Love at first sight? Maybe not for this couple, but happily ever after describes the Hodgsons
Happy Valentine’s Day!
February 2012 . Vol. 6, Issue 2
February 2012 /contents
A Spinsterhood...Foiled!
Carol and Garry Hodgson certainly did not have love at first sight, but the love they now have is deep and true!
Te x a r k a n a B o a r d o f Realtors Banquet
Peoples State Bank Announces Special Needs Assistance Program
Ladybug Park’s Hospitality & Designs Grand Opening
A Spinsterhood...Foiled!
78 A Company Committed to Community
Editor ’s Letter
F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 2 / Vo l . 6 , I s s u e 2
Publisher and Editor / Debbie Brower Associate Editors / Jaclyn Gooding, Miranda Johnson Photography / Image Forward Photography, Debbie Brower, Jaclyn Gooding, Miranda Johnson, Rozana Page, Sherrie Hewitt
Financial Focus
90 H a r v e s t Te x a r k a n a Launches Give Us A Lift Campaign
Sales & Marketing Manager / Charlie McMurphy
F i s h Ta l e s
Feature Writers / Jane Bouterse, Anne Fruge
F u r r y Ta l e s
Real Estate
Business Profile Crossroads Business Park
Resource Guide
Calendar of Events
Contributing Writers / Christine Amos, Mike Brower, Anne Fruge, Vincent Senatore, Dustin Stringer
Second Chances
A LT B r i d e s
Voice of Reason / Mike Brower
True Light If you have an event you would like to include in our Upcoming Events section, please email us at:
86 Uncorked
w w w. a l t - m a g . c o m
A Company Committed to Community... 200 Heather Dr., Texarkana, TX 75501 (903) 334-9605
These specially trained, committed individuals are there to help when needed.
78 ALT Magazine
February 2012
ALT Magazine is published the 1st business day of every month. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission of ALT Magazine is strictly prohibited. ALT Magazine is distributed free of charge. Direct mail subscriptions are available for $36.00 per year. Contributions from our readers are welcome. We reserve the right to edit or reject any material.
©2012 ALT Magazine
EDITOR’S letter
The art of love... The hours I spend with you I look upon as sort of a perfumed garden, a dim twilight, and a fountain singing to it. You and you alone make me feel that I am alive. Other men it is said have seen angels, but I have seen thee and thou art enough. ~George Moore
How many times have people told me they would love to
issue was contagious! The majority of our weddings this month are a
have a Perfect Man who is tall, dark, handsome, romantic, -- well, let’s
result of our first ever Facebook photo contest. Each couple sent in
make a list:
a photo, and then their friends and family voted to have their photos
“liked” more times than any other. Alyssa and Dean Malthouse were
1. A Perfect Man is someone that’s strong enough to cook
and do the laundry.
the overall winners, but each couple had lots of votes and must be
2. The Perfect Man is not critical and can forgive.
feeling the love from everyone right now! What a great way to start
3. The Perfect Man takes responsibility and shares it.
out your marriage with encouragement from those you love and who
4. The Perfect Man has a sense of humor.
love you! It was so much fun, we are planning another Facebook
5. The Perfect Man doesn’t have to agree with me but he
contest this month -- funny or sweet photos of your pets! If that is
can always listen to me and hear what I have to say without getting
as big a hit as the wedding contest, we will include a contest each
upset or defensive.
6. The Perfect Man thinks I’m the best he’s ever met and
I love seeing people excited about our magazine and the
doesn’t have a difficult time letting others know it.
possibility of being a part of it. The realization that we are impacting
7. The Perfect Man takes care of himself.
the citizens in our city in a positive way is enough to keep us going
8. The Perfect Man may be bald, short, tall or round in the
each month. The emails, phone calls, and conversations we have
middle. This is not what attracted us to our perfect man in the first
tell us that we are appreciated and loved. What could possibly be a
better job? I can’t think of a thing!
So, what do you think? Pretty good list, isn’t it? How many
So, for this Valentine’s Day, I hope everyone has that Perfect
of you have a man in your life that meets all of those requirements?
Man or Woman in their life -- or as I said, the Perfect one for you! I
I’m going to say NONE! Most of us have a man who is not perfect,
can’t say that Mike is perfect, but for 22 years, he has been perfect
but who is perfect for us!
for me. We rarely argue, although there are times we disagree. He
doesn’t quote poetry to me, but I would make fun of him if he did. We
Look at Garry and Carol Hodgson. I’ll bet if asked, Carol
would agree that Garry isn’t perfect, but he is a wonderful husband,
enjoy each other’s company and although I quit going fishing with him
father, and provider, and has been for over 35 years. Their story may
regularly years ago and he refuses to go with me to the beach, I still
not have started out with love at first sight, but it certainly ended up
love being with him -- whether it is at home or on mini-vacations. He
with a lifetime of love. If you know them, you know that together, you
and I share the same values and many times he knows what I am
can see the love they have for one another. Some of us are lucky that
going to say before I say it. I guess I would say, “He’s a keeper!”
we have that same type of marriage or relationship.
Happy Valentine’s Day! May God bless you!
Our Brides’ edition is included this month and is full of
hopeful couples who are beginning a new life together. Their love for one another is evident in each photo that was captured on their wedding day! And their excitement to be included in this month’s 8
ALT Magazine
February 2012
by Jane Bouterse
They are quite a pair—these two former residents of Avery, TX, one of those small, agricultural communities which straddles US Highway 82W headed to Paris or Dallas. When they lived there in the 1960s, the town revolved around Medford’s General Store. There were 27 students in their high school graduating class, and she was the Valedictorian. In the fall of 1965, their senior year, Avery High School was integrated. Seven black students joined the class of 20 whites, and it was the media event that did not happen. Classes in Avery High School proceeded as usual with seven new students in the Senior Class.
He grew up in Avery, the middle child of three children, and his family lived on the north side of the railroad tracks. She grew up on a farm near Avery, the middle child in a family of six children. Their mothers were best friends. He, Garry Hodgson, was five years old when he attended a Kindergartner Roundup/Easter Egg Hunt, and she, Carol Roseberry, was there, too. Carol: “I remember so well. Garry would not turn loose of his mother’s skirt.” Garry: “You grew up in a large family in the country.“ Obviously, the numbers were not so intimidating to Carol. Before the two had completed the first grade,
the Hodgson Family moved. They did not return to Avery until Garry was in the fifth grade. Meanwhile, Carol had clearly and comfortably established herself as an excellent student. She
and her friends Cheryl, Rheta, and Linda occupied significant positions of leadership among their peers. Garry: “They ran everything.”
Garry’s return to Avery was marked by its “uneventfulness.” “Just give me a book to read, and I’m happy.” His favorite place to be throughout his high school years was in the library. Carol: “I hate to say we were not friends. I just didn’t have any use for him.” Apparently the feeling was mutual. Senior Year 1966, and the inevitable yearbook signing rolls around. Since yearbooks are cherished items, whatever is written in them seldom gets changed or erased from memory. Carol and Garry participated in the signing, but for both of them this event was to become a pivotal experience in their lives. Almost buried among other, longer passages and slipped next to February 2012
the back binding of Carol’s yearbook, Garry wrote: “Carol, I wish you the best of luck in your spinsterhood.” Carol: “I read that, and I just about flipped out. I thought, ‘Well, just consider the source.’” Garry: “I don’t know what brought that on at the time. Just an 18 year old mouth and a reader with no sense of humor.” Graduation 1966, like graduations do, sent the two on their separate ways. Garry, after a short stint at Paris Junior College, went to work full time at Lone Star and transferred to Texarkana College. In addition to working 40-60 hours per week, he was taking 15 hours + Physical Education -- volleyball. He just did not have the time. “I failed volleyball,” he confessed, “the only course I ever failed. I dropped out of school and joined the Army.” U.S.
ALT Magazine
February 2012
involvement in Vietnam was just beginning to interrupt the futures of young people. Garry was trained at Fort Polk and at Fort Bliss and was stationed at Travis Air Force Base in the San Francisco Bay area and in Germany. In 1972 he was honorably discharged and returned to Avery. Carol’s story was different. She had already been accepted in the nursing program at the University of Texas, Austin. “I always wanted to be a nurse,” she declares. Her Avery Home Economics Teacher understood Carol’s financial needs, however, so she took her to Texarkana College, walked into Dean Levi Hall’s office and said, “Hello, Levi. This girl is the Valedictorian of her class, and she wants to be a nurse. She needs some scholarships. What can you do to help her?” Carol
laughs as she recalls that by the time she left Dean Hall’s office she had three scholarships and application forms for student loans. In 1968 Carol finished TC’s Nursing School with her RN and went to work at Wadley Hospital as a Pediatric Nurse. When a daughter, Amy, arrived to her starter marriage, Carol moved back to Avery to be near her mom and dad and continue her work as a nurse at Red River County Hospital. In 1972, Dean Levi Hall hired her, via a phone call, to teach in TC’s Vocational Nursing Program. Once again, Garry and Carol were both in Avery. Although he was working, Garry decided to return to Texarkana College to complete his degree, and Carol had to go there every day to work. A resourceful mom’s idea: Perhaps they would like to commute together? Carol: “When he came to ask if I would like to commute to TC, he looked like John
For information on advertising in the Ark-LaTex’s Premier Magazine, Call Charlie McMurphy today! 903.908.5797 or 903.334.9605
February 2012
Denver with long blonde hair and round wire rimmed glasses.” Garry: “Can I come in?” Carol: “Do you want to share some leftover breakfast coffee?.....I was amazed. He was so respectful. I think he had grown up.” Garry: “The military has a way of changing you.” ----The carpooling began-Finally, Louella Humphrey, a colleague of Carol’s asked. “Do you think anything is going to come of this?” “You’ve got to be kidding,” Carol was quick to respond. But something did happen. “When?” Garry: “I don’t know. It must have been my turn to drive.” When Garry graduated from East TexasCommerce in December 1974, the two had been going together for almost three years. Change was in the air. Garry: “One night I called Carol and asked, ‘Can I come over to show you my pictures of Germany?’” Carol: “I would love to see
ALT Magazine
February 2012
your pictures. He came and stayed and stayed and stayed.” Garry: “I don’t know how to treat you…sister? Friend? We have so much in common in our backgrounds, and I didn’t know that until I came back from the Army.” With Carol’s teaching at Texarkana College, their work hours varied. Between semesters, Garry would take Carol to lunch at Luby’s Cafeteria in Oaklawn Village Shopping Center. Kay’s Jewelers just happened to be near the cafeteria entrance. On one of their luncheon dates, they noticed that Kay’s was having a pink tag sale. Every item bearing a pink tag was 50% off, and a pair of gold wedding bands happened to be among the items tagged. Garry: “Let’s just go try those on.” Carol: “We did, and they fit perfectly. We had about $5 between us, so we put them on lay-away. He never asked me to marry him.”
Garry: “I’m still thinking about it.” Some weeks later, the two met at Wadley during Carol’s supper break. Garry had somehow retrieved the rings from lay-away, and they wore them during their meal. Carol then returned her wedding band to Garry for safekeeping. The patina of those wedding rings may be a bit scratched by almost 37 years of wear, but the rings are more perfectly pleasing now than when they were first tried on. Carol: “I don’t know what he did with them.” Shortly thereafter, April 18, 1975, Garry: “Why don’t we get married next Friday night?” Carol: “If I don’t gauge things by semester, I gauge them by eating and that was the first time we had eaten at the fish place in Clarksville. We agreed, so on Friday, April 25, we used my car (I had air conditioning) to pick up Garry at General Supply and go to New Boston for the license. My colleagues tied tin cans under my car, and I thought it was coming apart before the cans all came off. We got married on April 25, 1975, with not $100 between us.” Over the years, Carol has pointed out to Garry his yearbook entry, “Carol, I wish you the best in your spinsterhood.” Apparently, however, he
has been forgiven as she now knows the source much better. Throughout their courtship, Garry and Carol had begun to explore those “commonalities” Garry had mentioned. Their priorities and personalities were much the same -- education and decisive action, competition, hard work, curiosity, family and faith -- propelled the choices both of them made. The newlyweds moved into a manufactured home Carol already owned. However, they had been married less than a week when they rocked and rolled through a severe storm. Quickly they decided if they ever got out, they would buy a ground-based home. They survived and they bought that home. Making decisions together has been a constant part of their marriage. Because education has always been so important, they had put off getting married until Garry earned his BBA. Education has remained a priority in their marriage. Carol: “I love to cook, sew, crochet and quilt, but I am not a farmer. I had to pick tomatoes on my 16th birthday, and I told my mother ‘If I ever get out of here, I am going to get an education and work in an air conditioned
ALT Magazine
February 2012
building.’” “I hope so,” her mother had replied. “Now get back to work.” Carol followed through with her intention. Four weeks after their son Steven was born, Carol, still employed at TC, began the TWU commute to earn her Masters’ Degree. In 1993, she began working on her doctorate. The effort required the entire family. Garry’s research and computer skills proved invaluable to Carol during her studies, and Garry and Steven had some great times exploring on the weekends
they accompanied Carol to Denton. She succeeded. Carol’s tomato patch declaration became her reality. Today both Garry and Carol have a Master’s, and Carol has earned her PhD in Nursing from Texas Women’s University. She currently serves as Chairperson of the Health Occupations Division at Texarkana College. Carol: “It’s never bothered either of us for the other to be successful.” Garry: “If Carol wanted to go to the moon, tomorrow I would start researching the price of the tickets.” After several successful careers, Garry has retired as Government Property Administrator at Lone Star. His
February 2012
title has changed to “house husband.” “She has fired me twice,” he admits. “We both want to be in charge.” Carol: “We do not work well together. He thinks I’m bossy and obsessive/compulsive. “ Garry: “Carol could organize a street brawl—the guys with the knives on one side; the guys with the guns on the other.” Carol: “He does take a lot of work off me.” These days, this compatible twosome enjoys travel—Alaska for an anniversary celebration; Hawaii to visit their military son Steven and his family; camping at Wright Patman’s Rocky Point with their three grandchildren or ”just getting in the car with a bag of Doritos and Dr. Pepper to see what’s over the hill.” The two have taken TC’s country western dance beginning class 11 times just because they enjoy it. Carol: “I wanted Garry to dance for years, and he wouldn’t do it. We went to visit his mother at Cowhorn Creek and saw these two old men dancing with 40 women. Garry changed his mind, so most Friday nights we country-western dance at the Elks Club.”
