Al Hakam - 9 August 2019

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Righteousness – The hallmark of a true believer Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V inaugurated the 53rd Jalsa Salana UK with the flag hoisting ceremony Page 3 - 4


Responding to Allegations

The Holy Quran: Defender of human rights

“Take pride in modesty” Hazrat Khalifatul Masih delivers address at ladies Jalsa Gah

Why did the Promised Messiahas not perform Hajj?

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V addresses concluding session of 53rd Jalsa UK

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THE WEEKLY AL HAKAM | Friday 9 August 2019 | Issue LXXIII Ahmadiyya Archive & Research Centre (ARC), 22 Deer Park Road, London, SW19 3TL. UK | F: +44(0)208 544 7673

A period that demands great sacrifices

Hadith-e-Rasul – Sayings of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa

The first ten days of Dhul- Hijjah Hazrat Ibn Abbas, Allah be pleased with him, narrates that the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “There are no days during which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these days,” meaning the [first] ten days of Dhul-Hijjah. They said: “O Messenger of Allah! Not even Jihad in the cause of Allah?” He said: “Not even Jihad in the cause of Allah, unless a man goes out by himself and his wealth and does not bring anything back.” (Sunan Ibn Majah)

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, In His Own Words

Belief in the Hereafter

With Eid-ul-Adha approaching in a few days, we are reminded of a great sacrifice made by a great prophet of Allah, Hazrat Abrahamas along with his family. Every Muslim, in this period, endeavours to revive the spirit of sacrifice within them for a brighter, promising future. It is the lesson of Abrahamas that enables us to mould ourselves in difficult situations throughout the year, becoming better servants of Allah and His creation. With Jalsa Salana UK 2019 having concluded successfully, the staff and

volunteers of Jalsa Salana will now reflect on their duties at Jalsa and how their services can be improved for the years to come. Along with the millions of viewers of Jalsa Salana through MTA, most of all, Ahmadis will reflect on the core message delivered to them by Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa through his various addresses, which is to bring about revolutionary transformations within ourselves so that we may be accepted in the sight of Allah. The days in which we are passing

through, all highlight the importance of sacrifice. The duties at Jalsa Salana, the instructions given to us by Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa in his addresses and the important day of Eid-ul-Adha all point to the fact that we must be able to make sacrifices and compromises, both big and small, for others around us and most of all, for the pleasure of Allah. Many Jamaats around the world will soon be hosting auxiliary ijtemas at national levels. These too will require an immense amount of man-hours and Continued on page 2

The evil whisperings of Satan are abundant, but the most dangerous doubt and suspicion that develops in the heart of man and causes him to lose in this world, as well as in the afterlife, relates to the Hereafter. For belief in the Hereafter – among other ways and means – is a strong catalyst which moves an individual to perform good and virtuous acts. An individual who considers the Hereafter to be nothing more than a fable or tale, becomes one who is rejected, and loses in this world and the next. This is because awe of the Hereafter also arouses fear in a person, drawing them in towards the true fountain of divine understanding. And divine insight cannot be attained without the awe and fear of God. Hence, remember that when a person begins to doubt the Hereafter, this puts a person’s faith in danger and taints the prospects of a good end. (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, Malfuzat, Vol. 1, p. 53)


Friday 9 August 2019 | AL HAKAM

This Week in History 9 - 15 August 9 August 1957: The foundation stone of the central Ahmadiyya mosque in Kampala, Uganda was laid. The message of Ahmadiyyat reached this oil-producing African country in the 1930s. This mosque has six minarets and can accommodate 9,000 worshippers. The mosque’s construction added a unique attractiveness to the city’s landscape. 10 August 1924: Hazrat Muslehe-Maudra departed from Damascus after blessing this historic capital city with his presence for many days. Huzoorra took the route of Beirut to reach Haifa. From Haifa, Huzoor’s entourage headed towards Acre so they could acquire firsthand knowledge of this place, which is considered the holiest city and headquarters of the Bahai faith. 11 August 1955: Hazrat Muslehe-Maudra was in London and in the very final hours of his stay, a new convert of Swiss origin, Mr Studer, accepted Ahmadiyyat at his blessed hand. Mr Studer had the opportunity to serve Huzoorra in the capacity of a chauffeur and the close company of Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra compelled him to convert.

13 August 1924: Hazrat Muslehe-Maud’sra entourage departed for the second leg of their journey, when they boarded their ship from Port Said, an Egyptian city at the northern end of the Suez Canal located on the Mediterranean Sea. 13 August 1961: The Mubarak Mosque in Montagne Blanche, Mauritius was inaugurated on this day. It was a historic day for the local Jamaat for many reasons, one being that there was already a small mosque built some two decades back on this island, under the supervision of missionary Maulana Fazl Ilahi Bashir Sahib. But sadly, a strong typhoon caused extensive damage to this structure. The devout local Ahmadis planned to rebuild this house of God once again with their limited resources. This beautiful, eye-catching mosque now built with

“Today is the Eid-ul-Zuha. This Eid is celebrated in a month which is the last of the Islamic months.The following month is Muharram and with that starts the New Year. Hence, this Eid is celebrated in the month which concludes the Islamic calendar [or a period], a fact of great importance. “It indicates its relevance to the Holy Prophetsa and the Messiah who was to appear. What is that relevance? One, the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa is the Prophet of the latter days and his blessed person and the time of his appearance were as though it was the time of Eid-ul-Zuha. Every Muslim child knows that the Holy Prophetsa is the Nabi aakhir-ul-zaman [the Prophet of the latter days]. And this month [the month of Eid-ul-Adha] is also aakhirul-shuhoor [the last of the months]. That is why [I say] that this month has a relevance to the life and the time of the Holy Prophetsa. “The second relevance is that this month is known as the month of sacrifices. The Holy Prophetsa also appeared to give a perfect example of sacrifice. Just as you slaughter goats, camels, cows and ewes, human beings were also slaughtered in the way of Allah the Almighty thirteen centuries ago; that was the real and true Eid-ul-Zuha and that really was the time when the light of Zuha was shown to the world. “The sacrifices that people now make by slaughtering the animals are not the kernel, they are the shell. They are not the soul, they are the body [flesh and bones]. In this age of comfort and ease, Eid is celebrated with great joy, happiness and luxury. Women wear their jewellery, men put on their best clothes and arrange for the best available food. This day is considered to be a day of enjoyment and comfort; even the most niggardly person takes meat on this day … “In short, Eid has come to mean a day of making fun and indulging in all sorts of sport. Alas! the people do not pay heed to the real significance of this day.”

cement and concrete blocks was renovated mostly through rigorous and tireless waqar-e-amal.

12 August 1905: Hazrat Hakim Maulvi Nuruddin’sra son, Abdul Qayum passed away in infancy. Abdul Qayum had been suffering from measles for approximately a month. Huzoorra held the body of his son in his arms for a while and his eyes welled up with tears. Huzoorra kissed the boy’s forehead, following the sacred example of the Holy Prophet of Islam, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.

Once, on the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha, the Promised Messiahas stated:

13 or 14 August 1940: An entire Ahmadi family in Ambala was martyred on this day. This cruel and barbaric act was committed against Hazrat Haji Mian Miran Bakhshra, his wife and toddler. This companion of the Promised Messiahas had an unyielding passion to preach the message of Jamaat to the locals since he entered the Jamaat in 1904. Moreover, his business of hide and leather flourished abundantly, which created a strong sense of envy to his rivals. It is reported that a party of attackers, at the behest of local clerics, stormed into his home at around midnight and stabbed him multiple times. Hazrat Miran Bakhsh Sahibra succumbed to his fatal injuries. His wife rushed to the house, crying for help, but she was overpowered by the terrorists and she too lost her life along with her very young daughter. These noble martyrs were buried locally.

(Malfuzat, Vol. 2, pp. 31-32) Continued from page 1

a great deal of effort, reminding us of our actual purpose, which is to introspect and reform ourselves for the sake of humanity and God Almighty. Reflecting on all these occasions, one distinct characteristic is required for all of us to be successful in our services to Allah and His creation – the sacrifice of one’s ego. The Promised Messiahas states in one place: “The reality of Islam is a very superior thing and that no one can truly deserve the title of Muslim till he surrenders the whole of his being to God, together with all his faculties, desires and designs, and till he begins to tread along His path, withdrawing altogether from his ego and all its attendant qualities. A person will be truly called a Muslim only when his heedless life undergoes a total revolution and his evildirecting self, together with all its passions, is wiped out altogether and he is invested with a new life which is characterised by his carrying out all his obligations to Allah and which should comprise nothing except obedience to the Creator and sympathy for His creatures.” (Aina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam, Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 5, pp. 60-61)

On the subject of the reality of sacrifice within Islam, the Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas states at another place: “The reality of Islam is to present one’s neck to God like the sacrificial lamb; to give up one’s own designs and to be devoted to the designs of God and His pleasure; to lose oneself in God and to impose a type of death upon oneself; to be dyed in the personal love of God and to obey Him entirely for the sake of that love; to obtain eyes that see only through Him, and to obtain ears that hear only through Him, and to develop a heart that should be wholly devoted to Him, and to obtain a tongue which would speak only at His command. This is a stage where all search ends; human faculties complete their functions and man’s ego dies completely. Thereupon Divine mercy confers a new life upon the seeker through His living words and His shining light.” (Lecture Lahore, Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 20, p. 160) The Al Hakam team extends its heartiest Eid Mubarak to all our readers with the prayer that Allah enables us to make those sacrifices that are required for the promising future and glory of Islam.


Friday 9 August 2019 | AL HAKAM

Righteousness – The hallmark of a true believer

Hadeeqatul Mahdi, 2 August: Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa inaugurated the 53rd Jalsa Salana UK with the flag hoisting ceremony at 4:35pm. The ceremony included the hoisting of Liwa-e-Ahmadiyyat by Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa and the Union Jack by Amir Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya UK, Rafiq Ahmad Hayat Sahib. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa then led everyone in dua. Thereafter, Huzooraa proceeded to the men’s Jalsa Gah for the first session of this year’s Jalsa. The opening session started with the recitation of the Holy Quran by Rashid bin Khattab Sahib. Verses 191-196 from Surah Al-e-Imran were recited. Translation in Urdu was then read out by Naseer Ahmad Qamar Sahib. A Persian poem of the Promised Messiahas was then read out by Syed Ashiq Hussain Sahib, who also presented the Urdu translation of the poem before the

audience. The poem signified the greatness and grandeur of the Holy Prophetsa. An Urdu poem was then read out by Musawir Ahmad Sahib. This poem was also written by the Promised Messiahas on the significance of righteousness and virtue. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa then delivered his address before the tens of thousands attending Jalsa Salana UK and the millions watching at home via MTA. After Tashahud, Ta‘awuz and Surah alFatihah, Huzooraa recited verse 194 of Surah Al-e-Imran followed by its Urdu translation. Huzooraa expressed that the reason we have gathered for this Jalsa is to gain the blessings of Allah. It is Allah Who has enabled us to accept the Promised Messiahas, Who guided us towards the teachings of Allah and His prophets. The Promised Messiahas had made it clear that after performing Bai‘at, we

must change ourselves in accordance with Allah and His Prophet’ssa commandments. Otherwise the prayer, “O our Lord, we have believed” (Surah Al-e-Imran, V:194) is completely meaningless. It is thus imperative that we self-analyse and introspect on our standards; are they in accordance with the standards set by Allah? If we do not carry out any good works, then our claim is naught. To develop true belief, it is imperative that we try and search for the standards Allah has set for us, the standards the Holy Prophetsa set and the Promised Messiahas. By doing so, we will be able to get an understanding about our condition. We should thank Allah, Who sent the Promised Messiahas to refresh our faith. Further, we should thank Allah, Who has enabled us to gather for these three days of spirituality. These three days will only benefit us if we try and polish our own faith. It will only be polished if we try and live up to the standards set by the Promised Messiahas. Huzooraa said that he would discuss various teachings of the Promised Messiahas that stress upon the standards he desired within members of the Jamaat. The Promised Messiahas once said, “To develop true faith, righteousness is necessary because without it, faith cannot even be initiated.” It is righteousness that enables faith to grow; without it, faith can never develop. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa then read out an array of extracts by the Promised Messiahasdisplaying the importance of developing Taqwa (righteousness). The Prom-

ised Messiahas said that if people truly were righteousness, they would never sin. The Promised Messiahas also expressed that the laws set by governments cannot protect one from sin. This is because governments cannot follow each person. However, if one believes that Allah is always watching them, then it is impossible to sin. On the other hand, if one thinks that Allah is not watching them, then this is the condition of an atheist. The Promised Messiahas said that Allah has initiated everything with righteousness. Then, the Promised Messiahas said that prayers, fasting etc. will only be accepted when one is a muttaqi (righteous and God-fearing person). Once this happens, Allah bestows from where one cannot even imagine. Reading out various verses of the Holy Quran, Huzooraa relayed upon the importance of righteousness. One such verse is that angels descend upon those believers who are steadfast, and these angels inform such a person that Allah will grant them heaven and friendship. The Promised Messiahas held that the plane of righteousness is empty in the current age. He said that with righteousness comes success. Looking at world religions today, righteousness has disappeared and the true God does not exist within them. Huzooraa said that Allah sends His messengers to establish righteousness within the world; the Promised Messiahas was sent for this reason also. The Promised Messiahas said that those who only do Bai‘at to be protected from the punishment of Allah are wrong in doing so – such righteousness should be reached, which protects one from the punishment of God. The Promised Messiahas taught that when one is righteous, Allah grants them salvation from every problem. It is only righteousness that is worthy of respect and one’s qualifications do not prove anything – the only thing that counts eventually is if they are righteous. The Promised Messiahas said that if an uneducated person is righteous, then they would be respected in the eyes of Allah. Righteousness is not just leaving sins,

Friday 9 August 2019 | AL HAKAM

4 rather excelling in good morals is righteousness. Displaying a good conduct – meeting people with good manners, caring, fulfilling the rights of others, loving – is part of righteousness. Until and unless a person develops complete good morals, they shall not be named as a righteous person and possessing one or two good attributes is not enough. The Ahadith mention that Allah becomes the feet and hands of a righteousness person. Quoting the Promised Messiahas, Huzooraa said: “Salat has to be offered five times a day, by every person. It should not be wasted. Offer Salat continuously with such a belief that if Allah wills, He has the power to accept my prayer at this very time.” The Promised Messiahas said that one should have utmost belief that Allah can accept prayers instantly within a second. Such a person should recognise that they are standing before the All-Hearing, AllKnowing and All-Encompassing God . The Promised Messiahas said to pray with great fervour and to never lose hope. When one reaches a level that they present problems and wants before Allah Alone, then this is true belief – it is this what Allah, His Prophetsa and the Promised Messiahas desire of us. The Promised Messiahas explained that it is impossible for faith and sin to coexist simultaneously, much like day and night cannot. The Promised Messiahas said to continuously read his book, Noah’s Ark. Huzooraa said that social media is rife with attacks on the Jamaat and the Promised Messiahas – to counteract this we must change ourselves for the better. If we do so, Allah will come to our help. The Promised Messiahas continuously told his Jamaat not to rely merely on physical proclamation of Bai‘at. The aim should be to attain the kernel, not the shell. If the follower does not act, then the holiness and purity of the saint cannot be of any benefit. Similarly, if one does not take medicine prescribed by a doctor, they will not heal. The Promised Messiahas said that by merely performing Bai‘at, one cannot be satisfied. Believing alone means nothing unless it is accompanied by action. The Promised Messiahas thus emphasised to pray day and night, with great anguish, in order to attain guidance. Huzooraa said that it is imperative to listen to the words of the Promised Messiahas and act upon them. On the subject of good works at the correct and appropriate time, the Promised Messiahas said that one should keep an eye out for spiritual thieves. One should always be mindful over whether they are carrying out good works for mere display. Every good action should be free from any underlying personal purpose, except the pleasure of Allah. Huzooraa further related extracts of the Promised Messiahas on the importance of carrying out righteous deeds. The Promised Messiahas said that even if one person is righteous within a household, the whole household is safeguarded. The Promised Messiahas said that there are those who know that they commit sins, while others do not. It is for this reason that Allah has given us the opportunity

for istighfar (seeking forgiveness from faults). Huzooraa said that the Promised Messiahas desired for his Jamaat to develop a true living connection with Allah. He wanted his Jamaat to be free from laziness as laziness stops one from praying. The Promised Messiahas said that only those are truly within his Jamaat who strive to act in accordance to his teachings. Without action, one cannot reach spiritual heights. The Promised Messiahas advised that one should, before every action, ask themselves whether an action is according to the will of Allah or not. They should use their intelligence to judge whether an action is positive or negative in the sight of Allah. The Promised Messiahas said that after analysing the society of today, one will see that true righteousness has vanished. The Quran is in its original form, the Hadith are present, yet faith and action are not present. It is for this reason that Allah sent the Promised Messiahas and this is Allah’s favour upon humanity. Huzooraa said that the Promised Messiahas explained that avoiding sin is no merit; good actions are needed. The Promised Messiahas said that Allah wants the world to know that all power lies in the hands of God; to attain this, one needs to pray. Satan desires man to be weak in this regard because he knows that whatever success man attains shall be through prayer alone. Expounding further on the writings of the Promised Messiahas, Huzooraa said to read the Holy Quran and to never lose hope in Allah. The Promised Messiahas said to offer Salat in its proper manner and not to read the Quran as if it is an ordinary book. We should read it with the certainty that it is the book of Allah. One should offer prayers during Salat. Whatever our prayers are, they should be done within Salat. Huzooraa spoke of the greatness of the Holy Quran in light of the Promised Messiah’sas writings. Those who think that the Quran is full of mere stories, they disrespect it and do not understand it. The Promised Messiahas took pity at the spiritual condition of Muslims and the lack of good works carried out by them. Hazrat Ahmadas then expressed his desire for those who have a relation with him to act in accordance with the teachings of the Quran. The Jamaat that Allah wants to establish cannot be maintained without good works. Then, the Promised Messiahas said, “By entering this Jamaat … you should not simply be what you were before.” A true transformation should take place, no worry should come upon a follower of the Promised Messihas, no matter how many enemies they develop. At the end of his speech, Huzooraa prayed that Allah enables us to experience that transformation, which will enable us to attain true righteousness; that we, through our actions, are able to call the world towards the true path. Huzooraa said to pray for the condition of the world, particularly the political conditions of Muslim nations. Huzooraa prayed for peace and harmony to be established in the world and that Allah enables us to wave the standard of Islam throughout the world.

