Railway PRO January

Page 1

the railway business magazine

Year VIII ■ No. 1.1 (91) ■ 2013

Danube Strategy: freight traffic development needs dedicated infrastructure

Railway PRO

Turkey prioritizes railway transport to increase freight flows New steps in the development of international freight-dedicated corridors

Freight & Logistics

Russia resets its objectives Россия вновь открывает себя • Она хочет стать лидером мировой экономики • Она хочет снизить влияние государства на экономику с помощью приватизации • Укрепить железнодорожный транспорт и развить промышленность за счёт частных инвестиций

photo: © Dyshlyuk | Dreamstime.com

Журнал железнодорожный бизнес

editor’s note 1


he latest statistics on railway freight transport in the Wider Black Sea Area were indicating a 19% growth in 2011 compared to 2009, the 28 markets recording a freight traffic of 2.857,5 billion tonne-km, which means 3.13 billion tonnes carried. It’s easy to guess that the first 5 markets from the point of view of carried goods on railways are Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Poland and Belarus. The WBSA railway freight transport markets continue to be in the limelight this year as well. Tenders for the privatisation of railway transport operators in Romania and Bulgaria are waited for with interest as they represent an important opportunity for the companies which want to increase their regional market shares. Among the growth engines of the railway freight sector is the consolidation of the position

of Central and Eastern Europe as logistic hub through the significant infrastructure development investments, the increase in the productivity of regional production networks and of the emerging economies of Central Asia and Russia. Also, another driving factor will again be the increasing volume of trade between Europe and Asia which will certainly put pressure on the logistic suppliers’ chain. As a matter of course, some railway operators have already thought about forming joint ventures by offering logistics and container transport services. The latest such example is the partnership between the railway companies in Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus which resulted in the establishment of United Transport and Logistics Company whose objective is to obtain additional container traffic of over 1 million TEU by 2020. Stimulation is also generated

by positive previsions regarding container export on the Europe-Asia route. The Baltic Transport Journal indicated an annual growth of container exports in 2011 of 7.58% (6,052,500 TEU), while imports to Europe recorded a 3.3% growth (13,920,700 TEU). An important share of these volumes could be won by railway operators considering the shorter travel times – twice as fast by train than by the maritime routes connecting Central Europe to China. But the decision of choosing railways as means of transport between the two continents is much influenced by price – less than by sea – by the increasing quality of services and, perhaps to the greatest extent, by the improvement of transshipment procedures. by Cristina Trifon

Head of Business Development & Strategic Alliances Club Feroviar


Issue published with the support of Romanian Railway Industry Association & Club Feroviar – The Railway Business Club Журнал издаётся при поддержке Асоциации Железнодорожной Промышленности и Club Feroviar – ЖД Клуб Деловых Людей

Хорошие признаки для грузовых перевозок По последним статистическим данным, в Расширенном Черноморском пространстве зарегистрирован рост в сфере грузовых перевозок на 19% в 2011 году по сравнению с cu 2009 годом. На 28 рынках объём грузовых перевозок составил 2 857,5 млрд. тонн – км, соответственно 3,13 млрд. перевозимых тонн. Легко угадать, что первые 5 рынков с точки зрения объёма перевозимых грузов по железной дороге - это Россия,Казахстан, Украина, Польша и Белоруссия. Рынки железнодорожных грузовых перевозок в Расширенном Черноморском пространстве продолжают и в начале этого года находиться в центре внимания. В Румынии и в Болгарии с интересом ждут тендеров на приватизацию операторов железнодорожных грузовых перевозок, так как это значительная возможность для фирм, которые, помимо всего прочего, нацелены на увеличение своей доли рынка на региональном уровне. Среди катализаторов роста в сфере железнодорожных

грузовых перевозок также числится укрепление положения Центральной и Восточной Европы в качестве логистического узла, за счёт значительных вложений в развитие инфраструктуры, а также увеличение производительности региональных производственных сетей и развивающейся экономики стран Центральной Азии и России. Другим фактором, способствующим росту - это увеличение объёмов товарообмена между Европой и Азией. Данный фактор безусловно окажет существенное давление логистическую цепь поставщиков. Как и следовало ожидать, некоторые операторы уже заложили в план образование совместных предприятий для предоставления услуг по логистике и перевозке контейнеров. Самый недавний пример в этой связи - это партнёрство Российских, Казахстанских и Белорусских железных дорог, которые образовали компанию United Transport and Logistics Company, целью которой является привлечение дополнительного

объёма контейнеров на более 1 миллиона ДФЭ до 2020 года. Такое стимулирование также вызвано положительными прогнозами в плане экспорта контейнеров по маршруту Европа - Азия. Публикация BalticTransport указывает на годовое увеличение объёма экспорта контейнеров, в 2011 году, на 7,58% (6.052.500 ДФЭ), в то время, как импорт в Европу зарегистрировали рост в объёме 3,3% (13.920.700 ДФЭ). Значительную долю этих объёмов могут привлечь железнодорожные операторы, с учётом более короткого времени пребывания в пути - так как перевозки поездом между Центральной Европой и Китаем в два раза быстрее, чем по морю. Однако, в основе решения выбрать в пользу железнодорожных перевозок по маршруту между двумя континентами лежит прежде всего ценовая составляющая которая снижается в случае морских перевозок -, затем повышение качества услуг и, вероятно еще больше, улучшение перевалочных процедур. January 2013 | www.railwaypro.com




47 36

Freight transport, major economic component in the WBSA Area Грузовые перевозки - крупная составляющая экономики Расширенного Черноморского пространства

The countries around the Black Sea, characterized as members of the Wider Black Sea Area, although they are part of different geographical regions or structures, are joined together by the common interests related to the importance of this area in the commercial transit between Europe and Asia. Страны, расположенные вокруг Чёрного моря, которые мы характеризуем как принадлежащие к Расширенному Черноморскому пространству, несмотря на то, что они принадлежат к разным ...


47 Freight transport, major economic component in the WBSA Area

photo: club feroviar


the railway business magazine

Railway PRO

ISSN - 1841 - 4672

Editors: Elena Ilie elena.ilie@railwaypro.com Pamela Luică pamela.luica@railwaypro.com Contributors: Eng. Radu Costache Department of translations: Alina Vuţulicu Paula Bădescu Gentil Traduceri SRL Graphic design: Petru Mureşan Layout and DTP: Petru Mureşan petru.muresan@railwaypro.com Photo: Radu Drăgan Marketing Manager: Cristina Trifon cristina.trifon@railwaypro.com Advertising Enquiries: advertise@railwaypro.com www. railwaypro.com/advertise

Ports support infrastructure financing and demand EU leaders to maintain the budget allocated through CEF

Editor’s note

1 Good news for freight transport POLICIES & STRATEGIES

Publisher: Editura de Transport & Logistică S.R.L. 30, Virgiliu Street, Sector 1 Bucharest, postal code: 010881 Tel.:+4 021 224 43 85; +4 021 224 43 87 Mobile: +40 721 723 724 Fax: +4 021 224 43 86 E-mail: editors@railwaypro.com Web-site: www.railwaypro.com

20 To increase freight flows,

16 Danube Strategy: freight traffic development needs dedicated infrastructure

18 Cross-border and

economic integration increase transport volumes

24 New steps in the

development of international freight-dedicated corridors

26 Russia resets its objectives • To become leader of the world economy • To reduce the state’s impact over the economy through privatization • To consolidate railway transport and to develop industry by private investments

32 Turkey prioritizes railway transport to increase freight flows

43 Container transport develops constantly

www.railwaypro.com | January 2013

30 Kyrgyzstan plans to

become a transit hub between China and Europe

34 Hairatan – Mazar-i-Sharif defines Afghanistan as freight transit hub

36 2013 - the privatization

year of railway freight operators in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe?

40 Khorgos-East Gate helps


2013 - the privatization year of railway freight operators in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe? 2013 год – год приватизации железнодорожных грузовых операторов в Восточной и Юго-Восточной Европе With or without losses, with more or less obsolete assets, with for or against privatisation opinions, the one thing to be sure is that these companies need restructuring, revitalisation or privatisation. We can only wait to see if in 2013, as scheduled, or later. Венгрия - единственное соседствующее с Румынией государство, которое приватизировало железнодорожные грузовые перевозки. Поляки, болгары но и румыны задерживаются с процессом приватизации, несмотря на то, что каждое из трёх указанных ...


22 How fast will we obtain the revitalization of railway freight transport?

39 Simplification in locating and tracking freight

42 China-Germany in 19 days 46 Unified legislation for Eurasian railway transport

56 ITS impact on traffic management and urban logistics

Kazakhstan grow as logistics events hub between China and Europe

44 Baltic States, a gateway

50 Lille prepares to welcome SIFER 2013

to Asia


48 Freight needs unique international transit

49 Longer trains for

greener environment


52 DRSss-y bogie for rapid freight trains in Germany Statistics

54 Freight statistics

cOntent 3

Редакционная статья

1 Хорошие признаки для грузовых перевозок ПОЛИТИКА И СТРАТЕГИЯ

16 Дунайская стратегия:

развитие грузовых перевозок нуждается в отдельной инфраструктуре

18 Трансграничная и

экономическая интеграция способствует увеличению объёмов перевозимых грузов

32 Для повышения

пропускной способности грузов, Турция ставит на первое место железнодорожный транспорт

43 Транспорт контейнеров развивается стабильно

47 Грузовые перевозки крупная составляющая экономики Расширенного Черноморского пространства РАЗВИТИЕ РЫНКА



36 2013 год –год

39 Упрощение поиска и

приватизации железнодорожных грузовых операторов в Восточной и Юго-Восточной Европе?

отслеживания грузов

Ворота Казахстан готовится стать логистическим узлом между Китаем и Европой

евразийского железнодорожного транспорта

44 Страны Прибалтики -

56 Влияние Умных

мост в Азию

20 Для усиления потока

34 Хайратан - Мазар-

и-Шариф определяет Афганистан как товарный транзитный узел


46 Унификация 40 Через Хоргос Восточные законодательства для

ПРОИЗВОДСТВО грузов, Порты поддерживают И ТЕХНОЛОГИИ финансирование 48 Для товаров нужен и просят 24 Новые шаги в развитии инфраструктуры единый международный лидеров ЕС сохранить бюджет, Международных коридоров транспорт выделенный через Механизм для грузовых перевозок подключения Европы 49 Более длинные составы для более чистой 26 Россия вновь открывает 30 Кыргызстан окружающей среды намеревается стать себя: транзитным узлом по • Она хочет стать лидером мировой экономики • Она хочет снизить направлению Китай - Европа ЛЕКС влияние государства на экономику с помощью приватизации • Укрепить железнодорожный транспорт и развить промышленность за счёт частных инвестиций

42 Китай - Германия за 19

22 Как быстро будут восстанавливаться железнодорожные товарные перевозки?

транспортных систем на управление передвижением и на городскую логистику события

50 Лилль готовится встретить SIFER 2013 инженер

52 Тележка DRRSss-y для

высокоскоростных товарных поездов в Германии DRRSss-y - высокоскоростные товарные поезда, 160 км/ч СТАТИСТИКА

54 Железнодорожного статистика

January 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

news 5 Tender for an advisor regarding Nis railway junction project

CD Cargo and ZSSK CARGO consider potential merger

Serbia: Serbia has called a tender in search for an advisor for the preparation of the technical documentation for the EUfinanced Nis railway junction modernisation project. The contract is worth EUR 1.5 Million. The contract foresees preparing preliminary surveys, the feasibility study, preliminary design and preparation of the project financing applications. The project on the modernisation of Nis railway junction is financed with EU funds and envisages a relocation of the railway line from the centre of the city of southeastern Nis, a move that will improve the traffic flow and road safety in the city. The junction is on the transport corridor running from Subotica in the north via Novi Sad, Belgrade and Nis to Dimitrovgrad in the southeast. It will have a double track and allow train speeds of at least 160 km per hour. The project could start in May 2013 and will last 18 months.

Bulgaria: Czech railway freight company CD Cargo and Slovak company Zeleznicna spolocnost Cargo Slovakia (ZSCS) could merge, Czech Prime Minister Petr Necas and his Slovak counterpart Robert Fico announced. Both companies have financial problems and consider a potential merger aimed to solve these problems. “With the competition that now prevails on the European market, it becomes clear again that we need strong joint companies. Small railway freight companies are unable to survive. We can see it in Slovakia, we have serious economic problems with this company,” Fico said.

Estonian Railways eyes profits of over EUR 6 Million in 2013

photo: www.evrcargo.ee Muuga jaamas © André Altjõe

International: Estonian railway company Eesti Raudtee bets on incomes of EUR 60.4 Million in 2013, shows next year’s budget plan approved by the company’s board. At the same time, the company estimates an operating profit of EUR 6.4 Million. Investments will amount to EUR 36.6 Million, EUR 22.2 Million of which will come from the company’s own budget and the rest of EUR 14.4 Million of EU funds.The company plans to reduce costs by 6% and estimates a constant volume of carried freight.

Italian Railways to expand in Europe and Italy International: Ferrovie dello Stato (FS) wishes to expand in the future both in Europe and nationally, said Mauro Moretti, the CEO of the Italian state-owned railway company.In Europe, the company wants

to expand commercial operations and acquisitions. Nationally, FS eyes local public transport companies in difficulty, especially in the centre and northern Italy. In 2013, FS wants to carry 45 million passengers and the growth is expected to come from the new offer of services. This year, the company hopes to carry an overall 40 million passengers, of which 30 million on high-speed routes. Globaltrans becomes sole owner of MMK-Trans Russia: Globaltrans Investment PLC has

announced that it agreed to acquire 100% of MMK-Trans, one of the largest single-site steelmakers in Russia, for a cash consideration of USD 225 Million and assuming net debt and working capital of approximately USD 110 Million. This acquisition follows the successful integration by Globaltrans of captive freight rail operator Ferrotrans (formerly Metalloinvesttrans) and marks a further step in the consolidation of the Russian freight rail transportation sector. MMK-Trans principally handles cargoes of В мире: Чешская железнодорожная грузовая компания, CD Cargo, и словацкий оператор Zeleznicna spolocnost Cargo Slovakia (ZSSK CARGO) могут объединиться. Сербия: Сербские власти объявили тендер на выбор консультанта, который составит техническую документацию проекта модернизации железнодорожного узла в Нисе. В мире: Эстонская железнодорожная компания Eesti Raudtee рассчитывает на доходы в размере 60,4 миллионов евро в 2013 году. В мире: Компания Ferrovie dello Stato (FS) намеревается в будущем расшириться и на европейском, и на национальном уровне.

Also, Czech Prime Minister believes that restructuring would have to be a part of such plan due to the poor financial situation of both companies. Restructuring could precede the merger or be part of it.“Central Europe needs a strong player that could become one of the first 5 largest European companies. We really are under pressure from the side of Russian as well as German transport companies”, added Necas. CD Cargo is in danger of becoming insolvent and a restructuring plan is to save it. The company wants to sell 87 locomotives and intends to scrap almost 5,000 goods wagons. It is also thinking about laying off up to 2,220 employees of the 9,500. Currently, the company owns 30,000 wagons but most of them are in a poor condition and out of use. the MMK Group, primarily metallurgical cargoes and coal. MMK-Trans had Freight Rail Turnover of 23.2 billion tonnes-km in the first nine months of 2012, equivalent to 26% of Globaltrans’ volumes for that period. In September 2012, MMK-Trans owned 3,548 railcars and 10 locomotives with about 70% of its fleet comprised of gondola (open top) cars. Baku-Tbilisi-Kars will have international significance International: Transport corridor between Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey within construction of Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway line will acquire international significance in the future, Azerbaijani Transport Minister Ziya Mammadov declared. Baku-Tbilisi-Kars is part of the important connections between Azerbaijan and Georgia, next to Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipelines, South Caucasus. Works to the railway corridor are underway. Ziya Mammadov noted the high level of good neighbourly relations between the two countries and great opportunities for their further development.

Россия: Компания Globaltrans Investment PLC объявила о закупке 100%-го пакета железнодорожного грузового оператора MMK-Транс. В мире: Железнодорожный коридор, соединяющий Азербайджан, Грузию и Турцию, окажет положительное воздействие на грузовые перевозки не только на региональном, но и на международном уровне. Болгария: Семь инвесторов проявили интерес к направлению грузовых перевозок болгарской железнодорожной компании БДЖ. Россия: Независимая транспортная компания (НТК) завершила сделку по закупке 25% акций Первой грузовой. January 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

6 news Mammadov said that during 11 months of 2012 the trade turnover between the two countries reached USD 450 Million, and it will grow in the following years.

EU to co-finance upgrade of key Latvian railway line

BDZ Cargo attracts seven investors

photo: www.publics.bg

Bulgaria: 9 companies have bought the documents for the privatization procedure of the freight unit of Bulgaria’s state railway operator, BDZ, the Bulgarian Privatisation Agency announced after the deadline for the purchase of papers.

international: The European Union will provide support of over EUR 1.4 million from the TEN-T Programme to help upgrade an important section of Latvia’s railway network. The project will set out the design for an extension to the electrification of the railway network which will ultimately improve the speed and reliability of trains. The project involves the realisation of a series of studies and designs to electrify a portion Having acquired a 75% stake in Freight One earlier, NTK has now consolidated full ownership over the asset. NTK funded the transaction using inhouse and borrowed resources, including a RUB 42 Billion (approx. USD 1.37 Million) syndicated loan, which was arranged by Sberbank CIB and VTB Capital as the second tranche of a syndicated loan facility extended to NTK back in 2011 to finance the acquisition of the 75% stake in Freight One.

z electro-technical NTK finalized transaction onequipment the obsolete, acquisition ofis25% of Freight One z the railway line Nis – Russia: Independent Transport Company (NTK) hasDimitrovgrad, completed thetowards acquisiBulgarian border, not tion of a 25% plus one share stake inis major electrified rail freight operator Freight One, Sberbank

CIB said in a statement.

В мире: Генеральный директор компании Deutsche Bahn, Рюдигер Грубе, заявил о том, что он будет противостоять планам европейского комиссара по транспорту Сиима Калласа, и что это один из его первоочередных приоритетов. В мире: Власти Черногория объявили тендер на консультационные услуги по модернизации 15 железнодорожных мостов по линии Врбница-Бар. В мире: ЕС выделит Латвии финансирование в размере 1,4 млн. евро через программу TEN-T, на модернизацию важного участка линий европейской сети. www.railwaypro.com | January 2013

Source: Serbian Railways-Mr. Milovan Markovic

This is the second attempt to sell BDZ Cargo after the first procedure in the summer of 2012 failed. In the process, the Privatization Agency dropped the freight unit’s minimum price to BGN 100 Million (EUR 51 Million) from BGN 200 Million (EUR 102.5 Million).Of the 9 companies who bought the Serbia to attract Chinese companies privatization documents, 5 have acted via for railway projects lawyers’ firms.The other 4 are the Bulgarian institutions First Investment Bank, BulgarSerbia: Serbia called on Chinese contracian Ship Company, Bulgarian Railways tors to participate in the construction of the Company (BRC), as well as Romanian local rail leg of pan-European Corridor X that private railway operator Grup Feroviar Rois set to absorb EUR 4-4.5 Billion in investman.Companies that wish to proceed haveEUROPEAN ments over the COMMISSION next five years. If an agreeuntil the end of January to fill and submit the ment was reached with the Chinese compaCER documents.Then, until March, they have to nies, works could be launched next spring, submit a binding offer and a deposit.Transdeclared the Serbian Minister of Transport of Infrastructure port MinisterCondition Ivaylo Moskovski said that the after meeting in Belgrade the representatives privatization on of theCorridor freight armXofin theSerbia Bulgar- of CCCC International and CRSCS Internaian State Railways (BDZ) would be a success tional (China) and Italferr (Italy). if the government managed tothe raiseentire BGNlength z only 32% of 200 Million, a sum that was needed urgently of Corridor X in Serbia to pay off a part of the BGN Million consists of750 double track (EUR 384 Million) debt lines, of the holding. railway

Туркменистан: Министерство железных дорог создаст новое железнодорожное акционерное общество, которое возьмёт на себя контроль нескольких компаний, находящихся в подчинении у министерства. Сербия: Сербские власти призвали китайских предпринимателей принять участие в строительстве национального отсека Коридора X. В мире: Почти 30 лет спустя с момента прерывания связи между Мульхаусом (Франция) и Фрайбургом им Брайсгау (Германия), соединение было

of the Latvian rail infrastructure. The section which will be electrified runs between Rezekne and Daugavlis to Riga, Jelgava, Tukums and Ventspils, crossing the “Rail Baltica”. The project will prepare the technical specifications, environmental impact assessment and the investment plan for the realisation of the works. Once complete, electrification of this line will improve the speed and reliability of trains and reduce the environmental impact of this section of the railway network. The project is set to be concluded by September 2014. The local rail leg of the transport corridor - running from Subotica in the north via Novi Sad, Belgrade and Nis to Dimitrovgrad in the southeast - should have a double track and should allow electric train speeds of at least 160 km/h. Serbia has already started work on key sections of Corridor X, including a rail and road bridge over the Danube in Novi Sad, a railway junction in Nis and a bridge over Velika Morava at Cuprija. Serbia will modernise six corridor sections totalling 110 km by using the credit received from Russia. Deutsche Bahn against plans to separate the infrastructure manager International: Deutsche Bahn’s CEO, Rüdiger Grube, declared for “Die Welt” that he was against the plans of the European commissioner for transport Siim Kallas and that it was one of his priorities. The measures recommended by Kallas would mean the separation of infrastructure management activities of train operation as of December 2019, four years earlier than estimated, said Grube. The German Government has also constantly opposed to these plans. The new measures, unveiled by Siim Kallas in January 2013, are aimed at extending the market opening, preventing interest conflicts and eliminating potential cross financing that sometimes occur within integrated structures. According to Kallas, these measures would ensure higher efficiency and would reduce costs by EUR 23 Billion.

восстановлено. Польша: Компания PKP Intercity объявила тендер на закупку 20 поездов. По предварительной оценке, стоимость договора составляет 245 млн. евро. Хорватия: Пять компаний проявили заинтересованность в закупке, аренде или сотрудничестве с хорватским производителем подвижного состава TZV Gredelj. В мире: Национальное агентство по транспорта в Бразилии объявило тендер на строительство высокоскоростной линии, которая будет соединять Рио и Сан Пауло.

news 7 Montenegro seeks consultants for the modernisation of bridges on Vrbnica-Bar line

Lithuania and Ukraine to extend Viking train to the Black Sea

International: Montenegro called a

tender for consultancy services for the upgrade of 15 steel bridges on the railway line Vrbnica-Bar. The project is divided in three lots and will take 12 months to complete. The contract is estimated at EUR 1.5-1.8 Million. Necessary funds will come from a credit from the European Investment Bank. Authorities reform the railway sector Turkmenistan: Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has ordered the ministry of railway transport to create a new joint stock company to take over control over several companies subordinated to the ministry. The locomotive depot logistics in Ashgabat, the capital city, and the country’s regional centers are to be included within the plan. Regional centres affected in the directive include Ashgabat, Turkmenbashi, Turkmenabat, Bereket, and Mary. The strategy is expected to boost the efficiency of enterprises within the railway transportations sector.

PKP Intercity buys new trains

photo: wikipedia.org

Poland: PKP Intercity announced a tender for the acquisition of 20 trains. The contract is estimated at almost PLN 1 Billion (EUR 245 Million).

Trains are supposed to reach a speed of up to 160 kph and run on connections: Warsaw – Bydgoszcz; Olsztyn – Krakow; Gdynia – Katowice through Łódź and Krakow – Szczecin through Łódź and Poznan. The deadline for putting in bids is fixed on 29th of January 2013. The order – besides trains – includes also providing technical maintenance services for a period no shorter than 15 years. New France-Germany link to be resumed International: After almost 30 years of no services, the railway connection between Mulhouse (France) and Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany) was resumed early

international: Ukraine and Lithuania will continue to take measures to promote the work of the train “Viking”, interest in the use of which is increasing in all shippers. This was discussed during the fourteenth meeting of the Ukrainian-Lithuanian commission for trade-economic and scientific-technical cooperation held at the beginning of the month in Kiev. Viking is a joint project developed by Lithuania, Bela-

rus and Ukraine dedicated to the transport of containers, trucks and trailers. The freight volume on this route increased in 2012. For 10 months on the territory of Ukraine combined transport train “Viking” transported 11.6 thousand TEU than the same period in 2011, when it was transported 2.3 thousand TEU. Therefore, Ukrainian and Lithuanian sides agreed to continue to work to attract other countries, particularly in view of the need to download Viking train in the direction of the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea.

this month. The 16-km line where regional trains can reach speeds of up to 90 km/h took two years to complete. The project included the construction of 4 km of railways, the installation of a new cross-border signalling system, the automation or elimination of level crossings and renewal of the sleepers on the bridge across the Rhine. Works required EUR 29.5 Million, almost half of the amount being covered by Alsace Region.

