2019 October ALT Magazine

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O c t o b e r 2 0 1 9 | Vo l u m e 1 3 | I s s u e 1 0

As for me and my house we will serve the Lord. (Joshua 24:15)

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O c t o b e r 2 0 1 9 / Vo l u m e 1 3 / I s s u e 1 0

Inside This Month... 10

Having A Plan Will Set You Free


Breast Cancer Numbers


Stop Abuse Project


Thin Blue Line Corner


Top Lawyer Nominations


Baby Contest


1. 3.

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Financial Focus


Scene in ALT


Fish Tales


Ribbon Cuttings


Calendar of Events


Local Rescues

1. Breast Cancer Awareness 2. Stop Abuse Project 3. Top Lawyer Nominations 06 ALT Magazine October 2019

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covering the ark-la-tex


Bullies. I am so glad social media did not exist when I was a child. Not that we didn’t have bullies. We had a lot of them. I was their target at times. But it’s not anything compared to what kids – and adults - go through now. And yes, I have been a target since becoming an adult as well. So what do we do to prevent our children from being bullied? We stand up for what is right. We use every means we have to bring awareness to the issue. We take up for those who can’t take up for themselves. And we teach our children to be kind. Why do people have to “pick on” others? Why do we see others and just decide they are different and therefore we have a right to be mean to them? Think about what it would feel like if you were in their position, going home daily with hurtful words in your heart that someone has said to you. Put yourself in their shoes. I recently saw a video where two young football players, who had been bullying an autistic boy, decided it was wrong. They got together and chose to do something nice for this kid. They did the right thing – and ended up on the “Ellen” show! Not every act of kindness 08 ALT Magazine October 2019

gets you a television appearance, but it does make you feel better about yourself. My husband, Mike, who will probably be upset because he wouldn’t want attention for his kind deeds, recently met a young man who was working in our yard. The man was a respectful, hard working person who was trying his best. As Mike was watching him, he looked down at his feet and noticed his shoes had ropes tied around them. While talking to him, he asked why he had the ropes around his shoes. His response was that the soles were coming off and he couldn’t afford new ones. Mike asked him what size he wore – and amazing as it seems, he wore the same size! Mike proceeded into our house, got a pair of his hiking boots, brought them back out, and gave them to him. The young man broke down in tears, thankful for this kindness that was so unexpected. You can do that, too. Be kind. It will bring you a joy you can’t find any other way. God bless you and yours…

SALES & MARKETING Debbie Brower 903.334.9605 GRAPHIC DESIGN Alyssa Bertrand, Michelle Horton SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER Michelle Horton PHOTOGRAPHY Alyssa Bertrand, Debbie Brower, Karen Lansdell CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Debbie Brower, Mike Brower, Michelle Horton, Dustin Stringer FEATURE WRITERS Anne Granado If you have an event you would like to include in our Upcoming Events section, please e-mail us at: info@alt-mag.com.

A LT - M AG . c o m info@alt-mag.com 101 Slaton Dr. Nash, TX 75569 (903) 334-9605 ALT Magazine is published the 1st business day of every month. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission of ALT Magazine is strictly prohibited. ALT Magazine is distributed free of charge. Direct mail subscriptions are available for $42.00 per year. Contributions from our readers are welcome. We reserve the right to edit or reject any material.

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ALT-Mag.com | October 2019 09


BY: ANNE GRANADO Possibly the scariest thing we can imagine is that we will go through something that changes us-physically, emotionally, mentally, or all of the above. Uncertainty and change are hard and embracing them is even harder. No one knows this more than the brave men and women who face cancer diagnoses every day. Kristie Stabeno knew from a young age that breast cancer was a possibility. She even talked to her husband, William, who she affectionately calls Willie, about it when they were dating. “I had a very strong family history of the disease with my maternal grandmother, maternal aunts and cousins all having been diagnosed with it,” Kristie says. “We discussed also, what our ‘plan of attack’ would be if it were to happen and were in total agreement with the decision, should it ever arise.” So, in December of 2017, when Kristie first thought she might have cancer, she faced the fear and uncertainty head-on, armed with her plan and covered with the love and support from family, friends, and her faith in God. “What I would like for people to take from my story is permission to listen to and know your body and think about a plan of action, just in case,” Kristie says. “Women need to get their mammograms regularly, do self-breast exams, and have discussions. It really isn’t ‘gruesome’ to think about or allow the negative to ‘creep in.’ Instead, having a plan is being prepared and making an

010 ALT Magazine October 2019

informed decision that you and your family will be comfortable with should you ever get this diagnosis.”

stated she was going to get ‘one more view,’ and my intuition kicked in and the knowing started nagging at me.”

Kristie knows the importance of health and wellness from her years in the medical field. She has worked as a licensed vocational nurse for 32 years and in the medical field for 36 years total in various areas from dietary and housekeeping to a certified nurse assistant. She is currently assisting family in a private duty setting and not working in the hospital or home health setting any longer. The desire to become a nurse came from her mother. Kristie grew up in Alliance, Ohio, a small town similar in size to Atlanta, Texas, and she graduated from Marlington High School, the home of the “Dukes.” Her family was small: Kristie, her sister, and their parents. Kristie’s mother was a nurse. “She was my hero, mentor and best friend. I would go to work with her as a child in the summer and visit with the elderly,” Kristie says. “The transition to my own nursing career was natural. I love to help people, to make them feel better, to smile, and to learn about their conditions.”

Kristie was immediately taken to ultrasound where the doctor stated she needed a biopsy. “Other than the waiting, telling Willie the suspicion was the hardest part,” Kristie says. “We waited for the biopsy date, then the result and diagnosis date. As we sat in front of the doctor and received the diagnosis of breast cancer, I was stoic; my husband was in tears. I knew I would be fine. In my mind, it was bound to happen. I told the doctor, ‘Let’s get this taken care of and over with as soon as possible.’”

The person who was beside her, literally, on the day Kristie first felt a lump in her breast was her “best friend” and husband, Willie. They live in Linden with their dogs, cat, and Willie’s 93-year-old father, who has lived with them for the last seven years. They have two grandchildren, Autumn, 21, and Jon, 11, and Willie’s daughter, Suzanne. Kristie says that they do not see them as often as they like because they live outside of Austin. Kristie was sitting on the couch in December 2017 when she had an itch. She says that her left breast was itching so deep that she could not “reach it.” She did a quick self-exam and found a lump. “I mentioned it to William who said he could not see or feel anything, but I had a sneaking suspicion what it was. I had a previously scheduled doctor’s appointment coming up and decided I would have her check it then,” Kristie says. “Two weeks later, my doctor felt a lump, but in a different area of my left breast. She believed it was from caffeine. A diagnostic mammogram was scheduled. During the exam, the technician ALT-Mag.com | October 2019 011


