Railway PRO May

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the railway business magazine

Year VIII ■ No. 2.5(95) ■ 2013

Special report on rail public transport in Wider Black Sea Area Cities in Eurasia reposition public transport

Railway PRO Infrastructure Development

Infrastructure linking Eurasian cities “Unity in diversity”, a motto valid for European railways as well

Includes CD version of the Romanian Railway Catalogue 2012 - 2013

Журнал железнодорожный бизнес

Warsaw authorities plan to develop the underground network Interview with Jerzy Lejk, CEO of Warsaw Metro

Власти Варшавы намереваются развить сеть метрополитена - Интервью с Генеральный директор Варшавского метрополитена Ержи Лейк Photo: maijam.blogspot.com

editor’s note 1


he great development phases of the humankind have been marked by sacrifices and infliction for those trying to do something good for their siblings. The mere introduction of fire in the everyday life remained in the mind of ancient Greeks as an ordeal for the humankind. For losing monopoly on fire, the angry gods punished the titan Prometheus, by binding him on a rock in Caucasus and sending each day an eagle to feed on his liver. Prometheus stoically resisted this form of torture until the day he was freed by another famous hero, Heracles. By extrapolation, the myth of Prometheus could apply with no problem to the trauma experienced by the (urban and extra-urban) railway transport. In order to honour the public transport congress organised by UITP in Geneva, our team has prepared a report on the railway transport market in the urban environment of the Wider Black Sea Area. Looking at the map of the area, we can see a network of cities which are still operating tram and underground networks, some plans also existing for their extension.

Nevertheless, the financial crisis and the economy reorganisation experienced by most of the WBSA countries for approximately 25 years have their say on the railway transport industry. Considered by certain politicians as remainings of the communist past and symbols of the lack of individual expression, all these combined with the negative effects on the city, the tram networks in many cities have been closed or reduced to unusable sizes, and the underground network construction/ extension projects have remained only on paper. Just like Prometheus, the mode of transport the most environmentally friendly is hacked each day and is the victim of a lack of communication and presentation of the new infrastructure construction and operation solutions combined with the new concepts of vehicles (city friendly, silent, ensuring flexible transport capacities etc). The negative experience of the cities in the Democratic West is also regretted under the pressure of the great institutional financers which, seeking for the short term financial balance, ignore the social and economic impact at

urban and national level. The race for the street reconstruction in order to create space for individual vehicles or for the construction of high-speed interurban roads condemns the societies from Central Europe to Central Asia to the dissipation of resources by the works for the destruction of the existing networks, the increase of the unemployment rate among the employees from the transport sector and other initiatives developed around the old transport networks, subsequently combined with the high costs of road congestion, the repurchase of spaces for the construction of new networks (as it happens already in the West). All the studies on WBSA demography indicate an overall increase of the urbanisation, which also implies the provision of high quality public transport services. Is only a modern Heracles (overcongestion of traffic arteries) capable to free public transport?

Prometheus Bound! Issue published with the support of Romanian Railway Industry Association & Club Feroviar – The Railway Business Club Журнал издаётся при поддержке Асоциации Железнодорожной Промышленности и Club Feroviar – ЖД Клуб Деловых Людей

Прометей прикованный! Основные этапы развития человечества были отмечены жертвами и страданиями тех, кто пытался сделать добро для других. Простое введение огня в повседневную жизнь осталось в сознании древних греков, как тяжелое испытание для человечества. Боги, разгневанные за то, что они потеряли свою монополию над огнем, наказали титана Прометея, приковывая его к скале на Кавказе и направляя орла, чтобы тот вырвал куски его печени каждый день. Прометей оказался устойчивым к этой форме пыток до дня своего освобождения другим известным героем Гераклом. Экстраполируя его, миф о Прометее может применяться без проблем драме, пережитой железнодорожным транспортом (городским и загородным). В честь конгресса по общественному транспорту, организованного МСОТ в Женеве, наша команда подготовила отчет о рынке транспорта на рельсах в городских районах Расширенного Черноморского пространства. Взглянув на карту, мы видим сеть городов, в которых до сих пор действуют трамвайные сети и сети метро, и даже имеются некоторые планы по их расширению. Тем не менее, финансовый кризис

и экономическая реорганизация, которые затрагивали страны Расширенного Черноморского пространства уже почти 25 лет, дают о себе знать в сфере транспорта на рельсах. По мнению некоторых политиков, трамвайные сети это остатки коммунистического прошлого и символы отсутствия индивидуального выражения, все в сочетании с негативными последствиями для городов, поэтому они во многих городах были ликвидированы или сведены к минимальным размерам использования, а проекты строительства / расширения сетей метро остаются только на бумаге. Подобно Прометею, наиболее экологически чистый вид транспорта с каждым днем все сильнее разбирают на куски и превращают в жертву недостатка общения и представления новых решений для строительства и эксплуатации инфраструктуры в сочетании с новыми концепциями автомобиля (дружелюбные с городом, тихие, предоставляющие гибкие транспортные возможности и пр.). Отрицательный опыт городов на демократическом Западе вызывает сожаление, и он находится под давлением со стороны крупных институциональных финансовых

органов, которые, в погоне за краткосрочными финансовыми равновесием, игнорируют социальные и экономические последствия на городском и национальном уровне. Погоня за восстановлением дорог для размещения отдельных транспортных средств или для строительства высокоскоростных междугородных путей сообщения приговаривает строительные компании Центральной Европы и до Средней Азии к рассеиванию ресурсов за счет разрушения существующих сетей, роста безработицы среди работников транспортной вертикали и других инициатив, разработанных вокруг старых транспортных сетей, в сочетании с высокими затратами, связанными с образованием пробок на дорогах и с закупкой объектов для строительства новых сетей (как мы видим, это происходит уже на Западе). Все демографические исследования на территории Расширенного Черноморского пространства свидетельствуют об общем увеличении степени урбанизации, а это связано с предоставлением качественных услуг общественного транспорта. Лишь современный Геракл ли (перегрузка транспортных магистралей) может освободить общественный транспорт? May 2013 | www.railwaypro.com



49 28

Bonds to finance public private partnerships Обязательства для финансирования частно- государственного партнерства As of 2008, 52% of the total European mainline network has been electrified with the top-five economies namely France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK holding 53.3% of all electrified lines. These nations have been the primary targets for rail electrification projects in Europe and they still possess large opportunities for further electrification. С 2008 года 52% от магистральной железнодорожной сети в Европе было электрифицировано, с учетом того, что пять из экономически развитых стран - Франция, Германия, Италия, Испания и Великобритания - владеют 53,3% от электрифицированных линий. Эти страны являлись основными целями проектов электрификации в Европе и представляют высокий потенциал для таких будущих проектов.

MARKET development

47 Vienna Central Station, the central point that links all transport modes in Vienna 49 Bonds to finance public private partnerships

the railway business magazine

Railway PRO

Editor’s note


Prometheus Bound!

ISSN - 1841 - 4672


Publisher: Editura de Transport & Logistică S.R.L. 30, Virgiliu Street, Sector 1 Bucharest, postal code: 010881 Tel.:+4 021 224 43 85; +4 021 224 43 87 Mobile: +40 721 723 724 Fax: +4 021 224 43 86 E-mail: editors@railwaypro.com Web-site: www.railwaypro.com Editors: Elena Ilie elena.ilie@railwaypro.com Pamela Luică pamela.luica@railwaypro.com Production and photo editor: Petru Mureşan Department of translations: Alina Vuţulicu Paula Bădescu Gentil Traduceri SRL Contributors: Artur Perchel Graphic design: Petru Mureşan Layout and DTP: Petru Mureşan petru.muresan@railwaypro.com Photo: Radu Drăgan Marketing Manager: Cristina Trifon cristina.trifon@railwaypro.com Advertising Enquiries: advertise@railwaypro.com www. railwaypro.com/advertise

www.railwaypro.com | May 2013

16 Electrification of surface transport, demanded by the European railway sector 20 Infrastructure linking Eurasian cities

52 Moldova launches new business opportunities by developing industrial parks 53 Giurgiuleşti Port develops


54 Moldova has an increased potential of freight transit on the Eurasian platform metropolitan



“Warsaw authorities plan to develop the underground network”

Interview with Jerzy Lejk, CEO of Warsaw Metro

«Власти Варшавы намереваются развить сеть метрополитена» Интервью с Генеральный директор Варшавского метрополитена Ержи Лейк Despite the development of motorised individual traffic, the transport system has not become more performing and efficient, on the contrary: the level of congestion has constantly increased, has determined the decrease of the running speed of public transport vehicles and last but not least has excessively contributed to the increase of pollution. Development strategy of the capital of Poland, Warsaw by 2015 supports the development of the railway transport which has an essential role in the transport system. Согласно стратегии развития города Варшавы, Польша, на 2015 год, было определено 8 направлений развития, а в числе приоритетов указано развитие и модернизация сети трамвая и метро и оптимизация железнодорожного транспорта.

18 Cities in Eurasia reposition public transport LEX

22 Alma Ata light rail project 56 Europe debates the utilfinanced through PPP ity of transforming ERA into a 48 European Union wants to one-stop shop 23 Development of Yerevan reduce the oil dependency of underground, supported by Mobility transport European funds 68 Public transport meets 50 With small steps… 24 From Europe to Asia in mobility needs the establishment of freight two minutes corridors takes shape ENGINEER 26 Capital of Ukraine has 51 “Eastern Partnership” plans to double the metro 60 High-elasticity rail policy, a stimulus for Moldova’s network fastening systems for “quiet development rails” in urban infrastructures 32 Another trump for Skopje 55 “Unity in diversity”, a 62 Railway signals with LED with the new tram network motto valid for European units 33 Trams and light rail icons railways as well of modern urban lifestyle EVENT 64 Industry prevents 37 Athens extends its urban 58 “i-move 2.0” concept radipossible electromagnetic transport network cally changes the public transattacks on the infrastructure 38 Baku Metro network will port business model” MARKET development be extended by another 84 km Statistics 42 Budapest will have a rail 39 Budapest focuses on rail 66 Railway Statistics cargo ring transport development

cOntent 3 Редакционная статья


Прометей прикованный!


16 Европейский

железнодорожный сектор нуждается в электрификации наземного транспорта

64 Промышленность предотвращает возможные электромагнитные атаки в адрес инфраструктуры РАЗВИТИЕ РЫНКА

18 Евразийские города перепозиционируют общественный транспорт

иметь железнодорожное транспортное кольцо для грузовых перевозок

22 Проект легкого метро в Алматах финансируется за счет частно-государственного партнерства

47 Вокзал Хауптбанхоф

23 Европейское

42 Будапешт будет

- центральная точка,

20 Инфраструктуры связи объединяющая все виды

Евразийских городов


транспорта Вены

финансирование поддерживает развитие ереванского метро

38 Сеть бакинского метро будет расширена на 84 километра 39 Будапешт сосредоточивается на развитии транспорта на рельсах инженер

62 Железнодорожные сигналы со светодиодной единиц мобильность

24 Туннель Мармарай - из 68 Общественный Европы в Азию за две минуты транспорт выполняет требования в плане мобильности 26 Столица Украины планирует удвоить свою сеть закон 50 Евразийским коридорам 52 Молдова запускает метро нужно больше поддержки 56 Европа обсуждает новые деловые возможности целесообразность путем развития 32 Белый шарик для превращения Европейского 51 Политика «Восточного промышленных парков Скопье, у которого будет железнодорожного агентства партнерства» - толчок к трамвайная сеть в единую платформу развитию Молдовы 53 Порт Джурджулешть 33 Трамваи и легкое метро событие развивает свою 55 “Единство в - символы современного инфраструктуру разнообразии”... - это 58 Концепция «i-move 2.0» городского образа жизни лозунг, действующий также радикально меняет бизнес54 Молдова имеет высокий в отношении европейских потенциал транзита грузов на 37 Город Афины расширяет модель общественного железных дорог транспорта свою сеть метрополитена евразийскую платформу 48 Европейский союз намеревается уменьшить зависимость транспорта от нефти

49 Обязательства для финансирования частно- государственного партнерства

May 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

news 5

Czech Rep.: The Czech railway company Ceske Drahy (CD) will sell more railway stations amounting to CZK several Billions to the infrastructure manager Sprava Zeleznicni Dopravni Cesty (SZDC), mentions “Mlada Fronta Dnes”. According to SZDC’s director general, Jiri Kolar, for this purpose an agreement has been approved by the Ministry of Transport and will be submitted to the government for the final approval. The transaction will also include the Main Railway Station in Prague. The agreement also involves the transfer of approximately 450 employees to SZDC. The exact value of the transaction is not known since the railway stations must be evaluated before they are transferred.

SERBIA: Železnice Srbije (Serbian Railways) could allocate EUR 2.5 Billion to investments over the next five to seven years, trying to modernise the railway company in order to meet European standards. In 2013, the company will invest EUR 1.4 Billion in several projects on the national sections of the corridors X and XI, as well as the Prokop railway station project in Belgrade, mentions tanjugbiz.rs, quoting the manager

NRIC: seven bids for railway modernisation projects Bulgaria: Bulgaria’s National Railway Infrastructure Company (NRIC) has announced it has received seven bids for the reconstruction of seven substations. The tender is divided into two lots. The lowest bid for the first lot (substations in Burgas, Karnobat and Yambol) reaches BGN 14.7 Million (EUR 7.5 Million) and was filed by consortium Realizator. VIEE and Trace TPS tie-ups also submitted bids for this lot. For the second lot (substations in Stara Zagora and Nova Zagora) the lowest bid amounted to BGN 14.1 Million (EUR 7.2 Million), also coming from the Realizator consortium. Other bids have been submitted by Trace TPS, VIEE and Railway Electrification Prague. The project is financed by the Sectoral Operational Programme Transport.

Georgian Railways takes over Georgian Transit Georgia: Georgian Railways has acquired Georgian Transit LLC to get extra profitability from liquids transportation and consolidate its own profit margin with the freight forwarder company’s profitability. The acquisition price is GEL 48,000 (EUR 22,347). “The decision was supported by the fact, that the previous owner of the Georgian Transit is exiting the business respectively asking for a quite attractive pricing from the Georgian Railways”, shows the company in a press release.

Alstom and Transmashholding inaugurate new production unit Russia: Alstom and Transmashholding inaugurated a joint production site dedicated to asynchronous traction drives for

electric locomotives. The traction drive is to be installed on electric locomotives EP20 and 2ES5, which were developed by the partners for operation in Russia, as well as for locomotives KZ8A and KZ4A, which will be manufactured and operated in Kazakhstan. “Owning the production of the asynchronous traction drive for locomotives is a key step for the Russian railway industry. The manufacturing of these components will significantly reduce its operational and maintenance costs. This will make this product far more competitive”, said TMH Managing Director, Andrey Andreev. The project requires a total investment from the two partners of nearly EUR 40 Million. The production unit is located in Transmashholding’s locomotive unit in Novotcherkassk (NEVZ). Georgia offers Baku-Tbilisi-Kars to NATO for use International: Georgia has offered NATO the use of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway for transportation of goods from Afghanistan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia Maia Pandzhikidze declared during a meeting in Brussels. “In the first instance this initiative was announced by the Prime Minister of Georgia at a meeting with the Secretary General of NATO. There is a very big interest in this railway and the Turkish Foreign Minister has mentioned this in his speech. BakuTbilisi-Kars is a joint project of the three countries which may be of interest to NATO. This is the quickest way for the withdrawal and export of goods from Afghanistan. Therefore, Georgia’s proposal was welcomed at today’s meeting. I believe this proposal will be acceptable to NATO,” Pandzhikidze said. Сербия: «Железные дороги Сербии» (Железнице Србије) могут выделить 2,5 млрд. евро в ближайшие 5 - 7 лет на инвестиции. Чехия: Компания «Чешские железные дороги» (Ceske Drahy) будет продавать несколько вокзалов стоимостью в нескольких миллионов крон администратору инфраструктуры Sprava Zeleznicni Dopravni Cesty. Болгария: Национальная компания железнодорожной инфраструктуры Болгарии объявила о том, что она получила

Dragoljub Simonovic. The company will receive 70 new trains in the next 5-7 years.

photo: wikipedia.org

Železnice Srbije wishes to reach European standards


Ceske Drahy sells more railway stations

HZ Infrastruktura signs financing agreement for Pletenice-Nasice line Croatia: HZ Infrastruktura has signed a co-financing agreement with the eastern municipality of Pozega for the upgrade of sections on the Pletenice-Nasice railway worth a total of 286 Million kuna (EUR 37.6 Million). The municipality of Pozega will cofinance the project with 700,000 kuna (EUR 92,000) while the remainder will be provided by HZ Infrastruktura, the company said in a statement. The project will be conducted in two phases. The first one will include the reconstruction of the 17.5 km PletenicaCaglin section. Works on the projects will begin in May.

Hungary and China continue discussions for the development of Budapest rail ring Hungary: State Secretary Péter Szijjártó, who also serves as Government Commissioner in charge of HungarianChinese bilateral relations, held talks about the financing and construction of the planned “V0” Budapest cargo rail ring in Beijing. He met Deputy Minister of Commerce Jiang Yaopin as well as managers of Chinese rail construction firm CCECC and the Chinese Development Bank. He stated that the talks focused on ways to utilise a 1-billioneuro credit line that the Chinese Government allocated last May for development projects in Hungary. Talks are also under way about Chinese companies getting involved in the implementation of the project. The construction of the V0 rail ring should start next spring. семь предложений для реконструкции семи электрических станций. В мире: По причине проблем с капиталом, строительство ряда линий в Китае было приостановлено или отложено. Грузия: «Грузинская железная дорога» приобрела Georgian Transit LLC для увеличения рентабельности по сегменту перевозок жидких грузов. Россия: Европа заинтересована инвестировать в российскую инфраструктуру. Об этом свидетельствует успех выпуска еврооблигаций РЖД. May 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

6 news

Russia: The short-time priority of RZD is to transform into a holding, said its president Vladimir Yakunin, at a meeting with the State Duma deputies. RZD should increase its logistic services’ share to the level of the leading Western companies. In 2013 RZD will concentrate on transferring GEFCO’s 3PL and 4PL technologies to the Russian transportation market. Another priority is the establishment of the United Transport and Logistics Company.

russia: Europe is showing interest in investing in Russia’s infrastructure, as evidenced by the successful Eurobond issues of Russian Railways, stated Vladimir Yakunin at the International Summit for Road and Rail Constructions in Merano, Italy. Foreign construction and logistics companies are also very interested in developing Russia’s infrastructure in the Far East and Siberia: the Trans-Siberian and Baikal-Amur Mainlines. The Russian Government had decided to allocate RUB 260 Billion to the development of rail infrastructure projects in the region. The rail industry’s total investment by 2020 could reach RUB 11 Trillion

Authorities extend the deadline for privatising BDZ Cargo Bulgaria: Bulgaria’s Privatisation Agency has announced that it has extended again the deadline for the submission of binding offers for the railway freight operator BDZ Cargo. The new deadline is June 10. The agency’s decision was made following the requests coming from the companies selected to take part in the tender. The previous deadline which was also an extension of the initial deadline was June 7. The short list for the privatisation of BDZ Cargo included: Grup Feroviar Român, Bulgarian Cargo Express, Balkan Financial Services and Donau-Finanz Transport und Beteiligung.

TallsinkiFix to analyse if such a rail tunnel is realistic. Transferoviar Group to soon inaugurate the intermodal terminal in Aiud

Россия: «Альстом» и «Трансмашхолдинг» открыли новый производственный объект для выпуска вариаторов асинхронной тяги электровозов. Болгария: Болгарское агентство по приватизации объявило о новом продлении крайнего срока сдачи тендерных предложений для железнодорожного оператора грузов «БДЖ Карго». В мире: Грузия предоставила НАТО возможность использовать будущую линию Баку - Тбилиси - Карс для грузовых перевозок

из Афганистана. Об этом заявила Министр иностранных дел Грузии Майя Панджикидзе. Румыния: Министерство транспорта объявило об изменении критериев предквалификации на предмет продажи пакета акций 51% компании «ЧФР Марфэ». Хорватия: Администратор хорватской инфраструктуры подписал с Мэрией города Позега соглашение о совместном финансировании модернизации отдельных отсеков магистрали Плетенице-Насице. Венгрия: Венгрия и Китай проводят

photo: www.novinite.com

International: The Finnish geology centre has commissioned a survey to study possible routes for a rail tunnel to connect Helsinki and Tallinn. According to calculations, the tunnel project would cost between EUR 2 Billion and 3 Billion and construction works could start in 2050 at the earliest. The Uusimaa county council has applied for EU funding for a study called

Romania: The opportunity of developing intermodal logistics terminals and related services is a plus for the optimisation of railway freight traffic for every operator. “At the end of H1 2013, Transferoviar Group could commission the intermodal freight terminal in Aiud developed on Metalurgica platform. Currently, we conduct repair works for the cargo wagons on Metalurgica platform, and we can even conduct mechanical processing operations or casting and shunting operations”, said Ciprian Roşca, Commercial Manager of Transferoviar Group, during the conference “Intermodal Romania – opportunities for rail freight transport”, held on 24-25 April 2013 in Constanţa and organised by Club Feroviar and the Romanian Railway Industry Association (AIF). “Following some analyses within the company, it has been concluded that it is necessary to develop an intermodal terminal in Transylvania. It is necessary to decongest road traffic, to increase the flexibility of freight transport, to reduce pollution and to increase the safety of cargo transport”, added Roşca. The terminal benefits from a series of advantages such as its geographical position on the European Corridor IV, the 2 and 3 railway lines, reduced distance to Triaj Coșlariu station, but also the existence of minimal logistics (railway lines, industrial warehouses) which can be used as starting point.

Finland studies the possibility of developing the Helsinki-Tallinn rail tunnel

www.railwaypro.com | May 2013

(EUR 270 Billion), including projects to develop high-speed railways. Countries such as Greece, Vietnam, Indonesia and a number of states in the Persian Gulf, Latin America and Africa are on the list of promising international projects, said Yakunin.

photo: visual.rzd.ru

Europe wants to invest in the Russian infrastructure

RZD wants to become holding

Thus, Transferoviar Group seeks to develop an intermodal logistics terminal and related services (container storage facilities, fuel deposits, wagon washing, and rolling stock overhaul). The company also plans to open a railway transport service on the route DuisburgAiud-Duisburg and Aiud –ConstantaAiud with three weekly journeys. Oman: first contracts for national network awarded in 2013 International: The contract for the first section of the national rail network in Oman will be assigned by the end of 2014, announced Abdulrahman al Hatmi, Director of the Oman Railway Project. The contracts for chief Preliminary Design Consultancy (PDC) and Project Management Consultancy (PMC) will be awarded this year. The first contract should be awarded in June. 30 companies have expressed interest in this contract. The prequalification tender for the design and construction contract will be initiated by the end of the year.

KTZ and DP World to implement the project of Aktau Seaport Kazakhstan: KTZ and DP World signed a cooperation agreement for the management of Aktau Seaport and Khorgos-Eastern Gate. The document will contribute to the expansion of the transport and logistics system transit capacity in Kazakhstan. DP World has presented to the Kazak representatives its vision on the development and management of Aktau and Khorgos – переговоры на предмет способов использования кредитной линии в размере 1 млрд. евро в целях осуществления кольцевой железной дороги “V0” . Россия: Краткосрочным приоритетом компании РЖД является ее превращение в холдинг. Об этом заявил президент компании Владимир Якунин. Румыния: В этом году группа «Трансферовиар Груп» может сдать в эксплуатацию железнодорожный грузовой терминал в Аюде, построенный на платформе «Металурджика».

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Russia: Mikhail Akulov, Vice President of RZD and CEO of Federal Passenger Company OJSC (FPC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The document was signed on a unilateral basis, after the Federal Passenger Company got the right to use information about passenger train timetables and tariffs from international databases MERITS (Multiple European Railways Integrated Timetable Storage) and PRIFIS (PRIce and Fare Information Storage) and to place their information about its own trains. This will allow FPC placing the information about routes and train timetable and the company’s services in the European Union. Mr Akulov specified that the company would start using opportunities opened by these databases on a full scale starting from June 2013.

World Bank interested in the Serbian infrastructure Serbia: The World Bank is interested in investing in projects for modernisation of the Serbian section of pan-European

company NRIC announced. Greek construction company Terna offered to do the job for BGN 13.5 Million (EUR 6.9 Million) as its bid got a technical score of 30. The two other bidders - local construction company Trace Group Hold and Transport Construction and Rehabilitation-GU - received a technical score of 25 each, as they offered to build the terminal for BGN 8.57 Million (EUR 4.4 Million) and BGN 9.99 Million (EUR 5.1 Million), respectively. The project includes the construction of a terminal, storage containers, office buildings, customs warehouse, as well as parking lots. The project is co-financed under EU-funded operational programme Transport. The intermodal terminal will be part of EU-defined transport corridors IV, VIII and X.

railway Corridor X, the Serbian transport ministry said. The World Bank’s agenda also includes water transport as currently Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia are intensifying works on improving the use of the rivers Danube, Sava and Tisa. “We want to actively support your efforts to implement all plans in the field of railway transport at the operational, technical level, as well as with direct investments in network infrastructure,” declared World Bank senior transport economist, Baher El-Hifnawi, quoted by the press release of the Serbian ministry. Three offers for Plovdiv intermodal terminal Bulgaria: The tender for the construction of an intermodal terminal near Plovdiv has attracted three eligible bids, the country’s state-run railway infrastructure

Transport for London announces the short list of bidders for Docklands Light Railway franchise International: Transport for London (Tf L) announced the names of the companies shortlisted to bid for its new Docklands Light Railway (DLR) franchise in London starting with September 2014. The selected bidders are Stagecoach Rail Projects, a JV of Keolis (UK) and Amey Rail, another JV of Go Ahead and Colas Rail and Serco. Over the next weeks, Tf L will issue an invitation to tender to shortlisted companies. Under the new franchise, Tf L wants to ensure that the service reliability continues to improve and that trains, stations and track are maintained to support service reliability and are used efficiently long term. Currently, Docklands Light Railway is operated by Serco (as of April 1997).

