Advanced Parametric and Generative Modeling Process Book

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Advanced Parametric and Generative Modeling

ARCH 714 Winter 2015 March 12, 2015

Professor Dietz Alexis Kaleri

In Class Exercise: 1 This exercise was to create datum modules in Rhino but using Grasshopper to scale and place multiple times on a Rhino generated surface. We also stretched these modules between surfaces.

In Class Exercise: 2 This exercise was to use a datum surface in Rhino to apply a Grasshopper generated panel of points across the surface to more control modules made in ICE 1 across the surface.

P1: PATTERNED SURFACE Objective: Explore Grasshopper Paneling Tools as a strategy for rationalizing a complex surface into a 3D pattern of apertures and structural elements. Demonstrate the influence of attractor geometry on the development of the pattern. Develop communication skills using graphic display controls and rendering. Focus: Use Rhino to create a surface form(s) and an Aperture module(s). Use Grasshopper to process the geometry and generate a 3D pattern for skin and structure. The forms orientation can be either vertical or horizontal.


In Class Exercise: 5 This exercise was to help prepare for the next project, P2.

Project 2: Mapped Surface Transforms

Alexis Kaleri ARCH 714

Focus: To use the Grasshopper graphical algorithm editor to process Rhino geometry for creating a patterned system of structure/enclosure for a Elevated Rail Platform Canopy:

Objective: Using Surface Mapping and Transform strategies in grasshopper to understand elements of parametric design that relate to surface form, enclosure, structure and cladding systems. An added layer to this project was to learn how to develop communication skills using graphic display controls in the canvas to show process, layers of composite systems, and a rendered result.

Step 1: Draw the curve and set up the array of the curve in the Y direction. Step 2: Create a point on the curve for the array to be processed around.

Step 3: Set up the Graph Mapping that will manipulate the curve in the X and Z directions.

Step 4: Set up the Graph Mapping that will rotate the curve about the point on the curve.

Step 5: Build the surface and manipulate the height of the surface.

Step 6: Build the enclosure for the new lofted surface.

Step 7: From the enclosure made, begin the space frame structure for the canopy.

Step 8: Create a mesh in rhino first to base the cladding off: then starting from the enclosure, start building the cladding for the space frame structure designed in grasshopper.

Cladding Space Framing Enclosure

Datum Surface

Added Step: using concepts from P1 insteading of using the lofted surface to form an aperature, the aperature is used to create a column from the train rail platform to the underside of the original lofted surface: creating a seated canopy instead of a floating canopy.

In Class Exercise: 5 (PART 1) This exercise was to use a datum surface in Rhino to apply a Grasshopper generated mapping aperatures that are operable. This prepared us for our 3rd project.

In Class Exercise: 6 (PART 2) This was a practice of the psuedo sun path: having genearted modules move with the movement of an object. We took the concepts we learned in all the past exercises: generating a panel from Grasshopper points and curve, aperatres, ect

In Class Exercise: 7 Working on Project 3 in class.

P3: RESPONSIVE FOLDING Alexis Kaleri 02-17-15 ARCH 714

Objective: Use a Controller System along with folding strategies to create a responsive screening system. Also included is the development of the Enclosure (optional) and Structural systems. Develop communication skills using graphic display controls to show process, layers of composite systems, and rendered results. Focus: Use the Grasshopper graphical algorithm editor to process Rhino geometry for creating a responsive screening and structural system (enclosure optional) for the reworking of the museum tower.

STARTING WITH P2 MAPPED SURFACE TRANSFORMS defintion: a covering is being made for the tower for the SCAD Museum of Art, so adjustments need to be made to the surface transformation defintiions and structural aspects. 1. Scale needs to be adjusted on the INPUT SURFACES 2. The direction needs to be changed from Y to Z, since we are modeling over a tower

3. The Height Variance and Enclosure needs to come down in scale and be adjusted for this project

Next is sketching out what kind of panel I want to make.

