Railway PRO February

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the railway business magazine

Year VIII ■ No. 1.2(92) ■ 2013

Railway PRO Infrastructure Development

Журнал железнодорожный бизнес

Reducing the financing of infrastructure projects is not an acceptable solution National and regional strategies, essential for accessing funds Target 2050 – Zero carbon emissions in railway transport

Turkey, high time for railway law Interview with Süleyman Karaman, General Manager of TCDD

Турция намеревается в 2013 году осуществить проект «Реструктуризации и укрепления железнодорожного сектора» Интервью с генеральный директор Турецких железных дорог (TCDD), Сюлейман Караман.

editor’s note 1


he most important event of January for the European railway market was the adoption by the European Commission of the law proposals which form the fourth railway package. Interest in these law proposals goes beyond the borders of the European Union. Candidate countries or potential candidate countries in the Western Balkans, as well as the eastern neighbours of the Union, that have to struggle to meet European standards on market liberalization in order to benefit from privileged relationships or financial aid, are equally interested in the evolution of the railway system reform. Even more as this reform process proves to be rather troublesome. Four railway packages in 12 years plus a recast for the first legislative package are hints of a difficult and hard to control process. Results don’t reflect yet the objectives that this reform aimed at. The scene presented by Siim Kallas in his speech held during the presentation of this fourth railway package was quite bleak. “The trends in rail are already very worrying”, he said. But the core message of his speech was the fact that the approval of this package

is a key moment when we can abandon railways or we can give this transport mode a new push aimed to create a European network that actually works. Therefore, a new law package which doesn’t come to complete or to polish the previous packages, but which is itself an absolutely necessary phase. But no one says it will be the last. The future member states will skip these trying phases to their own benefit and will learn from the experience of the European Union member states. But domestic companies will have to face, with the EU accession, a much more consolidated market and will have to cope with a difficult to competition; nothing that could not be overcome by a proper reform which should form a business-oriented sector that would depend every day less on state-budget subsidies. The law proposals included in this package put special focus on the importance of transforming infrastructure managers, which have been said not to have managed to meet market demands thus leading to a non-effective use of public funds throughout the whole sector. One of

the objectives is the consolidation of the infrastructure managers’ position, so that they could have control over the entire central functions of the railway network, including on planning infrastructure investments, current operations and maintenance, as well as on establishing schedules. The proposals guarantee that the infrastructure managers will deal with all the responsibilities related to development and exploitation, including traffic management and infrastructure maintenance. Moreover, in order to strengthen the market orientation of these managers, the European Commission proposes the establishment of new structures. Member states will have to ensure the set up of new Coordination Committees including representatives of the infrastructure managers and users, but also public authorities, thus permitting all infrastructure users to make their requirements known and making sure that the problems they face are properly dealt with.

by Florentina Ghemuţ

Consultant Club Feroviar


Issue published with the support of Romanian Railway Industry Association & Club Feroviar – The Railway Business Club

Новый решающий момент Основным событием января месяца для европейского железнодорожного рынка было принятие Европейской комиссией законодательных предложений о четвертом железнодорожном пакете. Интерес к данным законодательным предложениям выходит за рамки границ Европейского союза. Страныкандидаты или потенциальные кандидаты с Западных Балкан, но и восточные соседи Союза, которым необходимо соответствовать европейским стандартам в сфере либерализации рынка, для того, чтобы им пользоваться привилегиями в плане отношения к ним или предоставления финансовой помощи, они в равной степени заинтересованы в развитии реформы железнодорожной системы. Тем более, что данный процесс реформы складывается довольно сложным образом. На протяжении двенадцати лет было предложено четыре законодательных пакета и реформирование первого законодательного пакета - и это признаки сложности и низкой степени управляемости данного процесса. Результаты все еще не отражают выполнения задач, которые данная реформа поставила перед собой. Картина, представленная Сиимом

Калласом в своем заявлении по случаю презентации данного четвертого железнодорожного пакета, выглядит довольно сумбурно. „Тенденции в сфере железных дорог вызывают определенное беспокойство”, заявляет он. Но основная идея его речи заключалась в том, что утверждение данного пакета представляет собой решающий момент, когда перед нами стоит выбор - либо бросить железные дороги на произвол судьбы, либо придать данному виду транспорта новый импульс для создания европейской сети, которая действительно должна работать. Итак, законодательный пакет приходит не в качестве дополнения, завершения, а как абсолютно необходимый этап. Однако, никто не говорит о том, что данный этап является последним. Будущие страны-члены благотворно перепрыгнут через эти этапы испытаний, пользуясь опытом государств, входящих ныне в состав Европейского союза. Но отечественные компании при вступлении в ЕС столкнутся с гораздо более сильным рынком, и им придется преодолевать весьма жесткую конкуренцию; этому

Журнал издаётся при поддержке Асоциации Железнодорожной Промышленности и Club Feroviar – ЖД Клуб Деловых Людей

может способствовать правильно проведенная реформа, которая должна сформировать сектор, ориентированный на бизнес, который со временем будет все меньше зависеть от государственных субсидий. Законодательные предложения, входящие в данный пакет, особо подчеркивают важность преобразования операторов инфраструктуры, о которых говорится, что им не удалось соответствовать потребностям рынка, а это привело к неэффективному использованию государственных фондов по всему сектору. Есть стремления к укреплению позиций администраторов инфраструктуры, таким образом, чтобы они держали руку на пульсе всех центральных функций железнодорожной сети, в том числе на планировании инвестиций в инфраструктуру, на текущих операциях и на техническом обслуживании, а также на составлении расписания поездов. Предложения гарантируют, что администратор инфраструктуры будет выполнять все функции, связанные с эксплуатацией и развитием, в том числе управление движением и обслуживание инфраструктуры.

February 2013 | www.railwaypro.com



44 26

Launch of railway projects puts Serbia among EU member states Запуск железнодорожных проектов обеспечивает Сербии место среди государств Европейского союза

Although it has the statute of EU candidate country, Serbia tries to align its railway transport system to European standards. As part of the Strategy on transport infrastructure modernisation in Serbia by 2015, the authorities plan to rebuild and upgrade infrastructure to integrate the system into the TEN-T network. Несмотря на то, что у Сербии статус кандидата в члены ЕС, она старается позиционировать свою систему железнодорожного транспорта на уровне европейских стандартов. В рамках Стратегии модернизации транспортной инфраструктуры Сербии до 2015 года, власти страны намереваются перестроить и модернизировать инфраструктуру для обеспечения интеграции системы в сеть TEN-T


51 Target 2050 – Zero carbon emissions in railway transport MARKET intelligence

20 European funds warm up modernization works in Romania the railway business magazine

Railway PRO

ISSN - 1841 - 4672

Publisher: Editura de Transport & Logistică S.R.L. 30, Virgiliu Street, Sector 1 Bucharest, postal code: 010881 Tel.:+4 021 224 43 85; +4 021 224 43 87 Mobile: +40 721 723 724 Fax: +4 021 224 43 86 E-mail: editors@railwaypro.com Web-site: www.railwaypro.com Editors: Elena Ilie elena.ilie@railwaypro.com Pamela Luică pamela.luica@railwaypro.com Production and photo editor: Petru Mureşan Department of translations: Alina Vuţulicu Paula Bădescu Gentil Traduceri SRL Contributors: Florentina Ghemuţ Felicia Gherghieş Graphic design: Petru Mureşan Layout and DTP: Petru Mureşan petru.muresan@railwaypro.com Photo: Radu Drăgan

Editor’s note



A new very important junction

44 Launch of railway projects puts Serbia among EU member states


46 Another success for Austria: Vienna-St. Pölten railway

16 Future investments for Network Rail to expand services across Britain

48 Poland upgrades important railway section

strategies, essential for accessing funds

49 Hungary interested in developing railway infrastructure capacity

32 Reducing the financing

and the CIS seems promising

18 National and regional

of infrastructure projects is not an acceptable solution

34 Structural funds,

economic growth potential thrown out the window

40 PPPs pave the way for railway infrastructure development

Marketing Manager: Cristina Trifon cristina.trifon@railwaypro.com

43 Latvia emphasises the importance of the railway network electrification

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50 Southern Armenia

52 Railway forecast in Russia

60 Optimisation of railway transport performance metropolitan

54 Astana answers mobility challenges by building its light rail system


Turkey, high time for railway law

Interview with Süleyman Karaman, General Manager of TCDD

Турция намеревается в 2013 году осуществить проект «Реструктуризации и укрепления железнодорожного сектора» Интервью с генеральный директор Турецких железных дорог (TCDD), Сюлейман Караман. The strategic geographical position allows Turkey to expand its economic activities in both Europe with the European Union, but also in Central Asia and the Caucasus.At the same time, Turkey is an important trade centre. The projects regarding the construction of high speed lines and Marmaray project make the countries on the two continents prefer Turkey for freight and passenger transport between Europe and Asia Стратегическое позиционирование позволяет Турции усиливать свои экономические связи с Европой, с Европейским союзом, но и с Центральной Азией и Кавказом. Одновременно Турция является важным коммерческим узлом.


58 Solutions adaptable to various requirements EVENT

53 i-MOVE 2.0, one of the concepts of vital importance in meeting UITP’s objectives 59 London prepares to welcome Railtex 2013 ASSET Management

64 Infrastructure managers need efficient methods to cut maintenance costs

55 Implementation of new tram line project to change the structure of urban transport in LEX Craiova 56 Sofia’s priorities focus on

subway network development

57 Moscow, a capital

Railway – an Arabic investment with ambitious railway development projects in Southern Caucasus

www.railwaypro.com | February 2013


30 “Apple of Discord”…in European railways Statistics

62 Railway Statistics

cOntent 3 Редакционная статья



продуктов и технологий

43 Латвия модернизирует 49 Венгрия заинтересована 58 Решения для

Новый решающий момент

важный отсек своей железнодорожной сети


50 Южная армянская железная дорога - арабская инвестиция на Южном Кавказе

16 С помощью будущих средств Network Rail намеревается укрепить свою позицию в рамках всей транспортной системы Великобритании

РАЗВИТИЕ РЫНКА в увеличении пропускной способности железнодорожной инфраструктуры

52 Прогнозы в

приспособления к различным требованиям событие

железнодорожном секторе 53 i-MOVE 2.0 - одна из жизненно важных концепций в России и СНГ выглядят для достижения целей МСОТ 51 Цель на 2050 год – Ноль многообещающе выбросов диоксида углерода 60 Оптимизация 59 Лондон готовится от железнодорожного показателей приветствовать Railtex 2013 транспорта железнодорожного транспорта 18 Национальные закон РАЗВИТИЕ РЫНКА и региональные метрополиТАН 20 Европейские средства стратегиисущественны для 30 Сможет ли IV получения финансирования размораживают проведение 54 Астана отвечает Железнодорожный пакет работ по модернизации в вызовам мобильности и строит систему лёгкого метро решить вопросы, связанные 32 Сокращение бюджета Румынии с созданием единого ЕС 2014 – 2020 не может транспортного рынка? 44 Запуск 55 Внедрение нового являться приемлемым железнодорожных проектов проекта трамвайной линии способом решения вопросов обеспечивает Сербии ОХРАНА может изменить структуру ОКРУЖАЮЩЕЙ СРЕДЫ место среди государств городского транспорта в 34 Структурные фонды Европейского союза Крайове - неиспользованный 64 Необходимы потенциал экономического 46 Очередной успех эффективные методы 56 Приоритеты Софии роста сокращения затрат на перемещаются в сторону Австрии: Линия Вена-Ст. развития сети метрополитена техническое обслуживание Пёльтен 40 Система PPP является существенной для развития 48 Польша модернизирует 57 Москва - смелая столица СТАТИСТИКА с точки зрения развития железнодорожной важный отсек железной 62 СТАТИСТИКА транспорта на рельсах инфраструктуры дороги

February 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

news 5 An Infrastructure Development Fund

Deadline for getting TEN-T financing extended

russia: Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich said he backed the creation of a special development fund for infrastructure projects. “The special fund is needed, but its final parameters, including quantitative ones, still have to be discussed and the government still has to reach a decision on this. There’s no consolidated position as of yet,” Dvorkovich declared. The Economic Development Ministry has suggested setting up a development fund which could receive money from the Reserve Fund, but “it is so far possible to talk about a mechanism for putting money into the development fund only in the framework of the mechanisms defined by the current budget rule” he said.

International: Organisations wishing to take advantage of Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) funding now have some extra time – and extra budget - to do so. Thanks to more money becoming available under the 2013 TEN-T Work Programme, an additional EUR 332 Million has been added to the 2012 TEN-T multi-annual programme,

under the area of TEN-T Priority Projects. The 30 TEN-T Priority Projects will have an increased budget of EUR 1.057 Billion. The deadline for submitting financing offer was extended to March 26, 2013 for all the six areas of the multi-annual programme. The annual programme complements the multi-annual programme and directs funding to four distinct priorities with a total indicative budget of EUR 250 Million and a deadline that remains on 28 February 2013.

Bulgaria: Bulgaria’s Privatisation Agency announced that four companies have submitted the necessary papers to see if they comply with the qualification requirements in the tender for BDZ Cargo. The four companies are Grup Feroviar Român, First Investment Bank (Bulgaria), Bulgarian Cargo Express and Donau-Finanz Transport und Beteiligung (Austria). The agency will issue qualification certificates by 18 February. The certified candidates will then be eligible to file binding bids by March 12. Previously, the tender papers had been acquired by nine potential investors.

DB Schenker Rail converts locomotives for cross-border services International: Siemens has received

an order from DB Schenker Rail to convert 32 locomotives of the 189 series to be used for cross-border services, between Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic. The locomotives thus modernised will meet authorisation and operation criteria for the networks in Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary and Austria. The locomotives will be equipped with automatic train protection systems and components that are required on both countries’ lines. Series conversion is scheduled to start in summer 2014 at the Munich-Allach plant. When the new timetable enters into force in December 2014, at least 15 locomotives will be available along the routes to and from the Czech Republic, including electrified branch lines. The remaining conversion work will be completed by spring 2015. HZ Infrastruktura to receive sovereign guarantees Croatia: The Croatian Competition Agency, AZTN, said it had cleared plans to provide sovereign guarantees to stateowned railway infrastructure operator HZ Infrastruktura to borrow HRK 450 Million (EUR 59 Million) from local lender

photo: tentea.ec.europa.eu

Four companies submit documents to buy BDZ Cargo

Zagrebacka Banka. The loan will be used for railway repairs and construction and for preparing the documents necessary for infrastructure projects co-financed with EU funds. AZTN said in a statement it had determined that the planned guarantees would not constitute state aid. Over USD 208 million invested in development of railway transport in 2012 Azerbaijan: Some 163.8 million manat were invested in development of railway transport in Azerbaijan in 2012, of which 1.6 million manat were contributed from equity of Azerbaijan Railways JSC. This is stated in the report of Azerbaijani Transport Ministry on 2012 year results. Some 132.4 kilometers of railway, 25 electric and diesel locomotives, 729 passenger cars, 3603 cargo wagons, 630 containers were repaired during the reporting period.According to the report, the volume of В мире: Организации, желающие получить финансирование в рамках программы TEN-T, будут иметь в распоряжении больше времени и больше средств. Россия: -премьер России Аркадий Дворкович заявил о том, что он поддерживает создание специального фонда для развития проектов инфраструктуры. Болгария: Болгарское Агентство по приватизации объявило о том, что четыре компании направили документацию, необходимую для приобретения БДЖ

cargo transportation by railways amounted to 22.9 million manat in Azerbaijan in 2012, which is 3.2 percent more than during the previous year. Last year, 2.7 million passengers were transported by Azerbaijani railways. Turkmen President wants to complete North-South railway construction independently Turkmenistan: Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed a number of documents for the railway industry which in particular concerns the North-South major regional project. In particular resolutions on the ‘Completion of the Bereket Etrek construction site of the Gyzylgaya-BereketEtrek railway’ and ‘Construction of the locomotive depot at the Bereket station’ were signed.This route is part of a larger project which is being implemented by Turkmenistan together with Iran and Kazakhstan. The intergovernmental agreement on the project was signed in 2007. Карго. В мире: SBB Cargo и TX Logistik подписали рамочный договор об аренде локомотивов сроком на пять лет. Румыния: Министерство транспорта направило Правительству Румынии на утверждение проект нормативного документа об утверждении стратегии приватизации ЧФР Марфэ. В мире: Правительство Литвы рассмотрит возможность листинга некоторых компаний на фондовой бирже во второй половине текущего года. February 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

6 news Lithuanian Railways could be privatised

Railway to connect north and southeast

International: The Lithuanian Government will consider the listing of some of the companies held by the state later this year, Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevicius said. Companies such as Lietuvos Gelezinkeliai, Lietuvos Pastas and state-owned airports are among the potential IPO candidates for review in 2013. The Prime Minister said that the listing would be analysed only if companies needed capital to finance their own strategic projects. Even in the case of the listing, the Lithuanian State will keep the majority package of 51% shares. The railway company Lietuvos Gelezinkeliai had a turnover of LTL 1.3 Billion (EUR 375 Million) and a net profit of LTL 128 Million (EUR 37 Million) in January-September 2012.

Turkey: The authorities plan to build a

photo: lt.wikipedia.org

high-speed railway line between the Black Sea region and southeast of Turkey, Environment and Urban Development Minister Erdoğan Bayraktar has announced. “We have been studying the TrabzonGümüşhane-Erzincan Railway Project, which is intended to be a high-speed train route. The speed of the train is provisioned to be 250-kilometers-per-hour,” he said during his visit to Trabzon, a developed city in the Black Sea region of Turkey. The project will be part of a 630-kilometer railway plan between Trabzon and Diyarbakır connecting the Black Sea region with the southeast of Turkey, Syria and Iraq. Bayraktar said physical field studies for the project have been completed and further studies continue.

photo: wikimedia.org

International: SBB Cargo and TX Logistik have signed a 5-year framework agreement on locomotive leasing. The contract concerns a maximum of 12 Re 421 locomotives that TX Logistik will use for railway freight transport in Germany. The agreement includes the whole package of services. SBB Cargo will provide maintenance and 24/7 assistance for the locomotives leased by TX Logistik. Under the contract, SBB Cargo will have to replace a locomotive in case it breaks down. The transaction is estimated at various millions of Swiss francs per year.

Authorities finalize feasibility study for Budapest rail bypass Hungary: The Association of Hungarian Logistics Service Centres has completed a feasibility study for the so-called V0 railway, which would allow international freight traffic to bypass congested lines in Турция: Власти планируют построить новую железную дорогу для высокоскоростного движения. Она будет соединять северную и южную часть Турции. Венгрия: Венгерский Союз Центров оказания услуг по логистике завершил технико-экономическое обоснование строительства магистрали, которая позволит международным поездам двигаться в объезд Будапешта. В мире: Компания Сименс получила заказ от DB Schenker Rail на оснащение 32-х www.railwaypro.com | February 2013

the region more competitive and attractive for investors. Works are undergone on a segment of 89.5 km of double track between the cities of Sighişoara and Coşlariu to ensure a maximum speed of 160 km/h for passenger trains and of 120 km/h for freight trains in compliance with modern infrastructure standards in Europe. The EU will use the Cohesion Fund to allocate EUR 751 Million of the total sum needed of EUR 884 Million. It is expected that the project will be finalized by the end of 2015. The project has generated 600 jobs.

Ukrzaliznytsia continues modernisation projects Ukraine: Ukrzaliznytsia State Railway Company plans to modernize 229.6km of tracks of international lines. It is also planned the repair of 1548.4km of tracks, the installation of automated traffic light signalling at eight crossings with bus traffic, and the capital repair of 85.

Commission approves EUR 751 Million investment for Sighişoara – Coşlariu railway

photo: Club Feroviar

TX Logistik railway freight operator leases Swiss locomotives

the Budapest area. The feasibility study prefers a route for the V0 railway that would deviate from the Budapest – Vienna main line at Bicske and cross the Danube near Ercsi, joining the Budapest – Szolnok main line just short of Cegléd. This would be roughly the same length as the current route through Budapest and at HUF 300 Billion (EUR 102 Million) would be the least costly develop of all the alternatives examined, with the exception of developing the current route via Budapest which would cost 20% less. If the funds are made available, construction could begin as early as 2017 and the line would take three years to build.

Railway sector needs investments of over USD 13 Billion by 2018

Romania: On 31 January the EC approved an investment of EUR 751 Million of the Cohesion fund for works on Sighişoara – Coşlariu section, part of Braşov – Simeria railway, which would significantly improve passenger and freight transport in the west and centre of Romania. Mureş, Sibiu and Alba counties would benefit from improved accessibility making

Russia: According to the preliminary information of the Russian Transport Ministry, approximately RUB 400 Billion (USD 13.25 Billion) is needed to prepare the transport infrastructure for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. The study “Outlook for the Long-Term Social and Economic Development of the Russian Federation by 2030,” prepared by the Russian Ministry of Economic Development, stipulates that in accordance with

локомотивов ввиду их использования для оказания трансграничных услуг. Хорватия: Агентство по конкуренции AZTN объявило об утверждении планов на предоставление суверенных гарантий для HZ Infrastruktura. Азербайджан: Примерно 208 млн. долларов США вложено в развитие железнодорожного транспорта в Азербайджане в 2012 году. В мире: Rasia FZE подписала наряду с Арменией и Ираном трехстороннее

соглашение о строительстве железной дороги Southern Armenia Railway (Южно армянские Железные Дороги). Украина: Укрзалізниця в этом году намеревается модернизировать 229,6 км железной дороги по международным маршрутам. Казахстан: Казахстанские Железные дороги (КТЖ) намереваются до 2020 года подняться на 40-е место с нынешнего 86-го места по показателю развития логистики, составленному Всемирным Банком.

news 7

Przewozy Regionalne to upgrade rolling stock Poland: Polish operator Regional Railways (Przewozy Regionalne) has issued a tender for a contract to carry out a major upgrade of 44 EN57 EMUs, which in addition to new interiors will include renewal of electrical and mechanical systems. The contract includes the installation of CCTV, air conditioning, as well as a new traction and braking system. The contract is estimated at PLN 310 Million (EUR 74.5 Million) and must be completed within 18 months.

Румыния: Совет Европы утвердил инвестицию в размере 751 млн. евро из фонда Сплоченности на проведение работ на участке Сигишоара - Кошлариу. Это часть железнодорожного отсека Брашов – Симерия. Россия: По предварительным данным, предоставленным Министерством транспорта России, на проекты транспорта к Мировому Кубку по Футболу 2018 года необходимы инвестиции в размере 400 миллиардов рублей Польша: Компания Przewozy Regionalne объявила тендер на проведение работ по капитальному строительству

электропоездов EN57. Сербия: Компания Железнице Србије намеревается приобрести 15 электрических локомотивов мульти-систем. Об этом сообщается в ЕБРР. В мире: Казтемиртранс и Федеральная грузовая компания (ФГК) подписали меморандум сотрудничества по вопросам повышения эффективности использования подвижного состава в России и Казахстане. Хорватия: Хорватский оператор пассажирских железнодорожных перевозок HZ Putnicki Prijevoz объявил тендер на закупку 12 дизель-электропоездов.

try of Transport with the representatives of the IMF in Bucharest, 51% of the national railway freight transport operator, CFR Marfă, will be privatised.

freight cars, co-operation for the current repair in the two countries and other issues. “Russian operators are now active in the market of Kazakhstan including FFC rolling stock which has about 170 thousand cars, but growing competition requires the development of more effective contributing to the joint long-term project”, declared Vitaly Evdokimenko, CEO of the Russian company.

New attempt to privatise Montecargo

CFR Marfă, one step closer to privatisation

photo: Club Feroviar

Romania: The Romanian Ministry of Transport submitted to the Romanian Government a normative act proposal on the approval of CFR Marfă’s privatisation strategy and on the Ministry’s mandate for its implementation. Under the draft law, “in the application of the mandate for the implementation of the Strategy, the ministry will sell the majority package of shares of the social capital of CFR Marfă, including on the package of shares owned by the state after converting the state’s arrears to CFR Marfă into shares, if possible and necessary, through methods combined with criteria for the shortlisting of investors, namely negotiation based on preliminary and non-binding offers followed by sealed tender, compliant to the legislation in force”.