ALT Magazine
February 2012
A pause. Carol: “I really think God brought us together.” Garry: “Please, don’t blame this on God.” As she does so often, Carol laughs: “I think what has kept us together is Garry’s sense of humor. I remind him constantly he is blissfully happy.” Garry: “When you marry your best friend, it’s not a bad deal. We don’t go separate ways. We’re always together.” Carol moves her head from side to side: “We buy groceries together, go to Wal Mart…..[as happens so often, their conversation dissolves in laughter.] We have learned we have to keep things in perspective. The happiest marriages are the ones that keep God in the family and rear their families in the church.” Well, so much for “Carol, I wish you the best of luck in your spinsterhood.” This is one spinsterhood happily foiled by its creator. On April 25, 2012, Carol and Garry Hodsgon will celebrate their 37th year of marriage—seamlessly stitched by humor, communication, hard work… and lots of love.
ALT Magazine
February 2012
Peoples State Bank Announces
Special Needs Assistance Program Funds Available MANY, LA - In an effort to meet the needs of our communities, Peoples State Bank is pleased to announce that the Special Needs Assistance Program (SNAP) Grant Funds are now available. The SNAP Program is made available through the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas and allows Peoples State Bank to provide grant funds to households occupied by persons with special needs. Rehabilitation and/or modification must be structurally necessary or made for the safety of the special needs resident. Eligible expenditures under the program include: (A) Repairs or replacement to a leaking roof (B) Replacement of sheetrock due to rotten, damaged, or molded walls. (C) Repair and /or installation of a wheel chair ramp, screen doors, and winterizing windows. Please remember that the SNAP is NOT A Home Improvement program, but a grant for the repairs, rehabilitation, and modifications of the homeowner’s home that meets the
program requirement. Peoples State Bank has been awarded up to $60,000.00 in funds to assist qualifying special needs individuals with home rehabilitation/modifications cost in our service area. The maximum SNAP award per qualifying household is $5,000.00. Funds are available on a first – come first serve basis through December 31, 2012 or until funds have been exhausted and are disbursed, whichever comes first. For more information on the SNAP Program or to see if you qualify please contact a loan officer at the Peoples State Bank nearest you: Bowie County – 903-838-2300 Caddo Parish 318 -938-5336 DeSoto Parish 318-872-5800 Natchitoches Parish 318-238-4401 or 318238-4471 Rapides Parish 318-445-3717 or 318-4482430 Sabine Parish 318-256-2071
February 2012
by Anne Fruge
There was the true Light which, coming into the world, enlightens every man. John 1:9
hen James Ross resigned his pastorate to start a new ministry for the hungry, homeless and poor in the Texarkana community, he had to step out on faith with no salary, building, or members. However, after to speaking to a group of believers at a revival at First Baptist Church in Lewisville, Arkansas, about his passion, a check came in the mail from a couple who wanted to make the first offering to his vision for Life House Ministries. First Baptist Church in Lewisville even voted to become a “partner church” and has sent an offering every week since then. “God provides!” James Ross says. “We aren’t a rich ministry and we don’t have a big steeple, pews, stained glass windows, but we have love for all people and hope for all who come our way. When I became convinced that this was God’s will for us to start this type ministry, there was no struggle at all.” James was born in New Boston, Texas, but grew up in Texarkana and graduated from Texas High School in 1980. He met and married his pastor’s daughter, Cynthia Wright, on July 4, 1980, and they are the proud parents of three boys: Josh Ross, Clint Ross and Just Ross. James surrendered his life to the ministry on April 8, 1979, at Richmond Road Baptist Church in Texarkana and preached his first sermon that night. Through his 33 years in the ministry, James has led congregations at Bodcaw #1 Baptist Church in Bodcaw, Arkansas, Bethany Baptist in Springhill, Arkansas, First Baptist Shady Grove in Laurel, Mississippi, and Faith Baptist Church in Texarkana, Arkansas. “The best thing about my job is getting to see people with no hope find real hope for today, tomorrow and eternity,” James says. “I love seeing people saved and watching them grow as their lives turn around.” After years of working as a 22
ALT Magazine
February 2012
“traditional” pastor, James started feeling that God was calling him in a new direction. In fact, it was his wife’s involvement with a jail ministry that really helped lead James to the conclusion that God’s will was for him to open a multiethnic church in the College Hill area of Texarkana for the hungry, homeless and poor. “My wife and her passion for those who seemingly ‘fall through the cracks’ or don’t fit in at traditional churches is what God used to move my heart and get me ready for this ministry,” James says. “She and a friend used to go to Miller County Detention Center each Sunday night and share a Bible Study. I would go one Sunday night a month and preach for them. They fell in love with those ladies who needed love, a friend and many of them a Savior. However, we found that many people ‘with a past’ don’t feel comfortable in a traditional church setting.” Both James and Cynthia knew that this was their passion and God’s calling for their lives, so four and a half years ago, they left the church they were leading, and with support from the Arkansas Baptist State Convention, Southwest Arkansas Baptist Association and their sponsor church, Shiloh Baptist Church in Texarkana, Arkansas, they were able to plant a brand new ministry for
the Texarkana community. “Our personal mission is to reach ALL people with God’s love regardless of where they are, where they have been, what they are involved in or their color of skin,” James says. “Many people tried to talk us out of moving to the area and starting a new mission because it was ‘unsafe, impossible, and foolish,’ but we decided that we had to follow God’s call. We are so thankful we did. God has given us many, many friends and church family that we otherwise would have never met.” Since Life House opened in May 2008, James has seen 172 people profess faith in God and approximately 130 have been baptized. “At Life House we do not care about a person’s past. We only care about their future,” James says. “While we have many people who attend our services that are not hungry, homeless or poor, we seek to reach out to those who might not fit in with other churches or ministries. We do not place an emphasis on dress, committees, budgets, offerings or anything like that. We seek to love, teach, reach and preach God’s love, salvation and restoration for all people.” Life House started a “Life House Community Cafe” on Tuesday and Fridays from 12 noon to 1 p.m. and a community
wide breakfast on Sunday mornings from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. They offer free rides to another in the community and pick up 25-50 homeless individuals from downtown before each meal. Then, after Youth Ministry on Tuesday nights and Kidz Klub on Wednesday nights, they offer a hot meal. “We have found that many in Texarkana do not have the money or food resources that many of us take for granted,” James says. “We began that ministry as a little ‘coffee shop’ before services on Sunday morning, and it grew beyond belief.” Perhaps the most surprisingly fact is that Life House has managed to feed more than 200 people three times a week, all from donations alone. “We are dependent on the Lord to provide the funding necessary to keep this ministry running,” James says. “We have a few partner churches, as well as faithful individuals who give regularly to keep us afloat. We thank God for those who love to help the hurting and are so faithful to help us. Life House began with a determination that we would never charge for anything but rather give freely like Jesus did.” Life House most recently received the donation of a building for a second location in New Boston, Texas, where Charles Jordan is leading the campus congregation. Though not in competition with other churches, James dreams of adding locations to the surrounding towns of Atlanta, Hope and Ashdown in an effort to
reach the people in those communities who don’t feel comfortable going to a traditional church. At Life House services, visitors are encouraged to dress comfortably and worship how they feel comfortable. “When people visit Life House, they use the term ‘real’ over and over again,” James says. “Life House is the kind of place you can come forward for prayer or lay down your bong or pipe and not be judged, but loved and prayed for. We hope that the type of church we are offering encourages those people who are struggling, in whatever way they are struggling, to still reach out and find God.” Life House also takes donations of food, household items, clothing, and ‘garage sale’ items to help those in the community who are starting over or who cannot afford the necessities for their family in these hard economic times. “We go out into the community and share what we get,” James says. “We’ve been given a truck load of watermelons, frozen chicken, water, and we’ve made tons of homemade brownies, mother’s day carnations and many more things like this – and we simply go out into the community on a trailer or neighborhood by neighborhood
on foot and ‘love on’ people. It’s been amazing to see God use small things to touch hearts.” In the years to come, James hopes not only to expand the ministry to surrounding communities, but to also expand their already-full Texarkana location. They need more room for their food and “God’s Closet” ministries, and also want to build a large metal building that could house their worship area, gym area for children and youth and even some proper bathrooms with showers and stackable washer and dryers for those who are without homes. “I pray for a chance to continue to help those who are less fortunate in our community and who desperately need love and support” James says. “I don’t know what the future holds. I only know that where God leads – He provides.” Life House Ministries is located at 915 East Street, Texarkana, AR and 500 N. Merrill St., New Boston, Texas. If you would like to find out more about Life House Ministries, get a free ride to a service, donate food, clothing or other items, please call 870-216-1936 for the Texarkana location or 903-628-0533 for the New Boston location.
February 2012
Excitement...the word that describes what is happening at Crossroads Business Park in Texarkana, Arkansas! A catalyst for new growth, Crossroads Business Park is bringing new business to Texarkana, Arkansas. Conveniently located north of Interstate 30, between Stateline and Jefferson avenues, this 1,000 acre business park is booming! Two hotels are already serving the area -Best Western Plus Texarkana Inn and Suites, and the Holiday Inn Express. The announcement of a new Holiday Inn Select and Convention Center will add to the choice selection for visitors to our city.
The Best Western Plus Texarkana Inn & Suites offers the best in customer service and amenities. This brand new Texarkana hotel features 76 well-appointed guest rooms and suites, each featuring cable satellite television and high-speed Internet access. This 100% non smoking hotel also features an array of amenities including a complimentary full breakfast, free parking, a full-service business center and meeting space accommodating up to 10 people. When you stay at the Holiday Inn Express速 Hotel & Suites Texarkana East, you will have access to a great 24-hour Business Center and 1,200 square feet of event space for your use. Amenities, including an indoor pool, a 24-hour Fitness Center and free Express Start Breakfast Bar, to make your stay a great one. Each guest room is equipped with free high-speed, wireless Internet access, a 32-inch LCD HDTV and a spacious work desk. You can sleep like a baby in a plush king or queen bed with triple-sheeted bedding.
The newest addition, the Holiday Inn Select and Convention Center, will be a “hub” for the area. From conventions, to weddings, to reunions, visitors will be able to take advantage of all the amenities that Texarkana, Arkansas has to offer. A water park, connected to the hotel and convention center, will add an additional enticement for young and old! Of course, with hotel growth, attraction to restaurants was inevitable. Copeland’s of New Orleans originated in a place with its own unique flavors, fashions and passions. Over 25 years ago, the tradition began that the family is proud to carry on today: to serve an authentic, hometown New Orleans taste and ambiance to guests who enjoy truly exceptional food and hospitality. A casually festive atmosphere combines New Orleans flavor and comfort with an upscale sensibility. From the Creole favorites that embody the heart and soul of Southern Louisiana, to the flavorful takes on seafood, pasta, salads, steaks and desserts, Copeland’s offers something for everyone. Everything on our menu is made from scratch with only the freshest, premium ingredients. The chefs take pride in blending mouthwatering sauces and seasonings to bring out the robust signature flavors they are famous for nationwide. And please, enjoy dessert — delicious
homemade signature cheesecake is the ultimate in decadent delight! At Copeland’s, the goal is to provide a superlative dining experience like no other -- an experience you will not be disappointed with! Aven Williamson, developer of the property, has met the standards set by the city, including underground utilities and upscale landscaping. Harold Boldt, Texarkana city manager, says, “We are trying to carefully find the right partners. With a a traffic count between 60,000 and 70,000 cars a day on I-30, which is expecting to double in the net few years, it is the ideal location.” With an ideal location, great places to stay, and a new convention center and water park, the decision to locate at Crossroads Business Park is an easy one! Boldt hopes to attract additional businesses to build on the base already in place. Halfway between Little Rock and Dallas, Texarkana is the perfect spot for travelers to stop, enjoy the outdoor opportunities in the area, shop, and relax. Come see what is going on at Crossroads Business Park!