REMIND YOURSELF OF WHAT YOU'VE BEEN ABLE TO OVERCOME. ALL THE TIMES YOU FELT LIKE YOU WEREN'T GOING TO MAKE IT THROUGH, YOU PROVED YOURSELF WRONG. YOU'RE MORE POWERFUL THAN YOU THINK. After several more appointments with surgeons, oncologists and nurse advocates, the date was set for Kristie’s surgery: February 1, 2018. Kristie and Willie decided on a bilateral mastectomy with no reconstruction planned. Kristie decided not to pursue reconstruction for two reasons. First, lupus has been present in her body for 28 years, and with that disease, her body attacks itself, sometimes seeing it as foreign. Kristie’s fear was that the implants used would be rejected by her body and could open up a whole host of other problems. The second reason was that the plastic surgeon Kristie was referred to stated that she would need to have yearly MRI scans, and that when the implants, whether saline or silicone, failed, they would need to be replaced. “He actually said ‘when,’ not ‘if.’ The decision for me was pretty easy given those factors, and prayer,” Kristie says. “I have a pragmatic view on my own self-image. I don’t feel that my breasts or lack of them define my femininity. God and my faith in Him, first and foremost, got us through this whole cancer thing. Having a wonderful, understanding husband who loves me with or without breasts, and the fact that we discussed and had a plan ‘just in case’ made things easier in my case.” Kristie did notice that after she shared her diagnosis, several people provided condolences. They expressed how sorry they were as Kristie was experiencing a death or tragic loss. “In some respect, I guess it was a ‘death’ of sorts, a parting of a part of me,” Kristie says. “But I never thought I would have an adverse outcome. That thought never entered my mind at all.” While waiting for surgery, Kristie even entertained the thought of having a “boobvoyage party,” but she opted for the low-key approach. She went to work and stayed busy with tasks at home preparing for her down time. She spent time with her husband and had a mani-pedi day with her sister. “I really just wanted it to be over. The waiting really is the hardest part. I had a couple of days where I felt like running away and just pretending none of this was happening, but I knew it had to be done,” Kirstie says. “Most of my quiet time was spent in prayer and thanking God for my gifts of family and friends.” 012 ALT Magazine October 2019

On February 1, 2018, Kristie went into surgery. It went well, and she was home the next day. Kristie’s biggest fear was the pain afterwards. She does not do well on pain medication, but “by the grace of God,” her pain was very minimal, and Tylenol worked great for her. “My friend from Austin came and stayed a week, and William was wonderful!” Kristie says. “He helped me shower, which freaked me out. Seeing the scars and the drains on myself is much different than seeing them on patients. But he helped me dress and prepared great meals.” The decision was made by Kristie’s oncologist that oral medication for five to ten years would prevent reoccurrence.

The medication she takes is Arimidex, and it was prescribed because she is post-menopausal. This medication is to block estrogen hormones because her breast cancer was HR+, hormone positive. Some side effects that she has experienced are some hair thinning and loss, which is minimal, fatigue, joint pain, and depression. However, when Kristie looks at the big picture, these symptoms are a small price to pay for her life. “My cancer was caught early at stage one. However, another tumor was noted during surgery which was Ductal Carcinoma in situ, which means that it was brewing, ready to strike; our decision to have a bilateral mastectomy thwarted that,” Kristie says. “For me, breast cancer is just something that happened to me. It has not really changed who I am, just my physical appearance. I have always been grateful for my life, family and friends, and the gifts and grace that God has given me. My relationship with my husband has always been strong, loving, and supportive, and has not changed at all. We appreciate any time that we get to have together, and that is so very important.”

remind women to begin getting mammograms at the age of 40; however, all family history should be discussed with their doctor as they may suggest earlier screening or BRCA testing, which is a blood test that can determine if a particular breast cancer gene runs in their family. “Should women decide to make a plan of action with regard to a diagnosis of breast cancer, education is key. Read about all of your options, talk to your significant others, and family and friends. Be open to discussion and pray,” Kristie says. “What may work for some women may not work for everyone. Do what is best for you and don’t ever feel pressured to do something or not do something for someone else. It is your body and your decision, ultimately.”

Kristie hopes that any woman reading her story feels empowered to advocate for their own health and well-being. She wants to


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ALT-Mag.com | October 2019 015


Numbers to Know for Breast Cancer Risk Reduction

40 years

The age you should start getting an annual mammogram.

20 pounds

The extra body mass that could bump your risk by 45%.

2 plus

Daily alcoholic drinks may raise your chances for developing breast cancer by 20%.

016 ALT Magazine October 2019

88 percent

The chance a woman with stage one will live at least 5 more years.

5 hours

The time you need to spend sweating each week to ward off breast cancer.

Information from AgingCare.com


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020 ALT Magazine October 2019


a•buse /əˈbyo͞os/ noun cruel and violent treatment of a person

Abuse does not discriminate. Anyone of any race, age, sexual orientation, religion or gender can be a victim – or perpetrator – of abuse. It can happen to people in school, the workplace, in your most trusted family circle, on the football field and inside an assisted living facility. It affects people of all socioeconomic backgrounds and education levels. “Abuse” is a word that is thrown around a lot in casual conversation; but what defines abuse? How does one know if they are committing abuse or if they are being abused? The abuse definition is actually quite simple. Abuse refers to harmful or injurious treatment of another human. In short, someone who purposefully harms another in any way is committing abuse. There are many kinds of abuse encountered by all ages, including: physical, emotional, sexual, elder, bullying, verbal, and body shaming. These types of abuse can occur in intimate relationships, professional relationships, in the home, school or workplace. While the definition of abuse is simple, the meaning of abuse is not so clear. Yes, abuse is when one person purposefully hurts another, but that is a common occurrence in life and most of us are guilty of engaging in that from time to time. But what abuse really means is control. When a truly abusive situation exists, it is because one party is seeking to control the other through abuse. While this might be an explanation of abuse, it is certainly no excuse. One person has no right to exercise control over another through abuse. Victims of abuse must know that the abuse is wrong and that the abuse is never their fault. Every person has the right to live an abuse-free life. REAL LIFE STORY My freshmen year, I was bullied by a girl in my class who always said really hateful things about me every time I was around . At first, I tried to be friends with her, and I thought that if she got to know me , she would like me , but the opposite happened . The other students seemed to follow her lead and started to ignore me or be ugly to me too. One time , I sat down with them in the cafeteria , and they all got up and moved . I was left alone at the table . I went to my parents, eventually, and my mom told me to just ignore her and try to not let it get to me . She told the school , but nothing changed . Because it only got worse , I eventually went to the principal , but it was a last resort; I didn’t want to be seen as a “snitch .” Finally, my cousin stood up to the girl and that helped . Now, I just try to avoid her anytime I see her around campus. I would tell other students being bullied to stand up for themselves. If you don’t think you can do that, tell your friends. Maybe they can help. And if not, go to your parents or a principal . No one deserves to go through what I did , but I know that a lot of people do. Everyone should be free to be themselves, and not have to worry about getting bullied . -Nick

Unfortunately, the costs of abuse to society run into billions of dollars annually in the United States alone. They include not only the direct costs of immediate medical and psychiatric treatment of abused people, but also the indirect costs of learning difficulties, interrupted education, workplace absenteeism, and long-term health problems of abuse survivors.

#stopabuse project 2019 ALT-Mag.com | October 2019 021

#stopabuse project 2019 TYPES OF ABUSE PHYSICAL: this form of abuse shows the most outward signs, although evidence such as bruises do not have to exist. Physical abuse is any physical act or threat of a physical act designed to harm another person physically. This type of abuse includes actions like striking or beating another person with the hands or an object. It also includes such behaviors like locking someone in a closet or other small space, depriving someone of sleep, burning, gagging, tying someone up, slapping, punching, hair-pulling and kicking. Physical abuse of infants or children may include shaking them, dropping them on the floor, or throwing them against the wall or other hard object. Physical abuse is also known as domestic abuse or domestic violence when it occurs within intimate relationships. EMOTIONAL: this type of abuse is likely the most common. Emotional abuse covers a variety of behaviors that hurt or injure others even though no physical contact may be involved. In fact, emotional abuse is a stronger predictor than physical abuse in the likelihood of suicide attempts later in life. One form of emotional abuse involves the destruction of someone’s pet or valued possession in order to cause pain. Another abusive behavior is emotional blackmail, such as threatening to commit suicide unless the other person does what is wanted. Other behaviors in this category include the silent treatment, shaming or humiliating people in front of others, or punishing them for receiving an award or honor. SEXUAL: this type of abuse includes any unwanted sexual act forced on the victim. This form of abuse is also often known as sexual assault or rape. Sexual abuse can include anything from unwanted touching to forced intercourse or forced sexual contact with another person. According to a conservative estimate, 38% of girls and 16% of boys are sexually abused before their eighteenth birthday. Get Straight on the Statistics

