Al Hakam - 26 April 2019

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Responding to Allegations

From the Markaz

100 Years Ago...

Interpretation of the Holy Quran

Germany Nasirat Mulaqat

Letters from the UK Al Fazl, 26 April 1919

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Ahmadiyya European Football Tournament

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THE WEEKLY AL HAKAM | Friday 26 April 2019 | Issue LVIII Ahmadiyya Archive & Research Centre (ARC), 22 Deer Park Road, London, SW19 3TL. UK | F: +44(0)208 544 7673

The flag-bearer of Islam in the age of materialism Another year of prosperity theism, as we know it today, finds its roots in the 15th century CE, A but what marks its boom and zenith is

unanimously agreed by historians, social scientists, theologians, philosophers and atheists themselves, to be around the year 2000 – the turn of the millennium. It was by this time that religion had come to be seen as a relic that needed to be buried away with other myths of the premodern age of mankind. Modernity was declared the new “religion” of the world, where liberalism was the basic tenet in a bid to rid the world of religiosity. It was around the same time that Islam – the only source of salvation for mankind – was used by its opponents and some adherents to blemish its face and everything that came as part and parcel. Hence, at the crossroads of the millennia, religion in general and Islam in particular found itself at another crossroads where

all paths apparently led to annihilation. What the Quran refers to as “Zaharal fasadu fil-barri wal-bahr” – a total chaos on every inch of the earth – was clearly manifested through the state of global affairs. It was in such a time that the Khilafat of the Promised Messiahas – the saviour of the latter days – took a turn and the fifth Khalifa, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa, appeared on what can undoubtedly be called the most tumultuous stage ever witnessed by the world. 22 April 2003 was the blessed day when Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa was elected the fifth Khalifa of the Promised Messiahas, and the world head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat. The Promised Messiahas and his Khilafat had always stood for the propagation of the true teachings of Continued on page 3

Hadith-e-Rasul – Sayings of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa

No wisdom like reflection Hazrat Abu Dhar, Allah be pleased with him, narrates that the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “There is no wisdom like reflection, and no honour like good manners.” (Sunan Ibn Majah, Kitab Al-Zuhd) Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, In His Own Words

Obligations and voluntary deeds All the virtuous deeds performed by a person may be divided into two categories: obligatory and voluntary. Obligatory deeds refer to that which is compulsory on man, such as the repayment of a debt or goodness in kind. In addition to these obligations, every good deed is accompanied by an aspect of voluntary service, that is to say, virtue which is above and beyond the call of duty. An example of this would be for one to reciprocate greater benevolence than that shown to him by another. This serves to complete and perfect compulsory actions. This Hadith expounds that the saints of Allah perfect their religious obligations through the observance of voluntary acts of worship. For example, in addition to zakat, they also give charity. Allah the Exalted becomes the friend of such people and states that this relation grows to such intimacy that He becomes the hands, feet, etc. of such a person; in fact, He even becomes the tongue with which such a person speaks. (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, Malfuzat, Vol. 1, p.12)


Friday 26 April 2019 | AL HAKAM

From the Markaz

This Week in History 26 April - 2 May

26 April 1931: Hazrat Musleh-eMaudra delivered a lecture in the town hall of Mansoori on HinduMuslim Unity while he was on his journey of north India.

this day, Hazrat Mir Muhammad Ishaqra established a care centre for orphans and needy people in the Jamaat. It was named DarulShayookh.

27 April 1914: Hazrat Muslehe-Maudra began darses of Sahih Bukhari. His predecessor, Hazrat Hakim Maulvi Nuruddin, Khalifatul Masih Ira used to deliver darses of Bukhari – the most authentic compilation of the Hadith – along with darses on the Holy Quran regularly.

2 May 1930: Hazrat Musleh-eMaudra wrote a detailed letter to the Viceroy of India Mr Irwin and presented him the basic seven options to move forward with the prevailing law and order situation in those chaotic times.

27 April 1938: Hazrat Musleh-eMaudra embarked on his journey towards Sindh where he stayed till the end of next month. 29 April 1946: Hazrat Muslehe-Maudra directed members of the Jamaat to learn the basic teachings of the Holy Quran and enhance their focus on producing more Huffaz (those who memorise the Holy Quran by heart). 30 April 1931: Hazrat Muslehe-Maudra went to Dehradun, nowadays the interim capital of Uttarakhand, a state in India. 30 April 1955: Hazrat Musleh-eMaudra had been suffering poor health due to a knife attack in Masjid Mubarak, Rabwah. Owing to the impact this fatal attempt on his life had on Huzoor’sra health, doctors asked him to travel to Europe to get complete medical care. On this day, Huzoor’sra entourage left from Karachi for Damascus, the first leg of the months-long journey. 1 May 1926: Hazrat Mir Muhammad Ishaqra was famous for his general welfare projects as was his respected father Hazrat Mir Nasir Nawabra. On

2 May 1938: Hafiz Bashir Ahmad Jalandhari Sahib passed away in Darul-Rahmat Qadian while doing Waqar-e-Amal (voluntary labour for the benefit of society). This made him the first shaheed (martyr) for the sake of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya. 2 May 1944: Hazrat Musleh-eMaudra introduced a scheme to prepare a rebuttal to the book Satyarth Prakash. Scholars of the Jamaat worked accordingly, and well before February the following year, a reply to the allegations raised in the eight chapters of this book were prepared. 2 May 1965: Renowned British Historian, Dr Peter Hardy of SOAS University of London and author of The Muslims of British India arrived at Rabwah. He enjoyed meeting with Sahibzada Mirza Tahir Ahmad Sahibrh and Mir Mahmood Ahmad Nasir Sahib, aside from spending time in the newly developed town of Pakistan. Dr Hardy distinctly remembered Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh due to his long prayers at the university. Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh had spent a few years in London as a young student.

Switzerland Waqifaat-eNau have audience with Huzoor n 21 April, a group of Waqf-eNau from Switzerland travelled to O Islamabad to meet with their Imam, Hazrat

Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih Vaa. The mulaqat began with a young Lajna member saying Jazakallah to Huzooraa. When Huzooraa asked as to why she had said this, she replied by saying that it was for Huzoor’s efforts and prayers – day and night – for the progress of the Jamaat. The same Waqifa-e-Nau asked Huzooraa about his opinion on climate change. Huzoor said that plantations should be increased, carbon emissions should be reduced and a more climate-friendly lifestyle should be adopted. Huzooraa also added that this was something that could only be done through a global effort. Huzooraa was also asked how the Lahori Jamaat came into being? Huzooraa explained that now it was almost nonexistent. Huzooraa then further explained the beliefs that were held by its followers as well as why they were incorrect and how it was Khilafat that was intended to be established after the Promised Messiah’sas demise. Many have read the history surrounding this – but Huzoor’s narration of the fold of events as to how Allah the Exalted strengthened Khilafat at the hands of Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra had a certain attraction that cannot be found in pages. “Only the equivalent of 50 cents were left behind in the treasury after the Lahoris left as they took the wealth of the Jamaat. But what happened? Allah the Exalted granted progress to the Jamaat under Khilafat and the Jamaat became established in 212 countries of the world. But the Paighamis are still in the same place where they were when they started.” Huzooraa also stated that when he visited Fiji, some Paighamis met him and asked to enter the Jamaat. On the topic of euthanasia, Huzooraa stated that Islam did not allow this, further adding that the pain that we face is a way of effacing our sins. The right of life and death is in the hands of God and whoso takes that right into their own hands commits a sin. Huzooraa stated that euthanasia is forbidden in the same way that suicide is. A Waqifa-e-Nau asked Huzooraa to what degree our fate is sealed and whether it can be changed through prayers. Huzooraa explained: “Allah the Almighty has knowledge of everything. Allah the Exalted knows that such and such person will act in a certain way. There are two types of decrees; one that cannot be changed such as death – though you may be able to prolong your life, but in the end everyone shall pass away. Some decrees are such, for example, if you place your hand in a snake’s nest,

then the snake will bite you. If you then say that I placed my hand thinking divine providence shall save me, then this is incorrect. Hence, precautions have to be taken. The Holy Prophet Muhammadsa asked one of his companions who lost his camel as to whether he tied it to something. The companion replied by saying ‘I relied upon God in this matter.’ The Holy Prophetsa stated that first tie the camel, then turn to reliance upon God. Hence, Allah the Almighty knows whether you are going to make a mistake or not, but if you are careful and abstain from this, then the decree begins to change. Hazrat Musleh-eMaudra also stated that you should not sit idle, waiting for your destiny, but rather go out and achieve it; it is then that Allah also helps you. It is the way of those who are pessimistic to say that such and such thing was just destiny. This is not the case. Destiny can change. Some parts of it are unalterable and some are liable to change, and this is through a person’s actions.” A young girl asked Huzooraa what should be done about parents who tell their children to pray but themselves do not. Huzooraa stated that it was wrong as they then lose the right to tell their children to offer Salat. The Holy Quran states that it is wrong to tell others to do something that you yourself do not do. Huzooraa further pointed out that when such children grow older they become rebellious as they do not see their own parents acting upon what they tell them to do, and thus tarbiyat issues arise. A question was asked whether there is any truth to someone claiming their sixth sense inclined them towards something and it turned out to be reality. Huzooraa stated that sometimes it is just intuition and a kind of feeling is created that something is about to happen which is from Allah the Almighty. However, this is not like something that is revealed from God. It is simply a feeling that is generated based upon someone’s surroundings. Huzooraa stated that if someone ever has this feeling that something bad is about to take place, then one should give Sadaqa to be safeguarded from its evils. A moving question was asked by a young girl, about after Huzooraa became Khalifa and how Huzoor’s mother addressed him. Huzoor replied, “By my name” and added “She was there [in Rabwah] and I was here, so there was not much opportunity for her to address me. We met in Qadian and she would address me without using my name.” The mulaqat lasted around half an hour in which Huzooraa answered all questions in a serene and joyful environment. At the end, Huzooraa distributed pens to all Waqifaat.


Friday 26 April 2019 | AL HAKAM Continued from page 1

Islam and it was this mission that was to continue and see new heights. From the very outset, the greatest mission that Huzooraa took upon himself was to highlight the peaceful teachings of Islam. This was no less a challenge in a world that had – owing to the trumpets blown by the media – become convinced that Islam was a synonym of terror and violence. But the results of these efforts of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa soon became visible when parliaments from around the world started to invite him to address their houses and present the version of Islam that was the only true one and hence, the only practicable one. While this served the cause of Islam, this representation also proved that the only Muslim sect that had a leadership was the Ahmadiyya Jamaat. It also proved that Khilafat – wished and desired for themselves by so many Muslim clerics and their circles – is not, and can never be, a man-made institution, but is one that only comes from divine decree and Allah’s support and favour. Hardships had been inflicted on members of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat from its very founding, but this era of Khilafat-eKhamisa saw Ahmadis brutally martyred in episodes like the Lahore massacre of 2010. Nothing wavered the steadfastness and progress of the community that followed the footsteps of its leader and Imam, and this great Imam sailed the Jamaat through any and every hardship with great perseverance. In return to this inhumane treatment by the opponents, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa always gave projects that were aimed at serving humanity in return – multimillion-pound projects, all funded by the community’s humble contributions. Facilities of clean drinking water, eye clinics, organ donation facilities, model housing schemes for the underprivileged, and education have been set up in the time, and under the auspices, of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa. Although Huzooraa has often expressed his love for Africa, this love has spoken loudly for itself through the humanitarian schemes that Huzooraa has initiated across this continent. Although great parliaments have invited him to visit them and although dignitaries from great metropolises of the world have presented him keys to their cities, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa has described the primary purpose behind his visits to be able to meet the members of the Jamaat who live in those countries. This demonstrates the love Huzooraa possesses for the Jamaat. He is aware that every single Ahmadi in the world wants to meet him, but not everyone is capable of doing so, and this very passion of the Jamaat turns into the underlying motive of his travels to various parts of the world. Huzooraa is the only Muslim leader who stands firm on the teachings of Islam and never hesitates to express before any assembly of dignitaries, the media, the academia and politicians, his honest

opinion on their policies. Where he disagrees with their policies, he is sure to let them know of it, while also offering the solutions. Alongside condemning the havoc created by the extremist circles of the Muslim world, Huzooraa has, to the faces of members belonging to the Western political process, traced the supply-chain of their weapons back to the West. During the past 16 years, the character of the Holy Prophetsa of Islam has been ridiculed and mocked by the Western media. While the rest of the Muslim world opted to take it to the streets through violent protests, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa has continued to present the most reasonable and Islamic response by drawing the world’s attention to the beauties of the Holy Prophet’ssa character. His response to such situations has proved that words can sometimes speak louder than actions and that if actions do speak louder than words, then Muslims have to be extremely cautious in the way they act and react in such provocative situations. A significant rise in media attention towards the Ahmadiyya community has been observed in these 16 years of Huzoor’saa Khilafat. What he has provided the media with is something that they proudly include in publications, and publishing in this day and age means placing it online; hence reaching millions of readers through the worldwide web.

