100 Years Ago... Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Arrives in Qadian
Letters to the Editor Blessings in the Garden of the Messiahas
Taken from Al Hakam 14 & 21 August 1918
Personal account of Jalsa Salana UK 2018
Page 5
Kenya Peace Symposium Lauded
Jalsa at Ladies Side Report by Sadr Lajna Imaillah UK on
Outreach function held in Nakuru, Kenya
Page 7
Jalsa Salana UK 2018
Page 6
Page 12
www.alhakam.org AL HAKAM | Friday 24 August 2018 | Issue XXIII Ahmadiyya Archive & Research Centre (ARC), 22 Deer Park Road, London, SW19 3TL. UK info@alhakam.org | F: +44(0)208 544 7673
Eid-ul-Adha Celebrated
London, 22 August id-ul-Adha was celebrated with great religious passion and dignity as Hajj came to its close. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, globally celebrated this great spiritual festival in their
respective parts of the world but what has made the Ahmadiyya Muslim Eid a unique one is the sermon that Huzoor delivers and is telecast worldwide. It is this sermon that fills the heart of every Ahmadi with the
warmth and happiness that Eid is meant to symbolise. At 9:30 GMT, Ahmadis living worldwide tuned in to MTA International to listen to the Eid Sermon of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih
Vaa that was to be telecast live from London. Huzooraa arrived in Baitul Futuh Mosque at around 10:30 local time and led the congregation in the Eid Prayers that was followed by his Eid Sermon. Continued on page 3
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, In His Own Words
Man is Always in Need of God Your plans cannot succeed without the help of God. If you do not seek His assistance, and do not make it your rule to seek strength from Him, you will never achieve anything and will die in immense sorrow. Do not wonder why other nations seem to succeed, while they are not even aware of the existence of God who is your Perfect and Mighty Lord. The answer is that they have been subjected to the trial of
the world on account of their abandoning God. At times, He opens the doors of the world to a person who forsakes Him and seeks the joys and pleasures of the world and runs after its riches, in order to try him. Such a one is wholly bereft and deprived in respect of religion. In the end, he dies with his mind devoted wholly to the world and is cast into an eternal hell. (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, Noah’s Ark, pp. 39-40)
Hadith-e-Rasul – Sayings of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa
Fasting on Eid Hazrat Abu Ubaidra narrates: “I was present for Eid with Umar bin Khattabra. He started with the prayer before the sermon, and said: ‘The Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, forbade fasting on these two days: the Day of Fitr and the Day of Adha. As for the Day of Fitr, it is the day when you break your fast, and on the Day of Adha you eat the meat of your sacrifices.’” (Sunan Ibn Majah, Kitab Al-Siyam)
Hajj: Symbol of Muslim Unity slam, a religion that was founded in Arabia, later spread to almost Icoming all parts of the world. This spread saw distant and far-away nations into the fold of Islam, along with their cultures, languages and
customs. This spread of Islam had started in the life of the Holy Prophetsa but also continued after his demise, and still does to this day. But Allah the Almighty knew that this was destined to happen, so He revealed the commandment of Hajj and made it obligatory for every Muslim, with the right means and resources, to take up the journey to Mecca and perform it at least once in their lifetime. Alongside many other benefits that this unique mode of worship has for the faithful, the elements of unity and solidarity stand out, especially in the modern-day situation. Hundreds of thousands of Muslims flocking to Mecca in the Islamic month of Dhul Hijjah to collectively perform circumambulations of the Ka‘bah and other rites in congregation, make a sight that indicates the vastness of the Muslim world. Colour, creed, nation all left behind to unite in a worship in the very land that witnessed the genesis of Islam and was its cradle for the early years. This clearly shows that Muslims can unite if they so desire. It further goes on to prove that Muslim nations, and their leaders, can also unite if they so desire. The latter, unfortunately, is now seen and understood otherwise and it is sad to see that they have lost the desire to unite. Where has this desire been lost? And why? The story needs more space than an editorial but we can try to at least go through the turning points of the tragic story. Islam was meant to be a religion, a faithbased ideology with a political philosophy but no political interests. But as Islam spread to various nations, the geo-political boundaries began to emerge and started to get bolder and deeper with time. The urge to grow politically stronger than the others kindled and turned into a blaze that later refused to be extinguished. Then there was the fuel of sectarianism that turned this blaze into a wildfire. Islam, that was once the bounding, centripetal force amongst all nations, was transformed into a centrifugal one. Then came the time when the “Pan-Islamic” sentiment was exploited not to unite the Ummah, but to bring it under the control of one leader. This lust bore negative results (more negative than the desired outcome) and pushed Muslim nations farther away from one another. Then there came in nations with even greater lusts, luring Muslim nations into becoming allies for agendas that were grossly in contrast with Islamic teachings. Such nations, or “powers” as their powerhunger likes them to be called, exploited the notion of Jihad to have these so-called Islamic nations fight off the parent-power’s enemy. The cold-war is not too distant in the fog of history and still fresh in the global memory; the “jihadis” prepared in Afghanistan and the northwestern tribal areas of Pakistan continue to shake the world-peace to this day, albeit in varying guises. A man of God, by the name of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas of Qadian, warned the Muslim nations in 1903 that they would have to reconsider their understanding of jihad (as the Holy Prophetsa of Islam had understood and explained it) or else it would backfire on none else but the Muslim world. The Muslim nations deemed it not essential to pay heed and are now suffering the consequences. The powers that had hired these Muslim nations are triumphant but the Muslim nations make, very sadly, the most insecure, vulnerable, poor and instable regions of the world. Today, the successor of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas of Qadian, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa is delivering the same message through all modes of communication possible: a 24-hour television channel, writing letters to world leaders, addressing the parliaments of these so-called powers and, above all, addressing the heads of Muslim states through his sermons, addresses and letters, urging them to understand the true message of Islam. He has, on many occasions, called the Muslim Ummah to understand how they are being used as pawns in the proxy wars that they are fighting, ironically, for and against their enemy. He has called for unity of Muslim nations so that Islam can again be seen as a unified force; a force that strives to establish peace and not otherwise. Hajj calls for the same: unity. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih, as always, is only asking the Muslim Ummah to follow the Quran. The message is simple and clear, the response is confused. May Allah enable the Ummah to unite once again and understand the true message of Islam.
Friday 24 August 2018 | AL HAKAM
This Week in History 24 - 30 August 24 August 1899: The Promised Messiah’sas book Sitara Qaisariya (Star of the Empress) was published in Zia-ul-Islam Press, Qadian on this day. It was published under the supervision of Hazrat Hakim Fazl Din, proprietor of the press. In the text, we find that the Promised Messiahas highlighted the worldly and materialistic advancements and bounties prevailing during the reign of the Queen. By this, he metaphorically guided the eyes and hearts towards the spiritual and Divine developments surfacing on earth. On the title page, Huzooras said, “This auspicious booklet cites the blessings of Her Majesty, the Empress, may her prosperity endure, and mentions that in the time of Her Majesty’s tranquil reign and due to the influence of her resplendent star, countless earthly and heavenly blessings have been manifested. Let it be known that in keeping with these reasons, the following booklet has been entitled: Star of the Empress.” 26 August 1941: Maulvi Abul Ala Maududi founded his Islamic social, political and religious party, Jamaat-e-Islami, in Lahore on this day. 26 August 1901: On this day, the Promised Messiahas said, “I was writing some verses on the subject of righteousness, which included one revealed line of the verse. The verse is:
ن ی رہ اک � یک ڑج �ی ااقت ےہ ارگ �ی ڑج ریہ بس ھچک راہ ےہ
[The root of every good is righteousness. If this root is preserved everything will survive.] The second line of this verse was revealed.” 26 August 1953: A student of Jamia Ahmadiyya Rabwah embraced martyrdom. Rizwan Abdullah had travelled to Rabwah all the way from Ethiopia, East Africa, to excel in religious knowledge, so he could serve his nation. This sad incident took place on the riverbank of Chenab, during Jamia’s annual picnic. This devoted student of Divinity was buried in Bahishti Maqbara Rabwah under special directions of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra. 27 August 1899: On this day, the Promised Messiahas received a revelation in Urdu: “God has determined to foster your name and to make it shine in the universe. Many thrones have descended from heaven, but your throne has been set up the highest of all. The angels helped
you at the time of meeting your enemies.” 27 August 1949: The Ahmadiyya Mission in Lebanon was established on this day, by Rasheed Ahmad Chughtai Sahib who was serving as a missionary at the time. The first ever Lebanese national Ahmadi was Syed Faiz al-Shahabi. 28 August 1901: Al Hakam reports that the Promised Messiahas said on the morning of this day, “My opponents are of two types: the Muslim maulvis and the other, European Christians. Both of them, respectively, carry their opposition to me and their unfair attacks upon Islam to an excess. Today I was shown a scene about both of these people and a state of revelation was experienced the details of which I do not recall. “About the Christians, an impression was conveyed that many of them would value the truth; but with regard to the maulvis, I conceived the impression that most of them would be rendered helpless.” 24/30 August 1980: Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IIIrh reached Ghana during the second leg of his intercontinental tour. It was the second African country he was seeing after Nigeria. During the jampacked schedule of the tour, Huzoorrh twice had audience with Hilla Limann, President of Ghana. Huzoorrh travelled tirelessly to see his people across the country. During his 6-day stay, he visited places like Accra, Kumasi, Asokore, Swedru and Saltpond. He delivered speeches, inaugurated schools, hospitals, clinic buildings and inspected Jamaat properties. This short trip witnessed some heart-touching scenes of matchless love for the Khalifa. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh visited Ahmadiyya School in Esakyir and inaugurated the newly built campus. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad Sahib served as principal of the school as well as serving the community in Ghana as a life-devotee in different capacities, ranging from education sector to agriculture.
