Skidoodle Magazine - Winter 2022

Page 36


TOP OF THE HILL DISCOVER ALPINE’S NETWORK OF SNOWSHOE, CROSS-COUNTRY SKI AND HIKING TRAILS LAST SEASON, OUR CLUB EXPERIENCED A WINTER UNLIKE ANY BEFORE DUE TO T H E PA N D E M I C . T H E R E WA S A N OT I C E A B L E S H I F T A M O N G O U R M E M B E R S L O O K I N G F O R O T H E R W AY S T O E N J O Y T H E C L U B A N D I T S P R O P E R T Y. W E S A W A H U G E I N C R E A S E I N PA R T I C I PAT I O N I N O U R N O N - S K I A C T I V I T I E S I N C L U D I N G S N O W S H O E I N G , H I K I N G , S K A T I N G , T O B O G G A N I N G A N D T H E N E W LY I N T R O D U C E D C R O S S - C O U N T R Y S K I I N G . T H I S C R E AT E D A N E W S E N S E O F O P P O R T U N I T Y F O R A M E M B E R S H I P E X P E R I E N C E B E YO N D T H E L I F TS A N D C LU B H O U S E . If you have yet to discover our incredible network of snowshoe trails that span the beautiful Escarpment terrain up, across and down our property – sometimes sharing with our neighbours Craigleith Ski Club – there is no time like the present! These trails have been built and maintained by our snowshoe committee, which is made up of enthusiastic member volunteers always looking for ways to expand and improve upon their work. The trails are well marked and the committee has built beautiful bridges and installed handrails in certain areas, not to mention cutting new trails for your outdoor recreational pleasure. From beginner to advanced, there is a trail route for all – stay tuned to the weekly e-doodle newsletter for our ‘Route of the Week.’


TRY OUT CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING! We are very excited that we have a new activity open to Alpine members as of last season: cross-country skiing! Craigleith and Alpine are working together to expand our trail system for our members, which now includes a machine-groomed and tracked trail for classic and skate skiing at the top of the hill. Members may hike up or park at the top (corner bend at Side Rd. 21 and 4th Line) to access the trail. The ~4km route loops along ‘Farm Road’ to the top of Craigleith Ski Club and back. Our snowshoe committee is enthusiastic and driven to continue to improve upon our trail system to provide new opportunities for you to get out there and enjoy the view! They have even put together a new smartphone app to help you navigate the trails, which you can read about on page 38.

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