Responding to Allegations

Why did the Promised Messiahas not perform Hajj?

An allegation is raised by opponents; they question as to why Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, did not perform Hajj? Despite being fully aware and well acquainted with the conditions that make the Hajj obligatory upon a Muslim, the opponents obstinately level objections and indiscriminately abandon the very commandments and instructions laid down by Allah the Almighty. Regarding the conditions of Hajj being compulsory, it is clearly stated in the Holy Quran: َّ َ َ ّٰ َ َ َ َ​َ َ ‫اس َت َط‬ ْ ‫الناس ِح ُّج ال ْ َب ْي ِت َمن‬ ‫اع إِل َ ْي ِه َس ِبيلًا ۚ َو َمن كف َر ف ِإ ّن‬ ِ ‫و لِل ِہ على‬ ِ َ َ ّ َ ‫الل َه غن ٌّي َعن ال ْ َعالَم‬ ‫ين‬ ِ ِ ِ “And pilgrimage to the House is a duty which men – those who can find a way thither – owe to Allah. And whoever disbelieves, let him remember that Allah is surely independent of all creatures.” (Surah Ale-Imran, Ch.3: V.98) There is no doubt, it is mandatory upon every Muslim who is able to travel to Mecca for Hajj once in his lifetime. However, the words of the above verse, “who can find a way thither,” signify three conditions: firstly, a person should have the necessary conveyance for performing the journey; secondly, one should have the required sum of money to bear the expenses; and thirdly, there should be peace and security on the way. (Sunan Abi Dawood) Moreover, if a person is sick and lacks the energy to “find a way” to reach Mecca, it is not obligatory for him to perform Hajj. (Imam Razi, Tafsir-e-Kabir)

As a matter of fact, the conditions necessary for undertaking the journey of Hajj were not met with in the case of the Promised Messiahas. Verdicts declaring him an infidel were issued in Mecca and the act of taking his life was considered a virtue. He was attacked on various occasions and attempts were made on his life by other Muslims. On the other hand, he suffered from the diseases of vertigo and diabetes. Hence, lack of health, peace and security were factors that hindered him from performing Hajj. This allegation was raised within the lifetime of the Promised Messsiahas as well. He responded in a very comprehensive manner. Someone asked, “Opponent maulvis object as to why Mirza Sahib does not undertake the journey to perform Hajj?” The Promised Messiahas answered: “These people raise this objection out of mischief. The Holy Prophetsa lived in Medina for ten years. It was only a twoday journey between Medina and Mecca, but the Holy Prophetsa did not perform Hajj for ten years, even though he could have arranged for transport. However, the condition for Hajj is not only sufficient wealth, but it is also important that there is no danger of mischief and there should be means available to reach there with peace. When barbaric natured maulvis are issuing verdicts of death here and do not fear the government, then what else could they not do there? These people have no interest if we do not perform Hajj. If, for

Friday 9 August 2019 | AL HAKAM instance, I do perform Hajj, then will they consider me a Muslim? And will they join our Jamaat? “Firstly, these Muslim scholars should write a declaration that if I perform Hajj, then all of them will repent at my hand and will enter my Jamaat and will become of my followers. If they do so and take an oath, then I will perform Hajj. Allah the Almighty will arrange means of convenience for me, so that the discord of maulvis comes to an end in the future. It is not ethical to object mischievously. This objection of theirs does not fall on us but on the Holy Prophetsa as well because the Holy Prophetsa only performed Hajj in his last year.” (Malfuzat, Vol. 5, p. 248) Pondering over the sayings of the Holy Prophetsa, we find that someone else can perform the obligation of Hajj on behalf of the person who is not able to do so, owing to the lack of conditions which make Hajj mandatory upon him. Once, a woman of Khatham tribe came to the Holy Prophetsa and asked, “O Messenger Allah! The obligation of Hajj made compulsory by Allah on His servants has become due on my father, but he is old and weak and he cannot sit firmly on the mount; so may I perform Hajj on his behalf?” The Holy Prophetsa replied, “Yes, you may.” (Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab al-Hajj) Likewise, there is an account of a person who was performing Hajj on behalf of his brother, Shibrima, and the Holy Prophetsa did not forbid him from it. (Sunan Abi Dawood, Kitab al-Manasik). According to the above-mentioned Ahadith of the Holy Prophetsa, Hajj was performed on behalf of the Promised Messiahas as well. Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahibra states: “[My] mother told me, ‘Once, the Promised Messiahas, in the final days [of his life], expressed in front of me the intention to perform Hajj. Hence, I managed [to get someone] to perform Hajj on his behalf after his demise.’ My revered mother sent the late Hafiz Ahmadullah Sahibra to perform Hajj-eBadal on behalf of Hazrat Sahibas and bore all the expenses herself. Hafiz Sahibra was an old companion and passed away a long time ago.” (Sirat-ul-Mahdi, Vol. 1, p. 44) The Promised Messiahas was not able to perform the obligation of Hajj owing to the hostile conditions and lack of good health etc. If the opponents had pondered over the Holy Quran and the traditions of the Holy Prophetsa, they could have easily understood the factors due to which the Promised Messiahas was unable to undertake the journey of Hajj. In the end, we present an instance that sheds light upon the deep emotional attachment of the Promised Messiahas towards the holy places of Islam. Once, someone drew the Promised Messiah’s attention towards the Holy Ka‘bah in Mecca and the tomb of the Holy Prophetsa in Medina. He became extremely moved and said, “Will I ever be able to see the tomb of the Holy Prophetsa?” Emotions welled up inside him and tears were streaming down his face. (Tehrirat-eMubaraka, pp. 155-156)


Introducing the new MTA smart TV app

Hadeeqatul Mahdi, 2 August: After his Friday Sermon at Hadeeqatul Mahdi during Jalsa Salana UK, Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih Vaa announced the launch of the new MTA smart TV app and formally launched the app through a large touch-screen with the click of a button, inaugurating the app and making it available to viewers all over the world. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said: “On behalf of MTA, there is an announcement today that a new app is being launched by MTA International – a smart TV app. In any country of the world, after downloading this app, viewers can access all channels of MTA on LG, Philips, Amazon Fire TV, Sony and Android television sets without a dish antenna, [the channels being] MTA 1, MTA 2, MTA 3 Al-Arabiyya and MTA Africa. Apart from this, by the grace of God, MTA is already available on Samsung televisions in the USA. This was the announcement and those living abroad can benefit from this app. After Jumuah, I will Insha-Allah launch this too.” Our correspondent sat down with Director of IT for MTA International, Adil Mansoor Sahib, who told us: “The entire project started in July 2017 when we went to IBC and spoke to the relevant people about how this smart TV app could be made a reality. We carried on with research and actually found a company who were happy to build the app for us. Thereafter, we went to Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa and while

“Everything seemed to be going to plan. However, Samsung had not responded in time. With only a few days left until the inauguration, we decided that we would not pursue the smart TV app for Samsung televisions. “By the sheer grace of Allah and through the prayers of our beloved Imamaa, Samsung responded two days ago, on Wednesday, and now, Alhamdolillah, the app is ready for Samsung television sets.” Adil Sahib, whilst describing the loving attention by Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa, said: “I wrote to Huzooraa to request the launch as he had said to return to him once everything was complete. Huzooraa had written very lovingly with his own hand, ‘Dua’, showing that he had prayed for the success of this project. “With that, we understood that Huzooraa had prayed and that there was Huzooraa was happy with the proposal, nothing more we needed. Then this he instructed us to perform a survey for Tuesday, the Managing Director for MTA Ahmadis living around the world on International, Muniruddin Shams Sahib whether the need was felt for this app. told us that Huzooraa would inaugurate Huzooraa then told us that he wanted the app on Friday at Jalsa; that turned to personally see the questions for the everything around as it was unanticipated. survey.” Only yesterday were we told by the private After submitting the survey, secretariat that Huzooraa would mention Huzooraa graciously approved it. He then the launch in his Friday Sermon.” instructed for it to be sent throughout the Adil Mansoor Sahib explained to us world and for it to be put up on the MTA what the new app has to offer: website for quick and easy access. The “The new smart TV app plays all four survey was conducted in early 2018. MTA channels currently receivable by Results were positive and presented satellite as live stream and all in full HD. to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa. All results It has the ability to arrange for more live pointed to the fact that there was a genuine streams and channels in future. It also need and interest for such an app. Aside has significant on-demand content and from feedback from the survey, MTA had some programmes are available with 16 been receiving many emails requesting languages, like the Friday Sermon. this feature. Work began on the smart TV “It has the ability for viewers to listen in app just after Jalsa Salana UK 2018 in July. German, French, Urdu, English, Bengali, There were 6 milestones altogether Arabic and so on. The MTA smart TV app that had to be achieved by the team, with also displays closed captions in multiple the seventh being the testing of the app. languages, shows an in-depth electronic With all this done, it was 6-7 weeks ago programme guide for all channels and that the team was happy with the app, can login and save personalised playlists. but the next step was to get individual Now, the new feature is that it can pre-roll approvals for all the platforms mentioned a promo for any programme about to be by Huzooraa in his Friday Sermon, for broadcast, just as other channels’ apps example Philips, LG, Samsung and Sony. play advertisements.” This was all a challenging task as they all Those readers who possess smart TVs had to be approached separately and all should make full use of this new feature had their own requirements. and stay connected with MTA through Describing the final stages of the app, this means as much as possible. Adil Mansoor Sahib told Al Hakam: Readers are requested to pray for the “When finalised, the entire team success of this new project and remember demonstrated the new app on a television the team that worked on it and the entire screen for Huzooraa at the new Markaz in worldwide MTA staff in their prayers. Islamabad.

Friday 9 August 2019 | AL HAKAM


“Take pride in modesty” Hazrat Khalifatul Masih delivers address at ladies Jalsa Gah Hadeeqatul Mahdi, 3 August: Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa presided over the Lajna session on the second day of the 53rd Jalsa Salana at 12:05pm. The session began with the recitation of the Holy Quran by Hibatul Noor Sahiba; verses 12-14 of Surah al-Hujurat (chapter 49) were recited followed by the Urdu translation read out by Quratul Ain Tahir Sahiba. A poem written by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra was then melodiously recited by Amatu-Nur Sahiba.

spend his whole life in leisure and games? In worldly terms, this is not possible and if one does this, then their lives ultimately result in ruin. Huzooraa said that some women write to him and inform him of their husbands who waste time watching television or in social gatherings and rely on social income for financial sport. Huzooraasaid that they have no real reason for this, and as a result, they cause restlessness and discord within their homes. Allah says that if we do not fulfil the rights of Allah, His worship, serving faith and are totally engrossed in earning wealth, then this will be the sport and pastime of the world. Referring to his opening address the previous day, Huzooraa reiterated that the Promised Messiahas said that if we take the oath of Bai‘at, then our actions should be in accordance with the conditions of Bai‘at. Both men and women need to transform themselves to adopting piety. Huzooraa said that when he questions some men about their engrossment in worldly pursuits, they answer by saying that their wives demand too much of them. For this reason, they must work more and therefore cannot spare time for worship. Huzooraa emphasised that such an excuse is nonsense; in such an instance, they are putting their wives and Allah on the same Huzooraa graciously presented awards pedestal. They should fear Allah as this is no to over 115 Ahmadi women for the less than committing Shirk. achievement of academic excellence across Addressing the audience, Huzooraa said various fields of education. These included that if women really do pose such demands, both UK and achievers from abroad. then they should remember that this is not After Tashahud, Ta‘awuz and the recita- how an Ahmadi woman should be. Ahmadi tion of Surah al-Fatihah, Hazrat Amirul Mo- women should clearly say to their husbands, mineenaa recited verse 21 of Surah al-Hadid that leaving faith for the world is wrong (chapter 57) and verse 19 of Surah al-Hashr and not something she wants. An Ahmadi (chapter 59), followed by their translations. woman should clearly state that they want to Huzooraa said that he had received fulfil the rights of God rather than attaining reports of women speaking during Jalsa worldly objects. Salana sessions. He said that they should After we pass on to the next abode, Allah be mindful not to talk among themselves will not question us on how much wealth we left behind or the number of children we during formal sessions in the future. Huzooraa then presented statistics that brought up. He will ask us about our good portray the religious condition of the world; actions, whether we fulfilled His rights, people do not believe in religion and even whether we presented a good example those who do are of very low standards faith. before our children. He will ask us whether Ahmadis should care about saving wives told their husbands to prefer Allah the world from falling into the pit of fire, over the world. If a believer does not do so, however, first we should ask ourselves if then they will be like that hot gust of wind our own condition is such that we give that razes crops to the ground. Huzooraa reiterated that these teachings preference to the love of Allah before the world. are not just for women, but they are for all The purpose of this Jalsa is to develop our believers, including men. spiritual, moral and educational conditions. During the time of the Holy Prophet, We must ask ourselves whether these are the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, purposes we have come for or whether we the excuses of men about their wives were are here for socialising only? of such a nature that they would say, “My Referring to the Quranic verses recited wife spends her whole time in worship and at the outset, Huzooraa said that Allah overlooks my needs.” And if women ever tells us that the world is temporary and complained, they would inform the Holy we should not think it is to last forever. Prophetsa that they did not take care of Allah has declared that the world is a mere their own beauty as their husbands spent pastime and sport. Can an intelligent man their time in worship alone. The Holy