Федеральная пассажирская компания (ФПК) подписали меморандум понимания по вопросам использования систем информации о перевозках пассажиров. В мире: Лондонская транспортная компания назначила четырех офертантов для франшизы обслуживания Docklands Light Railway (DLR) в Лондоне начиная с сентября 2014 года. Сербия: Всемирный банк заинтересован инвестировать в проекты модернизации сербского отсека Панъевропейского коридора Х.

PKP Cargo to compete SNCB in the Belgian network

Prequalification criteria for CFR Marfă sale are amended romania: On 26 April, the Romanian Ministry of Transport announced the amendment of the prequalification criteria in the sale of the 51% stake of CFR Marfă. Therefore, for item 7, letter C) which stipulates the conditions imposed by the prequalification criteria in the case of persons participating in a Group of Investors, item ii is thus amendment “ii. The ownership by one or several members of the Group of Investors of a freight transport license or of any other approvals in force issued by a competent transport authority at least 3 years before the date of submission of the Participating Documents, held continuously and without significant breaches throughout the entire period of time; The same point 7, letter C) also suffers an amendment of the final paragraph. Thus, “in

International: PKP Cargo will initiate transport services between Poland and Zeebrugge Port (Belgium) to deliver the Opel Astra cars built at Gliwice (Poland) after the shutdown of the Opel plant in Anvers. PKP Cargo will thus provide four connections every week. PKP Cargo is the 13th operator that got the necessary authorisations to compete with SNCB Logistics in the Belgian network. the case of persons participating as part of a Group of Investors, the requirements at items i. and ii. can be fulfilled by any of the members of the Group of Investors. The criterion at item iii. Can be cumulatively fulfilled by the members of the Group of Investors that are legal entities. In all cases, the members of the Group of Investors fulfilling the requirement at item ii. will have, a total annual average turnover in the past 3 years of at least EUR 30,000,000.”

photo: Club Feroviar

FPC will be able to use the European train timetable systems

Болгария: На тендер по строительству интермодального терминала недалеко от города Пловдива было направлено три предложения. В мире: Договор на проведение работ по первому отсеку национальной железнодорожной сети Омана будет присужден до конца 2014 года. Казахстан: Компания КТЗ и DP World подписали соглашение о сотрудничестве в сфере управления проектами порта Актау и Коргос Восточные ворота. Россия: Компания РЖД и

photo: eqecontrol.com

Eastern Gate project. DP World is the world’s largest port operator, based in Dubai Free Zone - Jebel Ali. The company operates 60 existing terminals in 31country in the world covering six continents. In 2012, the company DP World handled more than 56 million TEUs. It is expected that with the expansion and development of projects will increase the annual capacity to 103 million TEUs by 2020.

May 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

8 news

romania: Constanţa Seaport continues its development strategy aimed at creating links with the hinterland, optimising the existing infrastructure and implementing infrastructure construction works. “Our main goal is to establish the framework necessary to promoting the development projects of Constanţa Seaport for the period 2014-2020 by planning transport infrastructure investments as good as possible”, declared Mihai Gheorghiade, Engineer - Constanţa Seaport Infrastructure Department, during the conference “Intermodal Romania – opportunities for rail freight transport”, held on 24-25 April 2013 in Constanţa and organised by Club Feroviar and the Romanian Railway Industry Association (AIF). Apart from the projects on the extension of breakwaters, Constanţa Seaport plans to develop the rail capacity in the river-maritime area where necessary works amount to EUR 17.6 Million. Financing sources come from the state budget (30.75%) and European funds (69.25%). Practically, the project includes the doubling of the existing line (11 km), the construction of a group of arrival-shipping of four lines and of a shunting group consisting in the construction of 6 lines.

China suspends rail projects

photo: www.portaktau.kz

International: The construction of a number of railways, including the one from Zhengzhou to Wanzhou, Zhengzhou to Hefei, Chengdu to Lanzhou, and Chongqing to Lanzhou have been suspended or postponed due to capital problem.

Wang Mengshu, Chinese Academy of Engineering, said the funds used for railway construction this year amounted to CNY 650 Billion (EUR 81 Billion), of which CNY 200 Billion (EUR 25 Billion) has not been implemented; meanwhile, banks are reluctant to lend to the railway companies, leading to widespread suspension in construction. Authorities to use pension fund to develop infrastructure projects Russia: Russian Government plans to invest RUB 440 Billion (USD 13.9 Billion) on major infrastructure projects in 2013, including money from the country’s pension fund, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said. “The government is developing the legislative framework allowing issuance www.railwaypro.com | May 2013

Another railway project to be developed by the authorities refers to the development of industrial lines in the “Gate 10” area (the south of Constanţa Seaport). The project amounts to EUR 1.34 Million.

announcement, adding that the aim was to find a buyer by the beginning of 2014. “The privatisation of Trainose will begin in June and within a brief period of time we will have very different-looking Greek railways,” said Economic Development Minister Costis Hatzidakis. Papers for Rail Baltica 2 to be completed in July

photo: Constantza Port

Constanţa Seaport develops rail infrastructure

of infrastructure bonds under Russian state guarantee, including the use of pension contributions for these purposes,” Medvedev said. Among Russia’s major infrastructure projects are the Trans-Siberian and BaikalAmur lines that provide connections with Siberia and Asia-Pacific. They require investments of up to USD 2.5 Billion. Medvedev earlier pledged to allocate an additional RUB 260 Billion (EUR 6.4 Billion) from the federal budget in 20132017 to expand the capacity of the two railway projects. Authorities to initiate Trainose sale in June Greece: Greece will open public bidding for the privatisation of the railways in June. A government official made the Россия: Российское правительство намеревается вложить 440 млрд. рублей (13,9 млрд. долларов США) в проекты транспортной инфраструктуры, запланированные на текущий год. Данная сумма финансируется в том числе из пенсионного фонда. Румыния: Порт Констанца продолжает осуществлять стратегию развития для обеспечения связей с внутренними районами страны и реализации проектов инфраструктурного строительства. В мире: Финский геологический центр инициировал исследование на предмет анализа возможных маршрутов для будущего железнодорожного туннеля,

International: Ministries of transport in the Baltic countries, Rimantas Sinkevicius, Anrijs Matiss and Juhan Parts, have agreed at a meeting in Riga that the guidelines for establishing Rail Baltica 2 would be established in a month. They have also decided that all the papers for establishing this company would be solved by the end of July. The new company will deal with the development of Rail Baltica project that would be treated as a business project rather than a political one, explained the Estonian Minister of Transport. On the same occasion, a cooperation declaration was signed to continue with the implementation of Rail Baltica project. According to this declaration, Poland and Finland will be invited to join the project as partners with equal rights. If works would be carried out according to plans, the line will be operational starting with 2025.

Afghanistan wishes Turkmenistan to build Imamnazar-Akina railway section International: Afghanistan has offered Turkmenistan to construct the Imamnazar-Akina railway line - section of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Tajikistan railway line - on the Afghan territory.“ Representatives of the Afghan delegation suggested participation of the Turkmen specialists in the development of a feasibility study and construction of the Imamnazar-Akina railway line section in Afghanistan,” says a report. The sides signed an intergovernmental framework agreement on the construction of Atamyrat-Imamnazar-Akina-Andkhoi railway in May 2011. Earlier, Deputy Minister of Public Works of Afghanistan, Ahmad Shah Wahid, said the main investors in the project Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Tajikistan railway will be Ashgabat and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). который обеспечит сообщение между Хельсинки и Таллином. В мире: PKP Cargo будет предоставлять транспортные услуги между Польшей и портом Зеебругге (Бельгия) для поставки автомобилей Опель Астра, выпущенных в Гливице (Польша). Греция: В июне Греция запустит тендерную процедуру приватизации Железных дорог, а власти нацелены найти покупателя до начала 2014 года. В мире: Министры транспорта государств Прибалтики достигли соглашения о том, что руководящие принципы создания компании Rail Baltica 2 будут определены в течение одного месяца.

10 news Turkish president approves liberalization of railways

international: Only one firm, a Norwegian consortium led by P.J Skurdal, had tendered an offer for the Skopje tram network when the tendering procedure expired on Wednesday, the city confirmed. Authorities said it was was too early to reveal details of the offer. The slack interest comes as a disappointment after Skopje mayor Koce Trajanovski last year said companies from France, Poland, Croatia, Germany and the Czech Republic had shown interest. After several delays, the city issued the tram tender last December, envisaging the project as a private-public partnership. Should a concessionary firm be chosen, it will operate the system for 35 years and will have to build 24 kilometres of line running in two directions and obtain at least 22 trams. It is estimated that the cost will be some 240 million euro. According to projections, the government and city will finance half of the sum needed for the trams, as estimates have shown that the project would be hard to complete without state subsidies.

Turkey: Turkish President Abdullah Gül has approved a draft law on the liberalization of Turkish railways by allowing private sector operations and investments in statedominated railways. President Gül sent the law to the Turkish Prime Ministry for publication in the Official Gazette. The draft code, which was passed in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) last week, will permit public and private legal entities and firms to build their own railway infrastructure and operate them as well as to manage trains on the national railway network. Under the new scheme the functions of Turkish State Railways (TCDD) are differentiated by the establishment of a company under the name of the Transport AŞ for train management units and the transformation

Three companies submitted offers in the sale of CFR Marfă Romania: Three consortia have submitted offers for the acquisition of CFR Marfă. According to Railway Insider information, these consortia are: OmniTRAX (SUA), Transferoviar Grup (Romania) with Donau Finanz GesmbH (Austria) and Grampet – Grup Feroviar Român. Offers will be opened on 9 May 2013. The offer price is RON 800 Million (EUR 180 Million) for the 51% package of shares for sale.

Electronic presentation of cargo information International: The customs services

of Belarus and Ukraine are implementing a project to create a system for the required advance electronic presentation of cargo information. The system will allow economic operators from a partner state to send digital declarations, preliminary information letters compiled using the system to the customs service. If merchandise has to be exported, the information will be sent to the customs service of other partnering states. If the

www.railwaypro.com | May 2013

merchandise has to be transited, then the information will be sent to the customs services in the countries the cargo will pass through. The solution is meant to reduce illegal transportation and to facilitate border crossing for cargoes and vehicles. The customs services of Belarus and Ukraine will be able to share information about cargoes transported across the Belarusian-Ukrainian border in advance. Train service to connect Saudi capital to five cities International: Saudi Railway Co (SAR) has announced a plan to connect Riyadh with five cities by a train with a capacity of more than two million passengers and a maximum speed of 200k/h. The railway network is projected to span 2,750km and include two main tracks, the first of which will be dedicated to transferring phosphate and other raw materials, while the second track will be dedicated to the movement of passengers

Турция: Президент Турции Абдулла Гюль утвердил законопроект о либерализации железных дорог, в соответствии с которым частный сектор может осуществлять железнодорожные перевозки и инвестиции в железные дороги, которые до сих пор являлись прерогативой турецкого государства. В мире: 25 апреля местные власти города Скопье объявили, что лишь одна компания - консорциум во главе с П.Ж. Скурдалом - проявила заинтересованность в строительстве трамвая в столице бывшей югославской республики Македония и в образовании партнерства с государственными властями. Румыния: Премьер-министр Виктор Понта заявил о том, что в процессе приватизации компании «ЧФР Марфэ» “четыре крупные компании уже проявили заинтересованность к участию,

of the current TCDD into an infrastructure operator. TCDD will have the authority over infrastructure operations on the national railways network, which would be transferred to its responsibility by the state. The law also empowers the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications to grant operating rights to private companies to build and operate rail lines to carry freight and passengers.

photo: TCDD

Norwegians bid to build Macedonian tramway

and other cargo freights. “This track will extend from Riyadh, passing through Al-Mujamma’, Qasim, Hail, Jouf and Al-Quryyat, all the way to the SaudiJordanian border at the “Al-Haditha outlet”, with an extra sub-branch at the agricultural city of Al-Busiyta, said head of marketing and public relations at SAR, Sulaiman Khwaiter. Ethiopia seeks Chinese financial support for rail development International: Officials of the Ethiopian Railway Corporation and the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development have travelled to China to secure financing for one of the new railway projects. According to the press, the Chinese Export Import (EXIM) Bank will grant a credit for the railway project in Ethiopia. The Bank had previously granted loans for the construction of 657 km of railways (Addis Ababa - Mei’so and Mei’so - Dire Dawa – Dawale lines), sections of these lines being built by Chinese

а до заседания Управляющего совета МВФ в июне у нас будет окончательный вариант процедуры”. В мире: Таможенные службы Украины и Белоруссии внедряют проект создания системы предоставления электронной информации о грузах. В мире: Железные дороги Саудовской Аравии намереваются осуществить железнодорожные сообщения Риада с пятью другими городами. Соединения будут позволять осуществлять движение поездов с максимальной скоростью 200 км в час. В мире: Представители Эфиопской железнодорожной корпорации и Министерства финансов и экономического развития в ходе визита в Китай обсудили возможность получения финансирования для новых железнодорожных проектов.

news 11 companies CREC and China Civil Construction Corporation. The Ethiopian Government plans to construct more than 2,300km of rail lines during the five-year Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP). Turkmenistan-AfghanistanTajikistan railway closer to commencement

photo: www.carecprograme.org, Eric Sales

International: The first meeting of the special coordination group on the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Tajikistan railway construction project was held in April 18-19. The meeting composed of senior representatives of the three countries will be held within the relevant Memorandum of Understanding, signed in Ashgabat on March 20 following a tripartite meeting between the Turkmen, Afghan and Tajik presidents. According to the Turkmen side, the implementation of this project will be an effective action to restore the social and economic infrastructure of neighboring Afghanistan and ensure the sustained growth of its economy. Moreover, the implementation of this project will contribute to the diversification of Turkmen and Tajik transport corridors, as well as use the transport and communication network of the Central Asian, Caspian and Black Sea regions. The main investors in the project for construction of the TurkmenistanAfghanistan-Tajikistan railway will be Ashgabat and the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Deputy Minister of Public Works of Afghanistan, Ahmad Shah Wahid told Trend. The bank plans to allocate USD350 Million to Afghanistan, he said. According to Wahid, the Afghan section of the feasibility study is also completed, and after its approval by the government, the implementation of the project will start.

ECMs require certification compliant with Regulation 445/2011 International: The provisions and the correct implementation into the national legislation of Regulation 445/2011 on the certification of entities in charge of maintenance for freight wagons were debated during the workshop organized by Club Feroviar and the International Union of Wagon Keepers (UIP) on 25 April in Constanţa. “Through certification in accordance with

CFR SA seeks consultancy for Coşlariu – Sighişoara and Coşlariu – Simeria sections romania: Procedures for the acquisition of six consultancy and technical assistance for rail projects have been submitted to the National Authority for the Regulation and Monitoring of Public Acquisition (ANRMAP) totalling RON 120,850,448 (EUR 27 Million). CFR SA has sent the public acquisition procedure for the acquisition of consultancy services for two section of the pan-European Corridor IV. The first procedure is “Consultancy in the management and control of the execution of construction and installations works” on the objective “Rehabilitation of Braşov – Simeria rail line, Coşlariu – Sighişoara section”. The total cost of the project is estimated at RON 68,144,366 VAT excluded (EUR 15.5 Million). The second acquisition procedure refers to “Consultancy in the management and control of the execution of construction and installations works” on the objective “Rehabilitation of Braşov – Simeria rail line, Coşlariu – Simeria section”. The total cost of the project is RON 47,199,030 VAT excluded

(EUR 10.7 Million). Also, four public procurement procedures for contracts on technical assistance in the improvement of railway traffic safety have also been submitted to the same authority. The first procedure refers to technical assistance in project management and supervision of design and execution works for the project “Modernisation of level crossings”, the total cost of the project being estimated at RON 1,966,884 VAT excluded (EUR 450,000). The second procedure refers to the same type of technical assistance for the objective “System for detecting the overheated axle boxes and tight breaks”. The total cost of the project is estimated at RON 934,208 VAT excluded (EUR 213,000). Acquisition procedures have also been launched for technical assistance contracts for the objectives “Modernisation of the electromechanical interlocking on SiculeniAdjud section”. The cost of the project is RON 1,704,031 VAT excluded (EUR 390,000) and “Modernisation of the electromechanical interlocking on Ilia-Lugoj section”, at a total cost of RON 901,929 VAT excluded (EUR 206,000).

Regulation 445/2011 also the specialized workshops in Romania will be able to do the maintenance of the freight wagons running on other railway networks, not only on the national one,” said Florin Nicolae, Director General - Association of Romania Wagon Keepers (ADV). “Any entity can ensure the maintenance of freight and passenger wagons, but for safety only the certification of those entities which ensure the maintenance of freight wagons is mandatory”, pointed out Gilles Peterhans, Secretary General UIP. He added that although a Memorandum of Understanding was signed by the ministries of the EU countries since 2010-2011, so far nothing clear was established for the simplification of the transposal of Regulation 445/2011 into

the national legislations. Peterhans and Fabian Schmid, CEO – ERC, underlined the importance of speeding up the application of Regulation 445/2011 stressing the fact that “all entities in charge with the maintenance of freight wagons registered in the national register of vehicles will be certified in conformity with the present regulation by 31 May 2013”. Mihaela Carabineanu, General Director of the Romanian Railway Safety Authority (ASFR) declared that in the shortest time possible the authority she represents will publish a guide for those interested in obtaining certification for the maintenance of freight wagons. The second part of the workshop debated the topic of urban logistics and participants included George Petre, Multimodal

В мире: Положения и правильное применение национального законодательства Регламента № 445/2011 о сертификации учреждений, ответственных за техническое обслуживание грузовых вагонов обсуждались 25 апреля в Констанце в рамках семинара, организованного «Клуб Феровиар» совместно с Международным союзом владельцев частных грузовых вагонов (UIP). В мире: У чешских компаний имеется необходимая экспертиза и возможности для строительства железнодорожной инфраструктуры по проекту Rail Baltica. Об этом заявил премьер-министр Чехии Петр Некас в ходе своего визита в Таллин. В мире: Испанский Министр развития заявил о том, что закон о железнодорожном секторе подлежит

изменению в целях стимулирования железнодорожных перевозок, особенно грузовых перевозок. Румыния: В Национальное учреждение по урегулированию и мониторингу государственных закупок (ANRMAP) были направлены процедуры заключения шести контрактов на оказание консультационных услуг и услуг по техническому обслуживанию для железнодорожных проектов. Общая стоимость контрактов составляет 120.850.448 лей (27 млн. евро). Казахстан: Необходимо провести финансовую оценку высокоскоростной линии Астана - Алматы. В июне будет приниматься решение о целесообразности данного проекта. Национальный Фонд можно использовать только в случае, если нет других источников финансирования. May 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

12 news Astana-Almaty high-speed railway construction needs careful funding scrutiny

an example. “I would like to have such a railroad, but while considering this issue in China, it was revealed that first it is a very expensive project,” he said. “Second, the railway requires constant upkeep. Meanwhile, passenger traffic between Astana and Almaty does not provide adequate profitability of the railroad. Therefore, this idea requires careful evaluation before we start financing.” The president instructed the government to develop and adopt the necessary documents for the proposed infrastructure projects and determine the mechanisms for using the National Fund’s money for their funding until June 1.

Kazakhstan: The National Fund can

be used only if there are no other sources of financing a strategically important infrastructure projects, Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev said at a meeting on April 12 where the conceptual approaches of using the National Fund’s money, as well as directions of placing its assets were considered, Akorda reported. The Kazakh President cited the AstanaAlmaty high speed railway construction project requiring additional analysis as

Operation Manager – Tibbett Logistics, Andreea Nistor, Office Manager – TRABA Logistics Romania and Ştefan Roşeanu, Senior Partner – Club Feroviar.

special attention to the regulation of rail terminals and the activities carried out in terminals, including as regards the improvement of tariffs and the provision of services to support intermodality.

Czech Republic wants to participate in the development of Rail Baltica

photo: wikimedia.org

Spain to amend the railway law International: The Spanish Ministry of Development announced that the railway law will be amended to stimulate rail transport, especially freight. The new law will grant a higher independence to the rail infrastructure manager ADIF in setting the rules for the use of infrastructure. The reform will grant www.railwaypro.com | May 2013

MÁV continues level crossing security programme Hungary: MÁV, the Hungarian stateowned company, will continue installing video cameras to survey level crossings. The company spends around HUF 200 Million (EUR 670,000) for this programme as the CCTV systems are installed at around 100 level crossings. The programme aimed at reducing the vandalism over the level crossing barriers which is now a common phenomenon causing significant financial damages and affecting safety.

Liberalising rail services: balancing competition and quality of service

International: Presidents of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan are expected to open a section of the “Uzenstate border with Turkmenistan” railroad connecting Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Iran tentatively in May, Kazinform has learnt from CEO of “Kazakhstan Temir Zholy” JSC Askar Mamin. “The launching ceremony of the section with the participation of the Kazakh and Turkmen leaders will be held on 11 May, but the date has to be confirmed. The transit corridor will link Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Iran,” A. Mamin told the session on the investment activity of “Samruk-Kazyna” JSC following results of the year of 2012. In his words, right after the section of the new international railway is commissioned, the transportation of goods from Kazakhstan to Turkmenistan will start. The project will directly link Kazakhstan and the central regions of Russia through Turkmenistan to Iran, the Persian Gulf, South and Southeast Asia. The volume of traffic only in the first year of operation will be up to nine million tons. Implementation of the project will give

International: The need to agree on how to separate track from train operators and to balance growth, quality of service and working conditions were the main points raised by transport and tourism MEPs and experts at a hearing on the 4th railway package on May 7. Uniform rules on safety certification and interoperability will be key to creating a single EU rail area, MEPs agreed. Rapporteurs will present their draft reports on the 4th Railway Package in July, with a vote in committee scheduled for November. MEPs and experts said that uniform rules on safety and technical standards would lead to higher interoperability, creating more competition and better services, provided that the role of the European Rail Agency was strengthened. Brian Simpson, chair of the transport and tourism committee, called on railway companies to change their attitude. “If we had the same situation in aviation as we have in railways, not a single Airbus would fly across Europe,” he said. MEPs and experts differed on how to achieve the aim of unbundling infrastructure managers and rail operators set out in the Commission proposal. Representatives of regulatory authorities and railway operators said good oversight by regulatory bodies was more important than full separation of track and train.

В мире: Первая встреча особой группы координации внедрения проекта железнодорожного коридора Туркменистан - Афганистан Таджикистан состоялась в период 18 - 19 апреля. По мнению туркменской стороны, строительство данного железнодорожного коридора является эффективной меры по восстановлению социальной и экономической инфраструктуры Афганистана. В мире: Президенты Казахстана и Туркменистана в мае могут сделать инаугурацию железнодорожного отсека “Узен - Туркменская граница”. данный

коридор осуществляет сообщение между Казахстаном, Туркменистаном и Ираном. Венгрия: Венгерская государственная компания MÁV будет продолжать инвестировать в установку камер наблюдения на железнодорожных переездах. Компания потратит около 200 миллионов форинтов (670.000 евро) на осуществление этой программы. В мире: Афганистан предложил Туркменистану построить ИмамназарАкина железнодорожная линия - часть Туркменистан-Афганистан-Таджикистан железнодорожной линии - на афганской территории.

Railway linking Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Iran to open soon

International: Czech Prime Minister Petr Necas who is visiting Tallinn said yesterday that Czech companies have the knowhow and capacity to build the rail infrastructure for Rail Baltica. “We are definitely interested in the development of this project. Our companies have the capacity to build everything that it includes, ranging from railway infrastructure to locomotives and wagons,” Necas said after a meeting with the Estonian PM Andrus Ansip.

new impetus to economic development of western Kazakhstan.

14 news

romania: During a meeting of Bucharest General Mayor, Sorin Oprescu, and the new Board of Bucharest Public Transport Administration (RATB), Oprescu has demanded the urgent implementation of the company’s reorganisation and restructuring and has let the Board present their future plans. Therefore, the next step is the elaboration of the documents and of the strategy for transforming the Autonomous Administration into a trading company in “maximum 6 months, as the law stipulates”, declared Oprescu. The transformation of the company into a trading company will increase its independence in the decision making process and the possibility to access European funds. The transformation of autonomous admi-

St Petersburg to build metro line to Pulkovo Airport russia: Saint Petersburg and Pulkovo Airport will be linked by a metro line. Therefore, the new terminal, the capacity of which is 17 million passengers per annum, can fail to have a railway link to the city.It was supposed earlier that a railway line would be built between the city and the airport, and it would be serviced by Aeroexpress trains. RBC Daily said that the Governor of St Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko offered in his letter to the RF Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov to allocate RUB 34 Billion (EUR 830 Million) from the federal budget to build a metro line to Pulkovo. The Governor of the city asked for the funds as investment in the development of infrastructure, which would be used for the FIFA World Cup in 2018. In his letter the Governor expressed a negative opinion about the construction of Aeroexpress line to the airport. The line would be 10km long and its construction will take 3 years. The construction of Aeroexpress rail line from the Baltiysky railway station in St Petersburg to the Pulkovo airport was estimated at RUB 13 Billion (EUR 317 Million). Of that, RZD was going to invest RUB 8 Billion (EUR 195 Million was to be spend on the construction of a 7 kilometrelong track from the Shosseinaya station). The planned project implementation period was two years and a half. The offer of Mr Poltavchenko was a surprise for the administration of the airport. In the words of Dmitry Rudenko, Director for Development of Air Gates of the Northern Capital LLC Aeroexpress was considered as a quick-launch project.