The starting price will be established by the transport ministry based on CFR Marfă’s evaluation report, and the tender participation guarantee will be the equivalent in lei of EUR 10,000,000. The normative act proposal also stipulates that the tender participation fee for each investor or group of investors who submit the participation papers is the equivalent in lei of EUR 20,000. According to the latest talks of the Minis-

Montenegro: Montenegro’s privatisation council said it would start to prepare tenders this year for the sale of several state-owned companies including railway cargo operator Montecargo. The council will proceed with the tenders for the cargo unit of port operator Luka Bar, Container Terminal and General Cargo- CTGC. According to a document of 2012, the state would sell its shares in the terminal (62%) and would give in concession part of the port to CTGC.

Zeleznice Srbije buys 15 electric locomotives Serbia: Serbian Railways (Zeleznice Srbije) plans to buy 15 multi-system electric locomotives, EBRD announced. In the first phase, bidders will only submit technical proposals with no reference on the prices in conformity with specifications which set the minimum performance and operation demands. Phase two gives bidders the possibility to revise technical proposals according to the update of the tender documents and then they would be allowed to submit their offers with prices, together with the revised technical proposals which are to be evaluated. For submitting technical proposals, bidders will have to submit documents by 27 March 2013. Cargo operators in Russia and Kazakhstan sign cooperation development agreement International: A Memorandum of Cooperation between JSC “Kaztemirtrans” and JSC “Federal Freight Company” was signed in Astana on the effective use of freight rolling stock in Russia and Kazakhstan, mutual consultation on information exchange during the operation of

Minister of Industry and Trade bans cargo wagon lifetime extension Russia: Denis Manturov, the Russian Minister of Industry and Trade, supports the idea of banning extension of the lifetime of cargo wagons. He reminded that two men died because of the train derailment in the Irkutsk region. Having investigated this accident, the Federal Service

Ukrainian Railways will not be privatised Ukraine: The law on the specifics of the creation of the public joint-stock company for railway transport and the documents drawn for its implementation do not foresee the privatization of Ukrainian Railways, Ukrainian Infrastructure Minister Voldoymyr Kozak said. The minister thus denied the information launched by some political who said that privatisation could be the solution including layoffs and salary cuts. The reform of the railway system is underway and the process will be transparent, declared Voldoymyr Kozak.

photo: wikipedia.org

the strategy of railway transport development in Russia, there can be two variants – minimum and maximum. Investments are to be RUB 5.1 Trillion until 2015, and in 2016-2030 RUB 6.3 Trillion according to the minimum variant and RUB 8.6 Trillion according to the maximum one in prices of 2007. In favourable condition, the volume of new railways construction will increase significantly: 20,000 km of new rail lines will be constructed in 2013 – 2030, fast and highspeed passenger traffic will be launched on the most important routes of RZD’s network (about 3,600 km of high-speed lines are supposed to be built by 2030).

Mitsubishi opens container train route from Muuga to Kaluga International: Mitsubishi announced that it would launch a Muuga-Kaluga container train route, the partners of the project being MTF Logistics, Eesti Raudtee, EVR Cargo and Tallinna Sadam, as well as the head of the railway Russian for Transport Supervision (Rostransnadzor) prohibited extending the lifetime of moulded parts in bogies of freight railcars. As of 17 January 2013, Rostransnadzor has requested the ban of life extension of cast spare parts for cargo wagons. Russian Railways had to inform owners of rolling stock and car-repair business about the decision. February 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

8 news Project of another rail line between Azerbaijan and Turkey under development

Nakhchivan AR and Kars, is underway.”The implementation of the new railway project will most likely begin after completion of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway’s construction, as this is more reasonable”, Azmammadov said. The deputy head of the company Gurban Nazirov said that construction of the railway from the Azerbaijani-Turkish border to Kars could cost one billion dollars. At present, there is no railway line at this site. A 240 kilometers long railroad has to be constructed.

International: Construction of a new railway line from the Azerbaijani-Turkish border to the Turkish city of Kars can be launched after completion of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway’s construction, head of the press service of Azerbaijan Railways JSC Nadir Azmammadov told Trend agency. He said planning for a new railway, which will connect the

lion (EUR 112 Million) in the development of the PowerHaul locomotives and technology transfer in Turkey.

operator firm. In the framework of the new cooperation project that gets fully launched this year, three container trains with Mitsubishi spare parts will be sent from the Muuga container terminal of Transiidikeskus to the assembly plant in Kaluga every week. The cooperation started in test regime in October last year and last year five trains were sent to Kaluga.

photo: www.railways.kz

Kazakhstan: Kazakhstan’s national railway company aimed to increase its ranking from 86th to 40th in the World Bank’s Logistics Performance Index by 2020. For this, the company expects a cargo volume of 236.7 billion tonnes per year, passenger traffic of at least 16 billion, revenues of KZT 922 Billion (EUR 4.6 Billion), and net profit of at least KZT 125 Billion (EUR 623 Million). To reach its objective, the company plans to implement an investment program totalling KZT 410 Billion (EUR 2 Billion), which was designed to modernize 126 locomotives, 4,172 freight cars and 250 passenger cars, and repair 726 km of rail and construct new lines.

GE expands partnership with Tülomsaş Turkey: GE has announced it is to expand its strategic partnership with Tülomsaş, which will see the Turkish manufacturer become the main supplier of PowerHaul diesel locomotives for Europe, Turkey, the Middle East, and North Africa. Over the next two years Tülomsaş will assemble at least 50 PowerHauls at its plant in Eskisehir, 20 of which will be built for Turkish State Railways (TCDD) and the remaining 30 for regional export markets. The partners aim to increase PowerHaul production at the site to 50-100 units annually, of which 30-70 will be for export markets. Currently, GE invests over USD 150 Milwww.railwaypro.com | February 2013

Croatia: Croatian Ministry of Transport has invited potential investors to express their interest in the restructuring of railway freight transport operator HZ Cargo. The invitation has been made following the decision of the government to find a strategic partner for HZ Cargo, the company that ended 2012 with an estimated loss of around HRK 91 Million (EUR 12.1 Million). The restructuring procedure offers the possibility to purchase shares in the company, the ministry state in the press release.

New railway investments

Belarus: Belarus Railways produced its first shunting locomotive. The TME3 twoaxle locomotive was produced in the Lida locomotive depot. The TME3 shunting locomotive will have to replace ChME3 locomotives operating at low-activity stations with 500-600 tonne (8-10 cars) trains. By end-2014 Belarus should produce 20 TME3s. All of the locomotives are to be operated within the country.

Turkey: Turkey will invest around USD 250 Billion (EUR 187 Billion) in electric energy and transport over the next ten years, announced Turkish Minister of Economy Zafer Caglayan. Around USD 110 Billion (EUR 82 Billion) of these funds will be allocated for railways and for the construction of high-speed lines, he said in a meeting with Madame Nicole Bricq, the French Minister of Foreign Trade, and with other French businessmen in Istanbul.The minister has encouraged the businessmen from both countries to increase investments in French and Turkey in the near future.

OBB to end maintenance outsourcing

HZ Infrastruktura to launch 2 more EU financed projects in 2016

Austria: OBB could give up the outsourcing of maintenance services in Eastern Europe after it was proved that the accident in South Tyrol was caused by problems with the wheels. The investigation postaccident showed that as many as 2,000 carriages had problems with their wheels which led to their temporary ban off the Italian network.According to the unions, OBB would have decided to give up the wheel maintenance outsourcing in Slovakia and to transfer it back to the depots in Salzburg, Jedlersdorf and Linz, a measure which would have allowed the preservation of 80 jobs. The company confirmed that it planned to reduce the outsourcing without giving further details.

Croatia: Croatian state-owned railway infrastructure operator HZ Infrastruktura said it expects work on the Hrvatski Leskovac-Karlovac and Goljak-Skradnik rail section projects to get underway in 2016 after the relevant project documentation is drawn up.The EU-backed projects involve the reconstruction and construction of a second track on the Hrvatski LeskovacKarlovac line and the construction of a new double-track line between Goljak and Skradnik. The combined cost for the drafting of the two rail projects is around EUR 15 Million with the EU providing grants covering 85% of the necessary funds. Construction works are estimated at EUR 1 Billion.

Украина: Закон о реорганизации государственной железнодорожной компании в акционерное общество не предусматривает ее приватизацию. Черногория: Совет по приватизации в Черногории объявит тендеры на продажу нескольких государственных компаний. Россия: Министр промышленности и торговли России Денис Мантуров поддерживает идею запрещения продления срока эксплуатации товарных вагонов. В мире: Компания Mitsubishi объявила о запуске услуги железнодорожных перевозок контейнеров по маршруту Мууга - Калуга. Турция: Компания GE объявила о своем намерении расширить стратегическое партнерство с турецким производителем Tülomsaş. Туркменистан: Президент Туркменистана подписал ряд документов, касающихся в основном Коридора Север-

Юг. Это очень важный региональный проект. Белоруссия: Железные дороги Белоруссии заявили об изготовлении первого локомотива для проведения маневров TME3 с двумя осями. Австрия: OBB может отказаться от вывода услуг по техническому обслуживанию на аутсорсинг в восточной Европе после того, как оказалось, что инцидент, произошедший в Южном Тироле был вызван проблемами колес. В мире: Строительство новой железнодорожной линии от границы Азербайджана с Турцией и до города Карс (Турция) может стартовать после завершения работ на линии Баку - Тбилиси - Карс. Хорватия: Министерство транспорта Хорватии призывает потенциальных инвесторов проявить интерес к реструктуризации железнодорожного оператора грузовых перевозок HZ Cargo.

Belarus launches shunting locomotive production

Kazakhstan Railways wants to improve performance

Letters of intent for HZ Cargo

At the core of construction.

Alpine S.A. alpine@alp.ro www.alp.ro

10 news Romania: the track access charge to be set by CFR SA

Azerbaijan: According to the draft Regional Development Programme of Greater Baku, a high-speed rail line is expected to be laid in the Absheron Peninsula by 2030, says investing. businessweek.com, quoting Trend news Agency. Electric trains will run on the line which runs for 90 kilometres. According to the uncompleted plan, the line will start from Balacari railway station and cover the settlements of Rasulzade and 8km through Sabunchu, Surakhani, Bina, Mardakan, Mashtaga, Zabrat, Novkhani and Pirshagi. The plan will cover 11 districts of Baku, as well as Sumgait and Absheron, including Khirdalan over a total area of 280,000 hectares.

romania: According to the Draft Decision on the approval of the additional act for 2013 to CFR SA’s activity contract, CFR SA will establish the track access charge based on internal norms without the implication of the authorities. Therefore, the Draft Decision on the approval of the Additional Act for 2013 to the activity contract of the National Infrastructure Manager “C.F.R.” - S.A. for 2012-2015, approved through the Government Decision no. 73/2012, stipulates that the infrastructure manager will establish the track access charge “based on the methodology for track access charging set in the normative act, without the implication of the Ministry of Transport, as asked by the representatives of the European Commission who accompanied the evaluation missions of the International Monetary Fund”, the document indicates. CFR SA will have to establish track access charging methodology for 2012-2015 and the value of the basic charging elements for the calculation of the track access charge. In the section “business environment impact”, the document stipulates that “the application of the new methodology using the value of basic charging elements for the calculation of the Track Access Charge maintains the current average

international: State-owned utility Transnet Freight Rail (TFR) says the railways infrastructure is already in place to facilitate the export of copper arising from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Zambia through the Durban harbour, in South Africa. Executive manager for international business Nyameka Madikizela tells Engineering News Online that the so-called ‘NorthSouth Corridor’ could use the existing network linking the DRC and Zambia to Zimbabwe through Victoria Falls and joining up with the South African system at Beitbridge. “No additional infrastructure is required,” she avers, adding that the aim is to maximise the use of the existing network and rollingstock capacity. South Africa is also keen to consolidate Durban into what Public Enterprises Minister Malusi Gigaba has termed a “mega-gateway port”, which could service domestic and regional freight corridors. Madikizela says it is premature to offer details on possible volumes, but indicates that consensus on the desirability for a “unified railway” plan has been reached between TFR, the National Railways of Zimbabwe, Zambian Railways, Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer du Congo, or SNCC, and privately owned Beitbridge Bulawayo Railway. The next milestone will be the signing of a formal agreement, scheduled for February, to be followed by the creation of a joint operations centre, probably in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.

Thirteen expansion projects launched in the last two months Algeria: The Ministry of Transport has launched 13 projects over the last two months to expand and upgrade Algeria’s railway system in several wilayas (administrative division equivalent to a department, region or province, www.railwaypro.com | February 2013

depending on the state) across the country. In November seven projects were launched to develop new lines comprising a network of 637 km across a dozen or so wilayas. These include lines linking Tougourt

and Hasi Messaoud (154 km), Mecheria and El Bayadh (130 km), and Djelfa and Boughezoul (140 km). Of the six projects launched in December, two are new developments, namely a line linking Bab Ezzouar to Houari-Boumédiène International Airport, and connecting the town of Beni Saf to the national railway network. The other four projects mainly concern the upgrading of the lines between Constantine-Ramdane Djamel, Aïn Témouchent-Senia (Oran), and upgrading railway infrastructure in the suburbs of Algiers. It was specified that these projects, for which a global

Азербайджан: По предварительному проекту Региональной программы развития Бакинского городского региона, на Абшеронском Полуострове до 2030 года может появиться высокоскоростная железнодорожная сеть. Румыния: В Проекте Решения об утверждении дополнительного соглашения на 2013 год к договору о деятельности ЧФР СА указывается, что ЧФР СА определит размер налога на использование инфраструктуры (TUI) на основании внутренних норм, без дополнительного участия государственных властей. В мире: Государственный железнодорожный оператор Transnet Freight Rail объявил о том, что уже доступна пропускная способность железной дороги, необходимая для экспорта меди, поступающей из Демократической Республики Конго и Замбии, через порт

Дурбан. В мире: На протяжении последних двух месяцев Министерство транспорта стартовало 13 проектов в целях расширения и улучшения национальной железнодорожной системы в различных алжирских вилаях (это административные разделения). Стартовало семь проектов развития железной дороги, касающихся строительства сети в 637 км в 12-ти вилаях. Сеть включает отсеки Тугур - Хаси Мессод (154 км), Мечерия - Эль Баядх (130 км) и Джельфа - Бугезуль (140 км). В мире: Министр транспорта Египта Хатем Абдель-Латиф обнародовал срочные планы, направленные на развитие железнодорожного сектора в стране. По предварительным оценкам, необходимые для этого средства составляют 470 миллионов фунтов стерлингов (554 миллиона евро). Об этом информирует allafrica.com.

photo: imageshack.us

Basic network in place for NorthSouth copper corridor - Transnet

statistical value of the track access charge for freight and passenger transport. Seeing as the train/km traffic indicator for 2013 is smaller compared to last year, as the activity is less intense, and the maintenance of the 10,637km network (same as last year) is also necessary, CFR SA could decide to increase the track access charge. According to Annex 2, the train/km traffic indicator for 2013 is of 79.78 million train/km (for passengers 56.50 million train/km and for freight 23.28 million train/km), less than last year – 85 million train/km. The Draft Decision also stipulates that CFR SA will have to establish the priority programmes for the development, modernisation and investment into the public railway infrastructure for 2013 included in the Government Programme and to include in the track access contracts sanctioning clauses in case of delays and if other contractual commitments are not observed by some of the contracting parties.

photo: Club Feroviar

Azerbaijan could have high speed trains

news 11 financial package of 362 billion dinars (3 billion euros) has been granted, will be implemented by national companies. The 13 new projects will further develop the existing 3,919 km national rail network by 2,120 km. Urgent plans for railways Egypt: Transport Minister Hatem AbdelLatif unveiled urgent plans for developing the railway sector at an estimated budget of 470 million pounds, says allafrica. com. Speaking before the parliament’s transport committee, the minister said 170 million pounds are needed for spare parts and 300 million pounds for maintenance services of locomotives. The ministry has signed deals for buying 221 new carriages and contacts are being held to buy another 336, he said. “We have 3,000 carriages and the life span of 8085 percent of them has already expired,” the minister told the committee.” “The major problem is mainly down to the maintenance services,” he said.

BDZ Freight Services is the new member of Viking Train International: BDZ Freight Services operator (Bulgaria) has become participant in the Viking project, the decision being adopted during a meeting in December 2012 by the representatives of railway infrastructure managers of Belarus, Lithuania, Ukraine and Bulgaria. The decision will help ensure the best conditions for freight transport to Bulgaria and increase the volumes of carried freight. The key issues of the meeting were updating the 2013 tariffs for transit transport of the containers using the VIKING train, expanding

the transport geography of the train and accession of new participants to the Agreement on organizational and operational aspects of combined transport in international railway link between railways of Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Lithuania. The cooperation also considers projects on the development of transport services between the Black Sea and Baltic Sea regions.

Isfahan is an opportunity for Russian businessmen iran: Governor General of Isfahan province Alireza Zaker Isfahani said that the province is an industrial and economic hub of the country, adding that Isfahan has many opportunities for Russian businessmen investment. Zaker Isfahani, in a meeting with Russian Ambassador to Iran Levan Dzhagaryan on February 2nd, said that the province has special characteristics compared with other

Port of St. Petersburg upgrades railway infrastructure Rusia: The Port of St. Petersburg has transferred over RUB 250 Million (over EUR 6 Million) for the development of the port’s infrastructure. In 2012, the Sea Port of Saint-Petersburg transferred another RUB 253 Million (EUR 6.2 Million) for the modernization and technical re-equipment of its cargo terminals. Funds were transferred for the modernization of asphalt concrete pavement of the ro-ro terminal, port security system and for the reconstruction of port railway tracks which allowed increasing throughput capacity and securing continuous traffic of trains. Part of the funds was transferred for the lease payments for equipment, purchased within the programme on modernization of the fleet of handling equipment.

Belarus to invest USD 1 Billion in the development of the logistics sector International: Belarus authorities could invest over USD 1 Billion by 2015 in the development of the logistics sector, BelTA informs. According to the logistics programme, Belarus is implementing 48 investment projects for which over USD 380 Million in investments were raised. The total area of A class storage facilities that are to be constructed by 2015 makes

Иран: “Провинция Исфахан является экономическим и промышленным узлом Ирана и одновременно она представляет собой благоприятную возможность для российских инвесторов”. Об этом заявил Алиреза Закер Исфахани, генеральный губернатор провинции. Железнодорожный транспорт, строительство экспресс-линии железнодорожного сообщения между Исфаханом и Тегераном, но и Исфаханское метро - это направления, которые могут заинтересовать российских инвесторов. В мире: Оператор БДЖ Freight Services (Болгария) стал участником проекта Викинг. Решение об этом было принято на встрече представителей администраторов железных дорго Белоруссии, Литвы, Украины, включая Болгарию. Россия: Порт Ст. Петербурга выделил более 250 миллионов рублей (свыше 6 миллионов евро) на развитие портовой

provinces of Iran. He stressed that Isfahan Chamber of Commerce is interested to develop economic and commercial ties with different provinces of Russia, such as St. Petersburg. Isfahani said rail road transportation, construction of express railway between Isfahan and Tehran, and Isfahan city subway are among appropriate grounds for Russian investors. Referring to Isfahan and St. Petersburg cities, the governor general said that many MoUs had been signed between officials of both cities.

up more than 700,000 square meters. The press service informed that eleven logistics centres have already been commissioned in Belarus. Belarus is now working to enhance competitiveness of its infrastructure and to create additional conditions for efficient operation of logistics centres compared to logistics centres of the neighbouring countries. Work is underway to create service facilities that meet European requirements. In particular, the logistics centre Prilesie (Minsk Oblast), the largest logistics centre under construction in Belarus. The project is implemented by Iranian investors. Belarus is in talks with Russia and Kazakhstan regarding abolition of residence principle applied for customs clearance of goods in the Customs Union. The three countries also discuss a VAT administration mechanism to be used in all the Customs Union member states and abolition of permits for carriers from the Single Economic Space for transportation of goods on the territory of the SES. Serbia to upgrade the rolling stock of its state-owned railway company Serbia: This year, the Serbian Government allocated RSD 1 Billion (EUR 8.9 Million) to repair the rolling stock. Rolling stock modernisation projects will help Zeleznice Srbije to overcome the challenges caused by the инфраструктуры. В 2012 году порт выделил еще 253 миллиона рублей (6,2 млн. евро) на модернизацию и ретехнологизацию грузовых терминалов. Белоруссия: Власти Белоруссии могут выделить свыше 1 миллиарда долларов до 2015 года на развитие сектора логистики. Об этом сообщает БелТА. Согласно соответствующей программе, Белоруссия будет вкладывать средства в проведение 48 проектов, по которым уровень инвестиций увеличился на 380 миллионов долларов. Сербия: В этом году правительство Сербии выделило один миллиард динаров (8,9 миллионов евро) на ремонт подвижного состава. Проекты модернизации подвижного состава помогут компании Железнице Србиjе преодолеть сложности, связанные с экономическим кризисом, и увеличить количество поездов. February 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

12 news Multimodal corridor between the ports of Greece and Bulgaria

Bosphorus Strait. Furthermore, the connection to fluvial ports on the Danube River will also be analysed. The project will be managed by the Trans-European Transport Network Executive Agency and is set to be completed by the end of 2014.

photo: port-burgas.bg

International: The European Union will support with EUR 750,000 from the TEN-T Programme a project aimed at exploring the feasibility of connecting by rail a series of maritime and fluvial ports in north-eastern Greece and Bulgaria to create a multimodal freight corridor serving the Aegean Sea, the Black Sea and the Danube River. The project, which is called “Sea2Sea”, will develop the concept of a “Sea2Sea” corridor by linking Greek ports on the Aegean Sea with Bulgarian ones on Black Sea via a rail link and provide an alternative route to the congested

National Express enters the German rail market

financial crisis, to increase the number of trains and to solve traffic issues currently caused by the lack of wagons and locomotives, declared its manager Dragoljub Simonovic. Funds for repairs will be allocated to state-owned companies in the field: Zelvoz (RSD 350 Million), Fabrika Vagona (RSD 250 Million), MIN– Vagonka (RSD 200 Million), Sinvoz (RSD 129.5 Million), but also to private companies Mip RSV (RSD 45 Million) and Inter-Mehanika (RSD 25.5 Million). Passenger operator to implement e-ticketing

photo: wikimedia.org

Montenegro: Th national railway passenger operator ZPCG has initiated the pre-qualification process for the tender on the delivery of consultancy services in the implementation of the e-ticketing system.

The consultant will have to elaborate an analysis on the existing ticketing system and to propose new solutions on the implementation of a new system. It will also have to review the tariff policy to determine the requirements of the new system and to recommend the design of the system. The project is estimated at EUR 300,000 and should be initiated in the second quarter of 2013. The implementation period is of 18 months since the attribution of the contract. www.railwaypro.com | February 2013

International: German rail users are to get a taste of the British commuting experience after National Express won the tender to run two rail routes in the country’s most populous region. National Express, which operates the London-to-Southend c2c route, has secured two contracts in the North RhineWestphalia region – Rheine-MünsterCologne-Krefeld and Bonn-CologneWuppertal. It is a symbolic moment for the British rail sector, because European markets are typically closed to external operators and largely the domain of state companies such as the powerful Deutsche Bahn. This has in turn allowed the likes of DB to enter the UK market, with DB acquiring Arriva – the owner of the Arriva Train Wales and CrossCountry franchises. The National Express contracts, worth a combined €1.6bn (£1.4bn), are the first “competitive” entry into the German market by a UK player. Dean Finch, National Express chief executive, said: “National Express is delighted to have been selected to run these two German commuter rail contracts. I’m particularly pleased that our success in running the UK’s best performing franchise has been recognised by the German authorities. We look

Черногория: Государственный оператор пассажирского железнодорожного транспорта Черногория ZPCG запустил процесс предварительной квалификации на тендере по поводу оказания консультационных услуг для проекта внедрения система электронной выдачи билетов e-ticketing. В мире: Европейский союз выделит через программу TEN-T, 750 тысяч евро на составление техникоэкономического обоснования осуществления железнодорожных соединений с рядом речных портов на Северо-Востоке Греции и Болгарии. Цель проекта заключается в создании

forward to maintaining these high standards and serving the people of North Rhine-Westphalia for many years to come.” Infrastructure manager to provide transport services Bulgaria: A railway infrastructure manager will be entitled to provide railway transport services in Bulgaria, under amendments to the railway legislation proposed by the Bulgarian government. The bill envisages lifting the ban for the railway infrastructure manager or a company in which it holds a stake, as well as a concessionaire, when the latter acts as a manager of the railway infrastructure, to carry out rail transport. The project will not lead to the merger of state-run National Railway Infrastructure Company (NRIC) and Holding BDZ, the government pointed out.

