Portfolio 2021

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PORTFOLIO by Almira Nadia Shalsabila

Final Project (2021) The Adaptation of Livable Street Concept in the Planning of Urip Sumoharjo Street Commercial Corridor Street, Yogyakarta

The planning of Urip Sumohajo Street is an idea to optimize the function of the street as commercial corridor and improve its attractiveness as the “main gate” to Yogyakarta City


Abstract Urip Sumoharjo Street is a commercial corridor located in Gondokusuman District, Yogyakarta City. This secondary collector street connects Sleman Regency and Yogyakarta City. The street mainly houses commercial and service activities, such as textile shops owned by Indian descent with market coverage that extends beyond the city of Yogyakarta. Rapid development caused by the commercial activities in this street is not supported with appropriate physical planning. Hence, there are problems, such as street vendors occupying sidewalks, empty building, traffic jam on the west side causing of the corridor and high parking demand. These necessitate the planning and design of the Urip Sumoharjo street to enhance pedestrian’s comfort and safety as well as optimizing the attractiveness of commercial corridor. The Livable Street concept is employed for the planning and design Urip Sumoharjo Street as a commercial corridor. Furthermore, the Livable Street concept is complemented with the concepts of Commercial Street and Multicultural Street. This combination resulted in the consideration of five aspects: comfort and safety, social connection, sense of place, inclusive, access and linkage. The planning and design generated two alternative schemes. The chosen alternative is selected as a plan to resolve the problems and optimize the potential of Urip Sumoharjo Street. Keywords: urban design, attractiveness, commercial street, livable street, multicultural street


UGM, UNY Tugu Pal Putih

City Center



Keraton Ngayogyakarta

City Hall


Sub City Center

Urip Sumoharjo Street is a commercial corridor located in Gondokusuman District, the Eastern part of Yogyakarta City. The street has 940 meters long, and the site plan has 11,2 hectares. The main activity in this area is commercial activity consists of textile shops owned by Indian descent with the market coverage that extends beyond Yogyakarta City. Urip Sumoharjo Commercial Corridors is selected as one of the Economic Strategic Areas in the City of Yogyakarta. However, the designation of this area as one of the strategic areas in Yogyakarta City is not followed by the development or planning to make this area more livable for the shoppers and residences. As the “gate” to Yogyakarta, making this area is feasible to plan.


Rich Picture Problem Formulation


Deadspace or Passive Frontage caused by empty or stalled buildings

Street vendors block the pedestrian ways

Comparison between activities on the east-side and west-side


Planning Objective Livable Street+

The objective of this planning is to make Urip Sumoharjo Street more active and livable as a commercial area by improving its attractiveness, optimize the space, make the street more comfortable, safer, more inclusive, accomodate parking demand, and increase social interactions.

pt Ad a




Multicultural Street




Livable Street

Multicultural Street

Concept Livable Street+ is a concept from the adaptation of three concepts: (1) livable street, as the main concept, (2) multicultural street, as supporting concept to optimize the potential of multicultural people who are living or working on the street, and (3) commercial street, based on the function as commercial area.


From the main concept, Livable street, there are 5 planning pricnciples as the basis of spatial planning and determine the ideal criteria for each planning element. 1. Comfort and safety, focus on making the corridors comfortable and safe for the visitor, mainly the shoppers 2. Sense of Place, focus on making the street’s uniqueness and pushes placemaking 3. Access and Linkage, street as public space, connecting people in-out area 4. Social connection, focus on pushing social interactions, both commercial and non-commercial activities in day or night 5. Inclusive, commercial area that has various activities

Masterplan Off-street parking

River front (northside)

Street vendor point

Night market

Taxi Stand

River front (southside)

Bus stop

Public Space


Art Gallery and Cinema


Land Use



Urip Sumoharjo Street is dominated with commercial area and known as the center of textile shops in Yogyakarta. The land use planning consist of 6 zones; commercial, open spce, residential, education, and parking zone. On the east segment is dominated by services area, such as offices, gallery, movie theater, hotel, and travel agent. The middle segment is designed to be a transition zone, which consist of cultural-related stores and services. The west segment is designed to optimize the Indian textile shops and other cultural stores as services, such as Chinese restaurant, etc.



Segment A (East) Northside



Segment B (Middle)




Segment C (West) Northside



Urip Sumoharjo Public Place

Public Places 14

The planning of Urip Sumoharjo Street is divided into three segments; east, middle, and west. There are two public places designed to connect each segment. The first one is Urip Sumoharjo Public places that connect east to the middle. This public place is designed to become a resting place for the pedestrian who walks from east to west or vice versa, or for the workers. Not only for the resting place, this place can be used as a location for cultural festival, since this street are lived by various culture.

Urip Sumoharjo Green Plaza

Public Places

Second is Urip Sumoharjo Green Plaza. This public place is designed as a riverfront park, connecting the middle to th west segment. Same as the first public place, Urip Sumoharjo Green Plaza is designed to become a resting place, especially for the shoppers since this public place located near the textile shops. This public place also designed as river conservation and also rainwater catchment area.


Street Section (without Curbs)

Connection and Street Furniture

Commercial buildings

Pedestrian Pathway

On-street parking (Motorcycle)

Bicycle and Pedicab Pathway

The connection plan aims to optimize connectivity between Urip Sumoharjo Commercial Street and other city centers nearby and make the street more pedestrian-friendly. The plan consists of adding some street furniture, bikelane, wider the pedestrian pathway, and relocating the street vendors.

