Great Food and Drink Magazine

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Edition 1 APRIL 2016


Prestwold Hall

8 Le Cordon Bleu 10 Georges 12 Gloworm Festival 14 Bella Italia 16 Memsaab 18 Dukki Design 19 Harts 20 Tom Kerridge 22 Nottingham Castle 25 Pottery Place 26 Belvoir Drinks 27 Nutritionist Recipe 28 Bus Bar 30 Veolia 32 Synter Mini 33 Thai Khun 34 Ashby Aromatherapy 36 Yamas Recipe 37 Chilli Bob 38 Paul Hollywood 40 Log Burner 42 The Loom 43 Johnny Pusztai 45 Nutritionist Man Great Food And Drink Magazine is a publication of All About Tourism:



Edition 1 APRIL 2016

Prestwold Hall Welcomes The Great Food & Drink Festival. The Great Food and Drink Festival will be heading to Prestwold Hall over the May Day Bank Holiday (30th April – 2nd May). The event which had over 10,000 people attend both Nottingham Castle and Newstead Abbey in 2015, has now gone further afield and hosting shows in Leicestershire and Derbyshire, as well as Nottingham. Celebrity Chef, Jean-Christophe Novelli, is just one of the chefs taking part in cooking demos over the weekend. Novelli will do three cooking demonstrations on the Saturday (30th) of the event and will be joined by two more celebrity chefs, Aldo Zilli (1st) and Marcus Bean (2nd). There will be a vast variety of food, drink, crafts and entertainment on for all ages to enjoy at the incredibly beautiful grounds of Prestwold Hall for the festival. With a range of live music thrown in on each day which is performed by fantastic local talent, there certainly is something for everyone. With soft play areas, Punch and Judy shows and a whole lot more, even the little ones will have a fantastic day out! With over a hundred stalls set to be at Prestwold Hall, you will not be disappointed in the variation, diversity and tastes that you’ll be able to acquire. There will be stalls from Mister V, Nachos Amigos, I Love Ostrich and a lot more including a range of artisan crafts. So if you’d like to know more about The Great Food and Drink Festival go to www.greatfoodanddrinkfestivals. where you’ll be able to see more on the chefs, exhibitors and live music acts!



Chefs & Workshop Times Prestwold Hall. CHEF TIMES Saturday 30th April 11am – Jean-Christophe Novelli

2pm – Johnny Pusztai

1pm – Jean-Christophe Novelli

3pm – Aldo Zilli

2pm – Johnny Pusztai

Saturday 2nd May

3pm – Jean-Christophe Novelli 11am – Marcus Bean

Sunday 1st May

1pm – Marcus Bean

11am – Aldo Zilli

2pm – Johnny Pusztai

12pm – Jordan Cox

3pm – Marcus Bean

1pm – Aldo Zilli

WORKSHOP TIMES* 11am – Kidz Kitchen 12pm – Burger Making with Johnny Pusztai 1pm – Kidz Kitchen 2pm – Wholefood Warrior 3pm – Kidz Kitchen

*These run the same throughout the weekend.



Edition 1 APRIL 2016

The Cocktail Car Company come on board as Sponsor at Great Food and Drink Festival The Great Food and Drink Festival are delighted to announce that The Cocktail Car Company have come on board as sponsors of their upcoming festival at Prestwold Hall. The Cocktail Car Company is a beautifully renovated 1970’s VW Campervan that has been converted into a fully function cocktail bar that is manned by a team of highly trained mixologists.

The Great Food and Drink Festival will take place at Prestwold Hall from April 30th-May 2nd and will feature celebrity chef cooking demos by Jean-Christophe Novelli, Aldo Zilli and Marcus Bean over the three-day event.

All of their cocktail syrups and purees are freshly made at their home using local fresh fruit as well as an array of fantastic spirit brands.

Olive, the name of the VW Campervan, will be bringing a unique and unforgettable bar service to Prestwold Hall, so if you are a fan of the odd cocktail or too, make sure you visit them at the festival.

Their menus contain don’t just contain cocktails, they also provide a host of mocktails and milkshakes that children, non-drinkers and if you just don’t fancy alcohol!

You can find out more about The Cocktail Car Company and details about hiring their services at you

wedding, private functions and more at and to find out everything you need to know about The Great Food and Drink Festivals, just visit www.


World Leading Cookery School Sponsor the Great British Cookbook. The Great British Cookbook is now in the latter stages of releasing their second book, which raises money for Macmillan Cancer Support and Hospitality Action, and are delighted to announce that Le Cordon Bleu London, leading culinary arts, wine and management school are sponsoring the cookbook. Founded in Paris in 1895, Le Cordon Bleu has grown from a popular culinary magazine to one of the most prestigious global networks of culinary arts and hospitality management institutes. In 2012, Le Cordon Bleu London moved from its base on Marylebone Lane to its new state-of-the-art premises, 15 Bloomsbury Square. Offering a range of industry relevant cuisine, pâtisserie and wine Diplomas alongside a variety of engaging short courses taught by their team of high calibre Master Chefs, students are often considered to be synonymous with outstanding ability across the globe.

of the hundreds of students who graduate each year. With such a respected reputation, Le Cordon Bleu London also host a number of industry competitions from National Chef of The Year to Bocuse d’Or, which benefit from the professional facilities and equipment.

from such an iconic cookery school who have no doubt had so many chefs involved with the book come through their school. The book will certainly inspire people who want to be part of the hospitality industry and Le Cordon Bleu are a great organisation to provide the training.”

The Master Chefs at Le Cordon Bleu can often be found on the judging panel at culinary competitions, or sometimes actively competing in their own right. This maintains the vital connection the school has to the industry, and opens a unique opportunity for students to witness first-hand the dedication and passion that chefs require to become and remain successful.

The Great British Cookbook will take you on an unforgettable journey through 200 of the UK’s most prestigious pubs, guest houses, hotels, AA Rosette and Michelin Star restaurants showcasing 200 of the UK’s finest chefs who have created 200 culinary masterpieces using locally sourced produce; for you to cook with your family and friends in your home. If all this wasn’t enough the cookbook is your very own road map of exceptional places to eat.

Although traditional French culinary techniques remain at the heart of Le Cordon Bleu, the school’s academic programmes continue to be pioneered as a response to consumer and industry demands, which as a result has seen the introduction of the Diploma in Culinary Management and the Diploma in Gastronomy, Nutrition and Food Trends within the last two years.

