 1 Billion (EUR 922 Million) is required for the Nakhchivan-Kars railway


Georgian Railways is rated “BBB-” stable

photo: www.railway.ge

Georgia: Rating revision of Georgian Railways was carried out with the updated methodology, as a result of which Standard & Poor’s maintained the BBB stable rating for Georgian Railways. As of 2014, Standard & Poor’s has improved the methodology of credit rating for transport companies and infrastructure managers, among which Georgian Railways. “The above mentioned confirms the fact that solvency of the company is at high level again. JSC Georgian Railway continues to work for improvement of financial stability and service for consumers”, stated the railway company.

China and Azerbaijan consolidate railway cooperation International: Azerbaijan and China have explored ways of developing cooperation in the field of transport, as Ambassador to Beijing Latif Gandilov declared at a meeting with Deputy Director of the National Railway Administration Zhu WangYu. The two sides discussed ways to develop transport cooperation between the two countries. Gandilov highlighted projects carried out in Azerbaijan and the region, particularly the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway.

Грузия: После актуализации методологии (в начале апреля) компания «Standard & Poor’s» сохранила стабильный рейтинг Грузинских железных дорог: “BBB-”. В мире: Азербайджан и Китай разрабатывают новые направления сотрудничества в области транспорта. Об этом заявил посол Азербайджана в Пекине, Лятиф Гандилов, на встрече с заместителем директора Национальной Железнодорожной Администрации, Чжу Ванюй. Болгария: «В 2014 году Болгария будет поглощать сумму 1,8 млрд евро, выделенную Европейским союзом на бюджетный период ЕС 2007-2013». Об этом объявила вице-премьер Болгарии, Зинаида Златанова . По железнодорожному сегменту, деньги будут направлены

Germany participate in Serbia’s infrastructure projects

Tajikistan to invest in transport development

International: DB International GmbH has set up a work team which began work this week, so as to get involved in the Serbian railway infrastructure overhaul financed by a Russian state loan of USD 800 Million. RZD International and DB International GmbH signed an agreement in March about the provision of technical consulting services within the project aimed at modernizing the Serbian railway network. The credit will finance five projects aimed at upgrading the domestic railway infrastructure and vehicles in Serbia in next several years. Serbia secures 15 percent of the project funds, so the total modernization costs will amount to USD 941 Million.

Tajikistan: Tajik Government will invest over USD 1.4 Billion (EUR 1 Billion) into transport development in 2014 - 2015, said Tajikistan Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. The Government will invest USD 739.2 Million (EUR 535 Million) into transport development in 2014 and USD 707.8 Million (EUR 512 Million) in 2015. These investments are inclusive of all financing sources - budget, loans and grants. These funds will be invested into building new bridges, highways, railways and to rebuild and maintain existing highways.

Serbia, interested in a Chinese loan for railway infrastructure

Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus to create single financial market regulator International: A supranational body to regulate the integrated financial market of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus within the Eurasian Customs Union will be created in 2025, the chairman of the National Bank of Kazakhstan Kairat Kelimbetov said. “We (a negotiating group of Russian, Kazakh and Belarusian financiers) managed to agree that the harmonization of legislation in the area of financial markets will be carried out until 2025,” he said. Kelimbetov stressed that “this will be the regulator, rather than a single central bank.” Kelimbetov recalled that the Kazakh National Bank is also involved in the preparation of the agreement on the Eurasian Economic

на инфраструктурные проекты по модернизации линий Русе - Варна, Карнобат - Синдел; Пловдив - Бургас и София Септември. В мире: Сербские железные дороги заинтересованы в кредите, предоставляемом Китаем, сумма которого может достичь 400 млн. евро. Сумма будет выделена на строительство железнодорожной инфраструктуры и будет выплачиваться за счет экспорта товаров из Сербии в Китай. В мире: К 2025 году будет создан наднациональный орган для интеграции финансового рынка Таможенного союза, в состав которого входят Россия, Казахстан и Беларусь. Об этом заявил президент Национального банка Республики Казахстан, Кайрат Келимбетов.

Union and is responsible for issues relating to monetary policy and financial markets.

photo: trend.az

project’s implementation, according to the preliminary data.

Bulgaria prioritises EU co-financed railway projects bulgaria: “EUR 1.8 Billion of the 20072013 programming period is to be absorbed in 2014, and the next programming period is a challenge, but we will deal with it”, Deputy Prime Minister and Justice Minister Zinaida Zlatanova said. At the beginning of the year, Minister of Transport, Daniel Papazov, announced that total funds (national co-financing and SOP-T budget) amounted to around EUR 1.9 Billion, of which 70% (over 1.3 Billion) will be allocated equal amounts for road and railway projects. The rest of the amount will be allocated to the optimisation

International: Serbian Railways are interested in a Chinese loan of approximately EUR 400 Million for the construction of railway infrastructure which would be paid off through exports of Serbian commodities into China, General Director of Serbian Railways of intermodality on the freight and passenger segment, to the development of sustainable transport, construction of metro stations and intermodal terminal in Ruse. Funds for railway infrastructure would be invested in improving the railway line Ruse– Varna; Karnobat - Sindel; Plovdiv - Burgas and Sofia - Septemvri. In addition, funds for the rehabilitation of Vidin Medkovets and Sofia – Dragoman would be sought through the Connecting Europe Facility. The goal was to complete the major transport routes to the borders with Romania, Greece and Turkey and improve transport links between major ports in Burgas, Varna and Ruse.

May 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

12 news

Dragoljub Simonovic said. In a meeting with the delegation of China Machinery Engineering Corporation (CMEC), Simonovic said that the loan could be agreed before the Chinese President’s visit to Serbia in September. The funds from the loan would be used to reconstruct and electrify the Lapovo – Kraljevo railway, as well as the regional railways Mala Krsna – Pozarevac – Zajecar – Port of Prahovo and Mala Krsna – Smederevo. The loan could also be used to fund the construction of a terminal on the railway Corridor 10 from Novi Sad via Belgrade to Nis, Simonovic said. Mechel signs new contract with TransContainer International: Mechel announces signing an agreement on creating a pool system for transporting cargo with TransContainer. According to the document, TransContainer will handle multimodal transportation of Mechel’s cargo of various types in containers. The annual turnover of cargo will amount to over 5,000 twenty-foot container units. Currently TransContainer ensures monthly transportation of some 400450 twenty-foot containers for Mechel. “This new format of cooperation with TransContainer will certainly enable us to streamline the Group’s container transport system. Moreover, we will be able to improve the quality of logistics on our geographic routes for Mechel’s

Таджикистан: Правительство будет инвестировать более 1,4 млрд. долларов США (1 млрд. евро) в развитие транспорта в период 2014-2015 гг. Данная информация предоставлена Министерством экономического развития и торговли Таджикистана. В мире: Компания DB International GmbH создала рабочую группу, которая начала свою деятельность в этом месяце по проектам, связанным с техническим обслуживанием и ремонтом железнодорожной инфраструктуры в Сербии. В мире: Компания GEFCO, которая на 75 % принадлежит РЖД, www.railwaypro.com | May 2014

future. I think this should happen by 1 July or an agreement should be reached by that time,” said the prime minister.

enterprises, thus bringing down transport costs,” Mechel’s Managing Director Sergei Kulakov said. GEFCO showed interest in purchasing assets in Central Europe and Asia International: GEFCO (75% owned by RZD) is interested in acquiring assets in India, Russia and Asia, said Philippe Kosè, the Director of strategy and finance department of GEFCO. “We are interested in the assets of marine transportation companies and storage services in India. Also it can be China, Russia, Central Europe and the countries of Asia,” he said. GEFCO focuses on acquisition of medium-sized companies in countries where it is difficult to create a branch, and the starting point for GEFCO’s business segment is to buy the company. The company plans to increase its turnover up to EUR 8 Billion by 2020.

photo: wikimedia.org

international: Turkmen Government delegation visited Romania, in April, to participate in the meeting of the working group on cooperation in the transport sector. The delegation visited the Constanţa port in Romania. Earlier it was reported that the two countries agreed on the establishment of a joint working group to study the best ways of trade and transport corridor Black

Sea - Caspian Sea with the use of Constanţa and Turkmenbashi ports` advantages. The matter is the formation of a new Eurasian transport corridor. In particular, State Service of Maritime and River Transport of Turkmenistan is exploring the possibility of cargo transportation including liquefied natural gas to Constanta. The supply route envisages the use of special containers and runs across the Caspian to Baku (Azerbaijan), then by railway to Batumi or Poti (Georgia, the Black Sea region) and from there by sea to Romania.

Istanbul-Ankara HSR to be completed this month Turkey: The Istanbul-Ankara high-speed railway in Turkey will be commissioned in May, 2014, Anadolu agency said, quoting Minister of Transport Lufti Elvan. The minister added that the final preparatory work on commissioning the railway is underway. The Istanbul-Ankara high-speed railway will be 533 kilometres in length and it will be connected to the Marmaray railway tunnel. The construction of the railway began in 2009.

Agreement on Rail Baltica route to be reached by July International: The Baltic States are still negotiating on the standard gauge railway project Rail Baltica 2 route and its branch-line to Lithuania’s capital Vilnius. According to Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevicius, an agreement should be reached by early July 2014. “We hope the project will be approved in the nearest

заинтересована в приобретении активов в Индии, России и Азии. Компания заинтересована в активах, принадлежащих судоходным компаниям и поставщикам услуг хранения в Индии. В мире: Компания «Мечел» объявила о подписании соглашения с компанией «ТрансКонтейнер» о создании совместного узла грузоперевозок. В мире: Государства Прибалтики попрежнему ведут переговоры по маршруту линии Rail Baltica 2 и по и участку линии, которая будет пересекать столицу Литвы, Вильнюс. По словам премьер-министра Альгирдаса Буткявичюса, соглашение

photo: www.kaliteliresimler.com

Turkmenistan and Romania study Black Sea – Caspian transport corridor potential

может быть подписано в июле 2014 года. В мире: Туркменистан и Румыния рассматривают потенциал возможного транспортного коридора Черное Море - Каспийское Море. Предусматривается использование специальных контейнеров и пересечение Каспийского Моря в сторону Баку, затем по железной дороге в сторону портов Батуми или Поти, а оттуда рассматривается продолжение перевозок по морю в Румынию. Турция: Работы над высокоскоростной линией СтамбулАнкара будут завершены в этом месяце. Длина линии составляет 533 км и она будет соединена с туннелем Мармарай.

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Vossloh Cogifer is one of the world’s leading providers of state-of-the-art switch and track monitoring systems for high-speed, conventional and urban lines. Our products are characterised by low life-cycle costs, a high degree of cost-effectiveness as well as maximum safety even under extreme conditions. We therefore make a key contribution to keeping people and freight mobile.


14 news Consortium including two Turkish companies wins Doha Metro line project International: As part of a five-partner consortium, two Turkish companies won Doha Metro design and construction contract. The deal is worth USD 4.4 Billion and it is the largest contract won by Turkish companies abroad. The metro line is being built as part of Qatar’s construction plans ahead of the 2022 World Cup. Qatar has selected Turkish contractors STFA and

Ellaktor lands major Doha metro project

Uraltransmash, a subsidiary of the Uralvagonzavod R&D Corporation, is partnering with Polish manufacturer PESA to build the new low-floor vehicles. “In December, we entered into a supply contract for 120 new trams. Of this total, 70 trams are expected to enter into operation this year, and another 50 next year. These trams are currently being tested”, Sobyanin added.

International: Ellaktor subsidiary Aktor has secured the biggest construction project ever obtained by a Greek company abroad by signing the contract for the study and construction of the Gold Line Underground metro line in Doha, Qatar, worth 3.2 billion euros. Aktor leads the ALYSJ JV consortium with a 32 percent stake. Sources say that the other participants in the consortium are India’s Larsen & Toubro, Turkey’s Yapi Merkezi and STFA, and Qatar’s Al Jaber Engineering. Gold Line will be one of four Doha metro lines and forms part of the preparations for the 2022 World Cup. With this contract, the Ellaktor group will have outstanding projects of 3.9 billion euros, which will soon exceed 4 billion euros after the signing of new contracts for projects mainly in the Balkan market.

Electric train network to be created in Astana

source: www.izmir.bel.tr

Tehran inaugurates new metro section Iran: Tehran Mayor Mohammad Qalibaf officially inaugurated the second section of Line 3 of the Tehran Metro with a length of 12 km. The project’s cost amounted to IRR 20 Thousand Billion (EUR 567 Million). The first section of Line 3, of 7km, was inaugurated in December 2012. Line 3 will have a total of 37 km and will connect the south to the north of the city. Tehran Metro has four lines, totalling around 152 km and 85 stations.

New Moscow tram fleet to enter service in July Russia: A new fleet of modern trams will arrive on the streets of Moscow in July, Mayor Sergei Sobyanin has said. More than half of 120 trams ordered by the city will enter service in the summer, with the remaining 50 set to go into operation in 2015. www.railwaypro.com | May 2014

Yapı Merkez, along with Indian’s Larsen & Toubro, Greece’s Aktor group and Qatar’s al-Jaber Engineering, with the rights to build the Gold Line section of the Doha Metro. STFA and Yapı Merkezi will hold the largest share of the contract, controlling a 40% stake in the project. The project should be completed in 2018 and this objective requires the simultaneous operation of 6 TBMs. Doha Metro will connect the city centre to the shopping centres and main stadiums, and all lines, including the Gold Line, will be built in the underground due to the densely populated areas of the city.

Kazakhstan: Kazakh government and Asian Development Bank (ADB) agreed to finance a project on creating an electric train network in Astana. “This project will contribute to urban mobility and improve quality of life, thus supporting a balanced growth in the rapidly developing capital,” said the message from Kazakh Economy and Budget Planning Ministry. “Smart Astana (smart city) project has already been launched. Its first phase will include two directions -- “Safe City” and “Intelligent Transport System”, and the smart city should be completely constructed by 2017,” according to the ministry’s message. “Smart Astana” is based on the European smart cities’ development model. A particular emphasis will be placed upon the development of public transport. The construction of the light rail transit (LRT) system will start and special large buses will be introduced in the city. The electric trains are actually modern streetcars, providing a holistic solution Казахстан: Правительство Казахстана и Азиатский банк развития (АБР) подписали соглашение о финансировании проекта, предусматривающего создание сети электропоезов в Астане. В мире: Ellaktor, дочернее предприятие компании Aktor, подписала договор на проведение технико-экономического обоснования и строительства Золотой линии метрополитена в городе Доха, Катар. Иран: Мэр Тегерана провел инаугурацию второго отсека 3-й магистрали метрополитена города Тегерана, длина которой составляет 12 километров.

for integrated urban mobility, having an indicative value and potential for replication. This is very important since currently the country does not have any modern transport system. ADB was invited by Kazakh government to provide technical assistance to thoroughly inspect the project, in order to complete the evaluation of guarantees and secure the project’s readiness. Aside form that, ADB’s funds will be attracted to implement the project. International consultants will help to avoid mistakes and shortcomings in constructing the whole system and the bank’s funds granted for a long period, will help to get the project off the ground in short time. Applications invited for phase 2 and 3 of Mecca metro project International: The Development Commission of Mecca has invited interested parties to prequalify for tenders to build the SAR 25.5 Billion (EUR 5 Billion) Mecca Metro. The design and build phase will involve construction of the lines, third rail electrification, station and depot fit out, telecoms, platform screen doors, fare collection system and CBTC. The deadline for proposals is the 26th May with requests for proposals in July and the final tender awarded in the second quarter of 2015. It is intended that the system will be fully operational 45 months after the notice to proceed is issued in the case of Line B and 51 months in the case of Line C.

Tehran inaugurates new metro section Iran: Tehran Mayor Mohammad Qalibaf officially inaugurated the second section of Line 3 of the Tehran Metro with a length of 12 km. The project’s cost amounted to IRR 20 Thousand Billion (EUR 567 Million). The first section of Line 3, of 7km, was inaugurated in December 2012. Line 3 will have a total of 37 km and will connect the south to the north of the city. Tehran Metro has four lines, totalling around 152 km and 85 stations. В мире: Общественный транспорт всегда ассоциировался и связан с социальной интеграцией и экономическим развитием, являясь фактором, способствующим сокращению потребления энергетических ресурсов и снижению степени воздействия на окружающую среду. В мире: За два месяца до запланированной даты были запущены строительные работы, относящиеся к первому этапу строительства 4-й магистрали метрополитена в Эр-Рияде. Россия: Новые трамваи, приобретенные московскими властями, должны быть доставлены в июле месяце. Об этом объявил мэр города, Сергей Собянин.

news 15

International: “Public transport has been and is still associated to social inclusion, economic development, a factor which reduces energy consumption and environmental impact. Decision makers have to prove this by investing in public transport and providing quality services. Based on these aspects, public transport could be placed at the core of economic and social development policies”, declared Alain Flausch, Secretary General UITP, during the Forum for Sustainable Mobility and Metropolitan Development. The event was organised by Club Metropolitan – the Asso-

Transdev eyes profit International: Transdev’s financial results in 2013 showed progress, but the group’s condition is still adverse and has to increase its operational performance. The company’s debt dropped from EUR 1.9 to 1.1 Billion, result to which an increase of capital contributed by EUR 560 Million. The company has also given up assets worth around EUR 100 Million and has improved its operating loss from 4.5% to 5.2%. Trasdev’s net loss stood at EUR 130 Million in 2013, but the situation improved compared to 2012 when the company ended the year with losses of EUR 390 Million.Transdev estimates it would become profitable this year, before 2015 as

ciation for Metropolitan Mobility (AMM), with the support of the International Association of Public Transport (UITP), AIDA, Alba Iulia Municipality, STP Alba Iulia and Oradea Metropolitan Area Association, on 8-9 April 2014. A city cannot survive without public transport as it needs transport means to ensure the citizens’ mobility. Public transport is the solution to efficient mobility which contributes to economic development as well. “Public transport has to be good to attract customers and should be one of the factors which form a beautiful and efficient city”, said Alain Flausch. “To increase the market share of public transport and form an efficient system, it

is necessary to create a core network and to integrate transport policies so that they could encourage the increase of the transport share. To come to an efficient system that would supply quality transport solutions, it is necessary to invest in the transport system by using the available European funds”, pointed out the UITP Secretary General.

announced a year before. The group bets on action mostly in France to relaunch business.

legally incorrect”, said Minister Dan Şova, during a press conference on 29 April. Bucharest Metropolitan Transport Authority issues the transport tenders for carrying out the regular passenger transport service in Bucharest and Ilfov County.

Head of Bucharest Metropolitan Transport Authority, removed for incorrect tendering Romania: On 29 April, Romanian Minister of Transport, Dan Şova, announced he removed the director general of Bucharest Metropolitan Transport Authority (AMTB), Flaviu Hoţopan, from his position because of “incorrect tendering”. “AMTB director general has been removed from his position because the tenders he organised at Bucharest Metropolitan Transport Authority were

photo: Club Feroviar

Alain Flausch, UITP: a city cannot survive without public transport

В мире: Финансовые показатели компании «Трансдев» на 2013 год зарегистрировали прогресс, однако группа остается слабой и ей необходимо увеличить свои операционные показатели. Румыния: Министр транспорта Дан Шова 29 апреля заявил о том, что отправил в отставку генерального директора Управления метрополитенным транспортом города Бухареста (AMTB) Флавью Хоцопан за проведение «неправильных тендеров».

May 2014 | www.railwaypro.com



Diesel fuel excise seriously affects fair transport competition

[ by Elena Ilie ]

As of April, according to the Fiscal Code, Romania has introduced a new tax on oil products, of 7 euro cents, a tax that will significantly affect the price of all transport modes, as well as transport competitiveness. One of the affected transport sectors will be railway transport, both freight and passengers.


costs. Unfortunately, railway carriers have not been invited to these meetings, maybe because we have taken a stand to the Romanian Ministry of Finances and Ministry of Transport about this tax which obviously favours automotive transportation”, states a press issue of the Romanian Railway Carriers Association (ATFER). In some countries of the European Union, this tax is returned and railway transport operators are not charged, while in other countries that encourage eco-friendly transport, additional taxes are imposed to road traffic per km. The latest example is that of Hungary which introduced the additional road transport charge as of 1 March 2014. “We are surprised to find out that action has been taken to partially return the fuel tax for road carriers, but not for railway carriers, a serious act which infringes fair and direct competition between transport modes”, states ATFER. In the current context of railway transport discrimination by returning the tax only for the fuels used in road transport, we only create a more accentuated gap between railway and road transport modes. Reducing diesel fuel excise by 4 euro cents per litre applies only to some categories of carriers, but not to railway passenger carriers. The Romanian Ministry of Finances has assumed a reduction of the fuel consumption after increasing the fuel excise and considers that the transfer of revenues from the private

Photo: wikimedia.org

e have analysed the situation of other railway transport systems in member states of the European Union and we have been, once again, informed that many of these transport systems don’t pay excises to diesel fuel price, on the contrary, they even have discounts so as to not endanger fair competition. Take, for instance, Italy, where railway transport benefits from a 70% reduction of diesel fuel excise. On the other hand, in Belgium railway transport is 100% exempted from the payment of excise to any petroleum-based product, show an analysis of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). An analysis from January 2014 of the European Commission, the Directorate General for Taxation and Customs Union (DG TAXUD), shows that in countries such as the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ireland, Hungary, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Finland, Slovenia, Great Britain and Luxembourg, railway transport benefits from discounts to the payment of diesel fuel excise. At present, diesel fuel excise can be recovered in six countries of the European Union such as Belgium, France, Spain, Italy, Hungary and Slovenia. “During the preparation of this new tax, the political decision-makers and transport representatives met to try to reduce the negative impact of this tax and to partially or totally return it, so as not to influence transport

www.railwaypro.com | May 2014

sector to the budget would direct funds to other investments with a higher economic growth that if the money remained in the market. “Extending the measure on partially returning the additional fuel excise to other categories of companies than road carriers is not impossible, but it is difficult to obtain by the European Commission, which should be convinced that it is for the benefit of the economy”, said the representatives of the Competition Council at the beginning of April. After applying the differentiated excise level, the budget revenues estimated for 2014 are reduced by RON 353 Million (EUR 78 Million). “Any recovery of part of the additional fuel excise by Romanian carriers should be fully compensated by other measures so as not to affect the fiscal objectives of the Government. The Government’s commitment for 2014 is a budget deficit of 2.2% of GDP and any fiscal initiative considered should be carefully analysed to reach this target. Also, all taxation changes should be compensated so as not to endanger this target”, commented Andrea Schaechter, Head of the IMF mission in Romania.

