RailwayPRO - december

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the railway business magazine

Year VIII ■ No. 4.12. (102) ■ 2013

TEN-T guidelines bring significant progress to infrastructure planning

Railway PRO Mass Transportation

Журнал железнодорожный бизнес

New possibilities of transport infrastructure financing “Horizon 2020” receives EUR 80 Billion in the next EU programming period

ERDF funds support integrated urban development

Europe works: EUR 1 Trillion, the budget framework for 2014-2020 Европа функционирует: 1 триллион евро, параметры бюджета на 2014-2020

editor’s note 1


astern Europe folklore, harvested for posterity by the romantic writers of the 19th century, is characterized by a prevailing rural population living in small, often isolated, settlements. Plundered by military forces organized by outlandish powers or internal disorders and attacks, the communities of this area find their refuge in the woods or marshes. But what really saves them is the poor infrastructure which becomes a trap for both travellers and invaders in rainy days. Present times are not that different from this image, at least for some territories part of the Wider Black Sea Area. Whether inside the European Union, or at its suburbs, infrastructure and the quality of passenger railway services are still marking the daily existence of mobility-deprived, selforiented communities, grateful for the leftovers of the mighty ones.

Fully contradicting the European philosophy of providing mobility to all social, age and health categories, transport services in the eastern area are often defined by exclusion and ostracism. Although we often talk about urbanising the East, basic elements that represent the urban area are not mastered or are pushed aside by those who should define the content of the mandatory public service. The fracture between the urbanised West, crossed by railway networks that offer both high quality public services and commercial services and the East urbanised only on paper, crossed by dusty roads and damaged railways, becomes more visible every day. The fact that the citizens’ needs are not fully grasped results in railway public services with highly polluting vehicles and enormous operating costs, vehicles that don’t provide the minimum comfort and accessibility

(high wagons that don’t match the platforms, poorly divided interiors not suited for permanently or temporarily disabled people, untidy sleeping coaches etc.). But in the meantime, it is claimed the intention of making incumbent operators profitable, which is in fact only a smoke screen aimed to conceal their retreat off the rail transport market and the stimulation of alternative transport systems whose safety, comfort and why not, taxation, are more than doubtful. At times when the EU struggles to improve the legal framework for public service obligations, some EastEuropean territories destroy these services to take responsibility off their shoulders. Lucky that people are still used to being self-sufficient and going back to the woods.

Back to the woods Issue published with the support of Romanian Railway Industry Association & Club Feroviar – The Railway Business Club Журнал издаётся при поддержке Асоциации Железнодорожной Промышленности и Club Feroviar – ЖД Клуб Деловых Людей

Отступление в лес Фольклор Восточной Европы, выбран для последующих поколений романтическими писателями конца 19 века, характеризован в основном сельским населением, проживающим в небольших, часто изолированных посёлках. Жертвы военных вмешательств организованных зарубежными властями, или внутренних колебаний и нападений, общественность данной территории часто находит убежище в лесных зонах или в водно-болотных участках земли. Но, первое спасение приходит со стороны ненадёжной инфраструктуры, которая при первом дожде преображается в капкан для пассажиров или наступающих. Настоящее время не кажется далеко от этой картины, по крайней мере, для некоторых территориях, составляющих Широкий Черноморский Регион. В центральных и периферических зонах Европейского Союза, инфраструктура и качество услуг железнодорожного пассажирского транспорта всё же отмечает повседневную жизнь населений, характеризованных неподвижностью, ориентированных на внутренний мир, которые довольствуются тем, что им власти

подкидывают с великодушием. В полном несоответствии с европейской философией обеспечения подвижности всех социальных категорий, включая возрастную категорию и с ограниченными возможностями, транспортные услуги восточной территории часто характеризуются социальной изоляцией и устранением. Не смотря на то, что часто идёт речь об урбанизации восточной зоны, основные факторы, составляющие городские районы не являются управляемыми или не учитываются представителями, которым поручено установить содержание общественного транспорта. Обрыв между урбанизированным западом, пересечён железнодорожными сетями, предоставляющими общественные услуги и категорию высококачественных коммерческих услуг, и востоком - урбанизированным лишь на бумаге и пересечён сухопутными дорогами и устарелыми железнодорожными связями, является всё более заметным. Недопонимание гражданских нужд отражается в услугах общественного железнодорожного транспорта, осуществленных подвижными средствами,

оказывающими высокий уровень загрязнения окружающей среды при максимальных операционных стоимостей, не предоставляя минимум удобства и доступности (высокие вагоны, несоответствующие с пассажирами, неудачное разделение купе интерьера, затрудняя доступ пассажиров с ограниченными возможностями, спальные вагоны сомнительного уровня чистоты и.т.д.). Между тем, возглашается желание повысить уровень рентабельности традиционных операторов - это фактически лишь дымовая вуаль для того, чтобы замаскировать выход с железнодорожного рынка и поддержать альтернативные транспортные системы низкого уровня безопасности, комфорта и даже фискализации. В период, на протяжении которого Евросоюз стремится улучшить правовой режим контрактов общественных услуг, определённые восточно-европейские территории разрушают свои услуги в этой области, с целью избежать ответственности. Удача в том, что общество всё ещё продолжает жить в самостоятельных условиях, отступая в лес. December 2013 | www.railwaypro.com



28 33

China and EU collaborate to develop urban mobility Китай и Евросоюз сотрудничают для развития городской подвижности

Over the last decades, China has reoriented its economic policies and has become an important economic country due to its rapid internal transformation which has created a link between a central-planned economy and active global trade implication. В конце ноября месяца состоялся Саммит Евросоюз – Китай, предоставляя перспективы для новых инициатив на протяжении следующего десятилетия, в соответствии с установленным планом сотрудничества до 2020 года.


28 China and EU collaborate to develop urban mobility 30 Giurgiu and Ruse need

transport development to form a Euroregion LEX the railway business magazine

Railway PRO

ISSN - 1841 - 4672

Editor’s note


Back to the woods

POLICIES & STRATEGIES Publisher: Editura de Transport & Logistică S.R.L. 30, Virgiliu Street, Sector 1 Bucharest, postal code: 010881 Tel.:+4 021 224 43 85; +4 021 224 43 87 Mobile: +40 721 723 724 Fax: +4 021 224 43 86 E-mail: editors@railwaypro.com Web-site: www.railwaypro.com

16 Europe works: EUR 1 Trillion, the budget framework for 2014-2020


42 Public service obligations are the basis for the liberalisation of the domestic passenger transport market 44 Observing passengers’


SMARTRAIL allows rail operators managing ageing infrastructure

SMARTRAI L позволяет железнодорожным операторам использовать изношенную инфраструктуру Safe and efficient transport infrastructure is a fundamental requirement to facilitate and encourage the movement of goods and people throughout the European Union. There is approximately 215,400 km of rail lines in the EU which represent a significant asset. Many of the rail networks in Eastern Europe and in parts of Western Europe were developed more than 150 years ago. Цель проекта SMARTRAIL состоит в предоставлении технического прогнозирования администраторам инфраструктуры, с целью эксплуатации в условиях безопасности, надёжности и эффективности “устарелых” европейских железнодорожных сетей.


rights, essential to the operation of the intermodal market

32 European railway industry supports SHIFT2RAIL initiative


railway stations

Editors: Elena Ilie elena.ilie@railwaypro.com Pamela Luică pamela.luica@railwaypro.com

18 TEN-T guidelines bring

significant progress to infrastructure planning

36 Kayseri, a city of light rail progress

41 Rail stations, the connection between rail transport and the society

Contributors: Florentina Ghemut

20 New possibilities of

37 Saint Petersburg doubles investments for underground development

43 Light rail, the best solution to decongest urban traffic

38 Prague might have another metro line as of 2022


Production and photo editor: Petru Mureşan Department of translations: Alina Vuţulicu Paula Bădescu Veronica Lupan Graphic design: Petru Mureşan Layout and DTP: Petru Mureşan petru.muresan@railwaypro.com Photo: Radu Drăgan Marketing Manager: Cristina Trifon cristina.trifon@railwaypro.com Advertising Enquiries: advertise@railwaypro.com www. railwaypro.com/advertise

cover photo: ec.europa.eu

transport infrastructure financing

22 “Horizon 2020” receives EUR 80 Billion in the next EU programming period 24 ERDF funds support

integrated urban development

26 China might build the

high-speed railway in Romania

31 High-speed transport remains constant in Europe, but is slowed down in China and Japan by poor demand

www.railwaypro.com | December 2013

39 BKK Strategy, success in

attracting European funds

33 SMARTRAIL allows rail operators managing ageing infrastructure

40 Efficient reorganisations


at minimal costs for Oradea

46 Railway infrastructure financing – an aspect with 45 Rapid transport connec- vast implications in railway tions support the development transport system operation of metropolitan areas 52 Marmaray, solution to

urban transport problems in Istanbul


50 Railway Statistics

cOntent 3 Редакционная статья


Отступление в лес




44 Соблюдение прав построит высокоскоростную пассажиров – основа для функционирования линию в Румынии интермодального рынка 26 Возможно, Китай


52 Мармарай, первый тоннель между Азией и Европой, проходящий под Босфором

31 Высокоскоростной метрополиТАН железнодорожные транспорт остаётся 16 Европа функционирует: станции 1 триллион евро, параметры устойчивым в Европе, но в 36 Кайсери – город, Китае и в Японии испытывает который прогрессирует с 41 Вокзалы, бюджета на 2014-2020 торможение на фоне связывающее звено помощью легкого метро снижения спроса между железнодорожным 18 Ориентация транспортом и 37 Петербург удвоил сети TEN-T ведёт к общественностью РАЗВИТИЕ РЫНКА инвестиции для развития значительному прогрессу метро в области планирования продуктов и технологий инфраструктуры 28 Китай и Евросоюз 38 К 2022 году Прага сотрудничают для развития 32 Европейская планирует построить ещё городской подвижности железнодорожная одну линию метро 20 Новые возможности промышленность финансирования инициативу 30 Джурджу и Русе транспортной 39 Стратегия BKK – успех поддерживает SHIFT2RAIL нуждаются в развитии инфраструктуры в привлечении европейских транспорта для создания фондов МНЕНИЯ еврорегиона 22 “Горизонт 2020” получит 40 Эффективная 33 SMARTRAIL позволяет 80 млрд. евро в следующий реорганизация при железнодорожным закон бюджетный период минимальных стоимостей для операторам использовать Евросоюза города Орадя изношенную инфраструктуру 42 Обязательства= СТАТИСТИКА общественных услуг являются45 Быстрые соединения 24 Фонды FEDER в транспортном секторе основой либерализации , поддержка для поддерживают развитие 52 железнодорожная внутреннего рынка интегрированного статистика пассажирского транспорта столичных регионов городского развития

December 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

news 5

International: Transmashholding Baltia (THM’s representative office in Poland, Finland and Baltic States) has signed a contract with EVR Cargo for the delivery of four shunting locomotives, TEM TMH. Under the contract, diesel locomotives will be delivered in 2014 to Estonian cargo operator. The first locomotive will be delivered in April and then one locomotive per month. The new vehicles have EU safety and shunting certificates. The same type of locomotives is used in Estonia in the Port of Sillamäe. The diesel locomotive is based on the modular principle and enables the reduction of operating costs. It is fitted with integrated braking system and a complex safety system.

Panevezys city will be crossed by Rail Baltica 2 Lithuania: The route of Rail Baltica 2 project will cross the city of Panevezys, declared Lithuanian Prime Minister, Algirdas Butkevicius, after the Cabinet meeting on 2 December. According to the prime minister, this decision was adopted after carrying out necessary research and the implication of Panevezys city was approved because the railway hubs in the cities of Radviliskis and Siauliai are too crowded for additional traffic. Butkevicius said that it was planned to turn to the European Commission and to ask for the funding of the project Rail Baltica 2. They planned to ask for the funding of 85% of the project value, reports Siauliu krastas. “It was approved that Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia will implement the project Rail Baltica 2. For this purpose, the funding for the creation of the new company with our neighbours is planned. This will be the separate company which will help with the preparation works of the project’s implementation and will turn to the EC asking for the 85% of the project value,” said Butkevicius.

EU co-finances rail studies

photo: tentea.ec.europa.eu

Slovenia: The European Union will support with just over EUR 1.2 million from the TEN-T Programme a series of studies to support the construction of a new railway line running from the country’s

Azerbaijan offered Iran, Pakistan and Turkey to create a common railway network international: Azerbaijan offers the countries of Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) to create the common network of railways and connect it with the railway networks of Europe and the Middle East, according to the Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov at the meeting of the Council of Ministers of ECO in Tehran. “The development of regional infrastructure constantly should be a priority purpose of our agenda. ECO should choose to upgrade the railway lines and related infrastructure, as well as the creating of a common railway network and its connection with the networks of railways in Europe and the Middle East”, Mammadyarov said. According to him, the accelerated completion of the regional railways, including a line of Qazvin

capital of Ljubljana to the Austrian border, including a connection to Ljubljana’s Jože Pučnik airport. The studies, which were selected for funding under the 2012 TEN-T Annual Call, will look at the alignment and the preparation of an environmental report for the 70 km long Ljubljana-Kranj-Jesenice-Austrian border rail line, including a connection to Ljubljana’s airport. The studies are part of a broader project which aims to increase the line capacity by doubling the track, upgrading the freight category from D3 to D4 and upgrading the signalling and telecommunication systems. The studies will pave the way for works to start, leading to better rail connections between Slovenia and Austria, as well as eventually linking the key Slovenian Port of Koper with central Europe. Sofia-Mezdra line, completed in 2014 Bulgaria: Modernisation of SofiaMezdra line, a vital connection between Sofia and northern and eastern Bulgaria, will be completed by the middle of 2014, Zlatin Krumov, Deputy Director General of the National Railway Infrastructure В мире: Азербайджан предложил нескольким государствам-членам Организации Экономического Сотрудничества определить общую железнодорожную сеть и соединить её с сетями Европы и Среднего Востока. Словения: Евросоюз предоставит Словении 1.2 млн. евро для финансовой поддержке анализа осуществимости строительства новой железнодорожной линии. В мире: Трансмашхолдинг Балтия подписал с EVR Cargo контракт по доставке четырёх манёвровых локомотивов TEM TMH. Литва: Маршрут проекта Rail Baltica

- Rasht - Astara (Iran) - Astara (Azerbaijan), will create new attractive transit opportunities for the region. The Minister also noted that the ECO countries should pay attention “to the facilitation of the trade and transport links, including the facilitation of the crossing of the border”. “These measures can give the benefit from the existing regional physical infrastructure”, Mammadyarov said, quoted by the “Prime”.

photo: www.azerbaijans.com

Transmashholding delivers locomotives to EVR Cargo operator

Company announced. The project will permit trains to run faster and will increase rail transport safety. Contract for Dugo Selo-Novska line was granted Croatia: A consortium led by Spanish company Typsa has won the contract to prepare the project and the two related documents for phase two and three of the modernisation of Dugo Selo-Novska railway in Croatia. The contract is estimated at EUR 10.2 Million.

Bosnia tenders modernisation works for Corridor V in 2014 Bosnia and Herzegovina: Bosnia plans to call in the first quarter of 2014 tenders for reconstruction works on key railway sections on Corridor Vc and parallel to Corridor X, the EBRD said. The project has a total estimated cost of EUR 70 Million proposed to be financed by the EBRD, the EIB and OPEC Fund for International Development. The project will include the procurement of track overhaul works on key sections of the railway line Sarajevo-Bradina, as well as 2 будет проходить через город Паневежис, объявил премьер-министр Литвы, Альгирдас Буткявичюс. В мире: Строительство первого высокоскоростного поезда в рамках проекта Silk Wind начнётся летом 2014 года. Болгария: Модернизация линии София-Мездра осуществится до половины 2014 года, объявил заместитель генерального директора Национальной Компании Железнодорожной Инфраструктуры. Хорватия: Консорциум, который находится под управлением испанской компании Typsa, выиграл контракт по подготовке железнодорожного проекта Дуго Село-Новска. December 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

6 news The first high-speed block train for the Silk Wind project will start in the summer of 2014

PKP PLK to upgrade level crossings Poland: Polish railway infrastructure

manager, PKP PLK, will equip 400 level crossings with two signalling systems to increase safety. Modernisation works will be completed in the second half of 2015. Among others, the project will include the routes Warsaw-Bialystok, Tarnowskie Gory-Opole, Koszalin-Goleniow, but also the upgraded sections Wroclaw-Poznan, Krakow- Rzeszow and CzestochowaOpole. Federal Freight Company will double investments Russia: Federal Freight Company (FGK) will invest RUB 25-35 Billion (USD 766.6 Million – USD 1.1 Billion), announced the company’s general manager, Vitaly Evdokimenko. The company’s credits will amount to RUB 20-24 Billion (USD 300 Million –USD 720 Million). The sums may vary as the company’s budget has not been finalized yet. This year, the company has an investment plan of RUB 12 Billion (USD 26 Million). FGK bought 2900 freight transport wagons from Uralvagonzavod.

Kazakh-Russian-Belarus transport company to bring Kazakhstan USD 780 Million in revenues International: Launching a single transport and logistics company by the state-run railway companies of Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus will bring Kazakhstan extra revenues of USD 780 Million, Mr. Askar Mamin, President of Kazakhstan

International: The formation of the first high-speed block train for the Silk Wind project will start in the summer of 2014, National Secretary of the Intergovernmental Commission of TRACECA in Kazakhstan, Marat Saduov told Trend from Tbilisi. “The first block train will be formed on the route as part of the Silk Wind project next summer if the project partners sign the agreement in Astana by next spring. Much depends on Kazakhstan’s railways and on the Chinese direction. Basically, Kazakhstan today is working to attract cargo from China,” he said. According to Saduov, today the size of Silk Wind’s through rate which is being discussed between the project participants, is USD 5,000 per container. “The issue is that the through rate should be up to USD 5,000 per container from the Chinese border to Turkey is being discussed. This tariff could be attractive for the Chi-

Temir Zholy National Railways Company, said.State-run railway companies of the three countries are working to launch a single logistics operator on parity basis. The project is estimated at over USD 2 Billion. The joint company is expected to be launched in the Q1 2014. “The future company will secure a flow of 1.7 million containers a year across Kazakhstan by 2020. The railway cargo flow will bring revenues of USD 780 Million; the multiplicative effect for the country’s economy is estimated at USD 5.3 Billion”, Mr. Mamin said in a government’s sitting. According to him, Kazakhstan Temir Zholy views the single company as a major tool to reach its goals to shift container cargoes from marine routes to railway routes linking Asia to Europe. CFR SA launches tenders worth of around EUR 75 Million

photo: KTZ railways

Romania: On 9-14 January 2014, CFR

Казахстан: Возможно, порт Актау перейдёт под зарубежное управление, заявил Кайрат Карманов, вице-председатель «Kaznex Invest» (агентство по Поддержке Экспорта и Инвестиций Казахстана). Босния и Герцеговина: Власти Боснии намерены начать тендер по реконструкции ключевых маршрутах 5-го Коридора в первом квартале следующего года. Польша: PKP PLK предоставит оборудование для 400 железнодорожных переездов, с новыми системами www.railwaypro.com | December 2013

nese,” Saduov said. The Silk Wind project aims at launching the China-Kazakhstan-Caspian-Caucasus- Turkey-Europe container train. The project was proposed by Kazakhstan under the TRACECA Logistics Processes and Motorways of the Sea project (Logmos). The scheme proposed by Kazakhstan, suggests that containers from China are delivered by rail to Aktau and from there to Baku by ferry and then on to Georgian ports by rail where they will also be delivered to ports in Turkey or Ukraine by ferries. In the latter case, Silk Wind is being combined with the Lithuanian-Ukrainian transport corridor Viking.

photo: www.azernews.az

the purchase and installation of signalling equipment along the route Banja Luka – Doboj.

necessary for the improvement of rail traffic safety include the modernisation of 112 level crossings, the modernisation of electro-mechanical signal boxes on the traffic sections Siculeni – Adjud and Ilia – Lugoj and the introduction of a signal box system for detecting overheated axle boxes and tight brakes. The financing source is non-reimbursable external funds from the European Fund for Regional Development and the state budget. These projects are part of the Priority Axis 3 of SOP-T – Modernisation of the transport sector for improving environment protection, human health and passenger safety, Major Intervention Area 2 – Improvement of traffic safety for all transport modes planned for co-financing from the European Fund for Regional Development in the Sectoral Operational Transport 2007-2013. China wants to build railway connection between Serbia and Hungary

SA organises open tenders for the attribution of 8 contracts (design and execution) for improving rail traffic safety with a total estimated cost of RON 332 Million (EUR 74.85 Million), VAT excluded. Works

International: China will be involved in building a railway link between Serbia and European Union member Hungary,

сигнализации для повышения безопасности. Россия: В 2014 году, Федеральная Грузовая Компания планирует вложить 25-35 млрд. рублей (766.6 млн. долларов – 1.1 млрд. долларов) объявил генеральный директор компании, Виталий Евдокименко. В мире: Создание железнодорожной компании под управлением национальных железнодорожных компаний Казахстана, России и Белоруссии приведёт к дополнительным доходам для Казахстана, стоимостью 780 млн. долларов. Румыния: В период 9-14 января 2014

года, компания CFR SA организовывает открытые тендеры для предоставления 8 контрактов по проектированию и осуществлению работ, общая стоимость которых оценена в 74.85 млн. евро. В мире: Китай вовлечётся в строительство железнодорожной линии между Сербией и Венгрией, объявил премьер-министр Ли Кэцян. Черногория: Железнодорожная Компания Черногория Zeljeznicka Infrastruktura, пускает в ход тендер для проекта линии Белград – Бар.

news 7

International: Lithuania’s Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevicius participated in bilateral meetings with the Romania’s Prime Minister Victor Ponta and China’s Prime Minister Li Keqiangu. The parties discussed cooperation between the three countries. “Container train Viking and the non-freezing Klaipeda Seaport could become the gates of Romania’s export to the Nordic European countries – it is safe, fast and cheap. We hope that Romania will make up its mind to become the full member of the container train project Viking,” said Butkevicius. The declaration was made during a reunion between Lithuanian Prime Minister, Algirdas Butkevicius, and his counterparts from Romania and China, Li Keqiangu, where the parties discussed transport cooperation. Romania signed a memorandum of cooperation at the end of February and is going to complete the remaining formal procedures soon.

