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HYBRID SYSTEM: SOLUTION IN TRANSITION ERA Arya Tirta Kembara and Muhammad Agung Wicaksono Board of Directors and Administration & Drive Division

Introduction When Covid-19 first declared by the World Health Organization (WHO), it was first observed in Wuhan city of China as a public health emergency worldwide in January 2020, and turned out to be a global pandemic by March 2020. The pandemic has brought changes in many aspects of human life such as how people would behave in society. During the pandemic, people are not able to physically get near each other and have to wear masks inside or outside public facilities. These changes had also brought some turbulence in the educational system. The impact on education system is also very prominent and challenges are constantly being observed regarding virtual or online system of education (Talidong & Toquero, 2020).1 Online learning system is the first solution that the government has offered in the early days of the pandemic. However, online learning system has proven not to be the best answer to fulfil the need of effective learning. There are some issues that students had faced during the use of online learning system, for example, moving from conventional classroom to computerbased training in a virtual classroom which makes learning process radically different, a strong internet connection that is needed in online courses are often not given to many students thus lead to failure to catch up with their virtual


Namood-e-Sahar, “COVID-19 Pandemic and Hybrid Learning System” EDUCCON (2020): 1,


classes, lack of computer education, unable to adapt due to the sudden transition, etc.2 Hybrid Learning Concept, Plus and Minus Hybrid Learning Model refers to blending and mixing of the learning environments: Face-to-face classroom instruction and online environment (Doering, 2006).3 Hybrid learning environment gives students the privilege to understand and to explore the real-world issues through authentic learning experiences, facilitated in an online learning environment (Ellis, 2001). 4 Kumar dictate that hybrid learning or blended learning “Combines online with face-toface learning. The goal of (hybrid) learning is to provide the most efficient and effective instruction experience by combining delivery modalities” (Kumar, 2012, p. 347).5 Hybrid learning system also dictated by Bersin (2004) Hybrid Learning is the combination of different training media (technologies, activities, and type of events) to create an optimum training program for a specific audience. The term (Hybrid) means that traditional instructor-led training is being supplemented with other electronic formats. In the context of the book, blended learning programs use many different forms of e-learning, perhaps complement with instructor-led training in other live formats.6 In other words, hybrid learning system is a combination form of the traditional online learning program and more modern electronic learning program


S.Venkataraman, “PROBLEMS OF ONLINE CLASSES” International Jorunal of Academic

Research Reflector 9 (2020): 3, 3


Publication (2014): 1, 4





Fauzan, Fatkhul Arifin, “Hybrid Learning sebagai Alternatif Model Pembelajaran” Research

Gate Publication (2017): 4,


and also a combination of others forms of learning to make a new learning program that can fulfilled our needed in this current pandemic situation. Hybrid learning systems may be the answer to this very complex problem in the educational system that fits into this pandemic era. Hybrid learning system has this flexibility for the student to choose their own learning system, whether it’s offline class or online class. For example: students can manage between study schedules and working schedules (this supports the concept of students becoming a lifelong learner). From the university's point of view, the fact that being able to attract students to an on-campus class from anywhere can be a real revolution. In a study conducted by Baloran (2020) assessed the favourability of hybrid learning system among students of Southern Philippines.7 In another study that conducted by Namood-e-Sahar (2020) in Pakistan finds that the most mentioned benefit of hybrid learning system as per the sample was feasibility to take classes. The students find it easy to assess the lecture from anywhere even while traveling and also it is comfortable for them to attend lectures at home. The second most stated benefit was that such a system is time saving and safe wastage of time during the current pandemic.8

According to Garnham and Kaleta hybrid learning or blended learning has certain advantages such as flexibility and flexibility comfort in the learning environment, affect the increase in learning, interest learning, and social interaction. Based on the author's perspective, this method at least has several advantages. Among others are:9


Namood-e-Sahar, “COVID-19 Pandemic and Hybrid Learning System” EDUCCON (2020): 2, 8

Sahar, “COVID-19 Pandemic and Hybrid Learning System” EDUCCON (2020): 3.


I.Umit Yapici and Hasan Akbayin, The Effect Of Blended Learning Model On High School

Students’ Biology Achievement And On Their Attitudes Towards The Internet. (TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 2012), pg. 229.


a) Make it easier for teachers to deliver learning materials and make it easier for students in accessing learning materials. Hybrid learning methods can also accommodate the teacher's obligation in delivering teaching material because this method allows teaching materials to be uploaded into the eLearning system. It's easier for students to access material considering the material uploaded to the e-Learning system accessible 24 hours. b) Saving time. Hybrid learning method enables attendance, tracking learning development, and value administration is done automatically in the elearning system. Currently, Moodle as one of the best learning management systems can meet these needs. Moodle as an open-source system allows users to modify the system by installing additional plug-ins according to learning needs. For attendance, there is a plug-in that can automatically record student activities during their stay in the system and then report it to teachers and administrators. Distribution of values can also be made easy with Moodle's built-in features. However, a study conducted by Namood-e-Sahar (2020) in Pakistan demonstrates that the most stated problem with hybrid learning systems as per interview data is lack of understanding which is attributed to absence of face-toface interaction and internet disruption. The second and third most prevalent ones are poor communication and internet problems. The frequent internet interruption and poor connectivity is experienced by the majority of students. A significant number of students also, however, mention that they experience no problem regarding present hybrid learning system.10 Implication


Namood-e-Sahar, “COVID-19 Pandemic and Hybrid Learning System” EDUCCON (2020): 4,


