Railway PRO March

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the railway business magazine

Year VIII ■ No. 1.3. (93) ■ 2013

EC speeds up the opening of passenger transport market with new proposal Rail transport is becoming more and more popular nowadays in Hungary

Railway PRO

Searching for intermodality solutions

Mass Transportation

Журнал железнодорожный бизнес

Aeroexpress, importance of continuous development Interview with Mr. Alexey Krivoruchko, CEO of Aeroexpress

«Аэроэкспресс» - лидер рынка, осознающий важность постоянного развития услуг Интервью с генеральный директор Компания «Аэроэкспресс» Компания «Аэроэкспресс» был создана в 2005 году и предоставляет услуги железнодорожных перевозок между аэропортом и центром города в Москве, Сочи и Владивостоке.

editor’s note 1


he end of January has marked the public issue of the final draft of the European Commission’s proposals which will probably form the Fourth Railway Package. A set of directives and regulations aimed to put in practice the vision of the Commissioner for Transport, Siim Kallas. It is a “package” rather bold in patches, marked, as any other public document, by signs of the compromise with the different interests which govern the European railway industry. We are talking about a legislative package aimed to create, or more precisely, to complete the construction of a single European railway market as initiated by the first railway packages and as it can also be observed in other industries. And yet, something tells me that negotiations will be very difficult. The social and economic context is different from that during the issue of the other 3 railway packages and even from that of the White Paper on Transport.

The economic crisis which began in 2007-2008 continues worldwide with several outbursts which deepens the uncertainty among European citizens. Xenophobe and populist displays begin to be part of every day’s life causing the disruption of the constitutional elements of the continental structure. Rumours about Great Britain leaving the European Union are somehow natural as the talks about a referendum in France on the same topic probably are as well; to limit access to the labour market or in the free trade area seems also natural. This is the context in which some Euro-enthusiasts are trying to build a new European market – the European railway market; and trying to join the railway players around a common goal is difficult, considering the conservatism and the interest in the chain for command.

instruments for military defence and for building nationalist societies. The borders between “railway administrations” are even deeper than between nations. The railway life is conducted not so much by the entrepreneurial spirit and the will to help the European community, but by the wish to preserve privileges, a hermetic market, and a picture of the past. And the Fourth Package comes to confuse precisely these elements. Will the Commission be able to impose an integrating vision with trains capable to run from the Atlantic to the Black Sea or will we see local variants of the ETCS being constructed aimed to replace the national signalling systems and the survival of “national” vehicles that have to be thoroughly checked before being introduced to other countries?

As shown in the previous issues, railways in Europe have been built as war

A too bold project? Issue published with the support of Romanian Railway Industry Association & Club Feroviar – The Railway Business Club Журнал издаётся при поддержке Асоциации Железнодорожной Промышленности и Club Feroviar – ЖД Клуб Деловых Людей

Слишком смелый проект? Конец января месяца был отмечен опубликованием окончательного варианта пакета предложений со стороны Европейской комиссии, который, вероятно, станет «Железнодорожным пакетом № 4». Это набор директив и положений, направленных на реализацию видения комиссара по транспорту Сийма Калласа. «Пакет» местами дерзок, и, помимо всего прочего, в нем содержатся, как это должно быть в случае публичного документа, признаки компромисса по отношению к различным интересам, руководящим европейской железнодорожной промышленностью. Мы говорим о пакете законов, направленных на создание или точнее, на завершение создания единого европейского железнодорожного рынка, так как он был начат в разрезе первых железнодорожных пакетов и как это можно наблюдать в рамках других отраслей. И все же, что-то подсказывает, что переговоры будут очень сложными. Социально – экономический контекст отличается от первых 3-х железнодорожных пакетов, даже от

опубликованного новейшего издания белой книги перевозок. Экономический кризис, который начался в 2007 – 2008гг., распространяется в глобальном масштабе с различными вспышками, что способствует углублению чувства незащищенности среди европейских граждан. Ксенофобные и популистские проявления становятся элементами повседневной жизни, что приводит к эрозии конституционных элементов континентальной конструкции. Обсуждение выхода Великобритании из Европейского союза стало нормой, как вероятно и предложение о референдуме по тому же вопросу во Франции; ограничение доступа на рынок труда или в пространство свободного передвижения также становится нормой и т.п. Это рамки, внутри которых несколько евро-энтузиастов пытаются построить новый европейский рынок – рынок железных дорог; а попытаться объединить железнодорожников вокруг общей конструкции трудно, учитывая консерватизм, тенденции распыления, и не в последнюю очередь, стремление к созданию иерархии.

Железные дороги, как мы упоминали и при других обстоятельствах, были построены в Европе в духе войны, и стали инструментами военной обороны и строительства националистического общества. Границы между “железнодорожными администрациями” еще глубже, чем границы между нациями. Не столько предпринимательский дух и желание помочь европейскому сообществу направляет железнодорожную жизнь, сколько желание сохранить привилегии, плотный рынок, образ прошлого. А именно эти элементы создают дальнейшие помехи для “Пакета № 4”. Удастся ли комиссии ввести интегративное видение, применяя артиллерийское орудие, бегущее от Атлантического океана до Черного моря, или же мы увидим, как создаются местные альтернативы ETCS, взамен национальных систем сигнализации, и будут ли продолжать оставаться вненациональные транспортные средства с национальными характеристиками, «которые должны быть основательно проверены перед тем, как передвигаться по территории других государств»? March 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

2 cOntent Policies & strategies


20 28

Operators answer passenger needs by purchasing new rolling stock Операторы соответствуют требованиям пассажиров путем приобретения нового подвижного состава

Every day, European transport policies focus more on shifting traffic from road to rail triggering the chain development of the railway sector and related industry, together with the positive impact that this transport mode has on energy efficiency, environment and life quality. Поощрение железнодорожных перевозок пассажиров, за счет политик и вложения финансовых средств заставляет операторов разрабатывать новые стратегии, которые должны привести к оптимизации мобильности и привлечению большего числа пассажиров, что станет возможным благодаря предоставлению качественных услуг.


44 EC speeds up the opening of passenger transport market with new proposal 55 New Azerbaijan – Turkey rail line the railway business magazine

Railway PRO

ISSN - 1841 - 4672

Editor’s note



50 Poland: Pomerania Region reshapes the railway system for passenger transport

A too bold project?

POLICIES & STRATEGIES Publisher: Editura de Transport & Logistică S.R.L. 30, Virgiliu Street, Sector 1 Bucharest, postal code: 010881 Tel.:+4 021 224 43 85; +4 021 224 43 87 Mobile: +40 721 723 724 Fax: +4 021 224 43 86 E-mail: editors@railwaypro.com Web-site: www.railwaypro.com Editors: Elena Ilie elena.ilie@railwaypro.com Pamela Luică pamela.luica@railwaypro.com Production and photo editor: Petru Mureşan Department of translations: Alina Vuţulicu Paula Bădescu Gentil Traduceri SRL Contributors: Florentina Ghemuţ Felicia Gherghieş Graphic design: Petru Mureşan Layout and DTP: Petru Mureşan petru.muresan@railwaypro.com Photo: Radu Drăgan Marketing Manager: Cristina Trifon cristina.trifon@railwaypro.com Advertising Enquiries: advertise@railwaypro.com www. railwaypro.com/advertise

www.railwaypro.com | March 2013

16 CFR SA can increase track access charges after investing in infrastructure quality

52 Kuwait to start metro network works in 2013

18 New provisions in the

53 Doha speeds up the development of the metro project

social minimum package of CFR Călători



Aeroexpress, a market leader aware of the importance of continuous development Interview with Mr. Alexey Krivoruchko, CEO of Aeroexpress

«Аэроэкспресс» - лидер рынка, осознающий важность постоянного развития услуг Интервью с с генеральным директором компании «Аэроэкспресс» Алексеем Криворучко In Russia, railway transport stands above all the other transport models with a cargo transport share of 80% and of 40% for passenger transport. Aeroexpress operator was set up in 2005 and provides railway transport services between airports and cities in Moscow and its region, but also in Sochi and Vladivostok. The company’s development strategy indicates the extension of transport services to Kazan in 2013 and in St. Petersburg in the future. Компания «Аэроэкспресс» был создана в 2005 году и предоставляет услуги железнодорожных перевозок между аэропортом и центром города в Москве, Сочи и Владивостоке. Согласно стратегии развития, в этом году компания намеревается запустить движение в Казани и в скором будущем в Санкт-Петербурге.


20 Operators answer passenger needs by purchasing new rolling stock

54 South Africa eyes rail high-speed

37 CER is concerned about the mandatory tendering of PSO as being the only applicable award mechanism

22 Connecting Europe


40 Fourth Railway Package: divergent opinions

Facility: Member States need to make sure that as many good 39 Urban mobility – target quality and maturity projects 2050 as possible are submitted

56 Searching for 32 “Rail transport is intermodality solutions becoming more and more popular nowadays in Hungary” 60 Bigger cities, bigger 36 “Europe needs one problems consistent structure” 38 “Infrastructure managers,

the only actors in the rail market with a system-wide perspective”

42 ERA could take over the certification of rail undertakings and the authorization of vehicles 45 Safety Directive Proposal A step forward in the implementation of the “single safety certificate”


46 EC guidelines on ITS implementation

48 EU policies focus on


reinventing cities

58 Railway Statistics

cOntent 3 Редакционная статья


Слишком смелый проект? ПОЛИТИКА И СТРАТЕГИЯ

16 Компания «ЧФР СА» сможет увеличить размер налога на использование инфраструктуры если будет инвестировать средства в повышение качества инфраструктуры 18 Новые положения для включения в минимальный социальный пакет для “ЧФР Кэлэторь” (Румынские железнодорожные пассажирские перевозки)




32 „Железнодорожный 52 В этом году Кувейт 37 СЕЖД (Сообщество транспорт становится всё может приступить к работам европейских железных дорог) привлекательнее в Венгрии” по строительству метро не считает благоприятным обязательный конкурс для договоров государственных 36 “Европе нужна крепкая 53 Доха торопится услуг структура” осуществить проект метро 38 «Администраторы инфраструктур станут единственными действующими лицами на железнодорожном рынке, которым будет видна полная картина всей системы железных дорог» 44 Новое предложение Европейской комиссии способствует открытию рынка железнодорожных пассажирских перевозок

54 Южноафриканская

республика рассматривает использование высокоскоростного железнодорожного транспорта метрополиТАН

54 Политика ЕС сосредоточивается на создании нового образа городов

40 IV Железнодорожный пакет: мнения разделены 42 Европейское железнодорожное агентство может принять на себя выдачу разрешений железнодорожным предприятиям и авторизацию транспортных средств

45 Предложение Директивы по безопасности мобильность это шаг вперед в сторону 20 Операторы применения «Единого соответствуют требованиям 55 Новое соединение: 39 Городская мобильность сертификата безопасности» пассажиров путем - намеченная цель на 2050 Турция – Азербайджан приобретения нового год 46 Европейская комиссия подвижного состава РАЗВИТИЕ РЫНКА опубликовала руководящие 56 В поисках решений принципы внедрения ИСТ 22 Механизм подключения интермодальности Европы: заявки на 50 Поморское Воеводство СТАТИСТИКА финансирование не могут восстанавливает свою быть направлены в любое 60 Крупные города железнодорожную систему время и по любому проекту пассажирских перевозок большее количество проблем 62 СТАТИСТИКА

March 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

news 5 SOP-T programme functions properly

Railway infrastructure manager to provide transport services

Hungary: Hungary has committed nearly 100% of European Union transport funding available to the country in the 2007-2013 budget period, business daily Napi Gazdaság said, citing data from the National Development Agency. EU and national co-financing available in the Transportation Operative Programme for the 2007-2013 budget period comes to HUF 1,853.5 Billion (EUR 6.3 Billion), the paper said.

Bulgaria: A railway infrastructure manager will be entitled to provide railway transport services in Bulgaria, under amendments to the railway legislation proposed by the Bulgarian Government. The bill envisages lifting the ban for the railway

Azerkerpu to build Port of Alat Azerbaijan: Following an international tender on the development of the construction project of the Port of Alat, Azerbaijan Ministry of Transport has selected Azerkerpu as the winner. The construction of the new international port wasInternational launched in November Baku Sea Port at2010. Alyat It is located 65 kilometres from Baku in Phased Development the town of Alat. The winner will have to develop the construction works and to Ph Phase 1 – Under U d C t ti equip the port.Construction

Pakistan signs contract for locomotive delivery International: Pakistan and a Chinese company have finalized an agreement under which the former will buy 50 locomotives from the latter at a cost of PKR 10.78 Billion (EUR 83 Million). According to the Chinese company, it will supply 25 locomotives to Pakistan later this year while the rest will be shipped towards the mid of the next year. The order was announced in December last year.

Latvia wishes to postpone the redistribution of funds allocated for train procurement


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Presentation to Prime Minister Republic of Azerbaijan July 2010

7Ͳ8 December, 2010 Turkmenbashy

The construction will be implemented in three stages and completed in 2015. The new port will be built on a surface of 400 ha of which 100 ha will be dedicated to the international logistics centre. In the first phase, it is estimated that the cargo volume would reach 10 million tonnes and 40,000 TEUs, in the second phase, cargo volumes are expected to reach 17 million tonnes and 150,000 TEU and finally in the third phase, volumes will amount to 21-25 million tonnes and 1 million TEUs. Economy needs transport infrastructure investments Russia: Economy massive spending on transport infrastructure combined with measures to lure more foreign direct investment and improve the business climate could help boost Russia’s flagging economic growth, First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov said. Russia is planning a RUB 500 Billion (EUR 12 Billion) program to clear bottlenecks from its overburdened road and rail networks to raise growth to the government’s target of 5%. “We need to move on this urgently,” he said, adding the new program would target key bottlenecks such as Moscow’s roads and the limited railway links across Siberia to the Pacific Coast. Shuvalov called for more aggressive moves to sell off state assets to finance transport spending.

infrastructure manager or a company in which it holds a stake, as well as a concessionaire, when the latter acts as a manager of the railway infrastructure, to carry out rail transport. The project will not lead to the merger of state-run National Railway Infrastructure Company (NRIC) and Holding BDZ, the government pointed out.

International: Latvia has requested the European Commission to extend the deadline by which the Commission must be offered information on alternative railroad infrastructure development projects until the conclusion of Pasazieru vilciens and CAF mediation process. The government has given PV and CAF time until March 8 to conclude their mediation talks. The outcome of the mediation will have to be presented to the government during March. PV has managed to convince the government not to hurry with channelling to other projects the funds allocated for the train procurement contract.

Regionalisation will increase the importance of railway transport Romania: “It is important to recover speed on Romanian railways and to turn into account our statute of EU Member State as the railway system has to become an economic growth engine. That is why, speaking about administrative restructuring at CFR, we want to preserve the main lines and the high-speed project, while everything related to rail connections between main lines will go to regional Болгария: Администратору железнодорожной инфраструктуры придется предоставлять железнодорожные транспортные услуги с Болгарии. Венгрия: Венгрия выделила почти 100% из объема европейских средств, выделенных на транспорт в бюджетный период 2007-2013 гг. Азербайджан: В результате проведения международного тендера компания «Азеркерпу» выиграла, и она заключит договор на строительство порта в Алате. Россия: Крупные затраты на инфраструктуру и на осуществление

subsidiaries. The accomplishment of the territorial restructuring project in Romania will help develop the rail transport system”, declared Sorin Bota, Head of Transportation Social Democratic Party, during the Conference “Infrastructure development – priority railway projects”, organised by Club Feroviar and the Romanian Railway Industry Association on 20-21 February 2013 in Sibiu. According to the declarations of Sorin Bota, if the administrative-territorial reform will involve the development of 8 regions, “this is very good for the railway system as it preserves the 8 regions of CFR. Moreover, with the regionalisation, the Metropolitan Transport Authority could begin operation”. China to finance Belgrade-Budapest high-speed line International: Chinese companies are interested in the project for construction of a Belgrade-Budapest high-speed railway, the Serbian Transport Ministry said. Chinese companies are ready to participate in the financing of this project and credit lines have already been secured, the ministry said in a statement issued after Serbian transport minister Milutin Mrkonjic met with the head of the economic department of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade.

мероприятий, нацеленных на привлечение большего объема прямых иностранных инвестиций, могут способствовать экономическому росту в России. В мире: Пакистан заключил с китайской компанией договор, согласно которому Пакистанские Железные дороги приобретут 50 локомотивов. В мире: Латвия обратилась в Европейскую комиссию с заявлением о продлении крайнего срока предоставления информации об альтернативных проектах развития железнодорожной инфраструктуры. March 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

6 news Cargo Slovakia consultancy tender was cancelled

USD 1 Billion investments in the development of the logistics sector photo: prilesie.com

Belarus: The authorities could invest over USD 1 Billion by 2015 in the development of the logistics sector, BelTA informs. According to the logistics programme, Belarus is implementing 48 investment projects for which over USD 380 Million in investments were raised. The total area of A class storage facilities that are to be constructed by 2015 makes up more than 700,000 square meters. The press service informed that eleven logistics centres have already been commissioned in Belarus. Belarus is now working to enhance competitiveness of its infrastructure and to create additional conditions for efficient operation of logistics centres compared to logistics centres of the neighbouring countries.

photo: zscargo.sk

Slovakia: A tender seeking an advisor to help find a strategic partner for Cargo Slovakia was cancelled, following a decision of the Slovak Office for Public Procurement, which noted that the Ministry of Transport set unreasonable minimum required level of technical and professional requirements for the competitors. The spokesperson of the Ministry of Transport said that the ministry has not decided whether it will launch a new tender. The spokesperson of Cargo Slovakia said that the Slovak company is currently not taking any steps, which would result in the merger with its Czech counterpart. Cargo Slovakia has a basic capital of EUR 401.7 Million.

UCL Rail closer to IPO Russia: Russia’s biggest rail operator, UCL Rail, controlled by businessman Vladimir Lisin, is picking banks to conduct its first public placement this spring. Sources did not specify the size of the company’s stake to be sold, or the name of the exchange that will hold the public placement. The IPO was first mentioned in May 2012. By the end of 2012, First Cargo Company’s board had decided to conduct the placement in the first half of 2013. According to analysts, UCL Rail will float no more than 20% of its stock.

exceeds 3,200 kilometres, which is almost 15% of the state railway network.

Ukrzaliznytsia to buy locomotives on leasing terms

Moldovan Railways plans restructuring in 2013

Ukraine: Ukrzaliznytsia is planning to buy locomotives on leasing terms, according to Infrastructure Minister Volodymyr Kozak. This solution was accepted after failing to reach an agreement with the Russian bank Vnesheconombank. In March 2012 Ukrzaliznytsia reported about negotiations with Russia’s Vnesheconombank on borrowing UAH 28.5 Billion (EUR 2.6 Billion) to buy 509 locomotives under the rolling stock upgrading program.

Moldova: In 2013, Moldovan Railways (CFM) could face the restructuring and the authorities consider the set up of three companies: the railway infrastructure manager, the national railway passenger transport operator and the railway freight transport operator. “If all legal issues, as well as those related to the company’s organisation and development of necessary departments are solved, CFM could split into three state-owned companies: the infrastructure manager, the passenger operator and the freight operator. However, there are still issues that need to be solved before making a decision, there are unclear aspects, as well as organisational and legislative problems. We have discussed the project with the representatives of the European Union and of European railway companies which had implemented a similar projects and thus have the necessary experience”, said Valerii Constantinov, Head of International Affairs at CFM during the Conference “Infrastructure development – priority railway projects”, organised by Club Feroviar and the Romanian Railway Industry Association on 20-21 February 2013 in Sibiu.

PKP awards two contracts on railway modernisation Poland: Polish infrastructure manager PKP PLK has awarded two contracts on the rehabilitation of railways. Polish company PRK Krakow, a member of Grupa CDE Company, will modernise Zawiercie - Jaworzno Szczakowa (Upper Silesia) - Dbrowa Górnicza section. The 2-year contract is worth PLN 357 Million (EUR 86 Million). The project will include the rehabilitation of the line to permit trains to run at speeds of up to 120 km/h. The modernisation of Poznan – Czempin section, part of Poznan – Wroclaw line, was assigned to the Spanish company FCC. The contract is worth PLN 538 Million (EUR 128 Million). The project will permit trains to run at speed of 160 km/h.

Prydniprovska Railways to have new rolling stock

Speed up for works on Corridor X

Белоруссия: Власти Белоруссии могут выделить свыше 1 миллиарда долларов до 2015 года на развитие сектора логистики. Румыния: С точки зрения административно-территориальной реорганизации, на уровне ЧФР (Румынских железных дорог) государство сохранит за собой магистрали и проект высокоскоростной линии. В мире: Китайские компании заинтересованы в осуществлении проекта строительства высокоскоростной линии между Белградом и Будапештом. www.railwaypro.com | March 2013

photo: railway.md

Ukraine: Prydniprovska Railways (one of the railway divisions of Ukrzaliznytsia) plans to purchase 12 electric freight locomotives this year. Locomotives will be bought by Ukrzaliznychpostach, the state enterprise for the material and technical provision of Ukrainian railway transport. Prydniprovska Railways is one of the largest railways in Ukraine. Its track network Словакия: Тендер на выбор консультанта для оказания помощи государственным властям в поиске стратегического партнера для компании «Карго Словакия» был отменен. Россия: «UCL Rail» намеревается объявить первоначальное публичное предложение этой весной. Украина: Приднепровская железная дорога намеревается в этом году приобрести 12 электрических локомотивов для грузовых поездов.

serbia: As part of a meeting between Serbian Railway Director General, Dragoljub Simonovic, and the CEO of the Italian JV Italiana Construczioni -Consorzio Armatori Ferroviari, the parties considered the implementation of measures aimed to avoid delays in work performance and to finish, as soon as possible, all Республика Молдова: В 2013 году Молдавские железные дороги (ЧФМ) намереваются запустить процесс реструктуризации, в результате которой появятся 3 компании. В мире: В феврале прошла официальная инаугурация связи с паромными суднами, предназначенными для перевозки поездов по направлению между портами Самсун и Кавказ. Украина: Компания «Укрзалізниця» намеревается купить локомотивы в лизинге, объявив тендер в этой связи.

news 7

EU supports the development of freight corridors International: The European Union will allocate EUR 5.7 Million to finance the projects of four railway freight-dedicated corridors. EUR 1.3 Million of the amount will be used to prepare management structures and the activities necessary to build the railway freight corridor no. 2, NetherlandsBelgium-Luxembourg-France-Switzerland. The second project, which will receive just over EUR 1.6 Million in EU co-financing, covers the preparatory studies and activities needed for the organisation of Rail Freight Corridor 8, Germany-NetherlandsBelgium-Lithuania. The third project, receiving nearly EUR 1.7 Million in EU support, concerns the establishment of Rail Freight Corridor 6, Spain-France-Italy-Slovenia-Hungary. The Rail Freight Corridor 4 PortugalSpain-France will receive over EUR 1 Million for the development of studies and preparation of the implementation plan.

Arad-Bucureşti-Constanţa Corridor, the most important project of Romania in the Connecting Europe Facility Romania: The Connecting Europe Facility Annex includes an important project portfolio for Romania with several major projects, including cross-border connections and transport bottlenecks projects. As regards railway infrastructure, there are three railway projects listed as part of the CEF Annex: Budapest - Arad - Timişoara – Calafat, Arad – Braşov – Bucharest - Constanţa, Timişoara – Border with Serbia. A concrete example of TEN-T project implementation is PP22 which encompasses two major lines in Romania: AradBucharest-Constanţa on the East-West axis and Arad-Timişoara-Craiova-Vidin Bridge (new bridge across the Danube) on the North-South axis. In Romania, the PP22 project has progressed especially since national priorities coincide with the European priorities (the East-West axis), but the project stagnates on the North-South axis.

Georgia, Azerbaijan and Turkey will decide the third countries’ accession to the BTK Inernational: The decision on the accession of third countries to the project of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway will be made by consensus of the project participating countries, Georgian Ambassador to

В мире: Пользователи немецких железных дорог ознакомятся с британским железнодорожным опытом в плане пригородного транспорта. Польша: Компания PKP PLK присудила два контракта на реабилитацию железной дороги. В мире: ЕС выделит 5,7 млн. евро на четыре проекта железнодорожных грузовых перевозок. Румыния: В рамках Механизма подключения Европы, Приложение содержит три проекта по сегменту железнодорожной инфраструктуры.

В мире: Решение предоставить третьим странам доступ к железнодорожному транзитному коридору Баку - Тбилиси - Карс будет принято путем консенсуса государств, участвующих в проекте. В мире: Туркменистан и Украина разработают железнодорожный проект, направленный на облегчение железнодорожного движения. Казахстан: Компания «Škoda Electric» подписала договор с «GE Transportation» на поставку 660 комплектующих с механическим приводом для 110 локомотивов.

Azerbaijan Teimuraz Sharashenidze said at a press conference. “Many countries are interested, but the decision will be taken by consensus,” he said.

ministry to construct a railway bridge over the Amu Darya river. The bridge will link Farab and Turkmenabat, and the Ukrainian firm will be responsible for both the engineering and construction of the structure. Yanukovych and his Turkmen counterpart Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov also entered into discussions on gas supplies. photo: Club Feroviar

construction works regarding construction of new double-track railway line from railway stop Gilje to station Paracin, within modernization of international railway Corridor X. The discussed issues were work realization deadlines, technical problems which need to be resolved in the following period, expropriation of land in the operational area, as well as possibilities for the expansion of cooperation between the two companies in the following period.