Sexual Assault in the United States: 2 in 5 women and 1 in 71 men will be raped at some point in their lives 51% of female victims of rape reported being raped by an intimate partner and 40% by an acquaintance 52% of male victims report being raped by an acquaintance and 15% by a stranger Almost half of multiracial women and over 45% of American Indian/Alaska Native women were subjected to some form of contact sexual violence in their lifetime In 8 out of 10 cases of rape, the victim knew the perpetrator 8% of rapes occur while the victim is at work

022 ALT Magazine October 2019

REAL LIFE STORY To me , bullying is worse when it isn’t physical . When someone is trying to fight you, everyone can see that is wrong. However, when someone just constantly says things to you and makes your stomach drop every time you see them, the internal struggle is much harder. How do you stop someone who isn’t technically doing anything against the rules? I let it go for a long time . I honestly thought that was the Christian thing to do. However, I realize now that I didn’t have to suffer for so long by myself. I could have told someone . I could have gotten my friends to walk with me to class. I could have asked the principal to change my schedule . I could have talked to a counselor about how much I hated school . I wish it was easier to get help for something like this, but I will never go through that again . Once I got away from it, I felt so much stronger. - David

ELDER: this type of abuse happens between an elder and another person. It has also become a subject of national concern in the last two decades. As older adults live longer, many become dependent for years on adult caregivers, who may be either their own adult children or nursing home personnel. Care of the elderly can be extremely stressful, especially if the older adult has dementia. Elder abuse may include physical hitting or slapping, withholding food or medications, tying them to a chair or bed, neglecting to bathe them or help them to the toilet, taking their personal possessions, including money or property, and restricting or cutting off their contacts with friends and relatives. BULLYING: this type of abuse is physical or verbal aggression that is repeated over a period of time. For most people, it is easy to imagine bullying taking place on a playground, in a school cafeteria, or in a locker room. The common assumption is that bullying is limited to the scope of grade school. The reality is that bullying is also common in college and even the workplace. However, adult bullying is an often-overlooked issue, one that does not generate the same level of awareness or outreach as grade-school bullying. Bullying at any level is harmful. For children and adults alike, bullying is a violation of the safety and dignity, especially in shared spaces like school and work. New forms of bullying — particularly cyberbullying and racial bullying — are becoming more rampant and invasive. If you have a cell phone, you can post to your entire school that a girl is a slut, or a boy is weak on the football field — and you can attach an unflattering photo or video of them to try to prove it. Racial bullying can include:

• being called racist names or being sent insulting messages or threat • personal attacks, including violence or assault • being left out, treated differently or excluded • people making assumptions about you because of your color, race or culture • racist jokes, including jokes about your color, nationality race or culture.

VERBAL: this type of abuse occurs when an abuser uses words and body language with the intent to hurt another person. Verbal abuse includes put-downs, name-calling, and unreasonable criticisms. It may also include spoken threats. It is one of the most difficult forms of abuse to prove because it does not leave physical scars or other evidence, but it is nonetheless, hurtful. Verbal abuse may occur in schools or workplaces as well as in families. BODY SHAMING: this type of abuse hits us from every angle in life. From teasing in school about body image and weight, to mass media messages about what women should look like, how to lose weight, and how women should be thin again within three weeks after giving birth, it is becoming harder to be recognized for your sense of humor, intelligence, and personality, and not your body. A great example of that is the thigh gap meme which came out a few years ago. If you do not know about that, it is the idea that a woman must have a small amount of space between her thighs. These so called “funny memes” along with digitally altered girls gracing the magazine covers in the stores, are attributing to the leading cause of deaths in teenage girls – anorexia. Anorexia is the most lethal - with a death rate of close to 1 in 3 teen girls.

#stopabuse project 2019 ALT-Mag.com | October 2019 023

#stopabuse project 2019 THE POWER OF WORDS "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can also hurt me. Sticks and stones break only skin, while words are ghosts that haunt me. Pain from words has left its scar on mind and heart that's tender. Cuts and bruises now have healed, it's words that I remember." Words have power. Their meaning crystallizes perceptions that shape our beliefs, drive our behavior, and ultimately, create our world. Their power arises from our emotional responses when we read, speak, or hear them. Just say the word “fire” while barbecuing, in the workplace, or in a crowded theater, and you will get three completely different but powerful emotional and energetic reactions. Whomever coined the phrase, “words are cheap”, is a liar. Words are powerful, painful, awful, and amazing tools. They can hurt, help, hinder, and heal. But they are not cheap. They are quite expensive. Words cost something, like your time and money. Sometimes, they even cost your patience or self-worth. Words have a price tag. Words can also change the world. Think about these examples of how communication has changed the world: when Martin Luther tacked his 95 thesis to the door of a church in Wittenburg, when JFK asked us what we could do for our country, and the moment Neil Armstrong spoke his first words while taking his first steps on the moon. As you remember these events in the past, you know they have made an impact on you and your world. Sometimes, it was subtle, and other times it was immeasurable. If you think back over your life, you may recall moments when you felt the brutal sting of words. When the other kids called you “fat.” When your spouse divorced you for no reason. When your dad called you “stupid.” When you received that letter of rejection from your dream college. When your boss told you that you were fired. When someone told you that cancer is “God’s will.” When your wife asked when you were going to get a real job. We have all been on the receiving end of negative words, but the story does not end here. It is now your turn. Say something worth saying. Do not give in to the temptation to just fight back, to return an angry voice by raising your own. Do not join the crowd of hurt people hurting other people. Instead, use your words for something else. Something powerful, something encouraging. Better yet, let the words of your mouth reflect the actions of your life. Act first, speak second. But please, speak up.

024 ALT Magazine October 2019

Say something. Silence has often ushered evil into the world. There is a reason why Hitler gained power so quickly. He could speak. And there is a reason why he did not win the war. Someone else spoke up. Be the person who says something when no one else is. Be brave. Dare to speak and have something worth talking about. Start a revolution with your words. Talk can be valuable. Talk can be rich and worthwhile. Talk can be a gift to the world. So, do us all a favor and open up your mouth. Speak. REAL LIFE STORY My lack of self-esteem kept me in an emotionally and mentally abusive relationship for a long time . I made excuses for the way he acted and the things he said . Most of the time , I even believed that I deserved it. It sounds crazy now, but at the time , I felt like no one else would ever understand or accept me . Instead of getting better, things got progressively worse . What started as demeaning comments and angry outbursts, turned into something much more toxic. I actually found the strength to leave when the abuse became physical . Through counseling and a lot of work on myself, I’ve come to realize my own strengths and be proud of who I am. I make mistakes, and I finally realize that I do not have to be perfect for anyone to love me . Now, I do not even recognize the girl who went through that for so long. It feels so good to be free and to be in a healthy relationship. I only wish I had gotten away from

REAL LIFE STORY I think people question how people stay in abusive relationships, but the truth is, I was scared . I was scared to leave . I was scared to stay, and I didn’t feel like I had anyone I could talk to about it. I never felt so alone in my life . It wasn’t all bad all the time , so I made a lot of excuses. Plus, I was use to seeing it. My mom was never treated right by the men in and out of her life , so I felt like maybe it was normal . It wasn’t until a good friend sat me down and tried to talk some sense into me that I finally told her what was going on . She told me to talk to someone , and when I started seeing the school counselor, they helped me see things differently. Once I got out of that relationship, I told myself that I would never put up with anything like that again . I do not want my future kids to have to go through that. – Kayla

it sooner and found help. - Sarah

#stopabuse project 2019 ALT-Mag.com | October 2019 025

#stopabuse project 2019

Need Help? Domestic Violence and Intimate Partner Violence National Domestic Violence Hotline Hotline: 1 (800) 799 – 7233 Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via phone and online chat. The National Domestic Violence Hotline is available for anyone experiencing domestic violence, seeking resources or information, or questioning unhealthy

Human Trafficking National Human Trafficking Hotline Hotline: 1-888-373-7888 Text: 233733 The National Human Trafficking Hotline is a national antitrafficking hotline serving victims and survivors of human trafficking and the anti-trafficking community in the United States. The toll-free hotline is available to answer calls from anywhere in the country, 24 hours a day, 7 days a

aspects of their relationship.

week, every day of the year in more than 200 languages.

