Railway PRO - october

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the railway business magazine

Year VIII ■ No. 4.10 (97) ■ 2013

Railway PRO Freight & Logistics

Railway Days 2013

G20 Summit confirms the need of private capital in infrastructure projects International companies interested in Iran-Armenia railway Railway freight transport, a decade of changes and transformations

Журнал железнодорожный бизнес

Russian Railways Logistics: Rail transit on Europe-Asia axis has a strong potential Interview with Mr. Denis Mazurin, Business Development Director of RZDL РЖД Логистика: Железнодорожный транзит на маршруте Европа-Азия имеет высокий потенциал йнтервью с Денисом Мазуриным, директором по развитию бизнеса ОАО “РЖДЛ”.


Vectron – The locomotive that’s forging new paths. Creating Corridors.

Europe is changing. Every day, increasing amounts of goods are flowing across more and more borders. Prepare yourself for the future – with a locomotive that’s a perfect match for your transport needs. From series-produced country packages and sustainable convertibility to needs-

based services with Railcover, Vectron combines years of locomotive expertise with market-leading performance. Ensure a future-proof and successful economic development of your freight and passenger traffic. Creating Corridors.

editor’s note 1


eptember is the time when the “European Mobility Week”, including the “Car-free day”, is organized worldwide. Initially a European activity, today it is embraced by public authorities and nongovernmental organizations from the European Union and third parties. Although messages are mostly directed to public passenger transport, the organization and technologies of freight logistics should not miss from the discourse of this period, as well as from the set of measures that need to be adopted to increase the environmental efficiency of this industry. In terms of environment protection, we have to remind the fact that the overall transport sector is the only major area of the social-economic life that has not witnessed reductions of pollution levels, on the contrary, a 20% growth has been reported for the post 1990 period. Therefore, it should be mentioned that over 90% of the carbon dioxide emissions come from road transport, while the railway sector is responsible for only 0.6%. That is why it is interesting to follow the attitude of the authorities towards the organisation of the four major transport modes. First of all, we have to

say that the majority of investments is still going to road infrastructure as most of the European countries develop motorways and other types of roads. If in EU15 the balance is almost reached, in the new member states the report between railway investments and road investments goes up to 1:6. The governmental financial indiscipline can be seen as one of the causes, as unscheduled funds are allocated to the construction/ modernisation of roads which wears out the budget of other major projects. The anti-railway tendency is, unfortunately, present in the countries which have declared railways as the preferred mode of choice. Thus, western countries are manifesting an increasing pressure for the official introduction of mega-trucks under the influence exerted by the specialized industry. In the medium term, this policy will result in the development of new road infrastructures capable to receive new vehicles. But we have to consider that the space occupation is already three times higher for the road infrastructure compared to the railway infrastructure for similar transport capacities. At the same time, the new public resources will go to the most polluting transport, thus gen-

erating the gradual reduction of life quality. Even if they are responsible for a much lower percentage, the air and maritime sectors remain the second and third sources of pollution. However, fiscal policies clearly in favour of these transport sectors, creating artificial commercial advantages. The exemption from the payment of fuel charges (to name only a major example) contributes to reducing costs, widowing the budgets of the European budgets by hundreds of millions per year and providing subsidies for this business lines. In comparison, railway transport is not exempted from these charges which are usually used for the development of road infrastructure. In order to have clean air, we have to analyse the different aspects of the transport business so as to maintain a balance between financial sustainability and environmental sustainability.

Clean air, it’s you move!

Issue published with the support of Romanian Railway Industry Association & Club Feroviar – The Railway Business Club Журнал издаётся при поддержке Асоциации Железнодорожной Промышленности и Club Feroviar – ЖД Клуб Деловых Людей

Чистый воздух - твой ход! Сентябрь это месяц, который отмечает “Неделю мобильности” на глобальном уровне, включая “День без автомобилей”. Первоначально, это было европейское мероприятие, а в настоящее время, мероприятие пользуется поддержкой государственных властей и неправительственных организаций в рамках Европейского Союза, а также, на более широком уровне. Хотя полученные сообщения концентрируются в основном в области общественного транспорта, нынешние официальные выступления и меры которые должны быть приняты для роста эффективности защиты окружающей среды в данной отрасли промышленности, обязательно должны относиться к организационному процессу и технологиям логистики грузоперевозок. В контексте защиты окружающей среды, мы должны напомнить, что в основном, транспортный сектор является единственной крупной социальноэкономической сферой, которая не встречала снижения параметров загрязнения окружающей среды, даже хуже, отмечает их рост на 20% за период после 1990 года.В данном контексте напомним, что более 90% выбросов углерода исходят из автодорожного транспорта, поскольку железнодорожный сектор несёт ответственность всего за 0.6%. На этом основании, интересно наблюдать за позицией властей в отношении к организационному процессу четырёх главных видов перевозок. В первую очередь, надо подчеркнуть,

что склонность капиталовложений в дорожную инфраструктуру остаётся очевидной, по мере того, как большинство европейских стран проводят строительные работы автомобильных и иных видов дорог. В рамках Европейского Союза состоявшего из 15 стран, равновесие в секторе капиталовложений в сравнении между железнодорожной и автодорожной сферой транспорта почти сохранялось, в то время как новые государства-члены отмечают разницу 1:6. Финансовая недисциплинированность со стороны властей может быть воспринята как одна из причин, имея в виду, что незапланированные бюджетные средства назначаются для строительства и модернизации автодорог, истощая бюджет других крупных проектов. К сожалению, антижелезнодорожное предрасположение оказывает влияние и в странах признанных как про-железнодорожные. Таким образом, в западных странах наблюдается повышенное напряжение в связи с официальным введением в эксплуатацию “мега-грузовиков”, под влиянием специализированных отраслей промышленности. На средний срок, такая политика приведёт к развитию новых автодорожных инфраструктур, которые будут соответствовать введению в эксплуатацию новых транспортных средств. Напоминаю что, уровень эксплуатации площади сектором автодорожной инфраструктуры, уже трижды превышает уровень эксплуатации

в железнодорожном секторе, при подобных провозных способностях. Более того, новые государственные ресурсы будут направлены в транспортные секторы, которые оказывают наиболее негативное влияние над окружающей средой, постепенно снижая уровень жизни.Авиационный и судовой сектор - занимают низкий уровень ответственности с точки зрения негативного влияния над окружающей средой - хотя они занимают второе и третье место по химическому загрязнению окружающей среды. Несмотря на это, фискальная политика является чисто благосклонной, предоставляя названным секторам искусственные коммерческие выгоды. Освобождение от уплаты пошлин за топливо (чтобы предоставить крупный пример) способствует снижению стоимостей, также, оказывая повреждение бюджетам европейских стран сотнями миллионами евро в год, и предоставляя скрытые субсидии для бизнес-операции такого типа. В сравнении, железнодорожный транспорт не освобождён от пошлин такого типа, которые, как правило, используются для разработки автодорожной инфраструктуры. Для того чтобы радоваться чистым воздухом, надо проанализировать различные характеристики транспортного бизнеса, чтобы таким образом можно было достигнуть равновесия между финансовой стойкостью и мерами защиты окружающей среды. October 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

2 cOntent leaders



49 26

South Caucasus countries want the harmonisation of railway laws Страны южного Кавказа желают объединения железнодорожного законодательства Around 120 representatives of the ministries of transport, authorities and international organisations met at the middle of the year in Batumi to discuss about necessary measures aimed at facilitating trade and especially transport in South Caucasus countries. Около 120 представителей транспортных министерств, властей и международных организаций, провели встречу в этом полугодии в Батуми, для обсуждения нужных мер по облегчению торговли и, в особенности, транспорта в странах южного Кавказа.


25 International companies interested in Iran-Armenia railway

photo: club feroviar

34 Ukraine: construction of

Editor’s note the railway business magazine

Railway PRO

ISSN - 1841 - 4672


Clean air, it’s you move!

POLICIES & STRATEGIES Publisher: Editura de Transport & Logistică S.R.L. 30, Virgiliu Street, Sector 1 Bucharest, postal code: 010881 Tel.:+4 021 224 43 85; +4 021 224 43 87 Mobile: +40 721 723 724 Fax: +4 021 224 43 86 E-mail: editors@railwaypro.com Web-site: www.railwaypro.com

Editors: Elena Ilie elena.ilie@railwaypro.com Pamela Luică pamela.luica@railwaypro.com Department of translations: Alina Vuţulicu Paula Bădescu Veronica Lupan Graphic design: Petru Mureşan Layout and DTP: Petru Mureşan petru.muresan@railwaypro.com Photo: Radu Drăgan Marketing Manager: Cristina Trifon cristina.trifon@railwaypro.com Advertising Enquiries: advertise@railwaypro.com www. railwaypro.com/advertise

20 G20 Summit confirms

the need of private capital in infrastructure projects

30 Railway freight transport, a decade of changes and transformations

35 Global supply chains,

regional logistic platforms: creating value using rail as backbone between Asian & EU ports and cities

44 Croatia: New Railway Act

enables the liberalization of the freight market

48 Russian private operators want to operate on public railways

www.railwaypro.com | October 2013

industrial parks will generate investments of USD 8 Billion

41 Khassan – Rajin line is reopened

42 Kazakhstan, an important

country for Baltic States to attract freight flows from China

47 ZSK Cargo, divided in three subsidiaries

49 South Caucasus countries want the harmonisation of railway laws

52 Europe and Africa build railway tunnel below the Gibraltar Strait lex


Russian Railways Logistics:Rail transit on Europe-Asia axis has a strong potential Interview with Mr. Denis Mazurin, Business Development Director of RZDL

РЖД Логистика: Железнодорожный транзит на маршруте Европа-Азия имеет высокий потенциал Интервью с Денисом Мазуриным, директором по развитию бизнеса ОАО “РЖДЛ”. Russian Railways Logistics (RZDL), a subsidiary of Russian Railways, develops individual transport schemes for every potential project due to its access to RZD subsidiaries and the cooperation with international organisations, companies and authorities. The operator supplies logistics services not only at national, but also at international level... ОАО “РЖД Логистика”, дочерняя компания Российских Железных Дорог, предоставляет логистические услуги на российском и международном уровне, играя важную роль на маршруте Европа-Азия. По мнению большинства аналитиков, транзитные перевозки между двумя континентами имеют высокий потенциал для роста, что, как ожидается, усилит конкуренцию ...


43 Entities in charge with

maintenance of rolling stock can no longer operate without certification Railway Days 2013

16 Design, reliability

and performance: the vital

22 “Force majeure” cases don’t characteristics of Alstom exonerate rail operators from the payment of compensations

24 Armenia takes EU by

surprise with decision to access the Customs Union

32 Harmonisation of

operation and management regulation, vital for freight corridors


18 GRAMPET GROUP, new railway businesses

19 Siemens: innovation and sustainability


50 Freight statistics

cOntent 3

Редакционная статья



48 Частные операторы Чистый воздух твой ход!


из России намерены оперировать на общественной железнодорожной сети РАЗВИТИЕ РЫНКА

20 Саммит G20

25 Международные подтверждает необходимость компании заинтересованы частного капитала в рамках железной дорогой Иран – инфраструктурных проектов Армения 30 Железнодорожный

34 Украина: строительство


43 Юридические лица

ответственные за техническое обслуживание подвижного 49 Страны южного Кавказа состава не смогут продолжать желают объединения деятельность без железнодорожного сертификатов законодательства

52 Европа и Африка

намерены построить железнодорожный тоннель под Гибралтарским Проливом ЛЕКС

индустриальных 22 Форс-мажорные транспорт – десяток лет парков приведёт к изменений и преобразования капиталовложениям в 8 млрд. события не освобождают железнодорожных долл. операторов от уплаты убытков 35 Цепочки глобальных поставщиков - региональные 41 Железнодорожная линия Хасан - Раджин открылась логистические платформы: 24 Армения удивляет вновь добавленная стоимость Евросоюз своим решением, железнодорожной связи связанным с вступлением в между портами и городами 42 Казахстан - важное Таможенный Союз государство для Балтийских Азии и Европы Стран, с точки зрения привлечения потока товаров 32 Соответствие 44 Хорватия: Новое из Китая между операционными законодательство в и административными железнодорожной отрасли 47 Оператор ZSK Cargo нормативами является позволило открыть рынок – разделяется на три жизненным для действия железнодорожных перевозок дочерние компании коридоров грузоперевозок

Дни Железных Дорог

16 Проектирование,

надёжность и потребительские качества: необходимые характеристики для локомотивов Alstom

18 Группа GRAMPET

проявляет конкурентоспособность на европейском железнодорожном рынке

19 Siemens: инновация и надёжность


50 Железнодорожного статистика

October 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

news 5 3 groups of companies interested in the sale of TRAINOSE

Azerbaijan: Azerbaijani government and the World Bank (WB) signed an agreement on granting additional funds by the bank for the implementation of country’s railway project (Rail Trade and Transport Facilitation Project) worth of $ 220 million. The project supports implementation of Azerbaijan’s national railway development program aimed at improving railway services in the country, developing the trade and attracting transit cargo between Europe and Central Asia. Railway transport is an important element of Azerbaijan’s economic diversification strategy. Income in this sector was equal to five percent of non-oil exports in 2012. By investing in railway infrastructure, Azerbaijan intends to achieve an increase in volumes of transit in the Central Asian and Black Sea regions, thus benefiting from the country’s geographical location as the shortest route between Central Asia and Europe.

greece: The Hellenic Republic Assets Development Fund (HRADF) announced that three investment groups expressed their interest to acquire a 100% stake in Trainose. According to Reuters, the company that participated in the first phase of the sale process are SNCF (France), Grampet Group (Romania) and GEK Terna Group (Greece) in cooperation with RZD (Russia). The cost of the shares could amount to over EUR 200 Million. “It is envisaged that the transfer of ownership of TRAINOSE to the private sector will contribute to the upgrade and development of the company’s passenger and freight services, the crea-

Donetsk Railways to lease locomotives Ukraine: Donetsk Railways, part of Ukrainian Railways, will lease 237 electric locomotives in 2013 – 2016. The contract is signed for 7 years. 7 2ES10 and 230 2EL4 will be leased.

Georgian Railways plans new ferry service Georgia: Georgian Railways is seeking a new partner to launch a ferry service between Georgia and Russia to link Poti and Kavkaz. The project is aimed at increasing transit and import traffic on railways between Georgia by around 80,000 tonnes a year and to increase the competitiveness of maritime freight transport.

RFF to invest EUR 15 Billion Internarional: French railway infrastructure manager RFF has submitted a six-year EUR 15 Billion plan to

Ukrzaliznytsia considers increase of speed for cargo trains

International: Preliminary works on feasibility study of the Afghan section of Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Tajikistan

photo: www.kyivpost.com

Ukraine: Ukrzaliznytsia is considering increasing the speed of container and combined trains from 80 km per hour to 90 km per hour for loaded trains and up to 100 km per hour for empty trains, which aims at increasing the competitiveness of railways services.

Tender for the construction of Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Tajikistan railway project to be announced soon

railway project have been completed and tenders are expected to be announced in the coming days for carrying out the feasibility analysis, Deputy Minister of Public Works Ahmad Shah Wahid announced. According to him, the Afghan section of the railway has a length of 355 km. “The Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Tajikistan railway, the construction of which will begin in the near future, will be one of the largest projects in the region,” Wahid said. ADB said it plans to finance the works in Afghanistan whose cost is around USD 350 Million. “ADB will be ready to defray the additional expenses if the project cost changes after the feasibility analysis,” Wahid said. According to him, the construction of the Afghan section of the railway will start after the feasibility study. The preparation process for the construction may last 8-12 months.

Греция: Фонд Развития Активов Греческой Республики (HRADF) объявил, что три инвестиционные группы проявили свой интерес в связи с продажей 100% акций компании Trainose. Азербайджан: Азербайджанские власти и Всемирный Банк подписали договор о предоставлении дополнительного кредита для осуществления Проекта по Облегчению Торговли и Железнодорожного Транспорта. Украина: Железнодорожная компания города Донецк, которая принадлежит Украинской Национальной Железнодорожной Компании, возьмёт в аренду 237 локомотивов.

tion of synergies with other key infrastructures of the country and the improvement in the accessibility of passengers and goods to major European markets”, HRADF press release states. HRADF’s advisors will evaluate the above Expressions of Interest and submit to HRADF’s Board of Directors their recommendation as to which candidates qualify for the next phase of the tender.

photo: www.trainose.gr

WB signs loan agreement for major railway project

modernise the railway network to the deputy minister of transport, Mr Frédéric Cuvillier. The four key objectives of the plan are: improving reliability, increasing capacity by deploying new technologies such as GSM-R and ERTMS and running more trains on the busiest high-speed lines, improving security and increasing the attractiveness of railway transport. Saudi Arabia: new contract for Landbridge project International: Parsons Brinckerhoff and Flour Corp. have been awarded a consultancy contract for the design and construction of the future line connecting the Red Sea to the Persian Gulf in Saudi Arabia. The contract has been awarded by the Saudi Public Investments Fund. The duration of the contract is 8 years. The line will be 950km long and will link Jeddah to Riyadh. The project includes an extension of 115 km between Dammam and Jubail and is state-financed through the Saudi Public Investments Fund. Parsons Brinckerhoff has drafted the ini-

Греция: Администратор греческой железнодорожной инфраструктуры объявил, что был подписан договор по строительству железной дороги. Грузия: Национальная Железнодорожная Компания Грузии объявила, что ищет партнёра для пуска в эксплуатацию перевозочных катеров между Грузией и Россией. В мире: Были завершены предварительные работы для анализа технико-экономического обоснования для осуществления железнодорожного участка из Афганистана – часть коридора Туркменистан-АфганистанТаджикистан.

October 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

6 news tial project planning in 1997 as part of the plans for railway projects in Saudi Arabia.

PKP PLK reduces the track access charge

International: Rail Cargo Group has initiated a railway freight transport service between the Port of Koper (Slovenia) and the German city Munich. The service provides five return trains per week between Munich Riem UBF and the container terminal of Koper Port. Clients can benefit of additional services upon request (customs, storage etc.).

PKP Intercity to resume tender for diesel locomotives Poland: PKP Intercity decision of rejecting an offer from PESA for the contract on 10 diesel locomotives has been confirmed by the court and by the Supreme Court of Appeal, after PESA has introduced a complaint. PKP Intercity has rejected PESA’s offer worth PLN 173 Million (EUR 40 Million) as unrealistic and against the healthy principles of market competition, because of the extremely reduced maintenance price. Of the other two bidders, Vossloh has cancelled its offer due to technical problems and Newag’s offer has been rejected because it exceeded the estimate cost of the project. PKP hopes to resume the tender in 2015.

poland: Polish infrastructure manager, PKP PLK, will reduce the track access charges by 20.4% on average. The decision was made following a decision of the European Court of Justice. The new charges will be introduced most probably on a period of 4 years, starting with December 2013, on conditions they are approved by the state rail transport office UTK.

Botoşani and Suceava to build a railway between the two municipalities Romania: Botoşani and Suceava consider the development of a metropolitan train line to provide direct and rapid connection between the two cities, declared Mayor Ovidiu Portariuc (Botoşani). He met his counterpart in Suceava, Ioan Lungu, and discussed the construction of a railway line between the two cities. The project will be submitted for European financing in 2014-2020. “This metropolitan train would allow citizens to travel from one city to another in conditions of maximum safety. I believe it is a feasible project. We are talking about an investment of tens of millions Euros which will also favour a mobility of the work force”, said the mayor of Botoşani, Ovidiu Portariuc, who hopes the investment would be 100% financed with European funds because neither local budgets, nor state budgets can cover the cost of its development.

Armenia announces support to build Armenia to Iran railway

photo: en.wikipedia.org

www.railwaypro.com | October 2013

2011 to discuss the idea which has now been brought to design stage. Such a railway will move energy and raw material freight from Armenia to the east, increasing trade in the country. It currently has freight services running to Georgia and out to Europe. Iran meanwhile has been upgrading junctions to accommodate trains from India, China and central Asia. This will make the country a Middle Eastern hub for freight crossing to the east. Armenia will benefit strongly from this investment in infrastructure. TVSZ to deliver 6000 cars Russia: Tikhvin Car Plant (TVSZ) will supply 6000 cars to SUEK coal company. The cars are fitted with barber S-2-R bogies with a load of 25t/axle. SUEK has been the first company to test the new cars. The company estimates it needs 28,000 cars to complete its current 20,000-car fleet.

NRIC launches modernisation of Sofia-Mezdra railway

Russian firms have all shown interest in building the Armenian section of the Iran to Armenia Railway, which will link the country to the Middle and Far East in addition to its current railway links to Europe. Transport Ministers from Armenia, Iran and Russia got together in November

Bulgaria: NRIC, Bulgaria National Rail Infrastructure Company has selected Trace Group (Bulgaria) as winner of the contract on the modernisation of SofiaMezdra railway. The contract includes the rehabilitation and modernisation of an 8.1km section on this line. The contract is estimated at BGN 12.04 Million (EUR 6.15 Million). The project will be completed in 48 months.

проекта Landbridge. В мире: Группа Железнодорожных грузоперевозок Rail Cargo Group оформила железнодорожную услугу грузоперевозки между портом Koper (Словения) и немецким городом Мюнхен. Хорватия: Компания HZ Infrastruktura проводит работы модернизации железной дороги Загреб Боронгаж – Дуго Село. Румыния: Города Ботошань и Сучава намерены осуществить проект пригородного поезда, который предоставит прямую и быструю связь

между названными городами. В мире: Компании Ирана, Китая и России проявили свой интерес в связи со строительством армянского железнодорожного участка, который является частью межгосударственной магистрали Иран- Армения. Россия: Фабрика Вагонов Тихвин (ТВСЗ) предоставит 6000 вагонов Угольной энергетической компании СУЭК. Польша: PKP Intercity отказала предложение от PESA, стоимостью в 173 млн. злотых (40 млн. евро) и надеется повторить тендер в 2015 году.

International: Iranian, Chinese and

Польша: Польская государственная компания PKP PLK снизит пошлины на инфраструктуру в среднем на 20,4%. В мире: Французская Железнодорожная Компания предоставила посланнику Министерства Транспорта – Фредерик Кувиллиер, план на шесть лет по модернизации сети. Украина: Укрзализныця анализирует возможность повышения скорости поездов контейнеров и комбинированных поездов. В мире: Саудовская Аравия подписала новый контракт для

photo: www.plk-sa.pl

New Slovenia-Germany freight transport connection

news 7

Uralvagonzavod) and private companies Rail Garant and Spetsenergotrans decided to launch a joint venture, to which they will rent their gondola cars, reports “Kommersant” newspaper referring to its sources at the market. According to the newspaper’s sources, the parties will have equal stakes in the JV (33% each). One of the sources of the newspaper said that the final scheme of how the railcars will be given under the JV’s control has not been approved, but “renting is the most real variant”. The companies do not give official comments on the situation, but a source in Rail Garant confirmed the creation of a joint wagon fleet. A source in UVZ-Logistics told the newspaper that the issue is under discussion. According to the sources of “Kommersant”, the working name of the JV is UVZRailTrans. Evgeny Prilepin is named as the head of the future company. Now he is the CEO of Pipe Transport Company. United Arab Emirates continues railway investments International: The UAE is investing USD 22.4 Billion in five different railway projects overseen by the National Transport Authority. The Etihad Rail, Abu Dhabi Metro, Abu Dhabi Light Rail, Dubai Metro and Al Sufouh Tramway projects were designed to boost the national economy. “We believe that developing the national railway network will benefit the national economy and make it a centre of transport and logistics in the region, and the land passenger and freight transport network more sustainable,” said Dr Abdullah Belhaif Al Nuaimi, Minister of Public Works. The first project to be completed will likely be the first phase of the much-anticipated national railway network, Etihad Rail. The railway’s industrial line, which will be used to transport cargo of sulphur from the Shah sour gasfield to Habshan, would be completed this year.

RUSSIA: The Russian Government has developed new amendments to the law “On Railway Transport” which permits private investors to invest in the construction of public railway infrastructure, but after it is put into operation, the infrastructure is rented to the transport operator. The order of property transfer, in the words of Alexey Uvarov, Director of the Department for Industry and Infrastructure of the Government, must be fixed in the investment agreement. The Transport Ministry believe that this measure will help RZD to attract funds from private investors to infrastructure modernization projects.

Rail welding plant in Serbia

nected to Russian Railways’ investment programme.

Serbia: Russian manufacturing and industrial group Tekhnologiya Metallov is interested in the construction in Serbia of a plant for the welding of rail tracks, the director of state-owned railway company Zeleznice Srbije said. The planned factory would provide services to all railway operators in the region, he said in a company statement after meeting with the group’s officials in Belgrade.

Lithuania: Rail Baltica advances on schedule International: Lithuania’s Minister of Transport and Communications Rimantas Sinkevicius said that the work on laying standard gauge Rail Baltica railway track from Lithuanian-Polish border is being carried out on time. According to him, works will be completed by late 2015. The EU standard 1,435 mm wide track is laid from Kaunas, through Marijampole to Lithuanian-Polish border. It is 120 km long. Five main contractors are working on this stretch – Kauno Tiltai, Panevezio Keliai, Hidrostatyba, Eurovia and Gelezinkeliu Tiesimo Centras. The standard gauge track is being laid while the existing 1,520 mm wide railway track is being reconstructed.

RZD, no investments cuts for products and vehicles Russia: “Despite the fact that the Ministry of Economic Development has reduced its forecast for industrial production from 2% to 0.7%, we are not cutting back on our purchases of transport engineering products this year. We expect support to maintain these growth rates. This is especially true today when considering questions about the future tariff policy”, said RZD President Vladimit Yakunin. According to his declarations, around 19 industrial sectors are con-

Other schemes of the participation of private investors in financing railway infrastructure projects were discussed with other companies. All of them, however, faced problems with the Russian legislation, which does not envisage private investment in public infrastructure. Consequently, there were no schemes for the return of private funds, which created higher risks for investors.

photo: rzd.ru

Russia: UVZ-Logistics (a subsidiary of

Railway Transport Law, amended in favour of private investors

Five companies bid for Oman rail network consultancy

photo: www.15min.lt

UVZ-Logistics, Rail Garant and Spetsenergotrans to set up JV for car rental

Болгария: Болгарская Национальная Компания Железнодорожная Инфраструктура (НКЖИ) ассигновала Trace Group контракт по модернизации железной дороги София – Мездра. Россия: УВЗ – Логистик и частные компании Рейл Гарант и Спецэнерготранс приняли решение открыть совместное предприятие, при котором они смогут брать в аренду свои собственные открытые вагоны. В мире: Строительные работы для

International: Five consortia have submitted technical proposals to provide project management consultancy services for the construction of Oman national railway network. The cost of the national railway network, which is 1.061 km long, is estimated at USD 15 Billion (EUR 11 Billion). The consortia are led by Parsons Brinckerhoff, Tecnicas Reunidas (in partnership with Dar al Handasah and INECO), Hill International (in partnership with Deutsche Bahn, EHAF and Louis Berger Group), Dohwa Engineering (in partnership with Oman National Engineering Office, Korea Rail Network Authority, First China Railway and Balaji Railroad Systems) and Parsons International (in partnership with Aecom and Systra). The winner of the contract will be dealing

участка со стандартной колеей Литва – граница Польши – часть коридора Rail Baltica, соответствуют графику. В мире: Арабские Эмираты инвестируют более 22.4 млрд. долл. в различные железнодорожные проекты пущены в ход Ведомством Национального Транспорта. Сербия: Группа Технология Металлов (Россия) заинтересована построить в Сербии фабрику для сварки железнодорожных колей. October 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

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Croatia: Croatian state-owned railway infrastructure operator HZ Infrastruktura said it would start on September 23 the HRK 230 Million (EUR 30.2 Million) upgrade of the Zagreb Borongaj-Dugo Selo railway. The project will be completed in spring 2014 and will allow trains to run at maximum speeds of 140 km/h on the 16km section.

with the execution of the project and will continue collaboration with Oman Government after the finalization of the network as well. Ukrainian Railways continue rolling stock replacement Ukraine: Donetsk, Lviv and Odessa railways, branches of Ukrzaliznytsia, will benefit from financial leasing services from Premier Leasing LLC, following the development of a public procurement procedure. Thus, 350 locomotives will be delivered within the rolling stock modernisation programme. A total of 50 cargo electric locomotives of the 2ES10 Series made by Ural Locomotives LLC (Russia), 70 cargo electric locomotives of the 2EL5 series and 230 electric locomotives of the 2EL4 series made by public joint-stock company Luhanskteplovoz will be shipped.

