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Our Open Motto
Establishing a motto that would unify Alpha Chi Omega sisters was noted early on as an important part of the Fraternity’s statements of value and purpose. Today, Alpha Chi Omegas of all ages find shared inspiration in the Fraternity’s open motto, “Together let us seek the heights.” But members may not know how the motto evolved early in the Fraternity’s history.
In 1887, two years after our founding, a motto committee was created. According to minutes from a May 25, 1887 meeting, the committee put forth a few suggestions for a motto, which included “Strive for the highest,” “Ye daughters of Music, come up higher” and “Musical culture, first and last.” After lengthy discussion, “Ye daughters of Music, come up higher” was chosen and placed in the Fraternity’s Constitution.
When membership in Alpha Chi Omega was expanded to allow not only music students but liberal arts students as well, it seemed prudent to reconsider the open motto in a way that would reflect the changing membership while retaining its key philosophy. According to the first history book, which was written in 1911, “As the open motto had become very dear within the Fraternity, it was considered best to retain its thought as far as possible.”
National President Alta Allen Loud (Beta, Albion College) suggested the wording “Together let us seek the heights,” which was formally adopted as the open motto at the 1910 National Convention.
The open motto continues to inspire sisters of all ages. Its combination of shared effort and high aspirations strikes just the right notes. “Together,” the heart of the motto, is a powerful yet comforting word, personifying Alpha Chi Omega and our shared journey as sisters. What will you do to join with sisters to embody our open motto?