In the blessed era of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa, mosques emerged in such great numbers on the global skyline that the community behind them could not be ignored by the media, politicians, governments and the general public at large. Deep interest has always been shown when Huzooraa has inaugurated a mosque in any part of the world. All in attendance can be seen deeply engrossed in the message of Islam when Huzooraa speaks to them in his addresses. Muslim Television Ahmadiyya International, referred to as MTA, has grown from strength to strength in this blessed era and has been able to take the message of the One God and His Prophet, Hazrat Muhammadsa to all continents in all major languages of the world. While MTA 1’s transmission covered the whole world from its inception, the launch of MTA 2 for mainland Europe, MTA 3 AlArabiyya for the stretch of the Arab world and MTA Africa for the great continent of Africa have come into existence in the blessed era of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa. Many more broadcast schemes, exclusive to other major regions, are underway as you read these lines. Hundreds of thousands of Ahmadis have turned to Huzooraa seeking guidance in personal, educational, professional and social matters and have received the best life-changing advice. Hundreds of dignitaries have approached him and sought advice on matters of social, legal

and political nature and have left saying that Huzooraa was better informed about what they discussed with him. They too have felt better-informed after the audience. Thousands of letters a day is not an overstatement when it comes to the unique connection that Huzooraa maintains with members of the Jamaat who are as close to his heart as he is to theirs. So here we have a man of God, a man of peace, a man of love, relentlessly propagating the message of Islam to the corners of the earth; occupied with transforming the lives of millions through his blessed words and busy in calling the world to the One God in the most challenging of times in world history. We know that Huzooraa recently moved from London to Islamabad as part of the shift of Markaz. Those who presented official letters on the same evening that Huzooraa had arrived in Islamabad received replies the very next afternoon. Those who visited his new office for the first time found Huzooraa busy with his work just as he is always seen during the time of official mulaqats. May Allah bless this great man, our beloved Huzooraa, with much more energy, health and a long, prosperous life. May Allah always protect him. Long live Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa!


Friday 26 April 2019 | AL HAKAM

Third Jalsa Salana Haiti

Switzerland Waqifeen-e-Nau Mulaqat

Qaisar Mahmood Tahir President & missionary in-charge Haiti

On 23 and 24 March, Jamaat Haiti held their third Jalsa Salana. Preparations for the event began three months in advance with visits to various local chapters informing members of the importance of the annual convention. 15 members were trained specifically for the administration of Jalsa this year. With the grace of Allah, the Jalsa was a success, with a total attendance of 158, including 22 non-Ahmadi guests. We were fortunate that the Jamaat was sent a special message by Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih Vaa. In his message, Huzooraa said: “… During the Jalsa, in addition to the obligatory prayers (Salat) and voluntary worship (Nawafil), you should remain constantly engaged in the remembrance of Allah. Your thoughts should be pure and your attention should be directed towards Allah the Almighty.” Huzooraa went on to say: “I urge you to listen regularly to my Friday sermons and my addresses at other important functions and events. This will not only increase your knowledge and understanding of the true beliefs and teachings of Islam, but will also enable you to strengthen your attachment and loyalty to the blessed institution of Khilafat.” Advising the attendees of Jalsa about the unique qualities of the blessing we have in the form of Khilafat, Huzooraa said: “Today, the task of the revival of Islam and indeed the attainment of world peace can only be achieved by adhering to the system of Khilafat. Therefore, you should always uphold this noble institution and ensure that you and your future generations always remain within the blessed guidance, shelter and protection of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya.”

Nakuru tabligh seminar Tahir Ahmad Machengo Kenya Correspondent

ONakuru Kenya had the opportunity to

n 6 April 2019, Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya

host a tabligh seminar at their main Mubarak Mosque in Nakuru. The programme was attended by imams, teachers and students from a local well-known Islamic institution within Nakuru County. After the formal start with the recitation of the Holy Quran and an introduction to the team and organisation, Sheikh Nasir Mehmood Tahir Sahib, regional missionary in-charge Nakuru delivered a comprehensive speech about the introduction of Jamaat and its main beliefs. This was followed by a question and answer session which lasted for about an hour and a half. At the end of the session, Sheikh Suleiman Maravino made a vote of thanks to the Jamaat for inviting them to their mosque and said that it was the very first visit for him and his fellow imams, teachers and students to the Nakuru Mosque. They were very impressed and learnt a lot about Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya, contrary to what they used to believe before then. Later, all the guests had a tour of the mosque and library. The transmission of MTA Africa was also shown to the guests. Guests prayed Zuhr prayer at the mosque. In total, 50 people attended the seminar, including 35 non-Ahmadi Guests.


group of Waqifeen-e-Nau from Switzerland had the good fortune of having a mulaqat with Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa on 21 April 2019 in which they asked many questions on varying subjects. This group mulaqat took place in the new markaz. The first question asked was if a third world war erupted, what the role of Waqifeen-e-Nau would be? Huzoor replied: “The role of the Waqifeen-e-Nau shall be the same then as it is now. If a world war is going to happen and such is the Divine Will that for the reformation of people and to turn them towards Allah the Almighty, He so wishes to create such conditions that people incline towards Him ... then it shall be for this purpose that people are turning away from God Almighty. That is why before that happens, it is the role of the Waqifeen-e-Nau that within their countries, regions and people, they turn people’s attention towards the fact that they are forgetting the existence of God and get them to remember Allah, to bring them towards Him, bring them towards religion and help them fulfil the rights of man and God, lest a divine calamity befalls them in the form of wars. It is for this reason that calamities do appear … Hence, there is work to be done before and after. Firstly, making them aware of this and secondly, when they turn towards you teach them religion’ Another Waqf asked what the limit of love for one’s country should be in light of “Love for one’s country is part of faith”? Huzoor answered: “The country Switzerland is your country; it’s citizens are part of your nation. You need to strive for their betterment and progress – this is love. However, love does not entail that if the nation’s law tells you to stop praying or to stop believing in God, then you cease to do this. In such a

situation, there is no love. Once Hazrat Ali’sra son asked him, ‘Do you love God?’ He replied by saying, ‘Yes I do.’ He asked, ‘Do you love me?’ He replied by saying, ‘Yes.’ His son then asked, ‘How can these two loves coincide?’ Hazrat Alira replied by saying, ‘When the question of love for God arises, then love for you is secondary. “Allah the Almighty has commanded to love your nation, which entails working for its betterment, for its progress, using your faculties to help your nation. This is love [for your nation]. However, love for God is that according to the religion which you have believed in, you should discharge the rights of God, and within the rights of God and His teachings is the command to discharge the rights of man. This is where the hudood are established. Do everything whilst remaining within the bounds of religion.” A Waqf-e-Nau said that whilst doing tabligh at book stalls, some individuals were abusive towards him. He asked how he should react? Huzooraa replied by saying to show patience and that if anyone flung books off the table, simply pick them up and place them back where they were. Huzooraa emphasised the fact that if he was to show patience and pick those things up from the floor that the abusive individuals may have thrown off the tabligh stalls, people watching this would show sympathy and be moved by this and see the abuser as being in the wrong. Huzooraa stated that he received reports where locals confronted such people and told them that what they did was wrong, when our Ahmadis showed patience in the face of abuse. Once, some people even offered to help distribute the literature after Ahmadis had to face abuse and showed patience. Another question was asked in relation to how we can safeguard ourselves from the immorality prevalent in society today.

Huzooraa stated that having good relations with the locals does not mean joining in their immoral activities, but rather one should build a good relationship with them by showing them kindness. However, it is the responsibility of not just the Waqifeen-e-Nau, but every Ahmadi to safeguard themselves from immoral practices. Integration means to work for the progress of your country, not to discard your own religious practices. One Waqife-e-Nau asked Huzooraa how he felt when he moved from the Fazl Mosque to Islamabad. Huzooraa said: “I have come to Islamabad many times before, so it is not the first time. However, I left one place and moved to another and I remember the people from that area. They would come everyday, men and women, stand and wave to me when I would go to the mosque. There would be an exchange of ‘Assalamo alaikum’ whilst coming and going from Namaz. Now those people have been left there and we have moved here. But now, there are new people here with whom ‘Assalamo alaikum’ and ‘Wa alaikumussalam’ is exchanged. These things are always present and they never are a hurdle [in the progress of the Jamaat]. These things are also temporary [the feelings associated with such moves] and they eventually cease to exist.” Huzooraa smilingly asked the young man: “Why aren’t you asking about how I felt when I left everything in Pakistan and came here?” Another question was which books Waqifeen-e-Nau should be reading. Huzooraa replied by saying that the Waqf-e-Nau syllabus should be studied first. Huzooraa reiterated that the most important book is the Holy Quran, and a daily recitation along with its translation was imperative.


Friday 26 April 2019 | AL HAKAM

Nasirat from Germany first group to meet Huzoor in new Markaz

Sadr Lajna Imaillah Germany Atia Nuur Ahmad-Hübsch


group of 73 Nasirat from Germany were blessed to have a mulaqat with their beloved Imam, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah be his Helper, on Saturday, 20 April 2019. Every year, Lajna Imaillah Germany organises a tour spanning several days under the national department for Nasirat for those girls who are in their last year in Nasirat-ul-Ahmadiyya and soon will be joining the organisation of Lajna Imaillah. This year with the gracious approval of Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa, this Nasirattour was planned to the UK from 18 to 22 April 2019. The group consisted of 73 Nasirat and 9 Lajna members, among them national secretary Nasirat, natonal general secretary and 7 Lajna members who

Khilafat-e-Rashida exhibition by Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada

S Mukarram Nazeer Canada Correspondent

arkness spells fear but makes one D realise what is missing. Khilafat is a gift, a blanket of solace for the faithful and

served as mentors during this tour. The highlight of the tour was the mulaqat which took place on Saturday, 20 April in Islamabad, Tilford. Upon arrival at the new Markaz, all the participants of the group were extremely excited and emotional to see the new place. After all the group had been seated in the room where the mulaqat was going to take place, they were informed that they were extremely blessed to be the first group to have mulaqat in the new Markaz, which was a historical event. To hear this was a very emotional moment for all the Nasirat and Lajna members and they felt very humbled and blessed. Finally, the long-awaited moment arrived and Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih Vaa entered the room, which was instantly filled with light and

blessings. Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa asked where the Nasirat had come from and Sadr Lajna Imaillah Germany, Atia Nuur AhmadHübsch, introduced the group that there were Nasirat from all over Germany. The Nasirat then had the opportunity to ask their questions and Huzooraa graciously shed light on the different topics and gave guidance on various matters in detail. Regarding a question on Purdah, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa explained in detail how the minimum standard of Purdah has been defined and that Purdah means to cover one’s beauty and attraction, except in front of those relatives who are mentioned in the Holy Quran. One girl asked about the current “Fridays for future” campaigns. Huzooraa elucidated that the previous days there

a fulfillment of Allah’s promise that “He will surely transform fear into peace” and bridge the gap of 1300 years with the Companionsra of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. Starting on 23 March, Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada invited guests to a four-day exhibition to learn about this three-decade period of early Islam and the legacy of sacrifices of its first four caliphs. This episode of Islamic history is generally considered awash in turbulence by some, but beyond shallow research, one discovers a divine truth. The chaos surrounding the beginning of Islam is undeniable; nations were bent on crushing this flower before it bloomed, but in the meadow of every heart it would continue to flourish. Thus, in truth, the maelstrom only helped reveal the light of Khilafat through four of the dearest companions of the Holy Prophetsa. Nearly six months ago, students and faculty of Jamia convened for this project

and were divided into teams. The aim was to deliver information in a manner both coherent and concise. Having produced three exhibitions in the past, some features were reintroduced this year as well. Youngsters roamed around with clipboards, searching for answers to a quiz to win a small reward. A VR (virtual reality) headset allowed guests to immerse in the ambience of holy Islamic places without leaving the room. Talks were held throughout the four days, narrating the humble and pious lives of Khulafa-e-Rashideen (may Allah be pleased with them), including two additional talks on The Outset of Dissension in Islam and the preservation of the Holy Quran and history of Islamic calligraphy. The audience was left moved. Guests later remarked that hearing stories of Islam in narrative form was very captivating and forceful. The last exhibition on Khilafat-eAhmadiyya was published in book form. By the grace of Allah, over 1,500 guests toured

had been large protests in UK regarding climate change and that these protests had caused great economic losses which was not sensible to do. Huzooraa explained that climate change is an important topic, but it is essential that everybody does efforts in this regard. People have become very comfortable e.g. using the car for small distances instead of walking etc. At the end of the mulaqat, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa most graciously said: “You are the first group to have a mulaqat in the new Markaz. So, you have become a part of history now.” Following this, Huzooraa gifted each member of the group a pen and chocolate. Alhamdolillah! All the Nasirat and Lajna members of the group were overwhelmed, extremely joyous and humbled to have been granted these precious blessed moments with their beloved Imamaa. With tearful eyes and their hearts filled with the praise of Allah the Almighty, they then went to Mubarak Mosque where they performed Zuhr prayer behind Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa. The group thanked their Lord for granting them this unique opportunity and the possibility to enjoy the blessings of Khilafat. We are thankful to Allah for granting us this extremely blessed experience and grateful towards our beloved Imam, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa for most graciously granting humble servants like us so much of his precious time. We are also thankful to Jamaat UK for their kind hospitality, especially the Jamaat and Lajna of Jamaat Feltham, where the group had been accommodated and been taken care of by the local brothers and sisters. May Allah reward them the best reward.

the exhibition. Khilafat-e-Rashida holds a special significance for Ahmadi Muslims. For today, we are granted the Khilafat which connects us to the Holy Prophetsa. Every Ahmadi pays homage to Allah for this blessing. The Promised Messiahas writes, “I came from God as a Manifestation of Divine Providence and I am a personification of His Power. And after I am gone, there will be some other persons who will be the manifestation of His second Power”. He also writes, “It is essential for you to witness the second Manifestation also, and its coming is better for you because it is everlasting, the continuity of which will not end till the Day of Judgement.” (Al Wasiyyat [The Will]) With such a blessing, gratefulness means to pray for our beloved Imam, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih (may Allah be his Helper) and serve him earnestly so that Ahmadiyyat may conquer the hearts of mankind.