Акциз на дизельное топливо серьезно влияет на справедливую конкуренцию в транспортном секторе Начиная с апреля этого года, в соответствии с Налоговым кодексом, Румыния ввела новый налог на нефтепродукты в размере 7 евроцентов. Данный налог будет существенно влиять на цены всего, что связано с транспортом, а также на конкурентоспособность в отрасли. Один из секторов транспорта, на котором скажется данный налог - это железнодорожные перевозки грузов и пассажиров. Мы провели анализ других систем железнодорожного транспорта в государствах Европейского Союза и получили дополнительное подтверждение, что многие из этих железнодорожных систем не платят акциз на используемое дизельное топливо, а наоборот, даже пользуются скидками, чтобы не ставить под угрозу справедливую конкуренцию.


May 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

18 Metropolitan

CEE cities choose modern rail urban transport [ by Pamela Luică ]

At the beginning of the 90s, when the shift to market economy occurred in Central and East-European countries (CEE), public transport began to gain ground against individual motorized transport. Today, one of the main problems of the countries in Central and Eastern Europe is funds for upgrading their rolling stock and for aligning their infrastructure to European standards. These projects have been financed by the public sector, but there are limited funds in Europe, especially because of the poor economic conditions in these countries. However, the fact that both authorities and citizens have become aware of the importance of public transport in developing local, as well as national economy, has been the reason why projects in this area have been launched and the segment improved.

I think that in Central and Eastern Europe it is extremely important to strengthen the economic case for public transport and show how it contributes to jobs and growth policies, how it makes the local economy more attractive and competitive. Another issue of substantial importance for the CEEC region is to secure a resilient funding mix for public transport, based on a stronger revenue strategy as well as on the contributions from indirect beneficiaries – in addition to traditional sources of funding”, explained Alain Flausch, Secretary General UITP, in an interview in March 2014. Operators and authorities must rethink two major aspects related to financing and the business model for the public transport of today and tomorrow and the quality of services, including customer-orientation which implies a different management style, less oriented to the company and more to the customer. In 2014-2020, the EU budget means over EUR 181 Billion directly transferred to the CEEC. 5 to 8% of the amount will be invested in projects related to integrated public transport development. This is a true challenge for operators, decisionmakers and the industry, a challenge which consists in investing in and using available resources to make urban transport sustainable, efficient and performing and to help it increase its market share compared to the other modes of transport. To debate on all these issues, the International Association of Public Transport (UITP) and the Association for Metropolitan Mobility – Club Metropolitan (AMM) organized the workshop “Financing and modernising light rail in Central and Eastern Europe 2014-2020”, at the end of March. “I fully support the conditions under the Structural Funds for the programming www.railwaypro.com | May 2014

period 2014-2020, which oblige all those who wish to apply for EU funds not only to combine vehicles or rolling stock purchases with necessary infrastructure modernization, but also that require from authorities to create SUMPs and showcase in detail their urban mobility vision and philosophy behind each and every project, each and every euro to-be-spent”, said Flausch in his interview for Railway Pro.

the launch of metro development projects, the strategy including the construction of a system that would cover 70% of the capital’s surface. The system would include three networks with a total length of 57 km and 54 stations. The implementation of the strategy would see the number of daily passengers rise to 550 million (over 45% of the public transport share). The lines would meet in the city centre and allow one exchange per direction. On the long term, Sofia launches projects, the plan includes extensions of these lines but financing issues linger to the suburbs. The latest announcement for the development of the underground In Bulgaria’s capital, Sofia, public trans- transport system is the launch of the tender port projects are delayed by financing for the design and construction of a 7.2km problems, but despite these problems, the line section that will cross the central city has important mobility projects in points of the city connecting Botevgradsko plan. In 2013, the authorities announced Bou-levard to OvchaKupel 1, in the southLONG-TAEM SCHEME Expected length of lines – SOFIA (long-term scheme) 78 km with 74 stations and share in the public transport system – 60%

M1 M2 M2


Source: Prof.Phd. Stoyan Bratoev, EXTENSION OF THE METRO IN SOFIA, april 2013

Metropolitan Sources of Financing (€) Total amount of the investments 62 624 478

Financing from EU 42 500 000

National co-financing 7 500 000

Local co-financing* 12 624 478

* The local co-financing includes reimbursable VAT amounting to 5 921 868 EUR, loan from EBRD amounting to 6 897 522 EUR as well as 122 464 EUR for designing, financed by Sofia Municipality

west of the capital. The construction of the line section will be part of the project for the construction of line 3 of the metro network with a length of 16.5 km and 19 sections, 10 of which built in the underground. The project is co-financed by the EU through the operational programme Transport and would be completed in 45 months after signing the contract. Regarding surface public transport (tram), the authorities are focusing more on rolling stock acquisitions, but they still face financing problems. “Public transport companies are facing financial problems for infrastructure projects and rolling stock acquisition which delays projects. An efficient option for the implementation of projects is to contract credits from the international financial institutions. Within the operational programme 2007-2013, the modernisation of Sofia urban transport includes the implementation of air quality improvement activities by purchasing new trams. The EU financing (100%) helps implement the procurement of 20 low-floor trams worth EUR 33.9 Million, an amount covered by the Operational Programme Environment”, declared Tsvetan Tsolov, Transport Project Manager – Sofia Municipality, during the conference. The authorities launch the project for the modernisation of the tram line along Bulgaria Boulevard, 8th component of SofiaIntegrated Public Transport Project, using the same SOP-Environment Programme. The objective of the project is to replace the line, to increase travel speed and reduce maintenance costs. The project development contract was signed in July 2013 and is worth EUR 4.3 Million.

“Sofia Urban Transport Integration Project has a total cost of EUR 62.6 Million, of which the EU co-financing amounts to EUR 42.5 Million, the national budget allocated EUR 7.5 Million and the local budget, EUR 12.6 Million”, said Tsolov. Local financing includes reimbursable VAT worth EUR 5.9 Million, EBRD credit, EUR 6.8 Million and EUR 122 Thousand for design, financed by the municipality. “For the programming period 2014-2020, local authorities have identified public transport development projects, but “there are financing problems, since the situation of financing is not clear and the plan has to be elaborated and submitted to approval and financing”, pointed out Tsolov. Projects include the modernisation of several tram lines with a total length of over 19 km, as well as the implementation of the project “Modernisation of Sofia’s Trams” which includes the acquisition of 28 second-hand tramways from Basel carried out from May 2014 to December 2018. The total budget is of CHF 3 Million (EUR 2,45 Million), with CHF 2.55 Million (EUR 2 Million) Swiss contribution, CHF 390 Thousand (EUR 319 Thousand) from Stolichen Electro Transport EAD, the local transport company, and CHF 60 Thousand (EUR 49 Thousand) from the municipality. Krakow focuses on procuring new vehicles Krakow is one of the largest cities of Poland (758,000 citizens) and one of the most popular cities for tourists. In crowded periods, the citizens and tourists make 1 million journeys by public transport

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Source: Rafał Świerczyński - VicePresident of MPK SA Krakow





means per day. The 25 tram lines (335 km of network) ensure the transport of 172 million per year. For Krakow it is essential to increase the quality of public transport ser-vices. Over the next years, the city will focus on upgrading rolling stock and replacing obsolete trams. “In 5 years, we have invested EUR 80 Million in our rolling stock fleet and we want to invest EUR 160 Million in acquisitions and in the modernisation of the fleet over the next 5 years. The project has two phases. The first phase will be completed in 2015 and includes the procurement of 36 trams. The second phase will be carried out from 2016 to 2019 when another 36 trams will be purchased”, declared Rafał Świerczyński, Vice-President and CFO – MPK Kraków, during the conference. Apart from renewing the fleet, the company also wants to upgrade 10 trams. MPK’s objective by 2020 is to replace 55% of its rolling stock with new vehicles. Budapest: projects in progress By 2020, the entire fleet of trams and trolleybuses could be replaced by low-floor vehicles to increase the quality of services and to ensure accessibility. The project includes the acquisition of 25 trams of 32-36 m and 12 units with a length of 52-56 m, as well as 24 trolleybuses. Together with the infrastructure development project, which also includes the construction of platforms and of 3 tram depots, the project is worth EUR 140 Million”, declared Gergely Horn, Head of Strategy, Investments and Projects – BKK Budapest. In March 2014, BKK announced having signed the contract with CAF manufacturer on the delivery of 37 low-floor trams with an option of supplying another 87 vehicles. The contract is worth EUR 90 Million and it is financed by EU as part of the country’s investment and development plans. The company is currently developing several infrastructure projects: the modernisation of line 1 and 3, for which funds worth EUR 132 Million are necessary, of which the EU co-financing is 93.92%. The project includes grass lines, the modernisation of platforms, the installation of elevators and passenger information systems. “The company also has a project on interconnecting the tram network in Buda on the northsouth direction and the reconstruction of the line on the entire Buda area, consisting in the construction of a traffic connection on two separate street sections, the construction and reconstruction of intermodal hubs and the reconstruction of the existing lines and platforms. The project is worth EUR 48 Million and the EU co-financing represents 83.4%. The project is now in the tender initiation phase”, declared Horn. Another project of the company is the reconstruction of the SzéllKálmán area, the largest intermodal junction in Buda. There is a metro line, 5 tram lines, 15 bus lines and May 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

20 Metropolitan As of March, Budapest has an automated metro line (on the new Line 4), the first automated metro line in Central and Eastern Europe. Novi Sad reintroduces trams

suburban lines and the project includes the total reconstruction of the infrastructure, including the construction of pedestrian areas with access to the elevators. Currently, BKK is preparing several projects which include the reconstruction and the extension of metro line 1, the procurement of rolling stock, the extension to Zugló area and the development of a link to tram lines, the development of the park & ride system, and the development of other road connection projects. The project elaboration is worth EUR 2.6 Million and the project is estimated at EUR 170 Million. Another project focuses on the interope-

rability of the metro line M2 and Gödöllői HÉV suburban railway, requiring funds of EUR 1.7 Million for design and EUR 57 Million for execution. The interconnection of the railways on the north-south axis, including the procurement of rolling stock, the connection to metro lines M2, M3 and M4, requires grants worth EUR 1.9 Million for design. The project could be implemented by 2020. The company also wants to develop a complex which incorporates Budapest’s network of trams and trolleybuses which requires investments of EUR 275 Million and to reconstruct the M3 line, a project worth EUR 500 Million.

Feasybility Study on Introducing Tram in the City of Novi Sad

Novi Sad planned tram lines

Source: Aleksandar Jevdjenic - Feasybility Study on introducing Tram in the City of Novi Sad

Financing and modernizing light rail in Central and Eastern Europe

www.railwaypro.com | May 2014

With a population of around 300,000 citizens, Novi Sad (Serbia) wants to develop sustainable transport by choosing tram networks. In 2011, local authorities publicly announced their intention of reintroducing the tram and there is now a study on this project. “For Novi Sad, the introduction of tram lines is important to ensure urban mobility. The first phase of the project requires investments of EUR 80 Million, including the acquisition of 25 trams for which EUR 65 Million are necessary and the construction of tram infrastructure which requires EUR 15 Million. These values don’t include the reconstruction of the road infrastructure and the relocation of the underground or overground space”, declared AleksandarJevdjenic, Head of Traffic Department – Urban Planning, Development and Research Centre, Novi Sad Municipality. The introduction of tram lines will increase the attractiveness of public transport, while trams will have priority and independent routes, the lines will be introduced in the pedestrian areas as well and will be connected to the other public transport terminals. To encourage the use of this transport system, local authorities want to introduce a parking fee in the central area whose cost will be higher than tram tickets. For 2030, the authorities plan the construction of 5 tram lines with a total length of 92.4 km, with 47 stations and 5 terminals. The lines will provide connections with the other transport modes. Also, a depot will be constructed. By 2030, the network will be operated by 50 vehicles with a minimum capacity of 160 seats.

Города ЦВЕ становятся современными, выбирая развитие городского транспорта на рельсах Одна из проблем, с которыми в настоящее время сталкиваются страны Центральной и Восточной Европы - это необходимость направления средств на модернизацию подвижного состава и инфраструктуры, которую нужно привести к европейским стандартам. Эти проекты финансировались государственным сектором, так как на европейском уровне средства ограничены, особенно в связи с экономическим положением, в котором сейчас оказались государства региона. Тем не менее, осознание важности общественного транспорта для развития местной и национальной экономики, обусловило запуск проектов развития и улучшения данного сегмента.



Armenia-Iran project to be launched in 2015 [ by Elena Ilie ]

According to a study carried out by a group of experts of South Caucasus Railway, the maximum annual transport volume, if a railway connection Armenia-Iran was built, would amount at 15-18 million tonnes of freight.“In case favourable circumstances appeared, the project on the construction of Armenia-Iran railway could be initiated not later than mid 2015”, declared Victor Rebets, CEO of South Caucasus Railways, a RZD subsidiary that operates on the Armenian railway network.

The development of the railway project that links Iran and Azerbaijan does not erase interest in the Iran-Armenia project”, declared Alexander Misharin, First Vice President of Russian Railways, at the end of April. According to him, the railway project linking Iran and Armenia is developed in the more extensive North-South Corridor. “Even after completing the construction of the current railway line between Iran and Azerbaijan, we will still need alternative routes in the North-South direction”, added Misharin. Russian Railways representative reminded the fact that there is still no business plan for the project of Iran-Armenia railway, but the parties that will initiate the project are expected to start negotiations soon. “Based on these discussions, we will decide on our participation. We are ready to participate, if the project is launched”, said Misharin. Companies from Iran, China and Russia have expressed interest in building the Armenian railway section, part of Iran – Armenia cross-border section which will connect Armenia, via Iran, to Middle East and Far East, apart from its current railway connections in Europe. Such a railway, on the North-South route, will ensure the transport of energy and raw materials from Armenia to the east, facilitat-

ing trade growth. Meanwhile, Iran has modernised its railway hubs to permit trains to run from India, China and Central Asia. This will transform Iran in a railway hub of Middle East, for the goods transited to the East. On the other hand, Armenia could significantly benefit from these infrastructure investments. Iran-Armenia railway has been brought to discussion for the first time by Armenia’s National Security Council, on grounds of regional security and has been recently declared priority project. Also, the National Council has recently announced the investment costs ranging between USD 1.7 and 2.8 Billion. Currently, Armenia is discussing the financing with World Bank and Asian Development Bank. The Government in Tehran announced last year that it was ready to financially support works to the railway segment on Armenia’s territory and that it had already begun works to railways on its own territory. Presently, Armenia only has railway connections with Georgia, but a railway to Iran will provide another alternative to Armenia for the transport of energy resources and other goods. The fact that Armenia became COTIF member in 2011 is an important step for the connection of Caucasus region with Europe. Moreover, Armenia announced in March 2014 that it could access the Cus-

toms Union in 2014, which will increase trade facilities in the region. Armenia plays a major role in the development of new infrastructures and transport corridors, of projects linking the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea regions through and from South Caucasus. A series of political conflicts with Turkey in the past, and especially, military conflicts in Nagorno – Karabah region with Azerbaijan have isolated Armenia’s transport connections. It was only in 2006 that this South Caucasian republic was included in the Eastern Partnership and can thus benefit from European Union assistance and financial support from the European Investment Bank in the development of infrastructure projects.

Photo: South Caucasus Railway, www.ukzhd.am

Проект Армения - Иран может быть запущен в 2015 году

www.railwaypro.com | May 2014

Согласно анализу, проведённому группой экспертов Южно-Кавказской Железной Дороги, в случае строительства железной дороги Армения - Иран, объем грузовых перевозок повысится до 15-18 миллионов тонн. «В случае появления благоприятных обстоятельств, проект строительства магистрали Армения - Иран может быть запущен не позднее середины 2015 года», - заявил Виктор Ребец, генеральный менеджер ЮКЖД, которая является дочерней компанией ОАО РЖД, управляющей армянской железнодорожной сетью.


Rail passenger transport Rail freight transport Shunting services Contact: 2 Oltului St. 500283 - Brasov Romania Tel: +40 268 310 697 Fax: +40 268 310 859


Market development & STRATEGIES 24 POLICIES

Serbia launches modernisation works on the pan-European Corridor X [ by Pamela Luică ]

The improvement of railway infrastructure conditions, the integration in the European network, the stimulation of traffic capacity and services increase are the main reasons for which Serbia upgrades the panEuropean Corridor X. The Corridor is the backbone of the Serbian railway network (Salzburg - Ljubljana - Zagreb -) Sid - Belgrade - Nis - Presevo (- Skopje - Veles - Thessaloniki), with branch from Subotica to the Hungarian border (Corridor Xb).


t present, there are temporary length of sections is 112 km, for which speed restrictions on the corridor the Russian side has allocated a financing caused by the poor infrastructure of USD 89.9 Million. The six line sections conditions which reduce traffic flows. But (Ruma - Golubinci - 17.9 km, Sopot Kosthis year, Serbia announced the launch of majski – Kovačevac – 18.4 km, Mala Krsna modernisation works on several sections - Velika Plana – 29.5 km, Vinarc-Đorđev of Corridor X. -15 km, Vranje Spa - Ristovac -17.7 km According to the General Manager of Ser- and Bujanovac Bukarevac - 13.8 km) reGeneralni Master plan saobraćaja u Srbiji bian Railways (ZS), Dragoljub Simonovic, quire infrastructure modernisation works 05SER01/04/016 300 kmizveštaj of railway willI: Drumski be reconstructed and new signalling and communications Završni – Aneks saobraćaj on Oktobar 2009 this corridor by 2016. The Government systems. has set aside 15% of the necessary funds Moreover, ZS has submitted all necesrute uhas Centralnoj i Istočnoj koje su(EUR zahtevale sary velikodocuments ulaganje tokom deset in do plan petnaest and transferred RSDEvropi 9 Million forsledećih the works to godina. Dopune su napravljene na trećoj konferenciji u Helsinkiju 1997. godine. 78,000) to the railway company. contract an EBRD credit. EUR 25 Million Tokoridori complete works, Serbiaodand RZD have been allocated for the acquisition of Ovi za razvoj se razlikuju Trans-Evropskih saobraćajnih mreža koje uključuju sve glavne International have signed a contract sleepers, infrastructure equipment uspostavljene rute u EU iako postoje predlozionda serails, napravi kombinacija ova dva sistema pošto su većinafinancing uključenihand zemalja sada članice EU.of six the modernisation and other materials. rail sectionskoridori part ofu Corridor X.kičmu The total The mreže reconstruction and modernisation Pan-evropski regionu čine intraregionalne kao što je prikazano na Slici 3.1-4. Slika 3.1-4: Jugoistočni pan-evropski koridori Pan-European Corridors (South-East Europe)

of these sections on Corridor X are part of the 5 projects for the modernisation of Serbia’s railway infrastructure to be financed from the credit granted by the Russian company worth USD 800 Million. Currently, Serbia is carrying out works to Belgrade - Pancevo railway also financed through the Russian loan. “At the middle of 2014, works on two sections will be initiated (…) and until 2015 works to all sections in plan will be launched. At the same time, we are negotiating a contract for the acquisition of new diesel multiple-units worth USD 100 Million and projects on the modernisation of Novi Sad - Stara Pazova railway and part of Belgrade - Bar railway”, declared Dragoljub Simonović, the head of Zeleznice Srbije. Shortly after signing the financing contract with Russia (March), ZS has selected a consortium (including Serbian companies Gosa FOM and Mostogradnja) to take over the contract (attributed to other company which went bankrupt during the development of works) on works on Novi Zeleznicki Most Bridge on Gilje - Paracin railway, part of Corridor X. The cost of works to be developed and completed by the end of September is under EUR 2.5 Million. Foreign companies, interested in the projects

Source: Generalni Master plan saobraćaja u Srbiji Završni izveštaj – Aneks I (Izvor: JP “Putevi Srbije”)

www.railwaypro.com | May 2014

Više od dve hiljade kilometara (2.150 km) glavne putne mreže u Srbiji je deo sistema evropskih

“As the modernisation of railway infrastructure is one of the priorities of the Serbian Government (according to the declarations of Prime Minister Ivica Dacic), Serbia is interested to get credits to modernise the main railways. To that end, the Railway Company is interested to access a loan which could be allocated by China and worth around EUR 400 Million. The sum could be allocated for the construction of railway infrastructure and

onnect nations by establishing an cross-border infrastructurePOLICIES for & STRATEGIES Market development and passenger traffic which is in line with market requirements and budget-conscious. Corridor X Plus Map


Mil € Corridor X (Total)






Belgrade node


Belgrade- Niš






Source: Government of the Republic of Serbia Ministry of Infrastructure, „CORRIDOR X”, 2010

The CMEC director for Serbian operations Li Xueqiang said that the loan negotiations had been initiated since 2011 and that the payment method, through the exports of Serbian products to China, had been one of the project’s conditions.

