FOCUS A Guide to
Research and Counseling
Volume 13 Number 3 February 1998
Antiviral Adherence Dilemmas Michelle E. Roland, MD New treatment options present people with HIV disease with exciting opportunities as well as unanticipated challenges. Recent data support the commonly held belief that strict adherence is crucial in order to achieve long-term viral suppression1,2,3 and, presumably, durable clinical effectiveness. Other studies suggest that viral eradication and a cure are most likely unattainable with the currently available classes of antivirals.4,5,6 While data are limited about the long-term efficacy of treatment initiated at any stage of HIV infection—including very early infection— many researchers and providers believe that patients with acute HIV infection should initiate antiviral therapy as soon as possible. Finally, HIV antiviral drugs have significant short-term, and unknown potentially long-term, side effects. Complex treatment decisions must therefore be driven by personal preference, common sense, rapidly accumulating data, changes in community prescribing patterns, and, perhaps most important, a comfort with uncertainty. This article reviews the factors clients might consider when making treatment decisions, focusing on issues of adherence and duration of effect.
Deciding to Initiate Therapy: Efficacy The decision to initiate therapy should be based on an understanding of the risks (for example, toxicity and effects on lifestyle) and benefits (for example, improved survival and quality of life) of a specific treatment option. Published guidelines provide a useful framework for considering these risks and benefits, but each individual will value and weigh these
issues in unique ways. The guidelines regarding the initiation of antiviral therapy rely on increasing data that suggest that there is virologic (decreased viral load), immunologic (increased CD4+ cell counts), and morbidity and mortality benefits associated with antiviral combinations that include two nucleoside analogues and a potent protease inhibitor or a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI). The duration of this positive effect, however, is not known. Efficacy can be evaluated on several levels. For patients with early HIV infection, long-term efficacy will be most important. For those with advanced disease, shorter-term goals may be more relevant. For most people, improved quality of life and extended life span are the explicit hopes. However, for many others, an unspoken goal may be total viral eradication and cure. Recent data from three different laboratories show that even with prolonged suppression of detectable virus in the blood, there remain latently infected resting CD4+ cells (non-replicating; not producing virus). These cells, when activated, are capable of producing infectious virus, thus serving as a reservoir of infection even in those who have had no detectable virus in their blood for up to 30 months. The bottom line is that people using currently available combinations will likely need to continue treatment indefinitely in order to keep the virus in check. While cure with the currently available drugs is not a realistic goal, it is still possible that people will live long enough to try newer drugs that may eventually achieve this goal.
Toxicity, Side Effects and Quality of Life Patients also experience medication toxicities in unique ways. Considering the side effect profile of a given combination