Guide to discover Roquetas de Mar

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Tourism in Roquetas de Mar

Tourism in Roquetas de Mar 1

Tourism in Roquetas de Mar

Tourism in Roquetas de Mar Although Roquetas de Mar has a wonderful beaches and it’s known for them . This beautful town has also many interestng points that deserve a visit.

Lighthouse of Roquetas de Mar It is one of the historic buildings that are preserved in Roquetas de Mar. In this case, was serving for a long period of tme, but in recent years served as housing responsible for the port area of the town, untl they were built new facilites. Then, this building, property of the Public Company of Ports of Andalusia, was the object of a project of and that allowed to recover this beautful building with the splendor of its beginnings.

Once the works were completed, the Public Company of Ports of Andalusia signed an agreement of cession of the building with the City of Roquetas de Mar, in order that it was used for cultural purposes. Since then, the Lighthouse has become an authentc exhibiton hall that houses all year round, usually in periods of 15 days, all kinds of exhibitons and exhibitons. For this purpose, it has two diferent rooms, where paintngs, sculptures, photographs and any kind of cultural initatve that you want to highlight are usually displayed. The Lighthouse is located in a cultural triangle that also includes the open-air auditorium located in the vicinity and the Castle of Santa Ana. All this makes this environment, a highly recommended if you want to know a large area historical value for the municipality.


Tourism in Roquetas de Mar

Castle of Santa Ana It would be at the beginning of the 16th century, when on the initatve of the city of AlmerĂ­a, a tower was built to guard the producton and shipment of salt from the salinas; said tower sufered several avatars, however the strategic value of its locaton as a pier in the bay of Almeria eventually decided the crown to endow this place with a square-shaped castle, with unequal circular towers at its end, except that It would later be occupied by a bulwark, whose profle at the end of the 16th century we do not know. Along the s. Xvii the fortress of Roquetas succumbed, not only because of the earthquakes that occurred, and the atacks of the feet of Turkish ships, but also because of the economic situaton of the crown that lacked the capacity to use resources in its reconstructon, all the fortfcatons being destroyed, untl the mid-eighteenth century.

The eighteenth century was the great restoraton of the castle of Roquetas with important works made around 1710, in the context of the War of Succession, although we are unaware of its nature. In the nineteenth century the fortress was ruined by the earthquake of 1804, without it being restored from that date, although in its vicinity provisional bateries were enabled when necessary.


Tourism in Roquetas de Mar

The Aula del Mar The Aula del Mar is a museum born of the need to raise the values of the municipality to achieve sustainable development. We live in a maritme-terrestrial ecosystem, in which we partcipate, with which we interact, and which we must understand, because as Jacques Cousteau said, "We only love what we know." We invite you to partcipate in this meetng space where you will discover and experience the relatons with the sea in a respectul and interactve way. The oceanic Posidonia, the badly named seaweed as evil, is called the dolphin fsh, it is a superior plant with roots, stems, leaves, fowers and fruits. Like the dolphins, this phanerogam plant, lef the dry land to return back to the sea, and to become a fundamental value without which, surely our municipality would not be what it is today. At the beginning of the history of Roquetas de Mar, while on the surface the hand of man transformed the environment to his tasks derived from the fshing and salt industry, beyond the breakwater, the Posidonia also contnues to mold its environment inexorably century afer century. Creatng reefs that protect the coastline and that are responsible for our wide beaches and fne sand, contnuously fltering and sedimentng the suspended mater, thus ofering great clarity and providing an ideal environment to house life. Being these fundamental resources at present for the tourist and fshing sector. Fishes, birds, cetaceans, crustaceans, molluscs and echinoderms of the Mediterranean have their place here. Even the less friendly faces of the sea, such as jellyfsh, moray eels, whiplashes, spider fsh and sharks, deserve your atenton. Yoou can not miss an aquarium representatve of our coast with castanets, anemones, breams, stars, fredis and maidens among others. Interactve games for all ages: "sounds of the sea", "amazing animals", puzzles, "leter soup" and the "touch and discover". In the Aula del Mar, we also have a convertble audiovisual room, in which videos, documentaries, lectures and workshops are given to concert groups.