Love is Respect – National Teen Dating Abuse Hotline Hotline: 1 (866) 331 – 9474 Text: 22522 Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via phone, text, and online chat.

Children, Youth, and Teenagers National Runaway Safeline Hotline: 1 (800) 786 – 2929 Email: info@1800runaway.org Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via phone, email, forum, and online chat.

Love is Respect offers information, support, and advocacy to young people who have questions or concerns about

The National Runaway Safeline provides crisis and support services for homeless and runaway youth in the

their dating relationships.

United States.

StrongHearts Native Helpline Hotline: 1 (844) 762 – 8483 Available Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:30pm CST via phone.

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) Hotline: 1 (800) 843 – 5678 Cyber Tipline: http://www.missingkids.com/ gethelpnow/cybertipline

The StrongHearts Native Helpline is a safe, anonymous, and confidential service for Native Americans experiencing domestic violence and dating violence.

Sexual Assault Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) – National Sexual Assault Hotline Hotline: 1 (800) 656-4673 Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via phone and online chat. RAINN is the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization. RAINN also carries out programs to prevent sexual violence, help survivors, and ensure that perpetrators are brought to justice.

Department of Defense (DOD) Safe Helpline for Sexual Assault Hotline: 1 (877) 995 – 5247 Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via phone and online chat. The DOD Safe Helpline is a crisis support service designed to provide sexual assault services for survivors, their loved ones, and other members of the DOD community.

NCMEC serves as a clearinghouse and comprehensive reporting center for all issues related to the prevention of and recovery from child victimization.

ChildHelp National Child Abuse Hotline Hotline: 1 (800) 422 – 4453 Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via phone and text. The Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline is dedicated to the prevention of child abuse. Serving the U.S. and Canada, the hotline is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with professional crisis counselors who—through interpreters—provide assistance in over 170 languages. The hotline offers crisis intervention, information, and referrals to thousands of emergency, social service, and support resources. All calls are confidential.

Boystown USA – Your Life Your Voice Helpline Hotline: 1 (800) 448 – 3000 Text: Text VOICE to 20121 (hours vary) Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via phone, email, text, and online chat. Your Life Your Voice is a program of Boystown USA and is available to children, parents, and families who are struggling with self-harm, mental health disorders, and abuse.

026 ALT Magazine October 2019

Mental Health and Abuse National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Hotline: 1-800-273-8255 Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via phone and online chat. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Helpline Hotline: 1 (800) 950 – 6264 Email: info@nami.org Available Monday through Friday, 10:00am to 6:00pm Eastern Standard Time. The NAMI Helpline assists individuals and families who have questions about mental health disorders, treatment, and support services.

Emotional Abuse National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Text: 741471 Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via text. Text CONNECT to 741741 from anywhere in the USA, anytime, about any type of crisis. A live, trained Crisis Counselor receives the text and lets you know that they are here to listen.

Elder Abuse Adult Protective Services and Elder Abuse Hotline Hotline: (800) 222-8000 Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via text. Adult Protective Services assist vulnerable and elder adults to stop and prevent abuse, neglect, or exploitation. Anyone can make a report about suspected abuse to the Hotline.

Disclaimer: All persons photographed in this article were strictly volunteers. Their pictures, writings or emotions do not portray their real life.

#stopabuse project 2019 ALT-Mag.com | October 2019 027


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028 ALT Magazine October 2019

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Thin Blue Line Corner

Ed Steger 01.

When and where were you born?

I was born May 31, 1972, in Atlanta, TX.


What is your job title, and how long have you been in law enforcement?


Where did you go to school?

Deputy Sheriff with the Bowie County Sheriff’s Office. I’ve been in law enforcement since 2004.

I graduated from Atlanta High School in 1990. I attended TCC, University of North Texas and graduated from Stephen F. Austin State University with a double major in Communications with an emphasis in journalism/public relations and radio/television.


What is an interesting story about you?

Growing up, I always had a passion for acting. My dream after high school was to become an actor. I was set to attend Southwest Texas at San Marcos when my dad informed me he wasn’t paying for me to attend college to “act”.


What drew you to law enforcement?

Since I was a child, I always had a deep admiration for police officers. When I was young, we respected the police in our town because they knew all our parents. We knew if we were to get in trouble with them, it would be even worse when we got home! I guess what drew me to apply was because law enforcement is an honorable profession. The ability to help people on a daily basis served with a side of adrenaline appealed to me.


What are the greatest challenges and rewards of law enforcement work?

I’d say the greatest challenge in law enforcement is to completely satisfy everyone you come in contact with. The greatest rewards are when you know you’ve helped someone and seeing them again and they thank you for the time you helped them.

030 ALT Magazine October 2019


What do you wish more people realized about law enforcement and what do you think your department does a great job of?

I wish more people realized police officers are human beings too. We have good and bad days. We experience life stresses and the loss of loved ones just like everyone else. For the most part, we deal with people who are usually not having the best day and to see that from day to day can really take a toll on someone who doesn’t know how to handle these situations. Officers must learn how to not take the job home with them and to be able to “turn off” the police officer mentality when off duty. The sheriff’s office has the best supervisors I’ve ever had the pleasure working for. Sheriff Prince, Chief Neal, Captains Grable and McCarver, my Lieutenant Rob Hadaway and Lieutenants Caudle, Cole, Sutherland and Swift treat their employees with respect and constantly encourage us to strive to be better deputies. Everyone within the Sheriff’s office works cohesively together. Sometimes our closest backup is 30-40 minutes away and we depend a lot on our neighboring departments for assistant and we appreciate each and every one of them. It feels AWESOME to work for agency who appreciates and recognizes your efforts.


What are your goals for the future and how do you plan to achieve them?

I would eventually like to move into an investigator role within the sheriff’s office, preferably investigating narcotics.


Did you ever pull a prank while on the job?

I’m usually having too much fun on the job to feel the need to prank someone.


What was your first day on the job like?

My first day was pretty eventful. Jack Crye was my FTO and he had me jump right in. One of our first calls was dealing with a female who had mental health issues. We pulled up to the scene and Jack said, “Ok Ed, get out there and talk her into the ambulance." The subject was not a small person by any means and she immediately expressed her disdain for the police. After a few minutes of talking to her, I was able to get her in the ambulance without any problems. She called me Arnold Schwarzenegger and continued to call me that every time I came in contact with her on future calls.


What awards have you received during your career?


What was the funniest moment you remember in your current position?

I was made a Field Training Officer and worked as an investigator with the Bi-Sate Narcotics Task Force.

Unfortunately, I won’t be able to answer that here. Catch me away from work sometime and I’ll be happy to share some stories.


What was the most exciting, adrenaline pumping moment you had while being on duty?

While working with the Task Force, I was the door breacher during search warrants. Busting in and being the first one through the door was the most exhilarating feeling ever. Some say I’m crazy, but I loved it.


How does in this position affect your life?

Being involved in law enforcement has opened my eyes to situations most people have no clue occurs around here. When I tell people about incidents that I’ve seen, they had no idea things like that happens here. It’s also helped me understand people better too. Sometimes people do bad things but it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re a bad person but it has also opened my eyes as to what a human being is capable of doing to another human being.