China to produce locomotives for Turkmenistan International: China’s leading train manufacturer, China South Locomotive and Rolling Stock Corporation Ltd. (CSR), announced that it would produce two passenger locomotives for Turkmenistan. CSR Ziyang, China’s largest internalcombustion locomotive manufacturer, is the only company to have signed a contract with China’s Ministry of Commerce to produce two internal-combustion passenger locomotives for Turkmenistan. Since 2004, CSR Ziyang has exported over 200 locomotives to Turkmenistan, marking China’s largest economic and trade project in Turkmenistan.

Bulgaria and Romania make first step for new Danube Bridge International: Bulgaria and Romania have started negotiations to build a new bridge on the Danube River, between the cities of Silistra and Calarasi, project to be developed through a PPP.

при Государственно-частном партнёрстве. В мире: Deutsche Bahn заинтересована развитием своих операционных деятельностей на чешском рынке. Россия: РЖД вложит 5 млрд. рублей для закупки подвижного состава для дальнего сообщения. Республика Молдова: Объём грузов транспортирован в государство, вырос на 21.2% на протяжении первых десяти месяцев года, достигая 10.8 миллионов тонн

RZD to buy coaches for long-distance trains

According to unofficial information, a Romanian company had expressed interest to invest in a bridge connecting Silistra with Calarasi. The second Danube Bridge between the two Balkan countries, linking Bulgaria’s Vidin and Romania’s Calafat, was inaugurated in June 2013. It was also confirmed that the ferry line between Silistra and Calarasi is set to renew its functioning by the end of the year. The ferry line has been out of service since last year due to misunderstandings between the concessionaires.

Russia: RZD will invest RUB 5 Billion (USD 152 Million) in the acquisition of long-distance rolling stock. Investments will be made by increasing RZD’s package of shares in Federal Passenger Company (FPC). Overall, funds will be used to buy 145 passenger coaches.

Railway transport continues to rise Rep. of Moldova: The volume of Moldova’s combined railway, road, river and air freight traffic through October rose 21.2% to some 10.8 million tonnes, Calculated in freight tonne-kilometres (FTK), traffic increased by 13.3% to some 3.53 billion FTK in the first ten months of 2013. The highest increase, of 28.7%, has been in the rail freight transport segment which attracted 4.3 million tonnes. Road transport has increased by 16.7% to 6.3 million tonnes.

DB seeks to expand in the Czech Republic

Georgian Railways tries to attract investors from U.S.

International: Deutsche Bahn is looking to expand its operations in the Czech Republic. The Czech anti-monopoly agency is reviewing Deutsche Bahn’s planned acquisition of three Czech transport companies. Deutsche Bahn’s Czech subsidiary, DB Holding Czech, wants to buy Abellio CZ, part of Netherlands Railways.

Georgia: Director General of the Georgian Railways, Mamuka Bakhtadze , paid a visit to Washington together with the Georgian delegation, the company announced on its website. According to the Georgian Railways the purpose of the visit was to attract investments from the United States.

Aktau port may be handed over to foreign company

Sea, Aktau port is the only water gates to international routes for Kazakhstan’s dry cargoes, crude and petroleum products. It is planned to bring the capacity of Aktau seaport in Kazakhstan to 18 million tons of cargoes by 2020, Tengrinews.kz reported late May 2013, citing Kazakhstan Minister of Regional Development Bakytzhan Sagintayev.

Kazahstan: Kazakhstan-based Caspian seaport of Aktau currently undergoing an expansion project might be transferred into foreign management, Trend Agency reports, citing Kairat Karmanov, Vice Chairman of the Kaznex Invest (Agency for Promotion of Kazakh Exports and Investments). “A Spanish company is showing keen interest in managing the port. Kazakhstan is hosting a Spanish delegation to study the opportunities (…) Besides, some Turkish companies are also interested”, he said, adding that the foreign companies are not only willing to operate the facility, but also inject investments. Built in 1963 on the east shore of the Caspian

photo: www.portaktau.kz

Romania, invited by Lithuania to become full member of Viking project

В мире: Контейнерный поезд Викинг и порт Клайпеда должны стать основами румынского экспорта в северные страны. В мире: Китайский производитель подвижного состава CSR, объявил намеренность построить две локомотивы для Туркменистана, предназначены пассажирскому сообщению. В мире: Болгария и Румыния начали переговоры по строительству нового моста через Дунай между городами Силистра и Калараш; возможно, проект осуществится

photo: realitate.net

Premier Li Keqiang said, after meeting the Hungarian and Serbian prime ministers in the Romanian capital. “We reached important agreement ... we agreed to begin cooperation on the construction of railway linking Hungary and Serbia,” Li told reporters. The three parties agreed to immediately set up a joint working group to launch the project as soon as possible. The three premiers did not reveal a value for the investment.

December 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

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Russia: The State Duma Committee for Property has decided to delay to consider the draft bill about the privatization of a 5% stake in RZD until the Government takes measures to increase the company’s market capitalization, in particular, defines mechanisms of public investment in railway infrastructure. The draft bill, which was submitted to the State Duma in October, implements amendments to Article 7 of the Federal Law “On Specifics of Managing and Administrating Railway Transport Property”, setting that neither sale nor any other carveout of shareholding in the single business units are admitted if it results in reducing the shareholding of the Russian Federation in the company to less than 95%.

The delegation members held a meeting at the Johns Hopkins University. The meeting was attended by the heads of the Georgian Co-investment Fund and the Georgian National Investment Agency, who familiarized the representatives of the U.S. administration and business circles with the situation in the Georgian investment market. Mamuka Bakhtadze: “We discussed the possibility, which appeared some time ago- attracting cargo from China. Besides, we made a presentation about the logistic services we can provide to the direction of Afghanistan and of course, taking all this into account, we hope that American companies will be interested to invest in our corridor.” Hungary wants to be a key transit country Hungary: Government plans to transform

Hungary into a key for east-west transportation, Foreign Trade State Secretary Peter Szijjártó said in Budapest while addressing the 22nd plenary session of the Coordinating Council on Trans-Siberian Transportation (CCTT). Hungary should intensify efforts in international cargo transport and make better use of its access links to the Trans-Siberian Railway. To attain this aim, three major resources should be utilized: Hungary’s geographical location, its advanced infrastructure and the government’s political commitment to developing the railway network. ZICG to soon tender contracts for Belgrade-Bar line

Montenegro: Zeljeznicka Infrastruktura Crne Gore (ZICG), Montenegro’s railway infrastructure manager, plans to launch a tender in the project of the line Belgrade-Bar in the fourth quarter of the year. The tender will include modernisation works and consultancy services, announced EBRD. The contracts, estimated at EUR 10 Million, will be financed through an EBRD credit. www.railwaypro.com | December 2013

The document was prepared by the Ministry of Economic Development in accordance with the governmental decree on adding 25% minus 1 share in RZD to the plan of the privatisation of federal property in 2014-2016. Earlier, Olga Dergunova, Head of the RF Federal Agency for State Property Control said that there would be two stages in the process of privatization of RZD: the first stage is 5% in 2014, and 20% in 2015-2016. After consideration of the results of the first stage of the privatization, a separate document is to be developed and adopted for the privatization of a 20% stake in RZD. After assessing the results of phase I, separate documents will be developed and adopted for launching phase II. Mrs Dergunova also confirmed that the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is considered as a potential investor when selling the 5% stake in the company.

Pazardjik rail station will be modernised Bulgaria: Pazardjik Municipality has initiated a project worth BGN 3.5 Million (EUR 1.8 Million) on the reconstruction and modernisation of the rail station, the Bulgarian Ministry of Transport announced. Works will be delivered in eight months. The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the Transport 2007-2013 operational programme.

The Ankara-Istanbul line will also be linked to the Marmaray, Istanbul’s massive rail tunnel. The journey between Istanbul and Ankara is expected to last three hours. Yıldırm stated that they anticipated the projects in the transport, communication and maritime sectors, which total 86 billion Turkish Liras (USD 43 Billion), would be complete within five or six years. Trainose to provide new freight transport service GreEce: Starting with December 2, Greek railway transport operator Trainose provides a freight transport service between Athens and Thessaloniki following a contract signed with 25 member companies of the Federation of Hellenic Enterprises. The new service will provide the Greek railway operator with revenues of some EUR 5 Million per year when it is in full operation. The cost of the freight train will be considerably reduced once the works currently under way on the electric rail traction system are completed.

photo: Train-OSE

Authorities delay privatisation of RZD

Istanbul-Ankara high speed railway may open in February 2014 Turkey: High-speed railway between Istanbul and Ankara will be opened by the first months of the next year, Transport Minister Binali Yıldırım said. In addition to this, some 86 Billion Turkish Liras (USD 43 Billion) worth of transport, communication and maritime projects will be completed in five or six years, he noted. The government plans to construct highspeed and normal railways in the 15 cities in which majority of the population lives, said Yıldırım during the ministry’s 2014 budget presentation at the Parliament’s Plan and Budget Commission. Yıldırım stated that they had begun testing for the Istanbul-Ankara YHT. “We’ll begin the initiation of the Ankara-Istanbul line,” he said, adding that it may open February.

Works for Macedonia-Bulgaria line to start in 2014

Греция: Начиная с 2-го декабря, греческий железнодорожный оператор Trainose предоставляет транспортную услугу грузоперевозки между Афинами и Салониками. Россия: Фонд Национального Благосостояния в рамках Комитета Государственной Думы принял решение отсрочить продажу 5% доли участия в капитале РЖД. Грузия: Директор Грузинских Железных Дорог посетил Вашингтон с целью привлечения потенциальных инвесторов из США.

Венгрия: Правительство намеревается преобразить страну в ключевую транзитную территорию для транспорта вдоль восточнозападной оси. Болгария: Муниципальный округ Пазарджик пустил в ход проект стоимостью 3.5 млн. лева (1.8 млн. евро) для восстановления и модернизации вокзала. Турция: Министр Транспорта, Бинали Йылдырым объявил, что высокоскоростная линия, связывающая Стамбул с Анкарой, возможно, будет пущена в эксплуатацию в первом квартале следующего года.

FYR Macedonia: FYR Macedonia will launch the building of the first railway link to Bulgaria in 2014. The railway, which will be the most significant infrastructure project for eastern Macedonia, will be started in February and March, announced Macedonian Finance Minister Zoran Stavreski. The railway will play a vital role in reviving economy in the eastern region of Macedonia and will trigger economic growth. The Ministry of Transport plans to implement several infrastructure projects (by 2020), such as construction of lines, including to Albania and modernization of existing lines.

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International: The Council of the European Union formalised the adoption of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) Guidelines and its related financial instrument Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). The Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER) welcomes this adoption as it represents a key step toward the realisation of an efficient and effective European Single Railway Area. The main focus of the new TEN-T Guidelines is to improve the interoperability and interconnections between modes. The multimodal Core Network Corridors will increase the coordination between Member States and stakeholders in the planning and investment of corridors. CER welcomes this approach as it is expected to enable efficiency gains for the rail sector in the long run. CER Executive Director Libor Lochman said: “I am very delighted with this final adoption. I want to warmly thank the European institutions for having achieved such a comprehensive agreement that will bring added value to the European railway sector and stimulate economic growth across Europe.” Kosice-Vienna line project continues

photo: transport.sk

International: The authorities prepare the tender for the design contract of the broad gauge line to connect Kosice to Vienna. A joint venture formed by Russia, Ukraine, Slovakia and Austria for promoting the project has already invested EUR 2.5 Million in the pre-feasibility phase and has a plan of similar future investments, declared RZD President Vladimir Yakunin. However, he said that securing the finance for the project, which is estimated to cost EUR 6.36 Billion, remains a “very severe question” and called for state bonds to be used to fund the construction phase. The development of the corridor will require the extension of the infrastructure by around 450 km and the construction of a logistics centre that will become a development engine in the region due to the establishment of the undertakings. According to estimates,

www.railwaypro.com | December 2013

The Fourth Railway Package’s Technical Pillar: a top priority for the railway sector International: The Association of the European Rail Industry (UNIFE), the International Union of Wagon Keepers (UIP), European Rail Freight Association (ERFA), the International Union for Road-Rail combined transport (UIRR) and the International Union of Railways (UIC) confirmed their strong support for the Technical Pillar of the Fourth Railway Package. They stress the importance and urgency for reaching a sound agreement at the European Parliament as soon as possible. Furthermore, the railway sector called upon the European institutions to adopt the Technical Pillar of the Fourth Railway Package before the European elections of May 2014. The Technical Pillar is a top priority for the European railway sector. It will help make

the traffic volume on this line will be of at least 16 million tonnes per year (up to 24 million tonnes per year until 2050) and the rapid goods trade between continents through direct connection will reduce the transport time of freight between Eastern China and Vienna to 15 days. EU to co-finance rail studies for new northern Greek line International: The European Union will support with EUR 1 million from the TEN-T Programme a series of studies which are necessary for the construction of the new 43 km single railway line connecting the commercial Port of Kavala (Philippos Port) with the Greek rail network. The initiative, which was selected for funding under the 2012 TEN-T Annual Call, includes preliminary studies for structures and buildings, final studies for alignment, track layout and structures, detailed designs for buildings, geotechnical studies and the compilation of tender documents. The new line will also connect with the В мире: Европейские железнодорожные ассоциации UNIFE, UIC, UIP, ERFA и UIRR проявили свою поддержку по отношению к Техническому Компоненту 4-го Железнодорожного Пакета. В мире: Сообщество Европейских Железнодорожных и Инфраструктурных компаний (CER) оценивает принятие основных направлений сети TEN-T и Механизма “Соединение Европы”. В мире: Объединённая ассоциация России, Украины, Словакии и Австрии по поддержке проекта Кошице – Вена уже вложила 2.5 млн. евро для предварительного техникоэкономического анализа.

sure that railways remain competitive as a sustainable transport mode and as an industry in and for Europe. The Technical Pillar is a fundamental milestone for the establishment of the Single European Railway Area. The European railway sector believes that European Railway Agency (ERA) should be the authority for issuing European vehicle authorisation. The agency should function as a one stop-shop cooperating with the national safety authorities (NSAs).

photo: unife.org

CER: TEN-T and CEF – another string to the railway sector’s bow

existing Thessaloniki-Alexandroupoli rail line in the area of Toxotes Xanthi. Once completed, the studies will pave the way for the construction phase of the project. The studies will be monitored by the Trans-European Transport Network Executive Agency (TEN-T EA) and are set to be completed by the end of 2015. Kazakhstan postpones construction of new high-speed railway Kazakhstan: The project for construction of a high-speed railway from Astana to Almaty was temporarily postponed, due to its high cost, Almaty Mayor Akhmetzhan Yesimov said. “The project for construction of a high-speed railway Astana-Almaty is costly and its implementation was temporarily postponed,” the mayor said. In 2011, Kazakhstan began to develop a feasibility study for the construction of a new Astana-Almaty railway over which Talgo high-speed trains would run. The project was being developed by Chinese В мире: Евросоюз предоставит финансирование 1 млн. евро числу технико-экономических анализов, необходимых для строительства новой линии - длинной 43 км, предоставляющей связь между Портом Кавала и железнодорожной сетью Греции. Казахстан: Проект строительства высокоскоростной лини, связывающей города Астана и Алматы, был временно отложен на основании очень высоких затрат. В мире: РЖД считает, что Монголия должна ускорить процесс модернизации линии Улан-Батор для роста грузопотока к 100 млн. тонн в год.

news 11 Euro-Mediterranean ministers to boost regional economic integration

Poland announces railway infrastructure investments poland: The Government will spend PLN 24.9 Billion (EUR 6 Billion) on 140 railway infrastructure projects in the years 2013-2015, the government announced. Of the total sum, PLN 13.2 Billion will come from EU funds, PLN 4.4 Billion from public domestic finance and the rest will be provided by state railway operator PKP PKL. RZD and Hungarian Railways sign memorandum of cooperation russia: RZD and Hungarian Railways have signed a memorandum of cooperation aimed at increasing the efficiency of the existing rail networks in the Russian Federation and Hungary, raising the competitiveness of rail transport compared to other modes of transport and working together on applying the requirements for the narrow 1435 mm and broad gauge 1520 mm railway systems in order to ensure their effective interaction. Other priority areas singled out for cooperation include improving the operational safety of railway transport, minimising harmful effects on the environment and improving the tariff policy and information systems. Mongolia should accelerate the implementation of the Ulan-Bator Railway International: RZD wants Mongolia to speed up the modernization of the Ulan-Bator Railway to get

approximately 100 million tonnes of transit cargo flow per annum. “To switch part of the prospective transit cargo flow to the Ulan-Bator Railway, it is necessary to upgrade the mainline as fast as possible to provide transportation in the framework of so called Northern Logistics System. It must join the transport systems of Russia, Mongolia, and China, and it envisages the development of the UlanUde – Naushki – Erlyan – Jining transport corridor,” said Vadim Morozov, First Vice President of RZD. A joint Russian-Mongolian company “Development of Infrastructure” was launched on parity basis for the modernization of the railway infrastructure of Mongolia. It will be engaged in the construction of the TavanTolgoi – Sainshand line, the transportation volume via which can reach 44 million tonnes by 2020.

photo: mtz.mn

photo: tengrinews.kz

International: In mid November transport ministers from 43 countries of the Euro-Mediterranean area met in Brussels and confirmed their commitment to boost cooperation. The aim is to establish a well-connected area for aviation, rail, maritime and road transport. Regional integration in transport will strengthen economic exchanges and create business opportunities in the EuroMediterranean region. In the Joint Declaration released after the Conference Ministers have agreed on the priorities and guidelines for future cooperation on regulatory reforms and convergence; the development of the Trans-Mediterranean Transport Network

Польша: Правительство Варшавы вложит 24.9 млрд. злотых (6 млрд. евро) в восстановление железнодорожной инфраструктуры в период 2013-2015. В мире: В начале 2014 года пройдут испытания в рамках проекта Викинг, учитывая, что маршрут расширяется от Литвы к Турции. В мире: В середине ноября месяца министры транспорта 43 государств, принадлежащих ЕвроСредиземноморской зоне, провели встречу в Брюсселе, с целью подтверждения обязательств, связанных

(TMN-T) and its future connection to the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) and the organisation of another conference before the end of 2015 to address funding of the development of the TMN-T.

photo: bahnbilder.ch

experts jointly with the Kazakh Company Transproject-K and French company Systra SA was attracted for rendering consultative services. It was planned that the total length of the new railway line will be 1011 kilometres. The new way will be shorter by about 300-400 kilometres. Currently, Talgo arrives from one capital to another in about 13 hours. And afterwards a new railway line will be constructed, reducing the time to five hours. The cost of the project in 2011 was not announced. However, in April 2013, Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev stated that this project needs serious additional analysis. At the same time, the passenger flow between Astana and Almaty doesn’t provide the required profitability of this railway.

CIS States and UIC sign memorandum of cooperation International: The Council for Rail Transport of CIS States (CRT CIS) and the International Union of Railways (UIC) signed a memorandum of cooperation. In the framework of the memorandum, it is proposed that from 2014 to 2017, the two organisations will cooperate on traffic safety, antiterrorism security, the development of uniform operational rules for the railways and the interoperability of rail systems. The parties will also exchange their experience in environmental protection, energy conservation and the development of backup systems in passenger traffic, as well as in cargo tracking technology. Cargo rail traffic between Ukraine and EU increased International: The volume of rail freight traffic between Ukraine and the European Union in January-October 2013 increased by 4% compared to the same period in 2012, to 39.4 million tonnes. The volume of cargo transportation between Ukraine and the countries of the Customs Union in January-October 2013 decreased by 8.4% and amounted to 79.96 million tonnes. Export shipments с улучшением сотрудничества в регионе. В мире: Совет по Железнодорожному Транспорту государств бывшего СНГ и Международный Союз Железных Дорог (МСЖД) подписали меморандум о сотрудничестве на период 2014-2017. В мире: РЖД и Венгерские Железные Дороги подписали меморандум о сотрудничестве, цель которого состоит в повышении эффективности железнодорожных сетей названных стран. December 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

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to the EU states came to 35.2 million tonnes. The volume of goods traffic from the EU countries in transit through the territory of Ukraine amounted to 880,700 tonnes, which is 3.8% less. The volume of rail freight traffic between Ukraine and Russia decreased by 6%, to 65.4 million tonnes, between Ukraine and Kazakhstan it declined by 60.3%, to 6.5 million, while between Ukraine and Belarus it grew by 14.9%, to 8.1 million tonnes. Infrastructure capacity of Ukrainian railways has the possibility of increasing the volume of traffic on both the western and eastern borders, by 10-50%. Azerbaijan, Turkey start new railway design International: Azerbaijan and Turkey have started work on the design of the railway which will connect Kars with Nakhchivan, Turkish Minister of Transport, Shipping and Communications Binali Yildirim said at a press conference at the third Caspian Forum in Istanbul. “The two presidents have instructed on this project implementation during the third session of the Supreme Council on Strategic Partnership between Azerbaijan and Turkey, held in Ankara in November,” he said. “The Kars- Susuz -Diludzhu- Nakhchivan railway project will take shape during the next meetings with the Azerbaijani side,” Yildirim added. Yildirim said that this project will become more important after commissioning the Baku -Tbilisi-Kars railway. The length of Kars-Susuz-Diludzhu-Nakhchivan will amount to 223.6 kilometers, according to the preliminary data. It is planned to construct a new 105-kilometer branch of the railway as part of the Baku-TbilisiKars project. In addition, the railway’s Akhalkalaki-Tbilisi-Marabda section will be reconstructed in Georgia, which will increase its capacity to 15 million tons of cargo per year. Peak capacity of the corridor will be 17 million tonne of cargo. This figure will be at the level of one million passengers and 6.5 million tonne of cargo at the initial stage. Turkey to join Viking in 2014 International: Tests will be carried out for the Viking project at the beginning of 2014 as the route is extended from www.railwaypro.com | December 2013

Lithuania to Turkey. Railway companies expect services to be regular starting with next summer. These perspectives were discussed during the meeting between company Lithuanian Railways and Turkish freight forwarding company BALO. At the meeting, a bilateral freight forwarding agreement was signed. It is believed that company BALO will become the main operator of intermodal container train Viking in Turkey. Container train Viking is a joint project of Lithuanian, Belarusian and Ukrainian railways, seaport cargo companies, and Klaipeda, Ilyitchovsk and Odessa seaports. Moldovan Railways decided to join the project in 2013 and as of July, Moldova was included in the service on the routes Ocniţa, Bălţi, Ungheni (north) and Giurgiuleşti Port (south).