China and Kazakhstan develop new logistics centre Internaţional: The municipal government of Lianyungang city, east China’s Jiangsu province, has inked an agreement with Kazakhstan’s state-owned railway company to expand channels for cargo transport. Under the agreement, the Lianyungang Port and the Kazakhstan railway firm will co-establish a container logistics centre to facilitate the distribution of goods between Kazakhstan and Japan, South Korea, and Southeastern Asian countries via the Liangyungang harbour.

Armenia announces agreement on Russia-Georgia railway via Abkhazia International: Russia, Georgia and Abkhazia have agreed to open the railway section that passes through Abkhazia, declared Artur Baghdasaryan, Armenia’s national Security Council secretary. The opening of the Russia-Georgia via Abkhazia line is of strategic importance for the Armenian economy. The opening of the line “is a process”, but www.railwaypro.com | October 2013

“the most important thing is that there is a political will” in favour of this project, he said. Uzbekistan builds USD 455 Million tunnel Uzbekistan: China Railway Tunnel Group will construct a railway tunnel in Uzbekistan to connect the Fergana Valley with other regions of Uzbekistan. According to a report of the National Information Agency of Uzbekistan, Ozbekiston Temir Yollari (Uzbekistan Railways) and China Railway Tunnel Group concluded the contract on the construction of the transit tunnel in June 2013. The contract is worth USD 455 Million. The project will be financed at the expenses of funds of the state budget, the Uzbek railway company’s own funds and credits of the international financial institutions. The length of the tunnel that will run under the Kamchik pass is 19 km. In addition to the main tunnel, through which railway communication will be carried out, the second tunnel will be constructed for the safety of the line. The is part of the Angren-Pap railway line worth USD 1.9 Billion, with a length of 129 km that would run through three regions in the east of the country - Andijan, Namangan and Fergana. Construction of the road is scheduled to be completed in 2016.

Bulgaria submitted the first version of the partnership agreement to EC Bulgaria: Bulgarian authorities announced having sent the first complete version of the partnership agreement for the programming period 2014-2020 to the European Commission at the end of August, after the government adopted it. The version has considered the observations of the European Commission’s representatives from the first two rounds of discussions since July. The version includes several priority spheres: education, training, innovation,

Россия: Несмотря на то, что Министерство Экономики сократило оценку промышленного производства от 2% до 0.7%, РЖД не сокращает инвестиционный план для закупки продукции железнодорожного транспорта. Украина: Железнодорожные компании города Донецк, Львов и Одесса, которые являются дочерними компаниями Укрзализныця, будут пользоваться услугами финансового лизинга. В мире: Порт Ляньюньган (Китай, Жиангсу) заключил договор с железнодорожной компанией Казахстан Темир Жолы по развитию транспортного сектора грузоперевозки.

cohesion, green economy and good governance and has been developed based on the existing strategic documents and the Bulgaria 2020 Programme. The objectives in the transport sector are intermodal transport, the construction and modernisation of the TEN-T sections, traffic management and improved safety. Agreement on a new railway line Greece: The Hellenic railway infrastructure manager, OSE, announced it had signed an agreement on the construction of a link between the port of Alexandroupoli (north-east of Greece) and the national railway network. The cost of the project, to be finalized in a year, is of EUR 3.1 Million. The new link will facilitate freight transport, especially in Bulgaria.

photo: wikimedia.org

HZ Infrastruktura launches modernisation of Zagreb-Dugo Selo line

Chongqing-Duisburg connection via Belarus has improved results International: Freight transport on the Chongqing (China)-Duisburg route via Belarus increased by 12.3% in JanuaryJuly, to 1,704 containers, shows the press release of Belarusian Railways. The project of Chongqing-Duisburg freight transport connection was initiated in 2011 for freight delivery between China and Germany in the shortest time possible. “The success of the project demonstrates considerable potential of container trains carrying goods from Asia to Europe and back via Belarus”, indicates the company’s press release.

В мире: Россия, Грузия и Абхазия согласились открыть железнодорожную магистраль, которая проходит через Абхазию. Узбекистан: Группа China Railway Tunnel Group построит железнодорожный тоннель в Узбекистане, осуществляя связь между Ферганской Долиной и другими регионами страны. Россия: Правительство России разработало новые поправки для Закона в области Железнодорожного Транспорта, – который позволяет частным инвесторам вкладывать капитал в строительство общественной железнодорожной инфраструктуры.

10 news Armenia to join Customs Union and EurAsEC

Bulgaria: The Government has launched a project for the reconstruction and electrification of the Harmanli -Svilengrad railway section, the country’s transport ministry said. The project is estimated at BGN 146.8 Million (EUR 75.1 Million). This is part of the second phase of a largest project for upgrade of the Plovdiv – Svilengrad railway, the ministry said in a press release. The construction works are being done by the joint-venture Railway Infrastructure 2011 and should be completed by August 14, 2014.

International: Armenia is willing to join the Customs Union comprising Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan and participate in the formation of the Eurasian Economic Community, President Vladimir Putin said, 1prime.biz, writes quoting RIA Novosti. “Armenia’s President Serzh Sargsyan said that the republic is willing to join the Customs Union and to take all necessary steps for that, and later to take part in the establishment of the EurAsEc,” Putin said. “The procedures designed for these purposes by the Customs Union have already entered into force. We will apply to the authorities of the three Customs Union and EurAsEc founding countries. All issues

International: Bosnia and

Herzegovina Railways signed a deal to lease eight electric locomotives to Turkish State Railways, TCDD. The 442 class locomotives are owned by Zeljeznice FBiH. TCDD plans to rent six more locomotives from Zeljeznice FBiH. Zeljeznice FBiH is based in the Federation, which together with the Serb Republic forms post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bosnia has another railways operator, Zeljeznice Republike Srpske, which is based in the Republic. Ukrzaliznytsia and Skoda Vagonka design new electric passenger locomotive International: Ukrainian Railways

and Skoda Vagonka are working to design a double-system passenger electric locomotive. Such locomotives are not present in Ukraine at the moment. The parties are working at designing a 4th generation locomotive (increased speed, efficient, highly automated). It is to be manufactured at a joint venture that Ukrainian Railways and Skoda Vagonka would establish. This JV is to be located at the Zaporozhe Electric Locomotive Repair Plant. DB Schenker Rail launches new link to Turkey International: As of September, DB Schenker Rail offers new link between Germany and Turkey. Known as the Bosporus Shuttle, the new service combines intermodal to classical railway transport in a single train. The train will link Cologne, Sopron and Istanbul on a distance of around 2,300 km. By the end of the month, DB Schenker Rail will introduce three weekly pairs of trains on this route. Traction services will be ensured by Deutsche Bahn, Rail Cargo Austria and Turkish Railways. It will take the trains five days to cover the 1,250 mile route passing through Germany, Austria, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria on the www.railwaypro.com | October 2013

decision about joining the Customs Union, which was declared by the Armenian President in Moscow, but “two systems are incompatible,” the Lithuanian minister noted. “We respect any choice of the countries, but they cannot join two organizations at the same time due to differences in tariff issues,” Linas Linkevicius added.

way. The new service offers end-to-end corridor management and was announced by Dr Alexander Hedderich, CEO of DB Schenker at the transport logistic trade fair in Munich.

photo: bahnbilder.de

TCDD leases locomotives from Bosnia and Herzegovina

Armenia loses chance of singing free trade agreement with EU International: Armenia has lost its chances of signing an agreement on establishing a free trade zone with the European Union, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevicius said in his interview to AFP. Lithuania took over the Presidency of the Council of European Union on July 1, 2013. EU respects the

will be discussed during the negotiations, rather technical ones but the political decision has already been made by both Armenia and Russia. We hope that all Customs Union countries will support it,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.

photo: TRACECA

Modernisation of the PlovdivSvilengrad line continues

В мире: Армения решила вступить в Таможенный Союз, в который входят Россия, Казахстан и Беларусь и таким образом, сможет участвовать в создании Евразийского Экономического Союза. Болгария: Министерство Транспорта объявило, что правительство пустило в ход проект реконструкции и электрификации железнодорожного участка Харманли – Свиленград. Стоимость проекта 146.8 млн. лева (75.1 млн. евро). В мире: Железнодорожная компания Боснии и Герцеговины объявила заключение договора аренды восьми электровозов – тип 442, для турецкой национальной железнодорожной компании TCDD. В мире: Укрзализныця и Skoda Vagonka ведут проектные работы для строительства двух тягового электровоза предназначенного пассажирским поездам. В мире: С сентября месяца, компания DB Schenker Rail предоставляет новую

South Korea wants to invest in Far East International: A group of South Korean banking and industrial corporations intends to invest up to USD 2 Billion in various projects in the Far East. Half of that money will be used to set up a special investment fund; another half will finance the construction of a new coal terminal in the port of Vladivostok. The country’s media have reported that one of the Korean banks will partner with Russian state-owned financial institutions to set up an investment fund. The money will be used to finance various development projects in the Far East. “We are now drawing up a program to enable South Korean companies and

связь между Германией и Турцией. Под названием “Bosporus Shuttle”, новая связь совмещает интермодальный и классический железнодорожный транспорт. В мире: Линас Линкевичюс – Министр Иностранных Дел Литвы, объявил, что Армения блокировала шансы заключения договора об установлении зоны свободной торговли с Европейским Союзом. Литва приняла должность председателя Совета Европейского Союза в июле 2013 году. В мире: Группа банков и корпораций Южной Кореи намерены осуществить капиталовложения стоимостью 2 млд. долл. в различные проекты на Дальнем Востоке. Грузия: В 2014 году, Фонд Сотрудничества, который находится в распоряжении Грузии, внесёт в операции Лондонской Фондовой Биржи Грузинскую Национальную Железнодорожную Компанию - объявил Джордж Башясвили, вице-председатель Фонда.

news 11 Georgian Railways could be listed on the stock exchange International: The state-run Partnership Fund will list Georgian Railways on the London stock exchange in 2014, declared the Fund’s CEO, George Bachiashvili. Georgian Railways has completed the first auditing and corporate governance steps. The listing should take place in 2012, but the Partnership Fund postponed the IPO due to low investor interest. Georgia’s government has since changed and the Partnership Fund is now planning to list the company in 2014 after several adjustments. From April 2012 the Georgian authorities have decided to make public the privatisation of the Railway Company, the sale of a stake of up to 25% being foreseen at the initial public offer to London Stock Exchange. For listing this stake, Georgia had estimated to obtain

continue using efficiently its fleet of cars and to expand transport geographically. On the long-term, there is the alternative of delivering services using Kaztemirtrans wagons to other countries in Central Asia.

Kaztemirtrans initiates direct route to Turkey International: In September, Kaztemirtrans launched the ferry transport service on the route Poti Port (Georgia) to Derince Port (Istanbul). “The project is implemented through the active cooperation of several companies such as Ukrferry, ferry carrier in Ukraine, Bati Rail, Global Hauling transport company in Turkey and the regional operator Kaztemirtrans”, said the President of Kaztemirtrans, Kanat Almagambetov. The company plans to

photo: tengrinews.kz

Russia and the US sign partnership for production of railway components

Португалия: Власти Португалии ведут переговоры с компаниями Keolis, Transdev, Barraqueiro, Arriva и National Express о концессии железной дороге Cascais, которая в настоящее время находится под управлением Национальной Железнодорожной Компании. В мире: Объединенная Вагонная Компания (Россия) и Корпорация Wabtec (США) заключили договор о создании Совместного предприятия, с целью ввести на рынок России и СНГ современные комплектующие изделия для тяжеловесных поездов. В мире: UNIFE и Объединение Производителей Железнодорожной Техники заключили меморандум сотрудничества и взаимопонимания, с целью консолидации связей между Европейской и Российской железнодорожной отрасли.

International: United Wagon Company (Russia) and Wabtec Corporation (USA) signed an agreement to introduce the latest technology in heavy haul railway components into the Russian and CIS markets. The joint venture will develop and produce world class railcar products, including heavy haul railway components. The partners plan to start production in Tikhvin, the Leningrad Region in 2014. The main consumers of the products will include the Tikhvin Car Building Plant as well as other railcar manufacturing and railcar repair companies. Initially, components will be supplied to the Russian market

В мире: В конце августа, железнодорожный оператор Baltic Rail пустил в ход новую транспортную услугу грузоперевозки между портом Копер и Вроцлав. В мире: Финансовый Отдел Объединённых Арабских Эмиратов планирует осуществить капиталовложения более 5 млд. долл. в российскую инфраструктуру, через Фонд Прямых Инвестиций (RDIF). Польша: Администратору польской железнодорожной инфраструктуры, PKP PLK, был предоставлен кредит в 235 млн. евро, Европейским Инвестиционным Банком. В мире: В сентябре, Казтемиртранс пустила в ход транспортную услугу перевозочного судна по трассе порт Поти (Грузия) порт Дериндже (Стамбул).

up to USD 250 Million, but in May the company postponed the listing. The company, which is involved in developing some important railway projects such as the BakuTbilisi-Kars corridor, saw its revenues rise 18 % to USD 283 Million in 2011. It was one of the very few companies in the world delivering profitable growth without reliance on government subsidies.

photo: poti.ge

capital to take part in the development of the Russian Far East and Siberia. The fund will be used to support corporate investment projects in that area”, a source in the government in Seoul has told the media. The Korean official said the exact size of the fund had yet to be determined, but he estimated it at about USD 1 Billion. That seems a reasonable assumption, given that a similar RussianJapanese fund is also worth USD 1 Billion and the Russian-Chinese fund USD 2 Billion. The Korean Development Bank and the Korean Western Power Corporation intend to build a new coal terminal in the port of Vladivostok. The facility’s annual capacity will be up to 20 million tonnes of coal. The cost of the project in Vladivostok is estimated at USD 1 Billion. The construction of the coal terminal will begin in 2014.

from USA. Over the next few years, the technologies and the production of components will be localized. Portugal to launch concession of railway transportation Portugal: The Government negotiates with Keolis, Transdev, Barraqueiro, Arriva and National Express for the concession of Cascais railway line currently exploited by state-company, Comboios de Portugal. The Portuguese Government wants to concession this 25km line as pilot project to prepare the privatisation of other lines. The selected operator has to invest in new rolling stock and in the modernisation of the infrastructure.

UNIFE signs MoU with Russian rail industry International: UNIFE and the Russian Union of Industries of Railway Equipment (UIRE) have signed a memorandum of understanding and cooperation to reinforce ties between the European and the Russian railway sectors. The agreement aims to improve cooperation between the two organisations to foster the development of new technology in the European and Russian markets, promote the International Railway Industry Standard (IRIS), and harmonise technical legislation in the field of rail transport. “Russia is an important and growing market for the European rail industry. UNIFE welcomes this opportunity to renew the commitment with UIRE to strengthen the links between our two organisations. Collaboration between the Russian and European rail industries is crucial at a time when high-capacity, sustainable transportation is in such high demand”, remarked Henri PoupartLafarge, Chairman of UNIFE. October 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

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International: The Single Economic Space (SES – Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan) has plans to invite the European Union to establish a single transit space from Lisbon to Vladivostok, Minister for Customs Cooperation at the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) Vladimir Goshin told reporters, BelTA learned. “The Eurasian Economic

Commission has started working on three very ambitious projects. One of them is still in the air: we want to suggest establishing a single transit space with the European Union, which will extend from Lisbon to Vladivostok. We have everything in place for that now. I hope that in a couple of years we will no longer have to re-do paperwork while importing or exporting goods from/to Europe,” Goshin declared for BelTA. This project refers to both railway and road transport, explained Vladimir Goshin.

New transport service between Koper Port and Poland

FYR Macedonia upgrades several rail stations

International: At the end of August, railway operator Baltic Rail started a new service between Port of Koper and Wroclaw. The service will be weekly and the trains use cars for container transport and special flat-racks designed for steel coils, palletized cargo and long cargo. The rail transit time in one direction is 34 hours.

FYR Macedonia: The Balkan country will launch a tender in October to award a contract for the upgrade of 10 rail stations on Corridor X. The aim of the project is to improve the quality of services on the passenger and freight transport segments and to increase technical standards and capacity. The rail stations to be modernised are: Veles, Chashka and Bogomila (lot 1), Prilep and Bitola (lot 2), Tabanovci, Gradsko, Negotino and Demir Kapija (lot 3) and Gevgelija (lot 4).

Russia signs investment partnership with UAE


International: Abu Dhabi’s Department of Finance will invest over USD 5 Billion in the Russian infrastructure, through the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF). Announced during a meeting of President Vladimir Putin and Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the partnership deal calls for joint financing to build roads, ports and other Russian infrastructure. “Their USD 5 Billion contribution is the largest investment from the Middle East ever made into Russia as well as one of the largest into an infrastructure fund globally,” declared Kirill Dmitriyev, the chief of the Russian Fund.

EIB backs PKP PLK projects Polonia: PKP PLK, the Polish railway infrastructure manager, has received a loan of EUR 235 Million from the European Investment Bank. Funds will be used for the modernisation of a 92.5 km line section between Warsaw and Radom. The company plans to invest PLN 5.5 Billion this year and PLN 9 Billion in 2014. www.railwaypro.com | October 2013

National Express signs contract in Germany International: National Express has signed a contract with Rhine-Ruhr Transport Association (VRR), WestphaliaLippe Local Transport (NWL) and Rhineland Local Transport (NVR) on the exploitation of two regional routes in North Rhine Westphalia. The contracts cover the operation of RE7 RhineMünsterland Express (Rheine – Münster – Wuppertal – Cologne – Krefeld) and RB48 (Wuppertal – Solingen – Cologne – Bonn) services for 15 years from December 2015. National Express will operate a total of 5.1 million train-km per year on the two routes, introducing a new fleet of 35 Talent 2 emus, which were ordered from Bombardier earlier this year. National Express estimates that the two routes will generate revenues of EUR 1.6 Billion over the life of the contract. В мире: Представители Общего Экономического Пространства (Россия, Беларусь, Казахстан) намерены предоставить Европейскому Союзу приглашение в связи с определением единого транзитного пространства от Лиссабона до Владивостока. БЮР Македония: Республика Македония намерена пустить в ход тендер в октябре, для предоставления контракта по модернизации 10 вокзалов вдоль X-го коридора. Болгария: Для решения проблемы связанной с долгами БДЖ, намечены три решения, объявил Министр Транспорта

Russia to support Kyrgyzstan in joining Customs Union International: Russia will provide Kyrgyzstan with all needed support on joining the Customs Union of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus, KyrTAG quotes Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. He made the statement during his meeting with Kyrgyz government head Zhantoro Satibaldiyev. The sides discussed preparation work of Kyrgyzstan’s joining the organization. Satibaldiyev said that Kyrgyzstan hopes for Russia’s support. Medvedev said that long and hard work is needed for this issue. The sides also stressed the importance of implementing the transnational project of Russia-Kazakhstan-Kyrgyzstan - Tajikistan railway.

Negotiations continue on BDZ debts problem Bulgaria: There are three solutions to solve the problem of BDZ debts, said Bulgarian Minister of Transport Danail Papazov. The three solutions are: capital transfer, state subsidies or a new lown. The company has not yet managed to reach an agreement with creditors on the deferred payment of debts adding that while the creditors insisted on a 5-year period, Bulgaria sought a 10-year scheme. The measures implemented so far have managed to reduce the debts of the company below the BGN 700 Million (EUR 358 Million) level.


SES proposes the EU the establishment of a single land transport corridor

Болгарии, Данаил Папазов: перевод капитала, государственные субсидии или новый кредит. В мире: Россия намерена оказать поддержку Кыргызстану в решении вопроса вступления в Таможенный Союз, в который входят Беларусь и Казахстан. В мире: National Express подписала контракт с Рейнско-Рурском транспорта (СПР), Вестфалия-Липпе Местный транспорт (НПУ) и Рейнланд Местный транспорт (NVR) на эксплуатацию двух региональных маршрутов в Северной Рейн-Вестфалии.

14 news

romania: Tunnelling works for the underground line section Drumul Taberei – Eroilor, part of Line 5, were launched on 25 September 2013. The machines were lowered in the underground for almost a year. According to Metrorex, the structure of stations and of tunnels will be finalized in the first half of 2015 and then the laying of the tracks, automation and finishing works will be launched. The estimated deadline for the launch of services on Râul Doamnei-Eroilor 2 section is the second half of 2016, with a delay of over a year. “The project had a poor start. It wasn’t very clearly thought through from the point of view of financing and time. The former government granted EUR 10 Million, we have to allocate the rest up to EUR 1.5 Billion”, said Ponta during his visit to Line 5 work site for the putting in operation of the tunnel boring machines. So far, works have been carried out on 10 stations. Acadamia Militară station is 75% completed, followed by Favorit and

“All together for public transport growth” international: Following the 60Th UITP World Congress in Geneva in May 2013, UITP launched the ‘All together for public transport growth’ movement. UITP invited its members in 92 countries around the world to unite during European Mobility Week (16-22 September) to display the ‘Grow with Public Transport’ campaign message in buses, metros, trams and online to make a coordinated call for greater support in order to obtain more and better public transport. The ‘All together for public transport growth’ movement aims to raise awareness amongst political decision makers and citizens alike of the social, economic

Valea Ialomiţei including depot with 50% and by Râul Doamnei and Orizont with 40% each. The length of the line section is 6 km with 10 stations, covering an area with over 300,000 citizens. The project is worth over EUR 1 Billion and 40% of the sum has been spent so far. The funds allocated for 2013 amount to RON 500 Million (EUR 111 Million). RON 250 Million (EUR 56.3 Million) were allocated by August. For 2014, the estimate sums, in the limit of the framework letter of the Ministry of Public Finances, amount to RON 300 Million (EUR 67.6 Million). The project is also financed through SOP-T non-reimbursable funds.

photo: Club Feroviar

New phase for Bucharest Metro: start of the tunnelling works for Drumul Taberei – Eroilor line

and environmental benefits that public transport brings. Provided with the right conditions, public transport can thrive. With better public transport in qualitative and quantitative terms, cities can cut traffic congestion, increase road safety, foster social inclusion, reduce pollution and be a motor for sustainable economic growth. The statistical data provided by UITP prove that “in the five continents, the main challenges of the cities and regions that participate in the “Grow with Public Transport” campaign are congestion and raising awareness of people to choose sustainable transport modes. There is also broad consensus to develop public transport networks and providing a better quality of service. Public transport is the ultimate urban mobility integrator. Given

the right conditions - funding architecture, a sound legal framework, dedicated urban space – it can thrive. Public transport offers low-carbon and energy-efficient mobility solutions for all, and the sector is working hard to improve its already excellent carbon performance. The benefits of public transport are attracting investors, creating jobs, tackling congestion, cutting energy bills and generating investments because “Capital investment in public transport projects sparks a chain reaction in business activity and generates value that can be 3 to 4 times higher than the initial investment”, UITP says in its press release. As regards “climate change”, public transport is one of the most important factors which reduce the environmental impact. “More and better public transport can help protect our planet and play a significant role in controlling greenhouse gas emissions. For every kilometre travelled, private motorised transport modes like cars and mopeds emit 3.5 times more greenhouse gas per passenger than public transport”, UITP points out. On average, public transport consumes 3 to 4 times less energy per passenger than cars for every kilometre travelled. By choosing a mobility model based on public transport, walking and cycling, cities can therefore rationalise their overall energy use. In urban areas, rail transport already runs almost exclusively on electricity. Whilst electric cars are in the process of becoming a mainstream transport solution, they will only serve to worsen congestion problems on our roads, potentially bringing cities around the globe to a standstill. Public transport provides green mobility and keeps cities moving. Facts & figures: The operator and authority participants in the campaign together represent: 83 million the number of passengers the participating operators/authorities together transport each day – roughly equal to the population of Germany 23 billion the number of passengers the participating operators/authorities transport each year – more than three times the population of the world, or more than 17 times the population of China 266,179 the number of people the operators/ authorities together employ – roughly equal to the total of Procter & Gamble and Santander combined. This is just 3.5% of the total Румыния: 25 сентября 2013 были начаты экскавационные работы для строительства тоннелей для линии метрополитена Друмул Таберей – Эроилор, часть 5-ой Магистрали. В мире: В результате 60-ой серии Международного Конгресса UITP который прошёл в Женеве в мае 2013, UITP пустила в ход кампанию под названием „Вместе для развития общественного транспорта” и пригласила членов из 92 стран.

www.railwaypro.com | October 2013

news 15

Alstom confirms interest in Azerbaijan

photo: www.today.az

Azerbaijan: Alstom Transport is ready to meet the demands of Azerbaijani Railways CJSC, Senior Vice-President of Alstom Transport in Russia and CIS, Thibault Desterakt said during the sixth international event Expo 1520 (Moscow). “We have permanent contacts and great plans for Azerbaijan concerning

Barcelona: change of shareholders for TRAM International:The Spanish constructors FCC and Comsa are in the final phase of negotiations for the sale of their stakes in the two companies that hold the concession for the Barcelona tramway,TRAM. FCC, Comsa and two other shareholders, the banks Banco Sabadell and Société Générale, wish to sell 36% of Tramvia Metropolita (Trambaix) and Tramvia Metropolita del Besos (Trambesos). The value of the transaction could amount to about EUR 125 Million, according to market sources. The purchaser is the Spanish infrastructure operator Globalvia, owned by FCC and Bankia.

locomotives. For us, Azerbaijan is one of the priority countries for cooperating in the CIS market. Currently we work on proposals for a city transport project in Ganja,” Desterakt said. Siemens to bid for Moscow Metro order Russia: Siemens and Russian Machines have announced that they intend to submit a joint bid in a tender for new trains for the

Россия: Siemens и Корпорация «Русские машины» объявили, что намерены подать общую заявку на участие в тендере по поставке поездов для Московского метрополитена. Азербайджан: Компания Alstom Transport готова ответить запросам Азербайджанской Железнодорожной Компании, объявил агентству Trend вице-

photo: www.tram.cat

number of employees employed in the public transport sector worldwide 200 million the total population in all participating cities/regions – equal to the population of Brazil or 6% of the world’s urban population 27,252 the number of vehicles in which the ‘Grow’ campaign is present 25,102 the number of stations in which the ‘Grow’ campaign is present 80 participants in 30 countries on 5 continents including 20 capital cities

Moscow metro, which is due to be issued by the end of the year. Moscow Metro intends to order up to 3,000 new metro cars by 2020 to replace life-expired vehicles and provide additional capacity for the expansion of the network. The venture is the first rail sector collaboration between Siemens and Russian Machines, which is the major shareholder in freight wagon manufacturers Ruzkhimmash and Abakanvagonmash. председатель компании ответственный за Россию и СНГ - Тибаулт Дестеракт. В мире: Испанские строительные компании FCC и Comsa, проводят окончательные переговоры по продаже акций находящихся в двух компаний, которые являются участниками концессии TRAM, трамвайная компания в Барселоне.