Sharashenidze said there are no disputes between the three countries on the BakuTbilisi-Kars project. As Azerbaijani Transport Minister Ziya Mammadov said earlier Armenia cannot use the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars (BTK) railway without permission from Azerbaijan. This statement was made at a joint press conference held after the meeting, following the Armenian Deputy Transport and Communications Minister Artashes Avetisyan’s statement that “if possible, Armenia would like to use the BTK railroad in the future.” Turkmenistan, Ukraine agree on infrastructure projects International: Ukraine and Turkmenistan have agreed to develop transportation infrastructure in the Central Asian state during the Ukraine leader’s state visit to Ashgabat. Ukrainian firm Altcom will sign a contract with Turkmenistan’s railway transport

National Express enters the German rail market International: German rail users are to get a taste of the British commuting experience after National Express won the tender to run two rail routes in the country’s most populous region. National Express, which operates the London-to-Southend c2c route, has secured two contracts in the North Rhine-Westphalia region – Rheine-Münster-Cologne-Krefeld and Bonn-Cologne-Wuppertal. It is a symbolic moment for the British rail sector, because European markets are typically closed to external operators and largely the domain of state companies such as the powerful Deutsche Bahn. This has in turn allowed

Škoda Electric will supply mechanical drives for 110 locomotives of GE Transportation Kazakhstan: Škoda Electric, a subsidiary of Škoda Transportation, signed contract with U.S. conglomerate GE Transportation to supply 660 pieces of complete mechanical drives for 110 locomotives. They are destined for passenger transport for Kazakhstan State Railways. The total contract value is EUR 38 Million. The first prototype for GE Transportation will be transmitted this year. The series delivery will start at the turn of 2014 and 2015. The contract includes engine, transmission and wheelset. New locomotives are constructed for maximum speed up to 160 km per hour. They will have to fulfill high reliability of traffic.

Ceske Drahy continues rolling stock investments Czech Rep.: In 2013, Ceske Drahy will buy new rolling stock worth CZK 6 Billion (EUR 234 Million). The company will buy RegioPanter trains from Skoda, RegioShark diesel trains from Pesa, will receive the rest of the trains Regio-Shutle RS 1 the likes of DB to enter the UK market, with DB acquiring Arriva – the owner of the Arriva Train Wales and CrossCountry franchises. The National Express contracts, worth a combined €1.6bn (£1.4bn), are the first “competitive” entry into the German market by a UK player. Dean Finch, National Express chief executive, said: “National Express is delighted to have been selected to run these two German commuter rail contracts. I’m particularly pleased that our success in running the UK’s best performing franchise has been recognised by the German authorities. We look forward to maintaining these high standards and serving the people of North Rhine-Westphalia for many years to come.”

March 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

8 news USD 60 Billion for transportation projects

The minister said the Marmaray railway tunnel project is amongst the major projects to be completed this year. In general this year, it is expected to put into operation 11 projects and start construction on 102. Also the largest project, construction of which will begin in 2013, is the third airport in Istanbul.

turkey: The total cost of transportation projects in Turkey, be it the start or completion planned for 2013, will reach USD 60 Billion, Turkish Transport Minister Binali Yildirim said, Star newspaper reported.

EU to cut funds for Rail Baltica by 10% International: It is estimated that the Rail Baltica project would cost around EUR 3.48 Billion, of which 75% will be funded by the European Union (EU). According to the Lithuanian Minister of Transport Rimantas Sinkevicius, the project is planned to be implemented from the EU funds, the initial versions including an 85% support. Meanwhile, the current version speaks about 75%, or a decrease of 10% in the EU support.

Ukraine wants World Bank loan for railways Ukraine: Ukraine is holding talks with

Authorities resume Kladno-Prague -Ruzyne Airport line project

the World Bank (WB) on raising a loan for the modernization of Ukrainian Railways. According to the bank, the loan is expected to be up to USD 500 Million (EUR 373 Million). Last year, the then CEO of the Ukrzaliznytsia, Volodymyr Kozak, who is currently the infrastructure minister of Ukraine, said that the administration was going to electrify 300 km of tracks every year using loans from foreign banks, and that it was holding talks on this with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the World Bank.

photo: AECOM

USD 130 Million for infrastructure projects

Unlike the Estonian minister of economy, Lithuania’s Sinkevicius had doubts about launching Rail Baltica as early as in 2022. “The project, according to the authors of the feasibility study, could be implemented by a joint company made of representatives of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Every state would have an equal number of shares of this joint company and could organize the implementation of the project,” the minister said. Lithuania would have around 33% of shares. Kazakhstan - Turkmenistan - Iran railway to open by this summer International: Kazakhstan - Turkmenistan - Iran railway should open in the spring, by the summer of this year, said the Ambassador of Iran in Astana Gorban Seifi. According to him, with the commiswww.railwaypro.com | March 2013

Government approves CFR Marfă’s privatisation strategy Romania: The only attribution criterion will be the price. During its reunion on 13 February, the Romanian Government approved the Decision on the approval of CFR Marfă’s Privatisation Strategy and on the mandate of the Ministry of Transport for its implementation. The decision includes the strategy proposed in the final consultancy Report on the privatisation of CFR Marfă. Therefore, the Decision stipulates the sale of a majority package of shares to a strategic investor or consortium of strategic and financial investors. The selection of the investor will be achieved through combined methods with shortlisting criteria for investors, namely negotiation based on preliminary and non-binding offers followed by sealed tender, in compliance with the legislation in force.

sioning of the railway the trade turnover between the two countries will seriously increase. “If at the end of last year, trade between the two countries totaled USD 1.2 Billion, in the future will increase to five billion dollars a year”, - diplomat said. It was reported earlier that the transcontinental line must be the bridge between Europe and Asia. In April 2011, a document on the construction of an international transit transport route IranTurkmenistan-Uzbekistan-Oman-Qatar was signed in Ashgabat.

from Stadler and the last City Elephant trains from Skoda. The company will also invest in the modernisation of cars. Last year, CD spent around CZK 7.7 Billion (EUR 300 Million) in rolling stock.

expressed interest in projects in the spheres such as energy, and infrastructure projects.

Tajikistan: The Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) intends allocate a loan of USD 130 Million for infrastructure projects in Tajikistan, Board Chairman Igor Finogenov made this statement during his meeting with President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon in Dushanbe. According to the report, the EDB has Турция: Общая стоимость проектов транспортного сектора составит 60 миллиардов долларов США в 2013 году. Чехия: В этом году «Ceske Drahy» намеревается приобрести новый подвижной состав общей стоимостью 6 миллиардов крон (234 млн. евро). В мире: Стоимость проекта «Rail Baltica» составляет 3,48 млрд. евро, из них 75% выделит Европейский союз. В мире: Железная дорога Казахстан – Иран через Туркменистан будет сдана в эксплуатацию до наступления этого лета. Румыния: Единственным критерием присуждения контракта в рамках тендера на продажу «ЧФР Марфэ» будет являться предложенная цена. Украина: Украинские власти ведут переговоры со Всемирным банком ввиду получения кредита на модернизацию

Czech Rep.: Project of high-speed rail link between Kladno and Prague-Ruzyne airport in the Czech Republic will be constructed this year – or in 2014 at the latest. Railway Infrastructure Administration (SZDC) in the Czech Republic was now planning to begin the construction project, which suffered postponements as a result of arguments over the impact of the railway on the environment. The line will be 20km long and will cost around EUR 312 Million. The project will also include the renovation of the platforms in Masarykovo Railway Station (Prague). The absence of sufficient funding has forced the SZDC to divide the construction of the high speed rail routes into two parts – one from Prague’s Bubny station to the Ruzyne airport, and the second linking Ruzyne airport to Kladno. The construction of the Bubny to Ruzyne line is not planned for the next few years. The cost of this second phase is estimated at around EUR 1.05 Billion. украинской железной дороги. Таджикистан: Евразийский банк развития (EDB) намеревается выделить Таджикистану кредит в размере 130 млн. долларов США на проекты инфраструктуры. Чехия: Проект строительства высокоскоростной линии, соединяющей Кладно и Пражский аэропорт Рузине, может быть запущен в этом году или самое позднее в 2014 году. Россия: В середине этого месяца «Федеральная грузовая компания» (ФГК) и «Knorr-Bremse» создадут компанию под названием «Knorr-Bremse 1520». Сербия: Железные дороги и строительные компании, работающие по Коридору Х, рассматривают возможности внедрения ряда мероприятий по сокращению опозданий поездов.

10 news Greece and RZD negotiate the OSE sale

Hungary sees the creation of an independent infrastructure manager

International: Greece believes that RZD may take part in the privatization of OSE, Greek Government spokesman SimosKedikoglou said. Russia may also participate in establishing a transportation hub at the Suez Canal. Greece held a series of negotiations with O RZD and there is a good progress in this process and cooperation in the rail sector would have a good impact onto the Greek economy. “A combination of Greece’s strategic location and Russian railway know-how may have incredible results”, Mr.Kedikoglou said. A railway network linked to a port in Thessaloniki could become a gateway to all the goods transported from Asia via the Suez Canal, which can then be supplied by railway to Europe, he added. OSE’s privatization is due to begin in September 2013 and to complete in September 2014.

Hungary: The State Railways company (MÁV) is to merge its passenger, traction, and rolling stock maintenance subsidiaries into a single business unit from April 1 as part of a restructuring which will also see the creation of an independent infrastructure manager, railjournal.com informs. From April, MÁV Start will take ownership of the MÁV Trakció locomotive fleet, meaning it will no longer need to pay other companies to provide traction services. However MÁV

and Advanced World Transport B.V. The tender commission will make a review of the offers, to be followed by further consultations, the statement said.HZ Cargo is the biggest rail freight operator in Croatia with 11 million tonnes of goods transported annually. The company operates a rolling stock fleet of 187 locomotives and 6,039 wagons.

Turnkey project on Bulgarian railway line

Two consortia selected for Sofia Metro section

International: As leader of the consortium, Thales has signed a contract with the Bulgarian railway infrastructure company NRIC to provide electronic signalling and telecommunication technology for the Sofia-Plovdiv railway line. Kapsch CarrierCom will deliver the GSM-R technology within this project. The entire contract has a value of worth EUR 35 Million. Thales and Kapsch will cooperate in implementing the entire solution on the 133 km of the Sofia-Plovdiv railway line, part of the International Rail Corridor IV from Dresden to Istanbul crossing Bulgaria. Thales will deploy electronic interlockings for five stations, including outdoor facilities, ETCS Level 1 trackside equipment and CheckPoint solutions (trackside train condition monitoring). The GSM-R access will be set up by Kapsch CarrierCom with delivery of dispatcher extensions, CAB radios and handhelds. “With these solutions, the line will support an increase in train speed and higher train frequencies, significantly increasing line capacity“, said Thomas Schöpf, COO of Kapsch CarrierCom.

Bulgaria: Metropoliten, the company that operates Sofia metro network, announced it selected two consortia Metro Build Mladost and Geometro B.P., for the construction of a section of 2.63 km for the extension of the network. Nine bidders participated in the tender. Another four consortia submitted offers for the contract: Metro Vitosha 2012, Porr Business Park, Galchev Asignia

Seven investors interested in the restructuring of HZ Cargo Croatia: The transport ministry said it has received seven expressions of interest to participate in the restructuring of state-owned rail freight carrier HZ Cargo. Letters of intent have been submitted by DEAL d.o.o.; Nexus Private Equity Partneri d.o.o., Quaestus Private Equity d.o.o. and Djuro Djakovic Holding [ZSE:DDJH-R-A]; AT Kearney GmbH; Rail Cargo Austria AG; DB International GmbH; SC Grup Feroviar Roman S.A. www.railwaypro.com | March 2013

Pereda 4 and Metro Business Park, as well as three more companies: Stroyinject, Dogus Insaat ve Tincaret and Adval. The section will have three stations and will be completed in 24 months. St. Petersburg Metro buys new rolling stock Russia: St. Petersburg Metro will buy 18 cars in 2013, The Gudok reports. The cars will be supplied in May – August 2013. The price of the twelve 81-541 intermediate cars is RUB 330 Million (EUR 8.1 Million). The six head cars will be bought at RUB 200 Million (EUR 4.9 Million).

BDZ puts new sleeping cars in operation

photo: wikimedia.org

В мире: Правительство Греции считает, что РЖД может участвовать в приватизации OSE. Об этом заявил официальный представитель Правительства, Симос Кедикоглу. Россия также может участвовать в реализации узлового центра недалеко от Суэцкого канала. Венгрия: Железнодорожная компания Венгрии (MAV) объединит под одной крышей свои филиалы пассажирских перевозок, тяги и обслуживания подвижного состава. Таким образом, начиная с 1 апреля они образуют одну единую компанию. Данное мероприятие включено в программу реструктуризации. В мире: Администратор инфраструктуры Болгарии «NRIC» подписал договор с «Thales» на поставку системы электронной сигнализации и телекоммуникаций для железнодорожной линии София - Пловдив. «Kapsch

Trakció will remain as an entity to “manage” the fleet, and the transfer of activities will be phased, meaning it will not be completed until the end of 2014. April 1 will also see the creation of the National Rail Network Operator (NVP), a new infrastructure manager which will be institutionally separate from MÁV. This means MÁV will effectively become a holding company, responsible only for overseeing the activities of its remaining business units. The director general of NVP will be Mr Zsolt Völgyesi, who is current general manager of MÁV FKG, the infrastructure maintenance company based in Jászkisér.

Bulgaria: Bulgarian state railways BDZ’s 30 new sleeping cars bought by BDZ from Turkish company TÜVASAŞ will be put in service in March 2013, said Minister of Transport Ivailo Moskovski. This is the latest estimate, after initially it was said that the sleeping cars would be in service by the end of last summer, then the end of last year, and then by January 2013. Moskovski said that most of the sleeping cars ordered from Turkish firm TÜVASAŞ were in Bulgaria and were in the process of certification. The purchase

CarrierCom» будет заниматься поставкой технологии GSM-R, а общая стоимость проекта составляет 35 миллионов евро. Хорватия: Министерство транспорта Хорватии объявило о получении семи писем, в которых выражается интерес к участию в реструктуризации железнодорожного оператора грузовых перевозок «HZ Cargo». Болгария: Компания «Метрополитен», управляющая сетью метро в Софии, объявила о выборе двух консорциумов - «Metro Build Младност» и «Геометро B.P.» - для строительства участка продолжительностью 2,63 км ввиду расширения сети. Россия: «Гудок» сообщает, что в этом году Метрополитен города Санкт Петербурга намеревается приобрести 18 вагонов. Подвижной состав будет поставляться в период с мая по август 2013 года.

news 11 of the 30 sleeping cars was the first time that BDZ bought new sleeping cars in 30 years. The first cars have been delivered by TÜVASAŞ in June 2012. According to the press, when checking the rolling stock, a British company has discovered inconsistencies between the European standards and the standards used in the manufacturing of the cars delivered by TÜVASAŞ. The cars were ordered in 2010 and the acquisition price was estimated at BGN 63 Million (EUR 31.5 Million). PKP Cargo IPO planned for late 2013 Poland: The initial public offering for PKP Cargo is scheduled until the beginning of next year. PKP announced that it would soon select the consultants for the projects and that is wished to sell as many shares as possible, but the state and PKP would maintain the majority package of 50% plus 1 share. The value of the initial public offering is estimated at around EUR 500 Million. PKP Cargo is owned by the state (91%), and by PKP. The company expects net profit to fall 15% in 2013 to PLN 252 Million (EUR 60 Million).

Single tariff for Single Economic Space became effective International: On 1st of January uniform tariffs for the transportation of goods in the export, import and domestic communications of the railways of the Single Economic Space came into force. As part of the intergovernmental agreement between the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation on the regulation of access to rail transport in 2013, these three countries will apply a single tariff. In order to implement the provisions of the Agreement,

Adnoc’s shipments of sulphur along the route for export from the port of Ruwais will begin operations by the end of 2013. Etihad Railway includes three stages with the first stage underway. Phase I comprising 264 kilometres, will link the Western Region (Gharbia) cities of Habshan and Ruwais by 2013 and connect Shah and Habshan by 2014. The line will run from Ruwais to Habshan to transport 10,000 tonnes of sulphur a day. The track will later be extended to Shah when the line will transport 20,000 tonnes per day. Last December, Etihad Rail received some wagons to be used in Phase I of the Etihad Rail project.

Jordan: Senior officials of the 43 member states of the Union for the Mediterranean (Uf M) have approved the Jordanian national railway project. The project is coordinated by the Ministry of Transport in Jordan. The construction of a 509km north-south corridor from the Syrian Border to the Port of Aqaba is the first phase and the backbone of the project. Work on the north-south corridor is expected to start in 2013 and finish in 2017.

Etihad Rail secures USD 1.28 Bn loan International: Etihad Rail, the

developer and future operator of the United Arab Emirates’ railway network, has secured a USD 1.28Billion loan to finance Stage One of its inaugural project to build the 264km dedicated freight route from Shah and Habshan to Ruwais. The five-year loan will be financed on a club deal basis by National Bank of Abu Dhabi (NBAD), Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank, and HSBC Bank Middle East, with NBAD acting as both the facility and security agent of the loan. Initial financing for the first stage of the project was approved by the UAE’s Federal Cabinet in early 2012, and similarly authorised by the Abu Dhabi Executive Council. Construction of phase 1 began around the same time, and it is hoped that the first trains which will transport

photo: emirates247.com

Jordan to launch national railway project in 2013

Russian Railways sells 25% stake in commuter rail company Russia: RZD closed a deal to sell 25% of the nation’s biggest commuter-train operator to the Moscow Passenger Co. Russian Railways still owns 25% of В мире: 30 новых спальных вагонов, приобретенных БДЖ у турецкой компании TÜVASAŞ будут сданы в эксплуатацию в марте этого года. Об этом заявил Министр Транспорта, Ивайло Московски. Польша: Проведение предварительного открытого тендера, объявленного компанией «PKP Cargo», запланировано до начала следующего года. Компания «PKP» объявила о том, что она скоро выберет консультантов в этой связи, и что намеревается продать как можно больше акций, но контрольный пакет в объеме 50% + 1 акция останется во владении государства и «PKP», совместно владеющих компанией «PKP Cargo». В мире: Начиная с 1 января вступили в силу единые тарифы на железнодорожные грузовые перевозки в рамках Общего экономического пространства. На основании межправительственного соглашения между Казахстаном, Белоруссией и Россией о регулировании доступа к железнодорожным

the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation of Natural Monopolies in the consideration of the application of KTZ” to increase freight tariffs from January 1, 2013 has approved them based on the unification of types of messages. As a result, a unified billing for rail transportation, regardless of the direction of transport of the goods was created. This unification on some goods was achieved by lowering export prices and increasing domestic and import tariffs. Thus, the major reduction in export tariffs on oil produced - 58%, for crude oil - 37%, for coal - 11% and for grain - 10%.

TSPPK. MPK now owns 50% of the commuter-train firm, having purchased the 25% share owned by the city of Moscow last year. The company earlier announced plans to increase its share to 75%. Russian Railways said the RUB 780 Million (USD 25.9 Million) deal to sell the Central Suburban Passenger Co., or TSPPK, was closed at the end of January. The sale was conducted via an auction at the end of December, in which the Moscow Passenger Co., or MPK, and one other firm participated. The Federal Anti-Monopoly Service approved the auction on condition that the winner would upgrade the train cars without raising ticket prices. MPK’s parent company, Transgroup, also owns Aeroexpress. The Central Suburban Passenger Co. is the country’s largest operator of commuter trains and accounts for 50 percent of all suburban passenger transportation in Russia. Rhine-Rhone high-speed line project co-financed from EU-funds International: The European Union has granted France funds of EUR 5 Million for the financing of the studies aimed at preparing the second phase of the construction of the eastern section of the Rhine-Rhône high speed line, part of priority project TEN-T no. 24. Funds will be used for the elaboration перевозкам на 2013 год, три государства, подписавшие документ, будут применять единый тариф. В мире: Представители 43 государств Средиземноморского союза утвердили проект строительства национальной железной дороги в Иордании. Первый этап строительства предусматривает строительство коридора север-юг продолжительностью 509 км, который обеспечит соединение Сирийской границы с портом Акаба. В мире: Компания «Etihad Rail» - разработчик и будущий оператор железнодорожной сети в Объединенных Арабских Эмиратах - получила ссуду в размере 1,28 млрд. долларов США. Данные средства необходимы для финансирования Первого этапа проекта, предусматривающего строительство 264 км железной дороги, предназначенной эксклюзивно для грузовых перевозок по направлению Шах и Хабшан в сторону Рувайса. March 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

12 news

Iran: The state will start selling 7 trillion rials (about $570 million) bonds on Friday for expanding its roads and transportation infrastructures, IRNA quoted deputy roads and urban development minister Ahmad Sadeqi as saying. The earnings will be spent to expand railways, freeways, highways, and main roads across the country, he

of the technical, socio-economic and archaeological studies, as well as for the preparation of the tender papers. The project will be finalized by the end of 2014. European support for MadridBasque Country-French border line International: The European Union will co-finance with over EUR 12 Million from the TEN-T Programme 3. The first project will receive EU co-financing of just over EUR 4.1 Million and involves a 4.6 km rail section between Durango and Amorebieta/Etxano, where five viaducts and three tunnels will be constructed. The final project will receive EU co-financing of EUR 4.8 Million and includes the construction of one double viaduct, three viaducts and five tunnels on an 8.8 km rail section between Amorebieta and Galdakao. The three projects will be finalized by December 2014.

LOTOS Kolej consolidates position Poland: The rail freight subsidiary of Grupa LOTOS S.A. has delivered cargo that passed the mark of 50 million tonnes hauled since the company’s inception in 2003. The company ended last year with good results carrying over 10.5 million tonnes of freight and wishes to reach a similar level this year as well. Last year, the Polish rail cargo transport market shrank by over 9%. In the same period, LOTOS Kolej recorded a nearly 5% growth. The freight volumes carried last year for customers outside LOTOS Group represented 40% of the total.

Uzbekistan rail project would cut out Tajikistan International: Uzbekistan is planning a rail link over a mountain pass that would link Tashkent directly to its territories in the Fergana Valley, bypassing the current line through Tajikistan, according to media reports. Uzbekistan controls all of Tajikistan’s railway border crossings and often uses them as leverage over its poorer southeastern neighbor. It’s not unusual for Uzbekistan, trying to stymie Tajikistan’s plans to build a massive hydropower plant upstream, to cite “technical problems”, “terrorist sabotage”, or “weather delays” www.railwaypro.com | March 2013

added. Last year, 54 railway, freeway, and highway projects were implemented at a cost of 30 trillion rials (about $2.4 billion) using revenues earned through selling bonds, he noted. He pointed out to financing 50 percent of projects through selling bonds, and added that 23 trillion rials (about $1.8 billon) is needed annually to implement road transportation expansion projects in the country.

as reasons for extended closures at the border crossings.Tajikistan maintains some leverage in these disputes thanks to the 70-mile stretch of the Fergana main line that crosses its territory. Uzbekistan’s Fergana Valley population of some 10 million relies on this line for its fuel supplies. Tajikistan also needs the line because factories and farms in Sughd Province and Khujand produce much of the country’s modest exportable goods base, including consumer items, processed foods, and clothing. With the new rail, Uzbekistan wouldn’t need Tajikistan anymore. Uzbekistan would be able to cut Khujand and Sughd Province off from trade and transport at will. Centrasia.ru says Uzbek Railways will complete its feasibility studies this year, with the five-year project scheduled to start next year.

Transport Minister of Turkey. Work on the project started in 2005, pilot trips were made since December 2010. Since that time, 62 trips were made, 2,300 trains were transported, and 63,000 tonnes of freight was carried. “When the line works at its full capacity, transportation volume will grow several-fold,” said Binali Yıldırım.

photo: TCDD

USD 570 Million bonds to finance transport infrastructure plans

Oman seeks consultants for national rail project

International: February marked the official inauguration of the ferryboat connection dedicated to the transport of trains between the ports of Samsun and Kavkaz. “The new corridor will be the shortest link between the south of Russia and the north of Turkey” and will permit, thanks to its many connections possible, the provision of multi-modal transport services, declared Binali Yıldırım,

International: The authorities in the country have launched a tender as part of the project for the development of the national railway network. The project worth USD 1.5 Billion (EUR 1.1 Billion) is managed by the Ministry of Transport and Communications. The tender is addressed to international companies for consultancy services for the preliminary contract of the national network. The 1,062km network will be built in several phases. Phase one consists of four segments: a 242km section from Sohar Port to Al Misfah in Muscat, along with an 8km spur line to Sohar Railway Yard and a 20km link from Al Misfah to Muscat Central Station; a 486km line from Muscat to Duqm Port, and an 84km link from Sinaw to Ibra; a 136km track from Sohar to Al Ain with a 27km spur to Buraimi; and 58km from Sohar Port to the UAE at Khatmat Malaha.

В мире: Франция получила у Европейского союза средства в размере 5 миллионов евро на финансирование обучения подготовке проекта второго этапа строительства высокоскоростной линии Рин-Рон, входящей в приоритетный проект TEN-T №. 24. Россия: Российские железные дороги объявили о том, что 25% акций Центральной пригородной пассажирской компании были проданы Московской пассажирской компании. В настоящее время у РЖД осталось лишь 25% акций Центральной пригородной пассажирской компании, а Московская пассажирская компания имеет 50% акций и недавно объявила о намерении приобрести 75%. В мире: Высокоскоростная линия, пересекающая Страну Басков, получит финансирование из европейских средств в объеме более 12 миллионов евро в рамках приоритетного проекта TEN-T

№. 3. Из этой суммы 4,1 млн. евро будет выделено для строительства участка 4,6 км от Дуранго до Аморебьета/Этхано, где будут строиться пять виадуков и три туннеля. Иран: Государство приступает к продаже облигаций общей стоимостью 7 миллиардов риалов (570 миллионов долларов США), в целях финансирования проектов, направленных на расширение транспортной инфраструктуры. Об этом сообщает национальное новостное агентство IRNA, цитируя заместителя Министра городского развития, Ахмада Садеки. В мире: Оманские власти объявили тендер в рамках проекта строительства национальной железнодорожной сети. Проект стоимостью 1,5 млрд. долларов США (1,1 млрд. евро) осуществляется под эгидой Министерства Транспорта и Путей сообщения.