There are 4 important points to implement hybrid learning in our education system. As stated by Henny & Budhi, hybrid learning program is a combination from one or many dimension learning:11 a) Face to Face Learning is held in the form of learning activities in class, practical activities in the laboratory, mentoring or on the job training. Learning activities in the classroom include the delivery of material through learning face to face, discussion presentations, exercises and exams b) Synchronous Virtual Collaboration is a teaching format that is collaborative that involves interaction between teachers and students delivered on time. This collaborative activity is carried out by utilizing Instant Messaging (IM) or chat. This facility will be used to communicate between teachers and students during class hours. c) Asynchronous Virtual Collaboration is a teaching format that is collaborative activities involving interactions between teachers and students delivered on time differently. The facility used in this learning activity is online discussion boards or forums and E-mail. d) Self-pace Asynchronous is a self-learning model in which students can learn the material provided by the teacher in the form of a material module to teach or do assignments and exercises online. Besides self-pacing, asynchronous students can also learn the subject matter by means of links to other teaching resources.

Conclusion The Covid-19 pandemic brought so many changes in many aspects of human life and impacted their psychology. Now during the pandemic, people must wear masks when they go outside and can’t get near each other. This change has also brought some problems in our traditional education system. Hybrid learning is a solution to be implemented as the new education system. Hybrid 11

Henny Hendrayati & Budhi Pamungkas, Implementasi Model Hybrid Learning Pada Proses

Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Statistika II di Prodi Manajemen FPEB UPI (Bandung: Jurnal Pendidikan LPPM UPI, 2016), pg. 182.


Learning allows a flexible approach to the learning process performed collaboratively by the student, the teacher, and the participating experts or institution. Based on the four constructs identified, the key feature of hybrid learning is that it can be adjusted according to the needs of the learner, the course, and the other significant indicators, such as pace, time, and space. Studies have proven that many students think that the hybrid learning system is the most favourable learning system among the students. students find it easy to assess the lecture from anywhere and also, they felt comfortable to attend lectures at home. The second most stated benefit was that such a system is time saving and safe wastage of time during the current pandemic. However, hybrid learning systems also have problems such as lack of understanding which is attributed to absence of face-to-face interaction, internet disruption, poor communication, and internet problems.


BIBLIOGRAPHY E Sahar, Namood. “COVID-19 Pandemic and Hybrid Learning System” EDUCCON (2020): 1, Fauzan and Fatkhul Arifin. “Hybrid Learning sebagai Alternatif Model Pembelajaran” Research Gate Publication (2017): 4, Hendrayati, Heny & Budhi Pamungkas. Implementasi Model Hybrid Learning pada Proses Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Statistika II di Prodi Manajemen FPEB UPI. Bandung: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan LPPM UPI, 2016. M. AlNajdi, Sameer. “HYBRID LEARNING HIGHER EDUCATION” Research Gate Publication (2014): 1, Venkataraman, Saminathan. “PROBLEMS OF ONLINE CLASSES” International Jorunal of Academic Research Reflector 9 (2020): 3, Yapici, I.Umit and Hasan Akbayin. The Effect of Blended Learning Model on High School Students’ Biology Achievement and on Their Attitudes Towards The Internet. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 2012.



The outbreak of Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) in various parts of the world has an impact on the disruption of various sectors of life such as the social, economic sector, and education is no exception. According to Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System, education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, selfcontrol, personality, intelligence, noble character, as well as the skills needed by students, society, nation and state.12 In an effort to realize the goals of education, the learning process in the education system in Indonesia is currently transitioning from conventional to online learning models or e-learning, through the use of digitalization along with the times that occurred in the Templosion era. Templosion is a term coined by Edie Weiner which describes a phenomenon in which a moment or a major event (in the form of COVID-19) produces an explosion in a relatively short time. But unfortunately, the online learning system raises many problems so that it doesn’t run optimally, judging by the omission of several factors. Basically, online learning depends on students' readiness for themselves. There is one theory that fits the scheme, a theory called the law of readiness proposed by Thorndike, in which the law of readiness theory examines the readiness of a student in carrying out an activity. For example, a student, let's say named Anna. Anna has a tendency to learn and then she is really does the learning activity, then the act of learning will give satisfaction for her. Then from these 12

Indonesia, Law Number (No). 20 of 2003, Article 1.


conditions it is concluded that a student will be more successful in learning, if she is someone who is ready to carry out learning activities. When Anna follows the learning process, it will be easy if she had prepared everything well. On the other hand, if Anna doesn’t prepare herself, then she will feel restless or confused in doing something. Thus, preparing learning and assessing in a new format due to the COVID-19 pandemic needs to be carefully structured so that the learning objectives are successful (Basilaia & Kvavadze, 2020).13 At the same time, a good alternative emerged, namely by adopting the concept of hybrid learning as an ideal learning model for semi-digital students. Hybrid learning consists of two words, namely hybrid and learning, so what is meant by hybrid learning is learning by combining face-to-face learning (face to face) and computer-based learning (online and offline). Combination learning is a breath of fresh air in learning design with notes that it is carried out systematically to develop education and training programs that are carried out actively, consistently and also comply with health protocols. In the implementation of hybrid learning, the actions taken will be refined from the implementation of quality learning. There are many advantages of implementing this hybrid learning, which include: 1) cost efficiency of supporting learning, 2) expanding the range of learning/training; 3) adapt to various student needs, 4) ease of implementation; and 5) increase the attractiveness of learning because it is not locked with only one learning method. This will affect the competence and indicators of learning success. Face-to-face learning mixed with hybrid concepts also has relevance to the needs of students as objects so that the national development goals listed in the fourth paragraph of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, 'Educating the Nation's Life'14, are realized with nice preparation. Regarding the theory of Law of Readiness, individual readiness is very important to help individuals in the academic world. According to Shams (2013), 13