Keolis consolidates its presence in Asia International: Keolis, subsidiary of SNCF, has signed a strategic cooperation www.railwaypro.com | May 2013

nistrations into trading companies is a legal obligation under the European Directive 1370 which should have been implemented since 2008. Currently, its statute of autonomous administration does not allow the accession of European funds which is an important problem because the implementation of public transport projects could mostly be financed through European funds.

photo: Club Feroviar

Bucharest: Mayor Sorin Oprescu demands the urgent transformation of RATB into a trading company

agreement with Shanghai Shentong Metro Group to be able to “answer together to calls for bids for the underground, tram and regional train networks in China, Asia and at the international level”. The agreement consolidates the “installation of Keolis in Asia and creates important development perspectives”, mentions the company’s press release. Keolis has already reached half of the turnover outside France and is present on the markets in China, Middle East and Brazil. Transdev and RATP Dev obtain new agreement in China International: The Transdev-RATP Dev association has obtained an agreement for the management of a tram network in Shenyang (Liaoning Province, China). Transdev and RATP Dev will hold 49% of the operator which will manage the tram network, the remaining 51% belonging to the Shenyang municipality. The agreement has a three-year term, reaching over CNY 330 Million (EUR 41 Румыния: Мэр Бухареста Сорин Опреску призвал к скорейшему осуществлению преобразования Транспортного управления в коммерческое предприятие. Россия: Для обеспечения связи между городом Ст. Петербургом и аэропотром Пулково власти приняли решение построить линию метро. В мире: Компания «Кеолис» подписала договор о стратегическом сотрудничестве с Группой «Шанхай Шентон Метро Групп». В мире: Партнерство ТрансдевRATP Дев выиграло тендер на заключение договора об управлении трамвайной сетью в Шеньяне (провинция Ляонин, Китай). В мире: Азиатский банк развития и Европейский инвестиционный банк подписали соглашение с властями города

Million). The operator will manage four tram lines totalling 60 km of railway line. The network’s traffic is estimated at 150,000 passengers a day. The agreement includes the offering of technical assistance to ensure the network’s commissioning on July 1, 2013. Ho Chi Minh metro network expands with the help of ADB and EIB International: The Asian Development Bank and the European Investment Bank have signed an agreement with the authorities of Ho Chi Minh on the partial financing of the first phase of the new metro line. The banks will grant a credit of EUR 200 Million for the development of the future line of the fifth metro network. The project is estimated at around EUR 658 Million. The first phase includes the construction of 17 km of line.

Voith develops tram for China International: German company Voith Engineering Services has received an order for the design of a low-floor tram dedicated to Xiangtan Electric Manufacturing Group and production planning. The project, worth EUR 7 Million, began at the end of March and will be completed at the end of 2014.The German company also plans to develop a complete line of vehicles based on this tram to meet the requirements of different Chinese customers.

Doha Metro: Red Line contracts to be awarded International: One of the senior officials of the Doha Metro Project has indicated that contracts for the Red Line North would be awarded by the end of the week. Speaking at the Leaders in Construction Qatar conference, Senior Programme Director Adrian Shaw said that four major underground contracts would be announced within the next few Хо Ши Миня на предмет строительства линии метро. В мире: Старший директор программы проекта метро в Дохе Адриан Шоу заявил, что в кратчайшие сроки будут присуждены контракты на Красную Северную Линию метро в Дохе. В мире: Компания Voith Engineering Services получила заказ на проектирование трамвая с низкой платформой для Группы Xiangtan Electric Manufacturing Group. В мире: Компания «Сименс» заявила о том, что она изучает техническое задание проекта введения трамвая в Льеже. Проетк был одобрен валлонским правительством в конце февраля. Азербайджан: Бакинское метро будет приобретать поезда у российского производителя «Трансмашхолдинг».

news 15 weeks. Tenders related to three elevated sections of the network are anticipated to be announced by the end of the second quarter of 2013. Doha’s four-line metro system is being prepared in advance of the 2022 soccer world cup. When complete, it will extend 385 km. The red and green lines will be intersected by the Gold line at a city centre transportation hub in Msheireb. Phase 1, comprising the Red Line North development will consist of 60 km of twinbore tunnelling. Platforms will be 22 metres below ground. Contracts for the Msheireb Station are also expected to be imminent. Siemens could propose Avenio for Liege tram

photo: www.mobility.siemens.com

International: Siemens Group has announced that it studied the tender book for Liege tram project approved by the government at the end of February.

China and Turkey invest in train car manufacture in Ankara Turkey: Chinese Corporation CSR, China South Locomotive & Rolling Stock Corp, and MNG Holding of Turkey are planning a joint venture to manufacture metro train cars for the Turkish capital, Ankara. The investment, said to total USD 110 Million, and will see the partnership develop a joint facility in the Sincan area of the Turkish capital to provide train cars for the city’s light rail network. A spokesman

Siemens would be interested to propose its tram Avenio for Liege network as it could meet the requirements in the tender book. The German group, in association with Besix, forms the consortium Mobilidge, one of the four bidders shortlisted in the tender for the development of Liege tram in a public private partnership. Offers could be submitted this summer and works on the EUR 360 Million project could begin in the spring of 2014. The tram should be commissioned in 2017. Transmashholding to deliver trains for Baku Metro Azerbaijan: Baku Metro is going to purchase three new trains produced by Transmashholding, a decision adopted following the series of tests carried out in January with five new wagons. The new coaches are equipped with

for the Turkish Ministry of Transportation, Maritime Affairs and Communications said that the facility will be developed in two phases, with 200 light rail cars to be manufactured in the first phase to be used in urban transportation. The second phase will consist of provision for the maintenance and repair of 150 vehicles per year. During construction of the plant, which is expected to be completed within a year, jobs will be created for up to 6,000 people, which will include 350 Turkish and 30 Chinese full time engineers.

climate control and heating of both passenger and operator’s cabins. It is planned to use the new coaches at the Avtovokzal and Memar Ajami 2 subway stations which are planned to be commissioned next year. At present, the length of Baku Metro lines is 34.6 km and now has two lines. In future the number of subway lines is planned to be increased to five, the overall length up to 119 km and the number of stations up to 76. Турция: Компании Chinese Corporation CSR и MNG Холдинг планируют создать совместное предприятие в Анкаре для производства поездов метро. В мире: Компания Thales заключила договор с Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd на поставку высокотехнологичной системы информирования пассажиров.

May 2013 | www.railwaypro.com


Electrification of surface transport, demanded by the European railway sector

[ by Elena Ilie ]

Recently, at the middle of March, 11 organisations from the transport and industry sectors launched the Platform for the Electrification of Surface Transport. By this initiative, they signed a common declaration requesting to the public authorities to support the electrification of public transport, based on a multimodal approach of the urban transport system. The measure represents a step forward to the fulfilment of the objective of the consumption reduction and the dependence on fossil fuels in the transport sector which still depends on fuels at a rate of 95%.


he European Union has launched will be possible without the support of an with the consent of the internation- adequate network and of its smarter use. al community a call on the drastic Overall, the investments in the transport reduction of emissions at the world level in infrastructure stimulate the economic and order to limit climate changes to less than job number increase and favour the inte2°C. Reaching this objective by the Europe- grated mobility. an Union generally supposes the reduction Considering these challenges and admitof emissions of 80-95% by 2050, compared ting the importance of a competitive Euto 1990, under the circumstances of the ropean transport industry, the signatary necessary reductions made by the group of organisations are certain that a substantial developed countries. The European Union’s electrification of the transport system is analysis shows that while in other econom- essential. An electrified urban transport ic sectors more significant increases can be represents the optimal solution for the dereached, in the transport sector – which congestion of great cities and for the pollurepresents a significant and still growing tion reduction. Available at world level and source of greenhouse gas – by 2050 green- at the same time generated on a large scale house gas emissions should be reduced by inside the European Union, the electrificaat least 60% compared to 1990”, informs tion, used to a scale as large as possible, can Energy the 2011 White Paper on Transport. The support the promotion of the fuel diversifiinfrastructure shows the extent of mobility. cation, can enforce the energy security and No major change in the field of transport can reduce at the same time the air and the Figure 2.6.6: Share of biofuels in fuel consumption of transport, Share of biofuels in fuel consumption of transport, 2010 (%) 2010 (%)


EU-27 Slovakia Austria Poland Germany France Sweden Portugal Spain Hungary Belgium Italy Czech Republic Lithuania Finland United Kingdom Slovenia Latvia Romania Ireland Netherlands Cyprus Greece Luxembourg Bulgaria

noise pollution inside the great cities, according to the 11 organisations which initiated the Platform for the Electrification of Surface Transport. Alstom, Avere, CER, ETRA, Eurelectric, Eurobat, Going Electric, Nissan, POLIS, UNIFE and UITP are the 11 member organisations of the recently launched Platform. In addition, the signatary organisations support the introduction of compulsory economic instruments to make sure that the objective of emission reduction in the transport sector is reached and at the same time request to the European Commission to prepare draft laws for this purpose. The development of adequate economic instruments would accelerate the use of railway but also road vehicles efficient in terms of energy consumption and with considerably reduced carbon emissions. This would equally support the international competitiveness of transport equipment manufacturers in Europe. Among other measures, continuous efforts are necessary as regards the research-development-innovation policies, as well as the financing strategies.

Европейский железнодорожный сектор нуждается в электрификации наземного транспорта









Source: Eurostat (online data codes: nrg_100a and nrg_1073a) www.railwaypro.com | May 2013

This indicator is defined as the percentage of biofuels, calculated on the


Недавно, в середине марта 11 организаций транспортного и промышленного сектора запустили Платформу для электрификации наземного транспорта. В рамках данной инициативы они подписали совместное заявление в адрес властей с просьбой о поддержании электрификации общественного транспорта, на основе мультимодального подхода городской транспортной системы. Данная мера представляет собой шаг вперед в сторону достижения цели в плане сокращения потребления и зависимости от ископаемого топлива в транспортном секторе, который до 95% все еще зависит от топлива.


Cities in Eurasia reposition public transport [ by Pamela Luică ]

Urbanisation is a natural process determined by the opportunities offered by cities and if they don’t rethink their transport priorities or the surface allocated to infrastructure development and to the connections with national transport systems, most probably they will not be able to answer to the increasing density and population. This will inevitably create issues such as congestion, insufficiency of transport services, excessive extensions and intense pollution in the entire area. Also, if actions will not be efficiently coordinated and in conformity with urban development plans, the cities will be confronted with the lack of proper investments to benefit from positive externalities generated by the increasing density.


nfrastructure investments are vital, but tant international institutions show that, programme on public transport that would at the same time the financial value of due to the increasing urbanisation, it is consider urban expansion and to determine projects is massive as it requires the necessary to create an efficient, performing the appropriate use of space, urban social construction of new transport routes that and developed transport system that would facilities and urban infrastructure. would sustain the entire mobility system, focus on public transport rather than on electricity systems, supply systems etc. individual motorized transport. The reason New development projects still face “Once set, the physical structures of a city is well-known: it has a negative role on the the financing issue can remain in force over 150, years and in social, ! ! economic and environmental ( " ! "% seg &" ! -311:* 27 !" 3115* 8 . ! conformity with current trends, the esti- ments and implicitly on the development of Cities play a key role in increasing pro % ! -311:* 48 !" 3115* 1 . mated increase of urban population will public transport systems. To give a chance duction and export by delivering a wide be accompanies, at city level, by the three- to sustainability, the priorities of the trans- range of services which, in turn, contrifold increase of the surfaces of construction port infrastructure have to be redefined and bute to maintaining economic activities ,38( " !" " " !" !"# ' -311:* 75 ! facilities from 200 thousand ,square km to the adopted # " % ! ! policies have to include social, and the dynamics of a state’s urbanisation. 600 thousand square km, shows the latest economic, space and environmental visions % Big cities tend to have good domestic and .( #" " &" ! ! " " " 3115 -311:* 8 !" 3115* report elaborated by the World Bank and over society development. Practically, it is external links and to provide the most varthe International Monetary Fund (“Rural- quite clear that transport policies, especial- ied services and products. Urban Dynamics and the Millennium De- ly for passengers, can strongly influence the Cities in Eurasia are no exception being velopment Goals�). efficient use of the urban space, as well as a crucial factor in the integration of the reThe developing world’s urban centres are the simulation and long-term expansion of gion in the world markets. But to reach this expected to burgeon, drawing 96% of the peri-urban expansion. The challenge con- objective, the political class in every counadditional 1.4 billion people by 2030. To sists in elaborating a political regulation to try of Eurasia has to plan its urban areas meet urban growth, it is necessary to align allow the planning of long-term investment very efficiently to tackle traffic congestion policies in order to develop essential infraNetwork length under construction structures for delivering efficient services. In the context of urbanisation, cities are forced to grow and the urban transport network becomes extremely important in ensuring the mobility and connectivity of the regions of the city with jobs, the highly industrialized areas with highly populated areas. “Urbanization does matter. However, in order to harness the economic and social benefits of urbanization, policy-makers must plan for efficient land-use, match population densities with the required needs for transport, housing and other infrastructure, and arrange the financing needed for such urban development programs,� said Jos Verbeek, Lead Economist at the World Bank and lead author of the Global Monitoring Report. Source: Metro, light rail and tram systems in Europe, Published by ERRAC Roadmaps, The FP7 project of ERRAC – „The European Rail Most of the reports elaborated by impor- Research Advisory Council�

www.railwaypro.com | May 2013


Network length planned

Network developments under construction and planned

Source: Metro, light rail and tram systems in Europe, Published by ERRAC Roadmaps, The FP7 project of ERRAC – „The European Rail Research Advisory Council�

have not invested in the development of the metro system, they have recently announced that they have undergone negotiations with international banks to grant credits dedicated to the suburban transport infrastructure. Apart from these financings, Yerevan Metro will also receive EU funds. Another city that will massively invest in the transport infrastructure is Kiev (Ukraine) which focuses investments on expanding the metro lines for which the 2030 strategy includes the doubling of the network through the construction of 3 new lines and the extension of the existing lines. In EU member states, Sofia is an example of encouraging public transport by allocating investments. The ambitions of local authorities consist in the development of the metro lines to cover 70% of the surface of the Bulgarian capital and consequently, the metro system will cover 60% of the share of public transport. These are only few examples which prove the orientation of the authorities in favour of public transport. Therefore the challenge that the Eurasian region will be confronted within the next years will be to make sure that public transport will keep a stable market share so as not to abandon cities to congestion and pollution. At the level of transport infrastructure, the big cities in the region of Central Asia and Europe reposition the role of public transport due to the awareness of its importance in the social, economic and environmental system. This is not only obvious from the reports elaborated by the governments or financial institutions, but also due to the launch of public transport projects in every city.

and the maximisation of the agglomeration cles which has obviously led to a decreasĐ•вŃ€Đ°ĐˇĐ¸ĐšŃ ĐşĐ¸Đľ гОŃ€Ода of economic activities. By improving con- ing share of public transport. However, in поŃ€опОСициОниŃ€ŃƒŃŽŃ‚ nectivity between cities, launching infra- the past three years the authorities have be structure projects to support public trans- gun to tackle the problem and to improve ОйŃ‰ĐľŃ Ń‚воннŃ‹Đš Ń‚Ń€Đ°Đ˝Ń ĐżĐžŃ€Ń‚ port, creating a lifestyle that will adopt the situation. Positive changes are obvious %% the # " # % ! 1 2 $ "#!' 67 $*$% $ 6< $ ( % %!% % - Ń?вНŃ?ĐľŃ‚Ń Ń? ĐľŃ Ń‚ĐľŃ Ń‚воннŃ‹Đź new requirements in terms of building due to the!authorities’ position towards the ! 6;; ĐŁŃ€йаниСациŃ? sustainable importance of public strategies $% $ $ $ ! communities, ( %+ # the # authorities $ %& % % 06: !& %# $. transport: %!% % # # <8.6 ĐżŃ€ĐžŃ†ĐľŃ Ń ĐžĐź, & # вŃ‹СваннŃ‹Đź Đ˛ĐžĐˇĐźĐžĐśĐ˝ĐžŃ Ń‚Ń?Пи, ĐżŃ€ĐľĐ´ĐžŃ Ń‚авНŃ?оПŃ‹Пи гОŃ€ОдаПи. to have a major contribution deve- :6.: " and programmes 196 06: are elaborated for the de$%#& % ! have 1:8.8 06: 6>.= in 2 65.: 2. loping a society with an increased level of velopment of urban rail transport systems ХкОŃ€оо Đ˛Ń ĐľĐłĐž, ĐľŃ ĐťĐ¸ гОŃ€Ода но ĐąŃƒĐ´ŃƒŃ‚ поŃ€ĐľŃ ĐźĐ°Ń‚Ń€иваŃ‚ŃŒ ! % " &$& * are'! ' $ $% % /$ & %, # %$ %* Ń Đ˛ĐžĐ¸Ń… приОŃ€итотОв life quality. )% $ ! $ & # ! $%#& % ! and, budgets adopted along with these в Ń Ń„ĐľŃ€Đľ Ń‚Ń€Đ°Đ˝Ń ĐżĐžŃ€Ń‚Đ°, на пНОщади, “Cities in Eurasia have to be rethought projects and negotiations are carried #$ "$. out & " & %. %(! $ $ "#! % $ ' !" % !# ! "& 0"# ' % 0" #% вŃ‹доНоннОК Đ´ĐťŃ? инŃ„Ń€Đ°Ń Ń‚Ń€ŃƒĐşŃ‚ŃƒŃ€Ń‹ to be competitive in the market economy with the financial institutions to finance the и пОдкНючониŃ? Đş нациОнаНŃŒĐ˝Ń‹Đź and to become growth elements for the re- development of transport infrastructure. Ń‚Ń€Đ°Đ˝Ń ĐżĐžŃ€Ń‚Đ˝Ń‹Đź Ń ĐľŃ‚Ń?Đź, Ń‚Đž Они йОНŃŒŃˆĐľ но gion they pertain to; to that end, political Currently, the cities in Eurasia have pu ĐąŃƒĐ´ŃƒŃ‚ в Ń ĐžŃ Ń‚ĐžŃ?нии Ń ĐžĐžŃ‚воŃ‚Ń Ń‚вОваŃ‚ŃŒ Ń€ĐžŃ Ń‚Ńƒ factors have to promote and to reorganise blic transport systems although they still пНОŃ‚Đ˝ĐžŃ Ń‚и и Ń‡Đ¸Ń ĐťĐľĐ˝Đ˝ĐžŃ Ń‚и Đ˝Đ°Ń ĐľĐťĐľĐ˝Đ¸Ń?. Đ­Ń‚Đž cities through concepts that would encour- need to develop them; the cities that beноиСйоМнО ĐżŃ€иводоŃ‚ Đş Ń‚акиП пОйОчныП # " # % ! 1 2 $ connectivity "#!' and 67 $*$% $ ! metro 6< systems $ ( % or from %!% a network % ! 6;; - Ń?вНониŃ?Đź, как прОйки на дОрОгаŃ…, age a better planning, nefit from Metro, light rail and tram systems in Europe Ń‚Ń€Đ°Đ˝Ń ĐżĐžŃ€Ń‚Đ˝Ń‹Ń… ŃƒŃ ĐťŃƒĐł, sustainabilityâ€?, states the WB$ %& % in its report tram lines trying to adopt financing $ $ $ ! ( %+ # # % of 06: !& are %# $. %!% % # # <8.6 ноŃ?Ń„Ń„окŃ‚Đ¸Đ˛Đ˝ĐžŃ Ń‚ŃŒ & # чроСПоŃ€нОо Ń€Đ°Ń ŃˆиŃ€онио и инŃ‚ĐľĐ˝Ń Đ¸Đ˛Đ˝ĐžĐľ “Eurasian Cities: New Realities Along the plans for the construction of new lines & % ! 1:8.8 06: 6>.= 2 :6.: " 196 06: СагŃ€Ń?Снонио ОкŃ€ŃƒМающоК Ń Ń€одŃ‹ на Silk Roadâ€?. and those which don’t have these 65.: trans- 2. ŃƒŃ€Овно Đ˛Ń ĐľĐš торритОрии. КрОПо Ń‚ОгО, ! % " )% $ ! $ & # ! $%#& % ! &$& * '! ' $ $% % /$ & %, # %$ %* As regards public transport, the countries port modes, especially trams (for example, ĐľŃ ĐťĐ¸ Đ´ĐľĐšŃ Ń‚виŃ? но ĐąŃƒĐ´ŃƒŃ‚ Ń?Ń„Ń„окŃ‚ивнО in Eurasia %(! $ $ "#! % $ ' !" are still confronted with prob- many cities in the former soviet countries & " & %. % !# ! "& 0"# ' % 0" #% #$ "$. кООŃ€диниŃ€ОванŃ‹ в Ń ĐžĐžŃ‚воŃ‚Ń Ń‚вии Ń lems regarding the regulatory and legisla- have given up their tram infrastructure, but пНанаПи гОŃ€ĐžĐ´Ń ĐşĐžĐłĐž Ń€аСвиŃ‚иŃ?, гОŃ€Ода tive frameworks which are insufficiently some of them rethink their urban planning ĐąŃƒĐ´ŃƒŃ‚ Ń Ń‚аНкиваŃ‚ŃŒŃ Ń? Ń Đ˝ĐľŃ…ваŃ‚кОК developed. They are also challenged by the for the reconstruction of lines). адокватных Đ¸Đ˝Đ˛ĐľŃ Ń‚ициК Đ´ĐťŃ? надНоМащогО пОНОМиŃ‚оНŃŒнОгО Ń€аСвиŃ‚иŃ?, ноОйŃ…ОдиПОгО lack of standards for the provided services. A relevant example is the city of Yerevan, Đ´ĐťŃ? Ń ĐžĐžŃ‚воŃ‚Ń Ń‚виŃ? ŃƒвоНичониŃŽ нагŃ€ŃƒСки Moreover, the underfinancing in the past the capital of Armenia: after a period of дОрОг. decades has increased the number of vehi- three decades in which the authorities

o, light rail and tram systems in Europe

May 2013 | www.railwaypro.com


Infrastructure linking Eurasian cities [ by Elena Ilie ]

Facing various and always changing economic circumstances but also a trade reorientation towards Europe and Asia, will the cities on the Eurasian platform be able to adapt to markets and to different demands? Will some of these cities benefit from more flexible rules or from cooperation strategies necessary for an adequate economic growth? The World Bank has recently published a report which answers certain insistent and imperative questions for the decision makers of Eurasian cities and of national governments.


s the cities on the Eurasian platform develop differently, we can however notice certain similar challenges, state the representatives of the World Bank in the recently published study. Decision makers have a major role in the support of their restructuring, especially as regards the approach of different information received, but also a coordination of failures for their avoidance in the future. The authors of the study consider that the decision makers can support an even better and a more efficient development of the Eurasian cities by reconsidering them or by “reinventing” them, a better territorial planning and their connectivity, as well as by taking into account the ecofriendlyness of cities and finding new ways for financing the projects, especially those on the public transport improvement. Although they were once thriving, in the period of the intense practice of trade along the Silk Road, at present most of the cities of the Eurasian platform need to rethink

the strategies in order to be competitive in the market economy but also to be able to emerge again as main development engines. “The strategy planners of these cities understood on the one side the idea of the city development by improving the access to public transport, as well as by other facilities offered to the inhabitants, such as the implementation of some metropolitan areas, but did not manage to be aware of the importance of economic markets as a sustainable development engine. In order to become sustainable, on the long run, the Eurasian cities must find the right balance between markets and institutions”, considers Indermit Gill, World Bank Chief Economist for Europe and Central Asia. The World Bank has analysed for this report cities from 12 Eurasia states, all being states from the former communist bloc - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Republic of Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan,


Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. At present, the most important cities from these 12 states are being reorganised, mainly based on some recent economic, political or demographic developments. “Modern cities must be the main sustainable development engine and this can also be made by the insurance of an integrated mobility for inhabitants and of an efficient connectivity. Therefore, the cities on the Eurasian platform will be able to respond flexibly and dynamically to all changing economic circumstances”, mentioned Souleymane Coulibaly, World Bank Senior Economist lead author of the report published by the World Bank. For a better connectivity, the authors of this project recommend several changes necessary to enhance trade and transport corridors, further promote information and communications technology. Specific recommendations given by the World Bank include: standardizing transit fees, harmonizing border procedures for road and rail transport, simplifying customs procedures, improving regulations and strengthening the capacity of institutions governing the transports.

Инфраструктуры связи Евразийских городов

Source: www.unece.org

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Города, расположенные на Евразийской платформе сталкиваются с постоянно меняющимися экономическими обстоятельствами и с переориентацией коммерческой деятельности в сторону Европы и Азии. Поэтому смогут ли они приспосабливаться к различным рынкам и различным требованиям? Будут ли некоторые из этих городов пользоваться более гибкими правилами или стратегиями сотрудничества, необходимыми для надлежащего экономического роста? Всемирный банк недавно опубликовал отчет, в котором приведены ответы на настойчивые и актуальные вопросы для лиц, принимающих решения в евразийских городах и для национальных 3 правительств.


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Alma Ata light rail project financed through PPP [ by Elena Ilie ]

The municipality in Alma Ata and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) signed in November 2012 a Memorandum of Understanding for a project on the construction of 14 km of light rail infrastructure in the main economic centre of Kazakhstan.