Kazakhstan and Russia to reconstruct transborder railway International: Russian Omsk region and Kazakh North-Kazakhstan region will restore a 100-kilometer long trans-border railway. The parties reached this agreement at a meeting on Dec. 4. “A direct railway between the regions will enable transportation of building materials, primarily crushed stone, as well as agricultural products,” Omsk region authority’s reported. A joint action plan and regulatory framework for the project is being developed through Dec. 25. The parties agreed to create a joint venture for the road reconstruction. The authorities of Kazakh and Russian region plans to attract investors to fund the project.

Ukraine wants private capital in the railway sector

photo: wikipedia.org

International: EIM’s members adopted, on November 27, a reform of the association’s statutes to allow all rail infrastructure managers to join EIM, independent of their organisational structure, ownership and size. This gives

will be elaborated on the principle of preservation of 100% of Ukrzaliznytsia’s capital as state ownership. The new draft law is market-oriented and meets European norms. “The draft law was developed on the basis of the so-called model law, adopted in the European Union countries. The main innovation of this law is implementation of effective mechanisms for attraction of private capital to administration of the transport state monopoly,” the government stated.

the opportunity for national, non-national, public and/or private infrastructure managers to be part of EIM. By the same token, members of EIM have endorsed the European Commission’s proposal to establish a European Platform of Rail Infrastructure Managers in the presence of EC Director-General Matthias Ruete.

photo: TCDD

EIM strengthens cooperation amongst rail infrastructure managers

ukraine: The Cabinet of Ministers reformulates the new draft railway law to include the attraction of private capital. However, the railway system reform В мире: Объём железнодорожных перевозок между Украиной и Евросоюзом отметил рост на 4% на протяжении периода январь – октябрь 2013, в сравнении с аналогичным периодом предыдущего года. Украина: Кабинет Министров Украины пересматривает законопроект железнодорожной области, с целью предоставления возможности привлечения частного капитала. В мире: В ноябре месяце, Ассоциация Европейских Администраторов Железнодорожной Инфраструктуры

(EIM) пересмотрела свой статус, с целью предоставления возможности всем администраторам инфраструктуры присоединится Ассоциации EIM. В мире: Азербайджан и Турция начали работы для проектирования железнодорожной линии Карс – Нахчыван (Автономная Республика Азербайджана). В мире: Россия и Казахстан модернизируют железнодорожный участок протяженностью 100 км, находящийся на границе между Омском и северной частью Республики Казахстан.

14 news

Romania: Timişoara Mayor Nicolae Robu has launched the idea of building an 8km metro line connecting Gara de Nord to Timişoara International Airport. The mayor said that the project will be in the portfolio of Timişoara municipality for 2014-2020. The financing source is yet to be identified. “This is the solution – the railways have to be laid in the underground and with the occasion we will definitely develop a metro type connection between several key points of our city: Gara de Nord, the shopping area, the Eastern railway, the airport, all can be linked and we can do it rapidly and at reasonable costs”, said Robu. The mayor said that another solution would be shifting the railway outside the city, but in a few years the problem would

Warsaw: European funds for tram procurement Poland: Tramwaje Warszawskie has secured European funds worth PLN 285 Million (EUR 68 Million) for the procurement of 80 low-floor trams from Pesa Bydgoszcz. Pesa was the only bidder for the contract to supply the unidirectional vehicles, the company’s offer amounting to PLN 185.4 Million (EUR 44 Million). Vehicles will be delivered in 2015.

ITF and UITP unite with a vision to promote the development of public transport worldwide International: The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and the International Association of Public Transport (UITP) signed a historic Memorandum of Understanding in Brussels with the combined vision of promoting the development of high quality public transport globally. Via the Memorandum of Understanding, ITF and UITP have agreed to work together to promote the development and expansion of public transport worldwide as a motor for sustainable growth and the creation of green jobs as well as environmental protection in reducing congestion and pollution. ITF and UITP convene to work together to develop joint recommendations in vocational training, staff security and the promotion of formal (and the reduction of informal) employment in public transport. The two organisations also agree to represent the interests of public transport employers and workers in international organisations (eg. EU, ILO), to promote the high quality employment that public transport offers in urban areas.“This is the first time we have signed such an agreement with an international trade union federation and it is therefore of great importance to UITP,” noted UITP Secretary General, Alain Flausch. “Investing in public transport infrastructure and services creates direct www.railwaypro.com | December 2013

come back because of the city extension. “We have the alternative to move the line outside the city. We will take it outside the city, but in a few years it will be in the middle of the urban agglomeration again”, declared Robu. Timişoara would be the second city of Romania to benefit from a metro network after Bucharest.

status of transport security units that will now be allowed to search passengers. The newspaper said the subway would spend more than 120 million roubles (USD 3.6 Million) to create a security management centre in a separate building next to one of the subway stations in 2014. The centre will receive video images and data from metal, radiation and explosive detectors. Baku confirms authorities’ interest in building metro networks in several cities

photo: Club Feroviar

Timişoara authorities want to build metro line

jobs but is also a fantastic generator for wider business activity and indirect jobs for city economies”. ITF acting general secretary, Steve Cotton, commented: “This memorandum of understanding signals the opening of a new phase in our relationship with the UITP that is based on building fairer, more sustainable public transport worldwide. It recognises the importance of the UITP as a global body representing operators, employers and public authorities, and also of the vital role in public transport played by workers and their unions. Moscow subway to invest over USD 60 Million in security in 2014 Russia: Moscow’s subway will spend more than two billion roubles (USD 60 Million) on security in 2014, including RUB 300 Million (USD 9 Million) to hire additional security personnel to ensure law and order at its stations. Security personnel will be authorised to search passengers and check their documents, the newspaper Izvestia said. A contract for 24-hour security services will be published in February 2014. The State Duma is now debating amendments to the Law “On Transport Security,” which determine the powers and Румыния: ВМэр города Тимишоара, Николае Робу, представил идею строительства 8 км линии метро. В мире: Международная Федерация Транспортных рабочих (ITF) и Международная Ассоциация Общественного Транспорта (UITP) подписали Меморандум о Взаимопонимании с целью развития общественного транспорта. Азербайджан: Сумгаит, Гянджа и Нахичевань - это три города Азербайджана, в которых власти намерены построить сеть метро. Польша: Компания Tramwaje Warszawskie получила европейские средства стоимостью около 68 млн. евро для закупки 80 низкопольных трамваев. Россия: В 2014 году, Московский

Azerbaijan: Sumgayit, Ganja and Nakhchivan are the three cities in Azerbaijan in which the authorities plan to build a metro network, head of the Baku Metro, Taghi Ahmadov told journalists. The main goal is to decongest surface traffic and to determine the increase of public transport market share. Alstom is interested in cooperating with the Azerbaijani side to develop the metro project in the city of Ganja.

No light rail transport for Astana Kazakhstan: Kazakhstan President Nazarbayev believes that Light Rail Transport project proposed by French companies is overly expensive for Astana, so the city will get a bus rapid transit network instead. “They (the French companies) offered us an expensive project wroth more than KZT 300 Billion (USD19 Million). It is unacceptable for us,” Nursultan Nazarbayev is quoted by the presidential press-service as saying at the yesterday’s meeting on the future development of Astana. “That is why the Akimat (municipal authorities) of Astana are suggesting to consider an alternative option: to create a network of designated lanes for bus rapid transit through the city. The first stage of this project is less expensive, so the decision was made to start implementing it,” said the President addressing the problem of overloaded streets of Astana. Akim (Mayor) of Astana Imangali Tasmagambetov reported on the progress in development of the intellectual traffic Метрополитен инвестирует 2 млрд. рублей в проекты безопасности, включая 300 млн. рублей для приёма на работу специализированного персонала. Казахстан: Президент Нурсултан Назарбаев считает, что проект конструкции системы легкорельсового транспорта в столицы Астана является очень дорогостоящим. Румыния: В ноябре, Правительство Румынии приняло ответственность по отношению к Закону Децентрализации, в положение которого входит переход компании Metrorex с управления Министерства Транспорта, под управление Муниципального Совета столицы. В мире: Губернатор провинции Мекка Халед аль-Фейсал, утвердил решение строительства двух линий метро

news 15 Sberbank to invest in Moscow transport hubs

Mecca: two metro projects approved

Russia: Sberbank has signed an agreement with RZD-Passenger Station Development, a subsidiary of Russian Railways, for the joint development of transport hubs in Moscow and the Moscow region. Sberbank will invest up to RUB 100 Billion (USD 3 Billion) for build-

International: The governor of Mecca, Prince Khaled Al-Faisal, has approved the construction of two new metro lines in the Saudi Arabian holy city of Mecca. The first line will be 11km long with seven stations and will be mostly underground. It will run from the Jamrat region to the Mecca-Jeddah Expressway.The second line will be partially underground and will be 33km long with 15 stations. It will start in Madinah Road to Umm Al-Qura University. Procedures for the qualification of contractors will begin this week and the attribution of contracts will take place in the first quarter of 2014.

Decentralisation law, adopted and Metrorex, transferred to Bucharest Municipality Romania: The Romanian Government

assumed responsibility on the decentralisation project on November. The draft law on decentralisation was previously adopted on 14 November. Apart from a series of national interest activities, such as tourism, environment and agriculture, the Decentralisation Law

stipulates the transfer of Metrorex from the suborder of the Ministry of Transport to that of Bucharest Municipality. Also concerning Metrorex, the law stipulates that, contrary to the initial form of the draft law, the Government can approve, upon the demand of the General Council of Bucharest Municipality (CGMB), the free transfer of the company’s shares. Initially, the draft law did not contain the option of transferring Metrorex to CGMB, but the actual transfer. “The package of shares of 8,048,364 nominative shares with nominal value of 2.5 lei owned by the Romanian state in Metrorex is transferred for free to Bucharest Municipality”, said the draft law proposed for approval. According to the draft law, Metrorex will receive money from the state budget only for investments underway. “From now on, infrastructure and modernisation projects and rolling stock projects, including civil protection, can

ing and maintaining transportation hubs to adapt to Moscow’s ever-increasing passenger traffic. Passenger traffic in the capital’s transportation hubs should double by 2025, rising to 1.6 billion people a year. RZD-Passenger Station Development plans to build 64 new transport hubs, including 57 in Moscow. Total investment in the project in the city alone could reach RUB 1.1 Trillion (USD 33.2 Billion) by 2020.

be financed, under the law, from the state budget for underway projects, local budget, own revenues, external and internal loans and non-reimbursable funds”.

photo: Club Feroviar

infrastructure for the city. The system will be in place in 2016 and will automatize the regulation of the city’s traffic flows.

Россия: Транспортный Комитет муниципальных властей Петербурга пустил в ход тендер для проектирования системы видеонаблюдения В мире: Сбербанк подписал соглашение с «РЖД Развитие вокзалов» (дочерняя компания РЖД) о развитии транспортных узлов в Москве и Московской области.

December 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

16 Policies & Strategies

Europe works: EUR 1 Trillion, the budget framework for 2014-2020 [ by Pamela Luică ]

At the end of November, European Parliament gave favourable vote to the multiannual financial framework of the EU for 2014-2020. On 2 December, the EU Council adopted Regulation 11791/7/2013 which sets the multiannual financial framework for 2014-2020. Thus, the period of intense negotiations, which lasted two years since the Commission presented its proposals (June 2011), ended. The total budget for the next 7 years is of EUR 960 Billion in commitments and EUR 908 Billion in payments (according to 2011 prices).


he European Parliament approved the EU budget for 2014-2020 after all conditions set by the resolution in July have been met. EP wanted to remedy the payment deficit, which made almost impossible for EC to meet the legal commitments of the past years, in order to avoid entering the new year with arrears and member states agreed to grant another EUR 3.9 Billion. Also, EP insisted that the legal basis for different programs would be finalised based on the co-decision between the Council and the Parliament. In order to complete “own resources”, the EP insisted on setting up a high-level working group responsible with reforming the income re-

gime, as the currently operating system is not profitable. The idea was approved by member states which agreed on setting up the group as soon as possible. A success of the EP during this summer’s negotiations was the introduction of the review clause which will give the future Parliament and the future Commission the possibility of a viewpoint on a budget. The review will begin in 2016. Special attention will be paid to aligning the future multiannual budget (currently of 7 years) with the political cycles on changing the EU institutions (5 years). The review will be accompanied by a law proposal. “The European Parliament has given its

final blessing to the European budget from 2014 until 2020, thus successfully an ending long negotiations. The European Union will invest almost EUR 1 Trillion in growth and jobs between 2014 and 2020. The budget will consolidate and support economic recovery in the EU”, declared the European Commission President, Jose Manuel Barroso. The multiannual financial framework for the next 7 years permits the EU to invest up to EUR 960 Billion in commitment credits, representing 1% of EU’s gross national income and EUR 908.4 Billion in payment credits (0.95% of the EU’s GNI). The budget framework defines cost priorities which are oriented to sustainable economic growth, jobs and competitiveness, in conformity with EU’s strategy, “Europe 2020”. “After the vote, we can provide predictability of funding to some 20 million European small and medium enterprises, millions of the poorest people in the world, some 100,000 towns and regions as well as thousands of laboratories and universities”, declared Commissioner Janusz Lewandowski, in charge of budget and financial programming. Main aspects

Source: ec.europa.eu

www.railwaypro.com | December 2013

The future budget will answer to the challenges launched by the present economic situation and there is a series of important innovations which prove the added value of projects and their importance for the sustainable growth of the EU. The SMSs are the central element of the European economy, representing 99% of total European undertakings and ensuring

Policies & Strategies

Multiannual financial framework (EU28) 2014-2020

Source: ec.europa.eu

two of three jobs in the private sector. Due to the new COSME programme, SMEs can expect EUR 2.3 Billion as support to stimulate their competitiveness and economic growth. COSME is EU’s first programme on SMEs which will facilitate their access to EU and non-EU markets and will provide easy access to financing through guarantees for loans and risk capital. Research and innovation is another priority for the EU, the activities in this segment will benefit from EUR 80 Billion through “Horizon 2020”. The programme will offer a stimulus for economic development, will consolidate its position of industrial leader in innovation, including through investments in technologies, will supply better access to capital and support for SMEs and will contribute to tackling the main societal challenges, such as climate change, transport and sustainable mobility development and increasing accessibility from the point of view of prices and renewable energy. Also, economic growth and creating jobs in Europe depend a lot on infrastructure

investments. The transport, energy and IT infrastructure networks across Europe are still confronted with obstacles and are often incomplete, inefficient and even nonexistent. With EUR 33.3 Billion (EUR 26.3 Billion for transport, EUR 5.9 Billion for energy and EUR 1.1 Billion for IT), the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) will be the main instrument for strategic infrastructure investments. In the transport infrastructure segment, MCE will contribute to completing the new policy based on which nine major corridors will be the central element of transport in the European single market, revolutionizing the east-west connections. Regarding the energy infrastructure, the instrument is essential to meet the main objectives of the policy – energy at accessible prices for all consumers, delivery safety and sustainability. Also, CEF is the first investment programme in the EU for broad band networks and digital services infrastructures aimed to create a single digital market. Limited public funds accentuate the need to unblock other financing resources, gen-

134 318

135 328

136 056

137 100

137 866

139 078

140 242

Financial Framework 2014-2020 Commitments in EUR million (2011 prices)








Source: ec.europa.eu


erating a leverage effect for the EU budget, compared to financing through direct grant. This is the goal of financial instruments, such as loans, guarantees, own capitals and other risk division instruments which can be used on a broader scale in the EU budget for 2014-2020. These will be implemented in cooperation with the European Investment Bank (EIB), European Investment Fund (FEI) and national promotion banks. Financial instruments will be used in programmes such as COSME (SMEs financing), Horizon 2020 (research and innovation), Erasmus+ (credit guarantees) and the Connecting Europe Facility (infrastructure). EU’s multiannual budget is an important step to transforming Europe into an economy with low carbon emissions, ecofriendly and competitive. At least 20% of the entire budget will be spent on climaterelated projects and policies. The 20% commitment triples the current share of 6-8% and could generate up to EUR 180 Billion representing financing for climate in all main cost areas, including structural funds, research, agriculture, maritime and fishing policy, as well as development. Financing rules will be simpler and easier to understand especially for beneficiaries thus reducing error risk. Overall, around 120 simplification measures will be introduced. For example, as part of cohesion policy, EU investments will be simplified through a common norms for all these European investment and structural funds, as well as simpler accounting norms, through better defined reporting requirements and by frequently using digital technologies (ecohesion). The programme Horizon 2020 will enable a major simplification through a single set of norms for the entire financing for research and innovation previously granted through different programmes.

Европа функционирует: 1 триллион евро, параметры бюджета на 2014-2020 В конце ноября месяца, Европейский Парламент утвердил положительным голосованием параметры бюджета Многолетнего финансового плана Европейского Союза на период 20142020. Второго декабря Европейский Совет принял Регламент 11791/7/2013, устанавливающий параметры бюджета Многолетнего финансового плана на 2014-2020. Таким образом, завершился двухлетний период интенсивных переговоров, с момента представления предложений Комиссией (июнь 2011). Общий бюджет на следующие 7 лет, составляет 960 млрд. евро обязательств, и 908 млрд. евро денежных выплат (в зависимости от цен 2011 года). December 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

18 Policies & Strategies

TEN-T guidelines bring significant progress to infrastructure planning [ by Elena Ilie ]

The new EU infrastructure policy triples EU financing to EUR 26 Billion for transport for the period 2014–2020. At the same time it refocuses transport financing on a tightly defined new core network. The core network will form the backbone for transportation in Europe’s single market. A major innovation on the new TEN-T guidelines is the introduction of nine implementing corridors on the core network. They are there to help implement the development of the core network. Each corridor must include three transport modes, three member states and 2 cross-border sections.


he TEN-T guidelines and the appropriate financing instrument were adopted by the European Commission in October and the vote will be made official by the Council of the European Union in December. The Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) is one of the key projects of the European Union. It is the backbone of the common market, indispensable for the mobility of EU citizens, for the economic, social and territorial cohesion, and for creating economic growth and jobs. There is a clear focus on the most important elements of the TEN-T (in particular bottlenecks, missing links and cross border projects) as well as on sustainable modes of transport and complementary elements such as the Technical Specifications for Interoperability. A major innovation on the new TEN-T guidelines is the introduction of nine implementing corridors on the core network. They are there to help implement the development of the core network. Each corridor must include three transport modes, three Member States and 2 cross-border sections. In fact, these corridors are not new; they shape and define the core network of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). RAILWAYS

“Where sections of the corridor coincide with the corridors under Regulation (EU) No 913/2010, the development plan and market study already provided for in that Regulation will be taken into consideration in the drawing up of the corridor development plan”, the TEN-T guidelines state. But why has in fact a new reorientation of the infrastructure and investment strategy been necessary? In practice there are five main problem areas which need to be tackled at EU level. First of all, missing links, in particular at cross-border sections, are a major obstacle to the free movement of goods and passengers within and between the Member States and with its neighbours. Secondly, there is a considerable disparity in quality and availability of infrastructure between and within the member states. Thirdly, the transport infrastructure between the transport modes is fragmented. As regards making multi-modal connections, many of Europe’s freight terminals, passenger stations, inland ports, maritime ports, airports and urban nodes are not up to the task. Since these nodes lack multi-modal capacity, the potential of multi-modal transport and its ability to remove infrastructure bottlenecks and to bridge missing links is insufficiently exploited. On the other hand, in-


vestments in transport infrastructure should contribute to achieve the goals of reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in transport by 60% by 2050. Last but not least, member states still maintain different operational rules and requirements, in particular in the field of interoperability, which significantly add to the transport infrastructure barriers and bottlenecks. The core network will connect 94 main European ports with rail and road links, 38 key airports with rail connections into major cities, 15,000 km of railway line upgraded to high speed and 35 cross border projects to reduce bottlenecks. The Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER) welcomes this adoption as it represents a key step toward the realisation of an efficient and effective European Single Railway Area. “The main focus of the new TEN-T Guidelines is to improve the interoperability and interconnections between modes. The multimodal Core Network Corridors will increase the coordination between Member States and stakeholders in the planning and investment of corridors”, believes the organisation.

Status of the ongoing projects monitored by the TEN-T Executive Agency



! !






Works ongoing Study/Work


Works Study to start between 2011 and 2013

Railway Completed




750 M€ 500 M€



250 M€ 100 M€


2010-FI-92234-P !


