Ahmadiyya Archive & Research Centre (ARC), 22 Deer Park Road, London, SW19 3TL, UK info@alhakam.org | ISSN 2754-7388 Honour your bai‘at through a spiritual and revolutionmoral Hazrat Khalifatul Masih delivers the inaugural address at Jalsa Salana UK 2022 Page 4 Page 8 Page 13 THE WEEKLY www.alhakam.orgA AL HAKAM | Friday 12 August 2022 | Issue CCXXX May India and Pakistan live amicably The Partition of India, 1947 and Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad’s heartfelt wish The magnificent rights Islam affords to women and men Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V delivers concluding address at Jalsa Salana UK 2022
Exemplary women in
By the grace of Allah, aside from Pakistan, 355 new jamaats were established, and there were 855 places where, for the first time, the seed of Ahmadiyyat had been planted. The top three countries where the most jamaats had been established were Congo Kinshasa (40 new jamaats), Tanzania (36) and Sierra Leone (31). During the establishment of new jamaats, there were certain faithinspiring incidents that took place and Huzooraa went on to narrate them.
The missionary-in-charge of The Gambia wrote that in a certain place when the chief of the area accepted Ahmadiyyat, he said that he had been familiar with the Jamaat for some time and he declared that
Huzoor highlights some of the blessings on the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat since Jalsa Salana UK 2021
A believer always fares well Hadith-e-Rasul – Sayings of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa Hazrat Suhaibra narrates that the Holy Prophetsa said: “Wondrous is the case of a believer; there is good for him in everything, and this is not the case with anyone else except a believer. If he has an occasion to feel delight, he thanks (God), thus there is a good for him in it; and if he experiences adversity, he is steadfast and that is good for him.” Sahih Muslim, Kitab al-ZuhdHadithwal-Riqa’iq,2999) Mirza Ghulam 1899] — which increased our faith immensely — was a letter addressed to the Promised Messiahas. The letter states with strong evidence and detail that in the region of Jalalabad, Kabul, there is a shrine of Yuz Asaf, the Prophet, and it is renowned in the >> Islamic models for Lajna Imaillah Hazrat Khalifatul Masih addresses ladies at Jalsa Salana UK 2022 At 16:37 BST on 6 August 2022, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah strengthen his hand, arrived in the men’s marquee for the third session of Jalsa Salana UK 2022. Upon arrival, after conveying “Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah” to all participants, guests and viewers of MTA, Huzooraa called Feroz Alam Sahib to recite a portion of the Holy Quran, who recited verses 29-30 of Surah al-Fath before presenting the Urdu translation of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh Huzooraa then invited Umar Sharif Sahib to recite a nazm written by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah and Mahdias in praise of Allah the Almighty.
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history – True
After reciting tashahud, ta‘awuz and Surah al-Fatihah, Huzooraa said, as was the tradition, he would briefly highlight some of the blessings Allah bestowed on the Jamaat over the past year..
Continued on page 2 ىلﺻ هللا لﻮسر لاق لاق ،ﺐیهﺻ نﻋ نإ نمﺆﻤلا ر�أل ابج� ملسو ہیلع هللا نمﺆﻤلل الإ دحأل كاذ ﺲ�لو ريﺧ ��ك هر�أ نإو �� اريﺧ نا�ف رﻜﺷ ءا�� ہتﺑاﺻأ نإ �� اريﺧ نا�ف ر�ﺻ ءا�� ہتﺑاﺻأ Hazrat
Continued on next page
Huzooraa took to the podium at 16:55 BST and commenced with his address at the third session of Jalsa Salana UK 2022.
Ahmadas, In His Own Words Boundless joy due to glad tidings of religious nature The most astonishing and interesting highlight of this week [i.e. the week ending on 10 July

• Huzoor’s sermon audios are now available in 20 languages.
• MTA International has 8 channels that run 24 hours. MTA International is broadcast in 23 languages.
With regard to exhibitions and book fairs, there were many incidents that took place that Huzooraa narrated. There are 120 magazines and journals in 24 languages being published around the world. Al Fazl International writes that since its inception, it is being published regularly. It is present on social media and has started on Facebook too. The Daily Al Fazl is published online and is present on social media too. Al Hakam is published in English and by the grace of Allah, the readership is growing and their podcast (Al Hakam Inspire) is getting viewership from outside the Jamaat as well. The Review of Religions is being published in not only English now but in French, Spanish and German and is now recognised as a media organisation. 200,000 copies of The Review of Religions were printed and distributed in different languages, during thisThyear.eAhmadiyya Press & Media desk has contributed to many news pieces on various outlets. Alislam.org is also contributing towards publicising publications of the Jamaat, especially audiobooks.
Friday 12 August 2022 | AL HAKAM2 area that 2000 years ago this Prophet came from Syria; there is also some land dedicated to honour this shrine by the ruling power in Kabul. There is no room here for further details. The Promised Messiahas was so overjoyed by this letter that he said: “Allah the Exalted is a Witness and He is All-Knowing—even if someone had brought me millions of rupees, I would never feel as much joy as this letter has given me.” Brothers, is not the pleasure elicited by a religious matter a sign of those who are sent by Allah? Who, in this age, feels such delight when the supremacy of God’s Word is established through such matters?
• 3,519 new children entered the Waqf-eNau scheme. There are currently a total of 78,000 waqifeen-e-nau out of which 45,832 are boys and 32,168 are girls.
The Hindi translation of Ruhani Khazain has been completed and will be printed soon. Of the 88 books of Ruhani Khazain, 78 books have been published and the rest will also be published. InshaAllah A total of 72 books of the Promised Messiahas have been translated into the German language out of which 8 were translated this year.
Wakalat-e-Tamil-o-Tanfidh says that books were sent on time where demands were made and more than 28,000 copies of various books were sent. Various construction projects were completed and many other projects are ongoing. The improvement is visible through pictures that can be seen nowadays.
• Local TV and radio stations, in 74 countries, gave time for Jamaat programmes to air – out of these, on TV alone, we were given 2519 hours of airtime. These programmes reached 34 million people. In the end, Huzooraa led everyone in silent prayers and then conveyed his salam before leaving the Jalsa Gah (Report prepared by Al Hakam)
• More than 100,000 people have been listening to the audio of Al Fazl International •articles. TheArabic Desk prepared and printed 166 different leaflets.
Nazarat Nashr-o-Ishaat Qadian reports that aside from Urdu and English, 90,802 new copies of books were published in 11 different languages and the figure for reprinting is separate. Wakalat-e-Ishaat Tarseel reports that they were able to dispatch more than 125000 books to 22 countries in 47 different languages. Moreover, 4.7 million pieces of free literature were also distributed in various countries. There are now 606 regional and markazi libraries of the Jamaat in the world.
• There are 16 departments in MTA International that consist of 503 workers –only 80 are given allowances, and the rest are volunteers.
Germany Jamaat published the most literature.
(Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, Malfuzat, Vol. 2, p. 26) Continued from page 1 << Continued from previous page he saw the Jamaat as being on the right path. When the imam of the village was approached, who was 69 years old, he was given the 10 conditions of bai‘at, to which he was astonished and declared that this was indeed the true Islam as practised by the Holy Prophetsa. Without any hesitation, he immediately did bai‘at. When they got to the mosque for Zuhr prayer, all residents were called to the mosque and a small event took place informing residents of the jamaat. 566 people accepted Ahmadiyyat as a result. After narrating an incident from Congo Kinshasa, Huzooraa narrated an incident from Liberia in which a villager expressed that he felt disconnected from other religions, but having come into contact with the Jamaat, he felt it was a result of his prayers being accepted. He was told to pray that this passion was not temporary and in fact permanent. Later, when he was told that selling alcohol would not be permissible as an Ahmadi Muslim, he said that he would leave such trade and as a result, around 30 individuals accepted Islam Ahmadiyyat in thatInarea. terms of the establishment of new mosques, which includes mosques that the Jamaat constructed as well as those that came into the possession of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community during the year, their number is 209; 147 were constructed, while 62 were acquired. The top three African countries with new Ahmadiyya mosques are Ghana, Sierra Leone and Nigeria. Belize Jamaat held an event at their mosque to which prominent guests came and praised the Jamaat for providing the opportunity to youngsters to achieve success in life. The prime minister also praised the Jamaat for their contributions to society. A mayor in Belize also acknowledged the sincerity of the Jamaat as did the police commissioner of a region in Belize. The Promised Messiahas once said that if the truth has not reached a certain area, then build a mosque and automatically the message of truth would reach that place, and this is proving to be true. The amir of Niger also narrates an incident in which they suffered some difficulties on a journey for the sake of building a mosque there. Nonetheless, the mosque was built and has now been inaugurated. Therewere also incidents from Tanzania andFromFiji. Congo Kinshasa, a muallim wrote that a Sunni lady offers her salat in the Ahmadiyya mosque and not the mosque where her husband used to pray and the reason for this was that she felt contentment and peace in the Ahmadiyya mosque. The amir of Burkina Faso wrote that in one place, there were only a few Ahmadis and non-Ahmadis there pressured them to help them build a mosque and shun the Jamaat. Now, by the grace of Allah, the Jamaat was enabled to construct a beautiful mosque in that area. A missionary in a South Indian Jamaat wrote that a group of members of the Jamaat tried to acquire land for a mosque from a lady but she refused. The lady was approached a few days later and the events turned in their favour and she was ready to accept an offer. She then narrated a dream she had seen and deemed it to be an indication that she must cooperate. Thus, she gifted the land to the Jamaat, where a mosque has now been constructed.Huzooraa then narrated some other incidents from various areas of the world where attempts were made to destroy mosques built by the Jamaat, but miraculous signs of Allah’s support were manifested there.The missionary in charge of Sao Tome wrote that during the construction of the Jamaat’s mosque, a gentleman came to the missionary and complained about Muslims and their conduct. He was then explained about the true teachings of Islam and the advent of the Promised Messiahas, which somewhat comforted him. Later, he researched and became formally part of the jamaat and is now an active member and offers to contribute to cleaning the mosque along with his wife.
During the year, 123 new mission houses were established, the highest figure being in Sierra Leone and Tanzania, then Benin, and then Ghana, followed by many other countries which Huzooraa listed. In Australia, several different properties were purchased by the Jamaat. Similarly, in Japan, there is a new house for a missionary. In Spain, Chad and Niger, etc. there were many new properties acquired by the grace and blessings of Allah. As we all know, waqar-e-amal is a unique quality of the Jamaat. There are various sessions of waqar-e-amal that take place in the Jamaat. This year, in 108 countries, 68,186 sessions of waqar-e-amal took place which saved a total of 2.9 million USD. There are many incidents in this regard. Wakalat-e-Tasnif reports that this year, the Spanish translation of the Holy Quran was published in a new font, “Khat-eManzoor”. The English translation of Maulvi Sher Ali Sahib was published and five new books of the Promised Messiahas were published in English: (Fath-e-Islam, Sirrul Khilafah, Lujjatun Nur, Nurul Quan 1 and 2, Tuhfa-e-Baghdad). Apart from this, many more pieces of literature were published in the past year. Children’s books have been published this year as well which are all available at the JalsaThbookstall. isyear, the 10 volumes of Malfuzat (Urdu) have been sent to press in a new format and will be published soon. 12 books of the Promised Messiahas translated in Arabic have been sent for printing and thereafter, all books of the Promised Messiahas will have been published in Arabic. After this, the next step will be to publish the books as a set of Ruhani Khazain, in 23 volumes. It is often raised as an allegation that we do not translate our books; however, this is soon to be completed in most major languages.
In 102 countries, more than 7.6 million leaflets were distributed with an approximate reach of 11.69 million people, among which Germany is first, then the UK and then Austria, followed by various other countries. The amir of Spain writes that in the north of Spain, while stopping for coffee, a non-Ahmadi Muslim noticed that certain leaflets were still there which were, by the permission of the restaurant owner, left by Jamia Ahmadiyya UK students in 2019.
• More than 1200 translations of the Holy Quran were handed out to members of the public, worldwide, by the Jamaat.
The Arabic Desk is doing a good job. There were some incidents of acceptance of prayer in this respect which Huzooraa narrated. Bythegrace of Allah, the Russian Desk has been translating speeches and sermons of Khalifatul Masih and in letters, Huzooraa learns that this is benefitting many people. The French Desk, Chinese Desk, Turkish Desk, Swahili Desk, Indonesian Desk and Spanish Desk are all translating and rendering various services. The International Translation and Research Office is also rendering various services. Among many others, Huzooraa also spoke of the following blessings that Allah bestowed upon the Jamaat:
The Raqeem Press in Farnham, UK printed more than 229,000 books, magazines, leaflets, etc this year. The English translation of the Quran with the “Khat-eManzoor” font has been made available through the Raqeem Press. This Quran was very popular at the London Book Fair and many non-Ahmadi Muslims appreciated it and remarked the price was remarkably low. The Ahmadiyya printing presses in the seven countries in Africa have printed over 500,000 books, magazines, leaflets, etc. Recently, a new modern press was established in The Gambia.
The publications wing of Wakalat-eIshaat reports that in the last year, according to reports from 95 countries, a total of 6.7 million leaflets, pamphlets, folders, etc. were printed worldwide in 46 languages.
• There are 25 Ahmadiyya radio stations operating across the world including Voice of Islam Radio which was further expanded this year.
12-18 August
18 August 2007: On this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa began his journey to France, Holland and Germany. A delegation of six cars departed from the Fazl Mosque and offered Zuhr and Asr prayers at Calais port. Upon reaching the Baitus Salam mission house in Paris, Huzooraa led Maghrib and Isha prayers. Before leading the prayers, Huzooraa also inspected the mosque that was under construction within the premises of the mission house. (Al Fazl International, 7 September 2007, p. 16)
This Week in History two new mosques had been built there. Therefore, these two mosques, Baitul Karim of Stade and Baitus Sami of Hannover would be inaugurated.
3AL HAKAM | Friday 12 August 2022
18 August 18 August 2006: During his Friday Sermon on this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said that during the previous sermon on 11 August, he had advised members of the Jamaat to pray in regard to his tour of America. Thereafter, he had received many letters and faxes from all around the world in which people narrated their dreams and expressed their concern in this regard. All of them suggested not to go on the tour and so, he had also decided not to go there for the time being. Huzooraa added that recent incidents which had occurred at airports had also indicated that the decision to postpone the tour was correct, and if Allah created better circumstances in the future, he would travel at some other Huzoortime.aafurther said that during Jalsa Salana UK, around 25 to 30 thousand letters had been received from all over the world, especially from Pakistan, congratulating him on a successful Jalsa Salana UK. Huzooraa said, “I express my thankfulness to all those through this message.”
14 August 2016: On this day, the 50th Jalsa Salana UK concluded with yet another faith-inspiring address by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa. During the Jalsa, Huzooraa had announced that more than 584,000 people joined Ahmadiyyat during the previous year.
17 August 2007: During his Friday Sermon on this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa spoke about what was promised to true believers. Towards the end, he “Therefore,said: disgrace and failure is decreed for the opponents of the Promised Messiahas, and it is the promise of Allah the Almighty that He is with his Jamaat. If we set the highest levels of taqwa and faith, then we will witness the scenes of victories in our own lives.”
16 August 16 August 2013: During his Friday Sermon on this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa instructed the Jamaat that if the tarbiyat department continued to remind members of the Jamaat to make a connection with the Khalifa of the time and called their attention towards listening to his Friday Sermons and various addresses, then, on the one hand, it would strengthen their bond with Khilafat, while also solving all tarbiyat-related problems.
12 August 12 August 2016: During his Friday Sermon on this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa granted valuable guidance to the guests and volunteers of the Jalsa Salana UK 2016. While mentioning the exhibitions during the Jalsa, Huzooraa said: “During the Jalsa, some departments have set up their exhibitions as well. An exhibition from the Ahmadiyya Archive and Research Centre has also been set up; similarly, The Review of Religions has also organised an exhibition consisting of old manuscripts of the Holy Quran and in regards to the Shroud of Turin. Both of these exhibitions are very informative in their respective dimensions. Time has been allocated for both men and women, therefore, they should try to benefit from them.”
13 August 13 August 2010: During his Friday Sermon on this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa instructed all Ahmadis to pray for the Ahmadis of Pakistan, and that He may always keep us under His mercy and keep the Jamaat protected from all kinds of harms. Huzooraa said that in Pakistan, the leadership and people in power did not realise as to which direction they were moving. Huzooraa prayed that Allah the Almighty may grant more progress to Islam and Ahmadiyyat.
15 August 15 August 2008: During his Friday Sermon in Hamburg, Germany, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa stated that he had visited Hamburg after a very long time, and that
14 August 2015: During his Friday Sermon on this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa mentioned Kamal Aftab Sahib of Huddersfield, UK, who had passed away on 7 August 2015 due to leukaemia, at the age of 33. He had ofregionalincludingcapacities,inthetoopportunitytheserveJamaatvariousqaidMajlisKhuddam-ul-AhmadiyyaYorkshire,andsecretary tarbiyat Jamaat Huddersfield South. During the last days of his life, while remaining in his room in the hospital, he initiated a campaign to raise £50,000 for Leukaemia research. The Guardian awarded him with the “2014 Volunteer of the Year”.
17 August
Kamal Aftab Sahib Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa visiting the Ahmadiyya ARC exposition, Jalsa Salana UK 2016
14 August 14 August 2009: During his Friday Sermon on this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa mentioned an Ahmadi from Jordan, Taha Qazaq Sahib, who had passed away recently. His father was the second Ahmadi in Haifa, and from here Ahmadiyyat spread to Kababir as Duringwell.the 1970s, he started to attend Jalsa Salana Rabwah and continued until Jalsas were held there. A day after Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV’srh migration to the UK, Taha Qazaq Sahib reached London. He regularly attended Jalsa Salana UK as well. He was a sincere servant of Khilafat and this trait was visible in his actions as well. He was a member of the scheme of Wasiyyat and sacrificed 1/8 of his income. When Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh initiated the project for the Arabic translation of Tafsir-e-Kabir, he promised to bear all the expenses of this project. Thus, this project was financially aided by his contributions.

