2018 Convention Guide

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Purpose Connecting Latino Leaders for Impact

Table of Contents

A M es s ag e f ro m AL P F A’ s C h a ir w om an


W elc om e Le t t er fro m S ta t e S tr e e t


We l com e L e tt er fr o m E Y


L ette r f r om t he May o r o f L a s V e ga s


AL PF A Conv en tion P a r tn e rs


AL PF A E xe cut iv e Le a d e rs h ip a n d P ro fe s s i o n al St aff


Wo me n of A LP FA E v e n t s


Ma squ e rad e Ball


Ma na g eme n t Le ad e rs h i p D e v e l o pme n t (M L D )


Sc h ol ars h ip Lu nche o n


L GBT Q P an el


L GBT Q R ece p tion


Re su me Crit iq ue


Bu si n es s t o P rof es si o n a l N e t w o rk i n g Se s s i on


Pl atin um M e mb er sh i p


Stu de nt L un c h with a R e c ru i t er


T he A LP F A S t ory


C on ven t ion Ag end a


C on ven t ion Fl oor Ma p s


C ar eer F air Map


Pa rtn er Re cru itme n t F o c u s


Pro fes s iona l W ork s h o p s


Stu dent W ork s hop s


2 01 9 A LP FA Co nv e n t i o n



A Message from ALPFA’s Chairwoman Leadership, at its core, is a choice. The best leaders lead for the right reasons - to help others - whether it be your community, team, friends, or family. I strongly believe it is a leader’s responsibility to pay forward the gifts we, ourselves, have been given - by helping others to develop, grow, and lead as well. This requires that we have a complete understanding of the

Yvonne Garcia

importance of transitions, roles, and through consistently modeling the behaviors we want to see. The values of ALPFA, and the purpose it serves, are bigger than any one of us - and that is why we are a strong ALPFAmilia. We are united in purpose and connected by commitments to each other, our beautiful community, and our country. ALPFA is truly my “Familia”, and this connection we share is what drives my love for serving you, as I have done as your Chairwoman, Vice Chairwoman and Boston President for the past 15 years. I can think of no greater honor than working diligently to positively impact the lives of our members by expanding opportunities for personal development and professional growth. I am filled with pride when I think about all that we have accomplished together. We have brought an entirely new level of awareness of just how much talent exists in our membership and our community - and have ignited transformational change

ALPFA is truly my “Familia”, and this connection we share is what drives my love for serving you, as I have done as your Chairwoman,

throughout Corporate America

Vice Chairwoman

by bringing ALPFA’s vision and

and Boston President

purpose to life in a measurable and demonstrable way.

for the past 15 years.

I am confident that the next Chair and CEO of ALPFA will be equally committed to continuing these transformations and stewardship, because Latinos are relentless in our pursuit of the American Dream, the advancement of our families, and the pride in our heritage! I have witnessed the power of our ALPFAmilia,


watching what you, our members, can achieve with a wide network

and genuine, caring support behind you. All of you have been eager to take on new challenges and fearlessly pursue your dreams - no matter what obstacles are placed in your path. This nation now sees that we are better educated, technologically innovative, and the fastest growing segment of the population - making us more relevant and critical than ever before. ALPFA’s values must, and will, continue to reflect this in all that we do; YOU are ALPFA and I could not be more proud of your achievements and your continued advancement. Every time a Fortune 500 or 100

All of you have been eager to take on new challenges and fearlessly pursue your dreams

corporation CEO is looking for a smart, confident,

– no matter what obstacles

energetic, innovative leader, they come to ALPFA.

are placed in your path.

They know ALPFA is the organization that fully

values, engages, and develops Latino students and professionals – focusing on the multidimensional people we are; people that honor the traditions of our culture, develop our talent, pursue our ambition and always strive to be better. And as I relinquish my role as your Chairwoman, I will continue to support all of you as members of the family - and ALFPA’s new leadership - as this organization is a part of me. In closing, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for the privilege to serve you for these many years. I also want to thank you for warmly welcoming my family each year at Convention. You have watched my children grow from when they were babies into young leaders; I like to think that your influence had something to do with their extraordinary growth. Thank you for your support, confidence, and trust throughout my tenure; I know you will be equally supportive of the new leadership that will chart the course of this wonderful organization for years to come. THANK YOU FAMILIA and Farewell!

Yvonne Garcia Chairwoman, ALPFA Inc.


State Street Welcome Letter

State Street Welcome Letter ALPFA Convention 2018 Dear Convention Attendees, I’d like to personally welcome each of you to the 2018 ALPFA Convention. State Street is a

long-standing and proud partner with ALPFA, and we look forward to this convention each year. As our organization continues to grow and evolve, so do our partnerships. ALPFA has

remained one of our greatest partners in enhancing and supporting State Street’s inclusion & diversity efforts.

Through all of this change, we continue to remain steadfast to our values. At State Street, we

know that we are Stronger Together. We know that an inclusive culture and diverse workforce

makes us stronger and more successful. As the world around us continues to shift, it’s important for us to remain focused on the things that truly matter – kindness, empathy, respect and courage.

As State Street’s Chief Diversity Officer, I try to embed these values into my team’s strategy

and work whenever possible. When our employees feel represented and valued, they are more

engaged and innovative. It has truly been a privilege to work with my team in establishing robust programming and resources that support our inclusion & diversity strategy.

At the start of 2018, State Street relaunched our global inclusion & diversity strategy, and

reinforced our commitment to diversity by continuing to grow the diverse representation of our

leadership. As we continue to focus on attracting, hiring, developing and advancing talent of all

kinds, our partnerships with organizations such as ALPFA are more important than ever before. We leverage ALPFA’s programming, network and opportunities to connect with some of the

best talent out there. If you’re interested in joining our team or learning more about what State Street is up to, make sure to connect with one of our employees during the convention. Join us

at our student and professional workshops on July 31st to see the team in action! Sincerely,