During another meeting between Simonovic and China Civil Engineering will be paid through the freight exports and electrification of Lapovo – Kraljevo, Construction Corporation (CCECC), the Origins from Serbia to China, the central press Mala Krsna – Pozarevac – Zajecar – Pra- parties have discussed the project on the informs, quoting the declaration of the hovo Port and Mala Krsna – Smederevo modernisation of Novi Sad - Subotica railcompany’s manager, Dragoljub was railways. Also, part the amount couldon be a way, to Budapest, using funds allocated by E Korridor X linegeneral railways partnership founded inof2001 based Memorandum Also, during a meeting be- directed to the construction of a terminal the Chinese side worth EUR 870 Million. tandingSimonovic. with the aim of future-oriented cooperation of Central and South tween the Serbian side and a delegation on Corridor X (Novi Sad – Belgrade – China isEastern not the only country interested railwayofcompanies. It is an Austrian lawadded partnership b. R.) headquartered in railway infrastructure China Machinery Engineering Corpo-civilNis)”, the head of (Ges. the company. in involving in the rationcomprises (CMEC), Simonovic said that the According to the Serbian press, the of- modernisation projects of Serbia. Gerd currently 10 members. loan could be concluded before the official ficials of the Chinese company CMEC many, through DB International GmbH, visit of the Chinese President to Serbia, support this initiative, including the loan could participate in the implementation of Map of potential locations terminals inCrete the and Republic of sign Serbia announced for September 2014. of intermodal reimbursement method, they will projects. end, the company set up ons taken at the 2nd Pan-European Conference of (March 1994) and To thethat3rd “Funds will be used for the reconstruction a memorandum. a work team which pean Conference at Helsinki (June 1997) provided the basis for the foundation of thebegan activity in April being interested in the maintenance and ridor X. Map of potential locations of intermodal terminals in the Republic of Serbia repair projects of the Serbian railway infrastructure, projects also financed through the Russian loan (USD 800 Million). Ac Subotica ARGE Korridor X members: cording to the press, RZD International Senta and DB International GmbH have signed Sombor - Apatin an agreement on delivery of consultancy Zrenjanin Bulgaria: National Railway Infrastructure Company services as part of the project for the mod Novi Sad ernisation of the railway network in Ser Sremska Mitrovica Germany: Deutsche Bahn AG Beograd bia. The loan will finance 5 projects and Greece: Hellenic Railways Šabac Serbia will allocated 15% of the costs of Smederevo Croatia: Hrvatske Zeljeznice projects, the total necessary sum amount Panþevo ing to USD 941 Million. Mazedonia: Makedonski Zeleznici Source: www.kx-plus.com


Jagodina Austria:

Užice ýaþak Kragujevac Austria / Hungary: Kraljevo Serbia Niš and Montenegro: PirotSlovenia:

Dimitrovgrad Priština Preševo

ÖBB-Infrastruktur Betrieb AG Graz-Köflacher Bahn und Busbetrieb GmbH Raab-Oedenburg-Ebenfurter Eisenbahn СербияAG приступает к работам по модернизации Zeleznice Srbije Х Панъевропейского Holding Slovenske zeleznice, d. o. o. транспортного коридора

ARGE Korridor X

Source: Republic of Serbia - Ministry of infrastructure and energy - REPORT 2008-2011

Улучшение состояния железнодорожной инфраструктуры, интеграция в европейскую сеть, стимулирование повышения пропускной способности и объема услуг - это основные причины, лежащие в основе модернизации Сербией X Панъевропейского транспортного коридора. Это стержень сербской железнодорожной сети (ЗальцбургЛюбляна-Загреб-) Сид-Белград-НисПресево (-Скопье-Велес-Салоники), с разветвлением из Суботицы в сторону границы с Венгрией (Коридор Xb). May 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

Hungary bets on railway infrastructure development for both urban passenger transport and for ensuring direct railway connections between Hungary and the ports of the Mediterranean Sea and those in Eastern Europe. The country believes that the current railway infrastructure investments will attract the interest of transport operators and players from the markets in Central Asia and the Far East. The objective of the Government in Budapest is to develop Hungary’s railways by investing in infrastructure and signalling and in upgrading the rolling stock. In the past years, investments have focused on installing modern safety devices, traffic control modernization, main network electrification, introducing modern passenger cars in interurban transport and improving the access to railway transport of disabled people. Special attention has been paid to improving passenger services by introducing free internet in over 700 cars and, since April, in five rail stations of the railway network, DÊli (South Budapest), Keleti (East Budapest), Nyugati (West Budapest), as well as in the rail stations of Debrecen and Keszthely cities. www.railwaypro.com | May 2014

photo: www.iho.hu

26 leaders



Hungarian Government pays special attention to railway transport development Interview with Madame Ilona Dávid, President and CEO of Hungarian Railways (MÁV)

[ by Elena Ilie ]


he Government in Budapest plans to transform Hungary in a key transit country for transports on the east-west axis. Hungary has to boost efforts in international freight transport and to improve connections with the Trans-Siberian Main Line. Hungary has the advantages of its geographical position, advanced infrastructure and the Government’s commitment to develop the railway network. Moreover, using non-reimbursable European funds and the funds available through the Connecting Europe Facility plays an important role in developing the railway infrastructure and the interoperability of Hungary’s railway network. In the next pages, in the interview with Madame Ilona David, President and CEO of Hungarian Railways (MÁV), you can read about broad interest information on Hungary’s role in the Wider Black Sea Area and details about MÁV’s latest projects. Railway PRO: Can you tell us in a few words what is the role of railway transport in Hungary, as related to the national and regional economic development objectives and compared to the other transport modes? Ilona Dávid: Nowadays railway transportation is popular again as it undergoes a renaissance in Europe as well as in Hungary. The Hungarian Government declared that the public transportation, especially the railway mode has an outstanding role and in parallel it allocates sources for the implementation; among the top national goals one can find the public transportation, and within this objective the development of guided land transport mode.

The priority of the railway mode in case of the suburban and long-distance transportation has been stated by the Hungarian Parliament in the Passenger Transportation Act two years ago, which was one of the first among the European legislation. In the course of our everyday operation, current and planned future-oriented development planning, we experience that the government is in favour of public transportation, especially of railways. Our railway company has taken several steps in the past years and we will continue to do so in order to deserve this trust. MÁV Co. – for the first time after decades – have achieved a positive operating result of HUF 2.9 billion in 2012, and thanks to the gradual improvements, the number of passengers has been growing for many years. In addition to the cost efficiency, process management and service development measures, the public contribution provided on a contractual basis, also had a significant role in bringing the good operating results not only on company but on group level. Railway PRO: What are MAV’s nearfuture priorities and how much are estimated investments worth considering the fact that we are under 2014-2020 programming period? Can you tell us about the rail infrastructure rehabilitation and upgrading investment programme for this period? Ilona Dávid: First of all, I would like to stress the importance of MÁV Co.’s MultiAnnual Contract for rail infrastructure quality in effect until 2015 that provides predictability in case of infrastructure fi-

Hungary offers excellent connection between the Trans-Siberian railway line and the countries of Western and Southern Europe.

Ilona Dávid

nancing while the long-term rail passenger Public Service Contract with the State has created an anticipated framework. The ten year-long contract that entered into force on 1 January 2014 includes provisions relating to the coordination of time schedules, financing and the rules for calculating justified operating costs not covered by the incomes. This means that we can plan the gradual increase of the service level within the given budget. Railway PRO: Can you outline the most important projects that are to be launched in Hungary in order to improve rail traffic and rail lines capacity?

Ilona Dávid: The Hungarian Government pays special attention to the development of the railways - significant modernization has been and is still being carried out on the TEN-T network. Giving priority to the railway transportation has not only theoretical but tangible results and this will be so in the future as well: Hungary will use the resources of transport operational program and funds of Connecting Europe Facility for railway development purposes between 2014 and 2020. We are focusing on the planned > May 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

28 leaders > infrastructure development by which we aim to eliminate the bottlenecks and to reduce travel times. Moreover, the rolling stock will also be modernized. For example, 42 new motor units from Stadler will start its operation this and next year, 700 passenger coaches will have free WiFi internet access, and 300 coaches used in suburban traffic will be renewed. Furthermore it should be noted that the prototype of self-developed IC+ coaches are also being put into service. Railway PRO: Foreign Trade State Secretary Peter Szijjártó said that the Government plans to transform Hungary into a key route for east-west transportation. What are the next steps in this respect? Ilona Dávid: Due to its favourable eco-

nomic-geographical location and transport infrastructure, Hungary plays an important role in the development of relations between the European and Asian partners. Thanks to the radial railway network, our country has good potential to carry out transit transportation, in which the major destinations connect Western Europe and countries of Commonwealth of Independent States/Asia, as well as Western Europe and the Balkans. Hungary is in favour of the development of rail transportation mode on a long–term and is in favour of strengthening the European Union’s Eastern relations focusing on the policy of opening to the East. Our transport policy is in line with all of this: we are definitely focusing on the strengthening and speeding up of the policy of opening to the East in case of railway transportation as well. Several transcontinental routes of the European rail network cross Hungary.

ridor No. 7 has started its operation under the coordination of MÁV Co.. This is one of the EU’s success stories in creating competitive rail transportation network. Thanks to the harmonized work of the infrastructure-managers, ministries and authorities concerned the transit of goods is seamless for corridor trains through seven countries on the Prague-Vienna/ Bratislava-Budapest-Bucharest-Constanta and Vidin-Sofia-Thessaloniki-Athens axis. In addition, our country with France, Spain, Italy and Slovenia took part in the creation of the Rail Freight Corridor No.6 that starts from Almeria to Záhony, to the Hungarian-Ukrainian border where the broad and standard gauges meet. Railway PRO: What is MAV’s opinion about the liberalisation of domestic passenger transport, now perfectly in operation given the vote on the 4th Railway Package? Speaking about the 4th Railway Package, what do you think the advantages and disadvantages of the effectiveness of the Fourth Railway Package are, considering the point of view of a stateowned operator?

Railway PRO: Can you give us a few details about Hungary’s “opening to the East” policy with the special focus on the planned construction of the V0 Budapest Southern bypass railway line?

Ilona Dávid: With regards to the liberalized freight business, we have many years of experience, as we provide track access and related services for nearly forty railway undertakings. At this stage, the experts of MAV Co. continuously follow the changing drafts of the 4th Railway Package and connecting directives. As regards to the passenger transportation, MAV Co. will of course comply with the future directives of the European Union and the subsequent Hungarian legislation. However, I think it is our duty to ensure the punctuality of the trains in all circumstances and to provide a continuously improving service for the satisfaction of passengers.

Ilona Dávid: By the development of railway infrastructure, by ensuring the interoperability and reliability of the railway lines we aim to increase the quality of services for the freight forwarders. Focusing on the key directions, serious steps have been made to plan the construction of V0 Budapest Southern bypass railway line as well as to modernize the Budapest -Belgrade railway line so to reach track speed of 160 km/h on double tracks. Hungary as a link between Asia and the EU has taken an active role in the creation of EU freight corridors. The success of our work shows that the European Union’s, rail freight cor-

Правительство Венгрии уделяет особое внимание развитию железнодорожного транспорта

Photo: MAV Start

Railway PRO: Also, could you tell us what are the next steps especially in making a better use of Hungary’s access links to the Trans-Siberian Railway?

Ilona Dávid: Our aim is to draw the attention of the stakeholders, active on the east-west freight market, to the favourable transit and logistics opportunities of the region. In this spirit, we hosted the plenary meeting of the Coordinating Council on Trans-Siberian Transportation International Association to which 250 delegates from 25 countries arrived to Budapest. Hungary offers excellent connection between the Trans-Siberian railway line and the countries of Western and Southern Europe. Hungary has taken and is taking a number of steps in order to reach an increased proportion of transport from the regions of China, Russia, Japan, Korea and Kazakhstan through our country, especially through the border crossing of Záhony-Chop. Záhony is one of Central Europe’s largest railway transhipment areas, Hungary’s “Eastern Gate” and one of the main meeting points for the standard and broad gauge network where several million tons of freight are being transhipped, handled, and stored. This transhipment area has significant free capacities.

www.railwaypro.com | May 2014

Венгрия сосредоточена на развитии железнодорожной инфраструктуры как с точки зрения городского транспорта пассажиров, так и с точки зрения обеспечения непосредственной железнодорожной связи страны со Средиземноморскими и Восточноевропейскими портами. Венгрия считает, что текущие инвестиции в железнодорожную инфраструктуру вызовут интерес транспортных операторов и игроков профильных рынков Центральной Азии и Дальнего Востока. Задача Будапештского правительства заключается в развитии венгерских железных дорог с помощью инвестиций в инфраструктуру и системы сигнализации, а также с помощью модернизации подвижного состава.

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Market development & STRATEGIES 30 POLICIES

FYR Macedonia and Bulgaria speed up rail connection plan [ by Elena Ilie ]

At present, there are no railway connections between the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Bulgaria. Although there have been discussions, the construction of a railway to connect the two countries has began to take shape last year with the announcement made by FYR Macedonia’s Minister of Transport Mile Janakievski. According to him, “bids for the construction of a railway between Kumanovo and Beljakovce, a railway that would officially launch the cross-border project, will be opened at the middle of September”. Moreover, a railway between the two capital cities, Sofia and Skopje, would increase trade in the region.


east from Beljakovce to Kriva Palanka. The documents necessary for the initiation of the tender will be ready by the end of the year, Macedonian authorities say, while total necessary funds could amount to EUR 145 Million. The third, the last and the most expensive phase includes the actual construction of the Bulgarian border link to be connected to Gyueshevo – Radomir railway. Funds for this phase have been estimated at EUR 332 Million. The entire section designed between the two neighbouring countries will be included in the pan-European Corridor VIII and will provide Macedonia with a shorter railway connection to the Bulgarian ports of Varna and Burgas, from the Black Sea. If the railway is completed, the journey between the two capitals could last between three and four hours. The construction of the first section could be completed by 2017 and the other two sections by 2022. FYR Macedonia sees the Black Sea region as a crucial geographical area primarily due to its significance in trade and energy routes. However, in the Macedonian case, the Black Sea region is seen in a narrow perspective regarding security issues, but in wider perspectives regarding economic and trade relations. Most freight and passenger traffic between

the Macedonia and Bulgaria is transported by road. From a commercial point of view, Bulgaria is one of the fifth trading partners for Macedonia, and its business cooperation with these countries has increased in importance. Within the European and trans-continental framework Corridor VIII will play an important role for the transport communications among Southern Europe, Northern Africa, the Caspian Basin, Central Asia, Russia and Ukraine. Its strategic perspective lies in the linkage of significant sea-ports such as Varna, Bourgas, Poti, Batoumi, Novorossijsk, Ilichevsk and Odessa on the Black Sea, Dourres and Vlore on the Adriatic Sea, a linkage that facilitates the opportunities of servicing the markets of Central Asia, Russia and Ukraine, too.

Бывшая Югославская Республика Македония и Болгария находятся ближе к реализации железнодорожного сообщения

Photo: web.worldbank.org

ulgaria is committed to building its part of the railway between its capital Sofia and Macedonia’s Skopje, Deputy Transport Minister Petar Kirov declared in May 2014. On a meeting with his Macedonian counterpart Elena Kuzmanovska and a EC enlargement representative, Kirov also said that construction of the Bulgarian railway segment would begin in parallel with that of Macedonia, which is to be completed between 2022 and 2023. A modernization will also be carried out on the current infrastructure in the region of the new railway between the countries. The project will be conducted with EU funding, which could also be used by FYR Macedonia. Last year, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) agreed to grant to the Former Yugoslav Republic, more precisely to the Macedonian Railway Infrastructure Company, a loan worth EUR 46.4 Million aimed to finance the reconstruction of Kumanovo – Beljakovce railway, which is also the first phase of the comprehensive project which includes the development of a direct railway connection Skopje – Sofia. The loan includes EUR 2.5 Million, a sum that FYR Macedonia needs to launch the second phase of the project, the extension of the above-mentioned railway to the

www.railwaypro.com | May 2014

Заместитель Министра транспорта Болгарии Петър Киров заявил в мае 2014 года, что его страна намеревается вплотную заняться строительством железнодорожного участка между Софией и Скопье (Македония). Во время встречи со своим коллегой из Бывшей Югославской Республики Македония, Елена Кузьмановска и с представителем Европейской Комиссии, Киров сказал, что работы по строительству железнодорожного отсека на территории Болгарии будут проводиться параллельно с аналогичными работами в Македонии, а их завершение ожидается в период 2022 -2023 гг. Наряду с проектом линии будут также проводиться работы по модернизации железнодорожной инфраструктуры между двумя странами. Проект будет финансироваться за счет средств ЕС, которые может использовать и Бывшая Югославская Республика Македония.

Market development POLICIES & STRATEGIES 31

Poland upgrades important rail sections [ by Elena Ilie ]

Poland will upgrade an important railway using European Union funds. The support thus granted amounts to EUR 1.4 Million and is ensured through the TEN-T Programme. The railway to be upgraded and reconstructed is part of Gdańsk–Warsaw-Brno/Bratislava-Vienna axis. The project began in July 2012 and will be completed in December 2014.

ber states of the European Union: Poland, Czech Republic, Austria and Slovakia. Its western branch crosses Brno, the second largest city of the Czech Republic, while its western branch transits Zilina, an important city of Slovakia providing link to the capital city of Bratislava. The modernisation of railways and construction of a container terminal in Gdansk or that in Sławków, near Katowice, operational since 2010, could generate improved conditions for significantly developing intermodal transport. Modernisation and rehabilitation works will help increase the speed of trains to 160 km/h for passenger trains. A speed increase to 250 km/h is expected for passenger trains on some sections of Poland, while freight trains will generally run at 120 km/h. At the same time, the modernisation of the railway route will strengthen the attractiveness of railway transport, by facilitating modal shift from road to railway. Interoperability is a clear objective of the Polish infrastructure manager, PKP PLK, which grants PLN 470 Million (EUR 114 Million) to the installation of the ETCS Level 2 on the 340km Gdynia-Warsaw line, part of the current pan-European Corridor VI. The financing was granted in January 2013 and implementation works will expand on two years and and two months.

Polish authorities want to obtain more financing from EU funds. Currently, the railway transport projects of Polish local authorities are 59% covered from EU funds, while those of the railway companies absorb EU funds to cover 70% of their projects. In March 2014, PKP PLK selected a Thales-led consortium to implement the ERTMS system, including ETCS Level 2 and GSM-R, on two sections of Warsaw - Łódź railway. The contract amounts to around EUR 100 Million. The two railway sections Warsaw Zachodnia - Koluszki and Koluszki -Łódź Widzew have a total length of 125 km. The contract includes the design and construction of a local command centre at Skierniewice. Moreover, Polish operator Przewozy Regionalne plans to launch two new connections with Ukraine this year. Trains will operate on Krakow - Mostyska routes and Warsaw – Kovel. However, the final decision will be made by Ukrainian company Ukrzaliznytsia, possibily in May. The first trains could already operate at the middle of December. Moreover, Poland consolidates crossborder transport relationships with its neighbours, announced Lithuania’s Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius, who said Poland had committed to rebuilt WarsawLithuanian border railway, after discussing the matter with his Polish counterpart Donald Tusk.

Польша модернизирует важные отсеки железной дороги

Photo: PKP PLK


he project is the 23rd of the 30 TEN-T priority projects. Thus, the project includes the modernisation of the 24km section, Warsaw Włochy (district of Poland’s capital) - Grodzisk Mazowiecki. The recently received financing will be used to elaborate the construction project and the technical documentation for the organisation of the tender in order to launch the actual works. The modernisation of this railway section will increase railway transport capacity in a densely populated area of Poland. The total cost of the project amounts to EUR 2.7 Million, while the TEN-T financing is of EUR 1.4 Million. Gdańsk–Warsaw-Brno/Bratislava-Vienna axis mainly includes the modernisation and improvement of railway infrastructure – part of the former Corridor VI identified during the Crete (1994) and Helsinki (1997) Conventions – which connects Gdansk via Katowice and Zilina to Bratislava and through a western branch via Brno to Vienna. The corridor has been identified as a north-south multi-modal axis which supports the creation of a multi-modal freight and passenger transport system directly connected to Gdansk Port, by both railway and road transport. As the name indicates, the railway axis includes four mem-

В марте 2014 года, компания PKP PLK присудила контракт по внедрению системы ERTMS, в том числе ETCS Уровня 2 и GSM – R, на двух участках магистрали Варшава - Лодзь консорциуму, управляемому компанией из Европейского Союза. Стоимость контракта составляет примерно 100 млн. евро. Два железнодорожных отсека - Варшава Заходня - Колужки и Колужки - Лодзь Виджью - вместе составляют магистраль длиной примерно 125 километров. May 2014 | www.railwaypro.com



Market development & STRATEGIES 34 POLICIES

Moscow-Kazan HSR: the largest rail project developed through PPP [ by Pamela Luică ]

The construction of high-speed railways in Russia is stimulated not only by the mobility need, but also by the positive economic effects. As Moscow-Kazan high-speed railway is part of these projects, its (cumulative) economic effects include the increase of GDP (in 2019-2030) to RUB 7.2 Trillion (USD 202 Billion), the additional operation tax revenues will generate RUB 2.3 Trillion (EUR 46 Billion) and will generate 373 thousand jobs. Moreover, the railway will connect several areas of Russia whose population represents 20% of that of _Information Memorandum the country. Each locality where a station will be built (a total of 14 stations) will be transformed by developing mobility, the business environment, by generating jobs (for infrastructure-related services) and by integrating different business areas. “We support the project and we are aware of its contribution not only to organising transport connections and improving accessibility, but also to the development of the country’s economy�, declared Deputy Minister of Transport Alexei Tsydenov.


he entire project of the high-speed railway includes the construction of the railway that connects Moscow to Yekaterinburg. The first phase consists in the construction of Moscow-Kazan railway (770 km) that would cross several regions in Russia: Moscow and its region, Vladimir and Nizhny Novgorod, Tatarstan and Udmurtia. In March, through the decree signed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, Moscow-Vladimir-Nizhny

Novgorod-Kazan railway was included in Russia’s land planning scheme. Under the document, changes occurred in the land planning scheme in the transport segment (railway, air, maritime and naval), as approved by the government in March 2013, including Moscow-Kazan railway, which will be 770km long. The scheme includes the construction and reconstruction of railway stations and the separation of railway development points, including for three

Fig. 4. Moscow â€“ Kazan High-Speed Rail Work Map

Moscow – Kazan High-Speed Rail Work Map /HQJWK RI WKH 0RVFRZ ¹ .D]DQ UDLO NP 0RVFRZ NP









1L]KQ\ 1RYJRURG using highspeed rail 0RVFRZ Âą .D]DQ










using the existing infrastructure



using high-speed rail Within one hour

stations: Kursk (from Moscow), Moscow Station (from Nizhny Novgorod) and terminal 2 (from Kazan). Another 9 stations, three passageways and 17 dispatch centres will also be built. According to plans, the railway, requiring investments estimated at RUB 1 Trillion (USD 27.5 Billion), could be commissioned in 2018. “We are interested in building Moscow-Kazan railway and to complete the project before the launch of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. It will become an important component of the transport service, especially since it will provide connection between three World Cup host-cities: Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod and Kazan�, declared Rustam Minnikhanov, President of the Republic of Tatarstan. Foreign investors











Foreign investors could be concessionaires during project implementation. This is the first largest railway infrastructure project in Russia to be developed through PPP, using the concession mechanism that will help build an efficient interaction between all participants. So far, the project has passed several stages of evaluation regarding the benefits of its implementation from the state’s point of view. According to initial estimates, the project would have required RUB 928 Billion (USD 25.5 Billion). However, recent estimates have been adjusted to RUB 1


Source: Engineering Surveys and Designing of The Moscow — Kazan Section of The Moscow — Kazan – Yekaterinburg High Speed Rail Line, Information Memorandum, RZD, October 2013

www.railwaypro.com | May 2014 13_


HSR-2 route

_Information Memorandum

,QYHVWPHQWV LQ PDQXIDFWXULQJ (total declared investments)

From RUB 5 to 15 billion

Other major development projects in commercial real estate

From 500,000 to 1 million tourists per year

Facilities for regional and interregional cultural and sports events

From 100,000 to 500,000 tourists per year

Fig. 3. Economic centers in the Moscow â€“ Kazan HSRL-2 attraction zone



More than 1 million tourists per year

Facilities for cultural and sports events on federal level

Economic centers in the Moscow – Kazan HSRL-2 attraction zone

Fig. 2. Major investments in the Moscow â€“ Kazan HSRL-2 attraction zone


,QYHVWPHQWV LQ WRXULVP (potential increase of the tourist flow as a result of projects)