Basilaia, G., and Kvavadze, D. Transition to Online Education in Schools during a SARS-CoV2 Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic in Georgia. Pedagogical Research, Vol. 5, No. 4. 14 Indonesia, The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.


hybrid learning helps increase students' autonomy (independence) in learning vocabulary; and also helps improve student knowledge.15 Because hybrid learning is also assisted by internet media as a supplier of teaching and learning activities. Likewise, research by Ahmad and Ismail (2013) which shows that the majority of students (n = 50) have a better learning experience when implementing a computer-assisted hybrid learning model.16 There is no doubt that from hybrid learning activities, there is an increase in communication in three learning modes, namely the traditional classroombased learning environment, the hybrid one, and the fully online one. Researchers have provided evidence showing that hybrid learning results in stronger communication between students than conventional or fully online learning. Interesting learning characteristics will make students get convenience in processing learning information. Moreover, the findings of Fazlollahtabar and Sharma (2008), that various aspects of hybrid learning have a better impact on economic and environmental aspects in the future than conventional learning.17 It’s clear to say, hybrid learning is the answer in the midst of uncertainty in a phenomenon where transition is like an obligation in this era. Hybrid learning offers strategies, desired learning, effective methods, interesting ways, and solution-oriented that answers the challenges of the times.


Shams, Idee Edalati. Hybrid Learning and Iranian EFL Learners; Autonomy in Vocabulary Learning. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences Journal No. 93, 2013 p. 1588-1602. 16 Ahmad, Zaiha and Ismail, Isma Zuriyya. Utilization of Hybrid Learning in Accomplishing Learning Satisfaction as Perceived by University Student International Journal of e-Education, eBusiness, e-Management and e-Learning, Vol. 3, No. 2, p. 98-101. 17 Fazlollahtabar, Hamed and Sharma, Narendra K. E-Learning versus Face-to-Face Learning: An Economic Analysis of Higher Educational Systems in Iran. International Journal of Cyber Society and Education, Vol. 1, No. 1, p. 49-60.



Journal Ahmad, Zaiha and Ismail, Isma Zuriyya. Utilization of Hybrid Learning in Accomplishing Learning Satisfaction as Perceived by University Student International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning, Vol. 3, No. 2, p. 98-101. Basilaia, G., and Kvavadze, D. Transition to Online Education in Schools during a SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic in Georgia. Pedagogical Research, Vol. 5, No. 4. Fazlollahtabar, Hamed and Sharma, Narendra K. E-Learning versus Face-to-Face Learning: An Economic Analysis of Higher Educational Systems in Iran. International Journal of Cyber Society and Education, Vol. 1, No. 1, p. 49-60. Shams, Idee Edalati. Hybrid Learning and Iranian EFL Learners; Autonomy in Vocabulary Learning. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences Journal No. 93, 2013 p. 1588-1602. Regulations Indonesia, The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. Indonesia, Law Number (No). 20 of 2003, Article 1.


INDONESIAN DENTAL PRACTICE IN BETWEEN OF COVID-19 DOUBLE TRANSITION Callista Adani andSyazia Rahfammi English Development Division Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS CoV-2 virus. The virus can spread from an infected person’s mouth or nostrill in small liquid debris after they cough, sneeze, speak, sing or breathe. Those debris range from large respiration droplets to smaller aerosols. It is miles crucial to practice respiratory etiquette, as an instance by way of coughing into flexed elbow and to stay home and self-isolate until you recover in case you experience sick. The disorder was first recognized in December 2019 in Wuhan, the capital of China’s Hubei province, and has since unfold globally, ensuing in the ongoing Coronavirus 2019-2020 pandemic. Medical personnel, together with doctors are high-hazard jobs, mainly during a deadly disease due to the fact they ought to deal without delay with sufferers, with regards to dentists, the extent of danger may be very excessive due to the fact their technique of exam is related to the patient’s oral and dental health. Globally, dental schools or clinics have made huge adjustments in the way their curricula are being brought in reaction to Covid-19. Planning how and whilst dental schools or clinic ought to return to “regular” and setting up a brand new routine are considerable demanding situations that require tremendous dialogue and elaboration of policies and protocols. The transitional period so one can follow the cease of the pandemic is a grey area that places dentist in a hard function. As stated earlier, the decision to completely perform dental schools or clinics is complex and multifaceted. Further to the wished virtual infrastructure, which might also or won’t be good enough, and the modern-day incompability with healthcare structures, dentists who are