10 M€




Completed in 2011

1. Railway axis Berlin-Verona/Milano-Bologna-NapoliWorks to start between 2011 and 2013 Messina-Palermo 2. High-speed axis2013 Paris-Bruxelles/Brussel-KölnWorks torailway start after Amsterdam-London TEN-T (core network outside EU) Europe 3. High-speed railway axis of south-west 4. High-speed Railway railway axis east 5. Betuwe line ERTMS MoU corridors 6. Railway axis Lyon-Trieste-Divača/Koper-Divača-LjubljanaBudapest-Ukrainian border PRIORITY AXES 8. Multimodal axis Portugal/Spain-rest of Europe 1. Railway axis Cork-Dublin-Belfast-Stranraer Berlin-Verona/Milano-Bologna-Napoli9. (completed 2001) Messina-Palermo 11. Öresund fixed link (completed 2000) 2. High-speed railway axis Paris-Bruxelles/Brussel-Köln12. Nordic triangle railway/road axis Amsterdam-London 14. West coast main line 3. High-speed railway of south-west Europe 16. Freight railway axis axis Sines/Algeciras-Madrid-Paris 4. High-speed axis east 17. Railway axisrailway Paris-Strasbourg-Stuttgart-Wien-Bratislava 5. Betuwe line rail interoperability on the Iberian peninsula 19. High-speed 6. Railway axis Lyon-Trieste-Divača/Koper-Divača-Ljubljana20. Fehmarn Belt railw ay axis border 22. Budapest-Ukrainian Railway axis Athina-Sofia-Budapest-Wien-Praha8. Multimodal axis Portugal/Spain-rest of Europe Nürnberg/Dresden 9. Railway axis Cork-Dublin-Belfast-Stranraer (completed 2001) 23. Gdansk-Warszawa-Brno/Bratislava-Wien 11. Railway Öresundaxis fixedLyon/Genova-Basel-Duisburglink (completed 2000) 24. 12. Nordic triangle railway/road axis Rotterdam/Antwerpen 14. Railway/road West coast main 26. axisline Ireland/United Kingdom/continental 16. Freight railway axis Sines/Algeciras-Madrid-Paris Europe 17. "Rail Railway axis Paris-Strasbourg-Stuttgart-Wien-Bratislava 27. Baltica" axis Warszawa-Kaunas-Riga-Tallinn-Helsinki 19. "Eurocaprail" High-speed rail on the Iberian peninsula 28. on interoperability the Bruxelles/Brussel-Luxembourg20. Fehmarn Belt railw ay axis Strasbourg railway axis 22. Railway axis of Athina-Sofia-Budapest-Wien-Praha29. the Ionian/Adriatic intermodal corridor Nürnberg/Dresden 23. Railway axis Gdansk-Warszawa-Brno/Bratislava-Wien 24. Railway axis Lyon/Genova-Basel-DuisburgRotterdam/Antwerpen 26. Railway/road axis Ireland/United Kingdom/continental Europe 27. "Rail Baltica" axis Warszawa-Kaunas-Riga-Tallinn-Helsinki 28. "Eurocaprail" on the Bruxelles/Brussel-LuxembourgStrasbourg railway axis 29. Railway axis of the Ionian/Adriatic intermodal corridor






TEN-T Funding

ERTMS MoU corridors PRIORITY AXES Works ongoing



TEN-T Funding

StatusCompleted of the ongoing projects monitored in 2011 Agency by theCompleted TEN-T Executive

Work to start after 2013 ! Works TEN-T (core network outside EU) Progress on Priority Axes (2012)

Ориентация сети TEN-T ведёт к значительному прогрессу в области планирования инфраструктуры




Progress on Priority Axes (2012)





750 M€ 500 M€






250 M€ 100 M€


Luum äki Vainikkala







Kouvola !


2007-FI-12010-P !


Ham ina



2007-FI-12050-P Kokkola Turku

10 M€




Helsinki 2008-FI-90802-P !!









Tallinn Keila




















Niznij Novgorod







Valga Luum äki Vainikkala Kouvola Valmiera Vaalimaa Ham ina





12 2007-FI-12010-P 2007-LV-27050-S Kotka Ventspils 2007-FI-12050-P Kerava 2011-LV-93133-S Riga Helsinki 2008-FI-90802-P 2007-LV-27060-P 2011-FI-93125-S Jelgava !









Turku Gävle















Malmö Ystad

















Gdynia Wroclaw




Dresden Sassnitz








2009-EU-60138-P Lübeck Cuxhaven 2007-DE-60320-P




















Wilhelmshaven Frankfurt




2007-BE-28050-P Frydek-M istek am Main Groningen 2007-LU-28020-P 2007-CZ-60010-P Plzen 2009-SK-60108-P Oldenburg 2007-DE-24030-S Arlon Prerov Bremen Inowroclaw Compiègne Zilina 2007-DE-04020-P Norwich 2006-LU-1020-P 2009-NL-60142-P Reims Luxembourg 2009-CZ-90503-S Brno 2006-PL-92608-SWarszawa Saarbrücken Mannheim 2011-DE-93033-P Nürnberg 2011-FR-60004-P 2011-EU-95090-S 2011-PL-60001-P Metz Poznan Ceske Berlin 2009-NL-00072-E Nove Mesto Frankfurt 2009-FR-60132-P 2009-FR-17044-E 2007-DE-17200-P Budejovice Grodzisk Regensburg nad Vahom Paris an der Oder Hannover Breclav Amsterdam Mazowiecki 2011-PL-93141-S Baudrecourt Karlsruhe Straubing Osnabrück 2010-UK-91107-P 2011-NL-60003-P Enschede 2007-DE-17010-P 2011-PL-60002-P Den Haag Nancy Felixstowe Magdeburg 2009-AT-60147-P Stuttgart 2010-NL-92227-S Miskolc Vilshofen 2009-AT-60148-P Nyíregyháza 4 Arnhem 5Strasbourg Münster Landshut Rotterdam 2009-PL-60151-P 2007-DE-24060-P Ulm Augsburg12008-DE-91007-S 2011-AT-91153-P 2011-EU-60008-S Emmerich 23 Galanta 2009-NL-60123-P 2009-NL-60124-P 2007-NL-60060-P 28 2007-HU-06100-S 2009-EU-60106-P 2007-NL-05020-P 2011-AT-93108-P 2007-DE-17220-P Wels Mühldorf Linz 2005-AT-90103-PWien 2011-NL-93022-S 2007-EU-60400-P 2008-DE-91003-S Bratislava Zeebrugge München Halle 2011-AT-93059-P Freiburg Dover 2007-FR-24070-P Palkovicovo Oostende Antwerpen 2007-DE-17020-P 2011-AT-93051-P Wiener Duisburg Wroclaw Kassel Gyõr Leipzig 2007-DE-24040-P Neustadt Görlitz 2007-HU-22020-S Calais Dunkerque Mulhouse/Mülheim 2007-AT-17040-P Salzburg Singen 2011-FR-93054-S Düsseldorf 17 2007-AT-17170-P Gent Oradea Dresden Liezen 2007-DE-01050-P 2009-HU-60139-P Budapest Szolnok 2007-BE-02030-P 2009-EU-60126-S KölnBasel 2011-AT-91124-S Jena Kufstein Bruxelles/Brussel Leoben Erfurt Dijon 2011-EU-60013-S 2009-DE-24070-E Szombathely Székesfehérvár Deulemont 2007-AT-01130-P Bregenz Lille2007-EU-60040-P Innsbruck Aachen Gliwice Graz Liège 2007-AT-60450-P Lovosice Charleroi 2007-DE-02020-P 2011-EU-60009-S 2009-AT-60153-P 2009-EU-60138-P !








!! !


Grodzisk Mazowiecki


2007-DK-20070-S 2011-DK-93122-S Halle

Flensburg Kassel



le Havre !








!! !








Kyjiv Chisinau


Cardiff Rennes




2009-FR-90905-S Bristol London !

le Mans

Halm eu























Southampton Portsmouth






2006-PL-92608-S KlaipedaWarszawa 2011-EU-95090-S 2011-PL-60001-P 2007-LT-27040-S


Frankfurt an der Oder


Duisburg Düsseldorf

Aachen !












Kolding !






2011-LV-93133-S 2007-LV-27060-P




2010-UK-92219-P Fishguard














Oostende Calais Dunkerque

Lille2007-EU-60040-P Charleroi 2011-EU-60009-S


Crewe Cherbourg




2007-LV-27050-S Ventspils



2007-DE-01050-PPuttgarden 2007-BE-02030-P 2009-EU-60126-S Köln 2007-DE-20010-S Jena Bruxelles/Brussel Erfurt 2011-EU-60013-S 2009-DE-24070-E Deulemont Kiel

Kingston upon Hull






2011-DK-93109-S Emmerich 2009-NL-60123-P 2009-NL-60124-P 2007-NL-60060-P 2007-NL-05020-P 2008-DE-91003-S Zeebrugge 2011-NL-93022-S !!







Southampton Portsmouth




Dublin Kilkenny



Den Haag




9 Athlone


2010-UK-91107-P Felixstowe 2010-NL-92227-S








Berlin København









2009-NL-00072-E 2011-NL-60003-P Amsterdam


Göteborg Rostock


Oldenburg Bremen


















Wilhelmshaven Groningen

Edinburgh !



Neumünster Frederikshavn



Crewe Dundee


2007-EE-27020-P Kaunas Vilnius



Rødby Puttgarden






2010-UK-92219-P Pembroke






upon Hull







2007-DK-20070-S 12 2011-DK-93122-S Trollhättan


2007-DE-20010-S 2011-SE-93049-S

Leeds AberdeenKingston




Cartography TEN-T EA January 2013 © EC, DG MOVE, TENtec for T EN-T network © EuroGeographics 2001 for the administrative boundaries










Dublin Kilkenny












26 Mallow

27 2007-EE-27010-S









Joniskis Tallinn

Siauliai Keila




Niznij Novgorod














































Cartography TEN-T EA January 2013 © EC, DG MOVE, TENtec for T EN-T network © EuroGeographics 2001 for the administrative boundaries



Bern Koblenz




Cherbourg la Rochelle
































3 Bobadilla








19 Valencia Albacete









Réggio di Calábria








Lefkosia Larnaka



Pan-European Conformal (ETRS-LCC) coordinate reference system


Patra Gioia Tauro


0 Antirrio Rio














Réggio di Calábria


Málaga Almería

































Svilengrad Ormenio










Kulata Korinthos Doirani Seres



Palma de Mallorca

Bourgas Stara Zagora Plovdiv

Chalkida Antirrio Rio





22 Volos




Gorna Oryahovitsa




2010-ES-92256-S Bobadilla




Podgorica Skopje


Porto Tórres






Ruse Shoumen





Gioia Tauro

Messina Fóggia



Larissa Kalotina Kalambaka






Bucuresti !









2009-IT-01088-E Roma 2011-IT-60002-P






2007-EU-22070-S Vidin Calafat





Rimnicu Vilcea


Drobeta-Turnu Doirani Seres Severin



Buzau Svilengrad

Gyueshevo Lugoj






Beograd Tiranë Durrës









Vukovar Vinkovci



Knin Potenza




Skopje Djakovo Slavonski Brod


Zadar Battipáglia


Brasov Plovdiv

Osijek Nasice

Slavonska Sisak Kutina Nova Pozega Gradiska





Ciudad Real


Dubrovnik Mohács

Bjelovar Virovitica







Stara Zagora

Radomir Sibiu



2007-ES-19060-P !

Madrid Almería








Cáceres Algeciras



www.railwaypro.com | December 2013

Chisinau Ungheni

Gorna Oryahovitsa






Granada 2011-ES-60001-P
















Cakovec Koprivnica




Pazin Labin Pula

Napoli !







Setúbal Sines





Alicante Zaragoza Murcia

Ceuta !



! !


2011-IT-93098-P La Spézia





Genova Ólbia



Ronchi Sud



Porto Tórres





Linares Jaén




2010-SI-92232-S 2007-SI-60460-S

Pescara 2007-IT-06020-S





Ávila 2010-ES-92256-S






Mont Cenis tunnel



NagykanizsaPloce Dombóvár




Palencia 2011-ES-93091-P Albacete Albacete 2007-ES-03070-P 2011-ES-60002-P 19 2009-ES-03102-E












Bergamo Treviso 2007-IT-91506-S Chambéry 2011-IT-93095-P 2011-IT-93097-P Koper Civitavécchia Venézia Vicenza 2009-EU-60122-P Bréscia Milano Verona Ajaccio 2009-IT-01088-E Roma 2007-EU-60120-P Novara Pádova 2006-IT-90906-S Bussoleno Torino 2011-IT-60002-P Piacenza





de Oñoro















Sevilla Fuentes


2011-IT-60001-P Bastia








Domodóssola 2007-EU-06010-P 2007-IT-60360-P 2011-FR-93047-S


Barcelona !







St Jean de Maurienne



Dax 2007-EU-03040-P Cuenca San 2011-ES-93104-P 2007-FR-03010-P 2011-ES-93101-P Toulouse 2011-EU-95107-S Avignon Sebastián Nîmes 2011-FR-94036-S León 19 2011-ES-93094-P 2010-ES-92255-S Pau 19 2007-EU-91002-P Tarbes Montpellier 3 Vitoria 2009-ES-92516-P 2007-ES-03050-P Béziers 19Ciudad Valencia 2007-ES-03150-P Marseille Palma de 2007-EU-16010-S Pamplona Real 2007-ES-03140-S Mallorca Logroño

Orense Badajoz














3 Bordeaux







2009-PT-92103-S 2010-PT-91129-S 3





2007-EU-01180-P Livorno


2007-FR-03120-P Lérida

2007-FR-03130-S 2007-ES-19060-P 3


2010-ES-92210-S Oviedo



Drobeta-Turnu Severin

Vidin Calafat










Halm eu









da Foz Coimbra












3 Cáceres















Faro Figueira













Palencia 2011-ES-93091-P 2007-ES-03070-P 19 Valladolid 2009-ES-03102-E


Fuentes de Oñoro




! !









Rimnicu Vilcea





























2007-EU-03080-P8 !



NagykanizsaOstrava Dombóvár













La Coruña




Figueira da Foz Coimbra






Dax 2007-EU-03040-P San 2011-ES-93104-P 2011-ES-93101-P Toulouse 2011-EU-95107-S Sebastián 2010-ES-92255-S Pau 2007-EU-91002-P Tarbes 3 2011-ES-93094-P 2009-ES-92516-P 2007-ES-03050-P Vitoria 19 2007-ES-03150-P 2007-EU-16010-S Pamplona la Rochelle 2007-ES-03140-S Logroño








le Mans















8 Orense


2009-PT-92103-S 2010-PT-91129-S 3


Frankfurt am Main

2007-EU-01190-S 2008-CZ-23466-S Klagenfurt

Marktredwitz 22Maribor 2007-IT-01030-M Praha Frydek-M istek Varazdin Cakovec 2010-SI-92232-S 2007-CZ-60010-P Bolzano Koprivnica Timisoara Plzen Mohács 2009-SK-60108-P Krapina Prerov 2007-DE-24030-S Lugoj 2011-IT-60001-P 2007-SI-60460-S Compiègne Domodóssola Údine 2006-LU-1020-P 2007-EU-06010-P 2007-DE-04020-P Trento 2009-NL-60142-P Ljubljana Brno Bjelovar Virovitica Zilina Clermont-FerrandReims Luxembourg 2009-CZ-90503-S 2007-IT-06020-S 6 Osijek 2011-FR-93047-S Saarbrücken2007-IT-60360-P Zagreb Mannheim 2011-DE-93033-P Nürnberg 2011-FR-60004-P Nasice Ronchi SudCeske Metz Chiasso Lyon Vukovar Slavonska Nove Mesto Bergamo Treviso Sisak Kutina 2009-FR-60132-P Chambéry 2009-FR-17044-E 2007-DE-17200-P 2007-EU-06030-S Budejovice Djakovo nadPozega Vahom Paris 2011-IT-93095-P Regensburg 2011-IT-93097-P Koper Breclav Nova 2008-FR-90902-S 2009-EU-60122-P Baudrecourt Karlsruhe Trieste Rijeka Venézia Karlovac Straubing Vicenza Gradiska Slavonski Vinkovci Bréscia 2007-DE-17010-P Ogulin Beograd Milano Verona Brod St Jean de MaurienneNancy Pazin 2009-AT-60147-P Novara Stuttgart 2007-EU-60120-P Miskolc Pádova Vilshofen Strasbourg 2006-IT-90906-S Labin 2009-AT-60148-P Nyíregyháza 4 Landshut Bussoleno 2005-EU-603a-S Torino 2011-EU-60008-S Otocac Mont Cenis 2007-DE-24060-PPiacenza Augsburg 2008-DE-91007-S 2011-AT-91153-P Ulm Galanta Pula Alessándria 28 2007-HU-06100-S 2009-EU-60106-P tunnel Ferrara 2011-AT-93108-P 2007-DE-17220-P Parma Wels Mühldorf Linz 2005-AT-90103-PWien 2007-EU-60400-P Bratislava 2009-IT-06047-E Freiburg Gospic München 2011-AT-93059-P 2007-FR-24070-P 2011-IT-93098-P 2007-DE-17020-P 2011-AT-93051-P Wiener Palkovicovo 2011-IT-93096-P Gyõr Neustadt 2007-HU-22020-S Bologna Mulhouse/Mülheim 2007-AT-17040-P Salzburg Singen 2011-FR-93054-S 17 2007-AT-17170-P Genova Oradea Sarajevo Zadar 2009-HU-60139-P Liezen Knin Budapest Szolnok Basel 2008-IT-91401-P Kufstein 2011-AT-91124-S La Spézia 2007-FR-03010-P Leoben Dijon Szombathely Székesfehérvár Rímini Avignon 2007-AT-01130-P Bregenz Sinj Sibenik Nîmes Innsbruck 2011-FR-94036-S Graz Firenze Monaco Ventimíglia 2007-AT-60450-P Split 2009-AT-60153-P Montpellier










2009-FR-90905-S 2007-FR-03130-S


Gijón Santiago







3 2007-FR-03120-P


La Coruña



le Havre


2007-EU-01180-P 2007-DE-60320-P

Новая политика Европейского Союза по отношению к инфраструктуре позволяет увеличить в три раза финансирование Евросоюза в транспортном секторе, достигая 26 млрд. евро на протяжении периода 2014-2020. Тем временем, финансирование в транспортном секторе переориентировано на новую, строго установленную центральную сеть. Существенное нововведение в ориентации TEN-T состоит в осуществлении проектов девяти коридоров в центральной сети. Их роль будет заключаться в развитии центральной сети. Каждый коридор должен включать три вида транспорта, три государства-члена и два трансграничных участка.


Kyparissia Kalamata Pafos






Tunis Heraklion


Valletta Rabat

Pan-European Conformal (ETRS-LCC) coordinate reference system 0


250 km



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Tradition and Innovation

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20 Policies & Strategies

New possibilities of transport infrastructure financing [ by Elena Ilie ]

The “Connecting Europe” Facility is a concrete expression of a new way of thinking and a partnership that will bring equal benefits to all European Union member states because better transport connections, especially for railway transport, would facilitate economic activities and mobility, would improve competitiveness, would increase business opportunities and would transform the European economy into a more eco-friendly economy.


n November 19, MEPs endorsed a deal with member states on the EU’s new Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), which aims to speed up funding to complete key trans-European transport, energy and telecommunications links. The Connecting Europe Facility will have a total budget of about EUR 29.3 Billion (at 2011 prices) for 2014-2020, with some EUR 23.2 Billion earmarked for the transport sector to improve cross-border connections, remove bottlenecks and bridge gaps; EUR 5.12 Billion will be available for energy, to modernise and expand energy infrastructure and increase security of supply; and EUR 1 Billion for telecommunications, to stimulate the development of broadband networks and digital services. “The CEF will improve the mobility of citizens, goods and services across the EU (…) by dealing with missing links and bottlenecks in the networks“, said rapporteur Dominique Riquet, one of three MEPs responsible for steering the draft rules through Parliament and negotiations with Council, together with co-rapporteur Ines

Ayala Sender and rapporteur on energy and telecommunications network funding Adina Ioana Vălean. “The Connecting Europe Facility implies an increased focus on financial support for the projects with added value and an increased accentuation of using innovative financial instruments. The entire budget allocated to the Connecting Europe Facility for 2014-2020 amounts to EUR 26.2 Billion, EUR 14.9 Billion of which can be accessed by all member states and EUR 11.3 Billion of which are to be transferred to the Cohesion Fund, to be spent in conformity with the CEF Regulation in the member states considered eligible for financing”, declared Stephane Ouaki, Head of Unit, Connecting Europe - Infrastructure investments strategies, DG MOVE, during the Railway Days Summit in Bucharest. Also, the Connecting Europe Facility will include Specific Programme Support Actions for Cohesion member states experiencing difficulties in proposing projects. The projects considered eligible for financing include the nine freight corridors and other important projects referring to new

Significant re-distribution in key policy areas Significant re-distribution in key policy areas (in billion euros)


Новые возможности финансирования транспортной инфраструктуры

80,0 70,0


60,0 50,0 40,0 30,0 20,0 10,0 0,0

Research and innovation

Education and culture

Infrastructure funding

Security and citizenship

Global Europe













Source: Kostas Glinos - European Commission - DG INFSO

www.railwaypro.com | December 2013

railway cross-border sections. “Romania will be able to access EUR 1.2 Billion of the EUR 11.3 Billion for developing important railway projects, CEF Annex includes an important project portfolio for Romania, with several major projects, including cross-border connections and bottlenecks projects. Romania should make sure it fills in the missing links for both the domestic and the border networks”, underlined Stephane Ouaki. The Connecting Europe Facility will finance priority projects along the nine implementing corridors on the core network. Funding will also be available for a limited number of other sections projects of high European added value on the core network. Also, the Connecting Europe Facility makes available funding for horizontal projects – mostly IT related, such as the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) which must be used throughout the major transport corridors. This is a particular priority – as another innovation on the new core network is that there are tougher obligations for transport systems to “join up”, i.e. to invest in meeting mainly existing EU standards, for example on the common rail signalling system ERTMS.

Механизм “Соединение Европы” является конкретным выражением иного метода мышления и партнёрством, предоставляющим выгоды всем странам Европейского Союза, благодаря тому, что развитие транспортных связей – особенно железнодорожных, способствует развитию экономической деятельности и перемещений, повышению конкурентоспособности, развитию перспектив деловой сферы и экологических возможностей европейской экономики.

22 Policies & Strategies

“Horizon 2020” receives EUR 80 Billion in the next EU programming period [ by Pamela Luică ]

In November, EP adopted the programme “Horizon 2020” with a budget of EUR 80 Billion in the programming period 2014-2020. Structured on three pillars, the programme will have direct impact on social and economic development. The transport sector will receive the highest financing share of all the other components of the pillar it belongs to with funds amounting to over EUR 6 Billion.