Paul Francisco Senior Vice President Chief Diversity Officer


EY Welcome Letter

Dear 2018 ALPFA Convention Attendee: I am very pleased to welcome you to the 2018 ALPFA Convention! As a longtime supporter of the Association of Latino Professionals For America (ALPFA), EY shares its vision of helping Hispanic professionals achieve their potential in professional services. EY is consistently recognized as one of the most diverse and inclusive organizations in the world. We put enormous thought and effort into making EY a leader in our industry, and one of the most important components of that is a flexible, inclusive environment that respects all people – and everything they bring to the table. We believe that when differences are celebrated, talented people from all backgrounds have the chance to develop, advance and make more meaningful contributions to our clients and our culture. Diversity is about all differences – things like gender, ethnicity, generation, sexual orientation, and even leadership and thinking style. At EY, inclusiveness is the way we leverage those differences to achieve better business results – creating an environment where all of our people feel - and are - valued. The ability to invite and learn from different perspectives is fundamental to driving innovation, building strong relationships and delivering the best approaches for our clients. We believe professional services can provide significant career opportunities in accounting and business. It is a great profession, made even greater through the inclusion of all people who share common traits – specifically, talent and a passion for the profession. Cultivating a culture of inclusiveness and diversity of thought is not only right to do, but is also essential to the quality of our profession. Sincerely,


Ken Bouyer EY Americas Director, Inclusiveness Recruiting

Letter from Mayor of Las Vegas

From the Office of Mayor Carolyn G. Goodman Dear Friends:

Carolyn G. Carolyn G. Goodman Goodman

As Mayor, I am pleased to welcome you to America’s most dynamic, entertaining, and intriguing city! You could not have chosen a better locale. I am convinced that once you get a taste of what the city has to offer, you will never want to leave. Las Vegas continues to capture the world's imagination as the city where anything is possible. With worldclass hotels, award-winning restaurants, luxurious spas, fantastic shopping, the finest golf courses and spectacular entertainment, Las Vegas remains one of the most electrifying destinations in the world. At its heart Las Vegas is all about making sure residents and visitors are well taken care of, treated courteously and shown a great time. Beyond the neon of the fabulous Strip and the Fremont Street Experience, there is another Las Vegas--one in which we are building a world-class city featuring the best in arts, culture, sporting opportunities and quality medical care. The new Smith Center for the Performing Arts has set a high standard for art and culture in our city, and I encourage everyone to take in a concert or Broadway show at this magnificent venue. Regardless of your age, a must-visit spot is the children’s interactive Discover Museum adjacent to the Smith Center. Buzzing with excitement and energy is the Fremont East Entertainment District, a place with an energy and enthusiasm through its taverns, restaurants and music venues. The city also offers beautiful weather and outdoor activities, from top class golfing to opportunities for world-class hiking and rock climbing at the Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, to skiing at Mount Charleston and a visit to the awe-inspiring Hoover Dam at the Lake Mead National Recreation Area. If history is more your speed, you are in luck because The National Museum of Organized Crime and Law Enforcement and the Neon Museum are two of the most interesting and unique experiences in the country.


I want to thank you for choosing Las Vegas and look forward to seeing you around town. Please accept my best wishes for your convention. I know you will have a fabulous time enjoying our great city and everything it has to offer. Now what are you waiting for? The party has already started! Welcome.


Carolyn G. Goodman Mayor, City of Las Vegas


2018 Convention Partners


2018 Convention Partners





2018 Convention Partners






Thank You!

Partners, Sponsors and Participants We Couldn’t Have Done It Without You!


Executive Leadership and Professional Team


Raymond Arroyo – Chief Growth Officer Raymond Arroyo is ALPFA’s Chief Growth Officer. Raymond’s extensive

background includes 25 years of experience with Fortune 100 companies

as a senior executive in both human resources and business roles.

Raymond, a former chief diversity officer at Aetna, reporting to the CEO,

was recognized as one of the 100 Most Influential Hispanic executives in

the U.S. for two consecutive years. During his tenure, Aetna achieved a

rating as one of the Top 20 companies for diversity, a marked improvement

from its previous altogether exclusion from the list. He was also recognized for creating one of

the top three employee resource group (ERG) programs in the country. Raymond’s work was

also recognized for linking diversity goals to bottom-line business goals. He integrated diversity

into all aspects of the organization’s infrastructure, including Human Resources, Marketing,

Strategy and Planning, Business Operations, Finance, Procurement, and Investments – at all levels, from the C-suite to entry level.

Raymond is also a managing director at Reffett Associates, a nationally recognized, fully retained

executive search firm.

As a volunteer, Raymond serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and as a Senior Fellow of Plaza Institute, including being a member in

its Global Enterprise Studies program. He also served on ALPFA's Corporate Advisory Board;

as Chairman of the Corporate Advisory Board of NSHMBA (National Society of Hispanic MBAs);

as President of PRIMER; as a member of the Board of Regents of the University of Hartford; as

Treasurer and Officer of the Wheeler Clinic Board of Trustees; on the Board of the National

Hispanic Medical Association; as a former chairman of the HACU's Corporate and Philanthropic Council; and as a member of HACU's Governing Board.

Raymond earned B.S. and M.S. degrees from New York University and a governance certificate from Harvard University.

Raymond was also recognized by the National Society of Hispanic MBAs for the Corporate Executive

Excellence Brillante award; by PricewaterhouseCoopers as an exemplary alumnus and featured in

its KeyWord magazine; by Urban Professional magazine as one of the 100 Top Executives in Corporate America; and was the feature cover story in Diversity Executive magazine.

Raymond enjoys public speaking, reading, riding motorcycles, skiing, playing tennis, and overall

fitness programs. He lives in Avon, Connecticut with his wife, Susan, and their two teenage children, Amanda and Justin.

*Executives listed in alphabetical order


Selene Benavides – Chief Financial Officer Selene Benavides is the Chief Financial Officer for ALPFA, Inc. (ALPFA)

leading the non-profit organization in building a strong financial foundation

leveraging software applications while scaling finance operations more

efficiently and reducing G&A expenses to allow for greater investment in

driving and supporting top line growth for ALPFA. Prior to her new role,

Ms. Benavides was the Chief Financial Officer/Chief Operations Officer

for the National Society of Hispanic MBAs, located in Irving, Texas where

she was responsible for helping its leadership define the strategic

direction of the organization, enhance its offerings and reduce its expenses, all while overseeing

the Operations, Finance, Legal, and IT functions of the business which includes 40 Chapters

across the nation.