The tender includes the operation and maintenance of the route for the next 40 years as well as the installation of soundproofing, electrification, telecommunications, signalling and train control systems. The closing date for proposals has been set for August 13, 2013. The 510 km Rio – Sao Paulo line was originally proposed to begin operation in time for the 2014 World Cup, but its inauguration was postponed to 2020.

TZV Gredelj attracts interest of five companies

Turkmenistan completes construction of its section of Kazakhstan-Iran railway

Croatia: Five companies are interested in buying, leasing or cooperating with Croatian rolling stock manufacturer TZV Gredelj, currently bankrupt, the local media informs. Electro-Motive Diesel, owned by U.S.based Progress Rail Manufacturing Corporation, is interested in acquiring the Croatian company. Another U.S-based company, National Railway Equipment Company (NREC), is interested in acquiring part of TZV Gredelj’s business or assets, primarily the locomotives production unit.The third potential investor is Qatarbased Blooming Heights L.L.C. Croatian Railways is interested in leasing of business and production facilities and purchasing of equipment and machines. The China National Corporation for Overseas Economic Cooperation (CCOEC) is interested in acquiring TZV Gredelj as a whole.

International: Brazil’s National Transportation Agency (ANTT) has opened bidding for the Rio – Sao Paulo high-speed rail line.

International: The construction of the Turkmen section of the international railway “Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran” Bereket Gyzylgaya-Serhetyak branch, has been completed, the newspaper Neutral Turkmenistan reported. The length of this section is 444 kilometers. Specialists from the Turkmen Ministry of Railway Transport are replacing 25-meter with 700meter permanent ways, as well as laying second tracks at all seventeen new stations on the road, the article said. Structures will be built at three stations; in particular, the first of them rises to the station Serhetyak. Buildings for border and customs services are being built. The process of electrifying this section of the railroad has started. Turkmenistan said that routes to the border of Kazakhstan will greatly facilitate the movement of goods and commodities in the vast expanses of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus. Moreover, the new railway will reduce the route to the Persian Gulf by more than 700 kilometers. According to preliminary forecasts, 3.5 million tons of cargo a year will be initially transported. Volume will increase to 10-12 million tons in the future.

В мире: Завершено строительство туркменского отсека железнодорожной линии Берекет Гызылгая - Серхетяк в рамках международного коридора «Казахстан - Туркменистан - Иран». В мире: Завод по сборке тепловозов в Астане и российская компания Трансмашхолдинг объединили свои усилия для экспорта продукции из Астаны на российский рынок. В мире: Железные дороги Кыргызстана намереваются до конца

2013 года завершить составление содержательного техникоэкономического обоснования ввиду строительства электрифицированной железнодорожной линии. Россия: Литовские железные дороги объявили тендер на заключение договора об изучении воздействия строительства отсека от Каунаса до границы с Латвией на окружающую среду. Отсек предполагается построить в рамках проекта Rail Baltica.

Brazil initiates tender for Rio-Sao Paulo high-speed line

January 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

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poland: Although in process of negotiation with three bidders for the sale of TK Telekom communications unit, PKP announced that it does not wish to close the transaction at all costs. “If none of them offers a price that would suit us, we do not rule out withdrawing from this privatization for some time,” announced the company’s CEO Jakub Karnowski.

Kazakhstan plans diesel locomotive exports to Russia International: A locomotive assembly plant in Astana and Russian company Transmashholding combined efforts to introduce the plant’s production to the Russian market, the managing director of Kazakhstan’s Sovereign Wealth Fund ‘Samruk-Kazyna’ Nurzhan Baidauletov said. He said a plant for the installation of diesel engines will be built within the locomotive assembly plant which can be used in future for combine production. “The Transmashholding will come into plant with its own capital and participate in the sale of our diesel locomotives to the Russian market. Yakutia Railways is ready to purchase our locomotives and Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan have already purchased two,” the managing director said. Baidauletov said during the following five to six years, some 80 to 90 out of 100 locomotives which come off the locomotive plant’s assembly line, will be used in the Kazakh market to modernise the rolling stock. The rest will be sold outside of Kazakhstan, including in Russia. “In five or six years after modernisation of our rolling stock we will be able to sell almost half of our production instead of just 10 to 20 locomotives. Russia’s demand for locomotives is 10 times higher than ours and their production is not enough to cover their own needs for diesel locomotives. If we need 80 to 90 locomotives, in Russia this figure must be multiplied by 10, “Baidauletov said. Locomotive assembly plant in Astana with a capacity of 100 locomotives per year was established in 2009 by the American company General Electric (GE) jointly with Kazakhstan’s National Railway company Kazakhstan Temir Zholy (KTZ). Mainline freight locomotives TE33A of the Evolution series (model ES44ACI) are assembled at the plant.

Kyrgyzstan eyes transit corridor from China to the Gulf and Europe International: Kyrgyzstan Railways’ (KTZ) director general Argyhbek Malabaev says that the railway is aiming to complete a final comprehensive feasibility study by the end of 2013 for a new cross-country electrified line that will open up the country to transit traffic between China, the Persian Gulf and Europe.Speaking to IRJ in Astana, Kazakhstan, Malabaev said that he hopes www.railwaypro.com | January 2013

Bavaria tenders passenger transport contract

Since September, PKP is in parallel negotiations over the sale of TK Telekom with telecommunications sector companies GTS, Netia and a consortium formed by Hawe and IT Polpager. PKP is planning to sell smaller subsidiaries in 2013, the company’s CEO said. The sale of PKP Cargo is not completely sure either. Depending on the market situation and the valuation of PKP Cargo’s shares, PKP will decide on the exact size of the stake to be sold and may even postpone the offering.

International: The state of Bavaria, through its transport authority Bavarian Railways (BEG), has called for bids for the operation of passenger rail services on the Weissenhorn – Senden – Ulm line. Tenders must be received in February, so that the winner can be announced in April. The new operator could begin services in December 2013. The tender prescribes the use of low-floor DMUs with a seating capacity of 100-140 and room for at least one wheelchair. The trains must have been built since 1996.

that construction of the new line which is estimated to cut the distance by rail between China and Europe by 900km, can begin in 2014. Malabaev said that the plan is to offer an alternative to similar transit corridors through Kazakhstan and Russia. The full feasibility study will provide an accurate figure of the exact cost of the project, although it is expected to be in the region of USD 2 Billionn while annual income levels from the line are projected to be USD 210 Million.

New tender for Corridor X

Lithuania continues tenders for Rail Baltica International: Lithuanian Railways has tendered the contract for the development on the environmental impact assessment for the construction of Kaunas section-Latvian border as part of the Rail Baltica project. The study will include the analysis on two potential routes for the line, one passing through Panevėžys and one through Šiauliai.


PKP revises plans for selling subsidiaries

The winner would have until mid-November 2013 to assess the advantages and disadvantages of the two routes. The total length of Rail Baltica in Lithuania is 335 kilometres and the total estimated value is about EUR 550 Million. В мире: Лэнд Бавария запустил запрос предложений через транспортное управление Баварских железных дорог на предоставление услуг по перевозке пассажиров по линии Вайсенхорн - Зенден - Ульм. Польша: Несмотря на то, что находится в процессе ведения переговоров с тремя офертантами продажи блока связи TK Telekom, компания PKP объявила о том, что она не желает заключить сделку любой ценой. Македония: Администратор македонской железнодорожной инфраструктуры намеревается объявить новый тендер на реабилитации линий по коридору X В мире: Латвия и Украина будут

FYR Macedonia: Macedonian railway infrastructure operator Makedonski Zeleznici - Infrastruktura plans to start tendering for a track renewal project along Corridor X in the fourth quarter of 2012, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) said. The company intends using the proceeds of an EBRD loan to finance the project. The following works remain to be procured under the project: light renewal of about 31 kilometres of Corridor X which would take the form of provision and replacement of wooden sleepers, provision and replacement of rails type S – 49 with rails type UIC – 60, provision and replacement of turnouts as well as ballast screening and filling with additional ballast.

Eight companies interested in MAV-GySEV tender Hungary: A joint tender by Hungarian operators MAV-Start and GySEV for 48 emus has attracted interest from eight train builders.The eight companies which purchased the tender documents are AnsaldoBreda, Bombardier, CAF, Newag, Pesa, Siemens, Skoda, and Stadler. The 48 trains will have to be delivered by the end of September 2015. The 25kV ac trains will need to seat at least 200 passengers and have a minimum lowfloor section of 50%. продолжать принимать меры по продвижению железнодорожного транспортного соединения Викинг. Венгрия: Восемь производителей поездов проявили заинтересованность к тендеру, проводимому венгерским оператором MAV-Start и австровенгерским региональным оператором GySEV. Украина: Европейский банк реконструкции и развития объявил о выделении дополнительного кредита в размере 62,5 млн. долларов компании Укрзализныця. В мире: Российские компании будут сотрудничать с иранскими предприятиями в сфере внедрения электрических железнодорожных соединений.

Oman authorities set up National Railway Company

Kazakhstan and Russia sign Action Plan for 2013-2015

international: Oman has set up a National Railway Company to oversee implementation of the first phase of the railway project that will now include the southern region also, Minister of Transport and Communication announced. The new company will undertake major tasks including the supervision, design and construction of the railway project. It will also be responsible for signing contracts with railway operators besides investing in transport of passengers and goods and all railway-related activities and to achieve the best rail transport services of international standard. To set policies and elaborate railway regulations, the ministry will set up a department to operate based on clear principles. The project to be implemented concerns the construction of a double line dedicated to freight and passenger transport, but freight transport will be prioritized in the first phase.

international: Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin signed a joint actions plan for 2013-2015. Moreover, the parties signed the Memorandum between the governments of two countries on cooperation in developing the accident emergency response system and the possible development of additional navigation and information services in transport sphere.

Turkmenistan to open offices in Russia and China for the intensification of trade International: Turkmen authorities have decided to open trade representative offices in Russia and in China. The representative office will work under the Turkmen Embassies in Moscow and Beijing. “We hope that opening Turkmen trade representative offices there will create new opportunities for our cooperation,” President Berdimuhamedov said at a government meeting. Turkmenistan has recently intensified cooperation with the major regions of the Russian Federation, among them Tatarstan, St. Petersburg, Astrakhan, the Sverdlovsk region and other areas of the Russian Federation. Russia leads the ranking of Turkmenistan’s largest trade partners. According to the Russian side, the trade turnover between the two countries is growing steadily. Taking into account the gas supply, it reached USD 4.3 Billion in 2011. As for China, the country ranks first in the total volume of Turkmen foreign trade turnover. Work is underway to expand the range of export and import of goods.

Foreign investments could reach USD 3 Billion in 2013 Uzbekistan: According to the approved investment plan, Uzbekistan plans to master foreign investments in the amount of USD 3 Billion for 151 investment projects in 2013. Some USD 836.5 Million of the total planned amount of investments will be reserved for 56 projects and come www.railwaypro.com | January 2013

from foreign loans guaranteed by the government, while the remaining USD 2.18 Billion will come through direct foreign investment and will go to 95 planned projects. The largest volume of foreign investments, USD 2 Billion that is allocated for 34 projects, has been designated for exploitation in the energy sector, including the use of USD 1.72 Billion of direct investment from foreign companies for 22 projects. According to official statistics, in 2011, the volume of exploited foreign investments increased by 4%, reaching USD 2.9 Billion, while direct investments decreased by 4.2%, to USD 2.3 Billion. The share of foreign investments in the total capital of investments in the economy amounted to 25.1% last year compared to 28.8% a year earlier.

photo: www.inform.kz

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Billion) should be invested in 2015-2020. This sum was calculated regardless the cost of such large complex projects as, for example, Moscow transport node development, he added. “Insufficient investment in the RZD’s infrastructure will cause at least a reduction by RUB 5.5 Trillion (EUR 137.6 Billion) in the RF gross domestic product as compared to the basic scenario. And the national budget in this case will receive by RUB 1.3 trillion less. This means that enterprises will not be able to transport a part of their products to sell them in the market,” Dmitriev said. Iran and Uzbekistan develop railway cooperation

Russia: RUB 512.5 Billion (EUR 12.8 Billion) must be invested in the railway infrastructure to contribute to the planned increase in the GDP till 2015, declared Mikhail Dmitriev, President of the Centre of Strategic Developments. Another RUB 535 Billion (EUR 13.4

International: Iran’s Ambassador to Tashkent Ali Mardani, in a meeting with Head of Uzbekistan Railways Achilbuy Rahmatov, discussed the development of bilateral railway projects and extension of mutual railway connections. The two officials plan to accelerate the implementation of Ashgabat Corridor for which an agreement was signed in 2011 by the ministers of Iran, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Oman and Qatar on the establishment of the transport corridor which links Central Asia to the ports in the Persian Gulf.

В мире: В Омане была создана Национальная железнодорожная компания, которая будет полностью подконтрольной правительству. Она будет отвечать за надзор, планирование, проектирование и строительство железнодорожных объектов. В мире: Президент Казахстана Нурсултан Назарбаев и его российский коллега Владимир Путин подписали план действий на период 2013 - 2015 по вопросам двустороннего сотрудничества. В мире: Власти Туркменистана приняли решение об открытии офисов в России и в Китае для осуществления торгового обмена. Представительства будут проводить деятельность с посольствами в Москве и в Пекине.

Узбекистан: Согласно утверждённому инвестиционному плану, Узбекистан намеревается администрировать иностранные инвестиции в объёме 3 миллиардов долларов в рамках 151 инвестиционного проекта, которые подлежат внедрению в 2013 году. В мире: В декабре был принят бюджет на 2013 год. В кредитных обязательствах уровень бюджета составляет 151 млрд. евро, а в платежах - 132,8 млрд. евро. Россия: Для того, чтобы до 2015 года внести вклад в увеличение ВВП, компания РЖД должна инвестировать в железнодорожную инфраструктуру 512,5 млрд. рублей. Об этом заявил Михаил Дмитриев, председатель Центра стратегического развития.

GDP growth depends on the allocation of railway infrastructure investments

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Uzbekistan: The state joint-stock railway company “Uzbekiston temir yullari” (“Uzbek railways”) estimates the cost of construction of the railway line, which will connect the Fergana valley (territory of Andijan, Namangan and Fergana regions in the East of the country) with the rest part of Uzbekistan in USD 1,9 billion. This cost is built into the investment projects of the company for 2013 and future periods. It is planned that the project of the final variant of the project feasibility study will be finished at the end of 2013, and at the beginning of 2014 the general construction works will be started. The construction period might be four or five years. New electrified railway “Angren - Pap” of length 129 km. will be going through the pass “Kamchik” and it specifies the construction of two tunnels. The project will be financed from the state budget, independent means of “Uzbekiston temir yullari”, and loans from international financial institutions. Kamchik pass lies on the ridge of Kuraminsk range. The high of the pass is more than 1,2 thousand meters above sea level. Through the pass the one highway between Tashkent region and Pap district of Namangan region goes. In winter time because of the threat of avalanches the road at this site is periodically blocked.

Government seeks partner for HZ Cargo Croatia: The Croatian government has instructed the country’s transport ministry to initiate a process for finding

В мире: В рамках встречи официальных лиц Ирана с директором Железных дорог Узбекистана, Ахилби Рахматовым, обсуждалось развитие двусторонних железнодорожных проектов и расширение взаимных связей по сегменту железных дорог. В мире: Изучение железнодорожного сектора, проведённое кабинетом Roland Berger Strategy Consultants для UNIFE подтверждает, что в данной отрасли будет иметь место существенный рост в крупных регионах мира до 2017 года. Узбекистан: Железные дороги Узбекистана оценивают затраты на строительство новой линии, которая будет соединять Ферганскую долину с остальной частью Узбекистана через Камчикский перевал, в размере 1,9 млрд. долларов США. Хорватия: Правительство Хорватии выпустило приказ

EU approves 2013 budget international: The 2013 budget was adopted in the plenary session of the European Parliament of 12 December. “I am pleased that the European Union now has a budget for 2013 as well as an amending budget of EUR 6.1 Billion to be able to face the most pressing needs before the end of this year”, commented the European Commissioner for Budget, Janusz Lewandowski. The level of commitment appropriations is set at EUR 151 Billion whereas the total payment appropriations amount to EUR 132.8 Billion. The current budget amounts to 0.99% of the Gross National Income (GNI) of the EU in payments and to 1.13% of the EU’s GNI in commitments. This is lower than EU’s budget on 2012 for which the shares stand at 1.05% and

a strategic partner for state-owned rail freight carrier HZ Cargo, the ministry said. The transport ministry said it had been authorised to start a procedure for collecting letters of interest from potential strategic partners ready to participate in the restructuring of HZ Cargo and in a possible reshuffling of its ownership structure. HZ Cargo’s management expects to close the year with a loss of around HRK 91 Million EUR 12.1 Million).

photo: www.jatrgovac.com

About USD 2 Billion will be invested in the construction of a railway line through “Kamchik” Pass

для Министерства транспорта об инициировании процедуры поиска стратегического партнёра для оператора железнодорожных грузовых перевозок HZ Cargo. В мире: В рамках внедрения проектов сотрудничества между Азербайджаном и Ираном было принято решение о предоставлении финансовых гарантий для осуществления различных программ. Россия: В России с момента начала реформы железнодорожной системы частные компании инвестировали более 800 млрд. рублей (более 20 млрд. евро). Об этом заявил председатель Совета участников рынка услуг операторов железнодорожного подвижного состава, Сергей Мальцев. В мире: Вовлечение других государств в проект Баку - Тбилиси - Карс вызовет регулирование тарифов и увеличение потока грузов. экономическим сотрудничеством (АТЭС), заявил президент Владимир Путин.

1.15% respectively. The bulk of the EU budget (some 80% of it) is dedicated to funds that go to Member States; according to the estimates coming from those Member States, the EU would need some EUR 156 Billion for next year’s budget (mostly payments to farmers, EU funded projects in 27 Member States, education grants, grants to SMEs). “The adopted budget is EUR 5 Billion below what the Commission estimates necessary for 2013, and another EUR 3 Billion remain outstanding from amending budget 6 in 2012. This means that the pressure on the 2013 EU budget will be tremendous. I am concerned that by systematically cutting the Commission’s estimates, the Council transforms the EU annual budget in a budget for 9 to 10 months”, the Commissioner said.

Iran and Azerbaijan to supply financial guarantees for railway projects International: As part of the cooperation projects between Iran and Azerbaijan, it was decided to supply financial guarantees for the development of projects. It would be possible for Azerbaijan to invest in joint projects for the extension of the railway network. Azerbaijani ambassador to Iran Javanshir Akhundov and East Azerbaijan province head Ahmad Alireza Beigi discussed the projects on the border of two countries. According to the information, the sides also discussed other issues, such as establishing of a draft plan on joint economic projects. The plan would be prepared by the Aras Free Zone commission, and will be signed by the sides in the near future. By establishing this project, Azerbaijan and Iran plan to create a common economic area between the two countries.

Private companies invested EUR 20 Billion in railways Russia: Since the beginning of the railway reform, private companies have invested more than RUB 800 Billion (EUR 20 Billion) in the Russian railway sector, Sergey Maltsev, Chairman of the Presidium of non-profit partnership Council of Participants of Railway Rolling Stock Operators’ Services Market said. “Private companies are interested in increasing the efficiency of cargo transportation not less than the transporter, and they understand that the process envisages regulation of mechanisms of interaction among all players in the market. And this is one of the priorities for the near future,” he noted.

Interest of other countries in BakuTbilisi-Kars project to require tariff regulation International: Accession of other countries to the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars rail January 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

12 news - Community of Independent States). At the same time, Asia-Pacific suffered a 2.3% drop. For 2015-2017, the railway industry is expected to grow by 1.9% for Asia-Pacific, 2% for Western Europe and the CIS, 2.7% for Eastern Europe and 2.8% for North America and Mexico. Africa, Middle East and Latin America will know significant increases (+8.1% and 7% respectively), but they will still be small-dimension markets. In 2015-2017, the railway market in France will increase to EUR 8.2 Billion, in Germany to EUR 10.1 Billion per year and in China, the railway market will drop to EUR 11.3 Billion. The Indian railway market will double to EUR 13 Billion in 2012-2014.

co-financing rate for on-board equipment for ERTMS. However, CER and UNFE regret the reduction of the EU financing rate for on-board equipment to 40% of the eligible cost for ERTMS. “The European Parliament made a number of significant improvements to the Commission’s proposal, focussing on the actual implementation of the programme. However, the interoperability issue should not be underestimated. Therefore we call on the European Institutions to secure an adequate level of financing for investments in ERTMS”, said UNIFE Director General Philippe Citroën.

project will lead to regulation of tariffs and an increase in freight traffic, the deputy head of Azerbaijan Railways JSC Gurban Nazirov declared. “Kazakhstan has formally appealed its intention to participate in this project. Accession of other countries will mean the use of special provisions and a reduced tariff. This year a positive trend is being observed in freight traffic. In particular, some 21.2 million tons of cargo were transported over 11 months”, Nazirov said. According to him, in line with forecasts, an increase in freight traffic by 20-30% is expected next year.

processing complex and of petrochemical plants and oil refinery with a capacity of 10 million tonnes per year. In the long term, the capacity of the gas processing plant will be increased to 15 billion cubic meters a year. Heat power centre with a capacity of 250 megawatts is supposed to be established part of the new complex. The launch of the complex construction is scheduled to begin no later than 2014 and to be completed in 2018-2020.

Steel exports increase

International: On December the European Parliament Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) voted on the European Commission proposal on the revision on the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) Guidelines and the related financial instrument, the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). CER and UNIFE share the view of the TRAN Committee to not reduce the CEF budget for transport infrastructure, as such investments are the basis for economic growth and employment in Europe. However, they regret the reduction of the

International: UIC has announced the accession of five new members within the Union which now counts 228 members. The new members are IEDT (Russian Institute of Economy and Transport Development), as affiliated member, Croatian passenger transport operator HZ Putnički Prijevoz, as active member, Croatian freight transport operator HZ Cargo, as active member, Moldovan Railways (CFM), as associated member, Polish regional passenger transport operator Koleje Slaskie, as associated member and Wagon Service (Slovakia) as affiliated member.

Railway industry not affected by crisis International: The railway sector study developed by Roland Berger Strategy Consultants for UNIFE confirms that this field of activity will enjoy growth in the large regions of the world by 2017. The railway market had a 3.2% progress in 2007-2011. This growth is expected to reach 2.6% in the future and the railway market is expected to amount to EUR 170 Billion per year in 2015-2017 compared to EUR 146 Billion in 2009-2011. This increase is not uniform in all the regions of the world. Europe has represented the growth engine for 2007-2011 (+4.8% - Western Europe; +14.5% - Eastern Europe; +7%

Iran: Iran exported USD 390 Million

photo: english.alarabiya.net

worth of steel with high added-value in the first eight months of current Iranian calendar year, which began March 20.The figure shows 12% increase compared to the same period of the previous year. “Iran will become a steel ingots exporter in

future. Its industrial and mining capacity increased to 6 million tonnes in the last months. Iran ranks 17th in the world in terms of steel production with a capacity of 20 million tonnes”, declared Mehdi Qazanfari, Minister of Industry and Trade. In June, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced that Iran’s steel production should reach 48 million tonne in the next 4 or 5 years. Baku to have new industrial complex Azerbaijan: The project includes the construction of a petrochemical and www.railwaypro.com | January 2013

CER and UNIFE welcome TRAN vote on TEN-T and CEF

Иран: Иран поставил на экспорт сталь стоимостью 390 млн. долларов в течение первых 8 месяцев иранского календарного года, который начался в марте. Азербайджан: Бакинские власти намереваются внедрить проект строительства нового промышленного комплекса. В мире: Организация МСЖД объявила о приеме пяти новых членов. Тем самым общее количество членов составит 228. В мире: В декабре Комиссия по транспорту и туризму Европейского парламента (TRAN) проголосовала за предложение Европейской комиссии по поводу пересмотра Руководящих линий Трансъевропейской транспортной сети (TEN-T) и связанного с ней финансового

New members join UIC

Georgia and Kyrgyzstan receive financial assistance from the EU International: The European Parliament voted in favour of granting Georgia and Kyrgyzstan macroeconomic assistance worth EUR 46 Million and EUR 30 Million respectively. The EU’s macroeconomic assistance to Georgia is an addition to the financial support from the International Monetary Fund for the implementation of national reform programs.