Photo: m.aviaforum.ru


he money to be invested in this project amount to approx. USD 300 Million and will be invested in the construction of a light rail network to replace the existing tram network. Part of the investment will go to the acquisition of rolling stock and necessary components. The representatives of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development believe that the future light rail transport system, also known as rapid tram, will be much cheaper and faster to build than an underground transport system. At the same time, the light rail will serve as the backbone of the entire transport system in Alma Ata, the former capital of Kazakhstan until 1997. The new project will complement and will improve the urban transport system in Alma Ata as an efficient public transport system is vital for a modern city. the East-European countries that EBRD inMoreover, the mayor of Alma Ata, vested in there is Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia AkhmetjanEsimov, said that the implemen- and Poland. tation of this project was aimed to improve Also, the EBRD has used the public prithe urban transport system by extending vate partnership to invest in public transelectrified transport. The quality of daily port systems in countries such as Georgia, journeys will also be improved and, most Ukraine, Turkey, Armenia, Tajikistan, the probably, the level of polluting emissions Republic of Kyrgyzstan, FYR Macedonia will be significantly reduced. and the Russian Federation. The construction of the light rail line is the The European Bank for Reconstruction first project of major importance for the ur- and Development (EBRD), the World Bank ban transport in Kazakhstan implemented and the European Investment Bank have rethrough public private partnership. affirmed their support in the elaboration of By 2012, the European Bank for Recon- sustainable mobility plans, at least for the struction and Development has financed 54 big cities; they plead for the introduction infrastructure projects in the EU member of stimulation measures in the EU so that states at a cost of EUR 1.6 Billion. Among the European financing of urban transport Investments inTransport Transport in ECA FigurePPP 3-5: PPP Investment in in ECA

projects would be conditioned by the existence of such plans and by the conclusion of public private partnership mobility agreements. In the programming period 2007-2013, the European Investment Bank has granted loans to support public private partnerships in countries such as Russia, Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. Regarding the EU member states, as part of the urban mobility strategy, the action plan of the European Commission suggests that the EU financing, including EIB mechanisms, can offer significant stimuli and can act as a leverage over private funds thus helping local authorities to create innovative public-private partnership systems.

No. of Projects

Проект легкого метро в Алматах финансируется за счет частно-государственного партнерства

Source: World Bank Sources: World Bank and PPIAF, PPI Project Database (2009).

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Energy and Water

Муниципальная администрация города Алматы и Европейский Банк реконструкции и развития (ЕБРР) подписали в ноябре 2012 года Меморандум понимания по проекту, касающемуся строительства 14 километров инфраструктуры легкого метро в основном экономическом центре казахстанского государства.


Development of Yerevan underground, supported by European funds [ by Pamela Luică ]

As any other city with over 1 million inhabitants, Yerevan, the capital of Armenia has an underground line (13 km), and for the development of the railway transport, the construction of a high speed underground tram system was initially foreseen, but the decision was radically changed in favour of the construction of an underground network. Both the local authorities and the national ones are determined to encourage the use of public railway transport by launching new projects for the construction of underground lines. For this purpose, negotiations are currently held with different financial institutions for the elaboration of reasonable terms on the investment allocation.


n 30 years, the infrastructure of the underground system in the capital of Armenia was operational without the implementation of major rehabilitation projects which determined its continuous deterioration. In order to optimise the quality of transport services and to encourage the use of public transport, the municipality applied the reform and rehabilitation programme of the underground system, for which it received European co-financing. Therefore, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has awarded financial support for the execution of repair and modernisation works. The total value of the project reaches EUR 16.75 Million, of which EBRD might grant EUR 5 Million, and besides the EBRD financing, the European Investment Bank has also approved the EUR 5 Million credit, and the Neighbourhood Investment Facility (NIF), which will allocate the same amount. This year, the underground com-

pany plans to launch the tender for the project execution. Approximately 2 years since the initiation of the modernisation project of the underground system, the authorities have announced significant improvements. The project executed at a rate of 72% will continue in order to provide an efficient transport, and from the granted financial support, a rate of 82% of the local investments has already been absorbed. To encourage the use of the public transport system for the purpose of reducing the individual motorised transport, the authorities of the capital want to execute an underground network. The initial phase foresees the extension of the first line to the north-west and the planning of the construction of line 2, which will connect the centre of the city to the northern part (Yeraz residential area), and a project of extension to the north-east-south exists for this line. In addition, the municipality has signalled the need to build the third

line on the east-west axis. The execution of the strategy for the development of the underground transport system by 2020 has determined the local municipality to initiate intense negotiations with several financial institutions to grant credits for building new underground lines. “Negotiations are already held with the Eurasian Bank for the granting of financings to the construction of the line connecting Ajapnyak and Davtashen Districts (the north-west part of the capital). We know that this project requires massive financial investments and for this purpose we will negotiate the final conditions”, declared Naira Nahapetyan, manager of the commission of the Board for Finance and Credits. In addition, the president of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, has announced he will encourage the capital’s authorities to extend the underground network, especially in the north-west part, where the provision of transport services is needed.

Official Metro plan

Европейское финансирование поддерживает развитие ереванского метро Как и любой город, население которого составляет более 1 миллиона человек, столица Армении Ереван имеет линию метро (13 километров), а для развития транспорта на рельсах изначально было предусмотрено строительство системы подземного скоростного трамвая, но решение было радикально изменено в пользу строительства сети метро. И местные, и национальные власти настроены поощрять использование общественного транспорта на рельсах путем запуска новых проектов строительства линий метро. В этой связи в настоящее время ведутся переговоры с различными финансовыми учреждениями по вопросу определения благоприятных условий для выделения инвестиций. May 2013 | www.railwaypro.com


From Europe to Asia in two minutes [ by Elena Ilie ]

Baku-Tbilisi-Kars route will be connected to Marmaray Tunnel allowing direct transport from Azerbaijan to Europe, said Binali Yildirim, Turkey’s Minister of Transport. High-speed projects and the Marmaray project make Turkey the preferred country in the transit of passengers and freight between the two continents, Asia and Europe. Moreover, with the inauguration of Marmaray Tunnel, scheduled for 2013, this becomes the second important railway submarine tunnel of Europe. The parties involved in Eurasian projects estimate that after the finalization of major railway projects such as Baku-Tbilisi-Kars and Marmaray Azerbaijan, Turkey and Georgia will become the most stable countries on the Asia-Europe Corridor.

Source: mehlikaauysal.blogspot.ro

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Photo: www.ubak.gov.tr


elayed for a long period of time, due to very important archaeological discoveries, today construction works at Marmaray project are progressing rapidly. According to the estimates of the Turkish Minister of Transport Binali Yildirim the opening of the tunnel under the Bosporus Strait is scheduled for the begining of 2014. The project on the tunnel under the Bosporus Strait, part of Marmaray, is considered the project of the century and has a major importance due to its direct railway connection between Europe and Asia. The project will include the construction of a 1.3km completely submerged tunnel of a total 13.6 km of tunnel. The existing railway line between Halkali, on the European side and Gebze, on the Asia side, will be fully upgraded and the number of lines will be increased to three. Two lines of this route, covering a total of 76 km, will provide urban transport services and other lines will be used by high-speed trains. The city of Istanbul, just like many other big cities, is suffocated by intense traffic and pollution, and the few transport systems to deal with such a high transport demand (around 12 million people travel daily in and through Istanbul) are also an impediment. But Marmaray Project is about to solve part of the traffic problems in the city on the bank of Bosporus. It will reduce car dependency, and the energy consumed, produced through own resources, will limit the import of fuels. It is estimated that the

travel time between Istanbul and Ankara will be reduced by up to 3 hours. The project is financed by the Japanese Bank for International Cooperation ( JBIC) – USD 950 Million and the European Investment Bank (EIB) – EUR 650 Billion. The estimates of the Turkish Ministry of Transport show that 1.5 million citizens will use the Marmaray Tunnel in their daily journeys in 2015 and their number will increase up to 1.7 million by 2025. The Turkish Ministry of Transport believes that the citizens will reduce the funds allocated to daily travelling by using urban rail transport and by giving up their personal cars. Currently, the railway network in Istanbul serves 3.6% of total traffic in the city. After

the commissioning of the new rail link, it is estimated that Istanbul will be able to create links to other cities which have rail transport systems and that traffic on the rail network of Istanbul will reach 28% of total traffic in the city.

Туннель Мармарай - из Европы в Азию за две минуты Железнодорожный маршрут Баку - Тбилиси - Карс будет подключен к туннелю Мармарай, и это будет способствовать осуществлению прямых перевозок из Азербайджана в Европу. Об этом заявил министр транспорта Турции, Бинали Илдирим. Проекты строительства высокоскоростных линий и проект Мармарай обеспечат Турции статус предпочтительной страны в плане транзита пассажиров и грузов между двумя континентами - Азия и Европа. Кроме этого, инаугурация туннели Мармарай, которая запланирована на 2013 год, обозначит открытие второй важной подводной железнодорожной туннели Европы. Стороны, принимающие участие в евразийских проектах, прогнозируют, что после осуществления таких крупных железнодорожных проектов, как Баку - Тбилиси - Карс и Мармарай, Азербайджан, Турция и Грузия станут наиболее стабильными государствами Азиатско-Европейского коридора.

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Capital of Ukraine has plans to double the metro network [ by Pamela Luică ]

Kiev, another city in the Wider Black Sea Area, focuses its transport policies on the projects for the extension of the metro network.

Central Business District and Troyeschyna residential area. This new route will have as common points several stations of Line 5 (whose construction is in plan). According to the press, investments amount to EUR 850 Million (2013 currency) and works are due in five years since the conclusion of the contract. Oleksandr Popov, head of Kiev state administration, declared in February that “the authorities will definitely find the funds necessary to begin the construction of the metro line to Troyeschyna district this year”. According to him, construction works will begin soon and the finalization of the first phase is scheduled for the end of 2015. The financing methods of the project will be established soon and the decision for the beginning of works will be made. The first phase of the line to Troyeschyna district will have 7.2 km and five stations, the costs of this phase being estimated at UAH 4.2 Billion (EUR 389 Million). According to the estimates of the metro company, Line 5 will be fully commissioned in 2030 (first section could be used in 2019) which currently exists as part of the tram infrastructure (in the north of the city) that will have to be transformed for the integration of the

metro system. Practically, Line 5 will have to be built in the east part of the city and will cross-cut Line 4 and Line 1 and will have two joint stations with Line 3. If all these metro projects are completed, the Ukrainian capital will have 100 stations (51 at present) leading to the development of a rapid surface transport system (connected to the underground transport system), including to the construction of a rail ring that will permit the development of an “air-rail” link to Boryspil Airport.

Source: en.shram.kiev.ua


lthough the capital of Ukraine benefits from all types of public transport, the authorities have decided to initiate projects for the development of the metro network, the only transport mode capable to meet mobility needs and to have a positive impact on reducing congestion. The metro system ensures 60% of the urban transport share (60 thousand passengers/day) with a total length of 63.7 km (3 lines). By 2030, the authorities plan to double their network and projects include the construction of another two lines and the development of the existing lines. For the development of Line 3, extension plans focus on two directions, plans for the section to the north-west part of the city are already approved and construction works will be finalized in 2015. The second extension consists in the development of works at Boryspilska station and will have a return of 90 degrees to the north-east connecting Darnytsia station to residential areas. Works have been suspended, but are due to be completed by 2020. As regards the construction of Line 4, the project has been approved due to the increasing transport demand between the

Столица Украины планирует удвоить свою сеть метро

Source: subway.umka.org

www.railwaypro.com | May 2013

Киев - другой город Черноморского региона, который фокусирует свою транспортную политику вокруг проектов расширения сети метро. Хотя украинская столица имеет все виды общественного транспорта, власти решили запустить проекты развития сети метрополитена. Метро является единственным транспортным средством, которое в состоянии удовлетворить потребность в мобильности, оказывая положительное воздействие на сокращение пробок на дорогах. Доля системы метрополитена составляет 60% в системе городского транспорта (60.000 пассажиров / день), а продолжительность линий метро составляет 63,7 км (3 линии).

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BRIAN SIMPSON MEP Chair of European Parliament’s Transport & Tourism Committee & Chair of Judging Panel

MATTHIAS RUETE Director-General, European Commission, DG MOVE & Chair of Technical Panel

The new European Rail Congress, a two day industry Summit and annual Rail Awards ceremony, provides a dynamic platform for key rail sector ďŹ gures right across the European continent to highlight and reward best practice as well as discuss and debate key challenges and opportunities for European rail. Entries will be accepted online at www.europeanrailcongress.com up to 19 April 2013. Entries will be assessed by a judging panel of MEPs and an expert advisory technical panel. Winners of the prestigious awards will be announced at an Awards Ceremony and Dinner at the 2013 European Rail Congress in London 12 to 13 November 2013. europeanrailcongress.com

May 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

28 leaders

Despite the development of motorised individual traffic, the transport system has not become more performing and efficient, on the contrary: the level of congestion has constantly increased, has determined the decrease of the running speed of public transport vehicles and last but not least has excessively contributed to the increase of pollution. Under the circumstances, the development strategy of the capital of Poland, Warsaw by 2015 supports the development of the railway transport which has an essential role in the transport system, due to the quality, efficiency, performance, environmental protection characteristics. www.railwaypro.com | May 2013



“Warsaw authorities plan to develop the underground network” Interview with Jerzy Lejk, CEO of Warsaw Metro

[ by Pamela Luică ]

Warsaw already has a relatively well developed transport network, the most important route being in the centre of the city which benefits from a rich system of connections to tram lines (three routes on the east-west axis and four on the north-south axis), an underground line and railway lines. Nevertheless, the main reason for concern is the system quality and consequently it strongly competes with individual transport. According to the strategy, “the estimates indicate that the optimisation of the public transport system attractiveness will lead to the increase of its efficiency”. Therefore, 8 pillars have been established, the priorities being maintained for the development and modernisation of the tram and underground network and the optimisation of the railway transport efficiency.

For the tram network, the programmes are elaborated according to the global requirements which will lead to the improvement of this mode of transport. The goal of the authorities is to create a new image of the tram transport, as a comfortable, modern, efficient one and able to compete with the motorised individual transport. The project involves the modernisation of four main corridors, the secondary ones coming afterwards, and the network extension will be approached according to the mobility needs which result from the evolution of the spatial development at the level of the entire city. In addition, the implementation of the development programme should take place simultaneously with the modernisation of lines and works should be initiated after 2015. The metro transport system, has one line and since the commissioning of four stations (in 2008) the length of the line is 22.7 km (21 stations). The development strategy includes network development projects consisting in the construction plan of lines 2 and 3. The central section of line 2 (from Daszyńskiego Roundabout to the Warszawa Wileńska station) will be developed due to the increasing potential of passengers and subsequently the line will be extended to Targówek şi Bródno, also including the construction of another section to Stadion Station and then Gocław. Thus, the system will practically have two lines (line 2A- Stadion – Bródno and line 2B- Stadion – Gocław) and, in addition, the central section will be extended to the western part. The authorities also foresee the construction of the third line, Stadion Station – Saska Kępa – Konstytucji Square –Warszawa Zachodnia railway station. The requisites for the execution of the network extension works consist in limiting the project costs due to modern tech-

nologies and to funds for the execution of line 2 and, possibly, of line 3, granted by the state and by European funds. For this purpose, the European Investment Bank announced (in April) that it will allocate a loan amounting to PLN 1 Billion (approximately EUR 238 Million) for the construction of the central section of the new metro line. The section will have 6.7 km and seven stations. The loan will also be used for the construction of a 400m tunnel for connection with existing lines and for the extension of Kabaty depot. The project also includes the installation of traffic control, communications and ticketing systems. The completion period is 2014-2015. The support awarded to the underground in the capital will determine the quality optimisation of public transport services in terms of speed, comfort and reliability, and the reduction of the travel time will be substantial due to the speed difference between the underground system and the surface modes of transport. Moreover, according to the EIB estimates, the modal transfer will determine the reduction of CO2 emissions by approximately 42.000 tonne/year. For further information on the need of developing the metro system in Warsaw, the approach of authorities on mobility demands, the solutions for increasing the public transport attractiveness, Mr. Jerzy Lejk, CEO of Warsaw Metro has given us an interview. RailwayPRO: How many Warsaw citizens use underground transport and what are your expectations for attracting people to public transport after the development of the metro projects? Jerzy Lejk: Currently, the Warsaw metro carries approximately 140 million passengers a year. It’s a fast, safe and ecological means of public transportation. It’s

The possibility of fast transportation across the city and the quality of the services provided influences the preference for the means of transportation Jerzy Lejk

operated and maintained to the highest operating standards by the Metro Warszawskie company. That’s why the citizens of Warsaw are so gladly using the metro. We’ll be as committed to earning the trust of the passengers of the second line. RailwayPRO: What are the main elements which determine the citizens to use metro transport instead of individual cars? Jerzy Lejk: The first metro line in Warsaw is located on the left bank of the Vistula River and runs along a north-south axis. Travel time for the whole route of 23.1 km is approximately 38 minutes, i.e. much less than the time required to travel the same route using overground or private transport. The possibility of fast transportation across the city and the quality of the services provided influences the preference for the means of transportation. RailwayPRO: What can you tell us about the stage of works for the development of the Warsaw Metro Line 2 and when do you estimate it will become operational? Jerzy Lejk: The field of construction works of the central section of the second May 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

30 leaders Financial assets in the budget for the construction of Metro in mln PLN



600 556,4


463,6 419,3

400 mln PLN




277,1 227

219,5 184,3

200 128,9 100





177,67 150,6


97,4 70,1


23 0 1990

1991 1992

1993 1994


1996 1997



2000 2001


2003 2004 2005 2006






metro line consists of 7 stations, 6 ventilation rooms, 2 tunnels with a total length of 9 km and a technical connector with the first metro line. The final construction works are currently ongoing along with the start of the finishing works. The TBM shields have dug over 3 km of tunnels. The central section of the second metro line 2 is expected to open in the autumn of 2014.

for modern rolling stock for the Warsaw metro. Siemens will deliver 35 six-car trains, which will be used on both the first and second metro lines. These trains are ecological, single-space and economic in utilisation. They will be fitted to suit the needs of disabled persons. The signed contract also provides the possibility to purchase another 50% of these trains.

RailwayPRO: What investments have been allocated so far for the development of the entire project and what financing will be necessary for the finalization of works? Jerzy Lejk: Currently, we are implementing the construction of the central section of the second metro line. We are also conducting advanced works on designing and preparing the construction of the next three west-bound stations and three north-east stations. We have selected two architectural firms from the participants in the contest for a architectural and construction concept. Their job is the preparation of building designs.

RailwayPRO: What can you tell us about the long-term development strategy of Warsaw Metro? Jerzy Lejk: The development strategy is drawn up by the City Council of the Capital City of Warsaw. In 2009 it adopted the “Strategy for the balanced development of transport in Warsaw till 2015 and for future years,” which also includes the strategy for the development of the Warsaw metro. City authorities’ intention is the reliable operation and development of the metro. That’s why it signed an agreement for the provision of transport services with Metro Warszawskie Sp z o. o., which is valid till 2027.

RailwayPRO: Will Warsaw Metro implement projects that would also involve the private sector? What do you think about the role of PPPs in increasing the attractiveness of mass transportation? Jerzy Lejk: Matters related to the public transport organisation system in Warsaw are the domain of the Public Transport Authority which acts as the contracting entity for transportation services. We entrusted outside companies with a considerable number of services concerning the maintenance of the infrastructure in the utilisation of the metro. We find such a form of cooperation effective from both the practical and economic points of view.

RailwayPRO: How do authorities answer the urban mobility needs from the point of view of grants for eco-friendly projects and the implementation of policies on promoting the use of an efficient and clean transport? Jerzy Lejk: Ecological solutions were considered important already in the tender documentation for the delivery of new trains for the Warsaw metro. Among the considered criteria, almost 30% of the awarded points were connected with ecology. Ecological solutions directly made up 8% of the total score. Another 20% was awarded for solutions involving electric energy efficiency. The Inspiro trains, to be launched on the first metro line this year and the central section of the second metro line next year, meet the strictest global environmental norms and are characterised by modern solutions in energy efficiency and recovery.

RailwayPRO: At the end of December 2012, the EIB announced the allocation of PLN 555 Million (some EUR 139 Million) for rolling stock acquisition. The money will be strictly granted for rolling stock or will it also be used for construction works? Jerzy Lejk: The funds granted by the European Investment Bank will be used www.railwaypro.com | May 2013

RailwayPRO: In your opinion, what are the solutions for increasing the attractiveness of public transport?

Jerzy Lejk: Several main transport nodes of the city are located along the currently operating first metro line, which is why the metro remains an important part of public transport. Its primary role is to provide high-quality passenger transport, maintain passenger safety and increase access to the metro for disabled persons. The development of these services increases the attractiveness of the metro as a means of public transport. It is reflected in passenger transport statistics, which show an increase each and every year. Additionally, periodic exhibits are organised, as well as community campaigns and events resulting from the constant cooperation with the Academy of Fine Arts, all of which serve to bring the metro stations to life. RailwayPRO: Performing services that answer the citizens’ mobility needs are necessary to encourage the use of underground transport. But the share of metro (and public) transport also means changing the behaviour and the lifestyle of citizens. What are the challenges faced in changing the citizens’ mobility behaviour in a city? Jerzy Lejk: Both metro as well as any other means of public transportation requires the passengers to follow specific rules. They are all set out in the regulations of the Public Transport Authority available in every train on the metro. They apply to everyone who purchases a ticket and uses public transport in Warsaw. Our company also conducts additional activities intended to induce the desired behaviour among the passengers. Among them is the request to remain vigilant concerning baggage abandoned on the premises of the metro, a warning against pickpockets and other atypical situations. You might also notice stickers by the escalators, which instruct you to stand on the right-hand side of the stairs.

«Власти Варшавы намереваются развить сеть метрополитена» Согласно стратегии развития города Варшавы, Польша, на 2015 год, было определено 8 направлений развития, а в числе приоритетов указано развитие и модернизация сети трамвая и метро и оптимизация железнодорожного транспорта. Для метрополитенной сети разработаны проекты строительства линии 2 (для этого Европейский инвестиционный банк уже предоставил кредит) и линии 3. Для получения больших сведений о необходимости развития системы варшавского метро и точке зрения властей в ответ на спрос на мобильность, а также о решениях, связанных с повышением степени привлекательности общественного транспорта, Генеральный директор Варшавского метрополитена Ержи Лейк дал нам интервью.

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April May 2013 | www.railwaypro.com


Another trump for Skopje with the new tram network [ by Elena Ilie ]

The local administration of Skopje, the capital of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, plans to build a tram network. For the almost one million inhabitants (according to an official census of 2011) the initiative is welcome as until now their city could not benefit from an urban railway transport system.


n addition, the local administration of Skopje has prepared the funds necessary for the execution of this project and the related feasibility study has already been drafted since the beginning of last year. The number of inhabitants in Skopje increases constantly mainly by the population migration from rural areas to urban area; therefore, the public transport system faces the impossibility to satisfy the growing demand for travel and mobility. Measures for the improvement of road traffic and for the exploitation of its possibilities have been practically exhausted. Therefore, the authorities have organised a public debate to find out which is the optimal solution to improve the public transport system. Obviously, the opinions were different, and among the best solutions was the construction of a tram system, a high-speed railway line, the improvement of the infrastructure for the adaptation of an environmentally friendly alternative transport, as well as the improvement of the road infrastructure. Following the analyses, the local administration decided that the optimal solution is the development of a tram network. Several pro and cons analyses have also been

performed for each expressed option, but the favoured one was the construction of a tram infrastructure. In December 2012, the local administration initiated a tender procedure for selecting the best bid for the construction of a tram network in Skopje. The contract assignment will be made as public-private partnership. The authorities justified the idea of assigning a public-private partnership contract by the city’s acute need for the introduction of new concept for public transport organization and improvement. Decision makers strongly support the fact that the presence of trams in the city will improve the quality, the speed, the efficiency, the safety and the sustainability of the existing urban transport system. In addition, by introducing this measure, the authorities in Skopje estimate that the number of inhabitants choosing the tram to the detriment of cars will be significantly higher once the line is commissioned. The contract will be executed following the design – financing – building – operation – transfer (DFBOT) model. According to the requirements published by the administration of Skopje, the contract involves the design of the tram infrastructure, the building

of the tram network having a length of 12.1 km (24.2 km on both running directions), the building of tram stations, of depots and of other necessary related infrastructures. The contract also stipulates the purchase of 22 trams, as well as the operation and execution of the line maintenance during the entire term of the public-private partnership. It will be carried out in the form of a 35-year concession. The parties interested in the construction of this project could submit their bids until the beginning of April 2013. Local authorities announced on April 25 that only one company, a Norwegian consortium managed by P.J Skurdal, was interested in the construction of the much-awaited tram in Skopje and in the partnership with the authorities. The cost of this project was estimated at EUR 240 Million. The low interest expressed for this project is rather a reason for disappointment, since the mayor of the city, Koce Trajanovski, said last year that certain companies in the specialised industry from France, Poland, Croatia, Germany and Czech Republic could submit their bids. Macedonia with Lithuania, Montenegro, the Republic of Moldova and Slovenia are among the states of the former communist bloc which did not have a tram network, and therefore the measure is appreciable even if the tram network in Skopje will not be built by reputable names in the industry.

Photo: wikimedia.org

Белый шарик для Скопье, у которого будет трамвайная сеть

www.railwaypro.com | May 2013

Местная администрация города Скопье - столицы бывшей югославской республики Македонии - нацелена на строительство трамвайной сети. Для населения города, насчитывающего одного миллиона человек (по данным официальной переписи населения 2011 года) данная инициатива приветствуется, учитывая, что до сих пор в их городе не было системы городского транспорта на рельсах.


Trams and light rail icons of modern urban lifestyle [ by Artur Perchel, Manager Eastern European Countries, International Association of Public Transport (UITP) ]

Urbanization, driven by processes of globalization, population growth and rural-to-urban migrations, challenges modern means of public transport in the constantly growing cities and metropolises. With more than half of the world’s population living in urban areas, this trend goes far beyond Europe, encompassing North America, Middle East and Asia. The two latter regions are often perceived as the epicenters of public transport development. Here, urban mobility strives to find sustainable, innovative and cost-effective approaches, combining rising public transport demand with new technologies, reduced carbon footprint and quality-driven capacity optimization.