Facilities for major international cultural and sports events

Large development projects, including on federal level

From RUB 0.5 to 5 billion

Major investments in the Moscow – Kazan HSRL zone


Major development projects, including international / regional, headquarters of major corporations

Regional universities / regional innovation projects / R&D centers of the natural resources industry

From 1 to 5 million m


Market development POLICIES & STRATEGIES 35

Federal universities / exclusive economic zones / R&D / centers of the natural resources industry

More than 5 million m

More than RUB 15 billion











Gorodets Zavolzhye




Gus Khrustalny Murom







Federal universities / exclusive economic zones / R&D / centers of the natural resources industry

More than 5 million m

Large development projects, including on federal level Other major development projects in commercial real estate

From RUB 0.5 to 5 billion



Major development projects, including international / regional, headquarters of major corporations

Regional universities / regional innovation projects / R&D centers of the natural resources industry

From 1 to 5 million m From RUB 5 to 15 billion




More than RUB 15 billion

Vyksa Sarov






HSR-2 route ,QYHVWPHQWV LQ PDQXIDFWXULQJ (total declared investments)

.D]DQ Shumerlya








Shumerly a


Bor Kstovo






Sobinka Nizhnekams k


Volzhs k Arzamas











Zavolzhye Kolchugino



Sobinka Volginsky









HSR-2 route

,QYHVWPHQWV LQ WRXULVP (potential increase of the tourist flow as a result of projects)


Facilities for major international cultural and sports events

More than 1 million tourists per year

Volume of industrial production, billion RUB

Facilities for cultural and sports events on federal level

From 500,000 to 1 million tourists per year

Turnover of retail trade, billion RUB

Facilities for regional and interregional cultural and sports events

From 250 to 500

More than 2,000

From 25 to 100

From 100,000 to 500,000 tourists per year



















From 100 to 250 Less than 25

Source: Engineering Surveys and DesigningKazan of The HSRL-2 Moscowattraction — Kazan Section Fig. 3. Economic centers in the Moscow â€“ zone of The Moscow — Kazan – Yekaterinburg High Speed Rail Line, Information Memorandum, RZD, October 2013

_Information Memorandum &HQWUDO )HGHUDO



Trillion (USD 27.5 Billion). As part of the financing scheme, over RUB 300 Billion (approx. USD 8.5 Billion) or 30% of the total amount will be directly allocated by the state, 31% will be ensured by RZD, the Pension Fund and the National Welfare Fund. Also, the private companies interested to participate will have to ensure a quarter of the total financing using own funds or loans, while 14% could come from the loans of private companies issued in conformity with government guarantees. The railway construction project is divided in four sections built simultaneously. RZD will build the first section of 197 km (Moscow-Vladimir), while the other three sections will be built by consortia _10 or private companies part of concession agreements. “In such projects, foreign companies prefer participating as part of consortia which also include Russian companies. Potential investors interested in this project could include a French consortium (Alstom and Bouygues Construction) and a German consortium (Siemens and Strabag). Moreover, potential investors have their own <DURVODYO 5HJLRQ




























HSR-2 route


Volume of industrial production, billion RUB


From 250 to 500

More than 2,000

Turnover of retail trade, billion RUB

From 25 to 100














agreements, including with banks, among which VTB, Sberbank and Gazprombank. Chinese companies have also expressed interest, their implication being considered as well�, declared Alexander Misharin, Vice President RZD, at the beginning of the year. In March, RZD presented the MoscowKazan railway project to companies. Companies such as DB International, Siemens, Alstom, Hyundai, Mitsubishi Electric, Vinci, Bombardier, Vossloh, Systra, Italferr, Bouygue, Salini-Impregilo, Finmeccanica and Thales attended the seminar. They were joined by financial institutions such as EBRD, UBS, Deutsche Bank, FitchRatings, Sberbank, Asian Development Bank, the Russian Direct Investment Fund, VTB, Gazprombank and others. According to the declarations of RZD Vice President Alexander Misharin (February 2014), several German companies are interested to participate in the development of Moscow-Kazan high-speed line. German companies such as Siemens, Deutsche Bahn, Deutsche Bank have joined forces and formed “the German Ini-















From 100 to 250

Less than 25

Fig. 1. Population density in the Moscow â€“ Kazan HSRL-2 attraction zone Population density in the Moscow – Kazan HSRL-2 attraction zone 9ROJD )HGHUDO 'LVWULFW





0RVFRZ 16,000,000

Kovrov 142,164


Sobinka 18,961



Bor 123,523 Kstovo 66,989

Murom 121,820

Arzamas 105,344 Sarov 92,073

From 35 to 50 Less than 35

Novocheboksarsk 124,217

Volzhsk 54,881

Shumerlya 30,798


.D]DQ 1,600,000




3RSXODWLRQ LQ FLWLHV Thousand people

More than 150 From 50 to 150



&KHERNVDU\ 700,000


HSR-2 route 3RSXODWLRQ GHQVLW\ Persons/km2


9ODGLPLU 5HJLRQ Gus Khrustalny 61,720

1L]KQ\ 1RYJRURG 2,100,000

Population in agglomerations 2,100,000

From 500 to 1,000 More than 1,000

From 100 to 200 From 50 to 100

From 200 to 500

Less than 50

tiative�, “the main objective being to promote the high-speed railway project using German technologies, including financing technologies�, said Misharin. 10 consortia have been created and are now ready to continue negotiating on the implementation of the project. „Key Features of the Moscow-Kazan HSL Project�:

• Track length: 770 km • Travel time: 3 hours 3 minutes • Maximum speed: up to 400 kmph • Rail gauge: 1520 mm • Implementation scheme: PPP

Đ’Ń‹Ń ĐžĐşĐžŃ ĐşĐžŃ€ĐžŃ Ń‚наŃ? НиниŃ? ĐœĐžŃ ĐşĐ˛Đ°ĐšаСанŃŒ: ĐşŃ€ŃƒпноКŃˆиК МоНоСнОдОŃ€ОМнŃ‹Đš прОокŃ‚, ĐžŃ ŃƒŃ‰ĐľŃ Ń‚вНоннŃ‹Đš в Ń„ĐžŃ€ĐźŃƒНо Ń‡Đ°Ń Ń‚Đ˝ĐžĐłĐžŃ ŃƒĐ´Đ°Ń€Ń Ń‚воннОгО партноŃ€Ń Ń‚ва Đ’ĐľŃ ŃŒ прОокŃ‚ вŃ‹Ń ĐžĐşĐžŃ ĐşĐžŃ€ĐžŃ Ń‚нОК Нинии продпОНагаоŃ‚ Ń Ń‚Ń€ОиŃ‚оНŃŒŃ Ń‚вО ĐźĐ°ĐłĐ¸Ń Ń‚Ń€аНи, Ń Đ˛Ń?СŃƒŃŽŃ‰оК ĐœĐžŃ ĐşĐ˛Ńƒ Ń Đ•каторинйŃƒŃ€гОП, Đ° на поŃ€вОП Ń?Ń‚апо СапНаниŃ€ОванО Ń Ń‚Ń€ОиŃ‚оНŃŒŃ Ń‚вО Нинии ĐœĐžŃ ĐşĐ˛Đ°-ĐšаСанŃŒ (Ń Đ˛Ń‹ŃˆĐľ 700 киНОПоŃ‚Ń€Ов), кОтОраŃ? ĐąŃƒĐ´ĐľŃ‚ поŃ€ĐľŃ ĐľĐşĐ°Ń‚ŃŒ Đ˝ĐľŃ ĐşĐžĐťŃŒкО Ń€огиОнОв Đ ĐžŃ Ń Đ¸Đ¸: ĐœĐžŃ ĐşĐ˛Đ°, ĐœĐžŃ ĐşĐžĐ˛Ń ĐşŃƒŃŽ ĐžĐąĐťĐ°Ń Ń‚ŃŒ, Đ’НадиПиŃ€ и Đ?иМниК Đ?ОвгОŃ€Од, ТаŃ‚Đ°Ń€Ń Ń‚Đ°Đ˝ и ĐŁĐ´ĐźŃƒŃ€Ń‚иŃ?. Đ’ Парто ĐźĐľŃ Ń?цо, в ĐżĐžŃ Ń‚анОвНонии, ĐżĐžĐ´ĐżĐ¸Ń Đ°Đ˝Đ˝ĐžĐź проПŃŒĐľŃ€-ĐźĐ¸Đ˝Đ¸Ń Ń‚Ń€ОП Đ”ПиŃ‚Ń€иоП ĐœодводовŃ‹Đź, НиниŃ? ĐœĐžŃ ĐşĐ˛Đ°Đ’НадиПиŃ€-Đ?иМниК Đ?ОвгОŃ€Од-ĐšаСанŃŒ йыНа вкНючона в Ń Ń…оПŃƒ торритОриаНŃŒнОгО пНаниŃ€ОваниŃ? Đ ĐžŃ Ń Đ¸Đ¸. Đ?оОйŃ…ОдиПŃ‹Đľ Đ¸Đ˝Đ˛ĐľŃ Ń‚иции Đ´ĐžŃ Ń‚игаŃŽŃ‚ 1 Ń‚Ń€иННиОна Ń€ŃƒйНоК, Đ° в Ń€аПкаŃ… Ń Ń…оПŃ‹ Ń„Đ¸Đ˝Đ°Đ˝Ń Đ¸Ń€ОваниŃ?, Ń Đ˛Ń‹ŃˆĐľ 300 ПиННиаŃ€дОв иНи 30% От ОйщоК Ń ŃƒППŃ‹ ĐąŃƒĐ´ĐľŃ‚ Đ˝ĐľĐżĐžŃ Ń€ĐľĐ´Ń Ń‚воннО вŃ‹доНонО ĐłĐžŃ ŃƒĐ´Đ°Ń€Ń Ń‚вОП, 31% ĐžĐąĐľŃ ĐżĐľŃ‡Đ°Ń‚ ĐžĐ?Đž РЖД, Đ&#x;ĐľĐ˝Ń Đ¸ĐžĐ˝Đ˝Ń‹Đš Ń„Онд и Đ?ациОнаНŃŒĐ˝Ń‹Đš Ń„Онд Ń ĐžŃ†иаНŃŒнОК СащиŃ‚Ń‹, ĐžŃ Ń‚Đ°ĐťŃŒĐ˝Ń‹Đľ Ń Ń€ĐľĐ´Ń Ń‚ва ĐąŃƒĐ´ŃƒŃ‚ ĐžĐąĐľŃ ĐżĐľŃ‡онŃ‹ Ń‡Đ°Ń Ń‚Đ˝Ń‹Пи Ń ĐľĐşŃ‚ĐžŃ€ОП. May 2014 | www.railwaypro.com






General Transport Master Plan – how efficient will it be for Romania’s sustainable transport strategy?


 


                                          [ by Elena Ilie ]    The  General Transport Master Plan is drafted to offer a clear transport development strategy in Romania over the next 20 years. To be turned into account, is should provide applicable solutions to the problems  and requirements of the transport sector in Romania. The Master Plan will identify the projects and policies     that would best meet Romania’s transport needs over the next 5-15 years for all transport modes, supplying    a solid analytical database to attract such policies and projects. Briefly, shows the recitals elaborated by AECOM consultant, the Master Plan will identify the projects and policies that will best satisfy the needs of the transport sector in Romania over the next 5-15 years, for all transport modes, providing a solid, analytical base in selecting those policies and projects.


he Romanian Ministry of Transport criteria: economic performance and poly- Transport Master Plan with implementahas analysed 530 transport infra- criterial analysis. tion deadline in 2030, they have an averstructure projects to be proposed After testing the projects with the help of age project cost of EUR 325 Million. Out for testing in the General Transport Master the national transport model, they will be of transport infrastructure projects, 43% Plan, of which 264 are projects that could declared sustainable or non-sustainable. are road transport projects and 36% are be shaped based on the national transport Sustainable projects will represent the railway transport projects. The total investmodel. foundation of theGeneral Master Plan ap- ment value of the 264 shapeable projects is The projects admitted testing will be  proval. almost EUR 86 Billion.   for      of      divided into two categories: shapeable and Regarding the value of the projects shaHowever, the 530 projects are just pro  non-shapeable. The projects declared sha- peable with the help of the National Trans- posals “approved” for testing to see whethpeable will be then tested based on two port Model in the first draft of the General er they fit in the master plan or not.

   Passenger / Km Romania vs. EU Member States 

Source: AECOM analysis

  www.railwaypro.com | May 2014

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Source: AECOM analysis   



is the largest reduction of all EU member states. Moreover, the number of passengers has dropped from 2004 and 2012 from almost 100 million to 58 million per year”, shows the analysis elaborated by the consultant on the current problems of the Romanian railway traffic. The consultant also notes that there are not enough costs allocated to railway infrastructure maintenance. “Insufficient costs for maintenance, modernisation and full track maintenance works have led to the continuous deterioration of the infrastructure. Current maintenance costs (EUR 140 Million) are by 50% below the level necessary to maintain the infrastructure to its current technical stage and to stop the continuous deterioration of the infrastructure. There is also a certain level of uncertainty about the annual budgets allocated to maintenance”. 



Average number of passengers/train               Sustainable projects will be  the  approval of the European Commission,  General              foundation of the Transport the greatadvantage is that the infrastruc              Master Plan approval ture projects included in the Master Plan                  must be finalized, no matter the political    “We specify that the General Transport changes in Romania”, declared Romanian Master Plan is a complex strategic docu- Minister of Transport Dan Şova.   ment  of Romania which sets the strategic   action directions for all transport modes: To improve the efficiency of the railway                  road,  railway,maritime and air, which transport network exploited by CFR SA,             should consider the problems identified the national railway infrastructure  man-   for each transport sector, specific objec- ager, it is considered to establish the final tives,  the strategic vision of the Ministry note on the measures necessary to imSource: AECOM analysis of Transport for the implementation of prove the efficiency of the railway trans               transport policies, as well as the final list port network, to set the action directions of sustainable projects of the Master Plan. for the railway reform, public debates on Общий Мастер-План по                  In this context, being aware of the strate- the railway reform strategy and the ap             Транспорту - насколько он gic importance of this document based proval of the Government on the railway  эффективен для стратегии on which Romania will access structural reform strategy on 30 May. устойчивого транспорта funds, the Master Plan has to be elaboratAnalysing the railway sector problems afed while keeping in mind the requirements ter the passenger/km and tonne/km indiРумынии? formulated by the European Commission, cators, AECOM consultant observes that  including through the master plan elabora- it is relevant to examine the main problems Общий Мастер-план по транспорту tion methodology, but bearing in mind the which contribute to the decline of railway предназначен для обеспечения четкой strategic needs of national transport devel- passenger and freight transport. The conстратегии развития транспортного сектора opment”, the Ministry of Transport states. sultant has also identified four problems в Румынии на ближайшие 20 лет. Для For the elaboration and final approval of that have to be analysed: infrastructure, того, чтобы его реализовать, он должен the Master Plan, a series of stages will be operations, demand and policies / regulaпредложить внедряемые решения для carried out over the next period, among tion. проблем и потребностей транспортного which setting the financial plan and project Thus, the consultant observes that recent сектора в Румынии. Мастер-План scenarios of the Transport Master Plan for railway infrastructure investments have not определит проекты и политики, которые the programming period 2014-2020 and improved travel times along main routes, будут наилучшим образом отвечать the programming period 2020-2030. It is maintenance costs are insufficient and the транспортным потребностям Румынии necessary to define the second draft of the life expectancy of assets is expired. на ближайшие 5 - 15 лет, для всех видов Master Plan and the proposal for approval “Compared with other countries with a транспорта, обеспечивая прочную in the Romanian Government, by 30 June, similar level of railway network length per аналитическую базу для выбора таких followed by public debates on the presen- capita, the share of rail transport use in Roстратегий и проектов. tation of the Transport Master Plan from mania is reduced. The demand for railway Короче говоря, - указывается в 15 May to 15 June 2014. transport in Romania measured through пояснительной записке, составленной “The enormous stake of the General covered km per person is two-three times консультантом AECOM, - Общий МастерTransport Master Plan on which the offi- smaller than in these countries and loosПлан определит проекты и политики, cials of the European Commission insist ing the market share has reduced revenues. которые будут наилучшим образом отвечать is that it sets not only the projects to be The EU27 average is of 650 km per passenпотребностям транспортного сектора developed, but also their prioritization, ger per year, while the equivalent indicator Румынии на ближайшие 5 - 15 лет, для всех based on a sole criterion, that of cost-ben- for Romania is by 66% less than that. видов транспорта, обеспечивая прочную efit. If this is achieved at the level of the The reduction of subsidies by 28% obаналитическую базу для выбора таких Transport Master Plan and we have the served in Romania between 2004-2009 стратегий и проектов.



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May 2014 | www.railwaypro.com


Financing, coordination and cooperation, key points in implementing the Danube Strategy

[ by Pamela Luică ]

[ Part I ]

The EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) was adopted four years ago, period in which several transport projects have been identified and a series of measures has been adopted to accelerate the implementation of the strategy. More than half of the 150 projects have focused on railway transport. However, “the list is open” and can be filled in or updated in order to increase mobility and accessibility. The interview below presents the opinion of Mr. Franc Žepič, M.sc., Secretary - Priority Area Coordinator 1B of the EUSDR Ministry of Infrastructure and Spatial Planning, Slovenia.


HE DANUBE STRATEGY: On December 2010 the EC adopted the EU Strategy for the Danube region (EUSDR) accompanied by the Action Plan. The Strategy was endorsed by the Heads of Government in June 2011 thus enabling the start of the implementation. In the field of transport, issues related to the coordination of rail, road and air links have been entrusted to Slovenia and Serbia, while inland waterways are in the domain of Austria and Romania. Railway PRO: You have been coordinating priority area 1b since the start of the implementation in 2011. What is your approach towards transport in the Danube region and in particular railways?

Franc Žepič: As a priority area coordinator (PAC) for rail, road and air links (Priority Area 1b) of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) I, together with my Serbian colleague Mr. Miodrag Poledica, pay great attention that all modes are treated on equal basis. I very well understand that at present rail and inland waterways are the most sustainable transport modes. So I agree that efforts to revitalize railways need to be supported but also a lot should be done by railway sector as such. And it should be stressed that while adequate infrastructure is important, in too many cases better exploitation of the existing network is needed i.e. among others, more traffic could be accommodated by better planning of timetables and more capacity created also by introducing latest

ICT technologies. I fear that due to the lack of national funds in many Danube region countries and extremely long public decision making processes we will have to wait for removal of railway network bottlenecks and missing links for many years. Railway PRO: During the Annual Forum of the Danube Strategy in Bucharest, the ministers of foreign affairs signed a joint declaration according to which the consolidation of the strategy implementation requires political orientation and the coordination of efforts and they also agreed on the necessity of a much more coordinated action within the Strategy. As far as you’re concerned, what is the impact of this declaration on accelerating the development of projects for regional development? Franc Žepič: The joint statement of the Foreign ministers of the Danube region countries of 28 October 2013 is welcomed. It is true that a huge progress have been made in the last year towards embedding the macro-regional strategies into programming period 2014 – 2020. EU wide basis for incorporation of macro-regions in the financing programmes is enabled by the legislative package “European Structural and Investment Funds Regulations 20142020” of 17 December 2013 adopted by the Council of the EU and the European Parliament. It is also true that additional efforts need to be done on political and operational level in order to speed up implementation. At present discussion on these issues are underway, including how to improve governance by all involved parties. I understand that we will see the outcome at 3rd EUSDR Annual Forum to be held in Vienna on 26-27 June this year.

left: Franc Žepič, Secretary - Priority Area Coordinator 1B of the EUSDR Ministry of Infrastructure and Spatial planning, Slovenia right: Mr. Miodrag Poledica, State secretary and Priority Area Coordinator 1B, Ministry of Transport, Serbia www.railwaypro.com | May 2014

Railway PRO: How should actions be coordinated in a context where the external dimension remains an important problem



EUSDR Governance model




National Contact Points (NCPs)

Steering Group for each PA

Operational level

High level group (HLG)

Priority Area Coordinators (PACs)

Project leaders / promoters

Source: Franc Žepič, Bridging the Gap in Logistics between the Danube Region Countries

concerning both EU and non-EU countries? Franc Žepič: As the priority area 1b coordinators and the Steering group members are concerned there is no distinguish between the EU and non-EU Member States. However - like it not - formally all countries of the region are not equal. In many cases non-EU countries could formally act only as observers and at the same time have less access to the EU funding. Again when it comes to the Steering Group meetings all members are equal. In spite the above mentioned differences there is another important aspect linked tightly to the cooperation and coordination of transport issues. As an example let me stress that a complex history of corridor initiatives in the Region is embedded in e.g. the Danube region’s relatively dense International E-railway network agreed within the UN two agreements: the European Agreement on main international railway lines (AGC) and European Agreement on Important International Combined Transport Lines and Related Installations (AGTC), TER project, Pan-European corridors, TEN-T corridors, including seven out of 30 priority corridors (2004-2013) and 5 Core TEN-T multimodal corridors (2014-2030), SEETO network and transport infrastructure connections with the neighbouring countries within The Eastern Partnership (EaP) which represents part of the European Neighbourhood policy. How could EUSDR activities contribute to synergy of all ongoing policies and works on projects and at the same time not to add to redundancy of already carried out or ongoing actions is an enormous challenge by itself. As one of the most important challenges, which at the same time give a lot of satisfaction, remain coordinated activities between the EC, EU countries and non-EU countries, as well as all relevant international institutions acting in the Europe. PA1b is aware of limited influence on cooperation between many institutions and stakeholders but nevertheless are making

Possible financing sources TEN-T Fund, Cohesion Fund, Structural Funds (ERDF, Obj. 1-2-3 programmes incl. Transnational programmes)

IPA ENPI Sectorial EU and national funding

(environment, transport, education, etc.)