How has EU Research and Innovation funding evolved over recent years?


ince the launch of the programme within FP7, the EU economic context changed facing crisis situations which affected all economic segments which saw the authorities in need of initiating vital measures and policies of economic growth. The greatest challenge consists in stabilizing the economic and financial system and adopting measures to create economic opportunities for the future. Research and innovation will help create jobs, increase life quality and trigger the necessary technological progress to approach the urgent problems of the society. Investments in this area will also lead to business opportunities by creating innovating products and services. Prioritized in the Europe 2020 Strategy, research and innovation will significantly influence the promotion and construction of an intelligent, sustainable and society-favourable growth. These aspects lead to the adoption in November 2013 of the European framework programme for Research, Development and Innovation “Horizon 2020”. With a budget of EUR 80 Million distributed over the next 7 years, Horizon 2020 is EU’s largest research programme and one of the few programmes in the new programming period that benefits from increasing funds by

How has EU Research and Innovation funding evolved over recent years?

Source: European Commission

around 30% more compared to FP7 (programme benefiting from EUR 55 Billion). By mid-December, member states have to give their final agreement before the first proposal demands within Horizon 2020. “After long negotiations, the Horizon 2020 package was approved promoting

HORIZON 2020 budget (EUR 78.6 billion, current prices)

Source: horizon2020projects.com

www.railwaypro.com | December 2013

scientific excellence, consolidating the industrial sector and supporting the SMSs”, declared Amalia Sartori, President of the Industry, Research and Energy Committee and Chief Negotiator of the Parliament on the 5 legislative documents. For EU, Horizon 2020 is a completely new type of research programme designed for sustainable development, new jobs and improved life quality. Built on three major components, excellence, in the scientific sector, competitiveness in the industrial segment and societal challenges, the programme will finance all types of activities, from scientific to market adapted innovation leading to a direct economic stimulus. Key elements of Horizon 2020 include financing increase for the European Research Council, the conclusion of innovating public-private partnership in different sectors, approach based on the challenges the society is facing, such as climate change and intelligent and eco-friendly transport, renewing the approach on the extension of participation of less performing EU coun-

Policies & Strategies


Horizon 2020 - Objectives and structure Horizon 2020 – Objectives and structure Europe 2020 priorities

International cooperation

European Research Area

Shared objectives and principles Common rules, toolkit of funding schemes

Tackling Societal Challenges Health, demographic change and wellbeing Food security, sustainable agriculture and the bio-based economy Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action & Resource Efficiency including Raw Materials Inclusive, innovative and secure societies

Simplified access

Industrial Leadership and Competitive Frameworks Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies (ICT, nano, materials, bio, manufacturing, space) Access to risk finance Innovation in SMEs

Excellent Science Base European Research Council Future and Emerging Technologies Marie Curie actions on skills, training and career development Research infrastructures

Dissemination & knowledge transfer

Supporting the objectives: European Institute for Innovation and Technology Joint Research Centre

Source: Liam BRESLIN, European Commission, DG RTD, Unit H2 - Surface Transport

tries, including creating a better synergy with structural funds and EU investment funds. Funds worth EUR 17 Billion have been allocated to the industrial sector, for societal challenges, EUR 29.7 Billion, and for scientific excellence (including financing for individual research within the European Council for Research and Marie Skłodowska-Curie) EUR 24.4 Billion. The European Innovation and Technology Institute (EIT) will receive EUR 2.7 Billion, which is 3.5% of EU’s total budget for research and innovation. Due to different legislations, the budget for the Euratom research programme was set on 5 years (20142018), at a cost of EUR 1.6 Billion and EUR 770 Million funds for 2019-2020. The programme will be opened to all EU member states, while the countries outside the EU will have the possibility to implement projects in the programme by meeting applications and setting an association agreement or partnership with a third country. Over 6 Billion for transport In the transport sector, the program will focus on the intelligent, eco-friendly and integrated mobility projects. The third pillar of the programme, “societal challenges”, holds the largest share of financing allocations (38.53%) and includes the transport segment, which in turn, benefits from the largest allocation of its group, 8.3%, with funds worth EUR 6.339 Billion. Through Horizon 2020, the Commission

will struggle to have a more balanced approach in the implementation of the programme considering the specific of each mode of transport, an approach which reconciles competitiveness with sustainability and which invests in both technology and socio-economic research projects. Four transport priorities are included in Horizon 2020: the development of a much more sustainable system (efficient and with the smallest environment impact), creating a single system, increasing competitiveness by promoting and developing the industry as global leader and dealing with the appropriate socio-economic research and future-oriented activities in elaborating policies. Also, the activity carried out within the Strategic Transport Technology Plan (STTP) will help focus on the research and innovation activities through Horizon 2020. For establishing a single system, it is necessary to supply improved mobility, to increase safety and security, reduce congestion and create new concepts for freight and logistics transport, to reduce accidents and improve security. The significant reduction of congestion is a goal to be achieved by supporting multimodal transport, information, the payment system and increasing the quality of passenger and freight transport by optimising accessibility management. Interoperability across the railway network has to be established, as well as the efficient use of infrastructure and new applications of po-

sition, navigation and timetables. All these are related to the intelligent technology to be used in the transport system. If in the previous years, the EU focused on research, in the years to come it will focus on innovation. In transport, the decision makers want to launch completely new and modern systems, not just individual means, but also connections between different transport modes, such as railway, road and maritime. Railway research and innovation is important for an efficient transport which respects the environment with energy storage and energy supply technologies, cleaner and more silent vehicles, intelligent equipment and more developed infrastructure and services. Transport can thus be optimised, not only in Europe, but also in urban areas.

“Горизонт 2020” получит 80 млрд. евро в следующий бюджетный период Евросоюза В ноябре месяце Европейский Парламент принял программу “Горизонт 2020”, с бюджетом на период 2014-2020 стоимостью 80 млрд. евро. Структурирована в трёх частях, программа окажет прямое влияние в сфере социально-экономического развития. Транспортный сектор получит наиболее существенную долю финансирования в сравнении с остальными составляющими секторами своей части, распределённые суммы, составляя более 6 млрд. евро. December 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

24 Policies & Strategies

ERDF funds support integrated urban development [ by Elena Ilie ]

Europe is one of the most urbanised continents in the world. Today, more than two thirds of the European population lives in urban areas and this share continues to grow. The development of our cities will determine the future economic, social and territorial development of the European Union. Around 68% of EU’s population lives in a metropolitan region and these regions generate 67% of EU’s GDP.


ities play a crucial role as engines of 2007-2013 2014-2020 the economy, as places that favour connectivity, creativity and innoShare of ESF within Cohesion Policy budget vation, and as centres of services for their surrounding areas. Due to their density, cities offer a huge potential for energy savings and a move towards a carbon-neutral economy. Cities are therefore essential for the successful implementation of Europe 2020 Strategy. 25% 22% “European cities follow different development trajectories and their diversity has to be exploited. Competitiveness in the global economy has to be combined with sustainable local economies by anchoring key competences and resources in the local Source: ec.europa.eu economic tissue and supporting social parOf total Structural Fund and support ESF will represent: ticipation and innovation”, states DG Regio services are expensive difficult to(ERDF pro- ing & theESF), conversion of declining industrial in a study. vide, natural resources are overexploited, regions and regions lagging behind. The • 25 % in and less developed regions Europe is no longer in a situation of conpublic transport networks are insuffi- ERDF is part of the EU’s cohesion policy, tinuous economic growth and many cities, cient, while car dependency and traffic con- which remains an essential element in the 40 % transition regions especially non-capital cities •in Central andin gestion inside and around cities are serious. EU’s financial framework for 2014-2020 Eastern Europe, but also old industrial cities Mobility without cars has to add on attrac- proposed by the Commission. The EU will 52threat % in tiveness, more while developed regions in Western Europe, face the•serious multimodal public transport make substantial funding available for it. of economic stagnation or decline. Strongly systems need to be encouraged. The proposed Regional Development developed cities can play an important role Fund Regulation for 2014-2020 sets out in Europe’s territorial development, but the European regions need serious the scope of the Fund, and the investkey principles of development have to rely investments to boost ment priorities for regional development on metropolitan regions and 1other strong competitiveness programmes. All regions in Europe will urban areas that can offer improved accessireceive funding from the ERDF. National bility to general economic interest services. The European Regional Development and regional authorities establish their In its study, DG Regio warns on the out-of- Fund (ERDF) is the biggest single source own development programmes and select control extension of urban agglomerations of EU funding for this. It aims to redress the projects to be financed. and low-density settlements representing the main regional imbalances by supportSpecific support from the ERDF would one of the greatest threats to sustainable ing the development and structural ad- go to cities and urban development. Also, territorial development. As a result, public justment in regional economies – includ- part of the funds will be allocated for integrated urban development measures and for the setting-up of an urban development platform to promote exchanges between cities.


Фонды FEDER, поддержка для интегрированного городского развития

Source: www.eu-skladi.si

www.railwaypro.com | December 2013

Европа является одним из наиболее урбанизированных континентов мира. В настоящее время, более двух третьих частей населения Европы живёт в городских зонах; данная пропорция продолжает увеличиваться.


Rail passenger transport Rail freight transport Shunting services Contact: 2 Oltului St. 500283 - Brasov Romania Tel: +40 268 310 697 Fax: +40 268 310 859


26 Policies & Strategies

China might build the high-speed railway in Romania [ by Pamela Luică ]

China’s accession to the European market is no political or economic secret. Over the past years, this country has led an open policy regarding its implication in the strategic projects of the European countries. Rapid economic growth has changed China’s statute of underdeveloped country into a state with an aggressive campaign of implication in other countries’ economic affairs.


omania is one of the European countries where China plans to invest a “huge amount” in developing projects from different economic segments. “For China, Romania is a bridge, as well as Eastern Europe. Cooperation between China and Central and Eastern Europe is an important part of the cooperation between China and the European Union and Romania plays a major role in it”, declared Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang, during the China – Central and Eastern Europe Forum. The main topics the officials of the two countries discussed about included cooperation in fields such as economy, trade, finance-banking, infrastructure construction, energy, agriculture, science and technology, telecommunications, information technology, environment protection, tourism etc. Several agreements on significant investments were signed during the forum. Transport infrastructure investments were an important discussion topic between the two parties. According to official declarations, the Chinese delegates were proposed a series of infrastructure development projects that Romania plans to develop through public-private partnerships (PPP),

concessions, financing or other forms included in the legislation in force. The development of a railway project that would enable Romania to have a faster railway section based on China’s expertise was one of the topics discussed by Victor Ponta and his Chinese counterparts. “We’ve entered a very important road, that of a first railway project to benefit in Romania from a rapid railway section based on Chinese technology. I believe that with the support of the prime minister and mine, this project will begin to fall into place”, said Victor Ponta. “China is ready to consolidate its cooperation with countries in the region in fields such as roads, ports, telecommunications, high-speed railways. Both countries are determined to set up working groups to build high-speed railways. We’ve discussed the particulars with Mr Prime Minister Ponta. Working groups have already initiated discussions on the financing of equipment. Regarding the high-speed railway, we will discuss the implementation of the pilot project in December”, declared Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang. Romanian Minister of Transport Ramona Mănescu announced that in December the parties would launch technical talks

Proposed High-speed line

on the development of Vienna-BucharestConstanta high-speed railway whose cost could amount to EUR 11 Billion. “We will begin technical talks with Chinese partners and depending on how they progress and when we will sign the contract, we will know the exact deadlines, when the works begin and when they will be completed”, said Mănescu. One of the priorities of the railway company CFR SA by 2015 is to identify financing for the high-speed line linking Romania to Europe’s high-speed network. Romania needs infrastructure development, “this need being much higher that the availability of European funds. Therefore, the partnership with China is welcomed. A series of proposal has been sent to the ministry, as well as proposals among which the development of the HSL. It is a European corridor starting from Vienna, to Budapest, Bucharest and Constanta. We will most probably begin with an easier to complete section, thanks to ground aspects (Bucharest-Constanta). The biggest interest is to connect Constanta Seaport”, said Mănescu. She added that Vienna-Budapest-BucharestConstanta high-speed railway, estimated at EUR 11 Billion, is the first project she invited the Chinese to participate in. Corridor IX and the Capital’s railway ring, other projects of interest for China

Source: CFR SA

www.railwaypro.com | December 2013

Apart from the HSL, the Chinese and Romanian authorities are interested in implementing infrastructure projects in concession with financing provided by the private side, as state budget financial resources and European funds are limited compared to the need for projects. Other two railway projects to which the Chinese businessmen are invited are the modernisation of the Capital’s railway ring and the pan-European Corridor IX. The project of the railway ring consists in the modernisation of the Capital’s railway ring to facilitate the access to Bucharest of the people living in the peri-urban area. The project includes the modernisation of 82 km of line with 12 stations and a total estimated cost of EUR 350 Million. Also, the modernisation of the pan-European Corridor IX is important not

Policies & Strategies

just for Romania, providing a railway link on the north-south axis of 551 km, but also for EU. The railway network modernisation priorities of CFR SA include, apart from the modernisation of Corridor IV, the modernisation of the conventional railway section of Corridor IX. “We are interested in the participation of Chinese companies in concession processes and we have thus expressed our availability. Romania can be a gate for Chinese investments in Europe, but they have to observe the European tendering and construction procedures”, declared Dan Şova, minister of large infrastructure projects. He added that he also invited the Chinese constructors to participate in the tenders which include European financing. As long as China is interested to participate in the development of railway infrastructure projects, the Chinese rolling stock manufacturers will be interested in delivering railway vehicles that could be operated on the upgraded lines or on the HSL. China-Central and Eastern Europe Forum also hosted an exhibition of the industry of HSL construction, but also models of trains that could be operated in the future in Romania as well. The Chinese rail industry company presented the technology they use in manufacturing rolling stock and displayed models of electric trains capable to reach speeds of 120 km/h and to carry

a volume of goods of 5 thousand tonnes. One of the most important passenger trains in China is CRH380A developed by de China South Locomotive & Rolling Stock Corporation (CSR) and dedicated to highspeed transport (over 350 km/h). “We are on a very important journey, that of a first railway project to have rapid railways and appropriate vehicles in Romania based on Chinese technology”, declared Prime Minister Victor Ponta in a joint press release with his counterpart Li Keqiang. All partnerships will be concluded in agreement with the national and European legislation on the attribution of public procurement contracts, public works concession contracts and services concession contracts. Detailed discussions will be held during the next period to establish priority projects and work methodology. According to the declarations of the Romanian Minister of Transport, Ramona Mănescu, technical discussion with Chinese partners will take place on 10 October to develop Vienna-Bucharest-Constanta highspeed line, whose cost could reach EUR 11 Billion. “Regarding the EU competition regulations, it is obvious that Romania and all member states observe them. However, today, in conditions of equal, European competition, there are several projects for which China had better offers, better technical and financial offers. I gave my word to


the PM and to his delegates that the best offer will win, Chinese or not”, said Ponta.

Возможно, Китай построит высокоскоростную линию в Румынии Румыния является одной из европейских стран, которой Китай намерен предоставить существенную сумму в качестве капиталовложений для развития проектов в различных экономических секторах. В рамках Форума Китай – Центральная и Восточная Европа, представители правительств этих двух стран обсуждали будущие проекты для Румынии. С этой целью, стартовали переговоры в связи с проектом высокоскоростной линии, для выполнения опытного проекта.

28 Market development

China and EU collaborate to develop urban mobility [ by Pamela Luică ]

Over the last decades, China has reoriented its economic policies and has become an important economic country due to its rapid internal transformation which has created a link between a central-planned economy and active global trade implication.


oreover, its accession to the China are at different stages, we share the World Trade Organisation has same challenge of sustainable developaccelerated the process and has ment”, declared President of the European made China a strong country with increas- Council Herman van Rompuy. ing implication in international business from environment problems to safety and For sustainable development, the transtrade liberalization worldwide. This is the port system is a reference point and EU reason why EU has also changed its rela- and China collaborate to develop urban tionships with China to regulate the vi- mobility. To improve urban mobility, by sion of the European continent. EU’s main increasing accessibility and attractiveness, objective for China is to get the position is a major challenge for the two parties: Euit deserves in conformity with its geostra- rope is believed to have improved experitegic international importance, politically ence and excellent technology in developand economically. Therefore, EU supports ing an efficient urban mobility and China, the economic and social reform process in whose cities expand rapidly, is the largest China. The EU policy for China focuses on market for the delivery of mobility soluconsolidating political dialogue, granting tions and services. assistance in the transition of this coun“Cities will be the drivers of economic try towards an open society, encouraging growth, but there is a risk that the quality of integration into the global economy and life in cities deteriorates making them unincreasing EU’s presence in China. attractive, inefficient and socially divisive. The EU-China Summit was held at the Together Europe and China can lead the end of November and represented an op- way towards sustainable urbanisation and portunity for launching new initiatives create a win-win situation for our citizens, over the next decade and for setting a coop- business and the environment”, declared eration agenda for 2020. The debated top- SiimKallas, European Commissioner for ics from urban planning, energy, transport Transport. infrastructure, to social protection, underlined the importance of bilateral cooperaImproving urban mobility to increase the tion and consolidation of relationships. accessibility and attractiveness of urban Urbanisation is a part of an on-going regions is the major challenge of cities and process to find a proper balance between China and the EU will jointly identify sothe need totransport: protect the environment and spreading lutions to pollution, congestion, Public BRT success around the safety and� natural resources and a legitimate interest energy demand problems. world in securing economic growth. In this sense Around Over the last the years, World European and ChiBRTurbanisation Use is Expanding although in Europe and in nese experts have worked to prepare rec公共交通系统:快速公交系统在世界各地成功铺开 Public transport: BRT success spreading around the world

“The EU and China share an interest in finding those integrated solutions. We share an interest in reinforcing dialogue on sustainable urban development because both the EU and China want to spread the benefits of economic progress. And though our cities are very diverse, European and Chinese urban areas are developing expertise and solutions that make them models for others, in smart, sustainable and inclusive growth”, declared Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for Regional Policy. Foreign Direct Investment • EU inward investment to China 2011: €17.7 billion • China inward investment to EU 2011: €3.1 billion

Китай и Евросоюз сотрудничают для развития городской подвижности В конце ноября месяца состоялся Саммит Евросоюз – Китай, предоставляя перспективы для новых инициатив на протяжении следующего десятилетия, в соответствии с установленным планом сотрудничества до 2020 года. Тематика дискуссий, направлена на планы городского развития, на проекты в области энергетики, транспортной инфраструктуры, социальной защиты, подчеркнула ценность двустороннего сотрудничества и консолидации отношений. Транспортная система является основой долговременного развития и, в этом направлении, Евросоюз и Китай сотрудничают для развития городской подвижности.

In operation (156 cities) In expansion (23 cities) Planned / in construction (83 cities) Source: EMBARQ, 2011

Source: EMBARQ, 2011! www.railwaypro.com | December 2013 30 – 31 May 2013 (Foshan)

ommendations on urban mobility policies, their purpose being to support the State Council of China to establish a set of measures for China’s urban mobility. In this context, the European Commission and the Chinese government have agreed to concentrate cooperation on segments of operations and management of public transport, congestion management, sustainable mobility planning and safety.

source: EMBARQ, 2011



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30 Market development

Giurgiu and Ruse need transport development to form a Euroregion [ by Pamela Luică ]

Giurgiu (Romania) and Ruse (Bulgaria), two cities located at a junction on the Danube, have extended the development of approach from a local, regional and national perspective to a new dimension which prioritizes European and international requirements.


eographically, the Danube separates Bulgaria from Romania and Giurgiu from Ruse. The existing bridge proves the fact that there has been trade and exchange for over 50 years. In this context, the two cities have agreed on the common planning and implementation of important transport projects to increase accessibility consisting in optimal crossing points across the Danube, the method of aligning railways and roads, of developing the Danube ports on the north and south banks. The transport functions of both cities are connected to the development of maritime, railway and road transport. In the railway segment, Bucharest – Giurgiu – Ruse line is closed to traffic after Grădiştea Bridge collapsed (transport is carried out on a bypass route); for the rehabilitation of this line and doubling the missing line sections, necessary investments amount to EUR 210 Million, the cost of the feasibility study for rehabilitation works is estimated at EUR 2.115 Million. According to CFR SA, “we have to say that Grădiştea Bridge will have an infrastructure for double line and superstructure for simple line, and the bridge across the Danube is for simple railway line”. Next to this bridge, another important point which ensures railway traffic is the bridge Giurgiu-Ruse currently undergoing rehabilitation. The study elaborated for this line stipulates three variants for the doubling of lines: for speeds of 160 km/h, for 200 km/h

and 250 km/h. Calculating the value of costs for doubling the line, obtaining and arranging the land etc., the investment amounts to EUR 210 Million. The railway infrastructure in Ruse is an important element of the transport systems outside the city. The railway line to Bucharest begins with the railway selection warehouse in Ruse and is on double railway up to the Danube. The railway infrastructure in Ruse is made of a Central Rail Station (for passengers), two railway selection warehouses, 3 loading/unloading railway warehouses and a technical railway station. The development of economic segments, including the transport of the two cities, forms an area of regional development. To maximise the advantages and the profit of the European region Ruse-Giurgiu from the EU point of view, the priorities of EU 2014+ Cohesion Policy on potential specific opportunities have to be analysed, shows the ERGO study for Giurgiu-Ruse. According to the ERGO Study, the new bridge across the Danube is imperative, enabling the development of the region and the implementation of the high-speed line project with positive influence, at the same time supplying rapid access to important destinations (especially to Bucharest) and an easier access to the European region Ruse-Giurgiu. Next to these programmes, the tram-train project is also mentioned, as transport lines require connections to public

New bridge /new bridges has / have to be exactly parallel and to the east of the existing bridge

Source: ERGO Master Plan

www.railwaypro.com | December 2013

transport networks. The existing railways in the two cities permit the effortless development of such a system.

Джурджу и Русе нуждаются в развитии транспорта для создания еврорегиона Джурджу (Румыния) и Русе (Болгария), два города находящихся на линии пересечения Дуная, расширили свой подход к развитию от местной, региональной и национальной перспективы, к сфере, предоставляющей приоритет европейским и международным требованиям. Соответственно исследованию ERGO в транспортном секторе, новый мост через Дунай является необходимым, проект высокоскоростной линии, оказывая позитивное влияние; более того, специфика инфраструктуры предоставляет возможность осуществить строительный вариант поезд-трамвай.