used to standard in individual patient care may additionally locate teledentistry complex. To overcome this mission, adequate schooling must be furnished to dentist to familiarize them with the details of the technology. For patients, the acceptability of teledentistry will growth in parallel with acceptability of telemedicine in general that is on the rise. Those changes were made based on contigency plans that have been set whilst thinking of the protection of students, school, and staff. In Indonesia, based on Circular Letter Number 2776/PB/PDGI/III-3/2020 about Guidelines for Dental Services During The Covid-19 Pandemic, there are 10 points what a dentist should pay attention to. Working in accordance with the Standards of the Medical Profession is not only a right that must be fulfilled for every doctor, but also an obligation that must be carried out for every doctor. This is affirmed in Article 50 letter (a) of Law No. 29 of 2004 on The Practice of Medicine which states that, "Doctors or Dentists in carrying out medical practices have the right to obtain legal protection as long as they carry out their duties in accordance with professional standards and standards of operational procedures." Related to the Covid-19 pandemic, a doctor cannot guarantee the success of his medical actions when treating patients. As long as the doctor has made maximum efforts in accordance with the size of the medical (science and experience in the medical field), then his medical actions cannot be blamed.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Journal Alkadi, Lubna. 2021. “Dental Education in the Covid-19 Era: Challenges, Solutions, and Opportunities”, Articles Andrianto, Wahyu. 2020. “Perlindungan Hukum bagi Dokter di Masa Pandemi Covid-19”, Accessed 14 January 2022. Krismantari, Ika. 2020. “Inisiatif masyarakat saat pandemic Covid-19 lahir karena lambannya gerak pemerintah”, Accessed 14 January 2022. Mahtani, S., M. O’Grady Berger, Iati M. S. 2020. “Ratusan pengungsi akan ditahan di pangkalanpangkalan di California; Hong Kong dan Taiwan membatasi perjalanan dari daratan Cina”. The Washington Post. Accessed 14 January 2022.

World Health Organization. “Coronavirus disease”, Accessed 16 January 2022.

Laws and Regulations Pasal 50 huruf (a) Undang-undang No. 29 Tahun 2004 tentang Praktik Kedokteran.


Surat Edaran No. 2776/PB PDGI/III-3/2020 tentang Pedoman Pelayanan Kedokteran Gigi Selama Pandemi Virus Covid-19.



Fathoni Yafrahul Adha, Nabila Salsabila Dena and Tasya Ardhina External Affairs Division

Covid-19 pandemic which is not over yet, has given a changing impact on various aspects of our lives, forcing everyone to adapt to new habits, especially in the aspect of education. A condition that was previously unpredictable makes us have to be able to adapt, one of which is in the world of education. Therefore, it is important to create an educational system and strategy in this transition era. “Quality education starting from a quality policy” (Unifah Rosyidi, Head Leader PGRI). World education in the transition era is really faced with quite formidable challenges, the handling of which requires the involvement of various related parties. After all aspects of our lives were beaten back by the Covid-19 pandemic, our educational institutions issued a policy to change the learning system from old patterns. Students from Elementary School to University must keep up with significant changes in the learning system. One of them is from offline learning to


distance learning or online. This is done to minimize the risk of transmission of Covid-19 in the school and college environment. Nevertheless, the application of online learning evidently didn't go smoothly. Triggered by several factors, like too much work, limited devices, internet access to study, and difficulty in doing tasks because there are no initial explanations from teachers and lecturers about assigned tasks, until saturation in carrying out the learning process. On the other hand, online learning also dampens the social soul of students. Where previously during offline learning, students interacted directly with many people such as friends, teachers or lecturers, participating in organization activities was hindered and became a foreign culture because of limited time to meet, whereas social care is needed for the continuity of a good future for students in the future. The need for evaluation in the field of education because there are various dissatisfactions in the implementation of education and the results. Distance learning evaluation finally made the government issue a regulation regarding limited face-to-face plans through Joint Decree 4 ministers published in March 2021.18 Although polemics are still reaping in the public due to a spike of Covid 19 cases are happening again, so far no changes have been made to the plan. This is what makes the concept of implementing the Hybrid Learning system appear. The hybrid learning system is recommended by the ministry of education and culture as an effective tool in supporting lectures during the Covid-19 pandemic. Because true learners need the presence and interaction of a teacher or lecture in the learning teaching process. More than the long-term use of smartphones and computers each day will adversely affect learners' health. One of the solutions to addressing anxiety is to apply a hybrid learning system in the learning process.

Previously, what is the hybrid learning system? 18

Ditjen Diksi. “Pembelajaran Tatap Muka Terbatas Mulai Juli 2021”. (diakses 13 Januari 2021).


Hybrid learning is a learning that combines both online learning with faceto-face meetings in class. In learning these hybrid learning learners will be established and set up schedules to enter the class both online and face-to-face. John Spencer (2020) proposes that there are five hybrid learning models that can be used in learning. As outlined in the following table. Hybrid Learning Model by John Spencer:

Contoh model pembelajaran. Sumber : John Spencer

The five learning models actually look at the context of the needs and strengths which is owned by each school. A number of factors need to be noted in using this hybrid learning method, one of which is both the internet and the technology of both the school and the student participants themselves, whether they can and will meet standards. The hybrid system has also sparked a controversy that has both a negative and positive view of the system. If we were to describe this system, it would have both its strengths and its weaknesses. An advantage of this system is that interactions between educators and learners present in the teaching process are applicable. This made it easier for the educators to track the academic progress of their trainees. And also by this method the teacher also has the opportunity to return to explain the materials in front of the class with all the equipment that could support developing student capture, rather than the long-range learning


methods that use only PowerPoint and also learning videos. Besides having an advantage of this system, it also has a weakness in terms of providing adequate support tools and the stability of tissues that significantly affect the continuity of the teaching process. Furthermore, it is still difficult for educators to track the academic growth of learners who choose to study online. The student who chose to study online was prone to a decline in his passion for learning and his sense of responsibility. The result will be a gap in the process of science absorption between students present in the classroom and those at home. If we imagine how during the learning of teaching process suddenly the internet connection was cut off or the device suddenly stopped working of course the learners will not be able to understand the full lesson, activity in the class is reduced, especially not all educators record the learning process that can play back when needed. It could be addressed if the hybrid learning model applied. Learners will have the opportunity to interact with their teacher on campus and discuss with their friends, including asking for immediate questions if there are things they don't understand. With this hybrid system it is expected to improve the discipline, the interest and quality of the protege's learning. Especially in the current pandemic era where we are expected to be at great distances between people. Where at the beginning of the government pandemic, implementing online learning systems creates conflicts that lead to idle learners, and the network and obedience of learners in learning, are questionable qualities. Based on Article 109 and PP No. 60 of 1999, students have a right to use academic freedom responsibly to prosecute and study according to the norms and sutures that apply in academic circles, obtain good instruction and academic services in accordance with interest, talents, passion and ability, utilize college facilities in terms of the expedited learning process, Receiving guidance from the lecturer in charge of the study program she follows in the completion of her studies19. With subjects conducted hybrid student rights by law and PP this can be 19