инструмента - Механизма подключения Европы (MCE). В мире: Европейский парламент проголосовал за оказание макроэкономического содействия Грузии и Кыргызстану в размере 46 млн. евро и, соответственно, 30 млн. евро. Кыргызстан: Министр Евразийского Экономического сотрудничества, Татьяна Валова, заявила о том, что государство Кыргызстан является первым кандидатом на вступление в Евразийское экономическое сотрудничество. В мире: Генеральный совет Всемирной торговой организации (ВТО) утвердил заявку Таджикистана на вступление в ВТО.

14 news

bulgaria: The European Commission has approved the funding of Stage III of the project for the expansion of the Sofia subway network. The project includes the subway line from Tsarigradsko Shose Blvd to Sofia Airport and the section connecting the Mladost-1 residential district to Business Park Sofia. The expansion of the subway network in Bulgaria’s capital is funded under Operational Program Transport via the European Regional Development Fund. The total cost of the project is EUR 240 Million, of which EUR 136 Million will be allocated through SOP-T with state-owned company

Dijon opens new tram line

technology since its commissioning in 1999. Invensys Rail Dimetronic has installed in this new construction section its advanced railway signalling systems based in the Westrace electronic interlocking, the automatic train protection and control systems (ATP/ATO), based on speed codes, as well as the passenger announcement system and the passenger information system. In the framework of the project, the company has updated the signalling and communications systems of the line, the Control Traffic Centre (CTC), the AVI (Automatic Vehicle Identification) system and the interlockings of the stations Gara de Nord and 1 de Mai, including the local aid maintenance systems and the local control desk.

International: Dijon has inaugurated the second tram line, just three months after the commissioning of the first line. The project included the construction of a 11.5 km link between the north and the south of the city. The development of the line with 21 stations took 30 months. The tram network has thus come to 20 km and 35 stations. The project amounted to EUR 399 Million, EUR 100 Million of which have been allocated to urban facilities. The money came from the European Investment Bank (EUR 286.9 Million, the state budget (EUR 47 Million), Bourgogne region (EUR 40 Million), Côte d’Or Department (EUR 20 Million) and the European Fund for Regional Development (EUR 5.5 Million).

RATP Dev continues consolidation in the USA

photo: wikipedia.org

Invensys Rail Dimetronic commissions its signalling systems in the extension of the line 4 of Bucharest Metro Romania: Invensys Rail Dimetronic has commissioned its ATP (Automatic Train Protection) and ATO (Automatic Train Operation) signalling technologies in the new stations of the line 4 of Bucharest Metro, Jiului and Parc Bazilescu. With the completion of this project, the signalling of these new stations is added to the one installed in the other four stations that are part of the current line 4 - Gara de Nord, Basarab, Griviţa y 1 Mai -, which are equipped with Invensys Rail Dimetronic’s www.railwaypro.com | January 2013

Metropoliten EAD the operator of the Sofia subway as the beneficiary. The project consists of seven new subway stations and over will provide about 300 new jobs. The line will provide a direct connection between the neighbourhoods and the central parts of the city, as well as with the Central Railway and Bus Stations, Sofia Airport and Business Park Sofia. The construction of the subway section from Tsarigradsko Shose Blvd to Sofia Airport started in end of November while the construction of the stretch connecting Mladost-1 to Business Park Sofia is to begin in a few months time. The new subway sections will be launched in the spring of 2015.

International: RATP Dev, a division of RATP (France), has won a contract on the operation and maintenance of the first tram line in Tucson, Arizona (USA) through its RDMT subsidiary. The 6.2-km long line will be commissioned at the end of 2013 and will have 18 stations. The contract also includes the development of the preparation phase (technical tests, employment and training Болгария: Европейская комиссия утвердила финансирование 3-го этапа проекта расширения сети метрополитена в столице Болгарии, София. В мире: В Дижоне состоялась инаугурация второй трамвайной линии, всего три месяца спустя после сдачи в эксплуатацию первой линии. Румыния: Компания Invensys Rail Dimetronic объявила о завершении проекта установки систем сигнализации ATP и ATO для новых станций Жиулуй и Парк Базилеску. В мире: Компания RATP Dev выиграла тендер на заключение договора по обслуживанию и поддержке первой трамвайной линии в Туксоне,

of the staff). The contract is for three years with options to increase it to eight years. RATP Dev already manages urban transport networks in Austin (Texas), Charlotte (Carolina de Nord), Colorado Springs and has recently received the contract on the operation of the future tram in Washington, D.C. Sofia Municipality to prioritize infrastructure investments Bulgaria: Sofia’s investment priorities in 2013 will be education, infrastructure and environment protection, declared the mayor of the Bulgarian capital, Madame Yordanka Fandakova. Out of Sofia’s budget for 2013 of BGN 1.14 Billion (EUR 581 Million), over BGN 280 Million (EUR 143 Million) will be allocated to the extension of the underground network. The infrastructure will receive an additional BGN 1 Million (EUR 509,000) which will be dedicated to the repair of roads. Other BGN 434 Million (EUR 221 Million) will be further allocated to cleaning, transport, health and culture.

Saudi Arabia to conclude Jeddah Metro design by April International: Jeddah Metro design will be completed in five months and then presented to the authorities for review, said the Minister of Transport in Saudi Arabia, Jabara Al-Seraisry. The project is estimated at USD 9.3 Billion (EUR 7 Billion) will include the construction of three lines totalling 108 km. The orange line will have 67 km and 22 stations. The blue line will have 24 km

photo: english.alarabiya.net

EC approves project for the extension of Sofia Metro network

Аризона (США). Болгария: Инвестиционные приоритеты Софии в 2013 году будут образование, инфраструктура и охрана окружающей среды. Об этом заявила мэр болгарской столицы, Иорданка Фандакова. В мире: Проектирование метрополитена города Джидда будет завершено в течении пяти месяцев, затем оно будет представлено властям на рассмотрение. В мире: Во французском городе Гавре состоялась инаугурация первой трамвайной линии, соединяющей вокзал с центром города и студенческим городком.

news 15 Budapest: Underground Line 4 enters tests

Le Havre commissions first tram line

hungary: The Mayor’s Office of the Municipality of Budapest has given the green light to DBR Metro Ltd. for track duration tests on a section of the M4 line. A four-car prototype train, transported from France last week, will be used to carry out the tests in the middle of December. The first section of the 3-phase metro line project, which is 7.4 kilometres long and will connect Keleti and Kelenföldi train stations,

International: The French of Le Havre has inaugurated the first tram line which links the railway station, the city centre and the university campus. The 13-km line has 23 stations and will be served by 22 Citadis units manufactured by Alstom. The project has required investments of EUR 395 Million and has a traffic estimated at 90,000 passengers. The tram line is interconnected to the bus network and will permit a 10,000 tonne annual cut of CO2 emissions.

Vossloh to deliver trams for São Paulo International: The São Paulo Metropolitan Urban Transport Company (STM/EMTU) has selected a consortium comprising Vossloh Rail Vehicles and the Brazilian producer T’TRANS to supply 22 new Tramlinks V4. The vehicles are to be delivered in 2014 and 2015.The bidirectional trams will be designed entirely at Vossloh Rail Vehicles’ plant in Valencia and manufactured in consortium with T’TRANS. The vehicles have a capacity for 400 passengers and can be operated at a speed of up to 70 km/h. The contract is priced at EUR 90 Million.

Moscow adopts measures to protect vehicles against vandals Russia: In order to protect rolling stock against graffiti, metro trains in Moscow will be covered with a coating of special paint. The anti-vandal coating has been tested on two trains, or 26 carriages, running on the circle and yellow lines. Next year, almost 500 cars are to get the coating which is to last for ten years, Moscow’s transport department

Венгрия: Мэрия Будапешта дала согласие на испытание инфраструктуры 4-й линии метрополитена венгерской столицы. В мире: Транспортная компания города Сан Пауло выбрала консорциум в составе Vossloh Rail Ve-

is scheduled to open in spring, 2014. The Line will be developed in three phases and will be fully automated, being the first such line in Hungary.

photo: www.metro4.hu

and 17 stations and the green line will have 17 km and 7 stations.

announced. Authorities also want to increase fines up to RUB 500,000 (EUR 1,250) for the organisations which post ads in the trains without permission. Apart from the operation of cleaning the trains of illegal posts, the authorities have also initiated a campaign for enlisting the companies which make such ads on a list of automatic dials. So far, the measure has convinced 126 companies to cease posting illegal ads. hicles и бразильского производителя T’TRANS для поставки трамваев. Россия: Для защиты подвижного состава от граффити, на поезда московского метрополитена будут наноситься специальное покрытие.

January 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

16 Policies & Strategies

Danube Strategy: freight traffic development needs dedicated infrastructure 

[ by Pamela Luică ]


  The first conference dedicated to the implementation of the Danube Strategy took place at the end of November. During the conference, representatives of the 14 signatory countries, financial institutions, universities and railway companies have discussed progress achieved with the programme as well as the   challenges met in implementing the projects.


he topic of the meeting in Ljubljana (19 November) was “The Days of Transport in the Danube Region for the Priority Area 1b: improving mobility and multimodality – railway, road and air connections”, organised by the coordinators of the area, Slovenia, through the Ministry of Infrastructure and Territorial Planning, and Serbia. The first results after the implementation of the strategy consisted in the establishment of a governing structure, the development of detailed maps for all transport modes and the identification of relevant projects. 51% of the 150 projects selected pertain to the railway sector. Also, 17 recommendation letters have been sent, 7 of which for railway projects. However, over the next period, the countries in the region have to launch proposals to receive financing. “We need proposals to make sure that we do everything we can in the period of the Cohesion Policy programme. 2013 will be crucial in this process because it will mark the negotiations on the Partnership Agreements and Operating Programmes”, declared the Commissioner for Regional Policy, Johannes Hahn at the celebrating of the first year of the EU strategy for the Danube region. As part of the priority axis PA1b on the development of multimodal terminals in the Danube Region ports and ensuring connec-

Project activity in Pillar 1 „Connecting the Danube Region”

Source: METIS GmbH - Final report -Analysis of needs for financial instruments in the EUSDR

tion with the other transport modes (railway, “The implementation of the Strategy is  road), two actions regarding the continuous also a challenge at the level of project coordevelopment of multimodal centres in plan dination. Over the next  period, the financing   and ITS development using sustainable instruments for infrastructure will be distechnologies will be established by 2020 cussed. Projects concerning pan-European especially in urban areas. Also in the freight corridors are very important for connecting segment, the authorities plan to implement the region with the rest of the EU. To benefit four Railway Freight Corridors to cross the from financing, we will have to come up with Danube Region, the objective being to in- important projects”, declared Franc Žepič, crease competitiveness. To add value to the Coordinator of Priority Area – the Danube Strategy, a new corridor will be included Strategy of the Ministry of Transport in Sloto link the railway systems of the EU coun- venia. tries to those of third countries, but a RailFor the development of freight transport way Transport Market Study in the Danube on sea and railways, the most important Region has to be elaborated first. As part of projects are those concerning cross-border this action, projects will be implemented by points, missing links and the elimination of 2016. The list of the projects associated with bottlenecks.   this action is the inclusion of the New Baltic  Corridor in the European railway system.


 Danube region

Дунайская стратегия:

   развитие грузовых

перевозок нуждается в отдельной инфраструктуре

В конце ноября состоялась первая конференция на тему внедрения Дунайской стратегии, в рамках которой представители 14-ти государств участников, финансовых учреждений, университетов и компаний железнодорожной отрасли обсудили прогресс, достигнутый в рамках программы, а также вызовы, с которыми сталкивается осуществление  проектов. Для развития товарного потока крайне важна поддержка властей в плане осуществления проектов инфраструктуры, предназначенной для грузовых перевозок.

Source: EC - Danube region transport maps

www.railwaypro.com | January 2013


1.1: Reducing Supply Chain Barriers: The Enabling Trade Index 2012

18 Policies & Strategies

Cross-border and economic integration increase transport volumes Box 1: The most problematic factors for trade

the responses are reported in the country/economy profiles This year’s edition of The Global Enabling Trade Report at the end of the Report. In addition, the results can provide includes an important innovation that aims to shed additional insight about the most important bottlenecks to trade globally light on the obstacles that businesses face at the national level and inform multilateral trade negotiations about[ priority areasLuică ] when exporting and importing. by Pamela for liberalization. As shown in Figure 1, the most important Two questions that capture the most problematic factors bottleneck to increasing exports is difficulty in identifying for exporting and importing were added to the Executive potential markets and buyers; thisthat is considered far more Opinion Survey 2011. Respondents askedthe to choose and of commercial The economic downturn has were changed structure exchanges and of the tariff policy both important than the next-placed factor, insufficient access rank in order of worldwide, importance from a list of factors (ten factors regionally and which has determined a chain shift of freight volumes to different areas. In this context, to trade finance.increase Other factors—such as transport for exports and eight integration for imports) those fivebenefits that they to believe regional economic brings member states helping national budgets andcosts the volumes 1.4: Logistics Investment and Trade Growth or burdensome customs procedures and corruption—play have the highest impact on the ease of exporting and importing of carried freight. a much important role. On the import side (Figure 2), in the country in which they operate. For exports included Figure 1:we Total world merchandise trade,less 1999–2010 burdensome customs procedures emerge as the second most a wide range of factors that may inhibit export development, important impediment to trade, nearly on a par with tariffs such as supply-side constraints, technical requirements, rules of and barriers. The cost of 1999–2010 international transportation origin, and administrative procedures. The import factors mirror 1a: Total world merchandise trade Totalnon-tariff world merchandise trade, orldwide, the economic crisis is the third most important factor; crime and theft, as well 50 the structure of the Enabling Trade Index (ETI) to the extent 20 has produced a 10% drop in the possible,volume thus providing an indication of the importance of the Total trade as telecommunications, all play a much smaller role. This of commercial exchanges and services 2008-2009. In 2011, trade of these countries.Percent yearlyresult pillars of the in ETI for the trading environment increase underlines not only the importance of trade facilitation 26.9 began toThese recover recording anidentify 8.2% growth 25 at multilateral and 21.7 bilateral levels, but also the potential of two questions the most important 15 15.5 16.9 compared to to 2008. 15.8 15.3 countries for facilitating trade through practical measures within bottlenecks tradeGeographically, and supply chainthe connectivity across 14.1 13.2 growth performance is divided follows:Opinion Survey, and their government’s purview. the economies covered in the as Executive 4.0 US$ (trillions)



US$ (trillions)


if in 2008, emerging economies represent10 0 0 ed only one third of the world trade, in the –3.0 next 3 years, they had a contribution of 60% to increasing the1:import of goods and serv-factors for exporting Figure The most problematic 5 –25 –23.6 ices and of 52% in exports. This increase has consolidated an obvious tendency manifested before the crisis period and is Identifying potential –50 expected to become more important in the markets and0buyers 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Access to trade finance future: worldwide trade will intensify and Source: The Global Enabling. Trade Report 2012 - Copyright © 2012 by the World Economic Forum Access emerging to imported inputs prices will focus in and between coun-at competitive Inappropriate production technology and skills tries, informs “The Global Enabling. Trade concerning regional economic integration gyzstan and Tajikistan, which will speed up Report 2012” conducted by therequirements World Ecois creating trade in the region. The agreement is conTechnical and standards abroadinside the Eurasian Economic 1b: Total world merchandise trade, adjusted for inflation nomic Forum (WEF). Community ceived to eliminate mutual trade between Difficulties in meeting quality/quantity requirements of buyers (EurAsEC which includes 20 Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan However, “the the caused Eurozone has Russia, the countries in Central Asia and to 50impleHigh crisis cost orin delays by international transportation marked a decline the bylevel Tajikistan) the Customs Union and ment infrastructure development projects High in costexports or delays at caused domesticand transportation of various transition countries, especially the Joint Economic Area, which includes and facilitate customs procedures for the Burdensome procedures and corruption at foreign borders 24.9 25 for European and Baltic countries and for Russia,15 Belarus and Kazakhstan, which in traffic of goods”, said TimurZhaksylykov, 18.5 origin requirements abroad South-Eastern Europe, ever Rules sinceof 2011. turn led to the establishment of supernaKazakhstan’s Minister of Economic Deve14.4 11.6 12.3 11.6 9.6 0 10.3 including 5 that of the 10 lopment 20 neighbourIn turn, eastern countries have enjoyed a tional institutions, and15Trade. The other 2.3 growth in exports by mid-2012 before the Eurasian Economic Committee. At the Percent ing countries (Armenia, the Republic of 10 0 0 drop in the oil prices. The oscillation in the level of the three countries, domestic borMoldova, and Tajikistan) are against the –5.5 Source:of World Economic Executive 2011; authors’ calculations. performance exports inForum, Central AsiaOpinion is Survey ders have been eliminated and within the initiative. Notes: From a list of ten factors, respondents were asked to select the five most problematic for exporting in their country and rank them between 1 (most assigned toproblematic) the different levels of exposure Customs Union import charging incomes Thus, within the region, the end purpose and 5. The bars in the figure show the responses weighted according to their rankings. The figure shows the average across the 142 5 –25 –23.4 to the Eurozone countries with moreForum’s have helped increase national budgets to onlyof132the Eurasian Economic Community is to economiesand covered by the World Economic Executive Opinion Survey (because of data shortages, of these are covered in the ETI). intense commercial connections with the 88% (Russia), 7% (Kazakhstan) and 5% permit the free movement of goods, capital Eurozone have experienced severe drops in (Belarus), but under the reserve of peri- and people and to harmonise macroeco0 –50 exports, compared to the countries whose odical revisions. The Union is2002 open2003 to other nomic2006 and structural Starting with 1999 2000 2001 2004 2005 2007 2008 policies. 2009 2010 links to the Eurozone are weaker”, states countries that share borders as well and 2012, member states have agreed to apply the EBRD in its analysis “Integration across Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are among the codes to the different agreements and treaborders” (2012). countries invited to join it. “We are hoping ties until 2015, when they will negotiate the Source: Data from the UN Comtrade database; authors’ calculations. In thisFigure context, the most latest problematic developmentfactors to soon the process of ratifying Kyr- steps to continue integration. 2: The for finalize importing The most problematic factors for importing exceeded North American imports by about Tariffs andAsian non-tariff barriers US$1.5 trillion. The share of both imports and exports in Burdensomethe import CIS, procedures the Middle East, and the SCAC are increasing, High cost or delays caused by international transportation but the gain is not very significant since these regions have only a small share of imports and exports as their Corruption at the border base.transportation High cost or delays caused by domestic Figure 3 also suggests that new investment in Domestic technical requirements and standards logistics in Asia is most likely to get higher returns, Crimethe andregion theft sustains its development year after because Inappropriate telecommunications infrastructure year. This is confirmed by the fact that 90 percent of the larger and faster-growing metropolitan economies 0 5 10 in

2011 were located outside North America and Western Europe.1 INTRA- AND INTER-REGIONAL TRADE Intra-regional trade accounts for about 52 percent of all trade worldwide. The big 3 combined—Europe, North America, and Asia—account for 96 percent of intraregional trade, while trade among European countries accounts for more than half (approximately 57 percent) in intra-regional trade. The latter represent 70 percent of all European exports. It is interesting to note that




Percent Source: World Economic Executive Opinion Survey 2011; authors’ calculations. Source: The Global Enabling. Trade Forum, Report 2012 - Copyright © 2012 by the World Economic Forum Notes: From a list of eight factors, respondents were asked to select the five most problematic for importing in their country and rank them between 1 (most problematic) show the responses weighted according to their rankings. The figure shows the average across the 142 www.railwaypro.com | January and 20135. The bars in the figure 50 | The Global Enabling Trade Report 2012 economies covered by the World Economic Forum’s Executive Opinion Survey (because of data shortages, only 132 of these are covered in the ETI). @ 2012 World Economic Forum


Metal ores




Other mining




Food and beverages




Office equipment

Fabricated metals

Rubber and plastics







Electrical machinery

Non-metal minerals Other transport equipment Basic metals




Wood and cork

Motor vehicles

ts. Furthermore, member-state export promotion and anti-dumping Policies & Strategies 19 sarily coordinated. Chart 4.1 ties, Mercosur appears to have Change in import tariffs in Kazakhstan particular, there is evidence that Change in import tariffs in Kazakhstan Benefits and challenges han impeded, trade with countries Percentage points number ofEconomic industries,integration including brings benefits 20 duepetrochemicals the elimination of tariff barriers (or totoadministered prices and subsidies. Similar measures eng, certain and tariff cuts) which determines the increase 15 encountered popular resistance in Jordan and have yet to be tion erved as of antrade initialand platform for consolidates the customers’ and them in the to case of the Customs Unimplemented in Egypt. forts choices exporters, enabling further 10 the effects of creating the commercial capacityions and organisation and to area will lead to the elimination of admin5 have he rest ofistrative the world. Although theborders and cusbarriers, internal TRADE toms controls. ions es of Mercosur have more open and 0 The improvement of cross-border regionThe onset of the eurozone crisis has led to a significant decline in a substantial proportion of their al infrastructure is an important role of the -5 ng exports from many countries, and in particular from all significant benefittransition of economic n the blocunion. as theA other members integration is to create opportunities for utput CEB and SEE states since the autumn of 2011 (see Chart 2.11). ge marketexpanding for their exports products. worldwide. Initially, this in a led In contrast, countries further east to building the export capacity which enjoyed strong nominal ng until mid 2012, before a dip in oil prices and the hasexport the tariffgrowth advantage by eliminating tariff barriers or reducing tariffs which, in led turn,to a reversal. As Russian growth widening global slow-down Source: Tranzition Report 2012 - Integration Across Borders - Europan Bank for Reconstruction and Development leads to competitive advantages in the exSource: World Bank (2011). decelerated and its imports declined in the second quarter of average effectiveready port with other countries. For Kazakhstan theNote: EBRD study states. hadatsome impact onbefore tradeandflows. Its inThis chart depicts the change in the tariff rate the industry level after the Customs Union cametrade intoexperienced force, inclusivehave of transitional Totalheralded refers to anan overall average. and2012, Russia countries the development of such ob-andConcerns about diversion troduction increase in tariffs for e in Central Asia the EEC region abeen provisions. jectives to the export activity isdecline the raised the context of the Eurasian by droprelated in exports. The largest wasinseen in Azerbaijan whereCus- many imports to Kazakhstan and, to a lesser main challenge. toms Union. Its common tariff, which was extent, Belarus, which led in turn to a reducn oil but exports fellintegration significantly in the first half of 2012. Last not least, encourages formulated in the crisis environment of tion in imports from a number of trading the liberalisation of theinservices 2009, was also used part as a tool of in- partners outside of the Customs Union. The variation exportmarket performance across theinregion which tends to be subject to regulation and dustrial policy to promote selected import related to for trade withdiscussion third countries, See also Laursen (2010) for a discussion of political aspects The term trade diversion was (1950). SeeAs Venables (2003) a detailed been legislation, can in compared part be attributed different levels of exposurecoined to by Viner to the goods to market substitution the formation of the Customs Union conof the issue.through an increase in tariffs -up to (even thewithin eurozone. growth imports to the single currency the EU,The these remainoffrag(for example, in the case of the automotive tributes to facilitating trade in the region. mented to a certain extent). However, in the sector). Within the Customs Union, the ap- For example, although Kazakhstan is the annual area gradually decelerated in 2011 and their volume began context of the Eurasian integration, there is plication of tariffs and the implementation only country in Central Asia which is part of to potential declinefor asincreasing the crisis the year. Transition a high theintensified efficiency oflate jointinmeasures on the regulation of trade of the Union, statistics show that trade valmarketswith and this potential can linkages be between Russia, Belarus have and Kazakhstan ues of Kazakhstan to Central Asia and Afding. of these countries deeper trade to the eurozone intosteeper account bydeclines reducing barriers for have cargo volumes 9% to 62.8 ghanistan stood at USD 2.8 Billion in Januwages turned seen in exports thanincreased those with weakerbyties the access of new companies and investors million tonnes of freight. ary-August 2012, 32% up compared to the nd (see Chart 2.12). from other countries. “We’ve been working for a year within the same period of last year. Imports increased ApartHowever, from the benefits economic in- been Joint offset Economic and infaster this period, in- by 35% and imports by 25.5%. fallingofexports have by Area an even tegration, countries are confronted with a ternational railway transport has increased In order to increase transport volumes, l decline in imports in some transition countries in the second series of challenges, one of the most impor- by 9% compared to the same period last the member states of the union believe that ocial tanthalf ofto2011. Tradereduce balances have year”, thus largely except Vice infrastructure development is the main facbeing significantly the negadeclared improved, Valery Reshetnikov, tiveineffects on the economic withrising the imports President and of RZD. tor used in ensuring connections. The optical the SEMED regionlinks where weak export countries that are not members of the unThe common tariff ’s introduction resulted misation and development of cross-border have led to widening deficits. ion.performance “Such effects typically occur through in significant changes to the import tariff infrastructure becomes vital for internal ms trade diversion, whereby a relative change structure in each constituent country, with trade, but the three countries implement 12

in tariff barriers can divert trade from more tariff lines adjusted upwards and downefficient external exporters to less efficient wards. Kazakhstan’s schedule underwent the ones. For example, should the introduction most extensive changes, affecting more than of a common external tariff by a regional 50% of tariff lines. A common tariff policy is blocChart result 2.11 in a relative increase in the im- often the first step in economic integration portExports tariff for from countryCEB, outside theand region”, and early evidence that this has alSEE SEMED regions aresuggests declining Exports from CEB, SEE and SEMED regions are declining

Average seasonally adjusted month-on-month export growth, Sept 2011-July 2012, per cent 4 3 2

projects for the construction of efficient railway connections that will also ensure freight traffic on the axis China-Central Asia-Europe.