Prophetsa would advise men and women to fulfil the rights of their spouses along with worship. The female companions would beautify themselves not for fashion or to show the world, rather they did so to create a pure atmosphere within their household. Huzooraa said that women should not put on make-up and walk around in the streets without purdah. Huzooraa also highlighted that modesty is the true adornment of women and they should take pride in this. To say, “We have familial ties or such and such families are family friends and for this reason we do not observe purdah” is entirely incorrect. When the hijab is left, it is then that immodesty spreads. Huzooraa recognised that there would be some press members present during his speech who might remark, “Look how these people draw rules for their women.” Huzoor said that we should not care about what others think, but rather we should follow what Allah has taught us. Boys and girls should not have sleepovers at other houses either as this is important to uphold modesty. The female companions had such obedience for the Holy Prophetsa that once he sent a companion to see a wedding proposal. When this companion met with the girl’s father, he disapproved and did not allow the companion to look at her daughter. The daughter, who knew the Holy Prophetsa had sent him, herself showed her face and immediately said that if the Holy Prophetsacommanded this, then who was she to oppose. The companion instantly lowered his own gaze out of respect for the level of piety and obedience the female companion displayed. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa emphasised that the Holy Prophetsa taught to opt for righteous and pious spouses. If both boys and girls begin to prefer righteous spouses, then we will witness an atmosphere where they shall be striving to become the most righteous. Households shall compete with one another to become the most pious and righteous. If parents bring up their children according to religious values, then those children will also want to choose religious partners. Once, the Holy Prophetsa warned women, saying that the woman who has gold jewellery made and flaunts it with great pride and shows it to other women and men, then they shall receive a great torment. Wearing jewellery is not forbidden, but being boastful and acting in a proud manner is incorrect. Showing beauty and jewellery should be for mahram relations [those relations with whom strict purdah has been excused by the Holy Quran]. Huzooraa said that this Jamaat has a responsibility to bridge the gap between the awwalin [pioneers] and akharin [those

of the latter days]. It is our choice, Huzooraa said – do we wish to acquire the pleasure of Allah by following these companions or do we wish to follow Satan? Every Ahmadi should introspect and ask themselves whether they are following the examples of the Companionsra of the Holy Prophetsa or not. The second verse of the Holy Quran Huzooraa recited was one that is recited in the Nikah ceremony. It highlights the need to be righteous and the importance of doing deeds that shall become useful in the Hereafter. It is righteousness and fulfilling the rights of Allah and his creation that shall be questioned. Fashion and worldly wealth shall not be examined. If we leave pious children behind, then they will aid in our own spiritual development as well. If mothers bring children up in a proper manner, then the children will be pious and righteous. Allah knows what is hidden and He cannot be fooled. He knows what we conceal and therefore knows exactly how well we follow the teachings of the Promised Messiahas. Today’s mothers and those girls who will Insha-Allah soon become mothers should plan to develop their spiritual conditions and increase their knowledge so that they are able to bring their children up in a proper manner. They should be able to teach their children that the world is not our aim, but rather it is following the commandments of Allah. If our own spiritual conditions are not up to the mark, we cannot expect any change within our own children. If we want our children to become good spiritual servants of Allah, then proper planning and action is required. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa reminded the audience that Allah does not care how pious one’s parents were; it is only our own actions that will count – they will be responsible for their actions and we, our own. The Holy Prophetsa reminded his daughter, Hazrat Fatimara, that she would not be forgiven merely because she was the daughter of the Prophetsa. Only her good actions would attract the forgiveness of Allah. Concluding his address, Huzooraa prayed for Ahmadi parents to prefer Allah over the world and bring up such children who can set their eyes on faith rather than the world. Huzooraa then graciously listened to various poems recited by groups of Lajna from an array of nationalities after which he visited the creche, where mothers and children sit in a designated marquee to listen to the Jalsa proceedings. Thereafter, Huzooraa proceeded to the men’s marquee to lead Zuhr and Asr prayers at approximately 2:15pm.

Friday 9 August 2019 | AL HAKAM


Progress of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat in Islam since 2018 Jalsa Salana Hadeeqatul Mahdi, 3 August: Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa graced Jalsa Salana UK 2019 for a second time today with his presence at the men’s Jalsa Gah at 4:15pm. Two dignitary guests had the opportunity to convey their sentiments concerning the Jamaat in the presence of Huzooraa. Huzooraa initiated the formal session by calling Mahmood Ahmad Vardi Sahib to recite a passage of the Holy Quran. Verses 8-12 of Surah al-Saff (chapter 61) were recited followed by the Urdu translation. A poem written by the Promised Messiahas was then read out by Nasir Ali Usman Sahib. Within the poem, the Promised Messiahas praises God for His immense blessings upon him and that he was sent as the Messiah of the time. After Tashahud, Ta‘awuz and the recitation of Surah al-Fatihah, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaamentioned the blessings of Allah and the success and expansion of the Jamaat around the globe. To date, by the grace of Allah, Jamaats have been established across the globe in 213 countries of the world. In the last 35 years alone, Allah has blessed the Jamaat with 122 new countries. A new Jamaat has been established this year in Armenia. Huzooraa then mentioned the geographical location along with demographics of Armenia. He mentioned that Armenia is a very strong Christian country. The populace is proud of the fact that they are the first country to accept Christianity. Other religions cannot be fully established in Armenia, but by the grace of Allah and as a result of the efforts of the missionary and Jamaat of Georgia, a new Ahmadi Jamaat has been established in Armenia. This year, by the grace of Allah, 849 new Jamaats were established in the world, with the most new Jamaats in Africa. Ghana has 171 new Jamaats, Niger has 102, Ivory Coast has 83, Sierra Leone has 78, to mention a few. The message of Ahmadiyyat reached 1,499 new places. The total number of mosques built this year were 355. Of these, 216 existing mosques became new Ahmadi mosques while 139 were newly constructed mosques. These mosques were built in lots of countries, including Canada, America, the UK, Germany, India, Indonesia, Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Tanzania, Burkina Faso, Mali, Congo, Benin, Niger, Cameroon and Senegal, to mention some. Concerning mosques, there are various faith-inspiring incidents, Huzooraa said. In Tanzania, a new group of Ahmadi converts built a mosque. They would go through tough physical feats to bring rocks and materials to build the mosque. Men and

Photo courtesy of AMA UK

women played an equal role in building the mosque, with women often cooking all the meals for the workers. The mosque seemed impossible to build as its location was very deep in rural areas. But now, by the grace of Allah, the locals are very happy. The mosque has proved to be a great means of tabligh, with 15 new Bai‘ats achieved during the building of the mosque. In a region of Mali, this year, a regional mosque was built. The Jamaat had tried to build a mosque there on many occasions but opposition would always hinder them. In fact, the mayor would join in stopping the construction of the mosque. Allah blessed the Jamaat in such a manner that the mayor was changed in this area, and the new mayor donated 5 hectares to the Jamaat for the building of the new mosque. The mayor faced great opposition but did not waver at all in his decisions. Now, by the grace of Allah, a great new mosque has been built. A total of 349 new mission houses have been built this year. Huzooraa mentioned that in Africa, the local Ahmadis build their mosques through voluntary waqar-e-amal. Huzooraa said that 91 counties took part in waqar-e-amal and 48,470 sessions were held that saved $5,250,000. 331,810 books were printed by Raqeem Press UK. Huzooraa also mentioned the printing works done by the Ahmadiyya

Press across Africa where 9 presses are working. They are provided machinery from the UK Raqeem Press. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa mentioned that two kind Ahmadis from Germany provided an upgrade for two Ahmadiyya presses in Africa. Talking of Wakalat-e-Tasnif in the UK, Huzooraa said that this year, the 5-volume commentary had been reprinted with a better typesetting and it was available at the book stall. The 3rd edition of Tadhkirah had been published and the second volume of Malfuzat, had been printed now as well. Huzooraa mentioned an array of other literature, including Huzoor’s lectures that have been either published, are in revision or almost complete. A new copy of the Holy Quran has been reprinted with better quality text and a beautiful cover. The Turkish Desk has also translated literature. Various books have also been translated into English by the Fazle Umar Foundation, including Truth About Salvation, The Beliefs of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, and The Call of Heaven. Talking of book fairs, Huzooraa mentioned an incident by the missionary within Argentina. He wrote that a man, by the name of Oscar, came to the book fair. When he passed the Jamaat stand, he felt a strong attraction to it. Later, he acquired The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam from the stand. After a while, he

returned and said that the book had changed his life. The answers which he once longed for had been given to him in this book. The man said that he developed a desire to know more about the author, and soon realised he was the Mahdi. This man said he knew that the author of The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam was upon the truth and he accepted Ahmadiyyat. The Jamaat, by the grace of Allah, published 718 various pamphlets, leaflets and literature in 49 different languages Huzooraa mentioned that Qadian provides a lot of literature to the worldwide Jamaat. The print amounts to more than 62,000. At present, Jamaat magazines, newspapers and newsletters etc. total 122 and are published in 26 languages. 519 regional and central libraries have been established and they are sent books from London and Qadian. This number is now growing. Wakalat-e-Tamil-o-Tanfidh is also doing good work across India and Bhutan. There have been renovations across Jamaat properties in India, especially Qadian. 28 books of the Promised Messiahas have been translated to Hindi. Huzooraa mentioned that the Arabic desk had translated and published an array of books this year. Some of these included Seir-e-Ruhani, Malaikatullah, A Man of God, and Fiqhul-Masih. The desk is

Friday 9 August 2019 | AL HAKAM

8 in its final stages of revising the twentieth volume of Ruhani Khazain. Talking of the benefits of MTA AlArabiyya, Huzooraa related various incidents. One man, for instance, after seeing the Promised Messiahas in a dream accepted the Jamaat after his family had accepted earlier. The Russian Desk has completed translating most of the sermons of Huzooraa. At present, the 4thedition of the Holy Quran in Russian is being published. The Bangla Desk is also working hard, producing translations. The French Desk is also working on various projects and have an active website along with platforms on social media. More than 1.3 million people have visited web-pages of their website. Various books of the Promised Messiahas and the Khulafa have been translated into French while also being revised. The Chinese Desk has also been carrying out projects. Huzooraa said that a lot of work took place in the time of Usman Chini Sahib. Huzooraa prayed that may Allah grant us another servant of Islam who is purely of Chinese origin so that he may also translate literature as did the late Usman Chou Sahib. The Turkish Desk has also translated many books of the Promised Messiahas and the Khulafa. The Swahili Desk has also been working on various translations, especially MTA programmes. Huzooraa mentioned that the Swahili Desk is established in the UK, Rabwah and Tanzania. In 2018, the Indonesian desk was established and live translations of Huzoor’s sermons are now given as well as translations of various books by the Promised Messiahas. The Spanish Desk has also covered various translations of literature and Huzooraa mentioned the Spanish website of the Jamaat as well. 55,545 exhibitions have been held throughout the year. When a PhD student in Calcutta, who is researching Jesus in India and is also head of an institute, came to know about the research of the Promised Messiahas, he desired for these teachings to be presented within his institution. 16,257,000 leaflets were given out this year. A very strong leafleting campaign was held throughout Jamaats, some of which include Germany, UK, Australia, Spain, Holland, Canada, Sweden, France, Haiti, Portugal, America. In India, 572,000 leaflets were distributed. Huzooraa then presented the various achievements by the Press and Media Office in London. While discussing the Waqf-e-Nau department, Huzooraa said that a total of 1,345 joined this noble scheme in the past year. Talking of departments of the Jamaat, Huzooraa said that Makhzan-e-Tasaweer had covered various events throughout the year. He also mentioned the works of The Review of Religions magazine that was started by the Promised Messiahas. This year is the 117th year since The Review of Religions started. Huzooraa mentioned that this magazine has now evolved into a multiplatform magazine and is a powerful

means for tabligh. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa mentioned that the weekly Al Hakam is available on website and on app. Huzooraa said that this newspaper has proven to be beneficial for English readers and has material on the latest news, research and history. Al Fazl International is now available in colour print and since 14 June, has been available on website and applications. Ahmadiyya Archive and Research Centre was also mentioned and Huzooraa said that it is doing good work in archiving artefacts and preserving the history of the Jamaat. has uploaded hundreds of books in Urdu and English on their website. The Quran application has been improved on iPhone, while other improvements have been made across the site and its applications. MTA International is currently working within 16 departments with more than 400 volunteers. Currently there are 5 channels of MTA that are broadcasting 24 hours a day. At present, there is MTA 1 , MTA Africa, MTA 2, MTA Africa 2, MTA 3 Al Arabiyya. Huzooraa mentioned that at present, MTA is covering 17 languages. Huzooraa explained that MTA is serving as a great means of tabligh and we are witnessing a lot of converts. Radio programmes reached 560 million people across Africa. Huzooraa mentioned the works of the Nusrat Jehan scheme and the great number of hospitals and schools developed by them. We now have 685 schools in 12 countries. IAAAE is also doing great work, Huzooraa said, in providing relief across Africa. Huzooraa mentioned various projects, including wells and solar systems being installed in Africa. The works of Humanity First was good, Huzooraa said. Patients are receiving various free operations, especially eye operations. To date, 14,723 free operations were conducted in total. Various humanitarian works were mentioned by Huzooraa as well. This year, 668,527 new converts have taken Bai‘at from 120 countries, representing 300 nationalities. Many people have accepted the Jamaat as a result of true dreams. Opposition has resulted in many Bai‘ats and we are witnessing a great positive transformation within new converts in terms of their high morals. Huzooraa mentioned that very strong Jamaats are being established. Huzooraa said that the efforts of those who oppose the Jamaat are resulting in naught and the Jamaat is moving from strength to strength. After the successful conclusion of this session, Huzoor returned to his office where delegations had gathered to meet Huzooraa. Huzoor met with a number of delegations from Canada, USA and other parts of the world. After meeting with these guests, Huzooraa then proceeded towards a dinner with Tabshir guests, before Huzooraa graced various exhibitions, including the Al Hakam Hub and The Review of Religions’ exhibition. Thereafter, Huzooraa headed towards the main marquee to lead the congregation in Maghrib and Isha prayers.

The philosophy of Hajj and sacrifice in Islam An occasion which demonstrates an obligatory worship in the religion of Islam is the institution of Hajj, the journey to the House of Allah, the Ka‘bah. The concept of pilgrimage, in one form or another, can be found in almost every religion across the globe. However, the pilgrimage in Islam is a unique and universal representation of Muslim unity and the believers’ love for Allah the Almighty. The history of the blessed Baitullah – the House of Allah, also known as the Ka‘bah – dates back to the era of Prophet Abrahamas, when he searched for the traces of Lord’s first house, which were not known at the time. Through divine guidance, he built it from the ruins with the help of his son Prophet Ishmaelas in Mecca which was then known as Bakkah. Regarding the greatness and historical importance of the Holy Ka‘bah, it is stated in the Holy Quran: َّ َ ُ ْ َ َ َّ َ َّ َ ‫ِلناس ل َ َّلذي ب َب َّك َة ُم َب َاركًا َو ُه ًدى لّ ِْل َعالَم‬ ‫ين ۔ فِي ِه‬ ‫ِإن أول بي ٍت وضِ ع ل‬ ِ ًِ َ ُ َ َ َ َ َ َ ِ َ ْ ُ َ ِ َّ ٌ َ ّ َ ٌ َ َ ‫آيات ب ِينات مقام ِإبرا ِهيم ۖ ومن دخله كان آ ِمنا‬ “Surely, the first House founded for mankind is that at Bakkah, abounding in blessings and a guidance for all peoples. In it are manifest Signs; it is the place of Abraham; and whoso enters it, enters peace.” (Surah Al-e-Imran, Ch.3: V.97-98) Following the command of Allah the Almighty, Prophet Abrahamas placed the foundations of civilisation in a deserted place and left his wife, Hazrat Hajiraas (Hagar) and his son, Ishmaelas to live there. The purpose of this exemplary sacrifice was for the place to serve as the centre of guidance for the world in the future. Hence, from the progeny of Prophet Ishmaelas, a great prophet rose who was the reason behind the creation of the universe and mercy for all mankind. He was none other than the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, whose teachings are for the entire world and for every period of time. The House of Allah was built around 2,000 years before the advent of Prophet Jesusas and continued to serve as the worship place of one God. However, with the passage of time, it came under influence of the idol-worshippers. Allah the Almighty later

restored its glory and grandeur through the hands of the Holy Prophetsa and every single idol was removed from this blessed Baitullah after the victory of Mecca. Soon after, Hajj was made obligatory for every Muslim to perform at least once in their life. Highlighting the importance of Hajj, the Holy Prophetsa said: “Whoever performs Hajj for the sake of Allah’s delight and does not carry out foul talk, nor commits any evil or sin, they will return [after Hajj free from sins] as the day in which his mother gave birth to him.” (Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab al-Hajj) Explaining the philosophy and reason behind the institution of Hajj, the Promised Messiahas states: “In the world of love, the human spirit always circles around its lover and gives a kiss towards its threshold. Likewise, the Holy Ka‘bah is a physical manifestation for all the fervent lovers [of God]. Allah states that this is His house and the Black Stone [Hajr-e-Aswad] is the stone of His threshold. He gave this order so that a person could practically express their ardent love. Hence, pilgrims physically walk around it [the Ka‘bah] at the occasion of Hajj, in a way that they are intensely in love with Allah. They put aside their beauty, shave their head, and walk around the Ka‘bah. They kiss the Black Stone with the thought that it is the stone of the threshold of Allah. “This physical passion creates spiritual warmth and love, and the body circles His house and kisses the threshold’s stone, and with this, the spirit circles its true lover and kisses its spiritual threshold. Similarly, the soul circulates the true Beloved and kisses His spiritual threshold. “There is no Shirk [associating partners with Allah] involved in this practice. When a friend receives a letter from a beloved friend, they kiss it as well. No Muslim worships the Holy Ka‘bah, nor do they ask anything from the Black Stone, but only considers it a model of God’s manifestation which has been established by Allah. Just as we lay prostrate on the ground and this prostration is not for the material earth, in exactly the same manner do we kiss the Black Stone, but that kiss is not for the Black Stone. A stone is merely a stone and can