Samsun-Kavkaz rail ferryboat services

14 news Kiev starts building new metro line this year

vehicles. 25 of the 37 trams will have a length of 32 to 36 m and the rest of 12 trams will have a length of 52-56m. The vehicles will have to be fitted with CCTV and air-conditioning. The trams will run on the lines 1, 3, 19 and 61 of the Hungarian capital, managed by BKV. Offers could be submitted by 3 April. The price will represent 62% of the available points. The government-backed deal will be financed by the European Union at up to 99.3% of the purchase value. The first vehicles will be shipped by the end of 2014 and the remainder by the third quarter of 2015.

Ukraine: Oleksandr Popov is confident that Kiev city will manage to find funds to start building the subway line to the Troyeschyna district this year. According to him, construction works will begin soon and the finalization of the first phase is scheduled for the end of 2015. He said that within one month ways of financing for the said project will be worked out and the required decisions on the start of construction of the line will be taken. The length of the first section of the subway line to the Troyeschyna district will be 7.2 km, with five stations. Its cost will amount to HRK 4.2 Billion (EUR 389 Million).

photo: wikipedia.org

Alstom to deliver additional metro trains to Amsterdam International: Alstom has received an order for five additional Metropolis metro trainsets from the municipality of Amsterdam, Netherlands. The order, worth around EUR 42 Million, is an option of the contract signed in 2010.

photo: www.alstom.com

Moscow to double metro network russia: Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin revealed plans to expand the metro network in the Russian capital by around 250 km over the next years. Most of these km will be constructed above ground. The programme will help ease traffic which faces a demand 40% higher than the transport capacity. The project will almost double the existing metro network to 553 km. Total investments will amount to RUB 160-170 Billion (EUR 3.9-4.2 Million). The benefits of the project will become visible as of 2017-2018. The new lines have an estimated traffic of 1 billion passengers a year.

The additional metro trainsets will have six wagons, a capacity of 960 passengers, realtime information systems, video cameras and facilities for disabled people. The trainsets will be delivered to Amsterdam during the second half of 2014. The order is part of an ambitious public transport policy adopted by the municipality of Amsterdam, the City region and the operator, GVB. It includes the introduction of additional metro trainsets, the creation of a new North-South line and

New trams for Budapest

photo: bkv.hu

Hungary: Budapest Transport Centre (BKK) has launched a tender for the acquisition of low-floor trams. The order includes 37 trams of two types and an option for the additional delivery of 87

www.railwaypro.com | March 2013

Украина: Киев намеревается в этом году приступить к строительству метрополитенной ветки в сторону квартала Троещина. Россия: Мэр Москвы Сергей Собянин объявил о планах расширения сети метрополитена в российской столице примерно на 250 км на протяжении ближайших лет. Венгрия: Будапештский транспортный центр (BKK) объявил тендер на приобретение трамваев с низкой платформой. Польша: Консорциум МитоллСтрабаг выиграл тендер на заключение договора с компанией Tramwaje Szczecińskie на предмет строительства трамвайной линии в Щечине.

the modernisation of the existing network with a new CBTC Signalling & Control system. Mauritius to have a Light Rail Transit system International: The Government of Mauritius, through the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, National Development Unit, Land Transport and Shipping, intends to procure the Design, Construction, Finance, Operations and Maintenance of the Mauritius Light Rapid Transit (MLRT) system through a Public Private Partnership (PPP) model. The Ministry, through the Mass Transit Unit, wishes to notify and call from interested parties, an Expression of Interest (EOI) for the design, construction, financing, operation and maintenance of the Mauritius Light Rapid Transit project. The closing date for registrations is March 15 and the closing date for the submission of EOI is12 April 2013. One of the centrepieces of the integrated transport system for Mauritius is the implementation of a Light Rail Transit system (LRT) between Curepipe and Port Louis.Covering a distance of some 25km, the LRT would be have some 13 stations, many located in town centres along the route where existing transport terminals already exist. The end-to-end journey time would be approximately 32 minutes and carriages would be air-conditioned, to ensure maximum attraction of car users.

Siemens wins contract for Turin Metro International: Turin infrastructure manager, Infra.To, has awarded a contract on the extension of Turin automatic metro project to Transfima GEIE consortium. The consortium includes Siemens France and the Italian group Tecnimont. The automatic line will be extended by 1.6 km and by two new stations south of Llingotto, the current end station. The extension should be finalized by the end of 2015.As part of the contract, Siemens В мире: Компания «Альстом» получила заказ от Мэрии Амстердама на поставку дополнительных 5 поездов метро «Метрополис». В мире: Администратор инфраструктуры города Турина Infra. To заключит договор с консорциумом «Transfima GEIE» в рамках проекта расширения метрополитена. В мире: Договоры на строительство первых трех веток на первом этапе реализации проекта метро в городе Доха будут заключены начиная с марта. В мире: Правительства Маврикия объявило о своих намерениях провести тендер на строительство транспортной системы легкого метро.

news 15

Budapest: metro line 4 almost ready Hungary: The fourth metro line is more or less structurally ready and only minor works are under way, mayor István Tarlós said. The final cost of the first section of the project will amount to HUF 452 Billion, more than the amount initially estimated of HUF 373 Billion.

Pesa to deliver trams for Tramwaje Warszawskie Poland: Warsaw operator Tramwaje Warszawskie awarded Pesa the contract for the delivery of 45 bi-directional low-floor trams. The 32.5m long trams will be delivered in 15 months after the signing of the contract. The offer submitted by Pesa was estimated at PLN 380 Million (EUR 90 Million), lower than those of competitors, Solaris (EUR 117 Million) and CAF (EUR 139 Million). The price stood for 60% in the evaluation of offers. CAF’s offer was disqualified for failing to comply with the tender requirements.

Szczecin expands tram network Poland: Mytoll-Strabag consortium has been awarded a contract from Tramwaje Szczecińskie company for building an express tram line in Szczecin. The project will be co-financed from EU funds allocated for the programming period 2007-2013. The 4-km line will have to be completed by the end of 2015. The first six of the 22 low-floor trams on this line will be delivered by Pesa by the end of March 2013. The rest of the trams

Doha to soon award contract for metro network International: The contract for the first of three lines being built under phase one of Doha’s Metro system is set to be awarded next month, according to Qatar Rail CEO Saad Al Muhannadi. The contract for the Red Line will be awarded by March and those for the Golden and Green lines by the end of Q2. 18 different consortia had pre-qualified for the tender line packages. The first phase of the new Doha Metro system is set to be commissioned by 2019 and will comprise 60% of the total network - 151km and 48 stations. The second phase, which will add a further 44 stations and 100km of track, will be completed by the first quarter of 2026.

will be delivered in October 2013-March 2014.

photo: wikipedia.org

France and Tecnimont will deliver the Val automatic system, will execute changes for the interlocking commands and will deal with the certification and authorisation file for the commissioning of the line. Siemens’ share in the contract amounts to EUR 17.1 Million.The automatic line of Turin Metro was inaugurated in 2006 and so far has two extensions, in 2007 and 2011.

Польша: Оператор Tramwaje Warszawskie Варшавы заключит с компанией «Песа» договор на поставку 45 двунаправленных трамваев с низкой платформой. Венгрия: Четвертая ветка метрополитена города Будапешта почти готова с точки зрения структуры. Россия: В этом году Метрополитен города Санкт Петербурга намеревается приобрести 18 вагонов. Болгария: В рамках тендера на строительство нового отсека метро в городе София две компании - Metro Build Mladost и Geometro B.P. - сдали предложения, содержащие наиболее низкие цены.

March 2013 | www.railwaypro.com


CFR SA can increase track access charges after investing in infrastructure quality

[ by Pamela Luică ]

The Draft Decision on the approval of the addendum for 2013 to the activity contract of the National Railway Company, CFR SA, for 2012-2015, published by the Romanian Ministry of Transport in February 2013, indicates that the railway manager will establish the track access charge (TUI) based on internal norms without the implication of the authorities.


he document stipulates that “CFR SA establishes the track access charge based on the methodology for track access charging set in the normative act, without the implication of the Ministry of Transport, as asked by the representatives of the European Commission who accompanied the evaluation missions of the International Monetary Fund”, the draft indicates. The company will have to establish track access charging methodology until 2015 and the value of the basic charging elements for the calculation of the track access charge. Although the document mentions the fact that CFR SA will elaborate the calculation of the Track Access Charge, this process will not be executed only by the company, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development being also involved. “The railway infrastructure manager was able to establish on his own the TUI, but the Ministry of Transport controlled this process. But now the situation is changing. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has granted us most of the funds for the execution of infrastructure projects and to make sure that it will recover its money. Actually, it is not EBRD that will elaborate the calculation method of TUI, but together with a consultant it will check the calculation manner and TUI coefficients. Therefore, when the consultancy company and

EBRD will reach the conclusion that TUI is too small and will come up with another correct and a viable calculation method, we will have to apply it”, declared Constantin Manea, Operations Deputy General Manager – CFR SA, within the Conference “Infrastructure development – priority railway projects” organised by Club Feroviar and the Romanian Railway Industry Association, on February 20-21, 2013 in Sibiu, Romania. At a simple analysis, if the train/km traffic indicator for 2013 is lower than the one of last year, the activity decreasing, and the network maintenance for the length of 10,637 km is also necessary (the same length as last year), we will be entitled to believe that CFR SA might be determined to increase the TUI, since the charge represents 95% of the company’s income. Likewise, according to Annexe 2, the train/km traffic indicator for 2013 is decreasing from 85 million train/km to 79.78 million train/km (passenger traffic decreasing by 5 million train/km compared to 2012), since the length of the network managed by CFR SA is once again estimated at 20.2 thousand km compared to the 15.7 thousand km in 2012. Compared to 2008, the first year when the activity contract of CFR SA was signed, quality and performance indicators have dropped from 92.87 million train/km (passengers-68.22 million train/km; freight-

Modernisation projects in preparation: Km 614-Gurasada (102 km). Val.: EUR 1.08 Billion. Execution period: 2014- 2020 Gurasada-Simeria (42 km). Val.: EUR 404 Million. Execution period: 2014- 2017 Braşov-Predeal (26 km). Val.: EUR 769.8 mil euro. Execution period: 2016 – 2020 Craiova-Calafat (108 km). Val.: EUR 487 mil euro. Execution period: 2016 – 2020* Craiova-Caransebeş (227 km). Val. (the most expensive alternative): EUR 2.755 Billion. Execution period: 2017 – 2020* Caransebeş-Arad (155 km). Val. (alternative 2): EUR 1.18 Billion. Execution period: 2017 – 2020* * under the circumstances of financing insurance

Completed projects and projects under progress The modernisation of railway stations: 21 stations in 2012-2015. Investment val.: 210 mil euro. Execution period 2012 – 2015. The equipment of the railway section Buciumeni Ramification-input signal in Brazi station (38 km) with ETCS/ ERTMS Level 2 equipment. Contract val. EUR 39 Million. Execution period: 2011-2014 Source: CFR SA

www.railwaypro.com | March 2013

24.65 million train/km), to 85 million train/km (in 2012) and 79.78 million train/ km (in 2013). Therefore, as regards the impact on the business environment, the Draft Decision mentions that the application of the new proposed methodology using the value of the basic charging elements for the calculation maintains the statistical average value of the TUI registered at present for the freight and passenger traffic. Nevertheless, the charge could be increased the company invested in the infrastructure improvement to allow the increase of the train speed. “We cannot increase the TUI as we wish since this could lead to an imbalanced situation which implies the operators’ activity, the traffic level, including our activity. But we want to execute projects for the infrastructure quality increase. If through the investment granting, we will manage to bring the infrastructure to the European standards, then the TUI could increase” also stated Manea.

Компания «ЧФР СА» сможет увеличить размер налога на использование инфраструктуры если будет инвестировать средства в повышение качества инфраструктуры Проект Решения о принятии Дополнительного соглашения на 2013 год к Договору о деятельности Национальной железнодорожной компании «ЧФР СА» на период 2012-2015 гг., опубликованный Министерством Транспорта в феврале 2013 года уточняет, что администратор инфраструктуры определяет размер налога на использование инфраструктуры (TUI) на основании внутренних норм, без привлечения ответственных учреждений. Тем не менее, в документе указывается, что «ЧФР СА» составит способ расчета налога на использование инфраструктуры, но данный процесс будет осуществляться не только компанией, а совместно с Европейским банком реконструкции и развития.


New provisions in the social minimum package of CFR Călători In 2013, the social minimum package in railway passenger transport includes only the Interregio and Regio trains; therefore, the compensation granted for the social minimum package approved in railway passenger transport is distributed 20% based on the passenger-km indicator and 80% based on the train-km indicator. The value related to the passenger-km indicator is 20% granted for Interregio trains and 80% for Regio trains.


hese provisions are included in the draft normative act on the approval of additional act no. 1 on 2013 to the public service obligations in railway passenger transport for 2012-2015. The legal provisions in force approved through the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 10/2012 on the conversion in shares of part of CFR SA’s debts to the state have also been considered, in the elaboration of the current normative act, in establishing the compensation to be granted, as well as the introduction of the new “passengerkm” indicator. The maximum percentage of compensations for each railway passenger transport operator cannot exceed 75% of the total revenues for Interregio trains and 85% of the total revenues for Regio trains. Thus,

under the normative act, the compensation granted for the social minimum package is of RON 44.526 per thousand passenger-km and of RON 15.20 for train-km in the case of Interregio trains and RON 178.106 per thousand passenger-km and RON 15.20 for train-km in the case of Regio trains. “The public service obligations for railway passenger transport is concluded with the purpose of regulating the method in which the railway passenger transport service is carried out and not to establish or not the rights of the employees from the railway passenger transport sector”, is stated in the explanatory memorandum for the approval of the normative act elaborated by the Romanian Ministry of Transport. According to the additional act, “the Ministry of Transport will support the

state budget financing under the law and while observing the legislation on the allocation of the state aid, of necessary investments for 2013 in the realisation of priority programmes and of the projects which ensure the interoperability of the European railway transport system”. Also, the text of the additional act no. 1 stipulates that “the programme for the modernisation and acquisition of rolling stock in 2013 is ensured from own funds, state-budget funds, foreign financing and community funds and is approved by the Board depending on the technical condition of the staff, the technical railway norms and the specific regulations issued by the Romanian Railway Authority”.

Photo: Club Feroviar

Новые положения для включения в минимальный социальный пакет для “ЧФР Кэлэторь” (Румынские железнодорожные пассажирские перевозки)

www.railwaypro.com | March 2013

В 2013 году минимальный социальный пакет для железнодорожных пассажирских перевозок включает только поезда “Interregio” и “Regio”, таким образом компенсация, предоставляемая для минимального социального пакета, утвержденного для железнодорожных пассажирских перевозок, распределяется в размере 20% в зависимости от показателя пассажиро-километры и в размере 80% в зависимости от показателя поездо-километры. Стоимость, представляемая показателем пассажиро-километры, предоставляется в размере 20% для поездов типа “Interregio” и 80% для поездов “Regio”.


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Railway Reform in South East Europe and Turkey: On the Right Track?



last decade sections where the speed limit has been raised to 120km/hour and 160 km/hour, up from 80 km/hour, with maximum speeds on the Zagreb-Novska-Vinkovci line. In the last ten years, 756 km or a quarter of the network has benefited from track renewal, although a roughly equal amount of track has not been rehabilitated in the last 30 years or earlier. It is estimated that in 2009 about 80.7 percent of the track suffers from speed restrictions, which is slightly less than 5 years earlier, when the figure was 81.3 percent, indicating that there is a significant backlog of] [ by Pamela Luică track maintenance and rehabilitation. Figure 116 reveals that over 40 percent of the Every day, Europeaninstallations, transport policies more on shiftingand trafficthe from road to rail triggering the chain telecommunications thefocus catenary system, relay/interlocking system are over development of the railway sector and related industry, together with the positive impact that this transport thirty years old, while 40 percent of the signaling system is over 20 years old. mode has on energy efficiency, environment and life quality.

Operators answer passenger needs by purchasing new rolling stock

Figure 116: Croatian Railways – Age Structure of Rail Infrastructure


ncouraging railway passenger trans- to invest in the modernization of its present deliver the vehicles which will be almost port through policies and the alloca- rolling stock fleet to increase the quality and identical with Flirt trains (already operated tion of funds determines operators5 5capacity of transport. Telecommunication installations 25 40 by MAV and with another254 in construction to draw new strategies aimed at improving Croatian railway passenger transport op- for GySEV). mobility and attracting more passengers by erator HZ Putnicki Prijevoz launched in The multiple-units will be equipped with providing quality services. Thesystem importance February air-conditioning to Catenary 28 a tender to4 buy 12 diesel-electric 19 44 and will be capable 5 of comfort, of reducing travelling times, of trains for regional transport. The contract is run at speeds of 160 km/h and are differincreasing accessibility and of delivering worth EUR 54.6 Million. At the end of 2012, ent from those in operation because they modern services has launchedsytem challenges the Croatian Government announced that50 will be equipped with ETCS Relay/interlocking 30 20Level 2 in the for railway transport operators who are thus grants would be allocated for the procure- manufacturing process. persuaded to make massive investments in ment of 44 new trains, of which 32 electric There is however a problem with the purchasing rolling stock, to answer to mobi-5 trains, in the project: companies Signalling System 15 as part of a project included 40 35 want that 85% 5of the fility demands and to optimize capacity. transport development strategy and aimed nancing would come from European funds, For passenger transport, 2013 is a year to increase the share of railway passenger although the tender has been announced years 11-20 years 21-30 years 31-40 yearsapproval > 40 years marked by new projects on rolling stock < 10 transport. without from Brussels and the procurement, projects which stimulate both EU has not approved this project for which Source: Croatian Railways. the increase in the number of passengers Poland and Hungary, important Hungarian authorities planned to demand and the reduction of operators’ costs: for projects financing from the funds allocated until the example, the acquisition of electric railway end of 2015. In the worst scenario, docu300. the rail in infrastructure, rolling stock of isCroatian quiteuntil aged. In vehicles As has awith real contribution reducing One ofthe the most important tenders that mentsRailways could not be is approved the end maintenance and energy consumptionrolling costs jointly launched MÁV Start, the passenof 2013 the manufacturer would begin 2009, Croatian Railways’ stock and by motive power consisted ofand 253 traction units, 523 as they are significantly smaller than diesel ger transport division of Hungarian com- the construction of vehicles after signing all vehicles; also, the costs of old electric vehi- freight pany MAV, and regional operator GySEV.the requirements financing agreements to develop the first passenger coaches, and 6,644 wagons. This exceeds posed by current cles are much higher than those of old diesel Thus, at the beginning of the year the two vehicle in April 2014 (and the rest of the traffic is generally old their and intention not wellof matched to market needs (Figure vehicles. levels, and the rolling stockcompanies announced trains would be delivered by September In this context, at the beginning of the year, purchasing 48 electric multiple-units, of 2015). 117). In 2004, modernits tilting trains from the German branch of Czech Railways (CD)eight has announced in- which 42 will be bought by regional operaForBombardier Poland, 2013 willTransportation mark the launch of tention delivered of continuing investing in new rolling tor MÁV-Start and 6 by GySEV. According stock procurement projects for public were to Croatian Railways, and these have been mainlyrolling deployed on the mountainous stock up to EUR 234 Million. The company to MAV, Stadler was the sole bidder, al- transportation. PKP Intercity focuses on the route between Zagreb Split—reducing time from 8 hoursacquisition to 5 1/2 hours. These are tothe will procure RegioPanter trains and from Skoda, though tendertravel papers had been purchased of rolling stock, the projects be RegioShark diesel trains from Pesa, will re- by 8 train manufacturers (AnsaldoBreda, launched being part of a programme for rollonly new passenger coaches acquired over the decade. ceive the rest of the Regio-Shutle RS 1 trains Bombardier, CAF,last Newag, Pesa, Siemens, ing stock renewal worth EUR 980 Million from Stadler and the last City Elephants Skoda and Stadler). If Stadler’s offer proves by 2015. Almost 50% of the amount could from Skoda. Moreover, the company plans valid, then most probably the company will be financed with European funds, while part

Figure 117: Croatian Railways - Age Structure of Rolling Stock Croatian Railways - Age Structure of Rolling Stock

Freight wagons


1 5




< 10 years 11-20 years

Passenger coaches






21-25 years 26-30 years 31-40 years





Source: Croatian Source: „Railway Reform Railways. in South East Europe and Turkey On the Right Track?”, WORLD BANK www.railwaypro.com | March 2013



> 40 years


Source: PKP Intercity


of the sum could be covered by loans from financial institutions. The company has already secured EUR 224 Million from the European Investment Bank and continues to negotiate with this bank and with other financial institutions on the allocation of other funds. Thus, PKP Intercity announced its plans to purchase 10 new diesel locomotives to replace the old rolling stock whose modernisation could no longer be financially justified. The new locomotives will be used on the non-electrified lines in the north of the country and the project is part of the programme for rolling stock modernisation. Also, PKP Intercity plans to purchase 25 coaches which could be operated on the route Wroclaw-Poznań-Bydgoszcz-TriCity and 20 electric multiple-units. Moreover, the operator also wants to upgrade over 300 coaches over the next period. PKP Intercity has already a contract with

Alstom (signed in 2011) on the delivery of 20 Pendolino trains worth EUR 665 Million used on the route Gdańsk-WarsawKatowice-Krakow, to be thus upgraded by the end of 2014. The company hopes to cover half the amount through an EIB credit and the other half from European funds. But just like the two Hungarian companies, PKP Intercity is also confronted with financing problems: EC has not yet decided whether it would grant subsidies for the acquisition of the Pendolino trains as it fears that the Polish operator already has an unfair advantage in the interregional transport market (the Polish Government signed a contract with PKP Intercity in February 2011 on the delivery of interregional services granting in turn funds worth EUR 58 Million). In order to reduce costs, improve services and increase the number of passengers, Przewozy Regionalne (PR), the regional transport operator in Poland, has launched

PKP Intercity 2006 - signing of a loan agreement with the EIB for EUR 50 Mil to finance the purchase of modern rolling stock 2008 - takes over the service of intervoivodeship fast trains with more than 1900 carriages, 69 engines, 14 electric train sets 2011 - signed a 400-million-euro-worth contract with the French company Alstom to supply 20 New Pendolino high-speed trains 2012 - the company announced that wants to invest 4 Bln Zloty (EUR 957 Mil) in rolling stock by 2015 Source: PKP Intercity

MÁV-START Railway Passenger Transport Co - operates 3226 vehicles of which it owns 801, while the rest are leased from MÁV Co. - by the end of 2015, the company wants to buy up to 88 trains – EUR 720 Mil.

a tender on the realization of capital works to electric multiple-units. The contract consists in the modernisation of 44 trains whose interior will be completely refurbished and whose electrical and mechanical systems will also be mended. Trains will be fitted with closed-circuit video systems and airconditioning and a new traction and braking system. The contract is estimated at PLN 310 Million (EUR 74.5 Million) and will be completed in 18 months.

Операторы соответствуют требованиям пассажиров путем приобретения нового подвижного состава Поощрение железнодорожных перевозок пассажиров, за счет политик и вложения финансовых средств заставляет операторов разрабатывать новые стратегии, которые должны привести к оптимизации мобильности и привлечению большего числа пассажиров, что станет возможным благодаря предоставлению качественных услуг. Значимость комфорта, сокращения продолжительности пребывания в пути и повышения степени доступности, а также запуск современных услуг являются реальным вызовом для железнодорожных операторов, которые таким образом обязаны инвестировать значительные средства в приобретение подвижного состава в соответствии с требованиями мобильности и оптимизации пропускной способности. March 2013 | www.railwaypro.com


Connecting Europe Facility: Member States need to make sure that as many good quality and maturity projects as possible are submitted

Interview with Stéphane Ouaki - Head of Unit “Connecting Europe – Infrastructure Investment Strategies” in the Directorate General Transport and Mobility (DG MOVE) of the European Commission [ by Pamela Luică ] The past months have been marked by intense negotiations on the European multiannual budget for 20142020, investments being referred to as vital for Europe’s economic development. High-level discussions were focused more on the importance of transport in economic recovery, development of commercial relationships, support of social cohesion and, obviously, in forming a single transport system. Under these circumstances, the accent falls on implementing the projects aimed at developing a rail network capable to answer to both passenger and freight mobility needs. An essential role is played by the “Connecting Europe” Facility that will financially support Member States in the projects that define the European transport network. The new financing framework concerns three sectors and focuses on the channelling of funds to added value projects which comply with the EU political objectives stipulated in the White Paper on Transport and in the latest TEN-T policy guidelines (by setting a comprehensive and integrated Trans-European transport network). Based on the initial proposal (June 2011), the CEF budget for transport is of EUR 31.7 Billion (of which EUR 21.7 Billion are available for all member states and EUR 10 Billion will be transferred from the Cohesion Fund), but according to the agreement of the Council of Europe (of 8 February 2013), funds were reduced and in June 2013 the European Parliament is to approve or to reject this proposal.

www.railwaypro.com | March 2013

Stéphane Ouaki at Club Feroviar Conferences - February 2013

photo: Club Feroviar


lthough, the EU wishes to develop a single transport network by stimulating investments, the financing allocation policy will be much tougher. “As part of the Connecting Europe Facility, the projects which are important for the EU from the point of view of establishing the European single network will be selected and priority projects are aimed at creating the missing cross-border links and the implementation of ERMTS on railway corridors. But the projects selected to receive financing are delayed, funds will be cut and allocated to other projects, but this time, European projects”, declared Stéphane Ouaki, Head of Unit “Connecting Europe – Infrastructure Investment Strategies” in the DG MOVE of the European Commission during the Conference “Infrastructure development – priority railway projects”, organized by Club Feroviar and the Romanian Railway Industry Association on 2021 February 2013 in Sibiu. 80-85% of CEF contribution will be concentrated on support to pre-identified projects (CEF annex) that have to refer to sections of the ten core network corridors, other sections of the core network and horizontal priorities (SESAR, ERTMS, ITS, RIS, VTMIS, MoS). Road projects would be eligible only for core network crossborder sections, and only for funding from the € 10 billion to be transferred from the Cohesion Fund. 15-20% of CEF financing will be allocated for other projects of the TEN-T core and comprehensive network, as grants for the TEN-T, excluding the

road network, and via innovating financial instruments (for both the core and the comprehensive TEN-T networks and referring to all transport modes). These figures clearly show that the railway system is prioritized through the European policy. CEF is a financing mechanism which demands special attention as related to both the European policy and the allocation of financing for 2014-2020. In this context, Mr Stéphane Ouaki has agreed on an interview to explain the importance of CEF in developing the European single market, the necessity of elaborating quality projects

that are relevant for the European Union and the method established for allocating funds. He also explains what member states should do to benefit from these funds and the criteria for allocating funds. RailwayPRO: The economic problems in the past years have increased the interest in the necessity to invest in infrastructure construction and modernization projects. What is the role of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) in developing a single European railway market and how will it stimulate European infrastructure projects?