Indonesia, Peraturan Pemerintah No. 60 Tahun 1999, Ps. 109.


met so that they do not lose that right, so hybrids are the most appropriate solution to implement for good, effective, and disciplined student sustainability. The conclusion we can underline in the application of this hybrid system is that it still needs to be dealt with. Rather than merely dwelling on the advantages of this system of things, we need to consider how to overcome the weaknesses of this system, which will enable this potential new system to survive and thrive in approaching a transition era. We are optimistic and confident that the country's renewal will be achieved by means of educational renewal, since it is the education system that is deliberately programmed, built and developed to improve human resources that are competitive and able to adapt to growing changes and developments. With cooperation between governments, the educational, labor, and education of both educators and students working together to correct weaknesses in today's emerging hybrid system, so that the hybrid learning can be a choice of learning methods that can produce quality Indonesian people and aim to enhance overall the quality of education. Hopefully!


BIBLIOGRAPHY Laws and Regulations Indonesia, Peraturan Pemerintah No. 60 Tahun 1999, Ps. 109. Reference Ditjen Diksi. “Pembelajaran Tatap Muka Terbatas Mulai Juli 2021”. (diakses 13 Januari 2021). Journal Verawati dan Desprayoga ‘Solusi Pembelajaran 4.0: Hybrid Learning’ (2019), hlm 1184.



Alya Azzahra, Cherilla Izzata, Dila Alfira, and Fadhlan Masykura Internal Affairs Division Abstract: In the past two years, the outbreak of Covid-19 in the entire world has caused much impact in various fields, especially in education. A decrease in learning achievement characterizes it by changing the education system due to the pandemic. The development of information system technology is overgrowing. It impacts the emergence of trends from society 5.0. Many reports indicated that this would change the world into a new normal. Working or learning from home using information and communication technologies will become a new standard of the future. The hybrid learning system aims to reduce the number of people involved in each activity by offloading some groups of people online from their homes. The hybrid learning system allows online and physical attendees to interact during operating sessions. The learning objectives achieve if hybrid learning as an instructional medium is appropriate. Keywords: hybrid learning, covid-19, pandemic, society 5.0 INTRODUCTION In the past two years, the outbreak of Covid-19 in the entire world has caused much impact in various fields, especially in education. A decrease in learning achievement characterizes it because of changing the Education system due to the pandemic. However, on the other hand, pandemic opens the gate in developing innovation in education through technology. The Era of Society 5.0 is the era of advanced and refinement of industrial revolution 4.0, which requires us to access various information on the internet. The Era of Society 5.0 makes the internet a place to access information and undergo various fields of life. This period's rapid development of technology and


information is a solution to the limitations of implementing the learning process where the biggest challenge in education is the pandemic, through The Circular Letter Of The Ministry Of Education And Culture No.4-Year 2020 on the Implementation of Education In The Emergency Covid-19. The Minister of Education said that transforming the initially conventional learning system (faceto-face) into an online learning system is done without time and place. Change learning system drastically, making some of the parties have not yet fully ready to implement online learning. Some units Education has not been able to learn a new system optimally because of the limitations encountered in its implementation, such as the limitations of the facilities and infrastructure of online learning and limitations in the ability to use technology by teachers and students themselves. The cost factor becomes one of the significant challenges in implementing the learning system online. With full consideration of the end, the government can find a solution to this problem is to implementing a learning system for a hybrid. Learning system for hybrid applied by dividing the lesson into two portions, namely face-to-face unlimited and online. The application of the hybrid system also opens the opportunity for students to implement the learning in a more selfsufficient and by each individual's learning style. A learning system in hybrid is a system that can complement each other. The online system learning will enable students to access knowledge and information more freely without the constraints of time and place. In contrast, learning systems face-to-face are limited to use as a place for teachers and students to discuss the matter more clearly and maximum. The implementation of the learning system for this hybrid expects to support education on the pandemic in Indonesia. DISCUSSION The Era of Society 5.0 is the era of advanced and refinement of an earlier era, namely industrial revolution 4.0. The birth of innovation marked the era of industrial revolution 4.0 by utilizing information and communication technology such as the internet, Big Data, robots, and various other innovations that aim to improve and support the quality of human life. Society in the Society 5.0 can