Friday 9 August 2019 | AL HAKAM

Hazrat Hakim Maulvi Nuruddin, Khalifatul Masih Ira states: “The sacrifice offered on the day of Eid-ul-Adha holds a pure teaching in it. [It can only be beneficial for a person] if he is mindful of the commandment laid down by Allah Almighty in the Holy Quran: ٰ ُ ّٰ َ َ َّ ْ َ ُ َ ُ ‫الل َه ل ُ ُح‬ ‫لن ينال‬ ‫وم َها َولَا ِد َماؤ َها َول َ ِك ْن يَنال ُه‬ ُْ َ ْ ّ ۚ ‫التقوَ ٰى ِمنكم‬

“The months of the Hajj are well known; so whoever determines to perform the Pilgrimage in these months should remember that there is to be no foul talk, nor any transgression, nor any quarrelling during the Pilgrimage.” (Surah al-Baqarah, Ch.2: V.198) The above verse of the Holy Quran refers to the known Islamic months of Shawal, Dhul Qa‘dah and Dhul Hijjah, during which a person begins the preparation of Hajj and eventually performs it between the days of 8 to 13 Dhul Hijjah, according to the Sunnah of the Holy Prophetsa. It is worth mentioning here that the Tawaf-e-Ziarah can be performed from 10 Dhul Hijjah till the end of the month. On the other hand, if a pilgrim has performed Tawaf-e-Ziarah and wants to leave Mina two days earlier than 13 Dhul Hijjah, there will be no sin in it according to the Holy Quran, provided everything they do is done with good intentions, acting righteously and fearing God. The Promised Messiahas states: “There are two parts of worship: firstly, that a person fears God as one ought to. The fear of God takes a man to the fountain of purity and his soul begins to melt and flow to the Unity of God, making man a true worshipper; secondly, that a person loves God as He is worthy to be loved. God says: ُ َ َ ُ َ َ َّ َ ّٰ ‫آمنوا أش ّد ُح ًّبا لّ ِل ِه‬ ‫وال ِذين‬

prayer manifests the aspect of fear, while the Hajj depicts the love of God. Whatever the fear demands, we have it in various postures of the prayer; a man humbles himself and admits his being the servant of God. Whatever is done during the Hajj shows different ways of love. “In the extreme condition of love, at times, one does not feel the need for clothes; love is also a sort of madness and a lover cannot be looking after his clothes to maintain their fineness. “There was once a woman in Sialkot, and she was in love with a tailor-master. The people tried all they could to restrain her but she would tear off her clothes and run to him. This condition of dressing is to be met with in the ceremonies of Hajj; man has to shave off the hair on his head; one has to run; one has to kiss – this is the kiss of affection [all the religions have taken kissing to be a sign of affection]. Slaughtering of the ram [sacrifice] is also a sign of excellence of love.” (Malfuzat, Vol. 3, pp. 298-300) The Holy Prophetsa performed his only Hajj in the year 10 AH but he used to celebrate Eid-ul-Adha on its prescribed date of the Islamic calendar, commemorating the great sacrifice offered by Hazrat Abrahamas. Prophet Abrahamas stood by the command of Allah on two occasions and set an extraordinary example of sacrifice for the coming generations: firstly, when he saw in a divine vision that he was sacrificing his son, Ishmaelas and became ready to do it for attaining God’s delight; secondly, when he left his son and wife at a place where there was no water, nor the passing of any man. The objective and true spirit behind the true sacrifice can be understood from the verse of the Holy Quran, Allah the Almighty states: ٰ ُ ْ َّ ُ َ ّٰ َ َ َّ ْ َ َ َٰ ُ ُ ‫الل َه ل ُ ُح‬ ‫وم َها َولَا ِد ٰ َماؤ َها َول َ ِك ْن يَنال ُه التقوَ ٰى ِمنك ْم ۚ كذل ِك‬ ‫لن ينال‬ ّ ُ ّ َ ُ ْ ُ َ َ َ َّ َ َ‫الل َه َع َلى َما َه َداك ُ ْم ۗ َوبَ ّشر ال ْ ُم ْحسنِين‬ ‫وا‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ك‬ ‫ِت‬ ‫ل‬ ‫م‬ ‫ك‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ه‬ ‫ر‬ ‫سخ‬ ِ ِ ِ ِ

[‘And believers are stronger in their love for Allah’ (Surah al-Baqarah, Ch.2: V.166)], we should take all the affections, transitory and mortal, and the love of God as real and true … “In order to fulfil both these things, Islam has enjoined its followers to offer [five daily] prayers and to perform Hajj. The

“Their flesh reaches not Allah, nor does their blood, but it is your righteousness that reaches Him. Thus has He subjected them to you, that you may glorify Allah for His guiding you. And give glad tidings to those who do good.” (Surah al-Hajj, Ch.22: V.38) In the explanation of the above verse, it is stated in the The Holy Quran Five-

neither benefit anyone, nor cause any harm, but it has been bestowed from the hands of the Beloved, Who has declared it to be a manifestation of His threshold.” (Chashmae-Marifat, Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 23, pp. 101102) Regarding the time of performing Hajj, Allah the Almighty states in the Holy Quran: َ ُ َ َ َ َّ ْ َ َ َ ٌ َ ُ ْ َّ ٌ ُ ْ َ ُّ َ ْ ‫يه َّن ال َحج فلَا َرفث َولَا ف ُسوق َولَا‬ ‫الحج أشهر معل‬ ِ‫ومات ۚ ف َمن ف َرض ف‬ ّ َ ِْ َ َ ‫ِجدال فِي الح ِج‬

[‘Their flesh reaches not Allah, nor does their blood, but it is your righteousness that reaches Him.’ (Surah al-Hajj, Ch.22: V.38)] “What is sacrifice? It is a kind of pictorial teaching which can be understood by an illiterate and an intellectual. God is not hungry for the blood or meat of anyone. [It is stated in the Holy Quran that Allah the Almighty is the One]: ْ ْ ‫يُط ِع ُم َولَا يُط َع ُم‬

[‘Who feeds and is not fed’ (Surah al-Anam, Ch.22: V.38)]. He is that Pure and Great King who is not in need of any food, nor any offering of meat and blood, but in fact He wants to teach you that you too sacrifice yourselves before God as the weak sacrifice before the mighty.” (Khutabat-e-Nur, p. 431) Volume Commentary that this verse throws a flood of light on the essence, inwardness and real object and purpose of sacrifice. It also teaches a supreme lesson, that it is not the outward act of sacrifice which pleases God but the spirit underlying it and the motive behind it. The flesh or blood of the slaughtered animal does not reach God, but rather it is righteousness of the heart which is acceptable to Him. God demands and accepts total sacrifice of all that is near and dear to us in our material possessions, the ideals that are so dear to us, our honour and life itself. In reality, God wants and demands no offering from us in the form of flesh and blood of animals, but the offering of our hearts. The Promised Messiahas states: “Let everyone strive hard to reach the stage where they can say, ‘My life, my death, my sacrifices, my prayers are all for the sake of God. His soul should cry out like that of Hazrat Abrahamas: َ ‫أَ ْس َل ْم ُت ل ِرَ ّب ال ْ َعالَم‬ ‫ين‬ ِ ِ ‘I have submitted to the Lord of the

worlds.’ (Surah al-Baqarah, Ch.2: V.132) “Unless a person is annihilated in God and unless he is dead in Him [prepared to die for His cause] he cannot have a new life. You who are with me can observe and realise that I take the aim of my life to be dedicated for God’s sake. You should look into your lives and find out as to how many of you like this act of mine and how many of you like to dedicate your lives.” (Malfuzat, Vol. 2, p. 100) Explaining the word sacrifice, the Promised Messiahas stated on one occasion: “The word qurbani, or sacrifice, is taken from qurb, which means nearness, and this alludes to the fact that the nearness of God is attained when all the desires and passions of the flesh are slain.” (The Honour of Prophets, p. 17) Hence, it should be borne in mind that along with the apparent or outward act of sacrifice, the spirit and soul underlying it, which is the kernel and essence of the sacrifice, should not be pushed aside or ignored.


Friday 9 August 2019 | AL HAKAM

The Holy Quran: Defender of human rights

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V addresses concluding session of 53rd Jalsa UK

Hadeeqatul Mahdi, 4 August: Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad Khalifatul Masih Vaa, presided over the final session of the 53rd Jalsa Salana UK, held in Hadeeqatul Mahdi, Alton. Earlier, prior to Zuhr and Asr prayers, Huzooraa led the International Bai‘at ceremony in which all those present and all Ahmadis watching via MTA International reaffirmed their oaths to Khilafat-eAhmadiyya. When Huzooraa arrived at the Jalsa Gah for the concluding session, Sir Edward Davey, Member of Parliament for Kingston and Surbiton had the opportunity to present some of his sentiments. He thanked Huzooraa for the humanitarian works of the Jamaat. He discussed two challenges that are being faced by the world; uncertainty and division. Sir Edward Davey praised Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa for his efforts to stop division and conflict around the world. He also labelled the leadership of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa as “inspirational”. The formal concluding session then began with the recitation of the Holy Quran by Feroz Alam Sahib, who recited verses 1521 of Surah Al-e-Imran (chapter 3). These verses speak of the innate desire of man for worldly riches and that those who give preference to faith and Allah over these shall be the ones who will attain Allah’s pleasure. Next was an Arabic Qaseedah (a poem in praise of the Holy Prophetsa) recited by

Faraj Odeh Sahib. Murtaza Manan Sahib then recited an Urdu poem, written by the Promised Messiahas. The poem highlighted the greatness, grandeur and light of the Holy Quran and the fear of God. Amir Sahib UK then announced the Ahmadiyya Peace Prize 2019. The Ahmadiyya Peace Prize is awarded to an individual or an organisation every year and was launched in 2009 by Huzooraa. This year, Amir Sahib UK announced Barbara Hoffman of Switzerland as the winner of this prize for her outstanding humanitarian efforts in Mozambique from 1989 onwards. It was wartime and after witnessing the ravages of war, she decided to devote her life to the children of Mozambique. To date, she has been constantly devoting her life for humanitarian efforts. The prize shall be officially presented to her at the National Peace Symposium. Next, Huzooraa graciously presented awards to over 100 Ahmadi men for achievement of academic excellence across various fields of education. These included both UK and achievers from abroad. Following Tashahud, Ta‘awuz and the recitation of Surah al-Fatihah, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said that the powers today that are trying to oppose religion are in full force. It is said that the teachings of religion are outdated and not for this era. They emphasise that religious teachings

should change for the new era. They say that firstly, religions talk of outdated aspects, thus we should change ourselves, considering the new enlightenment. They express that religions need to change some of their teachings in order to stay updated with the new era. Huzooraa said that these so-called “enlightened” teachings that religion should accept spread immoral concepts among children. Some religious people accept this notion and voice the need to change religion. Within the Christian world, this discussion does take place and some scholars agree to change parts of the Bible. Huzooraa said that this is so due to lack of true understanding. If one has full belief that Allah speaks today, then such thoughts will not arise. We firmly believe that the Holy Quran is the book of Allah, and He has promised to safeguard it. Other religions do not have their original teachings, and so they can change their books if they desire. However the Holy Quran’s teachings were never changed and will remain until the Last Day. By sending His prophet, Allah has safeguarded the teachings of the Holy Quran. The Holy Quran covers all topics; it covers academia, science, the rights of Allah and the rights of people. Therefore, we should never ever be in any complex about the Holy Quran as it is enough for us. There is no need for a new “enlightenment” within the Holy Quran. These people who accept the need to change the Quran have simply not pondered over the Holy Quran. If they have, then they have only read the commentary of people who could not reach the depths of the Holy Quran. We need to challenge such people. The Holy Quran has mentioned everything; it has established our rights. People who oppose religion say that it teaches to worship and pray – as a result, this gives way to laziness. They are pointing towards Islam when they raise this objection. Huzooraa expressed that Allah has said that He has created men and Jinn for His worship and at the same time He has said that there would be no need to care for us if we did not pray and seek forgiveness. Therefore, from this we deduce that Allah does not need our prayers. Worship is for our own benefit, not Allah’s.

Those who object against Islam say that Islam does not safeguard human rights. Huzooraa said that today he shall mention those rights that the Holy Quran has established, they are for every age and are the key to real peace. These people, in the name of rights, have created disorder in the world. They accuse Islam for halting rights. The Holy Quran is a complete book and it has mentioned the rights of Allah and the rights of God. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said, “Today, I will talk about the rights of man”. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa mentioned a verse of the Holy Quran that says to worship Allah and not to worship others. At the same time, the Quran commands to take care of humanity; including relatives, neighbours, travellers, the poor and servants etc. The Holy Prophetsa said, “He who does not thank people, does not thank Allah”. In this age, the Promised Messiahas said that the Shariah has two main areas – the rights of Allah and the rights of man. The rights of Allah include His worship and not to ever worship anything else. The rights of man, the Promised Messiahas said, is to truly take care of people, causing them no pain whatsoever. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa, quoting the Promised Messiahas, said that people should spend day and night to correct their morals. People should think good of others, rather than thinking ill of them. By doing so, one will develop love, unity and strength amongst their brothers and sisters. Huzoor said that lots of people have no care for their fellow beings; if someone is left hungry, they care not for them; if someone has financial issues, they never care to spend their own wealth for them. Huzooraa mentioned a recent survey that showed how charity is given mostly by religious people and Muslims are those who give the most charity. Worldly people do not spend out of their own wealth to serve the poor. When one works for Allah and helps their weak, less fortunate brothers and sisters, their faith increases. The Promised Messiahas said that if man does not help others, he slowly turns into an animal, not caring for others. The Promised Messiahas said, “Be kind to all of humanity, no matter who they are”. He said to “never constrict the circle of your


