E V E RYO N E ’ S H A P P Y P L AC E AT THE HEART OF ALPINE’S MISSION, VISION AND VALUES ARE THE CORE BELIEFS WE HOLD CONSTANT. KEY AMONG OUR VALUES IS OUR CONNECTION AS A FAMILY, BOTH WITHIN YOUR FAMILIES AND THE ALPINE FAMILY AT LARGE. OUR CLUB HOLDS A SPECIAL PLACE IN OUR MEMBERS’ LIVES, WHETHER THEY ARE NEW TO THE CLUB OR THIRD- OR FOURTH-GENERATION FAMILIES. COUNTLESS FAMILY EVENTS AND MILESTONES HAVE TAKEN PLACE HERE, AND MEMORIES AND BONDS HAVE BEEN MADE THAT WILL LAST A LIFETIME, LEAVING A LEGACY FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS TO BEHOLD. AS PART OF OUR ‘EVERYONE’S HAPPY PLACE’ SERIES, WE ASKED THE MEHTA AND BRAUN-TOPLOSKI FAMILIES ABOUT THEIR ALPINE EXPERIENCE AND WHAT THEY SEE FOR THEIR FUTURE AT ALPINE. HERE’S WHAT THEY TOLD US. THE MEHTA FAMILY Joined in 2014 We joined the Alpine family in 2014. At the time, our son Rohan was nine years old and keen on Snowboard Alpine Racing. We realized that the best way for him to fulfil his dream was to join a club. Alpine just felt right, and with the OEST team training there, it made sense. Our daughter Sia was five years old at the time and we loved the independence that Alpine gave her. Once we were comfortable with her ability to handle the bar on the lift, she was on her own and thrilled! Both kids have progressed in their racing programs. Rohan is now a Level 2 Snowboard Instructor, and hoping to go to university out west, following the big mountains! Sia can’t wait to begin her U14 O Cup ski race program this winter, especially since it will begin with a pre-season camp in Sun Peaks, B.C. SKIDOODLE 2022 40
Over the years, we have realized the comfort of Alpine. The few times that our children have had injuries, we were informed within minutes, through multiple sources. Everyone watches over each other and is more than happy to help when the need arises. We have met wonderful people, and made lifelong friends. It is always such a happy day when the season at Alpine begins and everyone is excited to be on the slopes and reconnect with friends. As the children grow up and follow their own paths, we will continue to enjoy our winter life at Alpine. With regular training in racing programs, the kids are experts and have a great passion for their respective snow sports. They will carry this love with them always.