Previously, Ms. Benavides was a Senior Finance Consultant overseeing the Global Audit and

Transformation budget that included 300+ employees across the world. Also at Dell, she held

roles as a Revenue Recognition leader for Services Accounting team, global lead analyst for

the Consumer/Small-Medium business group and as a Senior Audit Consultant. Previous to

her leadership at Dell, Ms. Benavides worked for Farmers Insurance Group and BMC Software

as a Project/Operations Manager. The former Treasurer of the NSHMBA National Board of

Directors and Chair of the Audit Committee, she fosters education and leadership as key

attributes to one’s success and the prosperity of our future society. Ms. Benavides is an

alumnus of the Corporate Achiever program with HACR and has participated in the Hispanic

Austin Leadership program sponsored by the Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

where they designed new initiatives to help the Hispanic community in the Central Texas Area. Ms. Benavides received a B.S. in Mathematics from Texas A&M University and holds an MBA from Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas. During her spare time, Ms. Benavides enjoys

volunteering to help small businesses grow, doing yoga, running marathons, participating in triathlons and relaxing with her husband traveling the world.


Julio Carbonell – Chief Information Officer Mr. Carbonell is ALPFA’s first Chief Information Officer (“CIO”). He is responsible for the formulation and execution of the organization’s technology strategy in support of its mission to empower and develop Latino men and women as leaders of character for the nation, in every sector of the global economy.

Prior to ALPFA, Mr. Carbonell was Senior Vice President and CIO of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), a not-for-profit entity dedicated to the humane treatment of animals. As the ASPCA’s first CIO, he developed the strategy and led the transformation of technology services to better align with the mission of serving victims of animal cruelty and of providing positive outcomes for at-risk animals. The organization’s wide ranging activities afforded him the opportunity to deliver solutions in a variety of disciplines including healthcare, fundraising, disaster response, community services, law enforcement and many others.

Previously, Mr. Carbonell was Vice President of Information Technology at the Major League Baseball Office of the Commissioner (MLB), where he led the strategic direction and evolution of technology services for MLB’s central offices and teams. During that time, he implemented a vast array of enterprise-level programs designed to increase revenue, improve business processes and reduce costs. He was a member of the senior management team responsible for the centralization of the company’s thirty-one websites leading to the creation and launch of mlb.com. His general duties encompassed the management of all corporate technology products and services including business applications, client services, network communications, technical operations and infrastructure.

Prior to joining MLB, Mr. Carbonell was a Vice President & Product Manager with Citicorp Information Resources, a subsidiary of Citigroup, where he had responsibility for implementing their automated international banking products across the U.S. Earlier positions included management roles with the National Westminster Bank and the Irving Trust Company.

Mr. Carbonell speaks fluent Spanish and holds an accounting degree from the New York City College of Technology in Brooklyn, NY. He serves on various advisory boards including on the Hispanic Information Technology Executive Council (HITEC), where he has been frequently recognized on its list of Most Influential Hispanics in Information Technology, on the Fairfield/Westchester chapter of the Society for Information Management and on IBM’s Mid-Market Advisory Network.

A former Pedro Pan refugee, Mr. Carbonell is devoted to the goal of establishing a free Cuban society with respect for human rights. He lives in Newtown, CT and has been a faithful supporter of the town’s resurgence from the massacre at the school where his four children spent their formative years. He is an avid sports enthusiast and spends his leisure time on whichever golf courses or tennis courts are willing to accommodate his scoring handicaps.


Verna A. Greer – Executive Vice President Verna A. Greer, Senior Vice President of Strategic Partnerships at ALPFA,

is a results-driven Accredited Business Advisor and a Certified Fundraising

Executive (CFE) with Business Development experience. She specializes

in providing executive leadership and guidance to build new and existing

organizations in the not-for-profit and private sectors. She is consistently

successful in increasing effectiveness, productivity and profitability at all

levels, while surpassing goals and expectations.

At ALPFA, Ms. Greer serves on the Corporate Development team as a leader whose primary

responsibility is fostering corporate relationships and raising revenue for the organization nationally. Prior to joining ALPFA, Verna was in charge of the Resource Development Department of the

National Association of Black Accountants, Inc., as its Senior Director of Corporate Strategic Alliances and National Programming. An experienced financial executive, Ms. Greer was

responsible for generating over 80% of the organization’s total revenue. She has perfected the

art of generating diverse funding sources and has secured millions of dollars in support

throughout her career. In support of that effort, she has developed and implemented numerous

targeted programs, specifically customized to meet stakeholder needs, including the Women

of NABA Network workshops to train senior and middle- management female professionals in

leadership and the essential skills needed to advance their careers. She also enhanced the

Leadership Institute, which enlists some of the country’s most renowned Universities such as

Harvard and Georgetown Universities, to provide specialized training to senior managers and

executives on how to advance to the c-suite and lead effectively.

Before working at NABA, Inc., Ms. Greer was Principal of ATC Services, Inc., a business and financial management consulting group in Boston, where she built a thriving contract-based

advisory firm that worked with senior executives of small and medium companies to increase organizational efficiency, effectiveness, productivity and profitability. Ms. Greer served as the

New England Regional Director for Accountants 4 Contracts (A4C) and as Vice President of

Small Business, Mass Market Operations at Fleet Boston Financial. In these roles, Ms. Greer

has proven her ability to build cross-functional teams that create value and pave the way for corporate success. In the course of delivering superior results, she recruited, hired, trained,

mentored, and evaluated staff in light of critical fundraising priorities always providing staff and volunteers with targeted training and professional development.

Ms. Greer received her Bachelor of Science degree with honors from Northeastern University

and later graduated among the top 10 in her class from the Northeastern Graduate School of

Business where she earned an MBA with an emphasis in Entrepreneurialism. Ms. Greer earned

her CFE from New York University in August of 2013 and received a Certificate from Georgetown University in Executive Leadership Development in June of 2014.


David Peña Jr. – President, Colleges and Universities David Peña’s professional accomplishments are as varied as his career.

He was a candidate for political office at the age of 23, began his career

in the insurance industry, transitioned to a business owner, lobbyist, and

finally non-profit executive. For over twenty years he has worked for

multiple non-profits in roles such as; Executive Director for the Valley

Alliance of Mentors for Opportunities and Scholarships (VAMOS),

Director of Advocacy (Lobbyist) for the American Heart Association,

Executive Director for the National Hispanic Business Association

(NHBA), Senior Vice President of Programs for the Association of Latino Professionals For

America, (ALPFA), Founder/Consultant for the DPJ Consulting Group and President of the

Greater Austin Asian Chamber of Commerce and Executive Director/CEO for the Hispanic

Dental Association (HDA).