October 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

16 Railway days 2013

Design, reliability and performance: the vital characteristics of Alstom locomotives With an acknowledged industrial strategy, using standardized components and paying special attention to design, Alstom Transport provides a series of railway vehicles which combine technology, reliability and comfort to deliver latest-technology products that meet mobility demands.

mized for European cross-border services and can also be adapted to prevalent worldwide standards. The platform of the locomotive can be developed for the markets whose railway network has a different gauge than the European one (Russia, Finland, Kazakhstan etc.). Energy-supply and safety equipment are different from one country to another. In order to facilitate cross-border traffic, Prima II locomotive can be adapted with equipment and pantographs that can make it run on any network (25 kV, 15 kV, 1,500 V and 3,000 V). One of the latest projects of Alstom Transport for the transport of freight is the launch of the locomotives developed in partnership with Transmashholding (TMH), 2ES5 for Russia and KZ8A for Kazakhstan. Both vehicles are among the strongest in the world and made the partnership of the two companies successful. 2ES5 is the first Russian locomotive with asynchronous traction capable to carry a freight volume of over 9,000 tonnes and reach speeds of up to 120 km/h. The innovative solutions for this locomotive include traction, modular design and electronic

braking system to prevent the wear of brake pads. Also, the 2ES5 locomotive introduces a new technological level of ergonomics and driver comfort. The KZ8A locomotive was specially designed to operate in conditions of extremely low temperatures:-50° C. The first vehicle has already been tested in real conditions in Kazakhstan on the route Astana- Yermentau – Karaganda. The locomotives to be delivered are in trial tests. By the end of the year, 12 vehicles will be delivered to Kazakhstan. They are manufactured at EKZ plant, a JV of Kazakhstan Railways (KTZ), Alstom and THM, in Astana. KTZ has placed an order for 200 locomotives.

Photo: Alstom Transport


ailway transport is evolving and operators’ requirements become more and more demanding for both freight and passenger transport: reliability, availability, competitiveness and comfort being the fundamental requirements. The solution provided by Alstom Transport was the development of a new generation of freight transport vehicles (with maximum speed of 140 km/h) and of passenger transport vehicles (maximum speed 200 km/h) – Prima II locomotive whose platform guarantees performance and a broad range of configurations. Its modularity permits the customization of the customers’ requirements, whether upon acquisition or afterwards and can adapt to different applications. This way, the locomotive remains in the first line of technology along its entire lifecycle. The main components are standardized: signalling, Bobo and CoCo bogies and the Onix traction system which enables the transport of over 20 thousand tonnes. Each axle can individually guarantee 75% of the locomotive’s performance. Another advantage of the vehicle is interoperability. It has the capacity to be custo-

Photo: Alstom Transport

Проектирование, надёжность и потребительские качества: необходимые характеристики для локомотивов Alstom

www.railwaypro.com | October 2013

Основываясь на промышленную стратегию, признанную на международном уровне, используя стандартные составные части и предоставляя особое внимание проектированию, Alstom Transport предоставляет серию рельсовых транспортных средств, которые совмещают технологию, надёжность и комфорт и представляют собой наиболее современную продукцию, которая удовлетворяет требования подвижности.

EBI is a trademark of Bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries.


BOMBARDIER EBI GATE 2000 LEVEL CROSSING SYSTEM Our proven modular level crossing systems can be controlled either automatically or manually and offer a high level of safety and reliability. The cost-effective system can be easily adapted to various requirements and different markets across all categories of rail and road, ensuring a safer way forward. www.bombardier.com

18 Railway days 2013

GRAMPET GROUP, new railway businesses Grampet Group is the largest private rail group in Romania and in South-Eastern Europe. Set up in 1999, Grampet Group includes several companies with activities in all railway sectors, from the transport of goods, rolling stock manufacturing and repairs to logistics management.


rampet develops complex programmes for the development and modernisation of member-companies and is responsible for the strategic control of all its divisions. In the past years, the group has extended its activity and currently provides services in Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Germany, Austria, Serbia, Montenegro, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova. Grampet owns the biggest private railway operator in Romania, Grup Feroviar Român. In Bulgaria the group operates through Bulgarian Railway Company and Train Hungary, thus succeeding in delivering integrated transport and logistics services to its customers. Recently, the group has also expanded in Austria, through Grampetcargo Austria, railway transport services and logistics services. The group also includes the plants for manufacturing, repair and modernisation of freight wagons or coaches Remar Paşcani, Reva Simeria and Grampet Debrecen Vagonyar kft, in Hungary. Also, the group has recently taken over Reloc Craiova repair plant dealing with the repair and modernisation of locomotives. Transbordare Vagoane Marfă is another important company which delivers freight wagons transshipment services on different gauges in all railway stations of the European Union’s border with Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova. Grampet also owns Rolling Stock Company, a company dealing with the lease of coaches and locomotives, but also Trans Expedition Feroviar which manufactures and sells spare parts for wagons. The shipping companies in Rowww.railwaypro.com | October 2013

mania, Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova, Serbia, Montenegro, and Germany turn into account the potential, scope and experience of the group’s railway transport and logistics operators. In Romania, 2012 represents the moment when the shipping activity present in the group is included in the new shipping company Grampet Logistics. In this way, Grampet will be able to provide railway transport and logistics services to its customers through its member companies on the routes linking the North, Adriatic and Black seas. The integration of these services is a strong advantage of the group with a decisive impact on making the activity efficient and providing its customers with complete solutions which help them save time and money. Grup Feroviar Român, Grampet Group’s most important project, is the biggest private rail transport operator in Romania which has managed to expand its activity beyond the country’s borders, thus becoming one of the most important regional players in the area. GFR provides national and international railway services and related services tailored to the needs of its customers: railway freight transport, wagon shunting services on industrial platforms, periodical repairs and current maintenance of rail lines, freight wagon and locomotive leasing, railway logistics services. GFR holds a significant share in the Romanian railway transport market being the next railway freight transport operator after the state-owned company. In 2012

GFR became USER and FIATA member. Currently, the company manages a fleet of 325 locomotives and over 13,500 wagons. Among GFR’s most important customers there are OMV Petrom, Conpet, Petrotel Lukoil, Gefco, Lafarge, Holcim, Arcelor Mittal, Butan Gas and CNH (The National Coal Mining Company). In June 2013 GFR was selected as the winner of the tender on the acquisition of a 51% stake in CFR Marfă.

Группа GRAMPET проявляет конкурентоспособность на европейском железнодорожном рынке Группа GRAMPET, крупнейшая частная железнодорожная группа в Румынии и южно-восточной Европе, расширила свою сферу деятельности и, в настоящее время, проводит бизнес – операции в Румынии, Болгарии, Венгрии, Германии, Сербии, Черногории, Украине, Республики Молдовы. В Группу Grampet входит главный частный железнодорожный оператор Румынии - Grup Feroviar Român, а в Болгарии и Венгрии, Группа управляет через Болгарскую Железнодорожную Компанию и соответственно, через Train Hungary. В следующий период, Grampet Group расширит свою деятельность на рынках Австрии, Чехии, Словакии и Греции.

Railway days 2013


Siemens: innovation and sustainability Mobility is a key word of modern society, being vital for ensuring the transport of freight and people. In order to meet the challenges launched by the migration of people to urban areas, as well as to increase the volumes of freight that need immediate delivery to beneficiaries, the transport industry has to deliver the right market solutions and products. Next to delivering efficient services, sustainability is one of the most important characteristics to which the transport industry has to answer with the products it launches. In this context, Siemens has a leading position in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) 2013 international classification on sustainable development. The top position is ensured by Siemens through seven industries which develop sustainable products.

Vectron – Lasting cost-effectiveness Towing capacity: up to 3,500 t Maximum speed: 200 km/h Topography: up to 30 o/oo gradient Energy costs over 30 years: (at full load): 17,141,000 euros Saving from 3 % efficiency: 514,000 euros ance, the high availability and protection of investment, as well as capacity to adapt to the entire European railway network. Siemens’ innovations in the railway segment are backed by tradition, competitiveness and an extended portfolio. Whether it is heavy industry or the manufacturing of massive structures, such as trains and trams, Siemens manages to put in the market tailored products to meet the needs and requirements of its customers. The company’s portfolio includes the latest and most attractive rolling stock currently on the market: locomotives, trams, metro trains, regional and intercity trains,

as well as high-speed trains. All vehicles are fitted with the latest, innovating technology, are comfortable, energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable. The Infrastructure & Cities portfolio (the latest sector developed by Siemens in October 2011) has expanded with innovations such as Vectron locomotives, Ultra Low Floor trams (ULF) and eco-friendly tramways. In Romania, Siemens and Astra Vagoane Călători Arad jointly manufacture the Imperio Eco Green tram for which Siemens delivers the motor and carrying bogies, the drive and control and command unit. Also, Siemens has manufactured and delivered the Blue Arrow trains that run in Romania, as well as new generation electric locomotives, Eurosprinter and Eurorunner.

Siemens: инновация и надёжность

Photo: Siemens


or Siemens, environmentally friendly technologies are a constantly increasing segment: as of 2008, the company has increased its revenues (due to its sustainable products and solutions) from EUR 19 Billion to EUR 33 Billion, which is 42% of total current revenues. In the fiscal year 2012, Siemens allowed customers to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by around 332 million tonnes. In the freight transport segment, Vectron is one of Siemens’ products that meet the most ambitious sustainability demands. The new generation features of Vectron include its capacity to significantly reduce energy consumption, by over 20%, increased efficiency of the traction system by over 3% and the saving of 30% of energy consumption, due to the braking system of the locomotive. Next to benefits such as low energy consumption, the advantages of the Vectron locomotive include market leader perform-

Надёжность и предоставление эффективных услуг, являются одними из важнейших характеристик, которые требуют особого внимания со стороны транспортной промышленности. В данном контексте, компания Siemens занимает позицию лидера в международной классификации долгосрочного развития Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) 2013. Для компании Siemens, позиция лидера основывается на предоставлении надёжного производства в семи отраслях промышленности. October 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

20 Policies & Strategies

G20 Summit confirms the need of private capital in infrastructure projects [ by Pamela Luică ]

At global level, the investments allocated to infrastructure projects play a vital role in economic development, especially now, when the majority of states is confronting with economic problems and is affected by the negative effects of the global crisis. On this basis, the level of cross-border investments in infrastructure projects has significantly decreased: from USD 12 Trillion five years ago, the current figure is USD 5 Trillion, taking into account that until 2030, the infrastructure needs funds of USD 60 Trillion.


to the stimulation of private investments in infrastructure projects and in other main assets of the economy. Thus, B20 requires the establishment of the G20 Fund for Project Preparation, valuing USD 200 Million. The measure will determine the growth of accessible infrastructure projects and will develop new financial guarantees and will reduce project costs. The last recommendation aims to increase productivity of investments in infrastructure and green energy projects by encouraging the application and development of international best practices: building an infrastructure research network, including the establishment of a Competence Centre in Moscow; developing a set of publicprivate partnerships; creating an expert group responsible with the energy sector. The objectives of this recommendation determine capital efficiency growth and save over USD 1 Trillion/year for infrastructure investments. “The key objective of our recommendations is to create the optimal conditions for global economic growth by promoting investment, especially in infrastructure. Approximately USD 60 Trillion will be

photo: Club Feroviar

n this context, within the G20 Summit (September, St. Petersburg) the participant states adopted two important decisions: they have confirmed the need of private capital as a background for investments, including long-term; the second decision consists in establishing new instruments and creating new opportunities for investments, as development institutions, in order to sustain infrastructure investments. The major purpose is to eliminate the impediments and to support the investment projects. In order to stimulate the growth of investment flow and accelerate economic growth, B20* has elaborated three sets of recommendations (in June 2013 within the International Economic Forum), included in the recommendations package for the G20 leaders. The first recommendation refers to the identification and elimination of barriers regarding the free movement of capital, its major objective being cross-border investment activity growth and the provision of equal access to investments for investors around the world. The second recommendation that has to be taken into account by all the states refers

www.railwaypro.com | October 2013

required up to 2030 in order to create an efficient infrastructure, this representing more than the value of the entire existing infrastructure. The introduction of international best practices in infrastructure development would save up to USD 1 Trillion, enabling world GDP to grow by at least 3% if these savings were re-invested”, declared Kirill Dmitriyev, CEO of Russian Direct Investment Fund. As regards Russia (that took over the G20 Presidency for 2013), the country will soon launch important infrastructure projects that will be implemented together with private investors and government agencies. “The Government proposes efficient and important steps for attracting international investors in these projects”, declared Dmitriyev. Russia’s G20 Presidency has as main priority the stimulation of investments for economic and labour force growth, including through infrastructure projects. * Business 20 (B20) is an informal network of business associations, collaborating in order to maintain a continuous dialogue between the business community, G20 governments, and relevant international institutions.

Саммит G20 подтверждает необходимость частного капитала в рамках инфраструктурных проектов Проблемы связанные с объёмом капиталовложений в инфраструктуру привели к принятию двух важных решений в рамках Саммита G20 (сентябрь, Петербург): подтверждение необходимости частного капитала в качестве основы инвестиционных программах, в том числе долгосрочных; второе решение состоит в предоставлении новых инвестиционных финансовых инструментов, и новых инвестиционных возможностей – например, организации развития, с целью поддержания инвестиций в инфраструктуру. Главная цель состоит в устранении препятствий и в поддержке инвестиционных проектов.


22 lex

“Force majeure” cases don’t exonerate rail operators from the payment of compensations

[ by Elena Ilie ]

The decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union at the end of September concludes that railways may not be exonerated from liability for train delays in case of “force majeure”. While railway operators understand this judgment as aiming at a high level of consumer protection, in this case passengers, they do question the proportionality of this decision since other transport modes are not obliged to pay compensation for delays in case of extraordinary circumstances.


e will definitely analyse the European Court of Justice ruling in detail; in any case we can already state that the ECJ judgment provides a strong argument for what CER has been saying about for a long time: there is an urgent need to ensure a regulatory level playing field among transport modes, including in the area of passenger rights”, CER Executive Director Libor Lochman said. “We will support our members with the implementation of the ruling and make sure that international passengers benefit from their rights as confirmed by the European Court of Justice. However we must be aware that this may have an impact on fares”, stated CIT Secretary General Cesare Brand. This new scenarios clearly infringes the fair competition between transport modes principle. The Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER) and the International Rail Transport Committee (CIT) are thus calling on the decision factors of the EU to ensure a more harmonised and consequent implementation of the “force majeure” principle within all transport modes. Concretely, this means that rail passengers are entitled to financial compensation for a delay of more than 60 minutes even if the delay is due to a case of “force majeure”, for example in case of severe weather conditions causing railway line closure. According to the ECJ, Regulation 1371/2007 on Rail Passenger Rights contains no cause of exoneration for delays, unlike for the aviation, maritime and coach sectors. If decision-makers had the intention to limit the right to compensation for delay on grounds of “force majeure”, they would have indicated this clearly in the Regulation, the ECJ said. The Court then notes that the Uniform www.railwaypro.com | October 2013

Rules, which exempt the carrier from its obligation to pay compensation in cases of force majeure, relate only to the right of passengers to receive compensation for damage or loss resulting from the delay or cancellation of a train. On the other hand, the compensation provided for by the regulation, calculated on the basis of the ticket price, has a very different purpose, which is to compensate the passenger for the consideration provided for a service which was not supplied in accordance with the transport contract. It is also a fixed-rate standard form financial compensation, unlike that provided for under the system of liability established by the Uniform Rules, which requires an individual assessment of the damage suffered. Moreover, as those two liability systems are quite different, in addition to receiving fixed rate compensation, passengers may also bring a claim for compensation under the Uniform Rules. “In those circumstances, the Court finds that the carrier’s grounds of exemption from liability under the Uniform Rules are not applicable in the context of the liability system established by the regulation. In that regard, the Court notes that the regulation’s travauxpréparatoires unequivocally indicate that the EU legislature intended to extend the obligation to pay compensation to those cases in which carriers are exempt from their liability to pay compensation under the Uniform Rules”, the ECJ determines. CER and CIT note that the European Commission had already submitted written comments to the ECJ to clarify that the rules actually establish a limit to railways’ liability in case of “force majeure”. The annex of Regulation 1371/2007 refers in fact to the Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF), which states

that “force majeure” is a ground for limiting the liability of railways in case of delays. This is also a general principle of contract law – nobody is expected to be liable for ‘force majeure’. CER and CIT therefore call on the European Commission to ensure that railways compete with other transport modes on a level playing field, including in the area of passenger rights. In this regards, CER and CIT welcome the recently published report on the implementation of Regulation 1371/2007, where the Commission confirmed its intention to consider aligning the obligations among the different transport modes by asserting that railways are not obliged to pay compensation in the cases of “force majeure”.

Форс-мажорные события не освобождают железнодорожных операторов от уплаты убытков Решение Европейского Суда принятое в конце сентября месяца, установило, что железнодорожные операторы не могут быть освобождёнными от ответственности в случае запаздывания поездов в контексте Форс-мажорных событий. Операторы области железнодорожного транспорта осознают, что данное мышление является мерой защиты потребителей, но пассажиры, не совсем согласны с тем, что данное решение является рациональное, имея в виду, что иные виды транспорта не имеют обязательства выплатить убытки за задержку в случае Форс-мажорных событий.


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24 lex

Armenia takes EU by surprise with decision to access the Customs Union [ by Pamela Luică ]

Armenia could become member of the Customs Union, which includes Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus, and could participate to the establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union. The announcement has been made after a meeting (in September) between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Armenian counterpart, Serzh Sargsyan. “Armenia’s President, Serzh Sargsyan, said his country wants to join the Customs Union and that he would take all the necessary steps. Moreover, Armenia will participate in the establishment of EurAsEc”, Putin said.


ussia is the most important trade haven’t given up Armenia and the fact that partner for Armenia and, at the Armenia now turns to the Customs Union same time, the largest foreign in- doesn’t mean that its European agenda, vestor. “I have confirmed Armenia’s de- values and principles will disappear. We cision to access the Customs Union and will be present in Armenia and we will to participate in the establishment of the support the civil society”, declared Füle. Eurasian Union. It is a rational decision The EU officials have initially mentioned adopted in the interest of Armenia”, de- that Customs Union members are inconclared President Sargsyan. sistent with the EU free trade agreement. The announcement has taken EU by “We will try to ask for additional clear-ups surprise, especially since Armenia would from the Armenian side and then we will have initiated negotiations for a potential be capable to evaluate the implications”, free trade agreement during the Eastern said EU spokeswoman Maja Kocijancic. Partnership Summit (November 2013Armenia’s accession to the Customs UnVilnius). But with the decision of becom- ion is a process in progress as the political ing a member of the Customs Union, Ar- decisions have already been announced. menia has blocked its chances of signing “The procedures elaborated by the Cusan agreement for setting the free trade area toms Union have become effective and we with the European Union, said Lithuanian will apply the legislation of the authorities Minister of Foreign Affairs, Linas Linkevi- of the three founding countries. All probcius. lems will be discussed during technical Lithuania took over the presidency of negotiations as political decisions have the European Council in July 2013. EU already been announced by Russia and Arrespects this decision announced by Ar- menia. We hope that all the member counmenian President in Moscow, but “the two tries of the Customs Union would support systems are not consistent. We respect any this step”, said Russian Minister of Foreign decision of the states, but they cannot ac- Affairs Sergei Lavrov. cess two organisations at the same time, After the announcement made by Arbecause of the differences of tariff poli- menia, the Russian Government and the cies”, declared Linkevicius. Eurasian Economic Commission have iniHowever, according to the declarations of tiated talks on Armenia’s member statute. the European Commissioner for Enlarge- “So far, several approaches have been dealt ment and Neighbourhood Policy, Stefan with and the Supreme Economic CounFüle, EU will not abandon Armenia. will meet and will make a decision. If ARMENIA'S“We TRADE cil BALANCE Armenia - Trade with the European Union ARMENIA, Trade with the European Union Period









































































































Source: DG Trade


Variation (%, y-o-y)

millions of euro, %


1,200 800



millions of euro, %

EU Share of total Exports (%)


Average annual growth (2008-2012)


Variation (%, y-o-y)

EU Share of total Imports (%)

www.railwaypro.com | October 2013
















all parties agree on cooperating with Armenia, we will announce the presidents of the three countries and at the end of October we will have the green light to initiate talks with Armenia”, declared Igor Shuvalov, Deputy Prime Minister (Russia). Thus, the main provisions of the first integration level can be agreed on in May 2014. “The Customs Union is operational and we are trying to implement the common economic area within the borders of the Union. For this, we are elaborating an agreement on the establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union until May 2014 that should become operational as of January 2015”, added Shuvalov. According to the National Statistical Service of Armenia, its trade with the Customs Union countries (Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus) amounted to $742.3 million dollars in Jan-July 2013 – 0.3% less than at the same period a year before. Armenia’s total trade turnover amounted to $3.2 billion.

Армения удивляет Евросоюз своим решением, связанным с вступлением в Таможенный Союз Возможно, что Армения станет членом Таможенного Союза, в который входят Россия, Казахстан, Беларусь; таким образом, Армения сможет участвовать в создании Евразийского Экономического Союза. Объявление было сделано, после того как президент России, Владимир Путин, и президент Армении, Серж Саргсян, провели переговоры в рамках совещания (в сентябре). Объявление удивило Евросоюз, особенно в контексте, в котором Армения примет решение начать переговоры для соглашения о свободной торговле, в рамках Саммита Стран Восточного партнёрства.

market development


International companies interested in Iran-Armenia railway [ by Elena Ilie ]

Companies from Iran, China and Russia have expressed their interest in building the Armenian section of railway, part of the cross-border section Iran-Armenia, a segment that will connect Armenia, via Iran, to the Middle East and the Far East, apart from its current railway connections in Europe. The transport ministers from Armenia, Iran and Russia met for the first time in November 2011 to discuss about the project which is currently in the design phase.

now benefit from financial support from the European Bank of Investments for development of infrastructure projects. Domestic transport in Armenia includes: automotive, railway, air, urban and the most accessible is railway transport. The fact that in 2011 Armenia became member of COTIF is an important step for the connection of the Caucasus to Europe.

Source: seaspeediran.com

railway section and that works on their own territory had already been launched. At the moment, Armenia only has railway connections with Georgia, but a railway to Iran will offer Armenia another alternative for the transport of energy resources and other goods. Baghdasaryan added that the project for the construction of the railway to Iran, as well as the reopening of the railway to Abkhazia (autonomous republic inside the Republic of Georgia) represent strategic elements of the Armenian Security Plan 2014-2017. “The problem is not only the reopening of the railway to Abkhazia, but also the allocation of significant investments in the Armenian railway network”, believes the Secretary of the Armenian National Security Council. Armenia plays a major role in developing new infrastructures and transport corridors, the projects that link the Caspian Sea and the regions of the Black Sea through or from South Caucasus. A series of past political conflicts with Turkey and especially the military conflicts from the Nagorno – Karabah region with Azerbaijan have isolated Armenia’s transport connections. Only in 2006 was this republic of South Caucasus included in the Eastern Partnership and can

Международные компании заинтересованы железной дорогой Иран – Армения

Source: www.rai.ir


his railway, that links the North to the South, will ensure the transport of energy and raw materials from Armenia to the east while facilitating its trade. Meanwhile, Iran has upgraded its railway hubs to permit the traffic of trains from India, China and Central Asia. This will transform Iran into a railway hub of Middle East for the goods that transit to the east. On the other hand, Armenia could have major benefits from these infrastructure investments. Iran-Armenia railway has been brought to discussion for the first time by the Armenian National Security Council on grounds of regional security and has been recently declared priority project. The National Council has also recently announced necessary costs that will vary between USD 1.7 and 2.8 Billion. Armenia is currently negotiating with the Asian Development Bank for financing. “Armenia continues negotiations with Iran on the launch of construction works on the railway that will connect the two countries”, declared at the beginning of September, Arthur Baghdasaryan, Secretary of the Armenian National Security Council. At the beginning of September, the Government in Tehran announced they were ready to financially support works to the Armenian

Компании из Ирана, Китая и России, проявили свой интерес к осуществлению армянского железнодорожного участка, который входит в состав межгосударственной магистрали Иран – Армения; магистраль предоставит связь между Арменией и Среднем и Дальнем Востоком, расширяя сферу нынешних железнодорожных связей Армении с Европой. Министры Транспорта Армении, Ирана и России провели первую встречу в ноябре 2011 года, для обсуждения этой идеи, которая уже находится в стадии проекта. October 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

26 leaders

Russian Railways Logistics: Rail transit on Europe-Asia axis has a strong potential [ by Pamela Luică ]

Russian Railways Logistics (RZDL), a subsidiary of Russian Railways, develops individual transport schemes for every potential project due to its access to RZD subsidiaries and the cooperation with international organisations, companies and authorities. The operator supplies logistics services not only at national, but also at international level, on one of the most important freight transit routes on the EuropeAsia axis being the Trans-Siberian or the Trans-Kazakhstan. As of 2012, RZDL has launched a series of projects for container transport between Europe and China, a route for which a constant growth of freight volumes is expected. According to analyses, traffic between Europe and Asia has a high development potential which will intensify competitiveness. In this context, the greatest challenges of an operator are infrastructure-related, season fluctuations and instable speed, because of capacity deficits at borders, charging systems and different gauges.


enis Mazurin, Business Development Director of RZDL, speaks in an interview for Railway PRO about the role of RZDL in Russia and in international traffic and about the challenges, problems and benefits of an operator in the transport system between Europe and Asia.