solve various problems by leveraging various innovations encountered in industrial revolution 4.0. The Era of Society 5.0 is emerging and rapidly growing with the pandemic Covid-19. The development of technology and information in the era of Society 5.0 can solve the problems in various areas of life during the pandemic, one of the problems in education. The development of information and technology can help teachers and students to access information and carry out the learning process in hybrid to be more effective. With the solution, the innovation of the Society 5.0 can make time learning more flexible, help teachers and students use technology in learning, reduce social mobility that can reduce air pollution, and provide a learning experience that is more creative, innovative, and fun. Learning Can Be More Flexible by Applying a System of Hybrid Learning The enactment of a hybrid learning system allows students to attend classes online. Most students in this system will carry out online learning, while others will carry out offline with sync. This system can cause flexibility in the mode of teaching, flexibility in the way students engage with the learning material, and flexibility in the collaboration and communication between students and their teachers. Flexibility meant that it was flexible for the place or the time. Learn, which was initially only carried out with the media board and books, can now be innovated with the help of other media such as media Google Classroom to provide material and tasks, task delivery, and retrieval of the list of attendees. Another example is by using the media Youtube, which allows students to learn the material through the help of videos that can give a new mood to learn. With the help of other media such as these can accommodate teachers to deliver teaching materials so that students can access them whenever they want. How students are involved in the teaching mode is also becoming more diverse. If most students are offline attending classes face-to-face, most of the other online students can follow the class by using the media of video conferencing such as Zoom Meetings. When participating in learning through Zoom Meetings, students in the home adjust to their learning style. Learning can be more flexible.


Communication between students and teachers through other media such as email, WhatsApp, telegram, and many other media. Despite the presence of students who are separated, not hinder information in learning. Communication with fellow students is also not interrupted to work on group assignments well and without a hitch. Learn with the Help of Technology Progress in information and communication technology has brought a massive change for education development a suitable learning method on a personal level, the media of learning or the learning process. The form of the development of information technology that applies in education is e-learning. Learning internet-based/E-Learning is an innovation that has a significant contribution to changes in learning, where the learning process is no longer listening to the description of the material from the teachers. However, the students also do other activities such as observing, performing, demonstrating, and others. User growth of information technology and the internet shows the numbers that are so fantastic. Even the internet has become a part of a household and the education unit. This phenomenon indicates that in the coming year, information technology will master most of the learning patterns of learners.20 Online learning course has a positive impact and a negative impact. The positive impact of online learning is a distance learning course, and a student does not feel that his name is in heat and rain while going to school because all learning is in each house. However, the negative impact of online learning is that students do not understand the material presented by the teacher due to the lack of facilities and infrastructure that can support online learning. The internet is a support that should be present in distance learning. Distance learning will not execute in the absence of the internet. Therefore, it is not only adults that use the internet, but


Warsita, Teknologi Pembelajaran: Landasan & Aplikasinya, (Jakarta: Rineka. 2008), 135.


among all the good from adults to children, everyone has been surfing in the internet world.21 Using the internet in learning is expected to stimulate students to learn independently and sustainably according to the skills and potential of natural possessed. The development of creativity and self-reliance for learners also opens very wide with the help of the internet as a new learning system. The use of the internet as a learning system is quite helpful. Students connected to the internet can download the information or learning material delivered anytime and anywhere. Students and teachers have felt some of the benefits of using technology in education. The following among its benefits: 

Improve the quality of education Education is one aspect that believes to be open to opportunities to improve

the quality of life. However, education is not running optimally and will not have a good impact. So, the existence of technology can be one way to improve the quality of education, especially the quality of education in the country. The technology can serve as a tool to facilitate the process of teaching by the teachers. In addition, it may utilize by the students to dig much science. If the teachers and students can use this technology correctly, then the quality of education in Indonesia is getting better. 

Supporting Media lesson It is not uncommon for students to feel bored with the subject matter

delivered in a monotone learning activity. With the technology, teachers can now create an alternative teaching method more interactive, for example, by exposing the subject matter through a live slide presentation or video. This video invites students to focus on learning. By applying innovative learning more to life than the presence of technology, it will very likely be learning in the class will be more fun. Students will also be more eager to receive the subject matter.


Megayanti, “Pengaruh Kepemilikan Handphone Terhadap Uang Saku Peserta didik Untuk Pembelajaran Pulsa Paket Internet di SMK YAMAS Jakarta.” Research and Development Journal Of Education 5, no. 1, ( June 2019): 25-44


Means got the information. The benefits obtained from any other technology are easy to get

information. When working on assignments and getting the material that is hard to learn, students will often look through the book given text. Nevertheless, now other alternatives could pass search engines thanks to the rapid advancement of technology. Almost all students often use this ease. The teachers were few who used technology to find more information about a subject matter delivered. 

Media learning without boundaries When in conditions fraught with limitations to education, technology is

present as rescuers. For example, when a pandemic occurs at the beginning of the year, teaching and learning activities in school are forced to terminate to avoid the spread of Covid-19. Indirectly, Covid-19 makes the teachers and learners rely on technology 100 percent in the learning process. At first, it might take habituation due to learning online indeed bringing something new in education. However, if seen from the other side, technology has become a helper of learning media without limit conditions.22 Learning Becomes More Fun The outbreak of cases of Covid-19 hand in hand with the development of information and communication technology is the result of globalization. The development of information and communication technology is a solution to solve the problems of various fields in Indonesia, especially in education. The development of technology can help solve the problems of the education system in Indonesia during the pandemic. System learning online is a solution through the Circular Letter of the Minister of education and culture Number 4 2020 on the Implementation of Education In The Emergency Covid-19, the minister of 22

Gita Amanda, “Manfaat Pengguna Teknologi untuk Pendidikan”,, accessed 16 January 2021.