Georgian authorities don’t agree on resuming rail traffic through Abkhazia International: The resumption of rail services between Georgia and Russia through Abkhazia benefits all, but the return to normality will take time. “Nothing will be done for the detriment of the country. Restoration of the railroad will benefit everyone. The impact will be positive, but things will take quite some time. Everything will be done in stages in order to prevent any issues,” said the Georgian Prime Minister Bidzina Ivanishvili.Ivanishvili indicated the possibility of restoring communication through the Abkhaz section of the railway after the settlement of a number of controversial issues with Russia. However, in January, Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili declared that it opposes to the opening of Abhazia-Georgia railway section saying that the operation of this line was only to the benefit of Russia. “This will lead to the economic weakening of Georgia and to less importance for the new line currently under construction, as BakuTbilisi-Kars railway rejects cargo transport from and to Russia which worries Russia”, the President said.

мультимодального коридора по оси Эгейское море - Черное море - Дунай. Болгария: Менеджер железнодорожной инфраструктуры будет иметь право на предоставление услуг железнодорожного транспорта в Болгарии, в соответствии с поправками к железнодорожному законодательству предложенный болгарским правительством. В мире: Немецкий пользователей железнодорожным транспортом, чтобы получить вкус британского опыта поездок на работу после того, как National Express выиграла тендер запустить два железнодорожных маршрутов в самом густонаселенном регионе страны.

14 news modernisation of public tram transport”, declared Mayor Gheorghe Nichita.

Greece: After almost four years of delays, the president and CEO of Attiko Metro Mr Christos Tsitouras and Mr Dimitrios Dinopoulos, representative of concessionaire Themeli finally signed the contract for the extension of the Athens light rail network to Piraeus Port. The EUR 61.5 Million project is financed through the Greek National Development Programme and the city of Athens’ 2007-13 budget. The 5.4km extension will run from the current terminus at Neo Faliro on the eastern side of Piraeus, passing through the city centre before terminating at Akti Posidonos station, which will serve the port. The extension will have 12 stations and will carry around 35,000 passengers per day. The line will be commissioned in February 2015. Attiko Metro has allocated an additional EUR 45 Million for the acquisition of 25 new low-floor vehicles.

Dubai Metro attracts more passengers

UKVZ to supply trams to Moscow russia: Moscow announced the results of the tender for new tram supplies. UstKatav Car-Building Plant (UKVZ) is the winner of the tender. 67 trams will be supplied to Moscow by October 1, 2013. The contract is estimated at RUB 1.1 Billion (EUR 27.2 Million). Each tramway will be low-floor and will have a capacity of 125 passengers. Iaşi Municipality receives European funds to rehabilitate tram line Romania: Iaşi Municipality has developed another project using European funds on the rehabilitation of the public tram transport infrastructure. The total estimated cost of the project amounts to EUR 20 Million and the implementation will take 31 months. So far, the authorities have modernised 39 km of tram lines using European funds, the loans granted by the municipality and local budget funds. The total tram network of the city stretches on 83 km. “This is the ninth project signed by Iaşi Municipality. We are thus consolidating our position in the top of the growth pole cities as regards the accession of nonreimbursable European funds. It is a very large, ambitious project and it will demand a lot of effort, but these investments will help us continue our programme on the www.railwaypro.com | February 2013

International: More than 367 million

passengers travelled on public transport in Dubai during 2012 compared to 346.5 million in 2011, the Roads and Transport Authority said. Dubai Metro lifted a total of 109.5 million passengers in 2012 compared to 69 million in 2011. The authority said it aims to reduce the use of private vehicles and increase the share of public transport from 13 percent in 2006 to 30 percent in 2030. SYSTRA wins new contract in Egypt International: French company SYSTRA has signed a contract for the development of a study on the rehabilitation of Line 1 of Cairo Metro. The contract was signed with the Egyptian National Authority for Tunnels (NAT). The cost of the contract amounts to EGP 11.8 Million (EUR 1.3 Million), money that will come from the state budget. SYSTRA, the company which designed Line 1 and participated in the projects of Line 2 and 3, has thus consolidated its 30-year partnership with the Egyptian Authority.

Sofia tenders tram networks modernisation contract

Bids have to be submitted by February 21 and will be opened on the following day. The project has to be completed 250 days after the contract is signed. Beijing underground network expanded to over 400 km International: Four new underground lines were inaugurated in Beijing at the end of December. The railway network in the Chinese capital now numbers 16 lines with a total length of 442 km. The lines put in operation are Line 6, the southern section of Line 8, the northern section of Line 9 and the southern and western sections of Line 10. The network in Beijing has thus become the largest underground network in China. The total passenger transport capacity is expected to reach over around 9 million passengers every day, 1.5 million more than at present. By 2015, the number of lines will amount to 19 with a total length of 561 km. Beijing underground network is expected to expand over 1,000 km by 2020.

Modernisation of Timişoara tram lines Romania: Timişoara will receive European financing worth RON 84 Million (EUR 19.2 Million) for the development of three projects. Projects include the rehabilitation of the tram lines on Ştefan cel Mare Street, the implementation of a system for traffic ease and supervision and the extension of Dumbrăviţa trolleybus

Bulgaria: The Sofia municipality is seeking to award a contract with an estimated cost of BGN 10 Million (EUR 5.1 Million) tram line reconstruction works in the capital city. The project, financed under the EU-funded Regional Operational Programme, covers repair works along a 7,400-metre tram line and restoration of the adjacent cable network. Россия: Москва объявила о результатах тендера на поставку трамваев. Тендер выиграл Усть-Катавский вагоностроительный завод (УКВЗ). Греция: Исполнительный директор Attiko Metro и представители концессионера Темели подписали договор о расширении сети легкой железной дороги, соединяющей Афины и Пирейский порт. Румыния: Тимишоара получит европейское финансирование в размере 19,2 млн. евро на осуществление трух проектов. В мире: Число пассажиров, которые воспользовались услугами общественного транспорта в городе Дубае в 2012 году увеличилось до 367 миллионов по сравнению с 346,5 млн. в 2011 году.

photo: Club Feroviar

photo: wikipedia.org

Athens light rail network will be extended

В мире: Проект строительства сети метро в Вильнюсе, предложенный группой парламентариев, не был положительно воспринят. В мире: Французская компания SYSTRA подписала договор на разработку технико-экономического обоснования для реабилитации линии 1 каирского метро. Болгария: Мэрия Софии намеревается подписать договор на предварительную сумму в 5,1 млн. евро на проведение работ по реконструкции трамвайной линии в столице Болгарии. В мире: В конце декабря в Пекине сданы в эксплуатацию 4 новые ветки метрополитена. Таким образом, теперь сеть метрополитен китайской столицы имеет 16 веток.

news 15

Leipzig to install integrated transport control system International: Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe (LVB) GmbH, the public urban passenger transport authority of the City of Leipzig, Germany, has signed a contract with Trapeze for the supply and installation of a state-of-the-art integrated operations control system for controlling the entire fleet of vehicles and providing dynamic passenger information. LVB operates over 450 vehicles on 13 tramway and 61 urban and regional bus routes. The authority moves 135 million passengers annually. Trapeze will supply the installations and programs for the intelligent control of transport and necessary mobile technologies. The project is promoted by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Free State of Saxony and will be completed in 30 months.

Samsun buys Chinese trams

five new trams. The contract is estimated at EUR 7.5 Million. The contract includes 2-year maintenance of the trams. Deliveries will be made in the next 14 months.

Turkey: The authorities of the Turkish city of Samsun have agreed on a deal with Chinese manufacturer CNR Tangshan Railway Vehicles for the acquisition of

Vilnius Metro project is not priority

The metro network could be developed through a PPP, but is a long-term project, the PM said. The total cost of the project was estimated at LTL 4 Billion (EUR 1.1 Billion).

International: The project for the development of a metro network in Vilnius proposed by a group of parliamentarians in Lithuania has not received a favourable feedback. Lithuanian Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevicius said that the state did not have the money necessary to develop the metro network and that there were other more important strategic projects that were prioritized to receive state budget financing.

photo: wikipedia.org

network. The financing contracts were signed in Bucharest on 29 January. “We are talking about the rehabilitation of the tram lines and the modernisation of the street network on Ştefan cel Mare Street, a project estimated at RON 24 Million, traffic management and installation of video cameras estimated at RON 43 Million and extension of Dumbrăviţa trolleybus network estimated at RON 17 Million”, declared Mayor Nicolae Robu.

Румыния: Мэрия города Яссы получила европейские средства на осуществление еще одного проекта, касающегося реабилитации трамвайной инфраструктуры общественного транспорта на трамвае. В мире: Городское пассажирское транспортное управление Лейпцига подписала договор на поставку и внедрение интегрированной системы контроля операций и информирования пассажиров для всех видов транспорта, которыми управляет LVB. Турция: Власти турецкого города Самсуна направили новый заказ китайскому производителю CNR Tangshan Railway Vehicles на приобретение 5 новых трамваев. В мире: Власти Амьена проголосовали за строительство трамвайной линии продолжительностью в 10 км.

February 2013 | www.railwaypro.com


Future investments for Network Rail to expand services across Britain [ by Pamela Luică ]

The railway infrastructure manager of Great Britain, Network Rail, is responsible for 30,000 tunnels, bridges, track beds, over 32,000 km of line, 17 major stations and 2,500 stations rented to operators, as well as 8,200 commercial properties. At national level, the freight traffic significantly increased due to privatisation, totalling 28 billion t/km/year; the railway passenger transport increased by 50% (compared to 10 years ago), and for 2020 the estimates indicate increases of another 400 million trips.


y allocating investments in railway infrastructure modernisation and development projects, Network Rail proves again the impact of the railway transport on the insurance of the freight and passenger mobility, but also the profitability rate: for instance, according to the company, every pound spent on the Northern Hub project will return four pounds to the economy, but the major projects that we are currently delivering will generate a rate of return several times their cost. Under the circumstances, in the beginning of January, Network Rail announced that in the period 2014-2019 it plans to invest GBP 37.5 Billion (over EUR 46 Billion) in extending the railway system. If the proposal is approved, the new infrastructure will significantly contribute to the increase of the transport capacity, providing 170,000 places for the railway passenger transport, which is not enough for the extremely crowded traffic on the West Coast Main Line. “Network Rail’s documentation on its Strategic Business Plan had some good information in it about what Business Plan theStrategic company plans to do in the next 5 year Control Period and beyond. Costs are still

coming down, with efficiency savings now expected to be 20% in the present Control Period, following 27% in the previous one; a good achievement, although unlikely to be enough to meet the ORR target. What is interesting is the lack of any figure of savings due to the activities of the Rail Delivery Group or the Alliancing with South West Trains. This of course was the great hope of the McNulty Report, but the savings from the train operators do seem rather illusory and, of course, are nothing compared with the additional costs of letting the franchises after the Df T’s West Coast Main Line debacle” , said Lord Tony Berkeley, Chairman - Rail Freight Group UK. “The total investment sum sought for this next Control Period is GBP 27 Billion, bringing NR’s debt up to GBP 50 Billion by 2019. Of course, most of this goes into investment to increase the ‘value’ of the rail network but even with interest rates at the current low level, NR by then might be paying GBP 500 Million to GBP 1,000 Million in interest charges on this debt and, if interest rates rise to more normal rates by 2019, and if Network rail succeed in reducing the subsidy from government to the rail indus-

try to between GBP 2.5 Billion to GBP 3.0 Billion by the same time, one could be in a situation where the railway becomes selfsufficient without government support – except for Government having to pay the interest charges on this GBP 50 Billion of NR debt”, said Lord Tony Berkeley. However, the investments which are to be allocated in the next 5 years will determine the increase of the number of passengers by another 225 million, the number of trains reaching 355,000, the carbon dioxide emissions decreasing by 37% per passenger and likewise, for the freight traffic, increases by 30% are estimated compared to current statistics. The objectives established by Network Rail represent a record for the railway system of Great Britain. “We want to continue the development of the railway system, in the same way in which the industry is developed. The passengers and the clients of the railway freight transport must notice the value of our efforts, and this makes us answer the demands on the capacity increase. The objectives will be reached by increasing the efficiency and by providing services of higher quality”, declared the president of the Rail Delivery Group, Tim O’Toole. Operating costs continue fall while we increase investment in the network Operating costs continue fall while NR increases investment in the network

С помощью будущих средств

Network Rail намеревается укрепить свою позицию в рамках всей транспортной системы Великобритании

Source: Strategic Business Plan, Network Rail Network Rail www.railwaypro.com | February 2013

С помощью выделенных инвестиций на проекты модернизации и развития железнодорожной инфраструктуры, Network Rail еще раз доказывает воздействие, оказываемое железнодорожным транспортом на обеспечение мобильности грузов и пассажиров, но и на степень рентабельности системы. В данном контексте, в начале января месяца компания Network Rail объявила о том, что в период 2014-2019 она будет вкладывать средства в расширение железнодорожной системы в размере 37,5 миллиардов фунтов стерлингов (более 46 миллиардов евро). 35


February 2013 | www.railwaypro.com


National and regional strategies, essential for accessing funds [ by Pamela Luică ]

• The Western Balkans Investment Framework facilitates the financing of infrastructure projects with regional characteristics • South East Europe Transport Observatory has established new methodology on project priority

Mr. Yanni Papapanagiotou


nfrastructure projects demand significant investments especially when they have regional dimensions. In this context, the economic development of Western Balkans is closely related to infrastructure projects and the concentration of investments in the railway system. This region faces the problem of insufficient investments for railway infrastructure projects which lowers the share of railway transport below 50%. In order to benefit from investments, the countries in this region have to elaborate strategies to include those projects to be financed by institutions. Thus, accessing funds for financing railway infrastructure projects is vital for every country in the region, especially given the authorities’ increasing intention of focusing on railway transport. The Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF) is one of the institutions which grant financing to the infrastructure projects in Western Balkans and the main requirement for any proposed project has to be part of the SEETO - South East Europe Transport Observatory – programme or included into the EU/SEETO policies. The WBIF Strategy is defined by the national and regional strategies and by the multiannual SEETO plan that has established a new methodology on the hierarchy of projects. This will prioritize the railway projects in the Western Balkans region, especially since the primary network covered by SEETO will become part of the TEN-T network. www.railwaypro.com | February 2013

In the interview below, Mr. Yanni Papapanagiotou, Infrastructure Expert of WBIF, details problems such as accessing funds, the importance of strategies for including infrastructure projects into the national plans in the Western Balkans region, as well as the launch of policies to facilitate de financing of projects. Railway PRO: What are the main requirements in accessing funds from the countries in Western Balkans for the modernisation of the infrastructure? Does the Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF) favour railway infrastructure projects by facilitating investment grants? Yanni Papapanagiotou: Until now there is no indication showing preference to specific transport modes, as long as the

main requirements are met. In all WBIF sectors priority is given to projects with “regional” characteristics, meaning that two or more countries are benefited by the infrastructure project financed. Another requirement is that the project has the support by at least one of the International Financing Institutions and a third requirement is that the projects to be financed should be part of regional or national strategic documents, in other words they should be identified as priorities in the strategic planning phase. For the transport sector in particular, the main requirement is that any proposed projects / applications for grants, need to be part of SEETO (South East Europe Transport Observatory) Comprehensive Network and/ or included in EC/SEETO policies. Exceptions to the Comprehensive Network may be considered for urban transport projects.

Project Preparation Facilities Project Preparation Facilities

Technical Assistance

Assistance with Implementation & Monitoring

Design & Tendering

Source: WBIF

Pre-Feasibility Study

Feasibility study

Route 6b Route 7 Route 8 Route 10 Total

175 226 78 45 2,897

Source: SEETIS 2 (2011)

205 334 78 183 6,326

SEETO Rail Network Investment Needs

Source: SEETO Multi –Annual Plan Figure 4-52012-2016 SEETO Comprehensive Road Network - Investment needs


Railway PRO: Concerning this region, financial institutions constantly announce the allocation of funds for railway infrastructure projects. Moreover, there are countries in the region which gain the EU candidate statute and can thus benefit from funds for the railways, apart from the funds granted by international financial institutions. In this context, what problems and challenges do countries in the region face concerning the accession of financing and how could these problems be solved? Yanni Papapanagiotou: Preparation of projects is indeed financed in many occasions by grants, but construction is mainly financed through loans by IFIs. The main problem in terms of financing is that most countries are reaching their borrowing limits. The total public debt of the Western Balkans region is still relatively WBIFRail Rail Projects WBIF Projects

WBIF Rail Projects

Source: WBIF

moderate at around 53% of GDP, but fiscal space is limited due to pressures on national budgets and therefore limits the available funding for transport infrastructure investments. This fact makes prioritisation of projects absolutely a first priority, leading to the construction of the most necessary and viable ones. Railway PRO: What is WBIF strategy on the financing of railway projects for the next period and what countries/projects are concerned? What are the key projects in this region to meet demand in rail transport between Europe and Asia? Yanni Papapanagiotou: WBIF strategy is driven by Regional and National Strategies and the SEETO Multi-Annual Plan. SEETO has now established a new project ranking methodology, which is expected to assist towards a more rational prioritisation of railway projects in the Western Balkans region. All railway projects included in SEETO Comprehensive Network are gradually becoming part of TEN-T Network and as such, they will built to satisfy future EU demand, including Euro-Asian. As for next period’s programming, this depends on beneficiary countries’ applications for funding, which are submitted in two “rounds” every year. There is no doubt that the main regional railway projects are Corridors X, VIII and Vc. Railway PRO: What is the role of SEETO –South East Europe Transport Observatory Comprehensive Network in reviving the railway system in Western Balkans?



Yanni Papapanagiotou: SEETO Regional Cooperation is playing the most important role in the process of transport system development in the region, by focusing not only on infrastructure development, but also on horizontal measures. The development of SEETO Comprehensive Network up to TEN-T standards and its further integration in the European Transport System remains the main goal of SEETO and all of us who are working towards the transport sector development in the Western Balkans. The Comprehensive Network is providing priorities in the region, while the new project ranking methodology is important in identifying the main regional priorities, especially in these times of Europe’s financial crisis. Railway PRO: In theory, a significant part of financial instruments grant special attention to railway infrastructure. However, figures show a clear discrepancy between road and railway transport. In your opinion, how could this be changed in favour of railways, as mode of transport that answers mobility and environmental challenges? Yanni Papapanagiotou: In the past, more attention to road infrastructure has been paid all over Europe and not only in the Western Balkans region. Therefore I see this imbalance of financing as a panEuropean issue, rather than as an exclusive Western Balkans issue. It is clear that European Commission is giving priority to the railway sector for a number of years now. A great deal of progress in the railway sector can be achieved by improving interoperability, by providing shorter border crossing times and by following integrated policies to attract more demand.

Национальные и региональные стратегиисущественны для получения финансирования Проекты инфраструктуры нуждаются в существенном финансировании для того, чтобы их внедрить, особенно когда они имеют региональные составляющие. Инвестиционные рамки для Западных Балканов (WBIF) - это одно из тех учреждений, которые предоставляют финансирование проектов инфраструктуры на Западных Балканах. Основное требование для любого предложенного проекта - это включение в программу SEETO –South East Europe Transport Observatory или в политику ЕС UE/SEETO – об этом говорится в интервью с Янни Папапанаджоту, который является экспертом по инфраструктуре в рамках WBIF. February 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

20 Market Intelligence

European funds warm up modernization works in Romania [ by Florentina Ghemuţ, Consultant Club Feroviar ]

After several years of numbness when no significant work has been launched on the Romanian railway infrastructure and even maintenance works have been neglected, a series of major rehabilitation projects was initiated in 2011 with non-reimbursable European funds. The tram lines in the Romanian cities have also benefited from the same funds. However, the process of absorbing funds is still slow, the approvals for project financing are late and the development of tenders faces many obstacles.


ike other countries in Central and Eastern Europe, Romania benefits from European structural funds for the development of the transport sector. As part of the Sectoral Operational Programme Transport 2007-2013, Romania disposed of over EUR 2 Billion of these non-reimbursable funds for railway investments. The total budget of this programme amounts to around EUR 5.7 Billion of which: the Cohesion Fund and the European Fund for Regional Development: EUR 4.57 Billion, the State Budget: EUR 1.09 Billion. As mentioned since 2007, Romania’s railway infrastructure priorities have focused on the modernisation of the pan-European Corridor IV (which now

corresponds to the priority axis TEN-T 22). This axis crosses Romania from west to east and has two branches: the northern branch crosses cities such as Arad, Alba Iulia, Sighişora, Braşov, and Bucharest and reaches Constanţa at the Black Sea while the southern branch crosses the cities of Timişoara and Craiova, providing connection to Bulgaria to be achieved through a new bridge across the Danube at Calafat. Pan-European Corridor IV Modernisations on the northern branch of Corridor IV have included BucharestCampina, Bucharest-Constanta and Campina-Predeal sections. Works were initiated in 2001 with Bucharest-Campina section

financed with pre-accession funds. The next sections to be rehabilitated are in Transylvania, between Braşov (in the middle of the country) and Curtici, at the Hungarian Border, next to the city of Arad. Three large sections are considered for the following period, almost all contracts for construction works being already assigned after the finalization of the tenders organised in 2011. With just one exception, these sections are under rehabilitation, the contracts being assigned to consortia including various specialized companies. Most of these contracts have been awarded to FCC Construcciones and Alstom Transport (see table). The southern branch of Corridor IV and the other sections on the northern branch are still in the project preparation phase and

photo: Club Feroviar

Modernised section, Câmpina-Predeal

www.railwaypro.com | February 2013

Conferences 2013 Investments in Developing Romanian Railways

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22 Market Intelligence have been announced for financing through the future SOP-T, 2014-2020, with an estimated budget of EUR 7.2 Billion. The implementation of the signalling system ERTMS Level 2 along the corridor is also financed from European funds. ETCS Level 1 equipments have already been installed on the already rehabilitated sections, but the system has not yet been implemented. A pilot project has already been initiated at the beginning of 2012 on a section of 30 km between Bucharest and Campina being implemented by a consortium which includes Thales, Siemens and Nokia Siemens. On the Transylvanian sections underway, the implementation of the ERTMS has been attributed to Alstom Transport for the border section and it seems that the same company will implement the signalling on Simeria-Coşlariu and Coşlariu-Sighişoara sections as well, according to a recent announcement of the Romanian infrastructure manager, CFR SA.