Texarkana Board of Realtors Banquet
1. Nelda Langehennig, Teresa Cheatham, Claudia and Pete Snow 2. Eric Cain and Helen Asimos 3. Christi Shedlock, Tami Eakin, Brenda Shoals and Lee Davis 4. Fred Downs, Annette Kilker, Lee and Karen Hammonds 5. Robert and Tracey Wardlaw 6. Glenn and Tajuana Pillow 7. Tracy Spradlin and Kelli Ashbrook-Cummings 8. Carissa Simmons, Jacqueline Turentine-Trammel, Donna Rogers and Heather Thompson 9. Reena Upchurch and Mark Launius 10. Kathy and Michael Donovan 11. Carla and Steve Ward 12. Bill and Ammie Wallace 13. Michael “Jimi” Hendrix and Danna Rodgers 14. Maxine Griffin and Sarah Sealy 15. Pink and Jacqueline Turentine-Trammel
WHERE Northridge Country Club WHEN
ALT Magazine
February 2012
February 2012
Winter/Spring 2012
Real Weddings! ALT’s First Real Wedding Contest Winners!
Resource Guide
Find the vendors you need to make your wedding dreams come true!
Winter/Spring 2012 /contents
Erin Riley to James Nicholas
Alyssa Sims to Dean Malthouse
Anna Green to James Puckett
Christa Lee to Pat Robey
Trudy Moore to Jarrod Cansler
Brooke Conly to Robert Gray
Heather Neal to Neal Kiser
Sarah Sparks to Greg Schwartz
Carissa Rogers to Jacob Simmons
S c o t t a n d Ve n u e L i l l i s
Erin Bass to Dillon Ward
Wedding Planner
Resource Guide
Miranda Doty to Braden Dodson
Haley Scott to Jason Harris
55 Publisher and Editor / Debbie Brower Associate Editors / Jaclyn Gooding, Miranda Johnson Photography / Image Forward Photography, Debbie Brower, Jaclyn Gooding, Miranda Johnson, Rozana Page
k / COVER Carissa and Jacob Simmons were married September 10, 2011 at Prissy Chrissy Ranch.
Sales & Marketing Manager / Charlie McMurphy
w w w. a l t - m a g . c o m Right: ALT’s first ever Wedding Contest was a hit! Meet the couples who won free features this month! Alyssa and Dean Malthouse were our first place winners! 32
ALT Magazine
February 2012 200 Heather Dr., Texarkana, TX 75501 (903) 334-9605
©2012 ALT Magazine
February 2012
Alyssa & Dean
Alyssa Beth Sims to Dean Malthouse
January 1st 2011 Central Christian Church Texarkana, Texas
How They Met... Dean came from Melbourne, Australia to Texarkana College on a baseball scholarship in 2006. Alyssa was working part time and going to school part time, also at TC. It was Christmas break, and Alyssa knew Dean’s roommate and noticed Dean on his myspace friends, so she randomly added him. Dean messaged her after a couple of days, and they chatted a little that night on myspace. Dean was in Canada for Christmas break and said really wanted to meet Alyssa when he came back to Texarkana. Alyssa didn’t think much of it, but when Dean got back in town he messaged her and asked for her number. Alyssa gave it to him, not realizing he would call her immediately! When she didn’t answer, Dean left a voicemail. Alyssa remembers, “At that point, I was a little timid, wondering why is this guy calling me? I thought this is just some crazy Australian boy that will probably end up being a jerk.” After texting for about a month and talking occasionally, the two became pretty good friends. Dean told Alyssa that he liked her a lot and that she was exactly what he had been looking for, but Alyssa admits she wouldn’t give him the time of day. “I never wanted to give my heart to a boy unless I knew it could last,” Alyssa says. Dean and Alyssa finally met in person in January. Alyssa found that Dean was just as nice in person as on the phone, and they became really great friends. Alyssa dated here and there, but she found herself always thinking about just hanging out with Dean because it was enjoyable and comfortable. Alyssa says, “I did break Dean’s heart on Valentine’s Day. He took me to dinner, but later that night, I told him he was a great friend but that we would never be more than friends. He said he would wait as long as it takes, but I knew he’d be waiting forever! I would put Dean off a lot for spending time with my family, but he said he loved that about me and never got mad. Dean was very close to his family in Australia and was missing his home and family time too.” 34
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February 2012
Alyssa missed Dean, so the two set up another date for March 31st to see a movie. Alyssa prayed that whole day because she really wanted to like Dean and didn’t want to break his heart again. “I remember praying that if Dean was the one for me, that I would just know that night because I knew he would be the perfect boyfriend, but the romantic attraction had not been there before. From the beginning of our date, the attraction was there! We had the greatest night! Dean grabbed my hand walking out of the movie, and I could feel those butterflies,” Alyssa remembers. That night, Alyssa and Dean had their first kiss and became a couple! In the American summers, Dean would go back to Australia, and Alyssa stayed in Texarkana. Distance was tough that first summer apart, but Dean called every single day and Alyssa realized she loved him very much! Two summers later, Dean transferred to play ball at SAU in Magnolia. That summer, Alyssa went along to Australia to meet Dean’s family for the first time, and it was wonderful! When Dean was at SAU, the couple saw each other on weekends but during baseball season sometimes not for weeks. They always looked forward to seeing each other again, even if Alyssa drove up after work for only an hour or so. Alyssa says, “Our weekends were always precious, and Dean and I loved spending time with my family and each other. We are both so happy that God brought us together, even though we were brought up worlds apart.” After being apart for five months after their wedding, Alyssa and Dean are finally together again living in Melbourne, Australia.
The Proposal... Alyssa tells us, “Dean had just finished his last baseball season at SAU, and he was leaving in a week to go back to Australia. He would be coming back to SAU in the fall to graduate in December. Dean took my dad to lunch at their favorite place on Wednesday, May 26th. He bought my dad lunch, and asked him if he could marry me. That afternoon, Dean and Dad came to see
me at work and help me pack up my school classroom for the end of the year. Dean said that he and I needed to be somewhere by 4:45.” Alyssa had no idea where she was going, but Dean took her to Time in a bottle day spa, where he had a one hour full body thermal massage set up for her! “After that, we went to my house and got dressed to go to Cattleman’s steakhouse for dinner. Dean told me that he had one more place to take me. He took me to the Texarkana Baseball field, where we have so many memories! Dean and I got out of the car he held my hands, kissed me and proposed. We were both so shaky and nervous but excited! It was definitely a night to remember,” Alyssa says.‑
Wedding Party... Parent’s of the Bride: Duma and Evelyn Sims Parent’s of the Groom: Darren and Anne Malthouse Maid of Honor: Rebecca Grace Sims Bridesmaids: Amanda Boyce Terra Cox Butler Katie Sims Scrivner Amy Hayes Junior Bridesmaid: Lora Elizabeth Davis Best Men: Scot Malthouse Troy Malthouse Groomsmen: Josh Gill Jason Dahl Payton Jones Ushers: Duma J. Sims Jim Hampton Officiant: Dr. Greg Jones
February 2012
Photography: Niki Nelson Anderson & Peri Seward Florist: Sticks and Stones on the Blvd. Cakes: Michele Candelaria Catering: Sugar and Spice Catering and Smokey Joe’s Dresses and Tuxes: Reed’s Bridal Rings: Crocker’s Jewelers Reception Music: David Farren Custom Hairpieces: Tiffany DeGroot Rentals: Dot’s Rentals Special Events- Jane Agan 36
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February 2012
Christa & Pat Christa Lee to Pat Robey
How They Met... Pat and Christa met in October of 2007, at Southern Arkansas University, while attending college. One of Christa’s friends was dating Pat’s roommate at the time. Christa’s friend invited her to go out to eat with them one night, and that was how she and Pat met. Christa says, “I remember thinking that this guy was very silly, however, he had something that was different from any other person I had dated before. I decided to give him a shot, and I said yes to a second date. We have been inseparable since!” While they were in college, Pat and Christa loved to go on weekend adventures. They went to several rock concerts together, went to see Mickey Mouse at Disney World, got “snowed-in” in a cabin in Ponca, AR and took many camping trips! Pat always wanted to surprise Christa and take her to do things that would be fun. He succeeded! When Pat graduated in 2009, he moved back to his hometown, Longview, TX, for a job, while Christa was finishing up school. The couple commuted for a year from Magnolia, AR to Longview, TX. They didn’t know how it was going to work, but it ended up being great! “God had a plan for us to be together, and we are so happy we stuck through everything. We know that God has great things in store for our marriage and we are excited to see what those are,” Christa says.
July 30, 2011 Garrison Gardens Genoa, Arkansas
Wedding Party... Parents of the Bride: Chris & Donna Lee Parents of the Groom: Charles & Kay Robey
The Proposal... Christa went to Longview to see Pat for the weekend on April 1st. It was a normal weekend. The couple spent time with Pat’s family, watched a movie and hung out together. On Saturday morning, Pat left to coach his baseball team for a few hours, while Christa got her nails done. That night, Pat took her to Los Pinos Ranch & Winery in Pittsburg, TX. They had never been there so, of course, Christa was very excited! The two had dinner and listened to a jazz band play. When they finished eating, Pat walked Christa around in the vineyards for a long time, working up his nerve. After walking down every aisle of the vineyard, Pat finally stopped Christa on aisle 3, got down on his knee and asked her to make him the happiest man in the world! Christa remembers, “I grabbed the ring before I even said “yes,” but in my head, that’s all that I was thinking!” After she stopped crying, Christa finally said “YES”! They were both so excited, the couple called everyone they could think of to share the news. Only four months after getting engaged, Christa and Pat were married, and they are so happy together today.
Matron of Honor: Chelsey Rogers Bridesmaids: Whitney Taylor Sara Grigg Kristen Weigand Sarah Carpenter Amanda Pharr Best Man: Jose Cueto Groomsmen: Andy Hiles Jorge Ciurcina Blake Robey Scott Manley Chad Robey Flower Girl: Gracyn Upton Ring Bearer: Carter Rogers Officiant: Bro. Jim Turley Hostesses: Caitlin Harrison Carly McCluskey Laura Bass Ushers: Taylor Gregg Matthew Weigand
February 2012
ALT Magazine
February 2012
Photography: Kendal Dockery Photography Florist: H & N Floral Cakes: All in Good Taste Catering: Sugar and Spice Catering and Smokey Joe’s Wedding Gown: David’s Bridal Tux Rental: Squire’s Music: Cody Lee Hair: Millie O’Corr at Silver Scissors Make-Up: Amanda Woodruff February 2012
Brooke & Robert Brooke Conly to Robert Gray
November 19, 2011 First Baptist Church Atlanta, Texas
How They Met...
The Proposal...
Wedding Party...
Robert and Brooke met in youth choir at First Baptist Church Atlanta, in July of 2005. After a choir tour to Augusta, Maine they became an official couple. Robert was going into his Junior year, and Brooke was going into her Freshman year at Atlanta High School. They spent two years dating before Robert left for college at Louisiana Tech University in the Fall of 2007. The couple made the long distance work for two years before Brooke decided to join him at Louisiana Tech in the fall of 2009! College was a different world for the couple full of new challenges, new friends and new surroundings.
It was on June 12, 2011, that Robert proposed. After a dinner night out, Robert took Brooke to watch the sunset along the river in Shreveport. After talking for a while, he turned to her and asked if she wanted to hear a short history lesson. Brooke thought he was being silly and agreed to hear a “history lesson”. He began very convincingly that one-hundred years ago, on June 12, 1911, in the very spot they were standing, nothing really very important happened. Disappointed that the story wasn’t very interesting, Brooke jokingly said back, “Thanks, that was such a good story!” But Robert turned to her and continued on saying, “Well, on June 12, 2011, in this very spot, Robert Gray asked Brooke Conly to marry him.” As Brooke began to tear up in disbelief, Robert got down on one knee, revealed the most gorgeous ring Brooke had ever seen and asked, “Brooke Conly, will you marry me?” She agreed without hesitation! Before the night was over, the date was set for November, 19 2011, and they began plans for their dream wedding.