Stéphane Ouaki: CEF is expected to play an important role in boosting investment in strategic infrastructure networks (transport, energy, broadband) in the EU. This ambition has been confirmed by the recent European Council agreement on the EU budget for the next seven years, even if the CEF budget has been reduced as opposed to the initial Commission proposal. CEF is designed to provide financial support to those infrastructure projects of high relevance for the Union as a whole that would otherwise have difficulties being realised. Usually these are projects with high costs and complex implementation, but the benefits of which are not going only to the Member State or States that are directly contributing to it. Such is the case of crossborder connections or, in rail transport for example, projects aimed at ensuring the interoperability with other Member States’ networks. CEF funding will help to compensate this perceived gap between costs and direct benefits at Member State level. CEF will also bring an important contribution to the development of the single European railway market. Although the single market is primarily about services, by supporting the development of a better integrated, interoperable, higher quality,

higher capacity infrastructure network, CEF will contribute to the creation of the physical premises for the realisation of the single railway market. RailwayPRO: How can EU member states benefit from these financings and what are the financing criteria? Stéphane Ouaki: Member States need to make sure that as many good quality and maturity projects as possible are submitted for CEF financing. To qualify for financing, a project needs to concern first and foremost a section on the TEN-T network. For projects requesting support via innovative financial instruments under the CEF (such as loan guarantee or project bonds), it can be any section on the TEN-T comprehensive network, on any transport mode. For grant funding, it needs to be a section on the TEN-T core network, and it cannot concern road infrastructure, unless it is about deployment of innovative technologies/alternative fuel or of intelligent traffic management systems (ITS). All projects will be assessed on the basis of specified requirements as well as on the basis of their quality, maturity and EU added-value. The Commission will decide which projects will be retained for funding


on the basis of an independent assessment of each of the projects by external evaluators, the recommendation of an Executive Agency that will assist the Commission with the process of selection and implementation, and within the limits of the financial envelope available. It should be noted however that requests for funding cannot be submitted at any time on any project, even if the eligibility criteria mentioned earlier were satisfied. Rather, projects will need to be submitted in response to specific calls for proposals organised by the European Commission, issued on average twice a year. The calls for proposals will specify the types of projects for which EU financing will be available (for example deployment of ERTMS, development of LNG terminals in ports, development of rail cross-border sections and the like), the overall amount, as well as the specific requirements the projects would need to fulfil based on the established TEN-T Guidelines and CEF objectives, priorities and standards requirements. For the €10 billion to be transferred from the Cohesion Fund, special calls for proposals will be organised, which will be open only for project proposals in the Member States eligible to the Cohesion Fund support. >

Source: TEN-T EA

March 2013 | www.railwaypro.com


Source: TEN-T EA

> RailwayPRO: An important part of the future CEF financing is allocated to the modern, safe and sustainable development of the Trans-European transport networks. What are the EU priorities within the CEF for the financing of the European railway infrastructure?

Stéphane Ouaki: CEF is aimed at supporting the objective of the 2011 White Paper for Transport which include, among others, the reduction of the transport sector emissions by 60% by 2050, and a 50% shift from road to rail and waterborne transport of medium distance intercity passenger and freight transport also by 2050. Investments in rail (passenger and freight) projects along the core TEN-T network will constitute therefore a main priority for the Commission in the coming years. The map of the TEN-T network, both of the larger, comprehensive network, and of the core network, can be consulted on the website of DG MOVE. There are also interactive maps available on our TENtec public portal (http://ec.europa.eu/transport/infrastructure/tentec/tentec-portal/site/). Just note that these maps might still suffer some changes, since they are still being considered in the co-decision process by the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers. At the same time, on the core network, priority will be given to those rail projects that concern the development of cross-border www.railwaypro.com | March 2013

sections and the elimination of bottlenecks. This is reflected by the highest co-financing rates that will be offered under the CEF for physical infrastructure works: up to 40% of the costs for rail cross-border projects, and up to 30% for rail bottlenecks elimination projects. In addition, priority will be given to projects contributing to the ERTMS deployment along the TEN-T core network railway sections. There, CEF support will be given for up to 50% of the costs, both for track side and on-board equipment. For countries eligible to support from the Cohesion Fund, such as Romania, these projects will benefit of co-financing of up to 85% of costs. That is, within the limit of €10 billion that will be transferred from the Cohesion Fund. More specifically, these Member States could benefit of such co-financing rates for at least up to a share under the €10 billion proportional to their share within the Cohesion Fund. At the same time, these Member States could also benefit of support from the general CEF transport budget, available to projects in all Member States, but with the lower maximum rates as exemplified earlier. RailwayPRO: Can you give us details about the railway infrastructure projects in plan? Stéphane Ouaki: The Annex to the CEF regulation contains a detailed list of pre-

identified projects towards which 80% to 85% of the CEF transport funds will be allocated. A great majority of this projects concern railway infrastructure development. The list specifies the sections and the type of activities which would be envisaged for CEF funding. It has been elaborated in consultation with the Member States and is based on their investment plans for the next seven years. I invite all those interested to consult this list, as it provides a very good insight into where the focus of EU and Member States transport infrastructure investments will be. RailwayPRO: At the end of December the European Parliament Committee for Transport and Tourism (TRAN) voted the proposal of the European Commission on the recast of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) Guidelines and the adjacent financial instrument, the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). How do you see this vote for CEF’s future? At the same time, in light of the recent agreement by the EU leaders on the EU budget for the next seven years, how do you think the cuts in the CEF budget will impact on its capacity to finance the TEN-T? Stéphane Ouaki: The European Parliament’s vote showed a high support for the Commission’s proposals. It confirmed all the main elements of both the new TEN-T

Policies & Strategies


Source: TEN-T EA, © Przemek Sowinski

Guidelines and the CEF. It also suggests that the Parliament will seek to counter those changes proposed by the Council of Ministers that diverge too much from the Commission’s initial proposal. As for the budget, I can only regret the decision to reduce the CEF transport budget by about one third as compared to the European Commission’s initial proposal. Likely, some of the projects that we initially envisaged to be financed from the €21.7 billion envelope would not see the light in the next period. As always when resources are short, tough choices need to be made. On the other hand, we cannot overlook that what the European Council agreed still represents an important sum: €13.1 billion plus €10 billion to be transferred from the Cohesion Fund, in 2011 prices. And we should also not forget that the European Parliament has not had its say yet, and it is the EP that needs to give its final approval on the EU budget. The Members of the EP have been from the start strong supporters of the CEF budget. In the current period (2007-2013), with only €8 in billion available, we have managed to support a number of important projects. I remain therefore rather positive as to how much we will be able to achieve with the CEF budget, even if the scale of ambitions, and needs, is very high. It is estimated that only for the core TEN-T network investments up to €250 billion would be needed.

RailwayPRO: In case financing will not be completely absorbed (by transport infrastructure projects) what will happen with the rest? How will it be redistributed? Could it be transferred to other infrastructure projects (energy, IT)? Stéphane Ouaki: The transfer between the sectoral budgets within the CEF is in principle a possibility. This could happen if, after the mid-term review in mid-2018, it is established that one of the sectors has considerably underspent its budget. However, it is very unlikely that we won’t be able to spend the transport budget. The estimated investment needs are so much higher than we could support with CEF co-financing. And both the Commission and the Member States have acquired in the past twenty years a good experience in TEN-T infrastructure project preparation, monitoring and implementation. RailwayPRO: In the case of sea and river ports, the existence of appropriate railway connections between the port and the hinterland has a major importance. How could ports benefit from the CEF financing? Are there special criteria for ports? Stéphane Ouaki: The importance attached to appropriate connections of ports to the hinterland is reflected in the revised TEN-T Guidelines. The new TEN-T policy

framework requires that all core ports be connected to the TEN-T, by both rail and road, no later than the end of 2030. Developing these connections, particularly for the ports along the 10 core network corridors, will also be one of main CEF investment priorities for the next financial period, 2014-2020. This becomes apparent when going through the list of pre-identified projects annexed to the CEF regulation, many of which refer to port hinterland connections. RailwayPRO: How will the Connecting Europe Facility be spent? What allocation method is considered (annual method, absorption level..)? Stéphane Ouaki: CEF budget spending will be programmed on an annual as well as multiannual basis. In fact, the majority of the CEF budget, 80% to 85%, will be allocated on a multiannual basis, over a period covering up to seven years, via a multiannual work programme and dedicated calls for proposals. The projects eligible will be those preidentified in the Annex to the CEF regulation. Providing co-financing for up to seven years is meant to help ensure the financial security and stability of strategic, large infrastructure projects, the realisation of which often requires a long number of years. The rest of the 15% to 20% of the transport budget will be allocated via annual > March 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

26 POLICIES & STRATEGIES > work programmes and on the basis of specific calls for projects. These will target projects with a more limited time-span, and which are not among those pre-identified in the Annex to the CEF regulation. The same 80% to 85% and 15% to 20% rule will apply also for the €10 billion allocated from the Cohesion Fund. However, separate multiannual work programme and annual work programmes, and corresponding calls for proposals, will be established.

RailwayPRO: For a unitary network, this financial instrument will help invest about EUR 23.1Billion, the sum agreed by Member States’ leaders following the European Council agreement on the EU’s next seven years budget this past 8 February. Out of this, EUR 10 Billion will be allocated from the Cohesion Fund to transport infrastructure in cohesion countries. The remaining EUR 13.1 Billion is the sum proposed to all member states through transport infrastructure investments. In practice, what are the countries that will most benefit from the CEF financing? Stéphane Ouaki: Our experience so far suggests that all of them do. At the European Commission, we also have an interest to ensure that they do. We want to promote the development of a unitary, as you rightly noted, trans-European network, and not just of some parts of the network, in some Member States. Moreover, thanks to the mechanism of transfer of the €10 billion, we will be able to stimulate investment also in the Member States eligible to the Cohesion Fund, since this mechanism will allow us to provide maximum co-funding rates comparable to those of the Cohesion Fund - much higher than what we could offer under the rest of the CEF transport budget. RailwayPRO: The New White Paper on Transport promotes a single market of railway transport. In your opinion, what are the methods to achieve this, obviously by using the European financing, including through the budget for 2014-2020? Stéphane Ouaki: The CEF will contribute to the single rail market by supporting the development of a fully interconnected and fully interoperable rail infrastructure. This will provide the physical premises for transport operators in every Member State to provide integrated services all across the European Union. However, there are more barriers to the single rail market than the physical ones. And those need to be addressed by other means. That is why the Commission has recently adopted the fourth railway package. If endorsed by the Member States and the European Parliament, the measures in this package will significantly contribute to the achievement of the single rail market. The Package proposes to complete the opening of European rail markets by openwww.railwaypro.com | March 2013

ing domestic passenger markets, the last segment where Member States are still able to preserve monopolies for their national railways, and at the same time the most important segment. The measures proposed on the governance of the infrastructure manager should achieve a level playing field for all railway undertakings by enhancing separation of infrastructure and transport operation. The proposal also contains more competences for the European Rail Agency in order to allow a faster and unified authorisation process for rail vehicles, as well as a single safety certification procedure for railway undertakings. This proposal will indeed replace the current system of national approvals which is too long and too expensive. RailwayPRO: We know that countries in Central and Eastern Europe have serious problems regarding the absorption of European funds. Is there a chance that these countries are unfavoured (CEF) since they don’t manage to absorb funds? How will the EU support these countries in order to help them increase their absorption level? Stéphane Ouaki: At the European Commission we are well aware of this issue and, in the recent period, important efforts have been made to ensure that it will no longer be a problem. At DG MOVE, and in close cooperation with our colleagues from DG REGIO, we have been working to identify those areas where intervention is needed, and the type of measures we could undertake. At strategic planning level, we have sought to make sure that all Member States will have developed a comprehensive national transport plan, covering all modes of transport and providing a coherent infrastructure investment strategy, based on European and national priorities. Technical assistance under the Cohesion or Structural Funds has been provided and will continue to be provided to help Member States develop such plans. The development of a pipeline of mature and quality projects, implementing this strategic master plan, will also benefit of EU support, via JASPERS under the Cohesion and Structural Funds and via the grants for studies under the CEF. Support for strengthening the administrative capacity within the Member States for developing and implementing these projects will also continue to be provided. Moreover, under the CEF, more calls for projects will be organised for funding provided from the transferred €10 billion, in order to allow the eligible Member States, most of which have been confronted with this absorption capacity problem, more time to develop a larger pipeline of high quality and maturity projects. When it comes to project implementation, the experience of strict monitoring and support developed by the TEN-T Executive Agency will help ensure that projects

are delivered within the agreed deadlines and with the specified quality, to the greatest extent possible. RailwayPRO: Will the high-speed transport be prioritized against conventional infrastructure projects in the 2014-2020 budget (including CEF)? Stéphane Ouaki: No, there is no such prioritisation under the revised TEN-T Guidelines, nor under the three EU funding instruments that will support the TEN-T development in the next period - CEF, the Cohesion Fund and the European Regional Development Fund. Overall, the objective is to improve the capacity of all rail lines. In some cases that entails the development of high-speed lines, in others not. Wherever feasible high-speed rail development will be encouraged for passenger trains, in order both to attract more car or plane passengers to this more sustainable mode of transport, and to free up capacity for freight transport. RailwayPRO: Will European funds for transport infrastructure development be dedicated only to state authorities and companies or will private companies also have access to European financing? Stéphane Ouaki: Any EU based entity, be it public or private, will be eligible to submit project proposals and, if successful after the screening and selection process, to benefit of the awarded financing. However, all projects need to be approved first by the national authorities of the Member State concerned.

Механизм подключения Европы: заявки на финансирование не могут быть направлены в любое время и по любому проекту В рамках Механизма подключения Европы (MCE) будет проводиться отбор проектов, имеющих значение для ЕС в контексте формирования единой европейской сети. Приоритетными являются проекты, нацеленные на установление не хватающих связей и трансграничных сообщений, а также на внедрение системы ERTMS по железнодорожным коридорам. Для получения дополнительных сведений, мы взяли интервью у Начальника подразделения Механизма подключения Европы - Стратегии инвестирования в инфраструктуру DG MOVE Стефана Уаки, который рассказал нам о роли МСЕ в реализации единого рынка, о необходимости разработки качественных проектов, важных для Европейского союза, а также об установленном методе предоставления финансирования государственнымчленам ЕС и об установленных критериях предоставления средств.

28 leaders

In Russia, railway transport stands above all the other transport models with a cargo transport share of 80% and of 40% for passenger transport. This encourages operators to constantly develop the services they supply. These figures clearly show the increasing popularity of railway transport as citizens become aware of its importance in gaining efficient mobility, while authorities of its contribution to social and economic development. Aeroexpress operator was set up in 2005 and provides railway transport services between airports and cities in Moscow and its region, but also in Sochi and Vladivostok. The company’s development strategy indicates the extension of transport services to Kazan in 2013 and in St. Petersburg in the future. Since the beginning of its activity, the number of passengers has been constantly increasing every year which has determined the operator to purchase rolling stock and optimise services. According to 2012 figures, the company’s growth stood at 20.4% compared to 2011, while Aeroexpress’ market share in report to all transport models was of 23.37% which once again proves that railway transport gains ground on its competitors. www.railwaypro.com | March 2013



Aeroexpress, a market leader aware of the importance of continuous development Interview with Mr. Alexey Krivoruchko, CEO of Aeroexpress

[ by Pamela Luică ]

At the end of 2012, Aeroexpress managed to expand its quality certificate, the situation of the company suffering significant changes since the expiration of the first certificate. Apart from expanding services to other cities, for the first time in Russia the company managed to launch its own division for rolling stock maintenance and repair. As a result of the increasing transport demand, as of 2015 Aeroexpress plans to operate double-deck trains and the number of cars to be purchased amounts to 172. Mr. Alexey Krivoruchko, CEO of Aeroexpress, explains in the interview below the importance of developing railway passenger transport services, as well as the challenges an operator has to face due to the increasing mobility level which influences the entire structure of a transport system.

RailwayPRO: Aeroexpress provides transport services in Moscow and Moscow Region and the number of passengers has constantly increased since the set-up of the company. What are the methods used to stimulate the real increase of the attractiveness of railway passenger transport within the company? Alexey Krivoruchko: The Aeroexpress company was established in 2005 and now provides rail transport services between airports and cities not only in Moscow, but in Sochi and Vladivostok as well. The number of passengers travelling on our red Aeroexpress trains has been showing very active growth with each passing year. According to the 2012 results, more than 14.9 million passengers travelled on Aeroexpress trains in Moscow alone, representing a 20.4% increase from last year. Among other types of transport to the

capital city’s airports, Aeroexpress trains’ share amounts to 23.37%. Annual results on the number of passengers carried since the company’s establishment demonstrate that this means of transport is both relevant and attractive to users. Aeroexpress’ current policy for improving the quality of passenger services plays a rather significant role in this, and has been certified as complying with International Standard for Quality Management System ISO 9001:2008 in the field of rail passenger service. This includes improved travel comfort for passengers, as well as the introduction of innovative technologies, and new ways to purchase and pay for tickets. For example, in 2011, all Aeroexpress trains were equipped with comfortable and ergonomic chairs. Climate control systems were also installed in cars ahead of the summer season. The

Aeroexpress – Federal intermodal operator

Aeroexpress – Federal intermodal operator

Pulkovo Saint-Petersburg






Domodedovo Sochi

Source: Aeroexpress

terminals were equipped with ticket vending machines, touch-sensitive information kiosks, and much more. We are also developing joint programmes with leading airlines, travel and ticket agencies. One of the recent significant events was the launch of our own mobile application for iOS and Android users, for Windows Phone in progress. And this is only one aspect of the methods the company uses to increase the attractiveness of Aeroexpress trains. But all these are a nice bonus to the main benefit of such means of transport, because the fact is that Aeroexpress is a guaranteed way to travel from the city centre to the airport. RailwayPRO: As of February 2012, Aeroexpress has started to provide railway transport services in Sochi as well. What is the extension plan of the company to Russia’s largest cities? What is the market share of the company in the regions where it activates? Alexey Krivoruchko: Indeed, on 15 February 2012, the grand opening of Aeroexpress’ first regional branch took place in Sochi, where trains run between >



Aeroexpress is part of the solution to the acute transport and environmental problems of the metropolis Alexey Krivoruchko


2 2

March 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

30 leaders > the city’s main rail terminal and Sochi

International Airport. Also, on 20 July of last year, regular intermodal services were launched in Vladivostok, servicing the Vladivostok - Vladivostok International Airport route. In the regions, Aeroexpress trains also serve as commuter rail transport, since, unlike the case in Moscow, they have intermediate stops en route between the city and the airport. In 2013, the company plans to launch its branded trains in Kazan, which is the capital of the XXVII Summer Universiade. On the regional transportation market, the company also services the Moscow (Savyolovsky Rail Terminal) - Dolgoprudny - Lobnya route. In 2012, the volume of this route’s passenger traffic amounted to 2.17 million passengers, which is 28.8% more than the corresponding indicator for 2011. To date, there are no figures are available on passenger traffic figures for Sochi and Vladivostok that can be used for comparative purposes, and it is too early to talk about any growth in their market share. But the interim results, summarised since putting the Aeroexpress trains into service in these cities, of course, demonstrate that residents and cities’ visitors are quite satisfied with such mode of transport. In the period since it went into operation through to the end of 2012, the number of Sochi Aeroexpress train passengers carried a total of 142,850 people, 60% of whom are commuters. From July 20 to December 31, 2012, Aeroexpress trains in Vladivostok transported a total of 208,180 people, 75% of whom are commuters. RailwayPRO: Since November 2012, Aeroexpress has managed to expand its quality certificate compliant with ISO 9001:2008 management system on the railway passenger transport. Since the expiration of the first certificate, according to the press release issued by your company, the situation of the company has changed significantly. What were the criteria that have generated these changes and what influence do they have on the development of the transport market? Alexey Krivoruchko: Initially, Aeroexpress’s Quality Management System was certified for compliance with the International Standard ISO 9001:2008 by an authorized company Bureau Veritas Certification Rus in December 2009. However, the changes occurring in the company during this period have made it necessary to perform a new audit and to obtain the required renewal of its certificate. Last year alone brought a significant increase in passenger traffic, together with the opening of branches in other Russian cities. As well, the company has also introduced cutting-edge services for fast passenger service. In addition, the company launched its own subdivision for maintaining and repairing rolling stock

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Moscow Airports Ridership

Moscow Airports Ridership

Sheremetyevo airport

185 journeys daily Aeroexpress trains run every 30–60 minutes. Aeroexpress precision is at 99.9%. Customer Satisfaction Index exceeds 88%.

• • • • 70


50 40








22,0% 20,0%


18,0% 30


20 10

Vnukovo airport






0 2009






Number of passengers passing through Moscow airports (m)

Number of Aeroexpress passengers (m) Aeroexpress’ share of total passenger traffic for Moscow airports Domodedovo airport


Source: Aeroexpress

(a depot), for which the locomotive train crews who were previously on staff with the Moscow Railway thereby became Aeroexpress employees. This is the first time that this practice has been introduced in Russia, whereby a private rail carrier independently maintains and repairs its rolling stock. We did this deliberately. It is important for us to be responsible for the transportation provided by our company, from the moment a train leaves the depot and enters the line to provide passenger transportation to the airport. In 2011, we started implementing our own Uniform Dispatching and Situational Centre, providing for the online video monitoring of all our facilities. More than 350 cameras have been installed at the company’s 10 terminals, including our regional branches and for rolling stock. Trains are equipped with GLONASS satellite systems, enabling us to control trains’ movement online and to obtain information in the event of failure situations. The Uniform Dispatching and Situational Centre’s functioning, the processes associated with the passenger transport and services, procurement and logistics, as well as rolling stocks’ maintenance and repair have all successfully undergone verification by the auditors from the “Bureau Veritas Certification Rus”. As the result, the company’s certificate was successfully extended and the new certificate issued to the Aeroexpress company is valid until December 8, 2015. RailwayPRO: The advantages of railway transport are known worldwide. This determines the implementation of projects for attracting passengers and massive investments are granted to the acquisition of efficient and comfortable rolling stock aimed to promote transport. To this end, what are Aeroexpress’ plans and how do public authorities involve in financing these projects?

Alexey Krivoruchko: At the moment, Aeroexpress’ own passenger rolling stock is comprised of the modern and comfortable AERO Series trains manufactured by the Demikhovsky Engineering Plant. They were designed according to a special order placed by our company and, of course, they take into account all of passengers’ needs during their travel, thereby helping to attract more Aeroexpress’ customers and making this means of transport more popular. Special attention is paid to ensuring that physically challenged passengers can travel comfortably: cars are equipped with folding ramps for wheelchair users, there are specialised seats with safety belts, and ticket offices are equipped with special devices that make it easier for hearing-impaired passengers to communicate with the cashier. A Travel Assistance service is also available, which entails providing comprehensive assistance to passengers with disabilities. This includes meeting at the terminal, providing assistance in obtaining travel documents with the right to bypass the queue, helping to load luggage onto the trains and to board the railcar, among other services. In 2015, the company plans to put a new double-deck rolling stock into service. This decision arose as a result of rapidly growing passenger traffic, which is growing from one year to the next. Under the conditions faced by today’s railroad infrastructure, it is impossible to increase the number of runs to the capital’s airports, and that is the reason that the idea emerged to replace existing electric trains with more spacious ones. The new modern rolling stock will make it possible to carry almost 30-40% more passengers than now. In total, the company plans to purchase 172 railcars. All of the above is the sole initiative of Aeroexpress management, which is dictated not only by urgent necessity, but also by the company’s policy in the >


> sphere of its service quality to attract

passengers. Public authorities provide active assistance to the company in terms of organising intermodal service in other Russian cities, contributing to the organisation of rail transport at the same high level as encountered in Moscow. On 12 February 2013, Aeroexpress has officially revealed the results of the tender for supplying double-deck rolling stock to Russia. The final stage of the tender for supplying double-deck rolling stock resulted in a competition of three major engineering companies, as follows: Stadler (Switzerland), Alstom (France), and Škoda (Czech Republic). The victory went to Swiss Stadler, with whom Aeroexpress will conclude a contract for supplying a total of 172 railcars – 112 according to a basic contract and 60 according to two options.