Friday 26 April 2019 | AL HAKAM Responding to Allegations

Interpretation of the Holy Quran Did the interpretations of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira and Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra contradict the viewpoint of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas? َّ َّ ُ َ ْ َّ َ َ َ ْ ْ ّ ً َ ْ َ ُ َ ْ َ َ َ ْ ّ ً ْ َ َ َ َ َ ‫اه ِم ْن ل ُدنا‬ ‫فوجدا عبدا ِمن ِعبا ِدنا آتيناه رحمة ِمن ِعن ِدنا وعلمن‬ ْ ‫ِعل ًما‬ “Then, they found one of Our servants, upon whom We had bestowed Our mercy, and whom We had taught knowledge from Ourself.” (Surah al-Kahf, Ch.18: V.66) Referring to the incident mentioned in the above verse and the succeeding verses, opponents allege that the interpretation of these verses by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira and Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra contradict the viewpoint of the Promised Messiahas regarding these verses. Allah the Almighty states in the Holy Quran: َ ‫الرَ ْح ٰم ُن َع َّل َم ال ْ ُق ْر‬ ّ ‫آن‬ “It is God, the Gracious, Who has taught the Quran [to the Holy Prophetsa].” (Surah al-Rahman, Ch.55: V.2-3)It should be noted here that God did not say: ‫اوحی الیہ الفاظ القرآن‬ that “God revealed the words of the Quran to him [the Holy Prophetsa]” but instead, He said, “[God] taught the Quran [to the Holy Prophetsa)”, thereby integrating the two subjects that Allah the Almighty not only taught the words of the Holy Quran to the Holy Prophetsa but also taught their meanings as well. After teaching the words and deep understanding of the Holy Quran, Allah the Almighty assigned him the task of teaching mankind its meaning and explanation saying: َّ َ ّ ُ َ ْ ّ َ ْ َ َ ْ َ َ َ ُ ‫اس َما ن ِّز َل ِال َ ْی ِہ ْم‬ ِ ‫وأنزلنا إِليك‬ ِ ‫الذكر ل ِت َب ِين ل ِلن‬ “And We have sent down to you the reminder that you may explain to mankind that which has been sent down to them.” (Surah al-Nahl, Ch.16: V.45) However, the Holy Prophetsa did not explain all those meanings that were taught to him by Allah the Almighty, as we find that after the demise of the Holy Prophetsa, righteous scholars continued to present various new meanings of the Holy Quran and this will persist till the end of times. If someone says that the Holy Prophetsa already explained all the meanings of the Holy Quran, then we ask, where are they? Were they wasted by Allah the Almighty? Of course not! Prophets only follow the commandments of God. They explain those meanings that Allah the Almighty guides them to explain through concealed or clear revelation and they refrain from explaining those meanings about which Allah the Almighty does not command them to explain. Moreover, a prophet would be held responsible if he explained a point of divine wisdom about which Allah the Almighty had not instructed him to explain and vice versa. Allah the Almighty has pointed out this responsibility of the Holy Prophetsa in the Holy Quran:

َ ْ ْ َ َ ْ ُ ُ​َُُّ َ ْ ََُّْ َ ْ َْ​َ ُْ َْ ‫اب َو ال ِحک َمة‬ ‫یتلوا علی ِھم آیا ِت ِہ ویزک ِی ِھم و یع ِلمھم ال ِکت‬ “[The Prophetsa] who recites unto them [the Companionsra] His Signs, and purifies them, and teaches them the Book and wisdom.” (Surah al-Jumuah, Ch.62: V.3) In the words “who recites unto them His Signs”, the teaching of words is being highlighted while in “[he] teaches them the book”, the teaching of deeper meanings is being referred to. We are not worthy of posing such questions against the Holy Prophetsa as why he did not let his companions know about various new meanings of the Holy Quran, which were later explained by the righteous people of his ummah. A prophet is not bound to act in accordance with the desires and recommendations of his followers. Similar was the matter of the Promised Messiahas. The prophecy that was foretold by the Holy Prophetsa regarding the Promised Messiahas has been narrated in three different ways in the Hadith: “Abu Hurairahra relates that people were sitting around the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, when Surah al-Jumuah was revealed. When the Prophetsa recited the verse ‘And among others from among them who have not yet joined them. He is the Mighty, the Wise’ (Surah al-Jumuah, Ch.62: V.4), a person enquired from the Holy Prophetsa as to who those people would be? He repeated this question two or three times. Hazrat Salmanra the Persian was also seated in the audience. The Holy Prophetsa placed his hand on the shoulder of Salmanra the Persian and said, ‘If faith goes up to the Pleiades, even then people from among the Persians will certainly bring it back [to Earth].’” (Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab Tafsir ul Quran) “Abu Hurairahra reported that Allah’s Messenger, peace and blessings of God

be upon him, said: ‘If faith goes up to the Pleiades, even then a person from Persia would surely take hold of it, or one amongst the Persian descent would bring it back [to Earth].’” (Sahih Muslim, Kitab Fazail ul Sahaba) “Abu Hurairahra reported from Allah’s Messenger, peace and blessings of God be upon him: ‘If knowledge goes up to the Pleiades, even then people from among the Persians would certainly bring it back [to Earth].’” (Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Hadith 7937) The words “[He] would certainly bring it back [to Earth from the Pleiades]” indicate that Allah the Almighty would Himself teach the Promised Messiahas deep understandings of the Holy Quran. He was also bound to follow true guidance through divine revelation. Hence, he explained those meanings of the Holy Quran that Allah the Almighty guided him to explain through concealed or clear revelations and refrained from explaining those meanings about which Allah the Almighty did not command him to explain. The Khulafa and righteous scholars who came after him explained various other meanings of the Holy Quran under the guidance of Allah the Almighty and will continue to do so. In the era of the Promised Messiahas, people used to believe that only a prophet is worthy of divine revelation as is the case even in the present times. So, if somebody claims that he has received divine revelation, nobody trusts them as they consider it not from Allah the Almighty and believed it to be a figment of their own imagination. Therefore, the Promised Messiahas pointed out four instances from the Holy Quran to remove these misconceptions about divine revelation, which are as follows: 1. The disciples of Jesusas received

divine revelations, though they were not prophets. 2. The mother of Jesusas received divine revelation and she was told about future events regarding the birth and future life of Jesusas. 3. The mother of Mosesas received divine revelation to place him in a basket and set him adrift on a river when and if she felt any threat for the life of her child. 4. In the incidents of Mosesas, there is mention of a man of God who received divine revelation and carried out various works, which at first appeared objectionable and against the Shariah, but later proved correct. Thus, the Promised Messiahas clarified from the above examples that a non-prophet can receive divine revelation and moreover, this divine revelation is worthy of being reliable and true. The Promised Messiahas proved from the incidents of the mother of Mosesas and that of Mosesas with a man of God that divine revelations received by holy persons reach the level of certainty. As they considered their revelation true and certain, one of them set her son adrift on a river and endangered his life while the other one killed a boy. If they had not considered their divine revelations to be true and reliable, they would never have acted upon them. This explanation presented by the Promised Messiahas before the world could only be carried out by taking the apparent meanings from these words of the Holy Quran. Had Huzooras explained the deeper, hidden meanings of these verses of the Holy Quran as explained by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira in his darses (in-depth sermons of verses of the Holy Quran) and Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra in Tafsir-eKabir (Urdu exegesis of the Holy Quran) instead of the apparent meanings, then he could not have deduced this explanation and it would not have created any impact on the general public. In fact, it would have produced an opposite effect and people would have mocked him because only that person can be influenced by his explanation of deeper meanings of the Holy Quran who has true faith in him. The second explanation related to the incident of Mosesas with the man of God presented by the Promised Messiahas was that if one does not understand the actions and sayings of those holy men who attain elevated status from the Divine, and it is proven from various divine signs that they receive divine revelations, they should not raise allegations against them because we cannot reach the depth of their reality. Again, this explanation can only be presented by taking the apparent meaning of the Holy Quran because the person who does not consider the Promised Messiahas from Allah the Almighty or


Friday 26 April 2019 | AL HAKAM who has accepted him but is still in doubt concerning smaller matters cannot be satisfied with the apparent meanings of the verses of the Holy Quran. Presenting inner meanings of the Holy Quran in front of such a person who is in confusion and uncertain would further distant them from the right path. During the age of the Promised Messiahas, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira, while explaining this matter to a person in a letter, also took the apparent meaning of these verses. His letter is cited in Izala-eAuham, a book of the Promised Messiahas, and is as follows: “…Thus, have faith in the divine revelations. Do not claim of having absolute understanding of them. An incident, dating prior to the advent of our leader, our master, and the seal of all the Prophets, mentioned at the end of part fifteen and the beginning of part sixteen of the Holy Quran, holds considerable importance. The incident relates to Prophet Mosesas, an undisputed resolute law-bearing prophet according to the Jews, Christians and Muslims. This noble Prophet, as recorded by the imam-ulmuhadithin [chief scholar of the traditions of the Holy Prophetsa] Imam Bukharirh and his likes, is reported to have said on one occasion, “I know everything”. Thereupon, God led him to His dear one, Khizaras. When Prophet Mosesas met this arif [the enlightened one], he was not able to grasp the depth of his true wisdom and deep spiritual insight. Khizaras had already told him: َ َ َّ َ ‫إِنك ل َ ْن ت ْس َتط ِْيع َم ِعيَ َصبْ ًرا‬ ‘Thou, canst not keep company with me in patience’ and َ ُ ْ ُ ٰ ‫َوك ْي َف تَ ْصبِ ُر َع‬ ‫لى َما ل َ ْم ت ِحط ِب ِه خبْ ًرا‬ ‘And how canst thou be patient about things, the knowledge of which thou comprehendest not?’ (Surah al-Kahf, Ch.18: V.68-69). Hence, as an etiquette of faith, the conduct required was at least to remain silent in matters of such persons….” (Izala-e-Auham, Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 3, p. 628) But later, when he delivered a dars in the mosque, he elaborated the hidden meanings of these verses because on this occasion, the interpretation was needed. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra also explained the deeper meanings of these verses in Tafsir-e-Kabir. So, the apparent and hidden meanings of the verses cannot be considered contradictory to each other. Apparent meanings are based on one concept while the deeper meanings are based on various other concepts. It is for this reason that nobody from among the Companionsra ever raised any objection against Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira or Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra because every one of them knew that the Promised Messiahas had discussed these verses, presenting their apparent meanings. The Khulafara explained the deeper meanings of these verses, as is stated in a Hadith of the Holy Prophetsa, ُ ْ َ ْ ‫ل ِک ِ ّل آیَ ٍۃ ِّمن َھا ظ ْھ ٌر َوبَط ٌن‬ “Every verse has an apparent and an inner meaning to it.” (Mishkat-ul-Masabih, Kitab al-Ilm) (Research conducted by a panel of scholars)

Ahmadiyya European Football Tournament

Winners of the Ahmadiyya European Football Tournament 2019 – Germany A

Mujeeb Ahmad Mirza Secretary Majlis-e-Sehat UK

Majlis-e-Sehat UK was established by Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IVrh in 2001. One of the main responsibilities of the organisation is to engage the members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in sports by organising events and activities aimed at improving the physical wellbeing of members of the community. By the Grace of Allah, Majlis-eSehat UK regularly organises football, basketball, cricket, badminton and volleyball tournaments. We are honoured to have organised many national level tournaments, as well as on a European and International level. Some of these events have been graced with the blessed presence of Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa. After the success of last year’s European Football Tournament, this year again, Majlis-e-Sehat UK was given the opportunity to host the Ahmadiyya European Football Tournament.

The Tournament started on Friday, 19 April with the opening session taking place in Baitul Futuh Mosque in London. This year, the following teams participated in this tournament (all teams were divided into 3 groups): Group A: UK A, Germany A, Germany B, Bulgaria Group B: UK B, PAAMA, Fazle-Umar, Denmark, Sweden Group C: Jamia UK, Ireland, Belgium, Holland, Jamia Germany Over the weekend, all of the group stage matches and quarter finals were played at Surrey Sports Park, each game lasting 40 minutes. In total, 30 Matches were played. On Monday, 22 April, the semi-finals and final took place at Carshalton FC Stadium. Semi-final 1: Germany A vs UK B Score was 3-0 Semi-final 2: UK A vs PAAMA score was 4-0 The final was played between Germany A and UK A, with Germany A winning 1-0.

