Understanding Concept Art

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Understanding Concept Art

You may have a rough idea now of what Concept Art is but you also need to be able to understand its purpose and how to breakdown what is in front of you.

Over the next few slides we will look at and discuss some images of Concept Art to help you get a better understanding of how to review and write about Concept Art in general

What story is this image trying to tell?

The Previous image you saw was from an old Amiga game called “Another World”

So now you know the title of this game what feelings are trying to be portrayed by the artist?

So now you know the title of this game what feelings are trying to be portrayed by the artist?

Wonder & Amazement? Fear & Dread? There is a beauty but darkness There is a sense of scale the place looks huge

How about this image from Bioshock?

How about this image from Bioshock? Again Darkness The Strange Its quite Eerie looks damp and you wouldn’t want to bump into either characters on a dark night?

A sense of scale Danger

What does this image from Super Mario Kart try to convey?

What does this image from Super Mario Kart try to convey? Fun & light-hearted Colourful & bright

Here are Concepts from Unreal Tournament

Here are Concepts from Unreal Tournament – How does this type of Concept Art differ from earlier examples and why?

Arkham Asylum Concept of the Joker similar to the Unreal tournament example this is again different for what reason?

Arkham Asylum Concept of the Poison Ivy similar to the Joker example this is again different for what reason?

Here we Ship Concepts from EVE Online

Your turn to review this image

Your turn to review this image

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