Tourism in Roquetas de Mar

Hotels in Roquetas de mar Roquetas de mar has many quality hotels and touristic apartments complex like • Apartments Fenix Beach Hotel in Roquetas de Mar • Estrella de Mar Hotel in Roquetas de Mar • Golf Center Hotel in Roquetas de Mar • Arena Center Hotel in Roquetas de Mar • Mediterraneo Park Hotel in Roquetas de Mar • Best Roquetas Hotel in Roquetas de Mar • Best Sabinal Hotel in Roquetas de Mar • Ohtels: Fenix Hotel in Roquetas de Mar Yoou can fnd also very nice hotels in Almeria Town • hotel golf Almerimar • Hotel Almerimar • Sevilla Almeria Hotel in Almería Yoou can fnd also very nice hotels in the province of Almeria • VN: Vera Natura Hotel in Vera • Best Pueblo Indalo Hotel in Mojacar • Best Indalo Hotel in Mojácar • Best Mojacar Hotel in Mojácar • Best Oasis Tropical Hotel in Mojácar • Ohtels Cabogata Hotel in Retamar


Tourism in Roquetas de Mar

Bullring Inaugurated on July 19, 2002, the Plaza de Toros of Roquetas de Mar has become a benchmark of the Natonal Fair in our province. Julián López "El Juli", Finito de Cordoba and Jesús de Almería were the frst teachers to successfully decorate a bullfghtng, modern, spacious and spectacular. With capacity for 7,800 people, the Plaza de Toros has hosted celebratons for history. The presence of "the vitorinos", who for the frst tme stepped in the long history of this illustrious livestock in the province of Almeria, or "the miura" accompanied by an enviable cast of teachers have placed the town in the most important agendas of the world of bull in our country, a fact that has been recognized with countless awards.

Nine fairs have drawn between veronicas and chicuelinas a young but dynamic plaza, new but increasingly expert, humble but eager to triumph. Enrique Ponce, Julián López "El Juli", Manzanares, El Fandi, Perera, Rivera Ordonez, Cayetano, Padilla or the Almerians, Ruiz Manuel and Torres Jerez, among others, have been regulars and loyal to the so-called "Coso Salinero". The Plaza de Toros de Roquetas has garnered, above all in recent years, absolute fllings at the Santa Ana Fair held every year around July 26. Municipal management, the Plaza de Toros, has served as an essental element for the urban planning of our city, and is a unique tourist atracton in the nerve center of the municipality. In additon, it is the key element for the municipality to approach the traditon of the bull from all areas, with the installaton of the bullfghtng museum, the Cycle "The Bulls in the Arts", or university courses in summer, putng the party Natonal in the place that corresponds to it within the Spanish culture. If you want to know more about the Bullring enter your website here.


Tourism in Roquetas de Mar

Golf in Roquetas de Mar Golf lovers fnd the Playa Serena Golf Club an ideal place to practce this sport in Roquetas de Mar, which also ofers a climate of excepton, warm in winter and mild in summer. The installaton is located between a fabulous virgin beach and 9 lakes, 7 of them natural, where exotc migratory birds have a stopover. Its 18 holes are very varied and entertaining, so they require skill and precision. The result is a dynamic feld in which you play with pleasure. It has at its disposal magnifcent and numerous hotel facilites that coexist in perfect harmony with the naturalness of the landscape.

The 18-hole course is located all year round in excellent conditons of conservaton and is characterized by wide streets, its 9 lakes and well-defended greens by carefully designed bunkers. A great variety of genuinely Mediterranean vegetaton predominates throughout the countryside. The perimeter is formed by transparent, tamarisk and mimosa. In the rough and the landscaped areas we fnd Aleppo pines, eucalyptus, palms, olive trees, oleanders, plumes, bungavillas, palmitos pistosforos. The grass varietes are in the Greens Penncross (agrosts stolonifera) and in Tees, Fairways and Anteegreens Bermuda Tifway 419. 7

Tourism in Roquetas de Mar

Punta Entnas – Sabinar Natural park Punta Entnas-Sabinar is a Mediterranean sub-arid ecosystem in which the combinaton of coastal and terrestrial biotypes stands out, located on the west coast of the province of Almeria in a coastal strip that extends from Punta de Entnas to the salt fats called Viejas. With average annual temperatures above 18 ° C and average annual rainfall between 200 and 250 mm, in its 1,960 hectares of Natural Area and 785 hectares of Natural Reserve, it is possible to diferentate four main biotypes: sandy beaches, fxed dune systems by Mediterranean scrub, endorheic zone and salt area.