education. Performing the transformation of the learning system that was initially conventional (face-to-face) into an online learning system is done without the boundaries of time and place. In reality, the online learning system cannot work optimally because of various obstacles. Based on the survey results, the students' problems are incomprehension of the teacher's material. They say that the teachers give the learning process tends to be boring, and sometimes the material is difficult to understand. On the other hand, teachers also have difficulty conveying the material optimally due to time constraints and an understanding of the use of the gadget. There are still many teachers who do not know and understand the technical use of the gadget. Some of the problems set forth above are a task and a new challenge that the government must immediately resolve. Not only the government some institutions also help in resolving this problem. Until finally issued an innovation of the method of online learning that is fun. This learning method is present in animated video and made as attractive as possible, followed by many online platforms that began issuing applications containing fascinating video lessons. Video of the material will also include a summary of the material, podcasts, live streaming, online mentor, daily quiz, weekly quiz, test preparation exams, and many new comprehensive and fun features. Based on the research and the results of a survey conducted by one of the online learning platforms. Namely, "Ruang Guru" indicates that students who have a subscription with a sample of 20 people are talking at random. There is a 95% or 19 people who expressed satisfaction, and 5% or one person expressed are not satisfied. Students who feel satisfied reveal that following the guidance of the online learning value. They help than who was once the less, the better for, the better. In addition, they reveal that learning through their online platform brings the spirit and fun in learning because learning using video animated, podcasts, and live streaming will not make them bored. It is contrary to the teachers way of


learning in conventional schools. For the students who did not feel satisfied, there are constraints when using the application from the platform as an often error.23 Hear the assessment of the less good it will be used as a task and enter for online platforms to maximize the application of these in the future. The students and the parents also give it a good rating regarding the online learning platform. They said that since his son follows the guidance of learning with the online platform, achievements and their ability are further improved. Motivation to learn is high. Because it got good ratings, it is not uncommon for teachers who teach in schools to advise students to follow the guidance of learning through the online platform as additional learning so students can understand the material to the maximum. The statement above concludes that the method of online learning has a negative impact, but there are still many positive effects. Online learning Platform has an essential role as a solution in solving the problems of the education system in Indonesia during the pandemic. With its online learning platform, the government and the community to help improve the education system and help realize the generation of more intelligent in the future. Reduce Air Pollution by Decreasing the Use of the Vehicle for Transportation for Students Pandemic Covid-19 impact that is concrete in the ecosystem of the world today. It affects the health aspects and biological, but Covid-19 also affects many aspects in this life. It can not deny that influenced by the presence of the outbreak of Covid-19. It is starting from the holding of online learning, the activities of students in the countries affected by the Covid-19 using the base digitally. Not only that, but the issue of Environmental ethics is also a concern that is no less important during the spread of the Virus-19. Reduced mobilization, then the impact on pollution, be it from the rest of the burning vehicle or of the pollution from industrial activities.


Syamsurijal.,”Survey Kepuasaan Siswa Yang Berlangganan Bimbingan Belajar Online Ruang Guru.”,Jurnal PAUD 2, no.1 (April 2019): 10.


Quoted from, "NASA: Air Pollution Fell by 20 Percent During the Lockdown of the Pandemic Covid-19", the data about the decline in carbon emissions during the period of the pandemic released by NASA. Based on the computer simulation of NASA, a decline of 20 percent in the reduction of emissions of nitrogen dioxide global as the impact of the lockdown. Based on the above data, we can see that applying the hybrid system can also help reduce social mobility. With reduced social mobility, the risk of air pollution also can be reduced. This activity has a good impact on the environment. CONCLUSION In society 5.0, we focused on an intelligent system to support living. Hybrid learning is one of the implementations of society. Implementing a new normal phase is a new lifestyle during the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Considering that the spread of this virus still not over if reopening school activities are implemented, mature readiness is badly needed. Student participation in hybrid learning elicits responses in capturing information that varies from those who attend class and those who attend learning from their homes. The application of hybrid learning by applying the development of modern technology gave some benefits for students. Hybrid learning consists of media that bridges messages. Teachers must anticipate obstacles in hybrid learning. When a good internet network assists participants, hybrid learning that uses communication channels to reproduce information can run optimally.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Amanda, Gita. (2020). Manfaat Teknologi Untuk Pendidikan. Acessed 16 January 2021. Megayanti. (2018). Pengaruh Kepemilikan Handphone Terhadap Uang Saku Peserta didik Untuk Pembelajaran Pulsa Paket Internet di SMK YAMAS Jakarta. Research and Development Journal Of Education,5(1), 5-44. Syamsurijal. (2019). Survey Kepuasaan Siswa Yang Berlangganan Bimbingan Belajar Online Ruang Guru. Jurnal Paud. 2(1), 10. Warsita. (2008). Teknologi Pembelajaran: Landasan & Aplikasinya. Rineka.


Hybrid Learning in the College as an alternative to learning during the COVID-19 period

Adinda Panca Gusti Ningrum Finance Affairs Division

The Covid-19 outbreak has become the main topic of conversation and news around the world. This virus attacks all ages and cannot be predicted. The virus, which initially only attacked a few countries, eventually spread very quickly in Indonesia to all countries in the world. Covid 19 has changed all aspects of life, from economics, social to education. Judging from the education aspect, of course, the learning system has changed, the Government has finally implemented an alternative learning method using the hybrid learning method. The hybrid learning method is a learning model that combines face-to-face learning methods with learning methods via computer using the Zoom Meeting platform, Google Meet and others. The purpose of hybrid learning is as an alternative to learning during the COVID-19 period due to restrictions in meetings (physical distancing) so that learning continues to run well. The advantages of hybrid-based learning are: 1) expansion of the range of learning/training; 2) ease of implementation; 3) cost efficiency; 4) optimal results; 5) adjust the various needs of learners, and 6) increase the attractiveness of learning. However, the role of educators in hybrid learning is very important in managing learning. What is certain is that educators must be information literate. In addition to having teaching skills in face-to-face learning, teachers also have knowledge and skills in developing computer-based learning resources (Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint) and skills to access the internet. There are limitations in the development of hybrid learning, including: 1) a computer or mobile phone must be available, 2) computers and mobile phones must be connected to the internet network to access and download important


features, 3) hybrid learning can be done at the universities that have supporting facilities and infrastructure. In the end, in order to make this hybrid learning method can run well and smoothly, there must be balance and cooperation from both students and lecturers who teach. Students are expected to take advantage of technological developments as a form of learning effectiveness, while lecturers must make learning innovations in accordance with the development of science and technology.



