Key features of animation

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Hopwood Hall College BTEC Extended Certificate in Creative Digital Media Production (Games) Arts & Performing Arts ASSIGNMENT NO 3 Weeks 18 - 24

Key Features of Animation Tutor: Alex Dobson Issue Date: Week commencing 25/01/16 Final Submission: 07/03/16 Unit 11 - Animation for Digital Media Learning Aim A - Explore developments in animation A.1 The Development of Animation Technology A.2 How Animation Works A.3 Animators Learning Aim B - Understand the uses and techniques of animation B.1 Where Animation is Used B.2 Animation Techniques AIM/PURPOSE Have you ever wondered how all the animations you come across are made? Animation is used in many sectors of the creative media industries including video games, music videos, films, television, mobile phones and websites. With such a wide variety of uses it has great potential for the expression of creativity and the industry requires people to work in highly skilled and specialised roles to create animations for a variety of purposes and audiences. This assignment will introduce you to the essential knowledge, skills and techniques required to design and produce animation. You will gain an understanding of how the illusion of movement is created in animation and research the history and development of animation techniques and technologies, examining a range of existing animations, their purpose and audiences. THE ASSIGNMENT For this assignment you will take on the role of a researcher investigating the key features, history and development of animation. Your article needs to show that you understand the development of animation technology from its early days when it was being developed, to present digital technology as well as including everything in between! This will require you to think about where animation is used, the different genres, audiences, and how the technology and technique effects the outcome. You will also need to cover the principles of animation, character creation, working methods, historical context looking at specific animator’s work, their main productions and their influence on other animations. Finally, you will also focus on specific animators in digital animation e.g games and interactive media to prepare you for when you start to animate your characters and environment within your 2D demo game.

Hopwood Hall College BTEC Extended Certificate in Creative Digital Media Production (Games) Arts & Performing Arts

TASKS: KEY FEATURES OF ANIMATION Learning Aim A: Explore Developments in Animation You will show understanding of the development in animation technology from its early inception to present digital technology. In order to explore the developments in animation it is important to investigate the work of key figures in animation from different time periods referencing historical developments. A.1 The Development of Animation Technology (1A.1, 2A.P1, 2A.M1) You will need to complete the following: • You are to produce a time line of animation technology • Who invented the technology • Date invented • Explanation of how the technology works (include relevant images and web links) • Explanation of the impact of the technology Examples include: Phenakistoscope/Zoetrope/Praxinoscope/Kinetoscope/Cinematograph/Cel Animation Sound in animation/Computer drawing software/CGI animation/Performance-motion capture A.2 How Animation Works (1A.1, 2A.P1, 2A.M1) Explain in a format of your own choosing how animation technology works and how the audience are able to see movement from a series of still images ,with reference to the principles of animation you will need to cover the following: • • • •

Illusion of Movement - How the eye and brain is tricked by animation Explanation of Frame Rates and their differences Suspension and disbelief - animation requires us to believe that what is impossible in real life 12 Principles of Animation (Ollie Johnston & Frank Thomas)

A.3 Animators (1A.2, 2A.P2, 2A.M2 2A.D1) Identify and analyse 2 key animators from your time line and refer to examples of their significant work, character creation, methods, influence and explore the author’s intent. Your animators and animations need to be evidence 1 historical/pre-digital example as well as 1 that is contemporary/post digital. You will analyse how these productions were significant in terms of their influence and technology, showing an understanding of the historical context in which the animation was produced, e.g. post war, and how this affected the work. Examples Include: Pre-Digital - Walt Disney, Willis O’Brien, Ray Harryhausen, Len Lye, Post Digital - Tim Burton, Quay Brothers, John Lasseter, Nick Park Evidence to submit Animation time line (in a format of your own choosing) How Animation Works report (in a format of your own choosing) Analysis of 2 key animators (in a format of your own choosing) Appropriately named file(s) such as J.Snow_U11_Part1 Inappropriately named files will not be assessed Ways you can submit work/evidence: Video presentation/Video blogs Written or Voice Recorded annotations Final Submission of Work All work is to be submitted digitally onto its learning you may include links to Office 365 and Dropbox accounts

Hopwood Hall College BTEC Extended Certificate in Creative Digital Media Production (Games) Arts & Performing Arts

TASKS: KEY FEATURES OF ANIMATION Learning Aim B Understand the Uses and Techniques of Animation You will explore animation techniques across different sectors and will now explain where animation is used within the digital sector and the techniques associated within those different sectors. B.1 Where Animation is used in the Digital Sector (1B.3, 2B.P3, 2B.M3) Introduce the digital sector, explaining where animation is found in 2 different areas. You must fully explain each chosen examples by using the examples below: Choose at least 2 animation examples from 2 different sectors below: • Digital Games (2D, icons, Menus, characters, environments) • Moving Image (TV, Ident, Logos, Children’s programmes) • Interactive Media (Websites, apps) Analyse and explain what is their: • Audience • Genre • Purpose • What technology was used to produce each animation effect B.2 Animation Techniques (1B.4, 2B.P4, 2B.M4, 2B.D2) Using the same examples as before, you will need to analyse the animations. You should also analyse any animations you have created during this assignment. Referring to specific examples discuss how the technology and techniques are used to produce the animation effect. Referring to specific examples discuss the visual aesthetic of the animations, looking at the finer details and the quality of the final outcome. Compare the quality of production in each chosen example Discuss the pros and cons of each animation techniques Evidence to submit B.1 & B.2 Report/Blog (in a format of your own choosing) Original animation Files Appropriately named file(s) such as J.Snow_U11_Part1 Inappropriately named files will not be assessed Ways you can submit work/evidence: Video presentation/Video blogs Written or Voice Recorded annotations Final Submission of Work All work is to be submitted digitally onto its learning you may include links to Office 365 and Dropbox accounts

Hopwood Hall College BTEC First Extended Certificate in Digital Media Production (Games Development) Arts & Performing Arts Assessment Grading Criteria Unit 11 - Animation for Digital Media Learning Aim A Explore developments in animation

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1A.1 Outline how animation works 2A.P1 Describe how animation works with reference to the development of animation technology 2A.M1 Explain how animation works with reference to the development of animation technology 1A.2 Summarise the work of one key animator 2A.P2 Describe the work of two key animators 2A.M2 Explain the work of two key animators from different time periods 2A.D1 Analyse the significance of the work of two key animators from different time periods Learning Aim B - Understand the uses and techniques of animation 1B.3 Identify how animation is used across two digital media sectors 2B.P3 Describe the use of animation across two digital media sectors 2B.M3 Explain the use of animation across two digital media sectors with reference to detailed examples. 1B.4 Outline one example of an animation technique 2B.P4 Describe two different animation techniques 2B.M4 Explain two different animation techniques in existing examples of animation. 2B.D2 Evaluate two different animation techniques in existing examples of animation.

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Hopwood Hall College BTEC First Extended Certificate in Digital Media Production (Games Development) Arts & Performing Arts Assessor Feedback (please link to grading criteria)

Action Plan to be completed by (Date)

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