International Financing institutions Private banks, Donors


efforts to exchange information and learn from those that achieved many tangible results already in the past. So far several small signs of improved cooperation with PA1b are noted and we are looking forward to see much more. Railway PRO: There are almost three years since the launch of the Danube Strategy. What have these years meant for the priority area PA 1B: To improve Mobility and Multimodality - Rail, Road and Air Links? Franc Žepič: Since the implementation of the Strategy a lot of stress has been put on establishing a good and efficient governance structure, focus is on selection of projects in particular those that have an added value to the whole macro-region, roadmaps for PA1b seven actions are prepared, initial maps of transport infrastructure merging non-EU and EU Member States transport systems are made, a lot of work is done on awareness rising with stakeholders and promotion of the Strategy. In addition in the last year efforts are concentrated also on finding an enthusiastic and capable stakeholders that are able to take over ownership and leadership of a certain measure, such as urban mobility or ITS. All three years coordinators are working hard to fulfil our tasks. Almost alone, with limited external occasional help, PACs organized 19 events (including 8 Steering Group meetings) with 20 to over 300 participants. Active participation of PACs at invited conferences or other events is also part of our work. I delivered a speech or presentation more than 20 times. Due to many tasks and travelling it is becoming harder and harder to cope with everyday office work. Railway PRO: What are the challenges in developing the projects that the Danube Strategy includes in the transport infrastructure segment? Franc Žepič: In the first three years of implementation the coordination is per-

manently challenged by historical, cultural, political, economic and geographical differences between countries of the region. While the Danube river, with its tributaries is crossing this region for centuries it is now for the first time that the region has been also politically/regionally united. The Priority area 1b (road, rail and air links) coordination and activities are concentrated on actions as described in the Strategy’s Action plan and transport project ideas and many projects with added value to the macro-region. Among others issues that influence coordination in the transport field are represented by complex history of corridor initiatives in the region, importance of linking EU and non-EU Member States transport systems and in particular need for a common comprehensive vision on sustainable transport infrastructure and transport services. Countries of the Danube region recognise the importance of transport system that would enable mobility, accessibility and connectivity all over the Danube macro-region and beyond. Yet progress is in many parts of the Region slow or preparation of appropriate transport policies is hanging behind. All above have of course influence on selection of key projects, including railways that have the greatest added value for the Region. Of particular challenge is finding synergies with other relevant institutions that are working on railway network, trying to prioritize projects. An excellent cooperation in this regard has been established with SEETO and EIB. Good relations were established also with CER, RNE, RCC, WBIF, Universities in Serbia, Slovenia and Romania and many others. The main challenge for many projects in the Danube region remains exchange of information on planning and coordinated approach to implementation of individual project. Financing is an issue that requires coordinated efforts and particularly for project ideas that are directed to transport studies of the Region’s transport potential more understanding from the decision makers and financial institutions is expected. The Strategy envisaged alignment of funding which, at least, for transport projects is not being successful. To bring all important policy makers together PA1b plans for some time a joint meeting between all involved in transport infrastructure studies, planning and implementation in order not to duplicate work, to avoid redundancy, to join forces and act in synergy. Invited to this meeting will be PA1b SG members, DG REGIO, DG MOVE, EU coordinators of five Core TEN-T corridors that cross the Danube region, TER and TEM, FERRMED, RNE, CER, PA1a PACs and other stakeholders. Pending on workload a joint meeting “on transport infrastructure development in > May 2014 | www.railwaypro.com


Danube Region: TENͲT and SEETO Rail (freight), ports and RRT’s Danube Region: TEN-T and SEETO

of the Region and by advocating opening of the rail transport market to competition, regardless of administrative borders. Necessity for more active participation of the private sector, local and civil society stakeholders, also through projects to be funded under the programmes for the period 20142020 remains high on PA1b agenda.

Rail (freight), ports and RRT’s

Railway PRO: 7 actions were established in 2010 for PA1B. What is the phase of the project implementation? Is there progress?

Source: Franc Žepič, Bridging the Gap in Logistics between the Danube Region Countries

> the Danube region” could be organized before end of this year or in the beginning of 2015. Railway PRO: During the Annual Forum in 2013, you said you were confronted with many challenges which slowed down projects. What are the solutions found or to be found for eliminating this situation and initiating projects? Franc Žepič: Indeed there are many challenges. I like to distinguish two types of them. Horizontal challenges are in relation to coordination of activities between the ministries of transport and the EC. Even after almost three years of the implementation two countries of the Region do not cooperate with PACs and SG although PACs are making great efforts to explain how important it is that all countries take part in the implementation process. The EC, DG REGIO and DG MOVE are supporting our work and whenever possible participate at events organized by PA1b. For the work of PA1b it is also very important that Memorandum of Understanding between the DG MOVE and the DG REGIO on the cooperation in the implementation of EU support for transport was signed on 18th March 2014. PACs believe that political support continues by incorporating of existing macro-regional strategies into Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020 and for the cohesion countries also into Partnership Agreements and Operational programmes. On vertical level, which links political and operational tasks, the need is to change from debate to concrete work bringing the concrete results in projects implementation. This could be achieved only by stronger involvement of stakeholders. Without support of stakeholders we could not properly tackle common trans-national and crossborder transport problems and contribute to mobility, accessibility and cooperation. In addition project lead partners should not come only from “the Upper Danube” but www.railwaypro.com | May 2014


also from “the Lower Danube” countries. Third challenge is funding opportunities. I regret to say that on alignment of funds in the period 2007 - 2013 did not bring satisfactory results for transport projects and that no solutions were found by PA1b PACs so far. Regardless of obstacles PA1b PACs will continue to support railways sector as an important transport mode by coordination of activities of various actors and their projects in order to avoid redundancy, by giving full support to infrastructure improvements (upgrading, modernisation and construction), in particular cross-border sections, missing links, bottlenecks),by advocating for interoperability, in terms to improve/ enable technical (e.g. ERTMS) and operative solutions (cross-border acceptance of locomotives) as well as removal of administrative obstacles that would increase the competitiveness of the rail freight transport and efficiency of operations in relation to other modes, in EU and non-EU countries

Franc Žepič: Actions enshrined in the Danube strategy’s Action plan embrace wide range of important activities that should contribute to mobility and better efficiency of transport in the macro-region. For each of the action PA1b Steering group prepared a roadmap. Each roadmap has milestones, responsible to carry out the task, deadlines and expected results. Roadmaps are “rolling ones” and PA1b SG tend to update them on annual basis. In spite great efforts made by both PACs to initiate work on all seven actions not all were adequately tackled so far. The valuable discussion between stakeholders started on action (1) merging the transport infrastructure systems of the EU and non-EU Member States (TEN-T, SEETO network and ENP infrastructure), action (2) on rail freight corridors, action (3) on air transport regional connectivity, action (4) on urban transport systems and mobility and action (7) on ITS deployment, including ERTMS development and implementation. There is still work to start on action (5) improvement of regional/local crossborder infrastructure, including access to rural areas and action (6) nodal planning for multimodality. It is clear that priority area coordinators and Steering group members could not carry out all the work so that we are constantly searching for stakeholders to take over the


lead, as I like to say to become “a locomotive” of certain action. Railway PRO: 150 projects have been submitted for the transport segment, more than half of which on railway transport. Is the dimension of railway projects national or regional (cross-border)? Franc Žepič: Indeed over 150 projects from 10 countries of the Danube region have been received to be put on our “open list”. It’s called “open” because new projects could be added at any time and those already on the list updated according to the progress. Projects received are of different stage and most of them are infrastructure projects. They are grouped as follows: project ideas, planned projects, prepared projects without financing, prepared projects that have financing secured and on-going projects. To my understanding all of the projects contribute to the mobility within the Danube region and beyond. However we have to be honest and sincerely admit that many of these projects are primarily national by nature and that we did little contribution to the on-going projects as most of them have been initiated several years before the Strategy started, such as a new cross-border combined (railway and road) Vidin - Calafat bridge over Danube

(Bulgaria-Romania) or cable-stayed Ada Ciganlija bridge over Sava river in Belgrade (Serbia). However one could justly say that many on-going projects and prepared projects got new momentum since the start of Strategy implementation. As for the railway projects most are along main trans-national corridors, yet the support is sought for national sections (bottlenecks or missing links) in order to establish same standards along entire corridor.


countries of the Region for issuing the LoR were not received. The reason might be that not all relevant authorities are aware of the LoR or due to the fact that EU financing institutions are not taking the LoR yet as one of the criteria for funding. We sincerely believe this will change in the programming period 2014 – 2020.

Railway PRO: How many railway projects have been considered eligible and what can you tell us about their financing?

Финансирование, координация и сотрудничество - ключевые элементы внедрения Дунайской стратегии

Franc Žepič: As already mentioned we understand that almost all projects are eligible to enter our list of projects. There is also an instrument to support projects of particular added value for the region and which have not assured financing by “Letter of Recommendation” (LoR) approved by the PA1b Steering group and signed by PACs. So far 34 LoRs have been granted, out of which 17 are for railway projects, the rest are road, aviation and ITS related. Here I like to say that PACs believe many more projects are of utmost importance for the improved railway efficiency in the Danube region, yet proposals from the one or more

Стратегия ЕС для Дунайского региона (EUSDR) была принята четыре года назад, в период, когда для транспортного сегмента было выявлено множество проектов и внедрен ряд мер по ускорению внедрения стратегии. Из общего количества 150 проектов, более половины касались транспортного сектора. Несмотря на это, «список еще продолжается» и может быть дополнен или актуализирован в целях повышения степени мобильности и доступности. В следующем материале мы представляем вам интервью Координатора приоритетной арии 1b- EUSDR, Франка Жепича, из Министерства Инфраструктуры Словении.

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Market development & STRATEGIES 42 POLICIES

DaHar project, development of Danube’s inland ports [ by Elena Ilie ]

The main objective of DAHAR project (Danube Inland Harbour Development) is the improved integration of inland waterways transport within logistics transport chains by analysing and using the multi-modal potential of ports and port areas in the medium-sized cities of South-East Europe located along the Danube. The total budget of the project, carried out from 2011 to 2014, was of EUR 1.96 Million, of which ERDF funds covered 85% - EUR 1.67 Million, while the budget allocated to Maritime Danube Ports Administration Galati amounted to EUR 146.9 Thousand.


he activities included in the project have sought to obtain integrated, sustainable and long-term results and solutions by developing a Plan for the management of the supply chain and of intermodal transport in the Danube ports in South-East Europe, but also by creating a Master Plan for developing ports in the logistics centres for inland waterways transport and in the intermodal centres of national and international importance. Concrete local feasibility plans have been developed including technical specifications and architectural plans on establishing the multi-modal container terminals and logistics centres and a Master Plan on developing transport connections by rail and road at local and national level has been drafted. The project has been developed through the South-East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme, priority axis 3 “Improving accessibility”, intervention area 3.3 “Improving framework conditions for multi-modal platforms”.

The project reunited partners from seven countries with access to the Danube, such as: Dunaujvaros Municipality – Hungary, the National Company Danube Ports Administration Giurgiu – Romania, Galaţi Municipality – Romania, Maritime Danube Ports Administration Galaţi – Romania, Ennshafen OO GmbH - Austria, Vidin Municipality – Bulgaria, Institute for Logistics and Production Systems - Bay Zoltán Foundation – Hungary, Public Ports Administration – Slovakia, Silistra Municipality – Bulgaria, Novi Sad Port – Serbia, Via Donau – Austria, Giurgiu Municipality – Romania and Vukovar City – Croatia. DaHar project has assumed objectives by fully complying with the European and international development trends. The activities, corresponding to the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, are also compliant with the complex regional development perspectives, which can only be developed through the cooperation of several partners from European and international partners.

In conformity with the five theme pillars of the project, five Master Plans have been elaborated including the research-based recommendations representing the foundation of the integrated strategy. This strategy will operate as reference point for the efficient use of non-reimbursable European funds allocated for the financing period 2014-2020 in order to develop small and medium-sized inland ports along the Danube. The implementation in Giurgiu Port of the investments identified within DaHar will improve, ease and reduce the costs of freight, container and passenger transport in the countries crossed by the Danube and on the transport corridors in Romania, especially to large industrial area, will provide connections between the port and the main transport modes in Romania and will also develop inland waterways transport by reducing specific emissions for equivalent volumes of freight compared to long-distance road transport.

photo: www.dahar.eu

Проект DaHar - развитие внутренних Дунайских портов

www.railwaypro.com | May 2014

Основная цель проекта DaHar (Danube Inland Harbour Development) заключается в достижении более тесной интеграции внутренних водных путей сообщения в рамках логистических цепей в целях исследования и использования многомодального потенциала портов и портовых районов городов среднего размера в Юго-Восточной Европе, расположенных вдоль Дуная. Общий бюджет проекта, который проводился в период 2011 - 2014 гг. составил 1,96 млн. евро, из которых средства ЕФРР (Европейского Фонда Регионального Развития) составили 85% - 1,67 млн. евро, а бюджет проекта, выделенный для Управления Дунайскими и Морскими Портами Галац, составил 146,9 тысяч евро.



Freight corridors, significant re-balancing of cross-border transport [ by Elena Ilie ]

With a view to strengthening the Railway Undertakings’ “message” in the European Corridor structures as defined by Regulation 913/2010, the International Union of Railways has initiated a project designed to streamline processes across all railway undertakings and across all corridors. “This project ties in with UIC’s mission to develop a pragmatic vision of technical and administrative interoperability between stakeholders”, Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, UIC Director General said. Concretely, the project will provide the necessary coordination and exchange of information between the advisory boards which will ensure the railway undertakings’ needs are promoted efficiently and, secondly, it will set up a structure to monitor progress and designed to provide regular feedback which will help put in place the necessary improvement measures whenever required. With the coming into force of the European Regulation 913/2010 concerning a European rail network for competitive freight, corridors are being established at their own pace with no obligation of coordination between them. role in activities to improve the corridors, within corridor-specific “advisory boards”. In their consultative capacity, European railway freight operators wish to underline that, while each corridor may require specific action to improve its own freight operations, a coordinated approach to corridor improvements should be pursued across Europe. Indeed, rail freight undertakings typically operate on more than one corridor. It is therefore important that operational and administrative rules are as consistent as possible across all corridors in order to promote rather than impede interoperability.

photo: www.railfreightcorridor6.eu


he regulation on the set-up of the nine freight corridors of the European Union is an important milestone of the European railway policy in the development of railway freight traffic. It will help increase the railway freight transport capacity where the railway is already experiencing a comeback of transport volumes, as well as the market share, and will support the improvement of rail freight transport competitiveness as regards the quality of services and the efficiency of the countries where rail transport still needs to recover. According to Regulation 913/2010, railway undertakings only play a consultative

The European rail freight undertakings have therefore developed a number of “Uniform Requirements” towards infrastructure managers to take into account the paramount need to enhance interoperability and seamlessness. A coordinated railway approach is becoming even more pressing as the transport market studies of some of the corridors are already being published. The results of these studies are in fact expected to be translated in the corridor implementation plans and, in particular, in the corridor investment plans. However, the Community of European Rail and Infrastructure Companies (CER) believes that railway undertakings should be involved in governing these freight corridors, because they are market-driven and likely to carry out or be affected by decisions taken. The Regulation on a competitive European freight transport network will significantly improve cooperation between the infrastructure managers and other parties interested along the railway freight transport corridors. Joint objectives will be defined for these corridors helping all the players in the market to act for a common goal, said sources from DG MOVE for Railway Pro. The poor reliability of international trains and the reduced transport speeds are only few of the problems affecting the international freight traffic. Freight trains run on many international corridors at speeds of 18 km/h, while speed on internal routes is 25 km/h. This is due to the time lost with cross-border operations, but also to the lack of cooperation between transport operators. The result is that railways cannot serve the transport of certain cargoes which then head to the faster road transport. This Regulation (effective since November 2010) will substantially improve > May 2014 | www.railwaypro.com


cooperation between infrastructure managers and other parties interested along the railway freight transport corridors. Joint objectives for these corridors will be soon defined helping all market players to join efforts for a common goal. An implementation plan will represent the foundation for setting the new corridors (9) in three to five years since the coming into force of the Regulation. The European rail freight transport receives a new stimulus due to the latest norms of the European Union aimed at promoting the development of a high-quality management of the rail infrastructure at international level. “In my opinion, in 2050, the railways will be predominantly used for freight transport over distances longer than 300 km. These freight corridors, single ticket offices and increased cooperation stipulated under the new legislation will allow rail freight transport suppliers to attract additional customers towards this eco-friendly mode of transport”, said Siim Kallas, European Commissioner in charge of transport. In order to evaluate objectively the benefits of the measures aimed at the establishment of the freight corridor, the performance of the rail freight services along the freight corridor should be monitored and quality reports should be published regularly. The evaluation of the performance should include the outcome of satisfaction surveys of the users of the freight corridor. Moreover, the development of intermodal freight terminals should also be considered necessary to support the establishment of rail freight corridors in the Union. www.railwaypro.com | May 2014

In order to guarantee the consistency and continuity of the infrastructure capacities available along the freight corridor, investment in the freight corridor should be coordinated between Member States and the infrastructure managers concerned, as well as, where appropriate, between Member States and European third countries, and planned in a way which meets, subject to economic viability, the needs of the freight corridor. The schedule of these investments should be published so as to ensure the proper information of applicants that can operate on the specific corridor. Investments should include projects on the development of interoperable systems and increase of train capacity. One of the great challenges for transport is to reduce the environmental impact of freight transport in the EU without sacrificing its efficiency. The key to efficient transport is the consolidation of large volumes for transfer over long distances, in between the so-called first and last miles. A combination of inland waterway transport and railway transport is a cost-efficient solution for long-distance transport. In the Wider Black Sea Area (WBSA), some of the most functional examples are those of the transport markets in countries such as Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkey or China. While encouraging the use of the most efficient solution in all distances, it is above some 300 km that a significant re-balancing should take place, with 30% of road freight shifting to multimodal solutions by 2030, and more than 50% by 2050. A first step has been taken by defining the international freight transport corridors

included in the core network set in the new TEN-T Guidelines. These corridors dedicated to freight transport have to be optimised from the point of view of energy consumption and emissions and have to attract railway operators through their reliability, lack of congestion and low levels of maintenance and exploitation costs. The new corridors (of which only 1, 2 and 7 are functional) connect the large urban centres and ports and integrate both regular services by sea, on railway freight transport lines and inland waterways, but also road transport assisted by traffic management equipment, alternative fuel capacity and multimodal nodes. By setting a one-stop shop, the administrative task related to multimodal freight transport has consequently been significantly reduced.

Грузовые коридоры - значительное восстановление равновесия трансграничных перевозок В целях усиления призыва операторов железных дорог в адрес Европейских Коридорных Структур, как они определены Постановлением № 913/2010, Международный Союз Железных Дорог (МСЖД) инициировал в 2013 году проект, разработанный для упрощения процедур, необходимых на уровне операторов железнодорожных грузовых перевозок, но и на уровне коридорных структур.


Join the summit for railway business champions



Barents Sea C 47


White Sea

Boden Narvik

Join the summit for railway business champions


Bo thn ia






C 47


C 48 Östersund






C-E 10

Bo thn ia


C 10





C-E 10

St Petersburg




Gu lf



Ba lt




55 CE


C 20/1


C-E 24

C-E 99 2 C-E 10


C 47

C-E C-E 55 61

C-E 45

/3 C 45









Kurgan Mamlyutka

C-E 20 Zauralie

C 2 0 /1



C-E 24 C-E 30


Krasnoyarsk Irkutsk Vladivostok Perm Krasnoyarsk Irkutsk C-E Vladivostok 30


C -E 2 4






C 95






C 59



C 95/2

C 59/2



C-E C-E 40 50

C 63

C 30



C-E 50

C-E 65










C-E 692











C-E 74



Aral Sea

3 75





C 54



C-E 85

C-E 66






C 70/






C-E 75

C 95



C 95/2






C-E 50

C 30/1





C-E C-E 40 50


C 30

C 63



C-E 65

C-E 95



C-E 751 C 59/2






C-E 54


95 1




C 70/


C-E 692


C-E 97

C-E 95






C-E 60

C-E 74

C-E 85





Under the aegis of:











C-E 74

Organisers:Aegean Sea

Under the aegis of:









0 72



Black Sea




C-E 855







C-E 70


70 C-E 85





C-E 97

Innovative Railways. Competitive Business.



C-E 70







C-E 60




Sea of Azov

C-E 74



















C-E 85


C 54







C-E 66





C 59








C-E 55 E3

C-E 30



C-E 85

C-E 56


C-E 1 69




C-E 55



C-E 391


0 72

C-E 67





Aral Sea

Black Sea


C-E 855





Sea of Azov





C-E 61


C-E 551









70 C-E 85



C-E 61

C-E 551



C-E 54

3 75

C-E 55






C-E C-E 55 61

C-E 45


C 30/1



C-E 99 2 C-E 10

C 95/2



C-E 59



C-E 55





C-E 85



C-E 55 C-E 61








C-E 391


C-E 56

C-E 85





C-E 1 69C-E 59

C-E 55 C-E 61



C-E 30









C 95





C-E 67






C-E 551

C-E 55 61 55 C-EC-E





C-E 61




Russian Fed.