Artur Perchel at Forum for sustainable mobility, Sibiu 2013


urrently, following the development of modern urban travel habits, urban rail systems – a key element in a multimodal transport framework – experience its renaissance. Tram and rail systems meet gradually strengthened environmental, safety and quality-oriented regulations, offering a reliable, green and comfortable mode of mass transportation. Likewise, after numerous network closures in the 1960s and 1970s, modern light rail systems meet rising mobility requirements at the urban level: safety, speed and regularity, affordability, energy efficiency, high interconnectivity and spatial adaptability. Globally, light rail systems are steadily but firmly becoming an alternative to other modes of urban mobility. According to the latest UITP statistics, there are currently around 400 active light rail systems worldwide, with 160 more under construction or in planning. With re-opened, newly constructed or modernized networks, light rail is successfully competing not only with the car, but also with other means of public transport which offer a

similar level of comfort, capacity and energy consumption. With this in mind, the key to understand the importance of tram and light rail systems lies in the network location. Light rail provides sub-urban populations access to all urban facilities, including home, work, universities, leisure centers and the like. It also makes the nearby land and residential property value substantially rising (see examples of Portland or Dallas). Furthermore, light rail – from trams to rapid transit systems – is a driving force of urban and economic development across the network corridor, improving the overall competitiveness of a neighborhood built around a tram or light rail station and therefore avoiding unnecessary urban sprawl. Last but not least, successful light rail lines reduce car usage and motor vehicle emissions, serving new neighborhoods

optimal – also regarding reduced environmental impact – transport solutions on the downtown-center axis. Given the above mentioned aspects, light rail is of key significance for the UITP’s PTx2 strategy of doubling the global market share of public transport by 2025. In this regard, particularly the tram sector should be given a special attention. With a total investment value of €3.8 billion and the expected annual growth rate of 3.7% in the period of 2010-2020, trams are perceived as one of the most attractive sectors in the whole rail industry and the catalyst of urban development. Particularly in Eastern Europe, with around 40 currently operating tram and light rail systems, but also in the former USSR, with more than 100 systems, a struggle between car ownership and >

Tram and light rail systems in Europe, 2009 200 150 100 50

Systems identified

0 Total


New Member States

Beyond EUͲ 27

Source: Metro, light rail and tram systems in Europe, ERRAC/UITP, 2009, p. 19

May 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

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St. Petersburg STOCKHOLM






Tver Yaroslavl









Russian Fed.




BERLIN Gorzów Wielkopolski


Grudziadz Torun














Elblag Olsztyn

Szczecin Bydgoszcz


Nizhny Novgorod






Konotop Czestochowa Katowice







C Z E C H Rep.


KIEV Kharkiv






Trencianska Tepl? Kosice




















Sea of Azov







Black Sea



Se TIRANA a Tyrrhenian





Novocherkassk Taganrog

Makiivka Mariupol

















Kryvyi Rih Zaporizhia

Cluj Napoca

















Kramatorsk Dnipropetrovsk





















Konya Adana












SYRIAN Arab Republic IRAQ


Wider Black Sea Area

Rail Public Transport Map Metro+ extension - Tram+ extension Metro+ extension - Tram+ extension Metro - Tram Metro+ extension - Tram Metro - Tram+ extension Metro Tram+ extension Metro+ extension Tram+ extension Metro under construction Tramline under construction

Nizhny Tagil






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Aral Sea












Naberezhnye Chelny















36 METROPOLITAN > light rail ridership has gained in magnitude since the beginning of 1990s. Although enjoying high modal split, tram networks are facing a number of obstacles on political, financial, regulatory, infrastructural grounds. This often leads to a number of line closures annually (see example of Vladivostok).

Surprisingly, however, it is Eastern Europe where light rail and trams often prove to be a flagship of sustainable mobility and urban development (see examples of Warsaw, Oradea, Prague, Arad or Szczecin), offering relatively high capacity, qualityoriented services and the reactivation of local subcontractors. This positive trend, partially based on EU funding, has been gradually involving better urban development strategies, new managerial culture, customer-driven approach, integrated revenue policy and long-term political commitment. All of these aspects ensure that urban rail systems remain at the core of modern public transport, contributing to a positive image for a city and improving its social dimension (see the latest social media campaigns in Vienna). When thinking about trams, it’s always good to keep in mind one simple calculation: while one 6-axle tram can host 170

passengers, car can only have them five or less. That is the first and the best example why light rail systems are so important for the sustainable urban mobility, both in Eastern European and elsewhere. Nonetheless, although successfully showing its contribution to reducing the car owner-

ship in cities, tram and light rail schemes can only prevail when integrated both with other modes of public transport and well-designed urban development. All in all, light rail is not only a transport project, but an urban project, making the whole city move.

Трамваи и легкое метро - символы современного городского образа жизни Урбанизация, вызванная процессами глобализации, роста численности населения и миграции из сельской местности в города, создает трудности для средств общественного транспорта в непрерывно развивающихся городах и метрополиях. Учитывая, что более половины мирового населения проживает в городских районах, эта тенденция выходит за пределы Европы, охватывая Северную Америку, Ближний Восток и Азию. Последние два региона часто воспринимаются как эпицентры развития общественного транспорта. Здесь городская мобильность стремится к устойчивому, инновационному и финансово выгодному подходу, сочетая растущий спрос на общественный транспорт с новыми технологиями, снижением воздействия на окружающую среду и оптимизацией потенциала, создающего качество. На сегодняшний момент, благодаря развитию современных привычек осуществления поездок на городском уровне, городские железнодорожные системы, являющимися ключевыми элементами мультимодальных перевозок, вновь начали развиваться. Трамваи и системы легкого метро соблюдают экологические нормативы и законодательство в сфере безопасности и качества, тем самым являясь надежным, экологически чистым и удобным видом транспорта. Кроме того, после закрытия нескольких сетей в 60-х - 70-х годов, современные системы легкого метро отвечают требованиям мобильности в городах в плане безопасности, скорости и частоты, доступности, энергоэффективности, высокой степени взаимосвязанности и приспособляемости.


PUBLIC TRANSPORT Grow with public transport


www.railwaypro.com | May 2013


Athens extends its urban transport network [ by Pamela Luică ]

Although it is a state which intensely faced the effects of the economic crisis, Greece tries to rethink its investment priorities. For this purpose, the authorities focus on the urban transport infrastructure, being aware of its importance in response to the challenges determined by the increase of mobility demand, by the projects’ effect in the national economy.


he public transport in the capital Athens includes all modes of transport (underground, tram, buses and trolleybuses, suburban lines), its market share increasing from 25% in 2003, to 35% in 2009. The projects for the optimisation of transport services, the infrastructure modernisation and extension have been the main factors which determined the increase of the public transport services share. The capital’s development strategies include programmes for the optimisation of public transport, including the construction of new infrastructures. As regards the underground network (3 lines, 49 km), the authorities have announced that they plan to extend the existing infrastructure and to develop another line. In the beginning of April, the underground in Athens added two stations, as extension of line 2 to the west of the city. The two new stations will allow the diminution of the travel time to the centre of Athens to 10 minutes, and

the traffic flow estimated for the new stations is up to 60,000 passengers/day. The extension of line 2 to the south of the city will be completed in July, when another four stations will be inaugurated, and the line 3 will be extended by a station this autumn. For the extension of line 3, EIB has announced the grant of EUR 200 Million (representing the second batch for the underground system). “The three stations will serve 75,000 passengers/day. The citizens using this section will benefit from a direct and fast connection to the opposite part of Athens in less than an hour. The project is an essential one as regards the optimisation of public transport services and will decidedly contribute to the traffic decongestion”, declared the CEO of Attiko Metros, Christos Tsitouras. Likewise, after four years of delays, the CEO of Attiko Metro, Christos Tsitouras, and Mr. Dimitrios Dinopoulos, representative of concessionaire Themeli finally

signed the contract for the extension of the Athens light railway network to Piraeus Port. The EUR 61.5 Million project is financed through the Greek National Development Programme and is included in the city of Athens’ 2007-2013 budget. The 5.4 km extension will connect the current terminus at Neo Faliro to the future Akti Posidonos station, which will serve the port. The extension will have 12 stations and will carry around 35,000 passengers per day. The line will be commissioned in February 2015. Attiko Metro has also allocated EUR 45 Million for the purchase of 25 new low-floor vehicles. Besides these projects, Attiko prepares the studies for the construction of a new line (line 4), which will be 33-km long (29 stations) and will be built in the form of an “u”, to serve the most populated areas of the capital, the number of passengers being estimated at 500,000/day. The line will include the extensions of lines 2 or 3 and a central section consisting of 8 stations, the project requiring EUR 3.3 Billion investments. The first phase of the projects consists in the construction of 9 stations, the works value being estimated at over EUR 1 Billion.

Город Афины расширяет свою сеть метрополитена

Source: www.ametro.gr

Несмотря на то, что Греция глубоко столкнулась с последствиями экономического кризиса, она пытается пересмотреть свои инвестиционные приоритеты. В этой связи, в центре внимания властей находится городская инфраструктура, поскольку они осознают ее значение как ответ на вызовы, связанные с ростом спроса на мобильность и с влиянием проектов на национальную экономику. Проекты оптимизации транспортных услуг, модернизации и расширения инфраструктуры - это основные факторы, которые определили повышение степени использования услуг общественного транспорта. May 2013 | www.railwaypro.com


Baku Metro network will be extended by another 84 km [ by Pamela Luică ]

Baku is the largest city not only in Azerbaijan, but also in the Caspian Sea area, with over 2 million people living in the city. Apart from the citizens, the number of tourists is also significant, the capital of Azerbaijan being one of the most important touristic destinations in the Caucasus. Without further figures, it is easy to conclude on the importance of an efficient transport system.


he challenges imposed by mobility, the increasing number of people living in the city and the growth of the industrial sector in Baku are the reasons why the authorities are determined to adopt new plans for the development and effectiveness of the urban transport system. Due to the fact that surface traffic has difficulties in answering to the transport needs, the metro company, Baku Metropolitan, has decided to expand the metro network which has 2 lines with a total length of 34.5 km (23 stations). Starting with 2012, the company initiated projects for the extension of the lines and for the future construction of the 3rd line. Currently, there are 3 stations in construction and construction projects are being elaborated for another 5 stations. “At the end of 2013, the metro company plans to finalize two stations and to implement the construction projects of the three stations served by a 7km long line”, said the com-

pany’s CEO Tagi Ahmadov. Therefore, to complete an extension project, the metro company and the consortium including Akkord- Bouygues have signed a memorandum of understanding as part of the Metro Development Project in the capital of Azerbaijan. The project includes the reconstruction of a station and the construction of the “green line” which will be 7km long with 3 stations. The agreement has been signed due to the national Baku metro development programme until 2015, approved by the Azerbaijani presidency. The projects included in the deve-lopment programme will be commissioned in 2014-2016. The Government of Azerbaijan, the Ministry of Transport and the metro company have asked the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to grant the money necessary for the implementation of urban transport projects and the bank has approved a loan of over USD 1 Million. Moreover, the pro-

gramme on the development of sustainable mobility in the capital of Azerbaijan, which became effective in 2013, has attracted a loan of USD 300 Million from ADB, most of which will go to the development of the metro system development projects. On the long term, Baku Metro Company announced it planned to expand the infrastructure by another three lines (the network will have 5 lines) by 2030. The network will have a total length of 119 km and 76 stations. Therefore, there will be 53 new stations and 84.3 km of lines, another depot (in the north-west of the city) and a depot for the maintenance of the rolling stock fleet. As part of the extension programme, in 2013 the company will implement the projects in plan and will launch tenders for the construction of infrastructure and stations and will elaborate documents for future projects, the development strategy for the next 20 years being already approved by authorities.

Сеть бакинского метро будет расширена на 84 километра

Source: www.azerb.com

www.railwaypro.com | May 2013

Проблемы, связанные с потребностью в мобильности, с ростом населения и ростом промышленного сектора в Баку, призывают властей принять новые планы по развитию и совершенствованию системы городского транспорта. По причине того, что наземный транспорт с трудом справляется с транспортными потоками, компания «Бакинский метрополитен» приняла решение о расширении сети метро, которая включает 2 линии общей продолжительностью 34,5 км (23 станции). В долгосрочной перспективе, до 2030 года бакинская метрополитенная компания намеревается расширить свою инфраструктуру еще тремя линиями (сеть метро будет иметь 5 линий).


Budapest focuses on rail transport development [ by Pamela Luică ]

The authorities in Budapest launch important projects for the public transport system development, and for this purpose plan to access European funds within the multiannual budget, starting with 2014. Within the programme for the transport system development, the strategy elaboration has a key role in selecting the projects to be financed and implemented.


or the traffic optimisation and the increase of the public transport attractiveness, the rail transport is among the established priorities and involves the extension of the underground network and the construction of a new tram line. The modernisation and extension of the Underground Line 1, the elaboration of projects for the tram, bus, trolleybus system development, the connection of the Underground Line 2 to a suburban line (HEV) and the extension of the south section of the high-speed suburban line to be built (known as underground line 5) are projects which could be prepared for application within the 2014-2020 European budget and require HUF 700-800 Billion (EUR 2.3-2.7 Billion) investments. Within the ERDF programme (2007-

2013), at the end of 2012, the EU approved the tram network development plan which requires investments amounting to EUR 147.4 Million, out of which the EU’s contribution will reach EUR 117.6 Million. The programme consists of the extension of line 1 by 7 km and the modernisation of 25 km belonging to lines 1 and 3. Through the works execution, approximately 250 thousand of the city’s inhabitants will directly benefit from the public transport optimisation, and additionally the lines will be used by 84 thousand passengers/ day. The extension of line 1 also includes the reshaping of tram stations, the modernisation of energy and information supply systems, of signalling systems etc. The project represents the first phase of the tram system development strategy (lines 1

and 3), and the second phase will include other extensions of these lines, including the construction of terminals. As regards the underground transport network development, the most important project of the Hungary’s capital is the construction of line 4. At present, the underground system consists of three lines (32 km), with line 4 under construction, connecting the North-Eastern side of the city to the South-Western one. For the construction of the 7.5 km and 10 station, investments of over EUR 850 Billion are necessary, and the deadline for the completion of line 4 has been set for March 2014. At present, “from the structural point of view, the fourth underground line in Budapest is almost ready and minor works must be executed”, declared mayor István Tarlós. The final cost of the first section of the project will reach HUF 452 Billion (EUR 1.5 Billion), in increase compared to the initially estimated amount of HUF 373 Billion (EUR 1.25 Billion). Besides this project, the authorities plan to build a new underground line (L5), but it is still in the planning phase. It would be built alongside the Danube River, crossing Margaret Island and being then connected to the underground railway line network, towards the Southern and Northern part.

Будапешт сосредоточивается на развитии транспорта на рельсах


Власти города Будапешта запускают проекты, важные для развития общественного транспорта, и в этой связи они намереваются получить европейское финансирование в рамках многолетнего бюджета начиная с 2014 года. В рамках программы развития транспортной системы,разработка стратегии играет ключевую роль в отборе проектов, которые будут финансироваться и внедряться. May 2013 | www.railwaypro.com



42 Market development

Budapest will have a rail cargo ring [ by Elena Ilie ]

The Hungarian Government announced the construction of a rail ring around the capital Budapest, dedicated to freight transport, the so-called V0 rail cargo ring. HUNGRAIL, the Hungarian Rail Association contributed to the development of this rail ring by signing a cooperation agreement with MLSZKSZ, the association in charge with the development plans.


n the 113 kilometers-long, double-tracked electrified route, trains will reach speeds of 160 km/h. Two bridges will also be built on the Danube. The route will be built between Tatabanya and Cegled, so the rail cargo may cross the territory of Hungary in one day, as opposed to the current 4-5 days. The government in Budapest might choose between two financing sources, namely China Development Bank, with a development agreement worth at least EUR 1 Billion (preliminary estimate of the costs of this project), or it could request financing from the funds of the European Union. At the middle of April, China Railway Construction Corporation (CRCC) and MAV Group signed an agreement for initiating the railway ring construction project. According to the information available from the Hungarian party, the signing of the agreement with Chinese Railway Company, the works for the rail cargo ring could start in 2014, and the route could be ready by 2017. “If a cargo train enters Hungary from its eastern part, it leaves the country only four-five days later, this is how much the transit lasts at a 3 km/h average speed. Through the initiative of building a rail ring around Budapest, the government wishes

Source: http://www.railfreightportal.com

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to reduce the transit time of the country to one day”, mentioned the Government spokesman András Giró-Szász. The Hungarian railway network centrally crosses Budapest, which in terms of passenger transport is understandable, but is a disadvantage when it comes to rail cargo traffic. During the day, cargo trains cannot run in the overcrowded suburban railway network of Budapest, therefore the average speed of a cargo train in Hungary is very slow. This impediment causes considerable delays in the door-to-door freight transport, and the idea of constructing a rail ring around Budapest is welcome. “The new double-tracked electrified route, dedicated exclusively for the cargo traffic, is an optimal solution for the main railway freight operator in Hungary, as well as for any other company involved in cargo transit, as well as the shipping houses or the logistics operators. The implementation of this project ensures the possibility of extending the business relations since the freight travel times will be considerably reduced. Moreover, the reduction of travel times will ensure at the same time a series of favourable conditions compared to the current situation, for the freight transport from the regions and terminals in the Middle and Far East, through Zahony and farther to Western

Hungary railway network

Source: www.eurail.com

Europe”, states Imre Kovács, CEO of Rail Cargo Hungary and board member of Hungrail. According to the information of Hungrail, the rail ring will be built in the style of a motorway, so there will be exits, among others, at Szekesfehervar, Pusztaszabolcs, Kecskemet and Szeged. The development of this project could be a significant plus for the Hungarian building industry but it will also create new employment opportunities at the railway stations of Komarom, Tatabanya, and Szolnok.

Будапешт будет иметь железнодорожное транспортное кольцо для грузовых перевозок Венгерское правительство объявило о строительстве железнодорожного кольца вокруг столицы Будапешт, предназначенного для осуществления грузовых перевозок. Оно будет называться Железнодорожным кольцом для грузовых перевозок V0. Железнодорожная ассоциация Венгрии HUNGRAIL внесла вклад в развитие данного железнодорожного кольца путем подписания соглашения о сотрудничестве с ассоциацией, ответственной за планы развития - MLSZKSZ.


Kazan prepares intensively for the completion of infrastructure works [ by Pamela Luică ]

In the period July 6-17, 2013, Kazan (the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan), Russia, will host the 27th edition of the World University Games, “Universiade”, a social project involving the development of several objectives for the ensurance of sports activities.


s part of the event, the authorities have announced the participation of over 13,500 athletes and officials and over 100,000 supporters from 170 states. We cannot discuss about an event of such a dimension without mentioning the vital role of transport infrastructure. Since the games will be focussed in four areas, and the number of participants amounts to hundreds of thousands, the development of the transport system was established from the beginning by the Russian government as a “top priority”, among other projects. All the four areas must be connected to the entire transport network in Kazan, a city benefiting from an airport, railways, urban surface and underground transport. The transport system modernisation projects were initiated in Kazan since 2007, which allowed the optimisation of the urban transport, the connection of surface and underground lines (including the travel payment

systems and the information systems) to ensure a single system incorporating all the means of transport. The authorities implement important projects related to the infrastructure modernisation and development, including the extension of the underground line, the construction of over 10 terminals, transport hubs and passageways, the construction of the railway infrastructure, implicitly the renewal of the rolling stock and of the vehicles ensuring the public transport services. The modern transport systems includes a dense network of the bus, tram, trolley routes and an underground line (opened in 2005), a special attention being paid to the line extension, and the financing being greatly granted from the federal budget. “The constructions for the line extension are carried out intensively in Kazan. Our goal has not changed: the line extension with three more stations, which must be

Future lines red: central line

TEN-T railway network of Hungary

commissioned in the following months. At present, we can discuss about two options for the new extension of the underground transport. When we have the final estimation on the passenger traffic, we will be able to decide and announce the route of the new line”, declared the mayor of Kazan, Ilsur Metshin. At present, the line is 10.32-km long (7 stations), to which we can add the three stations to be completed. The line connects the main parts of the city and will provide access to 30 locations where the games will be held. Besides the central line, the authorities plan to build three more lines to be funded by the Federal Programme. Likewise, for the development of the railway transport system, by the beginning of the university games, the special tram network and the railway connection between the airport and the central railway station in Kazan will be commissioned. At the beginning of the year, Gorkovkay Railways announced that it will invest another USD 33 Million in order to complete the line before the beginning of games. Last year, RUB 6.6 Billion (EUR 164 Million) was granted for this project. The project implied the modernisation of the existing line by 28 km and the construction of a new 2.8-km-long railway line in order to ensure a direct link to the airport terminal.

Казань интенсивно готовится к завершению работ по инфраструктуре

Source: www.k-metro.ruz.net

В период с 6 по 17 июля 2013 года в городе Казани (столица Республики Татарстан) состоится 27-й выпуск всемирных летних студенческих игр «Универсиада». Это социальный проект, вовлекающий развитие ряда объектов для обеспечения спортивной деятельности. В рамках мероприятия власти объявили об участии более 13.500 спортсменов и официальных лиц и более 100.000 поклонников из 170 стран мира. Нельзя говорить о мероприятии такого масштаба не касаясь существенной роли транспортной инфраструктуры. May 2013 | www.railwaypro.com


Bucharest needs ambitious projects for the development of the underground network [ by Pamela Luică ]

For the Romanian capital, Bucharest, the pressure of road traffic also determines the authorities to focus their policies on supporting public transport by launching projects of services optimisation and infrastructure development.


or this purpose, in order to execute the projects related to the underground transport network, the Minister of Transport has recently discussed with the EC representatives on the inclusion of Bucharest Metro in the SOP-T programme. In case the authorities elaborate the plan for the exact identification of the reminder to be developed and its value, the underground projects will be directly

financed through the SOP-T programme. “The request for the inclusion of the Metro in the SOP Transport financing in the programming period 2007-2013 was communicated to the European Commission. The Commission must approve the change of the SOP Transport structure. If it approves it, EUR 80 Million could be received this year for the underground system”, declared the EU funds Minister Eugen Teodorovici.

At the end of April, EC approved the inclusion in SOP-T of two investment projects aiming at the construction of underground lines 4 and 5, the specified implementation term being 2015. According to the development strategy, the projects creating a network that will ensure the underground transport in Bucharest neighbourhoods including the area adjacent to the capital amount to EUR 8.5 Billion. With a 69.2km long and double track network (4 lines), Metrorex is one of the most active transport companies in Romania as Linia 7: Şos.Alexandriei – Rahova – Piaţa Unirii – regards the– Colentina elaboration of the infrastructure Moşilor – Obor – Voluntari development projects. Valoare estimata 1.900 mil Euro Although at present the estimată underground system Lungime – 21 km. cale dublă covers approxiNumăr de statii estimat – 31 mately 4% of the length of the entire pubPropus se realiza înnetwork regim PPP of the capital, thus it licatransport Studiu de prefezabilitate în faza elaborare takes over 20% of the detotal volume of passengers using the public transport means, ensuring the mobility of 600 thousand passengers/day (15 million passengers/ Linia 4: Laminorului - Gara Progresu, Tronson Gara year). Due to the services efficiency, the de Nord - Gara Progresu underground records constant increases Valoare estimata 950 mil Euro which determined thedublă authorities to extend Lungime estimată -15km. cale Număr statii estimatFor – 20the network extension, thede network. Studiu de prefezabilitate de elaborare Metrorex plans şitofezabilitate execute în4 curs considerable projects by 2020. In strategia METROREX 2008-2030 aprobata de The most important project executed at Ministerul Transporturilor sunt prevazute a se realiza present by the company is the construction si urmatoarele tronsoane (extensii): of a new line (Line 5), whose total length is 17 km (22 stations), the necessary inamounting EUR Pacii vestments – Linia de Centura Vest - 4toaniover - 250 mil. 1.4 EuroBillion. At present, works are being executed for the construction (9 Lac Straulesti – Mogosoaia - 4of anithe -290first mil. section Euro km) which requires investments reaching Pipera – Tunari ani -Million, 650 mil. Euro over EUR– 6620 and for the second section (7 km), the necessary funds will Pantelimon – Cernica – 4 ani - 250 mil. Euro amount to over EUR 820 Million. According to the project, the first section should be Ghencea – Domnesti – 4 ani - 400 mil. Euro completed by 2015, and for the second one, the construction works will executed unSemi-Inelul de Sud – 7 ani - 1.300 mil.beEuro til 2018. A project intended to attract as 33 many passengers as possible to the underground


Source: Gabriel Constantin Sburlan, Metrorex

www.railwaypro.com | May 2013

CĂLĂTORI TRANSPORTAŢI METROPOLITAN 45 Trafic de călători în perioada 2000 - 2012

Metro - passengers evolution 2000-2012

economic indicators, the beginning period of the project being 2013-2019. The long-term development strategy aims at covering the entire metropolitan area, by the construction of an underground network of 150 km line and 180 stations.