Трансграничная и экономическая интеграция способствует увеличению объёмов перевозимых грузов

1 0 -1 -2 -3

-quarter onally th λ = rnment






Source: Tranzition 2012 - via Integration Across Borders - Europan Bank for Reconstruction and Development Source: NationalReport Authorities CEIC Data.








Kyrgyz Rep.












Bosnia & Herz.

FYR Macedonia



Slovak Rep.











Экономический кризис вызвал изменения структуры торгового обмена и тарифной политики на мировом и региональном уровне, а это вызывает цепную реакцию и перенаправление грузов в сторону различных участков. В таком контексте региональная экономическая интеграция приносит преимущества государствам-членам, внося вклад в национальные бюджеты и в рост объёмов перевозимых грузов.

Note: Export data are in US dollar values.

January 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

20 Market development

To increase freight flows, Ports support infrastructure financing and demand EU leaders to maintain the budget allocated through CEF [ by Pamela Luică ]

Negotiations on the European budget for 2014-2020 are in a crucial phase as member states have not reached a common agreement and the Cyprus Presidency of the EU Council has proposed a EUR 50 Billion reduction of the Multiannual Financial Framework. If implemented, this measure will significantly affect the funds of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) that will finance the implementation of transport projects and the development of railway network links to ports and airports.


he transport industry concerns 10 million EU citizens and represents 5% of the GDP. These figures almost double with the related industry (production, services, maintenance etc.). Moreover, transport is one of the European sectors where companies are world leaders in infrastructure, logistics, traffic management systems and manufacturing of transport equipments. European policies confirm the importance of transport and its economic contribution and European leaders use strategies to increase freight transport by 80% until 2050. If the EU wants a transport network to meet the demands and support economic activities, it will be necessary to allocate a financing of EUR 250 Billion by 2020, funds that will help eliminate bottlenecks and fill

in the missing links of the central network. To support railway projects and increase transport volumes, in 2012, the European Federation of Inland Ports (EFIP) and the European Organisation of Ports (ESPO) adopted a joint position as the railway infrastructure is vital for the activities of ports, including the activities of freight operators and infrastructure managers. In the uncertain context concerning the adoption of a firm decision on the multiannual budget, the two organisations call on the EU leaders to maintain the budget allocated to infrastructure projects. “The new TEN-T policy is the result of more than two years of negotiations with member states and the decision makers. The draft budget is based on a concrete plan and there are not many options to meet the transport development

demands and the development of efficient connections between countries to permit an efficient and sustainable boost. It would be very shameful for the European leaders to reduce the budget and plan they had agreed on. In this case, the governments should apply “plan B” and identify other methods much more difficult and costly to meet Europe’s objectives of economic growth”, declared EFIP Director Isabelle Ryckbost. The allocation of the EUR 32 Billion funds (around 3% of the Multiannual Financial Framework) would be allocated to the infrastructure projects within the Facility and would result in the connection of all transport modes and increase of passenger and freight flows. The transport industry is “worried that there will not be

Inland waterways freight transport- Quarterly transport performance of containers in EU-27 - 1 000 TEU-Km


www.railwaypro.com | January 2013

Market development 21

enough financing to cover the need for investments. The EUR 32 Billion allocated by the EC for the central network of CEF covers only a small part of the need for investments. Moreover, while the draft budget for transport seems ambitious, in fact it compensates for the significant cuts in regional funds”, shows the official statement of the two organisations. For example, the European Fund for Regional Development (ERDF) which included a EUR 46.7 Billion budget for 20072013 will be significantly reduced and will even be eliminated by the new regulation in some regions. Currently, “the fight for budget is between transport and other policies such as cohesion and agriculture, but we have to be aware of the fact that infrastructure projects don’t serve only to the industry, but also to interested parties. A European network with viable connections consolidates EU’s internal cohesion and facilitates many sectors, including agriculture. Ports are a link between EU exports and agricultural products and using European funds for their integration into the TEN-T network brings benefits to the European cohesion and the agricultural sector”, declared Patrick Verhoeven, Secretary General of ESPO. Ports require the performing and efficient railway connection to the hinterland especially when freight flows are increasing. Sea-

Gross weight of seaborne goods handled in EU-27 main ports 2011Q4


ports are an important element for railway freight trains and for the European infrastructure, traffic through these ports being estimated at 603 billion/km/year (on EU’s maritime routes) which is a quarter of the total volume of carried goods. Also, as regards the volume carried by railways, 26% of the total volume of carried goods is con-

EU-27(1) transport performance by type of goods in 2010

nected to ports. Therefore, ports have to be active in infrastructure projects as they are partners of railway transport. In adopting the development strategies of the railway network, authorities and railway companies have to keep in mind the information provided by ports on the transport volumes as the foundation where investment projects are rooted.

Для усиления потока грузов Порты поддерживают финансирование инфраструктуры и просят лидеров ЕС сохранить бюджет, выделенный через Механизм подключения Европы


On December 18, 2012, the Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) of the European Parliament voted on the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) guidelines and the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) proposals. In general, the vote on TEN-T in the Transport Committee further strengthens the role which European inland ports are to play in the new TEN-T network as multimodal connecting points and core nodes of the TEN-T network. Amendments aiming at improving the multimodal connections (rail, road,…) have received a large majority. EP’s Transport Committee also voted in favour of having representatives of sea- and inland ports into the corridor platforms.

Переговоры по поводу европейского бюджета на период 2014-2020 гг. вступили в решительный этап в контексте, когда государства-члены ЕС не достигли общего согласия, а президентство Кипра в Совете ЕС предложило сократить Многолетнюю финансовую рамку на 50 миллиардов евро. Если такая мера будет применяться, она существенно затронет фонды Механизма подключения Европы (CEF), которые будут финансировать внедрение проектов в сфере транспорта, касающихся железнодорожной инфраструктуры и поддержания развития европейских товарных Коридоров, подключения железнодорожных сетей с портами и аэровокзалами. January 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

22 lex

How fast will we obtain the revitalization of railway freight transport?

[ by Elena Ilie ]

Although the opening of the rail freight transport market allowed a large number of operators to access the railway network, market mechanisms haven’t been sufficient to organise, regulate and guarantee railway safety. In order to optimize the use and reliability of the railway network, it is necessary to introduce new additional procedures so as to consolidate cooperation with regard to the distribution of international freight routes among infrastructure managers.


n this context, the development of international rail corridors for a competitive European rail freight network facilitates the improvement of infrastructure use. The regulation concerning a European railway network for a competitive freight transport will substantially improve cooperation between infrastructure managers and operators along rail freight transport corridors. Common objectives will be defined for these corridors, helping all those involved in cooperating for a common goal. An implementation plan will

represent the basis for establishing new corridors (ten corridors) in three to five years since the entering into force of the Regulation. “A very important aspect of the Regulation is the cooperation between freight terminal managers and rail infrastructure managers, in terms of traffic management and infrastructure development. Freight transport operators or forwarders, others than railway undertakings, will be able to request track access to these new corridors”, Keir Fitch, DG MOVE. Thus, the Regulation represents a mile-

stone for the European railway policy in terms of freight traffic development, which will help increase rail freight transport capacity in the countries in which the railway is already going through a rebirth in terms of freight volumes and market share, as well as support the improvement of railway competitiveness in terms of quality and efficiency of transport services in the countries where the railway is still in need of revitalization. The first Memorandum of Understanding was signed for Corridor no. 7 “Orient” (previously called Corridor E), to enter operation starting with 2013. According to a recent report of UIRR, the structuring of this corridor took place in November 2011. The Corridor is the most rail freight corridor of the 9 designated by Regulation 913/2010 as it affects the highest number of EU Member States: Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia. In Romania, the “Orient” Corridor crosses the pan-European Corridor IV. It is coordinated by a board which includes the ministries of transport, as well as a Management Committee including infrastructure managers and the main railway freight transport operators from the countries crossed by the corridor.

Как быстро будут восстанавливаться железнодорожные товарные перевозки?

Source: UNIFE

www.railwaypro.com | January 2013

Регламент по поводу европейской железнодорожной сети для конкурентоспособных товарных перевозок является существенным краеугольным камнем европейской железнодорожной политики развития железнодорожных товарных перевозок.

24 Policies & Strategies

New steps in the development of international freight-dedicated corridors [ by Elena Ilie ]

The rather weak progress of the railway freight transport so far are caused by various factors, such as the weak competition development and interoperability, but also the lack of capacity in terms of a reliable and quality infrastructure dedicated to international freight transport.


he most sensitive aspects related to infrastructure capacity for railway freight transport, especially international railway freight transport, are poor coordination of both investments and the operational management of infrastructure, which can lead to disruptions at borders; the lack of coordination between the railway infrastructure and terminals in general (in ports, on platforms or in switchyards); the necessity of improved information transparency for infrastructure users; as regards the exploitation of combined traffic lines and investment choices, freight transport is often disregarded compared to passenger transport. The latest activities of European forums and railway organisations are aimed to revive railway freight transport and one

of the most important “activities” is the implementation of Regulation 913/2010 on establishing and developing 10 international freight-dedicated railway corridors to complete the six ERTMS Corridors. On 20 December, the transport ministers in Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands have signed an agreement on setting the legal framework for the allocation of the transport capacity on the international freight corridors 1 and 2. The international freight corridor 1 follows the route Zeebrugge – Anvers/Rotterdam – Duisburg – (Basel) – Milan – Genoa, while the second corridor links Rotterdam – Anvers – Luxembourg – Metz – Dijon – Lyon/Basel. The decision was very much appreciated by Switzerland, a country crossed by both

corridors and which, although not an EU member state, has announced its plans to negotiate the application of Regulation 913/2010 with the European Commission. This is a strong signal for the European Union regarding the necessity to harmonize the mandatory regulations which refer to these corridors across Europe and provides the agreements necessary to support the implementation of the so-called onestop shops for managing the infrastructure capacities of a corridor. The development of European railway freight transport corridors is an essential element in the common European transport policy and facilitates the accessibility of ports and of industrial areas. For several years, participants to the railway transport market have demanded consolidated cooperation between national authorities as regards the allocation of routes for international freight trains. Although many measures have already been adopted, the conclusion of the agreement in December continues to consolidate cooperation.

Новые шаги в развитии Международных коридоров для грузовых перевозок Довольно вялый прогресс железнодорожных грузовых перевозок причинён целым рядом факторов, в том числе медленным развитием конкуренции и интероперабельности и отсутствием соответствующей пропускной способности у надёжной инфраструктуры. Source: http://tentea.ec.europa.eu

www.railwaypro.com | January 2013


Rail passenger transport Rail freight transport Shunting services Contact: 2 Oltului St. 500283 - Brasov Romania Tel: +40 268 310 697 Fax: +40 268 310 859


26 Policies & Strategies

Russia resets its objectives

• To become leader of the world economy • To reduce the state’s impact over the economy through privatization • To consolidate railway transport and to develop industry by private investments [ by Pamela Luică ]

Russia will rank 10th worldwide according to the dimension of its economy compared to 12th two years ago and will become the 4th purchasing power, exceeding Japan, after ranking 6th in 2010, shows the Global Strategic Study 2030 elaborated by the Institute of Global Economy and International Affairs. In the next two decades, Russia will have to efficiently adapt the domestic and external strategies to the global development tendencies to avoid a marginal position (in the current international economic context) and to face future risks and the exploitation of new globalization opportunities. Under these circumstances, the development of new policies and the implementation of transport projects are essential factors which result in the integration of the global transport systems and growth of national economy.


n the first half of 2012, Russia’s econ- Director for the Russian Federation. The Minister of Economy estimates that are Russia’s Removing structural omyStructural held a good reforms position due to needed the In to thisstrengthen context, structural reformseconomic are ne- theoutlook. privatization of some of the companies strong growth of domestic demand cessaryand fordiversify Russia’s economic consoli-in abysustainable 2014 could bring revenues of up to EUR barriers to growth can help to bolster the economy way. Russia’s 2020 which was the main engine of economic dation and eliminating growth barriers 26.5 Billion. As of 2014, the state would no Strategy Update, prepared by a group of independent advisors to the government and presented on growth, while the main economic indica- will help sustain and sustainably vary the longer be majority stakeholder in several March 16,a 2012, ambitious reform for theStrategy coming domestic years. Russia faces an agenda tors reached record lays level.out Thean Central economy. The program update of Russian companies. According to theofloBank added onthe reserves, which helped con2020economy elaborated through by an independent group (for cal press, 2013 would a year ofbudget privatizareducing state’s footprint on the privatization example, the be federal solidate the market trust. While many Eu- of consultants and presented to the governtions, since half of the sales proposed could for 2012—2014 foresees a privatization program of 0.5 to 0.7 percent of GDP annually), improving ropean countries struggled with very high ment in March 2012 sets an ambitious re- be concluded this year. The companies governance, and enabling workers and entrepreneurs contribute whose to and bene public debts and financial deficits, Russia’s form programme for the nextto years. stakes will ts befrom for saleeconomic are Rosnan public debt stood(Figure at less than of the theThus, has a policy focused on re- central – the Fund Nanotechnologies prosperity 36).10% Easing costRussia of doing business remains to for these efforts (Box(10%), 6). GDP the financial was posithe state’s impact over thethis economy VTB of the largestmilestone banks in Russia, Theand accession to balance the World Tradeducing Organization expected summer is (one an important for tive. “The weak outlook means that strong, which can be achieved by implementing 10-25%), Alrosa- diamond manufacturer Russia’s economic development, discussprogramme in the last(for section of this report. three-pronged policy action is essential to as thewe privatisation example, (7-14%), Rosneft, the current world leader revigorate the economy. First, economic the national budget for 2012-2014 includes of oil manufacturers and reserves (6%) and policies to ensure structural stability. Second, a privatisation programme from 0.5% to Russian Railways. There is an essential conFigurehave 36. Selected policy indicators reforms arethe needed to of strengthen Russia’s economic dition outlook. Removing structural Russia Structural has to build buffers against ex- 0.7% the annual GDP) and the optimisafor these privatisations: the value of barriers to growth can help to bolster diversify theentrepreneurs economy in sustainable way. Russia’s ternal volatility. Finally, the government tion and of governing to allow to a Barriers the shares placed in London and 2020 Moscow Product market regulation to entry in industry has to unleash the growth potential by of the contribute to and to benefit from the to eco-the should be at leastand equalpresented to that considered Strategy Update, prepared a group of independent advisors government on OECD a better Emerg. EU Other. Russia In this context, the HI OECD Emerg. EU OtherofEmerg. Russia economy. ThisHi means business cli- Emerg. nomic growth. Russian in the acquisition TNK-BP at the end March 16, 2012, lays out an ambitious reform program for the coming years. Russia faces an agenda of of mate5 resulting in more private investments, Government maintains 5 its commitment October (Rosneft signed an agreement with reducing the state’s footprint through privatization the of federal and higher competitiveness leading to on the the foreconomy the privatisation programme which is (for BP example, for the takeover the 50%budget stake held 4 4 diversification of the foresees economy away from considered essentialoffor0.5 theto country. “Ne- by British oil manufacturer in TNKfor 2012—2014 a privatization program 0.7 percent ofthe GDP annually), improving oil and gas, and raising productivity. The vertheless, privatisation is not acontribute linear proc- to BPand for around USD 26 Billion in money governance, and enabling workers and entrepreneurs to bene ts from economic 3 3 government also needs to improve poor ess, but a strictly economic instrument. We and shares. This is the largest acquisition prosperity (Figure 36).with Easing thedon’t costneed of doing businesswhere remains to these efforts (BoxDeputy 6). transport connectivity in line its longa state economy most central of a company in Russia). Russian 2 2 The accession to the World Trade Organization expected this summer is an important milestone for er-term economic policy goals. Making companies are state-owned although it Prime Minister Igor Chuvalov presents this headway oneconomic this agenda development, will enable Rus- asdoes the right uselast these keys in the privatization Russia’s wehave discuss in to the section of this report. as a sign that Kremlin “will 1 1 sia to lift growth above 4% and more,” said key industrial areas”, declared Russian PM progressively reduce control over Rosneft, Michal Rutkowski, World Bank Country Dmitry Medvedev in an interview for AFP. but nothing proves that Moscow is ready 0 0 Figure 36. Selected structural2008 policy indicators EU-27(1) transport performance by type of goods in 2010 Extent of regulation public ownership Product market 55


Emerg. Emerg. EUEU

OtherEmerg. Emerg. Other.

StateBarriers involvement in in business operations to entry industry Russia Russia














2008 2008

Other Emerg. Other Emerg.

Russia Russia

2008 2008

Source: OECD 2012, Going for Growth, World Bank staff calculations. The indicators are scaled from 0 (least restrictive) to 6 (most restrictive).

Source: OECD 2012, Goi ng for World Bank staff calculations. The indicators are scaled from 0 (least restrictive) Extent of Growth, public ownership State involvement in business operations

to 6 (most restrictive). www.railwaypro.com | January 2013 HI OECD Emerg. EU 5

Other Emerg.


Russia 5

Emerg. EU

Other Emerg.


(Figure 4). Overall investment reached 22 percent of GDP in the third quarter of 2011, some 4.4 percent of GDP below the level in the second quarter of 2008. However, the latest numbers suggest that xed27 Policies & Strategies capital investment is picking up. GDPby grcomponents owth by components (Q2 2008 =100); (b) Investment (percent of GDP) Figure 4. (a) GDP gr(a) owth (Q2 2008 =100); (b) Investment (percent of GDP) 110

Fixed investment





25 Percent of GDP

90 85 70 60

20 15 10 5 0
















11Q1 Pub. Cons. Imports



Priv. Cons. Exports




GDP Fixed Inv.








Source: Rosstat, World Bank staff calculations.

to give up control over the company as the government will maintain more than half of the oil manufacturer’s stakes. The situation is quite the same with the other privatisations as well”, he said.

3.5 times smaller (USD 36 Billion)”, said distances. “These data are considered of I. Recent Economic Developments | 5 Yakunin. Next year, the Government plans maximum capacity for the annual producto sale 25% of RZD’s shares, but according tion of Russia”, the minister said. For 2013, to the company’s president, the sale of the RZD investment programme approved stakes should be postponed up to 2015 due RUB 411 Billion (EUR 10 Billion), the to the current economic situation. minimum profit to be recorded by the comRZD’s privatisation is still uncertain As regards the sale of the 5%, the state pany being estimated at RUB 1.1 Billion secretary of the transport ministry Alexey (EUR 27.4 Million). To increase the inOne of the most important companies, Tsydenov initially said that 5% of the Rus- vestment volume, the company will receive not only for the transport sector, but for the sian Railways’ shares could be sold to subsidies and will loan RUB 176 Billion entire Russian economy, is RZD. Although, Vnesheconombank, this being considered (EUR 4.4 Billion). according to the secretary of the transport “a private transaction as the company was These figures clearly show the value of the ministry Alexei Tsydenov, the sale of 5% of not ready for the initial public offering”. company and its importance in the transRZD was scheduled for October through RZD manages 85,200 km of lines and port and economic system of Russia and initial public offering, in November, the has a market share of 42.3% of the overall explain the many divergences of opinion company’s President Vladimir Yakunin an- freight traffic in Russia. Moreover, the com- between the authorities regarding the sale nounced the sale of 25%: “the sale of 25% of pany holds over 1 million freight cars and of the company. Although the President of RZD’s shares could bring RUB 280 Billion 20,227 locomotives (for freight and passen- the Railways does not agree with the sale ac(USD 8.89 Billion) to the company’s bud- ger traffic). Also, in order to meet mobility tivities in 2013, due to the low price of the get”. However, the company’s representa- demands, RZD announced that it planned shares and the current economic context, tive said that the company’s privatization to buy a record number of locomotives next the Minister of Economic Development could not be accomplished in 2013, as RZD year, to renew the existing fleet, Minister Andrei Belousov said in December that would be priced at tens of billions of dollars of Transport Maxim Sokolov announced. RZD’s privatization was necessary for the in the next 5 to 6 years. “In 5-years’ time, RUB 85 Billion (USD 2.7 Billion) will be company’s investment programme since the price of Russian Railways will reach invested in this project. The company will it didn’t have the necessary funds and the USD 129 Billion, currently the value being purchase locomotives for long and short state budget would not be able to cover the entire financing of projects. “The company Increase in authorised capital of Russian Railways lacks funds and the state budget will not be able to supply for the rest. So, where should Authorised capital (in roubles) Authorised capital (in shares) we take money from? From the sale”, said 01.01.2007 г. 1 535 700 000 000 1 535 700 000 the minister. Under these circumstances, financial 01.01.2008 г. 1 541 697 819 000 1 541 697 819 constraints don’t prevent the investment 01.01.2009 г. 1 583 197 189 000 1 583 197 189 plans of the company. The official web site of RZD says that the investment plan was 07.07.2009 г. 1 594 516 219 000 1 594 516 219 increased by RUB 64 Billion (EUR 1.6 Bil01.01.2011 г.* 1 698 128 067 000 1 698 128 067 lion) and funds had been directed to the infrastructure development projects aimed to 01.01.2012 г.** 1 786 715 588 000 1 786 715 588 improve bottlenecks and to reduce the wear *Pursuant to Decree No. 1058 of the Russian Government on 18 December 2010. **Pursuant to Decree No. 1203 of the Russian Government on 30 December 2011. of traction vehicles. Also, the investment budget increase will permit the company to Facts & figures: buy new vehicles. • The second largest network in the world with 85,200 km of track – 43,100 km of At the same time, compliant with the dewhich are electrified cision of the Russian Government, RZD • Carries over 0.95 billion passengers and 1.2 billion tonnes of freight annually across will receive RUB 32 Billion (EUR 795 11 time zones Million) to purchase the shares of the lo• Responsible for 42,3% of Russia’s total freight traffic (including pipelines) and more than 32,7% of passenger traffic gistics operator Gefco, this being the most • Employs over 976,116 people important strategic transaction of RZD. • Assets worth over 3189.9 billion roubles Therefore, at the beginning of November, • Russia’s fourth-largest company by revenue – over 1195.1 billion roubles for 2010 the French Group PSA Peugeot Citroën (according IFRS) and RZD signed the contract on the sale • Rolling stock includes: 20,227 goods and passenger locomotives and 1,026,600 of 75% of the logistics division capital and, goods wagons according to the agreement, the transacSource: JSC Russian Railways January 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

28 Policies & Strategies

Company note

Operating indicators Indicator (billion)