During the past twenty years he was recognized for his innovative programs by the

American Society of Association Executives, the American Heart Association and the National

Society of Hispanic MBA’s. His civic involvement is as diverse as his work history. He has served on multiple boards and committees that include the full spectrum from cultural, service,

business and health organizations that serve the general public, the Asian, Hispanic and LGBT communities. He has been a member of the McAllen, San Antonio and Austin Hispanic

Chambers of Commerce, the Austin Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce and the Texas Asian Chamber of Commerce.

He has been interviewed on multiple radio/television shows and has been quoted in several

articles and publications that include; the award winning book-Latinos In College, The Wall

Street Journal, FirstJobs.org, Connect Meetings Intelligence Magazine, Latinos Unidos Blog

Talk Radio, Speakers Access, Que Pasa Ohio State, Total Event Network, Hispanic Tips, and the Yale Daily News.

David is a 1990 Graduate of St. Edward’s University with a Bachelor of Arts in Political

Science. After graduating from St. Edward’s University he was an Alfred P. Sloan Fellow at

the Graduate School of Political Management in New York City, now part of George

Washington University. He has conducted graduate work at Northern Arizona University and

the University of Texas Pan American. In addition to his formal education he received a certificate in Non-Profit Management and Leadership from the University of Texas at San

Antonio. He is an active member of the American Society of Association Executives and has been a Texas Notary Public for over 20 years.


Luis Vargas – Chief Marketing Officer Luis got his bachelor’s degree in Venezuela at Universidad Católica, then began his career in Venezuela as product manager for Novartis.

His passion for learning and expanding his career led him to emigrate to the U.S. where jobs were scarce at the time -- thus Luis spent the first two years working as a cashier at CVS Pharmacy, and a Sears store, until he was able to obtain admission to the Northeastern University Co-op MBA program in Boston.

Upon completing his MBA in Boston and graduate studies in France, Luis’ career took off in a variety of roles and companies. His marketing, product innovation and international experience in corporate cover Consumer Package Goods (CPG), retail and marketing agency in companies such as Bayer, Heinz, Unilever, Del Monte Pet Products, Winn-Dixie grocery stores, and as Executive Director for Walmart’s Hispanic marketing agency.

In 2012 Luis seized an opportunity to become an entrepreneur and began a marketing & new product development consultancy practice that saw him partnering with a Sri Lankan tea wholesaler to develop a new brand of high quality black and green tea for the U.S. market (today in 7,000 stores at Dollar Tree).

Luis was named a “2011 Top 100 Under 50 Diverse Emerging Leaders” by Diversity MBA Magazine. He also served on the Advisory Board of the Center for Hispanic Marketing Communications at Florida State University and has been a member of the Corporate Executive Forum at the Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility (HACR.org).

In his free time, Luis beats fitness Guinness World Records! He is the current world record holder on two different disciplines. He is also an active 3rd degree black belt Taekwondo instructor at his local YMCA, experienced skydiver with 500+ solo jumps, a world-traveled snowboarder and a former IPSC competitor.

Luis has also completed the DEA and FBI Citizens Academy’s, is a board member at the FBI Citizens Academy Alumni Association in Houston and was and accepted to, and briefly attended the Harris County Sheriff Office academy reserve officer program in 2014.

Luis was born in Boston, raised in Venezuela, has lived in 4 countries, has traveled to 30+, and is fully bicultural. He is currently based in The Woodlands, TX (Houston metro) where he lives with his wife and two young boys. Detailed work History: linkedin.com/in/luisavargas


Professional Team

Raul Audelo

Matias Borszewski

Jonathan Cifuentes IT Project Manager

Master Storyteller

Ann Marquez

Vice President, Strategic Partnerships

Creative Director

Fernanda Pinto

Katie Schlomann

Vice President, Digital Engagement

Executive Assistant & HR Director

Vice President, Strategic Partnerships

Kabir Chopra

Carlos Perez

Vice President, Membership

*Listed in alphabetical order




Women of ALPFA

Early-Career Level Professionals

Building and Leveraging Your Personal Board of Directors Monday, July 30 • Octavius 5-8 • 10:00AM – 12:00PM

If you’re looking to rise through your organization’s ranks, consider creating a personal board

of directors. Just as companies take great care in selecting their corporate board members, so should you.

In this workshop, you will learn how to build an inner circle of diverse leaders, influencers and connectors who will inspire, challenge and motivate you to think big and be bold

throughout your career. Learn which characteristics are business critical in your board and how to engage effectively for a mutually beneficial relationship.

Sponsored by


Women of ALPFA

Mid-Level Career Professional Panel Lead with Conviction to Elevate Performance

Tuesday, July 31 • Octavius 5-8 • 10:00AM – 12:00PM

Conviction is a key attribute for driving engagement and followership that leads to transformational change and results. Latinas have unique strengths that allow them to

leverage differences and collaborate effectively for greatest impact.

Join us for a candid discussion on Latina leadership and attributes (Self-Awareness,

Leading Change, Collaboration, Achieving Results), that allow us to inspire others and elevate performance.

Sponsored by


Women of ALPFA

Invite Only

Executive Level Session Power Hour and Reception

Tuesday, July 31 Power Hour: 3:00PM – 4:30PM • Octavius 5-8 Reception: 4:30PM – 6:00PM • Octavius 12-14

Sponsors play a significant role in assisting women, including Latinas, in obtaining stretch

assignments and promotions. Senior Latina women leaders who have leveraged corporate male sponsors have overcome obstacles in their advancement.

Hear from male sponsors on their first-hand experience supporting senior Latinas in their career progression and advancement. Engage in dialogue among executive leaders and

influencers who will share their real-life experiences with respect to the value and impact of

sponsorship including important leadership lessons for organizations interested in furthering gender equality and inclusion.

Sponsored by


Women of ALPFA

Women of ALPFA Luncheon

An Inside Look at Sponsoring Latina Executives for Success Wednesday, August 1 • Octavius 4 • 12:30PM – 2:00PM

This is one of the most highly anticipated events of the Convention. The Women of ALPFA Luncheon honors two women through their Nascent Star Award, Woman of ALPFA Award and Latina Excellence Award followed by a discussion with senior Latinas who impart candid advice based on their journeys to success.