Friday 9 August 2019 | AL HAKAM kindness.” Huzooraa then mentioned specific rights that Allah has set up. Referring to a verse, Huzooraa said that in the Holy Quran, Allah greatly emphasises kind treatment towards parents, especially when they reach old age. Expounding on this further, Allah mentions how a mother passes through great pain to give birth to her child. Allah then talks of the kind treatment and friendliness one should have with their parents, even if they act harshly. Huzooraa said that Allah says to uphold the rights of parents always. In a Hadith, it is mentioned that a man came to the Prophetsa and asked who he should be the most kind to. The Holy Prophetsa thrice said his mother and in the end, said his father. The Holy Prophetsa said the most beloved act in the sight of Allah is worshiping Allah, then acting kind towards parents, then jihad in the way of Allah. Once a man came to the Holy Prophetsa and sought permission to go on Jihad [by the sword]. The Holy Prophetsa told him that his Jihad was to stay back and serve his parents. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said that those who supposedly promote rights today are taking the rights of parents away. If parents admonish their children or try and correct their children, such organisations raise their voices. Huzooraa said that people are fed up and are now raising their voices, saying that such notions are nonsense and parents should be able to raise their own children. The Promised Messiahas said that first man should take care of his mother. The Promised Messiahas said that the Holy Prophetsa would praise Hazrat Awais Qarnira who could not visit the Holy Prophetsa due to his service to his mother. The Holy Prophetsa only sent his specific salutations of peace to two people, Hazrat Awais Qarnira and the Imam Mahdi. In the name of so-called freedom, governments are taking away the rights of parents. Allah has also granted great rights of children. Allah says not to kill your children from fear of poverty. Killing children means not to educate them, not to fulfil their needs etc. In another instance, the Holy Quran commands not to kill children due to poverty as it is God Who grants them provision and killing them is a great sin. The Holy Prophetsa said to respect children and give them a good upbringing. The Prophetsa also said that the best gift a father can give his children is to grant them a good upbringing. Regarding a good upbringing of children, the Promised Messiahas said that people really desire children, but do not provide a good upbringing; they do not pray for them or exert any effort for their upbringing. Huzooras said that he prayed for his children everyday. People do not stop their children when they act immorally. Children should be made a healthy part of society. Islam set the rights of children whose parents have divorced and these rights are better than any law present today. Allah says that a (divorced) mother should fulfil two years of weaning if the father desires. At the same time, the father has the responsibility of providing provisions for the child and the mother. Huzooraa explained this verse further and said that the rights of women

Hazrat Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IIra states: “The Holy Prophetsa conveyed to us by naming this Eid as Eid-ul-Adha that Allah the Almighty would cause to expand His ummah to the extent that if there be a handful of people to present sacrifice in this age, their sacrifices would grow into a huge collection. Hence, this Eid is a very wonderful Eid for which there is not a single example to be found anywhere across the globe. On this occasion, people offer the sacrifice of goats and sheep, however the Holy Quran states: ٰ ُ ُ ْ َّ ُ َ ّٰ َ َ َّ ْ َ ُ ‫الل َه ل ُ ُح‬ ۚ ‫وم َها َولَا ِد َماؤ َها َول َ ِك ْن يَنال ُه التقوَ ٰى ِمنك ْم‬ ‫لن ينال‬ “Their flesh and blood do not reach Allah the Almighty, but in fact, it is the righteousness of those who offer sacrifice that reaches Him.Thus, the true sacrifice is the one in which the person offers the sacrifice of himself and his family, and this is the lesson which the Eid-ul-Adha teaches us.” (Al Fazl, 10 June 1959) and the child are strongly upheld in this verse. By establishing such rights, divorces will not be a means of great enmity and disorder as rights of the child, the mother and the father are upheld. The Holy Quran lays great stress upon protecting the rights of orphans. Drawing on the Quran, Hazrat Amirul the various Momineenaa discussed responsibilities of society in upholding the rights of orphans, protecting their wealth and giving them a good upbringing. This is the great teaching of Islam. Then there is generosity and kindness towards children. The Holy Prophetsa upheld the rights of even the children of enemies. The Prophetsa admonished an army who had killed children. Today, governments are separating mothers and children in nations of the world. With this, they still believe that it is Islam that is taking away rights. The Holy Prophetsa said that he who is not merciful towards children is not one of us. The Holy Prophetsa laid great emphasis on the care of daughters. He said not to hate daughters, as they are the ones who love more than anyone else. On one occasion, when a man hit his child, the Promised Messiahas was very upset with this and expressed his dislike for this act. Huzooras said that if people prayed for their children with the same passion as when they scolded them, they would realise the blessing in this and the change it brings. The Promised Messiahas also said that children should be taught lessons. If they are not, then they will grow with bad habits. Huzooras said that these are balanced teachings. Allah has taught us a prayer for our

wives and children in the Holy Quran, which results in a better atmosphere. Rights have been established for divorced women. The Holy Quran commands men not to act unjust when divorcing women, rather they should act with great kindness and forgiveness. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa expressed that even some Ahmadis did not follow these commands set in the Holy Quran. When they are presented in court cases within the Jamaat, they act wrongfully. The Holy Prophetsa said that the best wealth of the world is a pious wife. Then he said that the best among you is he who is best toward his wife and that he was the best towards his wife. Hazrat Aishara related that the Holy Prophetsa would assist in chores of the household and when it was time for prayers, he would leave for worship. The Holy Prophetsa said that a believing man should not dislike a believing woman. If he dislikes one aspect, he will like another. Huzooraa mentioned a revelation of the Promised Messiahas that instructs men to act softly and with kindness towards their wives. Huzooras said to avoid divorce as it is greatly disliked by Allah. Huzooras said that divorce should not take place over trivial matters. Those who talk of rights in these countries, themselves do not take care of their women and often have extra marital affairs. The divorce rates here are very high. Then regarding brothers and sisters, the Holy Quran teaches a prayer in which one prays for forgiveness for his brother. To uphold the rights of siblings, Allah commands to stay away from prejudice, backbiting and spying. In a Hadith it is mentioned that the Holy Prophetsa said, “One is not a true believer until he loves for his brother what he loves

for himself.” The Holy Prophetsa said not to have prejudice or hate between one another. It is not lawful for a believer to cease speaking to another believer for more than three days. The Holy Quran lays great importance in upholding the rights of relatives and maintaining good relations with them. The Holy Prophetsa said that he who wants more wealth, or more age should be kind towards his relatives. The Holy prophetsa said that those who do not take care of their relatives will not enter heaven. The Holy Prophetsa said that Gabriel relayed the importance of taking caring of neighbours to such an extent that the Prophetsa began to think that maybe Gabriel would include neighbours within one’s will. Huzooraa said that the Promised Messiahas expressed that those who did not take care of the rights of their neighbours were not from his community. The Holy Quran pays a great deal of attention in upholding the rights of widows as well. The Holy Prophetsa said that the one who upholds their rights would be like the one participating in Jihad. Huzoorsa drew on Quranic verses to show how it upheld the rights of elderly people. Allah says to show kindness to elderly parents and not to scold them or tell them off. The Holy Prophetsa even took care of rights of the elderly during prayers. An elderly person complained to the Holy Prophetsa regarding long prayers of an Imam. As a result, the Holy Prophetsa firmly told his companions to keep prayers short as elderly people are present. Continued on page 13


Friday 9 August 2019 | AL HAKAM 100 Years Ago...

A glimpse of Jalsa Salana Qadian 1919 Information acquired from Al Fazl, 5, 8, 12 and 15 January 1920

This year, prior to the Jalsa days, a heavy spell of rain perturbed the organisers. They faced harsh circumstances and it was assumed that the tough weather conditions may stop many attendees to travel to Qadian for Jalsa. Moreover, the scarcity of means of transport in the Amritsar area, owing to the hustle and bustle of political activists from both camps of the Muslim League and Congress, fuelled worries of the Jalsa management. Another important factor, which also added to the concern of the organisers in 1919, was that the Jamaat had two annual Jalsas in Qadian. For known reasons, in 1918, conditions were not favorable to organise a Jalsa in Qadian during the month of December [thus Jalsa Salana 1918 was held the following year in early 1919]. Post-World War I, a dearth of everyday commodities was common, but the huge gathering at Jalsa Qadian utterly dumped all assumptions about supplies because visiting Qadian is something out of this world. This spiritual bond of devout members of the Jamaat with the Markaz, Qadian, is evident from day one. Visiting the Markaz does not solely depend on provision of worldly means. So the attendance remained between six to seven thousand this year. This year, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra appointed Hazrat Syed Sarwar Shah Sahibra as the chief-organiser of Jalsa ar r ange me nt s . He did his utmost along with his team members to handle the unprecedented situation which arose due to the sudden downpour during Jalsa days. The first day of Jalsa commenced on Friday, 26 December 1919 in Masjid Nur, Qadian where an arena like sitting arrangement was set up with the help of some locally available wooden material. This first session was presided over by Seith Abdullah Allah Din Sahib from Sikandrabad. Recitation of the Holy Quran was presented by Hafiz Ghulam Rasul Sahibra from Wazirabad, which was followed by an Urdu poem by Hakim Ahmad Hussain Sahib from Lyallpur. The first speech was delivered by Hazrat Maulana Ghulam Rasul Sahib Rajekira about prophecies and their manifestation.

The interesting speech remained incomplete as the time for Jumuah prayer approached. Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra delivered his Friday sermon and led the Jumuah prayer along with the Asr prayer. The next session started under the presidency of Hazrat Chaudhry Nasrullah Sahibra (advocate) from Sialkot. Hazrat Hafiz Roshan Ali Sahibra began his speech on the truthfulness of the Promised Messiahas which he had been presenting for the last two Jalsas and continued with this vast topic. Hafiz Sahibra spoke eloquently for more than two hours, even though he had been unwell for the past few days. With this, the blessed proceedings of day one came to an end.

The second day of Jalsa, Saturday 27 December was affected by the showers and had to be shifted to the building of High School, which was not sufficient enough. The dire need of an adequate hall was felt desperately to aptly accommodate in a situation like rain etc. This session was presided over by Hazrat Khan Sahib Zulfiqar Ali Khanra. After the recitation of the Holy Quran, a Punjabi poem was recited by Munshi Qasim Ali Sahib. The first speech was made by Sheikh Abdur Rahman Sahib Misri evaluating between the Jamaat who remained loyal to the institution of Khilafat and the party that left Qadian. The next half an hour was allotted to the speech of Syed Sarwar Shah Sahibra about the importance of Bai‘at and how to safeguard from sin. But the speaker was so occupied with his Jalsa engagements that he was not able to turn up at the Jalsa Gah and his time was also granted to the previous speaker. Zuhr and Asr prayers were offered in congregation. At 2 o’clock, Hazrat Muslehe-Maudra arrived for his keynote address, but the hall at the [Talim-ul-Islam]

High School again proved insufficient for attendees. So, the proceedings were shifted back to the Jalsa Gah at Masjid Nur and the second day’s gathering was set up there. Before his main speech, Huzoorra announced some Nikahs and started his 5-hour long speech. Despite the fact that thick clouds were hovering over the uncovered gathering, this session continued smoothly. As Huzoorra started delivering his address, it started to drizzle. A big umbrella was placed above him, but Huzoorra refused to be covered and said, “There is some divine wisdom behind this.” And after some moments, the drizzle stopped. On the third day of Jalsa, the first session started under Chaudhry Abu Al Hashim Khan Sahib from Bengal. A girl of Arab origin recited the Holy Quran in her melodious voice, which was followed by a poem. Then reports of various Jamaat central offices were read out. The allocated time for each administrative centre yet again proved inadequate because widespread activities of those offices were so attention-grabbing that everyone was


Friday 9 August 2019 | AL HAKAM eager to know some more. Then an effective appeal for the collection of Chanda was made, which saw its fruit simultaneously during the Jalsa days. With this, the session came to an end for prayers. After Zuhr and Asr prayers, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra commenced with his four- and half-hour long speech on a complex and important topic of fate and decree. Huzoor’sra words were so aweinspiring and captivating that the time of dusk approached and the countryside’s chilly weather started having its effect. Huzoorra thus postponed explaining the remaining key points for the following day. On 29 December, Huzoorra opened the session by announcing some Nikahs, which was followed by Bai‘at ceremony of some new converts. Afterwards, something unique happened; Huzoorra himself explained the previous day’s speech in Punjabi. This summary was meant for those members of the community who remained indulged in farming and maintaining their cattle houses throughout the year. Thereafter, Huzoorra continued with the remaining points of his lecture on the topic of fate and decree and spoke for another four and a half hours, dealing with subject. Subsequently, Mr Sagar Chand (Barrister) came to the stage and briefly shared a rejoinder to the allegations leveled by Khawaja Kamaluddin Sahib. After Zuhr and Asr prayers, Huzoorra went to the ladies’ side for his address there. Ladies faced the same series of difficulties in arrangements, braving the odd weather. The final session of this year’s Jalsa started under Munshi Farzand Ali Sahib’s presidency. During this, in the beginning, Qazi Muhammad Abdullah Bhatti Sahib shared some anecdotes from the tabligh activities being done in England. Next was missionary of Mumbai, Hakim Khalil Ahmad Sahib’s turn to speak about the remarkable works of the Promised Messiahas. The lecturer’s approach to the subject was so forceful that it moved the listeners very much. Later, the session’s president spoke a few words and read out an article by Mufti Muhammad Sadiq Sahibra and led the congregation in silent prayer, concluding that year’s Jalsa Salana. Amongst many remarkable features for that year’s Jalsa was a special arrangement for Huzoorra to reach and leave the Jalsa site without any hindrance. Even the Jalsa stage was fenced for the first time so that Huzoorra could deliver his speeches safely. To accommodate for Ahmadis, a timetable was issued for mulaqats. The Jamaat’s literature was specially published and displayed in large quantities. In his Friday Sermon following Jalsa Salana 1919, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra repeatedly asked members of the Jamaat to remember and follow all the good deeds, which were highlighted in the Jalsa speeches. The Jamaat’s newspapers published almost all speeches, poems and brief accounts of Jalsa proceedings in its later issues. Due to Allah’s immense bounties, the Jalsa was a success.

Continued from page 11

The Holy Prophet, at the conquest of Mecca, announced to the Quraish that their ignorance has now finished with the coming of Islam. He then read out a verse of the Quran that signifies unity among people and not differentiating between races. The Holy Prophetsa forgave the whole Quraish tribe after they said that they expected the Holy Prophetsa to act with kindness towards them at his conquest. The Promised Messiahas states that the Holy Quran highlights the need of acting fairly and with justice, even against enemies. It is hard to act justly towards those who kill your women and children, but the Holy Quran has demanded upholding the rights of enemies as well. Huzooras said that most people talk with kindness in front of enemies, but they do not uphold their rights. The Holy Quran does not merely mention love but talks of the level of love one should show. The Holy Quran established the rights of servants and concubines with great detail. The Holy Prophetsa taught to take great care of servants, to clothe them and feed with the same standard of one’s own clothes and food. In his address, Huzooraa said that the Holy Quran teaches religious harmony as well. The Quran says not to mock or deride those things that the non-believers worship as in return, they would curse Allah. Regarding non-Muslims, the Holy Quran states not to fight those who do not oppose you, rather one should act with justice with such people. The Promised Messiahas said not to give any kind of pain to others. Huzooras said that a religion is not a religion in which kindness towards all is not taught. Our God has not differentiated between any nation, all people are given the same powers, the world is for every nation, the stars and the sun are for everyone, nature is for all, food and medicine is for all of humanity. This teaches us to become openhearted to all of humanity. Huzooraa said that he could only mention a small number of rights the Holy

Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IIIrh states: “May Allah the Almighty make this Eid a blessing for all of you in a way that those examples of sacrifice which have been related to this Eid and those paths of nearness towards the Divine which have been opened as a result of these sacrifices, may Allah the Almighty open those passages for us as well and unlock the doors of nearness for us and shower His bounties and mercy upon us.” (Al Fazl, 26 November 1976) Quran has upheld and this had taken a lot of time. Huzooraa expressed that the socalled freedom movements of today are not creating a harmonious and moral society; they are destroying society. Huzooraa prayed that Allah grants such people sense and that they are saved from the wrath of Allah. At the same time, may we uphold rights in the true sense. Huzooraa then led the congregation in silent prayer, he paid emphasis on praying for the world to be saved from the wrath of Allah.

Huzooraa then announced the total attendance of Jalsa Salana UK 2019 to be 39,829 people, representing 115 countries. 21,332 men and 18,497 women attended. Huzooraa mentioned that last year, 38,510 people attended Jalsa Salana UK. A series of Ahmadi groups from various nations presented choral poems in the blessed presence of Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa, after which Huzoor returned to his residence and met with delegations from many countries of the world who had travelled for Jalsa Salana UK.

