Leeds College of Art BA (Hons) ILLUSTRATION OUIL603 Extended Practice
Credits 60
STUDIO PRACTICE Project Proposal Name Date Rationale
Alice Franklin
Blog Address
I want to create an education tool that is fun for children. I would like to focus on topics that aren’t necessarily taught within schools but are important for the development in children. These can focus on information that can help understand topics such as diversity within people and how everyone is the same or it can be subjects like life-skills, social skills etc. I want to do this because I am passionate about education, especially in topics that aren’t taught in the curriculum but are helpful to a child growing up.
Themes / Subjects
Equality – Diverse people, weight, race, height, ethnicity, religion Life Skills – communication skills, street smart skills, social skills, life skills – paying bills, mortgages, debt etc. How to eat healthy, implications etc. Consequences of actions – Book and Board Game, Scenarios and play the game and deal with consequences
Professional Context & Contextual References
BA (Hons) Illustration - Level 06 OUIL603 Extended Practice – Major Brief BRIEF TITLE Brief Create a fun educational tool that focuses on topics that help children growing up into adults but are not curriculum subjects. These topics will help the children grow as people with people skills and knowledge that help in every day life as an adult,
Products & Proposals Books Games Anything functional, this can come with research
Context & Distribution Distribution will be in shops, schools, libraries, charities that work with students and children, maybe brownies and scouts etc.
Additional information/Considerations Deliverables
Function & Context The function is to teach the children important life lessons that you don’t learn within school.
Audience & Tone of Voice Audience are aged 11-16 years old When children are still in school but will be moving on soon to either further education or work.
ACTION PLAN – use this section to identify specific tasks that you need to complete in order to resolve the brief. Week What do you need to do? What is the best topic out of the ones researched, will work best? 1 Speak to schools, charities, children etc. Research and sketch at the same time, think of ideas 2
Look into production, what will be needed to plan ahead of time
Design product, keep in mind it has to function, can each component be educational?
Speak to schools and students, maybe charities and parents. What are the key things children should know when leaving school. RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Deadline Details RESEARCH ACTIVITY Deadline Details RESEARCH ACTIVITY Deadline Details RESEARCH ACTIVITY Deadline Details
BOOKS / TEXTS - (Harvard Refernced)
MAGAZINES / JOURNALS / ARTICLES – (include publication date and details)
ON LINE REFERENCES / WEBSITES / ARTICLES (include specific urls)
OTHER REFERENCE MATERIAL (Films, events, exhibitions, conferences)
BA (Hons) Illustration - Level 06
OUIL603 Extended Practice STUDIO PRACTICE
Project Proposals
10 steps to producing persuasive project proposals
1. Set clear aims and objectives 2. Be SMART (Specific , Measurable , Achievable , Realistic , Time Conscious) 3. Use words from your brief
4. Justify the need for your proposal 5. Describe your audience 6. Describe your motivations
7. Consider the reader 8. Eliminate vagueness 9. Visualise the ending 10. Assume nothing