RailwayPRO: Russian Railways Logistics was set up in 2010 to deal with the logistics activities of Russian Railways Holding and provides services in all the transport sectors, including railway. What is the role of the company in Russia’s logistics chain and how does the company establish its activity given the fact that Russian Railway Holding also provides railway freight transport services? www.railwaypro.com | October 2013

Denis Mazurin: RZDL, the subsidiary of Russian Railways Holding, was established as a company with no assets focused only on development of logistics business of the holding in order to provide clients with the best possible logistics solution based on combination of all transportation modes and offering additional services in order to approach 3PL. RZDL develops individual transportation schemes for each project, which is possible due to access of the company to the assets of other Russian Railways subsidiaries and cooperation with the companies, international organizations and authorities. In these circumstances RZD and its other subsidiaries are not the competitors, but partners. Russian Railways Logistics offers logistics service inside of Russia and internationally transiting through Russia. The most popular rail transit routes are Trans-Siberia or Trans-Kazakhstan, the backbones for Europe-Asia axis. In 2012 RZDL developed several container train projects with its subsidiaries FELB based in Austria and YuXinOu based in China to serve interest of clients trading between China and Europe. In the view of the company the potential volume of the transit routes (Trans-Siberian and Trans-Kazakh) will grow 50 times from 2012 to 2020. FELB: in March 2012 RZDL started cooperation with the international container transit transportation operator Far East Land Bridge (FELB) in order to develop transit potential and to organize integrated services for transportation of transit cargo on China-Europe route via Zabaykalsk,

Russia. RZD Logistics has now acquired 25% of the FELB shares. This route via Zabaykalsk or Trans-Siberian railway is popular among shippers from North East of China, South Korea, Japan. YuXinOu: Chongqing-Duisburg route transiting through Kazakhstan is served by YuXinOu, another joint venture of RZD Logistics, where the company owns a 16.3% stake along with Russian, Kazakh, Chinese, German partners. In Aktogay (Kazakhstan) this route may be forwarded to Novosibirsk on Trans-Siberian railway. This route mainly serves the interest of producers from Western and Central China. In addition to opportunities given by access to rail infrastructure and rolling stock RZDL developed sea and port forwarding services due to connection of Russia with the number of sea routes: the Baltic sea - in the West, the Caspian, the Black and the Azov seas - in the South, the Northern sea in the North, the Sea of Japan in the East. One of the greatest advantages RZDL exploits is the fact that the important rail routes are linked to the sea ports, thus the company may comfortably provide transhipment, loading/unloading, distribution and other related services. Truck forwarding may also be a component of both international intermodal transportation and small cargo delivery projects within Russia and CIS. First of all, this allows providing last mile delivery, which is our main aim, secondly, rail forwarding is the only cost efficient way of shipping to low density areas of Siberia against air freight, which is much more expensive. In

Photo: www.rzdlog.com


such regions this service has a social impact as it is significant support for economic and social lives for inhabitants and local businesses.


project will bring additional income to the national railway companies, which use the infrastructure and contribute to GDP of the Eurasian countries participating in the project. RZDL geography is already extended: it offers rail transport to Western Europe from a wide range of places like Thailand, Malaysia, China and South Korea. North China traffic uses the Tran-Siberian railway while south China flows go via Dostyk in Kazakhstan, then South Russia and into Europe. The service includes sea freight connections where necessary, customs clearance and forwarding to or from the Chinese railway system if needed. In fact RZDL can offer logistics solutions to or from any continent. Expansion to Siberia is due to existence of Russian internal railroad network, the main backbone of which is Trans-Siberia; this feature allows linking the European part of Russia with the Far East. From Siberian and Far East terminals cargo may be dispatched to other regions or further shipped by sea to other continents and countries.

projects and expansion are initially triggered by the needs of clients. Depending on this we develop cooperation with partner companies, the leaders of the transit countries and other players in order to provide RailwayPRO: What is the RZD Logistics’ the most efficient and attractive solution position through FELB, in the international taking into account the needs of particular transport market? clients. Our priorities are flexibility, quality, speed and price viability. Denis Mazurin: In March 2012 RZDL We have single projects and long-term started cooperation with FELB in the contracts. Some projects are developed RailwayPRO: RZD Logistics’ activity is framework of its strategy on expansion to based on opportunities, which appear as a not limited to Russia and CIS countries, but European and Asian markets, development result of closer cooperation with the neigh- expands to Asia and Europe which means and enhancement of the transit potential bour countries’ authorities, companies you are in the position of new entrant in of the Russian Railways and organization and infrastructure owners, e.g. the case of many markets. What is the strategy for the of integrated services for transportation of Eurasian Customs Union, the members of consolidation of the company’s position in ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ ОБЩЕСТВА В ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ ОБЩЕСТВА В ОТРАСЛИ ОТРАСЛИ transit cargo on the route China-Europe. which are Russia, Kazakhstan and Belorus- the markets you already activate and what According to analysts rail transit on Europe- sia are main transit countries on Euro-Asia are the challenges a new entrant has to face? Asia axis has a strong potential: capacity of axis. This integration allowed developing How do you cope with these challenges? Краткий EU-China-EU rail обзор transit рынка will amount to joint projects on transportation from ChiКраткий обзор рынка 1.25 mn TEU by̵̨̛̯̏̔ 2020.̏ ̸̨̛̭̣ ̭̯̬̦̌ ̭ ̨̡̛̼̭̥̏ ̨̱̬̦̖̥̏ na to Europę̱̬̖̦̏̽ through Tran-Siberia and/oȑ̭́Ͳ Denis Mazurin: As our aim is to provide ˀ̨̭​̛̭́ ̏ ̸̨̛̭̣ ̭̯̬̦̌ ̭ ̨̡̛̼̭̥̏ ̨̱̬̦̖̥̏ ʦ̨̡̛̼̭̜ ʦ̨̡̛̼̭̜ ̨̱̬̖̦̏̽ ̸̵̨̡̛̛̛̣̭̯̖̭̐ ̸̵̨̡̛̛̛̣̭̯̖̭̐ ̯̬̯̌̌̚ ̯̬̯̌̌̚ ̏ ̏ ˀ̨̭​̛̭​̛ ˀ̨̭​̛̭​̛ ̭̏́Ͳ Структура Структура российского российского ̸̵̨̡̛̛̛̣̭̯̖̭̐ ̡̛̖̬̙̖͕̔̚ ̸̨̯ ̭̱̺̖̭̯̖̦̏​̨̦ ̛̭̦̙̖̯̌ ̦͕̌̚ ̪̬̖̙̖̔ ̨̭̖͕̏̐ ̭ ̴̦̖̾​̴̡̨̛̖̯̦̭̯̏̽̀ ̶̨̛̛̬̦̐̌̌̚​̛ Over 5 ˀ̨̭​̛̭́ years ̵̨̛̯̏̔ on the market FELB has Trans-Kazakhstan. In the future common транспортнологистического ̸̵̨̡̛̛̛̣̭̯̖̭̐ ̡̛̖̬̙̖͕̔̚ ̸̨̯ ̭̱̺̖̭̯̖̦̏​̨̦ ̛̭̦̙̖̯̌ ̦͕̌̚ ̪̬̖̙̖̔ ̨̭̖͕̏̐ ̭ ̴̦̖̾​̴̡̨̛̖̯̦̭̯̏̽̀ ̶̨̛̛̬̦̐̌̌̚​̛ транспортнологистического рынка рынка ̴̾​̴̡̨̛̖̯̦̭̯̏̽ ̨̨̛̪̬̭̯̏̔̏̌̚ ̛ ̨̨̛̯̬̣͕̐̏ ̶̨̛̯̬̌Ͳ ̦̱̯̬̖̦̏​̦̖̜ ̨̡̛̛̛̣̭̯̐ ̡̨̛̥̪̦̜̌ ̛ ̨̨̯̬̦̭̪̬̯̦̌Ͳ̨̛̣̐Ͳ ̴̾​̴̡̨̛̖̯̦̭̯̏̽ ̨̨̛̪̬̭̯̏̔̏̌̚ ̛ ̨̨̛̯̬̣͕̐̏ ̶̨̛̯̬̌Ͳ ̦̱̯̬̖̦̏​̦̖̜ ̨̡̛̛̛̣̭̯̐ ̡̨̛̥̪̦̜̌ ̛ ̨̨̯̬̦̭̪̬̯̦̌Ͳ̨̛̣̐Ͳ 1) по видам услуг, 2012 г. Transport and logistics market become ą̯̖̣̦̽ ̛̣̖̯̏́ ̦̌ ̡̨̡̨̨̨̨̦̱̬̖̦̯̭̪̭̦̭̯̍̽ ̡̨̛̥̪̦̜̌ provider of transit container rail rules ̸̡̨̛̭̯̖̭̜ ̛̭̭̯̖̥̼ ̭̯̬̦̼̌ ̏ ̶̨̖̣̥͕ ̨̨̪̥̦̙̖̦​̨̦̜ ̦̌ on the territory of the Eurasian CU (Рис. 1) по видам услуг, 2012 г. (Рис. ̨̯̖̣̦̽ ̛̣̖̯̏́ ̦̌ ̡̨̡̨̨̨̨̦̱̬̖̦̯̭̪̭̦̭̯̍̽ ̡̨̛̥̪̦̜̌ ̸̡̨̛̭̯̖̭̜ ̛̭̭̯̖̥̼ ̭̯̬̦̼̌ ̏ ̶̨̖̣̥͕ ̨̨̪̥̦̙̖̦​̨̦̜ ̦̌ structure (services-2012) transportation services from China to Eu-̡̛̖̬̙̖̔̚ will make alľ̬̭​̨̛̭̯̦́́ countries harmonize laws, ̛ ̨̨̬̥̦̼̖̐ ̛ ̛ ̭̯̬̦̼̌ ̭̯̬̦̼̌ ̏ ̏ ̶̨̖̣̥͘ ̶̨̖̣̥͘ ʪ̨̣́ ʪ̨̣́ ̸̵̨̡̛̛̛̣̭̯̖̭̐ ̸̵̨̡̛̛̛̣̭̯̖̭̐ ̡̛̖̬̙̖̔̚ ̨̨̬̥̦̼̖̐ ̬̭̌​̨̛̭̯̦́́ ̛ ̡̨̛̦̖̚ ̡̨̛̦̖̚ ̸̡̨̖̭̯̌̏ ̸̡̨̖̭̯̌̏ ̨̬̭​̵̡̛̛̭̜̭ ̨̬̭​̵̡̛̛̭̜̭ ̏ ʦʦʿ ˀ̨̭​̛̭​̛ ̨̭̭̯̣̖̯̌̏́ ̨̡̨̨̣ ϮϬͲϮϰй͕ ̏ ̨̯ ̬̖̥̏́ ̨̨̬͕̔̐ ̶̨̨̛̦̖̬̦̣̦̖̌̌̽ ̨̛̪̬̚Ͳ rope via Zabaykalsk, Russia and backwards technical and unify̵̨̛̥̦̐ tariffs ̏ ʦʦʿ ˀ̨̭​̛̭​̛ ̨̭̭̯̣̖̯̌̏́ ̨̡̨̨̣ ϮϬͲϮϰй͕ ̏ ̨̯ ̬̖̥̏́ ̨̨̬͕̔̐ specification ̶̨̨̛̦̖̬̦̣̦̖̌̌̽ ̛̬̥̖̺̖̦̖̌̚ ̛̬̥̖̺̖̦̖̌̚ ̵̨̛̥̦̐ ̨̛̪̬̚Ͳ ̡̡̌ ̏ ̵̪̦̼̌̌̔̚ ̵̭̯̬̦̌̌ Ͷ ̨̡̨̨̣ ϭϬй ;̛̛̭̦̙̖̦̖ ̦̌ ̨̭̯̏̔̏ ̛ ̵̸̨̛̬̦̭̯̌̌̽ ̶̨̛̛̬̦̐̌̌̚​̛ ̨̡̛̭̯̔̌̏ ̨̬̱̐̏̚ ̨̯ ̡̡̌ ̏ ̵̪̦̼̌̌̔̚ ̵̭̯̬̦̌̌ Ͷ ̨̡̨̨̣ ϭϬй ;̛̛̭̦̙̖̦̖ ̦̌ ̨̭̯̏̔̏ ̛ ̵̸̨̛̬̦̭̯̌̌̽ ̶̨̛̛̬̦̐̌̌̚​̛ ̨̡̛̭̯̔̌̏ ̨̬̱̐̏̚ ̨̯ to a number of ̡̨̨̛̦̥̾̀ large companies asʰ̛̦̖̭̯̏Ͳ including transportation sector, thus it ϭй ̖̯̔̌ ̖̯̔̌ ̏ ϰϰϱ ϰϰϱ ̥̣̬̔͘ ̥̣̬̔͘ such ̬̱̣̖̜̍Ϳ͘ ̨̨̛̛̪̬̯̖̣̏̔́̚ ̡ ̨̛̪̯̬̖̯̖̣̍̀͘ 3PL/4PL services ϭй ̡̨̨̛̦̥̾̀ ̏ ̬̱̣̖̜̍Ϳ͘ ʰ̛̦̖̭̯̏Ͳ ̨̨̛̛̪̬̯̖̣̏̔́̚ ̡ ̨̛̪̯̬̖̯̖̣̍̀͘ BMW, LG,̶̛​̛ ̏ ̨̨̛̯̥̣̦̼̜̌̏̍̽ ̛ ̙ͬ̔ ̨̯̬̦̭̪̬̯̌ ̨̭̭̯̣̯̌̏́̀ Samsung. Russian Railways Lo- makes possible reduction of demurrage ̶̛​̛ ̏ ̨̨̛̯̥̣̦̼̜̌̏̍̽ ̛ ̙ͬ̔ ̨̯̬̦̭̪̬̯̌ ̨̭̭̯̣̯̌̏́̀ ϭй ̛ Ϭ͕ϯй ʦʦʿ ˀ̨̭​̛̭​̛ ̨̥̖̭̯̏ ̣̖̦̌́̏̚​̵̦̼ ̏ ̭̯̬̯̖̌Ͳ ʦ ̨̡̨̖̬̪̖̜̭̥̏ ̛̬̖̜̯̦̖̐ ̨̱̬̦̏́ ̛̛̬̯̌̏́̚ ̸̨̛̛̣̭̯̖̐Ͳ gistics acquired 25% of the FELB shares. at theʦ ̵̡̛̭ ̱̭̣̱̐ ˀ̨̭​̛̭́ ̸̨̛̪̣̱̣̌ ̨̛̦̔ ̛̚ ̵̭̥̼̌ ̵̡̛̛̦̚ >W/Ͳ borders. Such cooperation also reϭй ̛ Ϭ͕ϯй ʦʦʿ ˀ̨̭​̛̭​̛ ̨̥̖̭̯̏ ̣̖̦̌́̏̚​̵̦̼ ̏ ̭̯̬̯̖̌Ͳ ̨̡̨̖̬̪̖̜̭̥̏ ̛̬̖̜̯̦̖̐ ̨̱̬̦̏́ ̛̛̬̯̌̏́̚ ̸̨̛̛̣̭̯̖̐Ͳ ̛̐​̛ ̨̔ ϮϬϯϬ̐͘ ϯ͕ϱй ̛ ϭ͕ϭй ʦʦʿ͘ shipping Currently̛̐​̛ ̨̔ ϮϬϯϬ̐͘ ϯ͕ϱй ̛ ϭ͕ϭй ʦʦʿ͘ FELB operates under the effec- sulteḓ̵̡̛ ̱̭̣̱̐ ˀ̨̭​̛̭́ ̸̨̛̪̣̱̣̌ ̨̛̦̔ ̛̚ ̵̭̥̼̌ ̵̡̛̛̦̚ >W/Ͳ in introduction of the CIM/SMGS ̨̛̬̖̜̯̦̐̏ ;>ŽŐŝƐƚŝĐƐ WĞƌĨŽƌŵĂŶĐĞ /ŶĚĞdžͿ Ͷ ϵϱͲ́ ̶̨̛̛̪́̚ ̨̛̬̖̜̯̦̐̏ ;>ŽŐŝƐƚŝĐƐ WĞƌĨŽƌŵĂŶĐĞ /ŶĚĞdžͿ Ͷ ϵϱͲ́ ̶̨̛̛̪́̚ ̛̚ ϭϱϱ ̏ ϮϬϭϮ ̨̱̐̔͘ ʽ̨̛̭̦̦̼̥̏ ̸̛̛̛̪̬̦̥̌ ̛̭̯̣̌ ̭̣̌Ͳ tive control of RZDL. In 2012 FELB trans- consignment note, which is issued in both ̛̚ ϭϱϱ ̏ ϮϬϭϮ ̨̱̐̔͘ ʽ̨̛̭̦̦̼̥̏ ̸̛̛̛̪̬̦̥̌ ̛̭̯̣̌ ̭̣̌Ͳ terminal services ̨̖̍ ̛̛̬̯̖̌̏̚ ̡̡̨̭̣̭̜̌̔ ̛ ̨̨̯̬̦̭̪̬̯̦̜̌ ̴̡̛̦̬̭̯̬̱̌Ͳ portation load amounted to TEU 25,000. paper̨̖̍ ̛̛̬̯̖̌̏̚ ̡̡̨̭̣̭̜̌̔ ̛ ̨̨̯̬̦̭̪̬̯̦̜̌ ̴̡̛̦̬̭̯̬̱̌Ͳ and electronic form and fulfils EU ̯̱̬̼͕ ̸̡̨̖̭̯̌̏ ̸̵̨̡̛̛̛̣̭̯̖̭̐ ̱̭̣̱̐ ̨̦̖̭Ͳ ̯̱̬̼͕ ̡̨̛̦̖̚ ̡̨̛̦̖̚ for ̸̡̨̖̭̯̌̏ ̸̵̨̡̛̛̛̣̭̯̖̭̐ ̱̭̣̱̐ ̛̪̬ ̛̪̬ ̨̦̖̭Ͳ FELB diversified the routes and border requirements prior authorisation for ̨̬̥̖̬̦̌̚ ̨̡̨̼̭̜̏ ̵̛ ̨̨̛̛̭̯̥̭̯͘ ̨̬̥̖̬̦̌̚ ̨̡̨̼̭̜̏ ̵̛ ̨̨̛̛̭̯̥̭̯͘ crossing points for the cargo from China: the Eurasian rail corridor for countries like transport ̸̭̯̌̽ ̏ ̨̨̡̪̖̬̖̏̚ ̛ ʽ̨̭̦̦̏̌́ ̸̭̯̌̽ ̱̭̣̱̐ ̱̭̣̱̐ ̏ ̴̭̖̬̖ ̴̭̖̬̖ ̨̨̡̪̖̬̖̏̚ as ̛ ̵̛̬̦̖̦̌́ ̵̛̬̦̖̦̌́ via Brest/Malaszevicze (Belorussia/Po- China,ʽ̨̭̦̦̏̌́ Kazakhstan and Belorussia well ̨̬̱͕̐̏̚ ̌ ̯̖̥ ̨̣̖̍​̖ ̛̱̪̬̣̖̦̌̏́ ̛̪̭̥̌̌̌̚ ̛ ̶̸̨̡̖̪̌Ͳ ̨̬̱͕̐̏̚ ̌ ̯̖̥ ̨̣̖̍​̖ ̛̱̪̬̣̖̦̌̏́ ̛̪̭̥̌̌̌̚ ̛ ̶̸̨̡̖̪̌Ͳ ̛̥ ˀ̨̭​̛̭​̛ ̨̭̭̯̖̦̍̏​̛̦̼̥ land) cargo may be distributed to Poland, as Russia. This ̏ ̏ eliminates the charge for ̛̥ ̨̨̡̪̭̯͕̌̏ ̨̨̡̪̭̯͕̌̏ ˀ̨̭​̛̭​̛ ̨̼̪̣̦̖̯̭̏́́ ̨̼̪̣̦̖̯̭̏́́ ̨̭̭̯̖̦̍̏​̛̦̼̥ ̨̨̯̬̦̭̪̬̯̦̌Ͳ̸̨̡̛̛̛̛̣̭̯̖̭̥̐ ̛̭̣̱̙̥̍̌ ̛̛̪̬̖̪̬̯̜̔́Ͳ ̨̨̯̬̦̭̪̬̯̦̌Ͳ̸̨̡̛̛̛̛̣̭̯̖̭̥̐ ̛̭̣̱̙̥̍̌ ̛̛̪̬̖̪̬̯̜̔́Ͳ Germany, Netherlands and Belgium, via reissuing of the consignment note aṭ̛̛ each ̨̨̨̨̛̛̯̬̪̬̯̖̣̖̜͕̏̌̏̔̚ ̨̨̛̛̭̯̬̯̬̔̍̽̀̏ ̛̛̣ ̛̬̯̖̜Ͳ ̛̬̯̖̜Ͳ Структура российского Dobra/Chop (Slovakia/Ukraine) to Czech bordeȑ̨̨̨̨̛̛̯̬̪̬̯̖̣̖̜͕̌̏̔̚ crossing point, ̨̨̛̛̭̯̬̯̬̔̍̽̀̏ as well as reduces ̨̣̖̬̏͘ ʰ̛̥ ̨̨̛̛̪̬̯̭̏̔́̚ ̭̼̹̖̏ ϳϬй ̨̯ ̨̭̖̏̐ ̨̻̖̥̍̌ российского ̨̣̖̬̏͘ ʰ̛̥ ̨̨̛̛̪̬̯̭̏̔́̚ ̭̼̹̖̏ ϳϬй ̨̯ ̨̭̖̏̐ ̨̻̖̥̍̌ Структура Transport and logistics market транспортнологистического рынка Republic, Slovakia, Italy, Austria and Slove- delayṣ̸̵̨̡̛̛̛̭̯̖̭̐ ̶̨̛̪̖̬̜̌͘ triggered by demurrage. ̸̵̨̡̛̛̛̣̭̯̖̭̐ ̶̨̛̪̖̬̜̌͘ транспортнологистического рынка structure (2012-2030) по видам услуг, 2012–2030 2) по видам услуг, 2012–2030 гг. гг. (Рис. (Рис. 2) nia, via Zahony/Chop (Hungary/Ukraine) A great outcome of Eurasian integration ʻ̌ ̸̨̡̛̛̛̣̭̯̖̭̜̐ ̨̛̱̯̭̬̭̦̌̐ ;̨̨̛̭̯̥̭̯̽ ̱̭̣̱̐ ̨̪ ̯̬̦̭̌Ͳ ʻ̌ ̸̨̡̛̛̛̣̭̯̖̭̜̐ ̨̛̱̯̭̬̭̦̌̐ ;̨̨̛̭̯̥̭̯̽ ̱̭̣̱̐ ̨̪ ̯̬̦̭̌Ͳ to Hungary, Southern Germany and Aus- is a decision on creation UTLC. Rus̨̨̡̛̪̬̯̬̖͕̏ ̡̨̛̛̭̪̖̬̦͕̾̔̏̌̀ ̡̨̛̛̭̣̬̦̌̔̏̌̀ ̛ ̨̬̍̌Ͳ ̨̨̡̛̪̬̯̬̖͕̏ ̡̨̛̛̭̪̖̬̦͕̾̔̏̌̀ ̡̨̛̛̭̣̬̦̌̔̏̌̀ ̛ ̨̬̍̌Ͳ ̨̡̯̖̍ ̨̬̱͕̐̏̚ ̌ ̡̯̙̖̌ ̸̡̛̱̪̬̣̖̦̖̭̖̌̏ ̛̱̭̣̱̐Ϳ ̏ ˀ̨̭​̛̭​̛ tria. sian Railways Holding (RZD), the parent ̨̡̯̖̍ ̨̬̱͕̐̏̚ ̌ ̡̯̙̖̌ ̸̡̛̱̪̬̣̖̦̖̭̖̌̏ ̛̱̭̣̱̐Ϳ ̏ ˀ̨̭​̛̭​̛ ̵̨̛̛̪̬̯̭̔́ ̨̡̪̬́̔̌ ϮϱͲϯϬй ̨̨̡̨̨̭̱̪̦̏̐ ̨̻̖̥̍̌ ̯̬̦̭̌Ͳ ̵̨̛̛̪̬̯̭̔́ ̨̡̪̬́̔̌ ϮϱͲϯϬй ̨̨̡̨̨̭̱̪̦̏̐ ̨̻̖̥̍̌ ̯̬̦̭̌Ͳ All in all cooperation with FELB may be company of Russian Railways Logistics, ̨̨̪̬̯̦Ͳ̸̨̡̨̨̛̛̣̭̯̖̭̐̐ ̡̬̼̦͕̌ ̏ ̨̯ ̬̖̥̏́ ̡̡̌ ̏ ̭̬̖̔Ͳ ̨̨̪̬̯̦Ͳ̸̨̡̨̨̛̛̣̭̯̖̭̐̐ ̡̬̼̦͕̌ ̏ ̨̯ ̬̖̥̏́ ̡̡̌ ̏ ̭̬̖̔Ͳ also useful to our Russian clients to ship to signed̦̖̥ ̨̪ ʫ̨̬̪̖̏ ̨̯̯̾ ̨̡̪̯̖̣̌̌̽̚ ̪̬̖̼̹̖̯̏̌ ϱϱй͘ ʿ̨ ̨̭Ͳ a memorandum on creation of ̦̖̥ ̨̪ ʫ̨̬̪̖̏ ̨̯̯̾ ̨̡̪̯̖̣̌̌̽̚ ̪̬̖̼̹̖̯̏̌ ϱϱй͘ ʿ̨ ̨̭Ͳ ̨̛̭̯̦́̀ ̦̌ ϮϬϭϮ ̨̐̔ ̨̻̖̥̍ ̸̨̡̨̨̛̛̣̭̯̖̭̐̐ ̨̛̱̯̭̬̭̦̌̐̌ ̨̛̭̯̦́̀ ̦̌ ϮϬϭϮ ̨̐̔ ̨̻̖̥̍ ̸̨̡̨̨̛̛̣̭̯̖̭̐̐ ̨̛̱̯̭̬̭̦̌̐̌ far destinations in Europe, Asia and farther. a transport and logistics company with ̏ ˀ̨̭​̛̭​̛ ̨̭̭̯̣̣̌̏́ ̨̡̪̬́̔̌ Ϯ͕ϱ ̯̬̣̦͘ ̬̱͕̍͘ ϴϴй ̛̚ ̡̨̨̯Ͳ ̏ ˀ̨̭​̛̭​̛ ̨̭̭̯̣̣̌̏́ ̨̡̪̬́̔̌ Ϯ͕ϱ ̯̬̣̦͘ ̬̱͕̍͘ ϴϴй ̛̚ ̡̨̨̯Ͳ Kazakhstan Temir Jholy and Belarusian ̵̬̼ ̛̛̦̥̣̌̌̚ ̛̱̭̣̱̐ ̨̨̡̛̛̯̬̦̭̪̬̯̬̌̏ ;̛̬̭͘ ϭͿ͘ ̵̬̼ ̛̛̦̥̣̌̌̚ ̛̱̭̣̱̐ ̨̨̡̛̛̯̬̦̭̪̬̯̬̌̏ ;̛̬̭͘ ϭͿ͘ RailwayPRO: This year, RZD Logistics Railways, which envisages creation of ˁ̨̨̣̭̦̐̌ ̨̨̪̬̦̥̐̌̚ ŽƐƚŽŶ ŽŶĐƵůƚŝŶŐ 'ƌŽƵƉ ˁ̨̨̣̭̦̐̌ ̨̨̪̬̦̥̐̌̚ ŽŶĐƵůƚŝŶŐ 'ƌŽƵƉ ̏ ̏ ϮϬϭϮͲ ϮϬϭϮͲ launched a series of transportation serv- United Transport and ŽƐƚŽŶ Logistics Company ϮϬϯϬ ϮϬϯϬ ̐​̐͘ ̐​̐͘ ̨̻̖̥̍ ̨̻̖̥̍ ̨̬̭​̡̨̨̛̭̜̭̐ ̨̬̭​̡̨̨̛̭̜̭̐ ̡̬̼̦̌ ̡̬̼̦̌ ̸̨̡̨̨̛̛̣̭̯̖̭̐̐ ̸̨̡̨̨̛̛̣̭̯̖̭̐̐ ̨̛̱̯̭̬̭̦̌̐̌ ̱̖̯̍̔ ̸̛̛̱̖̣̯̭̏̏̌̽́ ̏ ̭̬̖̦̖̥̔ ̦̌ ices (to Siberia and Far East, Turkey, Kaza- (UTLC) with participation of RZDL to ̨̛̱̯̭̬̭̦̌̐̌ ̱̖̯̍̔ ̸̛̛̱̖̣̯̭̏̏̌̽́ ̏ ̭̬̖̦̖̥̔ ̦̌ ϵй ϵй ̏ ̛ ̨̱̐̔ ϭϭ͕ϰ ̬̱̍͘ ̏ ̨̐̔ ̨̐̔ ̛ ̡ ̡ ϮϬϯϬ ϮϬϯϬ ̨̱̐̔ ̨̛̭̭̯̯̌̏ ̨̛̭̭̯̯̌̏ ϭϭ͕ϰ ̯̬̣̦͘ ̯̬̣̦͘ storage ̬̱̍͘ ʿ̸̛̬̖̥ ʿ̸̛̬̖̥ khstan, Armenia etc., very important coun- control rolling stock anḏ̖̯̍̔ terminal ̨̛̛̛̦̣̹̥̌̍̽ ̛̯̖̥̪̥̌ ̛̬̭̯̌ ̭̖̥̖̦̯̐ ̱̪̬̌̏Ͳ ̨̛̛̛̦̣̹̥̌̍̽ ̛̯̖̥̪̥̌ ̱̖̯̍̔ ̛̬̭̯̌ ̭̖̥̖̦̯̐ ̱̪̬̌̏Ͳ tries on the map of international transport). facilities, providing attractive transit solụ̸̡̨̖̦̖̭̜ ̨̡̛̛̛̣̭̯̐ ;̛̱̭̣̱̐ ̨̱̬̦̏́ ϯW>ͬϰW>Ϳ Ͷ ̭̬̖̔Ͳ ̸̡̨̣̖̦̖̭̜ ̨̡̛̛̛̣̭̯̐ ;̛̱̭̣̱̐ ̨̱̬̦̏́ ϯW>ͬϰW>Ϳ Ͷ ̭̬̖̔Ͳ What are the policies and projects that en- tions ̨̨̨̦̖̜̐̔̏ ̯̖̥̪ ̨̬̭̯̌ ̨̛̭̯̦̖̯̔̐ ϭϰй ̏ ̨͕̐̔ ̨̯̐̔̌ ̡̡̌ and attract significant cargo volume ̨̨̨̦̖̜̐̔̏ ̯̖̥̪ ̨̬̭̯̌ ̨̛̭̯̦̖̯̔̐ ϭϰй ̏ ̨͕̐̔ ̨̯̐̔̌ ̡̡̌ ̭̖̥̖̦̯̐ ̱̭̣̱̐ ̨̨̡̛̛̯̬̦̭̪̬̯̬̌̏ ̱̖̯̍̔ ̛̬̭̯̌ ̏ ̭̬̖̦̖̥̔ terminal services 3PL/4PL services ̭̖̥̖̦̯̐ ̱̭̣̱̐ ̨̨̡̛̛̯̬̦̭̪̬̯̬̌̏ ̱̖̯̍̔ ̛̬̭̯̌ ̏ ̭̬̖̦̖̥̔ courage the rapid extension to international on route Europe-Asia. According to prę̪ ϴй ̏ ̨̐̔͘ ˑ̨̯ ̛̪̬̖̖̯̏̔ ̡ ̸̛̛̱̖̣̖̦̏̀ ̨̛̣̔ ̭̖̥̖̦̐Ͳ ̨̪ ϴй ̏ ̨̐̔͘ ˑ̨̯ ̛̪̬̖̖̯̏̔ ̡ ̸̛̛̱̖̣̖̦̏̀ ̨̛̣̔ ̭̖̥̖̦̐Ͳ ̯̌ ϯW>ͬϰW> ̱̭̣̱̐ ̨̔ ϲй ̨̯ ̨̭̖̏̐ ̡̬̼̦̌ ̸̨̡̨̨̛̛̣̭̯̖̭̐̐ markets and effective services? liminary business plan UTLC total turnǒ̯ ϯW>ͬϰW> ̱̭̣̱̐ ̨̔ ϲй ̨̯ ̨̭̖̏̐ ̡̬̼̦̌ ̸̨̡̨̨̛̛̣̭̯̖̭̐̐ transport Denis Mazurin: Development of the new ver iṉ̨̛̯̭̬̭̦̌̐̌ ;̛̬̭͘ ϮͿ͘ 2020 will exceed 4 mn TEUs. This Source:shipping ̨̛̱̯̭̬̭̦̌̐̌ ;̛̬̭͘ ϮͿ͘ www.rzdlog.com 16 16

