May Newsletter

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Vol. 1 Iss. 2

Diving Into Division 1 Lower - Middle - Tech - Mainland - Ocean City

Table of Contents

3. Monthly Update From Your LTG 4. March for Babies Recap 5. May Board Recap 6. Hunger in New Jersey Flyer 7-9. Fall Rally Problems and Solutions Packet 10-11. RTC Promo 12. Upcoming Events 13. Contact Information + Follow Our Instagram

Monthly Update From Your LTG

Alexis Faison

Happy May Division 1! This month has been the busiest month for me so far. From Divisional Events, attending May Board, being head chairperson of Fall Rally Registration, and planning an RTC at my home club school, I can officially say I've experienced my first real month as a Lieutenant Governor. Nonetheless, it has been fulfilling and promising. I am extremely excited to distribute this newsletter as it contains new information on important upcoming events. Lets begin!

March for Babies Recap

Congratulations to Mrs. Makowski for receiving the Outstanding Advisor Award at DCON!

On April 29th, 2018 LTG Wille of Division 2 and I held a Divisional Event to raise money for March of Dimes. Not only did EHTHS of Division 2 bring over 100 people, but we also surpassed our goal of $500. Thank you to everyone who came out!

May Board Recap

On May 5th-6th the NJ District Board came together for the annual May Board. We held committee meetings, discussed upcoming events, and worked hard to be able to serve our Key Clubs.

Regional Training Conferences

LCMR at RTCs 2017

What are RTCs? RTCs, short for Regional Training Conferences, are a series of training conferences organized by the NJ District Board. All members of Key Club - general members, officers, and advisors alike are encouraged to attend When are RTCs? This year, Spring RTCs are being held at Lower Cape May Regional High School on May 12th from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., and Warren Tech High School on May 13th from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Fall RTCs are September 15, 16th, and 22nd, and the locations are TBD. What is the importance of RTCs? RTCs provide informative workshops regarding your respective position on the board, public speaking, information on the district project, and many more aspects of the Key Club service year. Each officer from each club MUST attend at least ONE RTC for their term to be distinguished at the end of the year.

Regional Training Conferences Con.

LCMR at RTCs 2017

So why should you go to RTCs? Attending an RTC can help you become more familiar with how Key Club branches from your school's club, to the New Jersey District level, and to Key Club International. You'll be able to get to know your 2018 - 2019 District Board and make friends with numerous other Key Clubbers around New Jersey through fun icebreakers. Plus, we have free food! (And what's a Key Club event without free food?)

Upcoming Events for the 2018-2019 Service Year

June 9th - Spring RTC (Warren Tech) June 10th - Spring RTC (Lower Cape May Regional) July 2nd-8th - International Convention (Chicago, Illinois) September 15th - Fall RTC (Location TBD) September 16th - Fall RTC (Location TBD) September 22nd - Fall RTC (Location TBD) October 7th - Fall Rally (Six Flags Great Adventure) December - Key Leader (Port Murray, NJ) *Date TBD March 29th - 31st - 73rd Annual District Convention

Contact Information Frank D'Agostino Email:

Chiara Fune Email:

Kaitlin Cirillo Email:

Eric Wang Email:

Alexis Faison

Follow our Instagram for our Division! @njkeyclubdiv1

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