Parents of the Bride: Geniece and Scott Conly
Throughout it all, they stuck together, working through the tough times and enjoying the fun times. In February 2011, Robert graduated with a Bachelors degree in Accounting. Robert began work in Bossier City soon after graduating, and the couple had to learn to handle a long distance relationship once again. Only seeing each other on the weekends was never easy for the couple, but after six years of dating, they both hoped it wouldn’t be too long before they could change the distance between them. 42
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February 2012
Parents of the Groom: Cindy and Steve Gray Maid of Honor: Jerrie Conly Bridesmaids: Mallory Cox Mallory Thompson Kimberly Cool Sara McCullough Honorary Bridesmaid: Kinsey Hornsby Flower Girl: Addison Conly Best Man: Jordan Smith Groomsmen: Carter Hogan Blake Ainsworth Lance Rodrigue Jesse Willis Ring Bearer: Tanner Purifoy
February 2012
Photography: Photography by Kate Reynolds Florist: Queen City Floral Cake: All in Good Taste Catering: Jo Anne Reese Dresses: Bridal Castle Tux Rental: Squires Reception Venue: Mattie Lanier Richey Center Rentals: DOTS Rentals 44
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February 2012
Heather & Neal Heather Neal to Neal Kiser
Heather’s Story... Life had led me down a road I didn’t want to be on. I was a divorced mom of 3. I never dreamed that I would be in the position I was in. I finally realized, through the Word, and a lot of prayer, that Christ was all I needed, and I would be content with Him, only, until He showed me His ultimate plan. One Sunday, I had family in from out of town, and all of us decided to all go to my sister’s church in Atlanta, rather than our own churches, so we could all be together. This guy came up and shook my brother-inlaw’s hand. I asked my sister who he was, simply curious, and she answered that he used to coach with her husband, and we went on about the worship service. By the end of the afternoon, the guy from church had sent my sister a message asking about me. She told him my name, which was funny because my last name at the time, was in fact, his first name! She told him, under my instruction, that I had just gotten out of a relationship, but she also slipped him my phone number. He called me later that night and we talked an hour or so. I thought he was nice, but again, wasn’t looking for a relationship. He called a few more times, but I would only text him. We texted for a couple of weeks, and the more I “talked” to him, the more he started growing on me. My friend kept telling me, “You should go out with him. He might just be the man of your dreams!” We finally agreed to meet at one of his friends’ houses so we could travel together to the Boardwalk in Shreveport. My friend had to talk me into keeping the date because I was so nervous. It’s hard to describe, but from the minute I stepped out of my car and saw his sweet face, this feeling of peace just flooded over me. It was as if God himself said, “Here, Heather. Here is the promise I made you all those nights you didn’t understand these changes in your life. Here is the man I have created just for you.” We went on to the Boardwalk, where we had the best time just walking and talking, window shopping. Neal was so sweet and such a gentleman. He opened every door and said “yes ma’am” to everything I said. He would guide me into a store with his hand on the small of my back. These little things were HUGE to this old fashioned girl! I didn’t want to leave him, and I talked about him on the phone the whole way home. We started talking everyday, went out that
September 24, 2011 Garrison Gardens Genoa, Arkansas weekend and then he left for a week to go camping in Colorado. I couldn’t talk to him or text. I thought I was going to die! It was that week that I realized I was falling in love with this sweet man. Every date we had, he showed more signs of being the Godly man that I needed and desired in mine and my kids’ lives.
Some people thought it was too soon, or that we hadn’t known each other long enough. We disagreed. We felt like we were “home” with one another, like everything we both had endured had been in order to lead us to each other, and that made all the struggles and heartache worth it. There is no doubt in my mind that God completely ordained this whole union. Neal is everything I ever desired in a husband. With him, I feel safe, loved beyond measure, adored and cherished. There is nothing he wouldn’t do for me and no obstacle too great or small that we cannot overcome together, with God’s help. I am so grateful that when we cannot see the reason for things, we have a God who is gracious enough to plan a life that we could only dream of without Him.
Neal’s Story... I had not planned on going to church that morning, but at the last minute, I decided to go. I walked over to talk to a friend and his wife in the sanctuary, and I noticed a beautiful young lady sitting by them. I sat a few rows back, and I could not keep my eyes off her. Heather had attended church that morning with her sister and her husband. During the service my friend leaned over and said he knew of someone he could set me up with and pointed to Heather. I told him that I already noticed her!
We didn’t date long, and honestly neither of us can even remember when we first started talking about marriage. We just knew we were in love, and we wanted to grow old together. Neal proposed over a candlelight dinner that he cooked! It was sweet and romantic. Our wedding was perfect. I am really good friends with the Guilberts, who own Garrison Gardens, and I knew there was no other place I’d rather vow to this sweet man forever. The day was perfect. We were worried about the heat, but God worked all that out. I have never been happier than on that day. I was just reveling in the fact that my God loved me so much that He would lead me to this man, on this day, and make my dreams come true. My cheeks hurt from smiling so much! Neal was so handsome, with a smile that can melt your heart.
Later, I got Heather’s phone number from her sister. I called Heather that night, but she did not seem interested at all. After that conversation, I thought very hard about not pursuing her. For the next few weeks, we casually texted off and on. We gradually got to know each other through texts, but she refused to talk on the phone. I had gotten discouraged a few times and quit texting her, but every time I did, she messaged me and asked me not to give up on her. Finally, Heather gave in and agreed to go out on a date. I was finally able to officially meet this magnificent woman! Heather agreed to meet me at my friends house, and she pulled up to the house right behind me. When I finally laid eyes on her, a feeling came over me like no other. I knew, at that very moment, that she was the woman of my dreams, and I would spend the rest of my life with her. She was astonishingly beautiful as she walked over to greet me. We hugged, and chills went though my February 2012
body. We went to the boardwalk and ate sushi and just walked around both sides of the river all night. As we were walking back to my truck to leave, she reached out and grabbed my hand and, again, sent chills throughout my body. The whole night was an amazing experience. From that moment on, I could only long for the next moment I got to see her again. We had set up another date for that Saturday night, and it could not get here fast enough. I was even more nervous meeting her friends than I was her, but the whole night went very well, and we had a good time. After bowling, we hung out at her place and watched a movie and I enjoyed being able to hold her in my arms. That was a feeling that I knew I wanted to feel the rest of my life. I hated leaving that night because I was leaving Monday to go to Colorado for a week. The old saying, “absence makes a heart grow fonder” is definitely true. While I thoroughly enjoyed my vacation, all I could think about was Heather, and I longed to get back to her and see her beautiful smile and hold her in my arms once again. By this time, I was definitely in love with this woman. After I got back, we spent as much time together as possible. Emotions and feelings grew very fast, and we soon committed to each other and both knew that we wanted to spend our lives together. We made that decision official the night I put a ring on her finger and asked her to marry me. We had a house lined up for her to move into that would accommodate our two families. Before she moved in, I had arranged for a friend of hers to bring her to the house one night to look at it, and when she got there, I had a romantic candlelight picnic set up! The look on her face was heartwarming, and she was surprised and giddy like a little girl on Christmas morning! I thought it was adorable! We had an amazing dinner, and afterwards, I got down on my knees and asked her to marry me. At that moment, an extreme sense of peace came over me like nothing else I have ever felt. On September 24th we said our vows and agreed to spend our lives together in front of God, our family and friends. This day was truly the most amazing day of my life. The wedding was beautiful and the bride, even more so. Watching her walk towards me as I waited with the preacher was breathtaking. God brought this woman into my life for a reason, and the moment we said “I do,” God’s plan for us officially began. God allowed us to bring our families together and brought this amazing woman into my life. I thank God every day for her what she has brought to me. I am very lucky and grateful for our story, and I can’t wait to continue to add chapters to it! 48
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February 2012
Wedding Party... Parents of the Bride: Alan & Karen Hargis Parents of the Groom: Gary & Vicky Langley Bruce & Vertie Kiser Children of Bride and Groom: Olivia Kiser Noah Neal Edie Neal Aubrie Kiser Avie Neal
Photography: Niki Anderson Florist: Scooter Raney Cakes: Alaina Hamilton “Auntie A’s” Hair: Debbie McCartney Salon 4120 Minister: Bro. Jeff Taylor
February 2012
Sarah & Greg
Sarah Sparks to Greg Schwartz
June 11, 2011 The Home of Kevin & Beverly Sparks Wedding Party... Parents of the Bride: Kevin & Beverly Sparks Scott & Stacey Smallwood Parents of the Groom: John and Andrea Schwartz Maid of Honor: Elizabeth Snavely Bridesmaids: Allie Baldwin, Michaelyn Liles, Jillian Vire, Amanda ‘Schwartz’ Player, Katie Osment, Kendyl Smallwood Best Man: Andrew Summersett Groomsmen: Phillip Bridges, Jason Pugh, Stephen Ray, Warren Seals, Loyd Rieves, Sawyer Smallwood House Party: Holly Nicholson, Kate Alexander, Tara Williamson, Kara Primm, Lindsay Caldwell, Anna Fruchey, Amy Harrington Ushers: Kyle Player, Cody Martin, Tyler Lee, Bryce Faulkner, Stephen Johnson Flower girl/junior bridesmaid: Jadyn Sparks Ring Bearer: K.C. Sparks Officiant: Brooks Anderson
Photography: Braeden RogersAmbient 11 Photography Florist/Coordinator: Michelle FarlandChapelwood Florist Cakes: The Baker Man Catering: Amanda HortonFlour Child Fine Foods Rings: Micah’s Jewelers DJ: Paul Whitt Tent Rental: Bounce-a-lot Other Rentals: Dot’s Rental
ALT Magazine
February 2012
February 2012
New Year... New Remodel? Visit Oak Creek Furniture!
Why is Oak Creek Furniture Different? We have chosen Amish furniture craftsmen who are recognized leaders in the solid wood furniture industry. Amish furniture is made by hand in small Amish wood shops so every piece of furniture receives the same attention to detail. Our Amish handcrafted furniture is built to last.
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Carissa & Jacob Carissa Rogers to Jacob Simmons
September 10, 2011 Prissy Chrissy Ranch Texarkana, TX How They Met... Jacob and Carissa grew up around each other most of their lives. The two shared mutual friends but were never introduced. Carissa saw Jacob with his friends one day, and she knew she had to find out who he was! That night, Carissa got online and messaged a mutual friend to ask about Jacob. She immediately found him on a social networking site, but to Carissa’s disappointment, Jacob had a girlfriend. A couple months later, Carissa checked Jacob’s page again, and his status showed, “Single!” Without hesitation, she messaged him, and she and Jacob talked non-stop for nearly 24 hours and then had their first date to see a movie!
Dating... Carissa says, “Dating was amazing with the two of us! We were each other’s high school sweethearts! We were able to attend each other’s proms, and we celebrated our graduations together! We discovered how many things we had in common and also things that were very different. Within a month of dating, we had both signed to play sports at East Texas Baptist University. He went to play football, and I went to play basketball. I believe it was fate that we were both recruited to ETBU. We knew from the very beginning that we would get married one day.”
The Proposal... Carissa remembers, “When Jacob proposed to me, he took me on a beautiful picnic. He was very romantic the entire time. As we got up, I turned my back to put my flip-flops on, and when I turned back around Jacob was down on one knee. He told me he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me and wanted me to be the mother of his children.”
Wedding Party... Parents of the Bride: Ron and Donna Rogers Parents of the Groom: Ron Simmons and Paula Solley Honorary Matron of Honor: Donna Rogers, Mother of the Bride Matron of Honor: Erin Tannehill Bridesmaids: Michelle Bobbitt Sarah Spears Bailey Foster Flower Girls: Carly Spears Lilly Spears Best Man: Jonathan Tannehill Groomsmen: Kline Foster, Grandfather of the Groom Ron Simmons, Father of the Groom, Cody Rogers, Brother of the Bride Ring Bearers: Braxton Rogers, Nephew of the Bride, Aiden Smith Ushers: Daniel Spears and Blake Smith February 2012
ALT Magazine
February 2012
Photography: Image Forward Photography Cakes: Becky Risinger of Reception Arts Florist: Ruth’s Flowers DJ: Wes Spicher Bridesmaids Dresses and Tux Rental: Reed’s Bridal & Formal Wedding Gown: Traditions Bride’s Ring: Zales Jewelers Groom’s Ring: Micah’s Jewelers February 2012
ALT Magazine
February 2012
February 2012
Erin & Dillon Photography: Kendal Dockery Photography Florist: The Flower Shoppe, Ashdown, AR Cake: The Bakerman
Erin Bass to Dillon Ward
September 24, 2011 Sundance Farms Texarkana, Texas
Catering: Randy’s Smokehouse
Wedding Party... Parents of the Bride: Nick Bass & Amy and Drew Norwood Parents of the Groom: Tim and Susie Brown & Doyal and Marnie Ward Maid of Honor: Whitney Friday Bridesmaids: Alex Flanagan Haley Houser Haylie Bass Christine Luciani Carson Corbell Jaime Ward Best Man: Doyal Ward III Groomsmen: Hunter Altenbaumer Tyler Cowling Kyle Bass Alex Norwood Casey Altenbaumer Mitch Thane Ring Bearers: Tate and Brody Bass Flower Girls: Laynie Horn and Ava Abney
ALT Magazine
February 2012
February 2012
Erin & Ja mes
Erin Riley to James “Nick” Nicholas
June 11, 2011 St. Edward’s Catholic Church Texarkana, Arkansas Wedding Party... Matron of Honor: Holli Easley Best Man: Jerry Tullos Bridesmaids: Rachel Morrow Rebecca Nicholas Sayadian Martha Grace Nicholas Groomsmen: David Narens David Dodez Ryan Sikes Flower Girls: Anna Elizabeth Sayadian Lauren Emily Sayadian
ALT Magazine
February 2012
Photography: Hailey Rhea Photographer Florist: Jennifer Crawford-OgburnTwisted Vines Cakes: The Baker Man Catering: Pam ElliottCulinary Creations Beer and Wine: Villa Liquor Reception Venue: The Collin’s Home
February 2012
Anna & Logan
Anna Leigh Green to James Logan Puckett
Wedding Party...