Women of ALPFA Awards Presentation of

Lisette Nieves

Lorella Praeli

Latina Excellence Award

Nascent Star Award

Clinical Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies and Director of Leadership Programs, NYU Steinhardt

Deputy National Political Director, and Director of Immigration Policy & Campaigns, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)





Invite Only




Kelly Bronson

Director, University Relations & Military Hiring, Comcast


Cathy Lively

Manager, Diversity and Inclusion, Americas Diversity Office, Nissan North America, Inc.

Kristian A. Wedolowski

Third Party Portfolio Executive – GBAM Operations, Bank of America


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Copyright Š 2018 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.









Convention Agenda



ALPFA Network Lounge

Sunday l July 29 7:00AM – 7:00PM

ALPFA Networking Lounge

9:30AM – 5:00PM


8:00AM – 5:00PM

9:30AM – 7:00PM

1:30PM – 4:45PM

5:00PM – 6:30PM

7:00PM – 9:00PM

MLD – Management Leadership Development Registration Open

Roman 1/2

Monday l July 30


9:15AM – 12:00PM

10:00AM – 11:45AM 12:00PM – 2:00PM

12:00PM – 1:30PM 1:30PM – 4:45PM

2:00PM – 3:30PM

3:30PM – 5:00PM

2:30PM – 3:30PM

3:30PM – 4:30PM

5:30PM – 7:00PM

7:00PM – 9:00PM

ALPFA Networking Lounge MLD – Management Leadership Development Student Orientation

Professional Workshops

Resume Critique for Students Student Lunch and Learn

Free Session for Professionals Professional Workshops LGBTQ Panel

LGBTQ Reception

Deloitte Road Show (Last name A-L)

Deloitte Road Show (Last name M-Z) General Meeting

Welcome Reception

Tuesday l July 31

7:00AM – 6:00PM

Registration Open

8:00AM – 5:00PM


7:00AM – 7:00PM

8:30AM – 9:00AM

8:00AM – 11:30AM


Pisa Foyer

Chapter Leaders Reception

Chapter Leader Meeting

8:00AM – 5:00PM

9:00AM – 10:00AM

Promenade Registration Desk Florentine 1-4

Registration Open

8:00AM – 5:00PM


Chapter Leader Workshops

6:30AM – 7:00PM

7:00AM – 7:00PM


ALPFA Networking Lounge Opening Plenary Session

2018 National Latino Business Education Roundtable – Invite Only

Roman 3/4

Pisa Foyer Pisa

Promenade Registration Desk Salerno Milano

Florentine, Pompeian, Roman

Neopolitan Milano


Florentine, Pompeian, Roman Octavius 5-6

Octavius 7-10


Neopolitan Octavius

Palace Ballroom

Pisa Foyer Pisa

Promenade Registration Desk Milano


Convention Agenda 8:45AM – 12:00PM

Student Workshops

10:00AM – 12:00PM

KPMG Case Competition Prep

9:15AM – 12:00PM

12:30PM – 2:00PM 2:30PM – 5:45PM

2:30PM – 5:45PM

3:00PM – 4:30PM

4:30PM – 6:00PM

6:00PM – 8:00PM

8:00PM – 11:00PM

7:00AM – 6:00PM

7:00AM – 7:00PM

7:30AM – 9:00AM

8:00AM – 5:00PM

8:30AM – 9:00AM

9:00AM – 5:00PM

8:45AM – 12:00PM

9:15AM – 12:00PM

12:15PM – 2:00PM

12:30PM – 2:00PM 2:30PM – 5:00PM

2:30PM – 5:45PM

5:15PM – 6:15PM

7:00PM – 9:00PM

Professional Workshops Scholarship Luncheon

Professional Workshops Student Workshops

WOA Executive Session - Invite Only WOA Reception - Invite Only Free session for Dinner White Night

Wednesday l August 1 Registration Open

ALPFA Networking Lounge

ALPFA Collegiate Council Breakfast & Meeting ALPFA Store

Opening Plenary Session KPMG Case Competition Student Workshops

Professional Workshops Lunch with a Recruiter

Women of ALPFA Luncheon

Business to Professional Networking Session

Florentine, Pompeian, Roman

Florentine, Pompeian, Roman Octavius 21-23


Florentine, Pompeian, Roman

Florentine, Pompeian, Roman Octavius 5-8

Octavius 12-14



Pisa Foyer Pisa

Imperial Boardroom

Promenade Registration Desk Milano

Octavius 7-23

Florentine, Pompeian, Roman

Florentine, Pompeian, Roman Milano



Student Workshops

Florentine, Pompeian, Roman

Partner Receptions

Florentine, Pompeian, Roman

ALPFA Movie Premiere

Milano 1-4

Thursday l August 2 7:00AM – 3:00PM

Registration Open

8:00AM – 2:00PM


Forum Ballroom

Masquerade Ball Reception VIP Reception – Invite Only

Octavius Foyer Octavius 12-16

7:00AM – 7:00PM

8:00AM – 2:00PM

6:00PM – 7:00PM 7:00PM – 8:00PM

8:00PM – 11:50PM

ALPFA Networking Lounge Career Fair & Expo Masquerade Ball

After-party (Open to All Convention Attendees)

Pisa Foyer Pisa

Forum Ballroom

Octavius Ballroom

Octavius Ballroom


Networking Lounge

Welcome Reception Main Entrance from Casino


Upper Level

Main Event Ballroom


Career Fair and Expo Lower Level


Career Fair Map

Gift of Life








108 13'























115 Wiley Efficient Learning

Zillow Group





109 United Airlines 20' 20'



Jopwell Andersen Tax 20'

Microsoft 200

10' Ameriprise Financial Federal Housing Finance Agency













Nationwide 20'

Northwestern Mutual







201 BDO 20' 20'

Wells Fargo 300




Reserved Interview Rooms

20' 432












FDIC 20' 20'

301 Facebook 20' 20'

20' EY 20'







Allstate 20' 532





KPMG 20' 10'


407 PwC 20'


401 Johnson & Johnson 20' 20'

20' 10'








Boeing 20' 632





JPMorgan Chase 20' 20'


507 Deloitte 20'

501 Bank of 20' 20'

Crowe LLP 600

20' 10'













Robert Half & Protiviti




Fiat Chrysler Automobile

Cisco Systems

Moss Adams








Liberty Mutual

601 Bloomberg



Grant Moody's Thornton

PNC Comcast Financial





10' 733









The Unilever Vanguard

Toyota Corp









Duff & Phelps











Defense Contract Management Agency

Ally Financial

IMA (Institute of Management Accountants)




808 15'




817 Villanova University


813 Indeed

809 Comerica Bank


801 CFP Board

Recruitment Focus Accenture






Andersen Tax BDO

Both Pro

Both Both





Boeing CIA

Cisco Systems, Inc.