Hazrat Sahibzada Mirza Masroor Ahmad welcoming Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh in Ghana
Friday 24 August 2018 | AL HAKAM
From the Archives
Sacrifice Behind Eid
Continued from page 1
Huzooraa recited the verse of the Holy Quran where the true concept of sacrifice has been given to mankind, moving on to explaining the meanings of the verse. Huzoor stated that today is Eid-ul-Adha, also known as the Eid of sacrifice, when a great number of animals are sacrificed as a symbolic expression to giving up something of lesser importance for the greater. It is a reminder that one should sacrifice oneself for a greater good. This greater good that a Muslim should always be ready to sacrifice oneself for is the Almighty God, by way of sacrificing their time, wealth, honour and life. It is a reminder of this sacrifice that the Eid-ul-Adha stands for. Allah the Almighty has clearly stated in the Holy Quran that the meat attained from animals from the symbolic sacrifice does not reach God nor is it of any use to Him, rather it is the spirit of sacrifice. Understanding the true spirit of sacrifice is even more important in this day and age where some nations are usurping the rights of others; where the blood of human beings is being wasted for minor worldly goals. We, Ahmadi Muslims, are fortunate that we have been able to dissociate ourselves from all acts of violence. The reason why some sections of the Muslim world are seen as being instrumental in these acts of violence is because they have not accepted the Imam of the age. The way the Promised Messiahas has guided us to the true path should never be forgotten. Huzooraa quoted the Promised Messiahas where he stated that it is a far great virtue to sacrifice your hearts than merely slaughtering animals, meaning that sacrifice of worldly desires is a virtue of greater value. Aligning one’s desires with the desire and commandment of Allah is what it truly means to sacrifice one’s heart. Huzooraa said that pondering over these sayings of the Promised Messiahas sends a wave of shrill to our hearts as we realise what a high standard of piety is expected of us by the Imam of the age. Huzooraa stated that any sacrifices that we offer today should work as a reminder of this true sacrifice that the Promised Messiahas has asked us to offer. Huzooraa quoted a number of passages from the blessed writings of the Promised Messiahas where the true concept of sacrifice has been explained. In one such passage, the Promised
Messiahas has stated that Islam actually means readiness to lay every worldly desire on the altar of piety, ready to sacrifice it in the way of our Creator. Huzooraa said that this was only possible if one strives to attain the pleasure of God through fulfilling the rights of the Creator and of His creation. The Promised Messiahas has given examples of those who spend their lives in putting their bodies through various hardships, taking it to be a form of worship. But if all this hardship has nothing to do with the soul, then this cannot be classed as worship or even just an act of good. Allah the Almighty has attached the body and soul together to work in combination and attain the spirit of worship. The Islamic worship of Salat is an example of how the body and soul go hand in hand to make it a mode of worship; every act in Salat symbolises the humility of the soul, and the soul in return complements the body to feel the true humility before God. Huzooraa quoted the Promised Messiahas where the Promised Messiahas cited examples from the blessed example of the Holy Prophetsa of Islam in how he sacrificed every worldly desire in the way of Allah; how he spent all his life in utter humility; how every act of the Holy Prophetsa was an embodiment of taqwa. The Promised Messiahas, on one occasion, wrote that he would never want any member of his Jamaat to look down upon any of their fellows with pride. Huzooraa, concluding his sermon, prayed that Allah enable every Ahmadi to follow the teachings of Islam that lead to the true sacrifice that Allah the Almighty expects from us. Huzooraa recited the Khutba-e-Sania and, before leading the congregation in silent prayer, reminded the Ahmadis to remember the following in their prayer: the Asiran-e-rah-e-Maula (those imprisoned in the way of Allah); Ahmadis living in countries like Pakistan and Algeria where they, in the name of the law, are severely persecuted; waqifeen-e-zindagi (devotees of life), mubalighin and mu‘allimin (missionaries); all Ahmadis to be able to remain steadfast on their faith and those who offer financial sacrifices in the way of Allah. Huzooraa led the congregation in silent prayer after which he wished everyone “Eid Mubarak”.
Matson Collection | Wiki Commons
id-ul-Adha marks the coming to an end E of a great form of Islamic worship, the Hajj. Dating back to Prophet Abraham ,
great sacrifices that he offered in relation to his progeny; once when he was asked as to sacrifice the life of his son Ishmaelas Hajj is a combination of manasik (rituals) and another when he was commanded by that are performed around the Ka‘bah and Allah to leave his wife and the same son in its vicinity. in the Arabian desert. We know from the Hajj symbolises the great sacrifice Holy Quran that he stood steadfast on both offered by Hazrat Abrahamas at the occasions, leaving behind a great legacy of command of Allah the Almighty by leaving sacrifice in the way of Allah. his wife and new-born son in the wilderness It is commonly thought that the Eid-ulof the Arabian desert. The Ka‘bah was built Adha is there to commemorate the former by Abrahamas and the same son, Prophet sacrifice, but Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Ishmaelas, about 2000 years before the Mahmud Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IIra, was advent of Jesus Christas. The pilgrimage was of the opinion that it actually commemorates performed around the Ka‘bah ever since in the latter. He states, in Tafsir-e-Kabir, that various forms. It always remained a centre since the incident when Abrahamas was told of worship, whether it was the worship of to sacrifice his son’s life took place in Syria, the One God or of the idols and Pagan gods. the ritual to commemorate it would have The Holy Prophet, peace and blessings been established in the same area; whereas of Allah be upon him, after the victory of the rituals of Hajj that lead up to Eid-ulMecca, cleansed the Ka‘bah of all idols that Adha are carried out in and around Mecca. had been housed there for many hundreds of Since the second incident, where Abrahamas years, bringing the Ka‘bah back to being the was commanded to abandon his wife and Baitullah – the House of Allah. It was from child in the Arabian desert happened in then that Allah made Hajj obligatory for Mecca, Hajj has been made a precursor every Muslim who could afford to take up of Eid-ul-Adha with all rituals performed the journey. It was in the same year that the around and in the vicinity of the Ka‘bah. manasik were set out by Allah the Almighty, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra states that sa and explained by the Holy Prophet , to be Hajj, along with Eid-ul-Adha that adjacently performed as what we know as the Islamic follows it, are reminiscent of the grand Hajj. sacrifice offered by Abrahamas when, on the sa The Holy Prophet Muhammad commandment of Allah, he happily agreed performed his first and last Hajj in the year to leave his wife and son at a place where 10 AH – the same year that he passed away. there was not even a drop of water, let alone However, the Holy Prophetsa had celebrated food and other means of sustenance. This Eid-ul-Adha on the prescribed date of the sacrifice that Allah desired of Abrahamas Islamic calendar to commemorate the great was to prove that those who trust in Allah sacrifice offered by Hazrat Abrahamas. are never wasted and that their sacrifices Coming back to the sacrifice offered bear such fruit that no other worldly effort by Abrahamas, we find, among many, two or means can ever bring about.
Friday 24 August 2018 | AL HAKAM
Sahibzada Mirza Majeed Ahmad Sahib
Sahibzada Mirza Majeed Ahmad Sahib in the middle row standing second from left
ahibzada Mirza Majeed Ahmad Sahib, son of Hazrat Sahibzada Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahibra, passed away on 14 August 2018 at the age of 94. “Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.” Announcing the demise of Sahibzada Mirza Majeed Ahmad Sahib, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa said in his on 17 August Friday Sermon: “[Sahibzada Mirza Majeed Ahmad Sahib] was born in Qadian on 18 July 1924 to Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahibra and Hazrat Sultana Begum Sahiba, daughter of Hazrat Ghulam Hasan Sahib Peshawari. He obtained his primary education in Qadian and passed his matriculation exam at Talimul Islam High School in Qadian. In 1949 he obtained a master’s degree in history at Government College Lahore, achieving the highest grades. Upon his achievement, people came to congratulate
Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahibra. Aside from expressing words of gratitude, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahibra said, ‘In reality, the group of believers are a support for one another in times of happiness and sadness, and they gain comfort, tranquility and strength from the support of one another. This is the focal point of a Jamaat.’ “He further wrote, ‘I request my friends to not only partake in this happiness but to also pray that where God Almighty has enabled Majeed Ahmad to achieve a high standard of secular knowledge, may He also grant him true knowledge and enable him to act upon it, as this is the true purpose and objective of our lives.’ “Mirza Majeed Ahmad Sahib dedicated his life to the service of faith on 7 May 1944 and continued his studies. In 1949 he joined Jamiatul Mubashireen and graduated in July 1954.
“Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra announced his nikah on 28 December 1950, which was the third day of the Jalsa Salana, to Sahibzadi Qudsiyah Begum Sahiba – daughter of Hazrat Nawab Abdullah Khan Sahibra and Hazrat Nawab Amatul Hafeez Begum Sahibara. Their eldest daughter is Nusrat Jehan Sahiba who is the wife of Mirza Naseer Ahmad Tariq, grandson of Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad sahib. They have a son, Mirza Mahmood Ahmad, and another daughter named Durre Sameen, who is the daughter in law of Mir Mahmood Ahmad Sahib. Then there is another son named Mirza Ghulam Qadir Sahib Shaheed who was married to Amatun Nasir Sahiba, daughter of Mir Daud Sahib. He also has a fifth child, a daughter named Faiza Sahiba who is married to Syed Mudassar Ahmad Sahib, who is also a life-devotee. “In July 1954 Mirza Majeed Ahmad Sahib obtained the Shahid degree and was first posted in Talimul Islam College Rabwah on 20 September 1954. On 4 November 1956, under the auspices of Tahrik-e-Jadid, he was sent to Kumasi, Ghana, to serve as a school principal. He returned to Pakistan on 24 December 1963. Then in April 1964, he was reappointed in Talimul Islam College. When the Talimul Islam College was nationalised in the time of Bhutto, in April 1975, after the nationalisation, he resigned and reported to the Anjuman saying he was a life-devotee. “On 3 July 1975 he was appointed as Naib Nazir Talim. In 1976 when Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh toured America and other European countries, Mirza Majeed Ahmad Sahib accompanied him in the capacity of Private Secretary. In 1978, he was appointed as the Naib Nazir-e-Ala and in 1984 he retired.
“His son-in-law, Syed Mudassar Ahmad Sahib, says that he translated a portion of Siratul Mahdi into English and regularly wrote articles for Al Fazl newspaper. He was a very intellectual man and his articles have been published in book-form under the name Nukta-e-Nazar. “He was very keen on reading and writing. I myself have also witnessed that he used to spend most of his time in the library reading. “His daughter in law, Amatul Nasir, the widow of the martyr Ghulam Qadir Shaheed, writes: ‘He was a very loving and honourable person. He had great love for children and was a sincere individual with a generous heart. One of his key attributes was that he could adjust himself in any age group and would befriend everyone and treat them like friends – youth and grown-ups alike.’ She further writes, ‘He demonstrated great patience and steadfastness at the martyrdom of his son, Mirza Ghulam Qadir Shaheed. After the martyrdom, Mirza Majeed Ahmad Sahib and his wife both took special care of Mirza Ghulam Qadir Shaheed’s children.’ “He was unwell for an extended period of time, but bore this with patience and resolve. He had a very balanced temperament and would not be enraged. He kept a sincere friendship with everyone and would care for his workers. “His son-in-law, Mirza Naseer Ahmad Sahib, writes: ‘Mirza Majeed Ahmad Sahib was a man of wise opinion and would stand firm in his opinions. It would not be the case that he would adopt the opinion that was widespread and prevalent at a particular time, rather, he would always choose the correct approach and would express his opinion in the matter.’ May Allah shower His mercy and forgiveness on him.” Anwer Mahmood Khan Al Hakam USA Correspondent
A large billboard on a busy interstate highway that is used by many has been placed by Jamaat Los Angeles East. The billboard advertises the picture of Promised Messiahas with "The Messiah has come". This message electronically changes into Spanish intermittently.
Friday 24 August 2018 | AL HAKAM 100 Years Ago...
Khalifatul Masih IIra in Qadian Al Hakam, 14 & 21 August 1918 Hazrat Sheikh Yaqub Ali Irfanira Editor, Al Hakam (Urdu)
orrespondence from Dalhousie has given invigorating news that Hazrat Khalifatul Masih, may Allah strengthen his hand, departing Dalhousie on 16 August 1918, will, by the grace of God, arrive in [Qadian] Dar-ul-Aman on the evening of 17 August 1918. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih’s health and counsel of medical advisors had not yet permitted him to return from the mountains. Due to a cessation of rainfall, the state of sultry weather in this period in the field is obvious. However, anguish for his nation and Jamaat, enthusiasm and fervour for the needs of the community and service to religion was compelling him not to remain on the mountain any longer. In those days, when I was with Huzoor, I used to observe that had he not been compelled by health reasons, he would not have undertaken the journey. Through his conduct, his being reiterates the words that the Promised Messiahas once said in a state of passion for the service of Islam: ن
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[(Persian) What has happened to my thoughts that they welcome trouble?] Had he not sacrificed his comfort and health for the needs of the community, the situation would not have taken this shape. During the previous four years, he carried out tremendous efforts and the effects which his health suffered, from the difficulties which he had drawn the community out of, were inevitable. Nevertheless, it is the grace and bounty of God that He restored Huzoor’s health. Much benefit was acquired by the grace of God from this journey but there is still great need for rest. However, I know that the anguish, passion and fervour
which is bringing him back from the mountains, in these days of heat and sultry weather, will not permit him to rest. The counsel of the medical advisors will be put aside and Huzoor will busy himself in work. Previous accounts bear witness to this fact. In any case, what words can be used to gauge the delight and fortune of the dwellers of Dar-ul-Aman that their master and leader is arriving safely. His every movement is controlled by God Almighty’s hidden Hand and it is believed with certainty that he shall remain a blessing for the community in every scenario. Readers! Pray that Allah Almighty, out of His grace and bounty, grants Huzoor perfect health and makes his being beneficial and blessed for us and the world for a long period of time. May he create the means to spread the Jamaat, at his hands, to the horizons and corners of the world. Al Hakam is fortunate that it is the very first to convey this comforting news to readers. By the time Al Hakam reaches the hands of readers, it is expected that Huzoor will have arrived in Qadian. For this reason, on behalf of its readers, Al Hakam welcomes its Imam on entrance to Qadian and states with great zeal: “Welcome! With your entry comes joy and bliss.” Where I convey this comforting news to the entire Jamaat, I respectfully remind every Ahmadi to regularly pray in their daily prayers for the constant health and longevity of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih, may God assist him, and to exert their best efforts for the completion of those tasks which Huzoor desires; those which are necessary for the welfare and benefit of the community. Now is time to exert your efforts. Abandoning all other thoughts, attach yourselves
to this one purpose with diligence that will spread this Silsila [movement] to the horizons of the world.