How do you handle the stress and pressure the job brings?


Have you ever been wounded or injured on the job?

Three words: GYM, GYM and GYM!!!!

I’ve had my share of lumps on the job. Sometimes a person doesn’t want to go to jail and when they don’t, it can get very physical. So far, I’ve steered clear of anything major….knock on wood.


With your experience today, what has it done for you that is positive?

I honestly believe that a good officer will mature with this job. He/she will move past the “I want to take everyone to jail” and “save the world” mentality and move into a more consultative mode of policing. I don’t write everyone I stop a citation. It’s usually a verbal warning and maybe a little roadside conversation. I’ve learned to become a good listener while doing this job. You can learn a lot from just listening to someone. You never know what might’ve just happened to someone leading up to your encounter with them. Even after an arrest, I talk to the individual and treat them with respect. I always wish them luck after I take them to jail because you never know if/when you might run into this person again and you want their attitude towards you to be a positive one even though you arrested them. I’ve had several people thank me for being respectful to them during and after an arrest. I always tell them, you show me respect and I’ll show you the same.


How does your family handle you being in that position?

My mom and dad have always been supportive of my career decision. My dad was ecstatic when he learned I was going to be a police officer. He was once selected to attend the Texas State Troopers Academy back in the 60’s but had to turn it down because he couldn’t leave my mom and siblings. He lived vicariously through me. He passed away on New Years Eve 2014 and I know for a fact he is with me all the time. My son, Jackson, has expressed interest in becoming a police officer and I told him absolutely not and that he should become a lawyer instead. I have a wonderful support system at home. My girlfriend of two years, Sarah, has been my rock. She’s been there and supported me from the very first time we met. She drives me to be my best. She was a single mom and obtained two masters degrees and is currently working on her doctorate.

ALT-Mag.com | October 2019 031

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036 ALT Magazine October 2019

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TEXARKANA'S TOP LAWYER Stephanie Barrett 8th judicial South Arkansas Prosecuting Attorney Jon Beck Morgan, Cook & Beck LLP Kelley Crisp Assistant District Attorney - Bowie County Troy Hornsby Miller, James, Miller, & Hornsby LLC Jason Horton Jason Horton Law Office Wes Jordan Jordan Law Firm LLP Howard Mowery Law Office of Howard Mowery Monty G. Murry Murry Law Firm

TEXARKANA'S TOP YOUNG LAWYER (Must be under 40 years old) John Mark Burgess Mark Burgess Law Firm 038

Krystal Cecil Krystal Cecil Attorney at Law Alexander Collins Ross & Shoalmire LLP Cade Mayo J. Michael Brock PLLC Eric Marks White & Marks PLLC

ADMINISTRATIVE/ REGULATORY LAW Darby Doan Haltom & Doan Jim Haltom Haltom & Doan

APPELLATE PRACTICE Caroline Craven US Court/Eastern District Of Texas Troy Hornsby Miller, James, Miller, & Hornsby LLC Jason Horton Jason Horton Law Office Jeffery C. Lewis Atchley, Russell, Waldrop, and Hlavinka LLP Lisa McPherson Langdon Davis Law Firm John Mercy Mercy Carter Tidwell LLP


Phillip Jordan Jordan Law Firm LLP

Don Capshaw Capshaw Green PLLC

George Matteson Law Office of George Matteson

Kyle Davis Langdon Davis Law Firm

David Ruff Law Office of David Ruff

Cory Floyd Norton & Wood LLP Karlton Kemp Karlton H Kemp Jr Pc



David Ruff Law Office of David Ruff

BANKRUPTCY AND CREDITOR David Graham Graham Law Firm

David James Miller, James, Miller & Hornsby LLP

Mark Burgess* John Mark Burgess

Rodney McDaniel McDaniel Law Office David Ruff Law Office of David Ruff

* Board Certified – Civil Trial Law, Texas Board of Legal Specialization; Board Certified – Personal Injury Trial Law, Texas Board of Legal Specialization.

BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS Kyle Davis Langdon Davis Law Firm

Licensed to Practice in Texas, Arkansas and oklahoma, and Federal Courts in texas and arkansas.

David Glass Smith Weber Law Firm Jim Haltom Haltom & Doan Troy Hornsby Miller, James, Miller, & Hornsby LLC Phillip Jordan Jordan Law Firm LLP Karlton Kemp Karlton H Kemp Jr PC

4201 Texas Blvd. Texarkana, Texas 75503 www.markburgesslaw.com

Ph: (903) 838-4450 Fax: (844) 270-5674 Email: mark@markburgesslaw.com

Law Office of

David Ruff, II Licensed to practice in Texas and Arkansas

Cade Mayo J. Michael Brock PLLC

COMMERCIAL LITIGATION Darren Anderson Law Office of Darren Anderson Mark Burgess Burgess Law Firm

“We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy under the bankruptcy code.” 903-792-5313 | 870-774-1672 | 800-261-9582 davidrufflaw.com

ALT-Mag.com | October 2019 039

040 ALT Magazine October 2019

David Carter Mercy Carter Tidwell LLP

Howard Mowery Law Office of Howard Mowery

Joe Tyler Barrett & Tyler

Troy Hornsby Miller, James, Miller, & Hornsby LLC

Nick Newton Langdon Davis Law Firm

Howard Mowery Law Office of Howard Mowery

Fred Norton Norton & Wood LLP


Nick Newton Langdon Davis Law Firm


Shorty Barrett Barrett & Tyler

Darren Anderson Law Office of Darren Anderson

J. David Crisp Crisp & Freeze

Shorty Barrett Barrett & Tyler

Jason Horton Jason Horton Law Office

J. David Crisp Crisp & Freeze

Joe Tyler Barrett & Tyler

CORPORATE LAW Jim Haltom Haltom & Doan

Troy Hornsby Miller, James, Miller, & Hornsby LLC Wes Jordan Jordan Law Firm LLP

Darren Anderson Law Office of Darren Anderson

Jason Horton Jason Horton Law Office

We are honored to have our attorneys nominated as Texarkana’s Top Lawyers.

Miller, James, Miller & Hornsby, L.L.P. Attorneys at Law

Edward Miller

David L. James

Paul Miller

Nominated for

Nominated for

Nominated for

Elder Law Tax Law Trusts & Estates

1725 Galleria Oaks Drive Texarkana, Texas 75503

Bankruptcy & Creditor Family Law

Medical Malpractice - Defendants Personal Injury - Defendants Personal Injury - Plaintiffs Health Care Law Insurance Law

Troy Hornsby Nominated for

Appellate Practice Business Organizations Commercial Litigation Corporate Law Texarkana’s Top Lawyer

(903) 794-2711

Licensed to practice in Texas and Arkansas


DUI/DWI DEFENSE Darren Anderson Law Office of Darren Anderson Shorty Barrett Barrett & Tyler

John Ross Ross & Shoalmire LLP Lisa Shoalmire Ross & Shoalmire LLP


Joe Tyler Barrett & Tyler

Mark Elliott Langdon Davis Law Firm


Greg Giles Moore, Giles, & Matteson

Mike Brock J. Michael Brock PLLC

David Glass Smith Weber Law Firm

David Graham Graham Law Firm Ed Miller Miller James Miller & Hornsby LLP

Louise Tausch Atchley, Russell, Waldrop, and Hlavinka LLP

FAMILY LAW Mike Brock J. Michael Brock PLLC Krystal Cecil Krystal Cecil Attorney at Law James Cook Morgan, Cook & Beck LLP Butch Dunbar Law Office of Butch Dunbar Demaris Hart Langdon Davis Law Firm David James Miller, James, Miller & Hornsby LLP Marshall Moore Moore, Giles, & Matteson


Your Auto, Truck & Motorcycle Accidents Lawyer




Monty G. Murry MURRY LAW OFFICE 3918 Texas Blvd. | Texarkana, TX 75503 903.823.3000 | 903.823.3002 (fax) mgmurry@murrylaw.com

James Syler

Behind every GREAT team is another GREAT team!