RailwayPRO: What is Aeroexpress’ role in delivering integrated transport services in Moscow and Moscow Region and how do you manage to meet mobility demand next to the authorities and the other public transport operators? Alexey Krivoruchko: In the time that it has been operating, Aeroexpress has become an integral part of the capital’s modern transport system, distributing passenger traffic within Moscow and the Moscow Region. Today, the company is part of the solution to the acute transport and environmental problems of the metropolis. In recent years, a number of measures have been taken, aimed at increasing transport capacity. For example, in 2010-2011, all branded trains received a new seat arrangement, which was modified from a 2+2 scheme to 3+2 one. This measure made it possible to increase the number of seats by 30%. In addition, train sets on all three routes to and from the Moscow airports were increased to the maximum possible number of railcars. All this has enabled the company to cope with the increased demand for Aeroexpress services. Aeroexpress is a competitive company, and largely because the first priority in its work is to meet passengers’ current demands. The company continuously provides its customers with convenient services to facilitate the purchase of tick-

ets and to significantly save them time. It also offers flexible fares for travelling on the brand trains, and moreover, it cares about socially disadvantaged population groups, providing favourable conditions for Aeroexpress services. RailwayPRO: What are the challenges you face concerning the increasing transport demand and the changing transport market structure (new transport services are developed, passengers need integrated services to choose public transport etc.)? Alexey Krivoruchko: One of the main difficulties associated with the increasing demand for Aeroexpress services is the need to enlarge our trains’ seating capacity. But this issue will be successfully resolved by supplying double-deck Aeroexpress trains. Due to the fact that, at the moment, trains run with the lowest possible interval, and the fact there is no way to increase the number of railcars in a train set, this decision is ultimately most effective under the current circumstances. The new rolling stock is designed to accommodate about 700-1100 people per run, while the railcars can be easily separated from the whole set, allowing to change the train’s composition depending on the traffic flow at different times of the day and on different routes. RailwayPRO: According to the Russia press, Russian Railways plans to sell 25% of the shares it owns in Aeroexpress. How will this transaction affect the company’s activity?? Alexey Krivoruchko: Yes, indeed, the President of OJSC Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin, spoke about his plans to sell shares in summer 2012, and Russian Railways is currently in the stage of pre-sale preparation. We are confident that this transaction will not lead to the introduction of any significant changes to the company. We will continue to follow the course that has already been marked out and to develop our services, providing quality rail transportation. RailwayPRO: What do you think about the development of the railway passenger transport market at national level and what is the authorities’ policy on the consolidation of the railway transport’s position in the entire transport system? Alexey Krivoruchko: Nowadays, rail transport is the leading means of transportation in Russia. It accounts for over 80% of freight and 40% of passenger traffic. In the context of Russian realities, railroads are irreplaceable. The development of rail facilities system serves the interests of many economic sectors, as well as contributing to social and economic growth and the development of inter-regional relations. As of late, passenger rail transportation has become more and more popular. Ev-


eryone understands the obvious benefits of such transport: it is more environmentally friendly, and it enables transporting a large number of people in a short time. Aeroexpress trains have long become the preferred mode of transportation to Moscow airports. Everyone understands that the road to the airport by car may take much longer than the half-hour an Aeroexpress train takes to arrive at the airport. Last year alone, 14.9 million passengers preferred traveling by Aeroexpress to travel by car. Imagine how many cars were kept off the roads? This is a big plus in terms of unloading motorways and saving a large metropolis from additional exhaust gases. It is certain that rail transport is gaining momentum, especially in terms of an increase in passenger traffic. And, of course, this is happening within the scope of the development of the country’s transport system as a whole. Infrastructure is also being modernised, new facilities are being built, and new types of unified travel documents are being introduced. Our company is actively involved in joint projects together with the state. This year, the result of our successful collaboration has been the launch of two new regional branches, where Aeroexpress also operates as a commuter carrier. We will continue to remain active in the same direction, dedicating maximum efforts towards promoting rail transportation.

«Аэроэкспресс» - лидер рынка, осознающий важность постоянного развития услуг Компания «Аэроэкспресс» был создана в 2005 году и предоставляет услуги железнодорожных перевозок между аэропортом и центром города в Москве, Сочи и Владивостоке. Согласно стратегии развития, в этом году компания намеревается запустить движение в Казани и в скором будущем в Санкт-Петербурге. С каждым годом количество пассажиров «Аэроэкспресс» увеличивается. Именно постоянно растущий пассажиропоток привел компанию к решению о закупке двухуровневого подвижного состава для увеличения пассажировместимости. В текущем номере нашего журнала мы представим Вам интервью с генеральным директором компании «Аэроэкспресс» Алексеем Криворучко. В интервью он говорит о важности развития услуг железнодорожных пассажирских перевозок и о тех вызовах, с которыми приходится сталкиваться каждому оператору в результате увеличения степени мобильности, влияющей на всю структуру транспортной системы. March 2013 | www.railwaypro.com


“Rail transport is becoming more and more popular nowadays in Hungary” [ by Elena Ilie ]

Hungary is buying EMUs to improve regional passenger transport. Rolling stock development projects are called for as railway passenger transport in the country is becoming increasingly attractive, at the same time infrastructure development projects consolidate the importance that railway transport has on the economy of a country. Csaba Ungvári, CEO of MÁV-START Co., talks about these projects in an interview for Railway Pro presenting the opinion of the Hungarian operator about the liberalisation of the domestic passenger transport.

Photo: www.mav-start.hu

period. The offer was found valid and successful. After advising the tenderer about the result of the procedure (26 February), MÁV-START Co. and GYSEV Co. have to conclude a contract with the winner within 30 days – in accordance with the respective legislation. The Hungarian Government issued a decree in February to approve the state support for the procurement of the electric multiple units – declared a priority project – which is in line with the New Széchenyi Plan (Új Széchenyi Terv) as part of the Transport Operational Programme. The conclusion of the grant agreement with regard to providing TOP funds is in progress.

Csaba Ungvári, CEO of MÁV-START Co. Railway PRO: What news can you tell us about the tender organized by MÁVSTART and Austro-Hungarian regional operator GySEV on the acquisition of 48 trains? Will the company sign the contract with Stadler? Csaba Ungvári: MÁV-START Co. and GySEV Co. jointly initiated an open public procurement procedure for multiple units in November last year. Within the frame of this procedure MÁV-START wishes to procure 42, whilst GYSEV 6 partly low floored, single system, electric multiple units for regional use, each of which is accessible for people with reduced mobility, has a seating capacity of 200 seats and a speed of 160 km per hour. The final deadline for the delivery of the multiple units is 30 September 2015. In total out of the eight economic operators that bought the tender documentation one company, namely Stadler Bussnang AG, made an offer until the end of the tender www.railwaypro.com | March 2013

Railway PRO: Can you provide us with details about the evolution of the railway passenger transport market in 2011 and 2012? How would you comment on the evolution of the number of passengers? Csaba Ungvári: Rail transport – both for domestic and international destinations – is becoming more and more popular nowadays. This is underlined by the fact that the number of passengers opting for rail transport further increased last year, which means we carried more than 142 million passengers on our trains in 2012. This equals to seven and a half billion kilometres in rail, which could mean an impressive 200 000 rounds travelling around the Earth along the Equator. The reasons behind the positive change in the number of passengers are complex: the increase in fuel prices surely cannot be ignored, while the basic tariffs for travel by rail have remained unchanged since 2010. In addition, periodical timetable of high frequency – better serving passengers’ needs –, improved connection options, shorter travel times, our extended railway vehicle development activity also attract passengers. As public transport quality is a key influencing factor in passengers’ perception of our performance, we strive to increase the level of our services through:

free wifi aboard the trains; e-tickets that can be presented printed or electronically when travelling; extending bike carrier services, continuously improving punctuality and offering more than a thousand suburban P+R parking service lots. Railway PRO: What is the role of railway transport in Hungary, as related to the national and regional economic development objectives and compared to the other transport modes? Csaba Ungvári: In all of the economic policy strategies, as well as in the National Transport Strategy the development of railway transport development has an emphatic role, partly because of the larger transport capacity, but also owing to its less harmful impact on the environment. All this can be observed in practice through the infrastructure development of the main long-distance and suburban lines, where several largescale projects are carried out currently, for instance on the Budapest-Székesfehérvár and Szolnok-Debrecen railway lines. As opposed to the road development priorities in previous years, the railway sector has recently been given more attention: lines previously closed down have been re-opened, speed restrictions have been cancelled and travel time has been significantly reduced. The Government has reviewed the operational duplications and has rationalized the state grant shared by the rail and road sectors. Railway PRO: Can you detail for us the projects that MÁV-START has carried out or those to be carried out as regards the intensification of traffic on international railway routes, especially on those in the countries neighbouring Hungary? Csaba Ungvári: In international traffic we have managed to realize a number of deve-lopments as regards time-tabling and tariffs in the past five years. Both on the Vienna-Munich and the Bratislava-Prague >

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34 POLICIES & STRATEGIES > axes a two-hour periodical time-table has been introduced. At the same time we could create a system which provides direct connection to several destinations in Romania. Furthermore, the international traffic system in Central Europe has been restructured, and a direct day connection to Zurich has been introduced. In the modernization of the available rolling stock the ÖBB-Railjet train sets played an important role, thanks to which IC-quality vehicles could be reallocated to Serbian and Romanian relations thus creating a uniform standard in the entire international long-distance traffic. On existing and new relations MÁVSTART has introduced affordable discount tickets and reduced return ticket fares. 2015 onwards, significant time savings will be realized on the Budapest-Vienna-Munich relation, parallel to this the Czech railways is launching Railjets on the Budapest-Prague relations. This way, on our two most important routes uniform and modern service can be provided for passengers wishing to use day trains. Last but not least I wish to highlight the cooperation agreement concluded in August 2012, which hopefully is only the first step in the cooperation between our countries aiming at reaching a long-term competitiveness in the international passenger railway services.

Railway PRO: What is MÁV-START’s opinion about the liberalisation of domestic passenger transport? Csaba Ungvári: As I have pointed out, the debate of the law about the full liberalization of the railway passenger transport market and its detailed rules has not even started in the European Parliament, and

for this reason its final norm text is not yet known. We are in support of any measures improving the quality and along with this the competitiveness of rail passenger services, but we expect that the provisions regulating the new market conditions should ensure the principles of competition. The primary objective of our developments is serving our passengers at the highest possible level, nevertheless, we also continue to improve our market position through developments. The recent growth in the number of passengers and the improvement of satisfaction indices with regard to our services entitles us to assume we are on the right track in the process of preparation for the competition. Railway PRO: What are the company’s plans for improving the informatisation of rail passenger transport, passenger information systems and e-ticketing systems? Csaba Ungvári: MÁV-START’s ticketing system is in the process of renewal regarding both domestic and international sales. Our goal is to increase the proportion of electronic channels, in other words to motivate ticket purchase through the internet, and also to cut down on ticket office sales by means of installing ticket machines. Through internet purchase, tickets can be printed at home or can be presented on a smart phone (using the bar code) on occasion of an on-board inspection. We are


Railway PRO: How does MÁV-START, as state operator, look on the application of

rail passenger transport provisions included in the Fourth Railway Package, especially those concerning the mandatory tendering of Public Service Obligations? Csaba Ungvári: Our company welcomes all the legislations and initiatives that aim to increase the number of passengers in rail traffic or intend to improve travel conditions, since this is in the interest of all active companies in the rail passenger market. As for the implementation and creating the legislative framework, various actors in the Member States may have different interests and preferences. I feel it is a bit early to comment on the specific effects of the Fourth Railway Package, because at the moment we are dealing with a draft, the parliamentary debate of which has not even begun. With my colleagues we regularly review the accessible drafts, and we are also actively involved in the work of the international railway organizations, where we can state our position. All in all, I can say that we are in preparation for the implementation of the regulations.

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35 currently developing a system for issuing railway passes in form of a chip card. From the new system up-to-date information can be obtained, which will facilitate our decision-making as regards e.g. the introduction of new products or special offers. On the suburban trains of Budapest we plan to introduce the so-called relationnumbers this year (already wide-spread in urban public transport). As a result we expect to increase our role in the transport system of the capital. As for the station development programme, with view to improving station service quality, new visual displays are installed on lines 100a and 30a. Concerning the on-board passenger information service, the developments started last year are continued: BVmot, BDVmot, BVhmot electric motor units are provided with VULTRON on-board passenger information displays. This ensures the broadest possible on-board voice information service on suburban lines. Railway PRO: What are the methods that MÁV-START’s board plans to use to increase the use of railway transport among people? Csaba Ungvári: Improving competitiveness, fulfilling passenger needs, increasing service levels, time-table and vehicle development, implementation and maintenance of a competitive pricing and sales system, efficient and targeted marketing communications, long-term corporate strategy, improving efficiency, and customer focus. The yearly marketing and market research plan calls for targeting potential revenue generating segments on a one-byone basis. Messages will be delivered through three main channels. The first being a blend of MÁV-START’s own resources such as its website (www.mav-start.hu), its forthcoming community site, its newsletter database, and InterCity magazine. The second channel consists of optimized purchases of media space through agencies (emphasis on Online). The third channel entails partnerships such as the one existing with Hungary Tourism, Hungary’s national tourism agency. Railway PRO: What are MÁV-START’s near-future priorities and how much are estimated investments worth considering the fact that we are getting close to the next programming period 2014-2020? Csaba Ungvári: Despite improvements in recent years, the average age of MÁV-START’s vehicle fleet still exceeds 30 years. Taking into account our financial limitations, our medium-term plans of cca. 20 billion forints per year include the production of stateof-the-art IC+ cars of 200 km/h suitable for international traffic, and the renovation of international and IC capable CAF cars. Given the availability of EU funds, however, we intend to continue our multiple unit train project. Furthermore, and parallel to the development of rail track infrastructure, additional purchases of modern locomotives will be required in the period between 2014 and 2020 in order to fully reap the benefits provided by the upgraded track infrastructure both in terms of train scheduling and quality of service – thus exploiting the potential of rail transport competitiveness.

„Железнодорожный транспорт становится всё привлекательнее в Венгрии” Венгрия планирует приобрести электропоезда для улучшения региональных пассажирских перевозок. Необходимые деньги поступят в виде государственной помощи. В соседней стране железнодорожные пассажирские перевозки становятся всё привлекательнее, а крупные проекты развития инфраструктуры по направлению Будапешт-Секешфехервар и Сольнок-Дебрецен консолидируют важность железнодорожных перевозок для экономики государства. О подробностях, связанных с этими проектами, а также о мнении компании MÁV-START о либерализации пассажирского транспорта внутри страны рассказывает нам исполнительный президент MÁV-START Чаба Унгвари в своем интервью журналу Railway PRO. March 2013 | www.railwaypro.com


“Europe needs one consistent structure” The European Commission published its long –awaited 4th Railway Package on 31 January 2013. It is a comprehensive package of measures covering technical approvals, management of the infrastructure, passenger services and the structure of the railway, all with the intention of creating a fully liberalised competitive rail system in which competition flourished and the rail market grows. Lord Tony Berkeley, chairman of Rail Freight Group (UK) sent us a reasoned opinion on this matter. Lord Berkeley is also a Board Member of the European Rail Freight Association. [ by Elena Ilie ]


n the technical package, the Commission seeks to create one set of standards for promoting interoperability and technical standards throughout Europe. The European Railway Agency (ERA) estimates that there are over 11,000 national rules in the EU, all adding time and cost to new entrants or those wishing to introduce new rail vehicles. The Commission’s intention is to give the ERA wider competencies for vehicle authorisation, the safety certification of train operators and of supervising national rules and the operation of national safety authorities. Some member states will resist such changes, either because they think they can do the job better than the ERA or, more likely, so that they can use these approval processes as a way of preserving their national monopolies by way of technical regulation. I believe that this change is an essential part

Photo: www.networkrailmediacentre.co.uk

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of opening up Europe’s’ railways to competition and to getting costs down. Altering the structure of the railways has caused much opposition, especially from Germany, Austria and France. However, the Commission’s proposals again seek to introduce open and fair competition above rail, with no hidden subsidies, as well as much better co-operation between infrastructure managers (IMs) on operations, investment etc. It recognises that some IMs have been known to discriminate against non-incumbents, making it very difficult for new entrants to operate competitive services. The Commission proposed to strengthen the role of the IMs so that they control all the functions of the rail network, including investment planning, day to day operations and maintenance and timetabling. There should be much better cross-border cooperation between IMs and separation of the roles of managing tracks and running trains. The Commission’s proposals could require institutional separation as the simplest and most transparent way of achieving such independence, and this is what the independent operators and IMs have supported. However, the Commission has been forced to accept a compromise to allow the holding company model, as practiced or planned in Germany, Austria, and France and in the Channel Tunnel between the UK and France. Although ‘Chinese walls’ to ensure separation of accounting, IT, staff and no discrimination are proposed, there is strong evidence that this does not work in practice. Germany is subject to infraction proceedings by the European Commission due to unfair transfer of funds from IM to other parts of DB to the detriment of these customers, and in France SNCF has proposed a complete reintegration of all its train operations with the infrastructure manager RFF to ensure the minimum of competition to SNCF above tracks. The Channel Tunnel operations are still the subject to the Commission’s infraction proceedings over concerns about allocation of costs, charges and capacity. Finally, the Commission seeks to open up the passenger market, either to allow competing services or through competitive ten-

dering. It has identified many cost savings and/or service improvements that could be achieved, both domestically and in the international market. There is of course a need to make rolling stock available to all, and to ensure non-discriminatory access to integrated ticketing systems. Now the Commission’s proposals go to the European Parliament and Council for consideration. There will sadly be much pressure from the governments who control powerful incumbents to water down or delay the proposals in order to preserve the status quo monopolies. I believe that Europe needs one consistent structure and set of policies if the rail sector is to grow and prosper; the options are wide open; in the UK with full liberalisation, passenger and freight traffic has grown by 60% in ten years, whereas in France rail freight traffic has halved in the same period, largely because SNCF has ensured that any competition is neutered. I urge all those who believe in a growing railway sector in the future to press their governments and European Parliament members to support the Commission and oppose those who want to preserve their monopolies, which can only increase costs and prices and turn more and more customers to road.

“Европе нужна крепкая структура” Основная задача IV Железнодорожного пакета заключается в повышении качества и эффективности услуг железнодорожного транспорта за счёт преодоления оставшихся ограничений (которые не были разрешены с помощью предыдущих трёх пакетов) и поощрения развития железнодорожного сектора, следовательно повышения конкурентоспособности и обеспечения экономического роста. Президент компании Rail Freight Group (UK) Лорд Тони Беркли откликнулся на нашу просьбу и рассказал об этом в нескольких словах, касаясь роли законодательных предложений для европейского железнодорожного рынка.



CER is concerned about the mandatory tendering of PSO as being the only applicable award mechanism

[ by Elena Ilie ]

Six law proposals compose the Fourth Railway Package. By initiating these law proposals, the European Commission wants to stimulate competition on railways, to achieve the much-desired interoperability between networks, to separate operation from management, to reinforce the role of the European Railway Agency, all for creating the Single European Railway Area. The Fourth Package has not become effective yet, debates on its proposals are currently being initiated and their evolution or potential amendments are very interested to follow. Railway Pro has asked for the objective opinion of railway organizations that you can read below.

Railway PRO: What is your opinion regarding the EC’s proposal for bidding the public service rail contracts and regarding the fact that these public service contracts will become subject to mandatory tendering? How would this measure affect the smaller railway undertakings? Libor Lochman: Let me to introduce the subject from a broader perspective. A further passenger market opening can only produce results if technical preconditions are fulfilled. This is the reason why CER supports the “technical pillar” of the legislative package. The opening up of domestic passenger markets will only materialize if streamlined vehicle authorization and safe-

ty certification processes in Europe become reality. Furthermore I would like to point out that passenger market liberalisation has got two dimensions – open access services and services under public service contracts. They are complementary and should both match the customers’ expectations. CER, being always in favour of competition, does welcome the proposal of the European Commission to allow open access train services in every Member State. We think that entrepreneurial initiatives should not be prevented provided this is not downsized to cherry-picking or is detrimental to financial equilibriums. Regarding the specific question of award mechanisms of Public Service Obligation contracts (PSO), we think that it is key to keep the current flexibility allowed by the Public Service Obligation Regulation. We are convinced that competent authorities are able and are used to make the right choices when it comes to defining the transport needs of their citizens and when making the choice of the award mechanism. This being said, CER is concerned about the mandatory tendering of Public Service Obligation as being the only applicable award mechanism. We do not believe that open tendering will by all circumstances deliver better results than direct award or in-house provision. We call upon Member States to be pragmatic and to allow enough flexibility when it comes to Public Service Obligation. This is particularly needed in the case of smaller Member States where the cost linked to the tendering can overcome the benefits it is deemed to generate.

Photo: http://www.publicdomainpictures.net

The compulsory tendering certainly implies new prospects arising. Those who will dare to look ahead and abroad will find new business opportunities and might easily and rapidly become efficient and successful bidders. On the other hand it implies

the risk of losing Public Service Obligation contracts and this can create very complicated issues both for staff and at financial level. The right balance should therefore be found and it should be up to competent authorities to make the choice of the appropriate award mechanism. This is what I personally hope for all railway companies and for our customers. As a tax-payer and a citizen, we all deserve the most economic approach.

СЕЖД (Сообщество европейских железных дорог) не считает благоприятным обязательный конкурс для договоров государственных услуг Сообщество европейских железнодорожных компаний и инфраструктуры (СЕЖД, CER) приветствует предложение Комиссии по открытию национальных железнодорожных рынков в целях реализации торгового обмена (либерализации), защищающего экономический баланс государственных договоров услуг. Тем не менее, СЕЖД не соглашается с попыткой Комиссии навязать открытый конкурс как единый механизм организации договоров для государственных услуг. У СЕЖД также есть сомнения касательно применимости предлагаемых пороговых значений для размера и сферы охвата государственных контрактов на услуги. Организация придерживается мнения, что компетентные органы государств-членов находятся в наилучшем положении, чтобы принять решение по поводу размера, сферы охвата и инструмента присуждения подобных договоров. Таким образом, организация предоставляет нам общий вид касательно части положений, входящих в состав IV–го железнодорожного Пакета. March 2013 | www.railwaypro.com


“Infrastructure managers, the only actors in the rail market with a system-wide perspective” The European Commission has come forward with the fourth railway package in order to enhance the quality and efficiency of rail services by removing the remaining market obstacles. Most of the EU’s network was designed at country level to be a single network. Further, efficient use of infrastructure relies on its intensive use. So infrastructure in the EU is and is likely to remain a natural monopoly, says the European Commission. Existing EU legislation therefore requires a degree of separation between infrastructure managers, which run the network, and railway undertakings which run the train services on it, with the aim of ensuring fair and equal treatment of all railway undertakings. Full independence of charging and capacity allocation is required, as these were seen as key to ensuring equal access. So we asked a reasoned opinion on this matter from The European Rail Infrastructure Managers Association (EIM), one of the most important actors in the rail infrastructure market in Europe. Railway PRO: Do you consider that the Fourth Railway Package could be “the structure that delivers”, as the European Commission says in its proposals? EIM:The European Rail Infrastructure Managers warmly welcome the Commission’s wish to eliminate the obstacles to the unified European rail market while at the same time consolidating the performance, competitiveness and growth of the railways. EIM firmly believes that infrastructure managers have a key role to play in this process. As the market continues to open up, it is essential that the growing expectations placed on infrastructure managers are taken into account and fulfilled. Over the course of the liberalisation process, infrastructure managers will become the only actors in the rail market who have a system-wide perspective and thereby ensure long-term planning for the entire network. The Commission has recognised this fact and has defined in the fourth railway package the ‘optimal infrastructure manager of the future’. The infrastructure manager of the future must be given all the tools it needs to satisfy the expectations of the market and, above all, of customers. This means efficiency, investment and customer-oriented performance. A harmonised EU-wide definition of infrastructure manager competences and clear guidelines on transparency will also

Photo: http://creativity103.com

www.railwaypro.com | March 2013

improve cooperation, which in turn would be beneficial for customers. EIM’s members have pledged to turn the rail network into the backbone of the European transport system, disregarding individual interests and focusing on serving rail customers. This is an important difference compared with infrastructure managers owned by holding companies. Railway PRO: Is the proposal for institutional separation the most efficient measure to remove potential conflicts of interest and give all companies access to tracks in a nondiscriminatory way? EIM: The European Rail Infrastructure Managers are not interested in dogma or buzzwords. Aside from safety, our members believe that their primary responsibility is towards customers and towards their owners. That is why our focus is on performance, efficiency and transparency in the rail market. Increasing the competences and independence of infrastructure managers will allow them to achieve this. Organisational models must guarantee infrastructure manager neutrality. Therefore, EIM supports all proposals that dispel any doubts about infrastructure managers’ neutrality, and that includes strict separation between network and operations. Only regulations that preclude conflicts of

[ by Elena Ilie ] interest among infrastructure managers from the outset can guarantee an efficient, highperformance rail market. Three conditions are needed to meet the expectations of the market and of customers: a strengthening of competences, a consolidation of competences and greater independence for infrastructure managers. The competences granted to infrastructure managers under EU law must be extended to encompass all functions they need to manage the network as a commercial enterprise. Dividing up responsibilities is inexpedient from both a cost and performance perspective. For example, this is the case where an infrastructure manager, despite official separation, doesn’t have the necessary room for manoeuvre because a carrier is performing certain infrastructure management tasks. Greater independence is also vital for transparency, so as to avoid any conflicts of interest in decision-making by infrastructure managers. Therefore, infrastructure managers must be completely independent of all carriers when making decisions.

«Администраторы инфраструктур станут единственными действующими лицами на железнодорожном рынке, которым будет видна полная картина всей системы железных дорог» По мере продолжения открытия железнодорожного рынка важно, чтобы высокие требования к администраторам инфраструктур были приняты во внимание и выполнены. На протяжении всего процесса либерализации, администраторы инфраструктуры станут единственными действующими лицами на железнодорожном рынке, имеющими перспективу на уровне железнодорожной системы. Следовательно, они будут обеспечивать долгосрочное планирование всей сети.