November 5, 2011 Twin Creeks Lake Pavillion Genoa, Arkansas
Parents of the Bride: Joe & Anita Green Parents of the Groom: Kathy Dunlap & David Laura Puckett Maid Of Honor: Holly Green, sister of the bride
Best Man: Ethan Puckett
Bridesmaids: Ashton Puckett, sister of the groom, Sarah Guy, Suzy Trumble, Cassidy Kawawa & Brittany Draper Groomsmen: Kendell Wolfe, Casey Cox, Tory Williams, Justin “JC” Coats & Casey Parker Flowergirls: Brianna Puckett, sister of the Groom & Madeline Chloe Puckett, daughter of the Bride and Groom Ringbearers: Aidan Massey & Henry Puckett, Son of the Bride and Groom Honorary Ringbearer: Cruz Crosby
ALT Magazine
February 2012
Photography: Kendal Dockery Photography Florist: Twisted Vines Cakes: All In Good Taste Rings: Micah’s Jewelers
February 2012
Trudy & Jarrod
Trudy Lynn Moore to Jarrod Keith Cansler
June 25, 2011 First Baptist Church Atlanta, Texas Wedding Party... Parents of the Bride: Randy and Teresa Moore of Atlanta, TX Parents of the Grooms: Melvia & the late Larry Cansler of Bismarck, AR Matrons of Honor: Heather White and Amanda Bickham Best Man: Keith Ritter Bridesmaids: Kristin Corriveau and Rachel Dooley Groomsmen: Josh Burks, Daniel Cansler & Brian Cansler Flower Girl: Elizabeth Bickham Ring Bearers: Charles Cansler and Drake White
Photography: JLPatillo Photography Florist: Hummingbird Flower and Gift Shop Cakes & Catering: JoJo’s Bakery, Atlanta Wedding Gown: Traditions, Texarkana Bridesmaid Dresses: Bridal Castle, Texarkana Tux Rentals: Mens Warehouse 66
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February 2012
February 2012
WE D DING PL ANNER Use this checklist to help you keep everything organized and ready for your big day! All the details make the difference! Nine to Twelve Months Before • Announce your engagement. • Set an initial budget. • Select a wedding date and time. • Select and book your ceremony and reception locations. • Book photographer and videographer. • Book caterer. • Book florist. • Determine who will officiate at the ceremony. • Set aside blocks of hotel/motel rooms for out-of-town guests. • Book band or DJ. • Sign up for your church’s premarriage counseling, if required. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Six to Nine Months Before • Start compiling the guest list. • Select the attendants for your wedding party. • Purchase the bride’s gown. • Purchase the groom’s tuxedo. • Purchase bridesmaids’ dresses. • Arrange for transportation for the wedding. Limousines, Horse & Carriage, vans, etc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Four to Six Months Before • Check requirements for blood test and marriage license in your state. • Select and order the invitations and stationery. • Make sure all the men’s attire has been ordered. • Complete the guest lists. • Send your engagement announcement to the newspaper. • Finalize honeymoon details. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Two to Four Months Before • Confirm the menu and catering details with the caterer. • Prepare all maps and directions for the ceremony and reception. • Select your wedding rings. • Buy a wedding guest book. • Set the dates and times with the officiant for the rehearsal. • Plan the bridesmaids’ luncheon and any other parties. • Determine your resources for designing and printing the program for the ceremony. • Arrange the necessary accommodations for out-of-town guests. • Plan a rehearsal dinner, time and place. • Confirm the wedding cake details with the baker. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------68
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February 2012
Six to Eight Weeks Before • Mail invitations and announcements. • Set appointment with photographer for your formal bridal portrait. • Select gifts for all your attendants. • Set appointments with any hairdressers and/or makeup artists. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Four to Six Weeks Before • Decide what your menu is going to be for the reception. • Buy a gift for the groom. • Purchase (borrow) all wedding accessories such as the ring pillow, goblets, garter belt, candles, etc. • Choose the music for your ceremony, first dance, parent dances, and party and give information to band, dj, or other musicians. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Two Weeks Before • Make arrangements to have your wedding gifts moved to your new home. • Handle business and legal details such as name changes, address changes, etc. • Get your marriage license and any blood tests which are needed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------One Week Before • Start packing for your honeymoon. • Give a final head count to the caterer. • Delegate responsibilities to reliable individuals on your wedding day. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------One Day Before • Get a manicure or massage to relax yourself. • Review and rehearse all the details of your participants. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Big Day • Allow yourself plenty of time to get dressed. • Be sure to eat properly. • Rest and relax with a good bath. • Prepare for your hairdresser and makeup appointments. • Enjoy your wonderful wedding and cherish each and every moment!
Elk Meadow EM
8 Miles West of New Boston on I-30
The Pavilion
903.319.5130 | 903.667.4228
Secluded Gated Entry Bride’s Room Overlooking a Serene 5 Acre Lake Fireworks Show upon Request Cabins Available for Overnight Guests DJ Available upon Request Menu Options for Rehearsal Dinner or Reception Meals February 2012
Ark-La-Tex Resource
Guide Air and Heating Central Air 450 S. Kings Highway Texarkana, TX 75501 903.832.1212
Westwood Apartments 101 Redwater Rd. Wake Village, TX 903.832.8446
Texar Federal Credit Union Richmond Rd. Texarkana, TX 903.223.5626
Kraus Heating and Air 200 Industrial Blvd. Nash, TX 903.831.3912
Attire Abby Gayle’s 4012 Summerhill Square Texarkana, TX 903.792.0088
Apartments Arista Apartments 3515 Arista Blvd. Texarkana, TX 903.255.7869
Gayle’s 4059 Summerhill Square Texarkana, TX 903.792.0056
Texarkana First Bank 3601 East 9th St. Texarkana, AR 870.772.0222 615 Sam Houston Dr. New Boston, TX 3625 Richmond Rd. Texarkana, TX 903.793.6955
Legacy at Pleasant Grove 5911 Richmond Rd. Texarkana, TX 888.763.2676
Banks Guaranty Bond Bank 2202 St. Michael Dr. Texarkana, TX 903.792.8600
Richmond Oaks Apartments 2815 Richmond Rd. Texarkana, TX 903.832.6150
Peoples State Bank 5600 Richmond Rd. Texarkana, TX 903.838.2300
Summerhill Woods Apartments 4501 Summerhill Rd. Texarkana, TX 903.793.7888
Red River Federal Credit Union 2700A University Ave. Texarkana, TX 75503 903-735-3000 800-822-3317
Cakes Coldstone Creamery 4228 St. Michael Dr. Texarkana, TX 903.838.2653 Julie’s Deli 4055 Summerhill Sq. Texarkana, TX 903.792.3354 Reception Arts Becky Risinger Ashdown, AR 870.898.5273
Caterers/Private Chef Chappo’s Italian Restaurant 1617 New Boston Road Texarkana, TX 75501 903.791.1726 Chef on the Run Jeff Loving 903.276.8081 Christine Corley Private Chef 850.728.0900 Culinary Creations Pam Elliott 903.831.4674 Julie’s Deli 4055 Summerhill Sq. Texarkana, TX 903.792.3354 Twisted Vines Florist and Cafe 218 W. Broad St. Texarkana, TX 903-792-2700 Wendy’s 4201 Stateline Avenue Texarkana, TX 2902 Richmond Road Texarkana, TX 3737 New Boston Road Texarkana, TX 1615 N. Hervey Hope, AR 124 N. Loop Highway 59 Atlanta, TX Wingstop 2700 Richmond Road, Suite 14A1 Texarkana, TX 903.255.0090 4501 N. State Line, No. 106 Texarkana, TX 903.792.9464 Church Highland Park Baptist Church 2401 Hazel St. Texarkana, TX 903.792.6996 Clothing Abby Gayle’s 4012 Summerhill Square Texarkana, TX 903.792.0088
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Gayle’s 4059 Summerhill Square Texarkana, TX 903.792.0056 OMG Lulu 3211 Kennedy Lane Texarkana, TX 903.223.8135 116 Polk St. Jefferson, TX 903.665.8855 Cosmetic Surgery Carmony Oral, Facial and Dental Center 5305 Cowhorn Creek Texarkana, TX 903.791.8405 DJ Services DJ C2 Christian Cisneros 870.397.0837 Dry Cleaning Holiday Cleaners Locations throughout Texarkana Area 870.773.4072 Entertainment Bounce-A-Lot Texarkana, TX 903.792.0113 Oaklawn Opry 124 Oaklawn Village Texarkana, TX 903.838.3333
Event Planner Elite Event Production & Rentals 200 Heather Dr. Texarkana, TX 75501 903.334.9605 Financial Planner Dustin Stringer Stringer Wealth Management 1620 N. Kings Highway Nash, TX 903.223.0011 Fitness Centers Anytime Fitness Richmond Road 3415 Richmond Road. Texarkana, TX 75503 903.794.5348 Minton’s Sportsplex 5610 Richmond Road Texarkana, TX 903.838.4697 Zumba with Lyndsay Central Mall (Next to Sears) 903.293.3647 Florists Queen City Floral Highway 59 North Queen City, TX 903.796.2891
Ruth’s Flowers 3501 Texas Bllvd. Texarkana, TX 903.793.6711 Twisted Vines Florist and Cafe 218 W. Broad St. Texarkana, TX 903-792-2700
Twisted Vines Florist and Cafe 218 W. Broad St. Texarkana, TX 903.792.2700 Hair Care Headmasters Hair Salon 3703 Mall Drive Texarkana, TX 903.832.6261
Unique Flowers 4801 Loop 245 Texarkana, AR 870-774.1300
Style Studio Lisa Harris 3201 Kennedy Lane Texarkana, TX 903.223.1719
Furniture Oak Creek Furniture 8024 West 7th St. Texarkana, TX 903.832.0793
Home Designs/Remodeling Red River Lumber Company Highway 71 North Texarkana, TX 903.794.0039
Gifts Dot’s Ace Hardware 3411 Richmond Rd. Texarkana, TX 903.838.0059
G&A Carpet 1019 N. Kings Hwy. Nash, TX 903.832.0553
Pleasant Grove Pharmacy Baits and Blades 3302 Richmond Road Texarkana, TX 903.832.4545 Queen City Floral Highway 59 North Queen City, TX 903.796.2891
Taylored Home Solutions 2840 Richmond Rd. Texarkana, TX 903.278.2353 Hospice Dierksen Hospice 6500 N. Summerhill Road, Suite 2B Texarkana, TX 903.793.6350
Event Locations Garrison Gardens Texarkana, AR 71854 870.773.0275 Prissy Chrissy Ranch 915 FM 2148 South Texarkana, TX 75501 903.838.6121 Regional Arts Center Cabe Hall 321 W. 4th Street Texarkana, TX 75501 903.792.8681 Prissy Chrissy Ranch 915 FM 2148 South Texarkana, TX 75501 903.838.6121 Silvermoon on Broad West Broad at Texas Blvd. Texarkana, TX Twin Oaks Mansion 903.244.7070
February 2012
Hospitals Christus St. Michael Health System 2600 St. Michael Dr. Texarkana, TX 903.614.1000 Health South Rehabilitation 515 West 12th St. Texarkana, TX 903.793.0088 Wadley Hospital 1000 Pine St. Texarkana, TX 903.798.8000 Hotels Best Western Texarkana Inn & Suites 5219 Crossroads Parkway Texarkana, AR 870.774.1534 Clarion Lacross Hotel 5100 N. Stateline Ave. Texarkana, AR 870.774.3521 Courtyard by Marriott 5001 North Cowhorn Creek Texarkana, TX 903.334.7400 Fairfield Inn and Suites by Marriott 4209 Mall Dr. Texarkana, TX 903.838.1000
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Holiday Inn Express & Suites 4545 Cowhorn Creek Road Texarkana, TX 903.223.0008 TownePlace Suites by Marriott 5020 North Cowhorn Creek Texarkana, TX 903.334.8800 Insurance Brian Purtle Allstate Insurance 3301 Richmond Rd. Texarkana, TX 903.832.5881 Elite Insurance Tammy McDowell 1705 N. Kings Highway Nash, TX 903.794.0000 Farm Bureau Insurance 4140 McKnight Rd. Texarkana, TX 903.838.8707 Greg Cockerell State Farm Insurance 4807 Texas Blvd. Texarkana, TX 75503 903.793.7502 Kelli Ashbrook State Farm Insurance 3410 Moores Lane Texarkana, TX 75503 903.223.8100
Kristi Smith State Farm Insurance 418 Walton Drive Texarkana, TX 903.223.3276
Salon Visage Esthetique Mary Ann Robbins 4506 Summerhill Rd. Texarkana, TX 903.794.4007
Ron Morrow State Farm Insurance 3306 Richmond Rd. Texarkana, TX 75503 903.832.5505
Sanctuary Kimberly Parham, M.D. 3502 Richmond Road Texarkana, TX 75503 903.334.8661
Jewelers Alexander’s Jewelers 3701 Mall Drive Texarkana, TX 903.832.3557 Blue Isle Expressions 3402 Richmond Road Texarkana, TX 903.791.9992 Crocker’s Jewelers 3117 Kennedy Lane Texarkana, TX 903.832.8686 Micah’s Jewelers 2812 Richmond Road Texarkana, TX 903.735.2336 Make-up Gayle’s 4059 Summerhill Square Texarkana, TX 903.792.0056
Medical Equipment Respiratory Solutions 3101 Kennedy Lane, Suite 1000 Texarkana, TX 75503 903.793.2110 Photographer Image Forward Photography 200 Heather Dr. Texarkana, TX 75501 903.334.9605 Kendal Dockery Photography Texarkana, TX 903.733.6444 Sage Duke Photography Texarkana, AR 870.571.0868 Physicians Express Care 5483 Summerhill Road Texarkana, TX 75503 903.223.5931
Vision Source 4401 Morris Lane Texarkana, TX 903.838.9063 Plumbing Central Air/Roto Rooter 450 S. Kings Highway Texarkana, TX 75501 903.832.1212 Real Estate Connie Walker Coldwell Banker United 3001 Richmond Road Texarkana, TX 903.277.0100 903.832.2486 Impact Realty Bill and Tracy Spradlin 1200 N. Kings Hwy., Suite 104 Nash, TX 903.748.3186 903.748.2477 Satterfield Construction, LLC 903.832.4591 Teresa Liepman Remax 5120 Summerhill Rd. Texarkana, TX 75503 903.276.9464
Refreshments Bolls Distributing 700 E. Broad St. Texarkana, AR 870.774.9283 Vincent’s Fine Wines 6900 N. Stateline Texarkana, AR 870.774.7217 Rentals Bounce-A-Lot 903.276.2961 Dot’s Rentals 814 N. Robison Road Texarkana, TX 75501 903.792.7011 3413 Richmond Rd. Texarkana, TX 903.838.0551 Elite Event Production & Rentals 200 Heather Dr. Texarkana, TX 75501 903.334.9605 www.eliteeventproduction. com Twisted Vines Florist and Cafe 218 W. Broad St. Texarkana, TX 903.792.2700