Attorney State of Arkansas

Nominated for

Family Law

! u o y k Than

Asset Protection, Will, Trusts, Medicaid, Probate, And VA Benefits 1820 Galleria Oaks 903.223.5653

210 N State Line Ave # 400 Texarkana, AR 71854

Howard Mowery Law Office of Howard Mowery James Syler Attorney for State of Arkansas


INSURANCE LAW Mark Burgess Mark Burgess Law Firm Nikki Laing Capshaw Green PLLC

David Glass Smith Weber Law Firm Lisa McPherson Langdon Davis Law Firm Marshall Wood Norton & Wood LLP

Mike Brock J. Michael Brock PLLC

Paul Miller Miller, James, Miller, & Hornsby LLC

Jennifer Doan Haltom & Doan

Howard Mowery Law Office of Howard Mowery

James Cranford Cranford Law Firm

Bobby Howell Langdon Davis Law Firm

Marshall Wood Norton & Wood LLP

John Greer Greer Miller

Nikki Laing Capshaw Green PLLC


Demaris Hart Langdon Davis Law Firm

Paul Miller Miller, James, Miller, & Hornsby LLC

Greg Giles Moore, Giles, & Matteson


John Mercy Mercy Carter Tidwell LLP


Here's a list of famous people who attended law school (at least partially), but are known for something other than the law.

John Thane Haltom & Doan

Novelist Henry James Legendary football coach Vince Lombardi Former St. Louis Cardinals manager Tony La Russa The Doors keyboardist Ray Manzarek 26 of 44 U.S. Presidents including such notables as both Adams, Lincoln, Arthur, FDR, and Obama Author John Grisham "Law & Order" actor and former US Senator Fred Thompson "Ozzie and Harriet Show" star Ozzie Nelson John Cleese from Monty Python Geraldo Rivera Ben Stein Gerard Butler Jerry Springer Jeff Cohen from Goonies John Saviano from The Wonder Years



Howard Mowery Law Office of Howard Mowery

Jennifer Doan Haltom & Doan

Gary Nutter Morgan, Cook & Beck LLP

John Greer Greer Miller


Paul Miller Miller, James, Miller, & Hornsby LLC

Jon Beck Dunn Nutter & Morgan LLP

Howard Mowery Law Office of Howard Mowery

Darby Doan Haltom & Doan


Brent Langdon Langdon Davis Law Firm

David Carter Mercy Carter Tidwell LLP

Paul Miller Miller, James, Miller, & Hornsby LLC

Hawley Holman Law Office of Hawley Holman

Marshall Moore Moore, Giles, & Matteson Howard Mowery Law Office of Howard Mowery

Mark Burgess Burgess Law Firm Bruce Flint Flint & Soyars David Graham Graham Law Firm

Hawley Holman Law Office of Hawley Holman Howard Mowery Law Office of Howard Mowery Monty G. Murry Murry Law Firm Kelly Tidwell Patton, Tidwell & Culbertson LLP

PRODUCT LIABILITY DEFENDANTS Darby Doan Haltom & Doan Brent Langdon Langdon Davis Law Firm Howard Mowery Spicer Rudstrom PLLC Gary Nutter Morgan, Cook & Beck LLP Marshall Wood Norton & Wood LLP

PRODUCT LIABILITY - PLAINTIFFS David Carter Mercy Carter Tidwell LLP Ben Franks E. Ben Franks Law Office Hawley Holman Law Office of Hawley Holman Ben King Nix, Patterson & Roach LLP Ben Franks E. Ben Franks Law Office Howard Mowery Spicer Rudstrom PLLC James Wyly Wyly Rommel PLLC

REAL ESTATE LAW Mike Brock J. Michael Brock PLLC Don Capshaw Capshaw Green PLLC

Law is one of the world’s oldest professions, dating back to ancient Greece. The first “lawyers” were actually orators (public speakers) who become advocates for people by writing speeches for litigants and occasionally speaking in front of a jury as witnesses for them. However, it was against the law for orators to receive payment for their services and therefore law only became an actual profession when this law was abolished in Ancient Rome – around 200BC! When the law profession was legalized, the criteria to become a lawyer became more difficult than just being a good speaker. By 380BC advocates were studying law and had to be enrolled on the bar of the court, which is quite similar to how it works today.

Mowery Law Firm

Kyle Davis Langdon Davis Law Firm

Nick Newton Langdon Davis Law Firm

John Ross Ross & Shoalmire LLP

Wes Jordan Jordan Law Firm LLP

Fred Norton Norton & Wood LLP

Lisa Shoalmire Ross & Shoalmire LLP

Karlton Kemp Karlton H Kemp Jr PC



Mike Brock J. Michael Brock PLLC

Greg Giles Moore, Giles, & Matteson

Don Capshaw Capshaw Green PLLC

David Glass Smith Weber Law Firm

David Graham Graham Law Firm


Cade Mayo J. Michael Brock PLLC Charles Morgan Dunn, Nutter, & Morgan LLP

TAX LAW Butch Dunbar Law Office of Butch Dunbar

Tina Green Capshaw Green PLLC

Ed Miller Miller James Miller & Hornsby LLP

Ed Miller Miller James Miller & Hornsby LLP

Jeff Elliott Elliot Law Firm Greg Giles Moore, Giles, & Matteson

KRYSTAL CECIL ATTORNEY Licensed in Texas and Arkansas

Civil Litigation Criminal Defense Family Law Personal Injury

903.471.0774 kscecil.law@gmail.com


046 ALT Magazine October 2019

2019 Baby Contest! ALT Magazine held a baby contest during July and August this year to raise money for a local non profit, The Call. The Call is a 501(c)(3) non-profit who works with the churches in the area to recruit, train, and support foster families in Arkansas. Right now there are 78 children in care in Miller County and only 5 traditional foster homes. Their vision is no waiting children. They want there to be more than enough loving and waiting homes when a child comes into care. Children belong in families! Watch our Facebook page to see what contest we will feature next! Thanks for everyone that entered and donated to this great cause. The Call has been able to help many families and we are all grateful for the support!

Trinity Jo 048 ALT Magazine October 2019





Parker ALT-Mag.com | October 2019 049

050 ALT Magazine October 2019

ALT-Mag.com | October 2019 051

THE ROBINSON'S - EST. 1949 052 ALT Magazine October 2019

Harold and Wanda Lee Robinson celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary on July 22, 2019. They met as young children at Bright Star Elementary in Dodridge, Arkansas. Neither one of them can remember a time when they did not know each other. Wanda knew Harold liked her when he chased her around the school yard. He always had two or three pocket knives and she knew it was true love when he asked her to hold them for him. In their time, there were no phones. Harold had to travel the country roads to Wanda’s house to ask her out. The first time he stopped by, he was nervous and kept sitting in the living room with her visiting. His brother, Billy, finally came in and said “we want you to go to the show with us”. They went to the movies in Rodessa, Louisiana, and have been together ever since.

Loved you then. Love you still. Always have. Always Will. Childhood affection quickly grew into a deeper love. Harold and Wanda Lee got married at the age of 19 in a family member’s home. That is when their journey brought them to Texarkana, Arkansas. Harold was a police officer and retired after 23 years with the Texarkana Arkansas Police Department and Wanda Lee owned her own beauty shop and worked for over 50 years as a beautician. They are most proud of their family. They have three children, seven grandchildren, and five great grandchildren. Recently Harold looked at Wanda Lee and said, “when we met, did you ever think it would turn into this?” Wanda and Harold celebrated their 70th anniversary with a party at their daughter’s home. They were thrilled to visit with so many family members and friends. The Lord has blessed them and they have loved every minute of their life together. They are a blessing to everyone who knows them.