Freight turnover-t/km





lion tonnes (in 2011) representing 57% of

Russian moderate Russia’s rail total market productionshows of 336 million

tonnes. Railways is the key means of transportation in Russia According to For the development of coal transport,in Russia last after pipes Mechel Group has initiated the project85% of total Passenger turnover p/km 175.9 151.5 138.9 139.8 for the development of Elga coal depositcould be use Breakdown of Russian Railways Capital Investments (Million Roubles Excluding VAT) which will help increase exports. The de-only, conseq hav posit has a significant importance for theRailways Project 2009 2010 2011 2012 (plan) transportatio development of the entire region of Farwaterways. F Developing rail infra47 793,3 88 550,1 63 735,1 66 739,5 East and railway traffic. Another challengequickest tran structure-Sochi 2014 was the construction of a railway sectionaccount larg transporting providing a link to Baikal-Amur line. Update rolling stock 58 665,3 46 019,3 66 481,0 56 945,3 products, gra The increasing freight transport in Rus-railways grew Source: JSC Russian Railways

sia is closely related with exports to CIS 1. Cargo turnover breakdown in Russia between different Figure 2 tion is estimated at EUR 800 Million, the freight, coal has the biggest freightCompany shareFigure countries where, “the rate of freight traffic note July 24, 2012 means of transportation in 2011 means o full sale of the shares being scheduled after which was 24.9% in 2011. For the trans- growth is maintained at an annual growth Inland Gefco will pay PSA Peugeot Citroën EUR port of coal, Russia’s objectives refer to the level of 3%waterways; and growth is also expected in Vehicles;Also, 4.5% to meet trans1.2% future. 100 Million. The takeover of Gefco allows increase the volumes exported to Asian exports in the Russian rail of market shows moderate growth Sea; 1.6% the Russian company an easy access to countries, believes Sergey Shumk, deputy port demands, infrastructure developthe key means of transportation in Russia According to Rosstat data, 43.3% of cargoes were carried by railways the European and Asian markets as Railways Gefco is director of the coal industry sector within is essential helps freight transin Russia lastment year. Excluding pipes, and railways account for more than after pipes covers 15 countries in Central and Eastern the Russian Ministry of Energy. 85% of totalport cargodevelop. turnover in Russia in 2011. We note that pipes Railways; Company July 24, 2012 Europe, Central Asia and Middle East. GloAccording to the announcement ofcould thebe electrification ofsome railways in usedThe fornote transportation of oil and types of oilUkraine products only,inconsequently, their usage cargo transportation is limited. bally, Gefco’s turnover last year was of EUR ministry (in 2012), Russia plans to and Belarus, theforconstruction of 43.3% new lines Railways have number ofAsia advantages, which makes this means of 3.8 Billion, 13% more than last year. crease coal exports to China by 50% reachin aCentral and the optimisation of the transportation moregrowth competitive, compared to vehicles and Russian rail market shows moderate The acquisition of Gefco allows Russian ing 15 million tonnes in 2013. To thatwaterways. end, Firstly, Trans-Siberian and Baikal-Amur lines, as railways are capable of providing the cheapest and Pipes; 49.3% Railways to optimise the attractiveness ofRailways Russia could propose the construction of According well asto that ofdata, other lines providing access quickest transportation for long distances, which is crucial, into Rosstat 43.3% of cargoes weretaking carried by railways Pipe is the key means of transportation in Russia transit freight on the Europe-Asia axis andafterapipes railway connection to China in order to inlarge to territory thelastports in north-west and are thecapable regions account of Russia. Secondly, of than Russia year. Excluding pipes, railways railways account for more transporting ofofall types of cargo. Railways are widely used for coal, oil at the same time to offer competitive trans- increase export volumes. Russian authorithe Far East help increase freight vol85%in total cargo turnover in Russia in 2011. We note that pipes products, grain construction cargo transportation. The share beand used for the transportation of oil and of some types of oilofproducts port services on this route. The next step ties announced that funds estimated at could umes and development the railway 2011 for grew from 38.2% in 2001 tousage 43.3% in 2011. only,system. consequently, their cargo influence transportationon is limited. that RZD will take to consolidate its posi- RUB 252 Billion (EUR 6.2 Billion)railways willSource: This has a positive Rosstat have a number of advantages, which makes this means of Railways Figure 1. Cargo turnover breakdown in Russia between different Figure 2. Cargo turnover breakdown in Russia between different tion in the logistics market is the develop- be allocated by 2030 for the implementa- transportation freight rolling stock production demands competitive,market compared to vehicles and to According The Russian railmore transportation is growing means of transportation in 2011 means of transportation in 2001 ment of a network of sales for the transit tion of the investment programme in the and increases the of locomowaterways. Firstly, railways are efficiency capable of providing the cheapest and CAG at 4.0% gradually Inland Inland transport between the two continents. coal industry. Currently, at national level, quickest tivestransportation and the capacity of wagons”, for long distances, which isdeclared crucial, taking into rates growth Vehicles; waterways; waterways; large territory of Russia. railways are capable the region Kuznetsk AndreyPekanov, Marketing ofgrew ofquicke 4.5% Basin is the largest account 4.3% Secondly, Director 1.2% of Vehicles; 2.2% of all types of cargo. Railways are widely used fortransportatio coal, oil Railway freight transport coal generator with a capacity of 192 mil- transporting Transmashholding. Sea; 1.6% Sea; 3.0% products, grain and construction cargo transportation. The share of grad growing continues to develop railways grew from 38.2% in 2001 to 43.3% in 2011. Cargo turnover breakdown in Russia

market felt w

Railways; Rail cargo turnover in Russia in 2004- 3.6% y-o-y in

1. Cargo turnover breakdown in Russia between different Figure 2. Cargo turnover breakdown 38.2% in Russia between different As regards railway freight transport, Ros-Figure Railways; 2011 2011, bn tons-km between different means means of transportation in 2011of transportation inJuly of transportation in 2001 Company note 24,Figure 2012 3.means Rail cargo turnover in Russia in 2004-2011, bn tons-km Figure 4 43.3% stat data show that 43.3% of the freight Inland 2011, m Inland volume in 2011 was ensured by the railVehicles; waterways; waterways; 2 200 20% 1 500 2 128 Vehicles; 4.5% 2 116 4.3% way system and, pipelines excluded, the 1.2% 2.2% 2 090 Russian market moderate growth Sea; 1.6% railwayrail represented overshows 85% of the total Pipes; 49.3% Sea; 3.0% 2 011 1 951 1 300 2 000Pipes; 52.3% 10% freight turnover. railway system According to Rosstat data, 43.3% of cargoes were carried by railways Railways is the key means ofThe transportation in Russia has 8.0% 1 865 in Russia last year. Excluding pipes, railways account for more than after pipes 1 858 Railways; the most advantages in terms of competi7.8% 7.1% 85% of total cargo turnover in Russia in 2011. WeRailways; note that pipes 1 802 38.2% 5.8% 5.0% tiveness and distance which make the dif1 100 1 800 0% 3.1% could be used for transportation of oil and some types of oil products 43.3% 2011 2001 1.2% ference between railways and the other only, consequently, their usage for cargo transportation is limited. Source: Rosstat transport modes. “First of all, railways Railways have a number of advantages, which makes this means 900 1 600ofto Rosstat data, in 2002-2011 rail cargo turnover increased -10% According Theand Russian rail transportation market is growing can deliver the most efficient, rapid transportation more competitive, compared to vehicles and at 4.0% and CAGR and cargo volumes grew at 2.7% CAGR. We see these gradually -11.9% Pipes;Firstly, 49.3% railways are capable of providing the cheapest waterways. cheap long-distance services and in Russia rates as moderate 700 Pipes; 52.3% and we note that the Russian economy quickest transportation for long distances, which is crucial,growth taking1 400 into -20% these characteristics are crucial. Secondly, quicker (4.7%2005 CAGR2006 in 2002-2011), to rail 2007 2008 compared 2009 2010 2011cargo account large territory of Russia. Secondly, railways are grew capable of 2004 railways are capable to carry all types of transporting of all types of cargo. Railways are widely usedtransportation. for coal, oil In our view, this market is mature and will continue turnover rate freight, railway transport being widely growing in theCargo coming years. In 5M2012growth rail transportation products, grain and construction cargo transportation. The share gradually of 2011 2001in cargo turnover and market felt well and showed 6.2% y-o-y growth used for the delivery of coal, oil products, railways Source: grew Rosstat from 38.2% in 2001 to 43.3% in 2011. Source:increase Rosstat 3.6% y-o-y in volumes transported. turnover breakdown in Russia Cargo volumes transported by rail in cereals and construction materials. The FigureCargo Figure 1. Cargo turnover breakdown in Russia between different The 2. Cargo turnover breakdownmarket in Russiaisbetween different According to Rosstat data, inin2002-2011 Russian rail transportation growing Figure 3. Rail cargo turnover in Russia in 2004-2011, bn tons-km Figure 4. Cargo volumes transported by railrail incargo Russiaturnover in 2004-increased in 2001 Russia 2004-2011 between different means of transportation share of Russia’s railway trans-gradually means ofmarket transportation in 2011 means of transportation in 2001 at mn 4.0% CAGR and •cargo grew• atresearch@sovlink.ru 2.7% CAGR. We see• http://www these 2011, tons Tel.: +7 495 967-1300 Fax: +7volumes 495 967-1311 port has increased from 38.2% (in 2001) Inland Inland growth rates as moderate and we note that the Russian economy 2 200 20% 1 500 20% Vehicles; waterways; to 43.3% (in 2011)”, shows the analysis waterways; 2 128 grew quicker (4.7% CAGR in 2002-2011), to rail cargo 18.3%compared 2 090 2 116 1 382 Vehicles; 4.5% 4.3% 1.2% fast-growing 2.2% 1 345 this market is mature and will continue transportation. In our view, “Globaltrans: acquisitive rail 2 011 1 304 Sea; 1.6% 1 273 1 312 gradually in the coming years. In 5M2012 rail transportation 1 312 operator”, elaborates by SOVLINK LLC. 1Sea; 9513.0% 1 300growing 10% 2 000 10% 8.0% 1 221 market felt well and showed 6.2% y-o-y growth in cargo turnover and Since in the period 2001-2011 the turn- 1 858 1 865 3.6% y-o-y increase in volumes transported. 7.8% 1 109 Railways; 7.1% 1 802 5.8% over of railway freight transport increased 5.3% 5.0% 1 100 5.2% 4.3% 3.1% 0% 38.2% Railways; 1 800 2.5% transported by rail in Russia in 2004Figure3.1% 3. Rail cargo turnover in Russia in 2004-2011, bn0%tons-km Figure 4. Cargo volumes by 4% and transport volumes by 2.7%, “we 1.2% 43.3% 2011, mn tons -3.0% consider these growth rates as moderate; 900 -10% 2 200 1 500 20% 600 -10% 2 128 20% also, Russia’s economy increased 1much 2 116 18.3% 2 090 1 382 1 345 faster (by 4.7% in this period), compared -11.9% 2 011 1 304 Pipes; 49.3% -15.0% 1 273 1 312 1 312 -20% 700 1 951 1 300 1 221 10% 10% to railway freight transport. According 1 400 to2 000 -20% 8.0%52.3% Pipes; 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1 865 1 858 estimates, this market is mature and will 7.8% 1 109 7.1% 5.8% 5.3% Volumes4.3% transported growth rate continue to grow gradually over the next1 800 1 802Cargo3.1% turnover5.0% growth rate 1 100 5.2% 0% 0% 3.1% 2.5% 1.2% years”, the report2011 shows. 2001 -3.0% Source: of Rosstat In this context, according to the types Source: Rosstat 900 -10% 1 600

Source: Globaltrans: fast-growing acquisitive rail operator”, -10%SOVLINK LLC

The Russian rail transportation market is growing According to Rosstat data, in 2002-2011 rail cargo turnover increased Tel.: +7 967-1300 • Fax:cargo +7 495volumes 967-1311grew • research@sovlink.ru http://www.sovlink.ru www.railwaypro.com | January 2013 at 495 4.0% CAGR and at -11.9% 2.7% CAGR. We• see these gradually 700 1 400 rates as moderate and we note that the Russian economy -20% growth 2004 2004 (4.7% 2005 CAGR 2006 in2007 2008 2009 2010 to 2011rail cargo grew quicker 2002-2011), compared

-15.0% 2005





| 3 -20% 2010


Policies & Strategies


The market demands railway industry development

strategic partnerships between manufactur- and RZD Trading House. Also, 675 electric ers to deliver performing rolling stock not freight transport locomotives manufactured only in the domestic but also in the inter- by Ural Locomotives and equipped with As Russia’s budget capacity is limited, par- national market. For example, RZD plans asynchronous engines will be purchased. tially due to the global financial crisis and to buy a record number of locomotives in They will be delivered in the period 2016also because there are no alternative finan- 2013 to renew its rolling stock fleet. “RZD 2020. Funds necessary for annual deliveries cial resources and no legal mechanisms to will invest RUB 85 Billion (USD 2.7 Bil- will be set through delivery contracts to be accelerate the development of the transport lion) in this project and will purchase long signed by 2014 in conformity with RZD’s infrastructure, by 2020, the authorities plan and short distance locomotives. These data investment budget parameters. to attract RUB 200-300 Billion (EUR 5-7 represent the maximum capacity for RusMarket challenges boost industry and Billion) for each transport segment using sia’s annual production”, declared the Rus- stimulate the development of new proprivate investments. These figures can be sian Minister of Transport. As the railway ducts that meet standards. “This inevitably realistic as private companies have invested transport has known a strong development, requires upgrading of production engineerover RUB 800 Billion (more than EUR 20 the vehicle manufacturers elaborate strat- ing. Russian development tendency of the Billion) at the beginning of the Russian rail- egies to meet the demand. For example, recent years contributes to the production way system reform and “private companies “Transmashholding policy to meet demand of more powerful mainline locomotives are interested in improving the efficiency for 1520mm gauge rolling stock products is with asynchronous drives, more cost-efof freight transport as they notice that this based on three development lines: 1) con- ficient double diesel and hybrid shunting process is focused on the regulation of tinuous deployment of innovations, never- locomotives, output of freight wagons with mechanisms for the interaction of all mar- ending development of new products 2) increased axle loads”, added the Marketing ket players. This is one of the priorities to be improvement of in-house capacities and Director of Transmashholding. implemented over the next years”, declared sophistication of production engineering, Partnerships between the Russian railin December Sergey Maltsev, President of including: deployment of state-of-the art way industry and the European railway inthe Council of Rolling Stock Operators. engineering solutions, quality management, dustry have generated the development of The increase of the freight transport mar- etc. 3) diversification of sales markets, in- technologies and of the products launched ket rate in Russia will inevitably involve the cluding establishment of new joint ventures in the market and have significantly stimurailway industry as well which has to deve- on regional markets”, explains Pekanov lated the optimisation of freight transport lop its rolling stock production to meet the (Transmashholding). The company imple- performance, cost reduction and increachallenges. ments several JV projects to manufacture sing rolling stock efficiencies, characterisIn this context, an important point is new vehicles: for example, with Alstom, tics which form new transport requirements Russia’s railway reform initiated in 2001 Transmashholding builds EP20 locomo- and the customers’ shift to railways resulting to attract foreign investors for industry de- tives at Novocherkassk plant in Russia to in the increasing railway transport market velopment projects. Private operators have deliver them to RZD. Under the contract, share. initiated rolling stock acquisition projects. the two manufacturers will deliver 200 such In 2011, RZD sold First Cargo Company, locomotives. the owner of more than 190,000 wagons “Transmashholding’s collaboration with Россия вновь открывает (18.5% of Russia’s total fleet) and the first Alstom has a beneficial influence on 1520 себя phase of the wagon market liberalization mm gauge railway industry. Furthermore, was thus completed. “Consequently, the Alstom renders assistance in optimization • Она хочет стать лидером мировой share of the private wagon fleet increased of TMH current manufacturing sites. Cerэкономики from 22% (in 2003) to 73% (in 2011) which tain market requirements, demand rate, • Она хочет снизить влияние increased the interest of private investors in customers’ requirements to machinery and государства на экономику с помощью the railway transport market. In 2011, over suppliers govern our cooperation on regionприватизации • Укрепить железнодорожный 70% of the total number of wagons in Rus- al markets”, pointed out AndreyPekanov. транспорт и развить промышленность sia was owned by private companies due to For the same purpose of railway industry за счёт частных инвестиций the railway market liberalization reform. development in Russia, RZD, Sinara and According to the initial plan, we expect the Siemens have signed a memorandum to liberalization of the fleet of locomotives to manufacture and deliver locomotives. UnНа мировом уровне Россия займёт be initiated in the next 1 to 3 years”, shows der the contract, RZD has confirmed its десятое место по размеру экономики, Sovlink analysis. intention to purchase 221 2ES10 electric Company note Company note 2012 24, 2012 по сравнению с 12-мJuly местом, которое These results increase the demand of new locomotives from Ural Locomotives basedJuly 24, она занимала два года назад, а по vehicles and encourage the conclusion of on a delivery agreement signed by RZD

покупательской способности Россия Railcars operating structure inin2003 ownership structure at operating Figure 11. structure Railcars in operating 2003 (shares structure in total 2003 Figure (shares 12. Railcars inRailcars total ownership Figurestructure 12. Railcars at the ownership end of 2011 structure the end of 2011в мире, превышая займётatчетвёртое место the end of 2011 cargo turnover) (shares in total cargo turnover) Японию, по сравнению с шестым местом в 2010 году. В ближайшие два десятилетия Private Private Россия должна эффективно адаптировать owners; owners; Russian Russian свою национальную и внешнюю 21.8% 21.8% Railways Railways стратегию к глобальным тенденциям including including развития для избежания крайнего места subsidiaries; subsidiaries; (в глобальном экономическом контексте) 27.2% 27.2% и для преодоления будущих рисков и для использования новых возможностей, связанных с глобализацией. В данном Russian контексте, развитие новых политик Railways и внедрение проектов транспортной including Private Private отрасли - это существенные факторы, subsidiaries; owners; 78.2% определяющиеowners; интеграцию в глобальную 72.8% транспортную 72.8% систему и рост национальной экономики. OVLINK Source: Russian Railways, SOVLINK Source: Russian Railways, SOVLINK

In 2001 rail transportation market rail transportation reform was started marketin reform order to was started order to railMore cars than were 70% privately of railowned cars were at the privately owned at the In 2001 Januaryin 2013 | www.railwaypro.com privateofinvestors in the industry. private investors Private rail in the operators industry. were Private able rail operators were able e end to liberalization of 2011 duereform to liberalization of rail attract reform rail attract

30 Market development

Kyrgyzstan plans to become a transit hub between China and Europe [ by Elena Ilie ]

Kyrgyzstan Railways’ (KTZ) Director General Argyhbek Malabaevhas made public the intention of its country to build an electrified railway line aimed to facilitate transport from China to the Persian Gulf and Europe. A comprehensive feasibility study could be completed by the end of 2013.

Photo: seabay.en.alibaba.com


peaking to IRJ in Astana, Kazakhstan, Malabaev said that he hopes that construction of the new line which is estimated to cut the distance by rail between China and Europe by 900 km, can begin in 2014. Malabaev said that the plan is to offer an alternative to similar transit corridors through Kazakhstan and Russia. “At the moment we are not a transit railway, all of our lines are dead ends. If you look at the map the Persian Gulf countries as well as Turkmenistan and Iran are closer to us and we want to be another way into these important markets”, added Malabaev. The project the director general of Kyrgyz Railways refers to consists of 264km of new lines to expand the country’s existing 467km network. The project is not a new one; it was first initiated in 1996 after China decided to construct the South Xinjiang Railway from Korla to Kashgar. The route for the new line starts in Kashgar and crosses the Kyrgyzstan border at Torugart, transcending the Tuz-Bel pass, through the Arpa River valley and Ferghana range, and reaching Kara-Suu on the Uzbekistan border which is the railhead of the existing Uzbek network. The line will pass through 48 tunnels with a total length of 48.9km, the longest being the Ferghana at 14.1km, and requires the construction of 95 bridges with a total length of 20.9km. In addition, due to the gauge differences between China and Kyrgyzstan, a bogie changing station will be built near the Tuz-Bel mountain pass where freight and containers will also be weighed and sorted.

By building the new line, KTZ’s existing Balykchy – Kochkor and Karakeche – Arpa – Kara Suu lines will be connected for the first time and will provide improved transport links across the country for both passenger and freight services. The full feasibility study will provide an accurate figure of the exact cost of the project, although it is expected to be in the region of USD

2 Billion while annual income levels from the line are projected to be USD 210 Million. The representative of Kyrgyz Railways said that the Uzbekistan government has given its approval for the project and discussions are continuing with China. He expects the railway to carry up to 5 million tonnes of freight during its first year of operation, and 15 million tonnes when the line will be fully operational.

Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Corridors

Кыргызстан намеревается стать транзитным узлом по направлению Китай Европа

Source: www.carecprogram.org

www.railwaypro.com | January 2013

Генеральный директор Железных дорог Кыргызстана, Аргыхбек Малабаев, придал огласке намерение страны построить электрифицированную железную дорогу, которая бы облегчила транспорт из Китая в сторону Персидского залива и Европы. Развёрнутое технико-экономическое обоснование в этой связи может быть составлено до конца 2013 года.


January 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

32 Policies & Strategies

Turkey prioritizes railway transport to increase freight flows

Interview with Cavit Uğur, General Manager – Association of International Forwarding and Logistics Service Providers in Turkey (UTIKAD) [ by Pamela Luică ]

Turkey is one of the countries which struggle to deliver performing connections between Europe and Asia and to increase the freight flows in this region. Turkish authorities plan investments that would make Turkey rank among the first ten world economies by 2023. In this context, railway sector is one of the key strategic sectors that will boost economy and new opportunities and transport connections will secure performing links between the European and the Asian countries. Mr. Cavit Uğur, General Manager – Association of International Forwarding and Logistics Service Providers in Turkey (UTIKAD) talks about the railway development objectives of the authorities, the increase of the railway freight transport market share, the projects to be launched and the need to facilitate trade in an interview presented below.

Railway PRO: As Turkey’s objective in international trade is to reach USD 1.2 Trillion (compared to USD 375 Billion in 2011), what is the role of railway transport in this “national strategy”?

increase productivity. Turkish State Railways plans to invest USD 47.4 bn till 2023 and it is aimed to reach almost 10,000 km of high speed railway lines and construct almost 5,000 km of additional

freight transportation focused projects are underway. Today railway transportation share is 4,5 percent and the target is to increase railway transportation share to 20 percent by the year 2023. Railway PRO: More and more companies choose to ship their freight on railways. In this case, not only the railway segment, but also logistics plays an important role. What level of financing has been reached for logistics projects and how could they answer to the development of transport connections between Europe and Asia, but also concerning domestic performances?

Cavit Uğur: By 2023, Turkey wants to significantly move forward on the market of international commercial exchanges, USD 500 Billion being estimated on the export segment and USD 620 Billion for imports. Turkey aims to be one of the top 10 economies in the world by the year 2023 and the transportation sector is one of the key sectors in order to achieve this goal. Railway sector is the primary sector and the largest growth is targeted till 2023. There are too much railway reforms in Turkey in order to

conventional railway lines. Turkish State Railways aims to build a total length of 15 thousand kilometres of railways and increase the overall total length to 27 thousand kilometres by the year 2023. Turkish State Railways has a plan to establish 19 logistics villages at the significant industrial and commercial points of our country and aims to achieve 10 million ton cargo increase in railway transportation. In addition to logistics villages investments, infrastructure (such as double railways) and

Infrastructure investments

Transport Modes













Sea Road

Source: UTIKAD

www.railwaypro.com | January 2013

Cavit Uğur: There are lots of important railway projects which connect between Europe and Asia such as Marmaray, KarsTblisi-Baku and BALO. The ongoing investments of the railway sector are financed by the public funding. But BALO (Great Anatolian Logistics Organizations) company, which UTIKAD is the only shareholder from the logistics sector, was established by the private sector and organizations. BALO will organize block trains from Anatolia to Europe. Railway PRO: What can you tell us about the liberalisation of the railway sector and what impact do you think it will have in Turkey’s transport system? Cavit Uğur: By allowing more than one railway operator, it is aimed to ensure competition of railway sector within itself in fair and liberalized conditions. With the liberalization of railway sector, free and fair conditions will be ensured and more quality and safer railway services will be given to customers. Railway train operation companies will get the opportunity to carry out freight and pas-

Policies & Strategies


senger transport with their own trains and personnel. Thus their transport costs, time and service quality will be controlled better by them. Also railways will compete with other modes of transport, mainly road transport, and maintain this competitive power in a sustainable manner. As a result of liberalisation, it is expected that the private sector also will invest in many different fields of the railway sector. This will enable Turkey to progress in railways expeditiously. Railway PRO: How do national authorities involve in stimulating the development of the railway industry as vital factor for economic growth? Cavit Uğur: Although Turkey’s railway infrastructure still faces problems, the state massively invests to improve the infrastructure for the increase of the railway traffic flow. For this purpose, 32% of the total state investments were directed to the logistics and transportation sector in 2012. As a result of this investment trend, the railway investments increased by 62% compared to 2011. Railway PRO: Currently, Turkey develops a series of important railway projects. What can you tell us about their impact over the connectivity relationships between Europe and Asia, as well as on increasing trade performance? Cavit Uğur: The freight market between Asia and Europe is worth around $US 75bn and Turkey’s geographical location makes it a natural bridge between the East to West and North to South axes, providing easy cost efficient access to businesses around the world. When the projects on the transport corridors such as Kars-Tblisi-Baku, KurtalanNusaybin-Iraq, Kars-Nahcevan-Iran, KavkazSamsun-Basra, Marmaray are finished, the connections to Europe, Middle East, Central Asia and China will be assured and transport share of Turkey will be increased. The KarsTbilisi-Baku railway, of which 40% is now completed, will also be opened at the end of 2013 and by 2015 it is expected the crossBosphorus Marmaray project in Istanbul will be fully operational. Railway PRO: Regarding the TRACECA project, in March 2012 preparations started for a new project connecting Ka-

zakhstan (from the Chinese border) with Turkey and the Black Sea region. It’s about the “Silk Wind” container block train from Kazakhstan to Turkey/Black Sea. What are the challenges in implementing this project and what do you think the role of Silk Wind is in the cross-border transport relationships in the region? Cavit Uğur: The block train will provide direct connection from Kazakhstan to Turkey. Silk Wind Project is aimed to create the favorable conditions for a container block train route with advanced electronic exchange of information, simplification of customs and border-crossing procedures, reduction of transit time and travel time. Implementation of Silk Wind Container Block Train total length will be decreased approximately 1,000 km, travel time 4 days and spent at border entry points 9 hours. The Silk Wind Block Train Services, as well as optimized functioning of Ro-Ro lines on Caspian Sea naturally respond to requirements of global supply chains and will form solid economic corridors between Asia and Europe. There is a brand new development that a Memorandum of Understanding-MoU on the principles of joint activity on development of transport connections and organization of cargo transportation was signed between Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan in İzmir at the end of November. The signing parties announce with this MoU their intention to cooperate in establishment and promotion of multimodal route of intermodal transport train within the “Silk Wind” project, and organization of enabling environment by simplifying administrative and other relevant procedures in accordance with national legislation of the states of the Parties. Therefore, the Silk Wind project will overcome obstacles and challenges easily.