Blessings Attached to the Arrival of Khalifatul Masih Al Hakam, 21 August 1918 As was revealed in the previous issue of Al Hakam, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II arrived in [Qadian] Dar-ul-Aman with his entourage prior to Isha prayer on the evening of 17 August. The Qadian Jamaat, along with their Amir, welcomed Huzoor near the first mileage signpost outside Qadian. Huzoor sent a written instruction beforehand for the people not to move ahead of that borderline. Otherwise, many were prepared to travel to Batala station and most would have advanced till the rivulet. Nevertheless, a long queue of devotees was waiting to shake Huzoor’s hand. Hazrat Ummul Momineen [Amma Jan, Hazrat Nusrat Jehan Begum Sahibara] also stepped outside to greet her Mahmud. Having met Hazrat Ummul Momineen, Huzoor met the Ahmadis present and shook everybody’s hands. Afterwards, he entered the city. For those present, that day held no less joy than of Eid. Maghrib prayer was offered in the same area. Following Maghrib, the entire Jamaat stood in wait. Hearts were brimming with passion and ecstasy. In a manner of love and zeal, a friend had written a letter to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih saying, “For your father, God Almighty used to create the means for cool
winds in this very place.” The essence of what he was inferring is that it was not the practise of the Promised Messiahas to travel to the mountains in the summer. Cool winds would blow and rain would shower on Dar-ul-Aman itself. The writer’s aim and objective was for Mahmud-ul-qaum [referring to Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra, meaning, the nations praised] to return to Qadian. This was an incidental remark. The effect of the drought this year until now is evident. A terrible situation has arisen in the entire country due to a cessation of rain. Qadian was also no exception to this. Yet, observe God’s power; the evening of the seventeenth, the successor of God’s revered Messiahas stepped into Qadian. That night, clouds began to amass and stir in the heavens, and rain descended on the eighteenth; a blessing from God to negate those experts who used to say that a monsoon would not occur. As I write these words, the soothing heavy rainfall descends before me. I had described the departure of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih from Qadian and mentioned how a heavenly sign had manifested. Today, this sign upon his return, at a time of deadly drought, is a proof of truthfulness for the dwellers of Qadian to say the least. This is a sign of mercy and blessing and this is the first of the blessings in relation to Huzoor’s return… With the arrival of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih, the drought transformed into the descent of Divine mercy. If we offer gratitude for this Divine bounty in our actions, numerous blessings will follow thereafter. I desired to write extensively regarding this bounty and blessing of Allah the Almighty, but I have seen that each and every drop of rain which currently falls holds infinite blessings within it. Thus, what elucidation can I give thereafter? It is best that I rest my pen. But I would like to remind the readers to remember that the time for immense blessings is approaching. Prepare yourselves for it. [Translated by Fateh Alam, UK]
Friday 24 August 2018 | AL HAKAM
Kenya Peace Symposium Lauded
Nasir Mehmood Tahir Nakuru, Kenya
n 7 July 2018, the Ahmadiyya Muslim O Jamaat of Nakuru, Kenya had the honour of holding its first Peace Symposium at
Ahmadiyya Mubarak Mosque. The programme was attended by 65 guests, among whom 40 were non-Ahmadi dignitaries. In attendance were well-known Kenyan politicians, religious leaders, government officials, senior army officers, wellknown businessmen, principals, teachers, doctors and many others. Among the guests were also two Egyptian doctors, a Buddhist lady from Japan, as well as representatives of Shia, Sunni and Bahai sects. Hon Koigi Wa Wamwere, well-known Kenyan politician, human rights activist, journalist and author of multiple famous books in Kenya, in his speech said that peace was a crop that needed weeding and watering again and again, and the symposium arranged by the Jamaat was an event of weeding and watering the crop of peace. He went on by saying, “I am very glad to be part of this symposium. Equality and freedom is a basic right for all us human beings.” Hon Muhayudin Sambul, Kadhi for Kericho and Bomet counties, in his remarks appreciated this effort of the Jamaat and thanked the Jamaat for bringing to one table
people of different ethnicities, religions and nations to promote peace and harmony between all. He further said, “I have been to Pakistan and I know very well the persecution the Jamaat is facing there, as well as in Indonesia and other places in the world, but I hereby assure you that you are free here to preach and worship your faith. My well wishes and sympathies are always with the Jamaat.” Hon Hassan Ali Noor, vice chairman Interfaith Council, Central Rift Valley, expressed his gratitude to the community for holding such a peace symposium and promoting peace and harmony in the society. A well-known Egyptian, Dr Mustafa, expressed his thanks for inviting him and said, “If I was not able to attend this peace symposium I would have regretted it much, but I feel lucky enough to be here today.” A Japanese lady, Madam Shikoo, who belongs to the Buddhist religion was also invited. She showed her gratitude to the Jamaat and said, “I knew nothing about Islam but [after] the Ahmadiyya Jamaat’s missionary contacted me, now I can say I know Islam, and especially from today’s event, I have learnt a lot. Such programmes should be held regularly.”
AMJ Kenya
Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IIra, describes the Hajj in the Introduction to the Study of the Holy Quran: “The third form of worship prescribed by Islam is the Pilgrimage to Mecca. The object of this is to create in the minds of Muslims a feeling of attachment to a Centre. For the performance of the Pilgrimage, Muslims who are able to afford the journey collect together at Mecca during a prescribed period. Thus an opportunity is afforded to them to come together from different parts of the world, to strengthen their relationship with each other and to exchange views upon national and international problems. This form of worship is also both collective and individual. The Pilgrimage may be performed only during the prescribed days, but the Umrah may be performed at any time. Whenever during the year a Muslim is able to make arrangements for the journey he can proceed to Mecca and perform the Umrah. This form of worship teaches Muslims that for the purpose of maintaining and strengthening the Centre they ought to be ready to make both collective and individual sacrifices. The fourth form of worship is alms and charity. This too is both collective and individual and both prescribed and voluntary. For instance, on the occasion of the Eid-ul-Fitr (the festival of the breaking of the Fast) it is obligatory upon every Muslim, man and woman, adult and child, before taking part in the additional service prescribed for that day, to offer three pounds of wheat or corn or its equivalent in money as a contribution towards helping the poor. Even the poorest person is not exempt from this obligation. He who is able to afford it must make this contribution out of his own substance, but he who is not able to afford it must nevertheless provide the contribution out of that which he may receive in charity on that day.”
Friday 24 August 2018 | AL HAKAM Letters to the Editor
Blessings in the Garden of the Messiahas Among the accounts and memorable incidents we received from participants of Jalsa Salana UK, we present below the personal account of a member of USA Jamaat who travelled to the UK for Jalsa Salana 2018. Ahsan M Khan Los Angeles, California, USA
he Jalsa Salana is a very blessed occaT sion and, in a tradition started by the Promised Messiah himself, always brings as
out the most exemplary acts of hospitality and selflessness. At this year’s annual gathering in the UK, we experienced this in the most unexpected way. My younger brother, Amjad, had booked a single room for the two of us at a nearby bed-and-breakfast many months ago when we decided to attend the Jalsa and get ahead of the rush. We were pleased because this well-known spot called Three Horseshoes had only a handful of rooms. And because it was the closest hotel to Hadiqatul Mahdi (the site of the Jalsa Salana), securing it was a rare feat. But only a few weeks before the Jalsa, the reservation was cancelled because the owner, John Manning-Smith, had made a booking error, and their inn was oversold. He was sincere and thoughtful in his apology, and we didn’t fret. We began making plans to secure tents and stay on the Jalsa grounds when, to my brother’s surprise, he got notified that John’s friends (a British couple) were willing to host us at their home for the weekend to resolve the predicament. And what was especially surprising was that these hosts lived even closer (only half a mile from the Jalsa) and insisted that we stay free of charge. It was an overwhelmingly gracious offer, which we accepted. On the eve of Jalsa, we journeyed from Los Angeles to England and finally made it to the home and met our unlikely Jalsa hosts, Robin and Nicky Twining. Mr Twining was a semi-retired consultant who now directed a few charities, and his wife Dr Twining was a recently-retired medical doctor. Mr Twining shared the namesake of one of the oldest and most well-known British tea-making brands, Twinings, established by his ancestors in 1706. Their house, called Goldings Estate, was a beautiful country home decorated with a vibrant, meticulously manicured flower garden and a breath-taking backyard view of the Hampshire countryside overlooking a pond, tall trees, meandering trails and a round green hill, behind which was the iconic Jalsa tent city of Hadiqatul Mahdi. While we couldn’t see the Jalsa site from the home, we were close enough that we could hear the distant echoes of Jalsa announcements and see the long queue of cars, vans and double-decker Jalsa shuttles backing up along the main road directly in front of the driveway. Our hosts made sure we were comfortable in every way and gave us a key to the house for us to enter and exit during the weekend as we pleased.
Because the main common road from the Twinings’ home to Hadiqatul Mahdi about a half mile up was narrow and busy, we instead walked to and from the Jalsa through a public footpath through the back countryside – a unique feature of the Twinings’ home that even Three Horseshoes could not offer. It was a serene 15-minute stroll along a pond, through a forest of Douglas Fir trees and then a thick short wheat-field, finally up and around King John Hill (named after King John of Magna Carta fame who once had a hunting lodge there in the thirteenth century). The path took us directly to the top of the back end of the Jalsa car park, where a security tent was pitched and two Khuddam on duty, admittedly surprised to see pedestrian Jalsa attendees approaching them from a back trail, diligently would check our IDs before letting us enter (a good test, indeed, for the Jalsa perimeter security team). Mr Twining walked with us the first time, all the way to the Jalsa. Other times he kindly dropped us off in his car to ensure we would make it to the start of the programme on time. To attend Fajr Salat behind Huzooraa, we walked to Hadiqatul Mahdi in the quiet predawn darkness with a small torchlight. And walked back with fresh Langar chai in hand, as the breaking dawn awoke birds and cast a serene glow on the misty meadows. In the mornings, Mrs Twining prepared for us a wondrous English-style breakfast, with fresh fruit and Twinings tea (of course). We had lovely conversations before heading off to Jalsa, during which we shared our Jalsa experiences and memories, and they shared anecdotes of their amazing travels around the world. Their trips to remote places had taught them to appreciate the rich diversity of culture, language and religion, they told us. Hosting us was a way for them to reciprocate this experience, by opening their homes and hearts to guests of the event which turns their small town into a global village every summer. Mr and Mrs Twining were already very aware of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community when we introduced ourselves. They had moved to this home in Alton 21 years ago and recall every Jalsa since it arrived in their town twelve years prior. They remember the very first one, the ones with torrential rains, the unusually warm ones, and all the rest in between. They even attended four of them and marvelled at the steady rise in attendance every year. They regularly tune in to Jalsa Radio every year during the Jalsa, and were fully versed in the Jamaats core beliefs, outreach programmes and long history of persecution. In our conversations, they used the term Jalsa Salana very casually and
With the Twinings at breakfast in their garden
View of the meadows at dawn after Fajr between the residence and Hadiqatul Mahdi
Amjad Mahmood Khan strolls with Mr Twining to Jalsa through the back footpath
matter-of-factly, rather than referring to it as “your convention”. The Jalsa Salana, after all, was not just a part of their town, but also their lives. The entire experience of staying at this home during the Jalsa was surreal to say the least. Our hosts refused to take payment, but after our repeated insistence, they finally suggested we donate instead to Humanity First, a charity they themselves learned about during their visits to the Jalsa Salana over the years. It was a noble and thoughtful suggestion. Before bidding farewell on Sunday, we were able to gift them with some Humanity First merchandise purchased from the Jalsa stall and thereby honour their wish in the best way we could think of, with those proceeds also going to charitable work as was their desire. In addition to this humble token of appreciation, we also promised to pray for them. After all, those who host guests at the Jalsa Salana are indeed recipients of God’s blessings. During the Friday Sermon on the inaugural day of Jalsa, Huzooraa discussed,
among other things, the importance of being mindful of the rights of neighbours and being gracious hosts during the days of Jalsa. When the Twinings specifically learned that Huzooraa had taken the time to remind all 38,000-plus Jalsa attendees to be mindful of the fire dangers of dry neighbouring grounds, they expressed deep appreciation as mutual hosts. By the grace of God, it was these very neighbours of the Jalsa Salana who were demonstrating the heights of hospitality to us, out of a love for the gathering started by the Promised Messiahas 127 years ago in a village thousands of miles away. The Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas once wrote, “You must not rank this convention in the same league as other, ordinary, human assemblies.” (Majmu‘ah Ishtiharat, Vol. 1, p. 341) Indeed, on a midsummer weekend in a house in the Hampshire countryside next to the Garden of the Messiah, we witnessed this in an extraordinary way.