Chef Alan Swinson, Culinary Arts Director at Le Cordon Bleu London comments: “The book is supporting two very worthy causes and we are delighted to be sponsoring this collection of recipes from Britain’s best chefs. With the evolution and transformation of British food over the last two decades The Great British Cookbook brings together and demonstrates the culinary excellence we have to offer today.”

Le Cordon Bleu’s place in the industry plays an integral part in the success

Gary Allen Founder of the book quoted “We are delighted to have the support

Proceeds from the book sale are going to Macmillan Cancer support and Hospitality Action To find out more about Le Cordon Bleu you can visit www.lecordonbleu. edu/london and for The Great British Cookbook visit www.


Edition 1 APRIL 2016




Edition 1 APRIL 2016



Gloworm Festival to Launch at Clumber Park Nottinghamshire is set to be the home of a brand new family music festival bringing music, art and entertainment to your doorstep. Clumber Park is preparing itself to host the Gloworm Festival at its National Trust beauty spot. The Gloworm festival is aimed at families with children of all ages. It’s a festival that will inspire the imaginations of its attendees, both young and old, and invite them to come and play in a warm, friendly and creative environment. Over the two days there will be plenty of special moments for the little ones, including appearences by none other than Peppa Pig, Ben and Holly, Mr Bloom, Thomas the Tank Engine and The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Working with some of the UK’s hottest unsigned artists to make sure that the main stage is jam packed with the best talent the UK has to offer. Along with the finest entertainers, activities and workshops for the whole family to take part in. You can be sure that your day will be full to the brim with activities a plenty from start to finish. “Nottingham is home to some of the best musicians and artists in the world. We are such a family friendly city with so much to offer that it seems crazy

we don’t already have a family festival here. The Gloworm Festival will be such a brilliant event and one that will only get bigger and better year after year. I for one am pretty excited about it. This is a real opportunity for families to play, have fun and enjoy good music together”. Rebecca Organiser



What makes this festival that little bit more wonderful is that once you have a ticket there are no hidden costs, the rides are free, the workshops are free, and the activities are all free once you are in. So if your children want to go on the bouncy slide three hundred and eleven times they can, and it won’t cost you a penny extra. With excellent facilities for chilling out to bottom changing, having a picnic or trying some of the onsite food stalls, the Gloworm team have left no stone unturned. It goes without saying that the festival is breast feeding friendly,

but they are also providing a cosy breast feeding area for mums who prefer to breast feed in comfort. Andy Whyles, Gloworm Festival Organiser stated, “Not only is this going to be a brilliant event, but we have also decided to donate a percentage of the profits to The School For Parents, and The Teenage Cancer Ward at the City Hospital. These are two wonderful charities that the team and I feel passionate about. They provide local families with vital care and support and it is our pleasure to be able to work with them”. Gloworm have teamed up with Notts TV and White Post Farm on the event. Notts TV will be exclusively covering the fantastic event on their TV channel, so make sure you tune in to see what will be happening come August! White Post Farm are recreating their wonderful farm on site, bringing down a whole host of animals for the kids to enjoy, so if you like music and animals, this is certainly the place for you!



Edition 1 APRIL 2016

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OPENING 9 MAY Visit for an authentic taste of Italy




Edition 1 APRIL 2016

BELLISSIMO NEWS LOUGHBOROUGH – BELLA IS COMING TO TOWN! Nation’s fastest growing restaurant brand to join Baxter Gate Complex in Loughborough. £750,000 invested in the new restaurant, creating 35 new jobs. Joining the Cineworld cinema in the complex, Bella will be an ideal place for everyone.

Loughborough’s Baxter Gate development will be getting its very own little Italy when Bella Italia opens on 9 May. The £750,000 investment in the shiny new restaurant will create 35 new jobs, and win the hearts of Loughborough people serving up great quality, authentic Italian treats for breakfast, lunch and dinner 7 days a week. The Bella menu, which brings together the best flavours from across Italy, is packed with products from family-run Italian producers. The Italian restaurant brand is proud to be expanding the Leisure & Dining offering in Loughborough and taking the dining scene onto the next level. The bright and colourful new restaurant will feature quirky seating – perfect for romantic dinners or family get-togethers, beautiful paintwork drawing on the heritage of Italian coasts and a Mediterranean vibe to make your visit more memorable.

For those looking to relax before or after visiting the new Cineworld cinema the fantastic atmosphere, created with an enthusiastic and dedicated team, is sure to make your evening fantastic! At Bella Loughborough customers can expect hand stretched pizzas – which is the feature of Bella’s new menu, including the amazing ‘Pizza Roma’, which gives a light crisp crust topped with well thought ingredients – plus a new range of fresh pastas, and a new lasagne, made fresh in the restaurant daily. Leaving room for dessert is vital - Bella’s Gelato Cart, now a regular feature in their new restaurants, is sure to inspire creative picking while selecting from 11 flavours of real Italian Ice cream available to try and of course the array of toppings to add too! The selection of Prosecco and cocktails is sure to make a perfect addition to the night out with the girls or that special date night.

At Bella Loughborough, which will cater for 151 covers, the dining party never stops. Their Limoncello, which comes from ‘Dolce Cilento’ based in the heart of the Cilento National Park near the Amalfi coast, will make for a perfect ‘digestivo’ after a great meal. Bella Loughborough General Manager Sam Blackwell, said, “We’re delighted to be bringing Italian sunshine to Loughborough! The buzzing Baxter Gate Complex will be a prime destination to all with so many new choices, and those visiting Bella will be treated to our great menu, fabulous new restaurant and a team that can’t wait to serve the people of Loughborough. It’s ideal for people of all ages and those that like to enjoy a great dinner before or after their trip to the cinema”.