C-E 551

C-E 61

C-E 59

C-E 55


C-E 55 C-E 61



C-E 59


55 C-E 61 C-E

C-E 530

C 45

C-E 59


C-E 55 C-E 61



C-E 55 C-E 61




Suzemka Frankfurt WARSZAWA C -E 2 0 10 Tyumen am Oder Terespol 2 Brest Zernovo Nowasol R U S S I A N F E D E R A T I O N Ventspils Lowice 20 C-ERIGA C L A T V I A C-E 20 CLukow 12 59 C 14 10 Halle C-E 20 Orenburg Berezhest C-E C 3 0 Horka Leipzig Wegliniec Krustpils Ekaterinburg Jelgava 51 C 12 C-E 95 C-E 32 Görlitz C 12 Sarny C-E 53 KovelC 12 Jzov C-E C-E 30 Wroclaw Liepaja C-E Hässlehom Novosokol’niki C-E C-E t Helsingborg Joniskis C-E AQMOLA Dresden C -E 3 0 20 30 32 C 20/2 Nizhniy Novgorod Zgorzelec 20 Daugavpils C-E 10 C 28 C 12 C-E 51 Lublin C-E 30 Helsingør Korosten 2 C 28 Bad Decin 5 Siauliai C-E 9 Schandau C 28 MOSKVA Iletsk I C 14 ENHAVN Kozle Klapeida C-E C 14 C 2 0 /2 Opole /1 4 5Plauen 30 Malmö Panerèzys Ekaterinburg Kurgan C 20/3 Radviliskis C-E KIEV Solovei Miedzylesie 30 Kazan Ystad C-E Katowice 20 Krasnoyarsk 59 Chalupki Cheb Valuiki C-E Schirnding C-E 24 C-E C-E 30 Fastov C - E 4 0 Kolín Tarnov Vicebsk C-E 61 Lichkov 50 Chelyabinsk C-E PRAHA Trelleborg Irkutsk L I T H U A N IA Kharkov C-E 30 C-E 40 C-E 65 Bohumín C-E C-E Mamlyutka Kara-Guga Mostiska Kaunas Vladivostok Kraków købing0 61 Ústí n. O. Przemysl Petrovice 50 C -E 4 0 Topoli10 Beredichev Kaisiadorys Ceska E3 2 C-E 20 Kybartai Lvov Medyka Kazatin Plzen 65 Petropavlovsk Kupyansk by Trebová C 20 75 Ufa C-E Smolensk Ryazan Kandagach Nürnberg Gedser /3 Prerov VILNIUS C-E Zauralie Orsha /3 C SaZssnitz E CHafen H Rep. Krasnoye /3 C 20 Propad Tatry Prenogorkovskaya 45 C-E Brno Cherniakhovsk Gdynia C 4 Kaliningrad 5 Sestokai 51 C-E 24 4 Maladzecna Zilina C-E 40 Stral sundHorní Lozovaya Ruzaevka C 20 10 Cierna Kosice Gdánsk Breclav Suwalki /3 C-E Dvoriste Swinoujscie Volgograd nad Ingoldstadt Kuty Bernhardsthal Rostock 24 S LTczew OVAKIA MINSK C-E Tisou C-E 50 C-E Passau Debaltsevo Summerau 50 95 C-E 50 C-E Zahony Cop E 63 Leopoldov Dnepropetrovsk C-E 50 Likhaya Wels C 54 Chelyabinsk C - E C- BRATISLAVA Neubrandenburg München Linz Krasnaya C -E 2 4 Guk ovo Vadul Siret Szczecin WIEN Krasnoarmeisk Galanta U K R A I N E B E L A R U S Miskolc C-E Mogila Krasnoyarsk 50 55 C-E 52 C-E Sokólka Kökshetaú Nové Zámky Bryansk 50 59 61 Nyiregyháza C-E C-E Donetsk/Yasinovataya C-E Freilassing Irkutsk C-E 52 Szob 3 C-E 65 C-E 30 Bialystok 20 C enheim C-E 50 Semmering Vicsani 24 18 C - E 4 3 Satu Mare Salzburg -E C 9 MOLDOVA 5 Debrecen -E Vladivostok C-E C Samara 9 Kvashino 5 Selzthal -E C /2 Kochetovka Bruck a.d.Mur Uspenskaya Makat K A Z A K H S T A N E 502 Kufstein 50 C-E P BUDAPEST O L A C-N Ujszasz D C-E 30 66 Ungeny St Michael E Bischofshofen 52 45 1 / 4 5 5 C Dej C-E C93 C-E 95 E 52 k C-E 75C 54/1 Schwarzach St V. CHISINAU Pascani Nagyatád C-E C-E 50 Zoblin Szolnok Rostov-ná-Donu BERLIN -E E 50 Wörgl 9 -E Griazy C C-EC-20 C-E 95 Poznan Mariupol C Nagykanizsa 6 Oradea 95 Cegléd Iasi C-E C-E r Graz20 Razdelnaya Atyraú A U S TFrankfurt R I A Rzepin C-E 30 Suzemka H U NC-EG20 A R WARSZAWA Y Bendery Kuchurgan C -E 2 0 10 Spielfeld Strass ero am Oder Terespol 2 Dombóvár Brest C 9 5 /1 Villach Zernovo Cimislia KlagenfurtNowasol Aralsk Maribor Murakeresztúr Astrakhan Aksaraiskaya II Tarvisio Lowice Lökösháza Pragersko Odessa 8 CurticiLukow C-E 20 Basarabeasca C-E 54 Cakovec C Jesenice C-E 20 Zidani Arad Kelebia 59 Ilyichevsk CGyékényes Teius Koprívnica Subotica -E Magyarboly CLJUBLJANA Halle Udine -E Taraclia Orenburg Berezhest 70 Horka R O M A N I A C 3 0 5 2 Leipzig 9 71 C -E 5 0 5 SLOVENIA Wegliniec BeliTimisoara Bolgrad 51C-E 55 C-E Deva Sibiu Manastir ZAGREB C-E 95 70C-E 32 Görlitz -E Sarny E Kovel Jzov 30 Novokazalinsk CGalati C Padova Reni C-E Trieste Wroclaw Brasov C-E C-E t AQMOLA Dresden CO -E A Stara 3 0T I A C-E Osijek Bogojevo C-E C R 32 Koper Zgorzelec Beyneu30 Sunja Vinkovci 10 C 28 0 C-E 51Mestre/ Lublin Moravita C-E 70C-E 30 Str. Korosten 2 C56 Bad RijekaDecin Ostarije 71 Vrsac C-E 28 Sid C-E Venezia Schandau 9 Dobrljin 5Vrpolje 95 C 28 Iletsk I Krasnodar Pitesti Tovarnik C - E 7 0 Buzáu C-E Bihac Kozle Novorossiysk C-E Opole Bosanski Kyzylorda Plauen Ploesti 3 2 BEOGRAD 0 9 Ripac C-E KIEV 5 Solovei Gospic Miedzylesie BOSNIA Samac BUCURESTI 30 C-E 56 Videle Katowice Craiova C-E Chalupki Cheb C-E Valuiki C-E C-E 562 1 Schirnding Kolín Shetpe 0 4 C-E 30 E Fastov C Tarnov HERZEGOVINA C-E 61 Lichkov 50 C-E PRAHA na 59 Kharkov C-E 30 C-E Zadar 40 C-E 65 7 SERBIA Bohumín Giurgiu C-E C-E Lapovo Mostiska Constanta Kraków 12 Ruse 61 Ústí n. O. Knín C - E 4 0 Przemysl Petrovice 50 C-E 0 Topoli 50 Beredichev C-E 753 Ceska C-E E3 45 Lvov Medyka Vidin Veseloe Kazatin SARAJEVO Plzen 65 Kupyansk Aqtau 66 C9 Trebová Sibenik Firenze C-E 0 Kandagach 5 Nürnberg C -E 6 8 0 Kraljevo - E 7 5 1 Split Prerov Gantiadi /4 C Ancona Z E C H CRep. Kaspican C-E 680 2 C-E Propad Tatry Nis Mezdra C-E Varna Brno Mostar 451 99 0 Ploce C-E 40 Zilina Dimitrovgrad C -E 5 0 Sindel 68 Kungrad E Capljina Lozovaya 90 G. Oriahovitza Horní CCierna Kosice Breclav Dvoriste Volgograd nad Ingoldstadt Kuty Karnobat Bernhardsthal C-E S LOVAKIA Zim nitsa Tisou C-E 50 SOFIJA Passau Nukus Debaltsevo Summerau 50 95 Burgas C-E B U L G A R I EA720 50 D.Jankovic C-E ZahonyPresevo Cop E 63 Leopoldov Dnepropetrovsk C-E 50 Senaki Likhaya7 C -E 7 0 3 CC - E C- BRATISLAVA Volkovo Arys München Samtredia Krasnaya TabanovceC 54 I TWels A0 L Y Linz Guk ovo Dimitrovgrad Vadul Siret Krasnoarmeisk C-E 60 Galanta Poti WIEN C- 52 U K R A I N E Miskolc C-E Plovdiv Mogila 5 55 SKOPJE C-E E 50 NovéBar Zámky Dashhowuz Freilassing 59 61 Nyiregyháza Svilengrad C-E C-E TBILISI Kapikule Donetsk/Yasinovataya Chengeldy C-E 52 Szob 6 3 65 enheim ROMA C-E 50 Akhalkalaki Semmering Vicsani Satu Mare Salzburg C-E MOLDOVA Debrecen Batumi C -E 4 3 5 F.Y.R.of Kvashino Selzthal C-EBruck a.d.Mur C-E Gardabani Uspenskaya Makat K A Z A K H S Urganch T A N E 502 Kufstein Ujszasz Kulata 50 C-E 70 C-E BUDAPEST 60 Beyuk-Kyasik 66 Sadkhlo Samsun TASHKENT Ungeny 4 St Michael MACEDONIA Bischofshofen Foggia 59 C 5 C4 / 1 C-E Dej C-E 52 C-E k C-E 45 Barkhudarli 3 70/2 Pascani 0/2 C-E 95 Promachon C-E 696 Gevgelia 52 Schwarzach St V. CHISINAUHaydarpasa Nagyatád C - E 6 9 2 Ayrum C-E C-E C-E 50 50 Wörgl Szolnok Idomeni C 54/1 Rostov-ná-Donu Napoli Dogukapi C-E C7 Istanbul Ghazakh C-E 95 95 Mariupol Dilijan C-E Bari Nagykanizsa 69 Oradea 45 Cegléd C-E Iasi r 10 Razdelnaya Ijevan Atyraú A U S T R I A Salerno Graz Alexandroúpolis Gyumri Strymonas Kars Andizhan 59 H U N G A R Y Bendery Kuchurgan 2 Spielfeld Strass ero 7 UZBEK ISTA N C-E 69 C 8 5 /1 Dombóvár Thessaloniki Osh Brindisi BAKU ARMENIA A Z E R B A I J A N R K E Y C 9T Villach 5 /1 U Cimislia Klagenfurt Aralsk Maribor Murakeresztúr Astrakhan Bandirma C-E Aksaraiskaya II Tarvisio Hrazdan PragerskoC-E 35 Lökösháza Odessa 8 Curtici Basarabeasca 60 54 C E 6 9 2 C-E Cakovec 11 Erzurum ANKARA Jesenice YEREVAN Zidani Arad Kelebia Ilyichevsk Eskisehir C-E Artashat CGyékényes Teius Turkmenbashi Koprívnica Subotica C-E 60 C-E 60 -E Magyarboly CLJUBLJANA Sivas C-E Kalin 2 Udine -E Bukhara TURKMENISTA N Balikesir Taraclia 70 70 853 R O M A N I A C-E 69 Lárissa C 8 5 / 2 Timisoara 55 SLOVENIA 9 71 2 C -E 5 0 BeliAlayunt 55 E -E Bolgrad C CC Deva C-E 74 Alat -E Sibiu Manastir Chardzhev ZAGREB Volos Igoumenitsa 69 Novokazalinsk C-E 70 Trieste Galati Padova ReniKütahya Cetinkaya Brasov 5 Nakhichevkan C-E OAT IA Osijek Stara Bogojevo C-E C RSunja Beyneu 60 Mestre/ Koper Vinkovci Str. Moravita C-E 70 Rijeka 71 Meghri 560 C-E 74 Dzhulfa C-E Ostarije Venezia Karshi Vrsac C-E 85 Razi TA J I K I STA N Dobrljin Vrpolje Tovarnik Sid Van 95 Usak Afyon Bogazköprü Krasnodar Pitesti Buzáu Manisa C-E Bihac C -E 7 0 Novorossiysk Kapiköy Kyzylorda Bosanski Tatvan C-E 70 C-E 97 Ploesti Astara 2 Izmir BEOGRAD 74 Ripac BOSNIA Samac Patras Malatya 59 C-E Gospic Messina BUCURESTI ASHGABAT Konya Tabriz DUSHANBE C-E 56 Videle C 85 Craiova ATHINAI C-E C-E Shetpe C-E 562 1 /3 HERZEGOVINA C-E na 59 Tecen 74 C-E 7 SERBIA Giurgiu Zadar C-E Lapovo Constanta 695 12 Ruse C-E C-E Knín 5 Fevzipasa C-E 753 0 97 C-E 45 Vidin Narli Veseloe Nusaybin SARAJEVO Ulukisla Toprakkale Aqtau C-E 66 C9 Sibenik Firenze Termis 0 5 Adana 70 C -E 6 8 0 Kraljevo C - E 7 5 1 Split GantiadiC-E 70 /4 Ancona Kaspican Kamishli C-E 680 2 Yenice Islahiye C-E 97 Mezdra Nis C-E Varna Mostar Mersin 99 Meydan Ploce Dimitrovgrad C -E 5 0 Sindel 680 Kungrad Capljina Serakhs 90 C-E G R E E C E G. 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10 2












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The Wider Black Sea Area (WBSA), a median area of the th Eurasian platform, expands from Central Asia to 9 edition Central Europe and from Northern to Southern Europe 7-8 October and Asia Minor.2014 The macro-area includes 28 dynamic railway markets, a mixture of mature, developing and Bucharest, Romania ascending markets, that bring about a spectrum of opportunities across railway sector. The Wider Black Seathe Area (WBSA), a median area of the Eurasian platform, expands from Central Asia to Central Europe and from Northern to Southern Europe and Asia Minor. The macro-area includes 28 dynamic railway markets, a mixture of mature, developing and ascending markets, that bring about a spectrum of opportunities across the railway sector. Se a



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C 47

9th edition 7-8THE October 2014 WIDER BLACK SEA AREA RAILWAY INVESTMENT SUMMIT Bucharest, Romania



White Sea



SY R IA N Arab Republic





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Appropriate condition of railway infrastructure, important factor of railway transportation shares Interview with Mr. Vidmantas Tamulis, Head of the Railway Transport Division at the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Republic of Lithuania

[ by Pamela Luică ]


ithuania has set its priorities for 2014-2020 which include traffic safety, reducing railway bottlenecks, measures that will help increase the attractiveness of railway freight and passenger transport and reducing pollution levels. The main projects are Rail Baltica, the development of the East-West Transport Corridor (electrification of lines, implementation of ERTMS), the development of the Railway Freight Corridor No. 8 (implemented with Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Latvia, and Estonia). Regarding safety, the Railway Inspectorate of the Ministry of Transport and Communications is presently planning a number of initiatives for increasing safety, including two innovative projects (development of mobile equipment for diagnosis on the whole network and development of measures for safety at level crossings). In September 2013, the transport ministers of Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland signed the joint declaration on the establishment of a JV and boosting cooperation. This declaration added Vilnius to the project map. Presently, the Baltic States are negotiating the shareholding agreement of the joint company. Lithuania has already taken action to set up the company and the contribution has been included in the state budget and the company’s budget. By the end of the year, Lithuania will complete the feasibility study and will identify all techniwww.railwaypro.com | May 2014

cal alternatives to integrate Vilnius on the map of the Rail Baltica line route. The market share of railway transport is 48% (in 2013), but Lithuania plans to increase the market share of this transport mode by more investments. Moreover, Lithuania, and other partner countries, involve in the implementation of container transport services to provide smaller tariffs for freight transport, the rapid operation of customs procedures and travel time reduction, compared to road traffic. The efficiency of these services is proven by results: in 2013, “Mercury” container transport services increased by 450% (1633 TEU), while “Sun” by 350% (1188 TEU), the latter providing connection between Western Europe and China. In this interview, Mr. Vidmantas Tamulis, Head of the Railway Transport Division at the Ministry of Transport and Communications, was kind enough to provide more information about Lithuania’s strategy on the development and promotion of railway transport, measures of increasing logistics performance and increasing the capacity of logistics and the ports capacity, the importance of investments in infrastructure projects and information on the current stage of Rail Baltica. Railway PRO: For the EU Member States, 2014 is a year of setting priorities for 2020 and the transport system is one of the most important economic sectors. What are the financing priorities for the railway transport sector that Lithuania considers together with the European Union? What are the most important projects to be initiated according to the budget period 2014-2020? Vidmantas Tamulis: For the year 20142020 Lithuania considers financing priorities, which helps ensure railway safety, reduces bottlenecks in Lithuanian railway system, contributes to the attraction of freight and passengers flows and helps reduce pollution from railway transport. Main projects: - Rail Baltica, completion of which will allow Lithuania and other Baltic countries to join the common European gauge railway network; - development of the East-West Transport Corridor (electrification of railway lines, removing of bottlenecks, ERTMS deploy-

ment); - creation of Rail Freight corridor No 8 (implemented together with the Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Latvia and Estonia). In railway safety area, the State Railway Inspectorate under the Ministry of Transport and Communications is currently planning number of initiatives in increasing the overall level of safety in Lithuanian railway transport system. These measures include two innovative projects: • Development of mobile equipment for the diagnostics of the railway infrastructure across the country. The mobile equipment will be installed to the new road-rail vehicle. This tool will collect and analyze data on the technical condition of railway transport infrastructure which in turn will allow the Inspectorate to determine whether the infrastructure is maintained in accordance to national and EU regulations. • Development of safety measures in level crossings. The Inspectorate plans to roll out nationwide intellectual transport system that will carry out live video-surveillance of level crossings. The system is expected to both inform the level crossings’ users on the dangers caused by railway traffic as well as prevent illegal crossings. Additionally, the Inspectorate is planning to significantly enhance its current Information System for the Management and Oversight of Railway Transport Risk (GERVIS) with new functionalities. It is expected that these projects will reduce the number of fatalities and accidents in Lithuanian railway transport system as well as financial losses of railway undertakings. Railway PRO: What is Lithuania’s strategy on the development and promotion of railway transport at both national and international level (including cross-border projects)? Vidmantas Tamulis: Lithuania’s strategy on the development of railway transport consists of these elements: • Improve and develop TEN-T, regional and local railway transport infrastructure; • Promote multimodal transport and intermodality; • Provide high value added logistics services;



• Ensure sustainability of transport system through energy efficiency and better mobility demand management; • Improve railway traffic safety and security; • Foster research and deployment of innovations in railway transport; • Ensure railway connection with Western Europe by constructing Rail Baltica line. Railway PRO: What about the projects for increasing logistics performance and the capacity of ports? Vidmantas Tamulis: Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Lithuania pays great attention to the development and modernization of multi-modal transport infrastructure and establishment of modern logistics centres. Therefore Lithuania is already developing two public logistics centres in biggest Lithuanian cities Vilnius and Kaunas. Besides of this, Lithuania is constantly investing in development and modernization of Lithuanian port Klaipeda infrastructure. Railway PRO: What measures should the authorities and railway companies adopt to increase the share of railway transport, compared to the other transport modes? Vidmantas Tamulis: In our opinion appropriate condition of railway infrastructure is one of the most important factors of railway transportation shares, because only modern railway infrastructure can ensure rapid transportation of freight and passengers and compete with other transport modes. Therefore authorities and railway companies should modernize railway infrastructure and maintain it in proper condition. Railway PRO: Lately, the Baltic States have approached more and more discussions on the development of Rail Baltica. What can you tell us about the negotiations that the three countries involved have carried out so far? Vidmantas Tamulis: So far Baltic States have carried out feasibility study (done by AECOM Limited in 2011) to identify the most feasible development option for a standard European gauge (1435mm) line between Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. The role of this study was to deliver a comprehensive decision base for the construction of a new 1435 mm gauge line. The study focussed on objective to give a complete and substantiated picture for the authorities of the three Baltic countries and the EU if the project seems viable enough to justify a more detailed analysis on the respective national levels and to propose a possible period for implementation of further studies at the national levels. In June 2010, the transport ministers of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Finland signed a memorandum expressing their political intent to go ahead with Rail Baltica 2, and guidelines for the development of the project were agreed in Novem-

ber 2011. In September 2013 transport ministers of Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland signed joint declaration on the establishment of the Rail Baltica Joint venture and on the enhanced cooperation in the Rail Baltica project. This Joint declaration included Vilnius into the Rail Baltica project. Now negotiations between Baltic States are going on the Joint venture shareholders agreement. Railway PRO: How will the joint venture operate and which will be its responsibilities in developing Rail Baltica? Vidmantas Tamulis: Joint venture will be established for the construction of the new 1435 mm. railway line from Tallinn, Estonia to the Lithuanian-Polish border, which will connect Baltic States capitals with other capitals of EU countries. Other Joint venture tasks includes overall project management, coordinating information between member countries, preparing applications for EU financing, organising procurement tenders procedures, preparing technical specifications for design and construction of railway line, as well as monitoring overall project progress. Railway PRO: Rail Baltica ranks 27th of the 30 TEN-T priority projects. What can you tell us about the project financing through EU funds and what will be the level of implication of the Lithuanian authorities in the financing? Will the joint venture have competences in providing or identifying funds too? Vidmantas Tamulis: Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia agreed that project could be implemented only if it could attract around 85% from 3.67bn Euros (estimated Rail Baltica project cost) from CEF (Connecting Europe Facility) fund. Remaining part will be financed from Lithuania’s, Latvia’s and Estonia’s state budgets or other financial instruments, such as loans, public and private partnership and etc. The Joint ven-

ture will be responsible for the preparation of application for CEF funding. Railway PRO: What is the stage of the project in Lithuania? We know that during the negotiations in February, the three Baltic States agreed that the European-gauge line should pass through Vilnius. Is this a fact or is it subject to change? Vidmantas Tamulis: Project Rail Baltica is divided into two phases. The first part, so called Rail Baltica 1 is being implemented now. In Lithuania this part covers railway line from Lithuanian-Polish border to Kaunas (around 116 kilometres). Contracts on the construction of 1435 mm railway line were signed during April – June 2013 and works are undergoing now. This line should be completed at the end of 2015. Next part – Rail Baltica 2 will be designed for railway transport operation at up to 240km/h and is expected to reduce Tallinn - Riga journey times to around two hours, while Tallinn - Warsaw will be cut to around six hours. Lithuania is planning to carry out feasibility study until the end of 2014 and identify all possible alternatives for the technical integration of the Vilnius in Rail Baltica 2 route, as was agreed in Joint declaration of Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland Transport ministers signed in September 2013 . As I mentioned above, Baltic States are negotiating shareholders agreement of the Joint venture at the moment. From the large-scale shareholders agreements only few outstanding questions remain. One of them – how technically integrate Vilnius into Rail Baltica project. Another very actual question is that when Baltic States will construct railway line with designated speed up to 240 km/h, accordingly railway line in Poland should be modernised too. Otherwise rapid connection with the Western European countries will not be ensured. All preparatory works for the establishment of Joint venture in Lithuania have been done, member state contribution > May 2014 | www.railwaypro.com


for this year envisaged in the state’s budget and enterprise, which will participate as a Shareholder in Joint venture is already established. Railway PRO: What can you tell us about the elaboration of the study for the preparation of the project, of the environment assessment report on Rail Baltica in Lithuania? What about in the other countries? Vidmantas Tamulis: JSC “Sweco Lithuania” carried out European standard railway line Kaunas – Lithuanian-Latvian border strategic environmental assessment and presented report in March 2014 (document can be found on the following web address http://www.sweco.lt/lt/Lithuania/Apie-Sweco/Pranesimai/RaiBalticaSPAV-dokumentai-galutinis/SEA-ReportEN-Final/). While carrying out strategic environmental assessment two alternatives were chosen: the existing railway line passing through Siauliai, marked in the General plan of the territory of the Republic of Lithuania and railway line proposed by AECOM Limited in a feasibility study passing through Panevezys. As a more beneficial alternative was proposed railway line passing through Panevezys. Environmental assessment report was aligned with Latvia. Other preparatory works are undergoing now, they should be finished in 2015. Railway PRO: Regarding the activity of ports,

how can railways ensure a higher traffic flow to ports? What is the importance of railways in the mechanisms and activities of ports? Vidmantas Tamulis: Railways can ensure a higher traffic flows to ports by providing rapid and smooth freight transportation and applying competitive transportation tariffs. Besides, communication with railways and ports of other countries is also very important, because it helps to attract and transport freight from other countries and brings mutual benefits for these countries. Railways are very important in the activities of ports, because they can transport huge amount of freight in the shortest time, with the lowest possible cost and are very convenient for the port operations. www.railwaypro.com | May 2014

Railway PRO: How are railway infrastructure investments correlated to ports investments to increase the accessibility of ports? Vidmantas Tamulis: Investments into railway infrastructure are orientated to ensure better transportation of freight to the port by removing bottlenecks, and where necessary building second railway lines. Railway sidings inside the port are also being upgraded to better serve the port’s needs. Railway PRO: According to EU policies, in the future, road transport will no longer be a solution for the transport of freight on distances higher than 300 km and, therefore, it is important to encourage alternative transport solutions, especially railway solutions. What is Lithuania’s strategy to answer to this challenge from the point of view of freight transport services and what is the role of the terminals in increasing the attractiveness of railway transport? Vidmantas Tamulis: Transportation by railways already has significant share in the Lithuania (around 48% of freight were transported by railways in 2013 in Lithuania). Lithuania is planning investments in railway infrastructure, which reduces bottlenecks in Lithuanian railway system and ensures rapid freight transportation. Besides Lithuania together with partner countries are implementing container trains projects, which can offer better tariffs for freight transportation, rapid customs procedures and shorter transportation time comparing with road transport. Container trains projects are really important in attracting freight to railways and transportation of freight by these trains are constantly growing each year. For example container train “Mercury” during 2012 transported 361 TEU, during 2013 – 1633 TEU (+450% growth). Container train “Sun” during 2011 transported 82 TEU, during 2012 – 354 TEU. during 2013 – 1188 TEU (+350% growth). Railway terminals are also very important, because they serve as a cargo collecting point, ensure rapid and smooth loading and unloading procedures and formation of trains.