Foreign direct investment in turkish logistics sector

FDI in Logistics Sector

Rate in Service Sector

Total FDI














Source: UTIKAD

Railway PRO: What are the key factors which can contribute to improving the performance of rail transport on the EuropeAsia route? Cavit Uğur: According to the trade facilitation approach, simplified custom procedures at the borders and reducing customs formalities are the key elements for improving rail transport on Europe-Asia route. The coordination of the present rail freight projects and creation new rail freight projects between Europe and Asia are other key factors. Also rehabilitation of existing railway lines, modernization of rolling stock and infrastructure, improvement of block train routes and expansion of high-speed rail contribute to improving rail performance. Turkey is already renewing the railway lines between Istanbul and Europe in order to increase the performance of rail transport with Europe.

Для повышения пропускной способности грузов, Турция ставит на первое место железнодорожный транспорт Для обеспечения качественного соединения между Европой и Азией, но и для увеличения потоков грузов в этом регионе, Турция является одним из государств, активно вовлечённых во внедрение проектов, направленных на достижение указанных целей. До 2023 года, с помощью выделенных инвестиций, власти страны стремятся принести Турцию в первую десятку наиболее развитых стран мира. Для лучшего понимания целей властей в плане развития железнодорожной системы, увеличения доли рынка железнодорожных грузовых перевозок, проектов, которые предстоит внедрить и необходимости способствования торговому обмену, Кавит Угур, директор Ассоциации поставщиков логистических услуг Турции (UTIKAD) предоставил нам больше сведений. January 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

34 Market development

Hairatan – Mazar-i-Sharif defines Afghanistan as freight transit hub [ by Elena Ilie ]

Hairatan – Mazar-i-Sharif line project is part of the transport strategy and of the action plan of the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation and aims to increase traffic volumes and to consolidate Afghanistan’s position as freight transit hub.


Photo: www.andrewgrantham.co.uk

unded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) with USD165 Million, with a government share of USD 5 Million, the 75-km long Hairatan – Mazar-i-Sharif railway highlights the cooperation between Afghanistan and Uzbekistan, both member countries of the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Program. The Hairatan–Mazar-e-Sharif railway is part of a larger rail network planned across the north and other parts of the country. It was built by Uzbekistan Railways, company which will operate the line for three years. The program includes links to Herat (western Afghanistan) and further to Iran and to the east to Shirkhan Bandar (Tajikistan) and Pakistan. The project also adds capacity to two CAREC transport corridors—Corridor 3 and Corridor 6. Afghanistan’s first train route is considered a milestone as it connects the country to its neighbours in Central Asia and opens up new trade routes for goods travelling between Europe and Asia. Afghanistan has never had a functional rail network, though many projects have been initiated and later abandoned, victims of manoeuvres of the 19th-century rivalry between Russia and Britain due to the intention of both countries of disputing control over the Central Asian state. The political situation in the early 20th century has not favoured the initiation of other railway projects either. A few rail projects

in the 1980s were abandoned and later years of bitter civil war made such construction impossible. Today we can say that Hairatan–Mazar-iSharif railway is on the right path for a country that has long waited for good news. It also could be a key route for the US troop withdrawal that will continue until 2014, eventually, a gateway for Afghan exports. In the short term the service will help release a bottleneck at Hairatan dry port that is now holding up goods while they are loaded from trains and onto trucks for a hazardous journey over Afghanistan’s northern mountain roads.

Appendix 1: CAREC Corridors Map


Iletsk Aktobe


Kandagash Atyrau















6b ,c





Lugovaya Taraz Arys


6a Bukhara


Alat Turkmenabad



aha r




Kara Balta


KYRGYZ REPUBLIC Chuanwulu Shankou

Chukursay Kokand Andijan










Jalalabad Torkham


Landi Kotar

Gulam Khan



ar ad Gw hi/

rac Ka PAKISTAN Chabahar Gwadar

Arabian Sea


Tia nji n

Хайратан - Мазар-и-Шариф определяет Афганистан как товарный транзитный узел



Cha b









Persian Guff


Kara Suu Torugart Kanibadam Osh Gulcha Samarkand Irkeshtam Khujand Sary-Tash Istaravshan Kushat Ayni Tursunzade Tash Guzar DUSHANBE Karamik Kashi Ulukeqiati Baisun Kumkurgan Kurgan-Tube Termez Kumla Pass Hairatan Nizhni Pianj Khorong Shargun Sherkhan








Syrdaryinskaya Khavast Djizak






Islam Qala


Ala Shankou

CA CA REC RE -6c C-5


,b 6a CRE -3b CA REC CA


darAbb as

Ba nd ar -A bb as


a EC-3Sarakhs CAR
















Aral Sea






Caspian Sea


Ulaanbaishint Olgiy





Appendix 1




CAREC-6a Aksarayskaya


CAREC Corridors Map

b EC-4 CAR

-1b ,c REC CA EC-6b R CA

CA RE C1a ,c

“This dry port of Hairatan is where the bulk of commercial cargo is coming from into the country, so it is very important,” said Juan Miranda, head of Central and West Asia department of the Asian Development Bank, which funded the project. Uzbekistan Railways is to build a new railway from Mazar-i-Sharif to Andkhoy in western Afghanistan. This railway section is part of the project to construct a railway line in Afghanistan with a total length of 2,000 kilometres from Mazar-i-Sharif through Kabul and Kandahar. The board of directors of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) has recently approved a multi-tranche loan worth USD 734 Million (EUR 550 Million) to the Afghan Government to rehabilitate roads and construct railway lines in the country.

INDIA Karachi Port Qasim

Source: www.carecprogram.org

www.railwaypro.com | January 2013


CAREC Participating Countries CAREC 1: CAREC 2: CAREC 3: CAREC 4: CAREC 5: CAREC 6: Feeder Corridors: 100 200 300 400 Kilometers

International boundaries are not necessarily authoritative






Проект линии Хайратан - Мазар-иШариф является частью транспортной стратегии и плана действий Региональной программы Экономического сотрудничества в Центральной Азии, а его цель - увеличение транспортных потоков и укрепление положения Афганистана в качестве товарного транзитного узла.

Conferences 2013 Investments in Developing Romanian Railways

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CLUB FEROVIAR CONFERENCES 8th edition, 24 & 25 April 2013, Constanţa


3rd International Technical Colloquium on Freight Rolling Stock


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36 Market development

2013 - the privatization year of railway freight operators in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe? [ by Elena Ilie ]


Poland, which has the second largest railway freight transport company in the EU, is not hurrying with the sale, on the contrary, the company has dedicated to an aggres- interest in the railway freight transport opsive campaign of acquisitions abroad. Both erators in Bulgaria, Slovakia and Greece. In Bulgaria and Romania delay the privatisa- turn, PKP Cargo has expressed its intenmain growth drivers for rail transport to be in Europe + Switzerland) by ap-tothe tion process. In demand Poland, the(EU27 national rail-was uption participate in CFR Marfa’sproved privatiproximately eight per cent year-on-year. However, it container traffic, which had also played a central role way freight transport company PKP Cargo sation and in the takeover of smaller railfomust be taken into account that these statistics do not prior to the crisis. The vigorous improvement in reign trade and recovery of the domesticit economy include dataseveral for Rail Cargo Austria, way nor theoperators has been on theyetsale listanyfor years, intheGermany where owns complete annual data for some other railways. For exa- provided high growth rates for both the maritime as but the process mple, has the been delayed because an operation license. In the first half of the data for Fret SNCF refers only to the first nine well as the continental combined transport segments. new privatisation recommendations year, Cargo a profit of PLN In keeping withrecorded the overall economic developments months of 2010, and these figureshave do not include per- PKP in the European all rail freightaoperators formance by its foreignplayers companies.have According to initial appeared and new important 99 Million (EURcountries, 24.3 not Million), result reports in the press, traffic performance by SNCF’s rail profited to the same extent from the economic upexpressed interests, for example Russian similar to that in 2011. The Polish railway freight operator in its home market of France decreased swing, although there were only a very few exceptions Railways. Currently, the company isaround 91%25 billion operator owns around 3,550 locomotives the trend was preceded by a minus sign. by approximately 5.5 per cent to ton- where ne-kilometres (t-km) of for 2010 as a whole. However, Poland, the second-largest rail freight market in owned by the Polish Ministry Finances. and 50,730Inwagons. the figure includes the company’s activities out- Europe, there was above-average growth in traffic perPKP controls 9%when of the freight transport. In The latest information shows that PKP side France (especially Captrain), t-km performance is formance amounting to almost 15 per cent in 2010, after 2011, the government intended tosignificantly. sell 50% will sellthebetween 25% and16 per 50% expected to have increased decline of approximately cent minus during theone ecoAccording to DB’s estimates, trafficshare perfor- in nomic crisis. The railways achieved improveplus one share in PKP Cargo to own a strategic PKP Cargo in 2013, thea slight company’s mance in the European rail freight market rose by ap- ment in their share of the modal split again after the investor. Over 10 bidders showed interest CEO Jakub Karnowski said. proximately 8.5 per cent on the whole and was thus in downward trends of the previous years. PKP Cargo, in the acquisition. The controlling now remain line with the trend for the German market, i.e. stronwhich dominatesstake the rail will freightfor market in Poland, reger than road haulage slightlyPKP weaker thanin inland sponded to slump Sale of the preceding by impleThe Polish press also writesandthat the hands ofthePKP. of the year remaining The dynamic recovery in the steel and coal menting cost-cutting measures as well as sharp reducCargo’s sale wasshipping. delayed due to the inter- shares would be carried out. sector, a key sector for the incumbents and one which tions in prices and consequently not only raised its traffic est of companieshadinsuffered Russia and inGermany The willperensure necdrastically 2009, contributed to the transaction performance (+14.6 cent) butthe also funds its intramodal in performance. However, signi- for market position. One yearof after the rollout of the as well. However,overall theimprovement government said that essary the payment debts, but inconsocase ficant positive impetus on demand for transport also lidated DB Schenker Rail Polska, the company now it did not delay came privatisation and that the it doesn’t take place, PKP will consider isfrom other sectors which had been badly hit by ranks second in the Polish rail transport market. It has company shouldthebecrisis, ready sale in 2013. pay for its loans. suchfor as automotive and chemicals.suing One of bonds achieved to a significant increase in traffic performance and tonnage compared with the preceding year, although Russian Railways (RZD) has also shown Most European rail freight operators registered strong growth Most European rail freight operators registered strong growth

Traffic performance uptonne-kilometres, to 12/2010year-on-year (billionchange tonneTraffic performance up to 12/2010 (billion in per cent) kilometres, year-on-year change in per cent)

DB Schenker Rail, Germany PKP Cargo, Poland SNCF Fret , France CD Cargo, Czech Republic

105.8 (+12.6%) 34.3 (+14.6%) 25.0 (–5.5%) 1) 13.6 (+7.5%)

SBB Cargo, Switzerland

13.1 (+12.3%)

Trenitalia Cargo, Italy

11.2 (–11.8%) 2)

Source: DB - Competition Report 2011 1) Figure for 2010 in home market of France (excl. foreign companies), figures rounded

www.railwaypro.com | January 2013 Sources: UIC, DB data, press releases

2) Figure up to November 2010, excl. TX Logistik

PKP Cargo is a strong competitor, especially in the sector of coal transports. Nevertheless, it did not entirely succeed in defending its market share. Its competitor CTL Rail also sustained losses, which are however attributable to the significant decrease in traffic performance. The rail freight operator Lotos Kolej registered a noticeable increase in tonne-kilometres and market share, closing the gap on CTL Rail. In France, the third-largest rail freight market in Europe, performance was stable after the decrease of roughly 15 per cent during the crisis, but the trend was significantly lower than the European average. Although one of the reasons is the high number of strike days in France, the sluggish liberalisation of the French rail market continues to play a crucial role. This is reflected in rail’s market share which, unlike the situation in Germany for example, did not rise again after the crisis. The intramodal share of the DB subsidiary Euro Cargo Rail SAS, on the other hand, improved slightly. DB estimates that demand for transport in the British rail freight market remained virtually constant compawith the preceding year. Whilst the figures for the Source:red OSJD Statistics transport of building materials, metal and containers recovered from the economic crisis, international and oil transports remained at a low level. Over the year as a whole, coal transports slumped by roughly one quarter.

Photo: www.goederenwagens.nl

ungary is the only neighbour country of Romania that has privatised railway freight transport. Poland, Bulgaria and Romania as well delay the privatisation although each of the three countries has announced their intention to initiate the privatisation of their national freight transport companies at least three times so far.

In 2013, PKP wants to repay some PLN 1 Billion (EUR 243 Million) of its PLN 4.5 Billion (EUR 1 Billion) debt next year. BDZ Cargo struggles in debts Nevertheless, Bulgarian authorities have announced their intention to privatise the railway freight operator BDZ Cargo several times, yet without any success. In June 2012, the Bulgarian Government opened a tender for the privatisation of the debt-struck BDZ Cargo. BDZ Holding, manager of both passenger and freight operation, hopes to collect BGN 200-250 Million (EUR 128 Million) of the sale, funds that could ensure a second loan from the World Bank. The company needs the money to pay for its pending debts which amounted to BGN 743 Million at the end of April 2012. In October 2011, the nominal value of BDZ Cargo’s assets was estimated at BGN 320 Million.

Freight traffic

If in July 2012 six investors including Grup Feroviar Român expressed their interest in the privatisation, in September 2012, the government in Sofia announced that just one candidate, a financial investor, had sent an offer including the requested information. That is why the deadline for submitting offers was extended. In this new attempt of sale, Bulgaria will reduce the starting price, initially set at EUR 102 Million. According to Bulgarian estimates, BDZ Cargo market cost varies between EUR 60 and 130 Million, while Bulgaria’s privatisation agency estimated the company at EUR 97-128 Million. BDZ Cargo has a fleet of 220 locomotives of which 164 are in operation for over 30 years and 4,859 cars, third of which older than 30 years. To take over BDZ’s cargo division, the future buyer will have to invest in the year following the takeover at least EUR 50 Million in the acquisition of new freight transport locomotives and wagons. The future tender to be organised for the privatisation of BDZ Cargo will have new requirements for the candidates, the head of the Bulgarian Privatisation Agency Emil Karanikolov announced. The new requirements are for a EUR 250 Million turnover annually for the past three years, instead of the previous EUR 400 Million. For financial companies the requirement will be for a turnover of EUR 700 Million for each of the past three years, instead of the previous EUR 1 Billion. Bulgaria will lower the initial price tag of BGN 200 Million of the cargo unit of Bulgarian State Railways (BDZ) in the second attempt to sell it, due to the tough conditions in which the company was operating since the beginning of 2012, according to Plamen Dzhurov head of BDZ’ freight division. The Bulgarian Government through its Privatization Agency embarked on a new campaign to privatize BDZ Cargo in November 2012. The announcement, posted on the Agency’s site, informs that only strategic and financial investors will be allowed to bid. Strategic investors must have experience in freight railways transport in the last five years, a license to carry out such services, a safety certificate, and minimum annual re-venues of EUR 100 Million in the last

Photo: novinite.com

Market development 37

three years. Financial investors must manage assets and have stakes in other companies for no less than EUR 400 Million annually for the last three years. Consortiums, offshore companies, and individuals with debts to the State cannot apply. According to the Minister of Transport Ivaylo Moskovski the money from the privatization would be used to pay off the debt and the rest, along with a loan in the amount of EUR 460 Million the World Bank is willing to grant, would be used for the modernization of the railways. 20% of CFR Marfa’s stakes might be sold The economic recession has severely hit railway freight transport operators in the east and south-east of Europe and the decreasing volumes as well as the aggressive competition of European giants seem to suffocate every gesture of these smaller operators to reach the surface. CFR Marfă makes no exception although was the only profitable state-owned company in 2007.

Transported goods - Romania (thou tones)

Bulgarian rail compared with EU

Railway Road Inland waterways Maritime Air Source: www.worldbank.org

The years that came brought nothing but losses. Thus, if in 2008 the Romanian state was planning to ask EUR 1 Billion for the sale of CFR Marfa, in the last period privatisation costs have not been revealed, but also intentions of privatisation for the sale of either 20% of shares or the full package of shares. According to the agreement with the International Monetary Fund, CFR Marfa should have been privatised by 31 December 2012. Polish and Czech investors have expressed their intention in taking over CFR Marfă and the privatisation process is expected to stir the interest of Romanian carriers as well, Constantin Zaharia, the company’s general manager, said. “We have already begun to have contracts with potential investors. Polish and Czech investors have contacted us and we also hear from domestic investors that they want to talk to us”, said Zaharia during a public debate on privatisation organised by the Romanian Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure (MTI) who fully owns CFR Marfă. Horaţiu Buzatu, Deputy Secretary Gen-

2008 66,711 354,605 30,295

2009 50,596 293,409 24,743

2010 52,932 174,551 32,088

2011 60,723 183,629 29,396

Q1 2012 12,517 28,763 4,738

50,449 27

36,021 24

38,118 26

38,918 26

8,230 0.69

Source: Club Feroviar - Railway Freight Market Report

January 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

Photo: Club Feroviar

38 Market development

Rail Freight Wider Black Sea Area Countries Bulgaria Hungary Poland Romania

Tonnes carried


14 4.7 271 60.7

3,247 9,118 53,841 14,719



Source: UIC, Club Feroviar, Ministry of Transport & Infrastructure Romania, Hungarian Statstical Office, Bulgarian National Institute of Statistics

eral MTI and coordinator of CFR Marfă’s activity and privatisation process, said that the privatisation process of the freight transport operator is made following a strategy which is “rather criticised, but which is not the final document, but the general framework, followed by specific norms. “First of all, we want to get the best possible price. Our interest is not to get rid of CFR Marfă, but the state to gain as much as possible from this privatisation”, said Buzatu. In 2012, CFR Marfa’s capital was of EUR 56 Million, balance assets of around EUR 300 Million, debts of EUR 450 Million and annual losses of EUR 50 Million. The Rowww.railwaypro.com | January 2013

manian company has a rolling stock fleet of 1,000 locomotives and 30,000 wagons. According to the latest information, “CFR Marfa will have private management and 20% of its shares will be put to sale. I don’t think that companies with losses should be privatised. First of all, we must have profit and then we can think about privatisation, declared the new Romanian Minister of Transport Relu Fenechiu on 22 December 2012. Despite multiple problems, CFR Marfa is leader of the domestic railway freight transport market. With or without losses, with more or less obsolete assets, with for or against privatisation opinions, the one thing to be sure is

that these companies need restructuring, revitalisation or privatisation. We can only wait to see if in 2013, as scheduled, or later. Their importance as European railway players is not at all insignificant and the active policies of the European Union show that the years to come will bring a new dawn for railway freight transport, a new beginning after the economic recession.

2013 год – год приватизации железнодорожных грузовых операторов в Восточной и Юго-Восточной Европе? Венгрия - единственное соседствующее с Румынией государство, которое приватизировало железнодорожные грузовые перевозки. Поляки, болгары но и румыны задерживаются с процессом приватизации, несмотря на то, что каждое из трёх указанных государств объявляло как минимум трижды до сих пор о своём намерении организовать тендер ввиду приватизации государственных грузовых компаний.



Simplification in locating and tracking freight [ by Elena Ilie ]

Freight should be identifiable and locatable regardless of the mode it is transported on in the European Union. A necessary condition for this is that standard interfaces within the various transport modes are put in place and their interoperability across modes is assured. The European Commission has announced that it would create the appropriate legislative framework for the deployment of tracking and tracing technologies and other technological components contributing to the e-Freight concept, while ensuring the appropriate technical security for the protection of personal data and the compliance with data protection legislation.


he simplification of freight and transport information exchange could substantially reduce the cost of multimodal transport. This concerns in particular the possibility for economic operators to provide information only once – in electronic form – (“single window”) and to have the goods and vehicles controlled only once and at the same place (the much-debated “one stop administrative shop”). Such development will require connecting and completing the networks for the exchange of information between administrations and for facilitating the access to this information by businesses. This vision of a paper-free, electronic flow of information associating the physical flow of goods with a paperless trail built by ICT includes the ability to track and trace freight along its journey across transport modes and, in line with the EU competition rules, to automate the exchange of content-related data for regulatory or commercial purposes. This will be made more practical and affordable by emerging technologies such as radio frequency identification (RFID) and the use of global satellite navigation systems such as Galileo. There current weaknesses and gaps in liability regimes are both within sectors and across sectors. The absence of a European liability regime for relations between railway undertakings and infrastructure managers represents a barrier to the entry on the

SOURCE: http://europa.eu

rail market by operators of other Member States. Information technology instruments should be broadly implemented within the primary transport network of the European Union to simplify administrative procedures, to localise and track goods, improve timetables and the traffic flow (e-Freight). These instruments should be encouraged by demanding their implementation within the TEN-T infrastructure and by progressively integrating modal systems. “The e-Freight system for customer assistance has been developed especially for Rail Cargo Hungaria and its partners. The aim of the IT programme consists in ensuring the exchange of electronic data and revealing these data within the technological processes of the freight transport activity”, declared

the representatives of Rail Cargo Hungaria. The International Rail Transport Committee (CIT) believes that adopting the information technology is a method for rail undertakings to stay competitive. The faster they can answer to the customers’ demands, the better, this being the ultimate criterion in determining the customer’s choice of supplier. A balance has to be drawn between security procedures fulfilling the highest requirements and the free flow of trade. For instance, the overall added value and the effects of full, 100% container screening on trade flows would have to be carefully considered before making decisions. Smart technologies can be used to avoid delays. Standardisation and best practice can be used to minimise the effects of security requirement on trade flows.