Friday 24 August 2018 | AL HAKAM
Friday Sermon 27 July 2018 Delivered from Baitul Futuh Mosque
Men of Excellence After reciting the Tashahud, Ta‘awuz, and Surah Al-Fatihah, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa stated:
In this series of narrating accounts of the lives of the Companions [of the Holy Prophetsa], I will speak about two other Companions today. The first is Hazrat Munzir bin Muhammad Ansarira. Hazrat Munzir bin Muhammadra belonged to the Banu Jahjabah tribe. Upon migrating to Medina, the Holy Prophetsa established a bond of brotherhood between Hazrat Munzir bin Muhammadra and Hazrat Tufail bin Harithra. (At-Tabaqat Al-Kubra, Vol. 3, p. 248, Munzir bin Muhammad, Dar Ihya Atturath Al-Arabi, 1996, Beirut) When Hazrat Zubair bin Al-Awwamra, Hazrat Hatibra bin Abi Baltah and Hazrat Abu Sabrahra bin Abi Ruham migrated to Medina, they stayed at the home of Hazrat Munzir bin Muhammadra. (At-Tabaqat Al-Kubra, Vol. 3, p. 55, Zubair bin AlAwwamra, p. 61, Hatib bin Abi Baltah, p. 251, Abu Sabrah bin Abi Ruham, Dar Ihya At-turath Al-Arabi, 1996, Beirut) Hazrat Munzirra participated in the Battles of Badr and Uhud. He was martyred during the incident of Bi‘r-e-Ma‘unah. (AtTabaqat Al-Kubra, Vol. 3, p. 248, Munzir bin Muhammad, Dar Ihya At-turath AlArabi, 1996, Beirut) The incident of Bi‘r-e-Ma‘unah has been mentioned before a number of times in relation to other Companions. I will briefly mention it once again. A detailed account of the martyrdom of Hazrat Munzirra has been covered in Seerat Khataman Nabiyyeen [Seal of all the Prophets], written by Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahibra. In this book it is written, “The Holy Prophetsa dispatched a party of the Companions under the leadership of Munzir bin Amr Ansari in Safar 4 AH. These people were mostly from the Ansar and totalled seventy in number, and almost all of them were Qaris, i.e., were well-versed in the Holy Quran. They would collect wood from the jungle by day to make ends meet and would spend a better part of the night in worship. When these people reached a place known as Bi‘r-e-Ma‘unah, which was named due to a water well, an individual named Haram bin Milhan, who was the maternal uncle of Anasra bin Malik, went forward with the message of Islam to Aamir bin Tufail, who was chief of the Aamir tribe and paternal
nephew of Abu Bara Aamiri. The rest of the Companions remained behind. When Haram bin Milhan arrived to meet Aamir bin Tufail and his followers as an emissary of the Holy Prophetsa, at first, they warmly welcomed him in their hypocrisy; but after he had been fully seated and made to feel at ease, and began to preach the message of Islam, a few evil ones from among them made a signal to someone, who struck
beasts racing towards them, they said, ‘We have no quarrel with you. We have only come with an assignment from the Holy Prophetsa; we have not come to fight,’ but they did not listen to a word and murdered them all. Among the Companions who were present at the time, only one individual was spared, who had a limp, and had managed to climb to the top of a mountain. The name of this Companion was Ka‘b bin Zaid.” His
this innocent emissary with a spear from behind and killed him instantly. At the time, the following words were on the tongue of Haram bin Milhan: َ ُ ُ َ ْ َ ّٰ َ الل ُہ اکب ُر ف ْزت َو َر ِ ّب الْک ْع َب ِۃ
account has already been given. “From various narrations it is ascertained that the disbelievers attacked him as well, due to which he was wounded. The disbelievers left him for dead, but in actuality there was still life in him and he survived. “Two individuals from among this community of Companions had separated from the group at the time in order to graze their camels, etc., and their names were Amr bin Umayyah Damri and Munzir bin Muhammad. When they looked towards their camp, lo and behold, they sighted flocks of birds flying about overhead. They understood these desert signs...” When birds gather in such a manner, it means that there is some provision of food for them underneath. “They immediately deduced that a battle had taken place. When they returned, this atrocity of carnage and massacre perpetrated by the ruthless disbelievers lay before their eyes. Upon sighting this scene from afar, they consulted
i.e., ‘Allah is the Greatest. By the Lord of the Ka‘bah, I have attained my objective.’ Aamir bin Tufail did not suffice upon the murder of this emissary of the Holy Prophetsa alone. As a matter of fact, after this, he incited the people of his tribe, the Banu Aamir, to attack the remaining party of Muslims as well, but they refused and said that they would not attack the Muslims due to the guarantee of Abu Bara. Upon this, Aamir collected the Banu Ri‘l, Dhakwan and Usayyah, etc. from the tribe of Sulaim”, the same tribes who, according to the narration of Bukharai, had come to the Holy Prophetsa as a delegation to request a party, to be sent so that they may preach to them, “and attacked this small and helpless community of Muslims. When the Muslims saw these bloodthirsty
one another as to what they should do. One suggested that they should escape immediately and reach Medina in order to inform the Holy Prophetsa. The other one, however, did not accept this proposal and said, ‘I shall not flee from where our Amir, Munzir bin Amr has been martyred.’ Hence, he proceeded forward and was martyred in battle.” (Seerat Khatam-un-Nabiyeen, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahibra, pp. 518-519) Hence, Munzir bin Muhammadra, who had gone away in order to graze the camels also confronted the enemies and attained martyrdom. This martyrdom took place on the 4 AH. The second companion is Hazrat Hatibra bin Abi Baltah. He belonged to the tribe of Lakhm. Hazrat Hatibra bin Abi Baltah had a treaty with the Banu Asad. His title was Abu Abdullah and it is also mentioned as Abu Muhammad. Hazrat Hatibra bin Abi Baltah was originally from Yemen. Asim bin Umar narrates that when Hatibra bin Abi Baltah and his servant, Sa‘d, migrated from Mecca to Medina, both of them stayed with Hazrat Munzir bin Muhammadra bin Uqba. The Holy Prophetsa formed a bond of brotherhood between Hazrat Hatibra bin Abi Baltah and Hazrat Rukhaila bin Khalid. In one narration it is mentioned that the Holy Prophetsa formed a bond of brotherhood between Hazrat Uwaimra bin Sa‘idah and Hazrat Hatibra bin Abi Baltah. Hazrat Hatibra bin Abi Baltah participated in all battles alongside the Holy Prophetsa, including the Battles of Badr, Uhud and Khandaq [the Trench]. The Holy Prophetsa gave him a letter for the purpose of conveying the message of Islam and sent him to Muqauqis, King of Egypt. Hazrat Hatibra was among the archers of the Holy Prophetsa. It is also mentioned that during the era of ignorance, Hazrat Hatibra bin Abi Baltah was among the elite horsemen and poets of the Quraish. Some say that Hazrat Hatibra bin Abi Baltah was the slave of Ubaidullah bin Hameed and that he gained his freedom from his master by way of a written agreement and he paid the sum of this agreement on the day of the conquest of Mecca. (Usdul Ghaaba, Vol. 1, p. 491, Hatib bin Abi Baltah, Dar-ul-Fikr, 2003, Beirut), (At-Tabaqat Al-Kubra, Vol.