AFTER ADJUSTING THE SPACE FRAME: its time to form the module to apply to the surface 1. Use a surface paramater to plug into the Dataum Surface: this is where the surface the module will be divided along 2. Line up the dividing of the Enclosure Surface with this new surface being generated.

3. Next is to start the generation of the module to be applied on the surface surrounding the tower. First to is deconstruct the divided subsurface. Then evaluate the surface to highlight the centroid of each cell of the surface. This will come into play when creating the psuedo sun path as this will be where the vector of the “sun� rays will be linked with. 4. Proceed to create a module based on vector points, all linked by the one deconstructed berep definition.



Making the transforming module. Plugging the transform of each vector into the curves that make up the each surface.

6. Construct the Pseudo Sun Path Controller: then first connect the centroid of cells of the surface with the sun path’s vector component. 7. Then take the direction normal of the evaluated surface and plug into the sun’s exagerated changed pattern. 8. In order for the panels to move with the change of the psuedo sun path, the motion/direction transform of the module need to be directed by the direction created by the exagerated state change.





Now I apply the module to the surface.

Make sure the panels move with the sun and adjust the values a bit: either increase or decrease.

In Class Exercise: 9 Taking the concepts from image mapping and instead of just using 2D circles to map a black and white image, taking a black and white image and weaving the black and white threads together and making the image 3D.

Objective: Use Image Maps and Weaving strategies as elements of parametric design in relation to surface/form and structure. Develop communication skills using graphic display controls to show process and rendered results. Context: Baseball Stadium – Re-skin Grayson Stadium or Propose new stadium on Savannah riverfront property Focus: Use the Grasshopper graphical algorithm editor to create a fully parametric surface, watertight enclosure, and weaving structure.

Woven Maps

The New Baseball Stadium: HW4 ELDS 714 Alexis Kaleri

Pick Black and White Pattern then set up the Domain to match Image imput

Set up the Domain 1(black) and Domain 2(white) to start image coloring seperation

Domain surface point grid

Build Surface and Enclosure System Definition

Surface and Enclosure System

Enclosure System Based on Light Blue Curves

Use the rounded numbers of the image size to set the range of points on stadium surface

Seperate the surface into two rebuilt surfaces to have two seperate items to weave together

Evaluated Surface attributes to both weaved surface Black and White - based on the chosen pattern - using rhino surface

Y Direction Black

X Direction White

Evaluated Surface attributes to both weaved surface Black and White - based on the chosen pattern - using parametric surface

Other Options: Lofted Rectangles - Rectangle in X and Y Direction WHITE: Y Direction & BLACK: X Direction

WHITE: X Direction & BLACK: Y Direction

Lofted Rectangles Single Path Study: Rectangle in X and Y Direction WHITE: Y Direction

WHITE: X Direction

BLACK: X Direction (differences: width of lofted rectangles.)

BLACK: Y Direction

In Class Exercise: 10 First practice of Dynamo.

P5: PAVILLION using Dynamo Alexis Kaleri 03-12-15 ARCH 714

Objective: Explore Rhynamo with Dynamo and Revit environments to develop understand the relationship of external geometry and the parametric processing in the graphic algorithm. Develop communication skills using graphic display controls and rendering. Focus: Use the Conceptual Massing Environment, Curtain Panels, and Generic Adaptive Components in Revit along with Dynamo to create a layered system that includes a shading or rain screen with a canopy structure and structural column supports.

I. Make Rhino Surface to serve as Datum for Pavillion Panels *Used Sweep2*

II. Start building panel and panel structure in Revit *Used Generic Model Pattern Based*

Final Panel

III. Build ‘strut’: structural elements, i.e. columns, to hold up pavillion

IV. Have all elements. So Open a new Project in Revit and begin building dynamo definiton.

start with linking the rhino model - then flatten

build a grid on the face of the datum surface & divide up the surface into seperate faces

set up adaptive components to the grid by face so the panels appear on each split face

V. Look at the final product in Revit and adjust family components where needed...I.E.: Beef Up Structural Elements


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