200,000,000 180,000,000

160,000,000 140,000,000 120,000,000

Бухарест имеет смелые проекты развития сети метрополитена


80,000,000 60,000,000 40,000,000 20,000,000

0 2000












2012 Estimat

Source: Gabriel Constantin Sburlan, Metrorex

transport is the project for the extension of line 4 (with two stations), and within the investments a multimodal Park & Ride terminal will be built (in the north-west part of the city) with a capacity of 700 parking spaces. The terminal also includes execution of a bus station and of departure lounges for the persons who use urban transport and an access to the pedestrian passageway leading to Străuleşti metro station. “Through the execution of this terminal, the conditions will be fulfilled to discourage the direct access by car to the centre of the city, making

available for passengers an underground parking and the simple access to the urban transport network or the underground network”, declared Gabriel Sburlan, Exploitation Director, Metrorex. The project of line 6, which is the connection of the underground network to Henri Coandă – Otopeni International Airport, is also under implementation. The value estimated for the construction works of the 14.2km long section reaches over EUR 1 Billion. At present, the project is in the phase of approval of the new technical-

Повышение нагрузки на городские автодороги привело к тому, что власти румынской столицы Бухарест направили свое внимание на поощрение использования общественного транспорта с помощью запуска проектов оптимизации услуг и развития инфраструктуры. В этой связи, для осуществления проектов, направленных на развитие подземной транспортной сети, министр транспорта недавно провел переговоры с представителями Европейской комиссии о включении бухарестского метрополитена в программу POS-T. Согласно стратегии развития, стоимость проектов, которые образуют сеть транспорта на метро в кварталах Бухареста и пригородных районов, составляет 8,5 млрд. евро.

May 2013 | www.railwaypro.com


Sofia metro network to cover 60% of the public transport share [ by Pamela Luică ]

Sofia, a European city with a population of 1.6 million citizens and over 800,000 cars (in 2012) is confronted with traffic congestion problems which challenge the authorities who have to meet mobility needs, especially considering the increasing level of urbanization.


he extension of Sofia’s territory, the construction of new boulevards that are connected to the central ring are limited projects and don’t have a proper answer to the increasing number of citizens and traffic and, because of the limited infrastructure capacity and the intense traffic growth, major traffic bottlenecks are created which reduce the speed of public transport vehicles to 10 km/h. These are few of the transport problems of the Bulgarian capital, which are also the problems of other big cities. The solution identified by authorities is the extension of the underground network to answer mobility needs. In the next two years, the metro network is intended to cover 70% of Sofia’s surface, according to the mayor of the capital, YordankaFandakova, who said that there are construction plans for the line that would connect the Airport to the Business Park District and the lines would be extended by two sections from TsarigradskoShose to the Airport and Mladost 1-Sofia Business Park, a section with 3 metro stations due in 2015. According to the General Scheme, the development of the network should include three diameters with a total length of 57 km oftherealization of and Stages 54 stations and finalization of these

lines will increase the number of passengers to 550 million/year (over 45% of the public transport share). The first line (Lyulin – Centre - Mladost) would have 29 km (22 stations), line 2 (Nadezhda–Central Station - Lozenets) with 12 km (13 stations) and the third line (OvchaKupel – Centre– V.Levski) 17 km (19 stations). The lines intersect in the centre of the city which permits an exchange of line for each direction. On the long term, the authorities plan extensions of these lines to the suburbs so that they could have a welldefined structure in the final phase. The projects to be launched by the authorities consist in the development of a 5-km section (line Tsarigradsko – Druzhba - Airport) and of a 2.7km section (Line Mladost I – Business Park), the construction period of both extension being 2013-2015. According to the declarations of Sofia Mayor, other projects for the development of the metro system will be developed from 2015, among them the 17km ring line connecting Botevgradsko Boulevard, OvchaKupel District and the ring road. As regards the extension of the line to Business ParkMetropoliten, in February the company that operates Sofia metro netSofia Metro Extension work selected two consortia Metro Build

Project included in OP Transport Stages of realization of Sofia Metro Extension Project included in OP Transport Stage II – Lot 1

Prognosis XII.2014

Stage I

Stage III – Lot 1 I

Operating section Stage I of the Project included in OP Transport – EU funds and local co-financing Stage II of the Project incl. in OP Transport – EU funds and local co-financing (EIB loan) Location of the third metro diameter in the urban planning Sections of future extensions Metro station

Source: Prof.Phd. Stoyan Bratoev

www.railwaypro.com | May 2013


Stage III – Lot 2 � Lot 2 Stage II – Lot 2


Expected length of lines – 78 km with 74 stations and share in the public transport system – 60%

M1 M2 M2


Mladostand Geometro B.P to execute construction works for the 2.63km section due in 24 months. In May, the municipality will also initiate a tender for the extension to the south of the metro network consisting in a 1.2km section. The project has to be completed by 2015 and its implementation will be supported with European funds. If the authorities will manage to implement all the projects included in the General Development Scheme, the metro network will have a total length of 78 km (74 stations) and will operate 6 routes which will increase the underground transport share to over 60%.

Сеть метрополитена Софии возьмет на себя 60% от объема общественного транспорта В ближайшие годы власти Софии намереваются осуществить проекты развития метро для того, чтобы сеть покрывала 70% от площади города. Согласно плану развития, линии будут включать 3 диаметра общей продолжительностью 57 км (54 станции), которые будут обеспечивать 45% от общего объема системы общественного транспорта. Цифры на этом не остановятся: власти намереваются расширить линии в сторону пригородных районов. Таким образом, общая продолжительность линий будет составлять 78 километров, а это приведет к тому, что доля подземного транспорта достигнет более 60%.

Market development 47

Vienna Central Station, the central point that links all transport modes in Vienna [ by Pamela Luică ]

The higher demand for mobility and transport is an inevitable consequence of global trends and the demographic, social and economic evolution has also triggered mobility changes.


phenomenon common to all metropolises is the extension of urban settlements determined by the significant increase of migration to cities. For the capital of Austria, Vienna, the timeframe 2002-2012 has been marked by a 10.2% increase in urbanization demanding a very efficient transport system capable to ensure mobility in the city, in the suburbs, but also nationally and internationally. In 2009-2011, in urban transport, the underground system was the transport mode used the most (recording constant growth from 811 million passengers to 875 million passengers), followed by trams and buses, both recording growth in the number of carried passengers. Aware of the importance of an efficient transport system to cover all transport services – urban, suburban, international, the authorities in the capital have given the green light to the construction of the new railway station in 2006. The studies on the environmental impact of the project were elaborated in 2007. Construction works have been initiated two years after

the announcement of the intent to develop the largest construction project of a railway station in Vienna. The success of the project was announced in December 2012: as established in the project plans, at the end of 2012, the people in Vienna were able to partially use the Wien Hauptbahnhof. To ensure the mobility of 40,000 passengers using the station every day, there are 4 lines available for the arrival and departure of trains and access to the station from the different direction of the city is ensured by 2 metro lines. The new station brings the big cities of Europe much closer providing direct transport on the route Salzburg-Budapest via Hauptbahnhof and reduces travel time by 2h from 6 to 4 hours. There will also be direct connections available for local and regional transport fromEisenstadt to St. Pölten or from Vienna Neustadt to Bratislava. The entire surface used for this project is of 109 h, the railway infrastructure requires a surface of 50 ha (hosting platforms, passages, the actual station), and

the total length of new lines that are built is of 100 km. Apart from the implementation of the station project, 9 bridges will be extended and modernized to ensure the access routes to the main station until 2014 when the gradual operation of traffic in the station will begin and when the first office and residential buildings will be developed, as well as part of the park (included in the project). Investments amount to EUR 4 Billion, of which EUR 987 Million are the funds necessary for the main rail station financed by OBB, the local community, and the TEN financial instruments. The rest of the financing, covered by the city authorities and private investors, will be dedicated to the development of the technical and social infrastructure within the urban district. According to the elaborated project, in 2015 the entire transport infrastructure will be operational and the entire district will be finalized in 2019. The development of the entire project will permit the traffic of 1,000 trains and of 145,000 passengers per day who will experience a superior delivery of transport services.

Вокзал Хауптбанхоф - центральная точка, объединяющая все виды транспорта Вены

Source: http://www.hauptbahnhof-wien.at

Все более высокие требования в плане мобильности и транспорта являются неизбежным последствием глобальных тенденций, а демографическое, социальное и экономическое развитие всегда обусловливало изменения в плане мобильности. Общее явление для всех мегаполисов - расширение городов, связанное с существенным ростом миграции населения в сторону городов. Для столицы Австрии - Вена - период с 2002 года по 2012 год характеризовался повышением степени урбанизации на 10,2%, что определило необходимость принятия крайне эффективной системы транспорта, которая бы обеспечивала мобильность в городе, в сторону периферии, но и на национальном и международном уровне. May 2013 | www.railwaypro.com


European Union wants to reduce the oil dependency of transport

[ by Elena Ilie ]

Europe is heavily dependent on imported oil for its mobility and transport: in 2010, oil counted for 94% of the energy consumed in transport, with 55% the largest consumer, 84% of it imported, with a bill of up to EUR 1 Billion a day in 2011, leading to a significant deficit in the EU trade balance of around 2.5% of GDP.


he effect of the oil dependency on by a legislative proposal which provides rail can play in helping solve those probthe European economy is too large a general direction for the development lems and in particular the need for further to neglect; the Union must act to of alternative fuels in the Single European support to ensure that the European rail end it. A strategy for the transport sector to Transport Area. Thus, member states would network can be fully electrified. All modes gradually replace oil with alternative fuels have the flexibility to develop policy frame- need to be supported to be as clean as they and build up the necessary infrastructure works for the market development of alter- possibly can�, said Libor Lochman. could bring savings on the oil import bill of native fuels in their national context. The Thus, CER has expressed disappointEUR 4.2 Billion per year in 2020, increas- proposal also sets binding targets for the ment at the chiefly passing-by of the role ing to EUR 9.3 Billion per year in 2030, and necessary infrastructure build-up, includ- that rail transport plays in ending oil deanother EUR 1 Billion per year from dam- ing common technical specifications. For pendency. Both the communication on a pening of price hikes. electric recharging points, the proposal pro- European strategy for alternative fuels and Although further efficiency improve- vides a single connector solution ensuring the Directive proposal on the standards and ments spurred by EU regulations on vehi- interoperability across the EU and certainty infrastructure for alternative fuels have igcle emissions of CO2 will continue to rep- for the market. nored improvements which can be brought resent the lowest hanging fruits in the short “A consistent long-term strategy on alter- to the rail infrastructure, rolling stock and to medium term, low-CO2 alternatives to native fuels has to meet the energy needs of train operation activities. Especially, the oil are also indispensable for a gradual de- all transport modes and be consistent with two proposals have omitted the finalization carbonisation of transport, a key objective the EU 2020 strategy, including decarboni- of&MFDUSJDJUZ .JY the rail network electrification which of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sus- sation�, the Commission points out in the would allow trains to run without carbon tainable and inclusive growth1, towards the published communication. emissions. 'JHVSF … &MFDUSJDJUZ NJY GPS SBJMXBZT JO TFMFDUFE DPVOUSJFT &MFDUSJDJUZ NJY GPS SBJMXBZT JO TFMFDUFE DPVOUSJFT target of a 60% reduction of CO2 emissions Although the European Commission Railway electricity mix from transport by 2050 set out in the 2011 would like to reduce the oil dependency White Paper on Transport. of transport, we cannot but observe that For these reasons, the communication of the strategy has not stressed the role of in rail transport as the European Union, published at the begin- large scale electrification &MFDUSJDJUZ .JY ning of the year and aimed at setting a Euro- much as it should&MFDUSJDJUZ .JY have. Needless to say that pean direction on alternative fuels, sets out this measure is not only part of the plan to a comprehensive alternative fuels strategy reduce the oil dependency of transport, but &6 FMFDUSJDJUZ NJY PG UPNPSSPX and the road to its implementation covering it is prioritised as well. &6 FMFDUSJDJUZ NJY PG UPNPSSPX all modes of transport. The strategy aims at This has also been1SPKFDUJPOT NBEF CZ UIF &VSPQFBO $PNNJTTJPO TFF HSBQI CFMPX remarked by the Com TIPX UIBU UIF TIBSF PG OVDMFBS QPXFS QSPEVDUJPO XJMM SFEVDF BOE establishing a long-term policy framework munity of European Railway and Infra- 1SPKFDUJPOT NBEF CZ UIF &VSPQFBO $PNNJTTJPO TFF HSBQI CFMPX JO UIF SFOFXBCMF TPVSDFT MJLF IZESP XJOE BOE CJPNBTT XJMM JODSFBTF 'JHVSF … .BDSPQMBO $POTVMUJOH to guide technological development andQSPEVDUJPO in- structure Companies (CER), the &$ “voice� ofUPUBM TIBSF PG GPTTJM GVFMT UP B 5IF TIPX UIBU UIF TIBSF PG OVDMFBS QPXFS XJMM SFEVDF BOE &6 GSPN vestments in the deployment of these fuels'JHVSF … &MFDUSJDJUZ NJY GPS SBJMXBZT JO TFMFDUFE DPVOUSJFT the most important actors in the European DPBM PJM BOE HBT XJMM SFNBJO D Z L F O O Z Z E B B O Z E E J J N S M D O O O JV SMB VC NB NB 4QB OMB SBO SJUBJ OHBS *UBM PMBO BOJ WFOJ FEF SXB SFOFXBCMF TPVSDFT MJLF IZESP XJOE BOE CJPNBTT XJMM JODSFBTF JO UIF H M P Q N 1 3P 4MP 4X / 'J ' BU # )V and give confidence to consumers. railway transport market. “The two legisla#F XJU[F I SF (FS %FO 'JHVSF … .BDSPQMBO $POTVMUJOH F 4 [FD (S the GPTTJM mention &6 communication GSPN UP &$ B 5IF UPUBM TIBSF PG GVFMT proposals $ The is also accompanied tive barely role that DPBM PJM BOE HBT XJMM SFNBJO

Source: EC




EU electricity mix




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на ноŃ„Ń‚ŃŒ, Đ° 84% ноŃ„Ń‚и йыНа иПпОртнОК. ĐĄŃ‚ĐžĐ¸ĐźĐžŃ Ń‚ŃŒ ноŃ„Ń‚и Đ´ĐžŃ Ń‚игНа 1 ПиННиарда оврО в Ń ŃƒŃ‚ки в 2011 гОдŃƒ, Đ° Ń?Ń‚Đž ОйŃ€аСОваНО 4PVSDF &$ B Ń ŃƒŃ‰ĐľŃ Ń‚воннŃ‹Đš дофициŃ‚ в тОргОвОП ĐąĐ°ĐťĐ°Đ˝Ń Đľ Đ•ĐĄ, в Ń€аСПоро ОкОНО 2,5% От Đ’Đ’Đ&#x;.







Market development 49

Bonds to finance public private partnerships [ by Elena Ilie ]

As of 2008, 52% of the total European mainline network has been electrified with the top-five economies namely France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK holding 53.3% of all electrified lines. These nations have been the primary targets for rail electrification projects in Europe and they still possess large opportunities for further electrification. With over 90% of electrified main lines, Switzerland, Sweden and Belgium are the most saturated markets.


ccording to forecast, Western Europe is expected to remain the most active region for further mainline electrification projects with projected growth of over 4% between 2008 and 2015. The United Kingdom initiated a programme for the electrification of its mainline worth GBP 1.1 Billion in 20092017. Most of the projects will be carried out between 2015 and 2020, 4,000 km being scheduled for electrification. About 2,570 kilometres of high-speed lines are under construction today and another 7,000 kilometres are under planning. Most of these sections require upgrading or renewal of current electrified infrastructure to high speed standards and the rest requires completely new electrified infrastructure. The leader in this area is Spain which plans to build 8,400 km of railways by 2020 and where funds from the state budget amount to EUR 108 Billion between 2005 and 2020. France, Germany, Italy and Portugal are the other Western European countries investing heavily in high speed infrastructure

that is to drive the electrification market. Eastern European countries such as Turkey, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary have also stipulated plans of building a total of 1600 kilometres of high speed lines in this region which shall require installation of new electrification infrastructure. The latest data on traffic volume and network length show that expenditure across Member States has not kept up with the growth in demand in recent years. In addition, investments have tended to favour new construction over maintenance, resulting in chronic maintenance backlogs in many countries. Road traffic has grown much faster than road capacity in many countries, resulting in congestion and increased costs in terms of travel time and delays. The governments of member states should review their strategy on the electrification of the railway transport sector to a larger scale. They could turn to the private sector. With the pressures on public sector budget resources set to continue, unlocking the potential of private finances has

EBRD’s transport projects (left axis EUR Billions, right axis Total no.)

become even more urgent. New financial instruments that can increase the leverage of the public sector budget support should be developed. The project bonds initiative, which can support the financing of Private Public Partnerships (PPP) on a bigger scale, is an example of the type of financial instrument that addresses this issue. Furthermore, the EIB and the Commission have jointly launched two dedicated facilities: – First, the Loan Guarantee Instrument for TEN-T Projects (LGTT), which is a EUR 1 Billion instrument supporting PPP projects in cases of traffic revenue shortfalls. To date, the LGTT has been used in 4 PPP arrangement and 17 projects are in the pipeline. Secondly, in 2010, the Commission took a stake in the Marguerite Fund, which makes equity investments in transport and energy infrastructure projects. The Fund will operate under market conditions and has a target size of EUR 1.5 Billion. About a third of its equity and quasi-equity investments are expected to be invested in companies that own or operate transport infrastructure.

Обязательства для финансирования частногосударственного партнерства

Source: EBRD

С 2008 года 52% от магистральной железнодорожной сети в Европе было электрифицировано, с учетом того, что пять из экономически развитых стран - Франция, Германия, Италия, Испания и Великобритания - владеют 53,3% от электрифицированных линий. Эти страны являлись основными целями проектов электрификации в Европе и представляют высокий потенциал для таких будущих проектов. С другой стороны, страны, у которых электрифицировано более 90% железных дорог - Швейцария, Швеция и Бельгия - в этом отношении являются наиболее насыщенными рынками. May 2013 | www.railwaypro.com


With small steps…the establishment of freight corridors takes shape [ by Elena Ilie ]

Regulation 913/2010 is an important basis of the European rail policy in the development of railway freight traffic. This will help it increase the railway freight transport capacity in those countries where railways are already experiencing a recovery in the transport volumes or in the market share. At the same time, it will support the improvement of railway freight transport capacity as regards the quality of services and efficiency in the countries where railways still need to recover. To answer to the very different needs of the different market segment, the Regulation seeks to ensure the pre-established routes and to allocate the ad-hoc capacity.


he Regulation on a competitive European freight transport network will significantly improve cooperation between the infrastructure managers and other parties interested along the railway freight transport corridors. Joint objectives will be defined for these corridors helping all the players in the market to act for a common goal, said sources from DG MOVE for Railway Pro. The poor reliability of international trains and the reduced transport speeds are only few of the problems affecting the international freight traffic. Freight trains run on many international corridors at speeds of 18 km/h, while speed on internal routes is 25 km/h. This is due to the time lost with cross-border operations, but also to the lack of cooperation between transport operators. The result is that railways cannot serve the transport of certain cargoes which then head to the faster road transport. An implementation plan will represent the foundation for setting the new corridors (10) in three to five years since the coming into force of the Regulation.

The first Memorandum of Understanding was signed for Corridor no. 7 “Orient” (previously called Corridor E), 2013 being the year when it will become operational. According to a recent report of UIRR, the structuring of this corridor took place in November 2011. Corridor “Orient” is the most complex of the 9 corridors mentioned in Regulation 913/2010 as it crosses several of the EU member states: Austria, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia. In Romania, Corridor “Orient” intersect the pan-European Corridor IV. Recently, new steps have been taken to revive the European freight transport. Thus, on 20 December 2012, the transport ministers of Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands signed an agreement to set up the legal framework for allocating transport capacities on the international Freight Corridors 1 and 2. The international corridor 1 follows the route Zeebrugge – Anvers/Rotterdam – Duisburg – (Basel) – Milano – Genoa, while the second crosses Rotterdam – Anvers – Luxembourg – Metz – Dijon – Lyon/Basel.

OSJD Corridors

Source: OSJD

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This is a strong signal for the European Union regarding the necessity to harmonise the mandatory norms regarding these corridors around Europe and offers the necessary agreements to support the implementation of the so-called one-stop shops for the management of the infrastructure capacities of a corridor. EURO-ASIA Transport Corridors

Source: CFR SA, Presentation Bucharest, 6 October, 2010

Евразийским коридорам нужно больше поддержки Регламент № 913/2010 является важной вехой в развитии политики европейских железнодорожных грузовых перевозок железнодорожным транспортом. Он будет способствовать повышению объемов перевозок товаров в тех странах, где железная дорога восстанавливается с точки зрения объемов перевозок и доли рынка, а также будет способствовать повышению конкурентоспособности железнодорожных товарных перевозок с точки зрения качества услуг и эффективности в тех государствах, где железная дорога не нуждается в восстановлении. Для удовлетворения весьма разнообразных потребностей различных сегментов рынка, Регламент предусматривает обеспечение заранее установленных маршрутов и выделение пропускной способности в зависимости от потребностей в каждом случае.

Market development POLICIES & STRATEGIES 51

“Eastern Partnership” policy, a stimulus for Moldova’s development [ by Pamela Luică ]

Cooperation between the EU and the partner countries in Eastern Europe is vital for consolidating and setting the projects and priorities of both parties as regards economic growth, optimisation of relationships, development and integration of communication paths.


ccording to country reports and regional reports (published in March 2013) on the progress of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) of 2012, cooperation between the two parties has become tighter and now triggers positive results. In the trade segment, the two parties are constantly developing their activity and EU continues negotiations for signing association agreements with the Republic of Moldova, Armenia and Georgia. As part of the agreements, the countries will include deep and comprehensive free trade zones and these agreements should be advanced and even finalized by autumn 2013. One of the sectors with problems that the parties are facing is the transport sector. Reforms in this sector cover all transport modes, but projects are far from being achieved. Most of the countries are gradually aligning to EU standards as they are vital for the integration of the partner countries in the EU transport system. To encourage the development of this sector, including energy, at the end of March, the European Commission decided to grant EUR 200 Million (as part of the Neighbourhood Investment Facility-NIF). With these funds and with loans from the

EU’s development banks, more competi- ciation Agreement and the Deep and Comtive financing structures could be set for the prehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) has major projects of the neighbouring coun- significantly progressed. “Moldova has tries in the east and south. made important progress in nearly all the The projects for which these funds will be sectors established in the Action Plan”, said allocated will ensure the interconnection the EC. Important decisions regarding the of infrastructure between the EU and the implementation of legislations and reguneighbouring countries. “Since the launch lations of the EU standards have (CFM) in 2008, the Neighbourhood Investment Fa- was changed to separate the infrastructure cility has proved to be a vital element in the manager from operation and it is necessary cooperation with neighbouring countries. to open the market and to set the instituIt helps our partners to improve the sectors tional structure for regulation. Also, a subthey most need, such as energy, transport, stantial increase in the freight traffic was environment or the social sector”, declared recorded in 2012, and traffic through TranŠtefanFüle, EU Commissioner for Enlarge- snistria was resumed in spring 2012, but ment and Neighbourhood Policy. was limited because of various hindrances”, As part of the EU Association Agreement, the document shows. Moldova is in full process of implementing The fact that EU is interested in the develmajor reforms aimed at increasing eco- opment process of the Republic of Moldonomic competitiveness. For 2010-2013, va, not only by granting assistance, but also the European Union granted Moldova by allocating investments, stimulates ecofinancial assistance of EUR 550 Million, nomic sectors, especially the transport secMoldova being EU’s neighbour which ben- tor for which infrastructure development efited most from assistance per capita. investments are envisaged. That is why on According to the report Implementa- 6-7 June, Chisinau will host the Moldovan tion of Progress with the Neighbour- Railway Summit, organised by CFM and hood Policy in the Republic of Moldova Club Feroviar, an event which will bring in 2012 (published in March 2013), the forth the need for investments in railway inNIP 2011-2013 — Republic of Moldova EU-Moldova political dialogue has been frastructure and in the rolling stock fleet. consolidated and negotiations on the Asso-

Priority area Allocation Priority area 1: Good governance, rule of law and fundamental freedoms 35-40 % Priority area 2: Social and human development 25-30 % Priority area 3: Trade and sustainable development 35-40 % Total 100 % Including 15 % overall allocation for conflict resolution / confidence-building measures 15 %

Политика «Восточного партнерства» - толчок к развитию Молдовы

Сотрудничество государств ЕС с государствами-партнерами из Восточной Европы крайне важно для укрепления и развития проектов и приоритетов обеих сторон, направленных на экономический рост, оптимизацию отношений, развитие и интеграцию путей сообщений. Согласно отчетам по странам и Source: European Commission региональным отчетам(опубликованным beenpercentage allocated of to 15 Moldova forwhole its 2011-13 National In- to в марте 2013 года) о продвижении As €273.14 indicatedmillion above, has a target % for the NIP will be allocated европейской политики соседства dicative resolution/confidence-building Programme (NIP). conflict measures (CBMs). However, rather than (ЕПС) в 2012 году сотрудничество двух This is an average of €91.05 million per annum, a substantial increase on the identifying CBMs as a priority in themselves, it is proposed that these are treated under сторон стало более тесным и достигло €66other million allocated Moldova way: in 2010. In addition, € 6.98 million have been the priorities in thetofollowing положительных результатов. reserved for Cohesion Policy. x

Funds will be allocated to actions under sectoral or capacity-building priorities specifically for the inclusion of the region of Transnistria in these actions, the Tiraspol de-facto authorities being included in discussions from the early stages of

May 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

52 Market development

Moldova launches new business opportunities by developing industrial parks

[ by Pamela Luică ]

Although in 2012, the economy of the Republic of Moldova entered recession after being severely affected by the decrease in the foreign demand and the crisis in the Eurozone which reduced the demand for the national exported products, the World Bank anticipates a GDP growth of 3% for 2013 (mostly due to the recovery in the agricultural sector). Therefore, the economic recovery encourages the allocation of private and public investments in projects for the development of Moldova’s industrial parks, the authorities’ plans focusing on the construction of 13 parks that will have rail infrastructure connections.


he World Bank believes that eco- public investments and by increasing the nomic growth in the first half of implication of the private and foreign secthe year will be modest, but the tor. In the next years, the authorities plan improvement of foreign conditions and the to implement the Strategy for the Developrecovery of the agricultural sector will prob- ment of Transport Infrastructure (by 2017) ably accelerate growth in the second half aimed at optimising mobility conditions of 2013. It also estimates a “4-5% growth for freight transport, facilitating trade in in 2014-2015 with accentuated foreign the national and international market and demand for the products exported by the integrating the main transport routes which Republic of Moldova who will be favoured cross Europe. In this context, the railway by the increased trust of consumers and in- business opportunities are encouraged by vestors”, shows the WB report, “Moldova the privatisation process and by the major Economic Update” (April 2013). investments in the railway network and the To that end, the authorities of Moldova development of railway freight transport are becoming more and more active in the services. The logistics sector will see the launch of policies and projects aimed at construction of industrial parks and the deattracting foreign investments and at pro- velopment of logistics services. moting commercial activities which are “There are projects underway, several also encouraged by the “National Develop- partnership initiatives and we will ensure ment Strategy 2020” and by the Strategy the investors of the stability and expectedfor the Development of Land Transport ness of these projects by strengthening our Infrastructure. To encourage the business institutional capacities. We have to focus sector, Moldova has created facilities where on precise targets such as attracting investinvestors can develop activities based on ments in industry in order to increase our preferential conditions, such as the 7 Free competitiveness”, declared ValeriuLazăr, Economic Zones (FEZ) and Industrial Minister of Economy, during the internaParks. Through the strategy approved by tional forum “Invest in Moldova” (March the authorities, the development of the 2013). transport and logistics sector is seen by the Currently, Moldova has 13 projects for authorities and by the international finan- industrial parks of which 3 parks are alcial institutions as key element on the posi- ready underway in strategic positions, tive impact in the economy, the projects to either at the borders with neighbouring be Note: launched mostly countries, Romania Data being on stocks can befinanced found in through the International Investment Position, (Ungheni Industrial

A historical overview of FDI data

Data on flows can be found in the Balance of Payments

A historical overview of FDI data

3500 3000 2500

Intercompany lending stock Equity capital and reinvested earnings stock Net inflow

2000 1500 1000 500 0 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 es.

