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100 Years for Alpha Omicron
The Alpha Omicron (The Ohio State University) chapter of Alpha Chi Omega celebrated its centennial on September 14, 2023. Over the September 15-17 weekend, chapter sisters gathered at The Ohio State University to celebrate 100 years of sisterhood.
Friday night, Alpha Omicron sisters met for a social happy hour held at Ohio Brewing Company to kick off the weekend. Saturday, a tailgate lunch was hosted at the chapter house followed by a watch party to view the Buckeyes game together. Block seating was also offered at the football game.
On Sunday, the planning committee hosted a celebration brunch at the Fawcett Center, where more than 200 alumnae and collegians reminisced on chapter history, celebrated membership milestones and recognized volunteers. The program was hosted by the Centennial Planning Committee chair, Taylor Tolley Owens (Alpha Omicron ‘14), and included information regarding the state of the chapter given by current chapter president Danielle Guardino (Alpha Omicron ‘21), the state of the alumnae given by the Alpha Iota Alpha (Columbus, Ohio) alumnae chapter president Barbara Rice Barta (Alpha Omicron ‘68) and local house corporation president Jennifer Diederich Healy (Alpha Omicron ‘83), and concluded with a state of the Enterprise address given by National President Lynne Herndon (Alpha Upsilon, The University of Alabama). All attendees received a Cats Meow wooden replica of the current chapter house, and the chapter was presented with its centennial plaque and a new copy of its original charter to put on display.
The weekend came to a close with a dessert reception hosted by the local house corporation and Alpha Iota Alpha. Chapter history was displayed through the decades, including an original item from every year the chapter has been open and composites lining every wall. House tours were given, cake was shared and memories flooded the room as Alpha Omicron sisters reminisced on 100 years of incredible sisterhood.
Thank you to all who have celebrated Alpha Omicron’s accomplishments over the years, to all who have donated in honor of sisterhood, and to the Centennial Planning Committee for countless hours of planning to make the weekend so special. Cheers to 100 years and 100 more!
While the Alpha Upsilon (The University of Alabama) chapter centennial is September 9, 2024, sisters will celebrate early May 17-18, 2024. There will be decade reunions on Friday night with a ceremony on Saturday and band party on Saturday night. Contact Janet Crowder at jccrowder13@gmail.com or Caroline Fulmer at csfulmer@ches.ua.edu for more information.