ОАО «РЖД Логистика» ОАО «РЖД Логистика»

October 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

̛̛̹̖̦̥́ ˁ̨̖̯̏̌ ̡̨̨̛̬̖̯̬̔̏͘ ʦ ϮϬϭϮ ̐͘ ̶̛̛̛̦̖̭̯̏​̛ ̨̛̛̭̭̯̣̌̏ ϭϴϴ͕ϴ ̥̣̦ ̬̱̍͘

28 leaders

Structure of investments Структура инвестиций (2012)

financial investments

other capital investments

Source: www.rzdlog.com

Photo: www.rzdlog.com

ʽ̨̭̦̦̼̖̏ ̶̛̛̛̦̖̭̯̏​̛ ϮϬϭϮ ̨̐̔̌͗ the best possible solution from and to any loading and organization of container road bekistan. Transit time from Riga (Latvia) to country in the world we need to think of the freight forwarding to client warehouse. Galaba (Tajikistan) is 20-22 days. The cargo best scheme based on the assets, which we RZDL develops North-South corridor, on volumes of 600TEU’s has been already have orͻ may ƵƌŽZĂŝůdƌĂŶƐ͕ :^ ;ʸ̛̯̌̏́Ϳ͘ have an access to, and develop which is based on the direct rail link be- delivered. trustful relations with our partners among tween Russia and Iran in the Caspian Sea Another corridor is transcontinental ʰ̶̛̛̦̖̭̯̏​̛ Ͷ ϭ ϮϱϮ͕ϱ ̯̼̭͘ >s>͘ ʪ̨̣́ ̏ ̨̱̭̯̦̥̌̏ ̡̛̪̯̣̖̌̌ Ͷ ϱϭй͖ transport vehicle owners and our clients. region and is expected to reach 25-26 mn East-West route to the Far East, MongoRZD Logistics always looks for new expan- tons by 2015. In 2012 RZDL started or- lia and China, the backbone of which is sion opportunities, but in the periods of ganization of non-military cargo delivery Trans-Siberian route. As a part of providͻ zƵyŝŶKƵ ; ŚŽŶŐƋŝŶŐͿ >ŽŐŝƐƟĐƐ Ž͕ >ƚĚ͘ ;ʶ̛̯̜̌Ϳ͘ economic and trading activity slow-down, for NATO peacekeeping forces (ISAF - ing integrated logistics solutions in the ʰ̶̛̛̦̖̭̯̏​̛ Ͷ ϰϴϵ͕Ϭ ̯̼̭͘ h^ ͘ ʪ̨̣́ ̏ ̨̱̭̯̦̥̌̏ ̡̛̪̯̣̖̌̌ Ͷ ϭϲ͕ϯй͖ the most important thing that we have to International Security Assistance Force Russian Far East RZD Logistics diversified provide is the service of even more efficient (ISAF)) from the ports of Latvia to Af- the services into port forwarding, includquality and speed efficient. ghanistan. This joint project between Rus- ing loading/unloading, transshipment, ͻ our&Ăƌ ĂƐƚ >ĂŶĚ ƌŝĚŐĞ͕ >ƚĚ͘ ;ʶ̛̪̬Ϳ͘ As for strategic interest, as we men- sian Railways Logistics and GEFCO Baltic warehousing, customs services, additiontioned before it’s not only Russian logistics, is designed to develop and support transit ally tracking, reporting, issuance consignʰ̶̛̛̦̖̭̯̏​̛ Ͷ ϯ ϬϬϬ͕Ϭ ̯̼̭͘ h^ ͘ ʪ̨̣́ ̏ ̨̱̭̯̦̥̌̏ ̡̛̪̯̣̖̌̌ Ͷ ϭϬ͕Ϯй͘ but transit through Russia, CIS, Baltics, potential of railways. Containers are sent by ment notes in the ports of Vladivostok and initially to destinations of Europe and Asia sea to the port of Riga, where later the con- Nakhodka, the port of Vanino may also be based on the existing infrastructure. tainer train is to be formed and dispatched added to this list. ʿ̸̛̛̬̣̖̖̦̖̏ ̵̖̥̦̼̌̚ ̭̬̖̭̯̔̏ ̏ ϮϬϭϮ ̨̱̐̔ ʽ̨̺̖̭̯̥̍̏ ̣̔́ ̴̨̛̛̛̦̦̭̬̦̌̏̌́ For example, in 2012 we started provid- to Afghanistan transiting through territoGlobalization of cargo traffic, developing general cargo transit by means of in- ries of Latvia, Russia, Kazakhstan and Uz- ment of the world economy and interną̶̛̛̛̦̖̭̯̦̏​̨̦̜ ̨̛̖̯̖̣̦̭̯̔́̽ ̦̖ ̨̨̭̱̺̖̭̯̣̣̭̏́̽͘ termodal freight transport on the territory of Latvia with access to the ports of Riga, Ventspils in cooperation with EuroRailTran Ltd., our joint venture in Latvia. RZDL is mainly engaged in development of transit transportation through the ports in Latvia ОАО «РЖД Логистика» and providing door-to-door cargo delivery service. Last year Russian Railways Logistics also initiated freight forwarding services from even further regions of the Middle East and the Fars East. This option offers full range of services including container provision at the port of departure, sea freight to Qingdao and Lianyungang ports in China, port forwarding, freight forwarding, customs clearance, providing hauling stock and reloading into broad-gauge railway carriage, freight forwarding in CIS countries. One example is container train project for OBI from China to the warehouses in Moscow region including container dispatching to the four ports of China, namely Ningbo, Nanjing, Qingdao, Yantyan, sea forwarding to the port of Yingkou, transportation across China and further transit as a part of container train to Moscow railway hub, unwww.railwaypro.com | October 2013


tionalization of cargo exchange require more complex logistics schemes and optimization of cost on goods transportation and storage, thus demand for integrated logistics solutions grow even in the periods of economies stagnation. From the very beginning RZDL strategy was development of ЗPL solutions. In addition to all kinds of forwarding activities we offer loading/unloading, warehousing and storage, insurance services, customs clearance, information support and consulting. All these make transportation faster, easier and more transparent for the clients. As for challenges we may mention high competition, tariff and non-tariff barriers in the EU logistics market, difficult access to logistics markets of some Central Asian countries, which makes us spend some time on developing business relations and cooperation based on mutual trust and respect with rolling stock and infrastructure owners, authorities in order to eliminate all barriers and to reach our aim of providing high standard logistics service. RailwayPRO: What can you tell us about the competitiveness of the logistics sector in Central Asia and Europe? Denis Mazurin: Competitiveness on the logistics market in Europe is rather high, logistics services are well-developed. This is due to single standards in the EU as a result of harmonization of laws in all member countries regarding documentation and technical standards, strict control of monopoly behaviour and policy on free movement of goods, which allows having single customs border and eliminating additional demurrage at each border of the EU countries. The region has up-to-date railroad infrastructure and exits to the important sea routes through the ports. There are numbers of strong players like DB Schenker, OBB, SNCF and others. Thus logistics business in Europe in our view is very well functioning. Central Asia is a different region with sovereign countries not integrated in one union. Usually logistics infrastructure and vehicles are monopolized; however, due to the common Soviet past technical standards are still the same or similar, which makes transportation easier but delivery hindered by existence of separate border crossing points between countries and customs, diverse tariffs, and other barriers. Some of them like Russia, Belorussia and Kazakhstan are part of Eurasian Customs Union, and will participate in UTLC, which makes forwarding activities especially for Euro-China trade viable, while some of them are the members of Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which has other aims than integration. RailwayPRO: What are the greatest challenges of an operator who wants to provide competitive transport services between Europe and Asia?

Denis Mazurin: Among the greatest challenges on Europe-Asia route are infrastructural bottlenecks, seasonal fluctuations, demurrage and unstable transportation speed due to deficiency of border crossing capacity and changing gauges in the forwarding countries, including transit countries (the 1520 mm gauge of the railways in Russia and the CIS opposed to the European and Chinese ‘standard’ gauge of 1435 mm.), volume imbalances and deficiency of rolling stock for specific directions, price instability due to different tariff system and need for document and train parameter harmonization in all countries. Transportation in the regions of the Russian Far East and Siberia (as well as in Mongolia and China) is influenced by seasonality and extreme weather conditions. For this reason RZD Logistics offers cargo transportation in 45-foot containers with autonomous diesel generators, which are larger than the usual ones and can keep the necessary temperature inside. RailwayPRO: Although railway transport is the most promoted transport mode (due to well-known characteristics), the largest part of the transport volumes between Europe and Asia-China are carried by sea. How can the railways attract a higher volume of freight and what are the challenges posed to railway transport? Denis Mazurin: Actually sea freight is the most popular transportation mode on Europe-Asia axis having 99% of all shipped goods on the Southern Europe-Asia route of 20,000 km or up to 45 days via Suez Canal. However, recently China announced about exploring the Northern Sea Route, which may become an alternative to the first one as it is shorter and safer. However, railway transport is considered to be more favourable as it reduces time spent on cargo delivery twice to maximum of 14-20 days and shortens the route length to 11,000 km of railways, but rail forwarding is more pricy. Yes, rail transit on EuropeAsia axis has a strong potential: according to majority of analysts, capacity of rail transit EU-China-EU market will amount to 1.25 mn TEU by 2020. In order to overcome challenges like tariff and non-tariff barriers, which hinder free movement of goods between China and Europe, RZD Logistics upgrades technical capacities (tracking and tracing for safer and faster delivery), offers its customers collection and last mile distribution service (door-to-door), introduces CIM/SMGS consignment note for shipment to far destinations in order to avoid re-expedition on transit route though China, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Belorussia and Russia. According to preliminary calculations in the upcoming years transportation via Russia may be reduced to 7 days in the framework of «Trans-Siberia road in 7 days» project initiated by Russian Railways, while travel time between the two continents may be


shortened to 15 days for the Northern route via Trans-Siberia, from about 15 day to 10 days – for the Southern route. Reaching the speed of 1100 km per day will allow the consigner to cut costs. Intense traffic on Europe-Asia axis demands the logistics services to be more competitive in regards to time, quality, transport infrastructure and capacity. Based on market demands RZD Logistics provides intermodal transportation by integrating different modes (rail, truck, sea) and offered its customers (mainly manufactures from the East) container train service on East-West route, and full range of logistics services including terminal and warehouse handling, customs clearance and supply chain management. In the framework of RZD Holding Strategy-2030, a core network of terminal-logistic centres will be set up in the largest transport hubs and industrial zones of the country, primarily those used by participants in international corridors.

РЖД Логистика: Железнодорожный транзит на маршруте Европа-Азия имеет высокий потенциал ОАО “РЖД Логистика”, дочерняя компания Российских Железных Дорог, предоставляет логистические услуги на российском и международном уровне, играя важную роль на маршруте Европа-Азия. По мнению большинства аналитиков, транзитные перевозки между двумя континентами имеют высокий потенциал для роста, что, как ожидается, усилит конкуренцию между компаниями, которые предоставляют транспортнологистические услуги. Для получения более подробной информации о роли компании ОАО “РЖД Логистика” в России и на международном рынке, а также для исследования проблем и возможностей игроков Евроазиатской транспортной системы, мы провели интервью с Денисом Мазуриным, директором по развитию бизнеса ОАО “РЖДЛ”. October 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

30 Policies & Strategies

Railway freight transport, a decade of changes and transformations [ by Elena Ilie ]

More than 10 years ago, ambitious objectives have been set for rail freight competitiveness by the European Commission’s 2001 Transport White Paper. Numerous policy measures have been introduced over the last decade in an attempt to realise this vision, and a new Transport White Paper was adopted in 2011, with more ambitious objectives for an efficient and sustainable transport sector. Figure 15 Quarterly rail freight development (in million tkm), Europe, 2007-2012 Quarterly rail freight development (in million tkm), Europe, 2007-2012






400 300 200

0 2007 Source: EUROSTAT 2012

Source: Eurostat, 2012

40 000 440

33 894

30 000 20 000 361

31 701


10 000 0

Q2 2007 CEEC


2009 Source: CER, 2012

Q2 2008 EU-15+CH 2010


www.railwaypro.com | October 2013

Q2 2012

Q1 2012

Q4 2011

Q3 2011

Более десять лет тому назад, в Белой Книги по Транспортной политики -14.2% – 2001, были определены важные задачи 27 192 29 424 по конкурентоспособности в области 26.021 22 897 железнодорожных грузоперевозок. С тех пор, множество стратегий были пущены в ход для осуществления поставленных целей; более того, в 2011 году, была принята новая версия Белой Q2 2009 Q2 2010 Q2 2011 Q2 2012 Книги по Транспортной политики, которая включала наиболее амбициозные цели для достижения эффективности и долговременности в транспортном секторе.

Rail freight traffic in Europe had been recovering steadily since the 2008 economic crisis. However, as the economy started contracting again at the beginning of 2012, so has the rail



50 000

Q2 2011

61 087

60(in 000 Figure 14Volumes Volumes handled by rail freight billion 2007-201055 934 handled by rail freight (in billion tkm), tkm), EU-27,EU-27, 2007-2010 600

Q1 2011

Q4 2010

Q3 2010

Q2 2010

Q1 2010

Q4 2009

Q2 2009

Q1 2009

Q4 2008

Q3 2008

Q2 2008

Q1 2008

Q4 2007

Q3 2007

Q2 2007

Q1 2007


Q3 2009

t the beginning of the year, the European Commission launched 120 000 the Fourth Railway Package, a set of legislative measures aimed to “organise” 100 000 the chaos in which the European railway transport lingers today. Have the measures 80 000 adopted in the last decade been too few, or AIL FREIGHT MARKET on the contrary, too many and too compli60 000 cated to achieve interoperability in freight asDEVELOPMENTS well as passenger transport? 40 000 The Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER) 20 000 believes it is the right time to analyse the positive, as well as the negative parts and to 0 evaluate the efficiency of these measures. Therefore, CER has elaborated a report of what has happened in the freight transport sector over the past ten years. So what isThe theprevious state of the rail freight sector a chapter examined the after parameters that have, Europe or have had, an influence CEEC on EU-15+CH decade of EUcompetitiveness rail policy measures? rail freight’s and quality. This chapter aims to evaluate the degree of Unfortunately, of it is as good as oneon rail freight market developments, starting with competitiveness railnot freight by focusing Source: CER, 2012 might hope, and in the what needs be donecrisis’ to turn the objecthe evolution of railoverall freight progress volumes and an analysis of the to economic impact on rail petitiveness of freight transport, market competitiveness of rail freight compared tives of the 2011 Transport White Paper evolutions of the segments which Five years after the start of the crisis, rail freight traffic has notdifferent gone back to pre-crisis freight. The chapter also examines the evolution of the modal share within inland freight with other modes is rather disappointing. into reality. The report elaborated by CER compose railway freight transport, liberalilevels, in both EU-15 and Switzerland and in the CEEC. The Q2 2012 level for EU-15 and transport, and the growing imbalance towards road freight, in spite of public policy objectives In spite of a significant development in aims to do just this, by providing a snapshot sation, the harmonisation of the Eurasian Switzerland is more 20% below the of Q2 2008 level for the same zone, while the Q2 of modal shift towards railover andthe inland It also looks at specific segments intra-modal competition pastwaterways. dec- of the situation of how railthan freight and assessing Platform legislation – the CIM-SMGS 2012 level for CEEC is more than 14% below Q2 2008 level. rail freight are performing. The chapter ends with a snapshot of competition in the sector. ade, the much-needed modal shift towards the efficiency of policy measures already the consignment note, multimodality or the rail, which would bring energy efficiency introduced. Most importantly, it provides stage of the e-Rail Freight project. Figure 16 Rail freight in Europe: of Q2 2012 level to pre-crisis level and important CO2 emissions gains, is still concrete recommendations in order comparison to fulmillion 2.1 Decrease ofThe rail freight with the economic far from being a reality. imbalance be- volumes ly realise the(in potential oftkm) rail freight. tween road and rail freight is increasing, in Thus, the report deals with major imporcrisis a worrying move for the sustainability of tance topics such as the impactlevel of railway Железнодорожный pre-crisis 90 000 on the environment, the transport externalin Thetransport economicsystem. crisis resulted in a dramatic decrease in both road and rail freight transport транспорт – десяток -20.2% The and European railway organisation costs, theInlegislative interop80 000 2008 2009, after several years of anbeupward trend. the EU-27,framework, volumes transported 76 593 лет изменений и 737 lieves building on the lessons from thein 2009, erability, pollution, the19.quality of by railthat freight transport decreased by 17% after phonic a drop71of 2% in 2008 преобразования 70 000 65 629 66 276 past decade, we need to collectively look at infrastructure and its effects on the com-


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32 lex

Harmonisation of operation and management regulation, vital for freight corridors

[ by Elena Ilie ]

The regulation on the set-up of the nine freight corridors of the European Union is an important milestone of the European railway policy in the development of railway freight traffic. It will help increase the railway freight transport capacity where the railway is already experiencing a comeback of transport volumes, as well as the market share, and will support the improvement of rail freight transport competitiveness as regards the quality of services and the efficiency of the countries where rail transport still needs to recover.


ith a view to strengthening the Railway Undertakings’ “message” in the European Corridor structures as defined by Regulation 913/2010, UIC has initiated a project designed to streamline processes across all railway undertakings and across all corridors. “This project ties in with UIC’s mission to develop a pragmatic vision of technical and administrative interoperability between stakeholders”, Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, UIC Director General said. Concretely the project will provide the necessary coordination and exchange of information between the advisory boards which will ensure Railway Undertakings’ needs are promoted efficiently and, secondly, it will set up a structure to monitor progress and designed to provide regular feedback which will help put in place the necessary improvement measures when-

ever required. With the coming into force of the European Regulation 913/2010 concerning a European rail network for competitive freight, corridors are being established at their own pace with no obligation of coordination between them. According to Regulation 913/2010, Railway Undertakings only play a consultative role in activities to improve the corridors, within corridor-specific “advisory boards”. In their consultative capacity, European railway freight operators wish to underline that, while each corridor may require specific action to improve its own freight operations, a coordinated approach to corridor improvements should be pursued across Europe. Indeed, rail freight undertakings typically operate on more than one corridor. It is therefore important that operational and administrative rules are as consistent as possible across all corridors in



RNE CORRIDOR Wien – Budapest – Bucureşti – Constanța/Kulata/Svilengrad/Varna/Burgas

Wien – Budapest – Bucureşti – Constanța/Kulata/Svilengrad/Varna/Burgas Praha

Border Points

RNE Corridor 09



(Wien - Constanta/Kulata/ Svilengrad/Varna/Burgas)

Future Rail Freight Corridor 7 Sopron Györ

(Praha - Constanta/Athina) ... to be confirmed


HU Timiş oara









Bucureş ti

Gorna Oryahovitsa

BG Kulata


RNE Corridors: Source: RailNetEurope » deliver a more reliable forecast of the available infrastructure to our customers » apply the harmonised deadlines for planning international train paths » shape corridor infrastructure capacity according to the market's requirements www.railwaypro.com | October 2013 » facilitate the capacity request procedure by providing pre-constructed international train paths » improve train punctuality on the basis of regular performance monitoring

Varna Burgas


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©2009 Google Maps


order to promote rather than impede interoperability. The European rail freight undertakings have therefore developed a number of “Uniform Requirements” towards infrastructure managers to take into account the paramount need to enhance interoperability and seamlessness. A coordinated railway approach is becoming even more pressing as the transport market studies of some of the corridors are already being published. The results of these studies are in fact expected to be translated in the corridor implementation plans and, in particular, in the corridor investment plans. However, the Community of European Rail and Infrastructure Companies (CER) believes that railway undertakings should be involved in governing these freight corridors, because they are market-driven and likely to carry out or be affected by decisions taken. The Regulation on a competitive European freight transport network will significantly improve cooperation between the infrastructure managers and other parties interested along the railway freight transport corridors. Joint objectives will be defined for these corridors helping all the players in the market to act for a common goal, said sources from DG MOVE for Railway Pro. The poor reliability of international trains and the reduced transport speeds are only few of the problems affecting the international freight traffic. Freight trains run on many international corridors at speeds of 18 km/h, while speed on internal routes is 25 km/h. This is due to the time lost with cross-border operations, but also to the lack of cooperation between transport operators. The result is that railways cannot serve the transport of certain cargoes which then head to the faster road transport. This

Regulation (effective since November 2010) will substantially improve cooperation between infrastructure managers and other parties interested along the railway freight transport corridors. Joint objectives for these corridors will be soon defined helping all market players to join efforts for a common goal. An implementation plan will represent the foundation for setting the new corridors (9) in three to five years since the coming into force of the Regulation. The first Memorandum of Understanding was signed for Corridor no. 7 “Orient” (previously called Corridor E), 2013 being the year when it will become operational. According to a recent report of UIRR, the structuring of this corridor took place in November 2011. Corridor “Orient” is the most complex of the 9 corridors mentioned in Regulation 913/2010 as it crosses several of the EU member states: Austria, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia. In Romania, Corridor “Orient” intersect the pan-European Corridor IV. The European rail freight transport receives a new stimulus due to the latest norms of the European Union aimed at promoting the development of a high-quality management of the rail infrastructure at international level. “In my opinion, in 2050, the railways will be predominantly used for freight transport over distances longer than 300 km. These freight corridors, single ticket offices and increased cooperation stipulated under the new legislation will allow rail freight transport suppliers to attract additional customers towards this eco-friendly mode of transport”, said Siim Kallas, European Commissioner in charge of transport. In order to evaluate objectively the benefits of the measures aimed at the establishment of the freight corridor, the performance of the rail freight services along the freight corridor should be monitored and quality reports should be published regularly. The evaluation of the performance should include the outcome of satisfaction surveys of the users of the freight corridor. Moreover, the development of intermodal freight terminals should also be considered necessary to support the establishment of rail freight corridors in the Union. In order to guarantee the consistency and continuity of the infrastructure capacities available along the freight corridor, investment in the freight corridor should be coordinated between Member States and the infrastructure managers concerned, as well as, where appropriate, between Member States and European third countries, and planned in a way which meets, subject to economic viability, the needs of the freight corridor. The schedule of these investments should be published so as to ensure the proper information of applicants that can operate on the specific corridor. Investments should include projects on the development of interoperable systems and increase of train capacity.

Соответствие между операционными и административными нормативами является жизненным для действия коридоров грузоперевозок Регламент по установлению девяти коридоров для грузоперевозок в рамках Европейского Союза представляет собой важную основу европейской железнодорожной политики с точки зрения развития транспортного движения в области железнодорожных грузоперевозок. Он будет оказывать позитивное содействие в развитии транспортных способностей в области железнодорожных грузоперевозок в странах, в которых железная дорога уже отмечает новый образ жизни с точки зрения объёма груза и продаж; также, будет способствовать повышению конкурентоспособности в области железнодорожных грузоперевозок с точки зрения качества услуг и эффективности, в странах, в которых железная дорога нуждается в восстановлении.

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34 Market development

Ukraine: construction of industrial parks will generate investments of USD 8 Billion

[ by Pamela Luică ]

Ukraine’s strategy named “National Projects” implies the development of several projects with a positive impact on social and economic development, aiming to achieve five objectives. The construction of railway infrastructure is included in the “New Infrastructure” section (the high-speed line between Kiev and Boryspil international airport, as well as other infrastructure projects), together with the development of industrial parks. Thus, authorities are estimating that the new law on industrial parks will increase investment attractiveness and generate direct investment inflow.


he adopted law introduced the concept of industrial parks in Ukraine; National Investment Agency estimates that the industrial parks will attract investments of USD 8 Billion during the following years, creating 300 jobs. The adoption of industrial park projects was determined by the effectiveness of other states: for example, over 400 parks are functional in USA, over 60 in Poland, 262 in Turkey, and about 140 in the Czech Republic. At regional level, Ukraine will become an investment centre thanks to human resources and to the simplification of procedures related to land allocation for the construction of industrial parks and thanks to the privileges provided for coordinating partners. Thus,

national GDP will increase by 15% in 4-5 years from the construction of industrial parks; an operational park will allow the participation of 10-15 companies, providing an investment flow of approximately USD 200 Million. The InvestUkraine Department (part of the National Investment Agency) mentions the construction of 14 industrial parks, 8 of which demand investments of about USD 9.5 Billion. The most substantial investments are allocated to the construction of Novo Park (USD 5 570 Million), Rubizhne (USD 1 780 Million) and Stakhanov (USD 2 055 Million). As regards the projects without investment estimations, the Agency mentions that their level depends on investors’ demands

Industrial parks - Ukraine

and characteristics, the majority of projects benefiting from state co-financing for transport infrastructure development. For the establishment and operation of industrial parks, this year the Government approved a legislative proposal elaborated by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade regarding the introduction of amendments to the Customs Code. The main objective is to specify the volume of equipment, components and materials that will be imported to Ukraine, without payment of import duties. Ukraine concluded a Protocol with Turkey during an intergovernmental meeting between the two parties for the implementation of the national program regarding the construction of industrial parks and investment supply. Through the implementation of the projects Ukraine will significantly develop its industrial sector, will introduce investments in the capital market and will provide access for international companies in the national market.

Украина: строительство индустриальных парков приведёт к капиталовложениям в 8 млрд. долл.

Source: www.investukraine.com

www.railwaypro.com | October 2013

Стратегия Украины под названием “Национальные Проекты” относится к осуществлению ряда проектов оказывающих позитивное влияние над развитием социально – экономической сферы и стремится достигнуть пять главных целей. В рамках сегмента “Новая Инфраструктура”, намечается строительство железнодорожной инфраструктуры и разработка индустриальных парков. Таким образом, согласно авторитетным органам, новое законодательство в секторе индустриальных парков повысит уровень привлекательности и приведёт к значительному росту прямых капиталовложений.