A Jewel in Nottingham’s Crown MemSaab Restaurant is Nottingham’s premier Fine Dining Indian Restaurant. The 200 seater restaurant with its contemporary design and furnishing has been established since 2002. Owner, Amita Sawhney’s passion for perfection in terms of cuisine, hospitality and ambience has been rewarded by the recognition of many food bodies and food critics. Here, the myth of ‘Curry and Lager’ has been dispelled and Indian food is truly ‘Fine dining’. Amongst the traditional dishes that can be seen on the Menu, can be seen Steamed Monkfish, Tandoori Ostrich, Venison Infused Kebab and Pan Fried Seabass! In March 2015, the supreme accolade was given by the AA - Two Rosettes for Culinary Excellence! This is the first time such recognition has been given to an Indian Restaurant in the East Midlands. MemSaab has been named the British Curry Awards 2014 Best Restaurant in the Midlands – nicknamed a ‘Curry Oscar’ by The Prime Minister, David Cameron! This is the first time in the Awards’ history, that it has been bestowed upon a restaurant in Nottingham. The Observer Food Monthly Awards has named MemSaab as Best Restaurant Runner Up 2001, 2014, 2013 and 2014, alongside Nottingham’s only Michelin Star Chef, Sat Bains – great company to be with! It’s no wonder that the restaurant’s Award Winning Chefs are often seen serving culinary delights for distinguished patrons of the restaurant. These include politicians, celebrities and eminent businessmen and women including the Australian Prime Minister, Chris Tarrant, Sir Ian Botham, Geoffrey Boycott OBE, Jayne Torville OBE and Christopher Dean OBE! MemSaab hosts many unique Events throughout the year including Champagne and Food Pairing Evenings (the only ones held in the Country), Wine and Food pairing Evenings, Charity evenings and a Diwali Festival Week serving Indian Street Food! Twice Michelin Star Chef, Atul Kochhar from Benares, Mayfair, was the Guest of Honour at the last Charity Event. Atul performed live cooking, oversaw the menu and took time to do a book signing. He helped Amita raise over £20,000 in one evening for some great causes: Great Ormond Street Hospital, Kenyan Chidren’s Centre and the Heart of Experian Charity Fund. The total raised by the restaurant over the years is in excess of £127,000! The restaurant will be featuring in The Great British Cook Book this year with a Starter dish representing the East Midlands region with one of the two hundred dishes from across the country from some of the finest chefs and eateries of Great Britain Look out for their popup restaurant at one of our food shows.


Edition 1 APRIL 2016




Edition 1 APRIL 2016




Edition 1 APRIL 2016


Chef Tom Kerridge has gained himself a name as a West Country traditionalist with a passion for pub grub. “Appearing on The Great British Menu, the thing I was proudest of is that I came across as me,” Kerridge says. “There were no airs and graces, no pretence and I’ve kept up that mantra since.” True to form, the chef cuts a friendly, approachable figure through our chat. Kerridge was just 18 when he entered the kitchen as a commis chef at Calcot Manor in Tetbury. Moving to London in his early 20s, Kerridge honed his skills at restaurants including Odettes, Rhodes in The Square, Stephen Bull and The Capital. He’s worked with all the big names in the culinary world, and credits “being in the kitchen” as paramount to his education. Today, Kerridge’s recipes, from his lasagne to his pie to his beef brisket (“with a lovely barbeque sauce”), reflect his passion for upmarket comfort food. Kerridge became head chef at Adlards in Norwich and senior sous chef at Monsieur Max in Hampton before opening his own gastro pub, The Hand and Flowers, in 2005, gaining a Michelin star just a year in. Nearly a decade on – and another Michelin star later - Kerridge has become a familiar face on our telly screens. A Saturday Kitchen regular, the chef calls his double Michelin starred gastro pub his “biggest achievement.” The Gloucestershire-raised chef is all about “big, strong and robust” flavours, and calls “love” the key ingredient to any dish. “If it’s created with love then when you eat it you’ll feel the soul that went into it - that’s the thing that makes it comforting.” With his food pleasing to the eye without being overly fussy, Kerridge is quick to champion the ‘pub grub’ movement currently taking over the UK, paying lip service to the quintessentially British phenomenon. “There’s about 15 chefs now in pubs with Michelin stars, and that’s a wonderful place to be in,” he says. “It’s a great advert for British food across the world.” Kerridge adds, “There are great pubs doing great food that haven’t got Michelin stars too, and their understanding of food is just fantastic.” His series Tom Kerridge’s Best Ever Dishes is returning to our screens – “It’s a continuation of the proper pub food that was such a success last year. I enjoyed working with everyone from the camera men to the director” – and Kerridge alerts us to his cardinal kitchen rule. “Never cook something that you wouldn’t want to eat,” he says, sternly. For this chef, total enjoyment is paramount. “It’s alright to cook something you’ve never cooked before, and to experiment, but make sure it’s something you want to try. That love will defiantly come across in whatever you cook.” this autumn.


Nottingham Castle Welcomes the Return of The Great Food and Drink Festival. The Great Food and Drink Festival will be returning to Nottingham Castle over the May Bank Holiday (28th – 30th May). The event had over 10,000 people attend last year and with another star studded line-up of celebrity chefs, the event looks like it will be even bigger in its second year! Celebrity Chef Tom Kerridge, who has two Michelin Stars to his name, is just one of the celebrity chefs coming down to Nottingham for this great event. Kerridge will do three cooking demonstrations on the Saturday (28th) of the event and will be joined by two more celebrity chefs, Nadiya Hussain, the current champion of the Bafta award winning show The Great British Bake-off (29th) and Rustie Lee (30th). There will be a vast variety of food, drink, crafts and entertainment on for all ages to enjoy at the incredibly beautiful grounds of Nottingham Castle for the festival. With a range of live music thrown in on each day which is performed by fantastic local talent, there certainly is something for everyone. With a multitude of rides, soft play area, Punch and Judy shows and a whole lot more, even the little ones will have a fantastic day out! With over a hundred stalls set to be at Nottingham Castle, you will not be disappointed in the variation, diversity and tastes that you’ll be able to acquire. There will be stalls from Mister V, Nachos Amigos, I Love Ostrich and a lot more including a range of artisan crafts. So if you’d like to know more about The Great Food and Drink Festival go to where you’ll be able to see more on the chefs, exhibitors and live music acts!

COMPETITION – 5 family tickets (2 adults, 2 children) How many Michelin Stars does Tom Kerridge have? Please send entries through to


Edition 1 APRIL 2016


Who is appearing at The Great Food and Drink Festival at Nottingham Castle? We have some fantastic chefs lined up for you lucky lot at our event at Nottingham Castle from the 28th to the 30th May. Last year saw the likes of Simon Rimmer, Jordan Cox and Adam Simmonds do cooking demos, but this year you are in for a treat!

Our three headlining chefs are: Tom Kerridge (28th May) – Tom only does a select few food and drink festivals throughout the year, so we are delighted to announce that you will be able to see him at this years event! He has two Michelin Stars to his name, so he isn’t one to miss! Nadiya Hussain (29th May) – We have been extremely lucky to have snapped up the current champion of The Great British Bake Off. In the past we have had Chetna Makan and Jordan Cox at our events, but to have the current champ is very special indeed! Catch her on the 29th May for some great baking tip! Rustie Lee (30th May) – The wonderful Rustie Lee will also be gracing our cooking demonstration tent at Nottingham Castle. There is no doubt that this will be a laugh a minute and with her infectious laugh everybody will be left wanting more. We also some local chefs attending this year’s event with Ben Chaplin, Johnny Pusztai, Jordan Cox and MasterChefs Pete Hewitt attending.