Photo courtesy of AMA UK


Friday 9 August 2019 | AL HAKAM

Ladies participation at 2019 UK Jalsa Lubna Suhail Secretary Ishaat Lajna Imaillah UK

What brings more than tens of thousands of Muslim women from different walks of life, different ethnicities, creeds and cultural backgrounds to an open field in leafy Hampshire? The answer is an Islamic Khilafat that preaches a peaceful message of unity and love. This Khalifa spreads the message of tolerance and acceptance. The women here feel empowered, motivated by each other to be the best version of themselves. They aspire to be the best mothers, wives, daughters and sisters and all this can be achieved by being a practicing Muslim woman. That is what the love of Khilafat encourages them to be. Walking around the temporarily constructed mini city, named Hadeeqatul Mahdi, hidden in the vast greenery with all the amenities anyone would need, women walk and talk freely in their colourful and beautiful traditional clothing. But they are not here to socialise, dress up and show off their clothes and jewellery. They are here for a higher purpose – to spiritually rejuvenate themselves and pledge allegiance to this Islamic Khilafat. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih, may Allah be his Helper, advised the ladies attending that modesty is the best adornment for a Muslim woman and this is the beauty she should be most proud of. There is no topic that is not touched upon by the Khalifa in his various addresses over the three-day convention. He advises on social and domestic issues that affect family and home-life, to have a happy home and righteous children is what every Muslim woman desires.

Huzooraa advised both men and women that this responsibility must be shared by both men and women equally. They both must discharge their duties towards each other and the family as well as towards their faith and Allah. Only by having the love of Allah at the forefront of their thoughts, would they have a successful home and work life and protect the world from destroying itself morally. His message to all was that your actions should be such that they give precedence to your faith over any materialistic worldly attractions. Carrying the responsibility of the moral upbringing of her children, a mother feels confident entering the Jalsa site. She knows her and her children’s every need will be catered for. With a toddler in the pram and two bags full of spare clothing, food and snacks, it is exhausting walking from the car park into the women’s area and through security. However, energy levels boost back up when she is inside. The pushchair gets parked in the allocated marquee, a ticket gets issued, making collection more convenient, and then it is straight to the mother and child area. There are volunteers always around to help carry or look after your belongings, with a creche for the children. Many people question the separation of men and women at Jalsa, this is because Muslim women observe purdah, which is dressing modestly and discouraging the free mixing of men and women. We hear a great deal at present in the media, and society in general that women do not feel the same sense of security and safety that men do. Women are more likely to be victims of a whole variety of crimes in the work place and home. All this makes the Jalsa

Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IVrh states: “[Eid-ul-Adha] carries the demand of presenting one’s entire life before God. It is not a matter of giving sacrifice for a short time owing to a sudden burst of emotions, but in fact this Eid gives us the message to show steadfastness in the obedience of God Almighty in a manner that there remains nothing of one’s own self and one submits to the will of God by confessing Him to be the master of all things.” (Eid-ul-Adha Sermon, 28 September 1982) Salana a unique and safe experience, where a woman enters an environment, free to enjoy, flourish, be educated, meet old friends and new, and let her children play independently. She enters an environment where she has no worries of being judged or made to feel in some ways inadequate. Where you can see her serving in every walk of life; from recording for a television channel to cleaning the toilets; from serving food to 18,000 women and children to cleaning the arena; from presiding over sessions to taking care of the guests’ food, drink and bedding; from running a big bazaar to providing milk for babies. Ladies have the freedom to be business entrepreneurs at the Jalsa bazaar, given

an opportunity to sell and promote their businesses. The Ladies bazaar is solely controlled by women, with a variety of food and drink, clothes and toys. The tuck shop is open for children throughout the day. Attendees can choose between hot tea and cold beverages, which are free for all. Many young educated women are able to use their skills and profession to good use at the Jalsa. Doctors and pharmacists volunteer in the First Aid department. Women who have studied media can volunteer with the live television channel Muslim Television Ahmadiyya International and the Voice of Islam Radio. You will find professionals from all walks of life, but here, they love to be identified as Ahmadi women serving for humanity. You can never enrich or serve people with your money alone, with Jalsa an incredible opportunity to help others by volunteering one’s time, effort and skills. The Jalsa is known for its amazing food, loved by everyone, with six different food marquees catering for all needs – children, elderly, international guests, the disabled, with all dietary requirements catered for. Food is available 24 hours a day for those who stay at the site. In most public spaces, finding clean toilets is a struggle. Jalsa has many clean toilets, manned by volunteers all day, with organised lines entering and exiting. There is a fantastic facility for children and adults with special needs and disabilities. The SEND marquee is designed to be comfortable, with volunteers providing assistance with love and care. This year, a unique feature, only provided on the women’s side, were SEND cards. These were issued for those who wished to use them, allowing them to have priority access to food, toilets and all other facilities available at Jalsa. Every woman takes something different away from the Jalsa Salana, with the numerous speeches that guide, advise and educate. But every woman leaves feeling more connected to her Creator and empowered to reach her full potential through the aspiring words of the Khalifa of the time.


Friday 9 August 2019 | AL HAKAM

Friday Sermon Review of Jalsa Salana Germany 2019 12 July 2019 After reciting the Tashahhud, Ta‘awuz, and Surah al-Fatihah, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa stated:

By the sheer grace and blessings of Allah the Almighty, a few days ago, Jalsa Salana [the annual convention] of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Germany concluded. By the grace of Allah the Almighty, as I announced on the final day, the attendance this year reached above 40,000. All this progress that we observe year-on-year is solely and entirely due to Allah’s grace, Who always blesses us far more than our efforts and endeavours. Thus, whilst expressing our gratitude to Allah the Almighty, we should endeavour to increase our efforts so that these blessings and favours of Allah the Almighty continue to increase. The hundreds of non-Ahmadi and nonMuslim guests have mentioned that they had experienced an extraordinary atmosphere which had a profound effect upon them. Our own members also express this feeling. However, the manner in which the volunteers perform their duties, including young boys and girls, and moreover the fact that people stay together in such large numbers without any quarrelling or disruption, is a remarkable and unique experience for those from outside the Jamaat. Some have even stated that this was a miracle. Thus, in addition to being a source of our own tarbiyat [moral training], our Jalsa is also a great source of tabligh [propagating the message of Islam]. Thus, this demands from us that we continue to express our gratitude to God Almighty. This atmosphere should not be temporary, rather every moment of our lives should exhibit the beautiful teachings of Islam through every action of ours and we should continuously fulfil the purpose of entering into the Bai‘at of the Promised Messiahas. Generally, I mention the sentiments and views expressed by the guests and some other matters related to Jalsa and I shall present some of those impressions today as well. However, I would firstly like to thank all the workers, both men and women, who worked continuously day and night, in order to try and make the arrangements of the Jalsa successful in every respect and who, even at this very

moment, are working there as the windup operation is continuing. It is observed here [in the UK] as well as in the larger and organised Jamaats around the world, in which the administrative system is well-established, that the volunteers dedicate every moment of their time solely for the arrangements of Jalsa and for the hospitality of the guests of the Promised Messiahas, while ignoring their personal interests. By the Grace of God Almighty, the Jamaat in Germany is also exceedingly sincere and loyal, to the extent that in terms of certain aspects of sacrifices, it surpasses many other Jamaats. If there are any shortcomings, then it is usually due to the way in which the office-bearers carry out their duty or the manner in which they obtain the work from the volunteers. However, by the grace of Allah the Almighty, the members of the Jamaat are always willing to sacrifice their life, time and wealth. May Allah the Almighty continue to increase them in their sincerity and loyalty. This time, due to an increase in the attendees, the organisers, as well as Amir Sahib, have realised that it is time that they ought to have a large Jalsa Gah [a site for the annual convention] of their own –

although, they recognised this need last year and I have also been reminding them for the past few years – but it seems that Amir Sahib, the national amila and the office-bearers have taken this matter more seriously this year. This time, they faced some difficulties with regard to the parking due to which there were some traffic issues. Furthermore, people faced difficulties while entering the Jalsa Gah in order to take part in the proceedings. Understandably, when there is such a vast number of attendees, such situations can arise if there is even the slightest of shortcomings in the arrangements and thus, given the circumstances, this naturally led to some disruption. Those people who could not enter the hall and were being delayed expressed their displeasure. Consequently, those who were on duty in the traffic and parking departments became worried. However, it is by the grace of Allah the Almighty that even under such circumstances, people were able to watch or listen to the speeches and follow the proceedings on their phones via the service provided by MTA. Therefore, such issues in relation to the Jalsa draw our attention to the need

for more expansive arrangements and facilities. Furthermore, we have to fix the dates of Jalsa according to the hirer and we are not free to choose the dates ourselves. This year, they handed over the halls for Jalsa at the last moment. All these matters should draw the attention of the organisers that they ought to obtain their own site where the Jalsa can be held. Amir Sahib has informed me that he has a seen a site, which he liked and they are trying to acquire it. If this site is suitable for the Jamaat in the eyes of Allah the Almighty, then may He enable them to acquire it and may He facilitate them to purchase it with ease. I am hopeful of this Insha-Allah and upon observing the sincerity, loyalty and the spirit of sacrifice of the German Jamaat, I can say that if any financial sacrifices were to be required, the members of the Jamaat will, God-willing, offer such sacrifices. May Allah the Almighty increase their ability to do so. As I mentioned on the last day at the Germany Jalsa that this has now also become an international Jalsa. Previously it had been convenient for people of Europe to attend the Germany Jalsa. This time, however, it seems that it was more convenient for other countries to also attend, such as former Soviet states and some African countries, and they were able to acquire the visa more easily. Even from this perspective, it is necessary for Germany to expand the Jalsa Gah [Jalsa hall] and the relevant arrangements as well. After expressing my gratitude to the workers and mentioning some aspects in relation the Jalsa, I will now present before you some impressions of those who attended the Jalsa, from which it becomes evident that not only the volunteers, but rather every Ahmadi attending the Jalsa serves as a means of silently preaching the message of Islam through their morals and good conduct. During the days of Jalsa, there is an additional programme for non-Ahmadis and non-Muslim guests on Saturday afternoon as well, during which I deliver an address. Hence, I will first mention the impressions of those who took part in this programme. During the

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16 remainder of this programme, a tabligh programme or gathering is organised for the guests by the local administration. This year, as part of the tabligh arrangements, a total of 1,179 external guests attended the Jalsa. The number of German guests was 502 and the number of guests from other European countries totalled 341. Apart from this there were 157 guests from Arab countries, 104 guests from Asia and 75 guests from Africa. Thus, a total of 76 nations were represented. Mr Hans Oliver was one of the guests, who is a senior partner of a law firm in Frankfurt and is a lawyer. After attending this gathering and listening to my address, he expressed his sentiments by saying: “The speech of the Imam of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat was extremely passionate and impressive for me.” He further writes: “To identify the impending dangers and the possibility of war in the midst of seemingly peaceful and routinely affairs of daily life, is indeed of great significance. Furthermore, the Imam of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat has not only accurately perceived the looming dangers of the future, but along with this is also warning the world. Similarly, the manner in which he connected the issue of immigration to the socio-economic interests of governments was indeed a profound analysis.” He then says: “As a lawyer, I wish to mention this aspect to my colleagues and to emphasise the appreciation of this mutual need. The reason for this is that here, in general, people speak of the arrival of refugees in a negative manner. However, they neglect the local interests of the countries and nations that are attached to immigration, which is a matter of great significance.” Then, Vereena Ludwig Sahiba, who is an IT expert working for the Lufthansa airlines, says: “Whilst listening to the address, I was constantly thinking that other leaders also deliver speeches and encourage the world to protect itself from the looming dangers.” She further says: “Speaking on the subject of establishing world peace is a burning issue for world leaders. However, I have never experienced the effect and power in the words of any other leader as I witnessed in the Imam of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat. Secondly, there was such an extensive research carried out on this subject, which reveals his heartfelt anguish. One cannot offer such a detailed analysis if they do not possess true heartfelt pain.” She further says: “Not only from a religious perspective but also from a socio-economic point of view, he made it evidently clear to world leaders that the peace of the world is intrinsically linked to instilling the fear of God. If we do not rise above our personal interests and take action, then we will be responsible for the catastrophic destruction that will be caused by an atomic war.” She further says: “In my view, this message has been delivered with such clarity that if a person does not have any prejudices, it is sufficient enough as a warning to make them shudder. Furthermore, this message should be conveyed to the relevant

organisations, as it is necessary to spread this understanding on a global level for the welfare of mankind at large.” Then, there was a German couple, Mr Klause and Mrs Heide. They stated: “We were very apprehensive before we came here. Even though we had been familiar with the Jamaat for several years, we had reservations when it came to attending the Jalsa, which were based on the information we heard about Islam and Muslims from the media. Hence, we were extremely nervous coming here today as we were uncertain as to the nature of the people gathered here. However, after arriving, both of us, husband and wife, were so relaxed and we experienced such a friendly atmosphere here that it felt as if we were walking around in our own environment.” After listening to my speech, the wife said: “In relation to this, I would like to say that I have personally witnessed the destruction caused by war.” She was referring to the Second World War. “Furthermore, the catastrophes and the terrifying conditions, which the Imam of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat continues to warn mankind of and also the spirit of sympathy and sincerity with which he is cautioning the world has a different impact on individuals such as myself, who has witnessed a world war. Therefore, we are in agreement with every word of this address and wish for the current generation to understand and realise it in good time.” The husband of this lady further says: “He [i.e. the Imam of the Ahmadiyya Community] has certainly pointed out all the dangers posed today. However, whilst doing so, he neither mentioned anyone’s name, nor did he adopt a manner of speech during his address, which gave the impression that he was inclining towards any particular side. The manner in which he was issuing a warning contained a profound sympathy rather than on personal likes or dislikes. There was not the faintest indication of any personal inclination during his address and this is the very status of a religious leader.” He further says: “Following this address, I return with this conviction that the Ahmadiyya Jamaat holds deep sympathy for humanity.” Then, Mr Nobert Wagner, an immigration lawyer, says: “Even though I am not attending the Jalsa for the first time and as a lawyer for cases related to Ahmadis, I am aware of most matters.” He deals with the asylum cases of Ahmadis. “However, today’s address of the Imam of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat contained completely new aspects and points for me. Even though I am expressing my feelings, this expression is a form of an immediate response as this very speech contains many important points for my professional needs, which I will deliberate over once I return home. “The viewpoint presented today by the Imam of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat in relation to the issue of immigrants and those who leave their homeland will develop a mutual relationship and honour between hosting countries and immigrants. Furthermore,

and particularly the manner in which he highlighted the need of German manpower with the support of figures in relation to the elderly and the age of retirement, it will strengthen the selfesteem of the refugees and the respect and honour of immigrants will also increase in the eyes of the hosting institutions. However, I say this once again that this contains a lot of material for myself as well as for those who practice immigration law, which will benefit us.” Thus, even from worldly perspective, the Jalsa helps people. Then, a lady named Laila from Switzerland writes: “I belong to an organisation and we are working toward spreading peace. Today, when I heard this address, I felt peace in every single word of it. In each word, I witnessed tolerance and regard for human dignity. If you combine peace, humanity and tolerance into one place, then you will end up forming a beautiful society.” Then she goes on to say: “Whatever you say, it is beneficial for us. The most impressive aspect was that after presenting all of the prevailing issues, you offered a solution from religion itself, and said that the solution to all of these issues lies in recognising God Almighty. You have proven that religion is not the problem, but the solution to the problems.” A German lady said: “I really liked the fact that his holiness spoke upon current issues. Before him, some politicians also spoke, but there was no substance to their words – they were the usual average things that anyone can say. But this speech was totally distinctive. He spoke on real issues – nuclear war, climate change, immigration. These are the prevailing issues, the solution for which he also presented. Rather than putting constraints on religion, it should be propagated. He also directed the attention towards forming a connection with God.” Then, she says: “He explained in very clear words that the wars that are taking place today have no connection at all with religion. He also shed ample light on political affairs, and then went on to say that powerful nations take advantage of weaker ones. Sometimes they are exploited in an apparent way, while at other times it is more subtle, and they are compelled to safeguard the interest of the more powerful nations.” And so, in this way, she has done a good analysis, especially as a student. This means that people listen carefully and also reflect on what is being said. Then, there is a Christian Priest of Germany named Andreas Weisbrote, who says: “I have been greatly impressed by the Jalsa Salana – from the multitude of friendly faces, from this environment of positivity and goodness, and from the great unity and love.” Furthermore, in relation to my address, he said: “This speech left me in utter amazement. I was not so aware of the imminence of a nuclear threat. I also think that at this time, we can only progress if we give due attention to collective priorities, peace and when we search altogether for peace. For

this purpose, we require a strong society where we establish an environment of multiple perspectives and tolerance, and one of interfaith dialogue, which is an integral part of this as well.” These were just a handful of examples, which I selected from numerous expressions. Now, I shall also present some general impressions of the Jalsa. A Macedonian delegation had come, comprising of 70 people. Among them were also eight journalists. Two were representing the regional news groups while the remaining six belonged to national news agencies or other media groups. Aside from recording the actual proceedings of Jalsa, they also took some interview people and also took my interview as well. Apart from the journalists, there were also 15 Christian friends in this delegation, 23 Non-Ahmadi Muslims and 24 Ahmadi Muslims. Of the non-Ahmadi guests from this delegation, five of them, after having seen the Jalsa and its programme, and who were already being preached to from before, joined the Jamaat. A Macedonian lady named Aleksandra Doneva was attending for the first time. Her expression was truly unique; very poetic and philosophical. Thus, I kept this in order to share. She says: “What is a home without its inhabitants? Can there be a concept of humanity without morals? The reality of humankind cannot exist without religion and beliefs. After all, what is humanity at all without love? The purification of man’s soul can only be had when he lives in peace and spreads peace as well. Similarly, the purification of the soul lies also in tolerance and mutual respect and dignity. It is necessary for man that he believes in God, and strives to build a better future on Earth. This is a method by which we can safeguard mankind, and the Ahmadiyya Community is doing all of these things. Ahmadis spread peace, teach peace, and are establishing morals and goodness so that all of mankind also joins in all these things. Ahmadiyyat is unifying all people in one place and is kindling the light of worship in them. Ahmadiyyat desires that people should increase their spirituality and that unity should be established among them, and that they become close to God. This year at Jalsa, I saw a multitude of good people with smiling faces who were affording us a great deal of respect. They truly believe that with good morals, a good life can be lived.” She goes on to say: “I, along with expressing my sentiments of gratitude, bear witness that I saw such people whose conviction in God and faith in Him is very strong. I am hopeful that you will continue with these good works, and you will increase your love and attention in this regard. Then shall a time come that people will realise the true purpose and value of life.” This is the impression of a person who is not from the community. And this impression should bring us to the point where we truly recognise the purpose of our lives, and also strive to achieve this purpose as well. Among the Macedonian delegation