Journal Surjono, H. D. 2020. Hybrid Learning Development to Improve Teacher Learning

Management. JKTP Jurnal Kajian Teknologi Pendidikan, , 1-9.

doi:10.17977/um038v3i12019p001 Hwang, A.


Education, XLII(4),



Hybrid. Journal

of Management

557-563. doi:10.1177%2F1052562918777550

Whitelock, D. & Jelfs, A. (2003). Editorial: Journal of Educational Media Special Issue on Blended Learning. Journal of Educational Media, 28(2-3), pp. 99-100.


Hybrid System: Solutions in Transition Era Information, Communication, Technology Division

On March 15, 2022, exactly two years since the case of the spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia was discovered. The existence of a pandemic that has occurred for almost two years now has caused various sectors to be affected by the consequences of this pandemic. Not only the health and economic sectors which are important sectors in the growth of a country, but the impact is also felt in the education sector, public relations and others. Many changes are felt to have occurred because of this pandemic. Starting from changes in habits to psychological changes are also felt by most people.

The initial solution offered by the government to deal with this problem is the change of activities that were initially carried out face-to-face to online activities such as WFH (Work From Home) and PJJ (Distance Learning). This is done in order to minimize Covid-19 cases and also reduce mass panic due to the obstruction of all activities, both in the economic and education sectors. However, the full online process is not fully running properly, there are many obstacles that occur from various sectors such as the limited space for movement of workers or students, limited devices and internet access, to saturation in its implementation.

Specifically discussing distance learning which is considered very unpromising for students. Distance learning also cannot provide effective education, especially in character education. Character inculcation in students will never be created from online learning unless it is on the commitment of the students themselves. With Hybrid Learning, it is hoped that character education and education that cannot be realized from online learning can be minimized or even lost.


To quote a statement by Joshua C Morganstein, assistant director at the Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress in Maryland, USA, in which he states that “Historically, the adverse effects of disasters on mental health affected more people, and lasted longer than health impacts.24"When it comes to what is happening at the moment, the many lost jobs as well as the high death rate from this COVID-19 pandemic will certainly cause an increase in anxiety, which in turn will have the potential to affect people's mentality in everyday life.

This prompted the government to conduct an evaluation in which for the education sector the government issued a joint decree (SKB) of 4 ministers issued in March 2021 and brought up the concept of implementing the Hybrid Learning model. Meanwhile, for the economic sector, Hybrid Working is implemented, which is a combination of working at home or remotely with the company's ability to balance the needs of employees.

Hybrid is a thing, object, or technology that combines two different things, objects, or technology, but still maintains both the properties and characteristics of the two elements. Hybrid learning is a learning system that combines various approaches to learning, namely face-to-face learning, computer-based learning, and online-based learning with internet media or mobile learning. While Hybrid Working is a combination ofwork systems on-site or keep coming and working in the office, withwork systems remote or what is currently more popular as Work From Home with certain virtual media. Where the twosystems Hybrid in general are a combination of activity systems in normal conventional ways before the pandemic, with a virtual-based remote activity system.

The application of Hybrid in Indonesia cannot be separated from the pros and cons. People who don't agree think that it will give the same output because 24


stakeholders are not used to implementing it. On the other hand, in learning activities, many parents are still unsure about the readiness of schools to implement policies because not all schools have the same characteristics. The last and serious problem is that it is feared that if it fails, it will endanger health.

Meanwhile, people who agree with the hybrid application feel that this model is suitable to be applied in the pandemic era because it provides advantages over the previous policy. First, we look at the aspect of social interaction, humans are social living creatures where all activities, both economic and educational, really need discussion and interaction between each other to facilitate work. But unfortunately the old policy did not provide this opportunity, workers and students were required to get used to doing activities online without any direct interaction. Second, it provides an opportunity to be able to work optimally, there are many jobs in Indonesia that require working directly without going online, such as buying and selling, mining, and infrastructure development. The most important thing is to provide refreshment for stakeholders to be able to work or receive education.

(conclusion) So assessing the profit and loss obtained from the hybrid system is one way out during this pandemic. The government needs to carefully consider the steps that are considered wise. This decision, of course, must be able to facilitate students or workers who are bored or feel the ineffectiveness of the distance learning system and work from home.

On the other hand, the government must also think of solutions to break the chain of the spread of the Covid-19 virus so as not to endanger health. The government must ensure that the hybrid system that is to be implemented remains safe for the community and does not create new problems. One way is to continue to apply


strict health protocols and can be obeyed by the whole community in the implementation of this hybrid system.

In addition, as a good society, they should also be cooperative by always complying with the protocols set by the government in the implementation of this system. With that, it will further minimize the bad side or losses that can occur due to the implementation of this system.


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