Policies & Strategies


Global supply chains, regional logistic platforms: creating value using rail as backbone between Asian & EU ports and cities [ by Pamela Luică ]

Source: Club Feroviar

Improving cooperation between the transport modes of the logistics chain, the need for investments in eliminating cross-border dead-ends and building missing links, the development of innovative solutions for rail freight transport, the elaboration of new legislative frameworks that would favour the rail transport competitiveness and the development of intermodal transport are criteria of the “essential elements” category in developing a transport system that would meet the challenges imposed by new mobility requirements and tendencies while ensuring the establishment of internationally-connected transport networks. Moreover, the consolidation of transport activities has to contribute to the development of a single transport system and to the delivery of reliable logistics solutions for cross-border traffic where railway transport plays a vital role. Intermodal competitiveness is already a status quo in some transport modes and railway transport has to provide competitive services.

The challenges that transport operators and their customers (shippers) are facing are elaborated upon by Mr. Peter Wolters, Secretary General European Intermodal Association (EIA). RailwayPRO: Freight transport was consolidated due to liberalization, but the logistics chain is fragmented. How do you explain this situation and what is the role of railway transport in this context? Peter Wolters: At first glance, liberalisation has ‘cut’ the market using different systems in many different pieces, while intermodal and interoperable approaches have to stick them together. For the intermodal market, it was supposed to increase the quality and number of players, while decreasing prices. At second inspection, logistic chains are not fragmented in themselves. It is the quality of different infrastructures and services which make the difference. You may choose different modalities – or you may be obliged to use different modalities. RailwayPRO: Is the consolidation of railway transport activities a barrier to the

development of an open transport sector, or does it mean the development of competitive commercial solutions compared to the other transport modes? Peter Wolters: Consolidation of freight traffic is contributing to seamless transport and logistics solutions across borders via the rail mode. Intermodal competition is already the status quo in other modes. From now on, the rail mode should also be able to offer competitive services thanks to the liberalisation process. Liberalisation supported the rail mode in various Member States with a strong, mature and sustainable policy. However, road still sets the benchmark. Liberalization allows anybody to use any modality, if well implemented. RailwayPRO: In your opinion, what are the most efficient measures for optimising cooperation between transport modes, keeping in mind that the logistics chain still faces many infrastructure-related issues, as well as the legal and organisational frameworks? Peter Wolters: From the organisational point of view, it is like in a football team: 11 average players in the right roles make a stronger team then 11 top players playing a role which is not their own. Put together different competing modalities, matching them according to their natural vocation and performance; enable them to communicate continuously via any kind of neutral ‘arbiter’ or platform. From the tactical point of view, control is an important element for successful intermodal transport. It requires collaborative, co-modal, planned operations, standardization of industrial processes and bundling of freight at an early stage. Innovation is another important enabler to modernize (rail) intermodality.

Let me use SHIFT²RAIL as an example. As we all know, SHIFT²RAIL seeks focused Research and Innovation and market-driven solutions by accelerating the integration of new and advanced technologies into innovative rail product solutions. We have great respect for the legislative lobby efforts executed by the rail supplying industry, supported by their partners, while we advocate more decision-making power for the ERA. However; the rail supply industry needs to actively seek co-operation on issues which up to now too often have been considered as competitive and not the subject of common research and innovation development. Take an issue such as new materials (but there are also others): one could have achieved much more if there had been trust in co-operative efforts. If capacity increases, which is one of the fundamentals of SHIFT²RAIL, then one must not do business as usual by individual activities, but by trust in co-operative efforts: it is a common responsibility. If horizontal cooperation with other industries doesn’t take place, there might be fewer potential customers who understand (and purchases) rail products. We need true entrepreneurs with a cross-industry vision and end-to-end logistics supply chain strategies. As a result of that, but only as a result, we can develop any kind of technical solution, not the other way around. Among our members we have some FMCG (fast moving consumers goods) multinationals. They all love rail, however, they want to voice their endto-end supply chain requirements to make sure rail meets their demands, before they purchase rail solutions. Similar observations are expressed > October 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

> in the “Technical Innovation Circle for Rail Freight Transport’ (TIS). This group consists of a broad range of rail wagon stakeholders, customers, shippers and scientific researchers. They concluded in their ‘White Paper Innovative Rail Freight Wagon 2030’ that ‘isolated improvements of individual freight wagon components is unlikely to result in any significant advantages in terms of growth, competitiveness when it comes to the strategic important integration into modern global logistic supply chains’. Five growth factors have been identified for successful introduction of the innovative rail freight wagon: Low Noise; Light Weight; Long Running; Logistics capable; LCC oriented’. The first EU Technology Platform for Logistics has been launched recently (‘ALICE’) to address all kinds of collaborative issues. It will contribute to the targets set in HORIZON 2020, among which is making efficient use of all transport modes through research & innovation. Various industrial partners are openly venting their supply chain requirements. We endorse this new TP for logistics research, while EIA as an NGO will use the outcomes of ALICE within our parallel policy and promotional activities in a global intermodal context. The Megatruck is another hot issue in the context of the question ‘optimising cooperation between transport modes’. From all the arguments which have been vented, nobody is critically asking “are those trucks fully loaded, half, or even empty (return trips)”? As long as truckers are being paid per trip instead of filling the truck optimally (= 80% full in terms of weight and volume), this Megatruck discussion is a ‘non-issue’. Over the last 40 years, whenever intermodal gave more space to the trucking industry, it has never been used for any kind of sustainable target. This is understandable since most truckers are small family companies who accept any trip. How many IRU (road) members, especially SMEs, would go bankrupt since they can’t even afford to pay a Mega-loan? On the other hand; multinational shippers, as users of intermodal, do have the intelligence and purchase power to drive filling rate quality up, equally large freight integrators. Ports and maritime terminal operators could play a crucial ‘orchestrating’ steering function as well. We have to be critical: what about filling rates of rail wagons in Europe and overseas maritime containers? Allow me to make a conservative ‘back of the envelope’ calculation: Europe could save € 160 BLN if all vehicles and loading units were at least 80% full. We could ‘buy’ TEN-T and build stronger bridges for Megatrucks… Internalisation of external costs is another very important legal enabler for developing sustainable transport. Recently, a victory has been won via the Swiss court www.railwaypro.com | October 2013


36 Policies & Strategies

which could be an important precedent. The legal debate went to the heart of to what extent congestion is an external or internal cost. Some stakeholders stated that lorries could not be fully charged for some external costs (congestion and accidents). According to the Alpen Initiative and T&E, the federal court overruled this decision by saying that the calculation of these costs may be disputable from a technical point of view, but they are legally correct according to Swiss law and traffic transport policy. Since Switzerland is at the heart of intermodal transport, it will have positive implications, especially for Alp-crossing infrastructure. Probably it is the first time ever that a court overruled transport law by finding that that congestion costs are indeed external. Legal issues to be resolved on relevant global intermodal transport and also combined transport (road/rail) matters are plentiful. Common rules for certain types of combined transport of goods between Member States do vary (Directive 92/106/CEE - ‘Establishment of common rules for certain types of combined transport of goods between Member States’). Also, legislation differs concerning rules for certain road vehicles circulating within the Community, the maximum authorised dimensions in national and international traffic, and the maximum authorised weights (Council Directive 96/53/EC). To defend the interests of its members, EIA succeeded in harmonizing and legalising the use of 45 ft. pallet wide containers in EU cross border use. RailwayPRO: Has the financial crisis deepened the problems in the railway and logistics sector or has it been the source of more sustainable and efficient solutions for the development of a transport system

that would answer market needs? Peter Wolters: The crisis has hit everybody, but mostly small and weaker truckers. Road price dumping is the result which impacted railways since they are bound to higher fixed costs. Railways able to offer an integrated package with endto-end services will survive more easily. Railways in close contact with their customers are more likely to be able to explain and convince them to have patience while searching jointly for a solution. Customers increasingly investigate rail + intermodal solutions because they want to expand their client base via new markets. One of the findings of various studies (e.g. UIC) is the position of hinterland traffic as the growth segment for the near future. The study foresees a traffic shift from the North-South axis to the East-West and anticipates an average growth rate of 8% providing some important conditions are met. RailwayPRO: What are the opportunities for carriers by 2020 considering the following two aspects: the efficient use of all transport modes and the situation regarding the activity of new operators vs. incumbent operators? What is the role of railway transport in the development of these strategies? Peter Wolters: Opportunities are the same for everybody competing. The best will usually win, unless a specific market offers unfair competing conditions. There are in Europe not many 100% privately owned intermodal operators left. An exception to this rule is e.g. road-rail operator Ambrogio Trasporti (Italy). If we take a closer look at other operators we can observe some are disappearing like Novatrans, Trailstar, TRW (former UIRR members). Others are going a very particular

Policies & Strategies

way, like Cemat (Italy) and Hupac (Switzerland) becoming more and more incorporated in their ‘mother rail’ companies. It leaves Kombiverkehr (Germany) as the last remaining free animal in the wild, but rather alone. They are all doing a good job taking the commercial risk filling trains and trucks, much depending on the quality offered by rail traction providers per corridor. ‘New operators vs. incumbent operators’: in 10-15 years we will all recall this period with a smile. New and incumbent will learn from each other, they need each other, just as we are observing in other modes. Sometimes we even observe a staff swap between the two. However, every subsector needs ‘fresh blood’ to grow, otherwise it becomes a corroded business, not strong enough to quickly respond to changing market trends. We have to safeguard openness, progress and consequent innovation within a free market. Therefore, we must maintain open Associations as a ‘counterbalance’ to build bridges to other initiatives or entities perceived as closed shops. The intermodal chain is as strong as its weakest link RailwayPRO: Which are the necessary legislative and financial steps to be taken in Member States to ensure the competitiveness of railway freight transport and to determine the development of intermodal transport? Peter Wolters: A true separation of infrastructure (EU Directive 2012, single European railway area) is actually all that is needed. The perfect ‘one solution for all’ may not exist, we can discuss exact interpretations and timing. Rail infrastructure network is a sort of natural monopoly. Consequently, competition is most appropriate between railway undertakings using that same rail network. In Spain, Sweden and the UK, there is no misunderstanding concerning the separated network ownership and consequent roles of operating undertakings. In Poland, Austria, Germany and Italy, network owners and undertakings form one and the same ‘happy integrated family’. They don’t want to be separated by a ‘higher hand’ from Brussels.. Financial steps of Member States should be more oriented towards ‘saving’ instead of ‘paying’. On one hand, intermodal obviously needs more investment on critical cross border bottlenecks, missing links in certain corridors and other typical projects with a European dimension (e.g. ERTMS). However, on the other hand, Member States and the transport industry are tossing unnecessary resources out of the window which could be saved, especially when it concerns making better use of existing infrastructure, vehicles etc. I will come back to that later.


EIA invited by EU Parliament consultation

The highest return from infrastructure investment in terms of jobs is directed to more middle class jobs, which has increased in relevance especially in EU emerging regions between ‘Baltic and Black Sea’. An analysis executed by a specialist department in the White House (USA) suggests that 61 percent of the jobs directly created by investing in infrastructure would be in the construction sector, 12 percent would be in the manufacturing sector, and 7 percent would be in retail trade, a total of 80 percent across these three sectors. Nearly 90 percent of the jobs in the three sectors most affected by infrastructure spending would be middle class jobs, defined as those paying between the 25th and 75th percentile of the national distribution of wages. Member States should keep their promise if a budget has been earmarked to develop intermodal transport but never actually been released (Italy). Other Member States who talk a lot about sustainability and intermodality should ‘walk like they talk’ and develop concrete intermodal implementation strategies. France is an example. They started very promisingly (mouvement de Grenelle) in 2010. However, at the end of 2013, road users will have to pay a new sort of eco-tax (‘Ecomouv’) for all roads. Intermodality is supposed to be one of the objectives of the tax. However, there is no tax strategy to stimulate intermodal (yet), while we can only hope revenues will be used for real sustainable traffic targets instead of just filling the French State caisses. We advise Member States to create intermodal units or at least Task Forces within their structures enabling better communication, sharing of information and streamlining of investments within a coherent intermodal policy framework. Having functionaries responsible for rail, road and waterborne is obvious. However, more profitable would be to create a mode-overlapping intermodal (or Supply Chain & Logistics) structure. I remember the old times when Neil Kinnock was

EU Commissioner for transport in Brussels. He had the idea to create some kind of overlapping intermodal superstructure with the ‘pillars’ rail, road, air etc. Unfortunately he was called back to the UK for political reasons earlier than planned. Sharing of data and information as legislative acts to get more out of infrastructure and benefits for businesses is an unexplored opportunity for Member States to reach sustainable targets. Let’s take Singapore as an out-of-thebox (urban traffic) example where a certain ministry decided to share data aiming at getting a better return on infrastructure investment. Data was released by the Singaporean authorities concerning planning, designing, development, management and maintenance of their transit systems, roads and related facilities. To further enhance land transport planning, a solution for intermodal data analytics such as carbus-train travel was required. Anonymised data was made available to the industry and public to co-create and co-develop new information services. Adoption rate by the public for the new applications was spectacularly high (13 million requests for new traffic information services). Can rail transport learn from these outcomes? They provide a better understanding of public transport demand management. The EIA learned of these cases when invited as an expert by the ITF (OECD body). RailwayPRO: Transport markets are characterised by monopoly. How does this situation affect the entire logistics chain and cooperative relationships between operators, railway infrastructure managers and ports? Peter Wolters: In Western Europe, we do not have monopolies, except ‘natural’ ones like infrastructure as elaborated upon before. If a new monopoly or ‘suspicious’ agreements between players are being discussed, Brussels has to be consulted first. Example: three years ago, EIA visited DG Competition to ask the Commissioner if a new innovative horizontal collabora- > October 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

38 Policies & Strategies

Transport Commissioner Kallas receives EIA delegation

> tion approach including the exchange

of certain planning data between partners in a logistic chain (via a neutral platform) would be allowed. The reply was positive. Intermodal mission accomplished, let the market do the rest! Monopolies are products of the past; collaborative partnerships and harmonizing standardized processes via neutral, tactical controlling mechanisms is the future.

RailwayPRO: Over the coming years, Central Asian countries foresee the sale of railway companies which, in turn, buy logistics companies. What impact will these developments have on the railway market in Europe, but also on the entire logistics chain on the Europe-Asia axis? Peter Wolters: A ‘skill for money’ swap is already taking place; western experience will move to Asian countries. One of the impacts on the entire logistics chain on the Europe-Asia axis will be more (regional) value creating activities alongside (interregional) rail transport. The ‘new marketplace’ will influence rail transport, which is positive if rail wants to act as a complimentary service provider alongside maritime and road transport, serving the automobile vehicle industry, IT manufacturers etc. Examples of developments to be observed closely: - COSFRE obtained ‘International Intermodal Transportation Certificate’ and ‘NVOCC Qualification Certificate’ issued by Chinese Ministry of Communications. Thanks to the good relationship with the Chinese Ministry of Railways, COSFRE has signed an Agreement of Strategic Cooperation with China Railway Container Transport Co. Ltd ,China Railway International Multimodal Transport Co., Ltd and China Railway Intermodal Co., Ltd. Currently, COSFRE operates over 120 sea-rail transport services, including 40 sea-rail express routes. COSFRE is also running new Euro-Asia land-bridge rail services. - Chinese railway (CRCTC, member EIA) has planned to construct 18 largesized railway container terminals. Up to date, nine (9) terminals have been put into www.railwaypro.com | October 2013

operation, including Dalian, Zhengzhou, Wuhan, Xi’an, Qingdao, Shanghai, Chengdu, Chongqing and Kunming Terminals. At present, preparations are started for the construction of Urumqi, Shenzhen, Ningbo and Lanzhou terminals. All of these terminals are or will be equipped with highly advanced equipments like gantry cranes, front-handling mobile cranes, large security instruments, smart doors and IT equipments. These terminals will provide storage for fast loading/unloading for container trains. Through optimized transshipment process between trucks and trains, seamless intermodal transport is guaranteed in those terminals. - Russian Railways Logistics in cooperation with its subsidiary YuXinOu (Chongqing) Logistics Co., Ltd. sent the first container train from China to Europe with the CIM/SMGS Common Consignment Note already in 2012. The final goal of the joint venture is to create a logistics company with 3 PL door-to-door services. - Chinese companies play a growing role within the port of Barcelona, which is the main automotive vehicle Hub port in South Europe. Barcelona acts as a distribution centre for Spain and France for Chevrolet cars manufactured in Korea. It signed an agreement with Mazda through the Barcelona terminal which will distribute these cars, manufactured in Hiroshima, through seven countries in Europe and the Mediterranean area. The SEAT factory in Spain also manufactures other models of the Volkswagen group, such as the Audi Q3, another car that can be seen on the Chinese market. General Motors announced its plan to start exporting the vehicles it produces in Zaragoza (Spain) to China in August 2013. To facilitate this kind of development, EIA signed a Letter of Support for its member Port of Barcelona to obtain TEN-T aid to better connect Spanish terminal - EU hinterland (different gauge) railway infrastructure. The EU authorities approved it, which is beneficial for intermodal, rail industry, Asia-Europe corridors and the vehicle industry all in one!

- DB Schenker operated the first freight train from China to Hamburg on behalf of the city of Zhengzhou (north-central China). The train with 51 containers arrived in the freight yard in Hamburg-Billwerder in August 2, 2013. The growing Chinese goods traffic, together with the ongoing shift from production-intensive industries to the Chinese hinterland is offering ample opportunities for these kinds of members. In the past two years, more than 300 freight trains were sent to and from China by DB Schenker. - GEFCO observes a development of three intercontinental axes: Mongolia/ China, Russia/China and China/Kazakhstan. An increase in consumption flows to Central Asia is being observed, as well as an increase in flow of raw materials – oil, gas, iron alloys – from Central Asia to Europe. Furthermore, a move towards business conducted by rail is expected, even if it is not the only alternative due to cheaper maritime transport. However, rail is a strong alternative to air transport. Rail transport will be integrated into the logistic chain, responding to manufacturers’ demands relating to costs, time efficiency and notably the environmental aspect. GEFCO is also partner within an EU (FP7) project TELLISYS aiming at developing a new, innovative modular ‘MegaSwapBox’ loading unit applicable for rail, inland / short sea shipping, including an adapted low deck tractor for road transport. The impact on railway markets in west- and east Europe as well as the logistics chain will be analysed by scientific partners like RWTH Aachen, while EIA member WECON, a manufacturer of intermodal loading units, will deliver expertise for a new kind of trailer. - Volga Logistics Association was accepted as member of EIA in 2013. They have ambitions and ample capacity to build and operate container growth via terminals, logistic parks etc. Average orders from EU consumers to be produced in China are becoming smaller; retailers place more orders more frequently, implying more transport. Rail can answer these trends, however it will have to form new partnerships in corridors in a ‘modern jacket’ . Logistic platforms will have to be developed with rail as the backbone between ports, cities and regions from Asia to Europe. Which strategies can intermodal offer? Three strategies are being discussed between EIA and its members: Specialisation and concentration of production centres; Outsourcing; Lower inventories & Just in Time supplies. All strategies imply more transport and longer transport chains. The consequence is also a concentration of logistics and transport in very close communication with each other, while customers also demand to be updated continuously. This requires large IT investments. In the past, rail investigated using their tracks

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as ‘telephone lines’. However, this proposal – and wonderful business opportunity was abandoned. As we all know, IT suppliers such as we know them today stepped into this rail (tracking & tracing) market, all on customers’ demand. What is the strategy of a multinational like Hewlett Packard concerning EuropeAsian railway developments? In Central and Eastern Europe, HP employs staff in 27 countries including CIS and is one of the largest technology companies in that region. Their strategy is to provide open, state of the art, customized solutions adapted for their special environment. HP engages with international and local partners to build innovative technologies for railways that allow interoperability and enable high cost savings. Logistic platforms as an enabler to add value for all these players along the logistics chain exist in many forms: distribution centres, logistic centres, dry ports, port distribution centres, distriparks, freight villages. The social economic impact can be substantial; direct employment equals 10 employees per 1.000 M2 of warehouse; indirect employment to the local economy is 30/60 employees per every gross surface hectare. Customers are railway operators, logistics operators, warehouse companies; shipping lines & agents, importers & exporters; container depot etc. One has to distinguish their functionalities. E.g. a freight village is ‘an area within which all activities related to transport, logistics and distribution of goods are carried out by several different operators’ (definition Europlatforms). Intermodal connections and proximity to customs offices are part of the success factors (read also EIA ‘Intermodal Yearbook’ 2012). According to a feasibility study for a new intermodal service between Bologna (Italy) and the Moscow region, 324.000 tons (value € 1.9 BLN) was exported from Bologna to Moscow in 2012. About 28% was containerized traffic, mainly cera-

mics, food and vehicles. Regional imported goods from Moscow totalled 838.000 tons (value € 319 MLN), mainly iron and steel products, wood, paper, chemicals. The study also contains an analysis of intermodal infrastructures in Italy and the Moscow region to be potentially involved in the project. It provides interesting insights on the current transport models adopted by the regional companies exporting/importing to/from Russia. RailwayPRO: To what extent is the electrification of railway transport the backbone of intermodal transport? How can it be profitable for door-to-door transport? Peter Wolters: For freight, it is not relevant today. Often we have to share the same infrastructure. With an infrastructure of its own, non-electrified and thus much cheaper, intermodal transport could be quicker and cheaper than it is today. Electrification becomes door-to-door in new initiatives such as ‘Platform for the electrification of surface transport’. Members are ALSTOM, AVERE, CER, EIA, ETRA, EURELECTRIC, EUROBAT, Going Electric, NISSAN, POLIS, UITP, UNIFE. The aim of this platform is to get to know each other, ultimately to open the way for fully electrified door-to-door multimodal transport. This group, which regards electrification as an enabler for complete mobility solutions, is giving guidance for EU legislative processes on how to get ‘the max’ out of electrification for all modes. Ongoing discussions relate to e.g. definition of alternative fuels as a means to substitute fossil sources in the energy supply chain contributing to decarbonisation; alternative fuels infrastructure (location of recharging points preferably near Logistic Centres) among many other issues. The first Electric Truck producer for door-to-door purposes knocked on the door of EIA recently. Obviously we were curious as to what extent it could be inteVolga Logistics Association


grated in existing intermodal (rail) processes, or to what extend it would compete. This electric truck is built on the chassis of a standard road vehicle. It carries heavy loads of up to 30 tons. It pretends to be the ’truck of the last mile’; from any freight area to the city center; from railway stations to manufacturing industries; from sea to inland terminals or directly to the end customer; in the port areas for container handling, etc. It can be equipped with an e-card that can ‘recognize’ and communicate with charging stations. Electrification and energy supply obviously go hand in hand, while rail seeks energy savings solutions. There are new kids on the block which may surprise some railway undertakings. With the Rail Energy Management System from Hewlett Packard for example, railway undertakings can save more than 10% of energy and 15% of diesel consumption, by optimizing the energy usage of trains. By optimizing Train Management and Monitoring, train composition, dispatching HP is dedicated to help railways to increase their efficiency. The HP i-Rail Portfolio contains a set of solutions that addresses all key areas within a modern railway in respect of infrastructure-, passenger- , cargo- and energy management. The EIA observes with great interest this combination between clean mass transports and high tech, individual mobility concepts in an electrified multimodal way. We could imagine that East European countries, building their passenger and freight infrastructure, might learn from the ‘success with a high price’ (congestion) of the West by using electrified door-to-door concepts. RailwayPRO: What is the role of the SPECTRUM project in a new rail freight offering that can compete with road and air? How can the competitiveness of rail transport be explored in unexploited markets in order to create a high development potential? Peter Wolters: SPECTRUM aims to develop a rail freight train that provides a service for ‘high value, low density and time sensitive’ goods with the performance characteristics of a modern inter-urban passenger train. This initiative takes a longer term, radical approach to deliver a new rail freight offering that can compete with road and air in the growing sectors of logistics where rail freight previously has had little to offer. This project identified the top 50 traffic relations and grouped them according to certain segments and product types per relation. Corridors identified as being of initial interest are, among others, between Central Romania and Lombardy, Italy, corridors between Northwest France and Northwest Germany and extra EU flows have been analysed in relation with Turkey. The actual requirements for a > October 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

40 Policies & Strategies > SPECTRUM-train in terms of inter-

operability depend on the countries to be served and the type of goods to be transported and therefore the type of rail vehicle to be used. Minimum requirements: maximum speed of at least 140 km/h; locomotive power of more than 5 MW (for a train with about 1000 tons gross weight); Acceleration of about 0.5 m/s2 with equivalent high performance braking including regenerative and disc brakes. Several cargo handling options have been analysed including horizontal transshipment techniques (CargoBeamer, Metrocargo etc). Partners are, among others, GreenCargo, Innovatrain, TCDD, Trafikverket, UIC and industrial users such as P&G, FloraHolland etc. The project leader is the UK based NewRail. EIA members who participate in this industrial research project can contribute to this imitative while learning about early results.

RailwayPRO: What are the demands of customers as regards transport services and what is the answer of operators to these demands? Peter Wolters: Customers’ priorities are price and quality. Furthermore, reliable options, security, value added services (like manipulation) nearby. Intermodality (or co-modality) should be stimulated, empty movements and cost reduced, load factors should be increased. Customers joined EIA: manufacturing industries like Procter & Gamble and dairy producers like FrieslandCampina; soon one of the worldwide largest IT corporations. These shippers truly want to invest and develop more rail transport according to their supply chain, door-todoor performance indicators. Though they are big, they are not big everywhere. That’s the reason for entering EIA to search for partnerships, to make proposals to adapt EU legislation which hampers seamless, cross-border transport. Their interest is making smarter use of existing infrastructure, vehicles, capacity etc. Example: one out of four vehicles in Europe runs empty. Of the ‘fully’ loaded vehicles, the average filling rate is 57%. Logically this means that the overall efficiency – or rather inefficiency – is only 43%. This again equates to a loss of € 160 BLN to EU economy. In terms of emissions, this equates to 1.3% of EU27 CO2 footprint. These are lots of saving opporCargoBeamer

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tunities! We have to be honest; though these statistics refer mostly to trucking vehicles, I wonder if rail (or other modes) would show very different figures. The EIA and its research partners are investigating how to turn ‘CO2 into €’ in certain innovative rail logistics projects. RailwayPRO: Interoperability is still an important problem of the railway infrastructure, its absence being the cause of traffic flow drop. What do you think that the means for approaching this problem are and do you believe that a solution would lead to optimised traffic? Peter Wolters: Interoperability is conceived as an expensive tool, yet worth paying for in the light of EU integration and keeping Europe moving. A number of nationalistic-minded industries have to get used to competition that may force a country to accept a common solution produced by another country. Already in the 1970’s there was a discussion about automatic wagon coupling. Hard working technical committees within UIC were very close to a positive decision, until a ‘high’ French authority suddenly withdrew, leaving the Secretary General of UIC at that time behind alone… It appeared that high speed passenger transport was conceived as more important than developing interoperable freight solutions. We have seen it more often: freight is paying the price for the success of passenger transport. We need truly European entrepreneurs with a cross border infrastructure vision, being able to communicate these towards national ministries in various corridors, set aside their own (national industry) interests as a sacrifice for a seamless, competitive rail industry. If the other modes can do the interoperability ‘job’, traditional rail operators should at least take a look at the ‘kitchen’ of other modes to learn from them. Simply buying locomotives is not a strategy. Rail can be a strong partner within a production conveyer belt; it isn’t the conveyer belt itself, nor is maritime transport. Joined port-hinterland corridors have to be further developed to get the maximum out of port and rail investments. RailwayPRO: The message of EIA to

authorities refers to the need and importance of allocating investments to missing links, corridors, tackling congestion, interoperability and electrification. How can the authorities be persuaded to implement measures and projects that would deal with these problems? Peter Wolters: The intermodal message of EIA wasn’t easy to convey at first instance at visits to the cabinets of EU Commission President BARROSO, EU Council President VAN ROMPUY and EU transport Commissioner KALLAS. Creating awareness about industrial re-

alities has to be repeated over and over again, at a high level. Example: at a bilateral meeting kindly offered by the cabinet of EU Commission President BARROSO last year (2012), the EIA Secretary General pointed to a small bottle of water on the meeting room table: ‘How do you think that bottle got there in the first place? A hard working, labour intensive, highly intelligent industry has brought it to you thanks to high (...) investments, probably while most of us were asleep at night’. A lively discussion followed. The intermodal chain is as strong as its weakest link. The EIA strongly supports EU intervention wherever a local problem limits a complete network. This is a costly, time consuming process which is understood – and therefore funded – by visionary members of EIA stemming from all modes, who are truly committed to intermodal transport. RailwayPRO: How can readers of Railway Pro be considered for best practice example? Peter Wolters: Railway Pro readers can send their (potential) best practice to www.bestfact.net. ‘BESTFACT’ has been launched at the demand of the EU Commission (DG MOVE) who requested a neutral reference point for freight best practices. This EU initiative, including PTV as project coordinator and EIA as dissemination partner, produced a neutral, robust and replicable methodology for collecting and processing any freight cases, controlled by academic institutes with a good reputation. There are three pillars: Urban Transport; Green Logistics & Co-modality; E-Freight. For already identified best practices from other projects, simply surf: www.eia-ngo. com/category/best-practices.