Railway PRO: The transport business segment focuses more and more on building efficient transport connections between Eastern and Western Europe. In this context, what is the role of Baltic States in supplying efficient and performing transport services? Vidmantas Tamulis: Lithuania and other Baltic States are situated between the large markets of Baltic Sea region, Western Europe and Eastern countries and from old times are well-known as attractive transport countries. There is one more advantage of Lithuania over Western European countries and other Baltic countries – a well-developed Russian railway gauge system as in Russia, Belorussia and in other CIS countries and assurance of connection with EU transport system. In Sestokai railway station (in the south-west Lithuania, near the state border with Poland) wide-gauge (1520 mm) and the European standard (1435 mm) railway gauges converge. Here railway carriages to Poland take place, therefore this station is very important transit point between the Baltic States and the Western European countries. Since 2015, when Rail Baltica line will reach Kaunas, this transit point will move to Kaunas. Container train projects are also very important in supplying efficient and performing railway transport services. For example container train “Sun” connects Western Europe, Lithuania and China. Transit from Chongqing (China) to Antwerp (Belgium) through Sestokai (Lithuania) can be carried in 18 days. Other container trains includes routes, to Kazakhstan, Russia, Belorussia, Ukraine, Turkey, Moldova and other eastern countries.

Состояние инфраструктуры является одним из основных факторов, способствующих увеличению доли железнодорожных перевозок На период 2014-2020 гг. Литва установила приоритеты для обеспечения безопасности движения и для уменьшения заторов в железнодорожной системе. Эти меры будут способствовать повышению привлекательности железнодорожных перевозок грузов и пассажиров и уменьшению уровня загрязнения окружающей среды. В этом материале, директор отдела железнодорожного транспорта Министерства транспорта Литвы Видмантас Тамулис проявил любезность и поделился информацией о стратегии Литвы в плане развития и продвижения железнодорожного транспорта, о мерах улучшения показателей логистики и увеличении пропускной способности портов, о важности инвестиций в проекты инфраструктуры, а также о текущем состоянии проекта Rail Baltica.

Lex 49

Public procurement: rules for a better price-quality balance [ by Elena Ilie ]

A new legislative package governing the public procurement in the EU was adopted at the beginning of the year by the European Parliament. Thus, the sixth legislative process over the last 45 years ended, a very hard and difficult process that lasted more than 4 years (consultations started in 2010). The three directives were published in the Official Journal of the European Union in February. Subsequently, the European Union Member States will be obliged to transpose into the national legislation most of the new provisions within maximum two years. solutions together. Bidders can prove their financial situation, skills and the fact that they meet the necessary criteria by statutory declarations. These replace the set of supporting documents which were required so far. The single European acquisition document, a standard statutory declaration will facilitate this. Complete supporting documents will be provided only by the winner, either directly or by reference in the single European acquisition document to the national databases from which the contracting authority can obtain them. According to the new legislative packages approved by the European Parliament, the contracting authorities must accept the offers of all bidders whose financial situation meets the contract execution criteria. In the past, small bidders were often excluded because the contracting authorities imposed high annual turnovers, even for small value contracts. Normally, in the future, the requested annual turnover should be maximum two times the contract value. Also, large contracts can often be divided into lots that allow small companies to participate. Therefore, the contracting authorities are encouraged to divide larger con-

tracts into lots. They will not be forced to divide the contracts, but if they don’t do it, they will have to explain why. “The reform of public markets adapts to a new context where we must think to a sustainable growth model. Therefore, in awarding contracts, the quality-based criteria are important and not on the best price criteria. From now on, the authorities will be encouraged to opt for quality and sustainability of goods and public investments (social criteria and focused on the environment)”, states Marc Tarabella, rapporteur on procurement by entities operating in the energy and transport sectors. Due to the new “most economically advantageous tender” (MEAT) criterion in the procedure for awarding the contract, public authorities will be able to enhance quality, environmental considerations, social issues or innovation, further taking into account the price and the costs for implementing the procurement. “The new criterion will bring the end of the dictatorship of the lowest price, bringing to the fore the quality”, explained Tarabella. You can read more about the Legislative Package on public procurement in the June issue of Railway Pro.

Государственные закупки: правила для достижения более существенного равновесия между ценой и качеством

photo: www.cepolina.com


mong the three approved legislative packages, Directive 24/2014 on public procurement is most likely the one with relevant impact on the European railway sector as regards the regulation of procedures for the award of public procurement contracts. However, taking into account the diversity of public procurement contracts, the contracting authorities need to be able to provide both separate and joint attribution of design and execution work contracts. The new EU rules on public procurement and concession contracts will ensure a higher quality and better price ratio when the public authorities will buy or rent activities, goods or services. These rules will facilitate access of small and medium-sized companies and will include more strict provisions on subcontracting. European deputies have successfully supported the introduction of a completely new procedure to strengthen innovative solutions in public tenders. The new “Partnership for Innovation” will allow public authorities to organize tenders to solve a specific problem without anticipating the solution, thus leaving the constructor and the contracting authority to find innovative

Новый пакет законов, регулирующих государственные закупки на европейском уровне, был принят в начале этого года Европейским Парламентом. Таким образом, был завершен шестой законодательный процесс за последние 45 лет. Данный процесс проходил довольно сложно и длился более 4 лет (консультации начались в 2010 году). Директивы - а их три - были опубликованы в Официальном Вестнике Европейского Союза в феврале месяце. Впоследствии, государства-члены Европейского Союза будут обязаны транспонировать в национальное законодательство большинство новых положений в течение не более двух лет. May 2014 | www.railwaypro.com


Reduced cross-border interoperability – the European rail network vulnerability [ by Elena Ilie ]

No major change in transport will be possible without the support of a proper network and without the intelligent use of this network. Overall, transport infrastructure investments have a positive impact on economic growth, and jobs, and enhance trade, geographical accessibility and the mobility of people. It has to be planned in a way that maximises positive impact on economic growth and minimises negative impact on the environment.


urrently, the transport infrastructure of the European Union is properly developed. Nevertheless, it is still divided, both geographically and between and within the modes of transport. The main objectives of the new TEN-T Guidelines is to set a comprehensive and integrated Trans-European transport network that would cover all member states and regions and that would be the foundation for the balanced development of all transport modes and for the optimal exploitation of their advantages, thus maximising the added value of the network for Europe. “Capacity charging and allocation systems should consider the effects of the increasing saturation of infrastructure capacities, as well as scarce capacity”, shows the recast of the First Railway Package. Apart from the need to invest in railway infrastructure and to establish infrastructure access charging systems that would stimulate infrastructure managers so that the development of proper investments would be financially viable, interoperability is also confronted with a series of technical barriers.

To visibly reduce the existence of such technical barriers the First Railway Package, as well as the Fourth Railway Package, define the interoperability of networks as one of the significant elements of establishing the Single European Railway Area. Also, the two legislative packages sketch the train signalling and control systems, ETCS, which are, in turn, significant for the systematization of the interoperability of European networks. But it is not as simple to apply, as it is to say. To support interoperability, the European Commission has adopted a decision strengthening the certification and authorisation process of lines and trains equipped with ETCS. As we well know, currently, there are more than 20 different signalling systems in operation in Europe and their incompatibility is a major technical barrier to international traffic. For example, adding an additional national safety system in a locomotive already authorised in different countries, and obtaining again all safety authorisations may cost more than EUR 2 Million and take more than two years. ETCS will elimi-

nate these costs. Today, in Europe, more than 4000 km of lines are equipped with ETCS. Moreover, the equipment of more than 4000 additional kilometres has already been contracted, thus indicating that the length of ETCS equipped lines will increase by more than 100% over the next two or three years. Another reason for the installation of ETCS is probably the provisions of the two abovementioned legislative packages, according to which the trains equipped with ETCS can pay a smaller infrastructure access charge. Moreover, from 2011 to 2014, the first priority included in the TEN-T financing referred to the testing campaign of proving the interoperability between the railways equipped with the ETCS 2.3.0d and the onboard equipments from different industry suppliers. Within this priority area, the lines and trains contracted for fitting with the ETCS before the entry into force of the Commission’s Decision 2008/386/EC can receive TEN-T funds for their updating to ensure their compatibility with the ETCS 2.3.0d standards.

photo: www.lithuaniatribune.com

Сниженная трансграничная интероперабельность: уязвимость европейской железнодорожной сети

www.railwaypro.com | May 2014

В настоящее время транспортная инфраструктура Европейского Союза хорошо развита. Тем не менее, она попрежнему разделена, как географически, так и между и в рамках видов транспорта. Основная цель новых Руководящих принципов TEN-T заключается в создании целостной и интегрированной трансъевропейской транспортной сети, которая бы охватывала все государствачлены и регионы ЕС. Они составят основу для сбалансированного развития всех видов транспорта и оптимального использования соответствующих преимуществ, тем самым максимизируя дополнительную ценность сети для Европы.


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52 Lex

Railway safety depends on the interaction between infrastructure, operation, equipment manufacturers and safety authorities [ by Elena Ilie ]

The railway environment in the European Union passes through significant changes triggered, among others, by the three European railway packages. The gradual creation of the single European railway area is characterised by a multiplication of actors, increased recourse to subcontractors and more frequent market entries. In this context of higher complexity, rail safety is critically dependent on the interaction between all players, namely railway undertakings, infrastructure managers, the railway industry and safety authorities. That is why, safety legislation should take account of these developments and put in place appropriate information, management and emergency procedures and tools.

Safety is critically dependent on the tures and authorities for infrastructure mainteraction between rail infrastruc- nagers. ture, operations, manufacturers and The lack of standardization, the existence safety authorities. Thus, appropriate tools of a highly specialised rolling stock, the inshould be used and developed in order to vestment costs resulted, as well as the input ensure and develop safety. The intensity of and output costs on the railway transport cooperation between manufacturers, main- market, are significant problems for the sintenance suppliers and railway undertakings gle transport market. The authorization prohas decreased over past decades. Therefore, cedures are long and troublesome and the it is necessary to harmonise the minimum fees for safety certificates are high. maintenance intervals and quality requireLast year in December, when the Fourth ments to ensure the safety of the entire rail Railway Package was approved by the Eurosystem”, states the report on railway safety, pean Commission, important “voices” of the one of the six legislative packages which European railway sector including the Euroform the Fourth Railway Package. pean Rail Industry Association (UNIFE), Also, the report proposes as necessary “the the European Rail Freight Association creation of the European Railway Agency’s (ERFA), International Union for Road-Rail (ERA) obligation to publish guidelines on Combined Transport (UIRR), the Commurailway safety and safety certificates, includ- nity of European Railway and Infrastructure ing lists of examples of good practice , espe- Companies (CER), the International Union cially for cross-border transport. of Private Wagon Owners (UIP), the InterERA will have to create a system through national Association of Public Transport which any potential safety risk can be com- (UITP) and the International Union of Railmunicated and easily and anonymously no- ways (UIC) confirmed their support for the tified to the agency and to national safety Technical Pillar of the Fourth Railway Packauthorities. age. The three basic pillars of the Fourth RailThus, the vote of transport ministers within way Package clearly shape the establishment the Council for Transport and Energy gathof consistent approval procedures for railway ered in mid-March 2014 on the third and last interoperability and safety (which actually part of the Pillar Technical – consolidation form the Technical Pillar), the liberalisation of the role of ERA – confirms the support for of the domestic market of passenger trans- the European railway industry and market. port and the establishment of better strucThe European organizations mentioned TAF - TSI functions

Source: UNIFE

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above, along with a number of other national associations in the rail industry underline that the Technical Pillar represents one of the priorities of the European railway sector. The Technical Pillar contributes to increasing the competitiveness of railway transport as a sustainable mode of transport but also to the completion of its role as the main industry in and for Europe. The Technical Pillar of the Fourth Railway Package is a fundamental landmark in the way of establishing a Single European Railway Area and should be implemented unanimously by all the interested parties. The quick implementation of the Technical Pillar means a “green light” for the European railway sector and for the creation of the Single European Railway Area.

Железнодорожная безопасность зависит от взаимодействия инфраструктуры, операций, производителей оборудования и государственных органов регулирования безопасности перевозок Железнодорожная сфера Европейского Союза претерпевает глубокие изменения, возникшие в том числе в результате трех железнодорожных пакетов ЕС. Постепенное создание единого европейского железнодорожного пространства характеризуется множественностью субъектов, всё более широким использованием услуг субподрядчиков и множеством каналов выхода на рынок. В этом контексте повышенной сложности, железнодорожная безопасность зависит в значительной степени от взаимодействия между всеми участниками, а именно между железнодорожными предприятиями, администраторами инфраструктуры, железнодорожной отраслью и органами, отвечающими за безопасность. Поэтому законодательство в сфере безопасности перевозок должно учитывать такое развитие и установить процедуры и инструменты, подходящие для информирования, управления и поведения в случае возникновения чрезвычайных ситуаций.



Shift2Rail, confirmation of a strong advantage of the European railway industry [ by Elena Ilie ]

Only four months after the publication of the legislative proposal by the European Commission, Technological Initiative Shift2Rail is closer than ever to becoming reality in the sector of research and innovation in the rail industry. March and April were characterised by a series of successive agreements approved during the meetings of the Transport Ministers Council of the European Union (TTE), the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and, more recently, on April 15th during the meeting of European Parliament which gave the green light to the Technological Initiative. Also, a favourable vote for Shift2Rail has been granted by the EU Council. Now that both TEE and EESC have endorsed Shift2Rail favourably, it only needs to receive the formal confirmation from the Council of the EU Member States. The respective final and formal adoption of Shift2Rail will mark the end of the procedure at political level and will allow the establishment of the Technological Initiative. Shift2Rail mandate will end on December 31st, 2024.


hift2Rail, a technological project launched by the European Rail Industry Association (UNIFE), will play an important role in coordinating and informing stakeholders about the railway research and innovation throughout Europe. The technological project will manage all railway research and innovation actions co-financed by the EU. Shift2Rail will actively promote the involvement of all relevant stakeholders, including, for example, manufacturers of railway equipment, passenger associations and beneficiaries of freight transport, as well as the relevant scientific community. Shift2Rail performance will be measured by means of quantitative indicators, including a 100 % increase of the railway transport system capacity, a reduction by 50% of the life-cycle cost and a 50% increase of reliability and punctuality. Innovative technologies and solutions to be developed, demonstrated and validated by Shift2Rail are expected to boost the competitiveness of the EU railway sector with the other modes of transport and the

Source: UNIFE

foreign competition, as well as to create jobs and increase exports. The budget proposed for SHIFT2RAIL in the financing period 2014-2020 is EUR 920 Million, EUR 450 Million of which will be allocated by the European Union and EUR 470 Million will come from the railway industry partners involved in the development of the research and technological innovation initiative. For research and innovation, out of the EUR 450 Million allocated by the EU, EUR 180 Million will be available for SHIFT2RAIL founding members, EUR 180 Million will be allocated to associated members, and the rest of EUR 180 Million will be attributed to other partners. This objective aims at attracting SMEs and Research Institutes into the project. “SHIFT2RAIL is one of the top transport priorities of the Hellenic Presidency, it will move rail transport forward, and help the market grow. The European Rail Industry should remain the leader of the global market and SHIFT2RAIL is the instrument to achieve this”, declared Michalis Papadopoulos, Deputy Minister of Infrastruc-

ture, Transport and Networks for the Hellenic Republic. “Rail is facing significant competition from other transport modes and, from other regions of the world; in order to combat this SHIFT2RAIL combines a significant amount of EU and sector R&D resources with a long-term vision that will produce tangible results that contribute to the EU’s ambitious transport goals”, pointed out Olivier Onidi, Director for the European Mobility Network at the European Commission. Henri Poupart-Lafarge, President of Alstom Transport and Chairman of UNIFE, highlighted why the sector needs such dedicated funds to invest in rail R&D to increase the attractiveness of the rail mode and the competitiveness of the European rail industry, which accounts for 50% of the world market for rail supplies and services.

Shift2Rail: подтверждение сильного козыря европейской железнодорожной отрасли Всего четыре месяца спустя после публикации законодательного предложения Европейской Комиссией, Технологическая Инициатива Shift2Rail всё ближе подходит к реализации в части исследования и инновации в железнодорожной отрасли. Март и апрель характеризовались рядом последовательных соглашений, утвержденных на заседаниях Совета министров транспорта Европейского Союза (TTE), Европейского Экономического и Социального Комитета (ЕЭСК) и, совсем недавно, 15 апреля, на заседании Европейского Парламента, который одобрил Технологическую Инициативу. Мандат Shift2Rail завершится 31 декабря 2024 года. May 2014 | www.railwaypro.com


Intelligent urban projects backed by “Horizon 2020” [ by Elena Ilie ]


artnerships with the transport industry will be stepped up in “Horizon 2020” in order to overcome fragmentation and, hence, accelerate the market take up of innovative solutions. Next to SHIFT2RAIL Technological Initiative, launched through the “Horizon 2020” Programme, a series of three financing demands aimed at increasing and consolidating the competitiveness of European transportation industries and, equally, to obtain a more resource-efficient, single, unitary, eco-friendly and citizen-oriented transport system. Thus, the working program for 20142015 has been launched and includes three project financing demands including: Mobility for Growth, Green Vehicles and Small Business and Fast Track Innovation for Transport. The results of this investment in “Smart, green and integrated transport” will, among others, contribute to reaching the crucial objective of cutting carbon emissions in transport by 60% by 2050, as set out in the

2011 White Paper on Transport. Therefore, “Horizon 2020” activities in transport will also focus on speeding up the deployment of the most promising innovations. The budget for transport for 2014-2015 within “Horizon 2020” is close to EUR 1,5 Billion. With an investment in transport research and innovation of EUR 6.3 Billion, the EU transport sector will significantly benefit from “Horizon 2020”. This is an increase of 50% compared with the previous funding period. The aim is to transform Europe’s transport system into a resource efficient and competitive transport system, thus creating jobs and facilitating growth. Urban mobility is a priority of “Horizon 2020” The start of “Horizon 2020” means the launch of “CIVITAS 2020”, a new stage of the CIVITAS initiative which means using innovation in resource-efficient and

competitive urban mobility and transport. Research and innovation action in this area will improve transport and mobility in urban areas, which will benefit a large and increasing share of the population which lives and works in cities or uses them for services and leisure. New mobility concepts, transport organisation, logistics and planning solutions will be developed and tested, contributing to the reduction of air pollution and noise and improving efficiency. Public and non-motorised transport as well as other resource-efficient transport options should be developed as a real alternative to the use of private motor vehicles, supported by greater use of intelligent transport systems as well as by innovative demand management. Urban mobility and transport are integral part of European transport policy, which confirms that urban mobility is at the core of the debate on resource efficiency and plays a key role in defining a well-balanced approach between the social, economic and environmental pillars of sustainable mobility. The most important challenge is to bring the results of the research to the market and to turn innovation into business opportunities, thereby fostering growth and employment. The amount earmarked for urban mobility for 2014 and 2015 is EUR 106.5 Million. In addition, there will be a contribution to the Call “Smart Cities and Communities” for an amount of EUR 40 Million for 2014-15. Infrastructure get s EUR 36. Million in 2014-2015

Source: horizon2020projects.com

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Transport policy needs an efficient, interoperable and interconnected transport infrastructure network which can offer adequate availability and high capacity, optimal interconnectivity between modes, traffic


Source: ec.europa.eu

management based on shared data/information base across modes, increased safety and security, reduced impact on environment and spatial quality, economic affordability in terms of total cost of ownership. Research and innovation efforts under “Horizon 2020” will focus on key areas to leverage infrastructure performance and a streamlined delivery of infrastructure projects. Research and Innovation actions will be promoted to achieve a smarter design, construction and maintenance as well as to develop resource efficient, smarter and safer transport infrastructures. The aim is to achieve greener, cost-efficient and smarter transport infrastructure, contributing to the achievement of the Transport White Paper goal of an efficient and modern European transport infrastructure. The amount earmarked for infrastructure for 2014 and 2015 is EUR 36.5 Million.