Friday 24 August 2018 | AL HAKAM
Hatibra responded, “Islam is a religion which relieves a person from the need of all other faiths (it is the final religion and incorporates all other religions within it); however, it surely does not require you to relinquish your belief in the Messiah of Nazareth. As a matter of fact, it teaches belief in all the truthful Prophets of God. Just as Mosesas gave glad tidings of the advent of Jesusas, so too, Jesusas gave glad tidings of the advent of our Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.” 3, p. 61, p. 242, Dar Ihya At-turath AlArabi, 1996, Beirut), (Al-Asaaba fi Tamyeez Al-Sahaba, Vol. 2, pp. 4-5, Hatib bin Abi Baltah, Dar-ul-Kutub Al-Ilmiyah, Beirut, 1995). Hazrat Umm-e-Salama narrates that the marriage proposal she received from the Holy Prophetsa, following the demise of her husband, was sent through Hatibra bin Abi Baltah. (Sahih Al-Muslim, Kitaab-ulJanaaiz, Hadith. 1516, Noor Foundation) In a narration it is mentioned that Hazrat Anasra bin Malik heard Hatibra bin Abi Baltah say, “On the day of [the Battle of] Uhud, the Holy Prophetsa turned towards me and was in considerable pain. This was after the battle had ended when the conditions improved to some extent. Hazrat Alira was holding a bowl of water in his hand and the Holy Prophetsa was washing his face with it. Hatibra asked the Holy Prophetsa as to who did this to him. The Holy Prophetsa said that Utbah bin Abi Waqas struck his face with a stone. Hazrat Hatibra said, ‘I had heard a voice shout that Muhammad had been killed. Hearing this,
I have come here in a state as if my soul has left my body, rendering it lifeless.’ Hazrat Hatibra then asked the Holy Prophetsa, “Where is Utbah?” The Holy Prophetsa pointed in a particular direction and said that he is there. Hazrat Hatibra went in that direction. He [i.e. Utbah bin Abi Waqas] was hiding, but Hatibra was able to capture him. Hazrat Hatibra struck him with his sword and severed his head. He then took his decapitated head, his belongings and his horse and brought them to the Holy Prophetsa. The Holy Prophetsa gave all of these items to Hazrat Hatibra and prayed for him. The Holy Prophetsa said, ‘May Allah be pleased with you. May Allah be pleased with you.’ He repeated this twice.” (Kitab Al-Sunan Al-Kubra lil-Behqi, Pt. 6, p. 504 Hadith no. 13041, Maktabat-ul-Rushd Nashrioon, 2004) Hazrat Hatibra bin Abi Baltah passed away in Medina at the age of 65 in the year 30 AH. Hazrat Usmanra led his funeral prayer. (At-Tabaqat Al-Kubra, Vol. 3, p. 61, Dar Ihya At-turath Al-Arabi, 1996, Beirut) Among the details of the letter, which
the Holy Prophetsa sent to Muqauqis, we find that Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahibra has mentioned it to be the third letter which was sent to the different kings (Seerat Khatamun-Nabiyeen, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahibra, p. 818), whereas, Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih IIra has said that it was the fourth letter (Debacha Tafsir-ul-Quran, Anwar-ulUloom, Vol. 20, p. 321). Nevertheless, one of the letters sent to the rulers and kings in order to convey the message of Islam, was sent to Muqauqis, the ruler of Egypt. He was the ruler of Egypt and Alexandria under the command of the Caesar. In other words, he was a hereditary ruler and followed the religion of Christianity, like the Caesar. His personal name was Jurayj bin Mina. He and his subjects belonged to the Coptic nation. The Holy Prophetsa sent a letter through his companion, Hatibra bin Abi Baltah and the words of this letter were as follows: َ ّٰ َ َ ُ َّ َّ ّ ٰ ْ الر ِح ْی ِم۔ ِم ْن محَ ّم ٍد ع ْب ِد الل ِہ َو َر ُس ْول ِ ٖہ اِلی الر ْح ٰم ِن بِس ِم الل ِہ ْ ُ َ َ ٰ ُ ْ َ َّ َ َ َْ ُْ ٰ ٌ َ َ س ع ِظ ْی ِم ال ِق ْب ِط۔ سل المقوق ام َعلی َم ِن ات َبع الھدی۔ ا ّما ب َ ْعد َ َ ْ َ ُ ّ ٰ َ ْٔ ُ ْ َ ْ ُ ْ ْ َ َ ْ ْ َ َ َ ْ ُ ِ ْ َ ّ َ ام اسلِم تسلم یوتِک اللہ اجرک ِ ف ِانِی ادع َوک بِ ِد َعای ِۃ َال ِا َسل َْ ََ َ ْ َ َ ّْ ََ ْ َ ک اِثْ ُم الْق ْبط۔ یَا اَ ْھ َل الْک اب ت م ّرتی ِن۔ فاِن تولیت فعلی ِ ِ ِ َِ ٰ َّ َ ُ َ ّ َ َ ّ َ َ َ َ َ َْ ََ ائ ب َ ْی َن َنا َوب َ ْی َنک ْم ا ْن لا ن ْع ُبد اِلا الل َہ َولا ٍ تعالوا اِلی کلِم ٍۃ سو
َ ّٰ َ ً ُ َ َّ َ َ ً ْ َ َ ْ ُ نش ِرک بِ ٖہ شیئ اولا یَت ِخذ ب َ ْعض َنا ب َ ْعضا ا ْربَابًا ِم ْن ُد ْو ِن الل ِہ فا ِْن َّ َ ْ ُ َ ْ ُ ْ ُ َ ْ َّ َ َ َ ْ ُ ُ ْ تولوا فقولوا اشھدوا بِانا مسلِمون۔ “I write this letter in the name of Allah, Who is the Gracious, and who grants the best reward of one’s deeds. This letter is from Muhammad, the servant of Allah and His Messenger, to Maqauqis, Chief of the Copts. Peace be on him who follows the guidance. After this, O Ruler of Egypt, I invite you to the guidance of Islam. Embrace Islam and accept the peace of God, for this is the only way to salvation. Allah the Exalted shall grant you a double reward. But if you reject this invitation, (in addition to yourself), the sin of the Copts shall be on your shoulders as well. O People of the Book! Come to a word equal between us and you – that we worship none but Allah; and that we associate no partner with Him in any case, and that some of us take not others as our Master and Lord. But if they turn away, then say, ‘Bear witness that we are followers of the One God and obedient to Him.’” This was the letter, which the Holy Prophetsa sent to the king. When Hatibra bin Abi Baltah reached Alexandria, he met with an attendant in the royal court, and after gaining access to Maqauqis, he presented the letter of the Holy Prophetsa to him. Maqauqis read the letter and in somewhat of a teasing tone, said, “If your master is actually a Prophet (i.e. the Holy Prophetsa) of God then (instead of sending me this letter), why did he not supplicate to God that He should make me subservient to him?” (In other words, so that God would enable the Holy Prophetsa to become his ruler.) Hatibra responded, “If this objection is valid, then it falls upon Jesusas as well, because he did not supplicate against his opponents in this manner.” Then, by way of
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10 advice he said, “You should contemplate in a serious manner, because prior to this, in this very country of yours, there has been a person (i.e. the Pharaoh) who claimed that he was the lord and ruler of the entire world, but God seized him in such a manner that he became a lesson for all subsequent generations. I sincerely submit to you, therefore, that you should take a lesson from others, and not become one from whom others take a lesson.” Seeing that he is responding in a courageous manner, Maqauqis said, “The fact is that we already have a religion, therefore, until we find a more superior one, we cannot leave our faith.” Hatibra responded, “Islam is a religion which relieves a person from the need of all other faiths (it is the final religion and incorporates all other religions within it); however, it surely does not require you to relinquish your belief in the Messiah of Nazareth. As a matter of fact, it teaches belief in all the truthful Prophets of God. Just as Mosesas gave glad tidings of the advent of Jesusas, so too, Jesusas gave
Maqauqis summoned a scribe who was well-versed in Arabic, then he dictated the following letter addressed to the Holy Prophetsa and handed it over to Hatibra. The text of the letter read: “In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. This letter is from Maqauqis, Chief of the Copts, to Muhammadsa, the son of Abdullah. Peace be upon you. I have read your letter, understood its contents, and pondered over your invitation. I knew that a prophet was to appear, but I thought that he would be raised in the country of Syria (not in Arabia). I have treated your emissary with honour, and send two girls, who are held in high esteem by the Copts. (These girls belong to noble families.) I also send you some garments and a mule so that you may ride upon it. Peace be upon you.” He then signed it. This letter demonstrates that Maqauqis of Eygpt treated the emissary of the Holy Prophetsa with reverence, and to some extent, he took an interest in the invitation of the Holy Prophetsa as well. However, he did
the Holy Prophetsa married Mariyah, the Copt, himself, and gave her sister Sirin to the renowned poet, Hassan bin Thabitra in marriage. Mariyah is the same blessed lady who gave birth to Hazrat Ibrahim, the son of the Holy Prophetsa, who was the only child born to him during his era of prophethood. It is also worthy of mention that due to the preaching of Hatibra bin Abi Baltah, both these girls had become Muslim even before reaching Medina. The mule sent to the Holy Prophetsa on this occasion as a gift was white in colour. The Holy Prophetsa would often ride on it and in the Battle of Hunain, the very same mule was used by the Holy Prophetsa. (Seerat Khatam-un-Nabiyeen, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahibra, pp. 818-821) Hazrat Musleh Maudra elaborates further regarding the letter that was sent to Maqauqis, “This letter including the wording of it is exactly the same which was written for the King of Rome. The only difference was that it read: “If you do not accept it, the burden of sins of the Roman