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Edition 1 APRIL 2016

All About Tourism to Donate 50p of each ticket to Macmillan Cancer Support All About Tourism, who are the event organisers of The Great Food and Drink Festivals which are set to take place all over the East Midlands, are using their shows to help raise crucial funds for Macmillan Cancer Support. The company have decided to give 50p of each ticket sale to Macmillan Cancer Support, in a bid to raise in excess of £20,000. The Great Food and Drink Festivals have been known to attract crowds of over 10,000 people per show and now with more shows this year than ever before, that could mean a lot of money being raised. Andy Whyles, Event Organiser has stated “The Great Food and Drink Festivals are set to take place all over the East Midlands and with the events getting bigger and reaching a wider audience, it felt like the perfect time to help out such a fantastic charity that does so much for other people in return” Rachel Herrick Area Fundraising Manager in the East Mids says “We are absolutely delighted that the company have decided to support Macmillan in this way. Today there are 2.5 million people living with cancer in the UK. By 2030 it will be 4 million and in five years nearly half of the UK

population will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. We want to make sure everyone gets the support they need. That’s why Macmillan is leading the way in transforming cancer care by piloting new services and developing existing ones. But in order to do this we need the support of companies like All About Tourism to help raise the vital funds to support our work.” With the minimum expectation of 10,000 attendees at each of these four events, that means a £20,000 target being raised for Macmillan Cancer Support is definitely an achievable feat. Between £15,000 and £20,000 could pay for a fullykitted Macmillan Information Space, including build costs, IT equipment, furniture and décor. The Space is a partitioned and furnished area within a larger area where information and support can be given to people affected by cancer. £13,963 could pay for a Macmillan social worker or family support worker for six months. They work with community and social services agencies to help people manage the social and practical problems of living with cancer. When you have cancer, you don’t

just worry about what will happen to your body, you worry about what will happen to your life. At Macmillan, we know how a cancer diagnosis can affect everything and we’re here to support you through. From help with money worries and advice about work, to someone who’ll listen if you just want to talk, we’ll be there. We are millions of supporters, professionals, volunteers, campaigners and people affected by cancer. Together we make sure there’s always someone here for you, to give you the support, energy and inspiration you need to help you feel like yourself again. The money raised can go a long way. Ensuring there is someone there, giving support, energy and inspiration to help people affected by cancer feel like themselves again.


Handmade drinks from the heart of the countryside Belvoir Fruit Farms nestles deep in the English countryside in the idyllic Vale of Belvoir, where they’ve been making fruit cordials and presses since 1984, pressing fresh fruit and infusing flowers to mix with spring water.

Renowned for their elderflower drinks, they still use the same elderflower recipe developed by cofounder Mary Manners all those years ago. Originally, all the elderflowers were handpicked from bushes growing around Lord and Lady John Manners’ garden. The whole family helped to make the first batch of elderflower cordial, chopping the lemons and stirring the syrup. Lord John then popped the 88 cases of drinks into the back of his car and went round local farm shops, persuading the owners to buy a bottle here and there. Today, demand is so high that Belvoir calls on the local community to help with the harvest, picking flowers from their own 90 acres of orchards and from hedgerows in the surrounding countryside. To achieve the unique taste of Belvoir’s elderflower products, it’s essential to use nothing but fresh flowers. Peverel Manners, Lord John’s son, says: “The secret of a really good elderflower cordial is to use masses of flowers that have been picked in the sunshine when they’re warm and heavy with yellow pollen, then get them into the vat within three hours. This gives the drink its delicate floral taste.” Over the years, the company has expanded its beverage range to include a wide range of flavours and the brand now produces more than 40 products, many of which have won multiple awards. All will be available to sample and buy at this summer’s Great Food & Drink Festivals at Nottingham Castle in May and at Calke Abbey in September; it will be lovely to see you there…



Edition 1 APRIL 2016

Grab yourself a healthy

snack If you have a sweet tooth but are also concerned about your waistline then these raw almond & coconut bites are just what you need. Made solely from natural ingredients, they are free of refined sugar and taste insanely good. What's more is that they contain healthy fats which, research suggests, may assist with blood sugar control. Ingredients to make 14: 3 tablespoons of almond butter 5 Medjool dates 3/4 cup desiccated coconut 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, melted 2 drops of vanilla extract (optional)

Method: Blend the almond butter, vanilla extract and dates until the mixture resembles large crumbs. (You are looking for the dates to be chopped up as much as possible.) Move the date/almond mix into a bowl and combine with the desiccated coconut and coconut oil. Mix really well. Squash into balls and refrigerate for at least an hour before consuming.

Eva Humphries is a Nottingham based nutritionist, the founder of Wholefood Warrior and appreciator of good food. Eva holds health and wellbeing talks on topics including the basics of nutrition, improving energy and boosting the immune system.


Wholefood Warrior

Get 10% off any Wholefood Warrior talk during May & June using the code GFDF10. Book now on: events wholefoodwarrior


All aboard!

All Aboard! Tickets Please?

Our story so far...

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a bar in a bus, well the bus bar youiswhat a great idea it Ascompany you can just seeshows this bus no ordinary double is! decker. Have you ever thought about having a

bar in a bus?! Well theThe Bus Bar Company shows The Bus Bar Company has a great range of This bus had recently come out of service so Routemaster Bus was the optimum iconic mobile bars that are ideal for any choice for a bar, as it would provide an outlet we had to start the conversion from scratch. what a great idea it is! occasion of your choice. Please read on to view It was indeed a challenge for us as we had for mass serving, but creates an impression our selection of unique bars, that will sure create a stunning focal point at your event‌‌ Have you ever wondered how to make your event have the wow factor? Well we at the Bus bar Company have the answer you have been looking for! Our Family run Company is now in its 4th year and has gone from strength to strength as each season has gone by. It was formally known as The Routemaster Bus Bar Company and It all started back in 2011 with the purchase of our first Routemaster bus. The idea of running mobile bars arose from our love of beer and the need to promote the also family run microbrewery, based in Shardlow Derbyshire. Shardlow Brewery have been producing good quality real ales for the past 15 years.

and an interesting conversation feature. Wherever we go with the Buses everyone loves them and we take great satisfaction in maintaining this fine Vintage vehicle. But also pulling it into the 21st Century, so this British icon can be enjoyed for years to come.