Contracts for the rehabilitation of Corridor IV Winner of the tender Section

Execution of civil engineering and installation works (exclusively ERTMS, GSM-R, interlocking) Astaldi – Swietelsky – Alstom – Euro Construct – Dafora Consortium

Border-Curtici-Arad-km 614(close to Radna)

(includes installation of ERTMS, GSM-R and interlocking) Contract cost: EUR 248 Million Vinţu de Jos – Simeria Simeria – Coşlariu

Because of insufficient budget funds, every year CFR SA gave up necessary maintenance and repair works which, at the end of 2011, resulted in 462 speed restrictions on current and direct lines thus gradually reducing the maximum speed and the length of the lines with maximum traffic speed. The railway network has 17,945 bridges and culverts on the traffic lines, 23% of them having exceeded their life expectancy, while 63.5% are due for repairs, the figures being also reported at the end of 2011. Eight projects on the rehabilitation of bridges, culverts and tunnels have already obtained or will obtain financing from European funds also through the SOP-T 2007-2013. The rehabilitation of the complex of bridges crossing the Danube, at Feteşti and Cernavodă, has been developed from the rehabilitation of the Bucharest-Campina section it pertains to, this section being now close to finalisation. EUR 48.3 Million is the sum expected to be invested in this project which includes the rehabilitation of the two bridges across the two branches of the Danube, one of 1584 m (Cernavodă) and one of 970 m (Feteşti). The modernisation of rail stations is one www.railwaypro.com | February 2013

Contract signed with CFR SA on 9 December 2011 Contract cost: EUR 176 Million FCC Construccion SA – Alpine Bau GmbH – SC AZVI SA Consortium

Sighişoara - Aţel

Contract signed with CFR SA on 7 February 2012 Contract cost: EUR 207,7 Million

Coşlariu – Sighişoara

Aţel - Micăsasa

FCC Construccion sa -Alpine Bau -Azvi - Straco Grup Consortium Contract signed with CFR SA on 25 May 2012 Contract cost: EUR 166 Million

Gauge :1435 mm (134 km with broad gauge of 1520 mm)

Modernisation for works of art and rail stations

Attribution procedure not completed because of appeals Impresa Pizzarotti & C S.p.a

Vinţu de Jos – Coşlariu

Romanian Infrastructure

Length of the network: 10.818 km of which: • electrified: 4.002 km • non-electrified: 6.816 km • double track: 2.909 km • simple track: 7.771 km Total length of lines (including station lines): 20.210 km

Contract signed with CFR SA on 7 February 2012

Aktor S.A. – Arcada Company Consortium Micăsasa Coşlariu

Contract signed with CFR SA on 26 April 2012 Contract cost: EUR 172 Million

Operational Pilot Project for the installation ECTS/ERMS level 2 Signalling installations, ERTMS, GSM-R, interlocking and Simeria Operational Control Centre

Thales - Siemens - Nokia Siemens Consortium Contract signed with CFR SA in 15 November 2011 Contract cost: EUR 36 Million On 30 January 2013 CFR SA attributed the contract to Alstom Transport SA –Alcatel Lucent România SRL – Pas 97 SRL Consortium. The deadline for appeals is 10 days after the attribution of the contract. The contract is estimated at EUR 117 Million.

Simeria – Sighişoara Source: Club Feroviar

of the major projects. In several phases and benefiting from different financing, 20 stations have been modernised so far. The next projects to be implemented, financed through the same programme, amount to around EUR 176 Million and concern the rehabilitation of 16 rail stations. Ports will be better connected to railways Constanta Seaport lines have also attracted financing of around EUR 17 Million. The railway lines and railway installations in the area of Constanta Seaport measure around 300 km, 80 km of which are electrified. The project under development concerns the development of the railway capacity in the river-maritime area of Constanta Seaport. The Danube ports will have their access facilities improved with help from a major programme developed by the National Company Administration of Danube River Ports Giurgiu, a company which manages the ports in the sector between

Baziaş and Cernavodă. The programme is called “D.A.N.U.B.E. – Danube access network – Decongesting traffic in Europe by developing a TEN-T high-quality port infrastructure in Romania in optimal economic conditions” and the development of the feasibility study was 50% financed through the EU’s TEN-T programme (EUR 200,000 of 400,000). The total cost of the project is estimated at EUR 175 Million to be distributed to seven Danube ports. Pan-European Corridor IX The pan-European Corridor IX which crosses Romania from east (border with the Republic of Moldova) to south (border with Bulgaria) is still one of the major modernisation objectives. However, in the recent papers of the Ministry it does not figure in the financial planning for the next ten years. The latest cost rumoured for the complete rehabilitation of the 595 km representing the Romanian segment of Corridor IX was of EUR 4.5 Billion.

Market Marketdevelopment Intelligence 23

Examples of cities and investments in tram lines over the past years

Tram line modernisation works in Bucharest

Iaşi Tram network length: 82.6 km Invested funds: EUR 34 Million Investment plans: EUR 42 Million Cluj Napoca Tram network length: 13.2 km Invested funds: EUR 38 Million

photo: Club Feroviar

Galaţi Tram network length: 52.7 km Invested funds: EUR 21 Million

Better lines for urban transport as well Until recently, 15 Romanian cities have benefited from tram lines. In 2005, Constanţa and Braşov made the decision to give up this transport mode and pre-

ferred to introduce more buses. In 2011, a smaller town, Reşiţa, also interrupted tram transport without dismantling the infrastructure and without reaching any conclusion with respect to the future of this transport mode. Also, in Sibiu the only still functional tram line, which con-

nects the city to a suburban commune, is used only for recreation and was given up by Sibiu Municipality. However, the other 11 Romanian cities where trams are still running are determined to preserve and to upgrade this transport mode. Thus, significant funds have been invested in the modernisation of tram lines in cities such as Arad, Oradea, Timişoara, Cluj, Craiova, Iaşi, Brăila and Galaţi. Most of these funds have come over the past two years from European structural funds, while cities such as Arad and Timişoara have used EBRD and EIB loans. More than half of Bucharest’s tram network of 143 km has been upgraded starting with 2001, together with four depots,



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24 Market Intelligence

photo: Club Feroviar

Works under development at Sinaia station

from own budget funds or using a EIB loan. After an active period from 2005 to 2009, works have come to a standstill over the past years, but the municipality has announced that modernisation works would continue in the future. Instead, Bucharest currently develops a major project on the construction of a new underground line, Line 5, which will have 17 km and 27 stations. The two sections which compose this line are expected to be finalized in 2016 and 2018, works to the first section being initiated in 2011. The total costs of this project amount to EUR 1.45 Billion. The project uses funds from the state budget and funds from a loan of EUR 370 Million from the European Investment Bank (EIB). Unlike the situation of other countries, such as Bulgaria, Bucharest Metro, managed by a company of the Ministry of Transport, cannot access structural funds. At the beginning of 2013, the new budget of the ministry came with a significant cut of the funds dedicated to the finalization of this project. Suburban transport has priorities, but no actual projects Suburban railway transport in Romania is still very poorly developed, despite the fact that there are railway lines in the majority of urban suburbs which could take over part of the traffic if properly managed and modernised. Yet many of these lines are closed and very damaged. Connections between the great metropolises and the small settlements around them are most of the time provided by road transport companies with minibuses that don’t manage to ensure the minimum comfort www.railwaypro.com | February 2013

and safety conditions. And yet, there are many projects which consider turning into account these lines, projects initiated either by non-governmental associations or by public authorities. In Bucharest, for example, the Ministry of Transport has announced a series of projects under which the capital should use its railway infrastructure network which includes former industrial lines and a railway ring for passenger transport. Timişoara, Cluj and Sibiu are among the cities which announced projects for the launch of suburban rail transport. This way, a significant part will be that played by metropolitan public transport authorities, currently under development. Retreat of CFR S.A. With all the good news about the financing of the Romanian railway infrastructure, the economic and financial situation of the infrastructure manager remains difficult. To implement the agreements between the Romanian Government and the IMF concerning the economic programme supported by international institutions in exchange of a loan agreement, CFR SA is forced to reduce the length of its lines from 20,120 km to 15,500 km. This is achieved by closing down lines or giving them up to private managers. Thus, under a Government Decision of 2011, 661 km of line will be shut down, mostly station lines, infrastructure elements being sold to scrap iron. Around 3,000 km of line have already been leased to private managers and are now operated by private companies, after the retreat of the national operator CFR Călători.

Европейские средства размораживают проведение работ по модернизации в Румынии Несколько лет спустя после замораживания, когда не проводилось ни одной существенной работы по железнодорожной инфраструктуре Румынии, и даже пренебрегались работы по техническому обслуживанию, в 2011 году начал проводиться ряд крупных проектов реабилитации, с использованием безвозвратных европейских средств. Такими же средствами пользовались и трамвайные линии в городах Румынии. У Румынии было в распоряжении свыше 2 миллиардов евро в виде безвозвратных средств для инвестирования в железнодорожный сектор, а приоритетной являлась модернизация IV Панъевропейского транспортного коридора (которому теперь соответствует приоритетная Ось TEN-T 22), в том числе внедрение системы ERTMS. В работе находится еще три крупных отсека в Трансильвании, на северной ветке данного коридора. Южная ветка Коридора IV и остальные отсеки северной ветки все еще находятся на стадии подготовки к проекту и для них финансирование ожидается в период 20142020 гг. По предварительным оценкам, общая сумма для них составит 7,2 млрд. евро. 11 городов Румынии, в которых все еще ходят трамваи, настроены сохранить и модернизировать данный вид транспорта. Были вложены значительные суммы в модернизацию трамвайных линий в таких городах, как Арад, Орадя, Тимишоара, Клуж, Крайова, Яссы, Брэила или Галац. Большая часть этих средств за последние два года поступила от европейских структурных фондов, в то время, как такие города, как Арад или Тимишоара, использовали займы от ЕБРР или ЕИБ.

26 leaders

The strategic geographical position allows Turkey to expand its economic activities in both Europe with the European Union, but also in Central Asia and the Caucasus. At the same time, Turkey is an important trade centre. The projects regarding the construction of high speed lines and Marmaray project make the countries on the two continents prefer Turkey for freight and passenger transport between Europe and Asia, which will tilt the balance in favor of railway transport and will surely bring significant progress to the country’s economy. The Government in Ankara declared last year that EUR 11.65 Billion will be invested in the railways by 2020. Apparently, the railway reform is on the right track which is good news for both Turkey, as a country that wants to access the European Union and will have to align to most of the norms already implemented by the Member States, but also for potential investors who want to enter the railway market in Turkey. www.railwaypro.com | February 2013



Turkey, high time for railway law Interview with Süleyman Karaman, General Manager of TCDD

[ by Elena Ilie ]

RailwayPRO: The Turkish Government and Turkish Railways (TCDD) have announced an ambitious investment programme for railway infrastructure development in Turkey. What are the priorities over the next period and how much are the estimated investments worth? Süleyman Karaman: In Turkey, railway construction became a state policy again after 50-year negligence and starting as of 2003, investments made in railways have intensified significantly. A demonstration of rendering railway construction a state policy is the investments made in this sector. While the funds allocated for railways were 480 million TL in 2003, they reached 7.030 million TL in 2012 with a 14-time increase. Moreover, the fund for railways

will be 7.968 million TL in 2013. We are proceeding with our works on our main targets such as construction of YHT lines (Turkish high speed train), modernization of our existing system, improvement of advanced railway industry and restructuring of TCDD. Within the framework of YHT Projects, Ankara-Eskişehir section of Ankaraİstanbul high speed line was commissioned in March 13, 2009 and AnkaraKonya high speed line on August 23, 2011. 1,086 km new line was constructed between 2004 and 2012 and currently 3,434 km of new railway are under construction. In line with these projects, Eskişehirİstanbul section of Ankara-İstanbul high

We are proceeding with our works on our main targets such as construction of YHT, lines modernization of our existing system, improvement of advanced railway industry and restructuring of TCDD Süleyman Karaman speed line is aimed to be put into service on September 30, 2013 together with Marmaray Project which will connect Europe and Asia. Ankara-Sivas high speed line is also under construction. AnkaraBursa and Ankara-İzmir high speed lines are other high speed line construction projects that are on-going. We have some other important projects which are proceeding such as renewal of our existing conventional lines and accordingly, improving current geometrical standard of the lines through maintenance and upgrading and modernization of rolling stock fleet. We attach great importance to improvement of advanced railway industry in cooperation with national and international private sector. High speed train factory in Adapazarı established in cooperation with Korea, rail fastening factory in Erzincan established in cooperation with Germany, rail production at KARDEMİR, one of the most established companies of Turkish private sector, High Speed Railway Turnout Factory in Çankırı established in cooperation with Austria and collaboration with USA for locomotive production > February 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

28 leaders > at TÜLOMSAŞ (one of the affiliated

companies of TCDD) are just a few good examples of our joint works with national and international private sector partners. We have just started electric locomotives production in cooperation with Hyundai Rotem at TÜLOMSAŞ. Our Administration envisages making an investment of 60 billion TL within a 3-year investment program between 2013 and 2015 for railways. In addition, some pivotal decisions for further improvement of railways were taken during the 10th International Transport Forum. As per these decisions, 45 billion USD out of 350 billion USD dedicated for infrastructure investments for a 14-year period by 2023 have been allocated for railways. In this scope, 10 thousand high speed railway line and 4 thousand conventional line will be constructed by 2023. We are also aiming to realize the “Restructuring and Strengthening of Turkish Railway Sector” project in 2013. And it is high time for having a Railway Law. In brief, the railway sector is rendering one of the most dynamic sectors in Turkey. RailwayPRO: Marmaray project can easily be described as one of the projects of the century in infrastructure construction. How would you describe the importance of this project for consolidating transport connections between Asia and Europe? Süleyman Karaman: Upon the completion of Ankara-İstanbul high speed line and Kars-Tbilisi- Baku projects, which are two projects integrated with Marmaray Project, it will be possible to have a fast, economic and seamless railway link starting in London and extending to China by

www.railwaypro.com | February 2013

connecting Europe and Asia. Marmaray Project will also make significant contributions to public transportation in Istanbul which is a huge metropolitan and provide integration with other transport modes. With the revival of historic Silk Road by Kars-Tbilisi-Baku railway project which is implemented under cooperation between Turkey, Azerbaijan and Georgia, so to speak, “Iron Silk Road” will be established. Thanks to this project, direct rail connection between Turkey, Georgia and Azerbaijan will be provided and accordingly access to Middle Asia and China. In the first stage, it is envisaged to carry 6.5 million ton freight through Kars-Tbilisi- Baku railway project which will be an important railway corridor between Europe and Asia. RailwayPRO: The infrastructure sector in Turkey attracts more and more investors who target long-term business opportunities. How would you describe the development of Public Private Partnership projects on railway infrastructure development? Süleyman Karaman: As the turnarounds of the railway infrastructure investments are slow, these investments cannot be conducted within the Public Private Partnership projects. Thus, the fields of application of such projects are quite limited across the world. RailwayPRO: What is TCDD’s position with regard to the collaboration with other Black Sea countries for consolidating transport relationships and Turkey’s position in the Eurasian platform? Süleyman Karaman: TRACECA

(Transport Corridor Europe-CaucasusAsia) is an east-west axis corridor which is shaped and developed for multi-modal transport in order to revitalize the Silk Road. On 8 September 1998, a multilateral agreement named “Basic Multilateral Agreement on International Transport for Development of the Transport Corridor Europe- the Caucasus – Asia” (MLA) was signed by the Presidents and Heads of Governments of 12 countries such as Turkey, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania and Bulgaria for the development of the Europe-Caucasus-Asia transport corridor. This agreement constitutes the basis for the TRACECA Program. The studies for logistic centers in Gelemen (Samsun) and Palandöken (Erzurum) on the TRACECA corridor are ongoing. Within the project for the exploitation of railway-ferry service with railway connection between Russia and Turkey, two participants of TRACECA, via Black Sea, a combined transportation is initialized with a railway-ferry line established between Samsun-Turkey and Kavkaz-Russia ports. By this time, a total of 53,560 ton freight has been carried with 2,036 wagons in 54 train trips. Through the Silk Storm Block Train Project, the journey time for the block trains between Kazakhstan and Turkey is aimed to be reduced. With the regular trips of the trains and the completion of their trips in the expected period, the railway transportation will become a preferred mode in freight transport between Kazakhstan and Turkey. It is also estimated that there will be significant increases in freight transport by rail between Georgia, Azerbaijan and Turkey. In addition, the connection to be made by Kazakhstan with China will increase the freight volumes to a significant extent. With the completion of the Marmaray Project and Kars-Tbilisi-Baku Railway Project, a nonstop block train transport can be carried out between China and Europe through Turkey. The freights coming from all along Kazakhstan and from the north of China will arrive in Europe and Middle East by rail through Turkey, and in Africa via seaways through the south of Turkey as well. About the Constanţa-Derince ferry transportation: The ferry transport between Derince and Constanţa (Romania) has been continuing in order to provide a railway connection between East Europe and Turkey through Black Sea. With this transportation mode, Romania and Turkey are connected with railway plus seaway, and annually 50,000 tons of freight transportation is carried out. Ilyichevsk -Derince ferry transportation: In Black Sea corridor between Ukraine and Turkey, annually 150,000 tons freight is carried through railway + ferry connections.


RailwayPRO: What measures will TCDD take for strengthening combined transport (road - railway, maritime – railway) in conformity with the international legislation? Süleyman Karaman: We have given priority to freight transportation projects within railways in an attempt to increase transit transportation means both at national level and between Europe and Asia, and also to develop combined transportation by establishing an uninterrupted main railway corridor on the east-west axis in our country. The railways are utilized especially in international and transit transports within intermodal transportation as carrying long-distance and large amounts of freights are much more advantageous by rail. In our enterprise, logistic centers have been started to be established and wagons suitable for the combined transportation have been manufactured with the priority given in the block train operations. Certain significant developments have been achieved especially in the railway connections with the Organized Industrial Zones and in container and auto transportation. Combined transportations (container transportation) with seaway-railway and railway-seaway connections are carried out from Derince, Bandırma, Alsancak, Samsun, İskenderun and Mersin Ports; in addition, combined international transportations with railway-road connections from such establishments as Halkalı, Köseköy, Derince, Bozüyük, Çukurhisar, Ankara, Boğazköprü, Eskişehir, Kayseri, Başpınar, Biçerova, Mersin etc. The container transportation, which aims to establish cooperation between transportation modes by eliminating the competition between them, has increasingly become an important and indisputable transportation mode in transportation sector. Within that context, the container transportation volume, which was 695,000 tons/year in 2002, was increased to 7,6 million tons/year in 2011, with 11 times of increase in the volume. Semitrailer transportation it is a kind of rail transportation that semitrailers without hauler are transported by means of special wagons (pocket wagon) designed only for the transportation of road transportation vehicle trailers. This transportation type has so many advantages such

as safety, low noise, environment friendliness, energy-saving, convenience at border crossing, convenience at customs, efficient personnel and vehicle usage and efficient capacity. The first test service of the train to transport semitrailer between Wels (Austria) – Halkalı (İstanbul) was operated on October 9, 2009 from Wels. As in the case of developed countries, in Turkey auto transportation by rail has also been initiated. Automotive spare parts transportation is carried out by Cologne (Germany) – Köseköy – Cologne Block Container Train between Turkey and Germany. It has been provided auto transport services between Köseköy – Bucharest (Romania), Tehran – Köseköy as a result of the works carried out between railway administrations, automotive sector and logistics companies. By above-mentioned transportation, the road transportation costs arising from wheel wear have been decreased. Auto transport also decreases the road maintenance and repair costs arising from damages due to high axle-load highway vehicles and it allows to prevent highway accidents and environmental and noise pollution. RailwayPRO: What are TCDD’s plans for the near future for the development of port terminals dedicated to freight transport and logistics? Süleyman Karaman: The works which are complementing each other have been commenced simultaneously with adopting the railway as a state policy. Great progress has been made in the works such as connecting the current railway network to the production centres and ports with an aim to increasing the competitiveness of the railways and having a cheaper transportation. Operational costs have been decreased as a result of improving port terminal and preventing service leakage, loss of time and labor. We can improve service speed and quality through this system. With the realization of Phase II Container Terminal of the İzmir Port, an additional dock length of 750 m and 550.000 m2 hinterland will be gained and accordingly, port handling and storage area as well as its revenue will be increased by 3 times. One of the important activities in addition to passenger and freight transportation is port handling. While the amount of port handling was 41,5 million ton in 2003, it is estimated to handle 55,4 million ton in 2012 with the dynamism of the private sector, with an increase of 34%. It is expected to provide a significant contribution to passenger and freight transportation in Turkey by increasing the rates of port handling by improving port terminals operated by PPP (Public


Private Partnership). The importance of the logistic centres which have highway, maritime and airway access- where possible- and where storage and transportation services are provided together has been increasing day by day. Our Administration has planned to establish similar facilities in 16 points on different scales. These centres are as follows İstanbul (Halkalı/Yeşilbayır), İzmit (Köseköy), Samsun (Gelemen), Eskişehir (Hasanbey), Kayseri (Boğazköprü), Balıkesir (Gökköy), Mersin (Yenice), Erzurum (Palandöken), Konya (Kayacık), Denizli (Kaklık), Bilecik (Bozöyük), Kahramanmaraş (Türkoğlu), Mardin, Kars, Sivas Logistic Centres. Samsun (Gelemen), Halkalı and Uşak logistics centers have been put into service; the first phase of the construction works of Denizli (Kaklık), İzmit (Köseköy), Eskişehir (Hasanbey), Kayseri (Boğazköprü) have been completed. The construction works at Eskişehir (Hasanbey), Erzurum (Palandöken) and Balıkesir (Gökköy) logistics centers are proceeding. Studies concerning the other logistics centres are also ongoing. By the finalization of these logistics centres, Turkish Logistics Sector will gain approximately 40 Billion Dollar and an additional 8,4 million m2 container storage and handling area together with 26 billion tonnes of transportation.