Chart 1. FDI in the Republic of Moldova, 1995-2012 (estimate), stocks and net inflows, reinvested earnings, and intercompany lending, US$ million

Source: National Bank of Moldova

including equity www.railwaypro.com | Maycapital, 2013

Source: National Bank of Moldova

Park), Ukraine (Floreşti, Cimislia) or in the important zones of Moldova Chişinău (Căinari, Tracom), Bălţi (Bioenergagro, Răut). The development of parks in these regions is mostly determined by the railway connections with these countries. According to the official web site of(2012, the Raporturile comerciale mln Ministry of Economy, the feasibility studies for 9 parks are elaborated and the estimated Export: mln. $ Im investments for2161,8 their development amount UE:EUR 1013,4 %) U to around 200(46,9 Million. CSI: 928,0 (42,9%)

Moldova- exports 2012 (US Millions)

Source: MIEPO

Молдова запускает новые деловые возможности путем развития промышленных парков Несмотря на то, что в 2012 году экономика Республики Молдова вступила в рецессию, на фоне снижения спроса на внешних рынках и кризиса в еврозоне, который привел к снижению спроса на национальную экспортную продукцию, Всемирный банк прогнозирует рост ВВП на 3% в 2013 году. Таким образом, восстановление экономики поощряет выделение частных и государственных инвестиций в проекты по развитию промышленных парков Молдовы. Власти страны делают упор на строительство 13 парков, которые будут подключены к железнодорожной инфраструктуре.


Market development 53

Giurgiuleşti Port develops infrastructure [ by Pamela Luică ]

Launch of new projects consolidates the position of the port in the transport market Rail freight transport is encouraged Transport on the Black Sea-Baltic Sea route is facilitated


successful project of private investments and of the Free Economic Zone in the Republic of Moldova is Giurgiuleşti Port, at the southern border of the country. The strategic importance of the port and the necessary implication of the private sector in the transport system have been acknowledged by the government who launched a special law on the identification of a general investor who will hire the entire territory of the International Port and who will be responsible for its development. Thus, the port is operated by Danube Logistics who signed an investment agreement with the Moldovan Government for the construction of Giurgiuleşti Free International Port. This is the only river-maritime direct point of distribution and transhipment in and from the Republic of Moldova, being at the same time the regional logistics centre at the EU frontier with access to the land transport networks to Europe and Russia. In order to become an important logistics centre, the port initiates rail infrastructure development projects including the construction of a terminal with mixed gauge lines; the development of the project will enable the handling of oil products and dry goods. The estimated volume of the oil products that would be transhipped is 300 thousand tonnes/year, half of which will be theReport goods shipped from and to Port RomaTechnical – Giurgiulesti nia. The second phase of implementation will include the development of the con-

tainer terminal and of a warehouse. The dures”, said the Vice Minister of Transport authorities also consider the possibility to Valeriu Ciubuc. expand the port area to the adjacent parts The new service will significantly reof the rail bridges, a zone located along duce travel time because customs procePrut River which doesn’t have a proper in- dures will be facilitated and the number of frastructure. stops reduced. “The Republic of Moldova For the development of the mixed needs this functional port to benefit from gauge line terminal, the EBRD announced an easier access to transport which means it would grant a loan worth USD 12 Mil- reduced costs. Moreover, it means particilion to Danube Logistics this year. Funds pating in the project, including in transit will be used to improve the standard of projects”, declared Prime Minister Vlad the port infrastructure and to finalize the Filat. Moreover, in order to increase the rail line to the terminals for the handling freight flow and attract customers, the of containers, general cargoes and bulk authorities have decided that the freight freight. As a result, the transhipment proc- carried through this service would not ess from and in the wagons will no longer be subject to additional taxes and conrequire internal transfer (by lorries) and trols and therefore, costs will be reduced will avoid the use of several machines, thus by around 30%. According to estimates, reducing costs and operation time. 6,000 containers will be shipped on this As part of the programme for the attrac- route in 2013. tion of goods to railways, Giurgiuleşti Port The transport service has been launched collaborates with CFM (Moldovan Rail- at the initiative of Belarus and Ukraine, ways) in the project called “Zubr” which Poland, Lithuania and Estonia have also ensures the transport of cargoes on the joined the project together with the ReBlack Sea-Baltic Sea Corridor (containers public of Moldova. will be shipped by rail from Giurgiuleşti to Ukraine, south of Poland, Belarus and the Baltic countries). Порт Джурджулешть “The first result of this service consists развивает свою in the possibility to transport freight from инфраструктуру China to Constanţa Seaport and back to Giurgiuleşti Port. From here, the cargo В Республике will be shipped by rail, but the transport November 2012 Молдова успешным проектом частных инвестиций и, вместе time will be significantly reduced due с тем, Свободной экономической to the facilitated border crossing proce-

GOVERNMENT OF MOLDOVA Transport and Logistics Strategy Preparation

Table 6.1. Forecast Container Volumes thePort Portofof Giurgiulesti Forecast Container Volumesthrough through the Giurgiulesti Population [mln. people] Max. ratio inhabitants / TEU Degree of industrialization Total TEU in Moldova Max. share Giurgiulesti Max. TEU Giurgiulesti

2012 3.5 10 20% 70,000 20% 14,000

2022 3.5 10 40% 140,000 40% 56,000

2032 3.5 10 65% 227,500 40% 91,000

Source: Technical Report-Giurgiulesti Port, The World Bank and Government of Moldova, Joint Venture Kocks Consult GmbH,

TransCare, Wiesbaden – Universinj LTD, Chisinau Source: Koblenz Port –Captain, the Consultant

зоны, является Порт Джурджулешть, расположенный на южной границе. Стратегическая важность порта и необходимость участия частного сектора в транспортной системе были признаны правительством, которое запустило особый закон об определении общего инвестора, который должен взять в аренду всю территорию Международного порта и отвечать за его развитие. Следовательно, оператором порта стала компания «Данюб Лоджистикс», которая недавно получила кредит от Европейского банка реконструкции и развития на модернизацию и расширение железнодорожной инфраструктуры.

About 230,000 TEU may be transported in Moldova as a whole in 2032 (excluding transit

May 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

54 Market development

Moldova has an increased potential of freight transit on the Eurasian platform Doing Business 2012

25 [ by Elena Ilie ]


The Republic of Moldova will play an important role in the Eurasian railway transport, by the integration of DEALING WITH CONSTRUCTION PERMITS its section of Corridor IX in the European railway network and the future connections between Western and today? will be essential for Moldova’s freight Eastern Europe. The efficient connectionsWhere with does the the EUeconomy throughstand Romania traffic. Likewise, for these projects to be viable, theto political level, Moldova collaborate the permitsmust there requires 27 procedures,with takes 291 daysUE in What does at it take comply with the formalities to and costs 79.2% of income per capita (figure 3.1). build a warehouse in Moldova? According to data identifying and solving the problems in the railway system. collected by Doing Business, dealing with construction


n order to optimise the railway container traffic, last year in November, the Moldovan Railway Company with Kazakhstan Temir Joly (KTZ), the Russian Railways (RZD) and Ukrzaliznytsia (Ukraine) decided the elaboration of the project for the assignment of logistics services for the container traffic between China and Western Europe (with transit through the Republic of Moldova via Romania), with the inclusion in the trains of universal freight cars and specialised containers, including refrigerated ones. The transport will use the CIM/SMGS. According to the railway transport development strategy in the Republic of Moldova, a financing programme was executed, programme which includes several major projects among which the completion of Cahul – Giurgiuleşti line, for which the cost amounts to EUR 16 Million but also the completion of Ungheni – Chisinau line, with a length of 107 km and with a cost estimated at EUR 435 Million. The development of freight terminals, namely those intended for the intermodal transport, increase the clients’ interest in this railway freight transport and intensify its market share. The geographical position is also an advantage. The Republic of Moldova is one of the states benefiting from its geographical position on the Eurasian platform and is trying to intensify the railway freight transport sector by developing in Chisinau a terminal for the freight transshipment and transfusion, thus becoming a gate to Europe for the transit of freights coming from

Figure 3.1 What it takes to comply with formalities to build a warehouse in Moldova

What it takes to to comply with formalities to build a warehouse in Moldova

Source: World Bank Note: For details on the procedures reflected here, see the summary at the end of this chapter.

the Eastern part. Source: Doing Business database. “One of the projects that we plan to develop is the connection of Chisinau to the city of Iasi through a standard gauge infrastructure of 1435 mm. Transshipment and transfusion alternatives are much more varied in Chisinau than in Ungheni, from the point of view of the existing area. Thus, having a European gauge railway up to Chisinau, we can form a hub to transfer the freight to the CIS countries”, declared Vitalie Struna, General Manager of Moldovan Railways (CFM) in an interview for Railway PRO in 2012. Moreover, the reopening in April last year of the freight transport on the Transnistrian section (interrupted in 2006 - editor’s note) increases the railways geopolitical importance, for instance, the economic agents in Ukraine could use the Moldovan railways

Railway transported goods (2000-2012)

Source: www.factfish.com

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to transit freights to Romania, to the Balkan region, maybe even to the eastern part of the European Union. The resumption of railway freight transport connections between the Republic of Moldova and Transnistria was extremely beneficial for the increase of the freight transit on the Eurasian platform. Transport connections are currently executed under the best traffic conditions, confirmed the representatives of Moldovan Railways. The main railway nodes of the Republic of Moldova are in Chisinau, Ungheni, Ocnita, Balti and Basarabeasca.

Молдова имеет высокий потенциал транзита грузов на евразийскую платформу Республика Молдова будет играть важную роль в евразийском железнодорожном транспорте, за счет интеграции своего участка коридора IX в европейскую сеть и осуществления будущих связей между Западной и Восточной Европой. Эффективные связи с ЕС через Румынию будут иметь важное значение для грузовых перевозок Молдовы. Кроме того, для обеспечения жизнеспособности этих проектов в политическом понимании, Молдова должна будет работать с ЕС для выявления и устранения проблем железнодорожной системы.



“Unity in diversity”, a motto valid for European railways as well [ by Elena Ilie ]

In parallel with the market opening, other EU measures have improved the interoperability and safety of national networks. A more European approach of railway transport is aimed to facilitate cross-border traffic to permit railway transport to exploit the competitive advantage on longer distances and to deliver a single market for the suppliers of rail components at lower costs.

passenger services. Railway undertakings will have the right to pick up passengers at any station and set them down at another. The directive proposal also specifies that “Where an applicant intends to request infrastructure capacity with a view to operating a passenger service, it shall inform the infrastructure managers and the regulatory bodies concerned no less than 18 months before the entry into force of the working timetable to which the request for capacity relates. In order to enable regulatory bodies concerned to assess the potential economic impact on existing public service contracts, regulatory bodies shall ensure that any competent authority that has awarded a rail passenger service on that route defined in a public service contract, any other interested competent authority with the right to limit access under Article 11 and any railway undertaking performing the public service contract on the route of that passenger service is informed without undue delay and at the latest within five days”. However, the directive proposal also stipulates that “granting the railway operators in the Union the right to access rail infrastructure in all member states to operate internal passenger transport services can have implications for the organization

and financing of railway passenger transport services provided as part of a public service obligation”. The Commission believes that Member States should have the option of limiting such right of access where it would compromise the economic equilibrium of those public service contracts and where approval has been given by the relevant regulatory body. “As the market continues to open up, it is essential that the growing expectations placed on infrastructure managers are taken into account and fulfilled. Over the course of the liberalisation process, infrastructure managers will become the only actors in the rail market who have a system-wide perspective and thereby ensure long-term planning for the entire network. The Commission has recognised this fact and has defined in the fourth railway package the ‘optimal infrastructure manager of the future”. The infrastructure manager of the future must be given all the tools it needs to satisfy the expectations of the market and, above all, of customers. This means efficiency, investment and customer-oriented performance, believes the European Rail Infrastructure Managers Association (EIM).

“Единство в разнообразии”... - это лозунг, действующий также в отношении европейских железных дорог

Photo: Club Feroviar


ver the past decade, the growth of passenger traffic by rail has been insufficient to increase its modal share in comparison to cars and aviation. The 6 % modal share of passenger transport for rail in the European Union has remained fairly stable. Rail passenger services have not kept pace with evolving needs in terms of offer or quality. Therefore, at the beginning of the year, the European Commission launched the proposal for the amendment of Directive 34/2012 of the European parliament and of the Council of 21 November 2012 on the establishment of the single European railway area regarding the opening of the market to domestic railway passenger transport and the governance of railway infrastructure. The proposal is part of the six proposals which form the Fourth Package and continues to be very debated by the European forums together with transport operators and the European railway infrastructure managers. The new proposal for the amendment of Directive 34/2012 stipulates that railway undertakings will be granted, under equitable, non-discriminatory and transparent conditions, the right of access to railway infrastructure in all Member States for the purpose of operating all types of rail

Одновременно с открытием рынка, принятие других мер на уровне ЕС привело к улучшению взаимной совместимости и безопасности национальных сетей. Европейский подход к железнодорожному транспорту призван способствовать перемещению с пересечением границ, позволяя железнодорожному транспорту использовать свои конкурентные преимущества на дальние расстояния и обеспечить единый рынок для поставщиков менее дорогостоящего железнодорожного оборудования. May 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

56 LEX

Europe debates the utility of transforming ERA into a one-stop shop [ by Elena Ilie ]

Without damaging its role in elaborating the European legislation on interoperability and rail safety, it is obvious that, at the time being, the European Railway Agency does not have major surveillance and control competencies as regards national rail authorities, infrastructure managers and market players. Its responsibilities in terms of monitoring are practically limited to monitoring safety and interoperability performances, believes the European Commission.


he current long and expensive procedures, especially those necessary for obtaining the licenses for rail vehicles and the safety certificates for railway undertakings are important factors which prevent the development and the well-functioning of the EU railway market. Apart from being complicated and slow, these procedures don’t guarantee a sufficient level of mutual acknowledgement of certificates and licenses. This affects mostly the new undertakings that want to enter the market and contributes to the maintenance of a low level of competition and to the persistence of market issues. “Actions by Member States alone cannot ensure the coherence of EU railway market and address the divergent interpretation of the legislation, as persistence of national rules and sub-optimal functioning of national institutions, acting as barriers to the internal market, is in fact at the centre of the problem. Action at EU level aims to ensure consistent implementation of the EU rail acquis, which should lead to the creation of the Single European Railway Area with no unnecessary administrative and technical barriers”, says the explanatory statement of the Commission on adopting the directive proposal that will enhance ERA’s role.

Source: TEN-T

www.railwaypro.com | May 2013

The Commission’s proposals that refer to enhancing the role of the European Railway Agency seek to eliminate the existing technical and administrative barriers aimed to increase the competitiveness of the railway sector compared to other transport modes and to continue developing the single European railway area. Operational objectives include by 2025, the removal of all unnecessary national rules, a 20% reduction in the time to market for new railway undertakings above the baseline situation in 2025 and a 20% reduction in the cost and duration of the authorisation of rolling stock above the baseline situation in 2025. Following the analyses carried out, the European Commission has elaborated a series of options aimed to enhance ERA’s role. Therefore, we can talk about greater coordination role for the Agency in ensuring a consistent approach to certification of railway undertakings and vehicle authorisation or the transformation of ERA into a one-stop-shop, where the final decision on certification and authorisation remains with the NSAs but ERA performs entry and exit checks of applications and of the decisions. Another option that is significantly debat-

ed refers to the sharing of competencies between national safety authorities and ERA, where the final decision on certification and authorisation is taken by the Agency. ERA taking over activities of NSAs in relation to certification of railway undertakings and vehicle authorisation is another option that could become effective if the legislative package will be adopted in the current form. The Commission also proposes a distinct option regarding the adoption of horizontal measures, includes other legislative and soft measures (beyond sharing the responsibilities between national authorities and ERA) that could be implemented to improve the competitiveness of the rail sector. According to this final option ERA would benefit from the consolidation of its role regarding the monitoring and control of implementing national safety and interoperability legislation, but also the capacity of amending safety and interoperability directives to enable the adoption of implementing acts setting out common principles and practices for national authorities.

Европа обсуждает целесообразность превращения Европейского железнодорожного агентства в единую платформу Нынешние длительные и дорогостоящие процедуры, особенно в плане получения разрешений для железнодорожных транспортных средств и сертификатов безопасности для железнодорожных предприятий, являются основными факторами, препятствующими развитию и надлежащему функционированию железнодорожного рынка Европейского союза. Помимо сложности и медленности, данные процедуры не гарантируют достаточной степени взаимного признания сертификатов и разрешений. Поэтому, в результате проведенного анализа, Европейская комиссия разработала ряд решений, направленных на усиление роли Европейского железнодорожного агентства.


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“i-move 2.0” concept radically changes the public transport business model Two years after a highly successful Congress in Dubai, the international public transport community will meet again in Geneva for the 60th UITP World Congress and Mobility and City Transport Exhibition. The choice of the Swiss city as host city for the next World Congress puts both Geneva and Switzerland’s public transport network firmly in the limelight. Switzerland can boast both a long and impressive history of public transport; indeed, in June 2012, the country celebrated the 150th anniversary of what is Europe’s longest-serving tramway in Geneva.


ts railways are of world renown thanks to their reputation for punctuality, synchronised timetables, high quality of service and innovation. In 2017, the Gotthard tunnel, a 57km-long passage through the Alps (bored from 1998-2011) and officially the world’s longest railway tunnel, will officially open. Its dense and diversified network of post buses, funiculars, cable cars, boats and integrated urban and suburban public transport systems means that Switzerland is the ideal location to play host to the world’s public transport and sustainable mobility community in 2013. Transforming urban mobility Based on well-documented economic and technological development projections and a partnership with the International Energy Agency (IEA), UITP has developed urban mobility scenarios for 2025 which highlight the urgent need for more and better quality public transport. By 2025, 60% of the world’s population will live in urban

www.railwaypro.com | May 2013

environments, leading to a 50% increase in urban journeys compared to 2005 levels. The public transport sector therefore set itself the objective at the 2009 UITP World Congress in Vienna of doubling its market share worldwide by 2025, entailing a tripling of the number of journeys made by public transport and a stabilisation of the use of private cars. This would mean the controlling of greenhouse gas emissions; stabilising urban transport energy consumption; healthier lifestyles; the saving of human lives by safer roads and the creation of seven million new green jobs at public transport operating companies. One of the main focal points at Geneva will be the ‘i-move 2.0’ concept; in other words, the radical change required in the sector’s business model to meet the ambition of doubling the market share of public transport by 2025. Transforming urban mobility is becoming an urgent necessity: cities with unchallenged car dependency will find themselves losing out in competitiveness, failing to attract people and

businesses. Sustainable transport can be delivered by the ‘green alliance’ of public transport, cycling and walking but a radical overhaul is required in order to offer services that are not only convenient, but also fit with people’s lifestyle values. The development of a healthier business model for the sector - less reliant on scarce public funding - needs to be based on sound financing with all of public transport’s beneficiaries, direct or indirect, contributing towards it. Regulatory aspects of this revolution also need careful consideration too. For example, do all i-move 2.0 services need to be ruled by public service obligations? While the business model for i-move 2.0 has yet to be forged, Geneva will serve as a platform for innovative and collective thinking to help the sector move forwards. Geneva: the place to be in 2013 It is within this ambitious framework of transforming urban mobility that the Congress and Exhibition will take place, its purpose being to share ideas and offer a platform for idea-sharing and debate. Keynote speeches at the Opening Ceremony will be given by Dr. Joan Clos, Executive Director of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) and Swiss Federal Councillor Doris Leuthard, Head of the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications DETEC. It is this calibre of speaker that will characterise the events during the course of the Congress, with more than 150 speakers from over 30 different countries set to take part, including CEOs, COOs and CFOs of some of the world’s most renowned public transport operators and authorities. On the agenda is an unrivalled programme of three days of 44 sessions and 150 top

speakers coming together for a lively debate, sharing of ideas and an insight into the innovations and developments that will shape the sector in the years to come. Some of the topics include: future business models for integrated urban mobility; combined mobility; the value of marketing and social media; sourcing capital investment; performance evaluation; delivering megaprojects; achieving excellence in public transport HR, knowledge sessions from different regions around the world and much more. Running alongside this will be the Mobility and City Transport Exhibition. The Geneva Exhibition will feature some 300 exhibitors providing public transport stakeholders with an insight into the latest innovative mobility solutions, products and services. The Exhibition continues to attract the key political, operational, technical and commercial decision-makers over the last 34 years, who come from around the world to network, place orders and discuss the issues affecting the sector. The UITP stand will be an opportunity to catch up on all the latest news from the Association. The expected 10,000 public transport professionals making the trip to Geneva for the Exhibition will also benefit from access to the Expo Forums. The Forums provide two dedicated venues where, in seminar sessions, exhibitors will present the most advanced technologies and share their expertise and technological innovations with the Congress delegates and professional visitors. The final day’s proceedings will be given over to technical visits and offer delegates the opportunity to witness some of the host country’s recent – and ongoing – innovations in the sustainable mobility field. Participants will be offered the chance to see the CEVA (Geneva cross-border commuter railway) construction site, the Lötschberg base tunnel (a mountain summit tunnel concept), Switzerland’s largest rail hub in Zurich and more. To help delegates get around in Switzerland, VÖV-UTP and Swiss Travel Systems will offer delegates (and an accompanying person) a seven-day Swiss pass, enabling free use of the Swiss public transport network. In challenging economic times and with the sustainable mobility sector needing fresh impetus, the 60th UITP World Congress and Mobility and City Transport Exhibition, will be the ideal opportunity, therefore, for the entire sector to come together in Geneva to exchange best practices and creative ideas in order to push the industry forwards. Geneva Railway CEO Debate (Monday, 27 May – 16:00) Massive volumes, short headways, rapid boarding, specialised rolling stock… Some 90% of railway trips in Europe take place in and around metropolitan areas. These passengers use bus, tram and metro connections to reach their final destinations and they expect a consistent travel experience throughout their journey: seamless connections, similar quality standards and attuned information and fares. The public transport sector acting in this market segment has provided a solid base to take on the challenge to lure motorists out of their cars. Recent developments regarding the liberalisation of exactly this segment of the rail market provide ample food for thought amongst well-known CEOs of railway companies of various profiles. Can they find the key to turn both challenges into a winning mix for public transport?

Концепция «i-move 2.0» радикально меняет бизнес-модель общественного транспорта В швейцарском городе Женеве в период с 26 по 30 мая состоится Конгресс МСОТ. Данное мероприятие сосредоточено на осуществлении политики удвоения доли рынка общественного транспорта к 2025 году. Одной из главных тем, которую предстоит обсудить, является концепция «i-move 2.0», которую считают решающим фактором в изменении бизнес-модели для общественного транспорта. В конечном итоге, осуществление данной концепции приведет к достижению цели МСОТ.