On-street parking (car)

Pedestrian Pathway

Commercial buildings

Street Section (with Curbs)

Commercial buildings


Motor Vehicle Pathway

Pedestrian Pathway and street vendor point

Bicycle and Pedicab Pathway

Motor Vehicle Pathway

Pedestrian Pathway and street vendor point

Commercial buildings

Street Section without curbs

Street furnitures consist of benches, bikelane, signage, street vendor points, loading zones, guiding blocks, bikestand, on-street parking for cars and motorcycles, street lamp, and bus stop

Street Section with curbs

Pedestrian Pathway



College Studio Projects Muntilan Farm Hub 2019



Planning Concept

Muntilan City 2039 is planned as a regional trade centre in Magelang Regency. Currently, trading activities in Muntilan City consist of trading in household needs, a tobacco warehouse center, and having a regional-scale cattle market. The Cattle Market in Muntilan has high potential to be developed as a contributor to regional income. However, the market does not operate every day, only operates weekly. The location that is currently used is not utilized properly and is poorly maintained. The condition of the cattle market will reduce the convenience of buyers. Therefore, the cattle market was redesigned to attract buyers, increase regional income, and promote Muntilan City as a Trading City

• Educational The concept of education applied to the cattle market represents trading activities and recreation. Implementing this concept is to attract visitors and buyers and can be opened everyday. Apart from being a place to trade, it can be used as a place to add knowledge about farming which is explained directly by the farmers

Planning Objectives 1. Optimize an animal market area that can directly support the trading activity towards Muntilan City as a Trading City in 2039 2. Design the cattle market as one of Muntilan City’s income sources by becoming a regional-scale cattle market and become an alternative destination for agrotourism


• Farm Hub The concept of Hub or centre is applied to the area around the cattle market. The area will be developed as a centre for agriculture and livestock farming by building shops that sell agriculture and farming nesecities

3 1. Cattle Market 2. Agriculture Shops 3. Residential




Building Massing

Street Section FAR 2,3 1 0

BCR 75% 50% 5%

Land Use Commercial Residential Green space











1. Farm store 2. Street design

3. Cattle Market Entrance 4a-d. Cattle Sheds

5. Residential

6. River



Competition (Group) Kayen Tourism Village 2019 - Runner up winner - Best poster


Abstract Kayen Neighborhood is located in Condongcatur Village, Depok District, Sleman Regency, D.I Yogyakarta. The remarkable thing about Dusun Kayen is its geographical location, crossed by the Boyong River, which originates from Mount Merapi. The clear water flow of the Boyong River and surrounded by shady trees create a beautiful landscape charm. This river later became a natural tourism potential in Kayen Neighborhood. In addition, there is also Green Kayen, which is a nature tour in the form of a bathing pool and a dam waterfall from the Boyong River flow. As a tourist attraction in great demand by the public, natural tourism needs to be planned and developed correctly. On the other hand, there is currently no further development of nature tourism in Kayen Hamlet, and several problems need to be addressed, such as the absence of supporting facilities. This, of course, can disrupt the sustainability of the natural tourism potential in Kayen N and impact several other sectors. Thus, to develop the potential and at the same time overcome tourism problems in Kayen, several methods were used, including the literacy method, observation, SWOT analysis, and qualitative descriptive analysis. Tourism development in this village is planned to use the LEGY concept, namely Local, Aesthetic, Ecology, and Community. The first concept, Local, is the concept of planning and developing a tourist area that cannot be separated from the local cultural and economic aspects. Second, Aesthetics is a concept used to improve the physical and image quality of Kayen so that it can provide an attraction for the community and an effort to enhance the branding of Kayen. Third, Ecology aims to explore available resources to be used to a minimum but provide great and sustainable benefits while preserving nature in Kayen. The last concept is the Community, which aims to develop Dusun Kayen tourism based on the aspirations and creativity of the community to manage tourism potential so that a pattern of from the community to the community’ emerges. Keywords: Aesthetic, Ecology, Community, Sleman, Tourism


Planning Concept 1. Local Developing a tourism village based on local wisdom 2. Aesthetic Increasing the aesthetic value of the regional landscape 3. Ecology Tourism development that pays attention to ecosystem sustainability and has minimal negative impact on the environment 4. Community Tourism development that involves community participation in each tourism development process


Competition video


Design Photography Videography


Website Design 5th World Planning Schools Congress and Asian 16 th Planning Schools Asociation Congress (2021)



Layouting Studio report, leaflet



Photography Portrait, landscape, photo story, studio, analog


Bangkok, Thailand Analog camera (2019)


UFO Photography Exhibition 2018 Theme : Photo Story Currated by : Budi N.D. Dharmawan Melawan Keterbatasan

Portrait Outdoor and Studio

Videography Short Movie

Ada Saat Hilang (2016)

Director of Photography and Cameraman FLS2N Provinsi DIY - 1st Place

Dua Sisi Jendela (2016)

Director of Photography and Cameraman FLS2N Nasional - Best Cinematographer


Almira Nadia Shalsabila almiransh110@gmail.com +6281393928883 https://www.linkedin.com/almira-nadia

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