The concluding session took place thereafter and prizes were given to the following: • Player of the Tournament: Omar Nija (Germany A) • Golden Boot: Ahmad Butt (Holland) • Golden Glove: Rameez Ahmed (Germany A) • Fair Play Award: Denmark • Runners-up: UK A • Winners of the Ahmadiyya European Football Tournament 2019: Germany A The highlight of the tournament was the photo session with Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih Vaa. Each team had the honour to have pictures taken with their beloved Imam. By the grace of Allah the Almighty, all arrangements and matches went smoothly and the guests of the Promised Messiahas returned to their homes safe and happy. We look forward to welcoming more teams next year and aim to make the tournament better and bigger – InshaAllah.


Friday 26 April 2019 | AL HAKAM

Read the English translations of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih’s Friday Sermons in Al Hakam

First ever Jalsa Salana of Baltic states held in Lithuania

Tahir Ahmed Bhatti Germany Correspondent


he Jamaat of the Promised Messiahas saw another sign in its favour in the Baltic states where the Jamaat organised its first ever Jalsa Salana in Lithuania on 30 March 2019. 8 countries were represented, including the UK and Germany, with a total participation of 225 members, 150 of whom were guests. The Jalsa Salana was held in a spacious hall of a hotel, and arrangements of Langar Khana and an exhibition were made at the same location. The Khuddam, Ansar and Lajna

organisations of local states were well supported by the tabligh department team of Germany who travelled to the Jalsa not only as guests but also as hosts. In this way, it was an attractive and moving scene of “And help one another in righteousness and piety” (Surah al-Maidah, Ch.5: V.3) and the spirit of this cooperation lasted from the opening session to the windup phase. The first Jalsa Salana of the Baltic states lasted for one day and two sessions, each session presided by Amir Jamaat Germany Abdullah Wagishauser Sahib and Rana Khalid Ahmad Sahib In-charge Russian Desk (UK). Rana Khalid Ahmad Sahib was especially sent from the Markaz as representative of Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa. Other than a large number of local participants from all walks of life, Mr Mantas Adomenas MP participated and the speaker of parliament sent a messege for Jalsa Salana. Mr Viktoras Pranckietis, Speaker of the Seimas (Lithuanian parliament) sent the following message: “It is with utmost pleasure that I welcome you to the Annual Convention of

the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community held in the Baltic States for the first time. I am delighted that the tradition of organising this event in the Baltic States takes root in Vilnius. The history of the Lithuanian capital city began with an open letter of Grand Duke Gediminas inviting everyone to come to Lithuania to master their own destinies on an equal basis with the population of this country. I am convinced that the principle of equal treatment has continued down to

the present day and that your communities, living by the motto, Love for All, Hatred for None, is ultimate proof of this. “Please accept my gratitude for promoting a community spirit and peace across the Baltic States and my wishes of every success in your endeavours!” With dua, the Jalsa concluded and residents of the Baltic states tasted the feast of true spirituality in this age of materialism.


Friday 26 April 2019 | AL HAKAM

MKA Nairobi holds Jalsa Seerat-unNabi Tahir Ahmad Machengo Kenya Correspondent

n Sunday, 14 April 2019, Majlis O Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Nairobi (Kenya) held a Jalsa Seerat-un-Nabi.

The event, which started at around 11am, was held in the Ahmadiyya Hall, adjacent to the mosque that serve as Jamaat Kenya Headquarters, Murang’a Road. Following the recitation of Holy Quran and Khuddam Pledge, a Qaseeda in praise of Holy Prophetsa was recited. A brief explanation on why we conduct Jalsa Seerat-un-Nabi was delivered to the audience by Sheikh Malik Basharat Sahib. He narrated incidents that prompted Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra to direct Jamaat members to conduct Jalsa Seerat-unNabi frequently, the aim of which is to gain knowledge about Islam, preach this beautiful message to non-Muslims and remove false allegations levelled at the noble character of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa. He urged members present to try and learn more about the life and character of the Holy Prophetsa and try their best to be like him. Thereafter, a speech about our responsibilities with regard to Jalsa Seerat-un-Nabi was then delivered by local missionary Nasir Hadji Sahib. In this heart-touching speech, he reminded members in attendance to realise the importance of the Jalsa. He quoted the Holy Quran, Surah al-Ahzab, in which God Almighty states: “And indeed, you have the best example in the character of the Prophet of Allah.” He enjoined members present to make sure they try their best to read Jamaat literature and be committed to serving the Jamaat whenever they are required, for Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra said, “A nation cannot be reformed without the reformation of its youth.” After the speech, members were grouped in four groups and given ten questions on the life of Holy Prophetsa. The questions were answered in groups and were explained later, before the closure of the Jalsa. The event ended with silent prayer. Later in the day, members played a friendly football match against a team in the neighborhood.


Dr Noureen Ahmad General Practitioner Belgium

Thyroid diseases are present due to iodine deficiencies as iodine is an essential element for the production of thyroid hormones. In resourcerich countries, food is already fortified with iodine and thus autoimmune thyroid diseases are more common here. The thyroid is a gland located in the front of the neck which is responsible for synthesising thyroid hormones (T3 and T4). These hormones are essential for the growth and function of the basal metabolism in our body. In the brain, the hypothalamus produces the TRH-hormone which orders the pituitary gland to stimulate the thyroid. The pituitary gland then produces a hormone called TSH, which binds to the thyroid and regulates the synthesis of the thyroid hormones. When an imbalance of this regulation occurs, it leads to abnormal regulation of the synthesis of these hormones and this can lead to either hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid) or hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid). Both conditions can lead to a goitre, an enlargement of the thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism is more common than hyperthyroidism and both will be discussed separately in this article. According to statistics in 2017, hypothyroidism affects 2% of the UK population and of these, 5% of patients are aged above sixty. Women have 5-10 times more chance of developing hypothyroidism than men. Hypothyroidism in resourcepoor countries is mostly caused due to iodine deficiency, whilst in the UK it is usually caused by an autoimmune disorder – Hashimoto’s disease. In this disease antibodies are formed against the proteins TPO (thyroid peroxidase) which are essential for the synthesis of the thyroid hormones. Other causes of hypothyroidism can be a history of thyroid surgery or the use of thyroid destructive medication. These patients can present themselves with symptoms of weight gain, tiredness, hard stool, dry skin and depression. The diagnosis of hypothyroidism

Thyroid gland is made on the clinical symptoms together with a blood test for checking the TSH, T4, T3, TPO antibodies (Hashimoto’s disease). Usually TSH is above the normal range and T3 and T4 are below the normal range. In addition, a scintigraphy or an echography of the thyroid gland may subsequently occur. Treatment of hypothyroidism consists of giving thyroxine hormones as medication known as levothyroxine. Usually this medication has to be taken daily and for the rest of one’s life. The dose of levothyroxine depends on the age, weight and the patient’s profile. Doctors will start with a prescribed dose and check the efficiency after four to six weeks. The dose can be adjusted until the TSH is in normal range, thus regular checking of the thyroid in the blood is vital for proper follow ups. A rare form of hypothyroidism is congenital hypothyroidism (CHT) in newborns. This condition occurs due to an underdevelopment of the thyroid in the baby resulting in insufficient to no production of thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones are essential for the normal development of the brain and normal growth of children. These babies can look normal at birth and vague symptoms can develop later on, such as jaundice, poor growth, constipation and floppiness. If untreated, it can also lead to mental retardation. In most countries, newborns receive a heel-prick blood test where this can properly be screened and treated if necessary. Hyperthyroidism is usually caused by Graves’ disease and is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism in the UK. In Graves’ disease, there is a production of antibodies against the TSH receptor of the thyroid and leading to overstimulation of this gland. Graves’ disease is common in women between the ages of 30-50. Other uncommon causes of hyperthyroidism are infections of the thyroid (thyroiditis), medication (amiodarone) and toxic nodular goitre. These patients present themselves with symptoms of weight loss, excessive sweating, increased appetite, tiredness, fast heartbeat, trembling (tremor), hair loss, diarrhea and if left untreated it can lead to heart failure. In women, hyperthyroidism can also lead to infertility and menstruation disorders such as heavy,

frequent menstruations or even absent menstruations. Sometimes these symptoms are not properly recognised and can go undiagnosed for several years. Thus, it is important to evaluate the thyroid function in non-specific symptoms. In elderly patients, other symptoms such as dementia and depression can also occur. In Graves’ disease, there are also eye symptoms such as bulging eyes with eye discomfort and double vision. The diagnosis of hyperthyroidism is made on the clinical symptoms accompanied with a blood test like that stated above for hypothyroidism. for checking the TSH, T4, T3, TSH-R antibodies (Graves’ disease). Treatment of hyperthyroidism relies in suppressing the excessive production of the thyroid hormones. This can be done by medication, known as the thio-ureum derivaten (carbimazole, strumazole, PTU). They inhibit the synthesis of the thyroid hormones and they can be given either on a short-term (just prior to surgery) or on a long-term basis. However, such medications can cause serious side effects which can lead to severe infections and hepatitis, thus it is not preferable to continue on them on a long term basis. While waiting for another proper treatment, symptoms of hyperthyroidism can be temporary suppressed with b-blockers. The second step is radioactive iodine (iodine-131) treatment. With this medication, the thyroid gets destroyed while the effect becomes clear after 3-4 months. Sometimes this can lead to an underactive thyroid. Surgical removal of the thyroid gland is used as a last resort in the treatment of hyperthyroidism. This either includes a partially removed thyroid gland or a total removal of the gland. Surgery of the thyroid is indicated when the treatment above with medications fails. A regular check-up of the thyroid hormones remains important and is vital for a proper follow up. (Please always consult a doctor or specialist to diagnose health conditions and follow the advised plan of a qualified doctor)


Friday 26 April 2019 | AL HAKAM

Mecca and Medina A visit to the holy places of Islam

Lubna Waheed Ahmad London

s Muslims we grow up reading and A listening about the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah

be upon him, learning about the simplest of details as well as the most important events in the history of Islam. Visiting Mecca and Medina, I had no idea that all this knowledge that I had acquired would come rushing back to me when walking on the land where Islam was born. I have always had love and respect in my heart for the Holy Prophetsa. It is practically impossible for any Muslim to not fall in love with him when reading about his life throughout the Holy Quran, the literature of his most ardent servant, the Promised Messiahas and the various biographies accounting the details of his life. However, this love was at its absolute peak when visiting the key places of Mecca and Medina. The first place that naturally strikes you is the Ka‘bah, an absolutely overwhelming experience that cannot be explained through mere words. The sensation that runs through your entire body and mind when first laying eyes on this grand, beautiful and striking building cannot be felt in any other situation. The emotions come pouring out when you realise that you are at the home of the One and Only Being; the Being that has always been with you, yet you feel as though you are physically inside His glorious home. How can someone even begin to explain the emotions that run through your soul? No worldly thought arises in the moments when you stand and face towards the Ka‘bah and this sensation did not change even when seeing the Ka‘bah after many times.

Each sighting was like the first and the emotions would again come rushing back. With so many prayers in your mind, there are so many occasions when, looking at the absolute beauty of the Ka‘bah, one becomes mesmerised to the extent that your mind races with the thought of how grand and majestic Allah is and how beautiful His creation of everything on this planet is. This feeling only enhanced my realisation of how little my worth is, and how I am absolutely nothing without my God, and what an incredible blessing it is that God has given me this opportunity to come and perform Umrah. In short, the impact the Ka‘bah has on a person is beyond words and is a feeling that every Muslim should try to experience. One of the first places I was able to visit after my first Umrah was Cave Hira. This was the cave where many verses of the Holy Quran were vouchsafed to the Holy Cave of Hira | Prophetsa through the Archangel Gabrielas. The very first verse of the Holy Quran was revealed in this cave. The Holy Prophetsa would seek refuge from the worldly practices of the Meccans at the time by coming up to this cave. He would travel there to spend time alone with his Creator, in His worship and remembrance. It is no exaggeration to say that reaching the cave from normal ground level was an extremely strenuous mission. I have experienced hiking – I have hiked Ben Wiki Commons, User Nazli

Nevis and Mount Snowdon – however, the struggle I experienced while going up this mountain was like no other. To think that the Holy Prophetsa would

Jabal al-Noor, the mount that houses Hira | Wiki Commons

do this on a regular basis only to peacefully worship his Creator was overwhelming and awe-inspiring to say the least; it was just a glimpse of the sacrifices he would make to honour his Lord, Allah. It was at this point, with this realisation in mind, that I became overcome with many emotions and my heart felt immense love for the Holy Prophetsa. To just be able to experience a glimpse of his love for God was overpowering. A subtle example of this is when you see someone show incredible respect and honour towards your mother – you feel a strange kind of affection towards that person as they are treating your mother with love and respect. A magnified example, however, is the love that the Holy Prophetsa had for Allah; his love was so pure towards God that since we have so much love for our Allah too, you feel incredible affection, emotion and love towards the Holy Prophetsa especially when realising that you will never be able to reach that much dedication and

sacrifice for God. The Holy Prophet Muhammadsa was someone who could look past all the worldly desires during his entire life. For us, we may be incredibly blessed to reach a fraction of this level of devotion at some point in our lives, but even that is at some point. This, however, does not mean that we give up and stop trying to gain the love and pleasure of Allah as it is impossible to reach the standard set by our beloved Prophetsa. He is an example for mankind, and this means that we should follow his example in the hope that we gain the blessings and benefit of this world and the next and get as close to his standard of sacrifice and love for God as possible. There were many other places that we also got to visit in Mecca, including Mount Arafat (Jabal al-Rahmah) where the last speech was given by the Holy Prophetsa and Cave Thawr where the Holy Prophetsa and Hazrat Abu Bakrra hid from the enemies who were in pursuit of the Holy Prophetsa. It was at Cave Thawr when God Almighty protected them by means of a spider forming a web and a bird laying its eggs in a nest right outside the cave entrance, misguiding the opponents and making them believe that the Holy Prophetsa could not have been hiding in that cave. This again

Mount Arafat |

Wiki Commons, Arisdp


Friday 26 April 2019 | AL HAKAM 100 Years Ago...