Our Routemaster proved to be a winner at events and soon one just wasn't enough, so we decided to buy another of its kind in time for the second season.

not undertaken a renovation like this before. However we took ideas from our other bus and knew ways to improve it after working on it for a full season. The conversion has been done to a very high standard and retains as much of its original features where possible. You just need to come aboard our buses and see for yourself! The Buses offer great facilities, on the lower deck we have a fully licensed mass serving bar, and on the upper deck there is an open top hospitality area where you can kick back in comfort and enjoy a drink or two and socialise the day away. We have a wide selection of alcoholic beverages to suit everyone's tipple of choice. From hand pulled real ales brewed from our own brewery. We are very proud of our beer and we like to share and enjoy this with our customers. Simon Morgan one of the owners is also the brewer, so if you have any questions on our ale then he is the person to ask! Reverand Eaton is the most popular choice, which is amber in colour and has a fruity hoppy aroma.



Edition 1 APRIL 2016

Also on the bar we have traditional boxed cider, draft lagers, bitters & ciders, wine, prosecco, champagne, Pimms and a range of soft drinks and spirits. The upper deck provides a first class facility and is a perfect VIP area to entertain your guests, which can seat 25 people comfortably, or can be used as a DJ performance area. We pride ourselves in offering a great customer service to all our clients and have many returning customers. As each season goes by we have incurred many more events, with each year busier than the next, and this summer is proving to be even more so! We have done some brilliant events such as the F1 & Moto GP at Silverstone, The Chatsworth Horse Trials, The CLA game Fayre and many more. This year with have some more exciting ones to look forward to such as the Truckfest events, Blenheim International Horse trials, VW festivals and the famous Hemingway Vintage Car Boots. All our staff are friendly, polite, fully trained and uniformed, so even though we enjoy what we do we are always professional.

We appreciate that every event is different, our operation is very flexible allowing us to completely tailor our services to suit your event. We are self sufficient and have all the equipment to take care of your needs. The Bus Bar Company is not just about Routemaster buses. Last May we purchased a one of its kind 'Speakeasy' Mobile Bar, even though it was completely different to the bars we currently have, we instantly fell in love with it and we are sure you will too! This charming vehicle is a 1920's style Fleur De Lys parcel van and has been skilfully converted into a fully functional bar. This is sure to add something different to any occasion and is ideal for smaller events such as Weddings, private parties etc. or it can be used as a more specialised bar, such as for your favourite cocktails. Come rain or shine the bar is extremely versatile and is perfect for inside or outside Wedding venues. The bar can be used alone or in conjunction with our extended bar facilities depending on the amount of guests or size of event.

For more information of what we do and our services please visit our website or contact us on 0777519137152 or email Also on what's happening visit out facebook or Twitter pages.

The Bus Bar family is still growing and we have some exciting projects ahead, our current renovation being a 1961 AEC Reliance single decker bus, and the conversion of a VW Campervan in the pipeline. The AEC reliance will also be a mass serving bar and the first outing will be at Sliverstone for the F1 in July, so see you there!


Veolia team up with All About Tourism The UK leader in environmental solutions, Veolia provides a comprehensive range of waste, water and energy management services designed to build the circular economy and preserve scarce raw materials.

Matt Spaul, East Midlands General Manager for Veolia said: “As All About Tourism are keen to become known as one of the first festival groups to offer recycling, it’s great that we can support and encourage their goal using our knowledge and expertise.”

Veolia have been reducing resource use, turning waste into green products and clean energy, and cutting carbon emissions – and helping our customers to do the same.

This partnership is a fantastic opportunity to encourage everyone to recycle while at the Great Food and Drink Festivals and other events just as they would at home. The recycling facilities will mirror those that

Nottinghamshire County residents have with their kerbside recycling bin so this will further support the ease of recycling across the County. If you would like to find out how Veolia could help your business or event with their waste and recycling requirements and arrange a free waste audit, please call: 0203 567 2710 or email: cs.eastmidlands.


Edition 1 APRIL 2016

We could save We could save you money on you money on yourwaste wasteand and your recyclingservices services recycling

Fromsmall smalltotomedium medium enterprises blue companies, From enterprises to to blue chipchip companies, we can provide a bespoke recycling and waste solution for you. we can provide a bespoke recycling and waste solution for you. Typical services include: Typicalcollection collection services include: Paper and Cardboard Paper and Cardboard

Confidential Waste Confidential Waste

Mixed Recycling (DMR) Mixed Recycling (DMR)

General Waste General Waste

Food Waste Food Waste

Other services may may Other services be provided upon request. be provided upon request.



For your FREE waste audit please contact us on:

0203 0203567 5672710 2710 For your FREE waste audit please contact us on:



THE NEW MINI CLUBMAN. AVAILABLE WITH COMPELLING FINANCE. MINI Select Representative example: MINI Cooper Clubman. Term of agreement 47 monthly payments On the road cash price*

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£9,380.19 £23,646.85 6.9% fixed

Representative 6.9% APR For more information, call us on 0115 934 1400 or visit

Sytner Nottingham Lenton Lane Nottingham NG7 2AX


Official Fuel Economy Figures for the new MINI Clubman Range: Urban 35.3-60.1 mpg (8-4.7 l/100km). Extra Urban 52.3-76.3 mpg (5.4-3.7 l/100km). Combined 44.8-68.9 mpg (6.3-4.1 l/100km). CO2 Emissions 147-109 g/km. Figures may vary depending on driving style and conditions. Sytner Limited t/a Sytner Nottingham are a credit broker and not a lender Finance example is for a MINI Select agreement for a MINI Cooper Clubman, with a contract mileage of 40,000 miles and excess mileage charge of 5.24p per mile (Exc. VAT). Applies to new vehicles ordered between 1 January 2016 and 31 March 2016 and registered by 30 June 2016 (subject to availability). Retail customers only. *On the road cash price is based on manufacturer’s recommended retail price and includes 3 year MINI Retailer Warranty, MINI Emergency Service, 12 months’ road fund licence, vehicle first registration fee, delivery, number plates and VAT. ^Optional final payment and option to purchase fee not payable if you opt to return the vehicle at the end of the agreement (vehicle condition, excess mileage and other charges may be payable). Finance available subject to credit acceptance to UK residents aged 18 or over. Guarantees and indemnities may be required. Terms and conditions apply. Offer may be varied, withdrawn or extended at any time. Sytner Limited are fully authorised for consumer credit brokerage and are not the lender. Details of this and our trading names can be checked via the FCA consumer credit register. Finance available subject to credit acceptance to UK residents aged 18 or over. Guarantees and indemnities may be required. Terms and conditions apply. Offer may be varied, withdrawn or extended at any time. ‘MINI Select’ is a form of hire-purchase agreement provided by MINI Financial Services, Summit ONE, Summit Avenue, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 0FB. You will have a 14 day statutory right to withdraw from the agreement. Whilst we have close links with MINI FS and commonly introduce customers to MINI FS, we do not work exclusively with MINI FS. We are not an independent financial advisor. We can introduce you to a limited number of lenders to assist with your purchase, who may pay us for introducing you to them.