Crowe LLP Deloitte

Discover EY

Students Both Both Both Both Both Pro Pro



Fiat Chrysler Automobiles


Federal Housing Finance Agency Goldman Sachs Grant Thornton

Johnson & Johnson

JPMorgan Chase KPMG

Microsoft Moody's

Moss Adams Nationwide

Northwestern Mutual

Robert Half & Protiviti RSM


Both Students Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both

The Vanguard Group


UnitedHealth Group



Wells Fargo

Both Both


Professional Workshops


2018 Management Leadership Development 8:30AM

Sunday, July 29, 2018 – Day One

MLD Expectations and Goal Setting Exercises and Discussion:

• Define your “why” and introductions

• Leadership knowledge/enthusiasm grid • Designing shared learning outcomes exercise 9:15AM

Leadership and Power

Exercises and Discussion:

• Review and discuss emergent and assigned leadership

• Leadership and Power and the Latino leader experience 10:15AM

Trait – Skills – Style Leadership Exercises and Discussion:

• Review and discuss skills leadership

• Review and discuss style leadership • Style leadership exercise • Trait-Skill-Style Leadership, with a focus on Latino Managers 12:00PM 1:00PM


Emotional Intelligence

Exercises and Discussion:

• Review and discuss emotional intelligence

• Improve your performance through EQ strategy exercise • Emotional Intelligence for the Latino leader 2:15PM

Charisma, Influence and Persuasion Exercises and Discussion:

• Review Charismatic Leadership Tactics

• MLD Persuasion Pitch exercise • Charisma, Influence and Persuasion, with a Latino lens 3:30PM

ALPFA Executives in Residence – Session #1 Exercises and Discussion:

• Executive mentor led discussion of select topics from Day 1

• Making connections and summarizing key points



“Now What...” connecting action steps to your personal leadership journey

2018 Management Leadership Development 8:30AM

Monday, July 30, 2018 – Day Two Leading Change

Exercises and Discussion:

• Review and discuss how to effectively lead change

• Becoming a Change Champion exercise • Latinos Leading Change 9:30AM

ALPFA Executives in Residence – Session #2 Exercises and Discussion:

• Executive mentor led discussion of case on leading change • Making connections and summarizing key points


Leading Teams

Exercises and Discussion:

• Review and discuss effective team leadership

• Building world class teams exercise • Latinos Leading Teams 12:00PM



Authenticity and Transformational Leadership Exercises and Discussion:

• Review and discuss authentic leadership

• Review and discuss Transformational leadership • Building the ALPFA Transformational Leader exercise • Authenticity and Transformational Leadership and the Latino Leader Experience 3:30PM

Lifetime Leadership Principles and MLD Wrap-up Exercises and Discussion:

• Review LLP’s and create shared commitment model

• Review MLD Ideas and build post MLD action plan • ALPFA Transformational Leadership Promise • “Now What...” connecting MLD insights to personal action steps to advance and accelerate your personal leadership journey


2018 Professional Workshops

Monday, July 30

Women of ALPFA—Early Career Panel 10:00am to 12:00pm

Sponsor(s): ALPFA

Subject to Change Consult Mobile App*

Room: Octavius 8

Art of Effective Negotiating 1:30pm to 3:00pm

Sponsor(s): ALPFA Room: Florentine 4

How To Succeed as a New Manager 1:30pm to 3:00pm

Sponsor(s): KPMG

Room: Florentine 1

Veterans’ Panel: Transitioning into a Successful Civilian Career 1:30pm to 3:00pm

Sponsor(s): JPMorgan Chase

Room: Roman 4

Out for ALPFA: LGBTQ Workplace Inclusion and Advocacy 2:00pm to 3:30pm

Sponsor(s): Bank of America; Comcast; Nissan Room: Octavius 5&6

Machine Learning & Robotics: Combating Fraud 3:15pm to 4:45pm

Sponsor(s): JPMorgan Chase Room: Florentine 2

Blockchain and The Future of Business – Presented by Uulala The LatinX Blockchain for Financial Inclusion 3:15pm to 4:45pm

Sponsor(s): Uulala Room: Roman 4


2018 Professional Workshops

Tuesday, July 31

A Career of Possibilities: the CPA License and Strategies for Tackling the CPA Exam

(Open to Students and Professionals) 9:15am to 10:15am Sponsor(s): AICPA Room: Florentine 1

Subject to Change Consult Mobile App*

Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies

9:15am to 10:15am Sponsor(s): PwC Room: Florentine 2

Excel Beyond Basics

10:00am to 12:00pm Sponsor(s): Microsoft Room: Florentine 3

Women of ALPFA—Mid Career Panel

10:00am to 12:00pm Sponsor(s): Bank of New York Mellon, Morgan Stanley Room: Octavius 5 & 8

Disruption, Adaptation and Legacy Building - Career Paths in Flux

10:30am to 12:00pm Sponsor(s): ALPFA Room: Florentine 1

Cybersecurity and Related Risk

10:30am to 12:00pm Sponsor(s): Comcast Room: Florentine 2

Overview of the Key Tax Provisions in the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act

10:30am to 12:00pm Sponsor(s): EY Room: Roman 3

Be the CEO of Your Career: The Success Formula

10:30am to 12:00pm Sponsor(s): JPMorgan Chase Room: Roman 4


2018 Professional Workshops Tuesday, July 31

Latina Leadership: Career Tips for Success 2:30pm to 4:00pm

Sponsor(s): State Street

Subject to Change Consult Mobile App

Room: Florentine 4

Allstate sponsored event! The Latino Executive Manifesto: Secrets from 20 C-Suite Hispanic Executives on how to Accelerate Latino Career Advancement.

2:30pm to 4:00pm Sponsor(s): Allstate Room: Florentine 1

The State of Hispanic Wealth

2:30pm to 4:00pm Sponsor(s): Bank of America Room: Florentine 2

Powerful Power Point Presentations and Getting Started with One Note

2:30pm to 4:30pm Sponsor(s): Microsoft Room: Florentine 3

Alphabet Soup: Which Certification is Best For Me?