Letters from the UK Al Fazl, 26 April 1919 he summary of the most recent letT ter sent to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II [may Allah be pleased with him] by

Cemetery of martyrs of the Battle of Badr at the field of Badr |

was a hike and was nearly three times higher than Cave Hira. On the way to and at Medina we were able to visit many other places. We saw the site where the Battle of Badr took place – something that was incredibly moving, especially due to the current series of Friday Sermons by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa on the Companionsra of Quba Mosque Badr – the mosque at Quba (the first mosque of Islam), Masjid Qiblatain (where the Holy Prophetsa changed the direction of prayer whilst praying as a result of God’s instructions to Masjid al-Qiblatain pray towards the Ka‘bah), the site of the Battle of Uhud and the famous Masjid-e-Nabawi which was the mosque established by the Holy Prophetsa in Medina. Here is also the place where the Holy Prophetsa is buried with two of his companions by his side – Hazrat Abu Bakrra and Hazrat Umarra. The site of the battle of Uhud draws one’s attention to the unfortunate events that took place during that battle – something that is extremely moving. There was a graveyard for the companions who passed away as martyrs during this battle and amongst them was the grave of Hazrat Hamzara, the beloved uncle of the Holy Prophetsa. Reading and listening to narrations over the years, especially an entire Friday Sermon delivered last year by Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa, about incidents related to Hazrat Hamzara during the life of the Holy Prophetsa and the way he supported his nephew even though he was not entirely convinced by his claim during the early days, shows how much love he had for his beloved nephew. The pain that the Holy Prophetsa felt losing his uncle, and that too in such a brutal manner, would have been so deep that even to this day, the essence of that pain was felt amongst those who were visiting the graves on the day. Masjid-e-Nabawi, aside from being the mosque initially erected in the time of the Prophetsa, is unique as under the green dome, the Holy Prophetsa is buried. Being physically present in the same location and praying there was another moving experience, not least because the Promised

Wiki Commons| Dr Pukhtunyar Afghan

Messiahas once expressed his desire to travel to Medina, but questioned whether he would even be able to bear the sight of his beloved master’s grave. With this in mind, I was reminded of the responsibilities attached to us as members of this Jamaat. This trip, I believe, shall forever remain the best trip of my life. It was an absolute blessing that I was able to be in tune with my emotions and feel the love for Islam. It was only due to the mercy of God that I was able to somewhat appreciate the importance of each place, and this too was a result of the firm foundations the Ahmadiyya Jamaat, through the education it provides from a young age, has established within the youth. Belonging to the Jamaat of the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, one feels as though the cities of Mecca and Medina are being preserved for us, Ahmadi Muslims, so that we may tread the soil that our beloved master once walked on; so that we may breathe the air that our beloved once breathed; so that we may witness the setting in which the Holy Prophetsa once conveyed his Salaam to the Promised Messiahas. َ ْ َّ َ َ َ َّ َ ُ ٰ ٰ َ َّ َّ َ ُ ٰ َ ّ َ َّ ُ ّ ٰ َ ٰ ‫ت َع‬ ‫لی‬ ‫اللہم ص ِل علی محم ٍد و علی ا ِل محم ٍد کما صلی‬ ٌ ْ َّ ٌ ْ َ َ َّ َ ْ َ ْ ٰ ٰ َ َ َ ْ َ ْ ‫اہیم اِنک ح ِمید م ِجید‬ ِ ‫اہیم و علی ا ِل اِبر‬ ِ ‫اِبر‬ َ ْ َ َ َ َ َّ َ ُ ٰ ٰ َ َّ َّ َ ُ ٰ َ ْ َ َّ ُ ّ ٰ َ ٰ ‫ت َع‬ ‫لی‬ ‫اللہم با ِرک علی محم ٍد و علی ا ِل محم ٍد کما بارک‬ ٌ ْ َّ ٌ ْ َ َ َّ َ ْ َ ْ ٰ ٰ َ َ َ ْ َ ْ ‫اہیم اِنک ح ِمید م ِجید‬ ِ ‫اہیم و علی ا ِل اِبر‬ ِ ‫اِبر‬

Qazi Muhammad Abdullah Sahib BA BT on 20 February 1919 is as follows: Last year, two English Muslim converts – a man named Saeed and a woman named Saeeda – were united in marriage. Now, they have been blessed with a baby girl whom they have happily named Ameena. May Allah the Almighty make her pious and a source of blessings for the parents. The influenza pandemic is spreading widely. The death toll is rising in the cities outside London. An Indian Muslim convert of Hinduism who was united in marriage with a new convert woman suffered severe sickness for a week. His wife and child were also affected by it. May Allah the Almighty shower His mercy upon them. A Jewish gentleman who teaches Hebrew in a school came over to the house. We had a discussion on Deuteronomy, chapter 18, verse 18 of the Bible. He was explained our point of view about the correlation in the dispensations of Mosesas and the Holy Prophetsa. Last Sunday, a lady embraced Islam and her request of Bai‘at was sent to be presented before Huzoor. Through the benevolence of Allah the Almighty, Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiq Sahib has been granted the opportunity to successfully convey the message of Islam in the city of Bournemouth where he has been residing for a period two months. Last week, of those who are being preached by him, two revered ladies … have embraced Islam. They have been given the Islamic names Midhat and Maryam respectively. All praise belongs to Allah. May Allah grant many more (fruits to Islam). Apart from these efforts, several articles of Hazrat Mufti Sahib carrying the subject of Islam have been published in the local newspapers. In London, promulgation efforts are underway as always. Aside from the education and tarbiyat of the Muslim converts and their weekly classes being conducted at our building, public lectures are being delivered also. There is a revolutionary change in the way of thinking and beliefs of the people. May the day soon come when these people abandon false beliefs and accept the true Islam. Amin Wassalam; Humbly yours Qazi Abdullah BA, London [Hazrat Muft Muhammad Sadiqra sent a letter which was published in the same issue of Al Fazl.] According to the Daily Telegraph, a London based newspaper, 7,354,000 people were killed during or as a result of the last war. These individuals belong to 13 nations. The world had seldom witnessed such a grand scale destruction before. When the Promised Messiahas foretold this calamity, nobody would ever have imagined that a catastrophe of this magnitude would fall upon the world and these countries would be involved who were known for mutually settling their disputes owing to their high moral and educational

Bournemouth, 1919 |

Flickr - Alwyn Ladell

standards. But it was necessary for the words of God to be fulfilled and it was proven to the world that Ahmadas, the Promised Messiah was a nabiyullah [prophet of Allah] whose prophesies are being fulfilled with remarkable grandeur. An organisation for old ladies has been formed in America. It has been named “Sunset Organisation” as the sun of their life is about to set. The age for membership is above 60. The objective is to remove the fear of death from their hearts so that they can leave this world in peace and pass the rest of their lives cheerfully without any distress. A special gathering was held in the cemetery where a tea party was arranged. 150 members were present who were all between the ages of 60 and 90. I wrote a letter to the lady in charge of the organisation and conveyed the message of Islam. Furthermore, I highlighted the means to attain true pleasure and delivered the news of the second coming of the Promised Messiahas. Let’s see what reply I get. Marquess of Crewe has published a letter in which he has pointed that during the war, vast libraries of Serbia were destroyed at the hand of the enemies and it is incumbent upon us to help the Serbian nation restore those libraries. In order to carry out this task, a committee has been formed in London, which is responsible for collecting and sending the money and books to Serbia. I sent twelve English magazines of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat along with a letter. Perhaps they happen to become a source of guidance for someone. The receipt of these books was received with thanks from the secretary of the Asiatic Society. As the war has ended, inflation on food items and governmental restrictions and regulations are being lifted. Of all food items, the order of freely having pig’s meat has been published first and foremost. Anyone from anywhere can purchase and eat as much as they please … What benefit is there for us! Only once in a week is one pound of properly slaughtered meat available here for me, which costs nearly one rupee and four annas. It is cooked separately for me and lasts for two, three or four servings. Then, I pass the rest of my week on fish and vegetables. Two ladies who were being preached have embraced Islam. They have been given the Islamic names Maryam and Midhat. Their request of Bai‘at has been sent to be presented before Hazrat Khalifatul Masihra. (Editor: It has been received) Muhammad Sadiq, Bournemouth 26 March 1919


Friday 26 April 2019 | AL HAKAM

Spring Retreat 2019 Event Report

Ali Khan Nazim-e-Ala Spring Retreat 2019

ajlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya UK M held its 7 national talimi & tarbiyati class officially known as the Spring Retreat th

in the serene campus of Jamia Ahmadiyya UK, Haslemere. The theme of this year’s event was, in line with the UK national ijtema theme, the existence of God. This residential class ran from 7 to 13 April. 196 Khuddam and Atfal were vetted and confirmed, from which 168 attended the class from various regions across the country. The age group of these Khuddam and Atfal ranged from 13-17. As a previous nazim-e-ala of this event, Sadr Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya UK chaired several committee meetings in the build-up to the event to guide and support a

new, youthful and energetic committee. The core committee consisted of seven naib nazimeen-e-ala. Just hours after the conclusion of the national Waqf-e-Nau Ijtema, participants began arriving on the evening of Sunday, 7 April to be registered and allocated accommodation. The opening session was held at 9am the following day and was chaired by Ataul Mujeeb Rashed Sahib, Missionary In-charge UK, who also addressed the Khuddam and Atfal present. Khuddam and Atfal were divided

into seven classes, based on their age and whether they had attended the class before. The subjects being taught during the week were as follows: 1. Memorisation and correct pronunciation of the Holy Quran 2. Salat with translation 3. Basic Islamic knowledge 4. Ilm-ul-Kalam – Our viewpoint about the death of Jesusas and the existence of God 5. History of Islam & Ahmadiyyat The teachers for these core Islamic subjects were all current Jamia students who all taught one subject each as a specialism. The week prior to the class, the Jamia students attended teacher training sessions with a teaching professional. Together with members of the committee and tarbiyat teams, the young teachers also received safeguarding and well-being training from an accredited trainer. A special social issues class was also held daily, which covered various aspects such as peer pressure, free mixing, relationships & homosexuality and drugs & alcohol. The teachers for these classes were field missionaries from the UK Jamaat, selected with the approval of Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa. As per tradition, an extensive and challenging schedule was set for the participants, which started with Tahajud and Fajr prayers (followed by dars) every morning. After breakfast at 7:30am, assembly was held at 9am with the recitation of the Holy Quran. At 9:20, students would be dismissed for their lessons. Students attended five classes a day, lasting approximately 40 minutes each, set around regular breaks

serving refreshments. After the conclusion of classes, Zuhr and Asr prayers were offered followed by lunch. After lunch, half an hour was allocated to Waqar-e-Amal so students could clean their accommodation and the surrounding areas. This was followed by a daily sports session, in which students had the option of either playing football, volleyball, basketball, cricket or dodgeball. An indoor games room (table tennis, table hockey, table football and board games) was also set up for those who chose to stay indoors. A new addition to this year’s Spring Retreat was the introduction of classes in the ancient Asian martial art of Muay Thai. One of the top Muay Thai instructors in the UK, Chris Kistan, taught the Khuddam and Atfal the basics of this ancient discipline. The objective of this innovation was to encourage more health, fitness, wellbeing, character development and discipline amongst our youngsters, as well as teaching them to defend themselves in situations where their personal safety is at risk. What has also become a regular feature of the Annual Spring Retreat are the daily evening lectures by prominent & inspiring members of the Jamaat. This year’s speakers and topics were as follows: • Major Mahmood Ahmad Sahib – Experiences with Khilafat • Syed Taalay Ahmed Sahib – This year with Huzooraa • Umar Nasser Sahib – The existence of God • Mansoor Clarke Sahib – Experiences of missionary work in Africa • Safeer Qamar Sahib – Jihad from home: Social media The Retreat is also an opportunity for us as office bearers and young missionaries to

spend time with the younger generation and discuss the challenges and issues they face such as social media, drugs, relationships, gang culture as well as the importance of obedience to the Nizam-e-Jamaat and the blessings of Khilafat. As the youngsters became more acquainted with their allocated mentors, they would ask more questions and even deeper discussions would occur, thereby building closer relationships. On behalf of Majlis Khuddam-ulAhmadiyya UK, I would like to express my sheer gratitude to the administration of Jamia Ahmadiyya UK for their co-operation with us and allowing us access and use of this blessed facility, as well as the use of their minibuses to transport children back and forth from the sports grounds. We were also extremely grateful to Amir Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya UK, Rafiq Ahmad Hayat Sahib for travelling to Jamia Ahmadiyya UK and chairing the closing

session where prizes, including signed certificates from Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa, were distributed to those who came first, second and third in the end of the class examination that was held on Thursday (written paper & verbal exercise). We commend the young participants for sacrificing a week of their personal time in obedience to their parents, obedience to Nizaam-e-Jamaat, in recognition of their Creator and out of love for Khilafat.