Huzooraa conveyed his salaam, and after reciting tashahud, ta‘awuz, Huzooraa said that the purpose everyone had convened at Jalsa Salana was to improve religious conditions, our understanding of Allah, Honour your bai‘at through a spiritual and moral revolution: Hazrat Khalifatul Masih delivers the inaugural address at Jalsa Salana UK 2022 taqwa, expand and improve brotherhood, to pay attention to the rights of Allah and mankind and to prepare ourselves to be able to spread Islam. These were the high goals for which Jalsa Salana was held and for which everyone gathered. Jalsa Salana has no worldly purpose but in an age of spiritual darkness, by entering the bai‘at of the Promised Messiahas who was the most ardent follower of the Holy Prophet, we have pledged to create a revolution within ourselves and our future generations. We have pledged to reform the whole of the world; to ensure the world followed the Holy Prophetsa The Promised Messiahas once said that in this age the people of the world were thirsty for spiritual water as the world had dried out of spiritual sustenance. The world is full of darkness and spirituality no longer existed. For this reason, it was necessary that divine water and light ascended upon the earth and blessed humanity. The Promised Messiahas said that we should be thankful that this water had arrived, however, regrettably most were unthankful. We, as Ahmadis, were therefore blessed to be part of the pledge to gain benefit from this spiritual water and to then ensure our future generations partook of it as well. To attain this blessing is a huge responsibility and goal for us, Huzooraa said.
Friday 12 August 2022 | AL HAKAM4
The Promised Messiahas always stressed that we should ponder over the bai‘at and why we pledged it. One important element of our pledge is seeking forgiveness and repentance from Allah – tauba. However, this repentance should not be limited to words or be a temporary act, as Allah knew the conditions of our hearts and accepted trueTruerepentance. repentance is when someone created a pure transformation within themselves which then Allah accepted.
Discussing why bai‘at and repentance were intertwined, the Promised Messiahas said that when one carried out bai‘at they pledged to create within themselves a transformation after pledging to their Imam and joining him through absolute love and obedience. The Promised Messiahas said that no community or nation could be truly ready until they had absolute obedience that was borne out of sincerity andThepassion. Promised Messiahas said that Allah desired to make this Jamaat a model for the world. And for this, we must adopt true taqwa. Allah says in the Holy Quran that He is with those who are righteous. Giving an example, the Promised Messiahas said that if someone who was ill was not treated and prayed for, their illness would not go away. The illness of sin also existed, which needed spiritual treatment. Therefore, it should not be the case that we leave the illness of sins and let it consume us, the Promised Messiahas said. The Promised Messiahas said that when the Muslims were not acting according to Islam, the enemies of Islam overtook them. The fear of Allah lies in whether our deeds and actions coincide – if they did not, then the wrath of Allah would become manifest upon such a one. Every member of the Jamaat should ensure their deeds and actions were the same and there was no hypocrisy, the Promised Messiahas stressed. Allah was indifferent, for this reason, we should fear Him. Even the Holy Prophetsa prayed profusely before the Battle of Badr as he was unaware of any hidden elements within the promises of victory made to him by Allah. On the importance of adopting a life of humility, the Promised Messiahas said it was a branch of taqwa and essential in growing closer to Allah. The Promised Messiahas said we should avoid anger as this grew from arrogance. No one should look down upon another as this was arrogance and only Allah truly knew who was higher in status. Those who showed arrogance would ultimately perish. The Promised Messiahas said someone was truly higher in rank when they spoke to everyone at the same level and with respect, not only to those who were well respected in society or had a high worldly
The mission given to us was not limited to ourselves and our future generations, rather we are to ensure the whole world benefits from this divine water because although the water was present, most did not benefit from it. Ahmadis are from those few who took benefit but we must ensure to spread it throughout the world too. For this, it was essential we improved and paid attention to our spiritual and religious conditions and created a revolution within ourselves to honour the pledge we made to the Imam of the Age. We should always keep in mind that if we did not give our utmost to create a spiritual revolution within ourselves, then our pledges were empty and hollow, Huzooraa emphasised. If we, ourselves did not change for the better, then how could we improve future generations?
At approximately 16:30 BST on 5 August, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa arrived to hoist the Liwa-e-Ahmadiyyat during the flag hoisting ceremony of Jalsa Salana UK 2022 in Hadeeqatul Mahdi. After hoisting the flag and leading everyone in silent prayer, Huzooraa made his way into the main Jalsa Gah for the inaugural session of Jalsa Salana UK 2022. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa invited Mahmood Ahmad Wardi Sahib to recite a portion from the Holy Quran – Surah aal-eImran, verses 103-108 – followed by its Urdu translation. Syed Ashiq Hussain Sahib was then called to recite a Persian poem written by the Promised Messiahas in praise and honour of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa Murtaza Manan Sahib was then invited to read an Urdu poem of the Promised Messiahas which was about the importance of living a life of utmost humility for the sake of Allah the Almighty. Huzooraa then took to the podium to deliver his address.

The Promised Messiahas said that Allah gave glad tidings to him and his Jamaat but could his Jamaat members be those who were from a lowly spiritual condition? Certainly not. Therefore, if we desired to be part of these glad tidings then we should escape the lowly conditions of our souls and reach the pinnacle of spirituality. Huzooraa said we should cherish and honour the anguish of the Promised Messiahas which he had for his Jamaat to reach high spiritual stations – the rank of nafs-e-mutma‘ina; The soul at peace. The Promised Messiahas said that the Holy Prophetsa said that the one who raised their hands to pray with certainty of faith, Allah did not let their prayer go to waste. Therefore, we should pray before Allah and create “miracles” in this way, which include the “miracle” of morals that early Muslims showed to the world and in turn spread Islam. Even the Western world had accepted that Islamic teachings were such that the world was drawn to them.
5AL HAKAM | Friday 12 August 2022 rank. In the eyes of Allah, only those had a high rank who were righteous.
The Promised Messiahas also emphasised that Jamaat members were held more accountable (in the eyes of Allah) compared to others as the world looked to them for an example. Therefore, we should pray to Allah and seek a life of humility like the Companionsra of the Holy Prophetsa did. We should pray, “Guidance upon the right path” but also keep in mind that for the acceptance of this prayer, action and a change was required on our part. The Companionsra of the Holy Prophetsa created this change within themselves and followed every footstep and way of the Holy Prophetsa, day andTalkingnight. about true believers, the Promised Messiahas said that until Allah, Himself, did not say that “This person is mine”, no one could be called a true believer. Allah had to make this claim. The Promised Messiahas narrated a story of a Muslim who preached to a Jew about Islam. The Jew knew the bad ways and actions of that Muslim and in response said to the Muslim that Islam required action and not mere words. Therefore, mere words gave no benefit – action is the prerequisite to true transformation.Tobecome a true believer, we must make our words and deeds the same, Huzooraa said. And this would be borne through adopting taqwa and a life of pure changes. Ashorses were tied on the borders to guard against the enemies, we should guard our faith too, the Promised Messiahas said. The outward condition of the Muslims Ummah was distraught and they had lost all power, the Promised Messiahas said, and now, if the internal spiritual and moral condition of the Jamaat members lowered, then there was no hope for reformation. The condition of the Muslims should therefore serve as a sign for us. The Promised Messiahas was deeply hurt seeing the conditions of Muslims and desired for the Jamaat to create a positive change through which no non-Muslim could accuse Islam of anything negative. People used the actions of Muslims to blame Islam, therefore Ahmadis Muslims should create such positive changes within themselves that even this would become impossible.Ifweadopted the ways of righteousness, no one could overcome us, the Promised Messiahas declared. He said the Jamaat should create a moral revolution within themselves. Even if one spoke in a distasteful manner towards us, we should respond softly, without anger. The Holy Prophetsa was physically and verbally attacked but in response, he prayed for his enemies and ultimately his enemies could never disgrace him and themselves were disgraced or fell to his feet in obedience. A true believer walked the earth and met humans but in reality, inside, they were from another world because their station and purity were much higher.
Exhorting the Jamaat members, the Promised Messiahas said that those who showed a moral change within themselves to their neighbours are manifesting a type of miracle. Therefore, with great effort, we should try to eradicate our weaknesses and seek the help and assistance of Allah the Almighty. ThePromised Messiahas said that it was also upon us to call the world to Islam as this teaching was of great benefit – it mattered not if one accepted, our duty was to call. We should adopt love, harmony and respect amongst each other and leave all quarrels and fights. We should seek true forgiveness from Allah and become solely His. The Promised Messiahas said that if we became truly Allah’s and exerted efforts to spread His faith, then Allah would remove all obstacles and opposition Himself. However, if we did not do this, then Allah cared not at all for us. Without Allah’s decree, nothing could occur on earth – therefore we should aim to become solely His. The Promised Messiahas said he had said these words out of pure sincerity and none should let them go to waste. We were all to leave this world one day – if we were in a good condition in the sight of Allah then there are facilitations, otherwise hell awaited.Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa prayed that we all acted upon the words of the Promised Messiahas, honoured our bai‘at, stayed protected from the ill effects of the world and increased in our faith. Huzooraa also prayed that we all spiritually benefited from the grace of Jalsa Salana.

Another narration was about Hazrat
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad addresses ladies at Jalsa Salana UK 2022
– True models for Lajna Imaillah
Photo courtesy of MTA International
The number of these women is so large that volumes upon volumes of books would need to be written to complete their accounts. These narrations show that from the very inception of Islam, the great station Islam gave women made these examples of great women possible. These women who gave sacrifices for their lives, wealth and children paint a picture of the great glory of Islam and the rights it gave to women. Huzooraa said that Ahmadi women desired to hear about examples of other women but by hearing such examples there should not just be a temporary zeal, rather the passion should be to achieve these heights. The efforts the female companions would carry out to attain the closeness of Allah were such that Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbasra would relate about his mother, Hazrat Umme Fazlra, that she loved fasting so much that she would keep a fast every Monday and Thursday. Once the Holy Prophetsa was giving out alms and Hazrat Zainab bint Jahashra said something, upon which Hazrat Umarra told her off. The Holy Prophetsa said to Hazrat Umarra to stop because Hazrat Zainab was awwah – the one who feared Allah greatly, one who prayed a lot and who had utmost humility before Allah. Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra, speaking about the parents of Hazrat Ammarra, said that the disbelievers would inflict great pain upon them. Once the Holy Prophetsa saw them being persecuted and with great fervour said for them to be patient as Allah had prepared heaven for them. After a very short while, Hazrat Ammar’s father, Hazrat Yasirra passed and later Abu Jahl in a fit of anger stabbed Hazrat Sumaiyyara, Hazrat Yasir’s mother, as a result of which she also was martyred. Thus, this great woman did not waiver in her faith and kept resolute, giving the ultimate sacrifice.
Friday 12 August 2022 | AL HAKAM6
Exemplary women in Islamic history
On the second day of the blessed occasion of Jalsa Salana UK 2022, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah strengthen his hand, arrived in the ladies’ marquee at 12:10 BST to deliver an address in the ladies’ session of Jalsa UK. Upon arrival on the stage, after conveying salaam, Huzooraa invited Sabiha Khan Sahiba to recite a portion of the Holy Quran, who recited verses 21-24 of Surah alHadid and presented the Urdu translation from Tafsir-e-Saghir. Huzooraa then called Rizwana Ahmad Sahiba to recite a poem written by Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IIra – the prayerful “Barhti rahey Khuda ki mahabbat Khuda karey”. Huzooraa then called secretary umure-talibaat to announce the names of those who had achieved academic excellence in their respective fields of education – the awards would be given at a later date. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa then took to the podium to deliver his address. Huzooraa conveyed his salaam, and after reciting tashahud, ta‘awuz, Huzooraa said he would present examples of some exemplarily Muslim women from which the picture of a true Muslim woman believer could be seen. The examples of these women included the women companions of the Holy Prophetsa, the Promised Messiahas and those examples of great women who lived during the era of Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra

Hazrat Amirul Momineenra then said he would narrate about women from the time of the Promised Messiahas. This was an age of financial sacrifice and an age to equip oneself with the knowledge to reply to the attacks made on Islam. This age was also the age for prayer, as through prayers, everything shall be achieved.
7AL HAKAM | Friday 12 August 2022
The mother of Hazrat Chaudhary Zafrullah Khan Sahibra went to see the Promised Messiahas when he made his claim. When her husband returned home from somewhere, he questioned her and said that he hoped she had not accepted allegiance to the Promised Messiahas. She said that she did pledge allegiance and it was a matter of faith. To this, her husband showed some displeasure to which she said it mattered not what he thought as this was related to Fakhr-un-Nisafaith. Sahiba was from Hyderabad, India. She would say that she did not accept Ahmadiyyat due to following her husband. She said that when her husband returned from Qadian after accepting Ahmadiyyat at the hands of the Promised Messiahas, she desired to know with certainty herself about the truth of Ahmadiyyat and as a result, Allah showed her a dream through which she accepted too in 1900.Hazrat Umme Tahir Sahiba, the mother of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh, had a heart that was full of the love of Allah and the Holy Prophetsa. Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra MA narrated that he once heard her narrating the following hadith: Once a companion asked the Holy Prophetsa about Judgement Day. The Prophetsa replied by asking if he had even prepared for Judgment Day. The companion replied by saying that as far as his salat and fasting were concerned, he did not know if they would be accepted. But what he was certain about was that he possessed true love for Allah and His Prophetsa. To this, the Holy Prophetsa gave him the glad tidings that Allah would not separate a believer from those whom he loved. He would certainly meet them. Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra narrates that when she narrated this hadith her face lit up and she said she saw that her heart was in the same condition. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa narrated more examples of great Muslim women and said every Ahmadi woman should vow that they will create within themselves a revolution and try to achieve such heights. Huzooraa then led everyone in silent prayer after which various groups of Lajna had the opportunity to present choral poems before Huzooraa (Report prepared by Al Hakam)
During the Battle of Uhad, Hazrat Umme Amarara would give water to the soldiers when the Muslim army was still winning. But when the tables turned, she picked up a sword and stood beside the Holy Prophetsa and fought valiantly against the enemies. The Holy Prophetsa even made mention of this.
Regarding Hazrat Amma Janra, the blessed wife of the Promised Messiahas, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra MA said that she was completely engrossed in salat. She would always offer tahajjud and zuha prayers and would be so engrossed in the prayers and enjoy them that those looking would be amazed. She would pray with great ferver for all members of the Jamaat and for the success of Islam Ahmadiyyat. Hazrat Nawab Mubarika Begum Sahibara wrote that during Ramadan in particular Hazrat Amma Janra would give great amounts to the poor. She would also say that at the beginning of the year, in Muharram, if one gave alms, their whole year would pass in financial ease – this she said the Promised Messiahas would teach.
Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra said Muslim women had achieved in battles what European women, who don’t wear the Islamic dress, have not achieved even up to thisOnceday. a Muslim woman went out and released her brother who had been captivated by the powerful Romans, all on her own. The Muslim army came to know of this after she had brought her brother back.
Asmara, the mother of Hazrat Abdullah bin Zubairra. His mother was very ill and she said she was extremely worried – to this Hazrat Abdullah bin Zubairra consoled her and said her demise was inevitable and would ultimately grant her lasting peace. She immediately replied by saying that she would not see death until one of two conditions was fulfilled; the first, that Hazrat Abdullah bin Zubairra, her son, achieved martyrdom on the battlefield or that he overcame the enemies of Islam and in turn, she would achieve peace. The day Hazrat Abdullahra was martyred, prior to battle, she saw him and said to never fear death and that an honourable death for Islam was greater than life that was a result of being saved but out of disgrace. When the Holy Prophetsa was returning from the Battle of Uhad, the people of Medina left Medina and came out to welcome the Holy Prophetsa back. There was a lady who was standing in front of the women. Her son had died in the battle and her eyes were developing disease and had weakened. She stood at the front of the women and asked where the Holy Prophetsa was. When she spoke to the Holy Prophetsa, he consoled her and informed her about the death of one of her sons. The woman couldn’t see the face of the Holy Prophetsa properly and she carried on looking right and left but then finally saw the blessed countenance of the Holy Prophetsa. She then said to the Holy Prophetsa that she had drunk all her grief by knowing the Holy Prophetsa was still alive. The death of her son was in honour of the Holy Prophetsa and her delight was in knowing the Holy Prophetsa was still alive. All her grief about her son was for a higher cause and she expressed this to the ProphetsaOnce Hazrat Umarra, prior to accepting Islam, was beating a female Muslim slave. He would beat her so much that he would only stop after tiring. Huzooraa said that Hazrat Umarra, who was physically strong, would tire from beating a female Muslim slave and told the slave that he only stopped because he had tired. The Muslim slave replied to Hazrat Umarra that Allah would do the same to him. This was her reply and she endured all the beating. But Allah chose Hazrat Umarra and enabled him to accept Islam due to some good deed of his. This was the great patience of Muslim women. Regarding financial sacrifice. Hazrat ibn Abbasra narrated that the Holy Prophetsa left for the Eid prayers and offered two rakaat After prayers, he visited the women’s area and exhorted them to offer financial sacrifice. As a result, the women immediately began taking off their bangles and presented them. Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra said that Hazrat Aishara had no personal income of her own but would receive gifts from Muslim companions of the Holy Prophetsa But Hazrat Aishara would present those financial gifts she received in the way of Allah too. Once she received thousands of dinars but she had distributed all of it by the evening and left nothing for herself. A friend of hers said that she should have kept a little to be able to open her fast at least to which Hazrat Aishara said why she didn’t tell her this before but this was just an excuse to avoid the question. Once, in Mecca, the Holy Prophetsa was meeting some Muslims from Medina who had come to see him. In the entourage there were two women, one was Hazrat Umme Amarara. This great Muslim woman showed such high levels of faith that when her son, Hazrat Khubaibra was caught by Musaylima Kazzab, he was asked by Musaylima if he believed in the Holy Prophetsa to be a prophet. Hazrat Khubaibra said he did. Masailma asked if he believed him to be a prophet of Allah too. Hazrat Khubaibra said no, to which Musaylima cut off an arm. He then asked these questions again and again to which Hazrat Khubaibra gave the same answers, despite having one arm and then multiple limbs cut off by Musaylima. He did not waver and died in this way. Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa said this fortitude of faith in Hazrat Khubaibra was the result of Hazrat Umme Amara’s upbringing. With regards to increasing religious knowledge and learning. Once the Muslim women complained to the Holy Propehtsa and said the men spent all the time with the Holy Prophetsa and therefore they desired one day to be designated for them. So the Holy Prophetsa kept one day to meeting the Muslim women and teaching them. This was the passion of the Muslim women to learn about their faith. Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra in his commentary of the Quran has written that Islam does not command women to sit at home with the doors closed. Rather it is proved from early Islam that Muslim women would go out to battle, take care of the injured, listen to the Holy Prophet’s addresses, horse ride, would learn and teach knowledge from and to men. They were commanded only to cover their heads, necks and some parts of their faces. Islam never told women to stay at home and neither was this the practice of the women companions of the Holy Prophetsa. Once at the mosque, the Holy Prophetsa allowed Hazrat Aishara to stand behind him and observe the competitions between the men that were related to warfare. Hazrat Muslehe-Maudra said this event had a finer point within it. From this incident, it is proven that Islam desires for women to be acquainted with warfare. This incident shows that the Holy Prophetsa desired for women to know what happened on the battlefield, how the sword was wielded and used, etc. If women had become scared of battle and swords etc., they would have never sent their children into battle and neither would they themselves have participated in the cause of defending the nation.

Friday 12 August 2022 | AL HAKAM8 At 16:15 BST on 7 August 2022, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah strengthen his hand, arrived in the men’s marquee for the concluding session of Jalsa Salana UK 2022. After conveying salaam to everyone, Huzooraa invited Abdul Momin Tahir Sahib to recite a portion of the Holy Quran and its Urdu translation by Hazrat Musleh-eMaudra – the portion recited was verses 3741 of Surah al-Nisa. Huzooraa then called Rabi Mufleh Odeh Sahib to recite an Arabic qaseeda written by the Promised Messiahas in praise of the Holy Prophet, Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, after which Hafiz Saeedur Rahman Sahib was invited to present the Urdu translation of the recited couplets.Musawer Ahmad Sahib was then called to the podium to recite an Urdu nazm written by the Promised Messiahas in honour of the HolyHuzoorQuran. aa then invited the UK Secretary Talim, Nadimur Rahman Sahib to announce the names of students who had achieved academic excellence in the year 2021-22. He said that just under 500 names were received, with 192 approved for Lajna and 161 approved for men. Amir Jamaat UK was then invited to announce the Ahmadiyya Muslim Peace Prize. This year, the 14th winner of the prize was Dr Tada Toshi Akaba, former mayor of the city of Hiroshima and known for being a strong advocate for global nuclear disarmament. The prize would be handed to him at the next Peace Symposium. At16:57 BST, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa took to the podium and after conveying salaam, he recited tashahud, ta‘awuz and Surah alFatihah. Huzooraa said that Islam had established rights in every sphere of life, something which he alluded to in his concluding addresses at Jalsa Salana UK 2019 and 2021. The extent to which Allah has outlined the various rights of peoples in Islam and the rights of people which the Holy Prophetsa established cannot be covered in a few hours. Huzooraa said that he would talk on that. Islam has declared that no other religion has established rights and outlined them the way Islam’s teachings have. When a just individual hears of these rights, they become aware of the beautiful teachings of Islam and they are compelled to acknowledge the wonderful teachings of Islam. A just individual will always acknowledge that those who raise allegations against its teachings are in the wrong – this is something that is witnessed the world over when guests attend our functions. It is our duty to continue to inform the world of the beautiful teachings of Islam and refute the allegations of opponents of Islam. The first right which Huzooraa said he would elaborate on was the rights of men and women. Huzooraa said that there were many movements that declared they were working towards the rights of both men and women, yet sometimes blatant imbalances were noticed. For many, it has become such a difficult issue to tackle that they struggle to go about it. By declaring women and men equal, they consider that they have done a remarkable job; however, they do not delve into the details and consider the intricacies that need to be considered for the declaration of rights of men and women. There are many aspects that are left unconsidered. What Islam says in this regard, however, was what Huzooraa would be talking about.
Him], and believing men
The Holy Prophet’ssa own example was that he would consult women in important matters, in a society when women were not given any importance. The Prophet’ssa example of consulting them was something that gave courage and empowerment to women.
When the Holy Prophetsa was appointed as a prophet and the Quran was revealed, the rights of women and men were established and outlined. It is Allah’s grace that he sent someone to explain the beauties of the Holy Quran later in this day and age, in the form of the Promised Messiahas In one place, Allah states in the Holy Quran: your Lord, Who created from a single soul and created therefrom its mate, from them twain spread many men and women; and fear Allah, in Whose name you appeal to one another, and [fear Him particularly respecting] ties of relationship. Verily, Allah watches over you.” (Surah al-Nisa, Ch.4: V.2) Islam’s teachings are founded on taqwa (true fear and awareness of Allah). This has been explained in the beginning of the Holy Quran that this is a guidance for those who have taqwa. When Allah says to adopt the taqwa of Allah, then it is evident that in this, Muslims are addressed. Thus, He says to Muslims that women and men have been created from nafsin wahidah (a single soul). Their emotions, feelings, etc. are the same. This is a verse that is recited during nikahs, thus showing that a marriage must be founded on the understanding that women and men are intellectually, emotionally and in terms of rights, the same.
Hazrat Umarra, during the life of the Holy Prophetsa, once was given advice by his wife, to which Hazrat Umarra scolded her for talking. She replied that this was not the time when women could not talk anymore; women were consulted in important affairs and thus she felt empowered to do so.
Today, those who declare to be the givers of rights to women and men should introspect and consider how long they have been doing this – not very long at all, whereas Islam has given rights for over a thousand years. Allah states: بیصن “For men is a share of that which parents and near relations leave; and for women is a share of that which parents and near relations leave, whether it be little or much – a determined share.” (Surah al-Nisa, Ch.4: V.8)This is the teaching of Islam. Then, there are other rights that Islam has established. If men have been given the title of “qawwam” (guardians), it is because they have been told to be the breadwinners of the house and women have been told to look after the home and its sanctity. Not only has Islam said to look after one another’s rights, but it says that if you do so, then you are more deserving of Allah’s forgiveness andTherewards. beautiful teachings of Islam can be found in the verse: submit submit themselves [to and believing women, obedient men and obedient women and truthful men and truthful women, and men steadfast [in their faith] and steadfast women, and men who are humble and women who are humble, and men who give alms and women who give alms, and men who fast and women who fast, and men who guard their chastity and women who guard [their chastity], and men who remember Allah much and women who remember [Him] – Allah has prepared for [all of] them forgiveness and a great reward.” (Surah al-Ahzab, Ch.33: V.36) From this verse, it also becomes evident how men and women have been given the same status. If men are rewarded in one way, women too are rewarded in a like manner. Only as far as physical differences and roles are concerned, is there a difference. magnificent rights Islam affords to women and men: Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V delivers concluding address at Jalsa Salana UK 2022
themselves [to God] and women who
ۃدحاو سفن نم مکقلخ یذلا مکبر اوقتا سانلا اہیای اوقتاو ۚ ءآسنو اریثک الاجر امہنم ثبو اہجوز اہنم قلخو ابیقر مکیلع ناک ہللا نا ؕ ماحرالاو ہب نولءآست یذلا ہللا “O ye people! fear
Husbands and wives have not only been advised to bear each other’s rights in mind; in fact, the rights of one’s relatives must be considered too. In this manner, Islam draws our attention to rights. As far as inheritance is concerned, men and women have been given a part; men have been given a part according to the role they play in the family unit and women have not been left deprived of this either.
ءآسنلِلو ۪ نوبرقالاو ندِلاولا کرت امم بیصن لاجرلِل اضورفمابیصنؕرثکواہنملقاممنوبرقالاوندِلاولاکرتامم
نیتنقلاو تنمؤملاو نینمؤملاو تملسملاو نیملسملا نا تربصلاو نیربصلاو تقدصلاو نیقدصلاو تتنقلاو نیمئآصلاو تقدصتملاو نیقدصتملاو تعشخلاو نیعشخلاو اریثک ہللا نیرکذلاو تظفحلاو مہجورف نیظفحلاو تمئصلاو امیظع ارجاو ۃرفغم مہل ہللا دعا ۙ ترکذلاو “Surely, men who