2:30pm to 4:00pm Sponsor(s): ALPFA Room: Roman 3

Why Businesses are Focusing on Multi-Cultural Markets

2:30pm to 4:00pm Sponsor(s): Wells Fargo Room: Roman 4

Women of ALPFA Power Hour (Invite Only)

3:00pm to 5:00pm Sponsor(s): PwC; Wells Fargo Room: Octavius 5 -8


2018 Professional Workshops Tuesday, July 31

From Personal Assistant to Vice President: 8 Keys to Success 4:15pm to 5:45pm

Sponsor(s): Liberty Mutual

Subject to Change Consult Mobile App*

Room: Florentine 1

How Innovation is Shaping the Future of Banking 4:15pm to 5:45pm

Sponsor(s): Bank of America Global Technology & Operations Room: Florentine 2

Let’s Be Frank: A Male Ally’s View on Supporting Latina Advancement 4:15pm to 5:45pm

Sponsor(s): Bank of New York Mellon Room: Roman 3

Wednesday, August 1

Tax Reform with a Business Lens 9:15am to 10:15am

Sponsor(s): PwC

Room: Florentine 2

Reinvention, Adaptation, or Disruption – Navigating Through Change 9:15am to 10:15am

Sponsor(s): Morgan Stanley Room: Roman 4

The Predictive Index: Attracting & Retaining Top Talent EVERY Time 10:00am to 12:00pm

Sponsor(s): ALPFA and Synergistic Systems Room: Octavius 5 & 6


2018 Professional Workshops Wednesday, August 1

Get Started with Microsoft Teams (Open to Students & Professionals) 9:30am to 11:00am

Subject to Change Consult Mobile App*

Sponsor(s): Microsoft Room: Florentine 3

The Art of Building Relationships 10:30am to 12:00pm

Sponsor(s): Bloomberg Room: Florentine 1

21 Century Fox – Behind the Scenes 10:30am to 12:00pm

Sponsor(s): FOX Networks

Room: Florentine 2

Meet the CFOs

10:30am to 12:00pm

Sponsor(s): Bank of America Room: Florentine 4

Leveraging Inclusive Diversity 10:30am to 12:00pm

Sponsor(s): United Airlines Room: Roman 4

HACKED! – Surviving today’s cyber threats in our personal and work environments 10:30am to 12:00pm

Sponsor(s): Crowe Room: Roman 3




2018 Student Workshops Tuesday, July 31

Perception vs. Reality: Defining Your Personal Brand 8:45am to 10:15am

Sponsor(s): Bloomberg

Subject to Change Consult Mobile App*

Room: Pompeian 1

What is Your Social Media Saying About You? 8:45am to 10:15am

Sponsor(s): KPMG

Room: Pompeian 2

Professional Services 101 8:45am to 10:15am

Sponsor(s): Deloitte Room: Pompeian 3

Real Estate as a Career Part Time or Full Time 8:45am to 10:15am

Sponsor(s): ALPFA Room: Pompeian 4

A Career of Possibilities: the CPA License and Strategies for Tackling the CPA Exam (Open to Students and Professionals) 9:15am to 10:15am

Sponsor(s): AICPA Room: Florentine 1

Excel Beyond Basics (Open to Students and Professionals) 10:00am to 12:00pm

Sponsor(s): Microsoft Room: Florentine 3


2018 Student Workshops Tuesday, July 31 Team Building

10:30am to 12:00pm

Sponsor(s): Moss Adams

Subject to Change Consult Mobile App*

Room: Pompeian 1

Career Choices (Passion vs. Salary) 10:30am to 12:00pm

Sponsor(s): FDIC

Room: Pompeian 2

Recruiting in the Digital Age 10:30am to 12:00pm

Sponsor(s): Bank of America Room: Pompeian 4

What Young Professionals Want & Why C-Suite Should Care 10:30am to 12:00pm

Sponsor(s): State Street Room: Roman 1

RSM Presents the Solo Cup Challenge – Where Do You Stack Up? 10:30am to 12:00pm

Sponsor(s): RSM Room: Roman 2

Career Exploration in the Business of Intelligence 2:30pm to 4:00pm

Sponsor(s): CIA

Room: Pompeian 1



2018 Student Workshops Tuesday, July 31

Navigating Bias in Corporate Culture 2:30pm to 4:30pm

Sponsor(s): Northwestern Mutual

Subject to Change Consult Mobile App*

Room: Pompeian 2

The Power of Your Origin Story 10:30am to 12:00pm

Sponsor(s): ALPFA Room: Pompeian 3

Authentic Self and Professional Presence 2:30 pm to 4:00pm

Sponsor(s): EY

Room: Roman 1

Powerful PowerPoint Presentations and Getting Started with One Note (Open to Professionals and Students) 2:30pm to 4:30pm

Sponsor(s): Microsoft Room: Florentine 3

Navigating Your Career Timeline 4:15 pm to 5:45pm

Sponsor(s): Synchrony Financial Room: Pompeian 1

Career Choices (Finding a Passion Driven Career) 4:15 pm to 5:45pm

Sponsor(s): Boeing Room: Pompeian 2



2018 Student Workshops Tuesday, July 31

Learning to Lead--And Be a Leader 4:15 pm to 5:45pm

Sponsor(s): BDO

Subject to Change Consult Mobile App*

Room: Roman 1

Wednesday, August 1

Perform in Confidence MODE 8:45am to 10:15am

Sponsor(s): AICPA Room: Pompeian 1

Personal Brand 8:45am to 10:15am

Sponsor(s): PwC Room: Roman 1

Get Started with Microsoft Teams (Open to Students & Professionals) 9:30am to 11:00am

Sponsor(s): Microsoft Room: Florentine 3

Navigating the Corporate World 10:30am to 12:00pm

Sponsor(s): Cargill

Room: Pompeian 1

Career Choices (Passion vs. Salary) 10:30am to 12:00pm

Sponsor(s): FDIC

Room: Pompeian 2



2018 Student Workshops Wednesday, August 1

Paving the Way for the Next Generation of Latino Leaders 10:30am to 12:00pm

Subject to Change Consult Mobile App*

Sponsor(s): PNC Financial Room: Pompeian 3

Winning with Trust 10:30am to 12:00pm

Sponsor(s): Dell

Room: Pompeian 4

Building the skills that you need to succeed in the future workforce 10:30am to 12:00pm