Турция намеревается в 2013 году осуществить проект «Реструктуризации и укрепления железнодорожного сектора» Стратегическое позиционирование позволяет Турции усиливать свои экономические связи с Европой, с Европейским союзом, но и с Центральной Азией и Кавказом. Одновременно Турция является важным коммерческим узлом. Проекты строительства высокоскоростных линий и проект Мармарай обеспечивают Турции статус благоприятствования с точки зрения транзитных перевозок грузов и пассажиров с одного континента на другой. Такие перевозки осуществляются в основном по железной дороге, и они призваны обеспечить значительный прогресс экономики страны. Правительство в Анкаре в прошлом году объявило о том, что в железные дороги будет инвестировано 11,65 миллиардов евро до 2020 года. Что касается реформы железнодорожной системы, то и здесь имеются хорошие новости и для Турции, которая стремится вступить в ЕС и должна соответствовать большинству норм, применяемых уже большинством членов, но и для потенциальных инвесторов, которые желают вступить на профильный рынок в Турции. О важных железнодорожных проектах и о железнодорожном транспорте говорит в своём интервью генеральный директор Турецких железных дорог (TCDD), Сюлейман Караман. February 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

30 LEX

“Apple of Discord”…in European railways [ by Elena Ilie ]

Long-awaited, both criticized and acclaimed, the Forth Railway Package “is introduced” as the legislative package which should solve most of the problems of the European railways which the previous three railway packages combined could not solve. The package mostly talks about unitary interoperability in the European railway network, the compulsory character of separating railway operation from infrastructure management and the liberalization of the national railway transport.


he main objective of the Fourth Railway Package consists in improving the quality and efficiency of railway transport services by removing the still-existing barriers (unsolved by the three previous packages) thus encouraging the performance of the railway sector and consequently, competitiveness and economic growth. These barriers can be grouped into four categories, technical, administrative, institutional and legislative barriers. At the end of January, the European Commission adopted the six proposals which compose the Fourth Railway Package. The initiative was appreciated by some players in the railway environment, while other players, such as Deutsche Bahn and SNCF, declared themselves displeased with the adoption of some of the provisions included in the new law proposal. The main issue of the two European giants is that they don’t agree with the separation of operation from infrastructure management. In October 2012, Rüdiger Grube, Chairman and CEO of Deutsche Bahn (DB), demanded the European Commission to come up with a detailed analysis of the benefits resulting from the separation of the railway infrastructure managers from railway operators. Deutsche Bahn, member of a holding that also deals with railway infrastructure management, is concerned with the possibility that the European Commission could

Source: http://europa.eu

www.railwaypro.com | February 2013

present proposals that would impose the reorganization of the German structure. “We don’t want a rushed decision based on dogmatic approach”, said Grube while asking the Commission to be “honest enough so as to postpone the decision” in case a detailed cost-benefit analysis could not be drafted. SNCF, represented by the business strategy and development director of SNCF Group, Sophie Boissard, agrees with the German operator. “The legislative framework to be adopted will shape the future of European railway transport for the next decades. Therefore, it is important to eliminate all mistakes. At the moment, it seems that choices are made with enough research. We cannot understand why there is no impact study on the Forth Railway Package”, commented Boissard. How and to which extent the two giants, Deutsche Bahn and SNCF, will influence the decision on the vote is yet to be seen. The Community of European Railways and Infrastructure Companies (CER) tries to persuade the European Commissioner for Transport to give up the mandatory separation between infrastructure managers and railway operators. This solution has not been very successful in many European countries. A series of public events and several bilateral meetings has thus been held and CER has even asked for the elaboration of a study that would evaluate the costs of such a separa-

tion. Moreover, CER has wished to draw attention on the needs of smaller European Union member states, but also on the effects that the vote of the Fourth Railway Package would have on them. The European Union says this package will be the last and expects it to solve the problems of the European railways. “CER cannot support the disproportionate set of proposed measures regarding separation between infrastructure managers and railway undertakings. The existing legislation already contains substantial safeguards against distortions to competition. Also, available economic assessments from sources independent from the Commission demonstrate that no specific structural model is superior to any other. Thus, although CER appreciates the fact that the Commission has stepped back from imposing vertical separation as the only structural model for rail undertakings, it is hard to understand why the Commission continues attempting to narrow down the options available to Member States in such a dramatic manner”, states the organisation in a press release. “The so-called technical pillar of the Fourth Railway Package, in conjunction with generalised open access rights, will mark an important step forward for the Single European Railway Area. CER looks forward to constructive exchanges with policy-makers in order to ensure progress on these vital is-

LEX 31

Source: http://europa.eu

sues. On the other hand, CER urges policymakers to defend the principle of subsidiarity with respect to Public Service Obligations and governance matters”, said CER Executive Director Libor Lochman. “Holding structure”? OK...but better off without it The Commission wants to reduce the administrative costs of railway undertakings and to facilitate the market access for new entrants. According to the new proposals, the European Railway Agency will become a “onestop shop” for the entire EU and will release authorisation for the introduction in the market of vehicles and safety certificates for railway undertakings. At present, railway authorisations and safety certificates are issued by each member state. The proposed measures would reduce the time frame necessary for the market access of new entrants by 20% and will also permit a 20% reduction of the cost and time necessary to issue the rolling stock permit. Overall, savings for companies would amount to EUR 500 Million by 2025, points out the recitals submitted to the European Commission. To encourage innovation, efficiency and a better quality-price report, the Commission proposes the opening of domestic railway passenger transport markets to new entrants and new services starting with December 2019. Undertakings will be entitled to offer internal railway passenger transport services in the EU wither by providing competitive commercial services or through tender for public service obligations in the railway sector which represents the majority (over 90%) of the EU train trips and whose attribution through tender procedure will become mandatory. To ensure the balanced access of all undertakings to the railway lines, the independent infrastructure managers have to be efficient and non-discriminatory in managing the networks and to coordinate their activity in

the EU to support the development of a true European network. To guarantee that the network develops to the interest of all parties and to maximise operational efficiency, the Commission proposes the consolidation of the infrastructure managers’ role, so that they would control all the essential functions of the railway network, including infrastructure investment planning, current operations and maintenance, as well as the establishment of schedules. Since they are confronted with various complaints from users, the Commission believes that the infrastructure managers should be operationally and financially independent from any railway undertaking which operates trains. This is essential to prevent potential conflicts of interest and to provide non-discriminatory access to railways for all undertakings. The proposal confirms that, in general, institutional separation is the simplest and most transparent method of reaching this objective. Railway undertakings which operate independently of infrastructure managers will have immediate access to the internal railway passenger transport market in 2019. However, the Commission can accept that a vertically integrated structure or a “holding structure” can also provide necessary independence guarantees owing strict barriers that would ensure a mandatory juridical, financial and operational separation. To conserve this independency and in the context of the complete opening of the passenger transport market in 2019, it is possible that railway undertakings which are part of a vertically integrated structure would not be permitted to carry out their activity in a member states if they had not proved to the Commission that they dispose of all necessary mechanisms to ensure equal conditions and fair competition on the domestic market, the Commission motivates the proposals submitted to approval. MEPs welcomed the Commission’s “Railway package” proposals. Here are some preliminary reactions. “We want the operators to be able to run

trains across the continent without technical or administrative barriers which undermine the internal market.” To remove them, “we need an increased role for the European Railway Agency”, said Transport and Tourism Committee Chair Brian Simpson. Said El Khadraoui expects the debate “to focus on the opening of the domestic passenger market and the public service obligations”. Provisions must be added to prevent “cherry-picking by new entrants who are interested only in taking the most frequented and thus most profitable lines”, he added. Mathieu Grosch said “Making the railway sector more efficient is vital.” He expects controversy over some of the concrete proposals. “For us, ultimately, the goal is to create sustainable jobs in the railway sector and improve public service”, he added. No doubt that we will witness many debates either in favour or against the Fourth Railway Package in the form proposed by the Commission, as before being adopted, the Commission’s proposals have to be approved by the European Parliament and by the governments of member states.

Сможет ли IV Железнодорожный пакет решить вопросы, связанные с созданием единого транспортного рынка? Основная задача IV Железнодорожного пакета заключается в повышении качества и эффективности услуг железнодорожного транспорта за счёт преодоления оставшихся ограничений и поощрения развития железнодорожного сектора, следовательно повышения конкурентоспособности и обеспечения экономического роста. Ограничения можно сгруппировать по четырем категориям - технические, административные, институциональные и законодательные барьеры, а их можно устранить с помощью инициатив, входящих в состав предложения по IV Железнодорожному пакету. February 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

32 Policies & Strategies

Reducing the financing of infrastructure projects is not an acceptable solution

[ by Elena Ilie ]

The transport importance both at national and at international level needs no more presentation and no argument in its favour. This subject has been discussed by specialised organisations or associations, researchers and specialists in the field, ministers of transport and their deputies, transport operators, infrastructure managers, the railway industry and maybe the most insistent was the European Union through the voice of its competent decision makers, and the list could continue.


he need for infrastructure investments, especially in railway infrastructure, is once again a subject approached extremely often. The numerous statements and speeches made in Brussels which underlined the leverage that the transport provides for the economy of a country or macro-region, multiple jobs created by the construction of a new infrastructure, without forgetting the role of the transport for the social cohesion. After all these, some national governments which understand what “transport” means find it difficult to accept that it is Brussels where the budget cut may come from for 2014 – 2020, especially when at the half of the past year it was supposed to increase by 5% compared to the budgetary period 2007 – 2013. Several states among which Great Britain, Germany, France and Holland objected to the reduction of the EU budget for 2014 – 2020. We can only hope that at the following negotiations, the EU leaders will not make any negative decision as regards the regional development funds. The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) has already been in danger, in October, when the Cyprus presi-

Source: European Commission

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dency of the EU (active until January 1st, at present the EU’s Presidency being held by Ireland) proposed a reduction of the Multiannual Financial Framework to EUR 36.3 Billion. EU leaders must think about the fact that the transport infrastructure would benefit through CEF 2014 – 2020 from the amount of EUR 40 Billion for the execution of some important projects among which we can also mention railway infrastructure investments. The European Parliament has firmly rejected the reduction of the Connecting Europe Facility, because “this reduction could mean that a program such as CEF could not be executed at all in the budget period 2014 – 2020. The Horizon 2020 programme could have also been in danger, as well as the Galileo project. In its turn, the European Commission does not want a CEF reduction. Nevertheless, before the Summit of the EU leaders, there have also been several discussions which were not decisive but which show us that the Connecting Europe Facility could be exempt from the fund reduction. These proposals (which will certainly need to be analysed within the debates next

year), “limit” the prejudice caused to CEF. Therefore, compared to the Cyprus proposal, the proposals for the CEF financing would have provided a grant of EUR 46.2 Billion, out of which EUR 10 Billion would have come from the Cohesion Fund. According to the AFP information, the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, declared, before the Summit of the EC Council, that he is “optimistic” about the possibility to reach an agreement on the budget for 2014-2020. Data referring to a potential pro or against agreement concerning the vote on the Multiannual Financial Framework 20142020 were not available before closing the edition.

Source: European Commission - TEN T

Сокращение бюджета ЕС 2014 – 2020 не может являться приемлемым способом решения вопросов Мы надеемся на то, что лидеры стран ЕС не приняли отрицательного решения по вопросу о фондах регионального развития. Механизм подключения Европы (МПЕ) уже оказался в опасности в октябре 2012 года, когда при президентстве Кипра в ЕС было предложено сокращение Многолетней финансовой рамки до 36,3 млрд. евро. Лидерам ЕС предстоит задуматься о том, что на транспортную инфраструктуру через МПЕ 2014 - 2020 может быть выделена сумма в размере 40 миллиардов евро для осуществления важных проектов, в том числе в виде финансирования железнодорожной инфраструктуры.

Points for Safety

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34 Policies & Strategies

Structural funds, economic growth potential thrown out the window [ by Felicia Gherghieş ]

Difficulties in implementing public procurement legislation, non-correlating projects to the national economic situation and management problems are only few of the hindrances which have to be overcome so that Romania would be able to accelerate the accession of European structural funds.

Improvement is yet to come

SOP-T has the most unfavourable situation On 31 December 2012, the operational programme with the highest absorption rate was the Regional Operational Programme with 24.70%, followed by the Operational Programme Administrative

Capacity Development with 24.63%. On the other hand, the programme with the lowest absorption rate was the Sectoral Operational Programme Transport with 6.46%. SOP-T is, in fact, the programme with the lowest rate of the internal payments to beneficiaries, 9.15% or an estimated RON 1.885 Billion. At the same time, SOP-T is the programme with the smallest number of projects approved and signed contracts. At the end of last year, out of 154 projects submitted as part of the programme, 93 were approved with a total cost of RON 12.481 Billion and 87 contracts were signed with a total cost of

photo: Club Feroviar

Based on the old saying “God gives, but he won’t stuff it into your bag”, an article from June 2012 published by “The Economist” shows that Romania, which ranks second in the top of the poorest EU countries, continues to rank last in the absorption of structural funds More than half a year away, the situation seems not to improve. According to the data published by the Romanian Ministry of European Affairs , the absorption rate amounted to only 11.47% of the total sum of RON 86.651 Billion granted by the EU for 2007-2013.

The total cost of the projects approved by the end of 2012 (11,360) was of RON 76.320 Billion and that of the contracts signed (9,222) amounted to RON 67.227 Billion. Internal payments to beneficiaries amounted to RON 20,972 Billion.

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36 Policies & Strategies Ron 12.43 Billion, while the sum allocated by the EU for this programme is almost the double of RON 20.592 Billion. Deep-rooted causes for failing to absorb the EU funds Several studies carried out by the responsible bodies in the EU and in the country have stressed the fact that Romania’s incapacity to accelerate the absorption of European funds is generated by severe systemic problems. In July 2012, a Information report on Bulgaria and Romania: unfinished transition , elaborated on behalf of the Committee for European Affairs by French senators Simon Sutour, Michel Billout, Bernadette Bourzai, Jean-François Humbert and Catherine Morin-Desailly, stated that the launch of operational programmes has been challenged by the lack of experience and mostly by the lack of proper administrative and juridical capacity. Highlighting once more the irregularities of public tenders and fraudulent practices, the report drew attention that funds could not be well absorbed and could not have the expected results because the rule of law had not been consolidated and because the administrative and juridical systems were not reliable. Also in July, the Report from the European Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on progress in Romania under the cooperation and verification mechanism reached the conclusion that the efficient use of EU funds in Romania was affected by the problems in implementing public procurement legislation which favours corruption and abuses. A recent study elaborated by the Institute for Public Policies (IPP) on the Systemic problems of the Structural Fund management’s failure in Romania identifies two categories of explanations for this “balance of failure”.

resources employed among management authorities; excessive politization; fragmentation of the management system of structural funds between ministries; the inefficiency of monitoring committees; lack of support for beneficiaries from management authorities or intermediate bodies); 3) problems with the strategic budget planning at national level (incomplete integration of structural funds into the systems of national public finances; confuse public procurement legislation which leaves room for interpretation; the integral or partial uncovering of major sectors with real financing needs; the uncorrelation of financing of European funds with the Agreement signed with the International Monetary Fund which has not permitted Romania to increase the absorption rate by reimbursing the cost of European projects first from the national budget after which they will be recovered from the sums allocated by the Commission). The second systemic problem identified by IPP is the lack of transparency in the management of European funds. Although, a series of measures to repair this deficiency has been made lately, the pro-

cess is still in the beginning and the centralisation of information suffers from the inexistence of a single date report format, IPP states. Radical solutions to accelerate absorption In conclusion, the IPP study recommends first of all improving the content of operational programmes by rethinking financing priorities and reallocating the unspent money to different priority axes for national interest programmes. At the same time, last June, the World Bank suggested Romania not to entirely copy European policies which had no connection whatsoever with national problems, but to correlate financing programmes with the need for growth of the domestic economic competitiveness. According to IPP, another objective is improving the management of structural funds providing coordination by a single centre (Ministry of European Affairs), recruiting specialized staff among management authorities and intermediate bodies, clarifying the situation of financial corrections for each operational programme, using money from technical assistance to

The first major cause for this situation is Romania’s incapacity to absorb structural funds because of:

2) the administration problems of management authorities which led to major gaps between the contracting rate and the actual payments reimbursed by the European Commission for each operational programme (poor quality of the human www.railwaypro.com | February 2013

photo: ec.europa.eu

1) the problems with the initial conception of operational programmes (the inexistence of an integrated development vision at national level on the medium and long term, with sectoral priorities, but also regional development priorities that would reduce disparities; the lack of attractiveness of accessing structural funds for the private environment; setting unrealistic or improperly laid down programme indicators);

4th 2013 2013





photo: Club Feroviar


actually support project beneficiaries in correcting their implementation and imposing mandatory transparency among management authorities. Last but not least, the IPP study shows that structural funds need to be integrated into national public financing systems being necessary for the state budget to support priority projects and harmonise sectoral development plans and national interest investment objectives. At the same time, it is imperative to align national public procurement legislation to European standards. Promises for a better future The need for urgent implementation of efficient solutions is incontestable. In January, the European Commissioner for Regional Development, Johannes Hahn, drew the attention that 2013 was a very important year for Romania, the year when it would have to ensure the absorption of over EUR 5 Million of European funds. In fact, the Commissioner promised that Romania would have all the EU support in doing so, because “Romania is one of the most active markets for European companies”, and said he hoped that the problem of pre-suspending payments in the Regional Operational Programme, Sectoral Operational Programme Transport and Sectoral Operational Programme Economic Competitiveness Growth would be solved to the interest of all. The new Romanian Minister of European Affairs Eugen Teodorovici said in turn that the major objectives of the current government programme include increasing the absorption rate of European funds to 50% by the end of 2013 and to 80% by the end of 2015. The first measures to be made

were the simplification and acceleration of the process of conveying reimbursement demands to the European Commission, analysing the possibilities to intervene in the organisation of the system without disturbing the activity of management authorities, imposing “zero” tolerance t any law infringement situation, including conflicts of interests and other aspects the European Commission is worried about and intensifying discussions with community partners to avoid dead ends and to change EU’s perspective on Romania.

Структурные фонды - неиспользованный потенциал экономического роста Недостатки в применении законодательства в сфере государственных закупок, отсутствие соотнесения проектов с положением национальной экономики и проблемы управления - это всего несколько препятствий, которые необходимо преодолеть для того, чтобы Румыния могла ускорить свой доступ к европейским структурным фондам. По данным, опубликованным Министерством Европейских дел, степень использования фондов в конце прошлого года составляла всего 11,47% от общего размера выделенных финансовых средств в размере 86,651 миллиардов леев, предоставленных ЕС на период 2007-2013 гг. На момент 31 декабря 2012 года операционной программой с наименьшей степенью использования оказалась Операционная программа транспортного сектора, где процент использования средств составлял 6,46%.



t Innovative financing strategies t Effective integration of systems t Cost effective ERTMS upgrades t Solutions for low capacity lines t Enhanced lifecycle of telecoms systems t Increased capacity through cab signalling

2013 t More reliable transmision networks t Greater operational and system interoperability






PPPs pave the way for railway infrastructure development [ by Pamela Luică ]

Public private partnerships consist in the financing, design, development and operation of services and facilities of the public sector and integrate delivery of long-term services, distribution of risks to the private sector and implementation of the contracts between the private sector and the public sector on the long-run and under different forms. The shift of responsibilities to the private segment for accessing financing for projects is one of the big differences between PPPs and conventional acquisitions and, where the situation requires it, the private party has to identify investors and to develop the structure of project financing. Under these circumstances, PPPs are essential in the implementation of infrastructure projects.


sing the PPP, the private sector finances the construction of the project and the reimbursement is made either through a services tax from the authority provided in time or through project revenues or it is a combination between the two concepts. Therefore, when the public authority would not or cannot increase the level of investments, PPPs help the implementation of projects for which the authorities don’t dispose of the necessary financial resources. Such a project adds value to investments if it brings clear advantages to the society which is more important than if it could be achieved by any other acquisition alternative. Therefore, it is very important to elaborate an investment analysis (especially, cost-benefit studies) as initial part in the preparation ofSelected a project,European irrespectiverail of PPPs its method of

Infrastructural Needs versus Resources Asian‐Pacific (ADsB) Until 2025 demand of US$ 5 trillion in infra

Asian‐Pacific (IMF) Until 2025: US$ 1,2 trillion available

Worldwide (OECD) US$ 45 trillion until 2040 to mitigate climate change effects

Worldwide (WB Data) About WW GDP 2011 (68Tr)

Source: Jan van Schoonhoven, Executive Program Leader UNECE PPP Center of Excellence

implementation whether conventional or PPP. In some states, such as Great Britain, which has complex programmes for this type of acquisition, a PPP adds value to the money invested in the case where cost is smaller than the best realistic alternative of the public sector. As part of the PPP application, political support and the implication of interested parties are cru-

Source: Hansen (2010) (amended – needs update)

Selected European rail PPPs


Design to Contract completion time duration

StockholmͲArlanda Airport 1993Ͳ1999 HS1 Channel Tunnel rail link 1996Ͳ2003 (2007) Oresund roadͲrail link 1991Ͳ2000 HSLͲZuid PerpignanͲFigueras HS Diabolo rail link Brussels Liefkenshoek rail link Antwerp ToursͲBordeaux HS (HSL SEA) GSMͲR France LisbonͲMadrid HS NimesͲMontpellier HS BretagneͲPays de la Loire HS


Route length


Public (grants)

The Voice of European Railways


Type of PPP



SEK 4.1 bn

SEK 2.4 bn




GBP 5.8 bn

GBP 2.01 bn




EUR 2.0 bn





EUR 6.0 bn

EUR 0.11 bn / year





EUR 1.1 bn

EUR 0.6 bn




EUR 0.54 bn

EUR 0.25 bn





EUR 0.84 bn

EUR 0.05 bn / year





EUR 7.8 bn

EUR 4.0 bn




EUR 1.5 bn

EUR 0.16 bn






EUR 7.8 bn





EUR 1.8 bn






EUR 3.4 bn



www.railwaypro.com | February 2013

Yes 100%



Source: Hansen 7 November 2012 (2010) (amended – needs update)- Edward Christie 6Senior Economic Adviser, CER

Loan guarantees

State, EIB, RFF


cial elements for the success of a project. “The government has to analyse each and every case and its validity, profitability and earning capacity, before initiating tender procedures for investments using PPPs. The authorities should elaborate proposals that would help increase the attractiveness of private investors, especially by using international standards, implementing open and transparent processes and setting clear goals and objectives supported by policies”, show the recommendations elaborated as part of the workshop organised by UNECE on 7 November 2012 on the implementation of PPPs for infrastructure projects. Confronted with the limited availability of public resources for infrastructure, the authorities have to support PPPs as much as possible as their implementation could result in a return of investment on the long-term (30-50 years). In infrastructure, most projects implemented through PPP schemes have only focused on highspeed lines, airport and maritime connections. The railway projects implemented through PPP are not so many compared to road infrastructure projects, although the application of PPP for railway sector investments is an important opportunity for railways and the approach of projects

Total Infrastructure investments

Share of G

* Figure are based on estimation done in 2008-09; # Projected POLICIES & STRATEGIES Source: Mid-term appraisal of Eleventh Five Year Plan and infrastructur the implementation period of the Twelfth Five Year Plan, Planning Com


using the PPP can be achieved by joining efforts and through an efficient collaboration between all the factors involved. A possible type of PPP – revenue A possible type of PPP – revenue bonds bonds

of the regions which benefit from railway connections, the increasing demand for railway transport in suburban areas, connectivity to ports, additional capacity for some vital routes. Moreover, it is essential that the opportunities generated by PPP projects contribute to the significant reduction of exploitation and maintenance costs, boosting the efficiency and reliability of railway projects by sharing risks. India and China, two countries with investment potential

Successful PPPs turn into account the investments of the promoter and of the investor

Accelerating implementation of infrastructure projects

In Europe, infrastructure development gaps have a negative impact on economic growth, social cohesion and new jobs and governments have constraints in granting transport infrastructure funds. In order to answer to mobility demands, infrastructure projects in the EU aimed to develop the transport network require investments of EUR 500 Billion by 2020 and of EUR 1.5 Trillion by 2030. Thus, there is no doubt that public financing is not sufficient and it is very important to involve the private sector as well. If financing is intense, this will bring considerable revenues to the private sector; for example, the EUR 31.7 Billion proposed for transport through the Connecting Europe Facility will generate investments of up to EUR 150 Billion. However, although infrastructure projects stimulate economic growth, railway authorities, organisations, consultancy 10 companies and railway experts believe that “unfortunately, governments are now cutting only the investments necessary to infrastructure projects, especially for railways, although the demand for investments in infrastructure development at pan-European level continues to increase”, explains UNECE. Worldwide, decision makers launch new policies that encourage the development of a sustainable transport aimed to stimulate economic growth and, at the same time, to ensure the transport of freight and passengers without harming the environment. Consequently, what authorities should do is to encourage railway transport, the only transport mode which answers to the challenges launched by the social, economic and business environment. Therefore, PPP projects stimulate investments in the development and modernisation of railway infrastructure and railway opportunities consist in the development of the infrastructure capacity by supplementing financial resources, increasing freight volumes, despite competition with railway transport, opportunities for the development

Globally, India is an important market for the implementation of projects using PPPs, especially since the government’s strategy relies on promoting investments by combining public and private investments. Public private partnerships become more and more important for the construction and operation of infrastructure, especially for railways and ports. “The key factors for the development of railway projects through PPPs are environmental changes, here referring to the economic growth in Asia, the increasing population, urbanisation and environmental problems. Also, the need for efficiency, also consisting of reducing operating and maintenance costs, the optimisation of assets, of the private capital and of boosting quality and innovation have also led to the application of PPPs”, declared Mukul Saran Mathur, Executive Director of PPPs within the Indian Ministry of Railways during UNECE’s reunion.

Railways 7%

Ports Airports 2% 2% Power 31%

Road & Bridges 12% Storage 1% Water supply 4% Irrigation 10% Telecom 25%

Oil & Gas 6%

Source:Twelfth India Infrastructure Summit 2012, FICCI National Source: Five Year Plan approach paper and Committee on Infrastructure, Ernst & Young Planning Commission

minimum of USD 500 Million in infrastructure projects to be carried out using PPPs. India has applied the PPP concept not only in railway infrastructure projects, but also for operations (container trains, exploitation of terminals, services for passengers). For example, in 2006-2010, 15 container operators granted permission for the delivery of container services which generated USD 500 Million. The largest project implemented through PPP is the suspended railway corridor in Mumbai worth USD 4.5 Billion and the private sector has to decide on the concession period. Over the next period, the authorities plan to regulate transparent concession terms and allow construction, maintenance and operations to non-government agencies for achieving true private sector efficiencies.

Starting with 2004, the Infrastructure Committee led by the Prime Minister has maximised the role of PPPs through the papers launched. Regulatory institutions have then been consolidated, while contractual papers have been standardized (risk allocation terms, quality of services and performance standards, tender papers). In 2005, the Indian Infrastructure Financing Company (IIFCL) allocated long-term investments for 20% of the costs of a project and has encouraged PPP projects after 2010. In the action plan no.11 for 2007-2012, 40% of railway investments have been directed to PPPs and by 2017, the authorities want to invest a

As regards China, public private partnerships will be promoted, especially while considering that the limited availability of funds is one of the biggest challenges in the development of railway transport compliant to mobility demands. Therefore, introducing the public private partnership concept makes private funds available for the construction of public infrastructure, while efficiently relieving the financial pressure over the government.