The diversity of biotypes favors the presence and abundance of vertebrates. In additon to the presence of famenco, the variety and number of waders that use this area as a restng place in their migratory route, highlightng the large, common, small, and three-toed sandpipers, redshanks and needles. Among the seagulls, there is also the Audouin gull species (Larus audouinii) and Larus minutus.


Tourism in Roquetas de Mar

Sport port of Sweetwater It is one of the samples of the modernity of Roquetas de Mar. This port is one of the most beautful areas of the municipality, as evidenced by the fact that thousands of people choose it on weekends and in the summer months to spend good part of their leisure tme. As for the rest of the users, the designers of the Aguadulce Marina also took into account the possibilites of leisure that an installaton of this type could ofer and the passage of tme has shown them that they were not mistaken. This place is the area that hosts the youth "movida", especially in the summer months, when the Marina of Aguadulce is the place of reference for all young people, including those of the capital, whose "march" moves to this place in the summer season. We are talking without doubt, one of the places that atract the atenton of young people for its multtude of proposals for fun, which are completed with restaurants and places for all tastes.

Bullfightng Museum Bullfghtng Museum is a very interestng place to discover the world of Bullfghtng . it’s composed of 5 big rooms. In the frst room once introduced into the tour of the bullfghtng museum and afer leaving the recepton, gives way to the "history" of the Bullring of Roquetas de Mar and shows us what the world of the Bull means for this municipality and its link with the. Distributed by the recepton room, there are also pieces of traveling exhibitons, artstc expressions in the form of photographs, paintngs and sculptures as well as the most characteristc objects. Other room shows the diferent pieces that the Town Hall of Roquetas de Mar has, as well as the Peùa Taurina of Roquetas de Mar, such as the costumes of bullfghters of the importance of El Juli, 9

Tourism in Roquetas de Mar Finito de CĂłrdoba or JesĂşs AlmerĂ­a. The bull in the feld and in the square This room is dedicated in a more generic way to publicize the Natonal Bullfghtng History hostng the most characteristc events of this and trying to show in a summarized way the course of the world of the bull at natonal level as well as its ecological value. The purpose of this room is to host any relevant piece or performance that, without being part of the roquetera bullring, must be accommodated in a bullfghtng museum that aims not only to inform but also to train visitors in this part of the deeply rooted culture In our country. Will be counted here, as in the two previous rooms with a touch screen that will pick up this tme the most relevant of the Natonal Taurine History. The last room is dedicated to the Projectons and press. The room that forms the end of the exhibiton is dedicated to the programmed projecton of Audiovisuals of bullfghtng motfs or those considered appropriate at each moment.

Auditorium Theater Auditorio Theater of Roquetas de Mar has become in a short tme one of the referents of the cultural life of the province. Its unique architecture is already one of the symbols that defne the city. From the frst moment, its avant-garde design is striking, in which metal and glass acquire all the protagonism and even remind us of forms and elements present in the Guggenheim. It was built in 2004 with designs by architect Miguel A. Morales who conceived a functonal and efficient space that could house opera, theater, dance, concerts, congresses and exhibitons. Since then it has been an unmissable meetng place with culture in Roquetas de Mar. The modern structure, with a round shape that gives it versatlity, has been able to balance volume and transparency. Light transcends its purity through large and elegant windows adorned with a profle of black metal.


Tourism in Roquetas de Mar

Water park Mariopark Between Roquetas de Mar and Aguadulce, we can fnd Mariopark, a water park set on a plot of 45,000 square meters, located 800 meters from the beach of Las Salinas. It concentrates its atractons around a mount, from which towers that support toboggans emerge.It has large green areas, as well as abundant trees that contrast with the desert landscape of some ancient salt works. Inside there are six large swimming pools. Mariopark ofers numerous services, among which we can menton: frst-aid kit and frst aid equipped with doctor and D.U.E., in additon to a professional team of lifeguards; souvenir shop, photos and hygienic items, changing rooms, W.C. and showers, strategically located in the grounds of the park, as well as a rental service for sunbeds and parasols, safety boxes for valuables, a cloakroom and secure parking.