Policies & Strategies


High-speed transport remains constant in Europe, but is slowed down in China and Japan by poor demand

[ by Pamela Luică ]

The high-speed railway transport is perceived as the future of mobility, due to the benefits brought to the society by providing accessibility, high quality transport services, which make it vital for modern societies and sustainable economic growth. The impact of high-speed transport on regional economies is different but shares the same feature: it is positive given the increase in the urbanisation level of cities, labour, tourism, social activities, business and including the provision of connections to the other international transport networks.


evertheless, at global level, each region, including the state, plans the execution of a high-speed railway network according to the trends in the region/state, and by 2017, due to intense projects of construction of high-speed railway systems, the level of this segment will be a solid one, but smaller than estimated. In the next period, the rolling stock will increase by 5%” shows the study “High-Speed and Intercity Transport - Global Market Trends” elaborated by SCI Verkehr. “Following the differences in the past years, especially the increase of demand in China and Japan, the reduction of the volume on this market regarding the new vehicles will represent a massive crisis. However, the demand in Western Europe will remain mostly constant. Meanwhile, new individual projects will be launched for the next years, significantly supporting the required volume of the market and the sales will increase by 9% per year due to major acquisitions in the past years”, mentions the study.

The manufacturers and the “after-sales” ences between the states: while Great Britmarket in the high-speed transport have a ain will launch massive investments in the volume amounting to EUR 6.4 Billion. Cur- years to come and France and Germany will rently, 3,200 high-speed trains are operating wait for the deliveries coming from the big(able to run at speeds of over 190km/h), 90 gest contracts, Spain will face overcapacity % of which represent 7 largest markets in which will have an effect on the market of China, France, Japan , Great Britain, Ger- new vehicles. many, Spain and Italy. Nevertheless, there are new entrants on Asia is an important market due to China the market: in Poland the first Pendolino and Japan, the largest increase generated in train was delivered, Morocco will commisthis region in the past years. Through the sion its high-speed network, and Saudi Aracompletion of most of the new projects in bia has already granted important projects. China and the renewal of the rolling stock For the US, after years of negotiations and fleet and the extension in Japan, most pur- discussions, it was decided to build a 1300chases of vehicles will be omitted in 2014. km network in California, in the region But from 2015, China will remain the most of South America, Brazil is in the bidding important market, but with a considerably process and Russia decided to build over PRESS RELEASE lower volume than the previous one. 2,000 km of high-speed line. Turkey joins However, the investments in Western these states, introducing the high-speed Europe will be constant and the moderni- railway services and the authorities undersation projects are fewer, compared to the took the construction of such a network existing network, but it holds a large part of linking the main cities. the volume. In this region, significant differences are registered. However, there are large differ-

Высокоскоростной транспорт остаётся устойчивым в Европе, но в Китае и в Японии испытывает торможение на фоне снижения спроса

Market volume for new high-speed trains

Market volume for new high-speed trains [index 2009=100] [Index 2009=100] 300

China and Japan


Market volume, indexed

Rest of the world 200




Source: SCI Verkehr GmbH







На основании изменений ощущённых в последние годы, связанных особенно с повышением спроса в Китае и в Японии, снижение рыночного объёма новых транспортных средств отразится в массивном кризисе. Несмотря на это, спрос в Западной Европе останется в основном устойчивым. Более того, в следующие годы будут пущены в ход новые отдельные проекты, значительно поддерживающие необходимый рыночный объём.

© SCI Verkehr GmbH

The demand for eco-friendly and efficient transport modes will also increase in the established regions. However, a look at the individual projects shows very clearly that high-

December 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

32 Products & Technologies

European railway industry supports SHIFT2RAIL initiative [ by Elena Ilie ]

The European Commission launched, in June, a public consultation on a proposal for an EU coordinated approach to Research & Innovation in the rail sector under Horizon 2020 in support to the completion of the Single European Railway Area.

Making Funds Available for Rail Transport TEN-T and Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)


ackground studies have shown that Research & Innovation in the rail sector is currently carried out in a fragmented manner . Coordination is necessary to create the Single European Railway Area, not only in infrastructure management or freight and passenger transport operation, but also in the railway industry which delivers equipment and rolling stock. The Association of the European Railway Industry (UNIFE) has launched the Joint Technology Initiative SHIFT2RAIL within Horizon 2020, the first such initiative in the railway industry in order to increase research and innovation for boosting the competitiveness of the European railway sector. The Rail Joint Technology Initiative –called SHIFT²RAIL – is a sector-wide initiative to develop European rail innovation and competitiveness on a large scale and thereby strengthen the European industry in global competition. The CEOs of the largest rail suppliers in Europe committed to this hitherto unprecedented initiative to step up common rail research and develop the rail systems of the future. In particular, the focus will be on improving capacity to absorb a bigger share of traffic, increasing efficiency and sustainability, and developing the most customer-friendly, safe vehicles. SHIFT2RAIL will develop and implement a new way of addressing the challenges for innovation in railway technology. Two key objectives have been identified by the initiative, the first one is increasing capacity so as to enable rail to absorb a greater share of traffic growth and the second is to attract busi-

ness and improve the efficiency of the rail  UNIFE Observations transportation mode as a whole.

 The European Commission

The initiative contribute to an increase makeswillfunds available for in the overall efficiency of the rail transport transport (CEF Budget €23,2 system, satisfy transport user’s needs, and at across 2014-2020) the sameBillion time help to foster the competitiveness of the European manufacturing  Major investments in industhe try, through the implementation of technocore and comprehensive logical innovation. network still “We hope to have are a draft lawneeded from the (an European Commission on the Technology estimated €250 Billion Initiafor tive SHIFT2RAIL by the end of the year, the core network, €550 for the joint technology initiative which promotes comprehensive the modal shift to railway,network) now, whenbythe market share 2020 of railway transport is falling and has to recover”, declared Philippe Citroen, Director General UNIFE, during the Railway Days Summit, in Bucharest. The creation of a new rail Joint Technology Initiative, SHIFT2RAIL, will allow addressing – through technology innovation – a significant part of the future transport societal challenges. This will allow for a major industrial effort, involving virtually all of Europe’s rail industry suppliers, including innovative small and medium enterprises to accelerate the development of new technologies and bring them to the market. The initiative, supported by railway product suppliers, transport operators and railway institutions will overcome some of the present deficiencies of the EU rail market, namely: fragmentation of production, low collaboration and partnership among the rail industry, different operating procedures among railway undertakings, low standardization, and low efficiency.

Source: Philippe Citroën - UNIFE Director General

“We have to continue to invest heavily in research and innovation to make sure that rail stays competitive against other forms of transport” Siim Kallas, Vice-President of the European Commission “The European Commission will work with the Industry to make the SHIFT²RAIL Joint Undertaking a reality under Horizon 2020”, believes Jean-Eric Paquet, Director at DG MOVE. SHIFT2RAIL aims at increasing the attractiveness and efficiency of urban transport and seeks to develop the interest of passengers regarding railway transport by developing specific technologies, such as interoperability systems, e-ticketing and multimodal access systems.

Photo: unife.org

Европейская железнодорожная промышленность поддерживает инициативу SHIFT2RAIL

www.railwaypro.com | December 2013

Технологическая инициатива SHIFT2RAIL намерена привлечь деловую сферу к железнодорожному сектору и улучшить общую эффективность железнодорожного транспорта.



SMARTRAIL allows rail operators managing ageing infrastructure [ by Elena Ilie ]

Safe and efficient transport infrastructure is a fundamental requirement to facilitate and encourage the movement of goods and people throughout the European Union. There is approximately 215,400 km of rail lines in the EU which represent a significant asset. Many of the rail networks in Eastern Europe and in parts of Western Europe were developed more than 150 years ago.


hese networks were not built to conform to modern standards and suffer from low levels of investment and in some cases poor maintenance strategies. Replacement costs for civil engineering infrastructure items such as rail track, bridges and tunnels are prohibitive. In the current economic climate it is vital that we maintain and develop our transport network and optimize the use of all resources. It is essential therefore those methods used to analyse and monitor the existing infrastructure result in realistic scientific assessments of safety which allow the effective programming of remedial works. The SMARTRAIL (Smart Maintenance Analysis and RemediaTion of RAIL infrastructure) project aims to bring together experts in the fields of rail and road transport infrastructure to develop state of the art inspection; monitoring and assessment techniques which will allow rail

operators manage ageing infrastructure networks in a cost-effective and environmentally friendly manner. Historic levels of low investment, poor maintenance strategies and the deleterious effects of climate change (for example scour of bridge foundations due to flooding and rainfall induced landslides) has resulted in critical elements of the rail network such as bridges, tunnels and earthworks being at significant risk of failure. The consequence of failures of major infrastructure elements is severe and can include loss of life, significant replacement costs (typically measured in millions of Euros) and line closures which can often last for months. The SMARTRAIL vision is to provide a framework for infrastructure operators to ensure the safe, reliable and efficient operation of ageing European railway networks. This will be achieved through a ho-




listic approach which will consider input from state of the art inspection, assessment and remediation techniques and use this data to consider “what if ” scenarios using whole life cycle cost models. These models will allow the infrastructure operators to make rational decisions on the best use of limited funding which will be committed to the long-term maintenance of the rail infrastructure networks. The SMARTRAIL vision and project working packages were presented by Dr. Phd Kenneth Gavin, coordinator and chair of the Executive Board of SMARTRAIL, during the Railway Days Summit in Bucharest. We wanted to learn more about this project and how can it offer support to rail infrastructure managers in order to overcome most of the problems mentioned above. In this short interview for Railway Pro we have tried to find the


Rehabilitation of Buna bridge

Marko Vajdić

UIC Meeting of Panel of Structural Experts Zagreb, 17. September 2013.

Source: European Railway Agency - Biennial Report 2011

anel of StructuralMarko Experts Vajdić reb, 17. September 2013.

UIC Meeting of Panel of StructuralUIC Experts Meeting of Panel ofDecember Structural Experts 2013 | www.railwaypro.com Zagreb, 17. September 2013. Zagreb, 17. September 2013.

Marko Vajdić



answers to some of these questions from Michael Robson, Managing Director – Robson’s International Rail Consultancy and former EIM Secretary General, actively involved in the project. Railway PRO: How can SMARTRAIL project help Infrastructure Managers to extend the service life of existing infrastructure? Michael Robson: I have chosen four areas to comment on: Bridge Scour, Rehabilitation of Open Tracks, Rehabilitation of Bridges and Use of technology. 1. Bridge Scour is a major issue for Infrastructure Managers and can result in catastrophic failure of a bridge which if it occurs causes disruption to services, major safety risk and a major cost to replace/ repair. The SMARTRAIL project is developing and testing numerical models in this area which will enable Infrastructure Managers to use data obtained from monitoring changes in the natural frequency of the bridge foundation piles to determine the effect of bridge scour. By using this method the costs of having to employ divers to carry out regular inspections can be reduced, the risk of catastrophic failure and its impact on train performance and capacity will also be re-

duced. 2. Rehabilitation of Open Track which is again a big problem for a number of Infrastructure Managers due to mud being pumped up between the sleepers following ballast degradation and poor subsoil conditions. Trials have taken place using Geogrids and Geotextiles to reduce this which has the effect of negating the need for temporary speed restrictions and constant interventions both of which reduce capacity, performance and increase costs. The effectiveness of these techniques is being measured and the results are proving positive. 3. Rehabilitation of bridges is a way of extending the life of a bridge and thus deferring a costly renewal and downtime on the network whilst the renewal work takes place. Laboratory tests are being carried out on a recently removed bridge to asses the effect of strengthening the bridge with ultra high performance reinforced concrete which may allow life extension of many older bridges across the network and provide a cost effective solution instead of replacement. Work is also taking place to measure the use of different types of material in the transition zones to improve their stability and thus reduce maintenance costs. 4. Use of Modern Technology is a way of harnessing off the shelf products, which

are becoming cheaper, to monitor the effectiveness of the infrastructure allowing for remedial work to take place at the most beneficial time i.e move from find and fix to repair and prevent. This measuring technology is being used on a bridge in Poland to carry out Weigh in Motion measurements thus providing real time structure health monitoring allowing accurate and timely interventions to repair the bridge whilst maintaining the level of safety required, in Croatia to measure stress on transition zones, it has further applications which may be beneficial in remote areas which are not easily accessible.

SMARTRAIL позволяет железнодорожным операторам использовать изношенную инфраструктуру Цель проекта SMARTRAIL состоит в предоставлении технического прогнозирования администраторам инфраструктуры, с целью эксплуатации в условиях безопасности, надёжности и эффективности “устарелых” европейских железнодорожных сетей.

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36 Metropolitan

Kayseri, a city of light rail progress [ by Elena Ilie ]


s any large urban agglomeration, Kayseri has been confronted with transport-related problems and the congestion they cause. Feyzullah Gundogdu, Fixed Installation Manager of Kayseri Ulasim (the transport authority in Kayseri), present at the Railway Days Summit, talked about the problems the transport system in this city is facing, but also about the best solution for improving and even reducing these problems. “Transport is one of the main problems of a city and transport planning requires a lot of funding and seems never to end. Moreover, the challenges of urban transport affect the city’s characteristics”, said Feyzullah Gundogdu. The best long-term solution for solving the problems generated by extremely intense road traffic is public rail transport. Kayseri has chosen to develop a light rail transport systems which has perfectly integrated into the architecture of the city at the bottom of the Erciyes Mountain. Kayseray, as the light rail transport system is called in Turkish, is perfectly integrated with the buses travelling in the city. In parallel, Kayseri Ulaşım has developed a bike sharing

programme which perfectly complements the light rail system. Thus, 15% of the people who use the bike have also used public transport. 1,500 bikes are used every day in combination with the light rail. The authorities have implemented a single charging system which provides a single ticket for buses, light rail and bicycle, but also for tourists. It is interesting how the authorities chose to promote this transport system: if the passenger uses the light rail less than half an hour, the journey is free, and then they pay 0.5 Turkish liras for every 30 minutes, less than 0.2 euro cents. The construction of this system began in 2006 and in 2009 the light rail was put in operation. Phases II and III of the project were tendered in 2011 resulting in the extension of the route by 10 km and 7 km respectively. A large section of the light rail route is with grass, with over 116,000 m2 of grass; moreover, 10,000 trees and 200,000 plants and flowers have been planted along the route. “The light rail transport system has increased the number of public transport

Source: Feyzullah GUNDOGDU

Kayseri is a Turkish city located in Central Anatolia with a population of 1.3 million citizens. It is one of Turkey’s most developed cities with over 1,000 industrial production centres stretching along eight industrial areas. It is the largest Free Trade Area in Turkey generating a production of USD 5 Billion and exports worth USD 1.2 Billion, mainly from the textile industry.

users; in fact, 30% of passengers have the alternative of their personal vehicles, but prefer to use public transport means”, added Feyzullah Gundogdu. Land use along the light rail system has significantly increased since the operation of the line. New residential areas have been built and three shopping centres have been opened and the cost of the lands along the light rail route has increased by 30%. A new sports stadium has also been built close to the light rail route and the money from the sale of the land where the old stadium used to be has been used to finance other projects. In addition, new bus stations have been built and their route is organised so as to complement light rail transport; the land of the old stations has been sold and the money has been used for other projects. The tax collection system has been outsourced to a private company generating reduction of EUR 2 Million annually. Needless to add the benefits of an integrated and customer-oriented transport system!

Photo: wikipedia.org

Кайсери – город, который прогрессирует с помощью легкого метро

www.railwaypro.com | December 2013

Кайсери, турецкий город, находящийся в Центральной Анатолии, который выбрал систему общественного транспорта с совершенно интегрированной сетью легкого метро, совместно с автобусом и велосипедом. Результат? 30% пассажиров имеют возможность перемещаться собственным автомобилем но, предпочитают общественный транспорт.

Metropolitan 37

Saint Petersburg doubles investments for underground development

The approved St. Petersburg transport budget of year 2011 is about 240 Euros per citizen a year and less than 13 percent of the city total budget, lower in comparison to the other two transition cities. In by Pamela Luică at ] least for light of other cities’ experience, there is a room for expanding transport[ sector spending, strategiclargest capital city, investment short-term. Table summarizes additional budget space if a Saint Petersburg, Russia’s second where in 4.9themillion citizens live,3-1 knows a dynamic rhythm greater share of the total city budget were to be allocated for transport sector. For example, if the City as regards urbanisation and implicitly economic development. Under these circumstances, the transport 16 percent of itstransport, planned budget in 2012, there transport. will be additional 15 billion rubles allocated development strategy (2025)allocates is focused on public especially railway for the transport sector in addition to what is already planned; if allocates 18 percent of budget, there would be additional 22 billion rubles. The three budget allocation scenarios are illustrated in Figure 3-2. he urban public transport system is Transport Sector Spending – Trends and Three Possible Scenarios for Budget Envelope well developed, the railway transIn billion rubles port consisting in the underground 160.0 network (5 lines with a length of 113.6 km and 67 stations) and the tram network (42 140.0 lines with a length of 205.5 km). The underground continues to be the backbone of a 120.0 structured transport network and Routine will be 20% of planned 100.0 developed to the directions where demand Maint. city budget will exist. Currently, the existing under80.0 21% 18% of planned ground network is operating at maximum New city budget capacity and the authorities undertake ex60.0 16% of planned Resurfaci roads pansion projects to meet the future mobicity budget Other ng 40.0 constr. lity demands. Surface PT (cap) Subsidies 19% According to the plans of the authoriMetro (cap) 49% 20.0 ties, the underground network length will Roads Capital double by 2050 and considering that the expansion projects have been interrupted repair 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 for more than a decade because (approved) (planned) (planned) 11% of financial problems, they have been resumed, the extension of lines becoming the main objecFigure 3-4: Road sub-sector 2010Spending – Trends and Three Possible Scenarios for Budget Envelope Figure 3-2: spending Transport in Sector tive of the authorities. Thus, by 2020 the the transport services being provided by lication informs. The line will have a length underground company plans to build 71 Aeroexpress. However, according to the of 10 km and its construction will last for km of underground line servedamount by 41 new local media, this yearreaching the governor of Saint 3 years. Non-Budgetary Financing idies to public transport operators to a considerable sum, about 12 percent of the stations and 5 depots. At the same time, Petersburg, Georgy Poltavchenko, sent a Recently, the city’s governor announced transportthere sector spending, and are projected to increase further in the shortand medium-term are projects for the modernisation the Minister of Transport, that government for 2014-2016, The ofCityletter will to continue collaborating withMaxim the federal to Saint ensurePetersburg that the will city obtains the existing stations, the installation ofsubsidy es- Sokolov, requesting the allocation of RUB as invest RUB 73 Billion (USD 2.3 Billion) o proposed new developments. First,sufficient to autobus operators will increase the city and due support for its role as key trade and transport hub of the country. Especially the calators and the construction of “park and 34 Billion (EUR 830 Million) from the in the underground network. “Such investnues its ride” plan facilities. to remove the two-tier system, converting the commercial routes into public routes. state budget for theand construction an unthe underground developmajor motorways to/from around theof city have ments great establish significance in the national road network. the provisionburden of an effective be-budget derground line to Pulkovo. Theand latter point-of ment priorities. In 2014 the city will invest e will be For medium-term on thelink city pay the increased share discounted They serve thetoneed forfor intercity trips freight transport of great national/international importance. tween the city and Pulkovo airport, the au- ed out that the funds are requested as part RUB 20.7 Billion (USD 650 Million) for ts for thethorities public decided routes users. On the other hand, more number of metro stations and exits would to build an underground the investment needed for the infrastrucconstructions, over two times more in sector The Cityofwill also continue seeking to tap on non-budgetary resources, such asthan private the terminal with a capacity of 17 mil- ture be usedfacilities within the 2012”, mentioned Poltavchenko. greaterline, resources to be used for maintenance and development operation oftostation and 2011 staffand cost. but with caution. Private sector participation can be encouraged they can build passengers not the beingactivities connectedparticipation, to the World Cup 2018. The latter alsoB1 presented For the implementation of where construction ever, in lion the long-term, planned under Strategy Elements and B2 will help railway network from the city’s central rail- the governor’s negative opinion the conprojects, severalCandidate foreign companies have some infrastructure and provide services ononbehalf of public sector. projects include oving operating of public transportstruction and investments, also revenues from way station.efficiency Initially, a draft was proposed of theallow railwayfor lineadditional to the airport, expressed their the underground strategic road city center parking facilities andinterest some insurface public transport for a line connecting the airport and city, operated by Aeroexpress, RBC Daily pub- projects of Saint Petersburg. ium services, leading to reduction of subsidies. infrastructure and services. Selection of projects that will be financed and operated by private sector Subsidies to Public Transport Operators in 2010 and 2011 (planned) should be strictly based on value-for-money. In other words, the city will select only the projects that Петербург удвоил 10 can be implemented by private sector more cost efficiently than by public sector. Metro инвестиции для развития 9 метро Electric PT 8 1.67 Strategizing City’s Transport Spending Bus social service Система метрополитена продолжает 7 быть основой системы общественного 6 The City has been allocating most of its transport sector budget for– Петербурга. highly capital-intensive sub2.66 транспорта Санкт Власти 0.90 5 sectors, namely, the road network—new roads construction roadсеть maintenance/repair—and the намереныand развить по направлениям, соответствующим требованиям. Недавно, metro system—network and stations. Transport sector spending allocation pattern in 2010 is depicted 4 2.07 губернатор города, Георгий Полтавченко in Figure 3.4. On the other hand, spending on parking—construction of lots and garages and 3 сообщил, что на протяжении периода 4.43 management—and traffic management system has been insignificant, together reaching less than 3 2 2014-2016 в Петербурге осуществляться 2.66 капиталовложения стоимостью 73 1 млрд. рублей в сеть метро. В 2014 году 77 | P a g e 0 будут вложены 20.7 млрд. рублей в 2010 2011 (planned) строительство, более двойной суммы

In billion rubles


Source: City of St. Petersburg Transport Strategy for 2011 –2025, World Bank

Figure 3-5: Subsidies to Public Transport Operators in 2010 and 2011 (planned)

соответствующей 2011 и 2012.