Infrastructure Infrastructure Investment in India Investment in India

INR billion

Source: Yoshino (2011) Source: Yoshino (2011) - Margit Molnar Head of Competitiveness and Structural Analysis, OECD Development Centre

Sectoralinvestment investment planned in 12th Sectoral planned in 12th Five Year Plan >an] Q]Yj HdYf

45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 -

10.0% 7.5%

12.0% 10.0% 8.0%


6.0% 4.0% 2.0%

10th Plan (2003-07)

11th Plan* (2008-12)

Total Infrastructure investments

12th Plan# (2012-17)


Share of GDP

Source: India Infrastructure Summit 2012, FICCI National Committee # on Infrastructure, Ernst & Young

* Figure are based on estimation done in 2008-09; Projected Source: Mid-term appraisal of Eleventh Five Year Plan and infrastructure funding requirements and its sources over February 2013 | www.railwaypro.com the implementation period of the Twelfth Five Year Plan, Planning Commission.



ways Planned funding source for Railway in Planned funding source for Railway in XII plan (INR billion)

As regards the legislative framework, the separation of regulatory and commercial functions of the MOR is planned to inExtra crease transparency, supervision and effi:m\_]lYjq ciency. One of the latest PPP projects in Resources, 1,470 f\ China (November 2012) was announced by Beijing municipality who will implef_ l`] ment, together with the private sector, the af_ project for the construction and operation Internal fl` Resources, of the underground Line 14 (total length hdmk 2,018 Gross 47.3 km). The municipality will be joined :m\_]lYjq in the project implementation by MTR mf\ Support, Corp Ltd, a JV including MTR Corp ]d^l` 3,540 (49%), Beijing Capital Group (49%) and JYadoYq Beijing Infrastructure Investment Corp KY^]lq ak Fund, 168 (2%), with the last one ensuring 70% of the Source: Planning Commission approach paper to the Source: India Infrastructure Summit 2012, FICCI National cost necessary for civil engineering works. Committee on Infrastructure, Ernst & Young Lo]d^l` Õn] q]Yj HdYf Also, according to the PPP signed by the The possibility to implement projects by parties involved, MTR will be responsible using the PPPs is created by the acute lack with the development of the mechanical of freight transport capacity (in 2010, rail- and electrical systems, with the necessary way investments accounted for only 3.1% rolling stock and with the 30-year operaof fixed asset investments), especially since tion and maintenance. cargo transport is the highest in the world At the middle of 2012, the National (2.9 trillion tonne/km), and by the situa- Development & Reform Commission tion of the Ministry of Railways’ budget (NDRC) of China approved a public-pri– for railway project financing, the minis- vate partnership (PPP) project that covers try’s profit represents 10-20%, its budget is the investment, construction and operaof 10-20%, while its debts amount to 60- tions of Hangzhou Metro Line 1 (48 km 70%. and 31 stations). The city plans to build an The first minority share investment by 8-line network. Hangzhou Metro group MOR paves the way for private partici- will supply 62% for the USD 3.45 Billion pation to railway infrastructure projects. project. The new JV will invest USD 1.25 XII plan (INR billion)

Billion and will deal with the operation of the line for the next 25 years. As China plans to invest USD 92.5 Billion in 2013 in railway projects aimed to develop the country’s railway system and the authorities plan to build another 24,000 km of railway over the next 3 years as part of the railway infrastructure development strategy, the contribution of the private sector is essential in the implementation of the programmes.

Система PPP является существенной для развития железнодорожной инфраструктуры Перемещение ответственности в сторону частного сектора с точки зрения поощрения финансирования проектов это одна из крупнейших отличительных особенностей PPP по сравнению с условными закупками. Там, где это применимо, частному сектору нужно найти инвесторов и развивать структуру финансирования проектов. В данном контексте, в плане внедрения проектов инфраструктуры, проекты PPP являются существенными.




18-19 APRIL 2013


www.railwaypro.com | February 2013

Policies & Strategies


Latvia emphasises the importance of the railway network electrification [ by Elena Ilie ]

The European Union will co-finance with EUR 1.4 Million, by means of the TEN-T Programme, a preliminary feasibility study for the purpose of extending Latvia’s railway network. The project begins in March this year and will be completed in September 2014.


he preliminary study, whose beneficiary is the national railway company in Latvia, aims at executing the electrification of an important corridor on the east-west link, Rezekne and Daugavlis to Riga, Jelgava, Tukums and Ventspils. The Latvian corridor has a direct connection to Rail Baltica. According to the project to be co-financed by the Commission, the technical specification will be elaborated for the design and construction tender. The preliminary study essentially provides the review of the feasibility study in order to establish the optimal technical solution for electrification, 1x25 kV or 2x25kV, then the preliminary study of the chosen technical solution, as well as the evaluation of the environmental impact and the preparation of the investment plan for this project. The total cost of the project reaches EUR 2.838 Billion, out of which 1.4 will represent the EU’s contribution. The electrification of the east-west railway branch ensures to Latvia the improvement of the operation speed and the trains’ reliability, as well as the connection to Rail Baltica,

the most important corridor of the three Baltic States, which will have a 1435-mm gauge, thus offering them a unitary connection to the rest of Europe. Within a conference on the subject of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) of October 2nd, 2012, the European Commissioner for Transport, Siim Kallas, mentioned that Rail Baltica is a part of the main transport projects which could be successfully implemented through CEF financing. Latvia has announced that after taking over the presidency of the Baltic Assembly and of the Baltic Council of Ministers, takeover which took place in the first month of this year, the priorities will include the facilitation of the regional competitiveness, the stimulation of the business environment, the consolidation of the cooperation with northern countries and the development of the regional scale energy and transport infrastructure. According to the government in Riga, the announcement was made in November last year by the Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Edgars Rinkēvičs, on the occasion

of the annual meeting of the Baltic Council in Vilnius. Among the most important challenges for the three Baltic countries is the development of transport infrastructure, as well as its compatibility with the European infrastructure. Under the circumstances, Rinkēvičs called on their counterparts not to delay the execution of the reconstruction projects for the railway sections MažeikiaiReņģe and Mažeikiai-Vaiņode. Latvia is one of the three Baltic States which experiences progressive increases of the railway traffic, especially of the freight traffic, during last year.

Source: http://tentea.ec.europa.eu

Латвия модернизирует важный отсек своей железнодорожной сети

Source: http://mrserge.lv

Европейский союз выделит Латвии финансовую поддержку в объёме более 1,4 млн. евро через Программу Трансъевропейской транспортной сети, в целях модернизации важного отсека латышской железнодорожной сети. Будет осуществлено необходимое проектирование для расширения электрификации железнодорожной сети, а в результате осуществления данного мероприятия в конечном итоге будет обеспечено увеличение скорости и повышение надёжности поездов. February 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

44 Market development

Launch of railway projects puts Serbia among EU member states [ by Pamela Luică ]

Although it has the statute of EU candidate country, Serbia tries to align its railway transport system to European standards. As part of the Strategy on transport infrastructure modernisation in Serbia by 2015, the authorities plan to rebuild and upgrade infrastructure to integrate the system into the TEN-T network, but also to answer to mobility and economic needs. Therefore, in order to develop transport, the authorities focus on upgrading European corridors, including their links, and to create intermodal terminals on key corridors.


nder the General Transport Master Plan, transport projects require investments of EUR 22.2 Billion by 2027 (around EUR 1.5 Billion/year) and include 33 projects that will be developed through EU financing (with pre-accession and accession funds), lines of credit granted by European banks for investments and the state budget. Also, EUR 7.5 Billion are necessary for maintenance works and the finalization of the existing projects. The strategy includes the attraction of new investments in poor regions, the promotion of trade and the improvement of relationships with neighbouring countries. The Operational Programme “Economic Development” sets transport as priority axis and stipulates the development of projects aimed to increase infrastructure quality and capacity as part of the European and regional transport network. More precisely, the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) prioritizes and supports the projects of two transport modes: railway and maritime. In order to integrate into the TEN-T network and to answer to European standards, the authorities plan to upgrade railway Corridor X (Salzburg-Ljubljana-Zagreb-Belgrade-NišSkopje-Veles-Thessaloniki), Xb related sections (Belgrade-Budapest) and Xc sections (Niš-Sofia), the main lines linking Serbia’s large cities to neighbouring countries. The railways density of the Republic of Serbia of 49.2 km/1000km2 is comparable with the EU-27 average, as well as the density in France, and Corridor X represents 21% of the total length of Serbia’s railway network, while 32% of the length of the Serbian section of the corridor is double track. The authorities want to double the railway lines through rehabilitation, modernisation, doubling and electrification to meet European standards. Around EUR 4.6 Billion are necessary to implement the modernisation projects of Corridor X. Significant loans and projects Over recent years, Serbia has negotiated with several states and institutions on the allocation of lines of credit dedicated to the implementation of railway infrastructure projects. In December 2012, the authorities signed the agreement on state guarantees for the credit of EUR 25 Million granted by Kuwww.railwaypro.com | February 2013

Total estimated cost of construction Corridor X railway Corridor X

Total = 4.611 (mill.€)





Belgrade node








Line mileage

4.092 km

Electrified lines (25 kV, 50 Hz AC)

1.724,100 km

Main arterial route

1.767,488 km

Private sidings

772,568 km

Maximum axle load

22.5 t

Source: Government of the Republic of Serbia, Ministry of Infrastructure

wait Fund for Arab Economic Development, the financial support of the programme for the development and modernisation of Prokop railway station (Belgrade). The Kuwaiti loan will be dedicated to the construction of related railway infrastructure and of the electric network for Prokop station and, under the project, more lines will be built (apart from the already existing 4 lines) and the interlocking system will be implemented. Also, the Communications Building will be built and it will take over all communications activities in the capital. Currently, the railway station is only used by the trains of BG Voz operator and the accomplishment of the works will permit the extension of transport operations for local, regional and international services. If the project was initiated and implemented according to plans, Kuwait partners announced that they would continue to invest in the extension of the project aimed to build adjacent buildings and a shopping centre with a surface of 130,000 m2. “The entire project could be finalized in three years when Prokop Station will be put in service and the old station (the existing rail station) will be relocated towards the city centre allowing a distance reduction for all the trains which cross Belgrade. Following the projects, Serbia’s capital will have a modern station equipped with latest technologies and will provide transport connection with

urban, intercity and international traffic”, declared Milutin Milošević, the project manager of Belgrade Railway Junction (a project including the large scale reconstruction of the railway network in Belgrade). Serbia has also negotiated the crediting of railway projects with Russia and according to recent information, “the first railway project financed with the Russian USD 800 Million credit will be launched in March”, Transport Minister Milutin Mrkonjic announced in January. The project includes the doubling of the 16-km Belgrade-Pancevo line, the construction of the simple 68-km Valjevo-Loznica line, the modernisation of six sections on Corridor X with a total length of 110 km, the acquisition of around 30 diesel trains from Russia and the modernisation of the Serbian section of Belgrade-Bar line. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is one of the most active financial institutions in granting support for the implementation of Serbian infrastructure projects. In 2010, the Bank approved several loans for Serbian Railways (Zeleznice Srbije) for the financing of the railway infrastructure modernisation, including Corridor X. “To promote economic integration, the EBRD will continue to cooperate in allocating funds for future projects and will prioritize the projects on the development of the transport network part of pan-European cor-

Railway Reform in South East Europe and Turkey: On the Right Track?


Market development 45

Figure 185: The Rail Network of Serbia

fic of diesel trains and then the line will also be upgraded for the traffic of electric trains. Serbia, interested in international projects

Source: World Bank.

ridors and then main lines”, states the EBRD (Chinese company) had signed a memoranreport for Serbia (of 2012). dum which paved the road for the participaAt the beginning of the year, Serbian Rail- 218tion of the Chinese company in railway modways announced its interest in getting an ernisation projects in Serbia. Collaboration EBRD loan to finance the construction of will mainly focus on the Novi Sad-Subotica Stalac-Djunis double-track line in the south and Nis-Dimitrovgrad sections of Corridor of the country (part of Belgrade-Nis-Skopje- X and on the modernisation of Belgrade-Bar Thessaloniki line). The company is ready to line. The double-track section will be electriinvest EUR 300 Million in modernisation fied and will allow trains to run at speeds of projects financed by EBRD and the first at least 160 km/h. Serbia has already begun project could be initiated as early as March, works on Corridor X, including a road-railshows the company in a press release pub- way bridge across the Danube in Novi Sad, lished after the meeting of its CEO Drag- Nis railway junction and the bridge across oljub Simonovic with the EBRD Manager Velika Morava in Cuprija. for Serbia Matteo Patrone. A contract was Another important project is the modernisigned at the beginning of the year on the sation of Petrovaradin-Beocin line for which modernisation of Gilje-Cuprija-Paracin sec- public and private companies analyse the postion, part of Belgrade-Nis line. The contract sibility to implement the project using a pubis estimated at EUR 16.2 Million and will be lic-private partnership, as the government of implemented by an Italian consortium (Ital- Voivodina Province (north) announced. The iana Costruzioni S.p.A/Consorzio Armatori 17.2 km line which has not been used since Ferroviari S.C.p.A./Consorzio Stabile). 2007 due to its poor condition could take Moreover, in 2012, Serbian authorities have over cargo from cement manufacturer Lainvited Chinese entrepreneurs to participate farge Beocinska Fabrika Cementa, as well as in the construction of the national section of part of the passenger transport in Novi Sad. Corridor X which is expected to absorb in- According to the feasibility study, the costs of vestments of EUR 4-4.5 Billion over the next the project could amount to EUR 45 Million. 5 years. In December, the Ministry of Trans- For the beginning, Zeleznice Srbije wants to port announced that CCCC International invest only EUR 11 Million to allow the traf-

To increase opportunities for attracting investments and to integrate its transport system, Serbia eyes international railway projects. Therefore, the government of Voivodina Autonomous Province announced the conclusion of a contract on the elaboration of the draft project of Serbia-Hungary railway line at a cost of EUR 1.6 Million. The cross-border project, financed with EU funds through the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance could be implemented as of 1 February and finalized in July 2014. The contract on the elaboration of SzegedRoszke-Horgos-Subotica line project and of the papers for Subotica-Csikeria-BacsalmasBaja line was signed at the end of December 2012. Also, “Serbia will participate in the railway project of the line around the Black Sea Basin aimed to improve passenger and freight transport in the region, as well as eastern connections”, declared the Serbian Minister of Transport, Milutin Mrkonjic (in January 2013). Serbia will participate financially to the implementation of the project and will observe its tasks, said Milutin Mrkonjic after meeting the secretary general of the Organisation of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC), Victor Tvircun. “Negotiations with potential investors from the US and Japan have already been carried out on the development of the draft project”, said Tvircun. Serbia will play an important part in the project thanks to its geographic position on Corridor X and XI which connect it to the Black Sea Region.

Запуск железнодорожных проектов обеспечивает Сербии место среди государств Европейского союза Несмотря на то, что у Сербии статус кандидата в члены ЕС, она старается позиционировать свою систему железнодорожного транспорта на уровне европейских стандартов. В рамках Стратегии модернизации транспортной инфраструктуры Сербии до 2015 года, власти страны намереваются перестроить и модернизировать инфраструктуру для обеспечения интеграции системы в сеть TEN-T, но и для обеспечения соответствия потребностям в мобильности и в экономическом развитии. Таким образом, для развития транспорта власти сосредоточены на модернизации Европейских коридоров, в том числе на связях между ними, а что касается интермодального транспорта, они намереваются построить интермодальные терминалы на ключевых коридорах. February 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

46 Market development

Another success for Austria: Vienna-St. Pölten railway [ by Pamela Luică ]

In 2012, Austrian Railways celebrated 175 years of existence, a period marked by the construction, reconstruction, modernisation and development of the railway system, efforts to make it one of the most efficient transport networks in Europe and the present rewarding success of the national railway transport as a whole. At the end of 2012, Austria commissioned several railway projects with a total length of over 100 km: Lainzer Tunnel, Vienna-St. Pölten high-speed line, Lower inn Valley line and part of the new railway stations (Main Station). Investments will continue and by 2014, Austria wants to eliminate all significant speed restrictions in order to increase the quality of services. Also, by 2016, OBB plans to invest over EUR 2 Billion/ year into national and international projects.


n real terms, the quality and efficiency of the transport infrastructure in Austria are criteria closely related to economic development. In this context, the West Line is not just a vital transport axis in this transport, but it is also prioritized by the EU due to its position: the development of the line is very important here because of UE’s extension to the east and because it has a major contribution to the improvement of traffic and to the increase of passenger and cargo transport demand. Since 2004, the West Line has become part of the European railway axis ParisStrasbourg-Stuttgart-Vienna-Bratislava (Priority Project No. 17) and EU’s additional contribution to the Austrian section will amount to EUR 102.3 Million by 2015, EUR 9.4 Million of which come from the European Economic Recovery Plan (EERP). Austria has covered for most of the costs of construction projects by investing EUR 5 Billion in Priority Project

17 (on its territory). By 2017, the development of all constructions proposed will significantly increase railway freight and passenger traffic and reduce the travel time. The extension of the West Line with two double lines on the same route, ViennaWels, creates the premises for the urgent capacity growth and efficiency of the railway freight and passenger transport. Highly performing, the route will significantly reduce travel times over long distances and will aim to cover the distance between Vienna and Salzburg in two hours. As part of the West Line, a new double line will be built on the route Vienna- St. Pölten, a line designed in conformity with the performance criteria for speeds of 250 km/h. The line is connected to Lainzer Tunnel to the east (connected, in turn, to the South and West lines and to Donaulände), while, to the west, the line will be connected to the existing West line at

Wagram Junction, next to St. Pölten. The line stretches on 44 km, more than half its length passing through 8 tunnels. The selection of the route has been set starting with 1990. Works on the report to assess the environmental impact were launched in 1995. An important part in the elaboration of the project was played by the citizens, the working groups and the political factor. As of February 2003, the authorities have initiated construction works on the established functions. Funds for the construction of the line have amounted to EUR 2.8 Billion, financed by the Railways and the EU (EUR 40 Million). The new construction section Vienna St. Pölten is one of the first infrastructure projects in Austria to be submitted to an environmental impact assessment pursuant to the Austrian EIA Act. The project (Vienna - St. Pölten line) has a total length of approximately 44 km and is divided into three sections: – Wienerwald – Tullnerfeld – Western section

Очередной успех Австрии: Линия Вена-Ст. Пёльтен

Source: eurotrib.com ; Thorsten Büker’s rail map site: www.bueker.net

www.railwaypro.com | February 2013

В 2012 году Австрийским железным дорогам исполнилось 175 лет. За данный период осуществлялось строительство, реконструкция, модернизация и развитие железнодорожной системы. Усилия, приложенные для того, чтобы стать одной из наиболее эффективных транспортных сетей Европы, отражены в успехе, которым пользуется в настоящее время вся национальная сеть железнодорожного транспорта. В конце 2012 года в Австрии было сдано в эксплуатацию несколько железнодорожных проектов общей продолжительностью линии в более 100 километров.

48 Market development

Poland upgrades important railway section

[ by Elena Ilie ]

Poland will upgrade an important railway line using funds from the European Union. The support thus granted amounts to EUR 1.4 Million and is ensured through the TEN-T Programme. The railway line included in the modernization and rehabilitation programme is part of Gdańsk–Warsaw-Brno/BratislavaVienna axis. The project began in July 2012 and is due in December 2014.


he project is the 23rd of the 30 priority projects of TEN-T and has been selected within the 2011 phase of financing demands. Therefore, the project consists in the modernisation of a section of 24 km, Warsaw Włochy (district of the Polish capital) - Grodzisk Mazowiecki. The recently received financing will be used to elaborate the construction project and the technical papers for the organisation of the tender necessary before the initiation of actual works. The modernisation of this railway section will increase railway transport capacity in a densely populated area of Poland. The total cost of the project is EUR 2.7 Million and the TEN-T financing amounts to EUR 1.4 Million. This axis Gdañsk–Warszawa–Brno/ Bratislava-Vienna mainly involves modernisation and upgrading of the rail route part of the former pan-European transport corridor VI identified at the Crete (1994) and Helsinki (1997) conferences - which connects Gdańsk via Katowice and Žilina to Bratislava and through a western branch via Brno to Vienna. The corridor was identified as a multi-

modal north-south axis to create a complex multimodal transport system for goods and passengers with the port of Gdańsk, both rail and roads. As the name shows, the axis touches upon four Member States: Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria and Slovakia. Its western branch passes through Brno, the second largest city of the Czech Republic, while its eastern branch passes through Žilina, an important city in Slovakia, to the country’s capital Bratislava. The modernisation of the rail lines and the construction of container terminals for example at Gdańsk and Sławków next to Katowice, operational since 2010, could generate better conditions for the development of effective intermodal transport. Modernisation works will allow increased speeds on the rail network: 160 km/h for passenger trains, up to 250 km/h for some sections in Poland and 120 km/h for freight trains in general. The modernisation of the railway line will also reinforce the attractiveness of rail, enabling a modal shift from road to rail. Interoperability is a clear objective of the Polish infrastructure manager, PKP PLK, which grants PLN 470 Million (EUR 114

Million) to the installation of the ETCS Level 2 on the 340km Gdynia-Warsaw line, part of the current pan-European Corridor VI. The financing was granted in January 2013 and works will take 28 months. Polish authorities want to obtain more financing from EU funds. To increase the percentage of costs covered from EU funds, Polish Minister of Regional Development and Minister of Transport have requested a meeting with the European Commissioner for Regional Policies, Johannes Hahn. According to warsawvoice.pl, the announcement was made by Minister of Regional Development Elzbieta Bienkowska. Currently, the railway transport projects of Polish local authorities are 59% covered from EU funds, while those of the railway companies absorb EU funds to cover 70% of their projects. As constructionpoland.com informs, in 2013, PKP PLK will receive funds of PLN 2.6 Billion (EUR 624.1 Million) to finance investment projects. Funds will come from taxes, informs a press release issued by Minister of Transport Slawomir Nowak. Thus, PLN 2 Billion (EUR 480.1 Million) were available from taxes from 2012 and these funds were transferred to PKP PLK and used for capital investments. Nowak has pointed out that capital investments in railway projects would continue to grow, while rehabilitation projects (including railway lines) would be a priority in the EU financing proposals in 2014-2020.

Польша модернизирует важный отсек железной дороги

Source: http://tentea.ec.europa.eu

www.railwaypro.com | February 2013

Польше предстоит модернизация важной железнодорожной линии, за счёт фондов Европейского союза. Финансовая поддержка насчитывает таким образом 1,4 млн. евро и она проходит по программе TEN-T. Железнодорожный отсек, входящий в программу по модернизации и реабилитации - это часть оси Гданьск - Варшава - Брно/Братислава - Вена. Проект стартовал в июле 2012 года и ожидается завершить в декабре 2014 года.

