GUIDED Saint Louis: Maplewood

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Bolyard’s Meat and Provisions By: Amy De La Hunt Photog raphy: Car men Troesser

Butchering is booming, and Chris and Abbie

with Korean seasoning, whole chickens with

Bolyard are on the cutting edge. When their

barbecue spices, beef brisket rubbed with

small neighborhood shop opened in 2014,

garlic and fennel, pork loin with mustard

their goal was to offer pasture-raised, hand-

and hot sauce—often sell out. So do the

cut meats from partner farms plus house-

buttermilk biscuits, made with local dairy

m a d e d i s h e s a n d c h a r c u t e r i e . C h r i s B o l y a r d ’s

and house-rendered lard. And vegetables,

background as a chef—he trained at The

like tallow-roasted cauliflower or sautéed

Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park,

kale. And the Saturday Cookouts. And the

N e w Yo r k — i s k e y t o u s i n g t h e w h o l e a n i m a l ,

lunch sandwiches.

from head to tail, and creating the perfect dishes and sides to showcase the meats to

E q u a l l y p o p u l a r a r e t h e s h o p ’s h o g b u t c h e r i n g


classes—especially after Chris Bolyard won a T V c o m p e t i t i o n e a r l i e r t h i s y e a r. O n t h e

B o l y a r d ’s u n i q u e a p p r o a c h o f o f f e r i n g b o t h

H i s t o r y C h a n n e l ’s “ T h e B u t c h e r, ” h e u s e d

cut-to-order meats and finished meals clearly

his expertise to break down game, including

resonates with its customers. The Thursday

a wild boar and a deer using a flint knife.

Night Smoke-Out specials—beef chuck eye




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