of [their] abstaining [from
مورحملاو لئآسلِل قح مہِلاوما یفو “And
One must remember that everything on Earth has been created for the whole of mankind. Ifaperson is certain that money given to a beggar will be used to purchase intoxicants and will result in vices being spread in society, then one may not give money as that will result in contributing negatively to society. Atthe end, Huzooraa prayed that we may be given the opportunity to establish the rights of everyone in society. Huzooraa then asked for prayers for aseeran (those imprisoned in the way of Allah), Ahmadis all over the world, the current pandemic, the ailing, those who have travelled for Jalsa Salana. Huzooraa prayed that may the next Jalsa be held with complete freedom and without any restrictions. Amin. Thereafter, Huzooraa led everyone in dua (silent prayer). He then announced that the total attendance at Jalsa Salana UK 2022 was 26,649, of which there were 11,862 men and 10,687 women. The workers totalled 2,600 and there were 1,500 small children. This year, 53 countries were represented in the livestream during Jalsa Salana. Thereafter, Huzooraa graciously listened to the taraney (choral poems) before conveying his salam and departing the marquee at 18:29 BST.
نکلو برغملاو قرشملا لبق مکہوجو اولوت نا ربلا سیل نیبنلاو بتکلاو ۃکئلملاو رخالا مویلاو ہللاب نما نم ربلا نیکسملاو یمتیلاو یبرقلا یوذ ہبح یلع لاملا یتاو ۚ یتاو ۃولصلا ماقاو ۚ باقرلا یفو نیلئآسلاو ۙ لیبسلا نباو ءآسابلا یف نیربصلاو ۚ اودہع اذا مہدہعب نوفوملاو ۚ ۃوکزلا مہ کئلواو ؕ اوقدص نیذلا کئلوا ؕ سابلا نیحو ءآرضلاو نوقتملا “It
Huzooraa then read out various extracts from the writings of the Promised Messiahas regarding the rights of men and women. ThePromised Messiahas says that aside from indecency, any other negative aspect in women must be tolerated. It is entirely shameful, as a man, to quarrel with women. It is a blessing to be a man and to be grateful for this, one must be kind in treatment towards women. The manner in which Islam has outlined the rights of women is unique. However, the treatment of some men towards women is extremely shameful; they treat them worse than the sole of their shoes and hurl verbal abuse at them on a regular basis. If one’s relationship with them is impious, then how can one’s relationship with Allah be pious?
ابرض نوعیطتسی ال ہللا لیبس یف اورصحا نیذلا ءآرقفلِل مہفرعت ۚ ففعتلا نم ءآینغا لہاجلا مہبسحی ۫ ضرالا یف ناف ریخ نم اوقفنت امو ؕ افاحلا سانلا نول سی ال ۚ مہمیسب میلع ہب ہللا “[These alms are] for the
The Promised Messiahas said that Islam had given so much respect to women that, in a way, men were servants of women. Through divorce, it is not that men only have been empowered by divorcing women if they notice anything unbecoming; women too have this right which they can exercise at any point. At another place, the Promised Messiahas says that men were called “ qawwam” as they have an influence on the family; however, Huzooraa said that some people use this as an excuse to do what they like, but they must first show a positive example before exercising this.
9AL HAKAM | Friday 12 August 2022
(Report prepared by Al Hakam)
Today, there is much confusion in this respect in society, due to which there is frustration and a lack in tarbiyat of the next generation. Huzooraa then narrated various traditions of ahadith Hazrat Anasra bin Malik says that the Holy Prophetsa once said to depart in the name of Allah and His Messengersa and not bring harm on anything and anyone and to give due rights to people, e.g. children, elderly and women. As for a peaceful environment at home, the Holy Prophetsa says that the best among you is the one who is best in conduct towards his wife.
Huzooraa then explained that it was wrong for certain Asian households to keep their women at home even in the hot weather; yes, purdah must be maintained and that is the only condition. As far as the rights of men are concerned, they have not been explained as much as the rights of women and the reason is that men are usually afforded more rights in most societies of the world, or they are able to exercise their rights in most places. However, Huzooraa explained that if men wanted to be afforded rights, then they must pay attention to the rights of women. Some men might hear this and think that they have not been afforded rights and only women have. Some activists go out of their way to cause harm to men in lawsuits, but such women incur the displeasure of Allah. Both men and women must make it a point to pay heed to the rights of each other and take heed from the Quran and the Prophetsa Another right that the Quran affords is: is not righteousness that you turn your faces to the East or the West, but [truly] righteous is he who believes in Allah and the Last Day and the angels and the Book and the Prophets, and spends his money for love of Him, on the kindred and the orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and those who ask [for charity], and for [ransoming] the captives; and who observes Prayer and pays the Zakat; and those who fulfil their promise when they have made one, and the patient in poverty and afflictions and [the steadfast] in time of war; it is these who have proved truthful and it is these who are the God-fearing.” (Surah al-Baqarah, Ch.2, V.178) Thus, Allah explains the definition of a pious and true believer. Then, Allah states: poor who are detained in the cause of Allah and are unable to move about in the land. The ignorant man thinks them to be free from want because begging]. Thou shalt know them by their appearance; they do not beg of men with importunity. And whatever of wealth you spend, surely, Allah has perfect knowledge thereof.” (Surah alBaqarah, Ch.2, V.274) Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra also explains this point while talking about various verses. Some people do not ask; they should be afforded help quietly. in their wealth was a share for one who asked for help and [for] one who could not.” (Surah al-Dhariyat, Ch.51: V.20) Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra explained that begging was forbidden by Islam because tawakkul alallah (complete trust in Allah) was a big part of Islam. The Holy Prophetsa also strongly prohibited begging as did his khulafa. As for the disabled or elderly, it is the responsibility of the state to cater for their well-being. The Holy Prophetsa said that the upper hand was better than the lower hand. He also said that the best person in the sight of Allah was the one who took their horse for the sake of Allah for battle and the one after that was the one who separated themselves from people and worshipped Allah and offered financial sacrifices in silence. Nowadays, there are many programmes on the television and internet which are polluting the minds of people; however, these must be avoided and one must concentrate on their worship. The Holy Prophetsa then said the worst in the sight of Allah was the one who was approached for something in the way of Allah but was rejected. ThePromised Messiahas said that some became irritated by seeing beggars and began to admonish beggars and call them lazy. If one begs despite enjoying good health, they should be given what they ask and then they can be admonished later. In the ahadith and in the Quran, we are taught that a beggar must be offered something; it is not said to shun beggars. A pious act will cause another pious act and a sin will lead to anotherHazratsin. Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahibra narrates that the wife of a companion said that her husband would often narrate incidents of the Promised Messiahas The Promised Messiahas was asked for some [loose] tea by an individual and the Promised Messiahas offered him some of that tea. Another individual also asked for some tea, and he was offered it. They then asked for milk and sugar and the Promised Messiahas gave them some money for this. Once, a postman came to the Promised Messiahas and said that he was cold. The Promised Messiahas went inside and brought two coats and asked which one he liked, to which the postman said that he liked both and so the Promised Messiahas said to take bothOnce,coats. the Promised Messiahas returned from a walk and a beggar called for something. The Promised Messiahas entered his home, but when the beggar’s voice was heard by the Promised Messiahas while he was indoors, he immediately came out and asked where that individual was, to which he was told that he had gone away. Soon after, the individual returned and the Promised Messiahas said that he had become perturbed and prayed for that person and thus, he gave something to the individual.

The Guardian“China’s reported:military has announced new drills near Taiwan, including antisubmarine attack and sea raid operations, a day after its major live-fire exercises targeting the territory were supposed to end”, and “at a press briefing on Monday, a Taiwan defence ministry spokesperson said it was monitoring the situation.” (The Guardian, 8 August 2022, “China to resume military drills off Taiwan after shelving US talks”)Michael Chang, who managed the 1996 Taiwan missile crisis when he was deputy secretary general of Taiwan’s National Security Council, told the local media that the drills could be a preview of a Chinese invasion scenario. (Independent, 8 August 2022, “Could China-Taiwan conflict escalate to a full blown military crisis?”) World leaders need to realise that this is one of the most decisive moments in modern history. In fact, it is the make-or-break moment for not only the contemporary world but also for future generations. They must learn lessons from the past, and stay firm on their recent pledge, where five of the world’s most powerful nations – the US, Russia, China, the UK and France – had agreed that “a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought”.
(The Guardian, 3 January 2022, “Five of world’s most powerful nations pledge to avoid nuclear war”) If they fail to remain loyal to this pledge, the world could face huge devastation, about which Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa, Khalifatul Masih V had been warning the world for the past two decades. History bears witness that aggressive wars only leave behind huge destruction andOnmiseries.23November 2015, while addressing a special reception held at the Hilton Hotel in Odaiba, Tokyo, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa said:“Weareliving in extremely precarious and dangerous times, in which the state of the world is a cause of huge concern. Conflict and disorder are consuming the world and threatening international peace and security. […] In Eastern Europe, hostilities between Russia and Ukraine and other European countries are continuing to flare. Furthermore, recently there has been heightened tension between the United States and China regarding the incursion of an American warship into the South China Sea.“The[…] world is now becoming engulfed by violence and disorder. In the modern world, the scope of warfare is much more vast than in previous eras. Conflicts in one part of the world do not remain limited or local, rather their effects and consequences spread much further afield. […] For many years, I have been warning that the world should realise that the effects of a war in one region can and will affect the peace and harmony of other parts of the world. […]
(Financial Times, 2 August 2022, “Nancy Pelosi arrives in Taiwan as China ratchets up military activity”) Reuters “Chinese reported:warplanes buzzed the line dividing the Taiwan Strait on Tuesday before her arrival, as China’s leadership warned against the visit by Pelosi”, and “several Chinese warships have also sailed near the unofficial dividing line since Monday and remainedMoreover,there.”“Four US warships, including the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan, were positioned in waters east of Taiwan on what the US Navy called routine deployments. The carrier had transited the South China Sea and was now in the Philippines Sea, east of Taiwan and the Philippines and south of Japan, a US Navy official told Reuters.”
(Al Jazeera, 2 August 2022, “Russia accuses US of ‘destabilisation’ over Pelosi Taiwan trip”) Moreover, the Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova also issued a statement and accused the US of undermining global security. She said: “Washington is bringing destabilisation to the world. Not a single settled conflict in recent decades, but many provoked ones.”
(The Diplomat, 4 January 2022, “Russia-Ukraine Tensions: Signals to China – Insights from Karen-Anna Eggen”) While expressing fear of China’s surprise attack over Taiwan, the Daily Mail stated: “China could carry out a surprise attack on Taiwan by turning military drills near the island into a genuine invasion, Taipei’s defence ministry has warned in a new report.” (Daily Mail, 13 December 2021, “China could carry out a surprise attack on Taiwan by turning drills near the island into a genuine invasion, Taipei fears”) The Chinese state media reported that Beijing had deployed more than 100 planes, including fighter jets and bombers, and over 10 warships in its biggest drills in the Taiwan Strait. Whereas, the Japanese Defence Ministry claimed on 4 August that China had fired missiles over mainland Taiwan, marking a serious escalation of military threats to the self-ruled island.
(Reuters, 2 August 2022, “US House Speaker Pelosi lands in Taiwan; Chinese warplanes take to Uponskies”)herarrival, she tweeted: “America’s solidarity with the 23 million people of Taiwan is more important today than ever”, and that her visit “in no way contradicts long-standing United States policy.” She added that “the United States continues to oppose unilateral efforts to change the status quo.” China has warned that the United States will “pay the price for undermining China’s sovereignty and security interest.”
(The Telegraph, 4 August 2022, “China fires missiles ‘over mainland Taiwan’ in serious escalation of military threats”, www. telegraph.co.uk)On5August, Taiwan’s Defence Ministry said that 10 Chinese vessels and 20 aircrafts had crossed the Taiwan Strait median line on Friday morning. In response, Taiwan’s navy ships are staying close to monitor Chinese navy activities, the source added. (BBC website, accessed 5 oneachworld-asia-62404233)2022, https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/AugustThesituationisintensifyingwithpassingdayandtheworldisclearlyvergeofahugecatastrophe.
“Now it is not just the major powers that have nuclear bombs, but even a number of smaller countries possess them. Whilst perhaps the major powers keep such weapons as a deterrent, there is no guarantee that the smaller countries will show such restraint. We cannot take it for granted that they will never use nuclear weapons. Thus, it is clear that the world stands on the brink of disaster.” (World Crisis and the Pathway to Peace, pp. 189-191) May Allah enable the world leaders to pay heed to the most sincere advice and guidance given by the Ahmadiyya Khalifa, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa Amin
Taiwan Conflict: The world on a verge of war between the US and China
(Ibid)The conflict between China and Taiwan dates back to the civil war between the nationalist government forces led by Chiang Kai-shek and Mao Zedong’s Communist Party. The communists won the civil war and therefore, Mao founded the People’s Republic of China. Chiang Kai-shek and what was left of the nationalist party –Kuomintang – fled to Taiwan, where they ruled for the next several decades. China still considers Taiwan a part of its territory and aims to unify it with the mainland. The fears of a US-China war over this issue had been expressed in the past. Mercy Kuo, an author from The Diplomat, had a conversation with KarenAnna Eggen, a PhD fellow at the Norwegian Institute of Defence Studies. While answering a question, Karen-Anna Eggen said:“Both Ukraine and Taiwan are small powers grappling with a persistent, and recently growing, threat posed by greater powers, in this case, Russia and China, who both believe these states are rightful parts of their territory or at least sphere of influence in the case of Ukraine. This takes place in a context of heightened global tensions and great power rivalry. The U.S. is a part of both conflicts, although it has not extended the same security guarantees to Ukraine as to Taiwan.”
Ata-ul-Haye Nasir Al Hakam On 2 August 2022, Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the US House of Representatives landed in Taiwan on the highest-level visit by a US official for decades, defying Chinese threats of a military response. The trip has become a test of how far Beijing will go to deter foreign support for Taiwan.
Friday 12 August 2022 | AL HAKAM10