Restaurants Amigo Juan Mexican Cafe 4301 Morris Lane Texarkana, TX 903.334.6971 1200 N. Hervey Hope, AR 870.777.0006 611 Loop 59 Atlanta, TX 903.796.2400 Bryce’s Cafeteria 2021 Mall Drive Texarkana, TX 903.792.1611 Chappo’s Italian Restaurant 1617 New Boston Road Texarkana, TX 75501 903.791.1726 City Blends 600 N. Kings Hwy, Suite 5 Wake Village, TX 430.200.2814 Coldstone Creamery 4228 St. Michael Dr. Texarkana, TX 903.838.2653 Copeland’s Crossroads Business Park Texarkana, AR Daddy Dougaloo’s 905 New Boston Road Texarkana, TX 75503 903.791.0172
February 2012
Dairy Queen Locations throughout Ark-LaTex Golden Corral 3809 Sowell Lane Texarkana, TX 903.334.8399 Ironwood Grill 4312 Moores Lane Texarkana, TX 903.223.4644 Julie’s Deli 4055 Summerhill Sq. Texarkana, TX 903.792.3354 Los Agaves 5100 N. Stateline Ave. Texarkana, AR 870.773.2300 Shorty’s Donuts 2729 New Boston Road Texarkana, TX 75501 903.832.6686 Smokey Joe’s BBQ 300 W. New Boston Road Nash, TX 903.223.8227 Tasty Donuts 1443 N. Kings Highway Nash, TX 903.838.0422
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February 2012
Twisted Vines Florist and Cafe 218 W. Broad St. Texarkana, TX 903.792.2700
The Magnolia 4205 Richmond Meadows Texarkana, TX 75503 903.838.7319
Wendy’s 4201 Stateline Avenue Texarkana, TX 2902 Richmond Road Texarkana, TX 3737 New Boston Road Texarkana, TX 1615 N. Hervey Hope, AR 124 N. Loop Highway 59 Atlanta, TX
Spas/Salons All About You Diana Gregory/Lori Campbell 4100 Summerhill Sq. Texarkana, TX 903.792.7775
Wingstop 2700 Richmond Road, Suite 14A1 Texarkana, TX 903.255.0090 4501 N. State Line, No. 106 Texarkana, TX 903.792.9464
Salon Visage Esthetique Mary Ann Robbins 4506 Summerhill Rd. Texarkana, TX 903.794.4007
Retirement/Assisted Living Home Edgewood Manor 4925 Elizabeth St. Texarkana, TX 903.793.4645
Hawaii Nails & Spa 4280 St. Michael Dr. Texarkana, TX 75503 903.832.0198
The Sanctuary Kimberly Parham, M.D. 3502 Richmond Road Texarkana, TX 75503 903.334.8661 Sporting Goods Baits and Blades 3302 Richmond Rd. Texarkana, TX 903.832.4545
Wedding Attire Bridal Castle 3209 Kennedy Lane Texarkana, TX 903.838.3886 Wedding Coordinators Abracadabra Wedding and Event Planning Debra Mason, Event Coordinator 903.748.4838 Wedding Favors Pop Pop Shoppe 2011 Mall Drive, Suite B Texarkana, TX 903.793.0209 Wedding Planners Abracadabra Wedding and Event Planning Debra Mason, Event Coordinator 903.748.4838 Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Locations Julie’s Deli 4055 Summerhill Sq. Texarkana, TX 903.792.3354
by Jane Bouterse
COMMUNITY Community The call came on a hot 2010 July weekend. Immediately, the Code Red System of the Bowie County Sheriff’s Office was activated, and all the members of the Bowie County Dive Team were summoned. Their destination for this emergency would be Lake Greeson, the 7,000 acre lake created behind Narrows Dam on the Little Missouri River in southwest Arkansas. Known for its deep waters, Lake Greeson always proved challenging, especially for body recoveries. The Bowie County Dive Team was soon on site and inquiring of the command agency, the Pike County Sheriff’s Office : “What do you need?”
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hese citizens comprise the company of the Bowie County Dive Team, a group of volunteers from Miller, Bowie and counties throughout the area. All of the company are committed to serving the citizens of not just Texas counties but Arkansas, Oklahoma and Louisiana. They all enjoy diving as a recreational sport when they are not at work. The Team includes volunteer firefighters, law enforcement, EMS or other public service personnel as well as plumbers and laborers. Todd Fore, a Patrol Lieutenant for the Bowie County Sheriff’s Office serves currently as the group’s President. His enthusiasm for the group—5 1/2 years old now—is evident. His voice explores its potential ranges in volume and tone as he explains the Team’s responses to body and vehicle recoveries and occasional special tasks. The Dive Team was organized to lend assistance in water recovery efforts, since similar assists were so far away that a day’s travel often stood between a group’s summons and arrival. From the beginning, this company has been committed to the communities who need their services. Several of the Dive Team are also
suits, air tanks (usually 80 cubic feet), hoses and regulator sets; weights, fins, masks, gloves, hoods are standard, for starters. “The dive gear can range from three to five thousand dollars. This is all equipment used for recreational diving, too.” Since the Bowie County Dive Team is not an agency within the state system, team members are not eligible for workmen’s compensation. “One year a generous donor paid the members’ insurance, but that was just for one year. Each member has to pay the insurance premium, and it is very expensive.” As Todd emphasizes, Dive Team members tend to “foot most of the bills” for the Team’s operation; however, the Team, a 501c3 organization, welcomes from anyone contributions of money or materials. “We really need a building. Right now our inventory is spread among the New Boston Fire Department, individual members and my garage. I can tell you my wife would really like to have our garage back,” he laughs. Commitment for these members, however, means not just cash but also training and certification. Most members of the team are open water Divers, a basic requirement for membership, but their
surprised, especially in the muddy waters of East Texas. “I always say I can see all the way to the end of my mask,” Todd laughs. “We’re not always believing what we do find. One time we were on an evidentiary recovery in Sulphur River. We were searching for a gun involved in a stabbing when one of the guys yelled, ‘Hey, come here a minute. I think I found a boat, Man.’” Indeed he had found a flat-bottomed boat left in the river on purpose. The drought of 2011 enabled Dive Team members to recover a vehicle stolen 20 years ago. On occasion Todd has even called a SWAT team friend to stand by with guns ready when recoveries were being conducted in alligator infested waters. Yes—alligator infested! So far, the alligators and Divers have avoided each other. The challenges of vehicle and body recoveries differ, but both require expert Divers: their knowledge provides them power; they must be strong physically, mentally and emotionally. Todd explains that a vehicle is an object. Searches for vehicles are basically the same, although he did manage to catch a perch in an SUV recovered from Bringle Lake. The
Public Safety Officers; therefore, they are well aware of how to handle emergencies. Participants on any recovery effort are limited to 25—15 Divers and 10 support personnel. “When you have a recovery, there are lots of people on the scene,” Todd explains. “The more people, the more problems. We want to be a part of the solution, so we want to be sure everyone in our group has a job to do.” Members fulfill a variety of responsibilities; and although their numbers at times may be limited, participants may serve for as long as they choose. Choosing to serve on the Dive Team extracts a number of commitments from the members—financial contributions, training, specialized certifications and availability—all demanding requirements. For example, Dive Team members use their own equipment. The list may vary slightly from one diver to the other, but wet and dry
participation in recovery efforts has required progression to additional areas of expertise. “In 2010 Team Members had over 250 hours of training. For 2011 the incomplete total is somewhere in the neighborhood of 200. We have trained ourselves.” Todd explains, “using our Public Safety Officers, our PADI Master Instructor and certification studies.” PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) certification includes four steps. Each step must be satisfactorily completed, but there is no specific timetable for completion. The steps include certification in open water diving; advanced diving, and multiple levels of rescue diving. There are also national standards which must be met. Dive Team members are in the process of earning FEMA certification through Homeland Security which will enable them to respond in national emergencies. In spite of all their training and experience, Dive Team members can still be
windshield of the vehicle was broken, and the fish got caught between the broken glass and the dashboard. Vehicles containing bodies prove much more challenging, as the actions of the Dive Team are determined chiefly by the body recovery. Body recovery dictates a sense of urgency because there is usually someone waiting for the body—family, friends, law enforcement officials. The urgency applies to not only the body but also to every detail from position of the body to water conditions. The Dive Team must be sure nothing is overlooked. “Most of the time,” Todd’s expression becomes stern; his voice lowers, “you never really get used to body recovery. Everything sticks in your mind. The more you do it, the more you adapt, but you never get used to it. The key is that members of the Team help each other. BUT when you are in that muddy water and you know you February 2012
may come face to face with a body down there all alone, you have to deal with it.” For some, the challenge has just been too great, so they have located other opportunities for service. When the Dive Team arrived at
three at a time. The team’s requirement is one support personnel on land for every two Divers in the water. The grid for the search was created, and the Divers went into approximately 31 feet of water—walking on
narrowed even more. Still nothing. By now Divers were in the water, all utilizing the communication masks provided the Dive Team by the Bowie County Sheriff’s Department. These invaluable tools allow Team members to
Lake Greeson, safety concerns and area to be searched had to be identified. A key to any search is finding a witness to determine the specific location where the person or object was last seen. The Dive Team quickly narrowed the search area. A young boy had been swimming in the Lake with his dad. Once the area was narrowed, Dive Team members entered the water, two or
the bottom of this area of the lake. Arkansas Game and Fish Commission personnel had already dragged this section of the lake but had found nothing. Immediately, the Bowie County Dive Team requested the use of Texas Parks and Wildlife’s boat with side scan sonar and the Bowie County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue cadaver dogs. With all these assists, the search area was
talk to each other in and out of the water. Once the people on the surface had guided the Divers to the edge of the grid, the Divers resumed their walk. Ordinarily, Greeson’s water is clear, but recent heavy rains had made it cloudy and hard to see through. Now the Divers were trying to stay in touch with each other and look for the body, too. Suddenly, one of the Divers began to scream through his mask so that the other Divers could hear him cleary, “Under my foot. I found it.” The Diver was overwhelmed, so other Divers were forced to deal with both a proper body recovery and a frantic Diver at the same time. Once the criteria for moving the body have been satisfied, the Divers take the body 2 by 2 from the water’s depth to the family waiting on the shore. This is the time many of the Divers realize just how much the family has been relying on them. Todd admits that one of the hardest moments of the Lake Greeson recovery was when the dad had to identify his son’s body. These are hard times for loved ones and for the Dive Team, too. “It’s important for Dive Team members to be able to bring closure to the family. It helps the family members, and it helps us.” Every recovery is different. A September 2011 recovery on Litte River required Divers to attach themselves along a line and get into the water. Little River was low enough and clear enough for the Divers to walk and look, but the water was brisk and the river wide. If a Diver stepped into a hole, he had the support of his team members to hang onto him until he could resurface. Because of the width of the river, at least three passes had to be made over the area where the witness last saw the swimmer. Darkness was descending; two passes had been completed; perhaps there was enough time for one last pass. As the Dive Team began their third pass,
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they found the body. Sadly, the Team’s labors so far have been recoveries rather than rescues. How fortunate that our area is populated by these talented, caring men and women who need so much equipment and support to be the Dive Team they aspire to be. The Bowie County Sheriff’s Office has led the way in providing assistance, like masks and Code Red access. “We’re really grateful for their help,” Todd acknowledges, “ but another boat and dry suits for the team are desperately needed.” Add to their “need” list transport vehicles and gas to guarantee quick responses; diving equipment, and— urgently-- a building to call their own. “We are an organization that wants to help people in our community and the surrounding area,” Todd says, “but this is
an expensive undertaking. We need the help and support of the community. Since we have 501c3 status, contributions are tax deductible, and I assure you every penny contributed goes to the operations of the Bowie County Dive Team.” Truly a Company of Citizens Committed to a Community To contribute, contact: Todd Fore, President Bowie County Dive Team 903-277-0374 or contact any team member.
