v22 n7
Fall 2007
FOCUS A Guide to
Research and Counseling
Linking Research and Practice: Evidence-Based HIV Prevention Charles B. Collins, Jr., PhD, Wayne D. Johnson, MSPH, and Cynthia M. Lyles, PhD In 1999, several surveys indicated that only 30 percent of community-based HIV organizations were implementing risk reduction skills interventions. In response, the Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) sought to make effective HIV prevention interventions accessible to frontline prevention programs. The result has been a division-wide process, made up of three CDC projects focusing on identifying, packaging, and disseminating evidencebased behavioral interventions (EBIs). Over the past four years, there has been tremendous demand for these proven interventions, known in the field as DEBIs (named for the CDC’s Diffusion of Evidence-Based Interventions Project). At the same time, the CDC recognizes that community-based organizations may need to adapt standardized evidence-based interventions to meet local needs. In some cases, community-based organizations develop their own interventions “organically” out of their own frontline experiences and unique local circumstances. This article reviews the CDC’s systematic process for translating scientific evidence into broadly applicable practice and describes its programs for identifying, packaging, and disseminating evidence-based interventions. It also highlights considerations and key practices that should guide both the adaptation and organic intervention process to ensure the greatest likelihood that interventions are achieving their stated goals.
Prevention Research Synthesis One activity of the Prevention Research Synthesis (PRS) Project is to identify interventions that have been proven to change HIV transmission risk behaviors. The project identifies proven interventions by reviewing the published scientific research literature. This literature documents the efforts of researchers and their frontline prevention partners to identify an HIV prevention goal or need and test a promising HIV prevention strategy in response to this need. Researchers recruit participants from a particular target population. They then assign participants, usually randomly, to either the experimental group (those who experience the experimental intervention) or to a comparison group (those who receive an alternative treatment, or “usual care” intervention, or no intervention at all). The use of such a “control” group allows researchers to focus on the particular effects of the experimental intervention by comparing outcomes for both groups of participants. This ensures that the outcomes were most likely caused by the intervention and not chance, natural change over time, or the effects of receiving “attention” or standard or usual care. Potential HIV-related behavioral outcomes include frequency of unprotected sex, frequency of condom use, frequency of needle sharing, or number of sexual or needle-sharing partners. Potential HIV-related biologic outcomes include rates of new HIV or sexually transmitted diseases. Researchers measure intended outcomes in both groups before and after the intervention, and they analyze these data to see if results for the experimental group are better than those for the control group. They perform statistical analyses to determine to what extent differences between the two groups might be due to chance rather than the intervention. Secondary analyses may also investigate whether the intervention had different effects Fall 2007 FOCUS 1