English Module by ALSA LC UNAIR

Page 62

English Module

ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Airlangga

Post-Test 1) The mall in this small town has no ... There are only general ... No one can find the newly released face cream. A. skincare shop, supermarkets B. skincare shop, supermarket C. skincare shops, supermarkets D. skincare shops, supermarket 2) Fill with the correct answer! A : I know you have a motorcycle. Do you also have a car? B : ... A. Yes, I either have a motorcycle or a car. B. Yes, I have neither a motorcycle nor a car. C. Yes, not only do I have a motorcycle, but I also have a car. D. Yes, I have a motorcycle nor a car. 3) Bobby Sutardji likes modifying cars. He is looking for a Japanese brand wheel. What would the tuning shop say to him if he recommended a Rays TE-37? A. The Rays TE-37, who is a Japanese wheel, would be perfect for your car. B. The Rays TE-37, which is a Japanese wheel, would be perfect for your car. C. The Rays TE-37, whose are a Japanese wheel, would be perfect for your car. D. The Rays TE-37, when is a Japanese wheel, would be perfect for your car. 4) Sitting in front of the laptop for 10 hours, The Employee felt so tired. A. Because The Employee is sit in front of the laptop for 10 hours, she feel so tired. B. Because The Employee is being sitting in front of the laptop for 10 hours, she felt so tired. C. Because The Employee had been sitting in front of the laptop for 10 hours, she felt so tired. D. Because The Employee sitting in front of the laptop for 10 hours, she feel tired. 5) Fill in the blanks! X : There is no longer a mask mandate for outdoor activities Y : Really, when…? A. was it lifted B. did it lift? C. was it lift D. to be lifted


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