“Hatibra also said to Maqauqis, ‘By God, Mosesas never prophesied about Jesusas as Jesusas did regarding Muhammadsa. So we call you to Muhammadsa in the same way as you call the Jews to Jesusas.’ He then said that every prophet is sent to a nation and it is their duty to obey him. So as you have witnessed the era of this prophet whom God Almighty has sent for the whole world, it is your duty to accept him. Furthermore, our faith does not restrict you from following Jesusas the Messiah, rather we call others to believe in him as well.” glad tidings of the advent of our Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.” At this, Maqauqis began to contemplate and took to silence. However, sometime thereafter, in another sitting when several high dignitaries of the church were present as well, Maqauqis enquired of Hatibra, “I have heard that your Prophet was exiled from his homeland. Why did he not pray against those who drove him out, so that they would be destroyed?” Why did the Prophetsa not curse those that drove him out of his home in Mecca, so they would be destroyed and the Prophetsa could live in peace? Hatibra responded, “Our Prophet was only forced into exile from his homeland, but your Messiah was actually apprehended by the Jews, who attempted to bring his life to an end on the cross; yet, he was unable to pray against his enemies and destroy them.” Maqauqis was very impressed and said, “You are undoubtedly a wise man, and have been sent as an emissary by a wise man.” After this, he said, “I have reflected upon what you have said about your Prophet, and have found that he has not taught anything evil, nor has he forbidden anything good.” Then he placed the letter of the Holy Prophetsa in an ivory box, sealed it and handed it over to one of his responsible female servants. Nonetheless, Maqauqis honoured the letter of the Holy Prophetsa. After this,
not accept Islam. It is ascertained by other narrations that he passed away as a follower of the Christian faith. By the manner of his speech, it seems that although he took an interest in religious matters, he did not possess the serious nature that was required in this respect. For this reason, apparently, even though he acted respectfully, he dismissed the invitation of the Holy Prophetsa. The two girls sent by Maqauqis were named Mariyah and Sirin and they were both sisters. As Maqauqis stated in his letter, they were both from the Coptic nation, which was the same nation to which Maqauqis belonged to. These girls were not ordinary people, rather, according to the letter of Maqauqis, they were “held in high esteem by the Copts.” Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahibra says, “In actuality, it seems that an ancient practice among the Egyptians was that they would present girls who belonged to their own families or were nobles of the nation to such revered guests with whom they desired to foster stronger ties.” He then further writes, “As such, when Abrahamas went to Egypt, the Chief of Egypt presented a noble girl (i.e., Hagar) to him as well for marriage, who gave birth to Ishmaelas, and through him, became the mother of many other Arabian tribes. In any case, when the two girls sent by Maqauqis arrived in Medina,
people will be on your shoulders” and the other letter read: “…the burden of sins of the Coptic people will be on your shoulders.” When Hatibra arrived in Egypt, Maqauqis was not in the capital, rather he was in Alexandria. Hatibra went to Alexandria where the King had arranged for a gathering along the seashore. (It is possible that this location was on an Island) and he may have taken a boat to get there. Since there were stringent security measures in place, Hatibra raised the letter up above and raised slogans. The King instructed that this person should be presented before him.” He further writes: “Hatibra also said to Maqauqis, ‘By God, Mosesas never prophesied about Jesusas as Jesusas did regarding Muhammadsa. So we call you to Muhammadsa in the same way as you call the Jews to Jesusas.’ He then said that every prophet is sent to a nation and it is their duty to obey him. So as you have witnessed the era of this prophet whom God Almighty has sent for the whole world, it is your duty to accept him. Furthermore, our faith does not restrict you from following Jesusas the Messiah, rather we call others to believe in him as well.” (Debacha Tafsir-ul-Quran, Anwar-ul-Uloom, Vol. 20, p. 322) Thus, these were the people who preached their faith with great courage and wisdom. They had no fear of whoever was
before them, be they a governor, a ruler or a king. With regard to the incident of the woman taking a letter from Medina to the Meccans, it was the same Hatibra bin Abi Baltah who sent the letter with her and informed of the impending arrival of the Holy Prophetsa. It is narrated that when the Holy Prophetsa set off to Mecca with the army to conquer the city, one companion, Hatibra bin Abi Baltah sent a letter with a woman to the Quraish of Mecca. According to the commentary of Bukhari by Hazrat Syed Zainul Abideen Shah Sahib, he has written that Imam Bukhari quoted the following verse of the Holy Quran prior to narrating the details of this incident:
ُ َّ َ َ َ َُ لَا تت ِخذ ْوا َع ُد ِّو ْی َو َع ُد ّوک ْم ا ْول َِیٓائ
“O ye who believe! Take not My enemy and your enemy for friends”. Hazrat Alira relates, “The Holy Prophetsa, Zubair, Miqdad bin Aswad and myself, with the instruction that we must go and when we reach a place called Rawdah Khakh, there will be a woman on camel and she will have a letter which we must take from her, we departed with our horses galloping at full speed. When we reached Rawdah Khakh we saw that there was a woman on a camel. We asked her to produce the letter. She replied that she did not have any letter. We then said that she would show us the letter otherwise we would have to remove her clothes to find it. Upon this she took out the letter from the bun of her hair and we took that letter back to the Holy Prophetsa. When it was opened, we learnt that it was from Hatibra bin Abi Baltah addressed to the idolaters of Mecca informing them of the intentions of the Holy Prophetsa. The Holy Prophetsa summoned Hatibra bin Abi Baltah and enquired regarding this. He replied, ‘O Messenger of Allah, do not make haste in your decision regarding me. I was a man who came and met the Quraish. I am not from among them, whereas the other Muhajireen [emigrants] who were with you have relatives in Mecca through whom they have been able to safeguard their possessions and wealth. It was my desire to confer a favour upon someone in Mecca as I have no relatives there, so perhaps as a result of this favour they might take care of me and I did not do so out of disbelief or apostasy. (Neither have I denied you, nor have I become an apostate and left the fold of Islam). I did not do it for this reason because after accepting Islam I could never desire to return to disbelief, I assure you.’ When the Holy Prophetsa heard this, he said that he had spoken the truth. Hazrat Umarra who was present at the time said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, allow me to kill this hypocrite.’ The Holy Prophetsa answered, ‘This man fought in the Battle of Badr; little do you know that God Almighty has witnessed what the people have done during the Battle of Badr, and no matter what they do, He Has forgiven their sins.’” (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitab-ul-Jihad, Hadith no. 3007, Commentary by Hazrat Syed Zainul Abideen Shah Sahib, Vol. 5, pp. 350352, Nizarat-e-Isha‘at)
Friday 24 August 2018 | AL HAKAM Hazrat Waliullah Shah Sahib writes under the explanation of a Hadith in Sahih Al-Bukhari that according to another Hadith, this woman was called a disbeliever and those sent to find her were Hazrat Alira, Hazrat Abu Marsad Ghanawira and Hazrat Zubairra. Similarly, he writes that this woman was riding the camel. Regarding her hiding the letter, he writes that in another narration it states that when she saw that it was a grave matter, she turned to the cloth tied on her back, took out the letter and placed it before them and they then brought this woman to the Holy Prophetsa. Hazrat Umarra said that he [Hatibra] had betrayed the Messenger of Allah and the believers and said, “O Messenger of Allah, allow me to kill him.” The Holy Prophetsa answered “Was he”, Hatibra bin Abi Baltah “not among those who fought in the Battle of Badr?” He then said, “I am sure that God Almighty has witnessed what happened in Badr and has stated Paradise has been decreed for them and their sins have been forgiven and they may do as they please.” When Hazrat Umarra heard this he wept saying, “God Almighty and is Messenger know better”. (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitab-ulMaghazi, Hadith no. 3983, Commentary by Hazrat Syed Zainul Abideen Shah Sahib, Vol. 8, pp. 53-54, Nizarat-e-Isha‘at) Hazrat Abu Bakrra also sent Hazrat Hatibra to Maqauqis in Egypt and agreed on a peace treaty which lasted between the two parties until the attack of Amr bin Aas on Egypt. (Al-Isti‘ab, Vol. 1, p. 376, Hatib bin Abi Baltah, Dar-ul-Kutb-ull-Ilmiyya, Beirut, 2002). It is mentioned regarding Hazrat Hatibra that he had a good strong build, a light beard, a lowered neck, had a short stature and had stubby fingers. Ya‘qub bin Utbah relates that on the day of Hatibra bin Abi Baltah’s demise, he left behind 4000 Dirhams. He sold grain for a living and left his inheritance in Medina. (At-Tabaqat Al-Kubra, Vol. 3, p. 61, Dar Ihya At-Turath Al-Arabi, 1996, Beirut) Hazrat Jabirra relates that once the servant of Hazrat Hatibra went to the Holy Prophetsa to make a complaint. He came