Urban mobility – target 2050 [ by Elena Ilie ]

By 2050, the European Commission proposes several strategic objectives among which removing conventional fuel vehicles from urban traffic, using a 40% share of sustainable fuels with low carbon emissions in air transport and reducing by at least 40% the emissions in the maritime transport, shifting 50% of the interurban passenger and freight transport on medium distances from road to rail and maritime/ inland waterways, as well as cutting transport emissions by 60% by mid-century.


o meet these objectives within the constantly increasing reason for worries. large urban agglomerations, the Nine out of ten EU citizens believe that Commission proposes to specia- the situation of traffic in their area should lized players and authorities to elaborate be improved. The development of efficient observe and finance sustainable mobility transport systems in urban areas has beplans. The European Commission seeks to come a task that grows in complexity, if accelerate large-scale implication into the we consider both urban traffic congestions Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans of local and the accelerated urban expansion. and regional authorities in Europe through The responsibility for urban mobility the wide information on the objective, policies lies primarily with local, regional content and benefits of these plans. and national authorities. Nevertheless, deIn most cases, the territorial extension cisions adopted at local level are not taken to suburbs of large agglomerations has in isolation but within the framework promade public transport or other similar al- vided by national, regional and EU policy ternatives no longer attractive as related to and legislation. Therefore the Commispersonal vehicles. A vicious circle has thus sion believes that much is to be gained been created: the low demand for public from working together in order to support transport has led to the allocation of fewer action at local, regional and national levels resources which has resulted in a poorer and to provide for a partnership approach offer of public transport services. while fully respecting the different comIn order to break this vicious circle, ur- petences and responsibilities of all actors banists andSet public transport decision ma- involved. TERM Core of Indicators kers (at local, regional and national level) Environmentally friendly policies have have to focus their strategies on upgrading been introduced in many cities across transport vehicles, but also on developing the EU. Action at EU level can help to a connection between public transport strengthen markets for new, clean vehicle and urban planning. Urban mobility is a technologies and alternative fuels. This %R[ 7(50 D E 3DVVHQJHU WUDQVSRUW YROXPH DQG PRGDO VSOLW ZLWKLQ WKH (8 Passenger transport volume



Billion passenger km

6 000 527 457 5 000





549 391 519















3 000

3 879

4 296

4 547

4 609

4 674

4 710

4 798

4 738







1 000


Городская мобильность намеченная цель на 2050 год


4 000

2 000

will directly support EU industry, promote healthy environments and contribute to the recovery of the European economy. By making users pay for the external costs which they cause (environmental, congestion and other costs) according to the polluter pays principle, the internalisation of external costs can encourage transport users to switch over time to cleaner vehicles or transport modes, to use less congested infrastructure or to travel at different times. It is also necessary to rethink strategies for the extension of tram, subway or light rail networks, as well as the construction of new such networks. “By 2050, the majority of medium-distance passenger transport, about 300km and beyond, should go by rail”, EU policies state. Prognoses for 2030 and 2050 look good on paper, it seems that we have already eliminated the polluting factor from urban transport....but if we take a closer look to what’s happening now in most European cities and metropolitan areas and if we start using and investing in electrified city transport and to support its extension, we will not be able to meet this objective and we will still have draft projects in 20302050.

1995 Car

2000 Bus



До 2050 года Европейская комиссия нацелена на достижение нескольких стратегических целей. Среди них ликвидация автомобилей, работающих на условном топливе, из городского движения, а также переход от автомобильного к железнодорожному и морскому/речному транспорту 50% междугородных пассажирских и грузовых перевозок на средние расстояния, но и 60% сокращение общего объема вредных выбросов в транспортной сфере до середины века.

Source: EUROSTAT, 2012 Note:

Latest available data: 2010.


Eurostat, 2012.

March 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

40 leX

Fourth Railway Package: divergent opinions [ by Elena Ilie ]

Granting the railway operators in the Union the right to access rail infrastructure in all member states to operate internal passenger transport services can have implications for the organization and financing of railway passenger transport services provided as part of a public service obligation. Member States should have the option of limiting such right of access where it would compromise the economic equilibrium of those public service contracts and where approval has been given by the relevant regulatory body. The Proposal on establishing the Single European Railway Area and other proposals related to the Fourth Railway Package are subject to a complex debate in Brussels and across Europe.


n the past decade, three railway legislative packages have progressively opened domestic markets, improving the competitiveness of railways and interoperability in the EU. However, despite the harmonisation of the EU legislation with that of member states, the modal share of rail in intraEU transport has remained modest. This proposal, Directive 34/2013, targets the remaining obstacles that limit the effectiveness of railway markets. “Remaining obstacles relate first of all to the access to the market for domestic passenger services. In many Member States these markets are closed to competition, which does not only limit their development, but also creates disparities between those Member States that have opened their markets, and those that have not”, believes the European Commission. “A second set of problems which prevent the rail market from developing its full potential are issues relating to the governance of infrastructure managers. Since infrastruc-

Photo: Club Feroviar

www.railwaypro.com | March 2013

ture managers are natural monopolies, they do not always react to the needs of the market and its users, thus hindering the performance of the sector as a whole. In a number of Member States infrastructure managers are unable to fulfil their tasks, since their functions are separated between different bodies. Moreover, the current legal framework has not led to improved cross-border cooperation among infrastructure managers,” the Commission points out. In the latest legislative proposals, the Commission believes that “in order to ensure equal access to the infrastructure, any conflicts of interest resulting from integrated structures encompassing infrastructure management and transport activities should be removed. Removing incentives to discriminate against competitors is the only way to guarantee equal access to the railway infrastructure. It is a requirement for the successful opening of the market for domestic passenger transport services by rail. This should also remove the potential for cross-subsidisation, which ex-

ists in such integrated structures, and which also leads to market distortions”. According to the latest proposals, railway undertakings will be granted, under equitable, non-discriminatory and transparent conditions, the right of access to railway infrastructure in all member states for the purpose of operating all types of rail passenger services. If member states still maintain an infrastructure manager which is part of a vertically integrated undertaking, they should at least introduce strict safeguards to guarantee effective independence of the entire infrastructure manager in relation to the integrated undertaking. However, “despite the implementation of the safeguards guaranteeing independence vertically integrated undertakings could abuse of their structure to provide undue competitive advantages for railway operators belonging to such undertakings”, believes the Commission which, according to the new proposals, “should verify,



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Photo: Club Feroviar

upon request of a member state or on its own initiative, that these safeguards are effectively implemented and that any remaining distortions of competition are removed. In case the Commission is not in a position to confirm that this has been achieved, all member states should have the possibility to limit or revoke access rights of the integrated operators concerned”. Regulatory bodies should assess the potential economic impact of domestic passenger services provided under open access conditions on existing public service contracts following a request made by interested parties and on the basis of an objective economic analysis. The assessment of whether the economic equilibrium of the public service contract would be compromised should take into account predetermined criteria. Such criteria and the details of procedure to be followed may evolve over time, in particular in the light of the experience of regulatory bodies, competent authorities and railway undertakings and may take into account the specific characteristics of domestic passenger services. The Commission also believes that there is another series of barriers which result from situations where infrastructure management and transport operations are part of the same integrated structure. In such a case, infrastructure managers face a conflict of interests as they have to take account of the business interests of the integrated structure and its transport subsidiaries and have an incentive to discriminate in the provision of access to the infrastructure. Moreover, in the explanatory memorandum on the establishment of the Single European Railway Area, the Commission points out that “integrated structures make it much more difficult to enforce the separation of accounts between infrastructure management and transport operations. Regulators find it difficult to trace financial flows between the different subsidiaries and the holding company in an integrated structure. Accountancy tools allow for the artificial increase or decrease of the results of the respec-

tive subsidiaries. Cross-subsidising practices and transfers of infrastructure funds to competitive activities are a serious market entry barrier for new operators that do not have the possibility to rely on such funds. Crosssubsidising practises may also imply State aid granted to competitive activities”. Thus, one of the legislative proposals which compose the Fourth Railway Package repeals Regulation (EEC) No 1192/69 of the Council on common rules for the normalisation of the accounts of railway undertakings. This Regulation permits member states to compensate 36 enumerated railway undertakings for the payment of obligations which undertakings of other transport modes do not have to support, such as special family allowances and other operating expenditures (except in the case of compensation for the provision of public services). The Commission believes that according to the latest legislations in force over the past decade, the aforementioned Regulation is currently inconsistent and incompatible.

IV Железнодорожный пакет: мнения разделены Предоставление некоторым железнодорожным операторам доступа к железнодорожной инфраструктуре во всех странах-участниках для осуществления внутренних пассажирских перевозок может повлиять на организацию и финансирование услуг железнодорожных пассажирских перевозок в рамках договора на оказание государственных услуг. Необходимо, чтобы государства-участники получили возможность ограничить права доступа, если эти права компрометировали бы экономическое равновесие договоров оказания соответствующих государственных услуг и если получено согласование соответствующего регулирующего органа. Предложение по поводу создания Единого европейского железнодорожного пространства, а также другие предложения, связанные с IV Железнодорожным пакетом, являются предметом обширных обсуждений в Брюсселе.



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42 leX

ERA could take over the certification of rail undertakings and the authorization of vehicles

[ by Elena Ilie ]

Over the past decade, the railway market in the EU has known significant changes gradually introduced by three “railway legislative packages� aimed at opening national markets and at enhancing interoperability across the EU and railway competitiveness. The Directive on the interoperability of the rail system within the European Union is part of the Fourth Railway Package and aims to eliminate the final technical and administrative barriers, especially by establishing a joint approach of safety, cost-efficiency and administrative norms and by accelerating administrative procedures and avoid hidden discrimination.


oreover, through the new legislative package, the European Commission proposes five new options whose structure mainly focuses on the interaction between the European Railway Agency (ERA) and national railway authorities. According to the latest options, national railway surveillance authorities could entrust ERA with the certification of railway undertakings and the authorization of vehicles.

Source: http://tentea.ec.europa.eu

www.railwaypro.com | March 2013

New interoperability provisions Through a first legislative proposal, the European Commission aims to revise Directive 57/2008 on interoperability. The main reason, the Commission says, is having noticed problems in the activity of the TSIs, with the implementation of interoperability directives for some specific projects and with the reactions received from interested parties.

On this basis, the Commission plans to propose various amendments to the Directive on Interoperability by introducing new provisions, a number of new definitions, the concept of a vehicle authorisation for placing on the market, and some provisions on registers. The Commission seeks to clarify the existing provisions regarding the scope of the Directive, application of TSI to existing systems, TSI derogations, TSI deficiencies and applicability



tinct option regarding the adoption of horizontal measures, includes other legislative and soft measures (beyond sharing the responsibilities between national authorities and ERA) that could be implemented to improve the competitiveness of the rail sector. According to this final option ERA would “enjoy” the consolidation of its role regarding the monitoring and control of implementing national safety and interoperability legislation, but also the capacity of amending safety and interoperability directives to enable the adoption of implementing acts setting out common principles and practices for national authorities.

of national rules. According to the new proposals, further provisions are to be specified in the TSIs to cover existing subsystems and to enable railway undertakings to check compatibility between vehicles and routes on which these vehicles are intended to be operated. Annex I of the new proposal for a Directive shows that there is no longer any mention of the trans-European rail system because the TSIs will have been extended de facto by the time this Directive enters into force (currently, theme debates are going on at the European Parliament and after these debates, current proposals will have to be adopted by national government, as well). The separation between high-speed (HS) and conventional rail (CR) has also been removed in view of the merging of a number of HS and CR TSIs. “The pursuit of interoperability within the Union’s rail system should lead to the definition of an optimal level of technical harmonisation and make it possible to facilitate, improve and develop international rail transport services within the Union and with third countries and contribute to the progressive creation of the internal market in equipment and services for the construction, renewal, upgrading and operation of the rail system within the Union”, informs the new proposal for a Directive. ERA has new attributions Without damaging its role in elaborating the European legislation on interoperability and rail safety, it is obvious that, at the time being, ERA does not have major surveillance and control competencies as regards national rail authorities, infrastructure managers and market players. Its responsibilities in terms of monitor-

ing are practically limited to monitoring safety and interoperability performances, believes the European Commission. The Commission’s proposals that refer to enhancing the role of the European Railway Agency seek to eliminate the existing technical and administrative barriers aimed to increase the competitiveness of the railway sector compared to other transport modes and to continue developing the single European railway area. Operational objectives include by 2025, the removal of all unnecessary national rules, a 20% reduction in the time to market for new railway undertakings above the baseline situation in 2025 and a 20% reduction in the cost and duration of the authorisation of rolling stock above the baseline situation in 2025. Following the analyses carried out, the European Commission has elaborated a series of options aimed to enhance ERA’s role. Therefore, we can talk about greater coordination role for the Agency in ensuring a consistent approach to certification of railway undertakings and vehicle authorisation or the transformation of ERA into a one-stop-shop, where the final decision on certification and authorisation remains with the NSAs but ERA performs entry and exit checks of applications and of the decisions. Another option that needs further debate refers to the sharing of competencies between NSAs and ERA, where the final decision on certification and authorisation is taken by the Agency. ERA taking over activities of NSAs in relation to certification of railway undertakings and vehicle authorisation is another option that could become effective if the legislative package will be adopted in the current form. The Commission also proposes a dis-

Европейское железнодорожное агентство может принять на себя выдачу разрешений железнодорожным предприятиям и авторизацию транспортных средств За последнее десятилетие железнодорожный рынок ЕС претерпевал существенные изменения, введенные постепенно с помощью трех „законодательных железнодорожных пакетов”, направленных на обеспечение открытости национальных рынков, технической совместимости на уровне ЕС и конкурентоспособности железных дорог, сохраняя при этом высокий уровень надежности и безопасности. Директива о функциональной совместимости железнодорожной системы в Европейском союзе является составной частью Четвертого Железнодорожного пакета, и она направлена на устранение оставшихся административных и технических барьеров, особенно с помощью введения общего подхода к нормам безопасности, на сокращение затрат, ускорение административных процедур, а также на избежание скрытой дискриминации. Кроме этого, с помощью нового законодательного пакета Европейская комиссия предлагает пять новых опций, которые благодаря своей структуре касаются в основном уровня взаимодействия между Европейским железнодорожным агентством (ERA) и национальными властями, действующими в сфере железных дорог. Согласно новым опциям, ERA может принять у государственных органов надзора в железнодорожной отрасли ту часть деятельности, которая связана с выдачей разрешений железнодорожным предприятиям и с авторизацией транспортных средств. March 2013 | www.railwaypro.com


EC speeds up the opening of passenger transport market with new proposal [ by Pamela Luică ]

In the White Paper on Transport adopted in March 2011, the EC presented its vision on the development of a Single European Area for railway transport with a domestic market where companies can deliver services without administrative or technical barriers. Over the last decade, three railway legislative packages have focused on opening national markets and on creating a competitive and interoperable railway environment across the EU.


nterested parties believe that, given the current legal framework, railway passenger transport services are nonperforming from the point of view of services quality and efficiency in operation. The Eurobarometer poll of 2012 found 54% of the respondents displeased with the national and regional railway system. Among users, railway transport is disadvantaged against all transport modes (urban and air transport which have a higher percentage), ranking 27th of 30 in the top of services markets”, shows the Proposal amending Regulation (EC) no. 1370/2007 concerning the opening of the market for domestic passenger transport services by rail, published by EC at the end of January. There are significant problems with the operational efficiency which reflect significant differences in using the assets such as rolling stock and infrastructure, as well as labour productivity. These efficiency gaps are the reason why substantial public funds are needed in the sector, as compared to other economic sectors, as many railway companies suffer losses. There are several obstacles in improving the quality of services and operating efficiency referring mainly to the access on the domestic market of passenger transport services and the lack of competition pressure. In many member states, the market is closed to competition, which not only limits growth, but also creates gaps between the member states which have already opened the market and those whose markets are still closed to competition. The different national approaches on the market opening for railway passenger transport services prevent the development of an authentic domestic market. The main objective of the EU transport policy is to establish a market that will help increase competitiveness and the develop-

Experience in open markets, has shown improvements in quality and availability of services with passenger satisfaction rises year on year and passenger growth in some cases of over 50% over 10 years. In other liberalised markets, tendering of public service contracts has shown savings of 20-30% for a given level of service which can be re-invested to improve services. ment of balanced and sustainable economic activities. Thus, the objective of the Proposal, as part of the Fourth Railway Package, is to improve the quality of services and efficiency in operation by optimising the competitiveness and attractiveness of rail transport compared to other transport modes and the continuous development of the Single European Railway Area. “This proposal encompasses common rules on the award of public service contracts for passenger transport by rail, together with accompanying measures to increase the success of competitive tendering procedures. The objective of mandatory competitive tendering for public service contracts is to intensify competitive pressure on domestic rail markets, in order to increase the quantity and improve the quality of passenger services. Competitive tendering for rail contracts can also ensure better value for money spent on public transport services”, the document stipulates. According to a study elaborated by a foreign consultant, 60% of the respondents agreed that additional new open access rights, compulsory competitive tendering or a mix thereof could stimulate market integration. The majority of respondents (60%) also agreed that the creation of rolling stock leasing companies would help to improve access to rolling stock. Based on this study, and considering the conclusions of the consultancy process, the Commission has developed a quality and quantity evaluation of the impact of different op-

The proposals would bring clear benefits to passengers in terms of improved services, increasing choice. Combined with structural reforms, it could produce more than EUR 40 Billion of financial benefits for citizens and companies involved by 2035 and would allow provision of up to about 16 billion additional passenger-km according to Commission estimates. www.railwaypro.com | March 2013

tions regarding the modernisation of the existing regulatory framework. Measures refer to the “broadly defined open access rights subject to a test of their impact on the economic equilibrium of public service contracts; competitively awarded public service contracts; voluntary national integrated ticketing systems; and an obligation on member states to ensure non-discriminatory access to suitable rolling stock for railway undertakings which want to participate in a public tender procedure. The impact assessment showed that a combination of the following would fare best in terms of economic, environmental and social impacts, generating a net present value of between EUR 21 and EUR 29 Billion from 2019 to 2035.

Новое предложение Европейской комиссии способствует открытию рынка железнодорожных пассажирских перевозок Предложение по изменению Регламента 1370/2007 касательно открытия внутреннего рынка железнодорожных пассажирских перевозок, опубликованное Европейской комиссией в конце января месяца, включает в себя общие правила присуждения договоров на оказание государственных услуг для железнодорожных пассажирских перевозок, с одновременными мерами по усилению конкурентных процедур. Целью обязательности конкурсных торгов для государственных договоров является интенсификация конкурентного давления на внутреннем рынке железнодорожных перевозок в целях повышения качества и объема транспортных услуг.



Safety Directive Proposal A step forward in the implementation of the “single safety certificate”

[ by Pamela Luică ]

The rail transport market in Europe has been marked by significant changes. New policies have been gradually introduced to stimulate market opening and the establishment of a competitive and interoperable railway system while maintaining a high safety level. In this context, the EC has planned launching the Fourth Railway Package to improve the quality and efficiency of railway services by removing the barriers which prevent the development of the single market. In conformity with the new EU proposals, the European Railway Agency (ERA) will release the authorizations of the vehicles introduced in the market and the safety certificates for operators, currently these documents being issued by each member state. According to EU data, the measures proposed would permit reducing by 20% the time that new entrants take to access a market and by 20% the costs and the time for rolling stock authorizations. Generally, these should help companies save up to EUR 500 Million by 2025.


herefore, as a component of the Fourth Railway Package, at the end of January 2013, the Commission adopted the “Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on railway safety” (recast) focusing on the removal of administrative and technical barriers, in particular by establishing a common approach to safety and interoperability rules to increase economies of scale for railway undertakings active across the EU, decreasing administrative costs and accelerating administrative procedures, as well as avoiding discrimination. In order to pursue efforts to establish a single market for rail transport services, it is necessary to establish a common regulatory framework for railway safety. The section “Legal Elements of the Proposal” contains detailed comments and explanations regarding the major changes in the text of the Directive. In the first chapter, “General Provisions”, the application field is adapted to comply with the Interoperability

Directive (Article 2) and provides new definitions and several amendments to improve coherence with similar definitions used in the Interoperability Directive (Article 3). Chapter II – “Development and Management of Safety”, clarifies the role and responsibilities of the players in the railway chain to take into account to recent evolution of the market and of the legal framework. Chapter III, referring to safety certification and authorisation, details on the introduction of the system of single safety certificate for railways undertakings replacing the former system of safety certificate and its two parts, while Article 11, “Applications for single safety certificates”, is adapted to the process on the transfer of the single certificate taking into account the new role of the Agency. Chapter IV introduces amendments on the new role of national safety authorities in the process of move towards a single safety certificate and reallocation of responsibilities between them and the Agency. The next two chap-

Objectives – Operational objective (3) Objectives - Operational objective

Ranks attributed to each statement


Source: ERA - February 2012, Steer Davies Gleave Impact assessment of the future role of ERA


ters clarify on the cooperation between the national investigation body and the judicial authorities in case of investigation following an accident and the new provisions on delegated acts taking into account the entry into force of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. Objectives – Specific objective (2) Objectives - Specific objective

Source: ERA - February 2012, Steer Davies Gleave Impact assessment of the future role of ERA


Предложение Директивы по безопасности это шаг вперед в сторону применения «Единого сертификата безопасности» В рамках пакета IV, Комиссия приняла в конце января 2013 года “Предложение по Директиве Европарламента и Совета по железнодорожной безопасности” (в новой редакции), которое фокусируется на устранении административных и технических барьеров путем установления единого подхода к нормам безопасности и совместимости в целях стимулирования экономического роста железнодорожных компаний в Европейском союзе, сокращения административных расходов и ускорения административных процедур и избежания дискриминации. March 2013 | www.railwaypro.com


46 leX

EC guidelines on ITS implementation [ by Pamela Luică ]

• Promote and develop the benefits of using the Intelligent Transport Systems in urban areas along the individual passengers’ mobility chain; • Concern the organisations in charge with the decision-making and the technical development of the ITS at local level and approach four key ITS applications; • A useful instrument in reaching the objectives of transport efficiency policies.


n Europe, each city is confronted with development of the ITS at local level and challenges in the transport sector, the approaches four key ITS applications: trafincreased level of congestion being fic management, multimodal information one of the main factors which trigger not services, urban logistics and intelligent only problems related not only to the poor ticketing solutions with the set goal of life quality, but also costs of around 1.5% stimulating interoperability and seamless of the European GDP per capita, or se- services. veral hundred euros every year. Therefore, ITS solutions are believed to be a very it is essential to adopt policies and meas- important instrument in reaching the obures of U aimed R B atAreducing N ItheTproblems S Ecre-X Pjectives E R ofTthe policy G RonOtheUintegration P ated by inefficient traffic. The economic, transport modes, adopting traffic managesocial and environmental sectors depend ment systems to make traffic efficient and on intelligent solutions, their implementa- efficiently using the transport network in tion being important in reducing costsMobility and order energy consumption. 5.3. Public and Private Actors, andtoEconomic Development negative effectsa on the life offor each citizen. Approach Intelligent toTransport Systems use IT Policy: Proposal a Win-Win ITS In this context, “the Guidelines for ITS and real time communications technolowas published Februarybased gies on thatan reduce congestion, the Thedeployment” following lines propose ainstrategy approach whichpollution, positions 2012, a study developed Group number accidents, the speed public and private actors by onthe theITS one side and, on theofother side, increase the conurbation of Experts, established by EC within the of vehicles and consequently the market users. ITS Action Plan (Action 6.4) and of the share of public transport in urban areas. Plan for Urbanfrom Mobility (Action WeAction are clearly moving implementation by public authorities to partnerships 20) inwith December 2010 sector on a period of 24involvement Efficiency delivering sought the private and the ofin service users, relying on The main task of theofGroup was of information, traffic management andmonths. optimising the benefit(s) each group actors: to develop the specific guidelines for pro- and supply of flexible services moting implementing userelevant of ITS stakeholders in charge of the public  the and public sector andthethe in urban areas (especially along the individual guidelines refer to the multimointerests in termspassenof PT and The roadITS infrastructure) ger mobility chain. In fact, the guidelines dal information segment, traffic manage the private sector with its high technological capacity refer to the organisations responsible with ment, urban logistics and intelligent tick the users, who assess services,eting cansystems. take part in (through social the decision making and the the technical The ITS-based multimodal networks), and pay for the services either through the taxes or directly to a private service provider

Tasks of stakeholders

Private Users

Public space To be shared in time and space

Public Stakeholders • Manage public space • Define and steer urban transport policy

Networks operators

• Cooperation • Partnerships for innovation • Public procurements

Urban Freight

Private sector • Mobility solution providers of stakeholders Source: Guidelines For Its Deployment In UrbanTasks Areas, Traffic Management, Urban ITS Expert Group

2013 In www.railwaypro.com practical terms,| March this strategy has 3 axes:

information services (MIS) help improve the existing infrastructures (as space and time) and develop other services aimed at improving life quality leading to a more intelligent use of personal vehicles and to its combination with other transport modes. Modal shift addresses mainly to daily activities and habits for adopting a lifestyle according to the chosen mode of transport. That is why it is essential to keep passengers informed and multimodal information is most of the time a stimulant for users as it requires the change of perspective (from individual cars to public transport) and guarantees for the reliability of public transport. Multimodal information supplies data on all transport modes (vehicles, parking system, public transport, rail transport, bicycle, car sharing, services etc.) and allows users to choose any combination between transport modes to travel from one point to another. The support granted to modal shift also means increased quality of information on the trip and travel time making choices and decisions on one mode of transport or another more efficient and increasing the reliability of infrastructure. As regards the ticketing system, the initial objective was to organise the collection of public transport tariffs and control by reducing frauds in the public transport network. Another important feature of any other ticketing system is, in fact, the efficient collection of public transport tariffs while reducing the leakage of funds. With the issue of the ITS guidelines, the ticketing system has incorporated an important statistical function which allows operators to better know the use of the transport network by tracking users (while observing confidentiality rights). This point is also important as it permits public transport operators or the authorities to have more statistical data that will contribute to the delivery of real strategic analyses. These analyses will help adapt