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23/02/2016 14:29


Edition 1 APRIL 2016


Thaikhun come on board The Great Food and Drink Festival and The Great Notts Show. Nottingham’s recently opened Thai restaurant, Thaikhun, are the latest company to sign up to a sponsorship at this year’s Nottingham Castle Great Food and Drink Festival and The Great Notts Show, which is now in its fifth year of running. Thaikhun is an exciting new casual dining experience from the owners of Chaophraya Thai Restaurant group. The interior is authentic, offering an interactive dining experience with open kitchens and traditionally rustic surroundings. With a fantastic selection of food on offer, the Thaikhun stand is one you’ll have to make sure you visit at these events! Sweetcorn cake, chicken satay, stir fired beef and basil, chicken curry and tofu pad Thai are just some of the great selections that you’ll be able to dig your teeth into at these wonderful events over the next year. Thaikhun will be there alongside some of top chefs in the UK at Nottingham Castle, with Tom Kerridge, Gregg Wallace and Rustie Lee all performing cooking demonstrations over the weekend. So make sure you come and check them out with all of our other fantastic exhibitors! You can find all the information you need at


Ashby Aromatherapy Ashby Aromatherapy specialises in the blending of high quality aromatherapy products suitable for all. Each product has been designed to help suite individual needs like stress, anxiety, and dry skin, sleeping problems, arthritis and much more. My business philosophy is to place the clients’ needs centre stage and to allow the quality of my products to speak for themselves. In 2013 I set up my business with an emphasis on massage. During this time, I have expanded the range of products and services including opening an online store, running various pop-up market stalls, and now expanding into retail. In 2013/2014 I explored alternative remedies relating to stress, anxiety and insomnia, which I personally experienced when I was involved in a road traffic accident in 2011. I successfully completed a business degree at Nottingham Trent University and courses in massage and aromatherapy and I believe that quality products and good service sell very well. I am the ‘hands on’ part of the business, utilising my knowledge of massage to treat clients, and using my experience to create and produce effective products that appeal to customers and clients alike. The quality

of my products is my paramount consideration ensuring I use carefully sourced natural ingredients from local suppliers. Himalayan Natural Salt Rocks Salt crystals are made from natural salt from an ancient sea which was squeezed out of existence by moving continents hundreds of millions of years ago and now lies buried in the foothills of Himalayas. The salt has been mined for hundreds of years and is believed to have first been discovered by Alexander the Great in 320 BV, when his horses stopped to lick it. Salt crystals are natural ion generators, emitting negative ions into the atmosphere. Keeping a rock salt lamp in areas where positive ions are polluting your air space will help neutralise the air you breathe. Balancing positive and negative ions and help reduce airborne infections. How do Himalayan Salt Rocks Work? The heat from a lighted salt lamp attracts moisture. The evaporation of water through salt releases negative ions. The negative ions a salt lamp or salt candleholder can release will depend on how warm the candle or light bulb makes it

Benefits of Emitting Negative Ions into Your Living Space: • Increases chi • Eliminates allergens • Reduces effects of sadness • Supports the immune system • Boosts serotonin levels • Improves mental alertness • Help with Sleep • Help with Stress and Anxiety When you have chosen your Himalayan salt rock that has drawn your attention, from your first initial glance, you can expect to feel happier from the warm ambient glow of a salt rock as it creates a calm, peaceful atmosphere that promotes relaxation. To see out full product range visit or you can find my range in Handmade In Nottingham located in the Broadmarsh Shopping Centre.


Edition 1 APRIL 2016



KLEFTICO By Yamas, Nottingham. Kleftiko: literally meaning “in the style of the Klephts”, this is lamb slow-baked on the bone, originally cooked in a pit oven. It is said that the Klephts, bandits of the countryside who did not have flocks of their own, would steal lambs or goats and cook the meat in a sealed pit to avoid the smoke being seen 6 pieces of shoulder of lamb (each piece approx 1lb in weight) 4 tbsp of lemon juice 2 bay leaves 3 cloves garlic, crushed 4 tbsp of olive oil Salt and pepper Pinch of oregano 1 fresh lemon cut into wedges 1 onion finely chopped You will need a large roasting tin that will fit all the pieces of lamb. Season the lamb with salt, pepper and oregano. Place the lamb in the roasting tin together with the garlic, bay leaves, lemon juice and the olive oil. Pour enough water into the roasting tin to cover half of the lamb. Cover the pan with tin foil and place in a pre-heated oven and cook on 200°C for about 3 hours or until the meat is tender. Serve hot, sprinkled with chopped fresh parsley and chopped onions, garnish with lemon wedges. Kleftico is good served with sauté potatoes cooked in white wine and coriander, and a large mixed salad.



Edition 1 APRIL 2016

Saturday 10am to Midnight Saturday 10am to to Midnight Sunday 10am 5pm Sunday 10am to 5pm Tickets - Tickets - Facebook - EMChilliFest Facebook - EMChilliFest Twitter - @EMChillifest Twitter - @EMChillifest Chilli Stalls Chilli Stalls Artisan Stalls Stalls Free Artisan Childrens Activities Free Childrens Activities Street Food/Drink/Real Ales Street Food/Drink/Real Ales Free Camp/Caravan Options - Children Camp/Caravan Options - Children 12 Top Notttingham Bands Free 12 Top Notttingham Bands