ALT-Mag.com | October 2019 053


A foundation for family generosity For those with significant wealth and a generous spirit, a private foundation can be a powerful vehicle for meeting both your charitable and estate planning goals. Unlike public charities, private foundations are set up, funded and controlled by an individual, family or family entity. They are tax-exempt entities, just like hospitals or universities, but must pay a nominal excise tax of 1% or 2% on their net investment income. And of course, they are required to make charitable distributions throughout their taxable year. 054 ALT Magazine October 2019


Private foundations are often considered costly and complicated to set up, however thanks to increased efficiency, economies of scale and technological advances, that is less and less the case. While at one time it only made sense to start a private foundation with a minimum contribution of $5 million, now $2 million is widely considered a sufficient initial contribution. Your foundation can also be funded with a wide variety of assets including stock, real estate, jewelry, art, insurance policies and more, making it an advantageous option for those looking to minimize their estate. Contributions trigger an immediate tax deduction, plus those assets are removed from your taxable estate. You can also avoid capital gains tax by contributing highly appreciated stock or other investments.

NEXT STEPS Private foundations offer the opportunity to make a real difference while also enjoying tax benefits to help you reach your wealth planning goals. •Consider your charitable goals and how they could be carried out with a private foundation. •Have a conversation with your family about your values and how they can get involved as staff or board members. •Work with your financial advisor, accountant and attorney to consider the implications and tax benefits of a private foundation for your comprehensive financial and estate plans. Your decision to start a private foundation is a significant one. Your financial advisor is readily available to serve as a knowledgeable sounding board as you explore the charitable vehicles and estate planning strategies available to you.

© 2017 Raymond James & Associates, Inc., member New York Stock Exchange/SIPC © 2017 Raymond James Financial Services, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC Investment products are: not deposits, not FDIC/NCUA insured, not insured by any government agency, not bank guaranteed, subject to risk and may lose value. 16-FAWW-0262 BS 5/17 © 2017 Raymond James & Associates, Inc., member New York Stock Exchange/SIPC © 2017 Raymond James Financial Services, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC Investment products are: not deposits, not FDIC/NCUA insured, not insured by any government agency, not bank guaranteed, subject to risk and may lose value. 16-FAWW-0262 BS 5/17

This article is general in nature and provided for informational purposes only. Raymond James and your Raymond James financial advisor do not provide tax or legal advice. You should discuss any tax or legal matters with the appropriate professional.

A LIVING FAMILY HEIRLOOM: PRIVATE FOUNDATIONS SERVE AS A POWERFUL, TAX-EFFICIENT WAY TO PASS ALONG WEALTH AND VALUES Passionate patrons of their local arts community, Nicole and Keith had long envisioned starting a nonprofit that provided music lessons and instruments for underprivileged children in their community. As parents to a daughter and son in their 30s, they also sought a forum to actively share their values of philanthropy and financial stewardship with their children. Working with their financial advisor, they decided a private foundation would allow them to define and execute their charitable mission as they wished, offer them the control they sought in managing the funds along with the freedom to apply those funds how they wished. And because private foundations can be funded in a variety of ways, they were able to include some appreciated stock they owned as well as a baby grand piano that could be used for lessons or performances. Not only were they able to set their dream in motion, but they also benefited from an immediate tax deduction on their contributions to the fund and avoided capital gains tax on the appreciated stock they contributed. Further, everything they gave to the foundation was removed from their taxable estate. Nicole and Keith started the foundation with an initial funding of $2 million and named their children as well as a few local business executives and philanthropists to their board of directors. By setting up their foundation to exist in perpetuity, their charitable mission and legacy will endure as long as the foundation does. They look forward to the opportunities and joy they can bring to children in their community, as well as the chance to create a living family heirloom that can be shared and passed down to generations still to come. ALT-Mag.com | October 2019 055


Angel Fund Foundation Board Members & Angel Warriors

Betty Jo Hays, June Owen, Sylvia Waldrop, Lucille Cook

Brad & Libby White, Lauren & Jordan Cox

Jean & Harry Clements, Chuck Morgan

Jon Beck, Michala Terrell

Wyatt & Lindsay Bruce

Karen O’Malley, Caitlin Killian, Melissa Killian, Reba Sellers, Carol Sellers, Glynn Sellers

Jack David, Judy Jones

Ty & Kelsey Patterson, Dr. & Mrs. Layla Hazin

Pete Jones, Fabbiene Trash, Danny Maxey

Ben & Austyn Willis

Karen Lansdell & Madison Welch

056 ALT Magazine October 2019





OPEN TUES-SAT: 10:00-6:30, SUN: 1:00-5:30

ALT-Mag.com | October 2019 057


Class of 1959

Class of 1969

Beth Provence, Helen Parker, Sandra Furlow

Claude & Relda Bearden, Jamie Stevens

Susan Hill, Patti Ritte

Nancy & Tommy Fomby, Cassandra & Anthony Rhone, Elizabeth Fomby Hall, Rebecca Biggs

Ashdown High School Skills USA

Terry & Brenda Snead

Class of 1962

Banquet Attendees

Banquet Attendees

Dr. Tom Fomby with Alumni Association President, Susan Simmons

Class of 1968


WOULD YOU LIKE TO FEATURE YOUR EVENT IN THE ALT MAGAZINE? send your pictures, event information and names to: info@alt-mag.com 058 ALT Magazine October 2019


Summer Barrick, Taylor Murray, Madison Atchrley, Adison Cummings, Matthew Self

Cara Baker, Beth Pope, Haylee Baker, Beau Baker

Tom & Carolyn Burks, Malinda Harrison, John Treas

James, Lisa, Evan & Kaylie Swearengin Alyssa Clepper

Josh Green, Tonya Dunphy, Wrangler Fletcher

Ron & Barbara Norman

Amanda Nantze, Jaclyn Canada

Gabi Lancaster, Tanner Pyatt

Karen Woods, Eden Spry, Katie Spry

Natoya, Michael, & M.J. Rhodes

Destiny, Gavin, Hayden & Mackenzie Dean

Steven, Mia, Tessa, Brant, Gracie & Rayleigh Seals

Nicole Jones, Brazil Jones, Kaliegh Smith

Texas A&M Softball Members ALT-Mag.com | October 2019 059

Fish Tales with Mike Brower Well, it’s that time of year again. What time you ask? Time to thank the hunters out there. With hunting season upon us, they will be in the woods, and others will be on the water. That means more water for us fishermen to fish and less competition on the water. Now don’t get me wrong, I have no issue with hunting, but it is nice to lose a lot of boat traffic. The only real issue is boat traffic on either the Sulphur River or Little River, but you can still get some quality time on the river before the boat traffic hurts the fishing. As I always say this time of year, thank a hunter....except for the duck guys, who just mess everything up......kidding.

iday Tasty Donuts HolCleaners Donut • Croissant • Kolache • Fruit Sticks • Burrito Biscuit • Muffin • Coffee

EXCEPTIONAL LAUNDRY SERVICE just down the street NOW OPEN IN TWO LOCATIONS!! 1443 N. Kings Hwy. 903. 838. 0422

K-Mart Shopping Center 903. 223. 0149

Donuts are ALWAYS the Answer! 060 ALT Magazine October 2019


ALT-Mag.com | October 2019 061






Join us at the Museum of Regional History on Saturday, October 5th, 2:00-4:00 for Spooktacular Texarkana Trivia! Winner will win a trophy and bragging rights! All participants will leave with a goody bag full of treats (you don’t even have to share them with the kids)! Ages 16 and up. Costumes encouraged, not required. $8.00 per person and $5.00 TMS Members. Space is limited so you must register in advance.