Friday 26 April 2019 | AL HAKAM

Friday Sermon 29 March 2019 Delivered from Baitul Futuh Mosque

Men of Excellence After reciting the Tashahud, Ta‘awuz, and Surah al-Fatihah, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa stated:


he first of the Badri Companionsra whom I shall mention today is Hazrat Tulaibra bin Umair. His title was Abu Adi. His mother’s name was Arwah, who was the daughter of Abdul Muttalib and hence was the paternal aunt of the Holy Prophetsa. As I mentioned, his title was Abu Adi and he was one of the earliest converts to Islam and accepted Islam while the Holy Prophetsa was at Dar-e-Arqam. (Usdul Ghaba, Vol. 3, p. 93, Tulaib bin Umair, Darul-Kutb Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2003) Abu Salama bin Abdur Rahman narrates that Hazrat Tulaibra bin Umair accepted Islam at Dar-e-Arqam. After this he went to his mother and informed her that he had become a follower of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa and believed in Allah, the Lord of all the worlds. His mother replied, “Your maternal cousins are indeed more deserving of your help and cooperation than anyone else”, i.e. referring to the Holy Prophetsa and praised her son for having accepted the Holy Prophetsa. She then said, “By God, had we women had the same strength as men, we would also have certainly followed, supported and defended him.” Hazrat Tulaibra replied to his mother saying, “If these are your sentiments, why do you then not accept Islam and follow the Holy Prophetsa? Your brother Hamza has already accepted Islam.” She replied, “Let me first assess the reaction of my sisters. Then, I will join him as well.” Hazrat Tulaibra narrates that, “I said to her, ‘I implore you in Allah’s name, please go to the Holy Prophetsa, greet him, accept him and give this testimony that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammadsa is the Messenger of Allah.’ Upon this she said, ‘I also testify that there is none worthy of worship expect Allah and Muhammadsa is the messenger of Allah.’” After that she used to defend the Holy Prophetsa by way of her speech and also used to urge her son to help and show obedience to the Holy Prophetsa. (Al-Mustadrak Ala Al-Sahihain, Vol. 3, p. 266, Kitab-ul-Marifat Al-Sahaba, Tulaib bin Umair, Hadith no. 5047, Dar-ul-Kutb Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2002) It is narrated regarding Hazrat Tulaibra that he was the first person in Islam to have inflicted an injury on an idolater because he insulted the Holy Prophetsa. The details of this incident are as follows:

Once, Auf bin Sabrah Sahmi was insulting the Holy Prophetsa, when Hazrat Tulaibra picked up a camel’s jawbone and injured him by hitting him with it. Someone complained to his mother, Arwah, saying, “Have you not seen what your son has done?” She replied: َ َ ُ َ َ ‫ا ِّن طل ْی ًبا ن َص َر ابْ َن خال ِ ٖہ‬ ُ َ َ َ ‫اساہ ِفی ذِی د ِم ٖہ َو َمال ِ ٖہ‬ ‫و‬ Meaning, “Tulaib has simply come to the aid of his maternal cousin. He has shown sympathy to him with his blood and his property.” According to some sources, the name

according to Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra there are some historians, not all, who believe that it was not long after the Muslims had migrated to Abyssinia that a rumour spread that the entire Quraish had entered the fold of Islam and that Mecca had become absolutely peaceful for Muslims. Hence, some people immediately returned, without investigating the matter. Only upon returning did they realise that the news was false. I have already mentioned the details of this in the sermons a few weeks ago. Nevertheless, when they returned and realised the true

of the individual whom he hit was Abu Ihaab bin Aziz Darmi. According to other narrations, the person whom Hazrat Tulaibra injured was either Abu Lahab or Abu Jahl. According to one narration, when someone complained to his mother regarding his attack, she replied, “The best day in the life of Tulaib is one in which he defends his maternal cousin – i.e. the Holy Prophetsa – who has come with the truth from God Almighty.” ((Al-Asaba Fi Tameez Al-Sahaba, Vol. 3, p. 439, Tulaib bin Umair, Dar-ul-Kutb Al-Ilimiyya, Beirut, 1995) (Al-Mustadrak Al’a Al-Sahihain, Vol. 4, p. 57, Kitab-ul-Marifat Al-Sahaba, Arwah bint Abdul Muttalib, Hadith no. 6868, Darul-Kutb Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2002) Hazrat Tulaibra was among those Muslims who migrated to Abyssinia. However, when the rumour reached Abyssinia that the Quraish had accepted Islam, some Muslims returned to Mecca and Hazrat Tulaibra was also among them. (Sirat ibn Hisham, p. 169, Dar ibn Hazam, Beirut, 2009) As has been mentioned previously,

reality, some sought the protection of the chiefs of Mecca and others returned when they came to know of the truth, as it was a complete fabrication. I have previously already mentioned the reason why this rumour was spread, therefore there is no need to mention it again on this occasion. Nevertheless, the companions returned as the cruelties afflicted by the Quraish increased by the day. Furthermore, according to the instruction of the Holy Prophetsa, other Muslims were also migrating gradually and in secrecy. It is said that the number of people that migrated to Abyssinia reached 101, which included 18 women. Only a few Muslims remained with the Holy Prophetsa. The return to Abyssinia, as well as the migration of other Muslims during this period, is referred to by the historians as the second migration to Abyssinia. (Sirat KhatamunNabiyyin, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra, p. 147, 149) When Hazrat Tulaibra migrated from Mecca to Medina, he stayed with Hazrat Abdullah bin Salama Ajlani. The Holy

Prophetsa formed a bond of brotherhood between Hazrat Tulaibra and Hazrat Munzir bin Amrra. Hazrat Tulaibra participated in the battle of Badr and he is counted amongst the prominent companions of the Holy Prophetsa. He participated in the Battle of Ajnadain, which took place in 13 AH in the month of Jumadi-ul-Ula. He attained martyrdom during this very battle at the age of 35. Ajnadain is an area located in Syria, where Muslims and the Byzantines fought in 13 AH. However, according to some sources, he was martyred during the Battle of Yarmouk. (Al-Tabqaat-ul-Kubra li ibn Sa‘d, Vol. 3, p. 91, Tulaib bin Umair, Darul-Kutb al-Ilimiyya, Beirut, 1990) (Usdul Ghaba, Vol. 3, p. 94, Tulaib bin Umair, Darul-Kutb Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2003) (Mujamul-Buldan, Vol. 1, p. 129, Ajnadain, Dar-ulKutb Ilmiyyah, Beirut). The next companion to be mentioned is Hazrat Salim Maula Abi Huzaifara. His title was Abu Abdullah and his father’s name was Ma‘qil. As I mentioned, the name of Hazrat Salim’s father was Ma‘qil. He lived in an area called Istakhr, which is situated in Iran. He is counted among the prominent companions of the Holy Prophetsa and he was also among the Muhajireen [Muslims who migrated from Mecca to Medina]. He migrated to Medina prior to the Holy Prophet’ssa migration. The Holy Prophetsa formed a bond of brotherhood between Hazrat Salim and Muaz bin Maidh. (Usdul Ghaba, Vol. 2, pp. 382-383, Salim Maula Abi Huzaifa, Dar-ul-Kutb Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2003). Hazrat Salimra was the slave of Thubaita bint Ya‘ar, the wife of Hazrat Abu Huzaifara. In those days, regarding the slaves, there was a general rule that if a slave was released and passed away, then his wealth would be inherited by the owner who freed the slave. However, a sa‘iba was a slave that was freed by their master for the sake of God Almighty and thus, the person who freed him no longer had any right over their wealth after he passed away. Hazrat Salimra was also freed as a sa‘iba. Thereafter, Hazrat Abu Huzaifara took Hazrat Salimra as his adopted son. Thus, he was also known as Salim bin Abi Huzaifa. Hazrat Abu Huzaifara wedded him to his niece, Fatima bint Waleed. (AlTabqaat-ul-Kubra li ibn Sa‘d, Vol. 3, p. 63, Salim Maula Abu Huzaifa, Dar-ul-Kutb

14 al-Ilimiyya, Beirut, 1990) (Al-Mustadrak Al’a Al-Sahihain [translation], Vol. 4, p. 434 footnote, Ishtiaq. A. Mushtaq Printers, Lahore, 2012) God Almighty revealed the following verse: ُ ُ ۡ َ َ َ ٰ ۤۡ ُ َ ۡ َ ۡ َ ّ ۡ َ ّ ٰ َ ۡ ُ َ ۡ َ َ ُ ۡ َ ٰ ۡ ُ ۡ ُ ۡ ُ ‫آء ُہ ۡم ف ِاخوَانک ۡم‬ ‫ادعوہم لِابآئِ ِہم ہو اقسط ِعند اللہِۚ ف ِان لم تعلموا اب‬ ُ ُۡ َ ۡ َۤ َ َ ُ َ ّ ‫الدیۡ ِن َو َموَال ِۡیک ۡم ؕ َو ل َ ۡی َس َعل ۡیک ۡم ُج ٰن ٌاح فِ ۡی َما اخطات ۡم ِب ٖہ ۙ َو لٰ ِک ۡن ّما‬ ِ ‫فِی‬ ّ َ َ َ ۡ ُ ُُۡ ُ ۡ َ ّ َ​َ ً‫الل ُہ َغ ُفوۡ ًرا َّر ِح ۡیما‬ ‫تعمدت قلوبکم ؕ و کان‬ The translation is as follows: “Call them by the names of their fathers. That is more equitable in the sight of Allah. But if you know not their fathers, then they are your brothers in faith and your friends. And there is no blame on you in any mistake you may unintentionally make in this matter, but what matters is that which your hearts intend. And Allah is Most Forgiving, Merciful.” (Surah al-Ahzab, Ch.33: V.6) After the revelation of this verse, Hazrat Salimra became known as “Maula Abu Huzaifa” i.e. the freed slave of Abu Huzaifa. Initially, when he was set free, he was known as the son of Abu Huzaifa, but later, he was referred to as a freed slave or friend of Abu Huzaifara. Muhammad bin Jafar narrates, “When Hazrat Abu Huzaifara and Hazrat Salim Maula Abi Huzaifara migrated from Mecca to Medina, they both stayed at the residence of Hazrat Abbad bin Bishrra.” (Al-Tabqaat-ul-Kubra li ibn Sa‘d, Vol. 3, p. 62, Abu Huzaifa bin Utbah, Dar-ul-Kutb al-Ilimiyya, Beirut, 1990) Hazrat ibn Umarra narrates that when the initial Muhajireen arrived from Mecca, they resided in a place called Usbah which is situated near Quba. Hazrat Salimra would lead them in prayers because he was the one who had the most knowledge of the Holy Quran out of all the others. (AlTabqaat-ul-Kubra li ibn Sa‘d, Vol. 3, p. 64, Salim Maula Abu Huzaifa, Dar-ul-Kutb alIlimiyya, Beirut, 1990), Masud bin Hunaidah narrates, “When we resided in Quba in the company of the Messenger of Allahsa, we saw a mosque there in which the companions would offer prayers while facing Baitul Maqdas and Hazrat Salim Maulah Abu Huzaifara would lead them in prayer. (Al-Tabqaat-ul-Kubra li ibn Sa‘d, Vol. 4, p. 233, Dar-ul-Kutb alIlimiyya, Beirut, 1990) Hazrat Salimra was a qari of the Holy Quran. He was amongst the four companions about whom the Holy Prophetsa had stated that one should learn the Quran from them. (Usdul Ghaba, Vol. 2, p. 382, Salim Maula bin Abi Huzaifah, Dar-ul-Kutb Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2003) Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahibra writes, “Then, there were many freed slaves who attained a lofty rank in their knowledge and wisdom. As such, Salim bin Ma‘qil, the freed slave of Abu Huzaifara, was considered to be one of the most distinct scholars from among the companions. Moreover, Salim was also from among the four companions who were appointed by the Holy Prophetsa to teach the Holy Quran. (Sirat Khatamun-Nabiyyin, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra, p. 399) Further relating regarding him, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahibra writes, “Then, there was Salim bin Ma‘qil … who was an ordinary freed slave of Abu Huzaifara bin Utbah. However, he progressed in his