Kartng Given the great fondness that exists for motor sports in our province, the Kartng has been a meetng place for fans, and germ for the last generatons of provincial pilots. In additon to the tourist sector, karts have always been a complementary ofer, being a traditon for many of the visitors to go to our circuits during their holidays in Almeria; and numerous tourists have found, together with the unbeatable climatc conditons of our coasts, an alternatve of fun and healthy leisure. In 2004, an expansion process began with the installaton of a new Kart Circuit in El Ejido, and with the expansion and diversifcaton of actvites, complementng the traditonal individual rental of karts and sports compettons, with Leisure-Sports Programs for Groups, mainly aimed at incentve 11

Tourism in Roquetas de Mar tourism, ofering in a sporty and relaxed environment a new way of promotng good relatonships and fun in the group.

Aquarium In Roquetas de Mar we have the largest aquarium in Andalusia, with two million liters of water and more than a thousand marine specimens. A place of entertainment, leisure and educaton for the whole family. The aquarium is divided into zones, in what is called the Water Cycle, an educatonal tour through diferent habitats of marine animals. The frst area is the birth of water, the rivers. In this area there are freshwater fsh, in a representaton of what would be the Amazon River, where species such as piranhas and other fsh from Brazil, Peru and Colombia stand out. The second zone is the tropical sea. In this recreaton of a coral reef we can observe the fsh with the most colorful colors of the Aquarium, like clown fsh.

The third area is the oceans. This room has the largest volume tank of the aquarium, with 1,000,000 liters of water, and also the largest fsh, such as sharks, which can be seen from all angles through a semi-tunnel gallery that immerse in the fsh tank.


Tourism in Roquetas de Mar The last room is dedicated to the Mediterranean Sea and its species. We will be able to observe the sea beds of Posidonia meadows with all the animal diversity they contain and the rocky botoms. The species found here are typical of our sea, horse mackerel, bream, bream, moray and grouper, to name a few. The aquarium of Roquetas ofers several services such as guided educatonal visits, for groups and schoolchildren, or even the possibility of bathing with the sharks and diving inside their tank, always with previously arranged visit at 950160036.

Eatng in Roquetas de Mar The ofer of restaurants and bars in Roquetas de Mar is very wide. In the municipality you can enjoy bars where there is the culture of the tapa (each drink has its lid included), internatonal food restaurants, restaurants of local cuisine and new cuisine. In additon, along the coast you will fnd the Chiringuitos, an ideal place to eat while enjoying wonderful views of the sea. Some Restaurants. Adarra Av. Reino de España 950329872 Alejandro Av. Antonio Machado, 32 950322408 Casa baqoa Av. Reino de España, 216 950172383 Casa Sant Av. Antonio Machado, 65 950324225 Chino Chen Av. R. Gustavo Villapalos,6 950322200

Club Náutco Av. Antonio Machado, S/n 9503200789 El boliche Av. Antonio Machado, 47 950327068 Fila 7 Av. Reino de España 950325210 Franelia Ctra. Alicún, 129 950323504 Italian Food Factory Av. de Roquetas, 108 950320000 La Alcazaba Av. Antonio Machado, 78 950 320297 La Cava (Vinatería) Av. Reino de España, 150 950324515


Chiringuito Oca-Ola-Teté Paseo Marítmo de Aguadulce nº 5 654 056 857 Chiringuito Diego en Aguadulce Chiringuito Diego Paseo Marítmo de Aguadulce nº 6 950 345 919 Chiringuito El Torero Paseo Marítmo de Aguadulce nº 7 693 285 889 / 600 777 871 Chiringuito Villa África en La Ventlla Chiringuito Villa África Paseo Marítmo de Aguadulce nº 7 950552355/693 285 889 / 600

Tourism in Roquetas de Mar

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