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(Translated by Al Hakam from the original Urdu in the 31 July 1922 issue of Al Fazl)
11AL HAKAM | Friday 12 August 2022
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II[ra] said: “We do not believe that reason has no value. However, we claim that Allah’s will cannot be comprehended without revelation. How can the opponents object to it? If they themselves invent a notion and attribute it to us, we cannot be held responsible for it.” Huzoor[ra] said: “It is wrong to think that a person is not obliged to believe in the things proven by reason. Is the effect of arsenic [poison] not recognised by reason and is not man obliged to believe in it? “The point is that some things are beyond reason and the evidence for them should also be beyond reason. We never say that reason is of no value, because it is mentioned more than once in the Holy Quran that نولقعت [‘You should exercise reason’]. However, if someone is hiding behind a wall, we have no rational proof that he is there or not. Except that he tells us himself or he who has seen him tells us about him. In this case, reason is of no use. If we sit in front of a person and ask him to tell us through reason as to what is in our heart, he will not be able to do so. Thus, when a person cannot even find out the will of another person with his reason, how can God’s will be comprehended through it? “Reason has two functions. One is to establish some cases without observation and draw some conclusions from them. The second is to reach conclusions through observations. A person believes in a prophet through observation and it depends on reason. A prophet shows signs after signs and reason draws conclusions from them. However, some things are subject to natural instincts. There is no rational proof for them. For example, if you extend a finger to poke a person’s belly, he knows very well that you will not hit him, but he still tries to save himself. Now it is not the reason that tells him to move away, but in fact, it is a natural instinct that causes him to move away. Similarly, if you extend your hand towards someone’s eye, he will blink. This will also be due to a natural instinct. Hence, reason is just one of the primary pieces of evidence.“The point is that there are different ranks [of things]. Some are ranked high and some are low. The lower ones require trivial evidence and superior proofs are required for the higher ones. Moreover, some things are done by natural instinct and others depend on observations. It is not that all things are comprehended by observation. For example, if a person is sleeping and an ant starts to crawl on his body, he hits it with his hand. Does he come to know about it through observation? No, he removes it due to his natural instinct. However, everything cannot be comprehended through natural instinct either and reason which is based on observation is also required. “For example, if there is no such thing as reason, a person cannot save himself from poison. Thus, reason leads to the source of guidance. However, it is not the last resort. Its example is like a person who comes and wants to meet a king. A passer-by cannot diary of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II: Opposition is a sign of progress, revelation and reason, and malamati sect Al Fazl July 1922
Pitiable state of Indians On the mention of Hajj, Chaudhry Fateh Muhammad Sahib MA said that the ship’s crew, etc., treated the Indians in such a harsh way that they did not even consider them as human beings but as sheep because they locked them in small and dark cells, and also abuse them. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II[ra] said: “In my opinion, the treatment of the Indians to each other would not be harsher than the treatment of the ship’s crew and the way sheep are treated is much milder than that.“The year I went to perform Hajj I saw a strange sight that surprised me. When we started to board the ship, a man was coming behind us carrying a very heavy set of bedding. The ship’s crew stopped him and asked him to open it and show them what was in it. He refused to open it on the grounds that it would ruin his belongings. But the crew insisted and when it was opened, a man came out of it. A sheep would never like to be wrapped inside it in that way, and even if it was covered by force, it would make so much noise that eventually it would have to be set free. However, that man was quietly wrapped in it in such a way that he could not even get air from any side. I was surprised to see this sight, but he was such a shameless person that he started laughing in front of the people when he got out of it, and this incident happened when he was returning from Hajj and when he considered himself completely free from sins due to performing Hajj. Now tell me, if the people who treat themselves like this are locked up in small cells by the ship’s crew, how can it be considered harsh?” […]
directly arrange a meeting with the king, but he will be able to guide that person to a certain extent. He will tell him about the location of the king’s palace. Next, there will be a guard [outside the palace], he will also not be able to arrange a meeting with the king, but he will request the vizier. Then the vizier will arrange that person’s meeting with the king. Hence, one cannot meet the vizier first unless he comes to the guard and one cannot meet the guard unless someone leads him to the royal palace. These three means lead to the meeting of the king, in the same way, on a lower level there is natural instinct, reason, and then observation, but the best and the greatest evidence of Divine connection is revelation.”
A friend asked that, “Brahmins raise this question that when a person believes in a prophet thorough reason, then why is it compulsory to believe in his revelation [which cannot be comprehended by reason] and how can a person be obliged for it?”
Spirit of opponents
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II[ra] said: “It is a sign of progress. If the opponents stop objecting, the Jamaat apparently becomes less active. By the noise of opposition, the negligence of the Jamaat will be removed and it will help spread the message of Islam.”
Hafiz Muhammad Ibrahim Sahib submitted that the Promised Messiahas said that the names of those who pledged allegiance during the days of the plague should be written with red ink so that it could be observed how many of them remained after the plague and how many left. Revelation and reason
Those who justify their faults and consider them good deeds
Malamati [self-blame] sect Meanwhile, the malamati [self-blame] sect was mentioned that some people after doing actions against the shariah [divine law] say that they belong to the malamati sect. On this, Hafiz Muhammad Ibrahim Sahib Qadiani expressed that the Promised Messiahas had once said, “Why is it necessary for these people to become malamati through bad actions? If they start preaching Islam, the public will automatically start blamingHazratthem.”Khalifatul Masih said: “As a matter of fact, the people who engage in the service of guiding the creation of God and try to lead them to the right path, they are blamed by the common people, and it is such an obvious thing that God Almighty says: نوءزہتسی ہب اوناک الا لوسر نم مہیتای ام [‘There comes not a Messenger to them but they mock at him.’ (Surah Ya Sin, Ch.36: V.31)]“There is no Messenger who was not laughed at and mocked by the people, so if someone wants to become a malamati, why should they do absurd, vain and shameful acts, and not serve the religion?”
100 Years Ago... Daily
Regarding a person, Chaudhry Fateh Muhammad Sahib MA said that, “I met him when he went abroad and become a preacher of Islam. He used to show great interest in dancing, etc., and justified such things for himself by saying that he was a sufi and everything was permissible for sufisOn.” this, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih said: “Such people want to conceal their faults under different guises, but in this way that fault does not become a good deed. If a thief steals and says that he belongs to a sect whose profession is theft, then his crime will not be justified.”
A friend said, “Nowadays, there is a great deal of opposition from all sides.”
Those who took bai‘at in the time of plague Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II[ra] said: “During the time of the Promised Messiahas, many people had converted to Ahmadiyyat in the days of plague. However, they were not given any attention, so they were lost. If they had been attended to, the number of the Jamaat would have been much higher than today.”

The Gambia hold Peace Symposium in Farafenni-NBR
Friday 12 August 2022 | AL HAKAM12 100 Years Ago...
The event was covered by MTA The Gambia, GRTS (National TV station of The Gambia), Light FM, Paradise FM (The most popular radio station in Farafenn) and New DayThenewspaper.distinguished guests were presented with the books, World Crisis and the Pathway to Peace and Life Of Muhammad, as a gift. The session came to an end with a silent prayer led by naib amir and the missionaryin-charge in The Gambia.
(Transcribed and edited by Al Hakam from the original, published in The Review of Religions, October and November 1922) Rohan Ahmad Missionary, The Gambia
Lamin, the Immigrations officer,“Indeed,said: a great event bringing people of diverse society together.” Khatim Touray, an Islamic teacher at the Madrasa Saifullah, said: “I am very much impressed with this programme and I wish more and more such programmes are conducted. From such events, we get to know that there are lots of similarities than differences.”
During the last week under report, the following British Muslim gentlemen and ladies were at home with our brethren at the [Fazl] Mosque, Putney: 1. Miss Amatullah Cox 2. Mr Muhammad Hull 3. Mrs Muhammad Hull 4. Mr Waliullah Hull 5. MrConversationStone ranged on various Islamic topics of spiritual aspect, our American Mission occupying the most prominent position. Copies of “The Moslem Sunrise” were distributed and they were read with great pleasure and appreciation. The guests of honour, during the week under report were: 1. The two members of the Riff Delegation, 2. Mr Arnul, Vice President, AngloOttoman Society, 3. Mr Suleiman, 4. Mr Harlow, and 5. Mr Dawn, a friend of Mr Harlow. The Riff members and Mr Arnul dined at the [Fazl] Mosque and conversation was carried out in French. I gave them a copy of “Qasaid-i-Ahmadiyya” and the French edition of the “[The Philosophy of the] Teachings of Islam.” The Rift members very greatly appreciated the poetical writings of the Promised Messiah[as] and seemed to be deeply touched by the sublimity and pathos of the style. Brothers helping in tabligh work Brother Abdur Rahim Khan Khalid Sahib, son of Nawab Mohammad Ali Khan Sahib of Malerkotla and brother Ali Muhammad Sahib, son of Seith Allah Din Sahib, are staying at the [Fazl] Mosque. In addition to pursuing their own studies, both of them every now and then lend a helping hand in the work of propagation.
On 13 August [1922], this humble one and Brother Azizuddin Sahib spoke in the Hyde Park between 12 and 3pm. The lectures were followed by intelligent questions which were fully and satisfactorily dealt with. In London and some parts of England, I sometimes come across such Christians who believe in the truth of the mission of our Prophet Muhammad[sa], but at the same time they hold that Jesus was the son of God and as such none could stand in comparison with him. We think this a step forward to the mental reception of Islam, for we have now a commonly accepted basis on which we can proceed together. Meetings with British Muslims
On 27 July 2022, Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya
The chief of the Army of the North Bank region said: “I am very much touched by this event which promotes peace, and very much thankful to the Ahmadiyya Community for the Momodouinvitation.”
Hazrat Maulvi Mubarak Ali BA BT Lectures in Portsmouth I arrived at Portsmouth on 30 June [1922], hoping to be back in London on Sunday, 9 July [1922], for that day I have to address a meeting at the Ahmadiyya [Fazl] Mosque. On Sunday, 2 July [1922], Brother Chaudhry Maula Bakhsh Sahib, Barristerat-Law, delivered his lecture on the “Position of Woman in Islam,” which was very successful, the number of audience being fairlyAtgood.Portsmouth, I delivered two lectures, one at the Theosophical Society and the other at the Spiritualist Society. Both the lectures were listened to with attention. At the conclusion, questions were asked and duly explained. The secretary of the latter society particularly asked me to address them again on my next visit. I drew the attention of the audience to the Muslim idea of God. I told them that whereas on the one hand Islam put forth an Infinite and Almighty God, on the other hand Islam says that “He is Omniscient, Omnipresent, and All-hearing and a friend of the good and virtuous.”
The Gambia held a Peace Symposium – the venue was a hall at the Farafenni Senior Secondary School. The event was attended by around 175 people, including naib amir and missionary-in-charge in The Gambia, the chief of the army of the North Bank region, the Alkalo (chief) Bakary Dibba of Farafenni, the immigration office incharge Farfenni, faith leaders as well as representatives from various organisations such as the customs office and The Gambia police force office.
Lectures in Portsmouth and meetings with British Muslims
Al Fazl, 3 August 1922; The Review of Religions [English], October & November 1922
Lectures at Hyde Park
A week before the event, the posters prepared for promoting the Peace Symposium were posted around the town and an announcement for a week was regularly made at the Paradise Radio Station (the most popular radio in the FarafenniNorth Bank region). The theme of the event was “Love for all, hatred for none” and the topic under discussion was “The Holy Prophetsa: A messenger of peace, reconciliation and tolerance”.Theprogramme was chaired by Fabacary Kalleh Sahib, nationally known as a peace activist, who is also an Ahmadi Muslim. The session started with a recitation from the Holy Quran, followed by welcoming remarks by my humble self. After this, various guests delivered speeches on the theme of the event and shared their views about this unique event.

“Therefore, although some of the members of our Jamaat were already living in other countries as well, those brothers who have separated now, used to live together for a long time. Now, we will meet each other just like people from different countries meet each other. “Thus, on the occasion of this freedom and partition, we pray to God Almighty that He may grant progress to both these countries, enable them both to act with justice and equity and inculcate the spirit of love and affection between the people of both countries. May both countries strive to get better of each other – but through brotherhood, sympathy and sincerity – and in addition to the spirit of competition, they should also have the spirit of cooperation and sympathy.” (Al Fazl, 16 August 1947, p. 2)
“In accordance with the grant of independence to India, the two new Dominions of India and Pakistan came into being at “Lordmidnight.Mountbatten, whose advancement to an earldom is announced, was present yesterday at a ceremony in Karachi, the capital of Pakistan, and referred to the fact that Great Britain and Pakistan were parting as friends.”
India: Policies and Perspectives 1935-1947, George Allen and Unwin Ltd., London, p. 7)
May India and Pakistan live amicably: The Partition of India, 1947 and Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad’s heartfelt wish “BIRTH OF TWO NEW DOMINIONS “LORD MOUNTBATTEN ON A FRIENDLY PARTING
[...] As far as the law or constitution is concerned, every Indian deserves more rights than any foreigner within their country. But before today, a foreigner was deemed more deserving of rights, whereas an Indian was deemed less deserving despite living in their own country. This is such a huge transition that one’s heart is unable to imagine it.”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra continued his sermon by saying: “We have a relationship with both of the newly established governments because the religious communities have no affiliation to a specific country or government. The members of our Jamaat are present in both Pakistan and India as well. Even before this, members of our Jamaat were present in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Sudan, Malaya, Burma, Java, Sumatra, England, United States, East Africa, and West Africa as well. [...] Therefore, this transition is not new for our Jamaat, because members of our Jamaat were already living in many different countries as well. “The only difference is just like there were three brothers in a family, and two of those brothers lived together and did not divide their property either, whereas the third brother had separated. After some time – due to some circumstances – the two brothers who were living together decided to divide their property and live separately. There was no special impact when the first brother got separated, but when these two brothers separate from each other, they will certainly feel some pain in their hearts upon seeing each other’s [new] homes and other arrangements, and their eyes will have tears.
To mark the birth of Indian independence, the flags of the new Dominions were hoisted in London on 15 August 1947 | Pakistani flag was hoisted at Lancaster House (left) and the Indian flag at India House, Aldwych (right) | The Times, 16 August 1947
(The Times, 15 August 1947, p. 4) During his Friday Sermon on 15 August 1947, Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IIra shed light on the unprecedented significance of this happening.Huzoorra said: “This day is like the Yaum-e-Barzakh for [British] India. Today, right after 12 am, India has got freedom from British rule, and now, this country has been divided into two sovereign governments: Indian Dominion and Pakistan. After a long period of 90 years – meaning that if we count it since the time of ghadar [the 1857 mutiny] when the Islamic Kingdom was still intact to some extent in India – this country has got freedom from the rule of a foreign government, and specifically in the case of Punjab, it has been freed from a foreign rule after a hundred years. [...] “Today the Indians can surely feel they have their own government in the country.
Al Hakam 75 years ago, the world witnessed one of the most significant events of modern history. When all the efforts to grant the British government was compelled to partition British India into two sovereign dominions: India and Pakistan. The Times reported: “POWER HANDED OVER IN INDIA
(The Partition of
Huzoorra further said that if this transition had occurred without the painful happenings, then everyone’s heart would have been filled with happiness. Huzoorra said that along with this freedom, the scenes of violence and oppression were also apparent, and although God Almighty had granted freedom to this country, the country did not free itself from violence and oppression. In 1967, while shedding light on the painful aspect of the partition of India, CH Philips said: “It may well be said that an episode which cost so many families their lives or their homes, and which still arouses such powerful feelings of hatred and remorse, should be left to future generations to describe and assess. Certainly, it is difficult, a mere twenty years after partition for those Britons, Indians and Pakistanis who lived through those terrible months to look back on them with detachment.”
13AL HAKAM | Friday 12 August 2022
(Al Fazl, 16 August 1947, p. 1)