Friday 26 April 2019 | AL HAKAM knowledge and wisdom to the extent that he was among the four companions who were appointed among the Muslims by the Holy Prophetsa to teach the Holy Quran and were deemed worthy enough to be his representatives in this respect.” (Sirat Khatamun-Nabiyyin, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra, p. 403) According to another narration, the Messenger of Allahsa stated that one should learn the Quran from four companions: Hazrat Abdullahra bin Masud, Hazrat Salim Maulah Abu Huzaifara, Hazrat Ubbayra bin Kaab and Hazrat Muaz bin Jabalra. (Sahih Bukhari, Kitab Fazail-ul-Sahaab-ulNabi, Munaaqib Salim Maula Abi Huzaifah, Hadith no. 3758) In one of the traditions it states that once Hazrat Aishara arrived a little late to see the Holy Prophetsa. The Holy Prophetsa asked her why she was late, and she replied, “A qari was reciting the Holy Quran in the most beautiful manner. I began listening to his recitation of the Quran, and thus got late.” The Holy Prophetsa put on his cloak and went outside and saw that it was Hazrat Salimra who had been reciting the Holy Quran. Upon seeing this, the Prophetsa proclaimed, “I thank God Almighty, Who has granted my people such a beautiful qari as yourself.” (Usdul Ghaba, Vol. 2, p. 383, Salim Maula Abi Huzaifah, Dar-ulKutb Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2003) On the occasion of Uhud, when the Holy Prophetsa was injured, it was Hazrat Salimra who had the honour of washing his wounds. Qatadah relates that on the day of the Battle of Uhud, the Holy Prophet’ssa blessed forehead and teeth (between his front and canine teeth) sustained injuries. Hazrat Salim Maula Abu Huzaifah was washing the Prophet’s wounds while the Prophetsa was saying, “How can a nation who has dealt so cruelly with its Prophet ever be successful?” On this occasion, the following verse was revealed: ٰ َّ َ ّ ُ َ َ َ َ َ َ ‫ل َ ۡی َس لَک ِم َن الۡا ۡمرِ ش ۡی ٌء ا ۡو یَ ُتوۡ َب َعل ۡی ِہ ۡم ا ۡو ی َع ِذبَ ُہ ۡم ف ِان ُہ ۡم ظ ِل ُموۡ َن‬ Meaning, “Thou hast no concern in the matter: He may turn to them in mercy or punish them, for they are wrongdoers.” [Surah Al-e-Imran, Ch.3: V.129] Hazrat Salimra relates that the Holy Prophetsa said, “On the Day of Judgement, a particular group of people shall be summoned” (this is something worth listening to very carefully), “who shall have virtues equal to mountains of Tihamah.” Tihamah is a mountain range in a region of uneven terrain off the coast of the Arab peninsula which begins from Sinai and extends to the south-western side of Arabia. There is a certain part of this mountain range which begins from the Gulf of the Red Sea. The Holy Prophetsa said, “The good works of these people shall be equal to the Tihamah mountain range. However, when these virtuous deeds are presented before God, He shall reject them and shall cast these people into the fire.” Upon hearing this, Hazrat Salimra said, “O Messengersa of Allah, may my parents be sacrificed for you! Please specify the characteristics of such people so that we may recognise them! I swear by that God Who has raised you as a Prophet that I fear becoming among these people.” Upon this, the Holy Prophetsa said,

“There will be such people who” (it is vitally important to take note of this), “shall be such that they will keep fasts, offer the daily prayers, and sleep very little at night to offer voluntary supplications. However, whenever unlawful things shall be presented before them, they shall readily partake of them. Sometimes, despite all these acts of virtue, these people will fall prey to worldly greed, and will not care about what is permissible and what is forbidden. And so, God shall reject their good works.” (Urdu Daira Ma’arif Islamiyyah, Vol. 6, p. 851, Tihamah, Danish Gah, Punjab, Lahore, 2005) (Marifat AlSahaba La Abi Naeem, Vol. 2, p. 483, Salim Maula Abi Huzaifa, Hadith no. 3456, Darul-Kutb Al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, Lebanon, 2002) Hazrat Thoban relates that the Holy Prophetsa said, “I have knowledge about certain individuals among my people who shall come with shining good deeds which shall be as high as the Tihamah mountains, but God Almighty shall deem them worthless and scatter them into the wind.” This is yet another version of the same narration. Hazrat Thoban implored, “O Messenger of Allah, inform us of some of their distinguishing characteristics; tell us about them in some more detail, lest we unknowingly become like them.” The Holy Prophetsa replied, “They are your own brothers, who resemble your complexion (i.e. they are from their own people and share their skin colour). They also spend their nights in worship just like you, however they are such people that when they approach that which God Almighty has forbidden and deemed unlawful, they completely disregard this injunction and partake of it.” (Sunan Ibn Majah, Kitab Al-Zuhd, Baab Zikr AlZanuub, Hadith no. 4245) The things which God has forbidden, they have no regard for what is permissible and what is not, and then the materialistic world dominates them. Hence, it is a moment for constant reflection and continuous fear for a believer and may God always enable everyone to keep evaluating themselves. The names of Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar’sra sons were Salim, Waaqid and Abdullah. He had named them after various prominent companions of the Holy Prophetsa. One of the sons was Salim, who was named after the companion, Salim Maula Abu Huzaifahra. Saeed bin Al Musayyab relates that Hazrat Abdullah bin Umarra once asked him “Do you know why I have kept my son’s name Salim?” Saeed replied that he did not know. He said, “I have named my son after Hazrat Salim Maula Abu Huzaifahra.” He then asked, “Do you know why I have kept my son’s name Waaqid?” Replying in the negative, Saeed again said he did not know. He said, “I have named him after Hazrat Waaqid bin Abdullah Yarbu’ira.” He then asked, “Do you know why I have kept my son’s name Abdullah?” When he expressed that he did not know, he replied, “I have named him Abdullah after Hazrat Abdullah bin Rawahara”. (AlTabqaat-ul-Kubra li ibn Sa‘d, Vol. 4, p. 119, Dar-ul-Kutb al-Ilimiyya, Beirut, 1990) Thus, the companionsra held the senior

and prominent companionsra of the Holy Prophetsa with great esteem and would purposefully name their children after them. Hazrat Abdullah bin Umarra narrates, “Once while on a military expedition with the Holy Prophetsa, some of the people became a little anxious.” Abdullah bin Umarra states, “I set out with my weapon and while proceeding ahead, my glance fell upon Hazrat Salim Maula Abi Huzaifahra who likewise had set out fully armed. His dignified face was replete with serenity as he walked ahead of me without the slightest sign of distress.” Abdullah states, “I decided to walk right behind this pious man. I continued to walk behind him until we arrived in the presence of the Holy Prophetsa and sat right beside him. The Holy Prophetsa was in a state of displeasure and came forth and said: ‘O People! What is this fear and distress that you are displaying? Have you become incapable of displaying the steadfastness and courage these two believers have shown?’” (Al-Tarikh Al-Kabir, Vol. 6, p. 127, Baab-ul-Ain, Hadith no. 8538, Darul-Kutb al-Ilimiyya, Beirut, 2001) Meaning, all must show such resilience and be free of any anxiousness just as Hazrat Salimra and Hazrat Abdullah bin Umarra had pledged to remain firm even at the most difficult of times. Ibn Ishaaq mentions that after the conquest of Mecca, the Holy Prophetsa sent various delegations to the outskirts of the city for inviting the scattered tribes towards Islam. These groups were not commanded to fight but only to spread the message of Islam. The Holy Prophetsa had instructed them not to engage in any war. The Holy Prophetsa had sent Hazrat Khalidra bin Waleed towards the Banu Jazimah tribe for the purpose of propagating Islam. However, upon seeing Hazrat Khalidra, the people of that tribe took up their arms against him. When Hazrat Khalidra saw their reaction, he replied: “The people of Mecca have accepted Islam, there remains no need to raise arms anymore.” A certain individual named Jadham from amongst them loudly declared: “I will never put down my arms. I have no trust in Khalid. By God, after we put down our arms, we will be taken as captives; and after captivity, we will be beheaded.” A few of his own people seized him and said: “O Jadham! Do you desire that our blood be spilled? Indeed, they have thrown down their weapons and the fighting has ceased.” They then disarmed him and threw down any weapons they had. When they gave up their weapons, Hazrat Khalidra had some of them killed and imprisoned the rest of them; each one of the members of the delegation was assigned a prisoner. The following morning, they were ordered to kill the prisoner in their custody. Hazrat Salim Maula Abu Huzaifahra said: “By God! I will not kill any of my prisoners, nor will any of my men.” Ibn Hisham says, “One man from among them slipped out and went to the Holy Prophetsa and explained the entire incident to him. The Holy Prophetsa


Friday 26 April 2019 | AL HAKAM asked, ‘Did anyone show aversion to Khalid’s actions?’ (The Holy Prophetsa was displeased by what had transpired and asked if anyone had opposed it.) He replied, ‘Yes, one individual who had a fair complexion and was of medium build, expressed his disapproval. When Khalid rebuked him, he fell silent. Another individual, who was fairly tall, also expressed his discontentment. However, Khalidra also argued with him as well and they exchanged heated words.’ Upon this, Hazrat Umarra said, ‘O Messengersa of Allah! I know who these two men are. One is my son, Abdullah, and the other is Salim Maula Abu Huzaifahra.’” Ibn Ishaq states, “The Holy Prophetsa called for Hazrat Alira and said to him, ‘Go to them and enquire about the matter; what took place and what was the reason behind it? Put an end to this matter which resembles actions that were committed in the Jahiliyyah [period before the advent of Islam].’” The Holy Prophetsa said that since the actions were done out of sheer negligence, therefore it ought to be put to an end. “Thus, Hazrat Alira took the provisions given to him by the Holy Prophetsa. The Holy Prophetsa not only sent Hazrat Alira, but sent money and other provisions as blood-money for the loss of personnel and wealth. (The reason the Holy Prophetsa sent wealth was as blood money for the loss they had sustained owing to this unlawful act.) Having handed over the provisions to them, Hazrat Alira was still left with some wealth. He enquired from those people if there was anyone who was yet to receive blood-money? They answered in the negative. As the matter had been dealt with justice, there was nothing left to hand out. Hazrat Alira then said: “Owing to the conscientious instructions issued by the Holy Prophetsa, I will hand over the remaining wealth to you as well, for he knows what you know not.” Thus, Hazrat Alira handed over the wealth to them and reported back to the Holy Prophetsa about what had taken place. The Holy Prophetsa stated, “You have most certainly discharged your duty in the correct manner.” The Holy Prophetsa then turned towards the Qiblah, raised both his hands and recited the following prayer three times: َ َ َ َ َ ُ َ ّ َ ّٰ َ ْ ‫الل ُھ ّم ِانِ ْی ا ْبرَأ ِال َ ْیک ِم ّما َصنع خال ُِد ْاب ُن الوَل ِْید‬ ‘O my Lord! I am absolved from the actions committed by Khalid.’” (Sirat ibn Hisham, pp. 557-558, Dar ibn Hazam, Beirut, 2009), (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitab-ulMaghazi, Hadith no. 4339) A grave injustice was committed. Even though this injustice or error was committed by one of his own people, the Holy Prophetsa not only prayed to be absolved from this matter, but in order to console the innocent party, he offered blood-money as well as other provisions and tried his utmost to offer them support. Despite the fact that they were enemies and had taken arms, the Holy Prophetsa did not approve of this act. This was the standard of justice of the Holy Prophetsa. Ibrahim bin Hanzalah narrates on the authority of his father that on the day of the Battle of Yamama, Hazrat Salim Maula Abu Huzaifahra was told that he would

be the flag-bearer of the army. However, some others said that they feared for his life, therefore would hand over the flag to someone else. Hazrat Salimra said, “In such a case, my knowledge of the Quran would be to no avail.” Meaning that despite having a deep understanding of the Holy Quran, it would be of no benefit if he did not act upon those teachings, or that despite his knowledge of the Quran, if he feared for his life and failed to act on the important commandments of the Quran, then that knowledge would be futile. Nevertheless, during the battle, when Hazrat Salim’s right hand was severed, he held the flag in his left hand. When his left hand was severed, he held the flag between his neck and recited the following: َّ َ َ​َ ٰ َّ ۡ َ ‫َو َما ُم َح ّم ٌد ِالا َر ُسوْ ٌل ۔۔۔ َو کا ّیِ ۡن ِّم ۡن ن ِب ٍ ّی ق َت َل ۙ َم َع ٗہ رِ ِّب ُّیوۡ َن ک ِثی ٌر‬ “And Muhammad is only a Messenger [Ch.3: V.145] … And many a Prophet there has been beside whom fought numerous companies of their followers” [Ch.3: V.147]. When Hazrat Salimra fell down, he asked those near to him about the fate of Hazrat Huzaifahra. They informed him that he had been martyred. He then enquired about another individual and was informed that he too had been martyred. Hazrat Salimra then requested to be placed between both of them. When Hazrat Salimra passed away, Hazrat Umarra gave Hazrat Salim’s inheritance to Thubaita bint Yaar, who had freed Hazrat Salim. However, she refused to accept the inheritance and said that she had freed him as Saiba, i.e. for the sake of God Almighty. Subsequently, Hazrat Umarra gave the inheritance to Baitul Mal [National Treasury]. (Usdul Ghaba, Vol. 2, p. 384, Salim Maula Abu Huzaifah, Dar-ulKutb Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2003) Muhammad bin Thabit narrates that during the battle of Yamama, when the Muslim army became dispersed, Hazrat Salimra stated, “This is not something we would do to the Holy Prophetsa”, i.e. that they would not run away. He dug himself a trench and stood inside it. On that day, he was carrying the flag of the Muhajireen [those who migrated from Mecca] and he fought valiantly, until he was martyred. Hazrat Salim was martyred in 12 AH, during the Battle of Yamama. This battle took place during the caliphate of Hazrat Abu Bakrra. This reference was from Al-Tabaqaat-ul-Kubra. (Al-Tabqaatul-Kubra li ibn Sa‘d, Vol. 3, Salim Maula Abi Huzaifah, pp. 64-65, Dar-ul-Kutb alIlimiyya, Beirut, 1990) Hazrat Zaid bin Thabitra stated that when Hazrat Salimra was martyred, people would say that they lost one fourth of the Quran. (Al-Mustadrak Al’a Al-Sahihain, Vol. 3, pp. 251-252, Kitab-ul-Marifat AlSahaba, Zikr Munaaqib Salim Maula Abi Huzaifah, Hadith no. 5004, Dar-ul-Kutb Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2002) This meant that out of the four scholars from whom the Holy Prophetsa instructed to learn the Quran, one had departed. The next companion is Hazrat Itbaanra bin Malik. He belonged to the Banu Salim bin Auf branch of the Khazraj tribe. The Holy Prophetsa established a bond of brotherhood between him and Hazrat Umarra. Hazrat Itbaanra bin Malik participated in the battles of Badr, Uhud and Khandaq. He began to lose his eyesight