Source: Mark Streeting

There is no universal instrument for managing urban traffic and a series of applications has been developed over the strategic developments in Europe past years. Signals for the control of parking lots, pedestrian areas, the provision of public transport, freight transport and access control are some of the typical maBanks Service providing nagement application for cities. IrrespecLoyalty Access tive of the management method (local, Library national), the ITS guidelines play an imTravel portant role in facilitating the adoption Swimming facilities pool Interoperability and delivery of sustainable transport policies in cities. While every urban area will PT PT PT have its own transport policies, currently Region Long distance there is a significant degree of harmonisaCities tion of political objectives in the urban regions across Europe. Parking Parking Therefore, the objective of most urban Strategic developements areas is to reduce congestion, energy con City-services Rent a Bike sumption and emissions, to improve life  Interoperability  Multimodality quality, increase the market share of susCar-sharing  Service providing tainable, non-polluting vehicles, increase the efficiency of the transport system, of Source: VDV-KA-KG Source: Guidelines For Its Deployment In Urban Areas, Traffic Management, Urban ITS Expert Group public transport activity (especially by encouraging modal shift) and by facilitating transport offersApplication to the requirements of possible while previous systems are still the delivery of freight and services. What Source: VDV-Core passengers and manage the network effi- functional. A complete step by step migra- is important is that the ITS guidelines are ciently. Moreover, offers will also tion strategy must beattractive built for an for used Multimodal and/oradapting multifunctional Smart Ticketing cantherefore be very theto support the delivery of services as consider the method of delivering ticketoptimal benefit. intelligently as possible by adopting transfinal user; the organisational aspects of such schemes shouldn’t however be ing sale services, including the payment Smart Ticketing must allow the custom- parent policies. The ITS systems can be underestimated. of to stakeholders will increase and this means method, that haveThe to benumber flexible and an- er to receive travel information, plan their strong optimally used when applied in a strategic coordination management of interfaces is needed. swer to the and passengers’ needs. Therefore, journey and book their travel through framework with clear roles shared between the sales and access control processes are a range of distribution and retail chan- interested parties. Smart reside in a “Secure Element” can a bankcard, to beTicketing consideredneeds as cost to factors, requiring nels with the speed,(this power andbe flexibility Duea to an increasing reliance on the mobile phone or a USB-Key). The additional Roles and Use Cases for multicosts. private R Binvestments A N and high ImayToperational S include E Xnecessary P Eto handle R TmultipleGdistribution R O U P car, urban traffic management is application Smart Secure Element preferred Provider, its tickIssuerasand Distribution costs Ticketing reach more thantheonto the customer’s smart much about managing congestion as it 15% in complex systemsManager eting media. about reducing vehicle pollutants and Registrar, and thekilometric Trustedfare Service that oversees the relationshipiswith as regional The deletes traditionalApplications “Integrating multimodal information promoting sustainable travel modes such thesuch customer andrailways. loads and securely. acquisition of tickets involves several op- with ticketing services can be an extra as walking, cycling and public transport. erators and the adoption of the new auto- stimulus for people using public transport Many of these policy objectives can only ITS Action Plan – Smart Ticketing Guidelines of 34 mated systems makes efficient the entire given the fact that they can buy their tick- Pagebe16effectively delivered through a well dedistribution chain and thus traffic becomes ets rapidly and conveniently. Intelligent fined urban traffic management strategy EX A much - Interoperability at an Organisational Level more accessible and efficient. It is ticketing solutions can offer the possibi- supported by an increasing ITS toolbox. essential to mention that the implementa- lity of connecting different services such tion of ticketing systems dif- as theatreaspects or cinema tickets integrated management erability isintelligent not restricted tois technical of with a traffic ferent and depends on the development public transport tickets booked for a parkInteroperability should be (tariff established onbicycle all and levels ofothers”, cooperation and of the existing ticketing systems ing space, for for many principles, tariff structure etc.). Generally, declared in an interview Pawel StelmaszcЕвропейская ation of co-working organisations and their technical system. The комиссия a ticketing system can be much more ef2,3 zyk, C3 Unit Director – “Intelligent Transопубликовала is helpful, it represents all layers of g picture called ITS-pyramid ficient,-but significant savings will not be - port Systems” DGas MOVE. Multimodality


Introduction of Smart Ticketing Systems

service where interoperability hasmetamodel to be established: ITS service Strategy (Organisational)


Information structures IT services IT infrastructures Source: Guidelines For Its Deployment In Urban Areas, Traffic Management, Urban ITS Expert Group

Figure 1: ITS service metamodel

руководящие принципы внедрения ИСТ

В феврале 2012 года были опубликованы „Guidelines for ITS deployment” («Руководящие принципы развертывания Интеллектуальных Систем Транспорта (ИСТ)»), разработанные группой экспертов в сфере ITS. В основном, руководящие принципы касаются организаций, ответственных за принятие решений и техническое развитие ИСТ на локальном уровне, и они рассматривают четыре ключевых приложения: управление трафиком, мультимодальные информационные услуги, городскую логистику и смарттикетинг, имея целевую направленность на стимулирование взаимодействия и непрерывности услуг. March 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

48 Metropolitan

EU policies focus on reinventing cities [ by Pamela Luică ] Policy Briefing: Metastudy on 2050 Energy Scenarios

• The intelligent urban environment has to apply programmes to reduce energy consumption and emissions FossilCities fuel mix andCommunities efficiency of fossil power plants: fossil aimed fuel emission intensity (indica• The Innovation Partnership for¥Smart and launches projects to establish tor for fuel switch), fossil fuel input intensity (indicator for fossil power plant efficiency) strategic partnerships between European industries and cities for the development and implementation of urban infrastructure systems (energy,Figure transport and IT) 3 provides insights into the CO2-emission reduction levers: Demonstrated are the of each of the factortoregarding reductions year 2050 • EU has published the Strategy shares on clean fuels aimed reduceCO oil2-emission dependency and for to the promote a compared to each scenario’s base year. sustainable transport system Figure 3


uropean transport is 94% dependent on oil, 84.3% of which imported and confronted with the instability of delivery as it originates from troubled regions of the world and the high cost of oil imports (EUR 1 Billion/day in 2011) generates a deficit of the balance of trade of around 2.5% of the GDP. As a result, EU’s transport system has to vary its energy sources.

Shares of CO2-emission reduction levers on gross emission reductions deliv-

Shares of CO2-emission reductiontolevers on grossbase emission ered in 2050 compared each scenario’s year reductions delivered in 2050 compared to each scenario’s base year EU: Low Nuclear EU: Delayed CCS EU: Diversified Supply EU: High RES EU: Energy Efficiency Eurelectric: Power Choices

EU Roadmap High RES


Greenpeace Adv. Rev.

Greenpeace Rev.

EU Roadmap Low Nuclear

EU Roadmap Energy Efficiency

EU Roadmap Delayed CCS


EU Roadmap Diversified Supply


Eurelectric Power Choices

Actual (EU-27)

According to the Transport Strategy for ECF: 80% RES 2050, the EU plans to reduce the oil deECF: 60% RES pendency of transport and proposes a 60% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (by ECF: 40 % RES 2050). Transport energy efficiency and Greenpeace: Adv. Rev. efficientBriefing: transport management Policy Metastudycan onsub2050 Energy Scenarios Greenpeace: Rev. stantially contribute to reducing emissions and oil consumption. Although not an al0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ternative to replacing oil, they can become !"##$%%$"&'( )* Residential Tertiary Industry Other consumption a platform between alternative which 2.1. Electricity mix at a fuels glance Wind use Solar use Biomass use Geothermal use EU believes to be the ultimate solution to Other RES use Nuclear CCS Hydrogen Conversion efficiency Fuel switch For reference,the thecarbon actual 2008 electricity generation mix is also shown. Import eliminating footprint of transport. Figure 1 visualises the shares net electricity generation by source in various in decomposition Source: Own figure,scenarios results from Across the EU, the currentinshare of re- renewable energy sources submitted at the of the secondanalysis. generation of bio fuels and 2050, information that is usually explicitly documented in decarbonisation studies. Each newable energy in transport is of 4.7%, of end 2010, member states plan to achieve electric energy from renewable sources Key of messages from the decomposition analysis1% summarised in Figure 3 are the following: bar corresponds the electricity mix2010). in a giventhe scenario, composed the to various energy used in railway transport. which bio fuelstostood at 4.4% (in 10% objective andofwant use around carriers. For to reference, the actual electricity generation mix generation is also shown. According the national action2008 plans on ¥8.5% of the first of bio fuels, 1% Given the fact that three quarters of the Similarities: European live in areasreducand Renewable energy sources are a key reduction lever citizens in delivering COurban 2-emission Shares in Shares net electricity generation by source (including imports) Figure 1 in net electricity generation by source (including imports) in in various various of the energy, it is tions across all scenarios. Fossil fuel switchconsume (emission70% factor) andelectric conversion efficiency scenarios in the 2050EU-27 for the(plus EU-27Norway (plus Norway & Switzerland ECF scenarios) scenarios in 2050 for & Switzerland forfor ECF scenarios) obviously essential for cities to shift topower plant efficiency) contribute to CO 2-emission reductions, albeit to varying deand actual shares and in 2008 actual shares(fossil in 2008 wards a sustainable economy. Based on grees. The same holds for most of the demand sectors (except the transport sector): They this remark, in 2012 EC launched the In100% contribute to CO2-emission reductions, but only to a minor degree. novation Partnership for Smart Cities and 90% Communities (SCC) aimed to encour80% ¥ Differences: agethethescenarios development of intelligent CCS technology plays a varying role across in contributing to CO2techemis70% nologies by bringing together the energy, emission reductions in two scenarios. sion reductions. Net imports help to achieve CO 2 60% transport and IT research resources. These 50% smart technologies will be applied in se40% veral pilot projects and then implemented in partnership with the cities, their financ30% ing amounting to EUR 365 Million for 20% ! Q!2013. Initially, the project received EUR 81 10% Million in 2012 only for the transport and 0% ! energy sectors, and as of 2013, the allocated budget increased to cover all the three domains on condition it would implement different schemes that combine all three segments. 2008 2050 The initiative was launched to support Solar Wind Biomass Geothermal cities and communities to meet their comHydro Natural gas with CCS Solids with CCS Net imports mitments in the energy and transport Natural gas w/o CCS Solids w/o CCS Nuclear Other fuels sectors as regards air quality and the fight Source: Policy Briefing: Metastudy on 2050 Energy Scenarios, SEFEP working paper 2012-5


Own figure based on scenario data in European Climate Foundation, 2010; European www.railwaypro.com | March 2013 Commission, 2011; Greenpeace International & EREC, 2010; eurelectric, 2009 and Eurostat for historical data.

PART Overview 1 Overview 24 1 PART


PART 1 PART Overview 1 Overview 25

1.3.1. 2020 1.3.1. Targets 2020inTargets Renewable in Renewable Energy Energy

2020 2020 Targets Targets in Renewable in Renewable Energy Energy

Share ofShare Renewables of Renewables in GrossinFinal Gross Energy Final Consumption Energy Consumption (%) (%)

Share ofShare Renewable of Renewable Energy in Energy the Transport in the Transport Sector inSector 2010 in (%) 2010 (%)


0 10

10 20

20 30

30 40

40 50

50 60











































































RES in 2010 RES in 2010 2011/2012 RESTarget Interim Target 2011/2012 RES Interim 2020 RES2020 Target RES Target

Production of Biofuels

2 18 25 24 39 53 63 58 59 70 159 239 266 469 739 1 007 1 436 1 788 2 021

of Biodiesel in Gas/Diesel Oil

4 12 65 145 207 245 207 238 396 459 491 571 1 763 2 468 4 335 5 906 7 120 7 945 8 142

0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.1% 0.2% 0.1% 0.2% 0.2% 0.3% 0.4% 0.5% 0.7% 1.0% 1.8% 2.2% 3.1% 4.0% 4.4%


of Biogasoline in Motor Gasoline

Share of biofuels in transport

Share in Transport Fuels



Production Biofuels








Clean fuel strategy seeks to change transport structure

Next to this strategy focused on reducing energy consumption and emissions, on SL SL encouraging electric transport and varying UK UK energy resources, on 24 January 2013, EC NL NL launched an ambitious package of meaRO RO sures aimed to develop alternative fuel staLV LV tions all over Europe with common design LT LT and operation standards. So far, policy FI FI initiatives have mainly concerned the fuels BE* BE* and the vehicles, without considering the CZ CZ distribution of fuels and stimulation meaEU EU ES ES sures have not been coordinated and thus HU HU proved to be inefficient. IT IT Clean fuels face three main challenges AT AT referring to the high cost of vehicles, a rePT PT duced level of acceptance from users and DE DE the lack of refuelling and supply stations. It PL PL is a vicious circle: refuelling stations are not FR FR built because there are not enough vehicles SE SE and they are not sold at competitive prices SK SK because there is no sufficient demand. Users don’t buy vehicles because their price is high and because there are not enough stations. Consequently, the Commission projects connected to other national and proposes the set-up of a package of manurban programmes. Projects will approach datory objectives for member states as reproblems at the junction between trans- gards the infrastructure dedicated to clean port, energy and IT and could generate fuels, such as electric energy, hydrogen and strategic innovation partnerships between natural gas, as well as the joint EU standcompanies active in the three sectors. ards for necessary equipments. “Developing innovative alternative fuels They should also create strong partnerships between local leaders and municipal is an obvious method of increasing the efauthorities to obtain vital support and the ficiency of using resources in Europe, of necessary visibility to persuade citizens reducing the excessive oil dependency and PARTto 2 Energy theof EU promoting 97 a transport sector capable to and interested parties to contribute re-2.8.inTransport 2.8.2. Production of Biofuels ducing greenhouse gas emissions, energy answer to the requirements of the 21st cenconsumption and to improve the urban tury”, believes European Commissioner for Transport Siim Kallas. environment. In the Production urban transport of Biofuelssegment, energy and fuelling infrastructure and the operaEU-27 – Production (ktoe) tion of vehicle fleets powered by alternative 15 000 6,896 mm ou 3,404 mm energy carriers for public transport, freight -1,167 mm ou -3,275 mm distribution, 81 mm ou 84,5 12 500 alternative transport options 35,386 mm ou 43 ou 150,7 mm and private transport using ICT-based Политика ЕС solutions10 000for urban traffic and transport сосредоточивается на 7 500 management supporting the reduction of создании нового образа energy consumption and emissions. They 5 000 городов also include electric public transport ve2 500 hicles (for example trolley buses, trams, Европейский транспорт на 94% metro vehicles) that are able to exchange 0 зависит от нефти, из которых 84,3% surplus energy (braking 1990 1992 1994 1996and 1998 accelerating 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 импортируется, и учитывая ненадежность energy) with the energy system Biogasoline – using Production Biofuels Biodiesel поставок, так как нефть поступает из ICT to manage energy flows. нестабильных регионов мира, а также Matching supply(%)from distributed EU-27energy – Share in Transport дороговизну импортной нефти (1 renewable 6electricity generation in buildmm ou 3,404 mm млрд евро6,896 / день - в 2011 году), все ings with forecast energy demand from -1,167 mm ou -3,275 mm это обусловливает наличие дефицита 81 mm ou 84,5 5 buildings and transport, using smart elec35,386 mm ou 43 ou 150,7 mm торгового баланса на уровне 2,5% ВВП. tric vehicle4 charging systems and smart В этом контексте становится ясно, что electricity grid networks, controlled by 3 транспортная система ЕС нуждается в ICT are also envisaged, as well as using hyдиверсификации источников энергии. drogen as an energy carrier for storing en2 * Belgium *2010 Belgium Data:2010 Estimated Data: by Estimated Eurostatby Eurostat Source: Eurostat Source:June Eurostat 2012June and Directive 2012 and2009/28/EC Directive 2009/28/EC for Targetsfor Targets

EU-27 – by Fuel

6 7 18 45 127 211 306 391 372 426 697 866 1 169 1 569 2 814 4 587 8 036 9 735 10 930 11 826 12 940



0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.1% 0.2% 0.2% 0.5% 0.8% 1.1% 1.8% 2.3% 2.9%

Source: EU energy in figures, Statistical pocketbook, 2012

ergy and balancing demand at city level for energy and stationary power – controlled by ICT using forecasts for demand patterns 10 based on weather forecasts, event planning, vehicle route patterns, etc.

2020 Target for all MS: 10%


against climate change. Phase I refers to the orientation of the work program for 2013 on EU’s Framework Programme 7 on research (FP7) to reflect the integrated character of transport, energy and IT in the cities. These projects need to be completed with demand-related measures such as the development of new business models, encouraging acquisitions with innovating solutions and raising new standards on the PART 2 Energy in the 96improvement ofEUthe regulation framework. 2.8. Transport 2.8.2. Production of Biofuels in conformity with the Financing sources opportunities of the Multiannual Financial Framework, including Horizon 2020, will be used.ofThis phase will focus on larger Production Biofuels

Share of Total 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


2020 Target for all MS: 10%

2020 Target for the EU: 20%

2020 Target for the EU: 20%

* Belgium *2010 Belgium Data: 2010 Estimated Data: by Estimated Eurostat by Eurostat Source: EU energy in figures, Statistical pocketbook, Source: Eurostat Source:June Eurostat 2012June and Directive 2012 and2009/28/EC Directive 2009/28/EC for Targetsfor Targets


Metropolitan 49

1.3.1. 2020 1.3.1. Targets 2020inTargets Renewable in Renewable Energy Energy

2020 2020 Targets Targets in Renewable in Renewable Energy Energy



1.3. EU Energy 1.3. EU / Climate EnergyTargets / Climate by Targets 2020 by 2020

1.3. EU Energy 1.3. EU / Climate EnergyTargets / Climate by Targets 2020 by 2020

0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.1% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% 0.5% 0.7% 1.2% 2.1% 3.4% 4.5% 4.9%


March 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

0 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010

50 Market development

Poland: Pomerania Region morskie Voivodeship Regional Operational reshapes the railway system for gramme, 2007–2013 (ROP P 2007–2013) passenger transport

of the instruments for the implementation of national and regional development policy. ogramme was ultimately approved by the European Commission on 4th September 2007.

[ by Pamela Luică ]

Pomorskie Region (or Pomerania) is one of the 16 districts of Poland, being located in the northern part

tal of 1 244 on 758the 080coast eur will be dedicated 1. Development andGdansk innovation smallthree and medium of the Baltic Sea.toItthe includes the district of andinother regions, and due to this mentation ofadministrative ROP P 2007–2013. This amount com- it enterprises change (since 1999), represents 5.9% of the Polish territory. Pomorskie holds 60% (316 of 885 065 762 from the European 2. Knowledge society km)eur of the Poland’s accessRegional to the sea, and the district’s capital is Gdansk. pment Fund (ERDF), 262 712 114 eur of the public 3. Urban and metropolitan functions of the national contribution and 96 980 204 eur of 4. Regional transport system vate contribution. 5. Environment and environmentally friendly power P WP 2007–2013 he means the facilitation of transport industry Programme (2007-2013) is ness for investments and the creation of population represents approxi- Operational mately 5.8% (over 2undertakings million) of theas one6.ofTourism the instruments contributing to the some communication links, the authoris in the cities and comprehensive and cultural heritage total inhabitantsareas of Poland, out of implementation of regional projects of thesystem ties aim at projects whose purpose is the the revitalisation of deprived and moderni7. Health protection and emergency which a significant part (1.5 million) lives district of Pomorskie. The value of funds optimisation of the transport system. For of public space. This is also an improved spatial co8. Local basic infrastructure in urban areas. One of the region’s advan- reaches EUR 1.25 Billion, out of which EUR this purpose, “the region’s transport sysof the Voivodeship thanks the development Local social infrastructure andDecivil initiatives tages is the fact that ittoprovides access to theof 8859.Million come from the Regional tem must be supported so that the railway nd rail networks. This is having investments in the areaonof velopment Fund, EUR 262.7 Million from and road networks should be extended and sea, the location a positive impact the transport system development; there public funds and EUR 97 Million from the modernised. The projects will contribute to nmental protection, tourist infrastructure and health big ports, but also smallisones, of private sector contribution, this financingEU funds creating a real spatial cohesion at regional Technical assistance Priority (ERDF) nhancingare competences of residents donesome through them meant for passenger transport, and at being granted for the execution of projects level, providing much more connections Regional Programme ting the didactic as well as scientific and educational the European level, Pomorskie is crossed by in the period 2007-2013. These amounts between the cities’ transport systems, the Pomorskie Voivodeship 762,00 ructure development higher education institu- arefor Pan-Europeaninroutes. As regards the railway meant for programmes whose purpose885 065 national and the European ones. This will Development and and innovation in mproved infrastructure, access to knowledge andnetwork information the local adds will to is 1.the modernisation the facilitation ensure a better infrastructure use, determinfour arteries, with international conim- of the transport systementerprises in the cities, the 185ing region’s economic growthâ€?, shows small and medium 863the 810,00 ke place via therailway creation of better infrastructural portance: fromofTri-city to the German bor- revival of public society areas and are also granted 61the strategy of Pomorskie. 2. Knowledge 954ROP 603,00 for the popularisation information and commuder (through Szczecin), through the city of for the cohesion optimisation, through the Therefore, 3. Urban and metropolita functions 106 207 892,00 the authorities are aware of the n technologies, as well as development of electronic Gdansk to the Czech and Slovakian border development of the railway network. positive effects on the environment though 4. Regional transport system 565implementation 125,00 s for the population and business, especially the Because (through Warsaw and Cracow), a linein conof the traffic diminution, the re- 203the of projects related to 5. Environment and environmentally utside main metropolitan centres. necting Gdansk to the South-West border gion’s railway network has considerably the extension of the regional railway netĹ ĂłdĹş,2007–2013 and Katowice) andpower the total length of used lines 61work and the development of transport friendly industry 954 604,00 strategic(through objectiveBydgoszcz, of ROP WP is the reduced, andthe railway routes also going from Gdansk 1,308and km,culural out of which 72% is rep- 44hubs for the integration of all transport 6. Tourism heritage 253 288,00 vement of economic competitiveness, social reaches to Kaliningrad (through or Belabyprotection simple linesand and 35% electrified modes. 7. Heath on and spatial accessibility of the Olsztyn) Voivodeship, sus- resented rus (through BiaĹ‚ystok). lines. According to the Pomorskie Regional The support awarded to the regional railemergency system 402 infrastructure 630,00 y using specific features of region’s economic and Poland’s adhesion to the EU ensures the Operational Programme (ROP), the net- 35way includes the execution Ć -PDBM #BTJD JOGSBTUSVDUVSF ĂżÄ€Ä Ä‡ĂžÄ‡ ĀÞą ÞÞ l potential with a full respect to natural resources. region’s access to the European funds which work density is 7.2 km/100 square km, of projects for the improvement of regional ć -PDBM TPDJBM JOGSBTUSVDUVSF hin ROP are WPespecially 2007–2013used the beneficiaries may apfor the execution of compared to the EU average of approxi- railway connections, which are not necesprojects determining the increase of the re5 km/100 square km, 684 km of line 35sarily a part of the European or national and civil initiatives 402 630,00 co-financing projects implemented under fol- mately gion’s accessibility and the improvement of having a national importance. 10. Technical assistance 26networks, 551 973,00but have a major role in ensurpriorities: the transport infrastructure. The Regional In order to improve the cities’ attractive- ing the passenger transport. As a result, the areas where the accessibility is deficient will become integrated areas through the EU funds allocation for the implementation of Pomorskie Voivodeship Regional modernisation of the access to developed Operational Programme 2007-2013 shown in division into Priority Axes (in EUR) centres and intensely populated areas. The projects aim at reintroducing and modern309 773 016 35 402 631 41 650 153 ising the railway infrastructure which will 145 775 538 efficiently contribute to reintroducing and 47 203 507 providing passenger transport services. Funds will be awarded for the construction, 59 004 384 extension and reconstruction of regional 82 606 137 railway routes, designed to eliminate the congestion or to optimise connections to passenger transport hubs. 82 606 139 Besides the railway projects, the authori151 725 560 ties also focus on the development and integration of public transport systems which 271 420 167 PA 1 : Development and innovation in small and medium enterprises PA 2 : Knowledge society include the modernisation of the existing ones and the construction of new transport PA 3: Urban and metropolitan functions PA 4: Regional transport system hubs, the purchase and the modernisation PA 5 : Environment and environmentally friendly power industry PA 6 : Tourism and cultural heritage of urban and metropolitan transport sysPA 7: Health protection and emergency system PA 8 : Local basic infrastructure tems (especially the railway transport sysPA 9 : Local social infrastructure and civil initiatives PA 10 : Technical assistance tem). Source: REPORT on the implementation of Pomorskie Voivodeship Regional Operational Programme 2007–2013


Śródło: Regionalny Program Operacyjny dla Województwa Pomorskiego na lata 2007-2013

www.railwaypro.com | March 2013


Market development 51 Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway creates efficient connections The most important transport project in the area is Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway (PKM), which will be implemented in the years to come. The modern and fast trains to be put in service will solve the problem of the resident’s mobility in the city of Tri-City (an urban area consisting of the cities of Gdansk, Gdynia and Sopot) and the entire region. Therefore, the access to the metropolitan region will be much easier for citizens, and for tourists it will be much easier to go to Kaszuby province (touristic region which has a tourism development potential). An additional benefit following the investment is the considerable reduction of the travel time from the centre to the airport and from the central railway station Gdansk to the Airport (estimated at 25 min). This will determine the avoidance of transport means which will generate the reduction of the travAreas eligible and preferred for support in the area of public transport projects

Pomorskie - comparison of support received under the Cohesion Fund, the SOPs

Source: REPORT on the implementation of Pomorskie Voivodeship Regional Operational Programme 2007–2013

el time. The project will imply the change of the transport system from Gdansk and will launch the conditions for the promotion and development of the city of Gdansk. According to the project executed by BPBK S.A., the Metropolitan railway line will be built on the line section Gdansk – Wrzeszcz to be connected to the corridor Kościerskiline 201. The study implies the observance and the complementarity of the Kościerski corridor, and as a result of the first phase of the project (rehabilitation of the Kokoszki railway line), the railway line will connect the districts Gdansk: rzeszcz, Strzyża, Piecki – Migowo, Niedźwiednik, Kiełpinek district, Matarnia, Osowa to Rębiechowo, Banino and Gdynia. The railway link between PKM and the Gdynia – Kościerzyna line will allow the modernisation of the transport system between Tri-City and the localities in the region. The project is implemented in two phases: the first one includes the line section Gdańsk Wrzeszcz – Kokoszki (or Kokoszki), the second one aims at the construction of

a section which is connected to the line No. 201, and the main railway stations are Abrahama, Rakoczego and the Airport. As regards the stations, they will be designed in a similar manner, in order to offer to the urban area an integrated space but also to determine the passengers to find their way easier, to reduce the travel time. The length of the first railway section reaches 20 km the first phase of the project being completed in 2014. According to the company BPBK S.A., the project is financed through European funds.