Market development 49

Hungary interested in developing railway infrastructure capacity [ by Elena Ilie ]

Hungary focuses on the development of railway infrastructure for urban passenger transport, but also for providing direct railway connections from Hungary to the ports of the Mediterranean Sea and to those in Eastern Europe. Hungary believes that the current railway infrastructure investments will awake the interest of transport operators and of railway players from Central Asia and the Far East.


orks for reconstruction and installation of signalling elements for the section Budapest- Kelenföld – Székesfehérvar were finalized in December 2012. The first phase of the project was thus completed. Phase two includes the implementation of the ETCS Level 2 signalling system and develops in 2011-2014, while phase three and the last one includes the rehabilitation of Székesfehérvar rail station, as well as infrastructure under and over-crossing works, in the period 20122015. Hungary also carries out railway infrastructure works on Budapest- Lokösháza section whose first phase (2011-2014) includes the rehabilitation of GyomaBékéscsaba section and the installation of signalling elements and the second phase (2013-2015) includes the rehabilitation of Békéscsaba-Lokösháza section, as well as the installation of the ETCS Level 2 signalling system on the entire section BudapestLokösháza, at the frontier with Romania. Another project carried out in Hungary

by Nemzeti Infrastruktúra Fejlesztı (NIF), company which carries out investment programmes for transport infrastructures, includes the rehabilitation of the railway section Szolnok – Debrecen – Záhony. The first phase of this project also includes rehabilitation works and the installation of signalling systems on Szajol – Püspökladány section (2011-2015), and then works on the installation of the ETCS Level 2 signalling system on the same section Szajol – Püspökladány but in 2013-2015. As regards the project Budapest-Kelenföld–Székesfehérvar, the rehabilitation of this section of 65 km was made for the modernisation of urban transport and for improving the access to railway passenger and freight transport. The cost of the project amounts to EUR 54 Million, of which the sum granted through EU funds is of EUR 1.8 Million. The ETCS Level 2 signalling system will be implemented on this section by Siemens. The traffic speed of trains, after the finalization of the final phase is estimat-

   TEN-T railway network of Hungary 

ed at 160 km/h for passenger trains. The project seeks to further improve the access of the citizens to Balaton Lake, the main destination for summer holidays. Pal Völner, Hungary’s Minister for Infrastructure declared that “the modernisation of this section is one of the most important projects developed by Hungary with the support of the funds of the Sectoral Operational Programme – Transport for the period 2007-2013”. The minister added that similar projects are also expected for the west and east areas. Out of the total freight transport volume in Hungary, railway transport has a share of 20%. Important transport companies choose this transport mode due to its efficient links to the main freight ports in Europe. The modernisation of this route will significantly reduce transport times to the ports of Koper (Slovenia) and Trieste (Italy). Section Budapest-Kelenföld – Székesfehérvar is part of the pan-European Corridor V which crosses Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary and Ukraine.

Венгрия заинтересована в увеличении пропускной способности железнодорожной инфраструктуры

Source: Nemzeti Infrastruktúra Fejlesztı Zrt.

Венгрия сосредоточена на развитии железнодорожной инфраструктуры как с точки зрения городского транспорта пассажиров, так и с точки зрения обеспечения непосредственной железнодорожной связи страны со Средиземноморскими и Восточноевропейскими портами. Венгрия считает, что текущие инвестиции в железнодорожную инфраструктуру вызовут интерес транспортных операторов и игроков профильных рынков Центральной Азии и Дальнего Востока. February 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

50 Policies & Strategies

Southern Armenia Railway – an Arabic investment in Southern Caucasus [ by Elena Ilie ]

Armenia has a vital role in the development of new infrastructures and transport corridors, of projects connecting the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea Region through or from Southern Caucasus. A series of past political conflicts with Turkey and especially the military ones in the Nagorno – Karabah region with Azerbaijan led to the isolation of Armenia’s transport links. The only active links are the ones with Georgia and Iran. It was only in 2006 that Armenia was included in the Eastern Partnership and can thus benefit from the assistance of the European Union and from the support of the European Investment Bank for the execution of infrastructure projects.


rmenia’s internal transport is as follows: car, railway, air-borne, urban transports, the most accessible one being the railway transport. The fact that Armenia became in 2011 a member of COTIF is an important step for the connection of Caucasus region with Europe. Last year, South Caucasus Railway, the branch of the Russian Railways which assigned Armenia’s railway transport services for 30 years, announced an increase by 18% of the passenger transport to Georgia. The volume of transports to Iran did not record higher rates because at present the only railway connection between Armenia and Iran is made through the territory of the Autonomous Republic Nakhchivan (editor’s note: Azerbaijani exclave), but the border between the two states is closed. Therefore, the line starting in Erevan is interrupted in Yerask. Good news for Armenia came by the signature at the end of January of a Memorandum of Understanding for a railway connection with Iran. The Armenian and Iranian governments have officially approved the railway project in 2009, but there was need for the identification of concrete financing sources for the 470 km-long line which will mostly cross Armenia’s territory. After several searches of certain viable funding sources, searches which also aimed

Source: www.domnik.net

www.railwaypro.com | February 2013

at companies from Russia or China as potential investors, the agreement was signed with an Arabic company, with the office in Dubai (UAE). According to the information of gulfnews. com, Rasia FZE, a company with the office in Dubai, has signed with Armenia and Iran a tripartite agreement for the purpose of constructing the Southern Armenia Railway. The Memorandum of Understanding signed between the three parties includes another project, the development of a highspeed road connection, the costs for both projects, the railway and the road ones, totalling USD 3 Billion. The project will be developed as a private-public partnership, and the new line will be operated by South Caucasus Railway. It is estimated that the railway, Southern Armenia Railway, will be 316-km long, electrified single track railway. It will make the railway connection between the Gavar, near Sevan Lake and Meghri, in the south, located at the border with Iran. The line will be operated by South Caucasus Railway CJSC and will be integrated in Armenia’s central railway system and the connection to the operation system in Iran will also be executed, which is mostly standard of 1435 mm. Southern Armenia Railway will be a significant part of the North-South Corridor, connecting the Persian Gulf to the Black Sea. “China and Russia will cooperate with Armenia to develop this important railway section”, specifies the announcement made by Armenia’s Minister of Transports on the occasion of signing the Memorandum. “One of the most important objective of the company South Caucasus Railway is the integration in the transport system on the Europe-Asia axis, and this will be executed through the company’s development at the national level, the implementation of infrastructure projects both at national and international level, as well as the efficiency and the increase of the quality of transport services”, mentioned Victor Rebets, general manager of South Caucasus Railways, on the occasion of his participation in the Railway Investment Summit in the Wider Black

Sea Area 2012-Railway Days, organised by Club Feroviar and AIF in October 2012. The implementation of the new project denotes Armenia’s decision of leaving the isolation which has been practically imposed to it but also Iran’s ambition of developing a series of railway projects on its territory and of having access to adjacent markets.

Source: wikipedia.org

Южная армянская железная дорога арабская инвестиция на Южном Кавказе Армения играет существенную роль в развитии новых инфраструктур и транспортных коридоров, проектов, соединяющих Каспийское море и Черноморский регион через или со стороны Южного Кавказа. Ряд прошлых политических конфликтов с Турцией, и особенно военные конфликты с Азербайджаном в Нагорном Карабахе привели к изоляции Армении в плане путей сообщения. Единственные активные связи - с Грузией и Ираном. Лишь в 2006 году Армения вступила в Восточное партнёрство, и это обеспечило ей возможность получения помощи от Европейского союза и финансовой поддержки со стороны Европейского инвестиционного банка для осуществления проектов инфраструктуры.

Policies & Strategies


Target 2050 – Zero carbon emissions in railway transport [ by Elena Ilie ]

The analysis “Moving towards Sustainable Mobility: European Rail Sector Strategy 2030 and beyond” was jointly drafted and endorsed by the members of the International Union of Railways (UIC) and of the Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER) for the purpose of providing a unified approach of the topics on the environment and mobility sustainability in the European railway sector. The analysis emphasises the performance model of the railway transport in the long run – for 2030 and 2050 – it also offers a framework allowing companies in the specialised sector to make adequate long-term plans.


lthough this target may seem difficult to reach, specialists say that it is possible. However, with considerable efforts, made especially by the Member States of the European Union which at the present moment do not benefit from enough investment funds for innovative systems and technologies and, most likely, the financial situation will not change significantly in 2030 or afterwards. The strategy is based on the commitment that the UIC and CER members made in 2008 to reduce by 2020 the exhaust emissions resulted from the railway traction by 30% at the level of the entire railway transport sector. This commitment is monitored yearly by UIC by means of its Energy and CO2 Database, and the most recent monitoring shows that the railway sector is heading towards the established reduction both in the freight and in the passenger transport. The strategy elaborated by CER and UIC also focuses on four pillars: environment protection, energy efficiency, reduction of exhaust emissions and of noise emissions.

Source: www.traintocopenhagen.org

The strategy sets out several targets for the railway sector which must be fulfilled by 2030, but because of some uncertainties in making real predictions for 2050, several “visions” are elaborated for 2050. The comparison is made for the years 1990 – 2020. The first target – environment protection. By 2030, the European railways will reduce the CO2 emissions resulted from train operation by 50% compared to the 1990 base year, in terms of passenger/km and tonne/km. In addition, the European railway sector has undertaken that by 2030 it will not exceed the total carbon dioxide emission level even with a projected traffic growth compared to the 1990 base year. By 2050, the European railway sector will try to reach the zero carbon emissions target. The second target – energy efficiency. By 2030, the European railway sector will reduce its energy consumption from train operation by 30%, the comparison being made similarly to the first target. This time, by 2050, the European rail-

ways will try to cut the energy consumption to 50%. The third target – exhaust emissions. By 2030, the European railway transport has undertaken to reduce its total exhaust emissions, NOX and PM 10 (air residuals), even with projected traffic growth compared to 2005. For 2050, the European railways hope to cut to zero the exhaust emissions. The fourth target – Reduction of noise and vibrations. To attain this target, the noise and the vibrations should not be considered a problem for the railway transport. Practically, this target foresees that in 2050 noise levels will be acceptable both in social and economic terms, which will allow the 24-hour running of passenger and freight trains, with no restriction.

Цель на 2050 год – Ноль выбросов диоксида углерода от железнодорожного транспорта Анализ „Прогресс в сторону Устойчивой мобильности: Стратегия Европейского железнодорожного сектора на 2030 год и последующий период” был составлен и согласован членами Международного союза железных дорог (МСЖД) и Европейского сообщества железных дорог и предприятий инфраструктуры (CER) в целях принятия единого подхода к задачам по охране окружающей среды и обеспечению устойчивой мобильности европейского железнодорожного сектора. Анализ подчёркивает модель высоких показателей железнодорожного транспорта с долгосрочной перспективы - на 2030 год и 2050 год. Анализ также обеспечивает создание определённых рамок, позволяющих компаниям профильного рынка проводить адекватное долгосрочное планирование. February 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

52 Market development

Railway forecast in Russia and the CIS seems promising [ by Elena Ilie ]

Either it is about the Central European States or about the former soviet bloc states using the broad gauge, the interoperability applies to all railway services and refers to the harmonisation of technical specifications for rolling stock, control and command, signalling and telecommunication systems, operational rules, maintenance and repairs. Interoperability improves railway services, favours technical and operational innovations, ensuring unitary cross-border connections. The railway interoperability has a “catalyst” role for the increased regional integration but also for the support of trade and foreign investments in Russia and the Community of Independent States.


he countries forming the Community of Independent States are worth analysing not only in terms of the growth potential expected for the new passenger trains and for technology segments in the railway transport system but also as regards the accessibility of the local market for international players which can offer modern railway technology. For a long time, the investments in the modern railway technology have been neglected in this region and now it has to catch up by means of rolling stock, as well as infrastructure and signalling systems. The major reasons which may stimulate these investments are the upcoming important sport competitions to be carried out in the region, especially in Russia, and the establishment of international freight transportation corridors. The Russian economy depends on the ability to transport natural resources via rail to other destinations, indicates a study received from SCI Verkehr , “The railway market in Russia and the CIS”. Approximately 90% of the activity of the transport sector belongs to the railway freight transport, but, at the international level the CIS region is on the third place

in terms of railway passenger transport, behind Asia and Western Europe. More precisely, in the CIS, 79% of the railway freight transport and 68% of the railway passenger transport is registered in Russia; Ukraine with 9% of railway freight transport and 20% of railway passenger transport is on the second place and Kazakhstan with 8% for the railway freight transport and 6% for the railway passenger transport occupies the following place. The remaining CIS countries do not register high performances for the railway freight transport or for the railway passenger transport. With a drop by 12.7% in 2009 - 2010, the railway freight transport in the CIS has overcome the crisis much better than expected in 2009 and also better than the markets in North America and Western and Eastern Europe. In urban railway transport, 80% of the transport activity belongs to Russia and 16% to Ukraine. After a constant decline in the passenger-km segment in the period 2002-2007, the figure stabilised in 2008 and then dropped again by 9% in 2009. By improving the general economic conditions, the transport performance

The 1520 market: second network in the world (227,000 km) and first electrified network (65,000 km)

Source: Alstom Transport

www.railwaypro.com | February 2013

increased between 2010 and 2011 due to the catch-up effect, a theory according to which the economies of certain poorer countries develop faster than the already strong economies, in time both of them converging towards the same income per capita. In the medium and long run, moderate growth is forecast, mostly due to new Russian underground lines. In the urban railway environment, transport performance has also reached by 2011-2012 the levels before the crisis of 2008, and the annual growth rates up to 2016 are projected to reach approximately 1.5%. In the long run, perspectives are even higher, as it is estimated that the Football World Cup in 2018 held in Russia will open the way to expansion projects in the 13 host cities in Russia. In addition, the projects aiming at developing light rail transport systems in the large cities of Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine indicate the increase of the railway infrastructure capacity, as well as the efficiency of the railway industry.

Прогнозы в железнодорожном секторе в России и СНГ выглядят многообещающе Независимо от того, идет ли речь о государствах центральной Европы или о странах бывшего советского блока, использующих широкую колею, интероперабельность касается всех железнодорожных услуг и относится к гармонизации технических характеристик подвижного состава, систем контроля, управления, сигнализации и телекоммуникаций, операционных норм, технического обслуживания и ремонта. Интероперабельность обеспечивает улучшение железнодорожных услуг и способствует техническим и операционным инновациям, обеспечивая единые трансграничные связи.

i-MOVE 2.0, one of the concepts of vital importance in meeting UITP’s objectives

[ by Pamela Luică ]

UITP’s target is to increase the market share of public transport, an objective supported by the international activities of the institutions. The 60th edition of UITP’s World Congress is yet another step to the review of the public transport system so necessary for doubling the public transport market share by 2015. The motto of the event, “i-MOVE 2.0, the business model for tomorrow?”, is one of the vital business concepts for achieving the objectives set by UITP.


ublic transport increases the economic productivity, reduces the environmental impact and facilitates new activities. For example, in Switzerland every euro value created from public transport is linked to a further value creation of EUR 4 in the total economy. In the EU-27, the public transport sector contributes with between EUR 130 and 150 Billion to the economy every year, which represents 1-1.2% of the EU’s GDP. The year 2013 marks the active implementation of the PTx2 concept and the Congress hosted by Geneva (Switzerland) on 26-30 May 2013 will bring forth concrete applications, successful projects and concepts for public transport benefits. If people truly want to change their behaviour and mentality towards a more sustainable society and environment they have to provide a wide range of mobility alternatives that would answer to the criteria of comfort, rapidity and availability of services that help create a sustainable lifestyle. Apart from the optimisation of services and increasing the capacity of public transport, a vast review of the services and facilities portfolio is necessary. Standardising the use of web applications, including payment methods and information access will facilitate the use of public transport vehicles, bicycles etc. which explains the I-MOVE 2.0 motto, UITP’s business model for tomorrow. Such a progress will generate business growth in the context of a sustainable transport and will optimize the return of every client. At the level of urban mobility, a long-lasting business needs self-support and reduced dependency of public resources. The Congress programme will feature six main topical clusters: service design and portfolio, strategic management and integrated business processes, funding model, governance and industry structures, smart city and mobility management, the tools of Mobility 2.0 which will determine the adoption of vital policies and concepts for developing public transport and will encourage the approach of all the challenges imposed by the development of a sustainable public transport system.

i-MOVE 2.0 - одна из жизненно важных концепций для достижения целей МСОТ Повышение доли рынка общественного транспорта - это цель, к которой стремится Международный союз общественного транспорта (МСОТ), и данную цель поддерживают действия организации на мировом уровне. 60-й выпуск Всемирного конгресса МСОТ представляет собой еще один шаг в сторону восстановления сектора общественного транспорта, который так необходим для удвоения доли общественного транспорта до 2025 года.

54 metropolitan

Astana answers mobility challenges by building its light rail system [ by Pamela Luică ]

As capital of Kazakhstan (since 1997), the city of Astana becomes every day more important for investors in transport infrastructure development. The international events to be held in Astana (for example, EXPO 2017) encourage the development of economic sectors and create new opportunities for the business segment. During project development, the authorities will rehabilitate the existing transport infrastructure and will develop new projects to optimize traffic and promote public transport use. The programme also includes the construction of a light rail line with a total length of 42 km.


stana is an urban centre which expe- Esil, has created new job opportunities and riences a rapid population growth increased migration to Astana. seeing the number of its citizens In this context, the authorities are faced with double since 1997 when the city became challenges in delivering modern transport the capital of Kazakhstan. According to es- services and, at the same time, in launching timates, population will reach 1.3 million infrastructure development projects to anin 2030, from the current 700,000, and the swer to the new mobility demand. Although, development plans of urban transport infra- at the moment urban transport relies on road structure are elaborated in conformity with transport, to promote sustainable transport the urbanization. The transfer of the capital and the increasing use of public transport, from Almaty to Astana has also triggered the the authorities have decided to develop the transfer of working points, not only for the light rail line, one of the most ambitious local government, but also for many citizens who infrastructure projects. As Astana is divided $VWDQD /57 3URMHFW .D]DNKVWDQ (QYLURQPHQWDO ,PSDFW $VVHVVPHQW relocated to the new capital. The improve- in three districts, Almaty, Saryarka and Esil, ment of Almaty and Saryarka districts, as the line will provide connection between development PLANNED ASTANA FIGURE C-1 well as the of aLRT newNETWORK district, Saryarka and Esil imposing the construction Planned ASTANA LRT Network 5DLO 6WDWLRQ /57 'HSRW *HQHUDO ORFDWLRQ RI SUHIDEULFDWLRQ SODQW









Астана отвечает вызовам мобильности и строит систему лёгкого метро




/57 3KDVH



Source: KAZ: Astana Light Rail Transit Project - Prepared on behalf of Astana Light Rail Transit (LRT) Limited Liability Partnership (ALRT), Republic of -XO\ Kazakhstan for the Asian Development Bank. 3DJH &

www.railwaypro.com | February 2013

of 42 km. The line will be commissioned in 2017 and works will be carried out in three phases. Phase I will include the construction of the 8km section linking the city centre to the airport, Phase II will include the construction of 10km of line providing connection between the city centre, the north and the central rail station and Phase III will include the construction of 18km of a ring line. The project will be financed by the Kazakh Government. Civil engineering works part of Phase II will have a total cost of USD 594 Thousand, the Asian Development Bank estimates. The bank will grant USD 565 Thousand and the Government will pay for the remaining USD 29,000. The whole cost of the project is estimated at USD 1.3 Billion. The implementation of the project was initiated in 2011 and works for Phase I were carried out in 2012. By March or August 2013 at the latest (delays are caused by expropriations) the authorities plan to initiate Phase II as well. The project is considered as the central element of a railway urban transport network and is part of the capital’s plan for the development of a sustainable, integrated, comfortable and rapid system.

Став столицу Казахстана (с 1997 года), город Астана выигрывает очки для инвесторов в плане развития транспортной инфраструктуры. Международные события, которые будут иметь место в Астане (например, ЭКСПО 2017) способствуют развитию экономических отраслей и создают новые возможности для делового сегмента. В рамках осуществления проектов, власти будут восстанавливать существующую транспортную инфраструктуру, будут внедрять новые проекты для оптимизации дорожного движения и продвижения использования общественного транспорта. В рамках программы также предусматривается строительство линии лёгкого метро общей продолжительностью 42 км.

metropolitan 55

Implementation of new tram line project

to change the structure of urban transport in Craiova

[ by Pamela Luică ]

Located in the south of Romania, Craiova is one of the large cities in Romania with almost 300,000 inhabitants and, as any other urban area, is confronted with significant challenges specific to a city in full development, the transport segment being one of the most important factors that trigger economic growth and urban development. The authorities are thus trying to launch projects and activities aimed to develop mobility and promote a sustainable local transport, especially since Craiova was named one of the future competitiveness poles, next to other important Romanian cities.


s part of the Integrated Plan for Urban Development of Craiova Metropolitan Area – Craiova 2025 growth pole development vision – increasing the accessibility and developing mobility are key elements in the development of Craiova city. In December 2012, Craiova inaugurated the international airport after carrying out the modernisation and rehabilitation project. This was a project of major importance for the city. Its modernisation will help increase the traffic flow which will generate the necessity to develop the urban transport system and an intermodal transport platform to permit shifting passenger traffic from road to urban rail transport means. Thus, the authorities plan to upgrade the 11km tram line with investments amounting to EUR 9.5 Million. They also consider the development strategy consisting of a network of tram lines to complete the already existing network and meet the city’s increasing mobility needs. Craiova Urban Transport Operator wants to submit to the Municipality a project which includes the construction of a new tram line that would form a ring connected to the existing line and that would link all the important areas of the city, including Craiova Airport, through a 3.5km extension of the current tram line

to the airport. “The line will be developed on the south-west, west-north, north-east axis, will cross the main arteries of the city and industrial regions which require the development of the transport system for the citizens who need mobility in these areas, starting from the south area from Facai district, to Raului Street and then crossing through a passageway the area known by Craiova’s residents as Balta Craioviţei, entering the district and out in Dacia Blvd and will intersect with the old tram line in the area of Electroputere Bridge. If the project is implemented, the tram network will double reaching over 20 km of double track”, declared Alin Goga, General Manager of the public transport operator. Although EUR 150 Million are necessary, EUR 45-50 Million of which for the acquisition of new rolling stock, “the investment would be very useful and profitable due to cost efficiency and to the massive ease of traffic in the city centre. For example, if current diesel fuel costs for transport vehicles amount to around EUR 4 Million, this sum would be significantly reduced if the power necessary to the operation of 20 trams was of EUR 150 Thousand/year. Also, costs with vehicles currently providing for the transport of passengers amount to EUR 1 Million

RAT Craiova network

Tram 102 line

Source: RAT Craiova

(spare parts, oils etc.), and should we buy new trams, costs would reduce to only EUR 100 Thousand. Apart from these features, we are also considering the efficiency, rapidity and performance of transport which are far more significant in the case of rail urban transport”, explained Goga. If the municipality approves the project, it could be included in the budget for 2014-2020 and 98% of the financing would be ensured from non-reimbursable European funds. The development of the project will radically change the urban aspect and the structure of the entire transport system in Craiova and will stimulate the shift of passengers to the rail transport system, as well as the modernisation of Craiova’s infrastructure to the level of the most advanced cities in Europe.

Внедрение нового проекта трамвайной линии может изменить структуру городского транспорта в Крайове Город Крайова расположен в южной части Румынии и относится к крупным городам страны. Его население насчитывает почти 300.000 жителей. Как и любой другой городской участок, Крайова сталкивается с крупными вызовами, свойственными развивающимся городам. Сегмент транспорта - один из наиболее важных элементов, определяющих экономическое развитие и, вместе с тем, развитие города. В данном контексте власти пытаются запустить проекты и мероприятия, нацеленные на развитие мобильности и на продвижение устойчивого транспорта на местном уровне, тем более, что румынские власти определили, что город Крайова, наряду с другими крупными городами, является одним из будущих полюсов конкурентоспособности. February 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

56 metropolitan

Sofia’s priorities focus on subway network development

[ by Pamela Luică ]

The need to develop Sofia’s public transport system in the directions with the highest flow of passengers and environmental concerns are the main challenges which imposed the extension of the subway network in the Bulgarian capital. With more than 1.2 million citizens (counting for 17.5% of Bulgaria’s population), Sofia is one of the cities which face an increasing urbanization (10.3% growth from 2001 to 2011) challenging the authorities who aim to ensure an efficient and sustainable transport system that could answer to mobility needs and to environmental demands.


or 2013, local authorities announced that investment priorities will be education, infrastructure and environment protection. Over BGN 280 Million (EUR 143 Million) of the BGN 1.14 Billion (EUR 581 Million) budget will be allocated to the extension of the underground network, while an additional BGN 434 Million (EUR 221 Million) will be allocated to transport infrastructure projects (next to other sectors). The past years have been marked by the launch of projects for the development of the subway system: in 2009, an extension of the first subway line was put in service to provide connection between the city centre and the south-east of Mladost district. The second line with 11 stations was opened in August 2012 to the north-south. The second line has increased the number of passengers by 40% and, according to estimations around 100,000 people have given up their individual cars and have chosen the subway. Moreover, the metro network operator had announced

another 3-station extension for the first line which included the construction of a 2.62-km long line. The General City Plan stipulates the development of the subway lines on three plans with extensions to the periphery and a total length of 65 km served by 63 stations. The development of the projects would attract 1.2 million passengers per day. Thus, the first plan stipulates the development of a line providing transport to Sofia Airport (on Obelya RD – Lyulin RD – Centre – Mladost RD – Druzhba RD –Sofia Airport), for which a distance of 29 km is considered (23 subway stations). The second plan (line Lozenets RD – Centre – Ilientsi District) will have 17 km and 17 stations and the project for the third plan stipulates the development of Knyazhevo District – Centre - Poduyane RD - V. Levski RD line - 19 km and 23 stations. As part of the subway system development, the Bulgarian Government had invested BGN 17 Million (EUR 8.7 Million) in the extension of the subway depot in Sofia

Development of the metro lines, according to the Short-term program

and in the development of the repair plant, Minister of Transport Ivaylo Moskovski announced in January. One of the most important projects for the development of the underground network consists in the construction of 5 km of line and 4 stations to provide transport services to Sofia Airport, project for which the authorities initiated works in November. At the end of December, the Minister of Transport announced that EC had approved the financing of the third phase of the project for the extension of the subway network and includes the construction of the line from Tsarigradsko Shose Blvd to Sofia Airport and the line section connecting the residential district Mladost-1 to Business Park Sofia. The extension project is financed by the Operational Programme Transport through the Regional Development Fund. The total cost of the project amounts to EUR 240 Million, EUR 136 Million of which will be allocated through SOP-T as financing for the construction of 7 new stations. The line will provide direct connection between neighbouring areas, the central parts of the city, the central rail station and the bus stations, the airport and Sofia Business Park. According to authorities, works on both extension projects will be completed by 2015.