February 2012
by Dustin Stringer Stringer Wealth Management LPL Financial
Marriage: Entering a New Investment Life
here are a lot of issues that couples need to think about when tying the knot — wedding preparations, family, and, of course, finances. Addressing personal finance and investment issues before the big day may help improve your odds of being together years later. Here are some financial issues that you should consider when embarking on a matrimonial journey. Discuss financial styles before marriage — Start your marriage off on the right foot by having an honest discussion about financial habits and objectives. Are you a saver, but your prospective spouse lives paycheck to paycheck? Do you prefer investing heavily in stocks, but your fiancé’s portfolio is filled with bonds? What are each of your short- and long-term financial goals? Think holistically — Consider each spouse’s investment portfolio as part of a whole. For instance, if both you and your mate contribute to 401(k) plans and IRAs, see how your investment choices match up. Depending on your goals for retirement, one or both of you might want to invest more aggressively. Or you might find that your combined portfolio is more exposed to risk than the two of you can tolerate. Either way, you can rebalance your asset allocation by shifting money from one asset class (stocks, bonds and money market instruments) to another or by adding new money to the underrepresented asset class. Review documents — Along with other legal documents, remember to update your beneficiaries on life insurance policies, IRAs, employersponsored retirement plans and pensions. Also, be sure to either create or modify your
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wills. Determine your tax status — Once married, you’ll need to decide whether it’s best to file your taxes jointly or separately. Usually, the “married filing jointly” status results in a lower tax liability, but in some instances — depending on deductions and income earned — “married filing separately” may be more advantageous Meet with a professional — Make a date with a qualified financial professional to discuss your financial goals, such as buying a home or investing for retirement. Then, after making sure that all of your financial bases are covered, relax and enjoy the beginning of your life together. © 2010 Standard & Poor’s Financial Communications. All rights reserved.
by Vincent Senatore
t’s February, love is in the air and sweethearts are planning the perfect gift for their darling man or lady. Flowers are really nice, jewelry is highly encouraged by the female of the species and electronics is much more a “Male Thing.” However, chocolate is the real star of this show.
you are grazing on the shrimp, have the grill ready to meet a couple of Filet Mignon steaks. Serve this with some asparagus, twice baked potatoes and an elegant bottle of Napa Cabernet Sauvignon. Now save some of that Cabernet for a slice of double chocolate cake with a dab of whipped cream.
It seems that every year the chocolate industry comes up with an amazing number of different flavors and unusual packages. When I was a young lad (just a few years ago), there were the heart shaped (solid Glucose) candies with written messages, Hershey’s Kisses, heart shaped boxes and the ever popular Whitman’s Valentine Sampler Pack. Today the selection is stunning.
OK, are you ready? Its time for the “Winning Touchdown”! After the coffee, serve her a few Godiva dark Chocolates with a luscious reserve tawny Port or some slivers of white chocolate with a Moscato D’Asti. This will be amazing.
While preparing for a wine tasting class, I visited a local grocery store and was amazed at the massive display of Valentine’s stuff. I was just looking for a bag of good ole Hershey’s Kisses. There were more Kisses than a game of “Spin the Bottle” gone rogue. Further, I can’t believe how many different things are being stuffed into a chocolate. I remember there were just caramels, peanut butter and cherries. Now, who knows what you will find in a box of chocolates. Just ask Forrest Gump! Every Valentine’s Day, I would buy the three Sweeties in my life beautiful boxes of assorted chocolates. Within a couple of days, I would open a box and find a number of chocolates placed back in the box, with a bite taken out of them. Who puts a half-eaten chocolate back in the box? Even the bugs didn’t like ‘em Anyway, there are some really great alternatives to a box of chocolate. Guys, this Valentine’s Day, woo the girl of your dreams with a bottle of Russian River Chardonnay and some delicious chilled shrimp with a rich cocktail sauce. While 86
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Ok, if you must, take her out to dinner, avoid anyplace with a drive-thru window and have a bottle of Asti iced down and ready for your return with some chocolate covered strawberries and chocolate truffles. If this doesn’t make her jump for joy, drink the rest of the wine and call me in the morning!!! So, which chocolates go best with what wines? I really like Milk Chocolate. Milk Chocolate contains at least 10% chocolate liquor, plus cocoa butter and sugar in varying amounts, and at least 12% milk. Milk chocolate is a big favorite because it melts at a lower temperature and it
has a silky soft texture. The suggested wine would be Pinot Noir based on the similar velvety texture, lighter body and a rich berry-like fragrance. Semisweet Chocolate (Dark Chocolate) contains at least 35% chocolate liquor, plus cocoa butter and sugar. They are often referred to as “dark” chocolates and are best served with the deeper, more fullbodied Merlots and Cabernet Sauvignon. The real Chocolate lover likes to savor this style because it melts in the mouth at a slower rate and the flavor seems to linger,
especially with wine. White chocolate is not technically one of the types of chocolate because it does not contain any chocolate liquor. It must contain at least 20% cocoa butter and 14% milk, plus sugar in varying amounts. However, don’t let that deter you from utilizing white chocolate with wine. This is the perfect match for Moscato. Moscato has a luscious sweetness that is the perfect match with white chocolate and pears or green grapes. Do try to remember that when tasting wine and chocolate it is very important that you allow the chocolate to slightly melt in your mouth. When you can smell the chocolate, don’t swallow it… Add the wine and allow the wine to meet the chocolate in your mouth. Don’t forget, you taste with your nose. This will be an amazing flavor blast! This year, make your plans early. Have some spontaneity. Offer your sweetheart a unique gourmet treat. Offer Wine and Chocolate. Remember, you will be sharing this deliciousness. And, the results will be… Fuggetaboudit! Remember to consume your adult beverages in moderation
February 2012
Ladybug Park’s Hospitality & Designs Grand Opening EVENT
WHERE 4103 Kramer Lane, Suite 102 WHEN
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February 2012
1. Bryia Lewis, Ariana Keener, Arlinda Luckey and Keynudra Sanders 2. Arlinda Luckey, Donnicia Tate, Bryia Lewis, DeAunna Lester, Keyundra Sanders and LaShana Mitchell 3. Arlinda Luckey, LaRhonda Hamilton, Keyundra Sanders, Nikki Lewis and Shan Park 4. Michael Deloney, Zebrina Roberson and Tawakoni Heath 5. Shan Parks (Co-Owner) 6. The Dunn Family (owners of Sassi Gyrlz Accessories) 7. Odessa Parks 8. Virginia Howard, Felicia McCrary and Cynthia Henderson 9. LaRhonda Hamilton and Shan Parks (Co-Owner) 10. LeeJaye Wilson and Tawakoni Heath (Co-Owner) 11. Jennifer Gamble, Camren Woods and Donnicea Tate 12. Miranda Meadors and Shan Parks 13. Keyaundra and Arlinda Luckey 14. Anaya Benson and Tawakoni Heath 15. Al Penton and Shan Parks
Harvest Texarkana Launches Give Us A Lift Campaign Funds needed to pay for necessary equipment replacement
Texarkana USA January 3, 2012 – Harvest Texarkana Regional Food Bank is launching a 2 month “Give Us a Lift” campaign to raise funds to replace their forklift. Harvest Texarkana distributes over 2.5 million pounds of food each year. While a lot of that is done through manual labor, the majority of the weight must be handled with a forklift. Harvest Texarkana had been using a donated used forklift for years. Due to lots of use, it became necessary to replace the forklift at the end of December. Fortunately, the food bank had enough cash in the savings account to cover that cost, but efforts are now underway to replace that money to allow them to have cash on hand for food purchases. “Our national organization, Feeding America, requires us to have a minimum level of cash savings to be able to act quickly if there is a natural disaster or other emergency.” said Jill Whittington, executive director. “This is just the situation where reserves are needed – we had to replace the forklift and were able to do so without disrupting our food distribution during the holidays. We received the forklift one day, and received a tractor trailer of food the next. We could not have unloaded it without the forklift. But now we need to replace that money
ALT Magazine
February 2012
in the bank.” Due to decreases in donations by national food producers, Harvest Texarkana is facing a situation where they will have to purchase more and more food to meet the increasing demand. With their current reserves reduced due to the fork lift purchase, Harvest Texarkana is having to be more conservative about what foods they can purchase. Thanks to one early contribution toward the “Give Us a Lift” effort, Harvest Texarkana is currently looking to raise $12,000 to cover the cost of the equipment. To make a special donation toward the forklift expense, call Harvest Texarkana at 870-774-1398 or visit the website at Donors of $1,000 or more toward the fund will be commemorated on a plaque in the Harvest Texarkana lobby. About Harvest Texarkana Regional Food Bank Harvest Texarkana Regional Food Bank is the food bank serving Bowie Co Texas as well as the southwestern corner of Arkansas including Miller, Lafayette, Hempstead, Little River,
Sevier, Howard, Pike, Nevada and Columbia Counties. Our mission is to eliminate hunger in this region through food distribution and education. Formed in 1989 as a food rescue organization, Harvest Texarkana has grown to a full service food bank distribution center providing nearly 5 million pounds of food in 2010 to over 100 partner hunger relief agencies. Harvest Texarkana continues to serve as a food rescue operation, collecting excess prepared foods for local shelters and soup kitchens. Harvest Texarkana also operates a backpack program serving 13 campuses in 6 school districts as well as providing resources to agencies to operate backpack programs in the districts outside Texarkana. More information can be found at HYPERLINK “http://www.” www.harvesttexarkana. org or by following us on Facebook at facebook. com/harvesttxk PO Box 707 Texarkana, TX 75504 3120 E 19th St Texarkana, AR 71854 870-774-1398 870-774-1905 FAX Harvest Texarkana is a 501 (c)(3), tax exempt organization - donations are tax deductible as allowed by law. Tax id 75-2671647
to add single use packets of antacids, aspirin, that funny named stuff that’s not aspirin but does about the same thing and is un-spellable by mortal man. I would also suggest a small bottle of baby aspirin.
by Mike Brower
ow many of you have a first aid kit in your boat? You know, something besides a couple of band aids. You never can tell when a good one will come in handy. There have been many times when I have used mine over the years -- and not just on me, but a fishing partner who cut himself on fins or was attacked and bitten by an alligator gar. (You know who you are!) A good kit with the essential stuff can be had for about ten to fifteen dollars and then you can spend another ten bucks
If you already have a kit, how long has it been since you replaced all the meds in it? If you answered “I don’t know,” you really ought to think about it before you give your buddy some six year old ”Imodium” or a moldy packet of antibiotics from your kit and wind up making him a research project for a teaching hospital. The wound pads, gauze and tape should be ok even after several years, but meds only have a life of a couple of years and off brand band aids get old and won’t stick. Several companies on the internet sell individual packets of kit meds in bulk, and for twenty bucks you can restock several kits cheaper than buying them individually at the drug store. So check your kit and be ready for the next splinter in the finger or bout of… well… you know.