Упрощение поиска и отслеживания грузов

SOURCE: http://europa.eu

Грузы необходимо идентифицировать и локализовать по всей территории Европейского союза, независимо от вида используемого транспорта. В этой связи, необходимым условием является создание стандартизованных интерфейсов в рамках различных видов транспорта. January 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

40 Market development

Khorgos-East Gate helps Kazakhstan grow as logistics hub between China and Europe

[ by Pamela Luică ]

Creating the best conditions for attracting direct foreign investments, developing exports, competitive production, transport and logistics industry and improving the transit potential of Kazakhstan between Europe and China are the main characteristics for which the authorities have decided to set up the free economic area “Khorgos-East Gate”. Due to its geographic position, the most important advantage consists in its potential to form an industrial cluster that delivers opportunities for the development of international cooperation.


he area is located in the south-east of Kazakhstan in Panfilovskiy, Almaty region, (1 km away of Kazakhstan’s border with China) and includes Khorgos International Centre for CrossBorder Cooperation, centres for trade activities, a negotiation platform (526 ha), a dry port, a complex for transport and logistics, an industrial area and a space for industrial companies. The project is included in the strategic plan for the development of Kazakhstan by 2020 and the total cost of the project is of around EUR 2.6 Billion, EUR 550 Million of which come from the state budget and around EUR 2 Billion from private investments. The area dedicated to container transport with a total capacity of 80,000 TEUs/year (container yard) requires investments of USD 29.78 Million which will be granted through a bank loan. As part of the Khorgos-Eastern Gates, the area dedicated to container traffic is the reloading point in Khorgoswhich will deliver all integrated services for the arrival and departure of trains which cross the

border of Kazakhstan and of China. For 2013, the company responsible for this project, Tranco Logistics Group, plans to implement the development of the main phases concerning the construction of the railways, of a terminal and of a building of offices and expects to launch container handling and transport operations by the end of 2014. The objectives of integration and development of the transport and logistics system are implemented by Kazakhstan Railways (KTZ) which signed a memorandum of cooperation in November 2012 with Kazyna Capital Management, BRK Leasing and Kazakhstan Development Bank for attracting investments and the financing of the projects included in the Khorgos - East Gate and in Khorgos International Cooperation Centre. In this context, Kazyna Capital Management will have to consider the possibilities of attracting investors to deliver direct investments, the Development Bank will be responsible for the financing of projects in the private business environment and the attraction of direct investments and BRK – Leasing

Logistics hub FEZ “Khorgos – Eastern Gates”

Logistics hub FEZ “Khorgos – Eastern Gates”

International Road Corridor WEST EUROPE – WEST CHINA E Extension i – 2 787 km 2 787 k

Development FEZ “Seaport Aktau”

Railways Jetigen – Altynkol – Khorgos 298,4 km

Railways Uzen – Bolashak 146 km

Logistics hub FEZ “Khorgos – East Gates”

Source: Tranco Logistics Group Ltd

www.railwaypro.com | January 2013

will grant financial services by making available loan instruments for the private sector. The free economic area “Khorgos-East Gate” will be connected to the logistics centres of Aktau Port, to those of Uzbekistan and China and will integrate the products delivered by Kazakhstan in the global production system, for the realisation and delivery of innovating and competitive products compliant to international standards. The development of a favourable investment area and the attraction of national and foreign investments for the implementation of projects will contribute to the development of Kazakhstan and China and of the entire region and will integrate the area in the transport system between Europe and Asia, not just at the level of trade. They will also generate the improvement of legislation and techniques for the administration and implementation of projects.

Через Хоргос Восточные Ворота Казахстан готовится стать логистическим узлом между Китаем и Европой Создание оптимальных условий для привлечения прямых иностранных инвестиций, развития экспорта, конкурентоспособного производства, транспорта и логистики и для улучшения пропускной способности Казахстана по оси Европа-Китай - это основные направления, в силу которых власти приняли решение создать свободный экономический район «Хоргос Восточные Ворота». Благодаря своему географическому расположению, наиболее важное преимущество заключается в потенциале формирования промышленного узла для создания возможностей в плане развития международного сотрудничества.

42 lex

China-Germany in 19 days [ by Elena Ilie ]

The progressive globalisation of the market for transport creates new challenges for the railways. The major challenge is to provide for movement of freight between Europe and Asia by land over distances of over 10,000 km. On the key routes from Asia to Europe an increase in traffic of around 23% was forecast for 2011, while within Asia, a growth of 7% was anticipated. Operation of regular freight services by rail over the landbridge between China and Europe therefore moves closer and closer so the question of transport operators was no longer whether, but when.


t the end of October 2012, Russian Railways Logistics and its subsidiary YuXinOu (Chongqing) Logistics launched the first container trains between China and Europe that used the single CIM/SMGS consignment note. The multi-client train, which consists of 42 forty-foot containers, left Chongqing (China) on October 31 for Poland and Germany. Kaztransservice (Kazakhstan) and Belintertrans (Belarus) companies participated in this forwarding project as transit partners for Russian Railways Logistics. Moreover, this document reduces consumer spending on freight forwarding. The client is usually charged for re-issuing of the CIM consignment note in place of SMGS note for each shipment at the border stations. The CIM/SMGS Common

Freight Traffic Situation on July 2011

Consignment Note eliminates these extra payments. Development of the ChinaEurope corridor will lead to forwarding speed-up by up to two days (transport launched by Russian Railways Logistics and its Chinese subsidiary took 19 days) and will further expand the potential client base on this route. Rail freight shipments between Europe, Russia and Asia also represent significant transport potential. However, just 1% of this is currently being exploited, shows data from the International Transport Committee. Interest in rail shipments from the People’s Republic of China is also growing in Switzerland, especially for IT products or shoes and clothes. In September 2012, a Swiss retailer in cooperation with rail services provider InterRail dispatched a test

Freight Traffic Situation on July 2011

Source: UNECE

container from Shanghai to Switzerland. Such long-distance transports using the CIM/SMGS Consignment Note are growing attractive primarily for time-saving reasons and environmental considerations. CIT data show that the common CIM/ SMGS consignment note is used for more than fifty traffic flows over four TEN corridors and so covers more than half the CIM/ SMGS traffic, three quarters of this traffic consists of containers, at less than 5% single wagonload traffic plays a minor role. The use of the common CIM/SMGS consignment note leads to a saving of some forty minutes per wagon or eight to ten hours in the total transit time of a train. Discontinuing the transcription of CIM and SMGS consignment notes provides a saving of some EUR 40 per consignment.

Китай - Германия за 19 дней Прогрессивная глобализация транспортного рынка обусловливает возникновение новых вызовов железным дорогам. Основной вызов заключается в обеспечении наземных грузовых перевозок между Европой и Азией на расстояния более 10.000 километров.

SMGS CIM CIM + SMGS Source: CIT 18.04.2011 www.railwaypro.com | January 2013


Policies & Strategies

Container transport develops constantly


[ by Pamela Luică ]

Intermodal railway transport, including universal cars and containers gains ground compared to other types of long-distance freight transport organization due to its benefits regarding the freight delivery process: the capacity of the freight volume is much higher and the partnerships signed between companies contribute to the simplification of border crossing procedures, as well as the use of electronic systems and efficient transport connections which significantly reduce transit and transport time. Organised in container trains, universal and specialized cars, railway transport can overcome obstacles and can easily answer to the challenges launched both by the varied transport market and the latest customer requirements. To approach the problems of railway companies, the countries involved have to adopt joint positions aimed at eliminating barriers and at increasing the freight transit and implicitly the transport of higher volumes of goods.


n this context, Moldovan Railways route Bender/Reni/Giurgiuleşti/Galaţi – (CFM) has signed a partnership Giurgiu/Ruse to Greece and Turkey. “The with RZD (Russia), Ukrzaliznytsia priorities of the project consist in increas(Ukraine) and KTZ (Kazakhstan) on im- ing the quality of the transport services, replementing the project for the delivery ducing travelling times, providing facilities of logistics services for container traffic at border crossings and during customs on Western Europe-China axis (via the controls”, said CFM in a statement. Republic of Moldova and Romania), the Another project to be developed is trains to be operated being equipped with the Viking project which involved first universal cars, specialized containers and Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine, then refrigerating containers. In order to help the companies in the ports of Klaipėda, the service develop, the four companies Odessa and Ilyichevsk. The distance of plan to involve railway managers as well 1,734 km is covered in 48 hours and the as operators, forwarders, investors and time for crossing the EU border is 30 mineconomic agents interested to participate utes. The performance of this service has in the project aimed to deliver railway made countries launch regular transport container transport services with the capa- services at the beginning of 2012. Also, as city of 20-40 ft. The cars will form a of December 2012, Lithuania and Ukraine special train that will run through the have decided to continue adopting new Republic of Moldova on the route China measures for promoting the Viking rail(Urumqi) – Alashankou/Dostyk – Iletsk 1/ way transport connections. Therefore, in A FACILITATOR Kanissay – Suzemka/Zernovo –EWTCA Cuciurgan/ AS December, the representativesAND of the two Novosavitskaza – BenderCATALYST – Ungheni/ OF countries have decided to implement proTHE INTERREGIONAL KristeshtiZhizhiya, and further on the grammes to attract other countries in the


EWTCA as a facilitator and catalyst of the interregional projects - SHUTTLE TRAIN “VIKING“

Транспорт контейнеров развивается стабильно

Functioning from 2003 6 times per week; 52 hours; 1 700 km; In 2011 carried 56 hous. TEU, or increased 33,97 percent compared to 2010. In 2011 Georgia and Moldavia joined Viking. Intermodal Award for best-practices 2009.

2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003

56 003 41804 39 517 34 015 40 066 23 464 14 923 1 897 17 0

10 000

20 000

EAST WEST TRANSPORT CORRIDOR ASSOCIATION Source: East West Transport Corridor Association

30 000

40 000

project, especially in order to expand the route to the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea. According to statistics, the freight volume on this route increased in 2012 and in the first 10 months Viking trains carried 11.6 thousand TEU in Ukraine compared to only 2.3 thousand TEU in the same period of 2011. These transport services are aimed to maximise the capacity of trains and the freight volumes in ports thus contributing to reducing CO2 emissions and increasing the use of infrastructure. If at the beginning, these services were confronted with problems concerning technical aspects (lack of adequate rolling stock), information (different IT standards and documents), organisation (different interests and instructions), legal aspects (different regulations and legislations), economy and policy (lack of international agreements), a significant part of these problems has been eliminated through joint approaches and the conclusion of agreements between interested parties.

50 000

60 000


Интермодальный железнодорожный транспорт с использованием универсальных вагонов и контейнеров расширяется всё больше по сравнению с другими видами товарных перевозок на дальние расстояния, благодаря своим преимуществам в процессе доставки грузов. Для того, чтобы касаться вопросов, с которыми сталкиваются железнодорожные компании, заинтересованные государства должны принять общие позиции, нацеленные на устранение барьеров и увеличение пропускной способности для грузов и, вместе с тем, для перевозки гораздо больших объёмов грузов. January 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

44 Market development

Baltic States, a gateway to Asia [ by Pamela Luică ]

Baltic States play an important role in ensuring traffic flows between Asia and Europe and the conclusion of partnerships for facilitating trade is essential for the transport of goods on the corridors which cross the abovementioned countries. The establishment of sustainable transport corridors on the east-west axis stimulates transport volumes, infrastructure capacity and reduces the delivery time. For example, the idea of elaborating the transport corridor in this direction (as part of the INTERREG III B programme and of the Baltic Sea Programme 2007-2013) has triggered the elimination of transport bottlenecks: the traffic congestion problem was solved, the border crossing procedures were harmonised, measures for reducing the environmental impact were introduced and IT traffic management systems were implemented.


EU 27 trade with China grows

EU 27 trade with China grows ccording to the analysis “Global Billions of euros Study on Trade and Transports Imports Exports Balance in the East-West Transport Corridor” elaborated by SWECO AB Company 400,0 (Sweden) in 2012, the value of trade on the east-west axis was of EUR 552 Billion 292,1 282,5 300,0 (2010) and the annual value of goods was estimated at around EUR 12.7 Billion.Consolidated Annual Report 2011 na Sadam 214,1 Also, the GDP of the countries located (Translation of the200,0 Estonian Original) on this corridor will double by 2030 and 136,2 altic ports somewhat decreased. The market of the as Russian ports was 53%, Latvian ports 19.4%, Estonian and 113,3 again by 2050. Assharelong transport de82,3 100,0 an ports 14.1% and 13.1% respectively. mands depend on the GDP growth, transk retained the title of theon largest on the eastern Corridor shore of the Baltic Sea (market share of 18%), staying ahead of St. port theportEast-West will record urg (market share of 14%). Primorsk has a the pipeline connection with close to a 75-million-ton annual capacity to the growth just like GDP. “Therefore, the 0,0 ft pipeline system for crude oil and an 8.4-million-ton capacity oilpotential product terminal,for making it the Russian port with the Corridor has an immense oil export volume, handling a thirdgrowth. of all crude oilThe exported via ports in 2011. By cargo volume, Klaipeda port rose to the transport volume of freight sition, passing Tallinna Sadam byis 0.12 million tons. Tallinna Sadam’s share was 8.8% in 2011, a decrease from -100,0 transport expected to grow bymarket 100%. 2010. The corridor contributes to the sustain-131,8 -155,9 able development of the transport sys-169,3 -200,0 SULTS OF OPERATIONS tem and provides connections between 2009 2010 2011 oved more successful for AS Tallinna Sadam and than expected. The feared decrease in cargo volume, due to the opening transport hubs facilitates mobility Source: Sweco uga port’s liquidneeds cargo terminal, did the not take place andSea the overall cargo volume retained the level of 2010. All cargo from Baltic transport marSource: EU Commission 2012 kets and countries topassengers China. Thea new high, exceeding the level of xcept dry bulk, increased and theeastern number of both line and cruise reached involved in thisto project to on theLithuania Estonia, interested development strategy which included the n passengers forcountries the first time. Good results contributed the increase plan of revenues, other hand growthand of develop totoincrease theoperating rate profit towith collaborate inauguration of an office in China (in Nog costs remained smaller than partnerships predicted, which enabled earn a comparable the previous year. with China the corridor in the east-west transport vember 2012) and “this action will help most importantofstrategic event, a contract was concluded with an operator for building a container terminal and extension’s to promote increase the A significant contribution to these posi- expand and consolidate the relationships ucture onto themarket container terminal area thatand was finished in 2010 in Muuga Harbor. The operator shall mobility demandtheofterminal sustainof the railway company with the railway ecessary serviceinternational equipment in the terminal and as per estimations; shall begin totive serve results containers inwas 2013. that of railways and ports able transport. which constantly manage to optimise vo- company in China and with interested parlumes. Under these circumstances, the Bal- ties. Cooperation with this country will go volume tic States are every day more aware of the help us implement advanced technologies Cargo Volume Cargo volume importance of trade with the Asian States and will increase the freight volume be40 by implementing projects and programmes tween Lithuania and China”, declared the 36.6 36.5 for optimising freight flows. General Manager of Lietuvosgeležinkeliai, 36.0 Thus, for Lithuania, China is one of the StasysDailydka. 35 most important partners in Asia. In 2011, “The decision to open this point in China 31.6 the volume of trade increased and Lithua- was encouraged by the global economic 29.1 30 nia exported goods estimated at EUR 58 and geo-political trends. This will enable Million and imported products worth the joint implementation of projects in the EUR 5.5 Billion. For Lithuanian Railways transport market between Asia and Eu25 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 (Lietuvosgeležinkeliai), the initiation of rope”, declared VaidotasBalynas, Director with China is part of the draft of the Lithuanian company’s office. the cargo volume passing harbors of AS Tallinn Sadam decreased by 0.2 million projects tons (0.5%) to 36.5 million Source:through Port ofthe Tallinn millions of tons


is was due to the fall in dry bulk (1.4 million tons or 26%), which exceeded the increase in other cargo types. Largest

January 2013 n volumes was www.railwaypro.com related to liquid cargo (0.6 |million tons or 2%), containers (0.2 million tons or 18%, 30% in TEUs) and

2 million tons or 4%). The most rapid growth in relative terms was recorded for general cargo, holding a minor share in



Market development EWTC – the line that doesn’t go unnoticed !


EWTC – the line that doesn’t go unnoticed !

Saule line

(shuttle container train)


Klaipėda Astana


Dostik Ürümqi

Afghanistan Shuttle container train “Saule” (10928 km, 13 days)



Source: Vytautas Naudužas Ambassador for Energy and Tranport Policy- Lithuania

The importance of increasing cooperation with the east has also become an important issue for Estonia. To that end, the Port of Tallinn has signed a cooperation agreement with the Chinese state agency CCOEC (China National Corporation for Overseas Economic Cooperation) on facilitating industrial parks for China’s export companies. “The contact network of CCOEC in China will significantly improve the visibility of the industrial parks located in the Port of Tallinn and will promote the opportunities created by the Chinese companies to the Port of Tallinn”, declared Ain Kaljurand, member of Port of Tallinn Board. According to the report “GILD 100 2012 – the most valuable companies in Estonia”,

the Port of Tallinn ranks 8th among the 100 companies as current market value. The Port of Muuga (the largest cargo port in Estonia) and Paldiski Port have a strong connection in the distribution chain of the goods delivered by Chinese companies which could establish production and distribution centres in Estonia. On the other hand, “ports offer services on customs processes and the EU legislative environment and their position is strategic and connects them to the markets in northwestern Russia”, declared Kaljurand. Currently, the Port of Muuga develops extension projects consisting in the construction of a container terminal. Works are carried out by the Russian company Rail Garant and according to the Rail Garant Estonia

Freight Flows in 2001-2011 EU 27 trade with China grows


mln. Tkm



30 20




29,2 11 457

11 637





12 457 12 896

14 373 14 748

13 431

20000 16000




Страны Прибалтики - мост в Азию

15 088


11 888

9 767 7 741

10 0

8000 4000 0

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Source: Lietuvos geležinkeliai


mln. T 60

Director, Pavel Makarov, the company has to finalize the works of the first phase of the project (including the construction of the railway line) by the summer of 2013. By the end of 2013 all works have to be completed so that the terminal could be commissioned in 2014. The capacity of the terminal will be of 300,000 TEUs by 2015. In January-October 2012, the freight volume handled in the eastern ports of the Baltic Sea increased by 6.3% (17.58 million tonnes). According to the category of goods, the impact of this growth was determined by the volume of oil (+ 10.6 million tonnes), coal (+5.4 million tonnes) and container freight (+ 2 million tonnes).

Страны Прибалтики играют важную роль в обеспечении транспортных потоков по оси Азия-Европа, а образование партнёрств для облегчения товарообмена является существенным для перевозки товаров по коридорам, пересекающим заинтересованные государства. Важный вклад в рост объёмов транспорта вносят железные дороги и порты. В данном контексте Литва и Эстония, осознавая важность товарообмена с азиатскими странами, создают партнёрства с Китаем для увеличения товарных потоков. January 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

46 lex

Unified legislation for Eurasian railway transport [ by Elena Ilie ]

The Political Declaration on establishing a unified Eurasian railway transport law was approved in November 2012 and the long-term goal consists in harmonizing the provisions of this legislation. All the other transport modes enjoy common legislation in international transport.


hat would a common legisla- European Union at the next meeting of the tion mean for Eurasian railway Inland Transport Committee. The Declatransport? It would mean de- ration is designed to express the relevant velopment and the introduction of an ap- political will of the transport ministers repropriate and efficient international legal sponsible regarding the harmonisation of transport system, it would facilitate the Eurasian rail transport law. international trade of goods and services, Under the approved Political Declaration, it would also facilitate the development of the above-mentioned transport ministers new infrastructures on the routes China – invite interested railway freight companies, Kazakhstan – Mongolia, China – Europe, other stakeholders and international railIran – Pakistan or the North-South Cor- way organizations to pursue work on the ridor and it would offer a fair development development of optional model rules for level for railway freight transport between Euro-Asian rail transport contracts (GTC the two continents. EurAsia), show the data of the International In anticipation of the new unified legal Transport Committee. framework at government level, the EcoThis work should be in line with the prinnomic Commission for Europe (UNECE) ciples of optionality, of providing uniform supports the railway and railway organi- contracts, of being in line with the relevant sations involved in bringing about har- provisions of the COTIF/CIM Convention monized solutions on a contractual basis. and the SMGS Agreement and provide for a Therefore, at the last meeting of the “Rail- single (common) consignment note and, to way” Working Group on 9 November 2012, the extent possible, a single liability regime. the proposed Political Declaration prepared Within the project to make the CIM and by the Group of Experts was unanimously SMGS consignment notes legally interapproved. The planned UNECE Declara- operable, the International Rail Transport tion is to be signed on 26 February 2013 Committee (CIT)Scope and the Organisation CIM/SMG consignment note: of use by the transport ministers involved and the for Cooperation of Railways (OSJD) are

accordingly working as fast as they can on the implementation of a comprehensive contractual framework to allow these new traffics to be moved simply in administrative terms but with complete legal certainty. The CIT and OSJD are coordinating their work closely with the UNECE. A further step towards the consolidation of the legal interoperability has been taken with the set up of the Special Conditions of CIM/SMGS Liability (SC CIM/SMGS). These are standard provisions for liability in case of the loss of or damage to the goods. These special conditions replace the equivalent provisions in the separated CIM and SMGS, given that they are still optional, this will only be applied on a voluntary basis. Next steps Next steps

Rail routes that use CIM/SMGS SOURCE: UNECE 15

09-05-04 Moskva





Berlin Warszawa

Ilsenburg Duisburg

Mladá-Boleslav Main z

St Ingbert


Praha Jihlava



Унификация законодательства для евразийского железнодорожного транспорта



Bratislava Zaporizzja


В ноябре 2012 года была принята Политическая декларация по определению закона об евразийском железнодорожном транспорте. Долгосрочная цель заключается в унификации положений этого законодательства.




SOURCE: UNECE 09-05-04

www.railwaypro.com | January 2013


Policies & Strategies


Freight transport, major economic component in the WBSA Area [ by Elena Ilie ]

The countries around the Black Sea, characterized as members of the Wider Black Sea Area, although they are part of different geographical regions or structures, are joined together by the common interests related to the importance of this area in the commercial transit between Europe and Asia. Politically, they are located at the junction between the two fundamental structures of Europe and Asia: the European Union and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Even though there are differences when it comes to the standard 1.435 mm gauge in Eastern Europe and the 1.520 mm gauge in most countries in the Caucasus and Central Asia, two regions that make up the Wider Black Sea Area, they are, however, very important and they should be considered, because they raise many obstacles in the way of interoperability; they work together to establish special routes designed to increase freight traffic, thus contributing to the economic growth of the area. The economic growth is also enhanced by the location of these regions near the Black Sea, an element which generates numerous economic projects.


ew political strategies aim at a Eurasian platform every day more connected by rail freight transport. Therefore, either we are taking about the Trans-Siberian Network, the Trans-Asian Network, the North-South Corridor (Russia-Iran and then to India), Rail Baltica, TRACECA or the recently launched freight routes from Germany to Russia and China, these are only few of the attempts to revive and at the same time strengthen the position of long-distance rail freight transport with the purpose of emphasising its advantages compared to maritime transport from the point of view of a much more reduced travel time. Already, several countries in Central Asia and the Caucasus have begun to share a railway network similar to the European TEN-T, such as Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan,

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Pakistan, Turkmenistan and Russia (which already had a very vast railway network, but consolidates their strategic position in the Eurasian platform through massive investments in railway and intermodal transport) support more and more the development of rail freight transport. Ports which have a railway network benefit from increasing awareness and promotion. Many governments, from both Europe and the Eurasian platform, are currently trying to encourage shippers to use trains more often because of the environmental benefits, although the main disadvantage of rail freight is its lack of flexibility, but also the presence of physical and nonphysical barriers which have prevented the railway traffic of freight along international corridors. Practices such as containeriza-

tion aim at minimizing these costs. The main goal of creating rail freight dedicated routes in the Eurasian platform is to eliminate barriers, at least administrative obstacles, by underlining the advantages of railway routes against maritime long-distance routes. Once finalized, the North-South Corridor will be another example to support long-distance rail routes as it will significantly reduce the time goods spend on the road from the present 45-60 days to up to 25-30 days.

Eurasia: main routes and selected secondary routes of the Eurasian Land-Bridge Source: www.unescap.org

Грузовые перевозки крупная составляющая экономики Расширенного Черноморского пространства

Source: www.schillerinstitute.org

Страны, расположенные вокруг Чёрного моря, которые мы характеризуем как принадлежащие к Расширенному Черноморскому пространству, несмотря на то, что они принадлежат к разным географическим регионам и структурам, объединены общими интересами, связанными с важностью данного региона для торговых связей между Европой и Азией. January 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

48 Products & Technologies

Freight needs unique international transit [ by Elena Ilie ]

Although rail transport offers very significant advantages compared to its “competitors”, available data show that road freight transport still dominates the freight transport market in the European Union with a market share of more than 70% against a figure of 17% for rail. What are the advantages of a unique signalling system for freight operators?


oday, cross-border operations account for a major share of rail freight operators’ activities. Specialists from within the most important companies in the railway industry which deliver ERTMS solutions believe that investing in ERTMS today is a rational choice for freight operators that takes into account the evolution of the European rail network. Due to the existence of several signalling systems in Europe today, freight locomotives have to be equipped with the appropriate signalling systems – and even in some cases they must be changed at the border, increasing costs and travelling times. As a unique signalling system, ERTMS provides the solution to the lack of interoperability of the existing rail networks in Europe.