Friday 9 August 2019 | AL HAKAM was also a television journalist, Zoranco Zorinski Sahib, who says: “I am attending this Jalsa for the second time, and it is a great honour for me. The organisation of the Jalsa was extraordinary and in my opinion, the organisational structure of the Jalsa was even better this time than last year.” Then he says, “I greatly enjoyed your address. Every word of it was a lesson for humankind. This is an international message – ‘Love for all, hatred for none.’” Then he says, “To believe in God and in helping all people is a thing that will remove all conflict from between people.” He further states, “Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya teaches people very positive things.” Then, regarding the Press Conference with different journalists that took place with me, he writes, “The answers he gave were expressive of the fundamentals of human dignity and respect.” He says, “I am also a journalist and will try to get an interview with you at some time.” Then he goes on to say, “[His holiness] gives good advice. I hope that more people will accept Ahmadiyyat and will work toward the betterment of humankind.” The world can see that Islam will progress in the world through Ahmadiyyat. Then, a man named Vojomanevski Sahib states: “I have deeply pondered over the message of Ahmadiyyat and understood it with depth. As a journalist I have analysed those aspects of faith which overlap among different religions. The foundation of religion is based upon love for God and for humankind. This is a message which is direly needed in today’s day and age. The solution to many of those problems which are greatly agitating the world lies in this love. Today, a great predicament in Europe is the upsurge of right-winged politicians, the solution for which is only possible through dialogue between the various faiths, cultures and civilisations. If we search for God, then we will come to learn that there is not that much of a difference between us.” Then he says, “The more distanced we become from God, the more distant we shall become from mankind and people in general. The age of materialism is bringing an end to spiritual livelihood and relationships between people. This is why we must protect our families and friends and all our relationships and connections.” Then, a man named Jani Redjepov sahib states, “I have participated in the Jalsa with my family. The Jalsa was amazing and proved to be a marvellous experience.” Then he says: “When I first heard of the message of Ahmadiyyat in Macedonia, I realised that the work of Ahmadiyyat is giving people positive guidance. First, my family accepted this message, and then they guided me. I am grateful to you for facilitating the means for us to partake in the Jalsa Salana.” Then there is a lady named Tanja Sahiba, who says: “This is the first time I have participated in the Jalsa. Here, everything was new for me, and it was excellent. All of the organisational structures put in place were excellent. Particularly the manner in which the volunteers interacted was so

17 friendly. They were conducting themselves with smiling faces and working with an excellent conduct.” Then, a university student from Bulgaria says: “The people were very empathetic, which is why I am here now. I was watching the Bai‘at ceremony as an observer. I do not have the words to express my emotions. For people to collect in this manner is an astonishing and grand thing.” A delegation of 49 people came from Bulgaria. Among them were 15 Ahmadis and 34 non-Ahmadi and Christian guests. A Christian woman named Yulia Sahiba, who was part of the delegation, said: “I am very emotional just to think that I am also participating with thousands of people in the Jalsa of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Despite being Christian, I really enjoyed the address (she is speaking about my address). Your prayers really touched the heart and I really enjoyed the recitation of the Holy Quran and its translation. One thing worth mentioning is that you handed the awards to the students yourself.” She then prayed that may God Almighty accept all our supplications. A woman from the Bulgarian delegation, Krasrmira Sahiba says: “This is my third opportunity to attend the Jalsa in Germany and each year I learn something new. As a physiotherapist and psychologist, I listen intently to the speeches. Through the teachings of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community presented in the speeches, I can find the best solutions to the issues of my patients and I gather valuable advice for myself.” Ivanka Sahiba, a Christian guest from the Bulgarian delegation, says: “This is the first time I have had the chance to attend the Jalsa in Germany. To see all of this really left me astounded, especially the children who would come and serve us water in cups.” Then another guest named Galia Sahiba said: “I attended all three days of the Germany Jalsa. I am extremely impressed with the hospitality and organisation. I am also very impressed by the courteous and pious people I had the chance to meet during the Jalsa.” A delegation from Hungary attended this year among whom were 8 guests and 11 Ahmadis. Szavavince Sahib, who is from the Romani people said: “We set up an organisation for the success, betterment and legal support of our people, which comprises of over 16,000 members.” This is the first time he attended the Jalsa. He further says, “Meeting new people is part and parcel of my job. I have attended these functions and events, be they Jewish, Muslim or Christian programmes. In my entire life, I have never witnessed such love, mutual respect and dignity, equality and brotherhood as I have witnessed here, nor have I seen this in any other function.” He thanked the Jamaat for granting him the opportunity to come and see for himself the practical implementation of “Love for all, hatred for none”. He also said that this was a lifetime experience for him which cannot be forgotten, and

that he is in a very emotional state after attending the Jalsa. He then said that he had been speaking in support of the Muslim migrants in his country who are facing difficulties and hatred, but now he will speak up even more and stand up for them more resolutely, knowing that the way the media is portraying the Muslims is completely false.” Then there is Wafaa Hasan Shermani Sahiba of Yemen, who migrated with her mother and son to Hungary. She says that she attended the Jalsa last year as well as this year. She mentions that last year when she went to the ladies’ side, she felt very comfortable. Hence, this time she sat in the ladies’ side and listened to the entire program and there was a special spiritual and emotional atmosphere. There was a guest by the name of Besim Gjozi Sahib, who took the oath of allegiance on the final day and joined the Jamaat. He said, “I am so grateful to God Almighty for this.” Another guest, Sinan Breshanaj Sahib states that the reason why he joined the Jamaat was that a few years ago, he met me and this had a profound impact upon him and as a result, he began attending the Jalsa in Germany every year. There is an Ahmadi, Bekim Bici Sahib, who says: “I performed the Bai‘at in 2004. I achieved great success in my journalism degree as a result of which I received a medal at the Jalsa Salana in 2016. Thereafter, I began working as a journalist for online newspapers outlets in Albania. Last year when I requested to take leave to attend the Jalsa, it was not granted. I therefore resigned because I could not miss the Jalsa. The very same day, God Almighty granted me work in another media outlet, which I accepted on the condition that I would begin work after attending the Jalsa in Germany.” He further says: “Similarly, this year also, I had only been working for only four months in an online news company, and according to the company policy, there was no permission to take holidays before six months of working there. Despite this, I sought permission to attend the Jalsa, which was not granted. Subsequently I resigned from that company and on the same day, three other companies offered me a job. From among them, I agreed to work on the condition that I begin work after attending the Jalsa Salana in Germany. Thus, this condition of mine was accepted.” This is the true example of giving precedence to faith over worldly pursuits, which those who have recently accepted Ahmadiyyat are also demonstrating. An Ahmadi friend, Gezimmuzhaqi Sahib, who used to belong to an atheist society and got in contact with the Jamaat a few years ago. He found the proofs of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in support of religion and Islam in particular to be very logical and pleasing. Previously, he was completely against religion due to hearing stories of the Maulvis [religious clerics]. He did the Bai‘at a few years ago and is now steadily increasing in observing Islamic customs. He says: “The Jalsa Salana is very special to me.

As always, the organisation and hospitality were of the highest level. The address in the Ladies Jalsa Gah and the concluding address really impressed me and we, men, must always bear this message in mind.” Then there was an Albanian guest called Ilir Cylandji, who lives in Germany. He says: “The Jalsa Salana is a wonderful spiritual gathering for all Ahmadi Muslims, in which not only members of the Jamaat attend, but also a large number of guests from different countries.” On the one hand, he learnt about the fundamental teachings of Islam through his attendance at the Jalsa, and on the other hand, he was able to witness and experience the practical example of these beautiful teachings through the intuition of Khilafat established in the Jamaat. He says: “During these three days, there are only [religious] sittings in the men’s and women’s Jalsa halls and the beautiful teachings of Islam are presented to tackle the changes and challenges in this day and age. As an Ahmadi Muslim, I wait very eagerly for this spiritual gathering because one can witness the true spirit of brotherhood, which is indescribable. Every single member of the Jamaat displays pure and sincere love. When attending this Jalsa it feels as if I am in paradise and the most fortunate man in the world, and I wait very keenly for the Jalsa to take place next year.” There was a delegation of 85 people from Georgia. This was the largest delegation from former Soviet state to attend. Besso Sahib, Chairman of a welfare organisation, says: “I had the opportunity to speak to many Ahmadi members and whilst speaking to them, I was trying to asses just how much this Jamaat tolerant of other faiths. With this in mind, I spoke to two Ahmadis and during the conversation, all of a sudden, I said I am not a Muslim, but a Christian. I thought that they would change their attitude completely once they found out, but I was so amazed to see the way they continued to display their good morals and good manners, without showing any kind of prejudice.” Thus, in this manner also, people try to put us to the test. Nanuka Sahiba, a religious studies student from the Georgian delegation also attended. She expressed her sentiments during the Bai‘at ceremony saying, “The Bai‘at ceremony was very emotional. I was able to witness scenes of religious unity and just how people of different ethnicities and backgrounds can live in peace with one another. I am studying religious studies, this is the first time I am attending the Jalsa and I am certain that this Jalsa is the best way to attain peace.” Then there was a lady named Nana Kurdiani Sahiba, she says, “I am neither a Muslim nor a Christian, but after attending this Jalsa, I find myself more inclined towards Islam. I feel compelled to make a decision regarding my faith.” Georgio Sahib, a university student from Georgia and the nephew of an Imam, says, “I am a Muslim by name only, but after attending the Jalsa and witnessing

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18 the love of the Imam of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, I shall continue researching into the Jamaat.” A delegation also came from Kosovo, comprising of 45 individuals. 30 of them were Ahmadis and 15 were non-Ahmadi guests. A friend named Mr Shaip Zeqiraji Sahib attended the Jalsa for the second time. He says: “I was very pleased when I was told to come and attend the Jalsa, but I was in a dilemma in terms of travel expenditure. However, I had a keen desire to meet the Caliph and attend the Jalsa, which is why I sold my cattle to raise funds to travel and attend the Jalsa.” This is another example how people make great efforts and sacrifices to attend the Jalsa after accepting Ahmadiyyat. These are similar to examples of people in the past which they are acting upon. One of the members of a delegation from Kosovo was Mr Skender Asllani Sahib, who teaches Albanian language and literature. He also had the opportunity to do the Bai‘at this year. He said, “Despite carefully observing everything, I could not find any flaws in the arrangements of the Jalsa and the speeches delivered were of a very high standard.” He also that he was very impressed by my speech as well. He further stated, “Performing the Bai‘at indeed is a reward which we all should truly cherish because in the current conditions of the world, the key to our success lies in uniting under one hand.” Three ladies from Malta attended the Jalsa and were in the ladies’ Jalsa hall. They said: “We were very well looked after and were always asked if there was anything we required. The atmosphere in the ladies’ marquee was like one family. Even though we were meeting the people there for the first time, however it felt as if we all knew each other from decades ago.” They further stated: “We had the opportunity to experience the atmosphere of both halls and felt much more comfortable in the ladies’ side. Thus, we were able to truly understand the wisdom and philosophy of the Islamic teachings in relation to making separate arrangements for men and women. Moreover, based on our personal experience, we can say that the teachings of Islam are filled with deep wisdom. Women feel much more comfortable and content with having their own separate arrangements which they manage themselves, and thus providing them with the opportunities to demonstrate their skills and talents.” Therefore, even the non-Muslims now acknowledge the importance of segregation between men and women and making separate arrangements for them. Therefore, those young girls who sometimes question why men and women are not together and that there is no freedom, should ponder over this. Another lady who was a guest from Malta and recently married, said: “I was greatly impressed by your address which you delivered to the ladies. You drew the attention of both the husband and the wife on fulfilling the rights and

responsibilities towards one another. Various issues always arise in households, however your guidance in this regard shall always prove to be beneficial.” She further stated: “You spoke about the Islamic teaching in relation to upholding one’s chastity and purity before marriage and this was full of great wisdom and extremely comprehensive. This is vitally important. You also guided us on purifying ourselves, spiritually and physically, and also towards adopting righteousness. If I ever have the opportunity to attend the Jalsa again, I will spend all my time in the ladies’ hall because the atmosphere that I experienced there was filled with faith and spirituality.” A guest from Kirgizstan said: “I am filled with extraordinary emotions after having attended the Jalsa. Prior to accepting Ahmadiyyat, I never emotionally cried except for when I was in Qadian and here in Germany. I felt as if the condition of my heart had completely changed and had become softer. Every time a person performs the Bai‘at, they increase in their faith. Before this, I was a maulvi [Muslim cleric] but when I read the literature of the Ahmadiyya Community, I developed a true understanding of the concept of the Dajjal and the advent of the Promised Messiahas which has been mentioned in the Holy Quran. During the course of the Bai‘at, I felt as if cold water was being poured over me and now I have become a true Muslim.” A guest from Tajikistan, Abdussator, said: “I had heard that Ahmadis are not Muslims and consider it permissible to drink alcohol. Prior to attending the Jalsa, I visited the Ahmadiyya mosque, Baitul-Subhan”, which is in Germany, “and I offered my prayers there. I realised that in fact Ahmadis are also Muslims and believe in the five pillars of Islam. After having attended the Jalsa, I learnt that Ahmadis believe in the Imam Mahdi and certainly do not drink alcohol and in fact adhere to all the Quranic injunctions. Having attended the Jalsa, I have learnt a lot about the Ahmadiyya Community and I consider you to be Muslims. You share the same pillars and articles of faith as other Muslims. After Hajj, this is the second time I have witnessed so many Muslims come together.” A delegation came from Lithuania consisting of 58 people, of which 46 were non-Ahmadi guests and the other 12 were Ahmadis. Expressing his sentiments, Petras Janulionis said: “I did not have a very good view on Islam prior to attending the Jalsa. However, after having attended the Jalsa, I now have many positive sentiments about Islam. From the Jalsa I learnt that Muslims very firmly adhere to their beliefs, in fact in comparison to Christians, they are much more resolute.” Another guest from Lithuania, Manefa Sahiba, stated, “Prior to attending the Jalsa, I was very confused about Islam because some Muslims have an extremely fiery temperament and show complete intolerance towards other faiths. However, after having attended the Jalsa, I learnt