High-elasticity rail fastening systems for “quiet rails” in urban infrastructures In densely populated conurbations, noise mitigation is top of the agenda for traffic planners. In accordance with the goal of transferring more traffic from roads to rail, network operators - especially local public transport—are making huge efforts to provide protection from noise. Vossloh has developed innovative technologies for “quiet tracks” that appreciably reduce structure-borne and secondary airborne noise. This is achieved, for instance, by employing special inserts like cellentic in highly developed fastening systems, rail web damping systems, and rail grinding to improve acoustics. The interplay of coordinated measures and technologies reduces the need for expensive noise barriers and additionally enhances travel comfort.


odern rail fastening systems offer the necessary elasticity to ensure that forces due to eccentricities in the wheels or irregularities in the rails do not lead to excessive wear or damage, which in turn causes vibrations and structure-borne noise. A material called cellentic from Vossloh Fastening Systems is a key component in the reduction of structureborne noise. This material is applied in the form of rail or base-plate pads. Thanks to its closed-pored structure, this highly elastic microcellular EPDM (ethylene propylene diene monomer) efficiently and durably prevents vibrations from getting through to the substructure. The chemical composition of Vossloh’s cellentic has a saturated polymer main chain, which provides a high level of resistance to a large number of chemical attacks. It also accounts for the material’s good temperature, weathering and aging behavior. Microcellular rail pads and base-plate pads made of cellentic retain

their original shape even when subject to repeated loading. (Fig. 1) In the Budapest metro project described below it was, in particular, the low-frequency response (between 1 and 30 Hz) under dynamic loads that played a decisive role. Use of cellentic in Budapest At present, the metro network in Budapest has a total length of 33 kilometers and 42 stations. Every day, it is used by some 770,000 passengers. Construction work on a new line, the M4, has been underway since 2004. This new line is intended to relieve road transport in the Hungarian capital and its first section is scheduled to enter service in 2014. In building the new line, tough targets were set for keeping noise under control, because in some places the walls of the metro tunnel are a mere two meters away from the foundations of neighboring

buildings. The company that operates the metro, Budapesti Közlekedési Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság (BKV Zrt.), therefore defined nine critical sections of the line calling for special treatment. It was decided to deal with this situation by laying highly elastic trackage with closely matching components that work together seamlessly. For this purpose, Vossloh Fastening Systems developed three different versions of the rail fastening system 336. (Fig. 2) For all of them, the principal consideration was the physical law whereby “the more elastic the rail fastener, the lower the structure-borne noise”. Fig. 2: The Vossloh rail fastening system 336

Fig. 1: Unlike other elastic materials, cellentic maintains a stable shape even under a continuous load

Source: Vossloh Fastening Systems

Source: Vossloh Fastening Systems

www.railwaypro.com | May 2013

The following were the applicable design criteria: • unballasted tracks with elastic rail supports, • a clearance of 750 mm between rail supports and • compatibility with the metro trains’ maximum axle load of 12.5 t. The enhanced systems are based on rail fastening systems for ribbed plates, which have been in use for some 30 years on conventional, metro and urban light rail lines in more than forty countries all over the world. On account of its flexibility, this system can be readily adapted to local cir-


cumstances. System 336 features the Skl 24 tension clamps. The steel and cast-iron ribbed plate rests on a cellentic rail pad with a stiffness of at least 8 kN/mm. The unit is prestressed to precisely the required amount by tightening a spring. The rail fastener was adapted for the Budapest metro in accordance with the customer’s specifications. The System 336 fasteners used for the M4 line, including six of the nine critical sections, incorporate a 15-mm thick elastic pad with 10 kN/mm stiffness. Vossloh achieved this stiffness by making appropriate modifications to the air bubbles enclosed in the cellentic. Vossloh Fastening Systems delivered a total of some 38,000 rail fasteners of this type for the new line up to the beginning of May 2012. A total of 15 switches and crossings for the Budapest metro were also equipped with Vossloh’s System 336. The rail supports are fastened to the track using a top-down method. The rails and their fasteners are first of all aligned and only then is the concrete cast around and/ or under them. (Fig. 3) For the three particularly sensitive sections (where neighboring buildings are so close that they would be severely affected by structure-borne noise), the unballasted trackage has been constructed as a massand-spring system tuned to a frequency of 16 Hz. The base-plate pads here are even stiffer at 17 kN/mm. Acoustic tests, independent technical tests and approval procedures were performed on Vossloh’s System 336 by local institutes in accordance with the EN 13481-5 for fastening systems for slab tracks (including on metros).

Further “quiet system projects” for light-rail slab tracks After successful completion of the Istanbul Metro project, Vossloh Fastening Systems won another W-Tram rail fastener project in Turkey: for the Bursa Metro. For this purpose, W-Tram rail fasteners have been supplied since mid 2012. The W-Tram is a high-elasticity rail fastening system for local transport; it is anchored to the subgrade with screws/dowels and can be used both on turnouts and covered tracks. It will accept a maximum axle load of 13 t. The system consists basically of three components (Fig. 4). The Skl 21 tension clamp has two free spring arms which have a long elastic deflection and securely hold the rail on the concrete body in a frictional connection. The tension clamp has fatigue strength of 2.5 mm and a high toe load which also ensures the high creep resistance of the rail in the entire system. Moreover, the defined fatigue strength also makes sure that the clamp will withstand countless loadings across a certain peakto-valley value without suffering any damage. The angled guide plates hold the rail laterally in position. And together with the middle bend of the tension clamp they prevent the rail from tilting or lifting. The highelasticity rail pad discharges the dynamic forces vertically to the sleeper. It has a stiffness of 30 kN/mm and allows ample vertical subsidence. It consists of the patented microcellular EPDM elastomer marketed by Vossloh as cellentic. Among other things the material is remarkable for its outstanding absorption of structure-borne noise, its excellent UV and ozone resistance and its

Fig. 3: Budapest Metro: insertion of the Vossloh System 336 rail support using the top-down method

very good resistance to aging and weather since the closed cellular texture will absorb very little moisture. Hence, the life-cycle costs are correspondingly low. Fig. 4: For more than 40 years and on around 700 km of tracks worldwide including tramways, the WTram has conformed with European specifications

Source: Vossloh Fastening Systems

The system allows width and height adjustments. Height-adjustment washers are simply inserted from the side. For re-gauging by +/-10 mm, fully insulated angled guide plates of various widths are used. For higher loads of up to 22.5 t, Vossloh has developed the W-Tram into the system DFF 21. It serves as a simple fastener for conventional slab tracks and is primarily installed top-down. It is presently being used for instance on the Ankara Metro and on the Piraeus project at this, the third biggest Mediterranean port. It has a stiffness of 60 kN/mm and is installed together with the Skl 21 tension clamp. The DFF 21 is a costefficient direct fastener for slab tracks; it is simple to install and allows vertical forces to be discharged along an underlying elastic base plate. Good electrical resistance is among its hallmarks. Concluding summary

Source: Vossloh Fastening Systems

The numerous projects from Vossloh show that slab tracks are no longer only found on high-speed lines but nowadays also frequently used on light rail systems. Especially in tunnels, slab trackage is employed for its greater rail stability and lower maintenance costs. Besides being used on subway or metro lines, slab trackage is also employed on light rail lines and numerous tramways. Here, too, the rail fastening systems must feature a high degree of elasticity so that the forces discharged by wheel runout or rail irregularities do not lead to excessive wear or damage. Rail pads and base-plate pads made of cellentic from Vossloh Fastening Systems are helping to minimize vibrations and abate structureborne noise. The System 336 fasteners have been installed in the unballasted tracks on the Budapest Metro and Turkish metro lines in Istanbul. The Bursa Metro will be equipped with W-Tram and in Ankara with system DFF21 fasteners. May 2013 | www.railwaypro.com


Railway signals with LED units

WHY Signals with LED EU Units ?

EU LED Unit Main characteristics:

Because ISAF is continuously preoccupied with creating and promoting new products on the market that, beside high performance, quality and safety level, should also bring added value for the customer, we have joined forces with Zelisko Austria for the adapting to the Romanian market and commercialising Signals with LED Units, type EU.

• Available in red, yellow, green, lunar white, blue and violet color; • Available in a wide range of supply voltages and powers, including 12V / 20W and three dimensional versions: 100 mm, 160 mm, and 210 mm; • 7 high power LED as light source; EBA (Eisenbahn Bundesamt) and TUV certified; • Factory programmable power curve (resistive feature); • AC (50/75 Hz) and DC options; • Allows “cold filament” tests; • Compatible with common interlocking systems; • Monitoring current - voltage on each LED; • Works on “flashing” system; • Safety class IP 6; • Electrical connection via connector.

ISAF’s 60 years experience in signalling systems and Zelisko’s 85 years of service in the economy and industry, also being the European Leader in manufacturing LED units for railways (over 30,000 units sold in Austria, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Finland, Slovakia, Algeria and the Dominican Republic) creates a partnership that guarantees the best products and service, meaning the best light panel with LED units. Zelisko has been engaged in the field of rail signalling for decades. Since 2001 they have included LED signals, which are approved in Austria, and there are already more than 25,000 pieces in operation. The new Zelisko LED signal generation has been developed specially for operation in the rough rail environment and is the way forward for signaling. The aim of our partnership is to offer to our customers an alternative and a better solution for the traffic signals with light bulb, components of the interlocking systems and of the automatic line blocs.

www.railwaypro.com | May 2013

MAIN advantages over conventional bulb signals: • Better visibility for the locomotive driver; • Longer life time; • Lower energy consumption; • Lower maintenance cost; • Compatible to existing control systems; • Fail safe design – SIL4; • Possible exchange of incandescent lamps against LED signals; • Only one optical lens necessary; • Great light intensity; • Simple adjustment of light intensity;

In consequence, ISAF is proud to propose to all its customers, a different type of signal, with a hot galvanized structure, equipped with EU LED units from Zelisko, which is answering to customer requirements, in terms of longer service lifetime and lower maintenance costs. In addition, ISAF has the capability to manufacture, on customer demand, different types of masts and panels for the national railway companies from other countries (France, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria and Greece, etc.). For further details, please contact our Production Department Production Manager: Laurentiu Stoica Tel. 00 40 (0) 212 210 149 Mobile: 00 40 730 550 045 Email: laurentiu.stoica@isaf.ro Website: www.isaf.ro

At the core of construction.

Alpine S.A. alpine@alp.ro www.alp.ro


Industry prevents possible electromagnetic attacks on the infrastructure

[ by Elena Ilie ]

The project suggestively entitled SECRET plans to assess the risks and consequences of electromagnetic attacks on the railway infrastructure, in order to identify preventive and recovery measures and to develop protection solutions to ensure the security of the rail network, most of the times subject to intentional electromagnetic (EM) interferences, which can disturb a large number of train command-control, communication or signalling systems on the railways.


mong the main objectives of the project initiated by the International Union of Railways (UIC), by means of the seventh research programme (FP 7), and co-financed by the European Commission are the identification of critical scenarios of EM attacks and the evaluation of the consequences by means of risks analysis and attack experiment on railway infrastructure. The programme started in August 2012, 2015 being the completion term of the risk analysis. The main objectives of the project also include the development of protection

equipments and of resilient train commandcontrol and communication architecture to such attacks, including detection devices of EM attacks. In addition, this programme also develops management processes in order to completely defeat the effect of such an attack or to facilitate the return to normal conditions, optimal for the operation of the railway infrastructure. SECRET project will make certain technical recommendations for the purpose of consolidating the railway infrastructure. From the information published on the website dedicated to SECRET programme,

we find out that the participants in this project will develop innovative solutions to reinforce the infrastructure and to protect the European railway from the EM vulnerability resulting from the standard harmonisation process at the European level. This requires development of technologies in compliance with ERTMS, as well as the production of technical recommendations improving the European railway network standardisation and the railway infrastructure resiliency. The work plan of the project is structured in five work packages in charge of the technical works.

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Photo: Club Feroviar

tor SNCF, UIC, Europe Recherche Transport (ERT), the French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport (IFSTTAR), Fraunhofer Institute IAIS, Politecnico di Torino, TRIALOG, University of Liege, Montefiore Institute and ZANASI Alessandro Srl.

The first work plan is dedicated to the threat analysis and risks assessment in terms of potential EM attacks scenarios. The impact and the EM attack devices are also analyses. These outputs aim to provide a clear view of the critical condition of the railway infrastructure to policy makers. Work plans 2, 3 and 4 focus on the development of innovative solutions to be implemented in order to protect the European railway infrastructures against EM attacks.

On the other side, work plan 5 aims at producing the specifications and technical recommendations dedicated to European standardisation bodies. Work plans 6, 7 and 8 are in charge of the dissemination, the project technical management, as well as of the administrative and financial management. The participants in the development of this technical programme include the company Alstom Transport, the French opera-

Промышленность предотвращает возможные электромагнитные атаки в адрес инфраструктуры Проект под названием СЕКРЕТ направлен на оценку рисков и последствий электромагнитного нападения на железнодорожную инфраструктуру, на определение мер по профилактике и восстановлению сети и на разработку защитных решений для обеспечения безопасности сети железных дорог, часто подвергающихся умышленным электромагнитным помехам (EM), которые могут нарушить работу большого количества систем управления и контроля поездов, связи или железнодорожной сигнализации.

Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, Director General – UIC Speech from the previous edition of Railway Days

The International Union of Railways participates to the development of railway transport and of freight-dedicated international corridors. Railway transport connects countries, but also continents and cohesion is given by the number of railway projects, such as infrastructure modernization, building new lines, modernization of railway equipments, new rolling stock or research in the field. Recent studies of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) have shown that the necessary investments in transport by 2030 amount to USD 11.3 Billion, 44% of which would be directed to railway transport (USD 5 Trillion). European freight corridors, the new transport network in Brazil, the Russian projects, and the network in Central Asia or in the Basin of Mekong River, all these projects will revive railway transport. All indicators show that, despite the economic recession, by 2015, cargo transport could increase by 18%, while passenger transport by 80%. By 2020-2040, over two billion people will move to the city, so it will be necessary to find mobility solutions for urban and suburban routes and rail transport plays an important role here. Railways are every day more involved in urban development and from the point of view of investments it is very important that the accent will fall on intercity, suburban and high-speed trains. All intra-European corridors, those linking Europe to Asia and Middle East, need improvement, because they boost interoperability. I’m glad that we can now talk about the Black Sea transport links. UIC has discussed the matter with the Organisation of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC). Turkey will soon inaugurate the section Baku – Tbilisi – Kars, which is a plus for the link between the two continents and which will definitely increase the share of railway transport. At present, the key word is interoperability, also between continents, not only between European countries. Also, another key factor for cohesion is solving technical and administrative problems. Cohesion has to be at the core of the railway development policy. Security and safety are also important. UIC is thus interested in studies of the development projects elaborated by other profile associations, such as OSJD. However, the railway transport sector is currently fragmented and market players are facing problems in observing administrative separation principles. Therefore, railway transport needs an improved harmonisation of technical and administrative rules both in Europe and Asia which will facilitate and ease cross-border operations. There are several efficient solutions for this, among which satellite tracking systems, development of new international hubs, the mapping of the network, new data bases or the development of each data base of the authorities, a better standardisation of specific regulations in Europe, Asia and the 1520 Area, development of new transport corridors and new integration and charging systems. Most new transport corridors between Europe and Middle East from East to West and North to South, also the new corridors linking Europe and Africa, as well as the key role of the Mediterranean hubs, all these, next to the major corridors which cross Europe (IV,V,IX and X) are key elements for development and territorial cohesion. Organisers:

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66 statistics Rail infrastructure gross investment spending Current prices and exchange rates - million Euros Current prices and exchange rates - million Euros Current prices and exchange rates - million Euros

Albania Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Bosnia Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Estonia Finland FYROM Georgia Greece Hungary Latvia Lithuania Moldova Montenegro Poland Romania Russia Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Turkey Ukraine










6 n.a. 1,191 24 n.a. n.a. 51 36 474 18 225 9 42 983 278 36 58 8 n.a. 108 106 2,046 6 241 20 72 n.a.

1 n.a. 1,145 5 n.a. n.a. 26 103 416 16 275 3 21 1,699 267 49 94 11 n.a. 221 105 3,029 4 91 21 126 n.a.

2 n.a. 1,335 7 n.a. n.a. 31 128 412 22 328 0 15 1,786 155 33 70 6 n.a. 220 58 3,643 4 91 59 222 n.a.

2 n.a. 1,330 19 n.a. n.a. 46 94 484 21 281 1 17 278 171 40 68 9 n.a. 236 109 4,017 4 160 42 226 n.a.

1 n.a. 1,489 12 n.a. n.a. 39 122 465 22 234 1 54 239 91 33 50 6 n.a. 353 102 4,166 4 225 13 451 n.a.

1 n.a. 1,489 4 n.a. n.a. 44 92 612 27 211 1 192 253 376 37 76 10 n.a. 647 311 5,430 2 287 53 499 n.a.

1 n.a. n.a. 11 n.a. n.a. 72 126 1,218 21 327 2 64 n.a. 298 61 85 25 n.a. 904 316 9,450 2 215 129 672 n.a.

0 n.a. n.a. 2 n.a. n.a. 50 98 741 29 338 4 n.a. n.a. 318 64 67 6 n.a. 650 177 6,549 6 175 100 756 n.a.

0 n.a. n.a. 3 n.a. n.a. 130 83 563 34 363 5 n.a. n.a. 275 78 107 n.a. n.a. 690 169 9,057 12 273 131 1,493 n.a.

Source: International Transport Forum

Current Financial Perspective (2007-2013)

- Actual TEN-T Funding: Last update: January 2013

Characteristics of the TEN-T project portfolio (ongoing and closed projects)

Total: â‚Ź5.87 billion for 415 projects

Legend ATM = Air Traffic Management ERTMS = European Rail Traffic Management System ITS = Intelligent Transport Systems and Services MOS = Motorways of the Sea RIS = River Information Services IWW = Inland Waterways

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Total: €5.87 billion for 415 projects TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE

2 .5 .4






km (at end of year) BE

Source: TEN-T EA



























1 024






1 281




2 447




1 281




2 708






1 069

1 540




3 943



1 196

1 069

1 540




4 264



1 196

1 090

1 540




4 285




1 285

1 272

1 540




5 184




1 285

1 511

1 872




5 480




1 285

1 599

1 872




5 750



1 285

1 604

1 872




6 126



1 285

2 056

1 896




6 602



1 285

2 144

2 036




6 830


ES (*) FR

Notes: Length of lines or of sections of lines on which trains can go faster than 250 km/h at some point during the journey.


speed lines currently under construction HIGH�SPEEDHigh LINES CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION




DE München - Augsburg



DE Gröbers - Erfurt



DE Nürnberg - Erfurt




ES Barcelona - Figueres




ES (Madrid)/ Alicante / Murcia/Castellon




ES Vitoria - Bilbao - San Sebastian




ES Variante de Pajares




ES Bobadilla - Granada




ES La Coruña - Vigo




ES Navalmoral-Cacere-Badajoz-Fr. Port



ES Sevilla - Cadiz




ES Hellin - Cieza (Variante de Camarillas) ES Sevilla-Antequera FR Counternement Nimes - Montpellier




128 70



Source: European Commission, Statistical pocketbook Notes: The length indicated above is the2012 length of the line under construction and not necessarily the distance between the places named.


Notes: 1 435 mm (*) ES: new l UK: (N-IR May 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

Source: Union Internationale des Chemins de Fer (updated November 2011),

So urce: Unio n Inte

68 Mobility

Public transport meets mobility needs Flash EB No 326 – Survey on passengers’ satisfaction with rail services

Analytical report

The results also showed that rail passengers were considerably more likely to report being rather satisfied rather than being very satisfied with each of the features of trains in their country. For example, while 58% of rail passengers said they were rather satisfied with the seating comfort of trains in their country, just 20% were very satisfied. Furthermore, for two items, the proportion of “very satisfied” passengers was somewhat lower than the proportion of “very dissatisfied” [ by Elena ones; Ilie ] this was the case for the cleanliness/maintenance of railway carriages (13% “very satisfied” vs. 15% “very dissatisfied”) and assistance/information for disabled and elderly passengers (8% vs. 11%).

Rethinking urban mobility involves optimising the use of the entire variety of modes of transport and Country variations organising a co-modality between different types of public transport (train, tram, metro, bus) and of individual accordance the results for respondents’ satisfaction with personalprosperity security in train transport (cars, bicycle, walking). It In also involveswith achieving common objectives in terms of their economic stations, in a large majority of the countries surveyed, more than 7 in 10 respondents were very or managing transport demand to guarantee mobility, quality of life and environmental protection. Lastly, it involves rather satisfied with their personal security on board trains in their country (from 72% in Slovakia reconciling freight transport and passenger interests whatever the mode used. of rail passengers to 97% intransport Finland). Ireland and Finland – once again – hadofthetransport highest proportions who were very satisfied with their personal security on board trains (both 55%).

Rail passengers in Romania, Bulgaria and the Visegrád Group were not only the most likely to be dissatisfied with their personal security in railway stations (31%-41% – see chapter 2), they were also among the most likely to say that they were very or rather dissatisfied with their security on board trains (for example, 40% in Poland, 37% in Bulgaria and 32% in Romania).






Age groups >99 95-99 90-94 85-89 80-84 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 40-44 35-39 30-34 25-29 20-24 15-19 10-14 5-9 0-4 0 0










Age groups >99 95-99 90-94 85-89 80-84 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 40-44 35-39 30-34 25-29 20-24 15-19 10-14 5-9 0-4 0 0







Source: European Commission Source: European Commission, Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, ‘2009 ageing report’, European Economy, 2/2009. Specific pyramid source: Eurostat, Europop 2008.

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EU-27: 2060 Population by age groups and sex





being “very dissatisfied”, Poland was joined by Greece in having the highest proportions of passengers мобильности включает оптимизацию who selected this response (16%-17%). использования целой гаммы видов

EU-27: 2008 Population by age groups and sex Males


Satisfaction with respondents’ personal security whilst on board he challenge facing urban areas in the context of sustainable developVery satisfied Rather satisfied Rather dissatisfied Very dissatisfied DK/NA ment is immense: that of reconcil3 3 100 3 1 2 2 13 1 1 4 2 6 1 1 4 2 9 5 7 4 1 4 4 5 6 24 5 8 5 7 7 7 ing the economic development of towns 13 13 12 7 7 10 12 11 12 14 16 18 21 80 and cities and accessibility with improving 42 19 37 47 24 28 the quality of life and with environmental 54 53 47 50 52 50 51 60 59 64 42 62 protection, on the other. In order to ad68 62 63 56 57 55 51 50 dress these issues, which have many and 42 71 40 38 49 varied implications, a joint effort will make 55 55 47 42 20 it possible to encourage the search for in39 37 40 39 39 38 37 30 28 27 25 26 23 22 22 23 20 20 25 24 novative and ambitious urban transport 8 6 0 solutions with a view to arriving at a situation where towns and cities are less polluted and more accessible and where traffic Q4. Are you very satisfied, rather satisfied, rather dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with the following features of the trains within them flows more freely.Experiences [IN YOUR COUNTRY]? Base: all respondents, % by country from stakeholders show that there is no Source: europa.eu single solution to reduce congestion. between networks at the urban-interurban A S U S T AinI NLuxembourg, A B L E F U T U RFinland E F O R Tand R A Nthe S P UK O R T most frequently said that they were very or rather Rail passengers European towns and cities are confront- and time for travel. This relies on availabiinterface. the frequency of trainsand in their countryAccording (84%-87%); in there these countries, ed with a constant increase in freight and satisfied lity ofwith user-friendly, adequate interto furthermore, stakeholders, is insuf- at least a third of respondents answered that they were very satisfied with this aspect of their passenger flows. However, there are sub- operable multi-modal trip information for ficient attention to co-modality and acountry’s lack 39% in Luxembourg, 37% in the UK and 33%ofinintegrated Finland. Rail passengers in Ireland were once stantial limits to the development of the trains: planning a journey. collective transport solutions, the most likelyindicate to selectthat the “very (41%). infrastructure needed to cope with this moreStakeholders ITS satisfied” allows a response such as suburban railway systems, tramincrease, as a result of a lack of space and dynamic management of existing infra- train systems, and well-located Park&Ride Not only in Finland and capacity Luxembourg, but also the otheratBenelux andtransport Nordic countries The ageing challenge: growing needs, resources environmental constraints. Against this fewer structure. Additional in excess of infacilities collective terminalsand in in Portugal, respondents werebe among the by most likely the to answer thatofthey wereand very or rather satisfied background, stakeholders have highlighted 20-30% or more can gained more outskirts towns cities. The ageing of the EU population can be illustrated by the population pyramids shown intrains Figure in 5. As life expectancy rises in Denmark and Portugal, 80% in Belgium, 79% in the frequency their (81% that Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) with effective use of of road space. Thiscountry is particuand fertility rates remain low, the top of the pyramid becomesSweden larger, while its78% base and middle part shrink. Recent demoand in the Netherlands). In each of these countries, more than a fifth of rail passengers applications are currently underexploited larly important since there istheusually little graphic projections show that in 2060 there will be only two active workers for every pensioner. Due to train adverse impact (between 21% and 30%). said they were very satisfied with frequencies for the management urban moscope to provide additional space in of ageing andefficient the drop in the working-ageofpopulation, a decline of average annual economic growthroad rates is projected bility, or are developed without attenurban areas. The active management of urОбщественный транспорт — with current policies — falling from 2.5 % indue recent years to 1.3 % from 2030 to 2060. Age-related public expenditure In ban two transport countries atinfrastructures the right-hand side the chart, however, less than half of respondents were very or to interoperability. canof also suchtion as pensions, health care and long-term care will increase substantially by 2060. This underlines the need for thehave transвыполняет требования в satisfiedimpact with the of trains in their country: 48% in Estonia and 43% in Poland. In Onetoofincrease the critical successtofactors for mo- rather a positive onfrequency safety and the enviport sector its contribution EU competitiveness. плане мобильности Poland, 51% of rail passengers said they were very or rather dissatisfied with train frequencies; the bility in urban networks is, for travellers, to ronment. A particular area for ITS could be overall level of dissatisfaction was lower in Estonia (41%). Focusing on the more extreme response of be 5:able to make informed onage mode the sex management of seamless connections Figure Population pyramids in thechoice EU-27, by groups and (2008 and 2060) Переосмысление городской

транспорта и организацию «соpage 23 модальности» между различными видами транспорта (поезд, трамвай, метро, автобус) и различными видами индивидуального транспорта (автомобиль, велосипед, ходьба пешком). Это также предполагает достижение общих целей управления спросом на транспорт для гарантирования мобильности. В последнюю очередь это предполагает согласование интересов грузового и пассажирского транспорта, независимо от используемого вида транспорта.

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