Friday 12 August 2022 | AL HAKAM14 Hazrat Maulana Abdur Rahim Nayyarra (1883-1948)The sky was cloudy The readers must be surprised at the fewer number of my letters in Al Fazl, because for the last three years more or less, in spite of the dense fog of London and the rainy season of Africa, I have been preserving the honour of my name [i.e. Nayyar (The Shining Star)] and sending the bright rays of tabligh endeavours to India by putting in all my efforts. However, for some time now, on the one hand, my health has not been the same as it was in England, and on the other, I have been completely occupied. Moreover, I had to take up arms against the opposing forces. There was strong opposition by the non-Ahmadis. The internal mischief of the hypocritical mullahs and the united attacks of the enemies of the faith had to be repelled. Alhamdulillah, now the clouds of opposition are dispersing and the sky that was previously covered with the clouds of difficulty is clearing up. Insha-Allah, Nayyar will now shine again through his letters.
The practice of stoning the sermonisers that had become common is now on the decline, but the songs have taken its place. The young children have been taught songs by some mischief-makers, in which instead of “Ahmadiyya,” they say “Amodiya”. The meaning of the latter word in the Yoruba language is “small children.” They desire to belittle the Jamaat by casting this slur. Some Ahmadi women have prepared a response to it in the form of a song and helped their children to memorise it. The little Ahmadi children respond in their own way and say: “O opponents! You call us small children. Listen! We are great. God has caused us to excel.Th[...]”erest of the taunts are answered by the Jamaat according to the teachings of the Promised Messiahas with silence. The heads of some dear members were injured and one friend was beaten by his cruel father so much that the doctor had to nurse his wounds. Birthday of the king The police presented parades on the birthday of the king and the governor paid a visit. The prominent members of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat also went to the parade ground. After the demonstrations of the police, chief Imam Dairi and Imam Ajose, missionary Lagos, went to greet the governor at the government house. On this day, i.e. the evening of 3 June 1922, Alfa Joshua Ostiase Shodande, Assistant Missionary Lagos, delivered a lecture on the Promised Messiah’s guidance regarding the government of Great Britain in a magnificent gathering at Kamias Square. The notice of this lecture was given in advance and it was pasted on the walls of Lagos and on the door of the government house. This notice was very beautifully printed by a dear friend who works in the press. It had “Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Lagos” written at the top and at the end of it was the English translation [of the following verse of the Holy Quran]:
Lailatul-Qadr [The Night of Destiny] Lailatul-Qadr [The Night of Destiny] was celebrated here on the night of 27 Ramadan, i.e. 25 May 1922. The people stay awake all night and recite the Holy Quran. The Ahmadiyya Jamaat held a jalsa and all the prominent people of the Jamaat participated in it. There was a lot of excitement. I delivered a speech from 10am to 2pm and explained the core beliefs of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat. I also gave the interpretation of Innaa Anzal-naahu fi Lailatil-Qadr [“Surely, We (God) sent it down on the Night of Destiny”]. A lot of non-Ahmadis including some eminent personalities were also present at the gathering. Some Christians were present as well. The effect of this jalsa was that some people were cured of the disease of hypocrisy, certain individuals repented from apostasy, and many new ones entered into the Jamaat. Eid prayer Since the crescent of Eid was sighted on the evening of 27 May 1922 and many reliable testimonies were received, I decided that Eid will be held on Sunday, 28 May 1922. The non-Ahmadis generally follow our decision. Consequently, Eid was celebrated on 28 May 1922. The printed notice was already published by the secretary of the Jamaat. The announcement was pasted on the walls of the city and its words were as follows: “Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Lagos will offer the Eid-ul-Fitr prayer in the ground of Ekoi. The waiting and the offering of prayer from 9am to 10am. The sermon will be delivered from 10am to 10:30am. Dua [silent prayer] will be carried out from 10:30am to 11am.
Opposition and our response
مکنم رمالا یِلواو لوسرلا اوعیﻃاو ہللا اوعیﻃا [“Obey Allah, and obey His Messenger 100 Years Ago... The clouds of opposition are dispersing in West Africa and tabligh work is going on successfully Al Fazl, 24 & 27 July 1921
The members of all religions and nations are invited. The seats for the distinguished people will be arranged under the shady trees.”According to this programme, by the grace of Allah the Almighty, the Eid prayer was offered by a huge gathering and the Chief Imam Dairi accompanied me to my residence. Moreover, the Eid sermon was a source of satisfaction, comfort and an occasion of happiness for the Jamaat members. Tabligh efforts
The sermonisers of the Jamaat are opposed and even stoned due to ignorance, and at one place three young men were injured so much that their heads started to bleed. However, the sincere members are engaged in their work. They regularly give individual sermons on the local level in every corner of the city, and an advertised sermon is delivered twice a week in a particular part where I give a speech. Ahmadiyyat has now penetrated into every home by the grace of Allah. Half of Lagos are hidden Ahmadis. In every household, there are two sides in the debate [regarding Ahmadiyyat]. Some scholars are also interested in seeking knowledge and their messengers come with questions and return with satisfactory answers by the grace of Allah. One of these alfas [maulvis] is a true scholar of Hadith and Quran, and he has stopped people from opposing the Jamaat. He has implicitly testified to our truthfulness as well. He wants to meet me but is afraid of the people.

At the blessed occasion of Jalsa Salana UK 2022, the members of Majlis Khuddam-ulAhmadiyya UK always serve on all fronts to prepare for the Jalsa and to welcome and serve the guests of the Promised Messiahas Although from an organisational point of view, the preparation of Jalsa Salana starts after one Jalsa ends, however as the time for Jalsa Salana approaches, members of MKA UK are one of the first ones on site at Hadeeqatul Mahdi for waqar-eamal, well before any marquees start arriving. Similarly, the task of waqar-eamal continues throughout and weeks after the end of each Jalsa Salana UK. During Jalsa Salana, the Khidmate-Khalq department has 56 nizamats under Afsar Khidmat-e-Khalq Sadr Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya has the opportunity to serve as Afsar Khidmate-Khalq with naib sadran serving as naib afsaran and the National Amila members and Regional Qaideen serving as nazimeen for various nizamats
Muslim youth from MKA UK flock to Hadeeqatul Mahdi to volunteer, many staying the night Muhammad Ali Ahmad Muavin Sadr MKA UK (Press and Media)
15AL HAKAM | Friday 12 August 2022 and those who are in authority among you.” (Surah an-Nisa, Ch.4: V.60)] This jalsa, which was held for the first time in Lagos, has drawn the attention of many people to the Ahmadiyya Jamaat. Al Fazl, 27 July 1922 Eid Mubarak On the occasion of Eid, I sent the following message on behalf of the tabligh delegation to the non-Ahmadi leaders through a printed“Dear!letter:On behalf of the Ahmadiyya tabligh delegation, I sincerely wish you Eid Mubarak and I pray for your religious and worldly advancement. The best gift I can offer you on this occasion is the message of the Promised Messiahas. I present it as follows:“Dear brothers! The Messengersa of Allah said: الإ رانلا يف اهلك ةقرف نيعبسو ثالث ىلع يتمأ قرتفتس اهنم ةدحاو ‘My ummah will split into 73 sects. All of them are in the fire except for one sect.’ ددجي نم ةنس ةئام لك سأر ىلع ةمألا هذهل ثعبي هللا نإ اهنيد اهل ‘Verily, Allah will appoint for this ummah, at the head of every century, one who will revive its religion for it.’ ةیلهاجلا ةتیم تام دقف ہنامز ماما فرعي مل نم ‘One who does not recognise the Imam of his age will die in disbelief.’ (For example, Abu“OJahl.)dear brothers! Which Islamic Jamaat is following the path that leads to the pleasure of Allah and the Messengersa? Where is the Promised Reformer of the 14th century? Hasn’t 20 years passed since that century?“Dear! Look for the Imam of this age, because without the divine wisdom of the Imam, you will be under the wrath of God. I am ready to help you today and call your attention towards the claims of Syedna Ahmadas, the Reformer of the World and the Promised Mahdi and Messiah.” Along with this [message], some Arabic couplets of the Promised Messiahas were also presented. New converts and new Ahmadis After the last report, two Christians, one idolator and 16 non-Ahmadis entered the pledge of allegiance. These 19 individuals took bai‘at in the mosque and their names were written down. Apart from them, there are many who participate in dars [religious sermons], lectures and Jumuah prayers, and consider themselves Ahmadis but are not very open [about it]. Allah the Almighty is about to bring the time of complete success very soon. Fazal Rahman Brother Fazl Rahman has reached Gold Coast safely and is busy after taking charge. Friends are requested to pray that Allah protects this dear gentleman from afflictions. Nigeria and Gold Coast are two separate regions. The language is different and the habits and customs of the people are also different. The mail is sometimes not received for two months. If it comes very quickly, then you get the mail after 15 to 20 days. In the Gold Coast, water scarcity, food unavailability, poverty, transportation difficulties, complete ignorance of people, moreover, financial constraints, etc., are such difficulties that are seriously felt. Thus, friends are requested to pray for him a lot. I would have kept him with me but the people of the Gold Coast were getting anxious and the opponents had started to cook up schemes. The Christians had started doing mischief on the one hand and the nonAhmadis belonging to the Hausa [tribe] on the other. They were trying to mislead the Ahmadis. Therefore, he was quickly sent to his appointed place. Brother Fazl Rahman’s friends must continue to write to him letters of consolation and affection, and send him detailed information about the situation in India. His postal address is as follows: Maulvi Fazal Rahman Hakeem, Missionary Ahmadia Movement, Commercial Road, Saltpond, Gold Coast, West Africa. (Translated by Al Hakam from the original Urdu in the 24 and 27 July 1921 issue of Al Fazl)
. Altogether roughly 2500 volunteers are serving during Jalsa Salana under the Khidmat-e-Khalq department with the majority being Khuddam. Due to the 28 days allowed by local authorities to set-up and wind-up Jalsa Salana, the Khidmat-e-Khalq department has a 24/7 presence at Hadeeqatul Mahdi for the entire 28 days to man the gates and the public right of way. As Hadeeqatul Mahdi is considered a construction site for almost 24 out of 28 days, every volunteer, worker and contractor must sign in and out of Hadeeqatul Mahdi and the Khuddam volunteers on duty ensure they check in and out every time entering and leaving HadeeqatulJamaat-e-AhmadiyyaMahdi.
UK is extremely fortunate and blessed to have Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa residing in the UK. As many guests travel thousands of miles to come to the UK to attend Jalsa, their priority is to spend as much time in the presence of Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa as they can. MKA UK has the opportunity to provide Khuddam for duties at Islamabad 365 days of the year and as many guests go to Islamabad before and after Jalsa to offer their prayers behind Huzooraa, more and more Khuddam are assigned duties at Islamabad to carry out variousOnceduties.themarquees have been erected, the amount of work to set up the Jalsa site in time increases manifold. For this purpose, Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya invites its members from across the UK to part take in Jalsa Waqf-e-Arzi. During the week, 3040 Khuddam stay at Hadeeqatul Mahdi and engage in various tasks to turn “a farmland” into a “tent Khuddamcity”.take part in tasks such as flooring, carpeting, gardening, fencing, carrying out electrical work, setting up the Jalsa Store, main marquee and general waqar-e-amal. The Khuddam this year have also had interactive sessions with mohtamim talim and sadr majlis khuddamul ahmadiyya to increase their knowledge and share their experiences with sadr sahib. The highlight for Khuddam on waqf-e-arzi has been the opportunity to offer the Fajr prayer behind Huzooraa at Islamabad every day. Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya UK is truly honoured to have the opportunity to serve at Jalsa Salana UK, especially as Jalsa Salana UK is extremely fortunate to host Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa Beloved Huzooraa graciously takes a keen interest in all activities of Majlis Khuddamul-Ahmadiyya, blesses us with his prayers and provides the majlis with invaluable guidance throughout the year. As a majlis, we are grateful to Allah Almighty for blessing us with the institution of Khilafate-Ahmadiyya.

Friday 12 August 2022 | AL HAKAM16 15 July 2022
Men of Excellence: Hazrat Abu Bakrra After reciting the tashahud, ta‘awuz and Surah al-Fatihah, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said: Friday Sermon
The accounts of the military expeditions of the Muslims against the rebellious apostates are currently being mentioned. Further details regarding the expeditions of Hazrat Muhajirra and Hazrat Ikrimahra against the apostates in the regions of Kindah and Hadhramaut are that when Hazrat Muhajirra established their rule in Sana’, he wrote to Hazrat Abu Bakrra, informing him of everything he had done thus far. While he was waiting for a reply, Muazra bin Jabal and various other governors from Yemen, who had been serving in these positions since the time of the Holy Prophetsa, also wrote to Hazrat Abu Bakrra, seeking permission to return to Medina. In reply, Hazrat Abu Bakrra granted Muazra bin Jabal and the other governors the choice to stay in Yemen, or return to Medina with the condition of appointing someone else in their position. Having been given this choice, all of them returned to Medina and Hazrat Muhajirra was instructed to join Ikrimahra. Both of them were instructed to then go to Hadhramaut and help Ziadra bin Labid. Keeping them in their respective positions, he instructed them to permit those who had been fighting along their side between Mecca and Yemen to return. If they wished to return, they could do so, unless people willingly wanted to participate in the Jihad and gave it precedence.
(Muhammad al-Salabi, Sayyiduna Abu Bakr Siddiqra Shakhsiyyat aur Karname [Khan Garh, Pakistan: Al-Furqan Trust], p. 305) Ikrimahra received a letter from Hazrat Abu Bakrra and therein he was instructed to meet Muhajirra bin Abi Umaiyyah, who was approaching from Sana’. Following this, both of them were told to head towards the tribe of Kindah. After receiving this letter, Ikrimahra left Mahrah and stayed in Abyan, waiting for Muhajir bin Abi Umaiyyahra Abyan is the name of a township in Yemen. (Muhammad al-Salabi, Sayyiduna Abu Bakr Siddiqra Shakhsiyyat aur Karname [Khan Garh, Pakistan: Al-Furqan Trust], p. 305)
In Tarikh al-Tabari, the following is recorded in relation to the expeditions against the apostates of the tribe of Kindah. Prior to their apostasy, when the entire regions of Kindah and Hadhramaut had accepted Islam, the Holy Prophetsa said the following with regard to collecting Zakat [alms] from them, “Some of the Zakat collected from the people of Hadhramaut should be kept in Kindah, and some of the Zakat collected from the people of Kindah should be kept in Hadhramaut (that is, it should be sent to Hadhramaut and it should be spent on one another). Similarly, some of the Zakat collected from Hadhramaut should be kept in Sukoon and some of the Zakat from Sukoon should be kept in Hadhramaut.” Upon this, some individuals from Kindah said, “O Messengersa of Allah! We do not have any camels. If you deem it appropriate then these people can travel to us on their mounts and deliver the Zakat.” The Holy Prophetsa replied to them (i.e. to the people of Hadhramaut), “If you are able to do so then you may act accordingly.” They said, “We will consider it. If they do not have any animals [as mounts] then we will act accordingly.” When the Holy Prophetsa passed away and the time to collect the Zakat approached, Ziadra called the people to him. They gathered around him and Banu Wali‘ah, that is the people of Kindah said, “Deliver the Zakat to us as you had promised the Holy Prophetsa.” They replied, “You have animals that can bear your burden. Bring your animals and take the Zakat.” They refused to deliver the