Hazrat Jabirra relates that once the servant of Hazrat Hatibra went to the Holy Prophetsa to make a complaint. He came to complain about his master i.e. Hazrat Hatibra. The servant said “O messenger of Allah, Hatib will surely go to hell.” He either reproached him or said something severe. The Holy Prophetsa replied, “You have lied, he will never enter the Fire as he participated in the Battle of Badr and Sulah [the Treaty of] Hudaibiyyah.” produce at the markets. What is the Islamic injunction with regard to selling goods and setting prices? Hazrat Musleh Maudra in reference to him said, “Since the time of the Holy Prophetsa, the Islamic government in Medina has had control over the prices of goods. (That is to say that the price of good sold in the market would fixed by the Islamic government). Hence, in one Hadith we read that Hazrat Umarra was walking through a market in Medina and saw that a man named Hatibra bin Abi Baltah had two sacks of dried grapes, or in other places it is written raisins. Hazrat Umarra asked about the rates to which he replied 2 mudd [unit of measurement] for a Dirham, i.e. for one Dirham one would receive 2 mudd. This rate was lower and cheaper than the average rate in the market, so Hazrat Umarra ordered him to sell them at his home as it was very cheap and would not allow him to sell at such low rates in the market, as this would disrupt the rate of the market and the people will begin harbouring ill-thoughts and doubts about the vendors. People would say to those who had higher rates that they were selling to them at a wrong price.” Hazrat Musleh Maudra writes, “The Islamic jurists have greatly debated about this topic. Some have presented such narrations where later on Hazrat Umarra changed his mind on what he previously believed, but whatever the case may be the scholars have accepted Hazrat Umar’s view as a principal to be practiced upon and
the rate should be determined in order to prevent the vendors from increasing and lowering the prices. Furthermore, the scholars have written some narrations and Ahadith which give support to this.” (Khutbat-e-Mahmood, Vol. 19, pp. 307-308, Friday Sermon 10.06.1938) Another duty of the Islamic government is to provide grazing fields and to dig wells to provide water. In this regard, the Holy Prophetsa once appointed Hazrat Hatibra for this task. According to one narration on the return from the Battle of Banu Mustaliq, the Holy Prophetsa passed by a placed called Naqee. He saw a very large plain of land and grass. The land was very vast, vegetation was everywhere and there were many wells. The water of the land was also very clean. The Holy Prophetsa enquired about the water in the wells and in reply it was said “O messenger of Allah, the water is very good, but whenever we praise these wells the water diminishes and remains at the bottom.” The Holy Prophetsa hence instructed Hazrat Hatibra bin Abi Baltah to dig a well and to make Naqee the grazing land, i.e. the official grazing land which would be under the rule of the government. Hazrat Bilalra bin Harith Muzni was appointed to oversee this work. Hazrat Bilalra said “O Messenger of Allah, how much of this land should I make the grazing land? It is a very vast land, so how much of it should be for grazing?” The Holy Prophetsa answered, “Before the sun rises at Fajr, have
Speaking of the high morals of Hazrat Hatibra bin Abi Baltah, the author of Sirat Al-Sahaba has written, “Loyalty to the utmost level, beneficence and truthfulness were his outstanding qualities. He would take care of his friends and family. to complain about his master i.e. Hazrat Hatibra. The servant said “O messenger of Allah, Hatib will surely go to hell.” He either reproached him or said something severe. The Holy Prophetsa replied, “You have lied, he will never enter the Fire as he participated in the Battle of Badr and Sulah [the Treaty of] Hudaibiyyah.” (Sunan AlTirmadhi, Abwaab-ul-Munaaqib, Hadith no. 3864) As it has been mentioned, Hazrat Hatibra was a trader and would sell his
they have written that it is the duty of the Islamic government to set the rates of the markets, otherwise there will be a change in the morals and integrity of the people. But one should always bear in mind that only those commodities are mentioned which are brought to the market and sold openly. Those goods which are not brought to the market and sold on an individual basis are not mentioned here. Thus, with regard to those goods which are brought to the market and sold, the clear Islamic injunction is that
a man with a loud voice (the voice at night reaches very far) stand on the hill named Mukammal (a small mountain there), then as far as his voice can be heard you should make the land for the horses and camels of the Mujahideen to graze.” This too was a measure used. There is no mention of feet or miles, rather, they were to appoint people in different directions and the furthest person to whom the voice reached would mark the boundary of the grazing ground and the grazing ground was to be for such horses
and camels of the Muslim Mujahideen so that they could continue the work of Jihad through this. The ground was public treasury and property of the state and the horses and camels of those Mujahideen who would go out for battle were to graze there. Upon this Hazrat Bilalra asked, “O Messenger of Allah, what is your verdict regarding the grazing animals of ordinary Muslims?” There were many grazing animals of ordinary Muslims that grazed in open fields and grazing grounds. He sought his opinion and verdict regarding them. The Holy Prophetsa replied, “They will not enter it; this is only for those people who prepare their animals for jihad.” Hazrat Bilal asked, “O Messenger of Allah! What is your verdict regarding those weak men and women who have small numbers of cattle and are unable to move with them for grazing?” Certain poor people had very small numbers of sheep and goats. They were unable to even obtain milk from them and they could not go anywhere else as they were very feeble, elderly or were women. Upon this, the Holy Prophetsa replied, “Let them graze.” (Subulul-Huda Wa Al-Rishaad, Vol. 4, pp. 352-353, Dar-ul-Kutub Al-Ilmiyya, Beirut, 1996) The feeble and weak were permitted to let their cattle graze from the state grazing grounds. Thus the national treasure should be used for the for the benefit of the nation; however, if a poor person is in need of it for a personal matter then they can also benefit from it. Speaking of the high morals of Hazrat Hatibra bin Abi Baltah, the author of Sirat Al-Sahaba has written, “Loyalty to the utmost level, beneficence and truthfulness were his outstanding qualities. He would take care of his friends and family. At the conquest of Mecca, the letter that he sent to the idolaters of Mecca”, through the help of lady which I have already mentioned, “was due to affection and love that he had for his family. The Holy Prophetsa also took his good intention and truthfulness in consideration and overlooked this” and forgave him. (Sirat Al-Sahaba, Vol. 2, pp. 411-412, Islami Kutub Khana) May God Almighty enable us to adopt the high qualities of the Companions and may Allah continue to elevate their status. (Translated by The Review of Religions)
Friday 24 August 2018 | AL HAKAM
Lajna Side of Jalsa UK Dr Fariha Khan Sadr Lajna Imaillah, UK
Jits own. As our beloved Imam resides here, alsa Salana UK now has an importance of
the Jalsa is a markazi or international Jalsa in many respects. One aspect that makes this Jalsa special is the direct guidance by Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masihaa which is the key to making this Jalsa successful. Jalsa preparations on the Lajna side start many months in advance. The main structure of nizamats (departments) was constructed about ten months before Jalsa, after which work on the list of requirements and the Jalsasite map began, followed by compilation of duty lists. On the Lajna side, there were almost 4000 duty holders. Many meetings were held prior to Jalsa, sometimes with key workers and at other times with heads of departments. The main focus of these meetings was to provide ease and comfort for our guests at all times, for example we purchased 15 folding beds for guests not able to sleep on the floor. 400 new beddings were donated by Lajna from all four regions in London for Jalsa guests who resided in Baitul Futuh, Morden. Lajna Imaillah UK is extremely blessed that Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa mentioned the guidance given to them on Jalsa inspection which was to keep smiling and praying and to only rely on prayers. Alhamdolillah – all praise be to Allah – special attention was paid to ensure that the majority of our workers offered their prayers in congregation behind Huzooraa. The weather was hot and it brought additional challenges. Marquees were air conditioned under Huzoor’s guidance which helped immensely, but because the weather was very hot, the system sometimes did not
cope well. Workers performed their duties in this heat with passion and dedication, cleaning toilets and the site, giving security duties, driving buggies and serving food to guests. The most amazing sight to watch was that of Nasirat who were constantly giving out water which was in great demand in this heat. The tea stall also made cold drinks such as Rooh Afza (concentrated squash drink) and lemonade to be served to guests in this heat for free. Ladies also ran the Lajna food bazaar which is very popular among guests. Frying pakoras in the
searing heat was not easy but it did not deter the organisers at the bazaar. Lajna press and media team was exceptionally busy this year as many journalists wanted to interview the ladies and were interested to know how we run the Lajna side. Many guests commented on the smiling faces and good manners of duty holders which was of course a direct result of the guidance given by Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa. As Jalsa came to a conclusion, workers
started to focus on winding up in Hadiqatul Mahdi. For Lajna, this mainly involved leaving the site clean and packing all the things required for next year. The focus of Jalsa then shifted to Fazl Mosque where all the guests continued to gather to offer prayers behind Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa and the teams on duty in Fazl Mosque continued to serve them. May Allah bless all the workers and the guests alike and may Allah enable us to bring the spiritual revolution within ourselves as is the purpose of this Jalsa. Amin.
Huzooraa gracing a delegation after Jalsa Salana 2018 with his presence
Editor: Qaasid Muin Ahmad | Design & Layout: Jalees Ahmad|© Al Hakam 2018