TASTE OF DOWNTOWN Joing us for a tasting tour of downtown Texarkana. The tour includes: Verona Restaurant from 6-7pm Hopkins Ice House from 7-8pm Pecan Point 8-9pm Tickets are $35 each, or $30 for Greater Texarkana Young Professional members. Participants are responsible for purchasing their own beverages.




Wine Pairing and TAPAS 2019, Friday, October 11, 2019 starting at 5:30pm. This event is held on the beautiful grounds of the Collins Building and will feature 5 courses prepared by Chef Jeff Loving, each paired with the perfect wine.

Join us for Texarkana Regional Chorale’s Season 2019-2020 Concert Opener!

Entertainment will be provided by Chasing Rita. This is an event you don’t want to miss!



Come join us at Bark at the Park at Spring Lake Park/Kylee Sullivan Dog Park (under the pavilion) for Free Rabies Vaccinations and City Registration! Veterinarians will be available for additional services and micro-chipping for a small fee. All cats must remain in carriers. Box crates will be available upon request.

For more information regarding event or contest, please call our Animal Services Department at 903-798-3535. 062 ALT Magazine October 2019

Revel in the music of French masters as we embark on a year-long journey of preparing for our Paris musical tour. The event will be held on Tuesday, October 15th at Texas A&M Univesity-Texarkana beginning at 7pm. Free Admission / Donations Accepted.



MICHAEL W. SMITH CONCERT Celebrate 35 Years of Friends with Michael W. Smith. Multi-Platinum artist, best-selling author and acclaimed actor Michael W. Smith continues to live out his dream; he releases new music regularly and performs around the world to sold-out crowds of loyal and inspired fans. Now you can see him LIVE at the Perot Theatre on October 10th! Tickets on sale now – prices are $78 (VIP), $58, $48, and $28. Group discounts are available through the Box Office only.


TASTE OF TEXARKANA Held October 22nd at the Four States Fair Grounds, over 40 food and beverage vendors will be offering samples of their best dishes from 5-8 pm in the main arena. All proceeds benefit the hunger relief programs of Harvest Regional Food Bank. VIP tickets are $50 and include reserved seating, entertainment and other perks. VIP tables are also available. Adult tickets are $25 in advance ($30 at the door) and kids (6-12) are $10 both in advance and at the door. Children 5 and under are free.

nov 2nd



No tricks here! The Texarkana Texas Police Department and the Parks and Recreation Department are teaming up to host a trunk or treat and special showing of Toy Story 4 at Spring Lake Park this Halloween night!

Chloe’s Journey of Faith Foundation would like to introduce our first annual Knots for Noggins run and walk for Pediatric Brain cancer research through Chloes Crusade for the cure hero fund fundraiser. Join us at Nortside Church on Saturday, November 2, 2019 at 8am for a 5K Race, Inflatable Fun Entertainment, Knockerball and Blanket Tying.

Spaces for vehicles are limited, so contact us soon if you’d like to reserve a place and decorate your vehicle to pass out candy. Call 903-798-3978 for more information .

$30 entry fee Register at: runsignup.com

The new generation of emergency care.

Drug Take Back Initiative Operation Medicine Cabinet

The Texarkana Arkansas Police Department is proud to partner with Texarkana Emergency Center in an effort to remove unused and out of date prescription medicines from your homes. •It is important to know that law enforcement is only interested in the removal of unused and/or outdated medications from the homes of our citizens. •It matters not whose name is on the prescription, by whom it was prescribed, where it was prescribed, or where you reside. •We stress that it makes no difference if you live in Texas or Arkansas. •We take back all medications, no questions asked. You can remove the label if you desire but it’s not necessary. •We ask that you do not deposit needles (sharps), inhalers, medication from businesses or clinics, ointments, lotions, liquids, aerosol cans, hydrogen peroxide, or thermometers.

One box has been placed behind the Bi State Justice Building at 100 N. State Line Ave., Texarkana, Arkansas and another outside the Texarkana Emergency Center, 4646 Cowhorn Creek Rd., Texarkana, Texas. These boxes are regularly checked and the contents are immediately packaged for destruction. If you would like to personally drop your medications off to law enforcement, you can at the Miller County Sheriff ’s Office on East Street and Bi State Justice Building in Texarkana.

You can learn more about this program by visiting www.artakeback.org or on Facebook by searching Arkansas Take Back or Arkansas Drug take Back. FIND

TexarkanaEmergencyCenter.com US ON 4646 Cowhorn Creek | Texarkana, TX 75503 | 903.838.8000

ALT-Mag.com | October 2019 063

Local Rescues

Adopt, Don’t Shop! ARKLATEX COCKER SPANIEL RESCUE Facebook.com/ ArklatexCockerSpanielRescue ARTEX ANIMAL WELFARE, INC. (mostly horses) 903.824.1990


Boxer Rescue of Texarkana


Texarkana Animal League

ATLANTA ANIMAL LEAGUE Facebook.com/ AtlantaAnimalLeague


BOXER RESCUE OF TEXARKANA Facebook.com/ BoxerRescueOfTexarkana

Passion For Pooches

MUTTLEY CREW GERMAN SHEPHERD RESCUE Facebook.com/ MuttleyCrewRescue POODLE PATCH RESCUE INC PoodlePatchRescue.com PASSION FOR POOCHES (mostly small dogs) Facebook.com/passionforpooches


Texarkana Humane Society


Poodle Patch Rescue Inc.


Arklatex Cocker Spaniel Rescue


Muttley Crew




TEXARKANA ANIMAL LEAGUE Facebook.com/ TexarkanaAnimalLeague TEXARKANA HUMANE SOCIETY TexarkanaHumaneSociety.org Facebook.com/ TexarkanaHumaneSocietyInc TEXARKANA REPTILE & AMPHIBIAN RESCUE Facebook.com/TkReptileRescue TOBY’S TALES (mostly wildlife) Facebook.com/Tobysname

The Animal Care & Adoption Center of Texarkana, Arkansas is located at 203 Harrison, Texarkana, AR, 71854. For more information, call 870.773.6388, or visit: www. animalcareadoptioncenter.org or www.facebook.com/AnimalCare AdoptionTXK. Please note, all dogs adopted from this shelter MUST be spayed or neutered. Spays cost $89-$104, neuters are $76-$92 depending on the weight of the dog. We also have SPONSORED dogs and cats! This means someone has already paid for their vetting! Come see who’s waiting! We are always in need of caring, capable volunteers to assist in with duties at the center, adoption events, fund-raising activities and more. Open Monday-Friday 11AM 5PM; Saturday 11AM - 2PM.

064 ALT Magazine October 2019



Birthdays Graduation New Baby Thank You School Event

Sports Party Sports Events Open House Marketing Anniversary

Back to School Holidays Wedding Shower Welcome Home Homecoming

Engagement Good Luck Get Well Prom Congrats


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ALT-Mag.com | October 2019 065


Featured Listing

13 Timber Lane

It’s time to move.

Your new dre

1356 N. Kings Hwy. | Nash, TX 75569


066 ALT Magazine October 2019

www.ImpactRealtyOnline.com | billsprad@aol.com | spradlintd@

Fabulous home in Redwater School District. Features four bedrooms, four full baths, two living areas. Nice size kitchen will lots of cabinet space, granite counter tops. Open floor plan. Updated inside and out! Brand new roof, air conditioners are only 2 years old. Two car garage. Large storage building. Over 3,800 square feet on an acre lot! Must see! Check it out!

eam home is awaiting.


Bill Spradlin Realtor 903-748-3186

Tracy Spradlin Broker 903-748-2477

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Homes | Commercial | Multi-Family | Land | Property Management

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