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Hybrid System: Solutions in Transition Era Information, Communication, Technology Division

On March 15, 2022, exactly two years since the case of the spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia was discovered. The existence of a pandemic that has occurred for almost two years now has caused various sectors to be affected by the consequences of this pandemic. Not only the health and economic sectors which are important sectors in the growth of a country, but the impact is also felt in the education sector, public relations and others. Many changes are felt to have occurred because of this pandemic. Starting from changes in habits to psychological changes are also felt by most people.

The initial solution offered by the government to deal with this problem is the change of activities that were initially carried out face-to-face to online activities such as WFH (Work From Home) and PJJ (Distance Learning). This is done in order to minimize Covid-19 cases and also reduce mass panic due to the obstruction of all activities, both in the economic and education sectors. However, the full online process is not fully running properly, there are many obstacles that occur from various sectors such as the limited space for movement of workers or students, limited devices and internet access, to saturation in its implementation.

Specifically discussing distance learning which is considered very unpromising for students. Distance learning also cannot provide effective education, especially in character education. Character inculcation in students will never be created from online learning unless it is on the commitment of the students themselves. With Hybrid Learning, it is hoped that character education and education that cannot be realized from online learning can be minimized or even lost.


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