Improved mobility, reduced bottlenecks and increased safety Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) play a key role to help deliver safe, efficient, sustainable and seamless transport of goods and people on the European transport network as well as to safeguard the competitiveness of European industry. This is the reason why ITS is one of the leitmotiv themes in the Transport White Paper. However, though a big effort has been made in this domain, there are still significant challenges and barriers, technological and non-technological, for the successful ITS deployment. Research and Innovation actions on ITS will contribute to bridging the gap to deployment by focusing on the optimal use of traffic and travel data to improve mobility and on the continuity of traffic and freight man-


agement ITS services. The application of Smart ICT services for people and freight can transform the way transport is used, its quality of delivery to the customer and its efficiency, contributing to the innovation and deployment strategy set out by the Transport White Paper. The amount earmarked for ITS for 2014 and 2015 is EUR 31 Million. “Horizon 2020” Framework Programme includes the transport activity within the Third Pillar – Approaching societal challenges, pillar which covers 41% of the programme’s budget. It is important to mention that the budget proposed for Transportation is increasing compared to the Framework Programme 7 and reaches around EUR 6.3 Billion in 2014-2020, the equivalent of 9% of the total budget of “Horizon 2020”. The approach of this field is a balanced one by supporting the research of all modes of transport, while preserving the general vision on the field, including elements related to competitiveness, sustainability, technologies and social and economic research. Apart from the private investments that “Horizon 2020” will attract, the programme will supply the capital for starting stimulating progress and technological discoveries by facilitating the transposition of innovative ideas into products and services. Proposal demands for 2014-2015 include the allocation of EUR 500 Million for small and medium-sized undertakings. For the first time, the Commission has presented its financing priorities for the next 2 years, thus offering more certainty about the direction of EU’s research policy. In 2014-2015, financings will consider 12 areas, among which intelligent urban projects.

Умные городские проекты, поддерживаемые Программой «Горизонт 2020»

Source: europa.eu

В рамках программы «Горизонт 2020» будут расширяться и углубляться партнёрства с транспортной отраслью в целях преодоления раздробленности системы и, следовательно, ускорения проникновения инновационных решений на рынок. Наряду с Технологической Инициативой SHIFT2RAIL, запущенной через Программу «Горизонт 2020», были направлены три заявления на финансирование, направленные на усиление и укрепление конкурентоспособности европейской сферы транспорта и в равной степени на достижение эффективного транспорта с точки зрения использования ресурсов, надёжности, единства, экологической чистоты, но и с точки зрения пользы для граждан. May 2014 | www.railwaypro.com

56 Products & Technologies

Information system to help prevent railway accidents [ State Railway Inspectorate of Lithuania (LT NSA) ]

New information system GERVIS developed by the State Railway Inspectorate under the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Republic of Lithuania will help to prevent railway traffic accidents and facilitate railway operations. Control over railway traffic noise, management of railway transport risk, inspection of activities of economic entities and technical supervision of constructions will be shifted to an electronic basis.

Will predict potential railway accidents By developing an Information System for the Management and Oversight of Railway Transport Risk (GERVIS), the State Railway Inspectorate under the Ministry of Transport and Communications (the Inspectorate) has introduced a unique risk management module in the European Union. The module automatically processes all railway accident related information, help-

ing to identify the most hazardous railway infrastructure areas and predict potential accidents in the future. “Analysis of such information will allow us to identify the real causes of railway accidents. Thus we will be able to oblige infrastructure managers to take respective safety measures, such as modernising tracks or putting up barriers at level crossings. We believe that this will minimise number of railway accidents that cause deaths or financial losses to business,” said Deputy

Head of the Inspectorate, Mr. Rokas Milovanovas. GERVIS automatically determines the level of risk posed by railway system objects. According to Mr. Milovanovas, thanks to the new system inspectors will no longer need to speculate which objects pose the greatest risk to traffic safety and therefore will be able to set their activity priorities more easily. Eliminates the use of paper documentation There are over 30 thousand railway constructions in Lithuania. Managers of these objects have obligations to provide the Inspectorate with number of documents and papers. “The GERVIS system will allow us to supervise the objects electronically. The introduction of GERVIS into the public infrastructure alone will save up to 270 thousand LTL (78 thousand EUR),” said Mr Milovanovas. The GERVIS system will provide all necessary information related to inspections and checks carried out by the State Railway Inspectorate, such as inspection plans, data on upcoming, ongoing and completed inspections. More importantly, the system will notify the enterprise about the upcoming inspection by sending an e-mail. The system will also provide access to the questionnaires of the upcoming inspections thus enabling enterprises to prepare better for the inspection, which will in turn become easier, faster and smoother. Developed a railway traffic noise map The Inspectorate has also developed a digital noise map for the main Lithuanian railway section Naujoji Vilnia – Kaišiadorys which runs more than 30 thousand trains

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Products & Technologies 57

every year. The map shows sound levels caused by train traffic. The data will be used for the development of a Noise Prevention Action Plan. Public can access the map at the website of GERVIS (www.gervis.vgi.lt) and check whether the sound levels in a specific location near to railway line is compliant with the established health norms. According to Mr. Milovanovas, such information may be helpful when looking for housing or office space and deciding on installing sound insulation during renovation of the building.

Rokas Milovanovas

Information for public and business The manager of an open data project under the junior professionals programme “Create for Lithuania”, Ms. Živilė Stubrytė, welcomes the availability of such data for business and public. “Opening up of the data for public and business is important in two respects,” says Ms. Stubrytė. “First, this is a tool ensuring transparency of activities of government institutions as people can see the basis of decisions taken by the authorities. Second, this data can also be used by businesses for creating added-value and new jobs. The Inspectorate is pleased with the outputs of the project “Development of Public Electronic Services for the Management and Oversight of Railway Transport Risk” and hopes that the GERVIS system will contribute to the reduction of the administrative burden for operators, like the Information System for State Supervision of Railway Transport did, when the public services provided by the Inspectorate were shifted to an electronic basis at the beginning of 2013. The project has been funded with funds allocated under the Operational Programme “Economic Growth”, Priority 3 “Information Society for All”.

Информационная система для предотвращения несчастных случаев на железных дорогах Новая информационная система GERVIS, разработанная Национальной Железнодорожной Инспекцией при Министерстве Транспорта Литвы, будет помогать в предотвращении несчастных случаев на железных дорогах и будет способствовать осуществлению более плавных железнодорожных перевозок. Контроль уровня шума, производимого железнодорожными перевозками, управление риском, связанным с железнодорожным транспортом, управление деятельностью, связанной с хозяйственными субъектами, а также технический надзор строительства будут осуществляться в электронном виде.

58 statistics EU Transport Scoreboard EU Member State performance for selected indicator(s)


d: e

Source: europa.eu


Secondary or ds regional roads Other roads (*) 1 349

138 869

4 030

12 019 74 919 70 336

178 253 12 440

42 072

11 631

78 958

30 864

75 600

136 422

501 053

377 769

651 202

158 895

68 986

2 753

4 248

5 316

58 173

14 591

50 781 1 891

23 330

167 939


1 379

7 863

124 707

23 654

88 666

154 634

232 880

4 420 35 221


Railways: Title


Railways: Length of Lines in Use

km (end of 2010)

48 763


30 613

5 143

32 342

14 052

25 351

13 574

51 258

83 031

117 487

122 620

244 311

10 936

10 342

3 772

9 300

31 390

302 398

2 950

5 010

44 281

38 732

18 040

51 622

m country to country, the data are ds’ sometimes include roads without 9. MT: end of 2005 (except for motorways).

km 1990 1995 2000 2005 2009 2010 2011




EU-27 235 242 227 139 217 857 212 384 212 693 212 789 213 574 113 531 EU-15 162 132 160 037 152 446 150 316 151 213 151 551 152 492 86 027 EU-12 73 110 67 102 65 411 62 068 61 480 61 238 61 082 27 504 3 479 3 368 3 471 3 544 3 578 3 582 3 558 3 008 BE 4 299 4 294 4 320 4 154 4 150 4 097 3 947 2 862 BG 9 430 9 444 9 614 9 477 9 468 9 470 3 208 CZ 2 838 2 863 2 787 2 646 2 646 2 646 2 629 621 DK 40 981 41 718 36 588 34 221 33 714 33 707 33 576 19 826 DE 1 026 1 021 968 968 919 787 792 132 EE 1 944 1 954 1 919 1 919 1 919 1 919 1 919 52 IE 2 484 2 474 2 385 2 576 2 552 2 552 2 554 438 EL 14 539 14 308 14 347 15 015 15 330 15 837 15 932 9 615 ES 34 070 31 939 29 272 29 286 29 903 29 871 30 884 16 321 FR 16 066 16 003 16 187 16 545 17 004 17 022 17 045 12 120 IT CY 2 397 2 413 2 331 2 270 1 884 1 897 1 865 257 LV 2 007 2 002 1 905 1 771 1 767 1 767 1 767 122 LT 271 275 274 275 275 275 275 262 LU 7 838 7 714 8 005 7 950 7 892 7 893 7 906 2 996 HU MT 2 798 2 739 2 802 2 797 2 886 3 016 3 016 2 107 NL 5 624 5 672 5 665 5 691 5356 5039 5021 3 416 AT 26 228 23 986 22 560 19 507 19 764 19 702 19 725 11 817 PL 3 064 2 850 2 814 2 844 2 842 2 842 2 793 1 629 PT 11 348 11 376 11 015 10 948 10 776 10 777 10 777 4 032 RO 1 196 1 201 1 201 1 228 1 228 1 228 1 209 500 SI 3 660 3 665 3 662 3 658 3 623 3 622 3 624 1 578 SK 5 867 5 880 5 854 5 732 5 919 5 919 5 944 3 172 FI 11 193 10 925 11 037 11 017 11 138 11 149 11 213 8 121 SE 16 914 17 069 17 044 16 208 16 151 16 175 16 134 5 319 UK 2 429 2 296 2 726 2 726 2 722 2 722 2 722 984 HR 696 699 699 699 699 699 699 234 MK 8 429 8 549 8 671 8 697 9 080 9 594 9 642 2 789 TR IS 4 044 4 151 4 199 4 154 2 551 4 023 4 413 4 334 NO 3 215 3 232 3 216 3 399 3 599 3 597 3 574 3 573 CH

53.2 56.4 45.0 84.5 72.5 33.9 23.6 59.0 16.7 2.7 17.1 60.4 52.8 71.1 13.8 6.9 95.3 37.9 69.9 68.0 59.9 58.3 37.4 41.4 43.5 53.4 72.4 33.0 36.1 33.5 28.9 61.4 100.0

Notes: DE: includes DE-E: 1970 = 14 250, 1980 = 14 248, 1990 = 14 031. CS: 1970 = 13 308, 1980 = 13 131, 1990 = 13 111. (These are included in EU-27 and EU-12 totals).

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tion, national statistics, estimates (in italics)


77 S o u r c e s : U n i o n I n t e r n a t i o n a l e d e s C h e m i n s d e F e r, n a t i o n a l s t a t i s t i c s , E u r o s t a t , e s t i m a t e s (in italics)




Railways: Title














EU 643










1 024




1 281




2 447






1 281




2 708





1 069

1 540




3 943




1 196

1 069

1 540




4 264



1 196

1 090

1 540




4 285



1 285

1 272

1 540




5 184




1 285

1 511

1 872




5 480



1 285

1 599

1 872




5 750



1 285

1 604

1 872




6 126

1 285

2 056


6 602

1 285

2 144


6 830


1 334

2 144

1 896 923 120 TRANSPORT 2 036 923 120 INFRASTRUCTURE 2 036 923 120


6 879


ES (*)

Note: Length of lines or of sections of lines on which trains can go faster than 250 km/h at some point during the journey.









Note: 78








TH  km


12 98 18 32 70 75 50 09 58 78 52 27 28 22 14 41 80

Railways: Title


2015 2015 2017

2015 2015 2017

nder construction named.

ins de Fer (updated July 2012), ed department; national sources

6 126 6 602



6 879



1 285

2 144

2 036



1 334

2 144

2 036



Railways: Title

1 Gröbers-Erfurt 435 3 000 25 000 1 Nürnberg-Erfurt 435 25 000 1Barcelona-Figueres 435 3 000 25 000 (Madrid)/Alicante/Murcia/Castellon 1 435 3 000 25 000 Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastian 800–1 200 15 000 1 Variante 435 de (contact Pajares rail) 1Bobadilla-Granada 520 3 000 La Coruña-Vigo 1 600 1 500 Navalmoral-Cacere-Badajoz-Fr. Port 600 Sevilla-Cadiz 1 000 25 000 de Camarillas) 1Hellin-Cieza(Variante 435 1Sevilla-Antequera 000 500 1LGV 435 EST-Européenne13(second 000 phase) 25 000 1 668 LGV Bretagne-Pays de 750–850la Loire 1LGV 000 Sud Europe Atlantique (contact rail) 25 000 1 435 1 500 Counternement Nimes-Montpellier 23.000 5.5 1 435 25 000

3 000 3 000 3 000 800–1 200 (contact rail) 3 000 2015 2016 2016 2017

1 500




1 520

3 000


1 520


1 520

2015 50 Hz 2015 50 Hz 2017 50 Hz 50 Hz 16.7 Hz

50 Hz 50 Hz 2015 2016 50 Hz 2016 2017 50 Hz


3 000




25 000 RO

1 435 1 000 1 668 1 435

25 SI 000

1 435

50 Hz3 000

SK 25 000 1 435

50 Hz3 000

25 000



1 524

15 000 1 435 SE 1 435 UK 1 600 (N-IRL) HR 1 435

25 000

50 Hz

25 000

50 Hz



15 000

16.7 Hz

25 000

50 Hz

25 000

50 Hz

25 000

50 Hz

1 500 3 000

50 Hz

50 Hz

25 000

50 Hz

15 000

16.7 Hz

750 (contact rail)

25 000

50 Hz

3 000

25 000

50 Hz

16.7 Hz

Notes:25 1 435 000mm = standard gauge. 50 Hz (*) ES: new lines have a gauge of 1 435 mm and an electric current of 25 000 volts, 50 Hz. UK: (N-IRL): Northern Ireland.

25 000

50 Hz

25 000

50 Hz

25 000

50 Hz




S o u r c e s : U n i o n I n t e r n a t i o n a l e d e s C h e m i n s d e F e r, r a i l w a y c o m p a n i e s


1 520

25 000

50 Hz

1 435

25 000

50 Hz


1 435

25 000

50 Hz







1 435

1 500


1 435

15 000

16.7 Hz


3 000 25 000

50 Hz


1 435 1 000 1 668 1 435

25 000

50 Hz


1 435

3 000


1 435

3 000

25 000

50 Hz


1 524

25 000

50 Hz


1 435 1 435 1 600 (N-IRL) 1 435


98 218 132 470 175 50 109 158 278 152 27 128 122 214 341 80


Sources: Union Internationale des Chemins de Fer (updated July 2012), 25 000 50 national Hz high-speed department; sources



120 113 2 . 5 . 56 83059 statistics

Note: The length indicated above is the length of the line under construction CY - named. and not -necessarily the distance- between the places

NL CURRENT 1 435 ELECTRIC AT 1 435 DC volts AC volts



2015 2016 2016 2017

113 113



1 000 5 480 The length indicated above is the length of the line under 1 construction 435 and not necessarily the distance between the places named. 5 750 1 000 ES 1 500 1 435 6 126 Sources: Union Internationale(*)des Chemins de Fer (updated July 2012), 1 668 national sources 3 000 high-speed department; 6 602 750–850 1 000 FR (contact rail) 6 830 1 435 1 500 6 879 IT 1 435 3 000

can go faster than 250 km/h

120 120

MAIN RAILWAY GAUGE subtitle AND ELECTRIC CURRENT USED LU 1 435 START OF LENGTHMain  km Railway Gauge and Electric Current Used HU 1 435 OPERATION

DE Offenburg-Basel 112 DE Gröbers-Erfurt 98 km (at end ofDE year) TRACK GAUGE Nürnberg-Erfurt 218 132 mm NL UK ES EUBarcelona-Figueres ES (Madrid)/Alicante/Murcia/Castellon 470 643 BE 1 435 ES Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastian 175 Variante de Pajares 50 - ES1 024 BG 1 435 ES Bobadilla-Granada 109 - ES2 447 CZ La Coruña-Vigo 158 1 435 Navalmoral-Cacere-Badajoz-Fr. Port 278 1 435 - ES2 708 DK ES Sevilla-Cadiz 152 74 ES3 943 Hellin-Cieza(Variante de Camarillas)DE 27 1 435 Sevilla-Antequera 128 74 ES4 264 EE FR LGV EST-Européenne (second phase) 122 1 520 74 FR4 285 LGV Bretagne-Pays de la Loire IE 214 1 600 LGV Sud Europe Atlantique 341 74 FR5 184 600 FR Counternement Nimes-Montpellier 80


923 923

TRACK GAUGE ELECTRICLENGTH CURRENT LINE  km DC volts AC DE mm Offenburg-Basel 112volts


2010 209 TRANSPORT 2011 209 INFRASTRUCTURE 2012 209

1 872 1 896

High-speed lines currently under construction

km (at end of year) -

1 604 2 056



1 285 1 285

Note: Length of lines or of sections of lines on which trains can go faster than 250 km/h at some pointGAUGE during the journey. MAIN RAILWAY subtitle AND ELECTRIC CURRENT USED

Railways: High-Speed Rail Network


209 209

15 000

16.7 Hz

750 (contact rail)

25 000

50 Hz

3 000

25 000

50 Hz

Source: - Statistical pocketbook 2013 Notes:European 1 435 Commission mm = standard gauge.

(*) ES: new lines have a gauge of 1 435 mm and an electric current of 25 000 volts, 50 Hz. UK: (N-IRL): Northern Ireland. 79

S o u r c e s : U n i o n I n t e r n a t i o n a l e d e s C h e m i n s d e F e r, r a i l w a y c o m p a n i e s

May 2014 | www.railwaypro.com


60 Products & Technologies

ERTMS deployment onnot theenough right track? EUB.financing for ERTMS is [ by Pamela Luică ]

Germany has announced early 2013 that it would UNIFE looks forward to the real According to the annual reportCorridors of UNIFE (2013), ERTMS signalling is used in 37 projects and thecountries use of with the availab equip its Rail Freight with the ERTMS, which system overwas 29,000 km of railway and around 3,000 vehicles equipped with ERTMS (outside Europe). excellent news for the sector. The first priority is solutions to the technical burdens In Europe, because of the economic crisis and the austerity programmes implemented by authorities, of financing the deployment Corridor A states (Rotterdam - Genoa) whichinfrastructure will be equipped several member have readjusted transport investmentssuccess causing the delay of cancellation of investments the deployment of ERTMS. However, in other countries, there is a highplease level of see the CEF artic by 2018. inThis positive message from Germany will information implementation. Almost all high-speed networks in Italy and Spain are using the system and is currently certainly boost the further implementation of ERTMS, Affairs section). being implemented on a significant part of the networks in 20 countries, such as Switzerland, Luxembourg, since equipping these etc. corridors will enhance the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium interoperability between Germany and its many neighboring countries.


espite the significant allocation of

Financing in the current programming pe-

UNIFE welcomesontheriod new multi-annual EU funds,also the implementation is a problem for interestedfinancial parties, as it corridors is delaying and delays is important to set corresponding mechaframework proposed by the European Commission from a member state are affecting the entire nisms to facilitate investments that would corridor,for whichthe also means delays2014-2020. for other permit the useshows of public and private funds period This continuous countries in obtaining investments ben- for implementing ERTMS. In this context, support of theStaffEuropean Commission and ERA efits, states the Commission Working there are several instruments in the to EU Document on the state of play of the im- budget that could financially contribute to ERTMS in Europe. Connecting Europe plementation of thedeployment ERTMS Deployment project The development. Plan (2014). To that end, the “Connecting FaFacility (CEF) doubles the budget available for Europe” ERTMS The European commitment on ERTMS cility (MCE) can ensure a significant part of compared the “Indeed, previous financial supportdeployment is proven by the investments allo- to financing. part of the EUR 26.25 cated toframework implement the (2007-2013). system. The over- InBillion allocated to TEN-T development a period of 7 years, starting all allocation for the railway sector is EUR through CEF will be used to implement 23.2 Billion current programming ERTMS by correctlyof using the combination fromfor1the January 2014, an expected budget € 700 million period, constituting 6.7% of Structural and of grants and financial instruments and by toFunds. € 1.1This billion willthebe allocated to the ERTMS investments Cohesion is less than overdeveloping appropriate instruments for all allocation for roads (EUR 40.8 Billion), attracting public and private investments. with a funding rate of 50% to 85% for countries eligible but more than resources assigned to other “CEF will contribute to the implementatransport areas (EUR 16.3funds. Billion). Invest- tion of ERTMS through grants; the sysfor cohesion

ment in TEN-T railways accounts for the tem is part of the 4 horizontal priorities biggest share (77%) while rolling stock for included in the CEF appendix. Railway inTEN-T represents the smallest share (1%). teroperability, including ERTMS, has been Within the rail allocation, around EUR 1.5 included in the first general objectives of INtoEUROPE (km) and (…) Billion is allocated ERTMS to ERTMS.EQUIPPED TRACK CEF, next the other objectives


ERTMS equipped track in Europe



40000 30000

7000 Финансирование системы ERTMS со стороны ЕС не 6000 является достаточным 4918



5000 О приверженности ЕС к поддержке

20000 15000 10000 5000 0

# of vehicles




CEF provisions make it clear that ERTMS is a financing priority. The Communication from the Commission “Building the Transport Core Network: Core Network More than 29000 Corridors and Connecting Europe Facility” indicates that the Commission intends of800 tracks to allocate between EUR Million and and alm EUR 1100 Million 3000 to support the deploy-are ER vehicles ment of ERTMS. outside Eu This priority is alsoequipped confirmed by the high co-funding rates set out for ERTMS in the CEF: for ground equipment, the co-funding rates for projects on the TEN-T Core Network or on the comprehensive network for principal routes of rail freight corridors not included in the Core Network can go up to 50% of the eligible costs. Additionally, the CEF can provide up to 50% for on-board components of ERTMS. However, “CEF budget will not be sufficient to cover all the investment needs for ERTMS. (...) One of the key elements of the agreed text is therefore the envisaged more systematic use of innovative financial instruments Project Bonds) to NUMBER(including OF VEHICLES EQUIPPED WIT offer an alternative to the traditional grant CONTRACTED funding and plug financing gaps for strategic investments.

September - 2010

Source: Annual Report 2013, UNIFE

Source : UNIFE

www.railwaypro.com | May 2014

April - 2012

September - 2013


ERTMS свидетельствуют инвестиции, выделенные 4000 для внедрения системы. В текущем финансовом году, выделение средств 3000является проблемой для заинтересованных сторон, с учётом важности создания соответствующих 2000 способствующих привлечение механизмов, инвестиций, позволяющих использовать 1000 государственные и частные средства для внедрения ERTMS. В этом контексте, имеется0несколько инструментов в рамках бюджета ЕС, которые могут -вносить September 2010 April - 2012 финансовый вклад в реализации проектов. Source : UNIFE


Address : Str. Gării nr. 18, cod 705200, Paşcani, jud. Iaşi - România Phone : +40-232-71.83.00 Fax : +40-232-76.51.40 E-mail : office@electroputerevfu.ro

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