Цепочки глобальных поставщиков - региональные логистические платформы: добавленная стоимость железнодорожной связи между портами и городами Азии и Европы Провокации транспортных операторов, потребности клиентов в связи с качеством и ценами грузоперевозок, роль процесса либерализации железнодорожного транспорта в рамках логистической цепочки, предоставление конкурентоспособных предложений для обеспечения транспортной связи через Евразийскую ось, моделей экономического развития бизнеса путём осуществления новых проектов и предоставления новых услуг – это несколько факторов, представленных в следующей статье. Интервью реализован с любезностью господина Петер Волтерс - Генеральный Секретарь - Европейская Ассоциация Интермодального Транспорта (EIA).

Market development


Khassan – Rajin line is reopened After more than five years since the launch of modernisation works, in September, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and Russia resumed traffic on the Rajin-Khassan railway at the border between the two countries. Freight trains will run on this railway which connects the Rajin port city in the North-East of North Korea to the city of Khassan, at the border with Russia’s Far East. [ by Elena Ilie ]


or this project, which we can call an extension of the Trans-Siberian, 54 km of railways with different gauges have required reconstruction works and 18 bridges, 12 culverts and 3 tunnels with a total length of 4.5 km demanded works for resumption of traffic. Moreover, the signalling and interlocking systems have been installed. The reconstruction of the section was financed by Russian Railways. The final construction phase to create a universal transloading terminal at the port of Rajin has now begun. “The port is designed to handle transshipment volumes of 4 m tonnes of cargo, but that is not the limit. We are confident that the cargo base will expand and that containers will be shipped through the port. The construction of the port terminal is almost complete, and we are already seeing interest from international customers and partners,” said President of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin. “This railway section will become a transport route that will promote the joint economic and transport development of our two countries and will be a reliable international

transport hub linking Asia and Europe,” said North Korea’s Minister of Railways Jeong Gil Su during the official opening of the line. North Korea’s attempt to improve economic relationships with its neighbours, China and Russia, after the country was struck by poverty, has proven successful in the north of the country where neighbouring countries have sent their representatives to rebuild the damaged infrastructure. The port of Rajin is located in the west of Tumen River, is part of Rason Province (free trade area), while Khassan is located near Khassan Lake and Tumen River and is the only Russian city at the border with North Korea. China and Russia have massively invested in the region in order to be able to make their way to the three ports on the eastern shore of the cities of Rajin (Rason) and Songbon, the main centres of the Rason Special Economic Zone in the north of North Korea. The ports would permit halving the distance for the Chinese companies which carry freight from the city of Yanji, Jilin Province, which is landlocked, to the great industrial centre of Dalian, a commercial hub in the north-east

of China as well. The connection with Russia will, at least, give North Korea the opportunity to boost trade with its economically developed neighbours after years of international economic restrictions. The railway line and the container terminal will be used for the transport of coal, but also for the import of freight from South Korea and other countries in Asia.

Железнодорожная линия Хасан - Раджин открылась вновь Более четырёх лет спустя начала работ реконструкции, Корейская НародноДемократическая Республика и Россия, в сентябре открыли вновь Железнодорожную линию Хасан - Раджин, которая проходит вдоль границе названных государств. На этой линии, которая обеспечивает связь между городом-портом Раджин - на северовосточной части Северной Кореи, и городом Хасан, который находится на границе Дальнего Востока России, будет обеспечено движение грузовых поездов.


IVU.rail. plan

IVU. rail. plan

Network planning

Timetable planning

IVU. rail. plan

IVU. rail. crew

IVU. rail. crew

IVU.rail. crew

Duty scheduling

Roster layout

Personnel dispatch

Payroll accounting

IVU. rail. plan

IVU.rail. vehicle

IVU. rail. vehicle

IVU. rail. vehicle

Vehicle working scheduling

Track occupancy

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Vehicle monitor

October 2013 | www.railwaypro.com



Kazakhstan, an important country for Baltic States to attract freight flows from China


Almaty (Kazakhstan), which reduces the $VLDQ FRXQWULHV DV WKH\ DUH FXUUHQWO\ GRLQJ LQ %HODUXV 8NUDLQH Source: Š EUCAM 2013 travel time of goods to 8 days (to Almaty) DQG 0ROGRYD and to several weeks to China. represents 65% of total volumesâ€?, declared the new assembly plant of Peugeot Citroen

One of the greatest challenges of the Baltic the company’s President, Ugis Magonis. As in Kostanay (Kazakhstan). The new service States is to attract freight flows from China, part of the development programmes, LDz consolidates the offerRQ of the Lithuanian rail/DWYLD DORQJ ZLWK WUDQVLW VHUYLFHV LV IRFXVHG GHYHORSLQJ but the problem is not the competitiveness Cargo logistika has signed a cooperation way company with transport services to the FRRSHUDWLRQ LQ DJULFXOWXUH PHWDOZRUN DQG SKDUPDFHXWLFDOV ,Q V RI of WKH FULVLV LQ WKH through %DOWLF agreement the ÂżQDQFLDO transit routes developed with Kedentransservis operator. eastâ€?, declared the CEO of the Lithuanian /DWYLD DORQJ ZLWK WUDQVLW Poland and Germany, but the transport of Under the agreement, LDz Cargo logistika Railways freight transport division, Stasis VHUYLFH G WKH JRYHUQPHQWV RI WKH UHJLRQ WR DGGLWLRQ VHYHUDO /DWYLDQ EDQNV KDYH D SUHVHQFH LQ &HQWUDO $VLD goodsGLUH to theFRQVHTXHQFHV Nordic countries of Europeâ€?, becomes the official agent of the operator Gudvalis. FRRSHUDWLRQ LQ 9HQWVSLOV DJULFXOWXUH 7KH RI WKH ÂżQDQFLDO FULVLV LQ WKH %DOWLF KDYH LQYHVWHG LQ D JUDLQ WHUPLQDO LQ D PHWDOZ HFWV RI WKHLU Andris IRUHLJQ SROLF\ declared Maldups, Head(FRQRPLF of Transit in7KH Latvia.D]DNKV with the right of signing railway As regards the relationship with Estonia, DGGLWLRQ VHYHUDO /DWYLDQ EDQNV KD FRXQWULHV KDYH SXVKHG WKH Policy Department within the Ministry of JRYHUQPHQWV transport contractsRI in WKH behalf UHJLRQ of Keden-WR Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev VHDVLGH SRUW FLW\ LQ /DWYLD 6RPH RI .D]DNKVWDQÂśV HOLWH DUH DOVR RSSRUWXQLWLHV DQG DWWUDFWLQJ IRUHLJQ Transport, Latvia. transservis whose main activity is the orsaid (during meeting KDYH with theLQYHVWHG Estonian LQ D 7KH .D]DNKV UHFRQVLGHU FHUWDLQ DVSHFWV RI WKHLU IRUHLJQ SROLF\ SURSHUWLHV (FRQRPLF NHHQ RQ SXUFKDVLQJ LQ /DWYLD WR a WDNH HU\ KLJK SULRULWLHV 7KH RSHQLQJ RI WKH Thus, to boost the growth of freight vol- ganisation of container transport services Prime Minister) that DGYDQWDJH his country is RI interVHDVLGH SRUW FLW\ LQ /DWYLD 6RPH PDUNHW DQG andDWWUDFWLQJ IRUHLJQ ested WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ WR JDLQ ORQJ WHUP UHVLGHQFH SHUPLWV LQ WKH and (8 $VWDQD JURZWK LQ EH VHHQ GLUHFW between umes and FDQ toQHZ attract flows DV fromD RSSRUWXQLWLHV China, China Europe. in the transit opportunities port Latvian Railways (Latvijas Dzelzcels) and Another project with significant impact projects. Moreover, companies from Esto1HYHUWKHOHVV FRPPHUFLDO H[SDQVLRQ LV OLPLWHG GXH WR WKH GLVWDQFH \LQJ WR LQYHVWPHQW VWUHQJWKHQ ELODWHUDO WLHV VR DV WR SULRULWLHV DUH QRZ YHU\ KLJK 7KH RSHQLQJ RI WKH NHHQ RQ SXUFKDVLQJ SURSHUWLHV LQ Kazakhstan Railways plan to implement as in developing the relationships between nia are interested in the special economic DQG FRVW RI JRRGV WUDQVLW DV ZHOO DV WKH EXUHDXFUDF\ LQYROYHG PHUFLDO RSSRUWXQLWLHV LQ .D]DNKVWDQ many projectsHPEDVV\ as possible. “For the Latvian LQ the BalticFDQ StatesEH andVHHQ Asia is the of areas offered by Kazakhstan.WR JDLQ ORQJ WHUP WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ (VWRQLDQ LQ $VWDQD DV launch D GLUHFW railway company, KTZ is a partner that new connections between Lithuania and $QRWKHU REVWDFOH LV WKH IDFW WKDW /DWYLDQ PLG UDQJH HQWHUSULVHV UHVXOW RI contributed EXVLQHVV OREE\LQJ WR VWUHQJWKHQ ELODWHUDO WLHV VR DV WR 1HYHUWKHOHVV FRPPHUFLDO H[SDQVL has always to the considerable Kazakhstan. “The freight railway transport FDQQRW DOZD\V DIIRUG WR SURYLGH WKH ODUJH YROXPHV RI SURGXFWV growth of freight volumes. At the moment, system between the two countries was initiDQG FRVW RI JRRGV WUDQVLW DV ZHOO H[SORUH WUDGH DQG FRPPHUFLDO RSSRUWXQLWLHV LQ .D]DNKVWDQ the freight transport of Latvijas Dzelzcels is ated at the end of September and is dedicatQHHGHG IRU .D]DNKVWDQÂśV PDUNHWV 2QH SURPLVLQJ VROXWLRQ WR WKLV ĐšаСаŃ…Ń Ń‚Đ°Đ˝ - ваМнОо $QRWKHU REVWDFOH LV WKH IDFW WKDW dominated by the freight from Russia which ed to the transport of car components for ĐłĐžŃ ŃƒĐ´Đ°Ń€Ń Ń‚вО Đ´ĐťŃ?

Trade and energy


Latvia’s trade with Central Asia







Entities in charge with maintenance of rolling stock can no longer operate without certification [ by Elena Ilie ]

Exploitation of trains in maximum conditions of safety demands that the entity responsible with the maintenance of rolling stock would make sure, with the help of a maintenance system that the cargo wagons for whose maintenance is responsible are safe to operate. The licensing scheme used for the certification of the entities in charge with the maintenance of freight wagons pertains to the European Railway Agency in compliance with the regulations of the European Co-operation for Accreditation (EA). It is accepted by the European Commission and implements the provisions of (EU) Regulation no. 445/2011.


hus, any entity in charge, mainly, with the maintenance of freight wagons will need certification under the provisions of Regulation 445/2011. “All such entities can provide the maintenance of freight or passenger wagons, but for extra safety, the entities which provide the maintenance of freight wagons need to be certified, it is mandatory. Moreover, by implementing a safety management system, railway transport operators will control all risks associated to their activities, including the operation of maintenance and the activity of contractors”, said Gilles Peterhans, Secretary General of the International Union of Wagon Keepers (UIP). He added that, although a Memorandum of Understanding was signed in 2010-2011 by the ministers of transport of the EU member states, nothing has been made so far for simplifying the transposition of Regulation 445/2011 into the national legislation. Moreover, starting with 2015, certification based on these MoUs will no longer be valid and the application of the provisions of Regulation 445/2011 will be mandatory. The certification of the entity confirms the transport operator’s competence in delivering maintenance operations.

For an improved transparency, each certified entity, which provides maintenance for freight wagons, has to elaborate and update the maintenance file (which includes the actual operations) and then make sure that the maintenance file is implemented (it will include data on the management of the rolling stock fleet and data on deliveries) and also, for an improved activity management, each entity has to coordinate all these activities and to supervise its subcontractors. Taking into account the wide variety of design and maintenance methods, this system of maintenance should be a process-oriented system. The assessment by a certification body of an application for an ECM certificate is an assessment of the applicant’s ability to manage maintenance activities and to deliver the operational functions of maintenance either by itself or through contracts with other bodies, such as maintenance workshops, charged with delivering these functions or parts of these functions. An ECM certificate shall be valid for a period up to 5 years. Following contractual arrangements, a railway operator may request information for operational purposes on the maintenance of a freight wagon. The entity in charge of the main-

ECM: type of certification bodies ECM: type of certification bodies




: 13



NSA + Accreditation


Source: UIP/Gilles Peterhans

tenance of the freight wagon shall respond to such requests either directly or through other contracting parties. Under the Regulation, the organization (entity in charge of maintenance) has to dispose of procedures to establish, identify, supply, register and keep available the right equipments which permit it to deliver maintenance services in conformity with the orders and other applicable specifications. Therefore, the safe maintenance and ergonomics has to be safely ensured, including user interfaces and information systems or diagnosis equipments.

Юридические лица ответственные за техническое обслуживание подвижного состава не смогут продолжать деятельность без сертификатов Для того чтобы предоставить условия безопасности при эксплуатации поездов, юридические лица ответственные за техническое обслуживание подвижного состава, должны убедиться, при использовании системы технического обслуживания, в том, что вагоны грузоперевозки, за которые они отвечают, находятся в надёжном функциональном состоянии. Порядок сертификации, который используется для юридических лиц ответственных за техническое обслуживание вагонов грузоперевозки, принадлежит Европейскому Железнодорожному Агентству, в соответствии с регламентами Генеральной Ассамблеи Европейского Сотрудничества по Аккредитации (EA); данная схема сертификации принята Европейской Комиссией и вводит в действенность положения Европейского Регламента но. 445/2011. October 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

44 Policies & Strategies

Croatia: New Railway Act enables the liberalization of the freight market [ by Pamela Luică ]

Croatia’s accession to the European Union has determined the coming into force of the new railway act which regulates the Croatian railway system and aligns it to the European one. By implementing the new railway legislation, the freight transport market has been opened and, as a result, Croatia’s accession to the EU enables the free access of railway operators to infrastructure under the same conditions. As regards HZ Cargo, in July the Croatian Government accepted the offer of Grup Feroviar Român (GFR) operator for the acquisition of a 75% stake of the company’s shares. Even if HZ Cargo has two owners, the state and the investor, the company will continue to be interested in all business activities that will contribute to the growth of freight transport. Mr Ivan Leskovic, CEO HZ Cargo speaks in an interview for Railway PRO about the alignment of Croatia’s transport market to the requirements of the European transport system and the implications and challenges of the transport liberalisation process.

RailwayPRO: How does this process reflect within the Croatian railway system from the point of view of legislation, competitiveness and investments?

RailwayPRO: What does the accession of Croatia to the European Union mean for the railway sector? Ivan Leskovic: The harmonization with the acquis communautaire started in 2003 with the passing of Railway Act, the application of which started on 1 January 2005. After the 1st of July 2013, when Croatia entered the EU, a new Railway Act came into force, which consistently and integrally regulates the railway system in the Republic of Croatia, to make it harmonised with the European legislation and conditions on the competitive railway services market in the EU. After separating railway operators and infrastructure, the revitalization of the railway traffic was initiated, and so was its organisation on the free market principles, which is a condition for the integration of this market segment into unique EU market. The new Act aims at regulating the market based on new principles of separating legal entities/companies operating in it, and the Railway Safety Agency, an independent regulatory body ensuring equal market competitions for all operators. www.railwaypro.com | October 2013

Ivan Leskovic: Railway Act defines the conditions for railway transport operation, railway infrastructure status, railway services market, railway infrastructure management and the conditions for using the infrastructure, the principles and procedure that apply to introducing and defining fees for railway services and assigning railway infrastructure capacities, the criteria for issuing and cancelling permits to railway operators, the services of railway transport of special interest for the Republic of Croatia which a partly statefunded. With the new Railway Act the cargo transport market in Croatia has been liberalised. Croatian accession to the EU has enabled free access of foreign railway cargo operators to national railway infrastructure under the same conditions. Although the interest is there, other railway cargo transporters have still not been registered in Croatia, so HŽ Cargo is the only operator in railway cargo transport. RailwayPRO: What is Croatia’s contribution to the establishment of the Single European Transport Area through the railway freight transport services it delivers? What challenges and opportunities does this objective bring for freight carriers? Ivan Leskovic: After the new Railway Act came into force in Croatia, the new EP and

EC Directive 2012/34/EU of 21 November 2012 on the establishment of a Single European Transport Area was transferred. With improved and more connected infrastructure, using IT and communication technologies and profiling itself into a logistic, HŽ Cargo will improve the mobility of freight transport. After separation from infrastructure manager, with additional changes to the regulatory framework and applying new regulations, HŽ Cargo will integrate into Single European Transport Area. RailwayPRO: What can you tell us about the impact of the liberalization process over Croatia’s transport market? What are the challenges met in the market liberalization process and what are the regulations that Croatia needs in order to facilitate this process? Ivan Leskovic: Transport market liberalization is a challenge for HŽ Cargo, as in the last 20 years the investments in the railway sector have been insufficient, especially in infrastructure and rolling stock modernization. With a non-discriminatory approach to railway infrastructure, the new Railway Act defines a possibility of legal persons that are not railway transporters lease sections of infrastructure. In addition, the access of railway transporters to terminals and sea and river ports has been regulated. The transporters have the obligation to conduct business in accordance with market principles and apply the principle of the freedom of service providing.

Policies & Strategies

RailwayPRO: What is the situation of railway freight traffic in Croatia, given the fact that in the past years the countries, and the railway companies, have been confronted with problems caused by the economic and financial crisis? What are the perspectives until the end of the year regarding the freight volume carried by HZ Cargo? Ivan Leskovic: HŽ Cargo business activities in 2012 were marked by significant impact of mainly negative economic trends and road competition on the freight market, as well as the absence of state funds. Given the fact that the transportation of goods in the Republic of Croatia in the 2012 decreased due to reduced economic activity, in the 2012 HZ Cargo transported 11.4 million tons and 2,422 million tonkilometres, which is a decrease of 5.7% in tons and 3.9% in TKM compared to 2011. Despite these results, in 2012 HZ Cargo saw growth in transport on quarterly basis. HZ Cargo continues to advocate maximum increase of the transport of goods in the circumstances of very strong competition from other forms of transport, including railway companies in the near future. Activities are therefore undertaken to increase transport on X and V Pan-European corridor, to attract goods from IV Pan-European corridor, and activities to reduce the time of transportation of goods. The increase of the terminal and port facilities in the Port of Rijeka will have a great role, as goods from the east intended for the European market come there. All these activities should contribute to an increase in the transport of goods and income. RailwayPRO: What legislative and financial steps does Croatia need to take (both the authorities and the railway companies) in order to ensure the rail transport competitiveness growth? Ivan Leskovic: For years, the development of road transport has been a priority

to Croatian governments, which caused the decrease in the quality of rail transport. In 2012 Croatian government put the rehabilitation and improvement of rail transport as its priorities, and a Railways Committee was established, as the only Committee in the Republic of Croatia headed by the Prime Minister. In June 2012 HZ Cargo developed a restructuring plan for the period 2012 – 2016, which was adopted by the Supervisory Board and the general Meeting, which includes the reorganization and rationalization of operations based on the analysis of existing capacities, transport operations, and generated income and expenses on all lines, as well as technological and personnel changes and restructuring of subsidiaries. The restructuring is based on the analysis of the current state of business, optimizing costs and improving liquidity. In order to achieve better liquidity of the company, steps are taken on debt collection, reprogramming the existing credit obligations, rescheduling of existing obligations to creditors, as well as the rationalization of costs which includes the management of redundant workers. The restructuring process is necessary for the interest of HŽ Cargo, in accordance with market needs, as the aim of the company is to position itself as a freight carrier that offers full service through own engines and carriages. RailwayPRO: What is the role of terminals in increasing the attractiveness of railway transport? Ivan Leskovic: Sea (and river) ports have a critical role in increasing rail transport due to the fact that a large part of freight is carried by sea. For example, I can take the port of Rijeka, which is located in an important geographic position whereby its capacities must be well positioned and be recognized on the traffic map of Europe in order to channel large amounts of cargo its terminals.

Transport activity of HZ Cargo (first 7 months of 2012 and 2013)

1200 Thousands of tones

1000 800 600




200 0

Source: HZ Cargo


Given the large amounts that are unloaded from ships, the rail has an advantage over trucking because one train can carry much more quantity of goods, and there is also the factor of manipulation in loading and unloading the boat. Therefore, a port ship traffic indicates a direct positive impact on the transport of goods by rail. In previous periods, port and transit port import / export occupy a large share of goods transported by HZ Cargo, so in 2012 in the structure of railway transportation transit had a share of 54%, import 9%, and export 16%, while the share of domestic transport was 21%. RailwayPRO: The privatisation of the railway freight transport division, HZ Cargo, was initiated through the sale of 75% of the shares. What were the criteria which represented the grounds of selling HZ Cargo and what were the decisive criteria in selecting the bidders? Ivan Leskovic: According to the Decision of the Croatian Government on the collection of binding offer to change the ownership structure of HZ Cargo of 2 May 2013, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure invited four potential investors to submit binding offers to purchase up to 75% of shares in the HŽ Cargo. For the purpose of evaluation of bids, the Minister of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure established the Commission for conducting the analysis and evaluation of the binding offer to change the ownership structure of the company HZ Cargo. The bidder was required to determine the shares to be purchased and its price, to make statement in connection with government guarantees that had been given to HZ Cargo, to submit a plan of development of HZ Cargo and its positioning, and to provide a plan for the employees. The evaluation of bids showed that only one complete and valid offer was submitted, that by S.C. GRUP FEROVIAR ROMAN S.A. from Bucharest, Romania. The basic negotiating positions were set through the competition and binding offer, and for each of the negotiating points regarding finances an adequate bank guarantee will be required. RailwayPRO: As the state still holds a 25% stake in HZ Cargo’s shares, what will be the role of the state in adopting the decisions concerning the activity and investments to be made in the recovery of HZ Cargo? Ivan Leskovic: The Republic of Croatia will retain a control package, i.e. 25% plus one share, which entitles it that no strategic decision is made without its consent. The control package stipulates that anyone who owns more than a quarter of the value of the company, is entitled to special protection of his interests. October 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

46 Policies & Strategies HZ Cargo’s transport structure (in 2012)

Source: HZ Cargo

RailwayPRO: What is the value of the in-

vestments necessary for the development of the transport company and what projects have to be implemented immediately after the finalization of the sale-purchase process so that the railway transport sector would win back the freight transport market? Ivan Leskovic: Due to lack of investments in the rail sector, investments required for the development of HZ Cargo are very high. According to the Restructuring Program the total investment in 2013 amount to HRK 182.2 million (cca 24 mil. EUR), of which HRK 127.2 million (cca 17 mil. EUR) is for the modernization of 600 wagons and 18 locomotives, and the remaining funds will be invested in other activities in the transport function (development of logistics centres and industrial gauges, computerization of business processes). In case of the change of ownership, priority projects and strategic projects will be defined by the new owner in cooperation with the Government. RailwayPRO: What does the sale of HZ Cargo mean for Croatia’s railway market? Will it facilitate the access of other private railway freight transport operators?

RailwayPRO: “Cargo 10” project includes the railway companies from Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia, and in July the three countries announced that are ready to establish Cargo 10 railway transport company where operators will hold a third in the future company. What does this project mean for HZ Cargo in terms of activity extension and development? To what extent is the HZ Cargo operator involved in this project considering the fact that there will be two owners: the state and a private investor? How will the decisions be made within HZ Cargo so that Croatia could fulfil its role within Cargo 10? Ivan Leskovic: HŽ Cargo is interested in any business activities that would contribute to the increase of freight transport, including the establishment of Cargo 10. The main objective of Cargo 10 is optimization of business processes in the organization of rail transport and increasing the competitiveness of railways on Corridor X under the conditions of a liberalized market. The goals are to increase the quality of freight services, increase the volume of transport and carrier competitiveness, transparency requirements of the carrier, increasing customer satisfaction, shorter transport time on Corridor X, accelerate border procedures, the use of a common pool of freight cars and attract freight from Corridor IV. The establishment of Cargo 10 is in line

Source: HZ Cargo, by Branimir Butkovic

Ivan Leskovic: It is difficult to assess what will be the changes after the sale of HZ Cargo. Specifically, based on successful co-

operation, in many years of working with Croatian manufacturing companies HZ Cargo signed a number of contracts of carriage. The tendency of business is to enter into multi-year contract of carriage so that the HZ Cargo still takes up to retain existing and attract new customers, which is expected to increase domestic transport further. As for the entry of other operators on the Croatian market, it cannot be brought into connection with the possible sale of HŽ Cargo since operators will need to comply with the conditions monitored by the Agency for Railway Safety, which issues certificates of safety and other certificates.

www.railwaypro.com | October 2013

with the EU Directive 913/2010, which allows and encourages regional association of railways, but the company Cargo 10 was not established because not all the requirements needed to ensure all railway administration, i.e. potential companies founders of Cargo 10, were met. RailwayPRO: Transport infrastructure investments are vital for a performing freight transport. What can you tell us about the railway infrastructure projects implemented by HZ Infrastruktura, which have a positive impact on both the national and the international railway freight traffic? What is Croatia’s contribution within the project and what is HZ Cargo’s contribution? Ivan Leskovic: HŽ Infrastructura, the infrastructure manager in Croatia, has intensified track reconstruction projects and in 2013 plans to invest HRK 2.1 billion (275 mil. EUR). Priority sections for the reconstruction are the ones that are on corridor routes, namely Vb corridor linking the port of Rijeka with Hungary, and on Corridor X, which connects Croatia with Slovenia and Serbia. Rebuilding corridor routes is mostly co-funded by EU funds, and along with the restoration of local lines, which is financed from the state budget, it will be necessary to build new sections. Due to insufficient investments in rail infrastructure over the past twenty years, after completion of reconstruction of infrastructure the mobility of goods transport will be improved, the speed of freight trains will increase, and thus the competitiveness HZ Cargo.

Хорватия: Новое законодательство в железнодорожной отрасли позволило открыть рынок железнодорожных перевозок Вступление Хорватии в Евросоюз привело к применению нового законодательства в железнодорожной отрасли, которое регулирует и гармонизирует хорватскую железнодорожную систему с европейской, и ведёт к либерализации транспортного рынка. В том, что касается оператора по грузоперевозкам HZ Cargo, правительство приняло предложение одного инвестора приобрести 75% акций. Для получения подробной информации в связи с взаимоотношением между транспортным рынком Хорватии и требованиями европейской транспортной системы, а также, в связи с вовлечениями и провокациями процесса либерализации рынка транспортных услуг, мы провели интервью с господином Иваном Лесковичем, Глава компании HZ Cargo.

