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Confessions of a Sex Worker
from April 2023
Kylie - SexySwingerChic
*Disclaimer* this is not a story of kink shaming, actually it’s the opposite. I am so glad these men trusted me enough to be the person they asked to fulfill their fantasy.
As a sex worker, I think the general public doesn’t really understand what all my job entails. I’m a therapist, website designer, digital marketer, consultant, customer service agent, friend, fashion stylist, make-up artist, conversationalist, and fantasy fulfiller, with emphasis on the fantasy fulfiller part Being a sex worker means you never know what kind of request you will get. In this edition of “Confessions of a Sex Worker” we are going to talk about the strangest, oddest, and weirdest requests I’ve ever received.
At 18 years old when I started in the sex work industry as a stripper/exotic dancer, I didn’t have very much life experience. At the time I had no idea what BDSM, or even kink was, so of course when men would come to me asking me to fulfill their BDSM requests I fell flat.

One of the biggest regrets of my life was when a man came into the club… He wasn’t a large man by any means, he also wasn’t very old but not young either. He had salt and pepper hair, glasses and he kind of reminded me of an accountant or the manager of Target or something. He was just plainly average. We got to talking one day; he drank his Bud Light and of course I drank my sugar free red bull. He asked me if I was open minded to which I of course replied “ yes. ” He said, "No, I mean really open minded."

I shook my head and giggled and said, “Of course, silly.” He then leaned in closer and asked, “would you be willing to make a house call?” At this point I got a bit uncomfortable, but still continued to go along hoping the man would eventually buy a dance with me. He said “I’m not asking for sex, but I would like for you to do something out of the ordinary.” I continued to listen without judgment, but truly, I had no idea what he was about to say.
He then asked me if I knew about degrading and humiliation. I told him I’ve heard of it but I didn’t have much experience with it. He then said he would pay me $1,000 to walk around in dominatrix boots covered in macaroni & cheese and dog feces, and make him lick it off my boots. When it came out of his mouth I was shocked, so shocked in fact, that I said, “ you can’t be serious!” He said, “I’m as serious as a heart attack, young lady.” Mind you, at this point, I’m 18 years old, I just graduated high school, I have 0 life experience, and even less experience with grown men. Creeped out and a bit frightened, I declined his offer and said, “well I don’t think that I’m the right person for that job. Thank you for the offer but no thanks, but would you like a lap dance?” He declined my lap dance offer and left the club never to be seen by me again. I regret not dipping my toes into the dominatrix world back then, but in hindsight, I think I was protecting myself because you never know what people are capable of.

Igot out of the sex work industry in 2010, and I didn’t return until 2020 to do online sex work. Back in 2020 online sex work like Onlyfans and Snapchat premium were pretty much like the Wild West. There were really no rules or regulations, not like there are today, and it was almost like anything goes. Men would always request things like “for me to dominate them and make them feel like sissy little cucks.” I quickly learned not to say or do anything without seeing my Cashapp filled by them because men on the internet will take advantage of young sex workers. I once got arequest to touch myself in a diaper (yes I bought Depends for this video), and moan a man ’ s name. He paid $100 for the video, which I thought was really good at the time.
I didn’t have much experience with it. He then said he would pay me $1,000 to walk around in dominatrix boots coveredThe one request that will always stick out to me is the “Slave Play” man. A man messaged me and asked if I could make him be my slave. I told him of course I could, I love domming sissy little men, and he said, “ no I mean your real slave, like you are a plantation owner in the 1800’s in the South and I’m your slave.” I was very confused, and freaked out. Then I did a quick google search and yes this is a thing This is a form of BDSM play and it’s called “Race Play” “Race Play” or “racial play”—that is getting aroused by intentionally using racial epithets like the “ n ” word or racist scenarios like a slave auction. Race play is being enjoyed in the privacy of bedrooms and publicly at BDSM parties, and it’s far from just black and white. It also includes “playing out” Nazi interrogations of Jews or Latino-on-black racism, and the players can be of any racial background and paired up in a number of ways. White master seeking a black slave, however, seems the more popular of the comb- inations After doing my research and realizing that this was in fact a real thing, I still declined the man ’ s offer and told him I was uncomfortable with it He said he understood.

After I got back into dancing in 2022 is when I started to receive all the extreme requests from men. At this point in my sex work career I am well versed in kink, BDSM, and all of the weirdest combinations you can think of. For example, at a kink swingers party, I literally watched a man get a metal rod stuck up his penis hole, and then he got up smiling and happy (this is called sounding and is also a real thing: look it up). At this point I was unafraid of any request sent my way as long as everyone consents

I once met a little person who wanted me to financially dominate him, or as we call it in the sex work industry, fin-dom him. This form of domming is all about the man getting aroused from surrendering power and allowing someone to invade your personal space like your finances. I took him into a room and made him feel embarrassed, and I humiliated him for 3 minutes, then took him to the ATM and hit him until he pulled out $500 as a tip.

My last experience is pretty recent, and extremely unexpected if I’m honest. It was your average Saturday night, and I was walking around the club laughing and smiling like normal when I had a man approach me. He said, “would you like to take me for some lap dances?” I thought to myself, "Well, that was easy. ” I said, “Come on baby, let's go. ” I took him back to the lap dance area and when he asked if I was kinky, I said “of course I am, what were you thinking?” He asked to lick my armpits. In my mind I’m thinking, JACKPOT! I had been waiting since I started dancing for a man like this. He said, “Don’t even take off your clothes, just let me lick your armpits." He asked if they were “ super sweaty”. I could barely contain my excitement. He then asked to smell my boots, sniff my butt, and pick my nose and eat it. Of course I told him yes to all. He was happy with the interaction and hugged me after and said anytime he’s in town he will come visit me and he thanked me for not kink shaming. I explained to him I wasn’t in the game of kink shaming, but I was in the business of fantasy fulfillment.