February 2012
February Calendar February 6 PICCADILLY CIRCUS has everything you’d
expect to see at a Circus. Celebrating 25 years entertaining families throughout North America “we’ve pulled out all the stops!” You’ll see the ‘Elephant Extravaganza’, an elephant stands on one foot; ‘Motorcycle Madness’ has motorcycle daredevils somersaulting and spinning in a big Globe of Doom; ‘Katunga’ the giant jungle monster; the fabulous ‘Mongolian Angels’ outstanding contortionists; the ‘White Tiger Spectacular’, crazy comedy with circus clowns, even a 1923 Model T with a mind of its own; daring aerialists; cirque artists and much much more! Its 1½ hours of excitement and fun at PICCADILLY CIRCUS. Special “Buy One Get One Free” adult tickets are available on-line at www. (limited time offer!!) See site for details and ticket pricing. Four States Fairgrounds at 4:30 & 7:30
February 13
Arkansas Children’s Hospital Circle of Friends-Texarkana chapter, ‘Voice of Miracles’ Radiothon Texarkana Radio at 615 Olive St, TT 01, KBYB 101.7 FM, KCMC 740 AM, KFYX 107.1 FM, KTFS KTOY 104.7 FM
Last year alone, Arkansas Children’s Hospital served over 4500 children from Miller and Bowie counties. The 13 Circle of Friends chapters from around the state are committed to raising funds for ACH where no family is turned away due to inability to pay for services. In recent years, COF membership efforts have funded a Circle of Friends Clinic on the ACH campus. Over the next five years, Circle of Friends chapters have committed their resources to build an Outdoor Healing Garden for the Hematology/Oncology Clinic on the hospital’s new South Wing...set to open in summer 2012. For more information: 903.276.6764 or 903.277.4110.
february 18
Rededication of Cass County Courthouse 1:00 p.m. Plans are underway for the official rededication of the historic Cass County Courthouse, completed in 1861. Ceremonies are scheduled at 1:00 p.m. at the courthouse. Texas Historical Commission officials and dignitaries from the county as well as from around the state will be on hand to see the newly restored courthouse that claims the record as the oldest continuously operating courthouse in the state. Activities will include a
of Events keynote address, recognition of individuals and groups that worked to achieve completion of this project, and tours of the courthouse. The public is cordially invited to participate in this historic event and to share the pride in a major Texas historic landmark. Restoration was accomplished through the Texas Historical Commission’s Texas Historic Courthouse Preservation Program. Established in 1999 by the Texas Legislature to restore Texas’ county courthouses to their original grandeur, the program has helped to preserve the archeological, historical, and cultural resources of Texas. More information on this program is available at Local contacts: primary--Paul Cothren, 903.244.1748; alternate--L.M. Jester, 903.824.2844.
february 18 Beta Tau Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma
Fraternity, Inc. and Gamma Kappa Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. presents the Seventeenth Annual Tribute to African American Women Banquet Saturday, February 18, 2012 beginning at 7:00 p.m. The Banquet will be held at the Truman Arnold Center. The speaker for the evening will be Brother Jerry Green, 11th Regional Director of Gulfcoast-Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. For more information please contact: Jerrel Lawson at 278-3571 or Maxine Crittenden at 832-8324.
february 25 Zeta Phi Beta Archonettes’ 2nd Annual Lil’ Miss
Blue Revue Pageant Princess Division 3-5 years old and Lil’ Miss Blue Revue 6-8 years old 6 pm-8 pm, place is TBD Contact LaRhonda Hamilton at 903-244-9283 for further information or to obtain an application.
february 25 The Annual Winter Bluegrass show featuring
Hickory Hill with special guest Milo Deering. The doors will open at 6:00pm and show will begin at 7:30pm. Tickets are $15. For more information contact Music City Texas Theater at 903-7569934 or visit their website www.musiccitytexas. org
March 3 Annual 5K and Pancake Day to benefit the
Kiwanis Club of Texarkana at Texarkana College All you can eat breakfast 7 a.m.-2 p.m. Kids Fun Run. All ages 5K. See the website for more info and race registration form: Admission: $5 all you can eat
March 27 High Tea for Picasso will be held on Tuesday,
March 27th at 4pm at the home of Robin Proctor at 959 Leary Road, Texarkana, Texas 75503. $30/per person. Contact Sue Beck at
ALT Magazine
February 2012
February 2012
by Christine Amos
inding a groomer may be one of the most important decisions you make for your pet. A groomer has a very important role in your dogs’ life. They do more than just bathe, dry, and cut your dog’s hair and nails. A groomer teaches your dog manners on a grooming table, how to behave when away from home with their people, and various other things.
Because your groomer has such an important role in your pets life it is important you choose the right one for you and your dog. There are key things to look for in your groomer. Trust is the most important thing to discover. When you leave “Fluffy,” you need to feel confident that she is in good hands. Will she be kind to my dog in my absence? Is her shop the right place for me to leave Fluffy? Find a shop that requires vaccinations. If they require vaccinations you can feel more confident that health concerns are taken seriously. If your pet doesn’t have all its vaccinations, it is at a health risk and puts all other dogs there at risk for transmittable diseases. Is the salon or shop clean? Does it smell like dog? When asked, will your groomer allow you to tour the facility? Leaving your pet at
ALT Magazine
February 2012
a grooming salon is very much like leaving a small child at day care. You will want to see where Fluffy will be kept during her stay there. Talk to your friends. Ask them who they use and why. Go check out their groomer. How does the potential groomer interact with your pet during your visit? If Fluffy shows interest and all other things check out, you should try this groomer. If their grooming style works for you then by all means remain loyal to that groomer. Your dog will behave better in a grooming setting with consistency. Christine Amos has over 30 years experience grooming pets. She is a Certified Groomer, Master Groomer, AKC Canine Good Citizenship Evaluator, and Obedience Trainer. She is also Mom to Georgia (pictured), MoMo, Annabelle and Allie Sue!
February 2012
The Texarkana Humane Society is a non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to re-homing orphaned animals, promoting the human-animal bond, preventing animal cruelty, educating children and adults about responsible pet ownership and preventing pet overpopulation. In order to reduce the number of unwanted animals and the euthanization of them at the shelter people need to spay/neuter their pets. The Texarkana Humane Society has a program to help individuals do this and urge everyone to get involved and tell your neighbor, family, and friends to be responsible and do their part in putting a stop to this problem here in our city. Have them contact us regarding our program. Call 903 8386334 and we will be glad to help you.
The Texarkana Humane Society is always needing volunteers as well as foster homes. If you would like to get involved and lend a helping hand they would love to talk with you. They are also needing the following items to help with the care of all the babies that come into foster: Puppy and kitten chow, formula for the babies, animal baby bottles, as well as monetary or debit card donations. We have a big need for individuals who have the time to bottle feed some of these babies. It is so sad when we cannot take any in because we are full and would welcome a few more bottle moms. It is a great expereince as well as very rewarding taking care of these little ones. If you can help with donations or feeding call Sherrie at 903 838-6334. Volunteers who agree to provide a foster home for our strays are provided with medical care for the animals. The Humane Society pays for all immunizations and spays or neuters the animal.
Texarkana Humane Society
Our goal is to place these animals in permanent homes with responsible, loving pet owners. All of our services are provided through private donations from our community. Donations are accepted and needed! Our animal friends appreciate you and your donations are tax deductible! (The Humane Society is all volunteers and all money goes towards the animals.) We’ve got a full house! Please come visit us! You might find the addition your family has been looking for! Do you have an animal that needs a new home? Please don’t neglect it! Call us and let us help you find a foster home. We will list your animal on our Facebook page at no charge. Let us help! For more information, contact Sherrie Thompson, President, at 903.838.6334, or got to www. We’re also on Facebook!
Come visit us at Petsmart on the fourth Saturday of every month!
1. Percy is a beautiful little fella around 4 weeks old. His picture does him no justice. He is neutered and current on all shots. For more info on him you can call (903) 838-6334. 2. Inky is a beautiful female manx around 6 months old. She has medium length hair and loves to be petted. She has been spayed, current on shots and is just waiting for that forever home. For more info call (903) 8386334. 3. Dottie is a heeler mix. She weighs 31 pounds and has been fully vetted. She is heartworm negative, spayed, chipped and ready for that forever home. For more info please call Amber at (870) 653-6983. 4. Bullet is a beautiful 10 month old husky mix. He came to THS earlier in the year, with a bullet in his back from his previous owner that he still carries today. He has completely healed from his injuries and is ready for a new forever home. He is a big guy and has lots of love to give! He has been altered, microchipped, and current on all
ALT Magazine
February 2012
shots. He would be a wonderful addition to any family and needs to go to a home with another dog! For more info call Amber at (903) 949-9389 or email her at amberli4@yahoo. com. 5. Her name suits her well. Sweetie is a beautiful hound mix around a year old. She weighs 49 pounds, is spayed, current on shots, negative for heartworms and is microchipped. This pretty lady is a very loving and friendly dog and gets along well with other dogs. She enjoys people and children. For more info please call Susan at (903) 826-9004. 6. thelma is a spayed terrier/hound mix almost a year old. She is current on shots and negative for heartworms. She is a gentle and loving girl, good with children and other dogs and ready for a caring home. This pretty lady is ready to have her forever home. Contact Amber Ferguson at (870) 653-6983 or amberli4@yahoo. com.
7. Louie is a neutered male Schnauzer weighing 16 pounds. He is current on all shots, heartworm negative and he has been microchipped. He is such a loving little fella and gets along well with other dogs. For more info contact (903) 838-4965. 8. Hutton is a neutered Yorkie mix weighing 9 pounds. He is fully vetted, all shots, heartworm negative and ready to go. We are working very hard on house training. He was surrendered due to the fact the family didn’t have enough time for him. Hutton is a very sweet loving little guy that gets along well with everyone. Call foster mom at (903) 838-4965 for more information or apply online at 9. duke is a handsome chocolate retriever/lab mix, this picture does not do him justice. He is around 7 months old and has been neutered, current on shots, heartworm negative and microchipped. For him to have a wonderful 2012 he wants to find a loving family to adopt him. For more info call Sharon at (903) 244-4333.
1. Otis is about 1.5 years old. He’s a Hound/Beagle mix and weighs 25 lbs. 2. duke is about 1 year old. He’s a nuetered Dachshund and he weighs about 10 lbs. 3. Spuds is about 4 years old. He’s a German Shepard mix and weighs about 55 lbs. 4. bama is about 3 years old. He is a Rat Terrier and weighs about 10 lbs. 5. jerry is a 3 years old Labrador Ratriever and he weighs about 70 lbs. 6. smores, a Catahoula Leopard/Australian Shapard mix, is 3 years old. He weighs about 70 lbs. 7. eve is about 2 years old and she weighs about 30 lbs. She’s a Lab/Beagle mix.
The mission of the Animal Care & Adoption Center of Texarkana, Arkansas is to be a technologically advanced, self sustaining, human and animal friendly facility that specializes in personal customer service from a team of knowledgeable, caring individuals who endeavor to achieve rapid placement of all adoptable animals. We are always in need of caring, capable volunteers to assist in with duties at the center, adoption events, fund-raising activities and more. Your tax-deductible donation will help care for and assist in the adoption of loving animals to good homes! The Animal Care & Adoption Center of Texarkana, Arkansas is located at 203 Harrison, Texarkana, AR, 71854. For more information, call Connie Slater at 870.773.6388, or visit www. We’re also on Facebook! We’re open Monday-Saturday from 10:00 - 5:00. Please note, all dogs adopted from this shelter MUST be spayed or neutered. Spays cost $89-$104, neuters are $76-$92 depending on the weight of the dog.
We’ve got lots of kittens needing good homes right now!
8. Betty Sue is about 1 year old. She is a Mini Pin and weighs about 12 lbs. 9. teddy is about 2 years old and he weighs about 10 lbs. He’s a Yorkie/Chihuahua mix. 10. terri is 1 year old. She’s a Shepard/Hound mix and weighs about 20 lbs. 11. Dasher is a Dachshund mix. He loves to play. 12. tera is a Terrier mix and looking for a home where she can play. 13. tito is a 2 years old Labrador Retreaver. He weighs about 45 lbs. 14. Lulu is a very loving female Lab/Bassett Hound mix. 15. princess is about 2 years old. She’s a Yorkshire Terrie and weighs about 15 lbs.
Who else can help? Artex Animal Welfare, Inc. (mostly horses) 903.824.1990 Three Rivers Animal Rescue 903.490.4048
1. As you can see, this little OMG girl is now a big Razorback fan. Tha nks to the Turnage Family for adopting her and giving her a loving home!
Poodle Patch & Friends Passion for Pooches (mostly small dogs) 903.832.8632 Texarkana Animal League 877.525.4825 Texarkana Reptile and Amphibian Rescue 903.809.3761
Want to help but can’t adopt? With the cold upon us we can use beds, plastic dog houses, hay, bed warmers, water warmers, and as always we need pet food, heartworm and flea medications, gift cards, and monetary donations. These donations are all tax deductible, as the Texarkana Humane Society is a 501c3 organization. If your are interested in donating, helping with events, fostering or working fundraisers call Sherrie at (903) 838-6334.
2. Chauncy is a beautiful Cock er Spaniel that was surrendered to THS . He didn’t even make the website before he got a new home. Cody and Kim had recently lost their older Cocker to som e health issues and Chauncy came alon g just in time to help heal the hole in their broken hear ts. Prayers to Cody and Kim on their loss and BIG HUGS to them for giving Chauncy a new home and help heal his little broken hear t after losin g his family. (Cour tesy of the Texarkana Hum ane Society)
Happy Tails!
February 2012
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ALT Magazine
February 2012
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