that Ahmadi Muslims respect the views and faith of other people and seek to propagate peace and love among the whole of mankind.” Another guest from Lithuania was a CEO of a law firm, Sarunas Sahib. He states, “The Jalsa Salana is an extremely important event as one is able to learn about the peaceful teachings of Islam and completely dispels the misconceptions that surround it.” A member from Syria, who did the Bai‘at in January 2019, describes his account of how he accepted Ahmadiyyat. He states: “My father did the Bai‘at in 2008 in Syria and one of my brothers also did the Bai‘at. I have previously attended the Jalsa on three occasions, however I would be perplexed and would even find it humorous when I would see people emotionally crying. I continued to oppose Ahmadiyyat and did not do the Bai‘at. However, I prayed to God Almighty that if the Jamaat was true, then God Almighty would guide me Himself. Thereafter, I saw in a dream that we are all sitting waiting for a mulaqat [an audience with Huzoore-Anwar] and I am sat in the front row. We were all filled with joy and when I saw Huzoor, I uncontrollably began to cry. Huzoor then called me towards himself and said in a very loving manner, ‘Come close and sit here.’ After that I woke up and was content for doing the Bai‘at and later did the Bai‘at as well.” He also related this account to me as well and was overcome with emotion during the mulaqat and whenever I would look towards him, he would become extremely emotional. Another guest from Belgium was a young man, Lokh Balin Sahib. He states: “I did the Bai‘at a few months ago and I am attending the Jalsa for the first time. I am astounded after having attended the Jalsa; the beautiful atmosphere of brotherhood which I had only heard about before, I was now able to witness it for myself during the Jalsa. I am extremely fortunate that I have had the opportunity to be part of such a spiritual atmosphere.” Another guest who came from Senegal who is a commissioner in his area, mentioned about his mulaqat with me. He said: “I was extremely happy after having met you and was greatly impressed by your address in which you spoke about love and the unity of God Almighty. If I had not attended the Jalsa and met you, it would have left a very big void in my life. Today, I feel as if I have attained the mission of my life.” He had also brought a small model ship with him which he had in his lap. When I asked him about it, he said: “We have brought this as a gift for you. This is a ship that represents peace. This is a ship that represents the motto, ‘Love for all, hatred for none.’ Whosoever boards this ship shall be granted peace and this is the ship of Ahmadiyyat. Another meaning for gifting this ship was that our livelihood is dependent upon this,” as there is a lot of fishermen there, “therefore please pray for our country.”

Another guest who came with him was a director for their department of health. He thanked me for the hospital we built there. He also said that he was able to witness various aspects of Islam by coming to the Jalsa. He further said: “I have travelled to many countries in the world and have travelled to the USA and Europe as well. I have attended many religious and political events, however I have never witnessed such an organisation and representation of the true image of Islam before. I have never witnessed such a level of obedience as I have done here and nor have I witnessed such love for Khilafat before. I can clearly say that there is no political or religious leader in the world who is loved more by his people than the Khalifa, and I testify to this truth.” This was Dr Mordiaw Sahib who further says: “We accept this truth with all our hearts which we have witnessed here. This is something that cannot be denied and from today onward, we and our hearts are with you. We have truly felt what we have heard and witnessed here and will strive to adhere to it.” A delegation from Bosnia also attended the Jalsa which consisted of 74 members. Yasmin Spahich Sahib, who is the president of an NGO, said: “Your love for Islam and the founder of Islam and your efforts to spread love is evident from your words. The guidance given in light of the Holy Prophet’ssa pure life was penetrating into my heart and indeed the Holy Prophetsa practically lived his life in this very manner. I pray to God Almighty that may the next Jalsa be even better than this and may it become the means of strengthening and uniting the followers of the Holy Prophetsa.” Another guest, Emina Chaoshevich Sahiba, said, “After coming to the Jalsa, I have realised that the atmosphere of the Jalsa has such a powerful impact that it can revive the soul of one who is spiritually dead.” Another guest, Elma Krehmiche Sahib, states: “I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the Ahmadiyya Community for inviting me to this great Jalsa. The hospitality and all the various arrangements of the Jalsa have extraordinarily impressed me. In particular, I have spent the weekend amongst such people who were constantly smiling.” The Bai‘at ceremony also took place in which 37 people with the representation from 16 different countries had the opportunity to do the Bai‘at. These included Albania, Serbia, Holland, Germany, Chechnya, Romania, Kosovo, Belgium, Syria, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Lebanon, Senegal, Ghana, The Gambia and Guinea Conakry. Another guest was Mr Labinot, who is a principal of a high school in Kosovo. He states: “The Jalsa had a very emotional impact upon me. In particular, I was greatly impressed when you said to everyone to sit down and the huge crowd of people immediately sat down – one cannot

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Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa states: “All of us should ensure that we do not only focus on the physical health of our children in order to achieve worldly benefits, rather their tarbiyat, the understanding to give precedence to faith over worldly matters, paying attention towards progress in good morals, instilling the focus in them to offer every sacrifice in order to establish the unity of God are all important things which are our responsibilities. And this can only happen when we will become those who act in accordance with these things. When this happens, we will be included in that community of the ‘people of the latter days’ who fulfill the objective of the construction of Ka‘bah, the community that celebrates its Eid festivals, keeping in mind the sacrifices of Hazrat Abrahamas and Hazrat Ishmaelas. ” (Eid-ul-Adha Sermon, 25 September 2015) witness such an example anywhere in the world. After having attended the Jalsa, I say that the Jalsa should not only be for three days but in fact should last for thirty days. I did not have any intention to take part in the Bai‘at, however I was overcome with such emotions during the course of the Bai‘at that my hand automatically went up and I began to repeat the words of the Bai‘at. However, I did not just superficially perform the Bai‘at, in fact, I truly took part in the Bai‘at.” A guest from Azerbaijan, Aghasaf Sahib, states: “I had never imagined that I would scale such spiritual heights. When Murabbi Mahmood Sahib initially began to give me information about the Jamaat and its beliefs, I perceived it to be very artificial and untrue. Hence, I immediately rejected it when I heard about it. However, little did I know that the power of the truth would quickly attract me towards it. Indeed, the truthfulness of the Jamaat and the arguments it put forth are irrefutable. By coming to the Jalsa, I was able to witness these sights in reality which I would previously only see through videos. I had the opportunity to meet so many people during the Jalsa and would sense the same level of joy from everyone which proved that in reality this is one community. God Almighty also granted me the opportunity to do the Bai‘at at your hands. When I was informed for the first time that I would perform the Bai‘at at the hands of the Khalifa, I did not believe it. I asked four or five times if I will be able to perform the Bai‘at by placing my hand on the hands of the Khalifa?” He further says: “My tears began to flow and I became worried because I was not worthy. I

then began to constantly recite Durood Sharif [sending salutations on the Holy Prophetsa] and istighfar [seeking repentance from God Almighty] until the Bai‘at, I was unable to eat or do anything. Alhamdolillah [all praise belongs to God] that as the time for the Bai‘at approached, God Almighty granted me such strength from the spiritual atmosphere, that straight after the Bai‘at I fell into sajda [prostration] in gratitude to that Being, Who enabled this lowly one with many faults to perform the Bai‘at at your hands. After the Jalsa, I learnt that there would be another opportunity to meet with Huzooraa. I spent all day thinking of many questions, but as soon as the meeting began I forgot all of them except the most important one, which was how can one maintain their spirituality when one returns back home? To this, Huzooraa replied that one ought to constantly recite: ‫اھدنا الصراط المستقیم‬ [Guide us in the right path] And ‫صراط الذین انعمت علیھم‬ [The path of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy blessings] As well as reciting istighfar.” He then says, “I am leaving this Jalsa with the firm pledge that until the next Jalsa, I will act on this guidance. Then, when I return the following year, I will affirm that I abided by this advice.” May God Almighty increase him in his loyalty and sincerity. A guest attending the Jalsa for the first time from the Kosovan delegation stated: “I am unable to put my feelings and emotions into words. In all my life, I have wished to meet someone who cares and worries about the world and having met

him, my worries fear seem to fade away. My being able to attend this Jalsa was only due to blessings of God and during the Bai‘at ceremony, I felt a nearness to God.” Pellumb Sahib from Albania says: “I pledged allegiance at your hands and had the good fortune of entering the community. I am extremely grateful to God Almighty for giving me the opportunity to accept Ahmadiyyat.” He further states, “Just one year ago I was without faith; God Almighty bestowed the treasure of faith upon me. I was born and raised in a nonreligious family, however having attended the Jalsa Salana and meeting with you, God Almighty brought faith into my life.” Dr Muhammad Mahmud Sahib writes: “When two years ago I attended the Jalsa for the first time I found it somewhat strange and novel the idea that Ahmadis believe that the Mahdi and Messiah has appeared and we [i.e. non-Ahmadi Muslims] were completely oblivious to this fact. Many questions arose in my mind as we had always learned and been taught that the Mahdi would be an Arab and his name would be Muhammad, son of Abdullah. Is this a religious or political movement? Many such questions gripped my mind. In order to try and find answers to these questions, I again attended the following year and had many discussions on various topics with Ahmadi brothers. Even after Jalsa, I was in contact with Ahmadis and over time I found the answers to all my questions. I became convinced that Ahmadis hold all the traits of a true Muslim. Moved by the love and affection of the Jamaat, I decided to pledge allegiance.” He further writes: “This love that is found amongst

members of the community, had God not sown this seed, this love could never have been born. It is God’s grace that I had the opportunity to pledge allegiance at the hand of the Khalifa. It is difficult to express the feelings that I had when I was repeating the words of the pledge. I am fortunate to pledge allegiance at the hand of the Khalifa. Even if the Bai‘at proceedings had lasted for five hours, I would have not been bored or noticed the passing of time.” A guest from Kosovo attending for the first time and along with five members of his family had the opportunity of doing the Bai‘at. He writes, “Initially I was anxious of how the Bai‘at ceremony would unfold and found myself trembling, however after the ceremony, I was calm and felt at ease.” Kamal Alwan Sahib from Lebanon says: “I used to own a restaurant, where an Ahmadi friend, Muhammad Shahada, used to visit frequently. One day he said to me, ‘I want to tell you something, the Imam Mahdi has come and has already passed away.’ After he left, I thought to myself, who was this man he was referring to as the Imam Mahdi. Sometime after this, I met the Ahmadi friend again and he said again that the Imam Mahdi had appeared. One day he explained certain concepts including the Dajjal [the Antichrist] and the death of Jesusas. These were extraordinary findings and they became embedded in my heart. These feelings drove me to gain more knowledge about the community. The Ahmadi friend invited me to attend the Jalsa, which I gladly accepted.” Kamal Alwan Sahib further states: “For me, the first evidence of the truthfulness of the community was just how well such a vast number of people were looked after. During the Jalsa, a friend of mine informed me that he [referring to Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa] was the Caliph of the Muslims. I then asked numerous question to many Ahmadis and they replied with great affection. My heart started to become content with the truth of Ahmadiyyat. I thought to myself, one never knows if one will live to see the next year, so I should pledge allegiance here and now and thus, did so. In addition, I saw two dreams which reinforced my belief in the truthfulness of the community. With the grace of God Almighty, one of my sons has also pledged allegiance and I yearn to see my other children also accept Ahmadiyyat. Today I watch with great interest the Al-Hiwar AlMubashir [Arabic television programme on MTA] and Friday Sermons. As far as I am concerned, the ten conditions of Bai‘at are not just a few conditions but in fact, are a way of life as ordained by God Almighty. Before joining the community, I would often pray that God would give me the opportunity of seeing the Imam Mahdi. I have a sense of remorse for all the time I spent outside the community. For this reason, I have a heartfelt respect for every Ahmadi because they are serving the religion of the Holy Prophetsa. I now feel less worried about my family and work, rather I worry that I have enough money to spend to support the progress

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20 of the community and be able to serve the community. May God Almighty fulfill this wish of mine.” Fawad sahib states: “Before being introduced to the community, I would reflect on the grandeur of God Almighty and the ever declining state of the Muslims and when this would improve. When I moved to Germany, I used to see my European Arabs friends and would think, are these the people through whom Islam would flourish in Europe; as mentioned in the Hadith that Islam would spread throughout Europe in the latter days. During this period, I met an Ahmadi friend, Mahir Almani, who started to introduce the [Ahmadiyya] community to me. In the beginning I was quite opposed to these ideas, however after studying the books of the community, I decided to attend the Jalsa. When I saw the Jalsa, I thought how so many people could come together at the hands of one person and also exhibit so much mutual love and affection. During the Tahajjud [pre-dawn voluntary prayer] prayers, I prayed, ‘O Allah! If this community is truthful, grant me the opportunity to pledge allegiance during this Jalsa’ (he is referring to the Jalsa of 2018). During the course of the Jalsa, my heart was content and I pledged allegiance, however my wife refused to take the pledge. I explained that she should

read the books of the community and pray to God Almighty for guidance. For three months, my wife prayed for guidance and saw in a dream a large gathering of people and a white pigeon in the middle of them. She asked what this pigeon was, and one of the persons explained that this pigeon was here to spread the message of Islam to the area of Jerusalem. This dream opened my wife’s heart and during this Jalsa of 2019 she took the pledge of allegiance.” He goes on to say, “I am overjoyed that God Almighty has enabled my entire family to accept the Promised Messiahas and I will now take this message to all my relatives”. Fatimah Samir Sahiba, a guest from Austria says: “I took the pledge on 7 July during Jalsa Salana Germany. I request for prayers that may this pledge be blessed and that may I never break my oath by any fault of mine. May God Almighty bring about that reformation in myself that the Promised Messiahas mentioned in the Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam.” She goes on to say, “My family and I have been Ahmadis since 2011. Although I was an Ahmadi, however I had not filled in the Bai‘at forms and considered myself an Ahmadi. I am turning 18 in two months and since childhood had a desire to take the pledge myself. Since 2011, I had kept the forms

safe but wanted to present it myself and take the pledge at Huzoor’s hand. And this year, that wish has been fulfilled”. She now helps in doing outreach with the Arab guests coming to Jalsa. Thus, God is also opening the hearts of the youth. A Kurdish Girl expressing her sentiments, states; “My mother accepted Ahmadiyyat, but at the time, I was not ready. Now, over the last few months, my heart has opened up to Ahmadiyyat as I have seen the love Ahmadis have for one another and today, having listened to the address of Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa, all my doubts have disappeared. I also attended last year but did not then feel the emotions that I have now. My mother will be very happy because I know realise how important it is for me to become an Ahmadi. With regard to the Bai‘at ceremony, a lawyer from Georgia who is a nonAhmadi and lectures in a university states that the ceremony had a profound effect on him and he kept repeating that this was a miracle. He then says that there is great mutual love present within the community and he has observed that there is a smile on the face of all Ahmadis. For all those who took the pledge, may God Almighty increase them in their sincerity, loyalty, faith and conviction. And may every one of us reap the blessings of

the Jalsa and make us the true heirs of the prayers offered by the Promised Messiahas. With regard to the media coverage of the Germany Jalsa: 13 media outlets covered the Jalsa. There were also reports in the online news outlets of Italy, China and Slovakia. From their estimates, 22.6 million people received the message. The Review of Religions also produced various content, which will continue for another week and according to their estimates, the news will reach one million people. As mentioned, the coverage through the social media of The Review of Religions will continue. Through MTA Africa, various programmes of the Jalsa were broadcast in Africa. Reports prepared about Germany Jalsa were shown on Ghana National TV, Gambia National TV, Rwanda National TV, Sierra Leone National TV and Uganda National TV. With the grace of Allah the Almighty, through this Jalsa, there has been extensive introductions to the Jamaat throughout the world. May God Almighty bless this in every way. (Originally published in Al Fazl International, 2 August 2019, pp. 5-11. Translated by The Review of Religions.)

Editor: Qaasid Muin Ahmad | Design & Layout: Jalees Ahmad | News: Ata-ul-Haye Nasir | © Al Hakam 2019

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