THE KING OF THE ROLLING PIN As a young man, Paul Hollywood initially refused to follow in his father’s footsteps and assume the baking mantel. Persuaded to change his mind, however, Hollywood has gone on to become one of the nation’s most treasured celebrity chefs. The baking profession may be of long and humble tradition, but Paul Hollywood, with his sharp blue eyes, distinguished silver hair and glamorous surname, was always destined for a rise to stardom. After making his name on the remarkably popular BBC show The Great British Bake Off, the 47 year-old is now gearing up to take his talents on the road as part of a UK tour. It’s been quite a journey for the Merseyside lad, from the smaller stage of the family bakery to selling out concert venues across the country with a hands-on baking gig. Prior to facing crowds of adoring fans, how does he feel about the upcoming tour? “I really enjoyed doing demonstrations for the BBC Good Food show, so I’m not unfamiliar with the format. This was my chance to do something on my own though, and it’s like a kind of rock ‘n’ roll tour! “The whole idea of the tour is to pass on my knowledge, what I’ve learnt over the years to people who are struggling or have problems with their baking.” Hollywood’s desire to pass on the knowledge perhaps hankers back to his own baking beginnings. His knack with a rolling pin comes from a flour-filled childhood. “Mum looked after the pastry side, the apple pies, the biscuits,” he tells us. “My dad looked after the yeast side. So with the two of them as my parents I became a hybrid.” Although the professional chef was brought up around the craft, and cites good friend Tom Kerridge as an inspiration, not to mention Michel Roux Junior who he describes as “quite frankly, a God,” the route to the very top of his profession was perhaps a lonely one. A younger Hollywood had to look to old cookbooks rather than motivating head chefs to help him break the mould.

“My family have been my inspiration throughout my whole career. But one of my problems was that when I moved into these big flash restaurants to go and work there I was head of the tree; I was the head baker and there was no one higher than me who I could ask for advice.” In baking, it seems that sometimes looking backwards can be the way forward. “So I was reading the old bakery books, and getting inspiration from what was going on in baking a hundred years ago, or 200 years ago. That’s where I’d get my inspiration. I couldn’t get it from other bakers because they are almost doing the same thing.” The “George Clooney of baking” as Johnathan Ross described him, has been kneading dough for around thirty years. But when the last loaf is taken out the oven and the apron comes off, what is it that Hollywood likes to do to relax? “I really enjoy walking the dog,” he smile. “He’s a Labrador called Rufus – I named him after [comedian] Rufus Hound, who’s a friend of mine. That’s my relaxation – walking Rufus or going out for a ride on my motorbike – it’s a sports bike though, I hate Harleys.” What about hanging out with Mary Berry? Do the pair get on as well off screen as they do on it? “Working with her is such a laugh. I do get the giggles a lot. Mary is lovely. I see a lot of her outside work, and am very fond of her and her whole family.” For tickets and information to see Paul Hollywood go to:


Edition 1 APRIL 2016



ceramicbbq logburners limited


The ceramic BBQ offers a new way to cook outdoors. It combines one of the oldest cooking techniques from Japan with the highest quality materials to allow a BBQ that will last a lifetime. The sealed ceramic unit ensures moist and succulent meat every time and the adjustable temperatures make it the most versatile BBQ around.

Become an instant outdoor chef with the ability to roast, grill, smoke, bake, slow cook, sear and cook pizzas all with the same BBQ.




• The most versatile BBQ you will find with low and slow cooking to intense searing. • Never burn on the BBQ again with the adjustable temperature control from 110°C to 400°C. • The unique ceramic properties ensure moist succulent meat every time. • Cook a shoulder of lamb low and slow for up to 8 hours with one pile of charcoal. • Add another dimension to your meat and experiment with smoking chips.



Edition 1 APRIL 2016


‘The Tubby Jacks ceramic BBQ has been a great addition to the kitchen. From lemon and thyme chicken to a Sunday leg of lamb, it never fails to impress the customers.’
 Head Chef, Andrew Brookes

Tubby Jacks have adapted a traditional cooking technique to allow easy, versatile outdoor cooking for you and your family.

• Ready to use as soon as you get home with prices including a stand and fold out tables. • High grade ceramics used to ensure a lifelong lasting BBQ. • Make it the last BBQ you ever buy with a lifetime guarantee. • Choose your style with a wide variety of colour options. • Available in three different sizes. • Free delivery across the UK.



• LARGE | TJ-21


• MEDIUM | TJ-18


• SMALL | TJ-13














The Loom The Loom is a live performance venue which hosts an extensive cocktail bar as well as a fine dining restaurant. Opened since 2015, The Loom is located in the heart of the Lace Market. It has been named after a 19th century original loom weaving machine that still sits in the basement of the venue. Situated in a Grade 2 Listed Victorian building, The Loom has attributes of the original lace factory. Visitors can still get a feel for its historic attributes, and can view the original lace weaving machine. During the weekends, live music is available to the public free of charge, usually from 8PM on wards. During the weekdays, there is a selection of Jazz and other music genres performed live. Offering a British Contemporary menu, The Loom uses a selection of the best seasonal ingredients, locally available to develop an enticing menu that changes according to the seasons. The Great Food & Drink Festival at Nottingham Castle will take place over May Bank Holiday weekend (May 28th – 30th). The Loom will be offering their scrumptious seasonal dishes paired with fancy cocktails for everyone to try. Like the taste of their G&T at the event? Join Christian Wirizlay at his exclusive cocktail hour for the opportunity to learn from the master himself on how to impress your guests at your next dinner party! Set times will be announced closer to the event.


Edition 1 APRIL 2016

Johnny Pusztai Butchery.

A dying breed Johnny Pusztai, Nottinghams famous butcher, was born into a family with a great respect and love for food. Coming to the UK from Hungary in 1956, a country where every day was a struggle just to get a loaf of bread, Mr Pusztai Senior was astounded by the abundance of fresh locally sourced produce. Back then, there were no supermarkets filled from top to bottom with produce shipped from all over the World. Everything was local, fresh and was sold by someone who was passionate about their trade. The family enjoyed going to local butchers and finding out where their meats came from, learning about who grew their fresh vegetables and what coast the local fishmonger had fished at that week. At the tender age of 12, Johnny found himself a job in a Fishmongers in Sherwood, a job he loved but he knew it wasn’t where he wanted to stay. He begged George Beedham and Bill Robinson (of JT Beedhams) for a job for weeks, months, maybe even years only to be rejected time and time again but he persevered, eventually taking the place as the butchers delivery boy. He was desperate to pursue butchery as a career so even though his bike was far too big for him and the hours were long and tiring, he did not give up. This is something he believes is the ground work for any career and his apprentices often show the same amount of commitment as he did. Even now, some of his regulars remember that young boy on the too big bike doing the very best he could and loving every minute of it. Eventually, Johnny made it into the shop but still he had to show his dedication. At the beginning of his career, he spent all his time cleaning and making cups of tea. In fact, he did just about anything but touch any of the meat in the shop. The JT Beedhams company moto is - ‘Don’t just do it right, do it to the best of your ability;’ a moto Johnny still lives by to this day. This training clearly hasn’t gone to waste as even to this day if the shop is busy, Johnny will make the cups of tea and clean the toilets, as will his apprentices for at least the first 6 months of their time in the shop. At 14, he was finally able to test his dutchery skills. He began by making his first ever sausages, something he still considers to be his favorite part of the job today. Although at the time JT Beedhams only supplied one sausage; ‘Beedhams Old Original’, which is still a best seller. This sparked Johnny’s creativity within the trade and the shop now stocks almost 50 different unusual and experimental flavours of sausage, many of which have won awards.



