Per v1n2 oralrisk

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HIV Counselor


PERSPECTIVES Written and Produced by the UCSF AIDS Health Project for the California Department of Health Services, Office of AIDS

RISKS OF ORAL SEX Oral sex is the contact between one person's mouth and another person:s genitals. Oral sex performed on men IS referred to as fellatio, and oral sex performed on women is called cunnilingus. Insertive oral sex refers to placing genitals in or on another person's mouth, and receptive oral sex refers to receiving another person's genitals in the mouth. Oral sex may involve the passing ofsemen, pre-ejaculate or vaginal secretion between partners.


episodes of receptive oral sex with ejaculation with many partners. The subject whose case was reported anecdotally told researchers that in the year since his last negative test result he had engaged in receptive oral sex, and he engaged in a single episode of receptive anal sex in which a condom was used. Blood samples taken at the time of all three subjects' most recent negative test result showed the men also had negative results to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays. PCR is an advanced laboratory test that can detect HIV when antibodies are absent, such as during the infection "window period/' which is the time after an individual is infected, but in which antibodies to the virus have not yet developed. The cases are the first in the cohort study in which oral sex alone has been identified as the probable route of transmission. The study includes about 600 gay and bisexual men in San Francisco who are regularly tested for HIV

Various levels ofrisk have been associated with oral sex from the time sexual behaviors were first evaluated for their risk of HIV infection. While early reports were inconclusive, in 1990 three cases of infection were reported - two cases were published and one was anecdotally reported - in which oral sex was the only reported risk behavior. The subjects, men in the San Francisco City Clinic Cohort Study, tested HIV antibody positive to ELISA and Western Blot tests. l ,2 In the published cases, each subject tested positive Inside This Issue after reporting that recepHow to Use PERSPECTIVES tive oral sex with ejaculation Research Update was his only high-risk Condoms for Oral Sex Risks of Other Sexual Behaviors activity. The two subjects Implications for Counseling indicated they had not Case Study engaged in anal sex during Test Yourself the previous two years. Discussion Questions They had participated in

antibody. Most of the men who have tested positive have done so after engaging in anal sex without a condom. In a separate study initially presented in 1990, researchers reported that 13 of 82 men who tested antibody positive for HIV reported that they engaged in receptive and insertive oral sex since previous negative tests, but no other risk factors, such as anal sex. The individuals in this study were chosen from participants in three San Francisco studies, and included the cases reported by the San Francisco Clinic CohortStudy. The 13 HIV-infected subjects tested antibody positive about one year after their last negative test. Researchers stated that condom use was not consistent in the group, and it was not known whether subjects had halted their oral sex practices before ejaculation. Researchers have released only preliminary information from their study, and seek to have their findings duplicated elsewhere before they publish their results. 3 In another study, published in 1988, researchers in a European cohort of gay men reported five cases in which oral sex was the probable route of infecticn. 4 While subjects 8 from the European study 1 seroconverted in tests 3 performed a mean of 5.4 5 months after a previous 5 7 negative test, researchers stated that subjects may 8 have been in the infection 8

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Per v1n2 oralrisk by Alliance Health Project - Issuu