Focus v12n11 culturecomm

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FOCUS A Guide to


Research and Counseling

Volume 12 Number 11 October 1997

Report from the 3rd AIDS Impact Conference

Culture, Community, Empowerment Peter Aggleton, PhD

*AIDS Impact, the 3rd International Conference on the Biopsychosocial Aspects of HIV Infection took place in Melbourne, Australia from June 22 to June 25, 1997. This issue of FOCUS includes the perspectives of three conference participants. †References

to conference abstracts are cited in parentheses.

If three themes were central to this year’s AIDS Impact Conference in Melbourne, they were those of culture, community, and empowerment.* An emphasis on culture permeated presentations throughout the meeting, highlighting how researchers, health promotion specialists, and program managers are beginning to take seriously the different ways in which HIV disease is made sense of, and its impact upon individuals, groups, and societies throughout the world. A concern for community arose both in relation to understanding contemporary responses to the epidemic, and with respect to the kinds of relationships needed in order for researchers and community groups to together make continued headway against the epidemic. And empowerment was emphasized as a strategy to confront the structured and systematic inequalities that render some groups more vulnerable to HIV disease than others and which deny access to treatment and care in both developed and developing countries. In her opening words, the conference co-chair Doreen Rosenthal said she hoped that delegates would leave the conference with “recharged energy and will” for the tasks of providing better quality care and support for people living with HIV disease, of preventing new infections, and of building solidarity in circumstances when a multitude of forces divide people from one another. Peter Piot echoed these sentiments. Now, as never before, we know what to do to achieve these goals, but now as never before there exist powerful disorientations to deflect us from the tasks: disorientations due to weakening political

will; disorientations arising from the damage HIV has inflicted on infrastructures for prevention, support and care; and disorientations brought about by those who seem more interested in establishing the credibility of a “science” of HIV prevention than in scaling up nationally and globally to use what we already know to work in HIV-related health promotion.

Culture and Inequality Numerous presentations during the conference highlighted the importance of local beliefs, practices, and sexual cultures as factors influencing HIV related risk. Tom Mboya’s eloquent plenary address described cultural practices in Kenya such as polygamy, widow inheritance, womanto-woman marriage, and traditional group forms of circumcision, that may heighten the risk of HIV transmission (T7.2).† In a discussion of beliefs and attitudes of young men in Zimbabwe, Agnes Runganga observed that “sexual conquest” is a fundamental part of being a man in Shona culture (W14D.1). Finally, in a presentation on changing patterns of risk, Catherine Hankins suggested that economic development and rural and urban migration, which in many countries separate partners and facilitate sexual networks, cause the epidemic to grow most rapidly (T8A.3). Elsewhere, the importance of culture as a factor structuring the forms, contexts, and meaning of sex was amply illustrated. A number of papers analyzed the complex expectations and beliefs that may encourage either young women or young men to enter sex work. Studies conducted in Thailand, for example, described how the need to provide for the family, as well as the pursuit of a better life, may encourage both women and men to sell sex (M4B.1 and M5B.4). A range of studies conducted among young people in places as diverse as Italy (M5E.1), Australia (M5E.4), Cambodia (M3A.3), and

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