Поморское Воеводство восстанавливает свою железнодорожную систему пассажирских перевозок Поморское Воеводство (или Померания) является одним из 16-и дистриктов Польши, и расположено на севере страны, на побережье Балтийского моря. Что касается железнодорожной инфраструктуры, локальная сеть дополняет четыре железнодорожные трассы, обеспечивающие железнодорожное сообщение с Германией, Чехией, Словакией, Калининградом. Осознание значимости развития железнодорожного транспорта побудило органы государственной власти реализовать важнейший транспортный проект в регионе: Поморскую метрополитенную железную дорогу (Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway).




18-19 APRIL 2013


March 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

52 Market development

Kuwait to start metro network works in 2013 [ by Elena Ilie ]

Kuwait is about to enter a new era as regards public transport system. The Arab state plans to develop its own metro and rail transport network as part of the efforts of the member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council to improve public transport and connectivity between member states.


nother major project for Kuwait consists in the construction of the underground network along 171 km and 60 stations on the four main lines that will cross Kuwait City. The project could be carried out simultaneously with the metro networks in Abu Dhabi (UAE) and Doha (Qatar). The study for the development of the first phase of the metro network is almost completed and expects the approval of the High Commission for Government Projects before organising the tender. Works on this project will begin in 2013, the Government of Kuwait announced in October 2012. The finalization of the underground network is due in 2016. One of Kuwait’s key infrastructure development initiatives is the implementation of an advanced public transportation system. As such, the Ministry of Communi-

cation wishes to develop a railway system which will link Kuwait city to Kuwait airport, seaports, and other GCC countries. The project will enhance Kuwait’s regional integration, boost trade volume, and create new job opportunities. The Kuwait National Rail Road System (the country doesn’t have a railway network yet) will be an integrated rail network with 511 kilometres double track total length. The Rail Road system will serve freight and passengers and will have a 120 km/h regional lines speed and a 200 km/h high speed. The project will be implemented as a build, operate, and transfer (BOT) agreement. The project is currently in the feasibility study phase. The Government of Kuwait said it was planning to launch a special company for executing railway ventures, as part of the planned USD15 Billion GCC joint railway network, projected to be inaugurated by

2017, a senior Kuwaiti official announced for arabtimesonline.com. “All member states of the GCC are planning to upgrade and expand their internal transport networks, including construction of railway lines, said Salem Al-Uthayna, the Minister of Electricity, Water, Acting Minister of Information and Communication, who also disclosed that Kuwait would establish, soon, a special company for executing projects in this transport sector. The future railway network in Kuwait will be connected to another 2,000km network (currently a project proposal) which will connect the network of the Persian Gulf to Iran and Iraq. Kuwait’s railway network will be implemented via a joint-stock company, where 50% of the shares will be offered for sale to Kuwait citizens, 40% of the share will be owned by the Government and the rest of 10% by the Syndicate for Surface Transport in Kuwait.

В этом году Кувейт может приступить к работам по строительству метро

Source: www.mappery.com

www.railwaypro.com | March 2013

Кувейтское метрополитенное управление скоростным транспортом (Kuwait Metropolitan Rapid Transit) еще в 2010 году объявило о планах развития сети метро продолжительностью 117 километров. Проект носит название Кувейтское метро. Таким образом, по официальным данным, сеть метрополитена будет построена в центре Кувейта и будет иметь четыре ветки. Из 117 километров 60 будет построено под землей. Кувейтское правительство объявило о вероятности принятия до конца этого года предложений по первому этапу реализации проекта метро.

Market development 53

Doha speeds up the development of the metro project [ by Elena Ilie ]

As of 2016, the estimated date for completion, the metro in Doha, capital city of Qatar, will be one of the most advanced rail public transport systems in the word. At the end of 2012, Qatar Rail signed contracts worth USD 406 Million for this project whose total costs had been estimated at USD 36 Billion. Work initiation for the underground transport network in Doha is part of the preparations of the Persian Gulf state for the organisation of the World Football Championship in 2022.


ontracts for the first three lines to be built in the first phase of Doha Metro construction works will be awarded starting with the next month, declared for constructionweekonline. com, Saad Al Muhannadi, CEO of Qatar Rail. The contract for the Red Line will be awarded in March and the contracts for the Yellow and Green lines will be awarded by the end of the second quarter. 18 consortia have been shortlisted in the tender for these contracts. The first phase of the underground will be commissioned in 2019 and will represent 60% of the final network, with 151 km of line and 48 stations. The second phase will consist in the construction of 100 km of line and 44 stations and will be completed by 2026. One of the richest Muslim countries, Qatar plans, in the second half of 2013, to launch tenders on the manufacturing and DOHA city map

delivery of rolling stock and for the installation of the traffic control systems for the very expensive project of Doha Metro. Qatar estimates that the signing of contracts on the acquisition of rolling stock will take place in 2014. Qatar also announced that in 20162019 the country will finalize four railway projects including Doha Metro, as well as Lusail and West Bay light rail transport networks and sections of the national railway network. The construction of this public rail transport system in Doha is part of the strategy of Qatar Government on modernisation and diversification based on public and private investments. The costs necessary to the implementation of this strategy amount to EUR 130 Billion. The tender for a lot of five underground stations is under evaluation and it is expected to be launched in the second half of 2013, while the tender for the suspended DOHA metro map

section of Doha Metro is in the final shortlisting phase and should be launched by the end of 2013. Concerning the railway network that will link the member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council, Saad Al Muhannadi, CEO of Qatar Rail, said the offer had already been launched for the detailed design of the entire network whose construction would be divided in three phases. Al Muhannadi also added that until the moment Qatar Rail had received orders from 26 different bidders for this project and said tender procedures would be completed in March. The member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council plan to invest over USD 79 Billion in railway projects, including metro, tram and rail stations by 2020, shows a study elaborated by Kuwait Financial Centre investment bank. Qatar could invest USD 28.7 Billion, Saudi Arabia USD 20.2 Billion, the United Arab Emirates USD 11.8 Billion, Kuwait USD 6 Billion and Oman USD 2.5 Billion.

Доха торопится осуществить проект метро

Source: qatarembassy.net

Source: qatarliving.com

Договоры на строительство первых трех веток на первом этапе реализации проекта метро в городе Доха будут заключены начиная с марта месяца. Об этом заявил Генеральный директор компании “Qatar Rail”, Саад Аль Муханнади. Договор строительства Красной ветки будет заключен в первом квартале этого года, а на строительство Желтой и Зеленой ветки - до конца второго квартала. На первом этапе метро будет сдан в эксплуатацию в 2019 году, и будет представлять собой 60% от всей сети, насчитывая 151 км линии и 48 станций. March 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

54 Market development

South Africa eyes rail high-speed [ by Elena Ilie ]

The development of a high-speed railway between Johannesburg and Durban could relieve a freight volume of 1.9 and 3.6 million tonnes every year, shows a pre-feasibility study aimed at evaluating the opportunity and costs of building a high-speed railway transport system in South Africa. The project shows that such a railway system on the route Johannesburg and Durban Port, a main corridor of South Africa is feasible. The Republic with the capital in Johannesburg has the strongest economy among the countries in the African continent and ranks three among the BRIC countries. Moreover, in the past years, the South-African economy has significantly developed which has gained it the statute of emerging economy.



Comparison with Other Alternatives

he railway infrastructure was called

tion Technology, the company which elabo- tion of the transport safety. rated the preliminary study for high-speed In January, during a South-African-JapaTransport in South in Africa. transport in South said the estimated The high-speed railway (DOT) systems operating the world today include theAfrica, distributed traction system nese conference, Lanfranc Situma, the DeThe Department has proposed the devel- cost of the project amounted to ZAR 160 puty General Manager of the Department for (multiple-unit system) the Japanese and 13.5 the concentrated opment of three represented high-speed by transport cor- Shinkansen Billion (EUR Billion) basedtraction on thesystem Jap- Transport, said that his department would ridors as of the Master for National anese model Shinkansen. represented by part the French TGV. InPlan comparing the two systems, the distributed traction system has many analyse the preliminary study proposed by Transport for 2050. Priority projects include A series of aspects has been considered in the Japanese side and would present it to the benefits. Its light axle load makes it possible to keep the infrastructure cost low. It has high performance the railway corridor Johannesburg – Durban the elaboration of the preliminary study such South-Africa Government one the advanin acceleration and deceleration and israilway capabletransof negotiating the continuous steep slopes exist on the tages that this project could have for Southfor both passenger and freight as high-speed line for freight andthat passengers, the construction of adistributed high-speed transport route port. of this project. Therefore, it is assumed that the Shinkansen system using traction system Africa were exposed. Figure 4 Outcomes of Financial Analysis The development of a high-speed railway system capable to adapt to the climate condiOutcomes of Financial Analysis will be used for this project. system between the two cities could result in tions in South Africa and the travel times on NPV a shift of 1.9 to 3.6 million tonnes of freight the route Johannesburg – Durban. Another 䠄Billion rand䠅 Discount rate (%) 15% 12% 10% 8% from roads to railways every year. Also, for series of important factors has also been 40 2) Route Plan passengers, the high-speed transport system considered important such as the social and 30 would reduce travel times by three hours development, the increase A comparison study was conducted on theforthreeeconomic high-speed railway route options of forthethe 20 a journey of 300 km/h. social statute and of economic activities for 10 Johannesburg–Durban section: A running along the the South-African rail freight line people via Richards Bay, Route B Yoshimasa Sakon, seniorRoute manager of Japan under-privileged 0 International Consultants Transporta-and Route in theCApartheid era, highway but also the intensificarunning along the conventional linefor via Newcastle, running along N3 (Figure 2). -10 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 1) Comparison of High-speed Systems of priority areas forRailway the Department

Rate of Grant Aid


Map of Three Route Options for the Figure 2 Map of Three Route Options for the Johannesburg–Durban High-speed Railway Johannesburg–Durban High-speed Railway

-30 -40

Source: http://www.jetro.go.jp

Note: High estimate Source: Study Team

Южноафриканская республика рассматривает 1) Analysis of the Current Environmental and Social Conditions a㸬Analysis использование of Current Status The project areas and their surrounding environment have the following general characteristics: высокоскоростного ࣭Geological condition: The ground is generally solid and stable, including the project areas. железнодорожного ࣭Water resources: The project areas have relatively abundant water resources. ࣭Air quality: The emissions of transport-related PM10 and NOx have become serious problems. транспорта 4. Review of Environmental and Social Aspects

࣭Nature reserves: The three route options for this project have the possibility of passing through three

Развитие высокоскоростной железной дороги между Йоханнесбургом и Дурбаном может разгрузить автомобильные дороги, Impacts of the existing transport conditions on the environment and society are air pollution, emissions принимая на себя грузы от 1,9 и 3,6 млн. of greenhouse gases, and frequent occurrence of road traffic accidents. тонн ежегодно. Об этом указывается в предварительном технико-экономическом b㸬Future Forecast (if the project is not implemented) обосновании, в котором проведен анализ From an environmental point of view, if this project is not implemented, air pollution is expected to further deteriorate. From a social point of view,на if this project is not implemented, the tremendous возможностей и затрат строительство increase in road traffic volume is expected to cause even more traffic accidents. высокоскоростной железнодорожной системы в Южноафриканской республике. 2) Environmental and Social Benefits from the Implementation of the Project Проект является эффективным на такой a㸬Benefits to the Environment железнодорожной системе по направлению Assuming Route B or Route C is selected for this project, the annual reduction in the emissions of Йоханнесбург - порт Дурбан. Это основной NOX from the entire highway N3 in 2025, the year when the completed high-speed railway line is транспортный коридор Южноафриканской республики. Ramsar sites. In-depth study shall be carried out in the next phase.

Source: http://www.jetro.go.jp

Source: Study Team

www.railwaypro.com | March 2013

Table 2 shows the comparison results of the three routes. In the comparison of travel time between


Policies & Strategies


New Azerbaijan – Turkey rail line [ by Elena Ilie ]

The planning of a new railway line, linking Nakhchivan AR (independent republic, exclave of Azerbaijan) and the city of Kars, is currently carried out. The implementation of this project could be initiated after the finalization of works to Baku – Tbilisi – Kars line in 2014.


he construction of this new railway line from the frontier between Azerbaijan and Turkey to the city of Kars (Turkey) could be launched after the finalization of works to Baku – Tbilisi – Kars (BTK) line, announced for the local media Nadir Azmammadov, Head of Communication for Azerbaijan Railways. According to the Deputy Director of Azerbaijan Railways, Gurban Nazirov, the total cost of the new project linking the two countries could amount to USD 1 Billion. Currently, there is no railway line in the region and current plans talk about the construction of a 240km section. Planning for the new route between the two countries is already under development and funds necessary for the development of the railway infrastructure in Turkey are expected to be ensured by the extension of the credit line granted by Azerbaijan Oil Fund. Having a special importance for interna-

tional passenger and freight transport and for the economies of the three countries involved, Baku – Tbilisi – Kars project is underway despite various delays caused by conflicts and environmental difficulties. The line is estimated to be commissioned in 2014. It is also expected to carry 3 million passengers and up to 17 million tonnes of freight in the first year of operation, while generating revenues of USD 50 Million per year. Moreover, Baku – Tbilisi – Kars will consolidate the relationship between Turkey, Azerbaijan and Georgia and will form part of the direct railway route between Europe and Asia, a route which facilitates the implementation of the Iron Silk Road. Also, Azerbaijan wants to make sure works on the line section in Georgia, part of BTK, will be finalized. The representatives of Azerbaijan Ministry of Transport will discuss with Georgian authorities on the acceleration of works on Marabda-Kartsakhi line section, part of Baku-Tbilisi-Kars corridor.

“The first train should run on the railways by the end of 2013 and the completion of construction works in Georgia is to be discussed”, declared Ziya Mammadov, Azerbaijan’s Minister of Transport. Azerbaijan has allocated a loan worth USD 775 Million for this project carried out in Georgia. The development of the whole corridor consists in the construction of a 105km line and in the reconstruction of AkhalkalakiTbilisi-Marabda line (Georgia). Aside from the development of the national and cross-border rail connections, Azerbaijan also considers the development of high-speed transport. Therefore, according to the preliminary project of the Regional Development Plan for Baku Metropolitan Area, Absheron Peninsula could have a high-speed railway by 2030, writes investing.businessweek.com quoting Trend agency. The railway line could be 90km long. Also, according to the same Regional Development Programme, still in its project phase, the line will start from Balacari station to Rasulzade and 8 km crossing Sabunchu, Surakhani, Bina, Mardakan, Mashtaga, Zabrat, Novkhani and Pirshagi. The Regional Development Programme will include the districts of the city of Baku, as well as Sumgait and Absheron, including Khirdalan on a total surface of over 280.000 hectares.

Новое соединение: Турция – Азербайджан

Source: http://s56.radikal.ru

Строительство новой железнодорожной линии от границы Азербайджана с Турцией и до города Карс (Турция) может стартовать после завершения работ на линии Баку - Тбилиси - Карс. В настоящее время проводится планирование новых железнодорожных линий, которые будут соединять Нахчыванскую Автономную Республику (это автономная республика, отделенная от территории Азербайджана) и город Карс. March 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

56 Mobility

Searching for intermodality solutions [ by Elena Ilie ]

While intermodality in freight transport is being promoted with a number of concrete initiatives on a European level (for example, Marco Polo programme, freight transport integrators), passenger intermodality has not yet received the same attention.


he current situation of intermodal passenger transport shows that there is still a long way to go, both politically and from the point of view of transport operators. Intermodality, which describes both a policy objective and a quality of the transport system, has evolved into a major focus for the European and also national transport policies, especially within the last ten years. With all efforts made until present, intermodal passenger transport still raises problems, as it often results in a loss of comfort and/or time or involves a higher cost, both for the operator and the passenger. High costs is also one of the features of individual car transport, but one of the reasons

for an increasing market share of the private car across most of Europe is its ability to provide (nearly) door-to-door transport, despite the problems generated by congestion in many urban regions. The effort to improve intermodality involves many issues. Planning and location of suitable infrastructure networks and their interconnection is only a first step. Interchanges must be developed for a smooth transfer of modes. A high quality of integrated services is needed to assist the traveller in his or her journey ranging from doorto-door information to integrated fares, ticketing and payment systems to baggage handling for the full trip chain. Several experts in the field believe that

special attention should be given to identifying the method to overcome the gaps identified for services and infrastructure. Certain items are either almost without implementation across Europe or restricted to specific developed Western Europe countries where intermodality doesn’t raise too many problems anymore, but represents an advantage of the public transport system as a whole. Urban dimension will grow in importance being estimated that the percentage of the European citizens living in urban areas will increase from 74% at the time being to around 85% in 2050. Designing sustainable cities is one of the greatest challenges that the political decision makers are confronted

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with. Fortunately, the urban environment offers several alternatives as regards mobility. Shifting to less polluting energy strategies is facilitated by reduced requirements for the types of vehicles. Public transport choices are more widely available, as well as the option of walking and cycling. Demand management and land-use planning can lower traffic volumes. Over the next decades, as a consequence of reduced urban space and increasing energy and infrastructure access costs, journeys should no longer rely on multifunctional automotive vehicles which, usually, don’t carry the maximum number of passengers, the White Paper on Transport estimates.

В поисках решений интермодальности В то время, как интермодальность перевозки товаров продвигается с помощью ряда конкретных инициатив европейского уровня (например, речь идет о программе Марко Поло для интеграторов перевозок товаров), интермодальности пассажирского транспорта не уделяется такое же внимание.

Source: http://upload.wikimedia.org

Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, Director General – UIC Speech from the previous edition of Railway Days

The International Union of Railways participates to the development of railway transport and of freight-dedicated international corridors. Railway transport connects countries, but also continents and cohesion is given by the number of railway projects, such as infrastructure modernization, building new lines, modernization of railway equipments, new rolling stock or research in the field. Recent studies of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) have shown that the necessary investments in transport by 2030 amount to USD 11.3 Billion, 44% of which would be directed to railway transport (USD 5 Trillion). European freight corridors, the new transport network in Brazil, the Russian projects, and the network in Central Asia or in the Basin of Mekong River, all these projects will revive railway transport. All indicators show that, despite the economic recession, by 2015, cargo transport could increase by 18%, while passenger transport by 80%. By 2020-2040, over two billion people will move to the city, so it will be necessary to find mobility solutions for urban and suburban routes and rail transport plays an important role here. Railways are every day more involved in urban development and from the point of view of investments it is very important that the accent will fall on intercity, suburban and high-speed trains. All intra-European corridors, those linking Europe to Asia and Middle East, need improvement, because they boost interoperability. I’m glad that we can now talk about the Black Sea transport links. UIC has discussed the matter with the Organisation of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC). Turkey will soon inaugurate the section Baku – Tbilisi – Kars, which is a plus for the link between the two continents and which will definitely increase the share of railway transport. At present, the key word is interoperability, also between continents, not only between European countries. Also, another key factor for cohesion is solving technical and administrative problems. Cohesion has to be at the core of the railway development policy. Security and safety are also important. UIC is thus interested in studies of the development projects elaborated by other profile associations, such as OSJD. However, the railway transport sector is currently fragmented and market players are facing problems in observing administrative separation principles. Therefore, railway transport needs an improved harmonisation of technical and administrative rules both in Europe and Asia which will facilitate and ease cross-border operations. There are several efficient solutions for this, among which satellite tracking systems, development of new international hubs, the mapping of the network, new data bases or the development of each data base of the authorities, a better standardisation of specific regulations in Europe, Asia and the 1520 Area, development of new transport corridors and new integration and charging systems. Most new transport corridors between Europe and Middle East from East to West and North to South, also the new corridors linking Europe and Africa, as well as the key role of the Mediterranean hubs, all these, next to the major corridors which cross Europe (IV,V,IX and X) are key elements for development and territorial cohesion. Organisers:

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the railway business magazine


Railway PRO

March 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

58 statistics



Overall, how satisfied are you with the national and regional rail system in your Overall, how satisfied are you with the national and regional rail system in country? your country? Overall, how satisfied are you with the national and regional rail system in your country ?

Total « not satisfied »: 36%

Total « satisfied »: 46%



What could encourage Europeans using the train?

What would make you more likely to travel by train ?

What would make you more likely to travel by train ?

ATTITUDES TOWARDS COMPETITION 71% of Europeans supports more competition In general, do you support or oppose opening the national and regional rail system in your country

ATTITUDES COMPETITION to competitionTOWARDS provided that all operators must meet the same safety standards ? 71% of Europeans supports more competition


In general, do you support or oppose opening the national and regional rail system in your country to competition provided that all operators must meet the same safety standards ? ATTITUDES TOWARDS COMPETITION

Total « oppose »: 21%

Total « support »: 71%

Europeans think that more competition has positive consequences Please tell me if you think that more competition in the rail market in your country will have on… ?

Base: Average (25 Member States)


Europeans think that more competition has positive consequences Please tell me if you think that more competition in the rail market in your country will have on… ? pag 13

www.railwaypro.com | March 2013 13


a) Europeans think that it has a positive TUDES TOWARDS COMPETITION


b) Europeans think that competition will be ATTITUDES TOWARDS COMPETITION

influence on ticket prices

good for passengers

peans think that it has a positive influence on ticketEuropeans prices think that competition will be good for passengers

What will be the influence of competition in rail on ticket pricesi n your country?

be the influence of competition in rail on ticket pricesi n your country?

Do you think that more competition in the rail market will be good or bad for … ?

Do you think that more competition in the rail market will be good or bad for … ? The passengers

14 Source: EUROBAROMETER, Special Eurobarometer 388 / Wave EB77.2 – TNS Opinion & Social

Passenger transport performance by rail continued to slowly recover in 2011 Based on quarterly figures, rail passenger transport performance at EU-27 level continued to increase by around 3 billion passenger-kilometres between 2010 and 2011 (+0.7 %). As in 2010, this increase was unevenly distributed over the year: whereas there was a year-to-year rise in rail passenger transport performance in the first three quarters of 2011 (+1.7 % in the first quarter, +0.6 % in the second quarter and +0.8 % in the third quarter compared to the same quarters of the previous year), rail passenger transport performance slightly decreased during the last quarter (-0.1 %). Overall, how satisfied are you with the national and regional rail system in your country? Rank







Russian Federation


















United Kingdom



























Bosnia and Herzegovina






























Moldova, Republic of



United States


















Czech Republic









The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia








Source: UNECE

March 2013 | www.railwaypro.com

60 Mobility

Bigger cities, bigger problems [ by Elena Ilie ]

The current situation regarding accessibility in the EU suggests that there is a strong difference between central and peripheral areas in terms of connectivity and transport costs. Peripheral areas have higher average costs of transport, owing not only to the need for longer trips, but also to the more expensive or less efficient transport solutions that are available.


he likely increases in fuel costs and congestion levels noted above will lead to further divergences in accessibility. Many peripheral areas, particularly in the new Member States, will remain poorly connected to the European transport network. They will suffer disproportionately more from congestion and high fuel cost given their high dependence on few low-capacity road axes and regional air connections. Indeed, in the new Member States there are currently only around 4,500 km of motorways and no high speed rail lines and the conventional railway lines are often in poor condition. In metropolitan and adjacent Core areas,Set theofrailway rings connected to TERM Indicators the city and to regional networks have a decisive role in solving the challenges imposed by urban congestion. The railway industry comes with an answer for improving the situation, in fact, Box 2.3

TERM 02: Transport emissions of GHGs

even for improving inter-urban and interregional railway connections. European companies in the railway industry have developed more attractive products in conformity with the standards imposed for reducing urban pollution. Railway industry specialists believe that by 2015, the number of cities with a population exceeding 1 million citizens will increase from 300 to more than 550. Therefore, more than 350 million citizens will live in megacities with more than 10 million residents. Railway transport has been estimated at an annual growth of 3% during 2005-2015. To that end, the equipments necessary in railway transport will become a strategic factor as regards the transport of as much people and freight as possible, and as fastest as possible, thus reducing road congestion and urban pollution. Dynamic, affordable, liveable and attractive urban regions will never be free of

EU 27 transport emissions of GHG

EU-27 transport emissions of GHG Total GHG emissions (million tonnes) 1 200

1 000


2030 transport target

(20 % reduction on 2008)

Крупные города - большее количество проблем



2050 transport target

(60 % reduction on 1990)

2050 maritime target

(40 % reduction on 2005)


0 1990

congestion. Transport policies, however, should seek to manage congestion on a cost-effective basis with the aim of reducing the burden that excessive congestion imposes upon travellers and urban dwellers throughout the urban road network. Public transport needs to be put forward to tackle the urban mobility challenges currently faced by urban mobility. Public authorities, the municipalities of large cities have to be aware of the fact that the current trend for encouraging the construction of highways and for using motorized vehicles will no longer be a priority. Ambitious and visionary strategies are essential to change radically current mobility patterns. The public transport sector has the competence and ambition to improve the urban environment both for citizens and business, as it already does in number of urban centres. To take up these challenges, the International Association of Public Transport (UITP) is aiming at doubling the market share of public transport worldwide by 2025. Public transport operators can stimulate the development of their commercial activity by providing a quality service to their customer, but also through innovation and entrepreneurial spirit.






Transport (including international aviation)







International maritime transport


Нынешнее положение, связанное с доступом к ЕС, отражает наличие сильной разницы между центральными и периферийными территориями с точки зрения обеспечения связи и транспортных расходов. Средняя стоимость транспорта на периферии выше, а это объясняется не только большей продолжительностью проезда, но и более дорогими или менее эффективными решениями в сфере доступных путей сообщения.

Notes: The 2012 orange line includes proxy data for 2011, which is an EEA preliminary estimate (EEA, 2012a). It was originally Source: EEA, estimated excluding international bunkers. In order to show 2011 data covering the same scope as in previous years, the 2010 value of international aviation emissions was added to the 2011 proxy. This corresponds to the basic www.railwaypro.com | March 2013 aviation emissions did not change between 2010 and 2011, which would in fact be similar assumption that international to the trend observed in 2009–2010 (– 0.1 %). In the figure, the 2010–2011 trends are marked with a dashed line. Latest available data: 2010 (2011 estimated).

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