17AL HAKAM | Friday 12 August 2022 Zakat themselves and the people of Kindah remained firm in their demand. Thereafter, these people returned to their homes. Their stance had changed, they would take one step forward and then another step back, as it were. Since Ziadra was waiting for Muhajirra, he refrained from taking action against them. In other words, he did not take any action against those who refused to offer Zakat until Hazrat Muhajirra had arrived. Hazrat Abu Bakrra wrote a letter to Muhajirra and Hazrat Ikrimahra instructing them both to set out for Hadhramaut and to keep Ziadra upon his post. [He told them] that those living in the area between Mecca and Yemen should be given permission to return except those who wished to take part in Jihad by their own choice, and Ubaidah bin Saad should be sent to help Ziadra Hence, Hazrat Muhajirra implemented these instructions. He set out from Sana’ towards Hadhramaut and Ikrimahra set out from Abyan towards Hadhramaut; both met at a place called Ma‘arib. They both crossed the Suhaid dessert after which they reached Hadhramaut. When the people of Kindah became upset with Hazrat Ziadra and returned, Hazrat Ziadra took up the responsibility of collecting Zakat from the Banu Amr. A youngster from Kindah accidentally gave his brother’s camel to Hazrat Ziadra as Zakat. Hazrat Ziadra branded the camel with fire in order to indicate that it was part of the Zakat; he placed a seal on it to indicate that it was part of the treasury of Zakat. When the boy requested for the camel to be exchanged as it had been given mistakenly, Hazrat Ziadra thought that he was merely presenting excuses and so he did not agree. Upon this, the boy who gave the camel called out to his tribe and Abu Sumait for help. When Abu Sumait asked Hazrat Ziyadra for the camel to be exchanged, Hazrat Ziadra remained firm in his stance. This angered Abu Sumait and he forcibly freed the camel, upon which the people with Hazrat Ziadra imprisoned Abu Sumait and his people and also captured the camel. They called out to one another for help as a result of which Banu Muawiyah came to support Abu Sumait. The Banu Muawiyah belonged to Banu Harith bin Muawiyah and Banu Amr bin Muawiyah which were branches of the Kindah tribe. They requested Hazrat Ziadra for the release of their people; however, Hazrat Ziadra refused to do so until they dispersed. He said he would consider doing so once they had left. When they did not disperse, Hazrat Ziadra levelled an attack against them which resulted in many of their men being killed while others fled. Upon returning, Hazrat Ziadra released their prisoners; however, those people returned and began preparing for war. Hence, Banu Amr, Banu Harith, Ash‘as bin Qais and Simt bin Aswad returned to their fortresses, refused to offer Zakat and became apostates. As a result, Hazrat Ziadra gathered his army and attacked Banu Amr which led to many of their men being killed while those who were able to, fled. A large number were imprisoned by Hazrat Ziadra and he sent them to Medina. Along the way, Asha‘s and Banu Harith waged an attack on the Muslims whereby they freed their prisoners from them. After this incident, many of the surrounding tribes joined these people and also announced their apostasy. Upon this, Hazrat Ziadra wrote a letter to Hazrat Muhajirra seeking help. Hazrat Muhajirra appointed Hazrat Ikrimahra as his representative and then along with his men attacked Kindah. The people of Kindah fled to one of their fortresses called Nujair which was another fortress located in Yemen near Hadhramaut. There were three entrances to this fortress; Hazrat Ziadra lay siege to one while Hazrat Muhajirra encamped by the other. The third remained under the control of Kindah until Hazrat Ikrimahra arrived upon it and captured it. The armies of Hazrat Ziadra and Hazrat Muhajirra comprised of five hundred Muhajirin and Ansar companions along with other tribes. When those under siege in the Nujair fortress realised that the Muslims continued to receive reinforcements, they became extremely frightened, due to which their leader, Ash‘as immediately went to Hazrat Ikrimahra and wanted to establish peace. Hazrat Ikrimahra took Ash‘as to Hazrat Muhajirra. Ash‘as sought refuge for himself and nine others on the condition that he would open a door to the fortress for the Muslims. Hazrat Muhajirra accepted this condition. When Ash‘as wrote the names of those nine people, he forgot to write his own name out of haste and due to his state of great fear. He then took what he had written to Hazrat Muhajirra who endorsed it with his seal. When Ash‘as returned and opened the door to the fortress, the Muslims entered. When a battle ensued between the two armies, seven hundred people from the Kindah tribe were killed. The people in the fortress fought back, however, their men were killed and a thousand women were captured. Thereafter, Hazrat Muhajirra asked for the written agreement for the protection and pardoned the people whose names were written in it, however, the name of Ash‘as was not included. Upon this, Hazrat Muhajirra intended to kill him, but on the request of Hazrat Ikrimahra, he was sent along with the other prisoners to Hazrat Abu Bakrra so that he could make a decision regarding his case. When news of the Muslim’s victory along with the prisoners reached Hazrat Abu Bakrra, he sought out Ash‘as and said, “You were deceived by the Banu Wali‘ah and they are not such that you could deceive them, nor did they deem you capable of doing so. They were ruined and caused your ruin as well. Do you not fear that you are among those whom the Holy Prophetsa prayed against.” The Holy Prophetsa had cursed four leaders of the Kindah tribe who accepted Islam alongside Ash‘as but then later became apostates.Hazrat Abu Bakrra said, “How do you think I will treat you?” Ash‘as replied, “I do not know what you intend to do.” Hazrat Abu Bakrra replied, “I believe that you should be killed.” Ash‘as replied, “I am responsible for making a settlement that saved the lives of 10 people from my tribe. How am I deserving of death?” Thereupon, Hazrat Abu Bakrra said, “Did the Muslims entrust you with this matter?” He replied in the affirmative. Hazrat Abu Bakrra then said, “When they entrusted this matter to you and you came to them, did they give you a seal of approval?” He replied affirmatively. Hazrat Abu Bakrra said, “The resolution detailed in the documents becomes mandatory once it bears the seal of approval. Before that, you were merely trying to negotiate.” When Ash‘as became fearful for his life, he humbly submitted, “If you perceive even a speck of goodness in me, please free these prisoners, pardon my mistakes, accept me into the fold of Islam, treat me as you would any other person in my situation, and return my wife to me.” It is recorded that before this incident took place, once, Ash‘as came to the Holy Prophetsa. He came bearing a marriage proposal for the sister of Hazrat Abu Bakrra,
Umm Farwa bint Abi Quhafah. Hazrat Abu Quhafahra married his daughter to him and decided that he would send his daughter off with Ash‘as upon his next visit. According to one author, Umm Farwa was the daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakrra. Nonetheless, after the Holy Prophetsa passed away and Ash‘as became an apostate, he became fearful that his wife would not be returned to him. Ash‘as submitted to Hazrat Abu Bakrra, “You will find me among the best of people in your vicinity in service of the religion of Allah.” Upon this, Hazrat Abu Bakrra spared his life, accepted him into the fold of Islam, and returned his family to him. Following this, Hazrat Abu Bakrra said, “Go forth. From now on, I should only hear of good things about you.” In this way, Hazrat Abu Bakrra also freed all the prisoners who then returned to their respective regions. (Muhammad Ibn Jarir al-Tabari, Tarikh al-Tabari, Vol. 2 [Beirut, Lebanon: Dar al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah, 2012], pp. 300304) (Muhammad Husain Haikal, Hazrat Sayyiduna Abu Bakr Siddiqra [Jhelum: Book Corner Showroom], pp. 240-241) (Jamharat Ansab al-Arab [Beirut, Lebanon: Dar al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah, 2007], p. 425) (Muhammad Husain Haikal, Sayyiduna Abu Bakr Siddiqra [Jhelum: Book Corner Showroom], pp. 537-538) (Yaqut Ibn Abd Allah al-Hamawi, Mu‘jam al-Buldan, Vol. 1, p. 109.) (Yaqut Ibn Abd Allah al-Hamawi, Mu‘jam al-Buldan, Vol. 5, p. 315) (Ahmad bin Hanbal, Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal, Musnad Amr bin Abasah, Vol. 6, Hadith 19675 [Beirut, Lebanon: Alam al-Kutub, 1998], pp. 575-576) (Ibn Saad, Al-Tabaqat al-Kubra, Vol. 5 [Beirut, Lebanon: Dar alKutub al-‘Ilmiyyah, 1990], pp. 8-9) According to one narration, because Ash‘as was guilty of breaching a pledge made to his tribe, he dared not return to them. After being freed, he remained in Medina

Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra writes: “Thus, in light of these events, for Maulana Maududi Sahib to say that all of the companions fought against those who
Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra further writes: “From this reference it is clear that the people who the companions fought against were those who rebelled against the government. They refused to pay the tax and attacked Medina. They all gathered around Medina and threatened to attack if their demands were not met. During the lifetime of the Holy Prophetsa, Musaylima wrote to the Holy Prophetsa in which he stated that he had been commanded that half of the Arab land was his and half for the Quraish. And after the demise of the Holy Prophetsa, he expelled Thumamah bin Uthal, who had been appointed as the governor of Hajr and Yamamah, and instead became the governor of that area himself and attacked the Muslims. He also captured two companions who had come from Medina, Habeebra bin Zaid and Abdullahra bin Wahb and forced them to accept his prophethood. (This has been mentioned before as well.) Out of fear, Abdullahra bin Wahb complied with what he said; however, Habeebra bin Zaid refused to accept. Upon this, Musaylima cut him limb by limb and burnt him. Those who had been officially appointed by the Holy Prophetsa in Yemen he imprisoned some of them and also handed out strict punishments to some of the others. Similarly, Al-Tabari has written that Aswad Ansi also rebelled and began to give trouble to those who had been officially appointed as governors by the Holy Prophetsa and commanded that the wealth from the Zakat be taken from them. He also attacked Shahr bin Badhan in Sana’, who had been appointed as the governor of the city by the Holy Prophetsa. He killed many Muslims, ransacked the area, killed its governor and then married his Muslim wife against her will. The Banu Najran also rebelled and they joined Aswad Ansi and they expelled two companions from their area; Amrra bin Hazm and Khalidra bin Saeed. From these incidents it is evident that they did not fight against these people because they claimed prophethood from among the ummah of the Holy Prophetsa and claimed to spread his faith; in fact, the companions fought against them because they were trying to abrogate the Islamic laws and establish their own laws instead. They claimed to be the rulers of their respective areas, and not just that, they also killed the companions. They attacked the Muslim lands, rebelled against the existing government and announced to be completely free and independent.”
Friday 12 August 2022 | AL HAKAM18 with Umm Farwa. In the time of Hazrat Umarra when the battles in Iraq and Syria were taking place, Ash‘as was also among the Muslim armies that set forth to fight against the Iranians and Byzantines. He contributed exceptionally in these battles and thus regained the respect of the people and restored his diminished reputation. All in all, until peace and security were not established and the Islamic government was not firmly re-established, Hazrat Muhajirra and Hazrat Ikrimahra remained in Kindah and Hadhramaut. These were the last battles fought against the rebellious apostates. Following the completion of these expeditions, the rebellion was completely eradicated and all the tribes came under the rule of Islam. To maintain peace and security in that region and to utterly subdue any and all means that would give rise to rebellion, Hazrat Muhajirra employed the same strict measures he had demonstrated in Yemen. (Muhammad Husain Haikal, Hazrat Sayyiduna Abu Bakr Siddiqra [Jhelum: Book Corner Showroom], p. 241) Hazrat Abu Bakrra wrote to Hazrat Muhajirra, instructing him to oversee either Yemen or Hadhramaut, from which he chose Yemen. Due to this, there were two leaders appointed over Yemen. Whilst addressing those governors who made efforts against the rebels and apostates, Hazrat Abu Bakrra wrote, “In my view, it is preferable that you only assign governmental roles to those who have remained pure of any blemish of apostasy and rebellion.”
Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra further states: “The Maulana makes a tall claim of having read the Islamic literature. But, before expressing his opinion on this matter if only he had studied the history of Islam and he would have learnt that Musaylima Kazzab, Aswad Ansi, Sajjah bint Harith and Tulaihah bin Khuwailid Asadi had all refused to comply with the government in Medina and they all claimed to have established their own rule in their respective areas.”Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra writes: “If he had carefully read Tarikh Ibn Khaldun, it would have been evidently clear that his, i.e. Maulana Sahib’s view was wrong. It is written [in Tarikh Ibn Khaldun]: “‘News of the apostasy of all the Arabs, whether it was the general population or the prominent people, began to reach Medina. It was only the Quraish and the Thaqif tribes that did not fall prey to apostasy. The issue of Musaylima escalated greatly and the Tayy and Asad tribe pledged their obedience to Tulaihah bin Khuwailid. The Ghatfan tribe also apostatised and the Hawazin tribe stopped paying the Zakat. The chiefs of Bani Sulaim also became apostates. The various leaders who had been appointed by the Holy Prophetsa in Yemen, Yamamah, Bani Asad and similarly in various other towns and cities returned and stated that all of the Arabs had refused to show obedience. Hazrat Abu Bakrra waited for Usamahra to return and then he would fight against them but the tribes of Abas and Dhubyan quickly went and encamped in Abraq, which was close to Medina. Other people encamped in Dhul Qassah and some of the people from the Bani Asad and Bani Kananah also joined them. They all sent a delegation to Hazrat Abu Bakrra and set out their demand that they were willing to only accept his commandments pertaining to prayer. (All of these people gathered around Medina and stated that they were willing to comply with the commandment of prayer) but, they would not pay the Zakat. However, Hazrat Abu Bakrra refused this demand of theirs.’”
(Muhammad Ibn Jarir al-Tabari, Tarikh al-Tabari, Vol. 2 [Beirut, Lebanon: Dar alKutub al-‘Ilmiyyah, 2012], p. 305) Whilst highlighting these battles under the leadership of Hazrat Abu Bakrra, most authors, especially contemporary historians, usually assert that this jihad was waged against the false claimants of prophethood and they were rooted out by the force of the sword, and that this was their punishment in light of the Islamic Shariah. However, one who has studied history could never support such assertions. As was mentioned before, in light of the Holy Quran, the blessed practice of the Holy Prophetsa, and the Hadith, the Holy Prophetsa never acted against an individual because they claimed prophethood, nor did Hazrat Abu Bakrra undertake these expeditions for the purpose of silencing false prophets. On the contrary, the real cause for taking such measures was their rebellious behaviour. Whilst elaborating on the reason why the companions [of the Holy Prophetsa] waged war against claimants of prophethood, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra states: “Maulana Maududi Sahib has written that the companions fought against all those who claimed prophethood after the Holy Prophetsa; however, this goes against the narrations of the companions. Maulana Maududi Sahib ought to remember (this was written whilst he was still alive) that those who claimed prophethood after the Holy Prophetsa and against whom the companions fought, all of them had rebelled against the Islamic government and had openly declared war against it.”
Although many had reverted [to Islam], he told them to be wary of those who had previously become apostates or engaged in rebellion. He then stated, “All of you should comply with this regulation and act accordingly. Those among your army who wish to return should be given permission to do so, and under no circumstances should you seek the help of any rebel or apostate in your Jihad against the enemy.”

