Volume 13
Number 2
April 2004
CULTURAL COMPETENCE AND HIV People with HIV and people at highest risk for HIV are diverse, in terms of everything from race and ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation, to age and socioeconomic status. Since HIV counselors must explore particularly sensitive issues—including sexual activity, substance use, and disease—it is crucial that counseling be well-grounded in concepts of cultural competence. This issue of PERSPECTIVES reviews definitions of cultural competence and the ways in which cultural competence is consistent with and builds upon client-centered counseling skills and a counselor’s willingness to learn from clients.
Research Update Over the course of the two decades of HIV prevention and treatment, the target population for interventions has broadened and diversified. At the same time, HIV has continued to hit hardest those populations, such as men who have sex with men, people of color, and injection drug users, that do not fit the stereotypical image of mainstream U.S. culture. As a result, researchers and HIV providers have come to recognize the importance of delivering interventions, including counseling, in ways that speak to people of varied backgrounds and needs.1 There is a substantial body of research about culturally competent health and mental health care. Since the early 1990s, the research on culturally competent HIV prevention and counseling has grown.2 There are two main schools of thought about cultural competence. The first suggests that counselors should learn beliefs and norms of the specific cultures they are working with and mirror those cultures in order to, as it were, speak the client’s language.2,3
The second suggests that culturally competent counselors focus on learning skills such as openness and active listening that allow them to uncover an individual client’s culture and level of acculturation in the course of the counseling session. 4-7 Recently, researchers have reexamined how counselors and practitioners view “culture” and the cultural models on which prevention strategies are built. This examination has looked at how these models and definitions may perpetuate the perception that clients who are different are “outsiders,”8,9 and how this perception may impede efforts to reach those in need of services. Demographics of HIV-Related Risk The demographic portrait of the epidemic offers a window on the diversity of clients. According to 2002 data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), based on statistics from 30 states that require reporting of HIV infection, 54 percent of all new HIV infections in the United States were among Blacks, 32 percent were among Whites, 13 percent were among Hispanics, and 1 percent were
among people of other ethnicities.10 In addition, Black and Hispanic people comprised more than 60 percent of all people living with AIDS. In 2002, men accounted for 71 percent of all new HIV infections, while women accounted for 28 percent (children accounted for 1 percent).10 For both men and women in 2002, 44 percent of estimated new HIV infections were attributed to male-to-male sexual contact, 35 percent to heterosexual contact, and 16 percent to injection drug use.10 Finally, in 2002, 12 percent of new HIV infections were among people younger than 25, more than 63 percent were among people ages 25 to 44, and almost 25 percent were among people older than 45.10
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