December 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

38 Metropolitan

Prague might have another metro line as of 2022

[ by Pamela Luică ]

Prague City Council (Czech Republic) has approved a proposal regarding the construction of the first phase of the new metro line which, if financed by the EU, could be operational in 2022. Currently, the authorities are elaborating the necessary documentations to be able to decide on the implementation of the project for which there are two options. Trasa metra I.D Náměstí Míru - Depo Písnice


Metro line proposals Náměstí Míru - Depo Písnice rague is one of the most important cities in Central Europe, managing to maintain high ratings granted by the major rating agencies (Moody’s gave a rating of A1 and Standard & Poor in 2011, a rating of A+), and the authorities do not stop here and wish to adopt new economic growth policies, directing decisions and financial resources to support the increase of the city’s attractiveness. As for all major European cities, the public railway transport system represents an engine of sustainable development. The entire public transport system of the capital ensures the mobility of over 1 billion passengers a year, but the authorities plan to launch new development projects to determine the increase of the market share of public transport and therefore the reduction of the road traffic and environmental impact. According to the programme for the imFor this purpose, in October, the City not be able to build the new underground plementation of the strategic planning of the Council approved the plans for the construc- line”, said Jiří Pařízek, transport adviser. city for the period 2009-2015 (prepared by tion of the first phase of the underground The first option involves the execution the Strategic Planning Department at the line D, which will link the city centre and the of the line D, through the construction of City Development) “for an attractive and in- suburbs Lhotka, Libuš, Nové Dvory and Pis- 8 km of line and 7 stations, the costs being tegrated public transport, the railway trans- níce. The Council has not decided yet on the estimated at CZK 25 Billion (EUR 917 Milport - the underground and the tramway – is route of the line for which there are two op- lion), and the second option reaching CZK the most important and therefore it will be tions, the decision being made in 2014. “At 29 Billion (over EUR 1 Billion euro). The developed.” Consequently, the length of the this moment we consider either the Písnice- authorities analyse the two options, includtram network will increase by 8-10 km (from Pankrác option, the latter being built as a ing the one of building a system compatible 142 km in 2008 to 150-152 km in 2015), and transfer station connected to line C; another with the existing line (Line C). the length of the underground system by 10 option aims at the construction of an indeThe City Council hopes that by the spring km from 59.1 km to 69 km in 2016, besides pendent line. Likewise, we must elaborate of 2014 it will adopt a decision and the these projects the one related to the increase the investment plan for it to be financed by constructions will start in 2017, in case the of the capacity of the Park & Ride system be- the operational programme Transport, be- project will receive EU funding by POS-T. “If Varianty etapy metra I.cause D without Pankrác - Depo Písnice ing also mentioned. the EU support, Prague will the project is implemented from the consulting, design phase, etc., and works will are Metro line proposals Pankrác - Depo Písnice 0. Návrh 2011 – DUR carried according to the established 3. Odbočení z trasyout C 1. Návrh 2011 – optimalizace plans, the line connecting the centre and 2. Kompatibilní dopravní south of the city will be commissioned in systém s trasami A, B, C 2022”, indicated Pařízek.

К 2022 году Прага планирует построить ещё одну линию метро

Source: Metroprojekt Praha A.S.

www.railwaypro.com | December 2013

Местный Совет Праги (Чехия) принял предложение в связи с первой фазой строительства новой линии метро, которая, при получении финансирования со стороны Евросоюза, будет пущена в эксплуатацию к 2020 году. В настоящее время власти разрабатывают документы, необходимые для решения пуска в ход проекта, имеющего два варианта.

Metropolitan 39

BKK Strategy, success in attracting European funds [ by Florentina Ghemuţ ]

Budapest Transport Authority, BKK, has recently received the Global Light Rail Award 2013 awarded by Tramway & Urban Transit magazine for its contribution to reforming the transport system in Hungary’s capital city. has a tramway network of 32 lines, served by 464 tramways, of which 36 new Siemens Combino tramways. The metropolitan area uses the suburban railway lines recording 43.4 million passengers a year, slightly less than suburban buses, with 50.4 million passengers per year. Budapest, which in turn operates under a 15-year contract of public service delegation from Budapest Municipality, has concluded 8-year public service contracts with BKV, Budapest transport operator, and with the private operators of suburban bus lines. Budapest Municipality subsidy covers over 50% of transport costs, while the sold tickets cover 32% of costs. The development of Budapest metro network, through the construction of a new line, Line 4, is one of BKK’s main objectives, with a total budget of EUR 1.3 Billion, of which only 20% from funds of Budapest Municipality and the rest of funds from the state budget and European funds. Line 4 is 80% completed and will be inaugurated in 2014 using a fully automated metro system supplied by Alstom. Extensions of the tram lines are also in construction, with a budget of EUR 132 Million, similarly financed in a very high percentage (93.32%) from the state budget

Photo: Club Feroviar


KK’s concerns on developing an integrated transport have recently been detailed in Oradea by László Sándor Kerényi, Head of Transport Strategy of BKK, during the Forum for Sustainable Mobility and Metropolitan Development. The establishment of an authority that would manage public transport in the city of Budapest represents the premise of transforming public transport in Hungary’s capital. Taking the example of London and Transport for London, BKK - Budapesti Közlekedési Központ, the transport authority in Budapest, was established in 2010. The Hungarian Capital together with Pest district (megye) has around 2.5 million citizens and a surface of over 3,000 square km. Organising mobility in this large surface has to take into account the geography of the area, segmented between the hills of Buda, the Danube and Pest plane. The mobility mode of the citizens from the metropolitan area of Budapest is 60% in favour of public transport. At the same time, around 1 million individual car journeys are registered every day, 400,000 of which in the extraurban area. Regarding railway transport, Budapest

and with European funds. A project on the interconnection of the tram network is in the design phase to provide a connection between the north and the south of Buda by rearranging the stations or building new lines. 83.4% of the EUR 48 Million total cost are also provided from the state budget and European funds. The same type of funds is also used to buy new tramways and trolleybuses, acquisitions for which EUR 140 Million are made available. A tender for the procurement of 37 low floor trams is ongoing. In August, BKK announced that the Spanish company CAF was preferred bidder. Apart from these ongoing projects, BKK has in plan a programme of investments in the development of the railway network for 2014-2015 which also includes other extensions of tram and metro lines. On short term, in the three years of existence, BKK has managed to contribute to an improved planning, based on the efficient communication of specialists, both in the transport sector and in land planning, by ensuring institutional transparency and assuming responsibility.

Стратегия BKK – успех в привлечении европейских фондов Цели транспортного ведомства столицы Будапешт – BKK , состоявшие в создании интегрированного транспорта, были недавно проанализированы главой Транспорта и Стратегии компании BKK, господином Ласзло Сандор Керени, в рамках Форума Метрополитенного Развития и Надёжной Мобильности, который прошёл в городе Орадя. Большинство инвестиций в столицы Будапешт направлены на метрополитенную и трамвайную инфраструктуру, а также, на закупку новых электротранспортных средств (трамваи и троллейбусы). Проекты развития железнодорожной сети города Будапешт воспользовались крупными суммами, предоставленными европейскими фондами. Большая часть этих фондов направлена на строительство 4-ой Линии метро. December 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

40 Metropolitan

Efficient reorganisations at minimal costs for Oradea [ by Florentina Ghemuţ ]

While waiting for line extensions and investments in new trams, Oradea, a city with 200,000 inhabitants in the west of Romania, can make its network more efficient by adopting a more efficient management.


ram transport in Oradea is managed by OTL, the public transport operator in Oradea, the former autonomous administration, organised as trading company controlled by Oradea Municipality. Oradea tramway maintains an important share in public transport with over 40 million passengers per year, one of the highest shares in this part of Europe. Over the past years, substantial investments have been made in the rehabilitation of infrastructure and of vehicles. In 2008, Oradea bought 10 ULF Siemens trams. However, the majority of vehicles in the operator’s fleet of vehicles are second hand and latest acquisitions have relied on this type of vehicles. Other 25 such Tatra wagons were bought for a total cost of EUR 400,000 in 2013. The 17 Tatra T4D motor coaches and 8 Tatra B4D trailer wagons are between 25 and 40 year old and used to run in Magdeburg, Germany. The refurbishment of these vehicles is also considered above the financing possibilities of Oradea Municipality. But OTL hopes to be able to attract European funds to purchase new vehicles in the programming period 2014-2020. The attraction of European funds was impossible in the programming period 2007-2013, when such

acquisitions were not considered eligible to access European funds. However, OTL has managed to access funds through the Operational Programme Increase of Economic Competitiveness to build a Mechatronics Research Centre where a device of tram wheel profiling and reprofiling is currently operating. The tram network stretches on 35 km of simple track, organised in five lines. The potential extensions of the tram network are considered by authorities, but until then, a reorganisation of the network at minimum costs could generate significant benefits reflected in the number of passengers. These intentions have recently been detailed in Oradea during the Forum for Sustainable Mobility and Metropolitan Development, organised by Club Metropolitan, OTL and Oradea Metropolitan Area, by András Ekés and Antal Gertheis from the Metropolitan Research Institute in Budapest. Oradea tram network has been significantly reduced starting with 1970 and the closure of certain lines has created fractures and incoherence in operation. Thus, the operation is confronted with problems such as lack of interconnections in certain junctions. Moreover, the automotive traffic it overlaps causes interruptions or delays.

Oradea Tram network

Source: OTL

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Today, by reorganising traffic, OTL can significantly increase the efficiency of tram operation, but also with the help of traffic management that would prioritize the tram. Also, power efficiency can be increased through the appropriate operation of the Tatra wagons. The introduction of new tram routes and differences between the operation schedules based on real demand are also proposed. Investments in creating connections between lines and in the reorganisation of terminals would be the next step.

Эффективная реорганизация при минимальных стоимостей для города Орадя В ожидании продолжений некоторых линий и инвестиций в новые трамваи, румынский город Орадя, имеющий 200.000 жителей, сможет повысить эффективность своей сети при более эффективном управлении. Трамвайная сеть города существенно сократилась, начиная с 1970 года, при этом, сокращение определённых линий привело к разрывам и отсутствию когерентности в эксплуатационной деятельности. При реорганизации движения, компания OTL сможет существенно повысить операционную эффективность трамваев, совместно с мерами в области управления движением, предоставляющими приоритетную позицию трамвайной сети. Более того, компания сможет повысить энергетическую эффективность при адекватном использовании вагонов Tatra.

Railway Stations 41

Rail stations, the connection between rail transport and the society [ by Elena Ilie ]

At the end of October, the International Union of Railways (UIC) and Russian Railways (RZD) organized the international conference “Next Station”, the main topic focusing on the connections between railway transport and the civil society. The previous editions of the conference were organized in Rome, Paris and Brussels, while this year’s edition, the fourth, was organized for the first time in a railway station. It was the Kazansky rail station in Moscow, situated in the middle of the Russian capital and at the same time, one of the largest transport hubs in Moscow.

clared UIC Chairman and RZD President Vladimir Yakunin. “The content of Next Station reflects the diversity and complexity of the station’s role starting from the function of the nodes like the beating hearts of the railway network. Railway stations have gradually become organised, transformed and developed to host all those passing through – whether travellers or not – and to offer board, lodging, or other everyday services. Stations have become an interface between all the various modes of mobility. They have thus become the mediators of railway mobility”, Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, UIC Director-General, underlined. The conference included a high-level round table on the conference theme “The Station of the future: How to link Railways and Society?” and a series of sessions dedicated to all strategic issues of railway station planning, development, financing and operations. Parallel sessions focused in particular on general interest themes, such as a new approach of governance and

financing, innovations, businesses and services, station design around the world, stations as intermodality centres, integrated protection for railway stations, but also methods of connecting stations with the city. One of the first conclusions of the Moscow rail station conference pointed out that strategically, the railway station is increasingly a link for seamless communication between trains and between transport modes (serving a multimodal transportation system), between travellers and nontravellers (city inhabitants), between activities (working activities, trade, leisure, culture), between the mobility world and the urban environment. Regarding social aspects, the participants concluded that rail stations are increasingly less limited to their transport function. The new and modern rail station is an essential part of urban environment. Most of the times, the rail station combines the optimisation of its functions with preserving the city’s architectural and historic heritage. Also, in the large European cities, and not only, rail stations host cultural activities.

Вокзалы, связывающее звено между железнодорожным транспортом и общественностью

Photo: UIC


uring this conference, participants discussed about new development trends in this railway transport sector, but also other up-to-date problems, such as the access of new operators, new horizons in the railway services and intermodality areas, development based on urban planning conditions in areas adjacent to rail stations and rail station sustainability and progress examples. The participants included representatives of the national governments, international organizations, financial institutions, railway transport operators and representatives of rail station management, local authorities, but also services suppliers. “Today train stations are evolving into major intermodal transportation hubs, centres of gravity and redistribution of passenger flows. Thus it is equally important to seek answers to a whole range of questions regarding their efficiency and commercial attractiveness of passenger station operations and achieving maximum performance efficiency”, de-

К концу октября месяца, Международный Союз Железных Дорог и Российские Железные Дороги (РЖД) организовали международную конференцию “Next Station”, основная тема которой относилась к связям между железнодорожным транспортом и общественностью. December 2013 | www.railwaypro.com



Public service obligations are the basis for the liberalisation of the domestic passenger transport market

[ by Elena Ilie ]

The liberalisation of the domestic passenger transport market in the European Union has been debated for a long period of time. Passengers should benefit from more options, more comfort, improved safety, reduced tariffs. Infrastructure managers should benefit from more customers, more routes, increased revenues, while operators should have more passengers, more routes, the possibility of operating in any European market etc. Also, the industry suppliers should have more demands, multi-annual contracts, varied services etc.


n simpler words, this is what should 2019. The scope of those contracts and the ing of the market for domestic passenger happen if the domestic railway passen- underlying public service obligations are to transport services by rail prevent the emerger transport is also liberalised. But for be defined in compliance with criteria based gence of a genuine internal market for rail now, the authorities compete to get deroga- on general treaty principles. To avoid exces- passenger services. tions, operators demand guarantees that it sive geographic scope of contracts being However, the overwhelming majority of would not affect their market position and, used to foreclose markets, the Commission domestic passenger services is not providalmost across the entire Europe, infrastruc- proposes a flexible definition of maximum ed on a commercial basis, and is therefore ture managers want to postpone the proc- contract volume. A minimum threshold performed under public service contracts. ess because the improper condition of the below which contracts may be awarded di- Given that no common EU rules on the infrastructure affects passengers’ safety. rectly will enable competent authorities to award of such contracts apply, some MemAccording to new amendments to the avoid organising a tendering procedure, if ber States have introduced competitive law proposal of liberalising the domestic the expected savings of public funds would tendering for these contracts, while othrailway passenger transport services, Euro- not exceed the costs of tender. Contracts ers award them directly. This patchwork of pean Union member states will have to take directly awarded after the adoption of this regulatory systems in the EU makes it difall necessary measures in conformity with legislative package will not be able to con- ficult for railway companies to exploit the the norms on state aids, to make sure that tinue beyond 31 December 2022. full potential of operating in an internal the operators who want to supply public There are a number of obstacles to im- market. Therefore, this legislative package railway passenger transport services within proving railway companies’ quality of serv- also covers competition for public service public service obligations have conditions ice and operational efficiency. These relate contracts, barriers to competition such as of effective and non-discriminating access first of all to access to the market for domes- the availability of suitable rolling stock for to appropriate railway passenger transport tic passenger services and the lack of com- potential bidders for such contracts, and rolling stock. petitive pressure. In many member states non-discriminatory access to information By amending the regulation dealing with this market is closed to competition, which systems and integrated ticketing systems publicfreight service obligations in public transnot only limits growth, but creates dispari- where they benefit the passenger. ROMANIA: and passenger markets port by road and by rail, the Commission ties between those member states that have performances aims to introduce mandatory tendering of opened their markets and those that have public service contracts as of December not. Different national approaches to openThe Voice of European Railways

Обязательства общественных услуг являются основой либерализации внутреннего рынка пассажирского транспорта

Source: ETIF 2013

ROMANIA: freight and passenger markets performances

Source: Libor Lochman – CER Executive Director

www.railwaypro.com | December 2013

8 October 2013


Во многих государств-членов Евросоюза внутренний рынок пассажирского железнодорожного транспорта закрыт для конкуренции, факт который не только ограничивает рост, но также создаёт диспропорции между государствами-членами, которые открыли или нет свои рынки. Разницы между государствамичленами по отношению к открытию рынка услуг внутреннего пассажирского железнодорожного транспорта препятствуют развитию соответствующего внутреннего рынка услуг пассажирского транспорта. CER

Railway Stations 43

Light rail, the best solution to decongest urban traffic [ by Elena Ilie ]

based on cost effectiveness in order to reduce the negative impact that traffic congestion has on passengers and urban citizens. The best of solutions for sustainable urban and metropolitan transport is the development of light rail transport systems. Light rail is considered the ideal mode for carrying between 3,000 and 11,000 passengers per hour per direction, based on the data provided by the International Public Transport Association (UITP). Only metros and heavy rail have a higher transport capacity. Thanks to their high performance, light rail vehicles accelerate quickly and can attain good service speeds. Together with good design features such as a segregated right-of-way and priority at crossings and traffic lights, which make light rail congestion-free, these will result in a good average commercial speed (be-

Photo: bwbconsulting.com


n the absence of significant strategy changes, the different transport modes would continue to be represented in the same proportion. Road transport would maintain its dominant role for both passengers and freight inside the EU, and cars would continue to represent more than two thirds of the total passenger transport in 2050. The current situation of accessibility in the EU suggests that there is a strong difference between central and suburban areas regarding connectivity and transport costs. Suburban areas have higher average transport costs explained not only through longer journeys, but also through more expensive and less effective available transport solutions. Dynamic, accessible, liveable and attractive urban regions will never be exempted of congestion. Transport strategies should try to deal with congestion management

Photo: Club Feroviar

In the perspective of the same transport policies for the future, it is expected that all transport activities will continue to grow in parallel with the economic activity. Passenger traffic is expected to increase slightly compared to freight transport (34% by 2030 and 51% by 2050).

tween 20 and 30 km/h) and thus short journey times. In European countries where tramways had survived the massive closures of the 50’s and 60’s, for example in Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, many remaining systems have been modernized and upgraded and may now be called “light rail systems”. In many other countries, where tramways had disappeared from the streets, completely new systems have been developed since the mid 70’s. This was the case in North America, in the Asia-Pacific area and in a few European countries such as the United Kingdom and France. As a result, light rail systems can now be found on all continents. There are now over 400 light rail transit and tramway systems, in 50 countries. In addition, over 100 light rail systems are being planned worldwide.

Легкое метро это оптимальное решение проблемы городского затора движения Оптимальное решение для надёжного городского и столичного транспорта состоит в развитии системы легкорельсового транспорта. December 2013 | www.railwaypro.com



Observing passengers’ rights, essential to the operation of the intermodal market

[ by Elena Ilie ]

One of the important measures for consolidating the common transport policy consists in guaranteeing and observing the railway passengers’ rights and improving quality, punctuality and the efficiency of the services Part 2: Projections of transport volumes and modal provided to passengers in order to increase theshares market share of railway transport compared to other transport on ASSESS study) passenger transport services is an aspect with a higher importance over the next modes.(based The quality of railway years. Table 2-1: Key trends foreseen as a baseline


Most likely 2000-2020 transport activity growth in EU-25

he main objective of the European of freight or the mutual acceptance of rolling - GDP 52% Union’s transport policy is to estab- stock have been troublesome, yet a common lish an internal market for transport denominator, an algorithm valid across Eu- Overall freight transport 50% contributing-toOverall a highpassenger degree of transport competitive- rope, could not be established. The European 35% ness and the harmonious, balanced and sus- Commission, with the support of interested - Road freight transport activities. parties, tries to solve55% tainable development of economic in practice the problem - Rail freight transport 13% system harmonisaThe 2011 Transport White Paper stated that of European transport - Short Sea Shipping rail should account for the majority of medi- tion by proposing a59% number of 6 legislative Inland navigation 28% um-distance-passenger transport by 2050. projects, those composing the already wellThis modal- Private shift would car contribute to the known Fourth Railway 36% Package. The Com20 % reduction of passenger greenhouse gas emissions mission believes that this legislative package - Rail transport 19% provided for-inAirthetransport Europe 2020 Agenda for will complete the process. 108% One of these legsmart, sustainable and inclusive growth. islative proposals refers to the amendment of The White Paper concluded that no ma- Regulation 1370/2007. Graph 2-1:in transport Expectedwould growthbeinpossible freight transport activity by mode jor change At the end of October, the(2000=100) European depuwithout the support of an adequate rail infra- ties signed a report on the consolidation of 170 to using it. structure and a smarter approach the passengers’ rights stressing the obligation Sea The European railway transport systems of companies to better inform passengers. 160 Roadof and networks are still different and most A single draft regulation on the rights of Pipelines 150 them operate according to distinct particupassengers, for all transport modes, has to Inl. Waterw. larities and specifications adapted to national be achievable on the medium term and it Rail 140 needs. Their harmonisation based on a com- is essential to promote intermodality. Cur130 to achieve mon denominator is not simple rently, there are no premises for this. That is and perhaps it will not be simple over the why, Rapporteur Georges Bach, the initiator 120 next decade either. of this project, demands the Commission to Maybe that is why the first110three railway propose corresponding guidelines on condipackages have not managed to shape a com- tion that these guidelines would not dimin100 mon area for the railway transport activity ish the rights of passengers as far as the diverin Europe. Debates on the topic, especially sity of transport modes is concerned. 90 3 1October, 4 15 16 17 CER those referring to the rights of railway the 00 01 02 pas03 04 05 06At 07 the 08 beginning 09 10 11 12 1of 18 19 and 20 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 20 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 sengers, liberalisation, interoperability, in- International Rail Transport Committee frastructure investments, and the modal shift (CIT) published the “Report of the Railway Graph 2-2: Expected growth in passenger transport activity by mode (2000=100) Expected growth in passenger transport activity by mode (2000=100) 220 210 200

Aircraft Passenger Car







160 150 140 130 120 110 100

20 00 20 01 20 02 20 03 20 04 20 05 20 06 20 07 20 08 20 09 20 10 20 11 20 12 20 13 20 14 20 15 20 16 20 17 20 18 20 19 20 20


Source: http://eur-lex.europa.eu


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Sector on the implementation of Regulation 1371/2007”, indicating the measures adopted based on the Regulation on the rights and obligations, such as the best practices which exceed certain requirements included in the Regulation. “By offering a common discussion platform for railways and national enforcement bodies, we want to contribute to the quality of the services offered to rail passengers. That is why we also decided to continue offering all respective actors a useful forum to exchange ideas and at the same time an opportunity to network and make contacts across borders. In a year from now, we will be happy to gather again all stakeholders to a second workshop on rail passengers’ rights”, Libor Lochman, CER Executive Director, stated at a workshop organised by the Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER) and the International Rail Transport Committee (CIT) “The European dimension to the Rail PRR means that the approach must be at a highlevel although taking national differences and the exemptions allowed by EU Member States into account. The CIT and CER are convinced of the value of interpreting and applying the Rail PRR across the European Union in the most uniform way possible”, Cesare Brand, CIT General Secretary, pointed out.

