2 minute read
from April 2023
Let me be the first to say, “Welcome to the dark side!”
The decision to visit a dungeon should not be takenlightly.Ihighlyrecommendbeforemoving forward that you go back to all previous issues of ALT LIFE and read the kink section. Rest assured, there are tidbits of information there that will help make sense of some things this articlediscusses.BDSM,kinkandswinging,while both under the umbrella of alternative lifestyles, are vastly different. Many different terms, rules, boundaries, etc. are equally different. To visit a dungeonwithoutatleastabasicunderstanding will lead to a potentially poor experience, not only for you but potentially for the other patrons ofthespaceyouvisit.
Who attends BDSM dungeons?

Every walk of life can be found in a public dungeon – from a stay-at-home parent to a predominant political official and everything in between. The important thing to note is that discretion is important to almost everyone that attends, therefore you are expected to act accordingly.

What is a BDSM dungeon?

BDSM dungeons are simply spaces that cater to those that practice BDSM. In most major cities, you can find spaces that are open to the public (with membership) but it is possibletofinddungeonsthatservea professional community, where you could pay for the services of a Dominant/Dominatrix. You can also find private dungeons, but typically youwillonlyfindthoseifyouknowthe person that owns the space – those events are usually closed and attendance is by invite only. For the purposeofthisarticle,wewillfocuson thepublicspaceswithinthedungeon.
Where can I find a BDSM dungeon?
BDSM dungeons are simply spaces that cater to those that practice BDSM. In most major cities, you can find spaces that are open to the public (with membership) but it is possibletofinddungeonsthatservea professional community, where you could pay for the services of a Dominant/Dominatrix. You can also find private dungeons, but typically youwillonlyfindthoseifyouknowthe person that owns the space – those events are usually closed and attendance is by invite only. For the purposeofthisarticle,wewillfocuson thepublicspaceswithinthedungeon.
When can I visit a dungeon?
BBDSMdungeonsoperatesimilarlyto swingersclubs–typicallyfocusedon weekends, with some limited availability during the week as well. Each dungeon sets its hours, pricing, andrequirementsforattendance.Itis important to note that some dungeonssetasidecertainnightsfor certain age demographics or certain types of BDSM, therefore planning and awareness of the space you are visitingareofutmostimportance. Additionally, many dungeons require vetting in advance of your attendance. Vetting can mean any numberofdifferentthingsdepending on the dungeon, and again – you needtoinquireaboutwhereyouplan tovisit.However,ifvettingisrequired, you most likely will need to do some additional work in advance of your visit such as completing a membership application, having a known local BDSM community member vouch for you, and even possibly be required to attend a specificvettingeventinadvance. You will be required to sign in and complete any of the processes that couldn’t be completed in advance. ThisincludesverificationofID,signing of waivers, completion of membership forms, and collecting themembershipanddoorfees.
Be sure to know what those are in advanceandwhatformsofpayment areaccepted.
I highly recommend taking a tour, if nothing else to help get a lay of the land – what is considered social space? What is considered play space? Is there a separate space for aftercare? Knowing this in advance cansaveyoufrombeinginthewrong space,anddoingthewrongthings!