during the lifetime of the Holy Prophetsa and passed away during the reign of Hazrat Muawiyahra. (Al-Tabqaat-ul-Kubra li ibn Sa‘d, Vol. 3, pp. 415-416, Dar-ul-Kutb alIlimiyya, Beirut, 1990) When the Holy Prophetsa migrated to Medina, Hazrat Itbaanra bin Malik, along with a few friends, went to see the Holy Prophetsa and requested him to reside with him at his home. However, the Holy Prophetsa said for his camel to be set free as it had been ordained, meaning that it would stop wherever God Almighty commanded for it to stop. (Sirat ibn Hisham, pp. 228229, Dar ibn Hazam, Beirut, 2009) (Sirat Khatamun-Nabiyyin, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra, pp. 267-268) Hazrat Umarra narrates, “A friend from among the Ansar and I took up residence in Banu Umayyah bin Zaid (this was the name of a village) near Medina and was situated at a height. We would take turns to visit the Holy Prophetsa. One day he would go, and I would go the following day. When I would return, I would inform him of any new revelation granted to the Holy Prophetsa or of any other news, and similarly he would do the same when it was his turn.” Hazrat Umarra further narrates, “One day, my Ansari friend went on his turn to meet the Holy Prophetsa. When he returned, he knocked on my door loudly and began to enquire about me. Worryingly, I went outside. He said: ‘Something dreadful has taken place.’” Hazrat Umarra states: “Upon hearing this, I went to Hafsara and saw that she was crying. I asked her if the Holy Prophetsa had divorced her? She said that she did not know. I then went to the Holy Prophetsa and enquired whether he had divorced his wives. The Holy Prophetsa replied in the negative. Upon this, I exclaimed ‘Allahu Akbar’ [God is the greatest].” (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitab-ul-Ilm, Baab Al-Tanawub fi Al-Ilm, Hadith no. 89) In some narrations there are more details regarding this incident, which is a lengthy account. For one month, the Holy Prophetsa distanced himself not only from his wives, but also his companions. Owing to this, it was thought that perhaps he had divorced his wives. The Holy Prophetsa had become displeased for some reason. Whatever the reasons may be, this was not one of them. In his commentary of Bukhari, Hazrat Sayyid Zainul Aabideen Waliullah Shah Sahibra has mentioned this account in which Hazrat Umarra stated that one day he would go to see the Holy Prophetsa and the following day his friend would go. Regarding this, he writes, “If someone cannot make himself available all the time to obtain knowledge, then one can take turns with another, just as Hazrat Umarra took turns with Hazrat Itbaanra bin Malik. One can gauge the passion of the companions from this incident in that they would abandon their work and travel three or four miles and spend the entire day with the Holy Prophetsa.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitab-ul-Ilm, Baab Al-Tanawub fi Al-Ilm, Hadith no. 89, Vol. 1, p. 165, Nizarat Ishaat, Rabwah) However according to Allama Aini in his commentary of Bukhari, Umdatul Qari, he has written, “Although it is stated

that the neighbour of Hazrat Umarra was Itbaanra in Malik, however, the fact of the matter is that Hazrat Umar’s neighbour was Aus bin Khawali.” (Umdatul Qari, Vol. 20, p. 256, Kitab-ul-Nikah, Hadith no. 5191, Dar-ul-Kutb al-Ilimiyya, Beirut, 2001) Nonetheless, Hazrat Umarra stated the name of Hazrat Itbaanra bin Malik in his account. According to one narration, when Hazrat Itbaan bin Malikra lost his eyesight, he sought permission from the Holy Prophetsa to be excused from attending the mosque for congregational prayer. The Holy Prophetsa asked him whether he could hear the Azan [call to prayer], to which he replied in the affirmative. The Holy Prophetsa therefore did not grant him permission to be excused. This is a very well-known Hadith and is often quoted, however there are some more details related to this account. According to a narration from Sahih Bukhari, the Holy Prophetsa later granted permission to Hazrat Itbaanra to offer his prayers at home. Initially, the Holy Prophetsa did not grant permission, but later permitted him to do so. The narration of Bukhari states that Hazrat Itbaanra bin Malik would lead the prayers for the people of his tribe and was blind. He submitted to the Holy Prophetsa: “O Messengersa of Allah! When the rain falls, it causes the valley to flood and it also gets very dark, I am a blind man and therefore ask you to kindly come to my house and so I may designate that area as a place of worship.” He said it was difficult for him to go to the mosque, therefore he had designated an area in his house and requested the Holy Prophetsa to pray there. The Holy Prophetsa visited his house and asked him where he would like him to pray. Hazrat Itbaanra pointed to a particular direction in his house and the Holy Prophetsa performed his prayer there. (Al-Tabqaat-ul-Kubra li ibn Sa‘d, Vol. 3, p. 415, Itbaan bin Malik, Dar-ul-Kutb alIlimiyya, Beirut, 1990) (Sahih Bukhari, Kitab-ul-Adhan, Hadith no. 667) Thus, as is proved from various other narrations as well, although he was given permission to offer his prayers in his home, but he still led the prayers in congregation because everyone now gathered at his house. Owing to the extreme weather conditions and consequently the difficulties faced in reaching there, people could not go to the mosque. Thus, if permission was given, it was on the condition that the prayer should be offered in congregation and there was no excuse for this. Further expounding on this, Hazrat Syed Waliullah Shah Sahib, in the book of Kitab-ul-Azan of Sahih Bukhari, regarding the chapter on permission to pray in one’s own home due to rain or any other circumstance, explains in its commentary: “Imam Bukhari is mentioning the circumstances in which one can be exempted from offering the prayer in congregation. Even though the Holy Prophetsa, to whatever extent possible, would seek to create ease and comfort in the religious injunctions, but despite this he still did not grant Hazrat Itbaanra the permission to offer the prayer on his own in his house. Even when the Holy Prophetsa did give permission, it was on the

16 condition that he would still have to read it in congregation.” He further writes: “Hazrat Itbaanra was blind and a stream flowed close to the path that led to the mosque, and according to the narrations, he sought permission from the Holy Prophetsa to offer his prayer at home. The Holy Prophetsa granted him permission but on the condition that he would offer it in congregation.” He further writes: “If the obligatory prayer could be offered on its own, the Holy Prophetsa would have certainly allowed Hazrat Itbaanra to do so, considering his disability.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 2, p. 66, Kitab-ulAdhan, Hadith no. 667, Nizarat Ishaat, Rabwah) Thus, this should always be borne in mind. Here in these countries, if the mosque is at a distance and there is also no means of transportation, then I as I have said on many occasions, the Ahmadis should offer their homes as Salat centres where the local neighbouring Ahmadis can gather and offer their prayers in congregation. May God Almighty enable everyone to adhere to these injunctions. I shall now lead some funeral prayers in absentia and briefly mention about the deceased. The first is respected Ghulam Mustafa Awan Sahib, who passed away in Rabwah on 16 March at the age of 78 – Inna lillahi wa Inna Ilaihi Rajioon. By the grace of God Almighty, he was a born Ahmadi and Ahmadiyyat entered his family through his paternal grandfather, Diwan Bakhsh Sahib. The deceased was regular in his five daily prayers and in offering the Tahajud prayer. He was a very righteous, compassionate, caring, courteous and social person, who led his life with simplicity. He was a person who was deeply reliant on supplications and prayers. He was very hospitable, cared for the needy and poor and would often help reconcile and heal relations of the others. He would always give precedence to his

Friday 26 April 2019 | AL HAKAM faith over all worldly things and was an extremely devout individual. He had a deep bond of love with Nizam-e-Jama’at and the institution of Khilafat. During his employment, he also spent some time in Saudi Arabia and during his tenure there, he had the opportunity to perform the Hajj 9 times and many Umras. He also had the opportunity to work in the construction work of the Ka‘bah and Masjid al-Nabawi. By the grace of God Almighty, he was a Musi. One day, when his health suddenly worsened, his first and foremost thought was that he still had to pay his contribution [towards Wasiyyat] on his property. Thus, upon being granted cure from God Almighty, he immediately sold some of his property and paid his contribution that he owed on his property. He leaves behind his wife, his son, Ahmad Murtaza, who currently resides in Germany and four daughters. Two of his sons-in-law are missionaries, Muhammad Javed Sahib, who is currently serving as a life-devotee in Zambia and Jamil Ahmad Tabassum Sahib, who is currently serving in Russia. The daughters of the deceased who are married to the missionaries, are with their life-devotee husbands in foreign lands and could not go back on the occasion of their father’s demise. They have had to endure this loss whilst away from their homeland, thus may God Almighty grant them patience and strength to bear this loss and may He elevate the station of the deceased. The second funeral is of respected Amatul Haye Sahiba, who is the wife of Muhammad Nawaz Sahib of Kathgarhi. She passed away on 15 March – Inna Lillah Wa Inna Illahi Rajiioon She belonged to a neighbouring village of Qadian called Bagul. She was only two years of age when her father passed away and her father’s elder brother, Muhammad Ibrahim, brought her up. The deceased was a born Ahmadi and Ahmadiyyat entered their family in 1903. After the independence of Pakistan, she migrated

there with her uncle’s family and took residence in Jaranwala. Later, in 1981, she migrated to Rabwah for the education of her children and remained in Rabwah till her demise. By the grace of God Almighty, she was a Musia and God Almighty granted her six sons and five daughters. One of her daughters passed away at a young age. She encouraged her children to dedicate their lives for the Jamaat and this spirit has continued down in her progeny. Her eldest son, Rana Farooq Ahmad Sahib, is currently serving as a missionary in Nizarat Dawat illa Allah in Rabwah. Her younger son, Hafiz Mahmood Ahmad Tahir, is currently serving as a teacher in Jamia Ahmadiyya Tanzania and he could not go back to Pakistan for his mother’s funeral. Similarly, two of her grandsons are missionaries and one of them is serving in Ghana. Two of her grandchildren are Hafiz-e-Quran [committed the entire Quran to memory]. Many of her granddaughters have been married to missionaries and life-devotees. The deceased’s son, Hafiz Mahmood states, “Our parents gave precedence to faith all their life and were always ready to make every sacrifice in order to keep us attached with the Nizam-e-Jamaat and the institution of Khilafat-a-Ahmadiyya and also in offering the five daily prayers. She also had great passion for tabligh. All of her mother’s siblings were non-Ahmadis and she would always try her utmost in doing tabligh to them. It was as a result of her efforts in tabligh that one of the brothers of her mother, Abdul Majeed Sahib, accepted Ahmadiyyat and by the grace of God Almighty, his progeny is also serving the Jamaat. While she was living in Shorkot, the situation against Ahmadis was very hostile in 1953 and 1974. However, she endured this period with great courage and bravery, she did not show any kind of fear.” He further writes, “It was during the disturbances of 1974, that the wife of a the head of the village came to our house

and delivered a message from her husband which stated that a group of protestors were heading in the direction of the village in order attack the homes of the Ahmadis, therefore the men should leave their homes and hide in the fields and the all the women should go to his house. Our mother replied, ‘We shall remain inside our house, even if our lives are taken.’ In those days, a group of protestors came to our house. At the time, all of the men were out and only my sisters and mother were at home. She took hold of an axe and began walking in the courtyard of the house. Suddenly someone from outside shouted to launch an attack on their house and she replied from inside, ‘If anyone jumps over the wall and comes inside, I will sever their head from their body just as Hazrat Safiara once picked up someone’s head and threw it out of her home.’ Observing her great strength and courage, the enemy left from there. In 1971, one of her sons, who was either serving in the Army or as a civil servant at the time, was captured as a prisoner of war. he spent three years as a prisoner of war and she spent this time with great patience. Upon his release, our father straight away took him and presented him before Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh.” He further states: “Our mother had great love for the Holy Prophetsa and she would always ask us to relate accounts from the life of the Holy Prophetsa in the home. Even in her final days, she would speak about the Holy Prophetsa and the Promised Messiahas that they were coming to meet her.” May God Almighty elevate her status and grant her His forgiveness. May He also enable her children and progeny to continue her good deeds. (Translated by The Review of Religions) (Originally published in Al Fazl International, 19 April 2019, pp. 5-9)

Editor: Qaasid Muin Ahmad | Design & Layout: Jalees Ahmad | News: Ata-ul-Haye Nasir | © Al Hakam 2019

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