Market development


ZSSK Cargo, divided in three subsidiaries [ by Pamela Luică ]

Slovakia is part of the European countries which encourage railway transport, an objective reflected in the investments and projects initiated, but also in the measures adopted by the authorities. The development of railway freight transport is a key element of the drafted and implemented policies. An example leading to the right direction was the implementation of the tariff reform: in 2011, Slovakia significantly reduced the charges for freight transport from 10 Euros/train-km to 3.5 Euros/train-km due to the additional financing granted by the government, funds which cover most of the revenues gap. Also, the authorities have taken a stand in reforming the road infrastructure tolls so as to balance road tolls with track access charges.

FREIGHT TRANSPORT In the year 2012, our company transported almost 35.3 million tonnes of goods. This represents a decrease by 2.2 tonnes on year-on-year he million latest measure forathe development and consolidation of railway basis (-5.9%). transport was of adopted by Yet freight from the beginning the year, thewe government in July 2013 andtendency refers to experienced a negative theinchange of structurevolumes of freightduring operator the transported the ZSSK Cargo by setting up three subsidiafirst two months, which decreased ries. This objective also includes economic by almost measures 1 millionand tonnes as comconsolidation the continuous pared with the same period of the the development of the operator. “I consider approval of these measures as an important preceding year. The decrease resulted milestone in the weather, process of gradual from frosty frozen emanciDanube


river and the implemented changes in the Ukrainian railways business policy. We suffered another significant loss inand the autumn dueservices,” to the performance implementation pointed out Ľupták. production decrease in the metallurgic During the phase of consolidaindustry (thesecond EU crisis consequences). tion experienced partners will entervolthe Thethe third factor of the transported subsidiaries, while ZSSK Cargo retains umes drop is related to the activitiesan ownership interest and participation in corof thegovernance. private transport companies porate ZSSK CARGO will use (the loss was observed in by chemistry the financial resources gained the entry intermodal ofand partners for thetransport progressivebranches). debt elimination development the company On theand other hand, weofappreciate thein the field of technology andof themetals fleet of and locoincrease in transports

in the automotive segment (category of non-specified commodities). An important success of the ZSSK CARGO is represented by carried the provision cial support. If the freight by rail towould been directed to roads, the ofday coal and have manganese ore transports number trucks could have increased from the of Polish port Swinoujscie to ourby 1 million thisinyear”, declared the spokesman customer Slovakia reaching more of the0.6 Minister Transport, Martin Kóňa. than millionoftonnes of transported The Ministry of Transport estimates that capacity. Moreover, wethe realized the company operating freighttranscars will ports the territory Slovakia have aoutside profit of over EUR 3ofMillion/year, amounting to almost 0.1 million tonnes and the second subsidiary (dealing with the repair maintenance of cars and lothrough theand services of our contractual comotives), the ministry hopes to be able transport partners.

pation of the rail and road freight transport motives. The internal restructuring will not to activate a balanced budget. For the third in Slovakia. Its fulfilment is an important include further reduction in the planned subsidiary (the intermodal transport operastep towards achieving the sustainable de- number of employees, but the stabilization tor), the ministry estimated a profit of EUR velopment and equitable management of and development of human resources. 2 Million/year. comparison ofand theCEO performance of freight transportations according to segments: theThe company”, said Chairman of Thus, Slovakia’s Government plans to According to the local media, the future ZSSK Cargo Mr. Vladimir Ľupták. grant EUR 141.5 Million to the railway division of ZSSK Cargo could be affected by Most of the measures2012 for the consolidafreight operator2009 and to create2008 the three new the process with Lancillor Limited, the CypIn thousand 2011 2010 2007 2006 2005 2012/11 tion of ZSSK Cargo will be implemented by subsidiaries, apart from ZSSK Cargo, as riot company which demands EUR 82 Milof tons the end of 2014 and concern the establish- part of the measures for the development of lion for the profit lost during the mandate 14,740 management 15,364 15,924 13,929 19,015 of Prime 18,454 17,825 Meciar0.96 mentImport of the three subsidiaries: the railway freight transport16,790 system, shows Minister Vladimir (prime of the car fleet, repair and maintenance of a proposal adopted by the government. minister between 1990-1991; 1992-1998). Transit 8,281 8,785 8,947 7,547 11,996 12,116 13,013 11,330 0.94 the cars and locomotives and supply of inFor this purpose, rail freight transport will Therefore, the current Minister of Transport Export transport services. 8,057 8,768 8,428 10,280 12,204plans to11,686 0.92 termodal be9,325 compensated for half the sum paid11,639 to Jan Pociatek ask the Minister of Jus“ZSSK Cargo will continue a pro- the4,413 infrastructure manager (ŽSK) Domestic 4,206 to be4,566 3,886 5,459 in 2010. 6,384 tice to solve 6,384the situation, 6,904as no decision 0.92 on vider of traffic and transport services and Operators will have to divide the EUR 74 the case has been made yet. 35,284 37,483 38,610 33,789 49,154 50,055 47,745 0.94 also services of transhipment and re-pumpMillion. For the timeframe44,525 2014-2016 the ing. It will cooperate very closely with sub- track access charge will be reduced and this sidiaries in the area of leasing of required measure will cost the state EUR 67.5 Milnumber of wagons, providing the services lion. in 2011 and 2012 Development of freight transport Оператор ZSSK Cargo for locomotives and rolling stock, traction “Railway freight transport demands finan-

– разделяется на три дочерние компании

Development of freight transport in 2011 and 2012 thou. of tons 16,000

Actual 2012 Actual 2011







Source: Železničná spoločnosť Cargo Slovakia, a. s. „ANNUAL REPORT 2012”




Правительство Словакии приняло протокол изменения структуры грузоперевозочного оператора ZSSK Cargo, путём создания трёх дочерних компаний. Решение приводит к консолидации и развитию грузоперевозочного сектора и будет осуществляться до конца 2014 года. Каждая из трёх компаний будет нести различные ответственности: административное управление вагонного парка, обслуживание и ремонт вагонов и локомотивов, поставка услуг интермодального транспорта. October 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

urnover in H1 2013 48 Policies & Strategies ver1 increased 47% y-o-y to 78.7 bln verall market decline of 3%

Globaltrans’ Freight Rail Turnover (bln tonnes-km)

Russian private operators want to operate on public railways +47%

(+82%), construction materials3 (+59%)






[ by Pamela Luică ]

and generate cash flow supported by th high-quality incl. Engaged Fleet excl.transport Engaged Fleet The clients private operators in Russia militate for the liberalisation of the railway freight market as a solution for improving the situation of the national rolling stock fleet, which is in poor state, but also for the H1 2012 H1 2013 d up 26% to 04 05 52,968 Активыunits Transgarant группы Group assets development of the market and of transport services. The 2030 on Russia’s loinvest contract and Strategy will service 100% ofrailway transport stipulates, apart from the infrastructure development the increase of the sector’s competitiveness and the establishment of private ds throughinvestments the end ofand Mayprogrammes, 20155 operators. Average Rolling Stock Operated MK for at least 70% of its freight rail (units) e end of February 2018 Average Rolling Stock Operated


t present, RZD carries 1.3 Billion tonnes of freight a year, which is +26% 80% of Russia’s transport market. 52,968 ditionalEven “cushion” against market 46,825 if it is the most important carrier, 41,873 Transgarant Change of freight RZD is confronted with a deficit Group for 2011 2012/2011. % freight wagons which significantly affects d from third meet high traffic parties flows andtovolumes. “The demand privatisation of 100% trains, when ROLLING STOCK STRUCTURE 8,154 of RZD’s freight -3.3% DYNAMICS OF FREIGHT CAR FLEET (IN UNITS) aged Fleet accounted forOne 15% the Two new operators Freight andof Freight 16% were established, was a mistake. RZD wants 2012 H1 2012 H1 2013 14,975 1,219 to manage around third of the freight cars 2,126 21.2% Source: Globaltrans Investment PLC, „2013 Interim Results fleet and to use the cars where necessary”, 49% 15,106 The licensing for putting in service a pri-1,473 declared RZD President Vladimir Yakunin. the access of the private segment to traction vate locomotive In this context, “private operators are foservices becomes only a question of time. 11,511in the national network 4,090 is 2,433 certain non-GAAP -6.4% ith capital letters (including are provided at the end of this presentation. 14% cused on profitable transport,financial leavinginformation) some The government strategy on the develop- backed by the public sector and RZD can Turnover excluding Engaged Fleet was 66.7 bln tonnes-km in H1 2013, an increase of 25% compared to H1 2012. 11,564 for operation3,301 while of the clients without wagons”, pointed out ment of transport in Russia stipulates the grant the permission metal and ores. Yakunin. development of the transport sector com- considering the network capacity. Thus, 12,967 3,409 1,220 the situation -0.7% will eliminate problems To improve of the entire petitiveness and the access of private opera- the liberalisation 6 market segment, which also include the tors. “The system could not recover without on the simplification of procedures and, acJune 2013 to 31 May 2015 Globaltrans continue transporting of Metalloinvest rail volumes, an increase from the minimum initially agreed thisprivate period. operacording60% to the media, theforfirst fleet of vehicles, privatewilloperators believe 100% private investments in the fleet of locomo7% 613 is the only solution. 0.0% As part tors could run on the network at the end of “liberalisation” tives”, said Maltsev. or theSTRUCTURE beginning of the next one. of the railway reform, “traction services In July, Freight One operator 4% said they the year FLEET Companies such as Globaltrans, Transshould open as the fleet of vehicles (loco- would put in service two locomotives in the 4% OF OWNERSHIP 582 andTYPE Transoil have rolling stock that motives) is severely falling. At0.0% the moment, national network, on 2% the 2% line linking the garant BY in service on the Russian netthere are 90 cars for a locomotive, while the steel plant in Novolipetsk to the Stoilensky could be put 92% 8% average length of a train is of 71 cars. Thus, mine processing plant, in Belgorod region. work and this objective could be discussed 91% 9% of the companies to we are facing and we don’t Under the strategy, the company plans to by the representatives 371 a deficit of 20% 1.3% Arkady Dvorkovich. see how the system could handle such a buy 8 locomotives to operate in the same Prime Minister 74% 26% situation any longer”, declared Sergey Malt- region in the next 2 years, but the problem 0.4% sev, CEO255 of Globaltrans group of compa- is not the acquisition of rolling 78% 22% ange 1% stock, but its -0.4% 1. % nies. Therefore, the problem of permitting operation0.3% on the RZD Частные операторы 1%network.




ROLLING STOCK DYNAMICS OF FREIGHT CAR FLEET (IN UNITS) andSTRUCTURE road modal share of transport infrastructure investment 100Rail 0.0% in EU-15 and CEEC, 1992-2009 16%


14,975 Gondola cars (multifunctional)



14% 93







Box cars 11,564



4% 44.0% 2% 2%








0.5% 1%


Oil tank cars





11,511 Ore pellet cars

Oil tank cars 12,967




15,106 Well cars





Timber flat cars

FLEETLPG STRUCTURE tank cars BY TYPE OF OWNERSHIP Ammonia tank cars 92%

Minerals cars




Multifunctional flat cars

74% Thermos cars


78% Dump cars




Source: Transgarant, Annual Report 2012

из России намерены оперировать на общественной железнодорожной сети owned cars + leasing


leased cars

Частные операторы из России всё более интенсивно поддерживают необходимость либерализации AVERAGE AGEрынка OF FREIGHT CAR FLEET железнодорожного грузоперевозок, с целью развития рынка (IN YEARS) транспортных услуг и восстановления ситуации в11.3 которой находятся средства подвижного состава на государственном 10.0 уровне - имея в виду, что отмечается нехватка названных средств. Стратегия 10.5 2030 в области железнодорожного транспорта11.4 России включает в себя инвестиционные программы, по 11.7 развитию инфраструктуры, а также, по росту конкурентоспособности и проявлению частных операторов в данной отрасли.

www.railwaypro.com | October 2013

Gondola cars (multifunctional) owned cars + leasing

leased cars

Firm Transgarant LLC


Market development

South Caucasus countries want the harmonisation of railway laws


[ by Elena Ilie ]

Around 120 representatives of the ministries of transport, authorities and international organisations met at the middle of the year in Batumi to discuss about necessary measures aimed at facilitating trade and especially transport in South Caucasus countries. A Declaration was signed to facilitate transport on the Caucasus Transit Corridor (CTC). Regarding railway transport, the participants to the reunion in Georgia agreed that it was necessary to harmonise and standardise railway legislation in the countries which pertain to the Caucasus Transit Corridor (Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia). On the long run, companies providing railway services in the region were invited to participate in the development of a single railway structure in the Eurasian Platform.


egional trade flows, as well as the global one from Asia to Europe, including through the Caucasus Transit Corridor, are an important development engine in the basins of the Black Sea and of the Caspian Sea, as well as in the South Caucasus region. Through the Batumi Declaration, the parties involved in the transport process agreed to adopt measures to improve the competitiveness of the transit corridors which cross the Caucasus region, including through methods for raising the awareness of the private sector on the new existing transport services, but also on the infrastructure development projects in the region that are currently implemented or in plan. Projects refer mainly to the development of new railway lines and port infrastructures. Participants to the reunion have asked the government of the countries directly involved, but also neighbouring countries to consider the implementation of new measures in areas such as the simplification of customs procedures in common frontier points and the harmonisation of railway norms. Here we are talking about three different international legislation systems that need simplification, the European Directives and Regulations used by member states, the


international legislation in conformity with OTIF provisions, used by 49 countries, but also the SMGS Convention for freight traffic which is compliant with the provisions of the Organisation for Co-operation on railways (OSJD). It was also underlined the importance of facilitating trade on the Caucasus Transit Corridor. The countries of the region may consider ways of developing further the Viking corridor towards the South Caucasus, by simplifying, harmonizing and automating corridor-based document and data flows, as well as harmonizing and developing further the supporting legal regime. Countries should also promote the further development of corridors among Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova (GUAM), the Europe-Caucasus-Asia Transport Corridor (TRACECA), the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars and Silk Wind projects, notably through the harmonization of trade and transport document exchange. Moreover, the participants to the Batumi reunion said they were supporting the introduction of a single transport paper. The parties and the supporting organisation could evaluate the possibility of launching a pilot project through which, on the corridors between these countries, data could be sent by

using a single transport document, especially for maritime and railway transport. For example, the CIM/SMGS consignment note could be used for the freight coming from Afghanistan to Europe via Central Asia, the Caspian Basin, South Caucasus, the Black Sea, Ukraine, EU member states or Turkey.

Страны южного Кавказа желают объединения железнодорожного законодательства Около 120 представителей транспортных министерств, властей и международных организаций, провели встречу в этом полугодии в Батуми, для обсуждения нужных мер по облегчению торговли и, в особенности, транспорта в странах южного Кавказа. На этом основании, в рамках встречи была подписана Декларация по вопросам облегчения транспорта вдоль Кавказского Транзитного коридора. В том, что касается железнодорожного транспорта, участники встречи пришли к выводу, что необходимо обеспечить согласование и стандартизацию железнодорожного законодательства в странах, которые входят в Кавказский Транзитный коридор (Азербайджан, Армения и Грузия). На длительный срок, компании, которые предоставляют железнодорожные услуги в регионе, были приглашены участвовать в развитии единого железнодорожного режима по Евразийской Платформе. October 2013 | www.railwaypro.com


12.2 2% of theand advanced economies in thedown EU, where fell byStates 0.2%. GDP in emerging theinEUmost (+0.9%) in Russia (+4.4%)12except but a slow in the itUnited 10 economies expanded by 5.1%. World export volume grew 2.0% in 2012, a significant slowing StatisticS (-0.5%). Road freight tonne-km declined 4.1% in the EU area while growth in 8 down the 5.2%torecorded in 2011 and in 2010. World container traffic (measured in Russiafrom accelerated 12.2%, according to 13.5% preliminary estimates. 6 TEUs) grew 3.3% in 2012. Air freight tonne-km decreased (-1.5%) in 2012. This was the second GDP,of exports freightintransport in 2012 year consecutiveand contraction air 4freight, down 0.6% in 2011. Preliminary estimates for GDP, exports and freight transport in 2012 2 (% change from the previousTransport year) Forum’s database 2012 from the International indicate an increase of rail freight in 0 12.2 12 the EU (+0.9%)World and in Russia (+4.4%) but a slow down in the United States -1 10 (-0.5%). Road freight tonne-km declined 4.1% in the EU area while growth in 8 Russia accelerated to 12.2%, according to preliminary estimates. 4.4 6




GDP, exports and freight transport in 2012 2.0the previous year) (% change from




Air T-km





Number of f

(% change fro







people killed on which recorded are available, a in 2012 with im same time, som Numberinofthef increases (% change fro numbers of peop figures for annu which recorded in 2012 with imp


-0.2 3.4

Rail T-km 4.4

Road T-km


2.2 2.0 Transport Forum, except world GDP (IMF), Sources: International exports (WTO), Air T-km (IATA), TEUs (Clarkson Container Intelligence Monthly 04/13). Note: EU rail T-km 0.9(BEL, coverage 95% (BEL, GRC not included. ROU 3 quarters). Road T-km coverage 70% Air T-km GRC, IRL, ITA, MLT, GBR not included. AUT, DEU, FIN, LUX, PRT, ROU, SVN 3 quarters). G'3 Exports TEUs G'3 Rail T-km -0.2 -0.5 -1.5

Weak growth in freight volumes Sources: International Transport Forum, except world GDP (IMF), exports (WTO), Air in developed economies T-km (IATA), TEUs (Clarkson Container Intelligence Monthly 04/13). Note: EU rail T-km


Road T-km

Preliminary estimates of tonnes goods carried incoverage December coverage 95% (BEL, GRC not included. ROUof3 quarters). Road T-km 70% 2012 (BEL, show mixed -4.1 results but continuing theDEU, EU and the United External trade by sea in the United GRC, IRL, ITA, stagnation MLT, GBR not overall included.inAUT, FIN, LUX, PRT, ROU,States. SVN 3 quarters). World GDP grew by 3.2% in 2012, below the 4.0% growth rate recorded in 2011. GDP grew 1 to 2% in most of the advanced States was 5.9% below the previous peak (January 2011). In the EU it remained around the economies except in the EU, where it fell by 0.2%. GDP in emerging economies expanded by 5.1%. World export volume grew Januay 2011 mark (+1.3%). Air freight, considered a lead indicator for economic performance, 2.0% in 2012, a significant slowing down from the 5.2% recorded in 2011 and 13.5% in 2010. World container traffic (measured in hints atdecreased a possible(-1.5%) turninginpoint the United estimates States withforsigns recovery TEUs) grew 3.3% in declined 2012. Airoverall freightbut tonne-km 2012.inPreliminary 2012offrom the International since October 2012. the EU of airrail cargo continued 18.4%(+4.4%) below the Transport Forum’s database indicate anIn increase freight in the its EUdecline, (+0.9%)reaching and in Russia but January a slow down in the Preliminary estimates of tonnes of 4.1% goods in rail December 2012 mixed results but United States (-0.5%). Road freight tonne-km declined in carried the EU area while Russia accelerated 12.2%, accord2011 level. Data on tonne-kilometres transported by andgrowth road forinshow the last quarter of to 2012 ing to preliminary estimates. continuing stagnation overalldemand in the EUinand States. External by volumes sea in theinUnited reflects weakening domestic thethe EU United area. Conversely, inlandtrade freight Russia

Weak growth in freight volumes in developed economies

States wasmomentum 5.9% below theand previous (January 2011). In resepectively). the EU it remained around the gathered (+8.3 +22.3%peak for rail and road freight External trade by sea and air (Dec-12) and rail and road freight transport (Q3/12), Januay 2011 mark (+1.3%). Air freight, a lead indicator for economic performance, percentage changeconsidered from the most recent peak Jan-11 External trade sea air (Dec-12) and railUnited States with signs of recovery declined overall butby hints at aand possible turning point in the since 2012. Intransport the EU air cargo continued its decline, reaching 18.4% below the January and October road freight (Q3/12), percentage 2011 level. Data on tonne-kilometres transported by rail and road for the22.3 last quarter of 2012 change from the most recent peak Jan-11 reflects weakening domestictrend, demandseasonally in the EU area. Conversely, inland freight volumes in Russia (Monthly and quarterly adjusted) gathered momentum (+8.3 and +22.3% for rail and road freight resepectively). Air tonnes

Sea tonnes

Rail T-km

External trade by sea and air (Dec-12) 8.3 and rail and road freight transport (Q3/12), percentage 1.3 change from the most recent peak Jan-11 -2.4 (Monthly and quarterly trend, seasonally -2.4 adjusted) -5.0 -5.9

Air tonnes -18.4

Sea tonnes

Rail T-km


Source: Internatio

Road T-km

Data contac 22.3

Jan-11 peak




Source: Internatio Internation


Road T-km

8.3 Forum. Note: For EU road and rail, see previous note. Source: International Transport



Jan-11 peak

2 rue André

www.interna Data contac


Preliminary estimates of tonnes of goods carried in December 2012 show mixed results but continuing stagnation overall in -2.4States was-2.4 -3.3 the EU and the United States. External-5.0 trade by sea in the United 5.9% below the previous peak (January 2011). In -5.9 the EU it remained around the Januay 2011 mark (+1.3%). Air freight, considered a lead indicator for economic performance, 2 rue André declined overall but hints at a possible turning point in the United States with signs of recovery since October 2012. In the EU Source:the International Forum. Note: EU road and rail, seetransported previous note.by rail and www.interna air cargo continued its decline,-18.4 reaching 18.4% below JanuaryTransport 2011 level. Data onFor tonne-kilometres road for the last quarter of 2012 reflects weakening domestic demand in the EU area. Conversely, inland freight volumes in Russia gathered momentum (+8.3 and +22.3% for rail and road freight resepectively).


www.railwaypro.com | October 2013



Key Transport StatisticT t 2012 Data Goods Transport (million T-km) RAIL

Goods Transport (million T-km) Countries




∆% 12/11


Passengers Carried (million P-km)


∆% 12/11

∆% 12/11


Austria Azerbaijan

6 096 1 160

10.0 28.9

15 486 7 053

10.0 1.5




2 010




1 876


Croatia Czech Republic Estonia

519 5 839 656

-9.4 -6.4 -14.8

1 827 8 429 4 469

-4.5 4.4 -18.6

1 182 7 258 235

-20.0 8.1 -2.5

.. -1.3



99 625

-32.2 -2.5

21.2 25.7 -0.8 -27.9 41.1 -1.3 4.4 -34.3 -11.0 5.4 1.6

7 606 21 495 10 560 844 14 658 1 937

-4.3 1.8 -7.7 -18.2 13.4 3.3

2 295 6 506 2 559 749

-20.6 -3.6 -13.3 -24.4

7 721 725 403 347 16 907 4 149 144 612 541 2 450 742 4 598

-1.1 -2.2 3.6 -4.4 -4.2 -13.8 3.4 0.0 0.8 -4.1 -21.8

FYROM 2 Georgia 5 976 Greece Hungary 1 417 Latvia 372 Lithuania 3 612 Moldova 101 Poland 34 239 Romania 8 040 Russia 2 222 389 Serbia 474 Slovakia 756 Slovenia 668 International trade in goods Turkey 10 473

Goods Transport (million T National 2012


∆% 12/11

203 964 10 868 12 993

4.6 0.8 7.6

. 9 490 314

6 299


18 089

4 145 14 414 10 248 1 288 16 629 155 247 945 637 191 264

-5.2 -3.9 -14.8 -3.9 -5.9 -7.7 -0.1 1.4 -4.2

4 504 36 814 4 387 5 809 2 71 9 226 5 516

9 154


SOURCE: : International Transport Forum

Figure 1.5: Main trading partners’ shares of EU-27 exports of goods, 2006-2011 (%)

Main trading partners’ shares of EU-27 exports of goods, 2006-2011


2 616 2 438 449

20 15


-0.3 5.1 -3.0

36 852

24 372 .

. . 9 562 21 011 4 387 .

10 5 0







. 2 290

12 502 8.2 83 604 -1.6 8 023 -19.5 17 277 SOURCE: : International Transport Forum Source: Eurostat (online data code: tet00040) 12 61 9 443 5.6 178 058 11.0 4 489 Figure 1.6: Main trading partners’ shares of EU-27 imports 442 -0.9 2 032 of goods, 2006-2011 (%) 5 075 3.0 24 429 October 2013 | www.railwaypro.com 1 374 -18.9 10 641 USA Switzerland


China Norway


52 Market development

FEATURES OF THE RAILWAY Europe and Africa build railway tunnel FEATURES OF THE RAILWAY below the Gibraltar Strait PLAN PLAN

[ by Elena Ilie ] Morocco Morocco Spain Spain

A submarine rail link between Morocco and Spain may be back in the cards after 30 years, following a meeting of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) held in Geneva. African and European parties support the plan, which would extend from Punta Paloma in southern Spain to Punta Malabata east of Tangiers. The project is seen as an economic and social boom for both countries.



ELEVATION (Tunnel) hile the plans are a long way from implementation, a draft resolution came from the meeting calling for Executive Secretaries of the Economic Commissions for Africa and Europe to begin feasibility studies. Construction could be completed by 2025. Postponed for so long on economic grounds, the double-track rail tunnel could prove to be a crucial connection between 27.750m 28.100m Europe and North Africa. The parties inter38.670m 27.750m 28.100m ested in the development of this complex 38.670m project have discussed in Geneva about the TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION possibility to economically develop the two TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION countries which will be connected below the Gibraltar Strait. Europe, “paralysed” by austerity measures and a series of other financial problems, could thus access and develop the African market, which would give Morocco a stimulus for financial and economic development. In turn, Morocco, more than any other country in the north nectivity and to improve access to global sengers per year and their number is expectof Africa, has made considerable efforts to markets”, said Minister Ana Pastor. ed to increase to 11 million in the second attract foreign investors. According to initial draft projects, after year since placing in service. The volume of The political factor in the two countries years and years of feasibility studies and ge- freight carried after 2025 was estimated at that are directly affected brought back to ological prospects, the total length between 8 million tonnes a year. It is also estimated discussion in July the possibility to build the terminals on the two continents will be that the running speed of passenger trains this tunnel. Thus, during a recent meeting of 42 km. The actual tunnel could be 38.7 will be 120 km/h and the alternative of of Spanish Minister of Transport and Pub- km long, of which 28 km could be built 400 high-speed trains is also considered. lic Works, Ana Pastor, and her Moroccan metres below sea level. If it gets the green counterpart, Aziz Rabbah, both countries light, the Gibraltar Tunnel will be exclusivehave acknowledged the economic impor- ly dedicated to railway transport and costs Европа и Африка tance of better transport connections be- could amount to over EUR 6 Billion. намерены построить tween Europe and North Africa. It is estimated that after placing in servжелезнодорожный OF THE RAILWAY TUNNELтоннель “It is essential to set cross-border connec-FEATURES ice in 2025, the tunnel below the Gibraltar под Гибралтарским tions and transport services to ensure con- Strait will be transited by nine million pasПроливом Plan PLAN

Morocco Spain

Source: www.sned.gov.ma

www.railwaypro.com | October 2013


1995 1995

x xx x x x x x


xLon xx xx xx xx x

Tran Tran x

xx x

30 лет спустя первого упоминания, вновь намечается осуществление 1995 : The tunnel is chosen as the basic op подводной железнодорожной связи: между following reasons Марокко и Испанией, соответственно x Экономическо-Социального Guaranteed access to construction решению x ООН, Noкоторый interference with maritime tra Совета провёл встречу в этом году risks; в Женеве. Представители Африки и Европы намерены x Compatible with the constructio поддерживать этот проект; тоннель будет acoordance with the trafic ev построен между Пунта Палома – на future юге Испании Малабатаfinancial – на востоке x и Пунта An attractive scheme for i Танжер, в Марокко. privateПроект sector предоставляет социальные и экономические выгоды для двух сторон.


Address : Str. Gării nr. 18, cod 705200, Paşcani, jud. Iaşi - România Phone : +40-232-71.83.00 Fax : +40-232-76.51.40 E-mail : office@electroputerevfu.ro

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