19AL HAKAM | Friday 12 August 2022 made claim to prophethood is completely untrue. If someone claimed that the noble companions considered the killing of humans lawful would this view be justified simply because Musaylima Kazzab and Aswad Ansi were also humans?” Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra further writes: “Those who misrepresent Islamic history are not rendering any service to Islam. If their objective is to truly serve Islam then the truth should be given the utmost importance and they ought to completely refrain from falsehood and from misrepresenting the [historical] incidents.”
(Maulana Maududi ke Risala “Qadiani Masalah” ka Jawab, Anwar al-Ulum, Vol. 24, pp. 11-14) In any case, by putting an end to these people, the rebellion was completely uprooted in the entire Arab land. A historian has “Now,written:all the rebellions had been put to an end and all the apostates had been crushed. The meticulous planning and the swift manner in which Hazrat Abu Bakrra completely quelled this disorder which had spread across the entire land reflects his outstanding abilities. It is evidently clear that he was granted divine support and succour at every step. To subdue the disorder from the apostates and rebels and to re-establish the authority of Islam in the Arab land in just less than a year was indeed a remarkable feat. Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiqra was extremely happy at the victory of Islam, but there was not a single trace of any pride or arrogance in this happiness. This is because he knew that everything happened owing to the blessings of Allah and through His benevolence. He knew that he did not possess the power to be able to defeat the powerful armies of the apostates across the entire Arab land with just a handful of Muslims and thereby raise aloft the flag of Islam once again with all its glory and grandeur. Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiqra was now faced with the task of what measures to take in order to strengthen the unity of the Muslim ummah and ensure that Islam reaches its lofty heights. The sole objective of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq’sra political endeavours was to establish the authority of Islam and this desire would remain in his heart and mind in every moment of his life.” (Muhammad Husain Haikal, Hazrat Sayyiduna Abu Bakr Siddiqra – Translated by Anjum Sultan Shahbaz [Jhelum: Book Corner Showroom], pp. 243-244) After putting an end to the rebel apostates, everyone was now convinced that no mischief-maker could now stand against the Khalifa of the Messengersa. But unlike the general public, Hazrat Abu Bakrra was not under any false hope. He knew that the external powers could revive those who sought to instigate apostasy and rebellion and thereby cause disorder. In other words, the disorder may have just stopped temporarily and that the external powers, in the form of powerful governments who opposed Islam could create disorder once again at the borders of the Arab land. Hence, Hazrat Abu Bakrra was not under any kind of false hope. Therefore, in order to safeguard themselves from the uprising of the Arabs, he felt it appropriate to turn their attention towards Iran and Syria, so that they could not get the chance to create disorder against the government and in this way the Muslims would feel at peace and they would be able to freely practise the injunctions of their faith. (Hakim Ghulam Nabi MA, Sayyiduna Siddiq Akbarra p. 178) And so, in order to protect the borders of the Arab land and to safeguard themselves from the strong enemy, it was necessary to convey the message of Islam to these powerful nations, so that by accepting or understanding the universal message of Islam they would not only live in peace themselves but others would also be protected from them and live in peace and harmony and have the freedom to practice their religious beliefs. Regarding the method and wisdom Hazrat Abu Bakrra employed for this, it is written in a book of history: “After the wars and expeditions against the rebellious apostates had come to an end, Hazrat Abu Bakrra began to ponder over the next course of action in order to provide long-term protection to the Arab land and Islam from Persian and Byzantines empires, who were age-old enemies. Even during the blessed life of the Holy Prophetsa, both of these powers wanted to make the Arabs subordinate to them. And upon the demise of the Holy Prophetsa when the flames of apostasy and rebellion in many areas and tribes impacted the government in Medina, both these powers had a hand in instigating this in many of those areas. Taking advantage of this situation the forces of the Byzantine emperor began to gather in Syria and the Iranian forces gathered in Iraq. It was not possible that Hazrat Abu Bakrra, whose first action in obedience to the Holy Prophet’ssa blessed instruction was to send Hazrat Usama’sra army against the Byzantines, would remain without any fear or concern from these cruel and oppressive powers. However, before he could even present his plan of action before the people, he received news that Hazrat Muthannara bin Harithah, who had helped to subdue the rebellious apostates in Bahrain, he along with his men was heading north towards Iraq along the coast of the Persian Gulf. “Eventually they reached those Arab tribes who had settled on the delta areas of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. Hazrat Muthannara bin Harithah belonged to a tribe of Bahrain called the Bakr bin Wail tribe. “Bahrain was situated between the Persian Gulf and Yamamah. Presentday Qatar and Emirates were part of the area of Bahrain, and its capital was Darin. Nonetheless, Hazrat Muthannara bin Harithah had fought against the rebels along with Hazrat Alara bin Hadrami. Hazrat Muthannara was the chief of those people in Bahrain and its surrounding area who remained established upon Islam and over those who joined ranks with the Islamic armies to fight against the rebels. Hazrat Abu Bakrra had not yet decided about the next steps when Hazrat Muthannara reached Medina. He informed Hazrat Abu Bakrra about the situation of the tribes that had settled around the delta of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. They were being subjected to harsh treatment by the locals of that area. The Arabs were mainly farmers [in that area] and when the crops would be ready for harvest, the locals would loot them. Hazrat Muthannara bin Harithah suggested sending a Muslim army in order to save the Muslims from this trial. Hazrat Abu Bakrra sought advice from the companions that were in Medina and presented Hazrat Muthannara bin Harithah’s advice before them. Since the people of Medina were unacquainted with the situation in Iraq, for this reason they suggested calling Hazrat Khalidra bin Walid and informing him of the entire matter and taking his suggestion. In those days, Hazrat Khalidra bin Walid was present in Yamamah and so Hazrat Abu Bakrra summoned him to Medina. Upon arriving in Medina, Hazrat Abu Bakrra told him about the suggestion of Hazrat Muthannara with regard to sending an army to Iraq. With regard to the expedition which had been started by Hazrat Muthannara on the frontiers of Iraq, Hazrat Khalidra bin Walid was of the opinion that if, God forbid, they faced defeat and the army of Hazrat Muthannara retreated towards Arabia, then the Iranian leaders would become even bolder. Then they would not only suffice with removing Hazrat Muthanna’sra army from the borders of Iraq, but would establish their control over the regions of Bahrain and the neighbouring areas. They would then try to establish their authority and in such a case it would prove to be harmful for the Islamic government. Therefore, in order to be saved from this danger he should be sent reinforcements; i.e. Hazrat Muthannara should be given reinforcements and instead of allowing the Iranians to establish their rule, they should be subdued, so that Arabia never faces any danger from them. Hazrat Khalidra bin Walid presented his opinion, upon hearing this, the other companions also agreed with the suggestion of Hazrat Muthannara. Hazrat Abu Bakrra appointed Hazrat Muthannara as the commander of the army which he had taken towards Iraq. He was given instructions that the other Arab tribes should join with him and he should invite them to join the fold of Islam. He was also informed that very soon a contingent would be sent from Medina as reinforcements, with which he could make furtherSomeadvancements.historiansare of the opinion that Hazrat Muthannara never went to Medina to ask for reinforcements nor did he meet with Hazrat Abu Bakrra. In fact, he took his army to the delta area and advanced far ahead. He came across the army of Hormuz,

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Editor: Qaasid Muin Ahmad & Layout: Jalees Ahmad Ataul Fatir Tahir, Aqeel Ahmed Kang Ata-ul-Haye Nasir Al Hakam 2022 the Iranian commander-in-chief. At the time, Hormuz commanded the army on the borders. Hormuz was given the highest rank possible to any citizen by the Chosroes. A battle between the armies of Hazrat Muthannara and Hormuz was underway when Hazrat Abu Bakrra received news of the events. At the time, Hazrat Abu Bakrra was unaware of who Hazrat Muthannara was. When Hazrat Abu Bakrra received news of these events, he made an enquiry and discovered that Hazrat Muthannara rendered many remarkable services against the rebel apostates in Bahrain. Hazrat Abu Bakrra ordered Hazrat Khalidra bin Walid to take a contingent and help Hazrat Muthannara in Iraq against Hormuz, and then after succeeding from there, they ought to head towards Hirah. Hirah was a city approximately three miles from Kufa. Alongside this, he ordered Hazrat Iyad bin Ghanamra to go to Dumat al-Jandal. Dumat al-Jandal was a fort and settlement situated between Medina and Syria and according to the mode of transport in those days, it was at a distance of approximately 15 to 16 days’ travel. Having crushed the apostate rebels there, Hazrat Iyadra was also ordered to go to Hirah.Hazrat Iyadra bin Ghanam was a companion of the Holy Prophetsa; he accepted Islam prior to the Treaty of Hudaibiyah and was also part of it. When Hazrat Abu Ubaidahra was close to his demise, he appointed Hazrat Iyadra as the governor of Syria after him. Hazrat Umarra kept him on this position and said, “I will not change the governor who was appointed by Hazrat Abu Nonetheless,Ubaidahra.”HazratAbu Bakrra stated that out of Hazrat Khalid bin Walid and Hazrat Iyadra bin Ghanam, whoever reached Hirah first, they would be the military commander of the operations in that area. (Muhammad Husain Haikal, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq Akbarra – Translated, 2004, pp. 261-266) (Atlas Sirat al-Nabisa, p. 68) (Yaqut Ibn Abd Allah al-Hamawi, Mu‘jam al-Buldan, Vol. 2 [Beirut, Lebanon: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah], p. 376) (Sayyid Fadl al-Rahman, Farhang-e-Sirat [Karachi, Pakistan: Zawwar Academy Publications, 2003], p. 123) (Ali Ibn al-Athir, Usd alGhabah fi Ma‘rifat al-Sahabah, Vol. 4 [Beirut, Lebanon: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, 2003], p. According315) to one narration, when Hazrat Khalidra bin Walid finished from Yamamah, Hazrat Abu Bakrra instructed him to start from Farj Al-Hind, i.e. Ubullah and make his way towards northern Iraq, and to gather people along the way; invite them to Islam, if they accept then that is well, otherwise to take jizya from them. If they refused to pay the Jizya then they were to fight against them. He also ordered him not to force anyone to fight alongside them, and not to take help from anyone who had apostatised from Islam, even if they accepted Islam again; and to include any Muslim along the way in their army. Then Hazrat Abu Bakrra became occupied in arranging reinforcements for Hazrat Khalidra bin Walid. (Ibn Kathir, Al-Bidayah wa al-Nihayah, Vol. 3, Ch. 6, Ba‘th Khalid bin Walid ila al-Iraq, [Beirut, Lebanon: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, 2001], p. 338) Whilst departing from Yamamah towards Iraq, Hazrat Khalidra bin Walid divided his army into three parts; he did not dispatch them along the same route, rather, he dispatched Hazrat Muthannara two days prior to his own departure. He then dispatched Adi bin Hatim and Asim bin Amr a day apart and he himself departed at the end. They all vowed to gather at Hafir so that they could attack the enemy at once. Hafir was situated at the first Manzil from Basra to Mecca. It is stated that out of all the frontiers of the Persian Empire, Hafir was considered the most illustrious and magnificent frontier [area] with regards to its strength and it was governed by Hormuz. This commander in chief of this area not only contended with the Arabs on land but also faced danger from the people of the sub-continent by way of sea. (Muhammad Ibn Jarir al-Tabari, Tarikh al-Tabari, Vol. 2 [Beirut, Lebanon: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, 2012], p. 309) (Yaqut Ibn Abd Allah al-Hamawi, Mu‘jam al-Buldan, Vol. 2 [Beirut, Lebanon: Dar alKutub al-Ilmiyyah], p. 319) (Ibn Athir, AlKamil fi al-Tarikh, Vol. 2 [Beirut, Lebanon: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, 2003], p. 239) Nonetheless, the numbers in Hazrat Khalid’sra army were small, the reason for this is that firstly, majority of the army had already participated in the Battle of Yamamah, and secondly Hazrat Abu Bakrra had commanded him that if anyone did not wish to partake in the campaigns in Iraq, they were not to be forced. Alongside this, he issued a very important instruction which was that they were not to include any person who had apostatised from Islam, even if they had returned to Islam, until he obtained special permission from the Khalifah.Hazrat Khalidra bin Walid wrote to Hazrat Abu Bakrra for further reinforcements, but he only sent one man to assist them, Hazrat Ka‘ka bin Amrra. The people were perplexed and asked, “You are sending only one man to assist him, whereas a large part of Hazrat Khalid’sra army has become separated from him.” Hazrat Abu Bakrra replied, “the army which comprises of a person like Ka‘ka, that army cannot be defeated.” Despite this, Hazrat Abu Bakrra sent a letter to Khalidra with Ka‘kara which said to encourage those people to join his army who remained firm upon Islam after the demise of the Holy Prophetsa and who took part in the battles against the apostates. Upon receiving the letter, Hazrat Khalidra began preparing his army. (Muhammad Husain Haikal, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq Akbarra – Translated, 2004, p. 268)With reference to the instructions of Hazrat Abu Bakrra about the farmers of Iraq and the wisdom behind it, it is written that the Arabs would work as farmers in Iraq. But when the crops would be ready, the Arabs would receive very little of the produce. Majority of the produce would go to the Iranian land owners. These landowners would inflict severe cruelty upon the poorer Arab farmers and would treat them worse than slaves. Hazrat Abu Bakrra ordered his commanders in Iraq not to harm the Arab farmers in battle, nor should they be killed nor taken captive. In short, they should not be mistreated in any way because they were also Arabs like them, and had been subjected to torture and persecution by the Iranians. They should be made to feel that with the establishment of the Arab government, their days of suffering persecution were coming to an end, and now that their fellow brethren had established governance, they would be able to live under true justice, impartiality, and complete equality. This wise governance of Hazrat Abu Bakrra benefitted the Muslims greatly and created ease along the way to victory. This was because they were no longer afraid of an attack from the rear during their advancements, which would block their pathway. (Muhammad Husain Haikal, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq Akbarra –Translated, 2004, pp. 267-268) When Hazrat Khalidra bin Walid set up camp in Nibaj, Hazrat Muthannara was present with his army in Khaffan. Nibaj was a place between Yamamah and Basra, and Khaffan was a place near Kufa. Hazrat Khalidra wrote a letter to Hazrat Muthannara for him to come to him, and also sent him the letter in which Hazrat Abu Bakrra instructed Hazrat Muthanna bin Harithahra to obey Hazrat Khalidra. (Muhammad Ibn Jarir al-Tabari, Tarikh al-Tabari, Vol. 2 [Beirut, Lebanon: Dar al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah, 2012], p. 308) (Sayyid Fadl al-Rahman, Farhang-eSirat [Karachi, Pakistan: Zawwar Academy Publications, 2003], p. 296) (Yaqut Ibn Abd Allah al-Hamawi, Mu‘jam al-Buldan, Vol. 2 [Beirut, Lebanon: Dar al-Kutub alIlmiyyah], p. 434) This entire narration was from Tarikh al-Tabari. In this second narration, it was mentioned that Hazrat Abu Bakrra sent Hazrat Khalidra Nonetheless,himself.there were battles which then ensued after this; which wars were fought, what were their names and the details about the victories will be mentioned in the future, insha-Allah. The wars during the era of Hazrat Abu Bakr’sra Khilafat, in which Allah the Almighty enabled the Muslims to fight against the Persians in the area of Iraq and accounts about their victories will be mentioned in the future, insha-Allah (Official Urdu transcript published in Al Fazl International, 26 July to 8 August 2022, pp. 11-15. Translated by The Review of Religions.)
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Friday 12 August 2022 | AL HAKAM20