Can ERTMS help improve freight operations’ performance? Of course, besides interoperability, ERTMS offers advantages in terms of capacity, speed and reliability – three key components for successful rail operations. These advantages explain why almost 50% of all ERTMS investments are made outside Europe, countries such as China, Turkey and Taiwan having already implemented the ERTMS to a large extent. Already today ERTMS is used as a unique system on some crucial European freight routes such as the Betuweroute or the Lötschberg tunnel. Increasingly, passenger-lines equipped with ERTMS will be used for freight operations – for instance, in Italy, the use of High Speed lines for freight operations at night/off peak times

is foreseen. In total, an estimated 17,000 km of railway tracks are already contracted to work with ERTMS in Europe, 5,000 km of which are already in operation. The European ERTMS Deployment Plan that provides strong guarantees for freight operators wishing to equip their locomotives with ERTMS. Therefore, the plan foresees the equipment of more than 10,000 km of railway lines by 2015 and 25,000 km by 2020; this deployment is mandatory (part of EU Law). In fact, these lines consist in the 6 full ERTMS corridors (the busiest cross-border freight routes in Europe) and a list of designated freight lines (the ten freight corridors included in Regulation 913/2010). These requirements will also apply to freight locomotives (trains ordered after 2012 or put in service after 2015 will necessarily have to be equipped with ERTMS). Freight operators can already take advantage of version 2.3.0d whilst safeguarding their investment, for example by including “upgrade clauses” in contracts in order to guarantee that their rolling stock will be equipped with the baseline 3 of ERTMS as soon as it becomes available (in 2013 according to latest information).

Для товаров нужен единый международный транспорт

Source: ALSTOM

www.railwaypro.com | January 2013

Несмотря на то, что железнодорожный транспорт существенно выгоднее по сравнению со своими «конкурентами», доступные данные показывают, что автотранспорт грузов доминирует на транспортном рынке Европейского союза, с долей в размере 70% по сравнению с 17%, сколько было у железнодорожного транспорта грузов в 2012 году.

Longer trains for greener environment [ by Elena Ilie ]

Last year in December the European Union announced that it would support with EUR 5 Million from the TEN-T Programme a project to improve rail infrastructure at various locations in the UK in order to accommodate longer trains and reduce travel times. The project will eventually yield faster rail transport, additional capacity and, as a consequence, an improved environmental performance.


he project in the UK, which was selected for funding under the 2011 TEN-T Annual Call, will support the necessary works to accommodate 775 m-long freight trains at various locations between the port of Southampton on the southern English coast and the West Coast Main Line at Nuneaton via Eastleigh, Winchester, Basingstoke, Reading, Didcot, Oxford, Leamington and Bordesley including an additional diversionary route from Leamington to Nuneaton via Coventry. Station platforms will be lengthened to match the longer freight convoys and rail loops will also be readjusted on the affected sections. This will allow longer freight trains to travel from Southampton until the West Midlands and then further on to northern England and Scotland, thereby reducing the number of convoys on this stretch of infrastructure and improving multimodality. As part of the project, freight bottlenecks along the route will also be addressed and, by allowing more freight to be moved by fewer trains, there will be a positive impact on the environment. The project will be managed by the Trans-European Transport Network Executive Agency (TEN-T). The execution of the project began in April 2012 and is set to be completed by December 2014. Among the countries which have adapted their railway networks to permit the traffic of longer and heavier trains of 750 metres and 25 up to 30 tonnes are Sweden, Germany, France, Poland and Slovakia.

60th UITP World Congress and Mobility & City Transport Exhibition

Более длинные составы для более чистой окружающей среды Европейский союз выделит 5 миллионов евро через Программу TEN-T проекту, направленному на улучшение железнодорожной инфраструктуры в различных участках Великобритании. С помощью данного проекта существуют намерения расширить способность инфраструктуры ввиду использования более длинных товарных составов, тем самым обеспечивая и сокращение времени доставки грузов, дополнительную пропускную способность и улучшенную экологию.

Photo: wikimedia.org

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50 events

Lille prepares to welcome SIFER 2013 More than 450 leading companies are expected to take part in the next edition of France’s only regular rail technology show, which takes place at the Lille Grand Palais exhibition centre from 26 to 28 March. SIFER 2013 will be the eighth in a highly successful series of events that have become the country’s essential showcase for companies serving the entire rail market.


overing all fields of rail industry technology, products and services, SIFER has an especially strong focus on four main market sectors: rail infrastructure – including an On Track Display of equipment; rolling stock; rail vehicle interiors; and passenger transport technology. The On Track Display has been a highlight of previous shows and comprises four sections of track laid in the exhibition hall, presenting infrastructure machinery and equipment in a true railway setting. A regularly updated list of all exhibitors is available on the show website www.sifer2013.com Full supporting programme SIFER 2013 will also serve as a lively meeting place for policy-makers, rail operators and manufacturers, with a full programme of conferences, seminars and technical presentations to give valuable insights into the industry’s latest developments.

The Transport Commission of the Association des régions de France (ARF) will meet at the Lille venue during SIFER. This will be followed by the third conference and Grands Prix of the Regions Awards Ceremony, organised by Ville, Rail & Transports magazine, rewarding rail service innovation in the French regions. Also featured will be Innovation Awards presented by the i-Trans competitiveness cluster and a programme of seminars organised by AIF, which represents more

than 100 rail supply companies in Nordpas de Calais and Picardie. And SNCF will host its own Rolling Stock Supplier Convention during the show, briefing invited companies on its procurement policies and aims. With many other opportunities for representatives of all sectors of the industry to meet, including the ever-popular Networking Reception on the opening day, SIFER promises to be the essential rail event in France in 2013. A special discounted entry price of €20 is offered to visitors who pre-register via the show website www.sifer2013.com This offers a saving of €15 on the standard entry fee of €35 for visitors registering on arrival at the exhibition.

Photo: SIFER

This year’s event boasts an impressive list of show partners that include France’s

Ministry for Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, SNCF, national rail infrastructure agency RFF and the European Railway Agency. For the first time SIFER is also supported by the French Railway Industries Association (FIF), which will host a major conference discussing the future of the country’s rail industry during the exhibition. Show partners additionally include the influential Railenium technological research institute project co-ordinated by i-Trans, prominent rail industry suppliers associations from across France, and Agoria, the Belgian federation for technology industries.

Photo: SIFER

Лилль готовится встретить SIFER 2013

www.railwaypro.com | January 2013

Более 450 компании ожидаются для участия в следующий выпуск ярмарки железнодорожных технологий Франции, которая состоится в рамках выставочного центра Lille Grand Palais в период с 26 по 28 марта. SIFER 2013 является 8-м выпуском успешных мероприятий, ставших основным выставочным событием для компаний, работающих на железнодорожном рынке этой страны.

52 engineer

DRRSss-y bogie for rapid freight trains in Germany [ by Eng. Radu Costache ]


order to insure containers, the wagons were fitted with automatically verticallocking container pins. Main technical data can be consulted in the table below.

Tare weight

22,0 t

Type of wagons used for express freight trains

Max. payload (at 22,5 t axle-load)

68,0 t

Maximum axle-load at 100 km/h

22,500 t

Once the Inter Cargo Express service was introduced, German operator DB equipped its rolling stock fleet with flat wagons for the transport of Sgss-y 703 series containers (fig. 1) fitted with DRSS series Talbot bogies for maximum speeds of 160 km/h.

Maximum axle-load at 120 km/h

18,375 t

Maximum axle-load at 160 km/h

17,875 t

Loading height over rails

1.180 mm

Length over buffers

19.740 mm


Talbot DRRS

Brake equipment

<R> KE-GPR-A [D], EP

No. of brake cylinders


Wheel diameter

920 mm

Loading length

18.400 mm

Minimum curve radius

75 m

Fig. 1 Class Sgss-y 703 wagon

photo: www.dybas.de

ermany’s initiative in terms of railway high-speed freight transport was technically different from that of France (TGV Fret). The aim of this initiative was faster transport with rather heavy freight trains compared to TGV Postal. When the high-speed lines between Hanover and Würzburg and Stuttgart and Mannheim were opened, German Railways (DB) introduced the Inter Cargo Express service, primarily intended for intermodal transport (for example, maritime containers). Therefore, in June 1991, services began on the Bremen-Stuttgart and Hamburg-Munich routes. The trains operated at 160 km/h thus reducing the running time by 2 hours to about 8 hours between Bremen and Stuttgart and 9 hours between Hamburg and Munich. The trains consisted of 20 four-axle container wagons. The trains had a gross weight of 900 tonnes with a payload of 500 tonnes and were hauled by BR 120 series locomotives.

The chassis of the wagon is identical with that of conventional wagons, however, in www.railwaypro.com | January 2013

Description of the bogie used for class Sgss-y 703 wagons To negotiate the necessary braking distance for a train to stop from the speed of 160 km/h, the bogies have been fitted with a braking system with brake discs (as we all know, the brake block system is inefficient at speeds superior to 140 km/h). Thermal calculations have revealed that it is necessary to equip the bogie with three brake discs on each wheelset (fig. 2) so as to spread the high amount of energy compared to passenger cars running at speeds of 200 km/h and which have only two brake discs on each wheelset. Overall, the bogie has 6 brake discs and just as many brake cylinders.

Loading options

Fig. 2 Bogie DRRSss-y

photo: www.parostroj.net

Increasing freight transport speed has also imposed the technical adaptation of wagons so as to cope with speeds of up to 160 km/h. Therefore, for the Inter Cargo Express freight service, German railway operator DB has bought DRSS-bogie container wagons for maximum speeds of 160 km/h as early as 1991.

The bogie frame (fig.3) consists of two solebars, two frontal beams and a median beam. The pin which conveys forces between the bogie and the rest of the wagon is introduced in the median beam. The same median beam bears the brake cylinders and calipers. The fastening beams of the axle suspension (primary suspension) are welded on the solebars. They convey forces from the wheelsets to the bogie frame.

Containers max. 60’ or 2 x 9.125 mm swapbodies


Talbot / Aachen (D)

First delivery




The primary suspension (fig.4) is ensured by double ring rubber springs. Friction elements similar to those used for Y 25 bogies are used to dump vibrations. This type of suspension confers the vehicle a superior running behaviour compared to the wagons with laminated spring suspension.

photo: www.parostroj.net

New DRRS 25 L An improved variant of the DRRSss-y bogie was presented in 2012 at InnoTrans – the new class DRRS 25 L bogie (fig. 5). It is also built by Talbot (now part of Alstom) as a development of the DRRSss-y bogie. Its suspension and bogie frame are similar to those of the previous bogie. The difference between the two variants consists of the two brake discs instead of three. The advantage of using only two brake discs instead of three consists in reducing the non-suspended mass and thus the wear of the rolling set and of the rolling track and increasing the quality of the rolling behaviour. This has been made possible by using superior materials for brake discs and brake linings as they resist to superior thermal conditions.

Fig. 5 New DRS 25 L bogie built by Talbot

photo: www.eurotib.com

Fig. 3 DRRSss-y bogie frame

References: 1 Gerhard Troche - ‘’High-speed rail freight’’ Sub-report in Efficient train systems for freight transport, KTH Railway Group, Stockholm 2005 2 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Hecht - ‘’Wear and Energy Saving Bogie Design with Rubber Primary Springs – Principles and Experiences’’, Kiruna, Sweden June 11 - 13, 2007

photo: www.parostroj.net

Тележка DRRSss-y для высокоскоростных товарных поездов в Германии DRRSss-y - высокоскоростные товарные поезда, 160 км/ч

Double rubber springs / Axle box / Friction element for dumping vibrations Fig. 4 DRRSss-y bogie suspension

Повышение скорости грузовых перевозок обусловило техническое приспособление вагонов к скоростям до 160 км/ч. Таким образом, для товарных услуг Cargo Express, немецкий железнодорожный оператор DB закупил еще в 1991 году контейнерные вагоны с тележками типа DRRS для максимальной скорости 160 км/ч. В данной статье приведены технические характеристики вагона, описание тележки и её характерных особенностей по сравнению с обычными товарными вагонами. January 2013 | www.railwaypro.com


StatisticS Wagonload Freight Traffic Railway Undertaking Overall


Tonnes carried x 1 000 2012





Tonne-kilometres x 1 000 000 2012 M













































































































RO CFR Marfa




























... 6



-5.9 -25.5






ZSSK Cargo


























































































Source: UIC

The overall picture for global freight remains uncertain as EU-27 and USA trade continues to stagnate below the pre-crisis (June 2008) peak. Domestic demand in Asian economies remains the locomotive for growth. EU-27 and USA exports to Asia by air show signs of picking up after a year of decline and stagnation. Inland transport by rail and road in Europe continue to reflect weak domestic demand in the transport by rail roadquarter in Europe continue to reflect weak domestic EU area. EU rail cargo dataInland also shows a decline in and the first of 2012. demand in the EU area. EU road freight declined from the previous quarter to 10% below pre-crisis levels in National Q1/2012.and EU rail cargo datarail also shows a decline in the first international 6. National and rail and Russia have quarter of 2012. Figure In contrast, rail freight ininternational the United States (Million tonne-km, trend, seasonally adjusted) strengthened markedly since the last quarter, reaching 5% above pre-crisis levels in the first quarter of 2012 (Figures 5-6).

United States and Russian Federation 700 Thousands






Figure 1. External trade, % change from pre-crisis peak Jun-08 United States adjusted) (Tonnes, monthly trend, seasonally




USA by sea, total (tonnes)


60 Q2/01



300 Q2/01


USA by sea exports & imports (tonnes) Exports Imports Q2/08

Q1/12 17%

Note: Data on rail freight in the EU area include Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom. These cover around 95% of total rail freight in the EU. -6% -17%




External trade, % change from pre-crisis peak Jun-08 Jul-08

June-12 Jul-08 (Tonnes, monthly trend, seasonally adjusted)

EU27 by sea, total (tonnes) Methodological note


EU27 by sea exports & imports (tonnes) Exports Imports

The International Transport Forum Statistics Brief on Global Trade and Transport presents the latest global freight transport trends based on the Global Trade and Transport Database and the ITF Quarterly Transport Statistics. These data are collected by the Secretariat through a questionnaire and from external sources, including Eurostat, US Census and Japan Customs. -1% National data are seasonally adjusted by the International Transport Forum Secretariat for -10% analytical purposes. -14%



Short-term data is normally compiled to allow timely identification of changes in any indicator Jul-08 Jul-08 Jun-12 Jun-12 and especially to identify possible turning points. However, monthly or quarterly transport statistics are often characterised seasonal patterns. Seasonal adjustment out usual Source: OECD-International Transport by Forum (International Transport Forum Statistics Brief onfilters Global Trade and Transport) USA year. by airTrend, in seasonal fluctuations that recur intensity in the same season every USA by air,with totalsimilar (tonnes) exports & imports (tonnes) turn, excludes also other irregular factors (such as strikes and impact of weather) from a time Exports series. A time series from which the seasonal variations have been eliminated basically allows for Imports the comparison of data between two quarters for which seasonal patterns are different, also helping to identify turning points and the underlying direction of the change.

www.railwaypro.com | January 2013



Seasonal adjustment is carried out with the Demetra program using the TRAMO/SEATS -1% adjustment method. Seasonally adjusted estimates may differ from those produced by national

2% -5%

â–ş Russia & USA rail freight recovered

railways in the development of intermodal transport and reducing climate change impacts. That is the reason why for both intermodality and climate change 234. The recent evolution of traffic volumes in Switzerland is as follows: Governments responded with regards to measures to improve railway efficiency. a. 1960 2009 Increase: Transport volume in passenger transport Rail (Mio. Per StatisticS 55 216. Railway (IͲIX month) 2010Ͳ 14.7 per cent and in2011 a 15.0 per cent in km) 7,973 and 18,571 respectively or 233 per cent increase / Freight transport million/tonnes (Mio. Tkm) 4,315 and 9,398 respectively or 218 per cent increase. 204. Railway freight transport has been the same as in 2009. The traffic of passenger Albania: Railway freight transport has been the same as in 2009. The traffic of 2008 2009 2010 2011 2014 transport is reduced. The prospect for the next few years is optimistic. passenger transport is reduced. The prospect for the next few years is optimistic Rail freight in 371.3 312.1 355.4 367.4 397.9 million tones Year 2010 2011 2013 January – Compared to Compared to Rail passengers 2 348 2 369 2 396 2 442 2 507 a. Passenger Traffic October 2011 2010 per cent 2009per cent in million Ͳ000 passengers 462 570 650 Freight Total (in tons) 51 726.6 103.0 109.0 passengers Ͳmillion pass/km 20.8 26.2 31.2 By road 51 724.8 103.0 109.0 b. goods traffic Rail 7 715.0 90.0 71.5 Ͳ000 tons 420 450 460 Car 44 009.8 105.7 122.4 ͲMillion ton/km 69.0 74.2 76.4 Air 1.6 96.0 104.9 217. Railway freight: 2010 Ͳ 2011 volume decreased, respective revenue increased. 205. The rehabilitation of the rail network and rail service reform will give a positive Hungary Turkey impact to improve the interoperability between different types of transport. Railways Rail 206. In the year 2010, 10,577,500 tonnes of freight were shipped, of which (million/tonnes) 3,063,300 tonnes by railway. 2011. Q1ͲQ2 (million tonnes) 22 147 Freight 4,76 207. In the year 2010, 251,600,000 passengers were carried, of which 800,000 by In percent of 2010. Q1ͲQ2 data 101.80 per cent Passenger 2,22 railway. In percent of 2009. Q1ͲQ2 data 108.97 per cent 2023 Freight 15 208. One of the main problems that has hindered the development of Bulgarian Targets transport in 2010 was Bulgarian Railways condition. The volumes of the railway traffic Figure 67. Logistics Master Plan In percent of 2008. Q1ͲQ2 data 88.04 per cent Passenger 10 7 and their market quotas were decreasing; the traffic in 2010 was 40 per cent lower 2 compared to 2007; the quality of the passenger and cargo services was lower than expected; the productivity of the railway sector in Bulgaria was the lowest in the whole of European Union. Figure 67. Logistics Master Plan es Logistics master plan 37 d to (12 209. Railway traffic (both intermodal and nonͲintermodal) grew by 12 per cent in ) of 2010, and a lower 5.6 per cent (first 9 months in 2011) after having experienced a decrease of more than 13 per cent in 2009. tries ed to 210. The railway transport represented 43.1 per cent of passenger transport and 9.4 CE re per cent of goods transport for the January – September 2011 period. t The 37 per cent (12 countries) of the countries who replied to the 211. According to the data available, UNECE evolution Transport of traffic volumes compared to the replied positively on the Division questionnaire n


development of a logistics master plan and 63 per cent (20 countries) negatively.

nt s n ment cent tics es) an er cent



y on

tries) y.

Ͳ nt es) ty Ͳ

Source: UNECE

Source: UNECE Figure 68. Intermodal Transport Master Plan Plan Intermodal Transport Master

Figure 69. Role of railways in the intermodal transport

Role of railways in the intermodal transport

Figure 68. Intermodal Transport Master Plan

cent tries)

d CE

ed NECE t re



y on

nt al ment n nal


Thirty ‐ four per cent (11 countries) of the countries who replied to the UNECE Transport Division questionnaire replied positively Source: UNECE on the Development of a national master plan for Intermodal transport and 66 per cent (21 countries) negatively. Source: UNECE

nd 66 per cent (21 countries) negatively. al

and 66 per cent (21 countries) negatively.

Source: UNECE

Figure 70. Number of Freight Villages in the ECE region

Source: UNECE: Transport Trends and Economics 2011-2012

Ͳeight per cent of the countries (30 countries) replied that the role of tyͲeight per cent of the countries (30 countries) replied that the role of the intermodal transport it is very important or somewhat important. n the intermodal transport it is very important or somewhat important. per cent (3 countries) indicate the role of railways as neutral and only 9 per cent (3 countries) indicate the role of railways as neutral and only y (Cyprus) as not important at all.

January 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

56 lex

ITS impact on traffic management and urban logistics [ by Pamela Luică ]

Currently, the transport system faces a series of challenges and its development has increased the level of competitiveness and the development of energy-efficiency technologies. The objective of urban transport is to promote the use of cleaner vehicles especially since the traffic volume in urban areas is constantly increasing. Therefore, a more accessible transport system has to be prioritized in traffic management. As regards freight transport, for making the entire system efficient, apart from encouragingat projects 8 transport ANNEX A - Interoperability an organi based on applied scheme for freight transport and the development of new goods delivery solutions, level intelligent technologies and the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) play an essential role in achieving the objectives set by performing, efficient and sustainable transport policies.

Interoperability is not restricted to technical aspects of a tr project. Interoperability must be established on all levels o ANNEX B - Inter agency organisational ofmodel co-working andGroup theirat techn he role of the ITS is generated by sustainablecollaboration city. nager, organisations Technology Delivery 2,3 - called Transport ITS-pyramid - is during helpful, problems such as traffic congesITS offersfollowing added valuepicture to urban authorifor London the as ITSit repre the case oftion different parties with roles - both public authorities and has to be established: and the development of newdifferent ties in traffic management which varies World Congress. an ITS service where interoperability technologies in simulations for real involved time from the of conventional trafivate organisations - being inmanagement providing an ITS-service the ITS service metamodel control. Communications networks offer fic flow to public transport, urban access velopment and application of sustainable organisation models becomes the opportunity of approaching urban traf- and urban logistics. In traffic management ucial. The organisation the roles and of urban the logistics, partiesthemust be brings clearly defined. Strategy fic management aspects and in an innovative ITS system way. Congestion affects the efficiency of added value to the transport policy, but also at means the service architecture becomes more important: (Organisational) transport infrastructure and has a negative to the traffic control and operating control. Processes impact over travel times, pollution and en- At the level of transport policies, it is necesaffic management beneath theto end user that - can deemed to have ergy consumption.services ITS include–a large va- sary set objectives wouldbe positively Information of applications for different transport quality, life and work condiur mainriety actors necessary for the entireinfluence supplylifechain. These are: structures modes in both segments, passengers and tions. As regards traffic control, it is necesfreight, and contribute to achieving broader sary to implement measures and to create  Data providers IT services objectives in transport policies. Intelligent scenarios according to local conditions and systems can facilitate the link between the the use of adequate technical instruments.  Content different providers modes of transport such as the “In traffic management and urban logisIT infrastructures planning of multimodal integrated jour- tics there are key factors which represent  Service operators neys or tracking freight transport services. the basis of the successful ITS implementa- Source: Commission’s Expert Group on Urban ITS, Draft There is no sole instrument for traffic ma- tion and include the implication of decision Guidelines-”Traffic Management & Urban Logistics” nagement and theControl cities have applied a series factors, the development of partnerships, Figure 1: ITS service metamodel  TCCs - Traffic Centres / Service providers of solutions for several years. The control of the application of essential tasks, the optiparking lots, pedestrian areas, traffic signals misation ofThe the network basic performance, structure the of the five layers from top to bottom and ensuring freight transport for supply maximisation of the automation level and Влияние Умных IT services, IT infr strategy, processes, information structures, and access and controlthe are several management minimisationin of the human intervention at транспортных систем e information revenue chain istheindicated Figure below; applications which should be present in a operating level”, declared Stakeholder Ma- на управление  The strategy layer describes the long-term (visions), Urban Traffic Management value chain передвижением на term objectives (missions) of an ITSи service, i.e. the b городскую логистику service. The strategy is closely related to the business Цель городского транспорта заключается service.


в продвижении использования чистых транспортных средств, особенно в Interoperability requires: Tailoring the specific strateg контексте постоянного роста объёма organisations/bodies to the scope of the targeted Tr движения в городах. Таким образом, /Logistics service. более доступная транспортная система должна стать приоритетом для управления Что касается грузовыхof actors wit The process layerдвижением. describes the actions перевозок, для повышения эффективности processes and their day-to-day behaviour. Role транспортной системы в целом, помимо поощрения проектов, направленных на transferability by providing an abstraction from concr использование приложений и схем для Typical ITS serviceперевозки roles грузов are: иcontent owner, content обеспечения новых provider, network provider. Typicalтоваров, role умные characteristics решений для доставки технологии и Умные транспортные specific behaviour are for example public, private, exte системы (ITS) играют существенную If networking requirements between actors are defined роль в достижении намеченных целей в рамках на exchanging information orполитик, to actнаправленных on a common basis (fo развитие эффективного, устойчивого и of a cross-regional or cross-borderтранспорта. ITS service), then th высококачественного

Source: Commission’s Expert Group on Urban ITS, Draft Guidelines-”Traffic Management & Urban Logistics”

www.railwaypro.com | January 2013

Figure 2: Urban Traffic Management value chain 2

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