Соблюдение прав пассажиров – основа для функционирования интермодального рынка Одной из важных мер для консолидации общей политике в транспортной области является гарантия и соблюдение прав пассажиров железнодорожного транспорта и повышение качества, пунктуальности и эффективности пассажирских услуг, способствуя росту роли железнодорожного транспорта в сравнении с другими видами транспорта. Качество услуг железнодорожного пассажирского транспорта является всё более важным вопросом следующих лет.


Metropolitan 45

Rapid transport connections support the development of metropolitan areas

[ by Elena Ilie ]

Mobility management is a concept which promotes sustainable transport and deals with the problem of individual car demand by changing the attitude and the behaviour of individuals. Mobility management is demand-oriented rather than resource-oriented, according to the European Platform on Mobility Management.


concept promoting sustainable and integrated urban transport, as well as information and know-how exchange between the countries included in the programme, Mobility Management focuses on “light” measures (information, communication, organization and coordination of existing activities and services). In the end, these measures will have direct effect on sustainable, physical initiatives regarding urban transport planning (new tram lines, new street networks, bicycle lanes). Changing the attitude of urban communities as related to personal cars is the basis of this initiative which, due to the nature of generated measures, doesn’t require very high financial investments. The cost-benefit report will favour both local and national authorities, but also the cities’ inhabitants. It is even more important to promote these measures in new member states, especially if we consider that the citizens of these countries don’t benefit from satisfy-

ing alternatives to using personal vehicles, such as public transport or infrastructure for cycling. The idea of urban mobility means identifying clear and concrete solutions to make urban public transport efficient and to promote it, but also solutions to discourage personal vehicle transport. An increased level of urban mobility safety, efficiency and environment protection is an essential objective to guarantee the attraction of people towards public transport. Mobility management measures (compared to infrastructure measures) don’t necessarily require high financial investments and can have a favourable costbenefit report. For most of the citizens in the European Union, personal transport modes will however remain the only alternative due to the complexity of their daily journeys. Using vehicles that are more efficient in terms of consumption will be a necessity. Town planning, access regulation including low emission zones, stricter controls on parking, pricing policies and alternative

Trips converted from single-occupant vehicles by Mobility Management Programs

forms of accessibility could significantly influence mobility choice. Promoting better modal choices will require greater integration of the modal networks: airports, ports, railway, metro and bus stations, car hire spots and parking areas, should increasingly be merged and conceived as multimodal connection platforms for passengers. The development of a properly-integrated transport system (such as creating a single railway area) is currently delayed by a series of issues which still exist in the market and in the regulation. Regulation barriers in accessing a market, technical incompatibilities between transport modes and even the inappropriate or obsolete legislation are among the greatest challenges. Both the Commission and the European Parliament hope that the adoption of the Fourth Railway Package would help harmonise railway passenger transport services in the EU and stimulate the sustainable and integrated mobility in the macro-region and in metropolitan areas. Public transport has to gain a higher share than today in the transport mix, become easily accessible for everyone, fully integrated and dealt with mainly with nonmotorised, rail transport modes (metro, light metro, tram).

Быстрые соединения в транспортном секторе поддерживают развитие столичных регионов

Source: mobilitylab.org

Общественный транспорт должен достигнуть роста используемости в сравнении с другими видами транспорта, стать легко доступным, совершенно интегрированным и оперировать, по возможности, рельсовыми подвижными средствами (метро, легкорельсовая транспортная система, трамвай). December 2013 | www.railwaypro.com



Railway infrastructure financing – an aspect with vast implications in railway transport system operation (part II)

[ by Viorel LUCACI – Expert, Romanian Railway Safety Authority – ASFR Marian CIOFALCĂ – Head of Service, Romanian Railway Safety Authority – ASFR ]

3.The influence of railway infrastructure stress on its quality The type of the draft, connection and buffing gears has a significant influence on the dynamic and power behaviour of a train. Transversal forces are influenced by the rigidity or the mobility of the used coupling systems. The concepts presented above are relevant especially for the exploitation of the infrastructure dedicated to mixed traffic operation (passengers and freight). The elements of the running track are subject to a level of stress which varies on a large scale and may suffer displacements in time. The situation is applicable to the Romanian conventional railway system which doesn’t provide lines exclusively dedicated to passenger trains. In the states with a strongly developed railway system, high - speed infrastructure is subject to special stresses, easy to quantify in the stage of conception and design. Thus, a maximum efficiency is obtained regarding the long term performance of the running track. Otherwise, the emergence of eventual restrictions or limitations on the high-speed lines causes significant commercial and energy effects. For this reason, the wear - out process of infrastructures dedicated to high - speed traffic requires thorough monitoring, while repair works need to be dealt with in time. When the maximum admitted tonnage is

Figure 7. Influence of stress level on the quality of the running track according to the four cases

systematically exceeded during operation, the risk of running track faults, remaining deformations of the superstructure or structure occurs, finally leading to infrastructure (efficient) lifecycle shortening between two repairs or adoption of speed restrictions. The accentuation of running track degradation is inversely related to the level of the exceeded maximum admitted tonnage - illustrated in figure 6. In the left side of the figure the running track quality variation graphics are presented, corresponding to three particular cases of tonnage adopted in operation (highlighted in the right side): Case I – operation in rigorous compliance with the designed tonnage. The degradation process has a normal variation identical to that set by the designers. In such a situation, the lifecycle (the variation time of the running track quality value from Ci to Cf ) marked in figure by Pt1 , reaches the maximum value – the most favourable case related to infrastructure endurance.

Figure 6. The effects of exceeding the designed carried gross tonnage on the running track degradation process

Pt1 - lifecycle (between two repairs) corresponding to operation while observing the maximum admitted tonnage – case I; Tf1 - the moment when the quality of the running track reaches the minimum value (Cf ) for the situation mentioned in case I; Case II – operation with exceeding the maximum admitted tonnage by a small value. The degradation process presents an accentuated variation and shortening of the lifecycle is observed, marked with Pt2 ; Pt2 - lifecycle (between two repairs) corresponding to operation with exceeding the maximum admitted carried gross tonnage by a small value – case II; Tf2 - the moment when the quality of the running track reaches the minimum value (Cf ) for the situation mentioned in case II; Case III - operation with exceeding the normal (maximum admitted) tonnage by a high value. The degradation process has a strong decreasing variation. The lifecycle marked with Pt3 has a minimum value. It is the most unfavourable situation considering infrastructure endurance. Pt3 - lifecycle (between two repairs) corresponding to operation according to case III; Tf3 - the moment when the quality of the running track reaches the minimum value (Cf ) for the situation mentioned in case III; Considering the three adopted cases, the following relation between the lifecycles corresponding to each case can be noted: Pt1 > Pt2> Pt3

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engineer 47

Figure 8. Cycle of repair works on a railway line

1.1. Influence of other types of stress Carried gross tonnage represents only one type of railway infrastructure stress. Experience has shown that any overload, regardless of its nature, shortens the lifecycle between two repairs. The influence of stress on infrastructure quality in relation to the lifecycle (Pt) is presented in figure 7. Four cases are emphasized. The first two are in compliance with the projected value, and the last two exceed this value. The notes specific to figure 7 are: • I – stress value inferior to the projected value; • II – stress value equal to the projected value; • III – stress value exceeding the projected value; • IV – stress value significantly exceeding the projected value; • PI , PII , PIII , PIV - lifecycles (the intervals during which the quality of the running track reaches from Ci to Cf ), corresponding to stress cases I, II, III and IV; • Tf I, Tf II , Tf III , Tf IV - the moments when the quality of the running track reaches the value Cf , corresponding to stress cases I, II, III and IV. Considering the analysis of the problem similar to figure 6, it can be noted: PI> PII> PIII> PIV A stress value under the projected limit spares infrastructure elements by reducing the wear-out process. On the other hand, such a situation is not favourable because the capacity of the infrastructure could be inefficiently used, a fact that would determine excessive increase of the pay-off period.

2. Investments and repairs in railway infrastructure The process of maintaining the railway lines in the projected technical and operation parameters demands strict compliance with specific works and repair cycles. Their aim is to maintain the technical condition above particular values imposed by the specific regulations in force. The specific recurrence of the running track maintenance process through periodical repairs is schematically shown in figure 8. As the process is continuous and practically uninterrupted, a number of n repairs at equal periods of time between them were suggestively presented in the figure. The notes in figure 8 have the following meaning: • Pr0-1 - the first lifecycle, starting with the moment of putting in operation or the first moment considered in the analysis (T0 ), until the initiation of the first repair; • Pr1-2 - the lifecycle between the first and the second repair; • Tr1 , Tr2 , Trn - the nominal duration of a repair process. Usually, for the same type or category of repair, the durations have equal values; • ΔC – the range of values comprised by the quality of the running track. In all cases, the lifecycles (Pr ) are delimited by the moments when the quality of the running track varies from a maximum to a minimum level, imposed to infrastructure manager through specific regulations. 2.1. The influence of stress on the running track wear-out and repair cycle The wear-out phenomenon registered to railway infrastructure elements that have direct contact with railway vehicles depends on the stress level – the values of vertical load and traffic intensity. Figure 9 presents the situation of two types of running track stress with different values and the effects on the periodicity of

Figure 9. The influence of stress value on the number of repairs necessary for the same period

Figure 10. Introducing restrictions and limitations in order to reduce the degradation of the technical condition of the line

the repair processes. It can be observed that when the stress value is low, the lifecycle between two repairs is longer – an advantageous situation considering the financial effort for maintenance. In the cases when the stress exceeds the projected value, we can observe that the same lifecycle P considered starting with the initial moment T0 requires more repairs. This is caused by the fact that the overload of infrastructure elements accentuates the wear-out process. Thus, the lifecycles (Pr ) are shortened. The notes from figure 9 are the following: • Tr1 , Tr2 , Trn - the nominal duration of repair processes for a normal stress; • T’r1 , T’r2 , T’r3 , T’rn - the nominal duration of repair processes in case of running track overload; • Pr0-1 , Pr1-2 - the lifecycles between two repairs corresponding to normal running track stress; • P’r0-1 , P’r1-2 , P’r2-3 - the lifecycles between two repairs corresponding to running track overload; The comparison between the two situations presented in figure 9 shows that Pr0-1> P’r0-1 . 2.2. Introducing restrictions and limitations in order to reduce the wear-out and degradation phenomena of railway infrastructure elements In order to maintain the wear-out between the projected limits, it would be necessary to resize the entire repair cycle corresponding to each stress regime. For the majority of infrastructure managers, such an adaptation procedure of the repair cycles depending on stress regime cannot be completed. The financial efforts for such a procedure are considerable or even impossible to complete. The solution available from practical perspective in order to compensate for the wear-out phenomenon for preserving the cyclic period (Pt) is introducing speed or tonnage restrictions or limitations at a certain moment Tres , determined as a result of technical studies (figure 10). In this point, the variation indicator of the technical condition decreases. Such a solution cannot eliminate the indirect negative effects generated by the restrictions: additional energy consumption, travel time prolongation, numerous variable regimes etc. During the period when the restriction or December 2013 | www.railwaypro.com



Figure 11. Introducing restrictions in order to ensure the effectiveness of the repair cycle, in case of running track overload

limitation is introduced (marked in figure 10 with Pres ) a series of inevitable devastating effects appear, even though infrastructure elements are spared. Of these, the most important are: additional energy consumption, travel time prolongation, additional wear-out. Introducing restrictions or limitations reduces the wear-out process (degradation), prolonging the lifecycles during which the value of wear-out reaches the maximum level. Such a process is presented in figure 11 and is comparable with the situation in figure 10. By applying this solution, the modification of the number of repairs necessary for a particular period of time is avoided; the Pr intervals for both situations remain at the same value: Pr0-1=P’r0-1 , Pr1-2=P’r1-2 2.3. The effectiveness of repairs depending on the amount of allocated funds Any repair or remediation process in railway infrastructure requires the allocation of a specific amount of funds. Its value depends on factors such as: the superior level of running track quality, which is desired Figure 13. Railway infrastructure repair process with investment over the necessary value

Figure 14. Ample railway infrastructure investment that increases both limit values of running track quality

Figure 15. Railway infrastructure repair with a deficit of financing and decrease of superior value of running track quality

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Figure 12. Railway infrastructure repair process with investment equal to the necessary value

to be provided, the duration of lifecycle between two repairs (Pr), the quality and characteristics of the available materials, the available working technology, the execution time (Tr), the geographic and environmental conditions, the amount of available funds etc. Figure 12 schematically shows a repair process (Tr) for which funds that have an equal value to the necessary one are allocated. Such a scenario is favourable from the perspective of operation and maintenance of the running track, due to the fact that the superior (Ci) and the inferior (Cf ) limits of running track quality are maintained at the same value through the repair process. The occurrence of restrictions or decrease of values of infrastructure operation parameters is avoided. A much more advantageous situation regarding railway infrastructure maintenance occurs when the funds allocated for the repair processes exceed the necessary value (figure 14). Thus, after the repair is completed, the initial superior value of running track quality (Ci1) can be improved, a greater value marked in the figure Ci2 being obtained. The difference between Ci1 and Ci2 depends on the value of the additional investment (marked in figure 13 in the right side through the crosshatched area). In comparison with the previous period Pr1, by keeping the same inferior quality level (Cf ), a prolongation of the lifecycle (Pr2) is also registered after the repair with additional investment. The case presented in figure 13 may be considered a railway infrastructure modernization process, respectively improvement of general performances of the conventional railway system. An increase of the superior (Ci) and infeFigure 16. Railway infrastructure repair process with a deficit of financing and decrease of the superior and inferior values of running track quality

Figure 17. The recurrence of the phenomenon of financial deficit for repairs on a track section

rior levels (Ci) of running track quality is obtained by transforming classical railway lines in high speed lines. Such a situation is presented in figure 14. The figure shows that the lifecycle after the repair process Pr2 is approximately equal to the previous Pr1. Due to multiple financial problems of certain railway infrastructure managers, as the national infrastructure manager (CNCF „CFR” SA), the amounts allocated to the various repair and maintenance processes are often smaller than the necessary values. Thus, a series of technical problems appear over time, such as: the decrease of the maximum traffic speeds, tonnage limitations, traffic restrictions and even closure of lines due to lack of funds. Figure 15 schematically shows a repair process with investment lower than the necessary value. As a result, the process registers a deficit of financing. Besides the decrease of the superior level of running track quality (from Ci1 to Ci2), a shortening of the lifecycle of infrastructure after the repair (Pr2) is generated as indirect effect, compared with the previous (Pr1). To compensate for these disadvantages, the necessity of intensifying the number of repairs executed per time unit or introducing speed and tonnage restrictions occurs (figure 9, respectively 11). Thus, in order to compensate for the disadvantage related to the shortening of the lifecycle, the inferior level of running track quality is decreased (figure 16). By this means, the two values are equal: Pr2= Pr1 , and Ci2< Ci1 and Cf2< Cf1 . Figure 17 shows a railway infrastructure maintenance process with successively repeated deficit of financing. A cumulative decrease of the superior value of running track quality (Ci) and lifecycles between repairs (Pr) is generated. Through the scenario presented in the figure, there are multiple indirect negative and cumulative over time effects. The relations of inequality between the superior values of running track quality and between the lifecycles are: Ci3< Ci2< Ci1 and Pr3< Pr2< Pr1 Similar to the solution in figure 16, the lifecycles between the repairs can be maintained equal through the successive decrease of the inferior value of running track quality as well.


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674 km of automated metro in operation, in 48 lines that together serve 700 stations in 32 cities, as represented in the following map (see Fig.1)

2013 there are 50Instatistics

Cities with automated metro lines, as of 2013

Figure 1: Cities with automated metro lines, as of 2013

© copyright UITP 2013

In 2013 there are 674 km of automated metro in operation, in 48 lines that together serve 700 stations in 32 cities

AUTOMATION, A GLOBAL PRESENCE Geographic distribution of automated lines, as of 20 It is significant to note the worldwide presence

AUTOMATED METROS of metro OBSERVATORY automation.OF Although Asia and WORLD ATLAS REPORT, 2013


ItEurope is significant to note the worldwide presence accumulate most of the kilometres, the recent inclusion of Latin America and the strong growth in of metro automation. Although Asia and Europe 32% the Middle East point to a global adoption of metro automation. accumulate most of the kilometres, the recent Figure 3: Km of automated metro in 2013, by coun A closer analysis of the data inclusion of Latin America and the strong growth inFigure the Middle East pointdistribution to a global of adoption of lines, as of 2013 confirms the worldwide 2: Geographic automated spread, with the four top metro automation. countries in number 19% of kilometres belonging to four 12% different continents.


While France leads country The atdata reflected in this study correspond to: significant to North note Asialevel, it isEurope Middle East South however that the three UTO – Unattended Train America Operation America © copyright UITP 2013 longest automated networks Only metro lines without staff on board have been are not in Europe, as depicted considered metro (GoA4 in according standard IEC 62267) 2013, bytocity in Figure Km 4. of automated

OBSERVATORY OF AUTOMATED METROS WORLD ATLAS REPORT, 2013 metro in 2013, by country Km of automated

Public transport service – Private lines have been three longest automated networks are not in Europe

is of the data worldwide the four top number of onging to four ents.

ads at country ficant to note the three ated networks pe, as depicted

Figure 3: Km of automated metro in 2013, by country

discarded (in-airport services, people movers, etc.)

Figure 4: Km of automated metro in 2013, by city

 Train capacity – Only trains with a minimum capacity of 100 passengers have been considered

© copyright UITP 2013

© copyright UITP 2013

Km of automated metro in 2013, by city Source: OBSERVATORY OF AUTOMATED METROS WORLD ATLAS REPORT, 2013, UITP

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Page | 1

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A more detailed analysis at line level illustrates the wide range of situations an covered by automated lines; be it in length (figure 5), in number (figure 6) or density of stat They point to the adaptability of automation as a system to respond to the ch different cities’ transport needs. This diversity of line typology is confirmed by the re significance of underground and elevated stations; although the number of exclusively under low, compared to that of fully elevated or mixed lines (Figure 8).

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52 Metropolitan

Marmaray, solution to urban transport problems in Istanbul [ by Elena Ilie ]

Marmaray, the first railway tunnel that links two continents, Asia and Europe, should not be seen exclusively from this point of view, but first of all as a tunnel that links two parts of Istanbul. The tunnel will, of course, play its part in the railway Silk Road once the route Baku - Tbilisi – Kars will be commissioned, but for now it is dedicated to passenger transport, not freight transport. Istanbul, with over 16 million people, is one of the largest and most crowded cities and like other large cities, it is suffocated by a hellish daily traffic.


his third connection between its parts was absolutely necessary; apart from the existing two road bridges, the usefulness of a railway tunnel that would reduce the travel time from one bank of the Bosporus to the other became irrefutable. After long delays and postponements of the commissioning day (works have been delayed by important archaeological discoveries unearthed by accident during excavations, among which Theodosius byzantine port built in the 4th century), the citizens witnessed the inauguration of the tunnel on 29 October during the celebration of 90 years since Turkey has became republic. By using this bridge, the citizens can say “goodbye” to the two hours, maybe more,

of a journey between the Asian and the European parts of the city prior to the inauguration of the rail tunnel. What are the benefits that Marmaray Tunnel brings to the city of Istanbul? It provides a long-term solution to the actual urban transport problems in the city, improves the existing operation problems related to the main rail transport services, and ensures direct connection between the railway systems in Asia and Europe. Also, the project means increased capacity, reliability, accessibility, punctuality and safety for commuter rail transport services. On the long-run, it will ensure a seamless passenger and freight transport in the Bosporus region. The Turkish authorities have provided

several statistical data aimed to strengthen the role and utility of Marmaray Tunnel. Thus, in 2015, the number of passengers crossing the tunnel on a daily basis is estimated at 1,500,000 and at 1,700,000 for 2025. Calculated per hour, the total number of passengers will be 65,000 in 2015 and 75,000 in 2025. The authorities hope that by taking over 1,500,000 passengers every day, the tunnel will partially decongest traffic in Istanbul, especially in the area of the two bridges that cross the Bosporus. “This is just one of the large transport projects that Turkey will develop over the next years. Marmaray railway tunnel is an indicator of economic development in Turkey”, said Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Minister of Transport Binali Yildirim pointed out that “this rail tunnel contributes not only to Turkey’s development, but also to the economic development of neighbouring countries”. In the future, two rail high-speed lines will connect Marmaray tunnel, so that the city will add another 63 km of rail transport. The total cost of these projects, of connecting two railways to Marmaray tunnel, amounts to TRY 9 Billion (EUR 3.5 Billion).

Мармарай, первый тоннель между Азией и Европой, проходящий под Босфором

Source: UIC

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Получивший название “проект века” от властей Турции, с октября месяца тоннель Мармарай, длинной около 14 км, предоставляет четырёх минутную связь между двумя континентами, отделенными проливом Босфор.


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