Because sausage making is how Johnny started out, this is where his apprentices begin too. Many come up with new flavours and all of them are tried and tested. Many don’t work but to Johnny, this is an important part of the shops tradition and apprentice initiation. At 16, Johnny became the official Apprentice at JT Beedhams, a dream come true for him. He learnt everything he knows from butchery duo George Beedham and Bill Robinson with over 100 years experience between them; he couldn’t have asked for better mentors. He is now passing on what he learnt to a new generation of butchers, something that can only happen if they continue to receive custom and stay in business. There used to be 4 butchers in Sherwood. JT Beedhams is the last one. This is the case in towns all over the UK. 20 years ago, there were around 30,000 butchers. Now we are down to just 6,000. A traditional British trade is being lost. The facts about butchers are; you know that the meat will be of a finest quality as the business depends on it, the animals that the meat comes from will have led a very happy life and that life will have been ended humanely, and most importantly the sausages, burgers and other produce you buy will be exactly what it says on the tin. If you are still unsure, you can go to any local butchers and ask them about their products, where it comes from and how it was made. They will be able to answer all these questions and more. If you have no other option but the supermarket then there are

a number of things you should look out for. If the packet contains water or blood, leave it behind. The animal has not been hung properly and so you will be paying for bad meat and lots of water weight. Also, if the meat appears to have small red flecks like freckles, it most likely means that the animal it came from was distressed during or just before its slaughter; unhappy animal makes for bad meat. One of the biggest struggles of butchers today is to use all the produce they rear and slaughter. There is an old saying among butchers ‘Every part of a pig can be used except for the squeal’ but today unfortunately it is so hard to persuade the general population to eat brains on toast, or to boil up pigs feet and make homemade stock, or the 1950’s favourite, tripe, which has fallen far out of favour. These have slowly become less appetizing as food has become more processed and less natural. In fact it has got to the point now where sausages are so processed they no longer taste of meat. Sausages from a butchers will taste like their contents; rich pork and onion or luxurious beef and tomato. To Johnny, the most important part of butchery is the legacy left behind. At his shows he always get the children and young people in the audience involved. To him, they are the most important people there; they want to learn about food and where it comes from. “I do tell the children at my shows that the meat they are making into burgers is an animal, I do tell them they are slaughtered. They need to know that information.” Through his “Burger Challenges,” Johnny not

only discusses the meat process, he also goes through the seasonings and how they enhance the flavour He also talks about the history behind burgers. He is truly honest about the meat and its lifecycle as it is so important to capture children with a passion for food to keep the future of food trades alive. The main argument the general population makes against butchers is the price. The price of meat from a butchers may be a few pennies more but as Johnny often shows at his kitchen demos, one good chicken can feed two for five days. Chicken breasts from a good chicken can easily make two meals; a spicy homemade curry or crunchy goujons; two wings and two legs can be added to a rich slow cooked stew until they are tender and fall off the bone, then you have two thighs which again could be used for curry or stew or stir fry, and lastly the flavourful carcass which can be used to make delicious warming soups or stocks. That’s five meals from one bird and not a single part of the precious meat is wasted. The feature of butchery hangs in the balance, the occasional meat scandal has renewed some faith in local trades such as this but is it enough? It shouldn’t take the horse meat scandal or a foot and mouth outbreak to push people back to butchers, it should be a choice to eat good food. Next time you are near a butchers why not just go in for a chat, find out about the company, their suppliers and who they are. Or find out more about Johnny and his shop JT Beedhams here


Edition 1 APRIL 2016



Juiceman: Andrew Cooper’s Life Guide to Juicing Andrew Cooper has modelled for the top fashion brands all over the world.

With an iconic Diet Coke ad under his belt, he is now spreading his nutrition wisdom with new book Juiceman, which was released on 14th of January. Andrew Cooper’s passion project Juiceman is a recipe book collating hundreds of smoothies, juices, shots, tonics, and cocktails. His wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm for this subject is obvious from the very first page; this is more of a life guide to juicing, rather than a collection of recipes. “Ultimately, juicing is a massive part of me, it’s habitual,” he explains. “It’s like the gym, it’s a daily routine. Once you get into it, you learn what it gives you.” Juiceman is Cooper’s gift to the world - the benefits of juicing for him have been immense and he’s spreading the love. “I think it makes you feel comfortable. Everyone wants to be the best they can be. There’s an element of people wanting to cut corners but everyone knows that natural food is the true source of vitality, and the easiest way to gain access to it is by juicing.” Considering the benefits of juicing and the professions of modelling and acting that Cooper has been part of for more than 10 years, it comes as no surprise that having that feelgood look and attitude is so important to him. The man behind Juiceman has returned to a more basic approach to life. The juices seem to have opened up a spiritual gateway to better wellbeing.

When he is not reading scripts for potential acting projects, Cooper’s take on fitness is a daily ritual. “I exercise a lot and I’m very out-doorsy nowadays! There’s a lot of technology that can distract people from keeping to the basics and that’s quite important to me. I live in the middle of the country, I walk my dogs, I run, I climb, I do yoga. I like to do things that have natural movements, such as yoga and calisthenics. I’m a massive fan of TRX, it’s my go to piece of kit that I travel with.” Cooper talks about a lot about the rejuvenating properties associated with juicing. It can be the saviour that gets you out of that health rough patch, something he experienced when he was younger. “I got a little bit sick with travelling too much when I had my daughter and then we moved to Cheshire where I’m originally from and bought an old fruit farm. Then I got into growing my own stuff, I took some time out, and got into the cleansing. Through the cleansing I healed; I had some psoriasis and eczema, and was generally run-down. I cleansed for 5 days and got rid of all the skin problems. I gave myself a whole reboot.” This is only the beginning of what juicing can do to your mind and body. Sustaining it over a long period can see you reap in the rewards. Juiceman is just the beginning for Cooper who has big ambitions when it comes to furthering his acting career. Currently appearing in The Royals, the juiceman is looking to move into action roles and take Hollywood by storm after the turn of the year.


Edition 1 APRIL 2016



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