Sponsor(s): Accenture Room: Roman 1

RSM Presents the Solo Cup Challenge – Where Do You Stack Up? 10:30am to 12:00pm

Sponsor(s): RSM Room: Roman 2

What I Didn’t Know About Mentors 2:30pm to 4:00pm

Sponsor(s): Abbott

Room: Pompeian 1

Pathways to Healthcare 2:30pm to 4:00pm

Sponsor(s): United Healthcare Group Room: Pompeian 2


2018 Student Workshops Wednesday, August 1

How to Successfully Manage Your First Corporate Job 2:30pm to 4:00pm

Sponsor(s): TIAA

Room: Pompeian 3

Emotional Intelligence and Leadership 10:30am to 12:00pm

Sponsor(s): Grant Thornton

Room: Pompeian 4


Subject to Change Consult Mobile App*

2018 Student Workshops Wednesday, August 1

Intrapreneurship: Keeping Your Creative Mind in a Corporate Environment 2:30pm to 4:00pm

Subject to Change Consult Mobile App*

Sponsor(s): Nationwide Room: Roman 1

Exploring a Career in Corporate Finance 2:30pm to 4:00pm

Sponsor(s): Johnson & Johnson Room: Roman 4

Career Exploration in the Business of Intelligence 4:15pm to 5:45pm

Sponsor(s): CIA

Room: Pompeian 1

Bring Your Authentic Self to Work 4:15pm to 5:45pm

Sponsor(s): The Vanguard Group Room: Pompeian 2

Discover Your Leadership Style 4:15pm to 5:45pm

Sponsor(s): JPMorgan Chase Room: Pompeian 4

Explore Career Options 4:15pm to 5:45pm

Sponsor(s): Wells Fargo Room: Roman 1



ALPFA Board of Directors


Empowering Latino Leaders

ALPFA Professional Chapters

Albuquerque, New Mexico Atlanta, Georgia

Austin, Texas

Boston, Massachusetts

Charlotte, North Carolina

Chicago, Illinois

Columbus, Ohio

Dallas, Texas Delaware

Denver, Colorado

El Paso, Texas

CT, Connecticut Houston, Texas

Indianapolis, Indiana Las Vegas, Nevada

Los Angeles, California

Miami, Florida


Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Nashville, Tennessee Nebraska

New Jersey New York

Northwest Arkansas

Orange County, California Orlando, Florida

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Yvonne Garcia Chairwoman

Ixchell Duarte Finance Committee

Daniel J. Yip Human Resources Committee Chair

Daniel Villao Vice Chairman

Raynaldo Gonzalez Risk Committee

Genaro Perez, Jr., CPA Human Resources Committee

Hector V. Perez Past Chairman

Marcela Aldaz-Matos Governance and Nominations Committee Chair

Maricela Laines Crus Student Director

Gabriel Rodriguez, Jr. Treasurer Damaris (Dee) Garcia-Schneider Secretary

George A. Vega Board Director

Ileana Musa Merrill Lynch Wealth Management

Hugo Chaviano, Esq. Chicago, Illinois

Eduardo Tobon Spencer Stuart

Manny Fernandez KPMG LLP

Ravi Rao Hexaware

Ken Bouyer Ernst & Young LLP

Karl Gouverneur Northwestern Mutual

Svetlana Mostovsky VP, Development Catalyst

Gilbert Vasquez Vasquez & Company, LLP

Joseph Kosinski Illinois CPA Society

Jorge Ortega Burson-Marsteller

Maria Villanueva Sessions Zimmer Biomet

Louis Maiuri State Street

Federico Papa Santander Bank NA

Tony Curtis PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Joe Mella Goldman Sachs

Arturo Perez A.T. Kearney

Niloufar Molav PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Kaplan Mobray Kaplan Mobray Inc.

Eva Seijido Deloitte Tax LLP

Hector Tundidor Ernst & Young LLP

Professional Team

María Verónica Fernández Guisandes Membership Manager maria.fernandez@national.alpfa.org

ALPFA Corporate Advisory Board


*Staff listed in alphabetical order

Los Angeles Office

801 South Grand Avenue, Suite. 400 Los Angeles, CA 90017

Portland, Oregon


Puerto Rico

Rhode Island

Salt Lake City, Utah

San Antonio, Texas

San Diego, California

San Francisco, California Seattle, Washington

Silicon Valley, California St. Louis, Missouri

Tampa Bay, Florida Tucson, Arizona

Twin Cities, Minnesota

Washington, D.C.

Mauricio Gonzalez Board Director

Elizabeth Diep Finance Committee

Executive Team

Puerto Rico-West

Roxanne E. Martinez Board Director

Nerelys Ortiz Governance and Nominations Committee

Phoenix, Arizona

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Tracy Laflamme Ortega Governance and Nominations Committee

Raymond Arroyo

Chief Growth Officer Selene Benavides

Chief Financial Officer

selene.benavides@national.alpfa.org Julio Carbonell

Chief Information Officer

julio.carbonell@national.alpfa.org Verna Greer

Executive Vice President


David Peña President, Colleges & Universities david.pena@national.alpfa.org Luis Vargas

Chief Marketing Officer


Raul Audelo VP Digital Engagement raul.audelo@national.alpfa.org

Matias Borszewski Vice President, Strategic Initiatives matias.borszewski@national.alpfa.org

Jonathan Cifuentes Information Project Manager jonathan.cifuentes@national.alpfa.org Kabir Chopra Master Storyteller kabir.chopra@national.alpfa.org

Ann Marquez Vice President, Strategic Partnerships ann.marquez@national.alpfa.org Maria E. Dietrich

Marketing IT Specialist

maria.dietrich@national.alpfa.org David Donoso

Video Editor & Motion Graphics Designer


Henry R Montoya Director of Operations, Chicago Chapter henry.montoya@national.alpfa.org

Carlos Perez Creative Director carlos.perez@national.alpfa.org

Fernanda Pinto Director of Human Resources and Executive Assistant to the CEO fernanda.pinto@national.alpfa.org

Belex Rodríguez Social media and Community Manager belex.rodriguez@national.alpfa.org

Caren Russian Manager of Chapter Operations caren.russian@national.alpfa.org

Katie Schlomann Vice President, Membership and New York Operations katie@national.alpfa.org


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