Приоритеты Софии перемещаются в сторону развития сети метрополитена

Source: metropolitan.bg

www.railwaypro.com | February 2013

Необходимость развития системы общественного транспорта в Софии по направлениям с наибольшим потоком пассажиров, а также вопросы экологии это основные вопросы, обусловливающие расширение сети метрополитена в болгарской столице. На 2013 год местные власти объявили о том, что приоритетные направления для инвестиций - это образование, инфраструктура и охрана окружающей среды, а из общего бюджета в 581 млн. евро, свыше 143 млн. евро будет выделено на расширение сети метрополитена, а на проекты транспортной инфраструктуры будет выделено дополнительно 221 млн. евро.

metropolitan 57

Moscow, a capital with ambitious railway development projects

[ by Pamela Luică ]

• USD 8.9 Billion for transport infrastructure projects in Moscow and its region • Development of the Small Rail Ring to answer mobility challenges • The project is estimated at USD 1.8 Billion



or the next three years, Moscow plans to accomplish the projects on the development of the transport infrastructure and system integration aimed to deliver integrated and rapid services to attract more and more passenger to public transport. At the beginning of the year, Minister of Transport Maxim Sokolov announced that the Government would grant RUB 270 Billion (USD 8.9 Billion) over the following three years to infrastructure projects in Moscow and its region. “The authorities’ financing are focused on transport investments and, although important sums have been allocated, not all the projects in plan have been achieved so far”, declared Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Last year, RUB 121 Billion (USD 4 Billion) were allocated from the budget of the Russian capital to the entire transport network, RUB 43.5 Billion (USD 1.4 Billion) dedicated to railway projects. “This year, the government wants to endorse RUB 93 Billion (USD 3 Billion) of which RUB 12 Billion (USD 400 Million) dedicated to railway projects. For the implementation of these projects, the government plans to attract private investors to finance construction works”, declared Moscow Region Governor Andrei Vorobyov. The railway hub in Moscow is one of the biggest and most crowded in the railway network of Russia and ensures transport services for half of the suburban passenger traffic and 235 of long-distance journeys. 1.3 million passengers use railway transport in the Moscow Region every day. To answer to mobility


2013* Владыкино

2016* Гостиничная

Ботанический сад


Владыкино Ботанический сад Северянин

Коптево Войковская

Through ring traffic of the electric trains


Stage «Design»




Открытое шоссе Черкизово

ПокровскоСтрешнево Ходынка Новопесчаное Хорошево

Шоссе Энтузиастов Сити


Full-scale passenger traffic starting


Лужнецкая набережная

Лужнецкая набережная

Спортивная Площадь Гагарина


Спортивная Площадь Гагарина Севастопольский проспект

Черкизово Измайловский парк Соколиная гора Шоссе Энтузиастов Андроновка

Рязанский проспект Новохохловская Волгоградская Дубровка Автозаводская Варшавское шоссе

• Stopping points – 12

• Stopping points – 30

• Amount of traffic – 48 (train pairs per day)

• Amount of traffic – 100 (train pairs per day)

needs, the authorities understood the need of 2014, the authorities plan to finalize the * - timeline for implementation of the Project is subject to amendment based on the results of preparing of the design documentation for infrastructure development and Moscow reconstruction and the electrification of the (stage «Design») taking the economic situation into account Municipality and Russian Railways agreed to railway ring and to commission 38 the first 12 implement joint projects to develop the rail- stations for which 48 pairs of trains will be way ring as public transport mode. “One of put in operation. By 2015, the Small Railway the most promising joint projects being car- Ring will be served by 31 stations, 19 of which ried out by the two parties is the reconstruc- will be main transport hubs: 12 with transfer tion and development of the Small Ring at to Moscow Metro and 6 with transfer to main Moscow Railways as an intra-city public tran- radial routes and a point to deliver both types sit mode. An expert team is now designing the of transfer. Starting with 2016, it is estimated rail infrastructure facilities and coordinating that the ring will have a capacity of over 250 them with street and road network develop- million passengers a year and the traffic will ment programmes and other municipal pro- be ensured by 100 pairs of trains. Moreover, grammes. another line dedicated to freight transport The project is estimated at RUB 55.27 Bil- will be built as part of the project aimed to lion (USD 1.8 Billion) and concerns the con- provide a series of services for the industry struction and reconstruction of the railway to be connected with the stations next to the infrastructure and transport hubs. By the end Small Ring. By launching transport services, Moscow CREATION OF THE MODERN CITY PASSENGER will have 350 transfer points that will help MULTIMODAL TRANSPORT SYSTEM MOSCOW RAIL RING ease traffic and improve the transport connecГостиничная tivity of the network. Владыкино Ботанический сад Николаевская Северянин




Открытое шоссе ПокровскоеСтрешнево



Ходынка Новопесчаное

Измайловский парк


Соколиная гора

Лужнецкая набережная Спортивная Площадь Гагарина Севастопольский проспект

- Stopping points of Moscow Rail Ring - Construction of the third main line of Moscow Rail Ring - Subway lines - Radial railway directions

Шоссе Энтузиастов

- Roads


- Transport connection hubs (subway)

Сити Кутузово

- Moscow Rail Ring

Рязанский проспект Новохохловская Волгоградская Дубровка Автозаводская

- Transport connection hubs (radial railway directions) - Road-vehicle stations

- Park and ride lots - Motorwagon depots

Варшавское шоссе

Source: Oleg Toni, Vice-President of JSC Russian Railways –„Future Investment Program of the JSC Russian Railways”


Москва - смелая столица с точки зрения развития транспорта на рельсах В начале года Министр транспорта, Максим Соколов, заявил о том, что правительство намеревается на протяжении ближайших трёх лет выделить 270 миллиардов рублей (8,9 миллиардов долларов) на проекты транспортной инфраструктуры Москвы и Московской Области. На 2013 год правительство намеревается выделить 93 миллиарда рублей на проекты инфраструктуры, в том числе 12 миллиардов рублей (400 миллионов долларов) на железнодорожные проекты. February 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

58 Products & Technologies

Solutions adaptable to various requirements [ by Elena Ilie ]

More and more cities and local authorities launch development projects for certain underground or fast tram networks. Most of these projects are based on the use of innovative signalling and control systems which are secure for passengers. At present, CBTC signalling solutions are among the most used ones at the international level and, besides the efficiency and the safety, these solutions facilitate the optimisation of a transport system for the entire life cycle.


ignalling is the milestone of the railway system; for the conventional transport, the signalling systems allow the communication between infrastructure and trains, thus guaranteeing the overall cohesion of the system. The implementation of a strong general vision on the signalling system is a compulsory requirement in the current fragmented market of the railway transport which involves infrastructure managers, railway operators and third parties such as maintenance service providers, car owners, service providers and entities in the field of public procurement. The CBTC signalling and control system for the rolling stock, a technology which

belongs to the company Thales, represents an entire control system based on telecommunications. Thales’s portfolio includes the first ETCS Level 1 project in commercial operation on the Sofia-Plovdiv-Burgas line in Bulgaria, ever since 2001, the first ETCS Level 2 project in commercial operation on the Jüterborg-Halle- Leipzig line in Germany, ever since 2005, as well as many others. The company Thales is also present in the urban transport sector, being among the most important suppliers of advanced train signalling and control systems based on CBTC for the urban railway network. Thales systems allow to operators the optimisation of the capital investment (civil engineering, trains), flexibility in managing

transport capacities (in the short and long run) but also the reduction of operating costs (energy, staff, and maintenance). The SelTrac CBTC solution is present on 30 of the greatest and most crowded urban transport networks, among which we can mention Santiago de Chile, New York, Vancouver, London, Paris, Dubai, Hong Kong, Shanghai or Beijing. The SelTrac solution perfectly adapts to different underground, tram, suburban train or automatic commuter train systems. A CBTC system is profitable and at the same time a sustainable investment and its performances allow the optimisation of passenger transport flows, as well as the reduction of the carbon footprint. With a constant pressure to reduce operating costs, but also with the need for the quick improvement of the urban railway transport system, a series of operators prefer the flexibility ensured by the communications-based train control system. Answering to the need for modern signalling systems, the SelTrac CBTC solution offers the opportunity of increasing the performance and the safety, as well as the cost reduction during the entire life cycle of the system.

Решения для приспособления к различным требованиям

Source: ©SNC-L - Thales Media Center

www.railwaypro.com | February 2013

Все больше городов и местных властей стартуют проведение проектов развития новых сетей метро или скоростного трамвая. Большинство этих проектов основано на использовании инновационных систем сигнализации и контроля, и они имеют высокую степени надежности для пассажиров. В настоящее время системы сигнализации CBTC числятся среди наиболее широко используемых на мировом уровне. Помимо эффективности и надежности, данные решения способствуют оптимизации всего жизненного цикла транспортной системы.


London prepares to welcome Railtex 2013 Railtex, the UK’s leading rail industry event, returns to the Earls Court exhibition centre in London from 30 April to 2 May. This will be the eleventh of these shows organised by Mack Brooks Exhibitions, combining suppliers’ stands presenting the best the railway supply industry has to offer with a wide range of additional features providing visitors with insights into developments in technology and policy.


ore than 400 companies are expected to take part in Railtex 2013, covering the entire range of railway products and services. Participants include some of the most familiar names serving the UK rail market, such as Alstom, Bombardier, GE Transportation, Hitachi and Siemens, as well as many smaller specialists supplying a wide range of components, niche products and services to the industry. A regularly updated exhibitor list can be found at www.railtex.co.uk New at Railtex this year will be The Yard, a display area in the exhibition hall for larger items of rail plant such as road-rail vehicles. In addition, The Track will be the setting for a display of rail-related machinery and tools on sections of track laid in the hall. The show will be opened by the UK’s Minister of State for Transport, Simon Burns, on 30 April. On the same day the Minister will deliver a keynote speech as part of an extensive free seminar programme running over all three days of the event. Keynote presentations will also be made by the chairman of the national rail-

way infrastructure company Network Rail and by the chief executive of Crossrail, the new east-west rail link being built under London. Other seminar sessions will discuss developments in technology. Free seminars Like many other activities at Railtex, the seminar programme is open to all, free of charge and without prior booking. Further industry insights will be provided by The Platform, where panels of industry experts will address topical themes, with audience participation welcome. And in the Project Update Theatre, project directors and managers will outline the status of major UK rail schemes, including Network Rail schemes and the planned new HS2 high-speed line running north from the capital. Also open to all will be the opening day’s Networking Reception, providing exhibitors and visitors with an opportunity to meet in a relaxed social setting. The last Railtex in 2011 attracted some 9,200 industry professionals from 49 coun-

tries, with surveys revealing that 65% of visitors had immediate purchasing power. This underlines the show’s success in bringing together suppliers and potential buyers. Railtex 2013 has been well received by the railway industry. Exhibition Manager Heidi Cotsworth said: “The response to this year’s show has been very positive. Our the exhibitor list is especially strong, with a good mix of the best known companies, familiar smaller firms and some interesting new names. There has also been a lot of interest from the industry in this year’s innovations, such as The Yard and the Railtex Awards. We are expecting a busy show.” Register online for free entry

Online registration to visit the show is now open at www.railtex.co.uk, which also gives details of opening times and how to get to Earls Court. Pre-registering guarantees free access to Railtex and its many supporting activities and avoids a £20 entry fee payable on the door for non-registered visitors.

February 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

60 Market development

Optimisation of railway transport performance

[ by Elena Ilie ]

No major change in transport will be possible without the support of a proper network and without the intelligent use of this network. Overall, transport infrastructure investments have a positive impact on economic growth, create wealth and jobs, and enhance trade, geographical accessibility and the mobility of people. It has to be planned in a way that maximises positive impact on economic growth and minimises negative impact on the environment.


urrently, the transport infrastructure of the European Union is properly developed. Nevertheless, it is still divided, both geographically and by modes of transport. The main objectives of the Guidelines on the TEN-T policies is to set a comprehensive and integrated TransEuropean transport network that would cover all member states and regions and that would be the foundation for the balanced development of all transport modes and for the optimal exploitation of their advantages, thus maximising the added value of the network for Europe. “Capacity charging and allocation systems should consider the effects of the increas-

ing saturation of infrastructure capacities, as well as scarce capacity�, shows the recast of the First Railway Package. Apart from the need to invest in railway infrastructure and to establish infrastructure access charging systems that would stimulate infrastructure managers so that the development of proper investments would be financially viable, interoperability is also confronted with a series of technical barriers. To visibly reduce the existence of such technical barriers the First Railway Package, as well as the Fourth Railway Package, recently submitted to attention by the Commission, define the interoperability of

networks as one of the significant elements of establishing the Single European Railway Area. Also, the two legislative packages sketch the train signalling and control systems, ETCS, which are, in turn, significant for the systematization of the interoperability of European networks. But it is not as simple to apply, as it is to say. To support interoperability, at the end of January, the European Commission adopted a decision strengthening the certification and authorisation process of lines and trains equipped with the European Train Control System (ETCS). As we well know, currently, there are more

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Market development


Moreover, from 2011 to 2014, the first priority included in the TEN-T financing refers to the testing campaign of proving the interoperability between the railways equipped with the ETCS 2.3.0d and the onboard equipments from different industry suppliers. Within this priority area, the lines and trains contracted for fitting with the ETCS before the entrance into force of the Commission’s Decision 2008/386/EC can receive TEN-T funds for their updating to ensure their compatibility with the ETCS 2.3.0d standards.

Оптимизация показателей железнодорожного транспорта

Source: Siemens press picture

than 20 different signalling systems in operation in Europe and their incompatibility is a major technical barrier to international traffic. For example, adding an additional national safety system in an existing locomotive, already authorised in different countries, and obtaining again all safety authorisations may cost more than EUR 2 Million and take more than two years. ETCS will eliminate these costs. Today, in Europe, more than 4000 km of

lines are equipped with ETCS. Moreover, the equipment of more than 4000 additional kilometres has already been contracted, thus indicating that the length of ETCS equipped lines will more than double over the next two or three years. Another reason for the installation of ETCS is probably the provisions of the two above-mentioned legislative packages, according to which the trains equipped with ETCS can pay a smaller track access charge.

Ни одно крупное изменение в сфере транспорта не является возможным без опоры на адекватную сеть и без ее умного использования. В общем, инвестиции в транспортную инфраструктуру дают импульс экономическому развитию и созданию рабочих мест, а также способствуют географической доступности, развитию торговли и обеспечению мобильности людей.

Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, Director General – UIC Speech from the previous edition of Railway Days

The International Union of Railways participates to the development of railway transport and of freight-dedicated international corridors. Railway transport connects countries, but also continents and cohesion is given by the number of railway projects, such as infrastructure modernization, building new lines, modernization of railway equipments, new rolling stock or research in the field. Recent studies of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) have shown that the necessary investments in transport by 2030 amount to USD 11.3 Billion, 44% of which would be directed to railway transport (USD 5 Trillion). European freight corridors, the new transport network in Brazil, the Russian projects, and the network in Central Asia or in the Basin of Mekong River, all these projects will revive railway transport. All indicators show that, despite the economic recession, by 2015, cargo transport could increase by 18%, while passenger transport by 80%. By 2020-2040, over two billion people will move to the city, so it will be necessary to find mobility solutions for urban and suburban routes and rail transport plays an important role here. Railways are every day more involved in urban development and from the point of view of investments it is very important that the accent will fall on intercity, suburban and high-speed trains. All intra-European corridors, those linking Europe to Asia and Middle East, need improvement, because they boost interoperability. I’m glad that we can now talk about the Black Sea transport links. UIC has discussed the matter with the Organisation of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC). Turkey will soon inaugurate the section Baku – Tbilisi – Kars, which is a plus for the link between the two continents and which will definitely increase the share of railway transport. At present, the key word is interoperability, also between continents, not only between European countries. Also, another key factor for cohesion is solving technical and administrative problems. Cohesion has to be at the core of the railway development policy. Security and safety are also important. UIC is thus interested in studies of the development projects elaborated by other profile associations, such as OSJD. However, the railway transport sector is currently fragmented and market players are facing problems in observing administrative separation principles. Therefore, railway transport needs an improved harmonisation of technical and administrative rules both in Europe and Asia which will facilitate and ease cross-border operations. There are several efficient solutions for this, among which satellite tracking systems, development of new international hubs, the mapping of the network, new data bases or the development of each data base of the authorities, a better standardisation of specific regulations in Europe, Asia and the 1520 Area, development of new transport corridors and new integration and charging systems. Most new transport corridors between Europe and Middle East from East to West and North to South, also the new corridors linking Europe and Africa, as well as the key role of the Mediterranean hubs, all these, next to the major corridors which cross Europe (IV,V,IX and X) are key elements for development and territorial cohesion. Organisers:

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February 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

62 statistics

Projects which were selected for funding under the 2011 TEN-T Annual Call Study on Greek/Bulgarian ports network to receive EU support – €750,000 The project aimes to explore the feasibility of connecting by rail a series of maritime and fluvial ports in north-eastern Greece and Bulgaria to create a multimodal freight corridor serving the Aegean Sea, the Black Sea and the Danube river. The project, which is called “Sea2Sea” will develop the concept of a “Sea2Sea” corridor by linking Greek ports on the Aegean Sea with Bulgarian ones on Black Sea via a rail link and provide an alternative route to the congested Bosphorus Strait. Furthermore, the connection to fluvial ports on the Danube river will also be analysed. The project is set to be completed by the end of 2014.

Co-finance for upgrade of key Polish railway line – €1.4 million The project, which forms part of the “Railway axis Gdańsk–Warszawa–Brno/Bratislava-Wien”, will lay the groundwork for key improvements to be realised on this key section of the Polish railway network. The project concerns the preparation of modernisation works on a 24 km stretch of railway line from Warszawa Włochy to Grodzisk Mazowiecki in Poland, and will prepare the construction design and the tender documentation required for upgrade work to begin. The modernisation work will contribute to increasing the capacity of the railway line in a densely populated area of Poland. The project is set to be concluded by the end of 2014.

Development of Wolfurt (Austria) freight terminal – €4 million The project will complete the planning studies needed before upgrade work can begin at the Wolfurt Terminal, Austria. In particular, it includes studies to plan the construction of facilities for intermodal transport, equipment for general cargo and devices for conventional freight transport. Once completed, these upgrades will improve the rail terminal by making its infrastructure more efficient and removing bottlenecks during the cargo handling process. Interoperability between the different parts of the road and rail network will be improved, as will the security and reliability of goods handling and transport. The project is set to be completed by December 2014. www.railwaypro.com | February 2013



Co-finance for upgrade of key Latvian railway line - €1.4 million The project will set out the design for an extension to the electrification of the Latvia’s railway network which will ultimately improve the speed and reliability of trains. It’s involves the realisation of a series of studies and designs to electrify a portion of the Latvian rail infrastructure. The section which will be electrified runs between Rezekne and Daugavlis to Riga, Jelgava, Tukums and Ventspils, crossing the “Rail Baltica” The project is set to be concluded by September 2014.

A new intermodal platform for Liege airport - €1 million The project includes a series of studies that will lead to the realisation of an intermodal platform at Liège’s airport in Belgium in order to seamlessly move freight between road, rail and air. The project is set to be completed by November 2014.

High speed rail in Italy moving forward– €10 million The financial support will be distributed for two key rail infrastructure projects taking place in the northern Italian region of Lombardy, which will involve the construction of tunnels as well as technological upgrades to Milan’s train control centre, will contribute to the realisation of the “Railway axis Lyon-Trieste-Divača/Koper-Divača-LjubljanaBudapest-Ukrainian border”. The first project will receive €5 million and concerns technological upgrades to be made at Milan’s train control centre. The second project will also receive €5 million in support, involves the construction of two tunnels on the same Turin-Milan-Verona-Padua high speed line just before the town of Brescia. The project is set to be concluded by December 2014. * All this projects are set to be completed by the end of 2014 February 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

64 Asset management

Infrastructure managers need efficient methods to cut maintenance costs [ by Elena Ilie ]

Managing infrastructure assets is a transversal problem, not only for the infrastructure manager, but also for its relationship with suppliers. The efficient management of fixed assets brings increasing benefits, for example, it helps correlate the organisation’s strategic plans with the daily stage of infrastructure works ensuring better results, smaller costs and improved transparency.


he budgets allocated to infrastructure maintenance, renewal and modernisation define asset management as compulsory instrument. The objective is the best performance at the lowest cost. In response to the European legislation, infrastructure managers and operators had to adopt an attitude closer to the business area such as to change their focus from management to the approach of technical costs and performance. For many European infrastructure managers, this evolution has led to a situation where interested parties (such as government and local authorities and railway operators) have begun to impose stricter performance and cost requirements, forcing the managers to resort to a new and transparent compensation trade in order to be able to make the right decisions, explains the International Union of Railways (UIC). The effective model of a railway infrastructure has to be able to meet the objectives of market opening to competition,

technological development as well as environmental challenges. “Asset Management (AM) is a new model of management for infrastructure managers, which was developed to meet these challenges. This concept covers facilities, infrastructure and superstructure components and responds to the demands posed by the new situation of railways in Europe”, believe the European Rail Infrastructure Managers (EIM). Asset management comprises all systems, methods, procedures and tools to optimize costs, performance and risks for the complete rail infrastructure life cycle. These optimizations address all infrastructure activities (building, maintenance and renewal, including machines and materials) over the whole life cycle as well as the consequences of these activities for the government as owner and for the train operators and passengers as users. According to recast of the First Railway Package and the shaping of the Single European Railway Area, “infrastructure managers have to elaborate and keep record of their assets and of the assets they manage

and which will be used to evaluate the financing necessary for their repair or replacement. It will be accompanied by information on costs with the renewal and modernisation of the infrastructure”. Infrastructure managers set a method for the distribution of costs between the different types of services provided by railway undertakings. Member states, however, have to demand prior approval. This method will be periodically updated based on the best international practices. The text of the First Railway Package, in its form after the recast, specifies among others that “to allow setting the proper level of infrastructure access charging, infrastructure managers should record and set the value of their assets and provide evidence of clear understanding of all infrastructure exploitation cost factors”.

Basic model structure

Source: bankwatch.org

Необходимы эффективные методы сокращения затрат на техническое обслуживание

Source: www.ppiaf.org

www.railwaypro.com | February 2013

Управление активами инфраструктуры представляет собой сложной проблемой не только в рамках компании, администрирующей инфраструктуру, но и в плане её отношений с поставщиками. Эффективное управление основными средствами приносит многочисленные выгоды, например, способствует сопоставлению стратегических планов организации с ежедневной стадией работ по инфраструктуре, тем самым обеспечивая достижение лучших результатов при меньших затратах и большей прозрачности.

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